Hik - 海康威视安全监控技术
海康威视 Hikvision 数字控制器操作指南说明书
INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPTIONS 9175 AND 9176Option 9176: AUTO/MAN Key 4-Stage Set Point CyclingThis option allows the operator to easily cycle through four set points by pressing the AUTO/MAN key while in the HOME display. They are displayed as 1SP1, 2SP1, 3SP1,and 4SP1. Only one of these set points may be active at a time. After selecting which set point is to be active, the operator will press INDEX to access the primary menu which will allow the user to edit the set point’s value. Each of these set points contain a target process value, and all of the values associated with the tunE menu items.Option 9175: Temporary User Adjustable Set PointThis option allows the operator to use a temporary set point, which they can make changes to without affecting the original stored set point, and then revert back to original set point after the test is completed. When the temporary set point is cancelled, the unit discards the temporary set point value and resumes normal operation.This temporary set point operates like the originally stored set point, SP1, normally does. The set point is displayed as tSP1. In order to access the temporary set point,press the UP or DOWN key while in the home display to bring up a menu where tSP1can be adjusted. Pressing the ENTER key will confirm the displayed value. Pressing the INDEX key will exit the menu. After tSP1is confirmed once, it will become active.tSP1can be cancelled by changing and confirming the value of SP1, #SP1, or SP2.When used in conjunction with option 9176, cycling to the next #SP1will also cancel tSP1. When used with option 948, selecting another #SP1via the secondary menu will also cancel tSP1. #SP1represents the 1SP1through 4SP1series of set points.This option replaces the normal manual override functionality of theAUTO/MAN key.FR# 949-9516 Rev. 1。
最多 8 块区域;支持多种颜色可选 自动 / 半自动 / 手动 4.3-129mm, 30 倍光学
大约 3 秒(光学, 广角-望远) 65.5-2.11 度(广角-望远) 10-1500mm(广角-望远) F1.6-F5.0
手动跟踪、全景跟踪、事件跟踪;支持多场景巡航跟踪 人脸侦测、区域入侵侦测、越界侦测、进入区域侦测、离开区域侦测、徘徊侦测、人员聚集侦测、快速移动侦测、停车侦测、物品遗留侦测、物品拿取
最多 20 路 最多 32 个用户,分 3 级:管理员、操作员和普通用户 授权的用户名和密码,以及 MAC 地址绑定;HTTPS 加密;IEEE 802.1x 网络访问控制、IP 地址过滤
7 路开关量输入(0-5vDC) 2 路,支持报警联动
预置点/巡航扫描/花样扫描/SD 卡录像/触发开关量输出/客户端电子地图/智能抓图/上传 FTP/邮件联动 音频输入(LINE 输入、MIC 输入),音频峰值:2-2.4V[p-p],输入阻抗:1KΩ±10% 线性电平,阻抗:600Ω 内置 RJ45 网口,支持 10M/100M 网络数据
无监视盲区 水 平 预置 点速 度最 高可 达 240°/s,垂 直预 置点 速度 最高 可达
200°/s 水平键控速度为 0.1° -160°/s,垂直键控速度为 0.1° -120°/s 支持 300 个预置位,并具有预置点视频冻结功能 支持 8 条巡航扫描,每条可添加 32 个预置点 支持 4 条花样扫描,每条路径记录时间大于 10 分钟 支持比例变倍、守望功能 支持报警功能,内置 7 路报警输入和 2 路报警输出,支持报警联
XX 监控解决方案
一、 系统架构
二、 系统功能
1. 已有的 9 个园区的模拟硬盘录像机、新建的每个园区的 10 个重点部位的摄像机、鹰眼等 前端设备都可以通过海康协议无缝接入新建的集控中心管理平台,通过管理平台可以远 程查看实时视频,调取前端录像,同时可以解码上墙到显示大屏。
海康威视-领先的安防产品解决方案提供商Smart功能:· Smart跟踪:支持手动跟踪、全景跟踪、区域入侵跟踪、越界跟踪四种跟踪方式并支持多场景巡航跟踪功能。
· Smart侦测:支持人脸侦测、区域入侵侦测、越界侦测、音频异常侦测、移动侦测、视频遮挡侦测功能· Smart录像:支持断网续传功能保证录像不丢失,配合Smart NVR实现事件录像的二次智能检索、分析和浓缩播放· Smart图像增强:支持透雾、强光抑制、电子防抖、Smart IR防红外过曝技术· Smart编码:支持低码率、ROI感兴趣区域增强编码、SVC自适应编码技术· Smart报警:支持网线断、IP地址冲突、存储器满、存储器错、非法访问异常检测并联动报警的功能红外功能:· 最低照度0Lux· 采用高效红外阵列,低功耗,照射距离达150m· 红外灯与倍率距离匹配算法,根据倍率及距离调节红外灯亮度和角度,使图像达到理想的状态· 内置热处理装置,降低球机内腔温度,防止球机内罩起雾· 恒流电路设计,红外灯寿命达3万小时系统功能:· 采用高性能传感器,图像清晰,最大分辨率可达1920x1080· 支持智能运动跟踪功能· 支持标准的API开发接口,支持海康SDK、ONVIF、CGI、PSIA、GB/T28181和E家协议接入· 支持PAL/NTSC制式切换,具有良好的地区适用性· 支持RS-485控制下对HIKVISION、Pelco-P/D协议的自动识别· 支持三维智能定位功能,配合DVR/客户端软件/IE可实现点击跟踪和放大· 支持3D数字降噪· 支持多语言菜单及操作提示功能,用户界面友好· 支持系统双备份功能,确保数据断电不丢失· 支持断电状态记忆功能,上电后自动回到断电前的云台和镜头状态· 防雷、防浪涌、防突波· 室外球达到IP66防护等级· 支持定时任务预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/自动扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描/球机重启/球机校验/辅助输出等功能· 视频输出接口为SDI接口,实现无损耗数字信号传输机芯功能:· 30倍光学变倍,16倍数字变倍· 支持自动光圈、自动聚焦、自动白平衡、背光补偿· 支持超低照度,0.02Lux/F1.6(彩色),0.002Lux/F1.6(黑白) ,0 Lux with IR· 支持宽动态功能· 支持强光抑制功能· 支持多边形隐私遮蔽,多区域可设,多颜色、马赛克可选网络功能:· 采用高性能平台,性能可靠稳定· 支持以太网控制,同时支持模拟输出· 可通过IE浏览器和客户端软件观看图像并实现控制· 支持NAS存储录像,录像可断网续传,最高可支持8个NAS盘· 支持三级用户权限管理,支持授权的用户和密码,支持HTTPS 加密和IEEE 802.1x网络访问控制、IP地址过滤· 支持ROI感兴趣区域增强编码· 支持H.264/MJPEG/MPEG4视频压缩算法,支持多级别视频质量配置、H.264编码复杂度Baseline/Main/High Profile,支持实时视频输出分辨率为HDTV1080p(符合SMPTE274M标准)、960p和HDTV720p(符合SMPTE296M标准)· 支持多种网络协议,IPv4/IPv6,HTTP,HTTPS,802.1x,Qos,FTP,SMTP,UPnP,SNMP,DNS,DD NS,NTP,RTSP,RTCP,RTP,TCP,UDP,IGMP,ICMP,DHCP,PPPoE,Bonjour · 支持1路音频输入和1路音频输出云台功能:· 水平方向360°连续旋转,垂直方向-2°-90°,无监视盲区· 水平预置点速度最高可达240°/s,垂直预置点速度最高可达200°/s· 水平键控速度为0.1° -160°/s,垂直键控速度为0.1° -120°/s· 支持256个预置位,并具有预置点视频冻结功能· 支持8条巡航扫描,每条可添加32个预置点· 支持4条花样扫描,每条路径记录时间大于10分钟· 支持比例变倍功能,旋转速度可以根据镜头变倍倍数自动调整· 支持守望功能,预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/自动扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描可在空闲状态停留指定时间后自动调用(包括上电后进入的空闲状态)· 支持报警功能,内置2路报警输入和2路报警输出,支持报警联动,可在报警后触发调用预置点/巡航扫描/花样扫描/触发开关量输出/上传中心应用场景红外网络高清智能球的种种特性使之可广泛应用于需要大范围高清画质监控的无光和光线较弱的场所,如:河流、森林、公路、铁路、机场、港口、岗哨、广场、公园、景区、街道、车站、大型场馆、小区外围等场所。
CONTENTSRequirement AnalysisSolution IntroductionProduct ShowcaseApplication SummaryRequirement AnalysisHotel SecurityHotel ManagementVIP and staff management, Vehicle and Density control management:•Vehicle number analysis•Facial recognition•Central management Increase safety and ensure that your hotel can welcome guests in comfort, with confidence and peace of mind: •Temperature screening•Mask detection•Density ControlREQUIREMENT ANALYSISSolution IntroductionSOLUTION OVERVIEWSYSTEM ARCHITECTUREHOTEL ENTRANCE•Touchless Skin-surface temperature and Mask detection with highaccuracy, without the need for close physical contact.•Fast temperature screening with elevated temperature alarm (pop-up image/audio warning).Touchless Skin-surface Temperature & Mask Detection Hikvision’s touchless temperature screening thermographic cameras are designed to detectelevated skin-surface temperatures and mask wearingstatus at entrances prompting further actions andsuitable guidance.Worried about customer’s experience and safety?OR Thermographic Handheld Camera Thermographic Turret/Bullet CameraTouchless Temperature Screening and Mask Detection Minmoe Access control TerminalHOTEL RECEPTION•High facial recognition accuracy with deep learning technology.•Faces of all types from around the world are supported.Fast human face capture and VIP recognitionHikvision’s temperature DeepinView cameras aredesigned to detect human faces and carry out facial comparisons. This specific service treatment enables a VIP to enjoy the exclusive and considerate experience as soon as they arrive.Hikvision’s monitoring tablet help reception to monitor the abnormal temperature in real time.Need to recognize a VIP from your hotel?And monitoring abnormal temperature in reception?Monitoring TabletDeepinView New 7 lines camera Facial recognition and monitoring abnormal temperatureHikCentral Professional BI ModuleHOTEL RESTAURANT & GYMTo observe social distancing guidance, every shop needs to control the customer flow inside of the hotel. Hikvision customer density control solution provides real-time guidance for the customers in queue with visible and audible notice.Need to keep social distancing?•Customer density control based on real-time customer number inside and keep social distance•Daily, weekly, and monthly customer flow reports contribute to improved personnel scheduling and effectively enhance marketing strategiesDocumenting Customer TrafficDigital display: Broadcast a variety of advertising programs instantly or as scheduled.Need to promote your menu ?DS-2CD6825G0Most customers come on Wednesday. I will have more staff on duty next time.DS-D60B-CDensity Control & Digital DisplayHOTEL CORRIDORDual Direction MonitoringDual-Directional PanoVu CameraHikvision provides a dual-direction PanoVu camera with twoadjustable lenses, which can monitor different directions at thesame time, with less cabling and providing easy installation.HOTEL CAR PARKThe ability to identify vehicles at parking entrances can provide major benefits for businesses, local authorities, and a range of other organizations. Now, managers in any area can improveentrance security to schools, offices, and factories, for instance, or to implement road tolling, and much more.ANPR cameras, engineered with deep learning algorithms and GPUANPRHikCentral ProfessionalBI ModuleANPR cameraHOTEL CONTROL ROOM•Supports card, fingerprint, face authentication modes, all in one terminal.•Built-in card reader, easy installation .•Cross-system linkage between CCTV and access control provides situational awareness.Access Control DevicesWith Hikvision access control system, you can only assign the permission to the relevant person to enter the control roomHow to only allow the authorized to enter the control room?Face Access Terminal HikCentral ProfessionalACS licenseDoor AccessAbnormal access records in alarm centerVideo linkage & door operations by Control Client & Mobile ClientACCESS CONTROLCentral Video MonitoringBI dashboard provides a flexible , customized tabular view interface to inform decision makers with business analysis reports.Business IntelligenceWhen someone has abnormal temperature or notwearing mask, event & alarm management can guide you to the related video, picture and its location(map), which helps you check what and where it’s happening.Event & Alarm ManagementHikCentral ProfessionalBI ModuleHikCentralHikCentral is completely centralized to achieve vast integration capabilities and deliver more powerful solutions.People Counting Temperature Analysis Vehicle AnalysisProduct Showcase▪Thermal: 384 ×288, lens: 15 mm/13 mm/10 mm ▪Optical: 2688 ×1520, lens: 6mm/6mm/4mm ▪Accuracy: ±0.5℃(±0.3℃with blackbody)▪Measurement range: 30-45℃▪Working temperature: 10-35℃▪AI human detection, false alarm reduction ▪Simultaneous temperature screening for multiple people (Up to 30 people)DS-2TD2636B-15/P DS-2TD2636B-13/P DS-2TD2637B-10/P Thermographic Bullet Camera ▪Thermal: 160 ×120▪Lens: 3 mm / 6 mm ▪Optical: 2688 ×1520▪Optical lens: 4 mm / 8 mm ▪Video mode: Bi-spectrum image fusion ▪Accuracy: ±0.5℃(±0.3℃with blackbody)▪Measurement range: 30-45℃▪Supports audio alarms DS-2TD2617B-3/6PA Thermographic Bullet Camera▪Thermal: 160 ×120▪Lens: 3 mm / 6 mm ▪Optical: 2688 ×1520▪Optical lens: 4 mm / 8 mm ▪Video mode: Bi-spectrum image fusion ▪Accuracy: ±0.5℃(±0.3℃with blackbody)▪Measurement range: 30-45℃▪Supports audio alarms DS-2TD1217B-3/6PAThermographic Turret Camera ▪Thermal resolution: 160 ×120 ▪Optical resolution: 640 ×480 ▪Accuracy: ±0.5℃▪Range: 30-45℃▪Touch screen ▪Bi-spectrum image fusion DS-2TP21B-6AVFWThermographic Handheld Camera▪1920 ×1200 @ 30fps ▪ 2 mm fixed lens ▪1/2.8" Progressive Scan CMOS ▪IP66, IK08DS-2CD6825G0/C-I(V)(S)Dual-Lens People Counting Network Camera Full HD video(Up to 4K)DS-D60C-B Digital Signage BoxPortrait and landscape Built-in Wi-Fi Longer service life24/7 operation Built-in 32 GBSD Card▪High quality imaging with 4MP resolution ▪Excellent low-light performance via DarkFightertechnology▪Facial recognitioniDS-2CD7146G0-IZS Facial Recognition Camera▪Storage and Playback, Smart & POS FunctionsDS-7600NI-I I Series NVR ▪Dual lens, dual CPU ▪2560 x 1920 @ 30fps ▪Built-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 256 GB DS-2CD6D52G0-IH(S)Dual-Directional PanoVu Camera ▪High quality imaging with 2 MP resolution▪Excellent low-light performance via DarkFightertechnology DS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZ(H)S 2 MP ANPR CameraDS-7700NI-I DS-9600NI-IMask DetectionSupports face mask wearing alerts and compulsorymask wearing alerts.Temperature screening with mask.Visualised Temperature Screening7-inch touch screen.Temperature screening with visual resultsand audio prompt. High accuracy of temperature screening Temperature range: 30°C to 45°C*Thermographic Technology Measures the temperature of a forehead thermographically after face detection.Touch-free Temperature Screening Authentication distance: 0.5-1.5 m .Authentication height: 1.4-1.9m .Flexible DeploymentSupports wall mountingand floor standing with mounting pole.*In order to obtain accurate temperatures, after the device is powered on, wait for 90 minutes to allow device to warm up.DS-K1T671TM-3XF MinMoe Access Control TerminalAlarm and CountingSupporting abnormal temperature alarm.people counting, abnormaltemperature counting.Visualised Temperature Screening7-inch touch screen.Real-time temperature display, abnormaltemperature filter.Data Storage Built-in 32G TF card,Temperature recording storage,Max to 100,000 records.Live View Live view of door station camera .Convenience One-click unlock One-click calling the center.OpennessOperating System: Android .DS-KC001Monitoring TabletHikCentral ▪TEMPERATURE SCREENING▪MASK DETECTION▪LIVE VIEW PLAYBACK ▪DENSITY CONTROL ▪BI REPORT CENTRAL MANAGEMENTHikCentral WorkstationsHikCentral ServerApplication SummaryOffer better service Precise Marketing Better Customer ExperienceVIP person and vehicle will be recognized in advance. Real time advertisement displayed in signage allows customer to get the promotion information. Business Intelligence module, includingpeople counting analysis, vehicle analysis,facial recognition etc. provides data forprecise marketing and improve salesrevenue.•Density control gives customers inqueue an intuitive guidance andreduces customer waiting time.•Thermographic camera detectsperson’s skin temperature withoutphysical contact, improving customerexperience and operation efficiency.SYSTEM VALUES。
海康威视DS-2DY3320IW-DE DE4 3MP网络红外PTZ摄像头的技术参数说明书
Hikvision DS-2DY3320IW-DE/DE4 3MP Network IR PTZ Cameras adopt 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS chip. With the 20× optical zoom lens, the camera offers more details over expansive areas.This series of cameras can be widely used for wide ranges of high-definition, such as the rivers, forests, roads, railways, airports, ports, squares, parks, scenic spots, stations and large venues, etc.Key Features•1/2.8" Progressive Scan CMOS •Up to 2048 × 1536 resolution •20× Optical Zoom, 16× Digital Zoom •Digital WDR, 3D DNR, HLC, Smart IR •Up to 100 m IR distance•12 VDC & PoE (802.3at, class4) •Support H.265 video compressionCamera Module DS-2DY3320IW-DE/DE43MP Network IR PTZ Camera Image Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.05 Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON) B/W: 0.01 Lux @(F1.6, AGC ON) 0 Lux with IRWhite Balance Auto/Manual/ATW (Auto Tracking White Balance)/Indoor/Outdoor/Fluorescent Lamp/Sodium LampAGC Auto/ManualShutter Time 1/1 s to 1/30,000 sDay & Night IR Cut FilterDigital Zoom 16×Privacy Mask 8 programmable privacy masksFocus Mode Auto/Semi-automatic/Manual3D DNR YesBLC YesDigital WDR YesRegional Exposure YesRegional Focus YesLensFocal Length 4.7 mm to 94 mm, 20× OpticalZoom Speed Approx. 2.7 s (Optical Lens, Wide-Tele)Field of View 58.3° to 3.2° (Wide-Tele)Working Distance 10 mm to 1500mm (Wide-Tele)Aperture Range F1.6 to F3.5IRIR Distance Up to 100 mIR Intensity Automatically adjusted, depending on the zoom ratioPTZMovement Range(Pan) 360° endlessPan Speed Configurable, from 0.5°/s to 50°/s. Preset speed 50°/sMovement Range(Tilt) From -40° to 30°Tilt Speed Configurable, from 0.5°/s to 25°/s. Preset speed 25°/sProportional Zoom YesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scans, record time over 10 minutes for each scanPower-off Memory: YesPark Action Preset/Pattern Scan/Patrol Scan/Auto Scan/Tilt Scan/Random Scan/Frame Scan/Panorama ScanPTZ Position Display ON/OFFPreset Freezing YesScheduled Task Preset/Pattern Scan/Patrol Scan/Auto Scan/Tilt Scan/Random Scan/Frame Scan/Panorama Scan/Dome Reboot/Dome AdjustFeaturesSmart Detection Intrusion Detection, Line Crossing Detection, Region Exiting Detection, Region EntranceDetectionROI encoding Main stream, sub-stream and third stream respectively support two fixed areas.Max. Resolution 2048 × 1536Main Stream 50Hz: 25fps (2048 × 1536, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 50fps (1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)60Hz: 30fps (2048 × 1536, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60fps (1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50Hz: 25fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288)60Hz: 30fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Compression Main Stream: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 Sub-Stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGThird Stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 with Baseline/Main/High ProfileAudio compression G.711alaw/G.711ulaw/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCMProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, DHCP, PPPoE, BonjourSimultaneous LiveView Up to 20 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserSecurity Measures User authentication (ID and PW), Host authentication (MAC address); HTTPS encryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control; IP address filteringSystem IntegrationAlarm Input 1-ch alarm inputAlarm Output 1-ch alarm outputAlarm Linkage Alarm actions, such as Preset, Patrol Scan, Pattern Scan, Memory Card Video Record, Trigger Recording, Notify Surveillance Center, Upload to FTP/Memory Card/NAS, Send Email, etc.Audio Input 1-ch audio inputAudio Output 1-ch audio outputNetwork Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M Ethernet Interface;PoE (802.3at, class4)Storage Built-in memory card slot, support Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC, up to 128 GB; NAS (NFS, SMB/ CIFS), ANRAPI ONVIF (Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDKClient iVMS-4200, iVMS-4500, iVMS-5200Web Browser IE 8 to 11, Chrome 31.0+, Firefox 30.0+, Edge 16.16299+GeneralLanguage (Web Browser Access ) 32 languages.English, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil)Power 12 VDC, 1.6 A and PoE (802.3at), 42.5 to 57 VDC, 0.6 A, Class4Max. 19 W, including max. 9.2W for IRWorking Environment Working Temperature: Outdoor: -30°C to 65°C (-22°F to 149°F) Working Humidity: ≤ 95%Protection Level IP66 Standard; 6000V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient ProtectionDimensions(mm) -DE: 367 mm × 122 mm × 242 mm (14.45" × 4.80" × 9.53")-DE4: 255 mm × 129 mm × 195 mm (10.03" × 5.08" × 7.68")Weight Approx. 3 kg (6.61 lb)The DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view.DORI Detect Observe Recognize Identify Definition 25 px/m 63 px/m 125 px/m 250 px/m Distance (Tele) 1568.0 m (5144.4 ft) 622.2 m (2041.4 ft) 313.6 m (1028.9 ft) 156.8 m (514.4 ft)Order ModelDS-2DY3320IW-DE (B)DS-2DY3320IW-DE4 (B)Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has NO SPECIFIC PROTECTION.Level DescriptionTop-level protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professionalanti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks,chemical plants, and more.Moderate protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2 kilometers (1.24miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specificanti-corrosion protection is needed.DimensionsUnit: mm36712215774.24-7Φ10524274.2-DE-DE4255129157129100100195Φ7Accessory Included:ASW0081-1220002W Power adapter Optional:DS-1280ZJ-M (SPTZ) Junction BoxDS-1281ZJ-M (SPTZ)Inclined Base MountingBracketDS-1275ZJ (SPTZ)Vertical Pole Mounting BracketLAS60-57CN-RJ45Hi-PoE midspan05060020220318。
系统设计 中在保证可行性 、 经济性和实用性的前提下 , 采用目前较先进的设
备和器件,更重要的是设计从系统的架构 、 软抖的功能 , 以及系统的集成 上体现
系统的先进性。系统设计 中 采用了大量工业监控领域的技术 , 如组态 、 联动、设
备驱动等技术 , 使系统具有一定的先进性 , 并具有较强的发展潜力。
定的设备接口余量 :
另一方面,由于各系统都采用模块化结构,使系统具有较高的可扩展性。另外 , 在设计中也充分考虑其易维护性, 不仅提供完整的技术资料和 工程设计文件,还
./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
探测 ,
旦监视区域内发生非法入侵 , 前端探测器立即发出报警信号到中心 , 中
海康威视厂 区安全防范系统解决方案
门禁管理系统主要设计在办公区、生产区、库房等重要场所的出入口处设置 门禁读卡器,工作人员通过中心统 发放的门禁卡进出权限范围内的区域 , 同时
5. 1. 2 厂 区视频监控系统功能分析 5. 1. 3 前端监控点设计
5. 1. 4
5. 1. 5 5. 2
5. 2. 1 系统概述
5. 2. 2 报警系统组成
5. 2. 3
5. 2 .4 系统控制设计
5. 2. 5 入侵报警系统功能
机将现场画而转换成电子信号传输至中心 , 然后通过显示单元实 时显 示 、 存储设 备录像存储等 , 实现工作人 员 对 各区域的远程监控及事后事件 检索功能。
海康解决方案海康解决方案简介海康威视(Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.)成立于2001年,是全球领先的视频监控产品和解决方案供应商之一。
其产品特点主要包括以下几个方面:1. 高清晰度:海康威视监控摄像头采用先进的高清技术,可提供清晰、细腻的监控画面,有效地提高了监控系统的分辨率和画质性能。
2. 多功能性:海康威视监控系统支持多种功能,包括智能分析、远程监控、报警通知等,可以满足不同场景下的监控需求。
3. 可靠稳定:海康威视监控设备采用高品质的硬件和先进的软件技术,具有较高的稳定性和可靠性,确保监控系统长时间稳定运行。
4. 网络化:海康威视监控系统支持网络化管理和远程访问,用户可以通过互联网实时监控和管理监控设备,方便灵活。
5. 安全性:海康威视监控系统具有良好的安全性能,能够保护监控数据的完整性和隐私性,有效防范信息泄露和攻击。
其技术应用主要包括以下几个方面:1. 安防监控:海康威视监控系统在安防领域应用广泛,包括小区监控、商业区监控、工厂监控等,通过监控摄像头实时监测和录制,提高了安防管理效率和水平。
2. 交通监控:海康威视监控系统在交通领域用途广泛,包括路口监控、停车场监控、高速公路监控等,通过视频监控和智能分析技术,提高了交通信息采集和管理的效率,优化了交通运行。
3. 智能建筑:海康威视监控系统应用于智能建筑中,包括智能办公楼、智能工厂等,通过视频监控和智能联动技术,实现了对建筑空间和设备状态的实时监控和管理。
4. 城市安防:海康威视监控系统在城市安防中发挥着重要作用,包括公共场所监控、重点区域监控等,通过视频监控和智能分析技术,提高了城市治安管理和事件应急处理的效率和水平。
海康威视监控系统的安装调试主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 规划设计:在进行监控系统的安装前,需要进行详细的规划设计工作,包括确定监控区域、摄像头位置、布线走向等,以保证监控系统布局合理和功能完善。
5、深圳帝之特(深圳安防行业的出口最多的企业):深圳市帝之特电子有限公司是一家专业提供网络产品,如网络监控摄像头、网络摄像机产品、电脑数码摄像头、OEM品牌摄像头等成品及PCB电路板、半成品开发、生产、销售、批发及网络多媒体监控(IP CAM)应用领域的应用开发、市场开拓的民营高科技企业。
电子警察施工调试规范内部资料注意**海康威视安全施工规范1. 目的为了贯彻执行"安全第一,预防为主"的安全施工方针,切实保证公司员工在施工中的安全和健康,根据国家有关标准规程,并结合道路交通工程工程施工的具体情况,制定本安全规范.公司参与施工现场项目的有关工作人员,包括项目管理人员、工程技术人员、工程施工人员、后期维护人员及施工过程中到现场支援的本公司研发人员等,必须熟悉并严格遵守本安全施工规范. 2. 对参加工程实施的人员要求公司对本项目的工程实施人员必须具备以下条件:2.1经医师鉴定,无妨碍工作的病症.2.2具备必要的电工知识,熟悉被安全规范.2.3对外单位派来人员,工作前应介绍现场情况并做好安全措施的交底工作.3. 工程实施过程的基本要求1)健全与工程展开有关的各方面的安全工作措施以及相关的组织机构,对上岗的所有人员进行安全知识教育.2)上路施工人员必须身穿反光衣带安全帽,禁止穿凉鞋拖鞋,并正确使用个人安全防护用品.3)严禁酒后进入施工现场.4)施工人员应有责任分工,在道路上施工时,必须实行严格的人员工作责任制,必须服从负责人管理指挥,各种安全标志齐备,施工环境操作者配置安全装置.5)各工作点施工时均严格按要求布设安全示警牌、锥形交通标等安全设施,确保施工安全;晚上施工人员撤离现场后,现场仍布设安全设施,确保过往车辆和行人的安全.6)文明施工、合理安排施工计划和施工程序、尽早清运余土,尽量少占用行车道、非机动车道和人行道,确保道路畅通,人车安全.7)各种电动工具必须有可靠有效的安全防护,接地装置,做到一机一闸一漏电保护,不懂电气和机械的人员严禁使用和操作机电设备.8)高处作业必须使用安全带,安全带使用前应进行检查.安全带必须挂在牢固的构件上或专为挂安全带用的钢架或钢丝绳上,并不得低挂高用,禁止挂在移动或不牢固的物件上.高度超过1.5m以上时,必须使用安全带等其它可用的安全措施.9)高处作业应使用工具袋,较大的工具应固定在牢固的构件上,不准随便乱放,上下传递物件应用绳索拴牢传递,严禁上下抛掷.10)在立杆吊装、大交通量道路路面施工时,要制定详细的施工方案和安全保障措施,并得到业主方面的封道等帮助.11)当安全与进度发生冲突时,要安全放在第一位.12)施工现场要做好防盗措施,禁止非施工人员进入现场,保管好各种操作工具,确保公司和个人财产安全.13)对突发事件的现场作好应急措施.4、对于登高作业的特殊要求1)登高作业应具备合适的登高器具,最佳器具是高空作业车或升降车,高空作业车必须有专人操作.2)部分工程商会选择廉价的脚手架甚至是木梯子,我们禁止使用木梯子进行调试,在高空需要一手拿笔记本,一手调试镜头,这样工作危险性太高.使用脚手架调试可以接受,但是必须放置足够的反光路锥,并把拉脚手架的车辆停放到脚手架前部,这样有车冲进施工现场会多一层保护,登高人员必须穿带安全带.3)移动脚手架到新的位置时,脚手架上方不允许有人.4)有高空作业时,高车下方严禁站人,防止高空坠物伤人.5)有高空作业时,地面工作人员需佩戴安全帽.5、对于指导施工项目施工现场安全设置不满足要求的处理1)现场工程师应及时和工程商集成商交流,提高对方的安全意识.2)经过交流问题依然不能解决的,应及时和项目销售人员沟通,严格要求工程商提供必要的安保设施.3)在现场情况危险的情况下,现场工程师可以拒绝危险作业,并及时同相关人员交流沟通.6、道路施工安全设施设置道路施工,施工路段前端必须放置施工警示牌、反光路锥.在车流量比较大或夜间需要安排专人在施工位置前端指挥交通.施工警示牌放置要求:a)前方道路施工指示牌放置在距离施工位置300到350米位置.b)减速慢行标志放置在施工位置前150米位置.c)行车方向警示放置在施工位置前100米位置.反光路锥放置要求:a)反光路锥放置距离:反光路锥安全放置距离为施工车道限速值的距离,例如本车道限速值90K/H,则反光路锥放置的安全距离为90M.b)反光路锥从距离施工地点最远端,按照比较缓的斜线慢慢放置,给乘车司机以缓冲空间,让车辆逐渐沿着路锥改道到其它车道.施工现场的车辆、工程辅材停放堆放要求:施工现场的车辆必须停放到来车方向施工位置前方,并开启双闪紧急指示灯.工程辅材堆放尽量堆放到不影响交通的绿化带或路边.距离为该路段的限速值,如果施工现场有公司车辆或租赁车辆务必将车辆停滞在施工界面前面的来车方向.对前端指挥交通人员的要求:a)交通指挥员必须穿反光背心、带安全帽.b)交通指挥员在前端必须精神集中,并面向来车方向,严禁在工作期间玩手机、看电子书.施工现场封路要求:a)施工前,需和公安交警部门打好招呼,重要路段或车流量较大路段最好协调安排交警到现场帮忙指挥交通.b)施工封路时,按照保证施工现场交通有序、流畅的原则封路,避免做成堵车或发生交通事故.c)施工封路必须按照封一条路,施工完毕一条的原则,进行封路施工;非必要情况下不允许同事封两条及以上的道路.以下是施工过程中的几种常见的封路方式.1)双车道路面局部施工时安全设施布设2)四车道以上道路一侧路面施工时安全设施布设3)同向车道中有一条车道路面施工时安全设施布设4)同向车道中有两条车道以上路面施工时安全设施布设。
1. 技术标准:海康威视致力于技术创新和产品研发,拥有多项自主知识产权。
2. 质量标准:海康威视严格按照ISO 9001质量管理体系的要
3. 安全标准:作为视频监控解决方案供应商,海康威视高度重视产品和系统的安全性。
4. 环保标准:海康威视积极响应全球环境保护的呼吁,致力于推动绿色、可持续发展。
5. 社会责任标准:海康威视关注企业社会责任,积极参与慈善和公益事业。
一、海康威视产品介绍1. 视频监控设备:海康威视提供了各类高品质的视频监控设备,包括网络摄像机、高清摄像机、红外摄像机等。
2. 视频管理软件:海康威视的视频管理软件是用于管理和控制视频监控设备的工具。
3. 云平台:海康威视的云平台是一种基于云计算技术的视频监控解决方案。
二、海康威视解决方案1. 公共安全方案:海康威视为公共安全领域提供了一系列的解决方案。
2. 交通运输方案:在交通运输领域,海康威视的解决方案主要包括智能交通监控系统和智能停车管理系统。
1920 × 1200 @ 30fps 2 mm fixed lens1/2.8" Progressive Scan CMOS IP66, IK08Full HD Video (up to 4K)24/7 Operation Built-in WiFi Longer service lifePortrait and landscape modes Built-in 32 GB SD cardPeople Counting CameraDS-2CD6825G0/C-I(V)(S)DS-D60C-BDigital Signage BoxMultiple alarm rules can be configured, helping to save on manpowerProvides alarm notification for operators in order to improve efficiencySaves time wasted on handling false alarms Pop-up video on control client, video wall, and mobile app, email and siren alerts, etc.Displays alarm list, alarm linkage video and alarm location together in a windowHikCentral Professional PlatformLive View: Max. 256 channels’ live view per Control Client. Auto-adaptive window-split overlay for easy operation.Playback: Thumbnail and smooth drag for easy video history skimming.Video Search: VCA search enables the efficient retrieval of desired video footage.E-Map: Locates the cameras on the E-Map for intuitive position demonstration.System Access: Desktop client, web client and mobile client for convenient system access.Video Management SoftwareAccess controller100,000 cards and 300,000 events storageCommunication via TCP/TP, ehome5.0 and RS-485ISAPI, OSDP supportedModular door station main unit, requires mounting bracket 2MP HD camera, fish-eye, IR supplement1 call physical button,2 lock relays, 4-ch alarm inputPro Series Access ControllerDS-K2600TDS-KD8003-IME1/SKD8 Series Pro Stainless SteelModular Door StationHigh quality imaging at 4 MP resolutionExcellent low-light performance via DarkFighter technology180° splicing image: the image presented includes the full panoramic view covered by the cameraPanoramic camera linked to a PTZ: capturing 180° images with the panoramic camera, as well as close-up images with the PTZ cameraDarkfighter PTZPanoramic & PTZ CameraDS-2DF8425IX-AELWDS-2DP0818ZIXS-DE/440/T2Control RoomCentral ManagementCentral Video MonitoringHikCentral is completely centralised to achieve vast integration capabilities and deliver more powerful solutions.Business IntelligenceThe BI dashboard provides a flexible, customised tabular view interface to provide decision makers with actionable analysis reports.Business IntelligenceWhen someone has an elevated temperature or is not wearing a mask, event & alarm management can guide you to the related video, picture and its location via map, allowing appropriate responses to be initiated.Temperature AnalysisVehicle AnalysisTeaching BuildingBehaviour AnalysisThermographic Turret/Bullet CameraFast temperature screening with elevated temperature alarm (pop-up image/audio warning)LibraryPeople CountingHaving staff management issues?People counting can help optimise staffing schedules and operations, using the generated insights to precisely increase the number of staff during busy times to improve People Counting CameraDocumenting visitor TrafficVisitor flow control is based on the real-time number of people inside, ensuring social distance is maintainedDaily, weekly, and monthly visitor flow reports contribute to improved personnel scheduling and effectively enhance resource utilisationSudden change of sound intensity detectedTrip and fall Congestion FightingPerimeterFalse Alarm ReductionDeepinMind NVRReceives intrusion and line crossing detection information from cameras, and identifies humans and vehicles in the video to reduce false alarms Saves on costs and time compared with conventional CCTV systemsDeepinMind NVRHD IP CameraVMSFalse Alarm DetectionIntrusion Detection Line Crossing StorageQuick Target SearchANPR CameraControls vehicle entrance and exit via number plate recognitionNumber plate recognition and recording Automatically releases employee vehiclesWarning on barred-list vehicles (barrier kept closed)Provides reports on passing vehiclesStainless Steel Door StationMake contact with the Control Room Noise suppression and echo cancellation Low illuminationHello?Come on throughApplicationsSolution IntroductionGateVehicle Entrance & Exit Control + IntercomHikvision’s School Security Applications are designed to increase safety and ensure that your Schoolcan make the students comfortable, with confidence and peace of mind.DormitoryAccess Control Digital DisplayTeaching BuildingsBehaviour Analysis Server Temperature ScreeningControl RoomCentral Monitoring & ManagementGateVehicle Entrance & Exit Control IntercomSports GroundPanoramic ViewLibraryPeople CountingCar ParkPTZ MonitoringPerimeterFalse Alarm Reduction。
Hik - 海康威视盲点检测技术方案
盲点检测技术方案杭州海康汽车技术有限公司目录◆方案概述◆系统设计方案概述定义BSD(Blind Spot Detection)盲点信息检测是一种车道变换辅助系统,用来协助驾驶员避免与侧面盲区(或盲点)内的车辆发生碰撞。
方案概述总体需求:以车辆后视摄像头获取车尾路况环境信息,通过一个视频处理控制器(ADAS BOX)来处理获取的车尾视频信息,检测车辆后方行驶车辆,并根据危险情况进行预警。
实现功能:盲点检测(BSD)方案概述后视ADAS系统主要由一个安装在后行李箱盖上牌照灯附近的后视摄像头,一个安装在尾门处的ADAS视频处理器(ADAS BOX),中控DA屏以及一个报警单元组成。
ADAS BOX方案概述BSD :根据安装于原车车尾的广角摄像头采集车辆后方及侧后方路况信息,覆盖驾驶员视野盲区,当出现以下情况时,系统会发出警报:当有车辆从侧后方进入摄像头视野范围,快速接近本车或向本车超越时,此时如果驾驶员向有车方向拨动变道提示灯拨杆,蜂鸣器进行报警提示。
!盲区车辆系统设计盲区检测功能说明BSD可提供下列警告:当前车辆盲点中中的车辆在最靠近当前车辆的左侧和右侧车道上快速接近的车辆系统设计原则是针对下列情况做出反应:驾驶员车辆被其他车辆超越另一辆车正在快速赶上驾驶员车辆系统设计盲区检测功能说明对如下几种情况,BSD不进行报警: 其他车辆与本车相向行驶本车快速接近或超越其他车辆本车速度低于30km/h两车相对速度太大目录◆方案概述◆系统设计系统设计系统信息框图该系统主要部件为ADAS BOX,通过摄像头采集图像信息,对图像信息进行分析处理,并结合车辆运行状态,输出视频图像及报警信号。
系统设计系统组成序号零件名称零件号数量备注1后视摄像头TBD12ADAS BOX(ADAS视频处理器)TBD13DA屏TBD14线束ⅠTBD1连接DA屏、ECU和后视摄像头7蜂鸣器TBD1系统报警单元系统设计相关部件在本系统中的功能序号项目功能1摄像头安装在行李箱盖上,传输车辆的后方图像至视频处理控制器2ADAS BOX(ADAS视频处理器)1.车身电源的处理2.接收车身CAN-BUS信息,并进行处理3.对后视摄像头供电并对视频图像进行分析处理、驱动报警3BCM检测转向灯信号并发送给4转向角传感器通过CAN总线传递方向盘角度5自动变速箱控制器通过CAN总线传递档位信号6轮速传感器通过CAN总线传递车速信号7报警单元安装在车尾,BSD和MOD功能报警系统设计系统交互数据需求序号信息ADAS BOX功能1档位信息收系统功能开启及切换2速度信息收系统功能的激活与关闭条件3方向盘角度信息收系统获取车辆行驶状态,降低误报率4左转向灯信息收报警的触发条件(如需要)5右转向灯信号收报警的触发条件(如需要)系统与车身进行CAN-BUS信息交互时,仅接收车身CAN信息并做相应处理,在未取得车身网络工程师许可确认之前,系统不发送相关报文,避免对车身造成影响。
海康威视自带域名录像机远程监控设置方法DS-7800、DS-7900、DS-8800系列海康DDNS配置和设备访问(模拟录像机与网络NVR设置方法相同)1 设备配置第一步:DVR的相关设置,确认以下几点是否全部填写填写项目相关说明是否填写硬盘录像机IP地址设置局域网内IP地址,与路由器同一网段,如192.168.1.64,具体请参照路由器配置必须填写硬盘录像机子网掩码一般设置为255.255.255.0必须填写硬盘录像机默认网关设置为路由器IP地址,如192.168.1.1,具体请参照路由器配置必须填写首选DNS和备用DNS 可以与相应的运营商获取,或者填写路由器IP地址来解析必须填写第二步:端口映射1、UPnP自动端口映射操作步骤如下:登陆路由器配置界面,开启UPnP功能进入设备本地配置界面,启用UPnP刷新端口,看状态显示为“生效”即可。
2 设备访问1)IE浏览器直接访问打开IE浏览器,在地址栏直接输入/自定义域名,例如配置了设备域名为test12345,则直接输入/test12345,即可直接链接到设备登录界面。
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Making Security EasierHikCentral V1.2 010203What’s NewImprovementsSpec & Road MapAccess Control/Facial Recognition/UVSSInteractive Design/Functionalities/Maintainability/Openness2018 Road MapSystem Architecture⏹Software Structure•Server + Clients⏹Device /System Layer•Supports Cameras , NVR/DVR Access•Provides Central Storage with Hybrid SAN/Cloud StorageServer•Supports Decoder /Video Wall Controller Management•Supports Keyboard Access•Supports Door Controller and Door Management•Supports Under-Vehicle Surveillance System management⏹Server Layer•VMS Server for Video Surveillance•Streaming Server for Streaming forwarding and balance•Functional Layer•Centralized Management of all the elements•User-friendly design operation ideally suit for all users•User Interface•Flexible ClientsDoor01 What’s New1.1 Access Control1.1 Access Control System OverviewSupports multiple clientsFlexible Access Control permissionsSeamlessly Iintegration with videosurveillance systemSeries DS-K2600 Series DS-K2800 Series Standalone Access Control Terminal Fingerprint EnrollmentScannerCard Issue ReaderFingerprintReaderMode l DS-K2601DS-K2801DS-K1T105E DS-K1T201MF DS-K1F820-F DS-K1F100-D8E DS-K1100Series DS-K1201EF DS-K2602DS-K2802DS-K1T105M DS-K1T201EF-C/DS-K1F180-D8E DS-K1800 Series DS-K1201MF DS-K2604DS-K2804DS-K1T105E-C DS-K1T201MF-C/////DS-K1T105M-C DS-K1T802E/////DS-K1T201EF DS-K1T802M///1.1 Device compatibility⏹Access GroupThe person's access group. All the persons in the access group have the same permissions⏹Access LevelThe person‘s access level .That is, thepermissions consisted for a designated time and designated doors.Access LevelOtherAccess LevelsAccess LevelAccess GroupJay Simon AssignRemoveJaySimonRemoveAssign Note:Rules have been created to avoid permission conflicts when multiple administrators configure permissions.Issue⏹Process InstructionThe permitted doors and access time are combined into access levels. Persons are assigned to or removed from an access group with the same access levels. This simplifies person permission configuration.CombineCard Reader Access Modes⏹Card⏹Fingerprint⏹Card and Fingerprint⏹Card or Fingerprint⏹Card and PIN⏹PIN and Fingerprint⏹Card and PIN and FingerprintAdvanced Person PermissionsExtend Access:⏹Extend the door’s open time, suitable for people withlimited mobility.Super Permission:⏹Exempt from remaining locked restriction.⏹Exempt from anti-passback rule restriction.⏹Exempt from person’s first card authorizationrestriction.Note: PIN entry only is not supported in the HikCentral platform.3.Apply to device.•The person information in the system can be applied to Access groups, Face ComparisonGroups, and Attendance Groups.Batch OperationCustomized FieldsBatch Support for the following:•Importing person photos •Issuing cards•Exporting person information•Importing person information via a template•In addition to the basic, pre-defined information, there are five additional fieldswhich can be customized for yourorganization's needs.Data Issue•Apply all (manual) is commonly used to issue data increments (e.g., adding a new person).•Apply all (scheduled) is commonly used to issue data on the basis of schedule, avoiding bandwidth occupation when busy.Person Reuse1.1.2 Access Control Applications -Anti-PassbackIncreases the area over which persons can apply anti-passback. Configure areas that span across each controller.Note :1.Set the area without the reader sequence⏹Manually forgive the Anti-Passback on live view:2. Resetting the anti-passback by schedule is not supportedServer⏹Robust Solution:AreaCableServerAreaNetwork ErrorStill AliveXOffice Area1Border Door Office Area2Border DoorBorder Door1.1.2 Access Control Applications –First Card Remains UnlockedFirst Card Remains UnlockedDesignated person opens the door after swiping thefirst cardDuration expiresOutsiders access areaDoor opens and remains unlocked for a designatedperiodRestore to door’s initial stateDesignated person swipes first card again to cancelthe authority1.1.2 Access Control Applications –First Card AuthorizationFirst Person AuthorizationDesignated person opens the door after swiping thefirst cardDoor is considered authorizedOthers swipe authorized cards to access areaDesignated person swipes first card again to cancelthe authorityAuthority automatically withdrawn after00:00Restore to door’s initial status1.1.2 Access Control Applications –Lock All DoorsLock All DoorsOperators can lock/recover all doors with just one click remotely on the (CS \Mobile) clientEmergency occurAlarm detected Security staff monitoredManually lock all doorsManually recover⏹After manually lock all doors is executed,manually recover is necessary ifthe door is expected to return to its initial status.⏹Lock all doors is unrestricted when the doors remain unlocked byschedule.⏹Super permission can exempt from lock all doors period.AlarmsLive View1.1.3 Video/Access Control Linkages•Live view of person’s access .•Live display of person’s access records and information.•Dual window real-time switch preview.•Real-time control of doors according to person’s access state.Reports•Search person’s records in Access Control module by criteria: person name, certificate result, certificate type.•P layback of person’s access, dual window playback .•Display of person’s detailed information.•Cameras can be linked to record when door alarms are triggered.•Door actions can be linked to emergency requirements or other situations when video alarms are triggered.⏹Live View⏹Alarms Linkages⏹Records Search1.1.4 Time & AttendanceT&A follows the principle of first-in and last-out.T&A time schedules support weekly cycles or several fixed days, creating easy attendance management.T&A shift supports fixed and flexible schedule to meet common attendance requirements.T&A supports holiday attendancemanagement , fitting actualattendance needs.T&A supports selecting on-demandattendance points for flexibleattendance point management.T&A supports attendance recordscorrection and reports download.T & AGroupJaySimonAssignRemoveJaySimonShiftScheduleT & AScheduleAssignRemoveMonitoringDoor control Doors can be remotely controlled -unlock / close / keep open / keep close in Live View. So real-time and effective door control will meet some occurrences.1.1.5 Mobile Client (available May, 2018)Record ⏹Live View•Record•Capture•Voice intercom⏹Playback•Speed control : 1x, 2x, 4x, 1/2x, 1/4x•Capture•ClipAlarm Door alarms can be received by Mobile Client. Related videos, images and detailed alarm information are shown to accurately assess situations.1.2 Facial RecognitionIntelligentDevicesHikCentralHigh Recognition RateUser-friendly Interface Intelligent RetrievalHikCentral incorporates powerful facial recognition functions from Hikvision's intelligent devices.•Multi-level deep-learning algorithmscreate strong environmentaladaptability•Good User Interface design makes it easyto manage thousands of facial images•Video clips can be retrieved by specific human faces•Advanced Face Detection event and alarm functions help toincrease business security and recognize your customers01020304Import all the people you want to monitor into a face groupHikCentral sends the face list to an intelligent device such as an DeepinMind NVRExample for VIP ListFacial RecognitionModuleDevicesThe camera captures a face and the system runs comparison analytics.HikCentral clients receive thecomparison result , record it as a face event, and display it in the view window05HikCentral generates an alarm and informssecurityComparisonThe Face Detection event can send an alarm and inform security personnel to take further action1.2.2 Intelligent Monitoring⏹Automatically display all the captured Faces ⏹Displays match results with similarities⏹Click the corresponding picture to get detailed information ⏹Support “Search by picture” with intelligent devices .⏹Add the suspicious picture into a person group.⏹Display multiple cameras' s result simultaneously.1.2.3 Intelligent Retrieval⏹Search related video clips with Time, Picture, Name and S imilarity .⏹Multiple searches allows you to find the “one” you want⏹Search results across multiple devices to achieve centralized facemanagement⏹Alarm information provides face picture, face ID, telephone number,similarity, video ,captured picture, and additional information1.3Under Vehicle Surveillance System (UVSS)Hand-held Model•Time-consuming, low-efficiency •Areas easy to miss inspection•Standalone device, unable to post reviewRail-mounted Model•Vehicle needs to be stopped for inspection, low-efficiency•Results shown in multiple images •Moving components reduce product lifespan•Complicated installationMobile Model•Light material, easily damaged•Image is easily damaged by vehicle Shaking.•Poor protection performance1.3.1 Issues with Current Models on the Market1.3.2 UVSS in HikCentralUVSS Benefit⏹Auto-detection of the vehicle undercarriage⏹Synchronize LPR camera data with Under Vehicle image⏹Suitable for various vehicle models, entire undercarriage of vehicle in oneimage .⏹High-strength structure⏹High-quality picture, low distortionEfficientMultiple OperationsWhite List and Black ListMultiple Maintenance MethodsEfficient MonitoringFlexible System DeploymentEasy Investigation•Tag the suspicious plate number for later retrieval•Tag multiple suspicious areas with specific picture for later investigation•Manually trigger user-defined events with any pre-defined actions.•List management with the ability to upload reference picture for each plate number•White list and black list alarm•Add a suspicious plate number to the database during live view•Health monitor dashboard for UVSS system (.e.g. Net status, Line Scan camera status, Capture Camera status, Storage status)•Supports device offline/online event monitoring /searching/report•Video search/ VCA search for related cameras •LPR search for corresponding events•Provides the original image with live picture for better comparison •Provides history search records of the car with the same plate number during live view for better investigation•Provides User-defined events search for emergency scenarios•Auto-detection/record vehicle undercarriage without manpower•Manage multiple exits & entrances simultaneously•Ability to provide any type of camera for live view reference•Supports Fixed UVSS and Portable UVSS •Supports 4 UVSS per HikCentral server •IP connectivity1.3.3 HikCentral with UVSS BenefitFlexibleInvestigationOperabilityMaintainableLPR listDoor02 ImprovementsOverall ImprovementsEvent & Alarm Smart WallControl Client& BS ExperienceMap ManagementMobile Client Devices Management HikCentral Open-SDK2.1 Event & AlarmManual Trigger AlarmEvent ReportComposite AlarmRicher Events Types Richer Event Types•More Event types to enrich the function of the system•More Device/Storage server events to increase system stability •Addition system settings to provide better maintenanceComposite Alarm•Combined multiple events to defined a certain alarm to reduce false alarm•Allow alarm escalation when the alarm is not acknowledged.Manual Trigger Alarms•Allow manually triggered alarms with user-defined events in the Control Client for different scenarios •Test Alarm on Web Client list for better alarm configuration and maintenanceEvent/Alarm Report•Create event/alarm reports for monitored events on the Web Client and inform users through daily /weekly email •Export the Alarm/Event lists on the Control Client with any filter settings•Report may include the item quantity statistics and basic information2.1 Event/Alarm ImprovementsNew Module EventsNew Type EventsRS/Encoding Device/CameraCurrent Events ImprovedHikCentral SystemMonitor2.1.1 Richer Events Types•48 door Events•8 Access Control Device Events •UVSS Events•User Login /Log out •User-defined Event•Expand Hybrid SAN events to 26 in total •Camera Commination Exception/Recovered •Device Recovered•CPU Eexception/ Recovered/Warning •RAM Exception/Recovered/Warning•System Service Abnormally Stopped /Recovered to Run•Clear and unified Event names•Generic Events able to have all the linkages.Unified Event Name for Search <V1.1V1.2 Control Client Loitering ,Loitering Detection Loitering (Detection)Line Crossing, Line Crossing Detection Line Crossing(Detection)Fast Moving, Fast Moving DetectionFast Moving(Detection)Parking, Parking DetectionParking(Detection)Object Removal, Object Removal DetectionObject Removal(Detection)Unattended Baggage, Unattended Baggage DetectionUnattended Baggage (Detection)Intrusion ,Intrusion DetectionIntrusion(Detection )Region Entrance ,Region Entrance Detection Region Entrance(Detection)Region Exiting ,Region Exiting Detection Region Exiting Detection )People Gathering , People Gathering DetectionPeople Gathering (Detection)User-defined EventsManual Trigger•Manual trigger in the Control Client to enhance systemsurveillance (e.g. UVSS, door, camera)•Ability to predefine events and link alarms to notifyspecific users3rd -party System Trigger•External events triggered from HikCentralOpenSDK to improve system integrationMaintenance Trigger•Alarms not handled after a configurable time period cantrigger events, allowing the customer to be informed ofsignificant alarms•Alarms not handled after a configurable time period cantrigger alarm escalationAlarm Trigger•Automatically triggered after specific alarm occurs tooptimize Event Arming•Multiple alarms triggered simultaneously can result in alarm escalationSystem Events Trigger•Can be triggered by cameras ,alarm inputs, encoding devices, servers, ANPR, generic events, remote site events•Define different events to trigger for different time periods toprovide flexible scenarios2.1.1 User-defined Events•Triggered by Generic events to allow 3rd-party integration without OpenSDK•Support for new device types and systemsFuture-proofUser-defined eventUser-defined event2System event, user-defined eventsAlarmManual events,3rd party events, alarminputDuring arming scheduleNotacknowledged after X timesUser-defined events-otherALL events, alarminputsAutomatic armingstartedComposedAutomatic armingstoppedUser-defined event User-defined event22.1.1 How Do User-defined Events Work?Event detected (Camera A )Trigger alarm AOperator 1 receives Alarm Ain alarm center1User-defined event BAlarm Escalation :Operator 1Detect IntrusionAlarm A: receiver Operator1Priority 50Operator needs to acknowledgealarm within X minutesTrigger alarm BOperator 2 receives Alarm B in alarm center2Operator 2Alarm B :receiver Operator2Priority 100Alarm acknowledgedWhen an important alarm is not acknowledged within a configured time period, it will trigger an Alarm Escalation so a higher-priority operator can help to investigate the alarm.Arming PeriodArming PeriodAlarm dwell X minutes?Yes2.1.1 User Case1-Alarm EscalationEvent detected (Camera A )Trigger alarm AOperator 1 receives Alarm Ain alarm center1User-defined event BKeep sending until acknowledgement received :Operator 1Detect IntrusionAlarm A receiver Operator1Operator needs to acknowledge alarm within XminutesTrigger alarm BOperator 2 receives Alarm BOperator 2Alarm B receiver Operator2Alarm acknowledgedAn important alarm can be resent by a cycle trigger.When the alarm has been acknowledged it will stop triggering the same user-defined events.Arming PeriodArming PeriodAlarm dwell X minutes?Yes2.1.1 Use Case2-Keep sending until acknowledgement receivedAlarm dwell X minutes?NoYesOne alarm’s triggering can trigger a user -defined event which can be another alarms’ starting or ending event . This setting is available for more than 2 events happening together to compose an alarm.Composed alarmsAll the system events can use events-based arming to control the alarm. The arming condition can alsocontain a time template, making it possible to combine event arming and time arming.Composed eventsA single event can trigger alarm, but having only one condition may cause false alarms in some complex scenarios.Single eventEvent arming2.1.2 Composite Events/AlarmsUsing events to arm the alarm, the arming events for starting and ending can be alarm input or user-defined events, allowing you to combine 2 events together when triggering an alarm.Alarm TriggerEvent detected (Camera A )Trigger UD eventsArming PeriodArming start User-defined event A (Arming Started Condition )Trigger alarm Aoperator 2Operator 1 receives Alarm A inalarm center1Alarm acknowledgedComposite Events/AlarmsWhen 2 events happen at night or in a restricted area, it can trigger a composite alarm.Event detect?(Camera B )Arming PeriodTrigger UD eventsUser-defined event B(Arming Stopped Condition )Arming StoppedYesNo 2.1.2 Use Case2-Composite Events/Alarms2.1.2 Composite Alarm ExampleAlarm1:Trigger Events: If Perimeter Intrusion detected + Person entering area “A”Time period : Weekend Priority :50ABAlarm2:Trigger Events: If Perimeter Intrusion detected + Person entering area “B”Time period : Sunday Priority :60Alarm3:Trigger Events: Person entering area “A”+ Person entering area “B”Time period : Sunday Priority :80Alarm4:Trigger Events: Person entering area “A”+ Person entering area “B”+1 hour guardless Time period : Sunday Priority :802.1.2 Composite Events/Alarm ExamplePerson DetectionAlarm1Person DetectionAlarm2Intrusion IntrusionPerson DetectionAlarm3Alarm42.1.2 Configuration ExampleAlarm1 :•UD-Perimeter Intrusion detected trigger: Intrusion event triggered on Weekend•UD-Alarm 1 trigger: Automatically triggered by Alarm1•Event arming:Start event: UD-Perimeter Intrusion detectedStop event: UD-Alarm 1•Trigger event: Person detected in area “A”UD = User-defined eventsAlarm2 :•UD-Perimeter Intrusion detected 2 trigger: Intrusion event triggered on Sunday•UD-Alarm 2 trigger: Automatically triggered by Alarm2•Event arming:Start event: UD-Perimeter Intrusiondetected 2Stop event: UD-Alarm 2•Trigger event: Person detected in area “B”Alarm3 :•UD-Manual Stop arming :Manual trigger by operator •Event arming:Start event: UD-Alarm 1Stop event: UD-Manual Stop arming •Trigger event: UD-Alarm2Alarm4 :•UD-Alarm 3 trigger: one hour after Alarm3 triggeredand this alarm not acknowledged.•Event arming:Start event: UD-Alarm 1Stop event: UD-Manual Stop arming•Trigger event: UD-Alarm 3Add UD EventsDefine the UD trigger with system eventsEvent ArmingconfigurationAlarms not acknowledged after a configured period oftime trigger UD events2.1.3 Manual Trigger Events/Alarms Manual Alarm Testing on the Web Client:•Check if the alarm linkage responds as configured•Check if the composite alarm configuration is working•Easy to create alarm demo in Control Client•Adjust the alarm settings according to the test resultsManual alarm triggering on the Control Client•Different users can trigger different UD events•Manually trigger UD events to arm/disarm an alarm•Manually trigger UD events to create system alarms and triggers with pre-configured actionsUD = User-defined eventsUser-defined event A(Arming Started Condition )User-defined event B(Arming Stopped Condition )operator 1Operator 1 monitors the buildingentranceArming periodManual trigger UD Aoperator 2Operator 2 receives Alarm B in alarmcenter2Trigger alarm BEvent detect?(Alarm Source )Manual triggerAlarm acknowledgedArming stoppedManual arming :Operator can manually arm or disarm events Manually trigger alarms for suspicious behavior2.1.3 Manual Arming/Manual Triggering AlarmsOperator1 detects some suspicious behaviorSuspicious behaviorconfirmedTrigger alarm AArming periodOperator 1 receives Alarm Ain alarm center12.1.4 Event/Alarm ReportCreate Event /Alarm reports on the Web Client•Export to PDF, Excel format •Daily/Weekly email reports •Batch adding of Events/Alarms •Up to 32 events or alarms can be configured in one report.•Up to 10,000 events or alarms can be calculated in total.Create Event /Alarm reports on the Control Client•Generate reports by multiple condition in Event & Alarm Search •Export in PDF, Excel, CSV format •Generate key information summary•Alarm list displays Area information•Each alarm in alarm list could jump to Alarm Search and automatically fill in the alarm source ,event type and more (e.g. LPR events come with plate number, vehicle list )2.2 Smart Wall2.2 Smart Wall⏹Window Expand and Restore⏹Roaming window operation ⏹Window Expand and Restore⏹Display Stream details in the Control Client⏹1200K/1600K Keyboard⏹64/69 Series Decoding devices ⏹C10S video wall Controller⏹32Smart Walls⏹32Decoding devices123Note :64 series Decoding devices:1.Not support enlarging sub window after window division. C10S not support :1.creating roaming windows on the Split Window2.Split windows under the Roaming Window;Supports the following:2.3Control Client/BS ImprovementsLive view +Playback +Map=View•The logical resource tree, View pane, and map show their corresponding relationship. •If you select a pane, the map automatically translates to the location of the monitoring point, and the resource point is highlighted.•Map pane defaults to display the location of the current selecteddevice resource.•Click an area to see all related E-maps.•Seamless change between live view and playback.•Enable/Disable Map as needed.+View2.3.1 View Improvements2.3.2 Fisheye Camera DewarpingHikCentral V1.2⏹Smooth and Intuitive operation design.⏹Support zoom to expand the video using the mouse wheel &Flexible PTZoperation.⏹Multiple Fisheye Dewarping support without software limitation but with onlyhardware performance limitation.HikCentral V1.1.1⏹Using the cursor for control is less intuitive.⏹Only support one channel dewarping.HikCentral V1.2⏹Smooth and Intuitive operation design.⏹Support for PTZ operation on Chrome ,IE10/11, etc.⏹Enhanced cursor operation, combines the 3D positioning function andzooming In /Out.⏹Support achieving different speed according to how far the cursor position isfrom the center.HikCentral V1.1.1⏹Using the cursor for control is less intuitive and difficult to control.⏹Support for PTZ control on Control client.⏹Support for PTZ operation on IE only.Enter and Exit:•Display reports with All cameras or specific camerasKey Improvements:•Increase the camera for reports from 4 to 8•Display the totals of multiple camerasEnter or Exit Only:•Display both the total amounts and statistic data of specificcameras。