KROHNE 7300C 调频雷达操作手册
7300C QS科隆料位计

"7300C QS" 菜单编号步骤功能功能描述可选项默认值A.0 快速设置A.1 设置模式A.1.1 完成依次完成快速设置全过程,其中包括:安装设置、空频谱、转换、输出A.1.2 安装设置罐和介质的相关参数1 安装类型罐体的材质金属罐、塑料罐、户外应用金属罐2 罐高/测量距离罐高是设置从仪表法兰下端面或螺纹连接的上根部到罐底的距离。
范围:0.2…80m/0.564…262ft 20m/65.61ft3A应用类型仪表用于何种工况。
范围:8…200mm/0.31…7.88" 100mm/3.94"4B 导波管高度当步骤3A中选择“+导波管”时。
范围:0…80m/0…197ft 10m/32.81ft5 死区距离由用户设置仪表不可测量的区域。
推荐至少在天线以下100mm/4"天线延长管(C.1.6)…罐高(C.1.2) ①②6 安装设置总览7 继续之前,必须保存或取消对当前设置的更改保存、删除③保存A.1.3 空频谱固定干扰或活动部件产生干扰信号。
1 你的储罐是否完全充满了?当储罐充满时,无法记录空管的干扰信号频谱。

KROHNE科隆雷达液位计OPTIWA VE 6300 C用于固体测量的非接触式雷达(FMCW)液位计(咨询请拨dǎ:1580²²²5061²²²213)科隆超声波物位计OPTISOUND3010/3020/3030、科隆雷达物位计OPTIFLEX1100/1300 BM702 BM102 OPTIW AVE6300/7300、科隆磁翻板液位计BM26、科隆磁致伸缩液位计KMR、科隆电磁流量计OPTIFLUX2100/4100/2300/4300、科隆质量流量计OPTIMASS1300C、科隆流量开关DW181/182/183/184、科隆金属转子流量计H250 DK32 DK37、科隆玻璃转子流量计DK800 V A40 GA24等•一个转换器适合于所有类型的天线(聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)/聚丙烯(PP)材质的水滴型天线,喇叭型天线)•多尘条件下准确测量的唯一保证•独特的水滴型天线设计用于多尘的环境OPTIWA VE 6300 C是一款采用调频连续波(FMCW)测量原理的非接触式雷达液位计;可广泛应用于测量粉末、粒子等固体介质的距离、物位及体积,也可用于测量液体介质。
特点•标准精度±10mm/±0.4"•聚四氟乙烯或聚丙烯材质的水滴型天线,用于多尘的场合中可有效防止挂料•最高可耐过程连接处200°C / 390°F及40 bar / 580 psig•最大量程可达80 m / 260 ft•通过加装天线延长管,可以适应不同的安装短节高度•标配PACTware和DTM调试软件•可选第二路电流输出•带有触摸键的显示屏可方便调试仪表•通过显示屏上的安装向导来正确设置仪表参数,可提高对不平整表面的测量准确性行业•矿产•化工•食品•钢铁及冶金•造纸及纸浆应用•储仓•筒仓•料斗OPTIWA VE 7300 C液体物位测量的雷达解决方案•适用于液体测量•在困难条件下准确测量的唯一保证•为特定目的而设计的天线选择(水滴型,卫生型等)OPTIWA VE 7300 C是采用调频连续波(FMCW)测量原理的非接触式雷达物位计,可广泛应用于测量液体、浆料、糊状物的距离、物位及体积。

10 0 1 (d
选择物料性质为微 DK 时,一般用于介电常数小于 1 . 4 ,这时介质表面的直接回波很弱, 或不能测量,而通过罐底反射的方法可以测得料位高度这时需要输入以下参数中的两个: 1 .空罐空高,空罐或空容器的空高值 。 2 .真实料高或待测物质的介电常数 ,这两参数关联 ,输入其中之一即可 。以上参数 的精度直接影响测量结果的精度值注 : “微 DK”的选择要慎重,大多测量是不合适 的,当 “微 DK”选择后,系统根据回波情况,判断采用直接回波法或底部反射法来得 到测量结果 。 1-4 阻尼时间 为抑制因液面波动起伏引起的测量显示的变化跳动, 可设定适当的显示阻尼时间 (范围 在 0~999 秒) ,既保证有足够的测量响应时间,又能使传感器在延时后反映出变化的测 量值。一般设定几秒的时间就足以使测量值稳定显示。 当液晶显示菜单号为 1-3 时 ,按 阻尼时间 6S 1-4 键 ,进入阻尼时间设置菜单,液晶显示如下图:
当液晶显示菜单号为 1-2 时,按 物料性质 液体
键进入“物料性质 1-3”,液晶显示如下: 1-3
键进入“物料性质 1-3”,液晶显示如下: 物料性质 液体 固体 微 DK 1-3
液体 1-1-3 物位快速进入“物位快速变化 1-1-3”,液晶显示如下图:
键 ---选择编程项 ---选择参数位置 ---列出选项
键 ---进入编程状态 ---确认编程项 ---确认参数修改
[26G 调试说明书]
(二) 四个按键的简单说明
菜单结构参见总框图。图中向右横箭头的过渡由 键实现; 键实现横箭头的向左过渡 。 键实现;向下的箭头过渡由
键进入编程主菜单项 。每个参数编辑完成后须用

前言 (1)1安全 (1)1.1 总则 (1)1.2 个人安全 (1)1.4设备安全 (2)1.5电气安全 (2)1.6压力系统安全(气压和液压) (2)1.7焊接安全 (3)1.8设备的起吊安全 (3)1.9破碎机安全检查程序 (3)1.10安全连锁操作 (3)1.11振动保护 (3)2工作原理 (4)2.1破碎产品料径的控制 (4)3了解破碎机结构 (5)3.1破碎机的外部结构 (5)3.2破碎机的内部结构 (7)3.4转子及耐磨件 (7)4启动程序 (8)4.1启动之前 (8)4.2初始启动 (9)4.3破碎机初始给料 (9)4.3运行 (10)4.4噪音等级 (10)4.5振动 (10)4.6物料流量 (10)4.7粉尘排放 (10)4.8 给料控制 (10)4.9 旁路溢料控制 (10)5停机程序 (11)5.1停机 (11)6检查和维修 (11)6.2润滑 (12)6.3注油要求 (12)6.4推荐润滑油品 (12)6.5轴承箱 (12)6.6运行温度 (12)6.7润滑油的排放 (12)7转子维修 (13)7.1 途径 (13)7.2 清洗转子 (13)7.3 转子抛料头组件 (13)7.4上下耐磨板的拆卸 (15)7.5分料盘 (16)7.6给料筒 (17)7.7导料板 (18)7.8转子本体 (20).8转子积料 (22)8.1 首要功能 (22)8.2 次要功能 (23)9转子调整 (23)9.1转子积料的调整 (24)10转子拆卸 (25)10.1转子安装 (26)11转子平衡 (29)11.1 转子平衡机的组装 (29)11.2 平衡步骤 (30)11.3 转子平衡故障诊断 (31)12维修 (31)12.1 破碎腔积料 (31)12.2 破碎腔壁(低积料), (32)12.3 过度积料 (32)12.4 破碎腔筋肋板 (32)12.5 趾板 (33)13.1 腔环 (33)13.2 受料仓 (33)13.3 受料仓仓体 (34)13.4 控制盘 (34)13.5 液压调节控制闸板门 (34)13.6 液压缸 (35)14.破碎机维修 (36)14.1 给料筒的对中及高度调整 (36)14.2 耐磨裙环 (37)14.3 安全连锁 (38)14.4 振动开关 (38)14.5 检查门和舱口 (38)14.6 破碎机机座及排料溜槽 (38)14.7 机座衬板 (39)14.8 机座耐磨护板 (39)14.9 润滑脂排泄槽 (40)14.10 皮带护罩 (40)14.11 电机 (40)14.12 轴承箱 (40)14.13 轴承箱密封 (41)14.14 从机座拆卸轴承箱 (41)14.15 在机座上安装轴承箱 (43)14.16驱动皮带张紧力 (44)15螺栓扭矩参考表 (46)前言奥麦斯破碎机是一种高质量立轴冲击式破碎机,具有许多独具特色,新颖、先进的设计,使用户取得高效、可靠的运行效果,生产质量稳定的产品。
科隆krohne OPTISWITCH 3000系列 外部壳件 补充说明书

外部壳体Vibrating Level Switch OPTISWITCH 3000 系列目录48879-ZH-210419目录1关于本技术文献 ............................................................................................................................................31.1 功能 .............................................................................................................................................................................31.2 对象 .............................................................................................................................................................................31.3 所用的图标.. (32)安全注意事项 ...............................................................................................................................................42.1 授权人员 .....................................................................................................................................................................42.2 正确使用 .....................................................................................................................................................................42.3 用于防爆区域的安全说明 . (43)产品说明 ......................................................................................................................................................53.1 结构 .............................................................................................................................................................................53.2 工作原理 .....................................................................................................................................................................83.3 仓储和运输.. (84)安装 .............................................................................................................................................................94.1 一般性说明.................................................................................................................................................................94.2 安装准备 .....................................................................................................................................................................94.3 安装步骤 .....................................................................................................................................................................94.4 安装 - 外部壳体 (仪表壳体). (105)将传感器与外部壳体相连接 ........................................................................................................................115.1 为连接作准备...........................................................................................................................................................115.2 接线步骤 ...................................................................................................................................................................116 调试 ...........................................................................................................................................................126.1 调试 ...........................................................................................................................................................................127 维护 ...........................................................................................................................................................137.1 需要维修时的步骤 .. (138)拆卸 ...........................................................................................................................................................148.1 拆卸步骤 ...................................................................................................................................................................148.2 废物清除 . (149)附件 ...........................................................................................................................................................159.1 技术参数 ...................................................................................................................................................................159.2 尺寸 (16)编辑时间: 2021-04-131 关于本技术文献48879-Z H -2104191 关于本技术文献1.1 功能应将随附的附加说明书与仪表的使用说明书一起使用。

使用说明书HF /50 MHz 电台北京和瑞信通科技有限公司感谢您购买这款Icom产品。
IC-7300 HF/50 MHz电台运用了Icom最先进的技术和工艺进行设计和制造。
我们赞赏您选择了IC-7300 HF/50 MHz电台,并期望您赞同Icom公司“科技为先”的理念,花些时间深入了解IC-7300电台的设计。
•领先的RMDR和相位噪声特性相比IC-7200,RMDR提高97dB(典型值),相位噪声特性也提高了15dB(1 kHz分离度)。
FCC相关信息•关于B类非故意辐射:本设备已经过测试,符合FCC规则第15部分关于B 类数字设备的限制。

确保单相流体,在液体中不允许存在大量气泡和固体颗粒。 可允许气体含量≤5% / 可允许固体含量≤70%(纸浆、矿浆、泥浆) ——载体仍然是导电液体,需要调整设置(开启滤波) 根据法拉第电磁感应定理,只有介质为导体时,才会产生电动势。
| YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
• 避免两相介质(或非导电介质) • 保证流态 • 避免干扰
10 | YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
前5DN,后2DN(至少) 前10DN,后5DN(推荐)
11 | YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
12 | YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
• 避免两相介质(或非导电介质) • 保证流态 • 避免干扰
13 | YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
52 | YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
进入A1.5输出 输出功能液位/距离/容量 4mA设置 20mA设置 电流范围4-20mA 故障处理保持 HART地址:0
53 | YYYY-MM-DD | Presentationtitle
•液位是更大的信号 •蓝色钻石 •黄色钻石
KROHNE FMG7 0B Series 磁导化流量传感器操作手册说明书

FMG70B SeriesMagnetic Inductive Flow Sensor- 2 -M-5575/0416Table of contents page 0About this operating manual (4)1Device description (5)1.1Delivery, unpacking and accessories (5)1.2Intended use (6)1.3Exclusion of liability (6)2Safety instructions (7)3Construction and function (8)4Installation of FMG70B (9)4.1Installation instructions (9)4.2Mounting (10)5Electrical connection (11)5.1Wirings (12)6Commissioning and measuring mode (13)6.1Commissioning (13)6.2Switching on and off (13)6.3Measuring mode (13)7Maintenance and cleaning (15)7.1Return shipment to the manufacturer (15)8Disassembly and disposal (16)9Technical data (17)9.1Characteristics FMG70B (17)9.2Materials table (18)9.3Pressure drop (18)9.4Temperature limits (19)9.5Dimensions (20)Copyright notice:The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this operating manual as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.Technical changes reserved - 3 -About this operating manual- 4 - M-5575/04160 About this operating manual• The operating manual is aimed at specialists and semi-skilled personnel.• Before each step, read through the relevant advice carefully and keep to the specified order.•Thoroughly read and understand the information in the section "Safety instructions".If you have any problems or questions, please contact your supplier or contact us directly at:One Omega Drive, P.O. Box 4047Stamford, CT 06907-0047 Tel: (203) 359-1660 e-mail:**************Hazard signs and other symbols used:WARNING! / CAUTION! Risk of injury!This sign indicates dangers that cause personal injuries that can lead to health defects or cause considerable damage to property.CAUTION! Electric current!This sign indicates dangers which could arise from handling of electric current.CAUTION! Material damage!This sign indicates actions which could lead to possible damage to material or environmental damage.ADHERE TO OPERATING MANUAL! NOTICE!This symbol indicates important notices, tips or information. NO DOMESTIC WASTE!The device must not be disposed of together with domestic waste.Pay attention to and comply withinformation that is marked with this symbol.Follow the specified instructions and steps.Adhere to the given order.❑Check the specified points or notices.Reference to another section, document orsource. • Item.Device descriptionTechnical changes reserved - 5 -1 Device descriptionThe FMG70B series from Omega, is a non-contact flow sensor. The measurement is performed using magnetic induction and works without any moving parts.The FMG70B is used for measuring or metering water and aqueous solutions. The compact design and independence from the intake and discharge sections allows the FMG70B to be used under a variety of conditions.Versions ∗:The FMG70B is available with inner diameters 0.39 in narrows to 0.16 in, 0.39 in and 0.79 in.The versions can be configured differently (♑ FMG70B data sheet).Type plate:The type plate sticker is located at the bottom side of the FMG70B.It contains the most important data, the connection diagram and the arrow for the flow direction (Example ♑ Fig.).1.1 Delivery, unpacking and accessoriesAll units have been carefully checked for their operational reliability before shipment.❒ Immediately after receipt, please check the outer packaging for damages or any signs ofimproper handling.❒ Report any possible damages to the forwarder and your responsible salesrepresentative. In such a case, state a description of the defect, the type and the serial number of the device.Report any in-transit damage immediately. Damage reported at a later date shall not be recognized. Unpacking:Carefully unpack the unit to prevent any damage.Check the completeness of the delivery based on the delivery note. Scope of delivery:❒ 1x FMG70B as ordered.❒1x Operating manual. ❒ 1x Packing.∗Customised versions available on request.Device description- 6 - M-5575/0416IMPORTANT!Use the type plate to check if the delivered unit corresponds to your order.In particular, for devices with electrical components, check to see if the correct power supply voltage is specified.Accessories:❒ Connection cable with moulded M12x1 couplingsocket.❒ M12x1 coupling socket as component.1.2 Intended useThe magnetic inductive flow sensor FMG70B must only be used for measuring and metering liquids with a minimum conductivity of 50 μS/cm.WARNING! No safety component!The magnetic inductive flow sensor of the series FMG70B is not safety components in accordance with Directive 2006-42-EC (Machine Directive). Never use the FMG70B as a safety component.The operational safety of the device supplied is only guaranteed by intended use. The specified limits (♑ § 9 "Technical data") may under no circumstances be exceeded.Before installing the device, check that the wetted materials of the device are compatible with the media being used (♑ § 9.2 "Materials table").Measuring tube empty (or partially filled). / Conductivity too low.The green LED may blink irregularly if the measuring tube of the FMG70B is empty or partially filled or if the conductivity of the fluid being used is too low. Random impulses will be present at the output, but they do not represent an actual flow.Ensure that the measuring tube of the FMG70B is always completely filled (♑ § 4.1 "Installation instructions").Ensure that the conductivity of the fluid is at least 50 μS/cm.1.3Exclusion of liabilityWe accept no liability for any damage or malfunctions resulting from incorrect installation, in-appropriate use of the device or failure to follow the instructions in this operating manual.Safety instructionsTechnical changes reserved - 7 -2Safety instructionsBefore you install the FMG70B, read through this operating manual carefully. If the instructions contained within it are not followed, in particular the safety guidelines, this could result in danger for people, the environment, and the device and the system it isconnected to.The FMG70B correspond to the state-of-the-art technology. This concerns the accuracy, the operating mode and the safe operation of the device.In order to guarantee that the device operates safely, the operator must act competently andbe conscious of safety issues.Omega provides support for the use of its products either personally or via relevant literature. The customer verifies that our product is fit for purpose based on our technical information. The customer performs customer- and application-specific tests to ensure that the product issuitable for the intended use. With this verification all hazards and risks are transferred to our customers; our warranty is not valid.Qualified personnel:The personnel who are charged for the installation, operation and maintenance of the FMG70B must hold a relevant qualification. This can be based on training or relevanttuition.The personnel must be aware of this operating manual and have access to it at all times.The electrical connection should only be carried out by a fully qualified electrician. General safety instructions:In all work, the existing national regulations for accident prevention and safety in the workplace must be complied with. Any internal regulations of the operator must also becomplied with, even if these are not mentioned in this manual. Degree of protection according to EN 60529:Please ensure that the ambient conditions at the site of use does not exceed the requirements for the stated protection rating ( § 9 "Technical data").Prevent freezing of the medium in the device with appropriate measures.Only use the FMG70B if it is in perfect condition. Damaged or faulty devices must be checked without delay and, if necessary, replaced.When fitting, connecting and removing the FMG70B use only suitable appropriate tools. Do not remove or obliterate type plates or other markings on the device, as otherwise the warranty is rendered null and void. Special safety instructions:Warnings that are specifically relevant to individual operating procedures or activities can be found at the beginning of the relevant sections of this operating manual.Construction and function- 8 - M-5575/04163 Construction and functionComponents:① Housing:The housing consists of aluminum die casting and has the IP65 degree of protection.② Electrical connection:The electrical connection is made via 5-pin plug M12x1.③ Operation / flow indicator LED.④ Process connection:The process connections are available in different sizes.⑤ Type plate (sticker).Construction:The measuring tube with its earthing sleeves and electrodes passes through the housing and forms the external process connection of the FMG70B.A magnetic field for the measurement process is generated inside the sensor housing, which also contains the sensor and signal conditioning circuitry.The two stainless steel electrodes are located in the middle of the measuring tube between the earthing sleeves. The FMG70B does not need any moving parts to make measurements. The inside of the measuring tube is completely open, allowing the fluid to flow unhindered through the measuring tube.Function:The magnetic inductive flow sensor operates in accordance with the principle of induction, i.e. a DC voltage is generated by the movement of a conductor in a magnetic field:The measuring tube of the FMG70B is located in a magnetic field (B).An electrically conductive liquid (Q) flows through the measuring tube. The positive and negative charge carriers are deflected in opposite directions. A voltage perpendicular to the magnet field is generated and picked up by the two electrodes. The resulting induced voltage is proportional to the mean flow velocity of the liquid.The electronics of the FMG70B converts the induced voltage to a flow-proportional frequency signal.Installation of FMG70BTechnical changes reserved- 9 -4 Installation of FMG70BBefore installing, check that❒ the wetted materials of the device are suitable for the liquid being used ( § 9.2"Materials table").❒ the equipment is switched off and is in a safe and de-energized state. ❒ the equipment is depressurized and has cooled down.SUITABLE TOOLS:Use only suitable tools of the correct size.4.1 Installation instructionsCAUTION! Risk of malfunction due to external magnetic fields!Magnetic fields close to the device can cause malfunctions and should be avoided.Ensure that no external magnetic fields are present at theinstallation site of the FMG70B.•The FMG70B can always be installed anywhere along the pipeline. Straight sections of piping are preferable, however.Installation of FMG70B- 10 - M-5575/0416• Installation can occur in horizontal and vertical pipes. The flow sensor is only suitable for application in completely filled pipe systems.•As a matter of principle magnetic inductive flow sensors are widely independent from the flow profile. An inlet section is not absolutely necessary.To reach a most highly accuracy of the measurement, you should use straight inlet and outlet sections according to the inner diameter. The inlet section has to be at least10 x inner diameter; the outlet section 5 x inner diameter in order to achieve the specified accuracy.• The inlet and outlet sections and gaskets must have the same or a slightly larger inside diameter than the measuring tube in order to achieve the specified accuracy.4.2 MountingThe FMG70B is installed directly into the pipeline. The compact design and light weight of the unit make wall-mounting unnecessary.IMPORTANT NOTICES:• Observe the flow direction indicated on the FMG70B.• Observe the mounting dimensions (♑ § 9.5 "Dimensions").Select an appropriate location for installation (♑ § 4.1"Installation instructions").To ensure the best possible measuring accuracy, a vertical installation position with increasing flow is preferable (no collecting of dirt deposits).Wrap the FMG70B connections with 1 to 2 wraps of threadtape (e.g. Teflon ® tape).Wrap tape in a clockwise direction, viewed form the end, leaving the first two threads uncovered.Make sure the tape does not intrude into the flow path.Attach the FMG70B with arrow pointed in the direction of flow. The fittings should be screwed into FMG70B hand tight.CAUTION! Material damage!Do not use excessive force. The FMG70B can be damaged.While tightening, counter the union nut on the hexagon of the process connection!If you do not counter it, the FMG70B can be damaged!Use two wrenches to tighten the FMG70B an additional ¾ to 1 turn.When tightening, use a wrench (AF 1.063 or AF 1.338) to counter the process connection on the hexagon (flange) in place.Electrical connection5 Electrical connectionThe electrical connection of the FMG70B is via the 5-pin plug M12x1 at the top of the housing.The wiring of the FMG70B depends on the ordered version. A distinction is made between frequency and analog output, as well as basic and optional wiring.CAUTION! Electric current!The electrical connection should only be carried out by a fully qualified electrician. De-energize the electrical system before connecting the FMG70B.CAUTION! Material damage and fire hazard!Exceeding the specified limits will cause damage to the electronics. Without current limiting, there is a fire hazard due to overheating of the device. Connect the FMG70B only to a power source with limited power.Optional wirings:Depending on the version, an analog output can be optionally connected.Connecting cable:Suitable connection cables with molded coupling socket are available in various lengths included in the range of Omega accessories. The shielding is already connected with the knurled nut.IMPORTANT! Shielding required!Use only shielded connection cables.The shield of the connection cable should not be connected to earth.We recommend to ground the pipes directly before and behind the FMG70B (♑ Figure).IMPORTANT NOTICE:Pay attention to the temperature resistance of the connecting cable (♑ § 9 "Technicaldata") at high media temperatures.If the temperature resistance is smaller than the medium temperature, the cable may notbe directly laid on the pipe.Connection 5-pin plug M12x1:Screw the coupling socket of the connection cable to the plug of the FMG70B. Tighten the knurled nut of the coupling socket with a maximum torque of 1 Nm.Electrical connection5.1 WiringsPinout:The pinout differs according to the chosen configuration of the device.M12x1Possible pinout: Pin 1: +U BPin 2: n. c. (not connected) / Analog U/I Pin 3: GNDPin 4: FrequencyPin 5: n. c. (not connected) / d. n. c. (do not connect)Connect the connecting cable according to your version and the pinout on the type plate.Supply voltage:FMG70B with frequency output:Push-Pull *1:NPN Open Collector:PNP Open Collector:*1: Push-Pull switching outputs of several FMG70B may not be connected in parallel. *2: Recommendation Pull-Up / Pull-Down resistance R L ~5 k ΩUse of frequency and analog output:Recommendation for resistance R ~5 k ΩCommissioning and measuring mode6 Commissioning and measuring modeBefore switching on the FMG70B for the first time, please follow the instructions in the following section.6.1 CommissioningCheck that❒the FMG70B has been installed correctly and that all screw connections are sealed.❒the electrical wiring has been connected properly.❒the measuring system is vented by flushing.6.2 Switching on and offThe FMG70B has no switch and can therefore not be switched on and off independently. Switching on and off takes place via the connected supply voltage.Switch on the supply voltage.goes into measuring operation.6.3 Measuring modeIn measuring mode, the green LED flashes proportional to the measured flow.frequency of ~30 ... 40 Hz.In that case the green LED seems to be lit permanently.The following subsections only apply to devices which have the correspondent subsections only apply to devices which have the correspondent functionality.FMG70B with frequency output:The FMG70B provides according to the version a flowproportional NPN, PNP or Push-Pull square wavesignal.The frequency of the pulse output changes accordingto the flow ( Fig.).Commissioning and measuring mode FMG70B with analog output:According to the configuration of theFMG70B, the analog output provides a voltage or current signal.This signal is proportional to the measured flow.Maintenance and cleaning7 Maintenance and cleaningMaintenance:The FMG70B is maintenance-free and cannot be repaired by the user. In case of a defect, the device must be replaced or sent back the manufacturer for repair.CAUTION! Material damage!When opening the device, critical parts or components can be damage. Never open the device and perform any repair yourself.Cleaning:Clean the FMG70B with a dry or slightly damp lint-free cloth. Do not use sharp objects or aggressive agents for cleaning.7.1 Return shipment to the manufacturerDue to legal requirements placed on environmental protection and occupational safety and health and to maintain the health and safety of our employees, all units returned to Omega for repair must be free of toxins and hazardous substances. That also applies to cavities in the devices. If necessary, the customer must neutralize or purge the unit before return to Omega.Costs incurred due to inadequate cleaning of the device and possible costs for disposal and/or personal injuries will be billed to the operating company.WARNING! Risk of injury due to insufficient cleaning!The operating company is responsible for all damages and harm of any kind, in particular physical injuries (e.g. caustic burns or toxic contaminations), decontamination measures, disposal etc. that can be attributed to insufficient cleaning of the measuring instrument. Please follow the instructions for sending in returns shown on page 23 of this manual.The following measures must be taken before you send the unit to Omega for repair:Clean the device thoroughly. This is of extreme importance if the medium is hazardous tohealth, i.e. caustic, toxic, carcinogenic or radioactive etc.Remove all residues of the media and pay special attention to sealing grooves and slits. Attach a note describing the malfunction, state the application field and thechemical/physical properties of the media.Please specify a point of contact in case our service department has any questions.Disassembly and disposal8 Disassembly and disposalCAUTION! Risk of injury!Never remove the device from a plant in operation.Make sure that the plant is shut down professionally.Before disassembly:Prior to disassembly, ensure that❒ the equipment is switched off and is in a safe and de-energized state. ❒ the equipment is depressurized and has cooled down. Disassembly:Remove the electrical connectors.Remove the FMG70B using suitable tools.Disposal:NO HOUSEHOLD WASTE!The FMG70B consists of various different materials. He must not be disposed of with household waste.Take the FMG70B to your local recycling plantTechnical data9 Technical dataThe technical data of customized versions may differ from the data in these instructions. Please observe the information specified on the type plate.9.1 Characteristics FMG70B*2 factory setting.*3 other range on request.Technical datathe FMG70B.9.2 Materials table9.3 Pressure dropFMG71B and FMG72B: FMG73B:Technical data 9.4 Temperature limitsThe maximum ambient temperature depends on the medium temperature and the version of the FMG70B.Technical data9.5 DimensionsFMG71B and FMG72B:¾'' NPT only for FMG72B.The cross section of the FMG72B does not taper to 0.16 in.FMG73B:For your notes For your notesFor your notesFor your notesM-5575/0416。
KROHNE 7300C 调频雷达操作手册


Initially the default unit of measurement (meters) must be changed to feet. Refer to page 5 for the method of changing parameters and select “ft” in the “Unit” parameter, “ENTER” it and press “RUN” KSONIK MICRO was designed with a very simple configuration program. This allows the technician to set up KSONIK MICRO without the aid of a complicated source codebook. There are no references to any codes in KSONIK MICRO. The set up procedure is all menu driven. KSONIK MICRO 4W WIRING CONNECTIONS Simply connect up a regulated Power Supply (20 - 30 V DC) to the connector block on the right side of the display, the POSITIVE supply to positive terminal and the NEGATIVE supply to negative terminal. The ANALOG signal (4 - 20 mA) is measured on positive and negative terminals on the left hand side connector. NOTE: The power supply and analog signal share a common NEGATIVE (-) supply in the 3W configuration. KSONIK MICRO LP WIRING CONNECTIONS Simply connect the regulated power supply to positive and negative terminals. A multi-meter can be placed in series with the positive supply to measure the mA output.

0040:40 馬力
這個指南有助於安裝及啟動本公司變頻器,讓您的馬達能適當的運轉。運轉、停 止和速度調整可由數位操作器直接控制。若您的應用需要外部控制或其他特別系 統規劃,可參閱隨機附的7300CV使用手冊。
請先參閱 7300CV 使用手冊第零章(前言)及第一章(安全注意事項),並確認本變頻 器安裝於適切環境(參閱第三章:使用環境及安裝)。如果您仍存有疑問,請暫時 不要送電,待合格檢測人員檢視。(未確實遵守可能導致人員或設備損壞)。 z 請檢查變頻器及馬達銘板,確認兩者有相同馬力數及額定電壓。(確保馬達
示內容請參考鍵盤按鍵操作說明。 6. LCD 鍵盤無 FUN, Hz/RPM, VOLT, AMP 等四種狀態 LED。
投入交流電源並監看數位操作器,四位數七段顯示器會先顯示電源電壓 3~5 秒, 爾後顯示頻率指令"05.00"。此七段顯示器之顯示及 FWD LED 會持續閃爍。
z 按 RUN 鍵,四位數七段顯示器會由 00.00 跑至 05.00,FWD LED 持續亮。 z 檢查馬達轉向,
若馬達轉向不正確: 按下 STOP 鍵,移除交流電源,待所有 LED 燈熄滅後,將 T1 與 T2 接線對 調。 重新投入電源,並檢查此時馬達轉向。 z 按 STOP 鍵停止運轉。
四、設定頻率指令至滿載 50Hz/60Hz
z 頻率可藉由上、下箭號變更;數位顯示則可藉 RESET 鍵作左右移位。頻率 設定完成後請按下 READ/ENTER。
z 依據上述規則設定頻率至 50Hz/60Hz。 z 按 RUN 鍵,觀察馬達加速至滿載是否有異樣。 z 按 STOP 鍵停止運轉,觀察馬達減速是否有異樣。

实用标准文档利用 STEP7 监视输入输出量的方法DP:高速数据传送1、打开 PLC 软件。
运行 STEP7,打开 PLC 软件,将左侧的文件夹层层展开直到选中Blocks ,如下图所示:2、找到 VAT 块。
在右侧找到VAT_ ??的块,双击打开。
一般此块排列在所有块的最后面,名称以VAT 开头,后跟的下划线后的名称可能不一样,可以不管,如有不止一个,可以任意打开一个。
如下图:3、插入 VAT 块。
如没有找到此块,可以在自行添加一个,操作如下图,在右侧窗口空白处点击鼠标右键,选择 Insert New Object( 插入新对象 )—— Variable Table(变量表 )4、选中后将出现如下窗口5、打开 VAT 块。
点击 OK 按钮即可生成VAT_1 块。
打开 VAT 块,如下图:在 Address 一列中输入想要监视的地址,如需要监视第一流自动转换开关状态,则察看接口表7、监视数字量输入点。
如上图,察看接口表得知,第一流转换开关的自动档输入点为I0.0 ,第二流转换开关的自动档输入点为 I4.0 。
将这两个地址输入到VAT 窗口中的Address 一栏中,如图:在第一行中输入I0.0 后,回车后,光标自动移到第二行,第三列的Display format自动设为BOOL 类型。
在保证工控机与PLC 联接正常的情况下,可以点上图方框所示的Monitor Variable 按钮,则情况应如下图所示,窗口的标题栏变为高亮的青色,窗口右下角的RUN 状态栏有绿色状态条不断闪动。
下图所示的监视结果,I0.0 结果为绿色, true, I0.4 结果为灰色, false,表明第一流转换开关处于手动档,第二流转换开关不处于手动档。
如在 Address 栏中输入要监视的量后字变为红色,说明输入有误,例如:10、修改显示格式。
所有的数字量输入输出点的数据类型都是BOOL 型,即输入要监视的点后,使用系统给出的默认Display format (显示格式)BOOL 就可以了,如要监视模拟量输入点(模拟量输出点无法用VAT 监视),应该将显示格式改为Decimal 如下图所示,如需要监视第一流的液位采样输入点,看接口表得知,此点地址为386,则在 VAT 窗口的 Address(地址)一栏中输入PIW386 ,在 Display format 一栏中点右键,选择Decimal :11、监视模拟量输入。
科隆krohne OPTIWAVE 1400雷达(FMCW)液位计 快速设置

快速设置对于初始设置,我们强烈推荐使用另外的相关手册!OPTIWAVE 1400 雷达 (FMCW) 液位计典型应用2 电气连接仅允许由受过相应培训并获得授权的人员安装、使用、操作和维护该仪表。
完整的文档(手册、补充手册、数据表和证书)请参见 /Downloads .1 安装① 电流输出 + (棕色); 电缆输出 – (蓝色) ② 屏蔽线12...30 V DC (非防爆; Ex i)4...20 mA (max. 21.5 mA)≥ 250 Ω塑料罐 e.g. IBC (集装容器桶)明渠流量> 200 mm / 7.87”① 8°障碍物(信号干扰): 设置A4.2 – 空频谱≤ 2°3 快速设置联系方式查阅所有KROHNE 的当地办事处及详细联系方式请访问:然后从页面左上方的下拉列表中选择您的国家或使用 PACT ware TM和相应的 DTM 就地通讯仪表 Level (液位)A4.1 – Standard Setup (标准设置)A4.1.2.1 Tank Type (罐体类型): Storage(储罐), …A4.1.2.2 Tank Height (罐高): … mm A4.1.1.1 Length (长度): mm, cm, … A4.1.3.1 Current Output (电流输出): Level (液位), …A4.1.3.2 0% Range (量程): … mm A4.1.3.3 100% Range (量程): … mmA4.1.3.4 Current Output Range (电缆输出量程): 4-20 mA, …A4.1.3.5 Error Function (报错功能): Low (低报), …To finish, press (完成后,按):C3.1 – Conversion Dry (干法转换)Select Length Unit(选择长度单位): mm, cm, … Select Conversion Function (选择转换功能): … Select Conversion Unit (选择转换单位): … Volume / Volume Flow (体积/体积流量) To finish, press (完成后,按): >>C4.1 – Current Out (电流输出)C4.1.1 Current Output (电流输出): Volume or Flow (体积或流量) C4.1.2 0% Range (量程): … C4.1.3 100% Range (量程): … C4.1.4 Current Output Range (电流输出量程): 4-20 mA, …A4.1.5 Error Function (报错功能): Low (低报), …A4.2 – Empty Spectrum (空频谱)Conversion via Tank Shapes (根据罐体类型转换)Select an Open Channel (选择一种明渠)Volume Flow (体积流量)Volume (体积)Conversion via Tank Shapes (根据罐体类型转换)Select a Tank Shape (选择一种罐体类型) Empty Spectrum Type(空频谱类型): Partial (部分), Average (平均), …Partial Distance (部分距离): 800 mm, …Record Empty Spectrum (记录空频谱)Check your Spectrum (检查频谱) Accept & Apply (确定并应用)C2.8 Empty Spectrum (空频谱): Enabled (开启)Store to device (保存至仪表):A3 – Login (Expert)登录(专家级)Password (密码): 0058h(max) = C1.2 Tank Height value (罐高)h(max) = C1.2 Tank Height value (罐高)Check your conversion table (检查转换表)Check your conversion table (检查转换表)。

KROHNE科隆磁翻板液位计磁翻板液位计•通用工艺的首选•最佳的性价比•广泛的量程范围(赶紧拨:158—然后--0506----1213)科隆超声波物位计OPTISOUND3010/3020/3030、科隆雷达物位计OPTIFLEX1100/1300 BM702 BM102 OPTIW AVE6300/7300、科隆磁翻板液位计BM26、科隆磁致伸缩液位计KMR、科隆电磁流量计OPTIFLUX2100/4100/2300/4300、科隆质量流量计OPTIMASS1300C、科隆流量开关DW181/182/183/184、科隆金属转子流量计H250 DK32 DK37、科隆玻璃转子流量计DK800 V A40 GA24等OPTIMASS 1000 是为各行业提供精确测量的高性价比解决方案。
OPTIMASS 1000 能够可靠地测量质量流量、密度、体积、温度、体积浓度或溶质。
特点•创新的双直测量管•易于排污,易于清洗•不受安装条件和工艺工程影响•工作寿命长•优化的分流器使压损降到最小•高精度意味着优异的性价比•数据冗余的模块化电子机芯-“即插即用”行业•水和废水处理•化学•食品和饮料•造纸和纸浆•石化•制药应用•使用于所有标准应用可达到130°C•卫生连接使其非常适用于食品/饮料应用OPTIMASS 2000用作大流量的传感器•用做气液贸易交接和大流量测量的大口径磁翻板液位计•不锈钢测量管道(符合NACE标准)•超级双相钢材质可提供最大180 barg的操作压力OPTIMASS 2OOO 虽然是为满足石油和天然气行业的贸易交接而开发的,但是完全适合于其它大流量测量的应用。
超级双相钢材质的选项(UNS S32750)提供最大180 barg的操作压力。
OPTIMASS 2000 的高性能适合于石油、糖浆、果浆和化工原料的大流量测量。
结合MFC 300 ,OPTIMASS 2000将提供体积、质量、密度和浓度的精确测量值。

目录1概述 (4)1.1原理 (4)1.2特点和优势 (4)1.3使用频率 (5)2尺寸 (6)2.1外壳尺寸 (6)2.2仪表尺寸 (6)3技术特性 (11)4安装指南 (13)4.1开箱与验货 (13)4.2安装 (13)4.3测量条件 (22)5电气连接 (25)5.1供电电压 (25)5.2连接电缆和安装 (25)5.3屏蔽电缆和接地 (25)5.4电缆参数 (26)5.5输出参数 (26)5.6接线方式 (27)5.7防爆连接 (28)6仪表调试种类 (30)6.1仪表液晶显示单元 (30)6.2仪表远程液晶显示单元(罐旁显示单元) (31)6.3上位机调试 (31)6.4HART手操器(中控室液晶显示单元) (32)7.1参数架构 (33)7.2基本设定方法 (34)7.3主界面介绍 (35)7.4回波快捷查看界面 (35)7.5【快速设置】菜单 (37)7.6【基本设置】菜单 (39)7.7【显示设置】菜单 (39)7.8【系统设置】菜单 (40)7.9【线性化】菜单 (40)7.10其它菜单说明 (42)8调试验收确认 (42)附件1:常见故障处理 (43)附表2:常见物质介电常数 (44)1概述1.1原理雷达物位计是基于时间行程原理的无线电波测距系统。
OPTIWAVE 7500 C 操作手册说明书

80GHz 雷达 (FMCW) 物位变送器用于含内部干扰件的狭窄罐体应用OPTIWAVE 7500 C操作手册© KROHNE 09/2018 - 4007101701 - MA OPTIWAVE 7500 R01 zh保留所有权。
未经KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH 公司事先书面授权,不得复制此文件及其任何部分。
2 09/2018 - 4007101701 - MA OPTIWAVE 7500 R01 zh版权所有 2018KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH - Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5 - 47058 Duisburg (德国): 版本说明3 09/2018 - 4007101701 - MA OPTIWAVE 7500 R01 zh 1 安全须知61.1 软件历史 (6)1.2 用途 (6)1.3 认证 (7)1.4 电磁兼容性 (7)1.5 无线电批准证书 (8)1.5.1 欧盟 (EU) (8)1.5.2 美国 (10)1.5.3 加拿大 (11)1.6 来自制造厂家的安全须知 (13)1.6.1 版权及数据保护.............................................................131.6.2 免责条款...................................................................131.6.3 产品责任及质保.............................................................141.6.4 有关文档的信息.............................................................141.6.5 警告与符号使用 (15)1.7 操作者的安全须知........................................................152 设备描述162.1 供货范围 (16)2.2 仪表说明................................................................172.3 外观检查. (18)2.4 铭牌 (19)2.4.1 铭牌 (示例)..............................................................193 安装203.1 通用安装提示 (20)3.2 存储 (20)3.3 运输 (21)3.4 安装前要求 (21)3.5 压力和温度范围 (22)3.6 推荐的安装位置 (22)3.6.1 通用说明 (23)3.6.2 具有盘状和锥形底部的储罐 (24)3.7 安装限制 (24)3.7.1 通用说明 (25)3.7.2 过程连接 (26)3.7.3 LPR 仪表:对于在井坑和非导电材质罐体的安装建议 (29)3.8 如何旋转或移除显示模块(选件) (30)3.9 防护罩 (31)3.9.1 如何将防护罩连接至仪表上 (31)3.9.2 如何打开防护罩.............................................................334 电气连接344.1 安全须知 (34)4.2 电气安装:2线制,回路供电 (34)4.3 电流输出的电气连接 (38)内容4 09/2018 - 4007101701 - MA OPTIWAVE 7500 R01 zh4.3.1 非防爆仪表 (38)4.3.2 用于危险区域的仪表 (38)4.4 防护等级 (38)4.5 网络 (39)4.5.1 基本信息...................................................................394.5.2 点到点连接.. (39)4.5.3 多点网络...................................................................405 启动415.1 启动检查列表 (41)5.2 如何启动仪表 (41)5.3 操作概念 (41)5.4 数显屏幕 (42)5.4.1 显示屏布局 (42)5.4.2 键盘按钮 (43)5.5 通过PACTware ™远程通讯 (45)5.6 通过AMS ™设备管理器进行远程通讯........................................466 操作476.1 用户模式 (47)6.2 常规模式 (47)6.3 程序模式 (50)6.3.1 常规注意事项...............................................................506.3.2 仪表设置保护(访问级别)...................................................506.3.3 如何访问快速设置菜单.......................................................526.3.4 键盘功能...................................................................536.3.5 如何保存程序模式中更改的设置...............................................566.3.6 菜单一览...................................................................576.3.7 功能说明...................................................................626.4 程序模式下仪表配置的更多信息 (77)6.4.1 标准设置...................................................................776.4.2 空频谱记录.................................................................796.4.3 HART ® 网络设置............................................................826.4.4 距离测量...................................................................826.4.5 物位测量...................................................................846.4.6 如何设置仪表测量体积或质量.................................................856.4.7 如何在弯曲或锥形底部的储罐中进行正确测量...................................876.4.8 如何制作滤波器以去除雷达信号干扰...........................................876.5 状态消息和诊断数据......................................................887 服务947.1 周期性维护 (94)7.1.1 常规注意事项 (94)7.1.2 维护外壳盖的O 形圈 (94)7.1.3 如何清洁仪表的顶部表面 (95)7.2 服务保修 (95)7.3 备件可用性 (95)7.4 可提供的服务 (96)5 09/2018 - 4007101701 - MA OPTIWAVE 7500 R01 zh 7.5 仪器送返生产厂家........................................................967.5.1 基本信息. (96)7.5.2 送返仪器时附带的表格(可复印) (97)7.6 处理....................................................................978 技术数据988.1 测量原理 (98)8.2 技术数据 (100)8.3 最小供电电压 (105)8.4 测量精度 (106)8.5 最大操作压力指令 (110)8.6 尺寸和重量.............................................................1129 HART 接口1189.1 综述 (118)9.2 软件历史 (118)9.3 连接变量 (119)9.3.1 点到点连接 - 模拟/数字模式 (119)9.3.2 多点连接 (2线制连接) (119)9.4 HART ® 仪表变量 (119)9.5 手操器 475 (FC 475) (120)9.5.1 安装......................................................................1209.5.2 操作. (120)9.6 资产管理系统 (AMS ®) (120)9.6.1 安装 (120)9.6.2 操作 (121)9.6.3 基本配置参数..............................................................1219.7 现场仪表工具 / 仪表类型管理器 (FDT / DTM) (121)9.7.1 安装 (121)9.7.2 操作 (121)9.8 过程设备管理(PDM) (121)9.8.1 安装......................................................................1219.8.2 操作. (121)9.9 AMD 的HART ®菜单结构 (122)9.9.1 AMS 菜单结构总览(菜单结构中的位置) (122)9.9.2 AMS 菜单结构(具体设置)..................................................1229.10 PDM 的HART ® 树形菜单..................................................1249.10.1 PDM 菜单树总览(菜单树中的位置).. (124)9.10.2 PDM 菜单结构(具体设置).................................................12510 附录12810.1 订货代码..............................................................12810.2 备件..................................................................13410.3 附件..................................................................13610.4 术语表................................................................13611 笔记13916 09/2018 - 4007101701 - MA OPTIWAVE 7500 R01 zh1.1 软件历史“固件版本符合”NAMUR NE 53。
IC-7300 短波电台 用户手册说明书

高级全译中文说明索引 15 固件升级 14 维修 13 其他功能 12 设置模式 11 天线调谐操作10 扫描9储存操作8 使用SD 卡 7 语音发送存储操作 6 录音功能 5 频谱操作 4接收和发射 3 基本操作 2 安装和连接 1 面板介绍 16 技术参数 17 选配件 18 连接信息 19 控制命令 关于 CE介绍HF/50 MHz 短波电台i73002021年8月版本感谢您购买ICOM产品。
•新的“IP+”功能新的IP Plus功能提高了三阶拦截点(IP3)性能。
手持话筒(HM-219)DC 直流电源线(3 m)备用保险(25 A)备用保险(32 V 30 A)保险(5 A)扬声器插头(3.5 mm: 1/8" 立体声)CW 电键插头(6.35 mm)ACC 插头(13 pin)本产品包括“RTOS”软件,并根据软件许可证获得许可。

二、MF/HFa.DSC TEST以上海台6M为例1、在DSC单元上,按MENU进入菜单2、选择第11项TEST CALL3、在ADDRESS项输入上海ID:004122100在FREQ项输入频率:6312.0/6312.04、按CALL键,呼叫,此时MF/HF自动转到DSC模式发射5、等待上海台回复,若5分钟无回复,则再次测试,或者更换频率在测试b.SSB TEST以广州台1211频段为例:1、在RADIOTELEPHONE单元上,按MODE/CLR键,转换到TEL模式2、按CH键,输入频道1211,按ENT确认3、按ANTTUNE键进行调谐4、调节RFGAIN及VOLUME将信号和声音调制最佳5、拿起话筒,按住PTT与广州台通话,询问我方信号质量如何6、结束通话三.INMARSAT-Ca。

安装--调试指导说明书青岛韩昌电子有限公司QINGDOHANCHANGSYSTEM CORPQHS2007-1.0.0目录目录 (1)前言 (2)设备简介 (3)管理机使用说明(5300系统) (5)1.系统介绍 (5)2.管理机各部位说明 (5)3.使用说明 (5)管理机使用说明(7300系统) (9)1.系统介绍 (9)2.管理机各部位说明 (9)3.使用说明 (9)4.系统设置 (10)单元门口主机 (15)1.系统介绍 (15)2.门口机QHS-5600/6400各部位说明 (15)3使用说明 (15)4.单元门口机QHS-6400/5600 设置方法 (16)5.安装方法 (21)小区门口机 (23)1.系统介绍 (23)2.门口机QHS-6200各部位说明 (23)3.使用说明 (23)4.小区门口机QHS-6200 设置方法 (24)5.安装说明 (27)布线,接线注意事项及要求: (28)QHS系统线材规格 (30)常见故障及处理方法: (32)技术支持: (33)调试编程简要方法: (35)前言首先,感谢各贵公司采用我公司智能化弱电系统中楼宇对讲设备可视对讲QHS系统。
青岛韩昌电子有限公司2003年12月28日声明:商标为韩国* 韩昌驻中国韩昌电子唯一的商标。
设备简介品名:门口主机型号:QHS-5600功能特点:1.黑白彩色通用;2.可视非可视通用;3.可呼叫本单元各住户,同时将图像传到各住户,与之双向对讲;4.可呼叫管理中心并与之双向对讲;5.具有密码开锁功能;6.可与门禁系统集成;品名:门口主机型号:QHS-5200/5800 功能特点:1.黑白彩色通用;2.可视非可视通用;3.可呼叫本单元各住户,同时将图像传到各住户,与之双向对讲;4.可呼叫管理中心并与之双向对讲;5.具有密码开锁功能;6.可与门禁系统集成;品名:门口主机型号:QHS-6400/6200 功能特点:黑白彩色通用;可视非可视通用;1、可呼叫本单元各住户,同时将图像传到各住户,与之双向对讲;2、可呼叫管理中心并与之双向对讲;3、具有密码开锁功能;4、可与门禁系统集成;品名:管理中心机型号:QHS-5300/7300 功能特点:1.可接收住户异常报警信息并储存;2.可查询异常报警信息地址、类型、日期、时间;3.可呼叫网区内任一住户并双向对讲;4.可接收门口主机呼叫并与之双向对讲;5.能主动打开各主机入口电锁;6.转接户与户通话;7.呼叫、监视各主机;型号:QHS-5600 技术指标外形尺寸: 260(W)×200(H)×45(D)电源:DC12V~15V功耗:工作6.5W;待机2.5W编码方式:数字式编码显示方式:LCD数码显示摄像头:1/3英寸CCD光源:内置6个红外发光管环境温度:-30℃~+50℃最低照度:0.1LUX重量:1.7Kg门口主机:QHS-6200/6400 技术指标外形尺寸: 365(W)×240(H)×70(D)电源:DC12V~15V功耗:工作6.5W;待机2.5W编码方式:数字式编码显示方式:LCD液晶显示摄像头:1/3英寸CCD铃声方式:多种光源:内置2个可见光发光管环境温度:-30℃~+50℃最低照度:0.1LUX重量:1.7Kg管理机:QHS-5300 技术指标外形尺寸:250(W)×200(H)×10(D)功耗:工作5.4W电源:DC 12V~15V环境温度: -10℃~+50℃传送方式:频率控制方式容量: 200台门口机重量:0.6Kg 型号:QHS-5800 技术指标外形尺寸: 140(W)×330(H)×58(D)电源:DC12V~15V功耗:工作6.5W;待机2.5W编码方式:数字式编码显示方式:LCD数码显示摄像头:1/3英寸CCD光源:内置2个可见光发光管环境温度:-30℃~+50℃最低照度:0.1LUX重量:1.7Kg管理机使用说明(5300系统) 1.系统介绍QHS-5300可视对讲联网系统采用先进的微电脑控制技术及数字通讯技术;系统功能及稳定性卓越;更新升级方便。
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1. 安全须知...................................................................................................................................... 3 2. 安装.............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4.1 通用要求................................................................................................................. 8 2.4.2 导波管/旁通管中的安装....................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 如何安装天线延长管............................................................................................. 9 2.4.4 如何旋转及拆卸仪表转换器............................................................................... 10 3. 电气连接.................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 安全须知........................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 输出 1 和输出 2................................................................................................................ 11 3.2.1 非防爆(Non-Ex).............................................................................................. 12 3.2.2 本质安全型防爆(Ex ia)................................................................................ 12 3.2.3 隔爆型防爆(Ex d).......................................................................................... 12 3.2.4 PROFIBUS PA........................................................................................................ 13 3.2.5 FOUNDATION Fieldbus........................................................................................ 13 3.3 防护等级........................................................................................................................... 13 4. 启动............................................................................................................................................ 14 4.1 启动前的检查................................................................................................................... 14 4.2 仪表的操作方法............................................................................................................... 14 5. 设置............................................................................................................................................ 15 5.1 用户权限........................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 显示操作面板的使用....................................................................................................... 15 5.2.1 面板的布局........................................................................................................... 15 5.2.2 按键的功能........................................................................................................... 16 5.2.3“帮助”功能........................................................................................................ 16 5.3 操作员模式....................................................................................................................... 16 5.4 管理员模式....................................................................................................................... 17 5.4.1 功能概述............................................................................................................... 17 5.4.2 如何进入管理员模式........................................................................................... 17 5.4.3 菜单功能............................................................................................................... 18 5.4.4 如何使用“空频谱”功能来消除干扰信号....................................................... 27 5.4.5 如何测量凹形或锥形罐底................................................................................... 28
2.1 仪表用途............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 供货范围............................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 安装位置............................................................................................................................. 6 2.4 对于液体测量的特别推荐................................................................................................. 8