



古代漢語下册文选知識點總結新疆师范大学文学院第七单元 (1)(一)文选 (1)7.1道可道 (1)7.2天下皆知美之为美 (1)7.3三十辐共一毂 (2)7.4曲则全 (3)7.5小国寡民 (3)7.6胠(qū)箧(qiè) (5)7.7秋水 (10)7.8鲁少儒 (14)7.9 惠子相(xiàng)梁 (15)7.10 运斤成风 (16)(二)通论 (17)第一节音韵学的基本概念 (17)第二节中古音 (20)第三节上古音 (23)第八单元 (25)(一)文选 (25)8.1人皆谓我毁明堂 (25)8.2 许行 (26)8.3 荣辱 (30)(二)通论: (33)第一节诗词格律 (33)第二节对联 (36)第三节词律 (37)第九单元 (45)(一)文选 (45)9.1更法 (45)9.2五蠹 (46)(二)通论:训诂 (53)一、传统训诂学的实践与研究概况 (53)二.古注的作用 (54)三古注的类型 (54)四、古注的术语 (55)五.古书的体例 (55)第十单元 (56)(一)文选 (56)10.1谏逐客书 (56)10.2赐南粤王赵佗书 (57)10.3报任安书 (59)(二)通论 (65)古书的标点 (65)第十一单元 (66)(一)文选 (66)11.1黄帝 (66)11.2垓下之战 (67)11.3仲尼弟子列傳 (69)(二)通论 (73)修辞 (73)第十二单元 (75)(一)文选 (75)12.1答客难 (75)12.2情采 (78)(二)通论:古代的文体...............................................................错误!未定义书签。

第七单元 (一)文选7.1道可道重点字词:1.【道.可道.,非常.道】 道:名词,自然规律; 道:动词,阐述、说明 常:永恒固定不变的 2.【名.可名.,非常名】 名:名词,自然规律; 名:动词,称名 3.【无名,天地之始.; 始:原始状态 有名,万物之母.】 母:形成的开始、本源,这里指开始时 4.【故常无.,欲以观.其妙.】 无:在无形的状态下 妙:微妙之处 观:观察 5.【常有.,欲以观其徼.(ji ào )】 有:在有形的状态下 徼:边际、终极 6.【同谓之玄.】 玄:深奥 7.【众妙之门. 】 门:门道、源头7.2天下皆知美之为美重点字词:1.【天下皆.知美之..为美,斯恶..(w ù)已.】 皆:都 美之:美的事物. 斯:指示代词,这 恶:丑 已:句末语气词,作用同“矣”2.【故有无相生. 】 相:相互依存 生:产生3.【难易相成.】 成:形成 4.【长短相形.】 形:从形体上体现5.【高下相顷..】 相倾:本指位置高的物体倾压在位置低的 物体之上,这里义为上下相依靠 倾:依靠6.【音声..相和.】 音:单音,或说指乐器..的声音。



会议策划方案ppt模板篇一:会议策划方案模板XXX年度工作总结暨表彰大会第二小组XX-11-101 / 8公司会务策划书目录前言一、会议主题???????????3 二、会议目的???????????3 三、会议时间???????????5 四、会议地点???????????5 五、会议组织???????????5 六、邀请嘉宾???????????5 七、参会人员???????????5 八、会议内容???????????5 九、日程与议程??????????5 十、会场布置???????????5 十一、组织与分工?????????5 十二、筹备程序??????????5 十三、费用预算??????????5 十四、注意事项??????????10 十五、附录????????????102 / 8********会议策划方案前言(自拟:注意组织语言和措辞)7月28日是鑫源公司的厂庆日,每年的这一天鑫源公司都将开展一系列的活动。










金珊资讯 Lectrix 使用指南

金珊资讯 Lectrix 使用指南

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质量归零报告模板篇一:质量问题技术归零报告模版产品名称型号质量问题技术归零报告×××××公司二〇××年××月产品名称型号质量问题技术归零报告共页拟制: 校对:会签:审核: 审定: 批准:军事代表:目次1 问题概述过程概述 ................................................ ................................................... ................ 12 问题定位 ................................................ ................................................... ................................ 13 机理分析 ................................................ ................................................... ................................ 14 问题复现 ................................................ ................................................................................... 1 5 措施及验证情况 ................................................ ................................................... .................... 1 6 举一反三 ................................................ ................................................... ................................ 1 7 结论 ................................................ ................................................... ........................................ 1 8 归零证明资料和清单 ................................................ ................................................... (1)产品名称型号质量问题技术归零报告1 问题过程概述故障现象发生时间、地点、技术状态、现象及发展过程,问题产品描述。











3.1.1 用户级别和访问级别................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.2 设定 IP 地址................................................................................................ 3-3 3.1.3 设定组和系统名称 ...................................................................................... 3-5 3.1.4 注册新用户 ................................................................................................. 3-6 3.1.5 组信息、系统管理和用户管理 .................................................................... 3-6
用于岛津高效 液相色谱
说明书 (摘要说明书)
使用产品前请仔细阅读本说明书。 请妥善保管本说明............................................................ I
1.2 组成部件 .......................................................................................................1-3 1.3 维护部件 .......................................................................................................1-4 1.4 规格...............................................................................................................1-4





























4.3 檔案目錄 ................................................................................................................................. 4–6 4.4 電表模式 (WK-5238).............................................................................................................. 4–6
4.2 儀器前面版 ............................................................................................................................. 4–2 4.2.1 軟體按鍵The Soft Keys............................................................................................... 4–2 4.2.2 游標按鍵The Navigation Keys ................................................................................... 4–3 4.2.3 功能控制按鍵The Control Keys ................................................................................. 4–3 4.2.4 資料輸入按鍵The Data Entry Keypad ....................................................................... 4–4 4.2.5 按鍵編碼Keypad Codes................................................................................................. 4–4 4.2.6 系統資訊設定 System................................................................................................... 4–4

























《Come To Me.Close To Me》《拥抱》《我只能偷偷喜欢你》《小王子》温胜光《你知不知道我好爱你》黄喆宇《收获》《我忘了笑》《做你的公主》《Just Be My Love》何耀珊《新不了情》《黑色泪滴》《一个人失忆》《找到天使了》《复刻回忆》《It’s my day》薛凯琪《那些女孩教我的事》《漂流》《半生熟》《现在就想见的人》《最好的朋友》《美人尖》品冠《my only wish》Britney《gift》98degrees《It's Christmas Time Alright》Michael Learns to Rock《lost Christmas》张学友《凤凰花开的路口》林志炫《且行且珍惜》张信哲《放你的真心在我的手心》张智成《感谢有你》刘艺涵《梦想的翅膀》群星《游园惊梦》《日光倾城》《红色》《唯虫》卡其社《不够放肆》陈珊妮《喜欢》《模样》张悬《逛街》戴佩妮《爱的风度》金海心《爱你》《没有你》《为你着了魔》《我是一只猫》花泽冰《跟随》B.O.K组合《诱惑》《你的唇我没吻过》《爱的想逃》《你的名字》王家顺《super No.1》《梁山伯与茱丽叶》卓文萱《箭在弦上》《醉清风》《沿海地带》弦子《爱忧伤》《拾起的布偶》胡佳琛《龙族》《爱,说走就走》董燕妮《水仙花开》赵凯《飞机场的十点半》郝歌《唐吉坷德》《如果我会功夫》《嫦娥》孙一璟《I want to know 环游世界》《崽崽》黄雅莉《背叛》《两只恋人》《天使嫉妒的生活》曹格《爱,自己》《花园》何炅《想爱》《百变选择》《心里有个人》倪睿思《后海》《飞鸟》《看谁能扛》《你让我疯狂》艳乐队《校园嘻哈》《南拳北腿》《红牌》《双侠》无极生《梦想飞扬》慢摇版蓉儿《Merry Christmas的祝福》《那年夏天》《爱情海的鱼》《星光电影院》《完美》江一燕《翅膀》《天空》《让我去吧》破碎乐队《我知道你爱我》《飞向札幌的班机》《爱情消失的夏天》《dreamer》《scream》《脱轨》JS 《好想再听一遍》《I gotta let you know》《wake up》《We gonna break free tonight》陶莉萍《朋友出去走走》《男生女生配》《夏天不打烊》2moro《喜出望外》《I’ll Love You Forever》《平安玺》玺恩《纯真》《鹭鸶雨稻草人》《over the way》黄建为《粉红骑士》郑凡《冲浪》《不同凡响》《SUNDAY》火星人(要专辑《火星人》里的第二次出的不好听)《有一天我会回来》《查无此人》《钻石天空》《奈奈》丁香晓晓《爱,请问怎么走》《荒唐》《换季》黄丽玲《Cake Bomb》《痕迹》《sunshine》《再见,莫扎特》蛋糕炸弹《挥挥手》《我的路》《梦想的光芒》《我们的梦》汪峰《因为我相信》星光同学会《仨人》《想个不停》《我不想忘记你》《麻雀》《有生之年》《离开》《你的香气》郭静《哲学家》《范范之辈》《你只有一个》《是非题》《诚实》《你是答案》范玮琪《坚持》《不可思议》Solar《一眼瞬间》《你是爱我的》《知己》《快乐眼泪》《如果你也听说》《big city》张惠妹《想疯而已》《顺其自然》童欣《灰色幸福》厉娜《新家》阿杜《直觉》《花葬》同恩《如果你真爱我》《十字路口》《再一次拥有》龚诗嘉《Miss You》tension《一如既往》《天使之光》熊汝霖《有谁还没睡》《蓝色土耳其》《弱水三千》周传雄《和弦里的秘密》《Sunny Day》《再唱一首歌》苏慧伦《沉鱼落雁》《圣诞礼物》《普洱茶》《刀剑笑》冯磊《淘汰》《白色球鞋》《爱是一本书》陈奕迅《谁是谁的谁》《亲爱的你》《烟灰》《锁心》陈雪君《比天空还远》《忽略》曹方《爱能穿越几千年》《荷花亭》《江山》高进《心海洋》《翼鸣惊人》《再别康桥2007》《vip》《I Believe in Love》WOW《雨》翼势力《晴天》朱孝天《爱情天气》宇恒《雪花》《左右手》《一台好戏》《五花瓣》格里杰夫《隐形超人》《我的未来式》郭采洁《我的另一半》《我的翅膀》《完美旅程》黄鑫《爱情四季》《配角》吴炜《光年》《擦肩而过》《关于情歌》《靠近》李圣杰《我不是Rock N'Roll》《蝶恋花》《穿越珊瑚海》《如果明天》《完美生活》牛奶咖啡《错爱》《寂寞那么多》张栋梁《我和她她和他》《那封情书》《靠岸》《心慌慌》《保佑我》李志清《花样年华》《给你的歌》《如果爱我》《幸福大街》关喆《我们走过的路》《相信有一天》天空乐队《我们唱的歌》《大明星》《世界之大》BOBO《一定可以》《爱就这么奇怪》S.K.Y《慢慢纪念》《不药而愈》《百分百》郭静《眼里眉间》《yesterday》《女人们的咖啡》《庆幸有你爱我》蔡淳佳《花火》《Cold Silence》《香草的天空》深白色《一念之间》戴佩妮《残酷月光》《神秘嘉宾》《心有林夕》《再别康桥》《伯乐》林宥佳《梦里蓝天》韩晶《小甜蜜》《我还是你的》《情歌王》古巨基《回到家乡》阿龙正罡《离岛》《表演》《邻居》龚柯允《为你而活》《不放》《草戒指》《终结》《爱在末日前》神木与瞳《我们之间》《藏经阁》《DEAR BABY》棒棒糖《无法归类》《我相信》《克罗地亚的天空》《我的连续剧》何维健《今晚你想念的人是不是我》《伪装》《shine》《Love Will Live Forever》《爱归你》黄丽玲《雨念》《靠不靠谱》《眼泪笑了》刘力扬《远走高飞》《留言》张杰《everything》《彷徨少年时》《罗盘》黄建为《波利士》阿沁《误解》林佑威《不潮不用花钱》《黑武士》《醉赤壁》《我还想她》林俊杰《丝路》《酒神祭》《印记》《路西法》林冠吟《前面》《Take Me To The Star》《告别的时代》《释放》《超越》《谁说》黑girl《爱太痛》吴克群《爱现在的我》邓紫棋《带我走》杨丞琳《DEAR JANE》张靓颖《限时的遗忘》《在世界中心》潘佳丽《预感》周定纬《深深爱过你》《传说》薛之谦《花名册》《笔墨伺候》《慢四恋曲》《海口》《唐宋元明清》后弦《彩云之巅》许巍《带着你冒险》《等待爱》《GO GO GO》《失去》AOK《兄弟》《路上》《迷雾》《触不到的恋人》区俊涛《解夏》《game over》《轻功内功》《华语恋曲》《梨园英雄》华少翌《我的主题曲》《浪漫爱》《喜欢一个人的心情》《我太乖》江语晨《自己找答案》《爱的城堡》《一句话》《独家快乐》卓文萱《黑暗骑士》《桃花源》《幸福意外》《挥不去你》陈仁丰《红色高跟鞋》《走过的路》《it’s true》蔡健雅《you were there》《爱了才懂》《Set Me Free II》《爱是自私的》黄义达《I am》《新主角》《勾勾手》《又哭了》游喧《月光》《傻里傻气》《缺席》《每日一句》黄靖伦《爱是你眼里的一首情歌》郭美美《公主恋爱手册》lara《热恋烟火》安又琪《恩典》《Love Rain》《蓝天》《原色生活》戴娆《爱的诗篇》《薄荷与指甲剪》《最幸福的事》《可以不爱了》梁文音《情报》《舍不得放手》《绝无仅有》《告诉我》唐禹哲《右边》《crazy》《仗爱》《忘了》谢婉婷《只要记得我的好》《one day》《千杯不醉》《想回家》柯有伦《有何不可》《清明雨上》《如果当时》《认错》许嵩《捉迷藏》橙草乐队《和你一起的幸福》anida《love for free》Nylas《different world》小自然乐团《going home》陈曦《声声慢》六甲乐团《我们能不能》《春风吹》《总结》《苏丽珍》《小小虫》《爱爱爱》《够不够》《每个人都会》方大同《在我的世界我就是喜欢做游戏》《这里怎么有这么多奇怪的人》《绝对小孩》龙宽《花王》《等等等》《泡泡》《买你》魏如萱《everything is good》《here we are》《story of a life》《come home》lene Marlin《陪我看日出》《未知的以后》《梦在手里》《有一天我会》《他和她》《有心人,有情人》蔡淳佳《风儿带着我们飘》彭坦《嘉油站》廖隽嘉《我的黑眼圈》《爱一点》莫艳琳《天使之翼》《累格》戴爱玲《风里唱》《梦回青河》巴度《梦的起点》B.A.D《你可以不一样》陈琳《Together》杨家成《在你和天空之间》《close to you》《快乐是自找的》《坚固柔情》《有你真好》赵之璧《The hardest note》赖雅妍《为了遇见你》《说真的》《茉莉香》胡瑶《爱中飞行》《黑夜过后》《火光》石康军《月儿圆》《窗前明月光》《北京土著》张伯宏《春江花月夜》栗儿《月明时》罗中旭《爱盛开》《I WANNA BE WITH YOU》《不想让你走》《没有你的每一天》《女人不坏》徐婕儿《立秋》筠子《北京秋天的黄昏》小柯《秋凉》曹方《秋日》《纯粹》姜昕《秋天冬天》张震岳《失心疯》张善为《谁说爱要结果》陈伟《守侯》5566《随风去吧》深蓝乐团《指尖的星光》钟汶《回忆之前忘记之后》汪峰《紫雨》齐秦《发现》蓝沁《因为有你》《我不完美》刘畊宏《特洛伊》《决定》吴爽《快乐》《让时间开口》张智成《快乐的日子》孙思怡《烛光》《天使看的戏》谢霆锋《下一次微笑》杨丞琳《从今开始》王杰《太笨》《梁祝》《毁灭爱情》林冠吟《早安,晨之美》《渊明》《校园美女2008》《100种生活》《寂寞考》《我爱你》卢广仲《let’s start from here》《50 ways to leave your lover》《TRUE》《Stages of flying》《for no reason》王若琳《夏天的风》元卫觉醒《河流》达与璐《岛屿云烟》《南国的孩子》张悬《罗马假日》旅行团乐队。


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黑历史.六年级——全坑之册(一) 初中作文【3000字】

黑历史.六年级——全坑之册(一) 初中作文【3000字】













Section 10EmulsionsBy Drs. Pardeep K. Gupta, Clyde M. Ofner and Roger L. SchnaareTable of Contents Emulsions (1)Table of Contents (1)Introduction and Background (3)Definitions (3)Types of Emulsions (3)Formation of an Emulsion (4)Determination of Emulsion Type (4)Miscibility or Dilution Test (4)Staining or Dye Test (4)Electrical Conductivity Test (4)Physical State of Emulsions (5)Pharmaceutical Application of Emulsions (5)Formulations (6)Typical Ingredients (6)Drug (6)Oil Phase (6)Aqueous Phase (6)Thickening Agents (6)Sweeteners (6)Preservative (6)Buffer (7)Flavor (7)Color (7)Sequestering Agents (7)Humectants (7)Antioxidants (7)Emulsifiers (7)Guidelines (7)Type of Emulsion Desired (7)Toxicity (8)Method of Preparation (8)Typical Formulas (8)Cod Liver Oil Emulsion (polysaccharide emulsifier) (8)Protective Lotion (divalent soap emulsifier) (8)Benzoyl Benzoate Emulsion (emulsifying wax emulsifier) (8)Barrier Cream (soap emulsifier) (9)Cold Cream (soap emulsifier) (9)All Purpose Cream (synthetic surfactant emulsifier) (9)Emulsifiers (10)Natural Products (10)Polysaccharides (10)Sterols (10)Phospholipids (10)Surfactants (10)Anionic Surfactants (11)Soaps (11)Detergents (11)Cationic Surfactants (11)Nonionic Surfactants (11)Finely Divided Solids (12)Methods to Prepare Emulsions (13)Classical Gum Methods (13)Dry Gum Method (13)Wet Gum Method (13)“In Situ” Soap Method (13)Lime Water/Vegetable Oil Emulsions (13)Other Soaps (13)With Synthetic Surfactants (13)Required HLB of the Oil Phase (14)HLB of Surfactant Mixtures (14)Emulsion Stability (15)Sedimentation or Creaming (15)Factors - Stoke’s Law (15)Droplet Size (15)Density Difference (15)The Gravitational Constant, g (15)Viscosity (15)Breaking or Cracking (16)Thermodynamics of Emulsions (17)Microemulsions (18)References (19)Selected Readings (19)Introduction and BackgroundDefinitionsEmulsions are pharmaceutical preparations consisting of at least two immiscible liquids.Due to the lack of mutual solubility, one liquid is dispersed as tiny droplets in the other liquid to form an emulsion. Therefore,emulsions belong to the group of prepara-tions known as disperse systems.The USP also defines several dosage forms that are essentially emulsions but historically are referred to by other names. For example;Lotions are fluid emulsions orsuspensions intended for external application.Creams are viscous liquid or semi-solid emulsions of either an oil-in-water (O/W) or the water-in-oil (W/O) type. They are ordinarily used topically. The term cream is applied most frequently to soft, cosmetically acceptable types of preparations.Microemulsions are emulsions withextremely small droplet sizes and usually require a high concentration of surfactant for stability. They can also be regarded as isotropic, swollen micellar systems.Multiple emulsions are emulsions that have been emulsified a second time,consequently containing three phases. They may be water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) or oil-in-water-in-oil (O/W/O).Fluid emulsions are generally composed of discrete, observable liquid droplets in a fluid media, while semi-solid emulsions generally have a complex, more disorganized structure.The liquid which is dispersed as droplets iscalled as the dispersed , discontinuous or internal phase, and the liquid in which thedispersion is suspended is the dispersion medium or the continuous or external phase.For example, if olive oil is shaken with water,it breaks up into small globules andbecomes dispersed in water. In this case the oil is the internal phase, and water is the external phase.The dispersed particles or globules can range in size from less than 1 µm up to 100 µm. An emulsion is rarely a monodis-perse system, e.g., all the particles are rarely of the same size. A typical emulsion contains a distribution of many sizes, making it a polydisperse system.Types of EmulsionsBased on the nature of the internal (or exter-nal) phase, emulsions are of two types; oil-in-water (O/W) and water-in-oil (W/O). In an O/W type the oil phase is dispersed in the aqueous phase, while the opposite is true in W/O emulsions. Figure 1 depicts these two types of emulsions.Figure 1: Representation of Two Types of EmulsionsO/W Emulsion W/O Emulsion (water black)(oil white)When two immiscible phases are shaken together, either type of emulsion can result.However, this result is not random, but is dependent primarily on two factors; most importantly the type of emulsifier used and secondly the relative ratio of the aqueous and oil phases (phase volume ratio). The emulsifiers and their role in the type of emulsion are discussed in detail later in this chapter.In terms of the phase volume ratio, the percent of the internal phase is generally less than 50%, although emulsions can have internal phase volume percent as high as 75%. Uniform spheres, when packed in a rhombohedral geometry occupy approxi-mately 75% of the total volume. Phase volumes higher than 75% require that the droplets of dispersed phase be distorted into geometric shapes other than perfect spheres. Although it is rare to find emulsions with higher than 75% internal volume, phase volumes of over 90% have been reportedin literature.Formation of an EmulsionWhen two immiscible liquids are placedin contact with each other, they form two separate layers. The liquid with higher density forms the lower layer and the one with lower density forms the upper layer. When this two-layer system is shaken vigorously, one of the layers disperses in the other liquid forming an unstable emul-sion. If left unstirred, the dispersed phase comes together and coalesces into larger drops until the layers become separate again. If no other ingredient is added, this process of separation is usually completein a matter of a few minutes to a few hours. Therefore, a liquid dispersion is inherently an unstable system.However, when an emulsifier is present in the system, it reduces the interfacial tension between the two liquids and forms a physical barrier between droplets, hence lowers the total energy of the system(see discussion on Thermodynamics of Emulsions), thereby reducing the tendency of the droplets to come together and coalesce. Consequently, the globules ofthe internal phase may remain intact for long periods of time, forming a “stable”emulsion. It should be noted, however,that even with an emulsifier, an emulsionis a thermodynamically unstable system and will eventually revert to bulk phases. The time required for this process is determined by kinetics.Determination of Emulsion TypeSeveral tests can be used to determine whether a given emulsion is an O/W or W/O type. These are as follows:Miscibility or Dilution TestThis method is based on the fact that an emulsion can be diluted freely with a liquid of the same kind as its external phase. Typically, a small amount of the emulsion is added to a relatively large volume of water and the mixture is stirred. If the emulsion disperses in water, it is considered to bean O/W type emulsion. If, however, the emulsion remains undispersed, it is a W/O type emulsion.Staining or Dye TestThis test is based on the fact that if a dye is added to an emulsion and the dye is soluble only in the internal phase, the emulsion contains colored droplets dispersed inthe colorless external phase. This can be confirmed by observing a drop of emulsion under a low power microscope. An example of such a dye is scarlet red, which is an oil soluble dye. When added to an O/W type emulsion, followed by observation under the microscope, bright red colored oil drops in an aqueous phase can be seen clearly. Electrical Conductivity TestThis test is based on the fact that onlythe aqueous phase can conduct electrical current. Thus, when a voltage is applied across a liquid, a significant amount of electrical current will flow only when the path of the current is through a continuous aqueous phase. Since oil is a non-conductor of electricity, when tested for conductivity, a W/O type emulsion will show insignificant current flow.Often times a single test may not be conclu-sive. In such circumstances, more than one test may need to be carried out to confirm the emulsion type.Physical State of EmulsionsMost emulsions are either liquid or semi-solid at room temperature. In general, due to their high viscosity, the semi-solid emulsions are relatively more physically stable. Liquid emulsions are more commonly compounded for internal use, while semisolids are usually for external use or for use in body cavities (rectal or vaginal).Other terms commonly used to describe emulsions are lotion and cream . The term lotion refers to a disperse system that flows freely under the force of gravity. A cream is a product that does not flow freely under the force of gravity. It should be noted, however,that these terms are meaningful only when the product is at room temperature. A cream product may behave like a lotion with a temperature increase of a few degrees. The physical state of the final product is also influenced by its intended use. For example suntan lotions are dispensed as lotions instead of creams because they need to be applied on large body surface. Lotion form makes it easy to pour and spread the product. For application over a small portion of skin, a cream is the preferred form of an emulsion.Pharmaceutical Applications of Emulsions There are several reasons for formulation of a product as an emulsion. These include the following:•To disguise the taste or smell of oils or oil soluble drugs. These emulsions are normally O/W types with the aqueous phase containing sweeteners and flavoring agents to mask the poor taste of oils. An O/W type of emulsionalso makes it easy to rinse off the residual dose from the mouth and does not leave an oily taste. Mineral oil and cod liver oil are emulsified for this reason.•To improve the absorption of poorly soluble drugs. Oil soluble drugs may not be soluble enough to be absorbed efficiently. An example of such a drug is cyclosporin, which is dispensed as a microemulsion. •To deliver nutrients and vitamins by intravenous injection. Intralipid is an emulsion product for administering an oil by the IV route.•To serve as a vehicle for the topical administration of a variety of drugs.Kb is the binding constant of the preservative with the surfactantSweeteners are added to emulsions to produce a more palatable preparation, toand sorbitol.AntioxidantsAntioxidants are often added to prevent oxidation of vegetable oils and/or the active drug.Table 1. Typical AntioxidantsEmulsifiersEmulsifiers are substances that have the ability to concentrate at the surface of a liquid or interface of two liquids, many of them reducing the surface or interfacial tension. Those emulsifiers that reduce surface tension are also called surfactants .Emulsifiers in general are discussed inmore detail in a later section of this chapter.GuidelinesBefore selecting a formula for an emulsion,one needs to consider several factors.These are listed below.Type of Emulsion DesiredSince O/W emulsions are more pleasant to touch and swallow, they are generally preferred. Preparations for internal use are almost always O/W type products.Externally used emulsions may be of either type. Creams and lotions that are used primarily to provide oil to the skin need to be W/O due to high concentration of oils in these preparations.The equation shows that the effective concentration in the aqueous phase will always be a fraction of the total concentration.Solvents such as alcohol, glycerin and propylene glycol are often used as apreservative at concentrations approaching 10%. See Table 5, Typical Preservatives in Section 9 of this manual.BufferMany chemical buffer systems have been used in emulsions to control the pH. The optimal pH is chosen to ensure activity of the emulsifier, control stability of the drug and to ensure compatibility and stability of other ingredients.FlavorFlavoring agents enhance patient accept-ance of the product, which is particularly important for pediatric patients.ColorColorants are intended to provide a more aesthetic appearance to the final product.Emulsions are generally not colored with the exception of some topical products. Sequestering AgentsSequestering agents may be necessary to bind metal ions in order to control oxidative degradation of either the drug or other ingredients. HumectantsHumectants are water soluble polyols that prevent or hinder the loss of water from semi-solid emulsions, i.e., topical creams.They also contribute to the solvent proper-ties of the aqueous phase and contribute to the sweetness of oral preparations. The most common are glycerin, propylene glycolToxicityMost emulsifiers are not suitable for internal use. For orally given emulsions, acacia is commonly used as an emulsifying agent.Taste is another factor in selection ofingredients. In this regard, most polysaccha-rides are tasteless and, hence, suitable from a taste standpoint.Method of PreparationSoaps and acacia are excellent forextemporaneous preparations. While soaps allow the preparation to be made by simply mixing the ingredients and shaking, acacia can be used in a pestle and mortar to prepare emulsions.Typical FormulasCod Liver Oil Emulsion (polysaccharide emulsifier)Preparationing a ratio of 4:2:1 for oil, water and gums(both combined), prepare a primary emulsion by dry gum method. (See Methods to Prepare Emulsions on page 13.)2.Dilute with water to a flowable consistency andpour in a measuring device.3.Add alcohol diluted with equal volume of water,followed by the benzaldehyde and saccharin sodium.4.Dilute to volume (200 mL) with waterPreparation1.Add benzyl benzoate to the wax in a beakerand heat in a water bath until the wax melts and the temperature reaches 60°C.2.In a separate beaker, add an appropriate volumeof water and heat to the same temperature.3.Add the water to the oil phase with continuousstirring.4.Continue to stir until the mixture begins tothicken and cools to room temperature.Preparation1.Mix the two powders in a mortar and trituratewell, taking care that all the lumps and large particles have been reduced.2.Then add oil slowly with constant trituration untilall the oil has been added. Triturate to form a smooth paste.3.Then add the limewater and triturate briskly toform the emulsion.Note: The emulsifier, calcium oleate (from limewater and olive oil), preferentially forms O/W emulsions.Protective Lotion (divalent soap emulsifier)Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion (emulsifying wax emulsifier)Preparation1.Mix the paraffins, cetostearyl alcohol andstearic acid in a beaker and heat in a water bath to about 60°C.2.Heat water and chlorocresol together to thesame temperature.3.Add the aqueous phase to the oil phase andstir until congealed and cooled to room temperature.Note:The emulsifier is triethanolamine stearate formed in situ.Preparation1.Melt the sorbitan monostearate and stearicacid in the liquid paraffin and cool to 60°C. 2.Mix the sorbitol solution, preservatives,polysorbate 60 and water and heat to the temperature of the oil mixture.3.Add the aqueous solution to the oil phase andstir until it has congealed and cooled to room temperature.Note:Propylene glycol serves as a solvent for the preservatives.Preparation1.Mix and melt the wax and paraffin together.2.Dissolve borax in water and heat both containerson a water bath to 70°C.3.Add the aqueous phase to the oil phase andstir until it has congealed and cooled to room temperature.Note:The fatty acid in white beeswax reacts with borax (sodium borate) to make a sodium soap which acts as an W/O type emulsifier.Barrier Cream (soap emulsifier)All Purpose Cream (synthetic surfactant emulsifier)Cold Cream (soap emulsifier)Surfactants or surface active agents are molecules that consist of two distinct parts,a hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic head group. They are generally classified based on the hydrophilic properties of the head group (ionic charge, polarity, etc.). Since the hydrophobic chains do not vary much in their properties, the nature of surfactants is dependent mainly on the head group structure.A common problem with sterol-containing emulsifiers is that being complex mixtures of natural substances, they are prone to variability in their quality and, hence, performance. Also, these agents usually contain some degree of an odor, which varies with the purity and source. Some semi-synthetic substitutes are available that seek to overcome some of the problems associated with these agents.There are of basically three types of emulsifiers: natural products, surface active agents (surfactants), and finely divided solids. Based on whether a stable emulsion can be produced, emulsifiers are also classified either as primary emulsifying agents which produce stable emulsions by themselves, or secondary emulsifying agents (stabilizers) which help primary emulsifiers to form a more stable emulsion.of cholesterol. Cholesterol itself is a very efficient emulsifier and produces W/O type emulsions. Consequently, its use is limited to topical preparations such as Hydrophilic Petrolatum USP which readily absorbs water forming a W/O cream. Woolfat or lanolin contains a considerable amount of choles-terol esters and can absorb up to 50% of its own weight of water.This group of emulsifiers, which numbers in the hundreds, contain a polyoxyethylene chain as the polar head group. They arenonionic and, thus, are compatible with ionic compounds and are less susceptible to pH changes. There are several such surfactants official in the USP/NF , typified by sorbitan monooleate (a partial ester of lauric acid with sorbitol), polysorbate 80(polyoxyethyl-ene 20 sorbitan monooleate) which contains 20 oxyethylene units copolymerized sorbitanAmine soaps consist of an amine, such as triethanolamine, in the presence of a fatty acid. These surfactants are viscous solutions and produce O/W type emulsions. They offer the advantage that the final pH of the preparations is generally close to neutral,and, therefore, allows their use on skin for extended periods of time.monooleate) and polyoxyl 40 stearate(a mixture of stearic acid esters with mixed poloxyethylene diols equivalent to about40 oxyethylene units).The large number of nonionic emulsifiers results from the large number of possible combinations of various alkyl groups with polyoxyethylene chains of varying lengths. Compounds with saturated and/or large alkyl groups, such as stearyl, tend to be solids or semisolids while oleyl (also large, but unsaturated) compounds tend to be liquids. Also, the longer the polyoxyethylene chain, the higher the melting point.To characterize such a large number of compounds, they are each assigned an HLB number. The HLB number or hydrophile-lipophile balance, is a measure of the relative hydrophilic vs lipophilic character of the molecule as determined by the relative size of the polyoxyethylene chain vs the alkyl group. HLB numbers range from 0 for a pure hydrocarbon to 20 for a pure poly-oxyethylene chain. Some typical valuesare listed in Table 3.Ionic surfactants, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, were not included in the original definition of the HLB system but have been included as the HLB system was developed. The HLB number of 40 for sodium lauryl sulfate is outside of the range of 0 to 20 and simply means that sodium lauryl sulfate is much more soluble or hydrophilic thana pure polyoxyethylene chain.Table 3. Typical HLB Numbersof EmulsifiersFinely Divided SolidsFinely divided solids function as emulsifiers because of their small particle size. Fine particles tend to concentrate at a liquid-liquid interface, depending on their wetability, and form a particulate film around the dispersed droplets. They are seldom used as the primary emulsifier.phase. The emulsion type will depend on the type of soap formed.Basically the formula is divided into anoil phase and an aqueous phase with the ingredients dissolved in their proper phases (oil or water). The surfactant(s) is added to the phase in which it is most soluble. The oil phase is then added to the aqueous phase with mixing, and the coarse mixture passed through an homogenizer.When waxes or waxy solids are included in the formulation, the use of heat is necessary,as described above.Required HLB of the Oil Phase.It has been found that various oils and lipid materials form stable emulsions withsurfactants that have a certain HLB value.This HLB value is called the required HLB of the oil or lipid. Theoretically, any surfac-tant with the required HLB would produce a stable emulsion with the indicated oil or lipid. Some examples are given in Table 4.Table 4. Required HLB Values for Typical Oils and LipidsHLB of Surfactant MixturesIt may be difficult to find a surfactant with the exact HLB number required for a given oil phase in an emulsion. Fortunately, the HLB numbers have been shown to be additive for a mixture of surfactants. Thus, if one required a surfactant with a HLB of 10, one could use a mixture of sorbitan monooleate (HLB = 4.7) and polysorbate 80 (HLB = 15.6). Such a mixture can be calculated on the basis of a simple weighted average as follows.Suppose 5 g of surfactant mixture is required. Let ␹= the g of sorbitanmonooleate, then 5 ␹= the g of polysorbate 80 required.␹(4.7)+(5- ␹)(15.6) = 10(5)4.7 ␹+ 78.0- 15.6␹= 10(5)10.9␹= 28␹= 2.57 and 5- ␹= 2.43Thus a mixture of 2.57 g of sorbitanmonooleate and 2.43 g of polysorbate 80would have a HLB of 10.Griffin 2described an experimental approach for the formulation of emulsions using synthetic emulsifiers.1.Group the ingredients on the basis of theirsolubilities in the aqueous and oil phases.2.Determine the type of emulsion required andcalculate an approximate required HLB value.3.Blend a low HLB emulsifier and a high HLBemulsifier to the required HLB.4.Dissolve the oil soluble ingredients and the lowHLB emulsifier in the oil phase. Heat, if necessary,to approximately 5 to 10°over the melting point of the highest melting ingredient or to a maximum temperature of 70 to 80°C.5.Dissolve the water soluble ingredients (exceptacids and salts) in a sufficient quantity of water.6.Heat the aqueous phase to a temperature whichis 3 to 5°higher than that of the oil phase.7.Add the aqueous phase to the oil phase withsuitable agitation.8.If acids or salts are employed, dissolve them inwater and add the solution to the cold emulsion.9.Examine the emulsion and make adjustments inthe formulation if the product is unstable. It may be necessary to add more emulsifier, change to an emulsifier with a slightly higher or lower HLB value or to use an emulsifier with different chemical characteristics.In addition to chemical degradation of various components of an emulsion, which can happen in any liquid preparation, emulsions are subject to a variety of physical instabilities. Sedimentation or Creaming Factors - Stoke’s LawCreaming usually occurs in a liquid emulsion since the particle size is generally greater than that of a colloidal dispersion. The rate is described by Stoke’s Law for a single particle settling in an infinite container under the force of gravity as follows:d ␹=d 2(␳2- ␳1)gdt 18␩where:d ␹/d t= the sedimentation rate in distance/time d = droplet diameter ␳2= droplet density␳1= emulsion medium density g = acceleration due to gravity ␩= viscosity of the emulsion mediumSince for most oil phases, ␳2< ␳1, then sedimentation will be negative, i.e., the oil droplets will rise forming a creamy whitelayer. While Stoke’s Law does not describe creaming quantitatively in an emulsion, it does provide a clear collection of factors and their qualitative influence on creaming.Droplet SizeReducing droplet size can have a significant effect on creaming rate. Since the diameter is squared in Stoke’s Law, a reduction in size by ¹⁄₂will reduce the creaming rate by (¹⁄₂)2or a factor of 4.Emulsion StabilityDensity DifferenceIf the difference in density between the emulsion droplet and the external phase can be matched, the creaming rate could be reduced to zero. This is almost impossi-ble with most oils and waxy solids used in emulsions.The Gravitational Constant, gThis parameter is not of much interest since it can not be controlled or changed unless in space flight.ViscosityViscosity turns out to be the most readily controllable parameter in affecting the creaming rate. While the viscosity in Stoke’s Law refers to the viscosity of the fluid through which a droplet rises, in reality the viscosity that controls creaming is the viscosity of the entire emulsion. Thus, doubling the viscosity of an emulsion will decrease the creaming rate by a factor of 2.There are three major ways to increase the viscosity of an emulsion:•Increase the concentration of the internal phase•Increase the viscosity of the internal phase by adding waxes and waxy solids to the oil phase.•Increase the viscosity of the external phase by adding a viscosity building agent. Most of the suspending agents described in the Suspensions Section in this manual have been used for this purpose.Creaming does not usually occur in a semi-solid emulsion.Breaking or CrackingThis problem arises when the dispersed globules come together and coalesce to form larger globules. As this process continues, the size of the globules increases, making it easier for them to coalesce. This eventually leads to separation of the oil and water phases. For cracking to occur, the barrier that normally holds globules apart has to break down. Some of the factorsthat contribute to cracking are as follows:•Insufficient or wrong kind of emulsifier in the system.•Addition of ingredients that inactivate the emulsifier. Incompatible ingredients may show their effect over a period of time.An example of such an incompatibilitywill be to use large anions in thepresence of cationic emulsifier.•Presence of hardness in water. The calcium and magnesium present in hard water can replace a part of the alkalisoap with divalent soap. Since thesesoaps form different kinds of emulsions, phase inversion usually takes place.•Low viscosity of the emulsion •Exposure to high temperatures can also accelerate the process of coalescence.This is due to the fact that at an elevated temperature, the collisions between theglobules can overcome the barrier tocoalescence, thereby increasing thechance that a contact between twoparticles will lead to their fusion.Temperature may have an adverse effect on the activity of emulsifiers, particularly if these are proteinaceous in nature.However, this usually happens at temper-atures higher than 50°C. Conversely, areduction in temperature to the point that the aqueous phase freezes also will break the emulsion.•An excessive amount of the internal phase makes an emulsion inherently less stable because there is a greater chance of globules coming together.Cracking is the most serious kind of physical instability of an emulsion. Cracking of an emulsion usually renders it useless. In creams, the problem of cracking may show up as tearing. This is a process where one phase separates and appears like drops on top of the cream.The basic difference between creamingand cracking is that the globules in creaming do not coalesce to form larger particles. Therefore, creaming is a less serious problem and most preparations that show creaming can be shaken to redisperse the internal phase to its original state. A com-mon example of creaming is the formation of cream on top of whole milk due to collection of emulsified fat of the milk. This problem is solved by homogenizing the milk to reduce the particle size of dispersed fat, thereby reducing the rate at which they travel tothe surface.。


3.2 启动 CBM-20A ..............................................................................................3-8 3.3 确定系统配置................................................................................................3-9
1.4.1 CBM-20A.................................................................................................... 1-4 1.4.2 外部接口规格 ............................................................................................. 1-5 1.4.3 控制规范..................................................................................................... 1-7
! 应用的预防措施 .................................................................................................... VI ! 安装位置注意事项 ................................................................................................ VII ! 安装注意事项 ...................................................................................................... VIII ! 操作注意事项 ........................................................................................................ IX ! 仪器检查、维护、调节以及保养注意事项 .............................................................. X
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