



第51卷㊀第5期2023年5月㊀㊀林业机械与木工设备FORESTRYMACHINERY&WOODWORKINGEQUIPMENTVol51No.5May.2023综㊀㊀述丘陵山地动力底盘发展现状与展望向文博1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀汤晶宇1ꎬ2ꎬ3∗ꎬ㊀范志远1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀杨㊀兰1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀张丽平1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀王㊀东1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀寇㊀欣1ꎬ2ꎬ3(1.国家林业和草原局哈尔滨林业机械研究所ꎬ黑龙江哈尔滨150086ꎻ2.国家林业和草原局林业机电工程重点实验室ꎬ黑龙江哈尔滨150086ꎻ3.国家林业和草原局林业装备工程技术研究中心ꎬ黑龙江哈尔滨150086)摘㊀要:动力底盘是丘陵山地移动式动力机械的重要组成部分ꎬ是决定丘陵山地机械化装备技术发展的关键ꎮ按底盘行走方式分类ꎬ阐述了几种底盘的结构和性能特点ꎬ提出了丘陵山地动力底盘与地面耦合机理㊁多功能轻量化㊁智能化和信息化的发展研究方向ꎮ关键词:丘陵山地ꎻ动力底盘ꎻ研究现状ꎻ发展趋势中图分类号:S22㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:2095-2953(2023)05-0004-07DevelopmentStatusandProspectofHillyMountainDynamicChassisXIANGWen ̄bo1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬTANGJing ̄yu1ꎬ2ꎬ3∗ꎬFANZhi ̄yuan1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬYANGLan1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬZHANGLi ̄ping1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬWANGDong1ꎬ2ꎬ3ꎬKOUXin1ꎬ2ꎬ3(1.HarbinInstituteofForestryMachineryꎬNationalForestryandGrasslandAdministrationꎬHarbinHeilongjiang150086ꎬChinaꎻ2.KeyLaboratoryofForestryMechanicalEngineeringꎬNationalForestryandGrasslandAdministrationꎬHarbinHeilongjiang150086ꎬChinaꎻ3.EngineeringResearchCenterofForestryEquipmentꎬNationalForestryandGrasslandAdministrationꎬHarbinHeilongjiang150086ꎬChina)Abstract:Powerchassisisanimportantpartofmobilepowermachineryinhillyandmountainousareasandthekeytothedevelopmentofmechanizationequipmenttechnologyinhillyandmountainousareas.Accordingtothewalkingmodeofchassisꎬthestructureandperformancecharacteristicsofseveralkindsofchassisaredescribedfromtheas ̄pectsofwheeltypeꎬtrackedtypeꎬwheel-trackcombinedtypeandbionictypeꎬetc.Thecouplingmechanismofhillymountainpowerchassisandgroundꎬmulti-functionlightweightꎬintelligenceandinformationdevelopmentdirectionareputforward.Keywords:hillsandmountainsꎻpowerchassisꎻresearchstatusꎻdevelopmenttrend㊀㊀收稿日期:2023-03-03基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目 油茶等木本油料轻简栽培和高效采收装备 (2022YFD2202100)ꎻ国家林业和草原局应急科技项目 油茶采收机械研发 (202202)第一作者简介:向文博ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ主要从事营林机械技术装备研究ꎬE-mail:xwb970529@163.comꎮ∗通讯作者:汤晶宇ꎬ研究员ꎬ硕士研究生导师ꎬ硕士ꎬ主要从事营林技术装备基础研究与开发ꎬE-mail:hljtjy@163.comꎮ丘陵是指海拔高度在500m以下ꎬ地面起伏小ꎬ坡度较缓ꎬ并且连成片的地区ꎮ山地是指海拔高度在500m以上ꎬ相对高度差200m以上的高地ꎬ地面起伏大ꎬ坡度陡峭ꎬ多以脉状分布ꎮ我国丘陵山地面积6.66亿hm2ꎬ占国土总面积的69.4%ꎬ全国有19个省份(包括中国台湾地区)50%以上的地域是丘陵山地[1ꎬ2]ꎮ丘陵山地动力底盘是指用于丘陵山地环境下的农林生产ꎬ具有较好的爬坡和越障能力ꎬ以及较第5期向文博ꎬ等:丘陵山地动力底盘发展现状与展望高的行驶稳定性和平顺性的作业装备ꎮ我国的耕地主要集中在丘陵山区㊁高原ꎬ据有关资料统计ꎬ山区粮食产量及油料作物的产量占全国总产量的50%左右[3ꎬ4]ꎮ由于丘陵山地地形复杂ꎬ高低起伏ꎬ地面凹凸不平ꎬ坡度大ꎬ所以目前适合丘陵山地使用的农林机械较少ꎬ主要依靠人工作业ꎬ劳动强度大ꎬ成本高ꎬ效率低ꎬ机械化程度与当前发展需求不匹配ꎮ因此ꎬ实现丘陵山地机械化作业的前提是实现装备的 上山入林 ꎬ解决装备底盘问题是发展丘陵山地作业装备的基础ꎬ是实现装备顺利上山入林的关键ꎬ底盘的好坏制约着丘陵山地机械化作业的发展ꎮ丘陵山地动力底盘有多种不同的分类方式ꎮ按作业环境可分为果园㊁田间和设施动力底盘ꎮ果园作业底盘包括栽植抚育㊁喷药除草㊁采收运输等ꎻ田间作业底盘包括播种施肥㊁除草浇水㊁采收运输等ꎻ设施作业底盘包括森林灭火㊁林间巡检㊁信息收集等ꎻ按行走方式的不同可分为轮式㊁履带式㊁轮履结合式和仿生式ꎮ本文按照行走方式的不同阐述了国内外丘陵山地动力底盘的研究现状ꎬ结合不同环境分析了底盘的特点与适用场景ꎬ在我国现阶段发展基础上对未来的发展方向进行展望ꎬ为其发展提供参考ꎮ1㊀丘陵山地轮式动力底盘轮式动力底盘是以轮胎作为行走装置的移动平台ꎬ是最常见的底盘形式之一ꎬ具有结构简单㊁速度快㊁机动性强㊁质量轻的特点ꎻ轮胎的刚度与地面相比较低ꎬ对地表的破坏较小ꎬ被广泛应用于拖拉机㊁林间抚育机㊁采收运输机等ꎮ轮式底盘可分为轮桥式和轮摆式ꎬ共同点是都有折腰转向结构和轮式行走系统ꎮ轮桥式底盘按照轮胎数量不同又分为四轮㊁六轮和八轮三种ꎮ丘陵山地地形复杂㊁道路崎岖不平ꎬ四轮底盘难以适应复杂的路况ꎬ相关的应用和研究较少ꎮ六轮底盘自由度大ꎬ车桥的左右摆动增加了轮胎与地面的接触面积ꎬ避免了轮胎悬空造成的侧翻和倾覆ꎬ增强了底盘的行驶稳定性和通过性ꎮ八轮底盘结构与六轮类似ꎬ多自由度的结构特点使得底盘可以根据路面变化情况动态调整车身ꎬ行驶稳定性和通过性强ꎬ其整体体积相对较大ꎬ质量大ꎬ多应用于林木采伐作业环境ꎮ轮摆式底盘是指具有摆臂结构的轮式底盘ꎬ该结构将底盘上车架通过摆臂结构与轮胎连接在一起ꎬ具有地形适应性强㊁动力强劲㊁通过性与稳定性好的特点[5]ꎮ孙治博[6]等为提高林区作业机器人的越障平稳性ꎬ实现智能化越障功能ꎬ设计了一种主动摆臂六轮腿式底盘(图1)ꎮ底盘由前后两部分组成ꎬ前半部分由前车架和两组双摆臂轮腿组成ꎬ后半部分由后车架和两个独立的摆臂轮组成ꎬ运动时通过轮腿的摆动和折腰转向能够实时调整车身平稳度以及轮胎与地面的接地面积ꎬ保证了底盘行驶稳定性ꎬ增强了底盘在林区作业的通过性和安全性ꎮ图1㊀主动摆臂六轮腿式底盘丁素明[7]等针对丘陵山地果园植保机械通过性低的问题ꎬ研发了一种低矮型自走式果园喷雾机动力底盘(图2)ꎮ采用液压四轮驱动ꎬ提高了整车的动力性ꎬ增强了爬坡和越障能力ꎻ驾驶室前置ꎬ发动机后置ꎬ扩展驾驶员视野的同时保证了整体车辆的行驶稳定性ꎻ在底盘后部增加了可铰接不同形式的雾化作业装置ꎬ实现一机多用ꎮ图2㊀低矮型自走喷雾机底盘Johndeere公司生产的1470G六轮式收获机(图3)采用前四后二的布置方式ꎬ驾驶室置于底盘中部ꎬ能实现290ʎ旋转ꎬ保证驾驶员获得全方位视图ꎬ增强作业安全性ꎻ采用双液压驱动ꎬ可同时驱动作业臂和末端执行器ꎻ底盘前后连接采用铰接技术ꎬ提高了底盘的转向能力ꎬ增强了车辆灵活性ꎮ程钰晶[8]等为解决丘陵山地林用六轮摆臂底盘在林区崎岖路况下转向能力差等问题ꎬ基于旋量理论ꎬ设计了一种六轮摆臂底盘(图4)ꎬ改变摆臂液压缸的变化量ꎬ调节底盘的高度和重心高度ꎬ仿真实验表明整体稳定度提升10%ꎬ有效提高底盘的行走稳定性ꎮ王东[9]等设计了振动式油茶果采收机六轮仿形高越障动力底盘ꎬ解决丘陵山地复杂立地条件下油茶采收机械通过难的问题(图5)ꎮ底盘采用前置摆动仿形轮ꎬ底盘工作平台安装采摘机械臂ꎬ驾驶室后置ꎬ重心后移ꎬ提高了驾驶的安全性和行驶的稳定性ꎬ爬坡能力强ꎮ5林业机械与木工设备第51卷图3㊀六轮底盘收获机图4㊀六轮摆臂底盘虚拟样机图5㊀振动式油茶采收机底盘2㊀丘陵山地履带式动力底盘履带式底盘是以履带作为行走装置的底盘ꎬ主要由传动系㊁制动系㊁转向系㊁履带和回转轮(驱动轮㊁导向轮㊁支重轮和张紧轮)等组成[10]ꎮ按履带材质的不同可分为橡胶履带底盘和钢制履带底盘ꎻ按履带数量的不同又可分为双履带底盘和多履带底盘ꎮ履带式底盘通常将车架和履带部分焊为一个整体ꎬ少部分采用前后车架铰接的连接模式ꎮ前者作为一体式底盘具有结构紧凑㊁转向半径小㊁机动灵活的特点ꎻ后者与轮式底盘类似ꎬ可看成是将履带作为轮式底盘的行走装置ꎮ履带式底盘具有较好的越障和爬坡能力ꎬ稳定性好㊁牵引力大ꎮ王斌斌[11]等设计了履带自走式风送喷雾机(图6)ꎬ外形尺寸为3430mmˑ1630mmˑ1260mmꎬ行驶速度最高可达5.6km/hꎬ底盘机架与支重轮在中部铰接ꎬ行驶时支重轮可绕铰接点转动ꎮ依据地形实时调整整车行驶状态ꎬ有效降低行驶过程中受到的震动ꎬ提高驾驶员舒适性与整车通过性ꎬ能满足丘陵山地果园的喷雾需求ꎮ图6㊀自走式果园风送喷雾机杨子增[12]等针对甘蔗在我国丘陵山地的种植特点ꎬ设计了履带式自走切段收获机(图7)ꎮ履带宽度为0.35mꎬ轨距为1.35mꎬ满足当前甘蔗农艺种植要求ꎬ在进行收割机作业的同时不会对其他甘蔗造成破坏ꎮ底盘采用 一 字型设计ꎬ降低整车重心ꎬ增加该收获机在丘陵山地的作业能力与环境适应性ꎬ具有转向灵活㊁转弯半径小ꎬ对甘蔗根系破坏小等特点ꎮ图7㊀4GQ-1C型甘蔗收获机徐高伟[13]等为解决现有电动式山地果园底盘动力不足的问题ꎬ设计了一种新型电动自走式履带底盘(图8)ꎮ底盘利用无线遥控进行控制ꎬ实现无人作业ꎮ通过控制两侧电机转速来调节履带行驶速度ꎬ实现底盘的各种转向ꎬ省略了差速器装置ꎬ简化了底盘控制系统结构ꎮ最高行驶速度均值为6.52km/hꎬ续航里程可17.8kmꎬ能满足果园作业动力与续航需求ꎮ陈继清[14]等为解决现有的以轮式拖拉机和卡车为承载车的绿篱修剪装备环境适应性差等问题ꎬ6第5期向文博ꎬ等:丘陵山地动力底盘发展现状与展望图8㊀电动自走式履带底盘设计了一款以履带底盘为承载结构的小型绿篱修剪机(图9)ꎮ通过试验得出结论:建立的底盘模型最大爬坡角32ʎꎬ最大跨越壕沟宽度275mmꎬ最大翻越垂直壁高度145mmꎮ与轮式相比ꎬ履带式底盘在狭窄㊁高低起伏不平等复杂路面有较好的通过性ꎬ行驶稳定性㊁爬坡和越障能力都有所增强ꎮ图9㊀小型绿篱修剪机履带底盘孙术发[15]等通过对第一代消防车履带底盘进行优化改造ꎬ设计了一台大型履带式消防车(LF1352JP)(图10)ꎮ履带底盘在结构上采用5个支重轮ꎬ增大了轴间距与轨距ꎬ增加了排障器装置ꎻ在动力上将发动机功率提高到99.3kWꎮ改进后的履带式底盘有更高的行驶稳定性ꎬ发动机动力的增强提高了底盘的爬坡和越障能力ꎬ行进时能实时清除杂草㊁碎石等路障ꎬ使得消防车能更快到达火灾现场ꎮ图10㊀LF1352JP履带式消防车韩振浩[16]等为提高山地果园运输车在不同复杂地形下的通过性与适应性ꎬ基于重心位置变化对运输机械作业性能的影响规律ꎬ设计了重心自适应调控的山地果园运输车(图11)ꎮ通过控制可移动载物台的相对位置从而对底盘的重心位置进行实时调节ꎬ使得整车最大牵引力㊁极限侧翻角㊁最大越障高度与跨越壕沟宽度均不同程度增加ꎬ提高了果园山地运输车在复杂路况下的环境适应性ꎮ图11㊀重心自适应调控山地果园运输车祝露[17]等设计了履带式林间草带收割机(图12)ꎬ采用履带底盘使得整机在林木间距小㊁地形狭窄㊁地表不平的路况下仍然有较好的通过性ꎮ使用旋转式切割器相较于往复式切割器对长势茂盛的硬质杂草具有更好的适应性ꎬ同时提升了整机的适用性ꎮ图12㊀履带式林间草带收割机杜小强[18]等设计了集采收于一体的履带式高地隙油茶果振动采收机(图13)ꎮ整机尺寸为3965mmˑ3850mmˑ2800mmꎬ四个液压驱动三角履带轮为行走装置ꎮ设备动力强劲ꎬ具有较好的行驶稳定性与通过性ꎮ3㊀丘陵山地轮履结合式动力底盘传统的轮式底盘具有机动灵活㊁速度快的特点ꎬ适用于路况良好的地面ꎬ可在相对崎岖㊁凹凸不平的路面通过ꎻ履带式底盘能适应复杂路况ꎬ在障碍和泥泞道路通过性高㊁越障能力强ꎬ对地面原有结构有相7林业机械与木工设备第51卷图13㊀履带式高地隙油茶果采收机对破坏ꎮ针对两者在使用工况上的局限性和单一性ꎬ国内外研究学者将两者结合ꎬ研发出了轮履结合式移动底盘ꎮ根据结构不同ꎬ轮履结合式底盘分为两类:一类是同时安装轮胎和履带两种行走装置ꎻ第二类是采用轮履复合变形方式[19]ꎮ轮履结合式底盘既有轮式底盘的高机动性和灵活性ꎬ同时也具有履带式底盘较强的越障能力和稳定性的特点ꎬ给未来林用动力底盘的发展提供了新的方向[20]ꎮ陈铭[21]等结合轮式和履带式底盘在林业应用中的优缺点ꎬ设计了轮-履复合可变换底盘(图14)ꎮ由可变履带轮与车轮组成ꎬ在以林地为主要作业环境时采用履带式行走模式ꎻ当使用环境为正常地面时可以切换为轮式行走模式ꎮ通过地形的变换切换适宜的行走模式ꎬ提高了底盘在不同路况下的环境适应性ꎬ提高了整车的通过性ꎮ图14㊀轮-履可变换底盘1.履带张紧轮ꎻ2.前支撑架ꎻ3.履带支撑轮ꎻ4.中间支撑架ꎻ5.变形调节下杆ꎻ6.履带支撑轮ꎻ7.后支撑杆ꎻ8.车轮ꎻ9.车轮支撑杆ꎻ10.履带驱动轮ꎻ11.驱动轮支撑杆ꎻ12.变形调节上杆ꎻ13.铰接点ꎻ14.机架ꎻ15.履带胡军中[22]等针对现有的轮履复合底盘操作复杂ꎬ结构单一ꎬ缺乏实用性等问题ꎬ基于轮履复合技术ꎬ提出了一种新型轮履变体式结构设计方案(图15)ꎮ轮履复合底盘包括液压驱动机构㊁伸展机构和变形轮等机构ꎬ液压驱动机构调节变形履带ꎬ实现轮履状态的切换ꎮ在普通路面上行驶时采用轮式状态ꎻ在遇到障碍物时收缩在车轮表面的变形履带在伸展轮的拉力作用下延伸至三角履带状态ꎬ利用履带轮顺利通过障碍物ꎬ在雪地㊁泥泞和草地等复杂路面有较好的通过性与机动性ꎮ图15㊀变体轮整体聂建军[23]等针对丘陵山地狭窄的工作环境设计了弓腰式移动底盘(图16)ꎮ采用前履后轮的布置方式ꎬ履带轮为驱动轮ꎬ当遇到无法越过的障碍物时ꎬ履带轮抬起一定高度ꎬ带动整车完成爬坡与越障ꎮ折腰转向的方式增加了底盘转向的灵活性ꎬ更有利于在狭小地块工作ꎮ底盘上布置了两条传动路线ꎬ能分别用于耕作与驱动工作ꎮ图16㊀弓腰式移动底盘1.履带牵引驱动装置ꎻ2.发动机ꎻ3.从动车体装置ꎻ4.动力输出装置ꎻ5.车架ꎻ6.转向装置4㊀丘陵山地仿生式动力底盘丘陵山地动力底盘需要在布满沟壑㊁山石障碍物以及植株的环境中工作ꎬ地形复杂ꎬ不确定性大ꎮ轮式底盘灵活性强ꎬ地形适应性和爬坡越障能力相对较差ꎻ履带式底盘在非结构路面下的适应性优于轮式ꎬ对丘陵山地的复杂地形适应也有局限性ꎮ研究人员从自然界中对地形适应能力极强的动物中获得灵感ꎬ将目标转向仿生类底盘的研究ꎮ美国波士顿公司设计的BigDog机器人采用的是四足底盘ꎬ质量为20kgꎬ长度约为1.1mꎬ强大的8第5期向文博ꎬ等:丘陵山地动力底盘发展现状与展望平衡能力和环境适应性使得其能在山地行走自如ꎬ是世界上第一个能在野外行走的机器人(图17a)ꎮ2016年该公司又推出了SpotMini四足仿生机器人(图17b)ꎬ与大型四足仿生机器人相比更小更轻ꎬ在崎岖山地的适应能力更强[24]ꎮ图17㊀波士顿公司仿生机器人㊀㊀国内的仿生类底盘起步较晚ꎬ取得了一些突出成果ꎮ宇数科技公司推出的一款名为 莱卡狗 四足机器人(图18)ꎬ高0.6m㊁长0.56m㊁宽0.35mꎬ仅重25kgꎬ瞬时输出功率高达18kWꎮ它能在草地坡度20ʎ左右的地形自主行走ꎬ在外力的干扰下也能保持极强的稳定性ꎮ图18㊀莱卡狗机器人罗红艳[25]等通过摄影机对生物狗运动轨迹的捕捉ꎬ参考其生物学特征ꎬ设计了一款仿生四足机器人(图19)ꎮ足端轨迹的Walk步态㊁Trot步态分别以直线㊁多项式的方式规划ꎬ仿真结果表明该设计能在规划的单一步态下平稳运动ꎬ可完成快速步态切换ꎮ张建婷[26]等基于路径规划ꎬ结合山羊行进步态㊁迈步顺序㊁各关节角变化范围等ꎬ设计了仿山羊步态的林地底盘(图20)ꎮ实验结果表明ꎬ底盘质心行驶过程中变化稳定ꎬ偏移程度较小ꎬ没有发生跳跃或倾翻ꎬ能有效提升林地作业底盘的行驶稳定性与环境适应性ꎮ图19㊀仿生四足机器人三维模型与腿部结构1.电机ꎻ2.连杆Ⅰꎻ3.大腿肢段ꎻ4.连杆Ⅱꎻ5.连杆Ⅲꎻ6.小腿肢段ꎻ7.足端肢段ꎻ8.髋关节ꎻ9.膝关节ꎻ10.踝关节ꎻ11.腰部图20㊀仿山羊步态的林地底盘5㊀展望目前ꎬ针对丘陵山地动力底盘研究成果从国内外相关研究来看多处于理论和实验室研究阶段ꎬ相关基础理论与技术仍需探明和突破ꎬ与实际应用还有差距ꎬ难以满足 上山入林 的要求[27]ꎮ为促进丘陵山地动力底盘的发展ꎬ缩短理论与实用差距ꎬ将从多方面开展研究探索ꎬ以加速完成其从理论研究到实际应用的转变ꎮ(1)底盘与地面作用机理基础研究丘陵山地动力底盘行驶安全性㊁稳定性㊁通过9林业机械与木工设备第51卷性㊁平顺性和越障爬坡能力均可受到丘陵山地特殊地形㊁地貌影响ꎬ当前国内外专家学者对车辆行驶性能做了较多的研究ꎬ大都是针对拖拉机㊁工程机械等大型设备ꎬ对丘陵山地农林设备研究较少[28]ꎮ研究丘陵山地不同路面的动力学响应和路面结构的应变㊁位移变化等ꎬ探究丘陵山地地面-底盘耦合作用机理ꎬ明确影响底盘行驶性能的关键因素ꎮ(2)底盘多功能模块化和轻量化研究底盘通用化是丘陵山地动力底盘的发展趋势和要求ꎬ当前我国丘陵山地作业装备的通用性较差ꎬ作用场景单一ꎮ加强通用化研究ꎬ通过更换行走装置㊁调整轴/轨距和安装其它功能性附件等方式ꎬ增强底盘在山区㊁果园㊁农田㊁林间等不同作业环境下的适应性ꎮ由于果园ꎬ农作物等作物栽植面积大㊁间距小㊁杂草丛生等导致留给林间作业设备的可用空间小ꎬ加强底盘轻量化研究ꎬ通过选用轻质材料㊁采用先进的制造工艺和优化底盘结构设计等使得底盘整体机构紧凑ꎬ降低质量ꎬ减少对地面和农林作物的破坏ꎮ(3)底盘智能化和信息化研究随着物联网㊁无人驾驶㊁卫星导航等技术的快速发展ꎬ丘陵山地动力底盘作为移动式丘陵山地动力机械的 双腿 ꎬ也将会朝着智能化和信息化方向发展ꎮ通过智能化控制技术㊁信息化技术与传统底盘结构设计的融合ꎬ突破底盘行走系统㊁制动系统㊁转向系统和传动系统与环境感知机理等技术ꎬ建立底盘内外智能调控系统ꎬ实现底盘的智能感知㊁决策㊁驱动㊁作业等技术和功能ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀高巧明ꎬ潘栋ꎬ张星ꎬ等.全履带模块化无人农用动力底盘设计与仿真[J].农业机械学报ꎬ2020ꎬ51(S2):561-570. 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基于外遮阳性能实测实验的LADYBUG SERIES TOOLS模拟平台可靠性验证研究发布时间:2022-07-21T05:11:10.644Z 来源:《建筑实践》2022年第41卷5期作者:乌媛媛[导读]乌媛媛上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司摘要相比发展应用较为成熟的节能模拟软件,Ladybug Series作为新兴崛起的模拟平台,基于参数化建模软件,具备多维性能统一分析、大量数据批量计算的特性、更符合建筑方案优化工作流。




本文采用兼顾人本关怀和节能目标双导向的综合评价标准——适应性模型(Adaptive Model)[3]作为评价模型。



Ladybug Series Tools基于三维参数化建模软件Rhino,集合传统模拟平台Energyplus核心算法与建筑方案模型推演工具集,将更符合未来设计工作趋势。




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h n r p ae n l ss e ut t e e o d te a ay i r s l h .Re u t i e2 0 c s sh d b e h c e ,t e ewee s me p o lmss c s s n t 4 a e a e n c e k d h r r o r b e u h l h a n i c o i h o e , s g h o ea d d u o i ai n Co c u i n A t c o i rain s d i a - sa t mi rb a c o s u a e c o s r g c mb n t . l n o n l so s n i r b a ir t a u e l mi l ol s S xsi g ,o e s r lnc r g rt n l s d ,w ih mu tb a d at n o o a d p b i i d O e i n t n u e ci ia d ai a e t l u o u h c s e p i t t n t n u l z . ei ce
测小组按照《 抗菌药物临床应用原则》 和相关参考书籍进行



型号: 2910G,2910D,2910DZ,2911,2911D,2911DI,2911Z,2911DZ,2913D,2915DZ,2916D,2927D,2956D ,2965D,2975,2975D,2975DI,2980G,2980D,2980GI,2980DB,2988G,2988D,2988DB,2988DF,2988 DI,AT2911DZ,AT2915DZ,AT2915,A T2927I,AT2939,AT2956,A T2965,AT2956B,AT2975D,AT2975Z ,AT2975F,AT2975I,AT2986Z,AT2980D,AT2980DB,AT2988DB,AT2988,AT2988D,AT2986Z,AT2 990,A T2990ICPU型号: OM8838,TDA8841参数: 将普通遥控器打开后盖在线路板上的D04位置插上二极管(IN4148), 方向与板面方向相同,然后,按“菜单”两次,即可进入“工厂模式”的各项目调整(注:21寸按“美化画面”键).备注: 飞利浦IIC数码29寸机芯型号: N14K6,21A1,21V1,21G6,21V8,21B1,21B2,N21K1,N21K2,N21K3,N21B1L,N21B2,N21B6,N21 B6J,N21G6,N21E2CPU型号: TMPA8803,TMPA8809参数: A、开机后按住主机的“音量▼”键,使音量减到0(不要松放手),同时按遥控器上的“0”键三次,必须在1.5秒之内完成,即可进入工厂菜单。





AT91SAM9G15 9G25 9G35 9X25 9X35 ARM 嵌入式评估板用户手册 V1.

AT91SAM9G15 9G25 9G35 9X25 9X35 ARM 嵌入式评估板用户手册 V1.

MBS-SAM9G15/9G25 /9G35/9X25/9X35 User ManualRelease:V1.0 Date:2012.04.17Embest Info&Tech Co.,LTD.Revision historyRev Date Description by1.0 20120417 Initial version huangyin Note:This user guide introduces the ARM embedded evaluation board produced by Embest , based on A TMEL ARM926 -EJ-S-based processors as listed below:A T91SAM9G15A T91SAM9G25A T91SAM9G35A T91SAM9X25A T91SAM9X35The user guide pertains to the following kit references:MBS-SAM9G15MBS-SAM9G25MBS-SAM9G35MBS-SAM9X25MBS-SAM9X35The user guide gives design information on the kit and is made up of 4 sections:Section 1 includes a photo of the board, deliverables and applicable documents.Section 2 describes the hardware resource of the board.Section 3 describes the updating software list of the board.Section 4 provides the ways to contact us.This document copyright belongs to embest technology Co., LTD. © 2012In the passage , 9X5 serial general means 9G15,9G25,9G35,9X25,9X35.Section 1_Scope1.1 IntroductionThe MBS-SAM9X5 Series development board, which consists of two parts of the MBC-SAM9X5 core board and MBM-SAM9X5_9M10 main board, is the Embest launched based on the development board the A TMEL A T91SAM9X5. The core board is the smallest-sized 9X5 core board to help you as much as possible to reduce the product space, you can take advantage of the core board to complete product development easily and improve time to hit the market. Using industrial-grade connectors can achieve seamless connection with the custom main board, greatly improving the stability of the product.MBS-SAM9X5 SBC clocked up to 400MHz, the development board that supportsLinux-2.6.39 operating system debugging, angstrom, and the android-2.3.5_r1 file system test. With 256MB NandFlash, 128MB of DDR II, 4MB serial dataflash, 64KBserial eeprom, and a rich feature set expansion: high-speed USB 2.0 (480MHz), audio input, audio output, 10/100Mbps network, the JTAG debug interface, DBGU serial Micro SD card slot, SD/MMC card interface, CMOS camera interface, support for video data acquisition.1.2 Scope1.3 DeliverablesNO Items Qty Description Inspection1 MBS-SAM9X5 board 1 MBC + MBM SC2 Power Adapter (5V, 1.25A rating) 1 5V, 1.25A SC3 Micro USB Cable 1 Micro USB SC4 10/100 Ethernet Cable 1 Cross-over cable SC5 DB9-IDC10 Cable 1 Serial cable SC7 TFT LCD Panel 1 LCD with touch(4'', 7'')SCSection 2_Hardware2.1 Available resource for 9x5projects 9G15 9G25 9G35 9X25 9X35MPUs AT91SAM9G15/9G25/9G35/9X25/9X35(ARM926EJ-Score frequency400MHz) learn more <<memory 128MB SDRAMFlash256MB nandflash; 4MB serial dataflash;EEPROM64KB serial eeprom;256B 1-wire eeprom *2 (MBC+MBM)USBUSB HOST 2 2 2 2 2USB OTG 1 1 1 1 1 AudioAudio in 1 1 1 1 1Audio out 1 1 1 1 1 NET ETH 0 1 1 2 1 Camera Camera 0 1 0 0 0 UartUART interface 1 1 1 1 1USART interface 1 2 1 2 1 JTAG JTAG 1 1 1 1 1 RS485 RS485 2 2 2 2 2 CAN CAN 0 0 0 2 2 SD cardMicroSD 1 1 1 1 1SDCard 1 1 1 1 1 telephone telephone 1 1 1 1 1 LCD 4.3,7.0inch LCD 1 0 1 0 1button User button*2;Q touch button*41 1 1 1 1RTC Back up battery 1 1 1 1 1 Extended 30*2pin interface 1 1 1 1 1power 5V supply 1 1 1 1 1 2.2 Core Board2.2.1 ScopeFigure 2-1 core board frontFigure 2-2 core board back2.2.2 Structure2.2.3 Core board resourcesProcessor SAM9X5(SAM9G15/9G25/9G35/9X25/9X35)12MHz32.768MHz128MB DDR2 memory256MB nandflash memory with chip selection control switch4MB SPI Serial dataflash with chip selection control switch64KB EEPROM256B 1-wire EEPROMOn-board power regulationTwo user LEDsOptional PHYSDIOIMM200 card edge interface2.3 Function blocks for MBC-SAM9G15Here we make description about function blocks of the board with some parts of the schematic. For the whole schematic please refer to MBC-SAM9X5_REVB(embest).pdf and MBM_SAM9X5_9M10_RevA(embest).pdf (direct:)2.3.1 processorSAM9G15---ARM926EJ-S™ ARM® Thumb® Processor running at up to 400 MHz, System running at up to 133 MHz For more information about processor ATSAM9G15, please refer to SAM9G15 Complete.pdf or SAM9G15 Summary.pdf ()2.3.2 clock circuitryCrystal for internal clock, 12MHzCrystal for RTC clock, 32.768KHzCrystal for Ethernet clock RMII,50MHz2.3.4 Power supplies2.3.5 MemoryThe device serial processor features a DDR/SDR memory interface and an External Bus Interface to enable interfacing to a wide range of external memories and to almost any kind of parallel peripheral.The EBI is connected to two kinds of memory device:128MB DDR SDRAM256MB nandflash2.3.6 Dataflash(SPI controller)The serial processor provides two high-speed serial peripheral interface (SPI) controllers. One port is used to interface with the on-board serial Dataflash (4MB serial dateflash).2.3.7 EEPROM(TWI controller)The serial processor has a full speed(400KHz) master/slave TWI Serial Controller. The controller is mostly compatible with industry standard I2C and SMBus Interfaces. This port is used to interface with the on-board serial EEPROM,ISI, Qtouch device and audio codec interface.2.3.8 1-wire EEPROMThe board uses a 1-wire device as “firmware label”to store the information such as chip type, manufacturer’s name, production date etc.2.3.9 Optional PHYSome of the core boards (SAM9G15 not included) provide a location for a 10/100 Ethernet MAC/PHY interface. For more information about the Ethernet controller device, refer to the Dacvicom DM9161 controller manufacturer’s datasheet.2.3.10 SODIMM200 interface2.4 Main BoardThe main board is compatible with both the the 9m10 core board and 9x5 series core board.2.4.1 resourcesONE WIRE EPPROM(1024-bit);1 JTAG DEBUG interface;1 Camera interface(9m10 & 9G25);2 24-bit LCD interfaces(with touch);1 DBGU serial interface(3 wires);2 communication serial interfaces(5-wire & 3-wire);2 10/100Mb Ethernet interfaces;Note: 9m10 1; 9G15, 9G25, 9X35, 9G35 1; 9X25 22 RS485 interfaces;2 CANinterfaces;1 SmartDAA interface;2 USB 2.0 Host interfaces;Note: 9m10 1 (USB_A); 9x5 2 (USB_B & USB_C);1 USB high speed USB2.0 OTG interface;Note: 9m10(USB_B) and 9X5(USB_A) OTG interface;4 buttons (QTOUCH);2 buttons (reset, wakeup);1 Micro SD interface;1 SD card interface;3 LEDs;1 audio input and output interface;1 backup battery holder;User interface (50 GPIOs).2.4.2 Electrical CharacteristicsPower: 5V, 2A;Operating Temperature: 0~70C;Power Consumption: to be confirmed2.4.3 Mechanical and Physical CharacteristicsSize: 181x125mm;Board layer: 4;Board thickness: 6mm;Interface type: DIMM 200 Pins2.5 Function blocks for MBM-SAM9G152.5.1 Power supply2.5.2 AUDIOThe board includes a WM8731 CODEC for digital sound input and output. This interface includes audio jacks for line audio input and headphone line output.The SAM9 processor is configured in IIS slave mode to interface with the WM8731 Codec.2.5.3 Ethernet 0 interfaceEthernet 0 is available for the core board which has a optional PHY.2.5.4 Ethernet1Etherne1 is only available for SAM9X25, The PHY on Ethernet 1 is enabled by the SELCONFIG signal from a pull-down resistor on the core board.2.5.5 SD/MMC CardThe board has two high-speed Multi Media Card Interface. The first interface is used as a 4-bit interface (MCI0), connected to a MicroSD card slot. The second interface is used as a 4-bit Interface (MCI1), connected to an SD/MMCcard slot.2.5.6 1-wire EEPROM2.5.7 USB moduleThe board contains two USB HOST interfaces and an USB OTG interface.2.5.8 DBGUThe DBGU is connected to the DB-9 male socket through an RS-232 Transceiver (TXD and RXD only).2.5.9 USARTsThe USART0 and USART3 are used as serial communication ports. Both USARTs are buffered with an RS-232 Transceiver and connected to the DB-9 male socket. USART0 just own TXD and RXD signal, and USART3 equips addition handshake CTS/RTS control.The USART3 is only supported by SAM9G25 and SAM9X25 processors.USART0USART32.5.10 CANTwo boards(MBS-SAM9X35 and MBS-SAM9X25), feature two controller area network (CAN) ports with transceiver.2.5.11 RS485Two RS485 interfaces.2.5.12 JTAGSoftware debug is accessed by a standard 20-pin JTAG connection.2.5.13 Qtouch2.5.13 LCD interface 4.3 inch LCD interface7.0 inch LCD interface2.5.14 ISI Interface2.5.15 Telephone interfaceThe board features a smart DAA(DATA Access Arrangement) chip to drive an analog telephone line.2.5.16 Key2.5.17 RTC Power2.5.18 user interface2.6 Jumpers2.6.1 SW1 settingsNO. Setting 1 Nandflash enable 2 Dataflash enable2.6.2 SW2 settingsIt ’s used for matching Audio Lord the clock signal of the 9x5 core board NO. Settings 1 Do not care 2 Close 3 Open 4Close2.6.3 JP jumpersNO. settingsdefault JP1close :force powerclose JP2,JP3,JP4,JP5,JP6.JP7, close :enable RS485 terminal resistance open JP8,JP10close :enable CAN terminal resistance openJP9 close :DBGU available open : CAN availableNote: if you download image to the board throughUSB, you must close the jumperclose JP11close: enable camera interface (for 9G25)openJP12 Open: disable external flashClose: enable external flash closeJP14,JP15 1-2:RS485 for 9M10 core 2-3:RS485 for 9x5 coreSection 3_Software (updating)3.1 MDK resourcesARM9 productsprojects9G15 9G25 9G35 9x25 9x35 adc √√√√√can × × × √√dma √√√√√eeprom √√√√√Emac(eth1) × × × √×getting-started √√√√√Hsmci_multimedia_card √√√√√Hsmci_sdcard √√√√√Hsmci_sdio √√√√√LCD_4.3 √× √× √LCD_7.0 √× √× √LCD_10.2 √× √× √periph_protect √√√√√pmc_clock_switching √√√√√pwm √√√√√qtouch √√√√√Rs485_loopback √√√√√Rs485_twoport √√√√√Smc_nandflash √√√√√Spi_serialflash √√√√√Ssc_dma_audio √√√√√sysc √√√√√tc_capture_waveform √√√√√Touchscreen_4.3 √× √× √Touchscreen_7.0 √× √× √twi √√√√√Usart_serial_COM0 √√√√√Usart_serial_COM3 × √× √× Usart_hw_handshaking_COM3 × √× √× usb_audio_looprec √√√√√usb_cdc_serial √√√√√usb_core √√√√√usb_hid_keyboard √√√√√usb_hid_mouse √√√√√usb_hid_msd √√√√√usb_hid_transfer √√√√√usb_iad_cdc_cdc √√√√√usb_iad_cdc_hid √√√√√usb_iad_cdc_msd √√√√√usb_masstorage √√√√√3.2 Linux resourcesnote :(1) “√”--included, “×”-- not included; (2) Free and open CategoriesDrivers 9G159G259G359X259X359x5BootloaderAT91BootstrapLead Uboottested, free&openUboot1. NandFlash erasing ,reading and network download images3. Support the establishment, save the environmentvariable4. Support the memory contents display, contrast,and modification5. Support bootm 、bootargs settingstested, free&openkernelnetETH0× √ √ √ √ tested, free&open ETH1 × × × √ × tested, free&open serialUSART0√ √ √ √ √ tested, free&open USART3 × √ × √ × tested, free&open DBGU √ √ √ √ √ tested, free&open CANCAN0× × × √ √ untested, providecodes CAN1 × × × √ √ untested, providecodes USBUSB_HOST*2 √ √ √ √ √ tested, free&open USB_OTG √ √ √ √ √ tested, free&open SMD 驱动√ √ √ √ √ provide hardware interface only SDcardMicroSD√ √ √ √ √ tested, free&open SDCard√ √ √ √ √ tested, free&open camera (ISI) × √ × × × untested, providecodes LCD+touch √ × √ × √ tested, free&open Zigbee√ √ √ √ √ provide hardware interface only SPI√√√√√reuse, unregistered equipmentTWI √√√√√tested, free&openQtouch √√√√√tested, free&openDMA √√√√√tested, free&openGPIO √√√√√tested, free&openAngstrom √√√√√provide file system File systemAndroid √× √× √provide file systemSection 4_Purchase and serviceIf you are interested in the board ,you may connect:Sales and marketing: **********************For Technical Support: ************************URL: /en/。



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Results:The CD4+cells,immunoglobulin G(IgG),and immunoglobulin A(IgA)levels were significantly lower in the high-risk HPV group and low-risk HPV group than in the HPV-negative group and normal group (P<0.05).Furthermore,the levels of CD4+cells,IgG and IgA were significantly lower in the high-risk HPV group than in the low-risk HPV group(P<0.05).The levels of interleukin-2(IL-2)were significant-ly lower in the high-risk HPV group and low-risk HPV group than in the HPV-negative group and normal group(P<0.05),with the high-risk HPV group showing significantly lower IL-2levels than the low-risk HPV group(P<0.05).The levels of interleukin-4(IL-4),interleukin-17(IL-17),and transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β)were significantly higher in the high-risk HPV group and low-risk HPV group than in the HPV-negative group and normal group(P<0.05),with the high-risk HPV group showing signifi-cantly higher levels of IL-4,IL-17,and TGF-βthan the low-risk HPV group(P<0.05).The positive ex-pression rates of p16and Ki67proteins were significantly higher in the high-risk HPV group and low-risk HPV group than in the HPV-negative group and normal group(P<0.05).The relative expression levels of Prdx4and STAT3mRNA were significantly higher in the high-risk HPV group and low-risk HPV group than in the HPV-negative group and normal group(P<0.05),with the high-risk HPV group showing significantly higher levels of Prdx4and STAT3mRNA than the low-risk HPV group(P<0.05).Conclusion:HPV infec-tion exacerbates immune dysregulation and promotes abnormal cell proliferation in cervical lesion patients,par-ticularly in high-risk HPV infections.ʌKey wordsɔ㊀Human papillomavirus;㊀Cervical lesions;㊀Immune regulation;㊀Cell proliferation㊀㊀人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPV)是一种引起皮肤和黏膜上皮增生的病毒,其主要症状包括寻常疣和生殖器疣[1]㊂宫颈病变是宫颈区域出现的炎症㊁损伤和肿瘤等病变[2]㊂HPV持续感染与宫颈病变的发生和发展密切相关,因为相关基因产物会干扰细胞周期的正常调节,导致细胞不断增殖,可能导致病情恶化㊂此外,不同类型的HPV具有不同的危险程度和危害程度㊂目前研究发现宫颈病变发生的直接原因是HPV导致机体免疫调节紊乱及细胞异常增殖[3],通过改变宫颈组织的免疫环境,刺激细胞无限增殖,但具体机制尚未明确㊂故本研究探讨HPV感染与宫颈病变患者免疫调节失衡及细胞异常增殖状态的关系,旨在了解该病患者机体免疫调节及细胞功能变化,为宫颈病变的临床治疗提供有效的理论依据㊂1㊀资料与方法1.1㊀一般资料:选取2020年1月至2022年4月在我院治疗的高危HPV感染宫颈病变患者56例(高危HPV组,高危HPV指HPV16㊁18㊁31㊁33㊁35㊁39㊁45㊁51㊁52㊁56㊁58㊁59㊁68型等),低危HPV感染宫颈病变患者51例(低危HPV组,低危HPV指HPV6㊁11㊁40㊁42㊁43㊁44㊁54㊁61㊁72㊁81㊁89型等),HPV阴性宫颈病变患者57例(HPV阴性组),纳入标准:①宫颈病变均经病理学确诊CINⅠ级病变及以上;②既往无宫颈治疗史;③初次就诊者;④患者及家属知情同意㊂排除标准:①合并有其他系统恶性肿瘤者㊁肝肾功能障碍㊁自身免疫系统疾病等其他严重疾病;②近3个月有全身感染性疾病者㊂同时选取健康体检女性60例(正常组),纳入标准:①无宫颈病变及宫颈治疗史;②受试者知情同意㊂排除标准:①合并有其他系统恶性肿瘤者㊁肝肾功能障碍㊁自身免疫系统疾病等其他严重疾病;②近3个月有全身感染性疾病者㊂各组受试者临床一般资料比较见表1,具有可比性㊂㊃5721㊃表1㊀各组临床一般资料比较[ xʃs,n(%)]组别例数年龄(岁)体质量指数(kg/m2)病变分级CINⅠ级㊀㊀㊀CINⅡ级㊀㊀㊀CINⅢ级㊀㊀㊀宫颈癌高危HPV组5657.79ʃ9.9222.16ʃ2.1115(26.79)22(39.29)11(19.64)8(14.29)低危HPV组5158.93ʃ9.1522.02ʃ2.0514(27.45)20(39.22)10(19.61)7(13.73) HPV阴性组5760.02ʃ8.8922.61ʃ1.9616(28.07)21(36.84)12(21.05)8(14.04)正常组6059.11ʃ9.6022.17ʃ2.16----F/c20.5350.8470.117P0.6590.47 1.0001.2㊀检查方法1.2.1㊀外周血免疫指标检测:入院后采集患者外周空腹静脉血10mL2管,1管1000ˑg离心10min,取上层血清,-20ħ冰箱保存,采用免疫浊度法检测IgA㊁IgG㊁IgM水平(试剂盒购自武汉塞维尔生物科技公司)㊂另1管采用BD FACSCelestaTM流式细胞仪检测外周血CD3+㊁CD4+㊁CD8+百分比㊂1.2.2㊀细胞因子检测:入组即刻,获取患者宫颈组织标本,碾磨后加入PBS液㊁1000ˑg离心10min,取上清液,酶联免疫法检测外周血细胞因子IL-2㊁IL-4㊁IL-17㊁TGF-β水平(试剂盒选自上海森雄科技实业有限公司)㊂1.2.3㊀免疫组织化学法检测:检查或术后,采集病变组织标本,甲醛固定,石蜡包埋后制作切片,进行p16㊁Ki67染色,免疫组织化学染色采用SP法处理㊂1.2.4㊀增殖基因表达量检测:检查中采取可疑病灶区域宫颈组织标本,应用荧光定量PCR法检测并计算增殖相关基因Prdx4和STAT3mRNA表达量㊂(选自美国Sigma公司试剂盒)㊂1.3㊀统计学处理:数据统计分析采用SPSS22.0软件,计量资料包括:年龄㊁体质量指数㊁免疫功能指标等,数据以( xʃs)表示,单因素方差分析组间指标差异,两两比较采用LSD-t检验;疾病类型采用n(%)表示,χ2检验分析组间指标差异㊂组间比较P<0.05可认为指标差异有统计学意义,χ2检验两两比较校正P为0. 008㊂2㊀结㊀果2.1㊀各组细胞和体液免疫指标比较:高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组CD4+细胞㊁IgG和IgA明显低于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),且高危HPV组CD4+细胞㊁IgG 和IgA明显低于低危HPV组(P<0.05);高危HPV 组㊁低危HPV组㊁HPV阴性组和正常组CD3+细胞㊁CD8+细胞㊁IgM比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂见表2㊂表2㊀各组细胞和体液免疫指标比较( xʃs)组别例数CD3+(%)CD4+(%)CD8+(%)lgG(g/L)lgA(g/L)lgM(g/L)高危HPV组5662.54ʃ4.8318.28ʃ2.38abc31.67ʃ4.177.19ʃ1.01abc 1.78ʃ0.65abc 1.53ʃ0.29低危HPV组5161.02ʃ5.0422.12ʃ2.19ab31.19ʃ4.609.23ʃ0.98ab 2.01ʃ0.80ab 1.50ʃ0.32 HPV阴性组5763.11ʃ5.1926.68ʃ2.40a31.80ʃ4.8211.16ʃ1.04a 2.71ʃ0.63a 1.55ʃ0.34正常组6062.93ʃ5.4030.20ʃ3.1530.92ʃ4.0513.13ʃ1.22 3.21ʃ0.79 1.52ʃ0.30F 1.819234.9580.501325.95947.1750.24P0.145<0.0010.682<0.001<0.0010.869㊀㊀注:a与正常组比较P<0.05;b与HPV阴性组比较P<0.05;c与低危HPV组比较P<0.05㊃6721㊃2.2㊀各组细胞因子比较:高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组IL-2明显低于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),且高危HPV组IL-2明显低于低危HPV组(P<0.05);高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组IL-4㊁IL-17和TGF-β明显高于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),且高危HPV组IL-4㊁IL-17和TGF-β明显高于低危HPV组(P<0.05)㊂见表3㊂表3㊀各组细胞因子比较( xʃs)组别例数IL-2(pg/mL)IL-4(pg/mL)IL-17(pg/mL)TGF-β(pg/mL)高危HPV组5610.20ʃ3.12abc22.32ʃ5.54abc140.30ʃ24.43abc40.43ʃ5.54abc 低危HPV组5119.29ʃ3.32ab16.37ʃ4.43ab110.45ʃ21.19ab24.45ʃ6.01ab HPV阴性组5725.59ʃ4.01a10.12ʃ3.18a89.29ʃ20.52a18.28ʃ5.49a 正常组6031.16ʃ4.82 5.69ʃ2.0159.29ʃ21.4610.04ʃ4.76 F304.279191.79139.84320.255P<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001㊀㊀注:a与正常组比较P<0.05;b与HPV阴性组比较P<0.05;c与低危HPV组比较P<0.052.3㊀各组p16㊁Ki67蛋白阳性率比较:高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组p16㊁Ki67蛋白阳性表达率明显高于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05);HPV阴性组p16㊁Ki67蛋白阳性表达率明显高于正常组(P<0.05);高危HPV组和低危HPV组p16㊁Ki67蛋白阳性表达率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂见表4㊂表4㊀各组p16Ki67蛋白阳性表达率比较n(%)组别例数p16蛋白阳性表达Ki67蛋白阳性表达高危HPV组5645(80.36)ab42(75.00)ab 低危HPV组5136(70.59)ab35(68.63)ab HPV阴性组5734(59.65)a32(56.14)a正常组609(15.00)7(11.67)χ248.23256.992P<0.001<0.001㊀㊀注:a与正常组比较P<0.008;b与HPV阴性组比较P<0. 0082.4㊀各组Prdx4㊁STAT3mRNA表达比较:高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组Prdx4和STAT3mRNA相对表达量明显高于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),且高危HPV 组Prdx4和STAT3mRNA相对表达量明显高于低危HPV组(P<0.05)㊂见表5㊂表5㊀各组Prdx4和STAT3mRNA相对表达量比较( xʃs)组别例数Prdx4mRNA相对表达量STAT3相对表达量高危HPV组56 1.89ʃ0.32abc 1.69ʃ0.22abc 低危HPV组51 1.40ʃ0.22ab 1.37ʃ0.21ab HPV阴性组57 1.21ʃ0.25a 1.24ʃ0.19a 正常组60 1.01ʃ0.20 1.02ʃ0.18F128.742112.968P<0.001<0.001㊀㊀注:a与正常组比较P<0.05;b与HPV阴性组比较P<0. 05;c与低危HPV组比较P<0.053㊀讨㊀论HPV是宫颈病变的主要病因[4]㊂HPV可在85% ~95%的宫颈癌患者癌组织中检出[5]㊂其机制为HPV 通过黏膜感染靶细胞,紊乱正常细胞周期,促使病变组织形成[6]㊂T淋巴细胞介导的细胞免疫反应能使肿瘤细胞增值㊁控制肿瘤生长受到抑制㊂其中CD4+T淋巴细胞能识别抗原㊁激活免疫细胞及生成抗体抵抗肿瘤生长,并与CD8+T细胞协同参与机体免疫调节[7]㊂T细胞代表机体免疫总水平,且外周血和宫颈局部免疫情况一致㊂本研究结果表示,宫颈病变患者感染HPV后,CD8+无显著变化,但CD4+明显降低,与既往研究[8]报道相似,说明患者T细胞的辅助及诱导功能下降,增强抑制和㊃7721㊃杀伤作用并使细胞免疫功能造成损伤,导致患者感染程度加深㊂且CD4+随着HPV持续感染进一步降低,加重细胞免疫功能损伤㊂可能机制为:①HPV的早期蛋白过度参与机体局部免疫调节作用,进而导致免疫识别和清除功能降低;②感染过程中CD4+T细胞减少,抑制了机体抗肿瘤免疫作用,使宫颈组织局部免疫微环境失调[9,10]㊂本实验结果表明HPV阳性宫颈病变患者血液IgG㊁IgA浓度比HPV阴性和对照组明显降低,高危感染者两项指标降低更明显,说明患者感染HPV后体液免疫功能受损,无法产生足量中和抗体将病毒清除,最终造成感染及宫颈病变发生㊂IL-2由Th1分泌,主要参与细胞免疫;IL-4㊁IL-17由Th2分泌,主要参与体液免疫,IFN-β激活协调机体免疫系统,调控Th1/Th2平衡[11]㊂三者密切配合调控机体免疫功能㊂本实验中高危HPV组㊁低危HPV 组IL-2明显低于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),说明患者机体Th1型细胞功能受到抑制,高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组IL-4㊁IL-17和TGF-β明显高于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),机体Th2型细胞过度兴奋, Th1/Th2失衡,免疫功能紊乱㊂本研究指出,持续感染增加紊乱程度㊂说明上述细胞功能增强与宫颈病变密切相关,且高危型HPV感染可此病变加剧㊁促进宫颈组织恶变产生㊂p16可调控细胞周期,常见于恶性病变的分子事件㊂正常上皮细胞内p16表达水平极低,但病变组织中p16显著表达㊂本研究中高危HPV组㊁低危HPV 组p16㊁Ki67蛋白阳性表达率明显高于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05);HPV阴性组p16㊁Ki67蛋白阳性表达率明显高于正常组(P<0.05);佐证了上述观点故推测在p16高表达可促使宫颈病变㊂Ki67调控细胞周期蛋白,但其作用机制尚未明确,但已证实Ki67是病变细胞主要的增殖标志物㊂Ki67只在病变上皮细胞中增强表达㊂本研究中宫颈病变患者p16㊁Ki67蛋白呈高表达,且与患者HPV感染明显相关㊂说明Ki67参与了宫颈病变的发生与发展,且患者感染HPV风险随着p16㊁Ki67蛋白表达升高而增加,故可将p16㊁Ki67蛋白的动态监测结果作为宫颈病变的生物学检测指标㊂免疫环境改变能使宫颈细胞增殖活性受到影响,衡量细胞恶变风险的重要方法是检测相关基因具体表达量㊂氧化应激诱导的Prdx4增加可导致细胞免于凋亡并促使肿瘤发生㊂STAT3mRNA可调控细胞增殖㊁分化等基因表达并参与恶性肿瘤的进展,其高表达能使细胞增殖并阻碍细胞凋亡㊂本次研究结果表示:与低危型HPV感染组及正常对照组比较,高危HPV组㊁低危HPV组Prdx4和STAT3mRNA相对表达量明显高于HPV阴性组和正常组(P<0.05),且高危HPV组Prdx4和STAT3mRNA相对表达量明显高于低危HPV组(P< 0.05)㊂证实HPV感染显著增加宫颈细胞增殖活力,且随着病变程度与恶性程度呈逐渐增强,甚至导致肿瘤的发生㊂综上所述:HPV感染加重宫颈病变患者免疫调节失衡,促进宫颈细胞异常增殖,尤其在高危型HPV感染中,上述作用更加明显㊂本实验存在不足:本研究仅探讨了HPV感染组免疫功能变化,未进一步将HPV 感染类型的免疫功能变化进行分析,且相关机制还需进一步临床研究㊂ʌ参考文献ɔ[1]㊀Szymonowicz KA,Chen J.Biological and clinical aspects ofHPV-related cancers[J].Cancer Biol Med,2020,17(4):864-878.[2]㊀Zheng JJ,Miao JR,Wu Q,et al.Correlation between HPV-negative cervical lesions and cervical microenvironment[J].Taiwan Obstet 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患者并发肾损伤而升高㊂ʌ关键词ɔ㊀白细胞介素-32;㊀可溶性晚期糖基化终末产物受体;㊀中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值;㊀多发性骨髓瘤;㊀肾损伤ʌ文献标识码ɔ㊀A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀ʌdoi ɔ10.3969/j.issn.1006-6233.2023.08.09Correlation Analysis of Serum IL -32sRAGE and NLR withMultiple Myeloma Complicated with Renal InjuryJIANG Ming ,XU Juan ,DING Linlin ,et al(Rugao People 's Hospital ,Jiangsu Rugao 226500,China )ʌAbstract ɔObjective :To investigate the correlation between serum interleukin -32(IL -32),soluble advanced glycation end -product receptor (sRAGE )and neutrophil /lymphocyte ratio (NLR )and multiple my-eloma complicated with kidney injury.Methods :A total of 82MM patients diagnosed and treated in RugaoPeople's Hospital from June 2020to June 2022were selected as the observation group ,and were divided into renal injury group (n =27)and non -renal injury group (n =55)according to renal function ,and 41healthyphysical examination patients were selected as the healthy control group during the same period.IL -32,sRAGE and NLR levels were compared.Binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the effects of IL -32,sRAGE and NLR on kidney injury in MM patients.ROC curve model was used to analyze the AUC value ,sensitivity and specificity of IL -32,sRAGE and NLR in predicting kidney injury in MM patients.Results :IL -32and NLR in observation group were higher than those in control group ,while sRAGE was lower than thosein control group (P<0.05).IL -32and NLR in renal injury group were higher than those in control group ,㊃9721㊃ʌ基金项目ɔ江苏省南通市卫生健康委员会科研课题项目,(编号:QNZ2022065)ʌ通讯作者ɔ徐㊀娟。



AN2953Application note How to migrate from the STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 to the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library V3.0.0 IntroductionThe objective of this application note is to explain how to migrate an application based onthe STM32F10xxx firmware library (FWLib) V2.0.3 to the STM32F10xxx standard peripherallibrary (StdPeriph_Lib) V3.0.0. The purpose of this document is not to provide detailedinformation on these two versions, but to highlight the differences between them.Note:Throughout this document, and unless otherwise specified, the term of FWLib will be used to refer to the STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 and StdPeriph_Lib will be used to referto the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library.GlossaryLow-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xxmicrocontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes.Medium-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xxmicrocontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 32 and 128 Kbytes.High-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xxmicrocontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 256 and 512 Kbytes.April 2009Doc ID 15531 Rev 11/33Contents AN2953Contents1Why migrate from STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 toStdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1ARM® Cortex-M3™ microcontroller software interfacestandard (CMSIS) compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1.1CMSIS description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1.2CMSIS structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.1.3STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 versus CMSIS V1.10 . . . . . . . . . 91.2STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library with doxygen format . . . . . . . 101.3STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.4STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture:file inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.5STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 legacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library list of changes . . . . . . . . . 163.1STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.1.1Library core files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.1.2Library peripheral drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.1.3Library user and toolchain specific files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.1.4Library examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.2Coding rules and conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.2.1Data types and IO type qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.2.2Exception naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193.3Peripheral driver update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.3.1NVIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.3.2SysTick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.3.3CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.4How to use the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library . . . . . . . . . . . 244Migration example using the automatic script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.1How to use the automatic script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.2Migration steps using the automatic script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953Contents Appendix A FWLib V2.0.3 to StdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0:detailed migration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Doc ID 15531 Rev 13/33List of tables AN2953 List of tablesTable 1.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 macros vs. CMSIS macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Table 2.STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib package folder description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Table 3.CMSIS folder structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Table 4.CMSIS IO type qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 5.STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 types vs. CMSIS types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 6.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 exception names vs. CMSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 7.STM32F10xxx CAN1 exception renaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 8.New exception naming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 9.CAN1 IRQ channel name update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 10.STM32F10xxx FWLib NVIC functions vs CMSIS NVIC functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 11.Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953List of figures List of figuresFigure 1.CMSIS layer structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 2.STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 3.STM32F10xxx standard peripherals library package structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 4.New package vs old package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 5.STM32 library & CMSIS: structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Doc ID 15531 Rev 15/331 Why migrate from STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 toStdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0?The STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 is a complete firmware package for the STM32F10xxxlow-, medium- and high-density devices. It is a collection of routines, data structures andmacros that covers the features of all peripherals. It includes drivers and a set of examplesfor all the standard device peripherals.The STM32F10xxx StdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0 is an update of FWLib V2.0.3:●It makes the library compliant with the Cortex™ microcontroller software interfacestandard (CMSIS)●the package architecture has been enhanced●the source files are provided in the Doxygen format●the update has no impact on the STM32 peripheral drivers’ API (applicationprogramming interface)Note:Only the STM32F10xxx CAN driver was updated to anticipate the support of STM32F10xxx connectivity line products (products with dual CAN).To migrate to the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library V3.0.0, you simply have toupdate the:●files relative to your toolchain●project setting●library file organization●you do not need to change or update the application codeThe details of all updates made on the library (StdPeriph_Lib) are described below.1.1 ARM® Cortex-M3™ microcontroller software interfacestandard (CMSIS) complianceThe CMSIS answers the challenges faced when software components are deployed tophysical microcontroller devices based on Cortex-M0 / Cortex-M1 or Cortex-M3 processors.The CMSIS will also be expanded to future Cortex-M processor cores (the standard refers toCortex-Mx). The CMSIS is defined in close cooperation with various silicon and softwarevendors and provides a common approach to interface to peripherals, real-time operatingsystems and middleware components. For more details, please refer to .description1.1.1 CMSISAs part of the CMSIS, ARM provides the following software layers, which are available forvarious compiler implementations:●Core peripheral access layer: contains name definitions, address definitions andhelper functions to access core registers and peripherals. It also defines a device-independent interface for RTOS Kernels that includes debug channel definitions.●Middleware access layer: provides common methods to access peripherals for thesoftware industry. The middleware access layer is adapted by the Silicon vendor to thedevice-specific peripherals used by the middleware components. The middlewareaccess layer is currently in development and not yet part of this documentation.6/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1These software layers are expanded by Silicon partners with:● a device peripheral access layer: provides definitions for all device peripherals●access functions for peripherals (optional): provides additional helper functions forperipheralsFor a Cortex-Mx microcontroller system, CMSIS defines:● A common way of accessing peripheral registers and a common way of definingexception vectors●The register names of the core peripherals and the names of the core exceptionvectors● A device-independent interface for RTOS Kernels including a debug channel●Interfaces for middleware components (TCP/IP Stack, flash file system)structure1.1.2 CMSISFigure1 illustrates different layers for a CMSIS-based application.Doc ID 15531 Rev 17/33CMSIS – Files for the peripheral access layerCompiler vendor-independent files:●Cortex-M3 core & peripheral file (core_cm3.h + core_cm3.c)–Access to Cortex-M3 core & peripherals: NVIC, SysTick, etc.–Functions to access Cortex-M3 CPU registers and core peripherals●Device-specific header file (device.h)–Interrupt number assignment (consistent with startup file)–Peripheral register definitions (layout & base addresses)–Functions that control other chip-specific functions (optional)●Device-specific system file (system_device.c)–SystemInit function that initializes the physical microcontroller device–SystemInit_ExtMemCtl: function that sets up the external memory controller. It is called in startup_stm32f10x_xx.s/.c before jumping to main.–SystemFrequency value for system-wide timing–Other device-related features (optional)Compiler-vendor + device-specific startup file:●Compiler startup code (assembly or C) (startup_device.s)–Interrupt handler table with device-specific names (consistent with header)–Weak interrupt handler default functions (can be overwritten by user code) Note:The Weak keyword instructs the compiler to export symbols weakly. This keyword can be applied to function and variable declarations, and to function definitions.Functions defined with Weak export their symbols weakly. A weakly defined functionbehaves like a normally defined function unless a non-weakly defined function of the samename is linked to the same image. If both a non-weakly defined function and a weaklydefined function exist in the same image then all calls to the function resolve to call the non-weak function. If multiple weak definitions are available, the linker chooses one for use by allcalls.8/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1Doc ID 15531 Rev 19/331.1.3 STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 versus CMSIS V1.10CMSIS provides a different implementation of some STM32F10xxx FWLib components. Here are the main differences:●Use of standard C types, <stdint.h > file●For each Cortex-M3 exception and STM32 IRQ, there will be: –an exception/interrupt handler with the _Handler postfix (for exceptions) or the _IRQHandler postfix (for interrupts)– a default exception/interrupt handler (weak definition) that contains an endless loop–a #define of the interrupt number with the _IRQn postfix●Startup file renamed to startup_stm32f10x_xx.s/.c , where xx can be: hd (high-density, md (medium-density) or ld (low-density)●Only reduced NVIC and SysTick functions are available, some useful functions will be added in a new driver in the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library, named misc.h/.c●Some macro names are different from those used in STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3. (T able 1)Table 1.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 macros vs. CMSIS macros (1)1.Bold is used to identify the macros that changed. When the change has an impact on the FWLib (driver orexamples), gray shading is added.STM32 macrosCMSIS macrosSTM32 macros CMSIS macros - __NOP __RESETPRIMASK __enable_irq __WFI __WFI __SETPRIMASK __disable_irq __WFE __WFE __READ_PRIMASK __get_PRIMASK __SEV __SEV __set_PRIMASK(val)__ISB __ISB __RESETFAULTMASK __enable_fault_irq __DSB __DSB __SETFAULTMASK __disable_fault_irq __DMB __DMB __READ_FAULTMASK __get_FAULTMASK __SVC-__set_FAULTMASK(val)__MRS_CONTROL __get_CONTROL __BASEPRICONFIG __set_BASEPRI __MSR_CONTROL __set_CONTROL __GetBASEPRI __get_BASEPRI __MRS_PSP __get_PSP __REV_HalfWord __REV16__MSR_PSP __set_PSP __REV_Word __REV __MRS_MSP __get_MSP -__REVSH __MSR_MSP__set_MSP-__RBIT1.2 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library with doxygenformatThe STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library comes in a new source file format. Now, allStdPeriph_Lib files use the Doxygen format to easy documentation generation and for moreinteractive and effective documentation usage.The existing STM32F10xxx firmware library user manual UM0427 will be removed from theSTMicroelectronics MCU website (/mcu) and replaced by a CHM file presentingall STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library components.Doxygen example:/*** @brief Reads the specified input port pin.* @param GPIOx: where x can be (A..G) to select the GPIOperipheral.* @param GPIO_Pin: specifies the port bit to read.* This parameter can be GPIO_Pin_x where x can be (0..15).* @retval : The input port pin value.*/Where:●@brief: one-line brief function overview●@param: detailed parameter explanation●@retval: detailed information about return valuesFor more details, refer to the "stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm" file.1.3 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architectureThe STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture is enhanced with CMSIS layersupport.The StdPeriph_Lib usage is now based on two approaches that take into account theapplication needs:●it uses the peripheral drivers: in this case product programming is based on the drivers’API (application programming interface). Y ou only have to configure the"stm32f10x_conf.h" file and use the corresponding stm32f10x_ppp.h/.c files.●it does not use the peripheral drivers: in this case product programming is based on theperipheral register structure and bit definition fileThe StdPeriph_Lib supports all STM32F10xxx family products: STM32F10xxx high-,medium- and low-density devices. The StdPeriph_Lib is configurable for the whole familyproducts through preprocessor defines, one define per product. Defines are availablefor the following products:●STM32F10x_LD: STM32 low-density devices●STM32F10x_MD: STM32 medium-density devices●STM32F10x_HD: STM32 high-density devices10/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953Why migrate from STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 to StdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0?The scope of these defines is:●Interrupt IRQ channel definition inside the stm32f10x.h file●Vector table, one startup file per product●Peripheral memory mapping and physical register address definition●Product configuration: external quartz (HSE) value, etc.●System configuration functions●Features with different/incompatible implementations across the familyThese defines do not apply to peripheral drivers, these drivers will always support thefeatures of the family superset.1.4 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture:file inclusionFigure2 illustrates the STM32F10xxx file inclusion.1.5 STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 legacyThe STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 and all related firmware will be kept on the STM32™website (/mcu/familiesdocs-110.html). They will be zipped together into asingle file "", available below the “Firmware” documentcategory reachable at: /mcu/familiesdocs-110.html#Firmware.In addition to the archive file, a library patch called ""is also provided. This patch fixes all FWLib V2.0.3 limitations.Doc ID 15531 Rev 111/33STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package AN2953 2 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library packageFor better flexibility and improved structure purposes, the STM32F10xxx firmware librarypackage was updated to include a specific folder for the CMSIS files and peripheral layer.The package is renamed to STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_VX.Y.Z for STM32F10xxx standardperipherals library.The new package architecture is illustrated in Figure3.Figure 3.STM32F10xxx standard peripherals library package structure12/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library packageDoc ID 15531 Rev 113/33New package descriptionT able 2 describes all the new folders in the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package.Table 2.STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib package folder descriptionSTM32F10x_StdPeriph_LibUtilities ProjectLibraries_htmrescTemplate Template ExamplesSTM32F10x_StdPeriph_DriverCMSISSTM3210-EVAL RVMDK RIDEEWARMv5 A full set examplesfor STM32F10xxxStandard peripheraldrivers srcincSeeT able 3This foldercontains all package html page resources This folder contains a specific driver for the STM3210E-EVAL and STM3210B-EVAL evaluation boardsT emplate projectExample for KEIL RVMDKT emplate project Example for Raisonance RIDE Template project Example for IAR EWARMv5Source files forSTM32F10xxxStandard peripheral driversInclude files for STM32F10xxx Standardperipheral drivers14/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1T able3 describes the CMSIS folder structure.Table 3.CMSIS folder structureCMSISCoreDocumentationCM3This folder contains the STM32F10xxx CMSISfiles: device peripheral access layer and coreperipheral access layer–core_cm3.h: CMSIS Cortex-M3 core peripheralaccess layer header file–core_cm3.c: CMSIS Cortex-M3 core peripheralaccess layer source file–stm32f10x.h: CMSIS Cortex-M3 STM32F10xxxdevice peripheral access layer header file–system.stm32f10x.h: CMSIS Cortex-M3STM32F10xxx device peripheral access layersystem header file–system.stm32f10x.c: CMSIS Cortex-M3STM32F10xxx device peripheral access layersystem source fileStartupCMSISDocumentationiar gcc armIAR Compiler Startupfiles for STM32F10xxx:–startup_stm32f10x_hd.s: high-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_md.s: medium-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_ld.s: low-density devicestartup fileGCC Compiler Startupfiles for STM32F10xxx:–startup_stm32f10x_hd.c: high-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_md.c: medium-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_ld.c: low-density devicestartup fileARM Compiler Startupfiles for STM32F10xxx:–startup_stm32f10x_hd.s: high-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_md.s: medium-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_ld.s: low-density devicestartup fileSTM32F10xxx standard peripheral library packageAN2953AN2953STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package Old STM32F10xxx FWLib package vs. new STM32F10xxx StdPeriph_LibpackageFigure 4.New package vs old packageDoc ID 15531 Rev 115/333 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library list ofchanges3.1 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library files3.1.1 Library core files●The stm32f10x_map.h file was renamed as stm32f10x.h. It contains:–STM32 interrupt IRQ list–Specific options for the Cortex-M3 core–STM32 peripheral memory mapping and physical register address definition– A specific define storing the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library version: “__STM32F10X_STDPERIPH_VERSION”–Configuration options:a) The application has to select the STM32 product it is operating with, only onedefine per productb) The application has to select if the peripheral drivers are to be used or not●The library Debug mode was removed: it is no longer possible to view the peripheralregisters in a debugger watch window. However, it is now possible to access registersusing specific tool chain debugger utilities. As a consequence, the following files wereremoved/updated:–main.c: #ifdef DEBUG was replaced by #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT–stm32f10x_lib.h was removed and its content were included in stm32f10x_conf.h–stm32f10x_lib.c file was removed–stm32f10x_conf.h:a) “#define DEBUG 1” was removed and a specific define for the full assertfunction was added: “#define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1”b) Peripheral instance defines (e.g. #define _USART, #define _USART1,#define _USART2) were removedc) To include the peripheral header file, you have to uncomment the correspondingline to use the driver functions. For example, uncomment #include“stm32f10x_spi.h”to use the SPI driver functions.–The stm32f10x_type.h file was replaced by the <stdint.h> file. Library-specific types were added into the stm32f10x.h file (bool, FlagStatus, ITStatus,FunctionalState, ErrorStatus). Old types remain unchanged. They were includedin the stm32f10x.h file for legacy purposes.–cortexm3_macro.h and cortexm3_macro.s were removed, they are now covered by CMSIS filesNote:1 A specific example is provided. It is called “Lib_DEBUG” and describes how to define a DEBUG feature for a selected peripheral.16/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 13.1.2 Library peripheral drivers●NVIC and SysTick drivers were removed, only five useful functions were added as anew driver (misc.h/misc.c), in addition to the functions covered by the CMSIS coreperipheral layer.–void NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(u32 NVIC_PriorityGroup); for easy Cortex-M3 priority bit configuration–void NVIC_Init(NVIC_InitTypeDef* NVIC_InitStruct); for easy NVIC IRQ configuration–void NVIC_SetVectorTable(u32 NVIC_VectTab, u32 Offset); used to boot from internal SRAM and to relocate the vector table to a different offsetmemory–void NVIC_SystemLPConfig(u8 LowPowerMode, FunctionalStateNewState);–void SysTick_CLKSourceConfig(u32 SysTick_CLKSource);●CAN driver update: in all CAN driver functions, new parameter CAN_TypeDef* CANxadd.●No change in the remaining drivers3.1.3 Library user and toolchain specific files●stm32f10x_vector.s/stm32f10x_vector.c were renamed tostartup_stm32f10x_xx.s/startup_stm32f10x_xx.c, with one startup file per product–startup_stm32f10x_ld.s (STM32 low-density devices)–startup_stm32f10x_md.s (STM32 medium-density devices)–startup_stm32f10x_hd.s (STM32 high-density devices)●stm32f10x_it.h/stm32f10x_it.c: all STM32 IRQ handler routines were removed fromthese files, only Cortex-M3 exceptions are available. The [Weak] directive is mandatoryinside the startup file. The user has to manually add the peripheral ISR into thestm32f10x_it.h/stm32f10x_it.c file●Cortex-M3 exception renamed according to CMSIS●main.c: the following code should be removed:#ifdef DEBUGdebug();#endifexamples3.1.4 Library●The NVIC CM3_LPModes and System_Handlers examples were removed, the otherones were kept (VectorT able_Relocation, DMA_WFIMode, IRQ_Channels, Priority)●PWR and Cortex-M3 examples were updated with new macro names●No change in the remaining examplesDoc ID 15531 Rev 117/3318/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 13.2 Coding rules and conventions3.2.1 Data types and IO type qualifiersThe Cortex-Mx HAL uses the standard types from the standard ANSI C header file<stdint.h>. IO type qualifiers are used to specify the access to peripheral variables. IO type qualifiers are used for the automatic generation of debug information for the peripheral registers.The “stm32f10x_type.h ” file being removed from the package, the new library will use the CMSIS and <stdint.h> types. Table 5 shows the correspondence between STM32F10xxx and <stdint.h> types.Table 4.CMSIS IO type qualifiersIO type qualifier #defineDescription__I volatile const Read access only __O volatile Write access only __IOvolatileRead and write accessesTable 5.STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 types vs. CMSIS typesSTM32F10xxx FWLib types CMSIS types Descriptions32int32_t signed 32-bit data s16int16_t signed 16-bit data s8int8_t signed 8-bit datasc32const int32_t read access only signed 32-bit data sc16const int16_t read access only signed 16-bit data sc8const int8_t read access only signed 8-bit datavs32__IO int32_t volatile read and write access signed 32-bit data vs16__IO int16_t volatile read and write access signed 16-bit data vs8__IO int8_t volatile read and write access signed 8-bit data vsc32__I int32_t volatile read access only signed 32-bit data vsc16__I int16_t volatile read access only signed 16-bit data vsc8__I int8_t volatile read access only signed 8-bit data u32uint32_t unsigned 32-bit data u16uint16_t unsigned 16-bit data u8uint8_tunsigned 8-bit datauc32const uint32_t read access only unsigned 32-bit data uc16const uint16_t read access only unsigned 16-bit data uc8const uint8_t read access only unsigned 8-bit datavu32__IO uint32_tvolatile read and write access unsigned 32-bit dataDoc ID 15531 Rev 119/33Note:1The old STM32F10xxx FWLib types are still defined inside the “stm32f10x.h” file for legacy purposes.2The STM32F10xxx FWLib-specific types are also defined in “stm32f10x.h”. These types are:typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool ;typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus , ITStatus ;typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState ;#define IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(STATE) (((STATE) == DISABLE) || ((STATE) == ENABLE))typedef enum {ERROR = 0, SUCCESS = !ERROR} ErrorStatus ;3.2.2 Exception namingTable 6 shows the exception handler names which were changed to match CMSIS names.Table 7 shows the exception handlers that were changed to change CAN to CAN1.vu16__IO uint16_t volatile read and write access unsigned 16-bit data vu8__IO uint8_t volatile read and write access unsigned 8-bit data vuc32__I uint32_t volatile read access only unsigned 32-bit data vuc16__I uint16_t volatile read access only unsigned 16-bit data vuc8__I uint8_tvolatile read access only unsigned 8-bit dataTable 5.STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 types vs. CMSIS types (continued)STM32F10xxx FWLib types CMSIS types DescriptionTable 6.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 exception names vs. CMSISSTM32F10xxx exceptions CMSISDescriptionNMIException NMI_Handler NMI exception HardFaultException HardFault_Handler Hard fault exception MemManageException MemManage_Handler Memory manage exception BusFaultException BusFault_Handler Bus fault exception UsageFaultException UsageFault_Handler Usage fault exception SVCHandler SVC_Handler SVCall exception DebugMonitor DebugMon_Handler Debug monitor exception PendSVC PendSV_Handler PendSVC exception SysTickHandlerSysTick_HandlerSysTick handler。

ST AN2953 应用笔记

ST AN2953 应用笔记

1 为什么把STM32F10xxx固件库(FWLib)V2.0.3升级为标 准外设库(StdPeriph_Lib)V3.0.0
STM32F10xxx固件库(FWLib)V2.0.3是一个完整的固件包,它适用于STM32F10xxx小容量,中 容量和大容量产品。固件库由程序,数据结构和宏组成,覆盖了所有外设的特征,还包括了全 部标准外设的驱动和一系列示例程序。
STM32F10xxx标准外设库文件 ································································································· 11
3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4
库的内核文件 ······················································································································ 11 库的外设驱动 ······················································································································ 11 库的用户和工具链专用文件 ······························································································· 12 库的例程 ···························································································································· 12


SA机心 (上海东杰) LC863320A-5S10 LA76810 2592TDD/2922TD,2992TDD,2522TD,2966AA,2922AA 按住键控板的“音量减”键直至“00”状态,同时按遥控器的屏显键进入S模式。(按菜单键7次,出现功能菜单,童锁设置为关时,显示黑屏。)
TC机心 87CM38N-1P31 TB1240N 4318,3482,3486 同上TB机心。
MA MC87012 M61201P 2986MA 按遥控循环键4秒以上,再立刻按MENC键,屏幕出现TEST,再按童锁键及4---9数字键进入相应菜单。、 按待机键,STANDBY键,TV进入READY状态,几秒字符消失退出工厂状态。
AA机心 LC863328A-5S15 M8910 LA76810 后期生产的2182TD,2187PLUS 采用新一代CPU:M8910 TN2592AA,(2183TD),2183AA,2185AA,2155PLAS,(2187PLUS),2153AA,2181AA,2188AD,2192AA/LUSA,2581AA,2583AA/TD,2585AA,2586AA,2593AA,2593TDD 在频道和音量键之间有一个圆,在此加一个键即是TEST工厂键,或者把用户遥控器(芯片为SC7416-103)芯片(4),(13)脚短路,出现TEST进入,按数字键进入相应菜单。
PE机心 MTV880 M37225M6 MC8901A OM8839 2969,2999,2969PEE,2988,2988PEE,3486,2966,(PE) 按遥控器返回键5秒,松开后立刻按遥控菜单键进入。童锁出厂密码D0000,通用密码1011。
TB机心 87CK38N-1V50 TB1238N 2952,2953,2955,2955TD,2992,2988 按住本机音量减不放,按遥控屏显键进入S,按屏显键退出,再按本机音量减键不放,同时按屏显进入D状态。(按菜单及↑↓键选择童锁项目。)



英语作文评分器的创新与挑战In the digital era, the integration of technology into various fields of education has become increasingly prevalent. Among these advancements, the English essay scorer stands out as a remarkable tool that has revolutionized the way we assess writing abilities. While the essay scorer brings about numerous benefits, it also poses certain challenges that need to be addressed.The emergence of the essay scorer has significantly streamlined the grading process. Traditionally, teachers had to spend countless hours reading and evaluating each essay manually, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to human errors and biases. However, with the essay scorer, this arduous task is greatly simplified. The software utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze the essays based on various parameters such as grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and coherence. This automated approach ensures a more consistent and objective evaluation, freeing teachers from the burden of extensive grading.Moreover, the essay scorer provides immediate feedback to students, enabling them to identify their strengths andweaknesses promptly. This timely feedback loop encourages a culture of continuous improvement, where students can revise their essays based on the suggestions provided and work towards enhancing their writing skills. The personalized feedback also helps students to gain a deeper understanding of the criteria used for grading, fostering a more self-directed learning environment.Despite its numerous advantages, the essay scorer faces some notable challenges. One major concern is thereliability and accuracy of the scoring algorithms. While the software has made remarkable progress in this regard, there are still instances where it may misinterpret certain aspects of the essay or fail to capture the nuances of the English language. This issue is exacerbated by the factthat writing is a highly subjective skill, and different individuals may interpret the same essay differently.Another challenge lies in the potential for the essay scorer to replace human teachers altogether. While the software can provide an efficient grading system, it lacks the ability to provide the nuanced, contextual feedbackthat a human teacher can offer. Teachers not only gradeessays but also mentor students, guiding them towards improving their writing and critical thinking skills. The essay scorer, although a valuable tool, cannot replicate the role of a teacher in fostering a comprehensive learning environment.In conclusion, the English essay scorer represents a significant leap forward in the field of educational technology. It has revolutionized the grading process, providing a more efficient and objective system that benefits both teachers and students. However, it also poses challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring the reliability of the scoring algorithms and recognizing the limits of technology in replacing human teachers. As we continue to explore the potential of the essay scorer, itis crucial to strike a balance between harnessing technology's power and maintaining the human touch in education.**英语作文评分器的创新与挑战**在数字化时代,技术融入教育领域的各个方面已经变得越来越普遍。

1732 ArmorBlock 诊断16点I O模块系列A用户指南说明书

1732 ArmorBlock 诊断16点I O模块系列A用户指南说明书

Wiring Diagrams Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series ACatalog Numbers 1732D-8X81212D, -8X81212HD,-8I8O1212D, -IB161212D, -IBDPM12MND, -8X8M12D Package ContentsYour package contains one 1732 ArmorBlock module and these wiring instructions.For complete installation instructions, refer to the Module Publication Number table and visit .Module Publication NumberModule PublicationNumber1732D-IN009 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input Auxiliary-powered8-output Module, Series A (cat. no. 1732-8X81212D)1732D-IN010 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input/8-output Module,Series A (cat. no. 1732-8I8O1212D)1732D-IN011 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input Auxiliary-powered8-output Module, Series A (cat. no. 1732-8X81212DH)1732D-IN012 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 16-input Module, Series A(cat. no. 1732-IB161212D)1732D-IN007 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network Powered 16-Input Module, Series A(cat. no. 1732D-IBDPM12MND)1732D-IN004 DeviceNet 1732 ArmorBlock Network-powered 8-input Auxiliary-powered8-output Module, Series A (cat. no. 1732D-8X8M12D)Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 20092 Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009DeviceNet ConnectorsI/O Connectors1732 DeviceNet Micro-style(view into connector)Pin 1DrainPin 2V+Pin 3 V-Pin 4CAN_HPin 5CAN_L (view into connector)Pin 1DrainPin 2V+Pin 3V-Pin 4CAN_HPin 5CAN_LNetwork-in Male Connector Network-out Female Connector1732 DeviceNet Mini-styleNetwork-in Male Connector(view into connector)Pin 1 Sensor Source VoltagePin 2 Input BPin 3 ReturnPin 4 Input APin 5 PE 5-pin Female Input Micro-stylePinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A 3Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009Auxiliary Power Connector ATTENTION Two sets of mounting holes are used to mount the module directly to a panel or machine. Mounting holes accommodate #6 (M3) pan head screws. The torquespecification is 0.64 Nm (6 in-lb).ATTENTION This equipment is considered Group 1, Class A industrial equipment accordingto IEC/CISPR Publication 11. Without appropriate precautions, there may bepotential difficulties ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in otherenvironments due to conducted as well as radiated disturbance.(view into connector)Pin 1 Not UsedPin 2 Output BPin 3 ReturnPin 4 Output APin 5 PE5-pin Female Output Micro-style(view into connector)Pin 1Sensor Source VoltagePin 2 OutputPin 3 ReturnPin 4 InputPin 5 PE5-pin Female Combination Micro-style(view into connector)Pin 1Output Power+Pin 2No ConnectionPin 3No ConnectionPin 4Output Power-4-pin Mini-style4 Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009SpecificationsEnvironmental Specifications AttributeValue Temperature, operating-20…60 °C (-4…140 °F)Ambient temperaturerating (UL)60 °C (140 °F)Operating voltage11…30V DC Output current 1732D-8I8O1212D - 0.5A per output1732D-8X81212D - 0.5A per output1732D-8X81212HD - 1.4A per output1732D-8X8M12D - 0.5A per outputEnclosure type ratingMeets IP65/66/67/69K (when marked), and NEMA 4X/6P withreceptacle dust caps or cable termination.CertificationsCertifications (whenproduct is marked)(1)(1)See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Value c-UL-usUL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E322657CE European Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial RequirementsEN 61000-6-2; Industrial ImmunityEN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act,compliant with: AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsDeviceNetODVA conformance tested to DeviceNet specificationsPinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A 5 Notes:Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 20096 Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A Notes:Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009Pinout Guide for 1732 ArmorBlock Diagnostic 16-point I/O Modules, Series A 7 Notes:Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009Publication 1732-WD003C-EN-P - July 2009PN-51088Supersedes Publication 1732-WD003B-EN-P - January 2008Copyright © 2009 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Singapore.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At , you can find technicalmanuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect Support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem with a hardware module within the first 24 hours ofinstallation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your module up and running:New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned:Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, TechConnect, and ArmorBlock are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.United States1.440.646.3434 Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm EST Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (see phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor in order to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for returnprocedure.。



专利名称:COMPRESSED AIR TYPE DEEP WELL DEVICE 发明人:TSUJI KENTAROU申请号:JP6793981申请日:19810506公开号:JPS57184118A公开日:19821112专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To locally and quickly drain water in soil by using a system in which an inner tube with a pointed lower part is attached to the inside of an outer tube with a pointed lower part in a vertically slidable manner, a great number of small holes are drilled in the lower circumferences of both the inner and outer tubes, and compressed air is charged through the outer tube. CONSTITUTION:A deep well device 1' is buried and then compressed air A is sent through an air supply tube into the device 1', whereupon the compressed air is jetted from the nozzles 5... of an outer tube 2 into the ground to form an air zone Z in which air bubbles are confined in the ground G. When the compressed air is further supplied continuously, the air zone is expanded to squeeze out water W contained in the nearby ground from the holes 8 of the inner tube 4 into the inner tube. When the water is stored to the height of the head H, the water is discharged through a drain pipe E to the outside by the operation of a water pump P.申请人:TSUJI KENTAROU更多信息请下载全文后查看。

SAE J2836, J2847, J2931, J2953 Update 06.28 2012

SAE J2836, J2847, J2931, J2953 Update 06.28 2012
DR and Price->
Embedded WiFi
SAE PEV Communication Status - IWC Meeting
AC/DC Communication System Structure
Messages/Control Messages/Control Object/Transfer Layers CAN Bus Object/Transfer Layers CAN Bus
ANL: Standards/Field Testing Status
SAE PEV Communication Status - IWC Meeting
ANL PEV-Smart Grid Interop Center Status
ANL Interoperability Center Has 6 Lab Spaces:
6/28/2012 SAE PEV Communication Status - IWC Meeting 4
SAE Testing & Demo Configuration
Meter ALG ESI ZB SEP1.x WiFi SEP2.0
Metering data -> Gateway ESI SE2.0 WiFi HAN Load Control Applications: Metering Load Control Thermostat EV Laptop
SAE PEV Communication Status - IWC Meeting
PLC Test Status
– PHY/MAC testing completed in March, 2012



r e s i l i e n c y i n t e r v e n t i o n t a r g e t i n g f e a r o fr e c u r r e n c e a m o n g ca n c e r s u r v i v o r s [J ].J o u r n a l o f P s y c h o s o m a t i cR e s e a r c h ,2020,137:110215.[53] 徐笑笑,崔慧霞,董红,等.肺癌化疗病人癌症复发恐惧㊁情绪调节与社会支持的关系研究[J ].全科护理,2022,20(23):3295-3298.[54] 何敏.宫颈癌根治术后患者癌症复发恐惧㊁社会支持㊁应对方式的相关性[D ].延安:延安大学,2022.[55] 王蕊,张家绮,刘颖,等.肺癌病人医学应对方式在癌症复发恐惧与焦虑㊁抑郁间的中介效应[J ].循证护理,2021,7(12):1634-1638.[56] Y A N G Y ,S U N H W ,L U O X ,e t a l .N e t w o r k c o n n e c t i v i t yb e t w e e nf e a ro fc a n c e rr e c u r r e n c e ,a n x i e t y ,a nd de p r e s s i o ni n b r e a s t c a n c e r p a t i e n t s [J ].J o u r n a lo fAf f e c t i v eD i s o r d e r s ,2022,309:358-367.[57] 张爱萍,段素伟.社会疏离在康复期乳腺癌患者癌症复发恐惧与睡眠质量间的中介效应[J ].护理学报,2022,29(13):66-70.[58] S H I NJ ,S H I N D W ,L E EJ ,e t a l .E x p l o r i n g s o c i o -d e m o g r a ph i c ,p h y s i c a l ,p s y c h o l o g i c a l ,a n d q u a l i t y o f l i f e -r e l a t e df a c t o r sr e l a t e d w i t hf e a ro fc a n c e rr e c u r r e n c ei ns t o m a c hc a n c e rs u r v i v o r s :ac r o s s -s e c t i o n a l s t ud y [J ].B M CC a n ce r ,2022,22(1):414.[59] P E N G L ,Y A N G Y ,C H E N M Y ,e ta l .Ef f e c t so fa n o n l i n em i n d f u l n e s s -b a s e d i n t e r v e n t i o no nf e a ro f c a n c e r r e c u r r e n c ea n dq u a l i t y o fl i f e a m o n g Ch i n e s e b r e a s t c a n c e r s u r v i v o r s [J ].C o m p l e m e n t a r y T h e r a p i e s i nC l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e ,2022,49:101686.[60] C H E N W Y ,WA N G S ,P E N G X ,e t a l .T r a i t e m o t i o n a li n t e l l i g e n c e a n d q u a l i t y o f l i f ea m o n g b r e a s t c a n c e r p a t i e n t s :t h e m e d i a t i n g r o l e o ff e a r o fc a n c e rr e c u r r e n c e [J ].I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o fN u r s i n g P r a c t i c e ,2022,28(4):e 12953.[61] 董淑贤,张俊,郑秀,等.青年乳腺癌患者拼贴画心理疗法的实施[J ].护理学杂志,2021,36(8):17-20.(收稿日期:2023-11-08;修回日期:2024-03-01)(本文编辑贾小越)移动健康技术在冠心病病人二级预防中的应用进展许 静1,张 会2*,郭 茜3,项晓婷1,陆雅维1,仲 蕾11.安徽医科大学护理学院,安徽230031;2.安徽医科大学第一附属医院;3.杭州师范大学护理学院A p p l i c a t i o n p r o g r e s s o fm o b i l eh e a l t h t e c h n o l o g y i ns e c o n d a r yp r e v e n t i o no f p a t i e n t sw i t hc o r o n a r y h e a r t d i s e a s eX UJ i n g ,Z H A N G H u i ,G U O Q i a n ,X I A N GX i a o t i n g,L UY a w e i ,Z H O N GL e i S c h o o l o fN u r s i n g ,A n h u iM e d i c a lU n i v e r s i t y ,A n h u i 230031C h i n a C o r r e s p o n d i n g A u t h o r Z H A N G H u i ,E -m a i l :z h a n gh u i 310@126.c o m K e yw o r d s m o b i l eh e a l t h ;c o r o n a r y h e a r t d i s e a s e ;s e c o n d a r yp r e v e n t i o n ;r e v i e w 摘要 对移动健康技术的相关概念㊁移动健康技术在冠心病病人二级预防中的应用形式㊁应用效果㊁存在的不足及展望等内容进行综述,旨在为我国移动健康技术在冠心病二级预防中的临床应用和护理提供理论依据和实践指导㊂关键词 移动健康;冠心病;二级预防;综述d o i :10.12102/j.i s s n .2095-8668.2024.06.011 基金项目 国家重点研发计划课题横向合作基金项目,编号:2020Y F C 2006502作者简介 许静,硕士研究生在读*通讯作者 张会,E -m a i l :z h a n gh u i 310@126.c o m 引用信息 许静,张会,郭茜,等.移动健康技术在冠心病病人二级预防中的应用进展[J ].循证护理,2024,10(6):1025-1030.㊃5201㊃循证护理2024年3月第10卷第6期(总第122期)心血管疾病是全球死亡的主要原因㊂2022年美国心脏协会统计数据表明,全球每年约有1910万人死于心血管疾病,其中最常见的是冠心病,全球患病人数约为2.4亿人[1]㊂我国心血管病中心发布的‘中国心血管健康与疾病报告2022“[2]中指出,我国心血管病患病人数处于持续上升阶段,据推算,心血管病现患人数为3.3亿例,其中冠心病人数达到1139万例,死亡率在5年内也呈现连续上升的趋势㊂由此可见,冠心病已成为世界范围内主要的公共健康问题㊂目前,针对冠心病的治疗方案均不能从根本上解决冠状动脉粥样硬化的病理改变,若不能做好二级预防,可能会反复发生心脏不良事件[3]㊂美国心脏学会和欧洲心脏学会均提到心血管病二级预防的重要性[4-5],在我国,也为发生心脏事件后的病人推荐心脏康复和二级预防[6],二级预防主要是通过综合控制多种潜在危险因素,防止病情恶化,改善预后,提高病人的生活质量㊂但目前受时间㊁地点的制约,医疗资源的限制,冠心病病人二级预防的参与度和依从性均不高㊂近年来,随着信息技术和智能设备的不断发展,移动健康技术打破了时空的限制,提高了医疗服务的可及性㊂移动健康技术是指充分利用移动互联网通信技术来提供体检㊁保健㊁疾病评估㊁医疗㊁康复等健康管家服务㊂已有研究证明,移动健康技术可以为冠心病病人提供个性化的二级预防支持并激励其行为的改变[7],但在不同的研究中应用形式不同且应用效果存在较大的差异㊂因此,本研究对移动健康技术在冠心病病人二级预防中的应用进行综述,以期推进移动健康技术在我国冠心病领域中的发展㊂1移动健康技术在冠心病二级预防中的应用形式1.1应用程序应用程序作为移动健康技术的主流形式,给病人和医护人员带来诸多便利㊂E c k a r d t等[8]开发了一款基于智能手机的A P P对冠心病病人进行管理干预,该A P P的主要功能包括心血管疾病相关知识的教育课程,运动锻炼的指导㊁血压和心率的监测,药物的跟踪以及健康教练的咨询服务等㊂D u s i n g等[9]设计了一款名为 V a n t i sT h e r a p y 的应用程序,旨在支持冠心病病人实现基于当前欧洲心脏学会(E S C)指南推荐的行为改变㊂该应用程序能够为病人提供每日计划,其中包括根据病人能力进行视频指导的家庭锻炼计划㊁用药跟踪和健康饮食计划,病人可以在家中测量血压,记录体重㊁食物摄入量等㊂此外,该应用程序还可以跟踪病人的特定症状(如心绞痛)和重要参数(如血压升高),可提示病人及时发现问题并及时就医㊂在国内, S o n g等[10]开发了一个远程监控软件M E M R S-C R S并进行了一项试点研究,医护人员通过该软件监测干预组病人运动前后的运动频率㊁血压和心率,在监测设备电脑终端使用主观疲劳感知评估量表(B o r g R a t i n g o f P e r c e i v e dE x e r t i o nS c a l e)调查病人运动后的疲劳程度,并每周通过短信和电话与病人沟通,对病人的运动状态㊁有关器械使用情况和运动处方提供反馈㊂上述为冠心病病人量身定制的应用程序均表现出良好的应用效果,未来可开发不同功能的应用程序以满足不同病人的需求和偏好㊂1.2可穿戴设备据互联网数据中心最新发布的‘中国可穿戴设备市场季度跟踪报告“显示,2023年第1季度我国可穿戴设备市场出货量为2471万台,同比下降4.1%[11]㊂有研究表明,可穿戴设备可以作为心血管风险评估和疾病预防的一种工具[12]㊂近年来,针对心血管疾病的可穿戴设备主要包括腕带㊁胸带㊁贴片等,其中监测指标包括血压㊁心率㊁呼吸㊁血氧饱和度㊁睡眠㊁心电信号等㊂M a d d i s o n等[13]通过R E MO T E-C R平台对冠心病病人进行远程心脏康复干预,该研究指出,在病人运动时可穿戴传感器可记录心率㊁呼吸频率及单导联心电图,并将这些数据通过无线或有线网络上传至应用程序,心脏康复专家可根据病人上传的数据提供个性化的指导和反馈㊂在国内也开展了相关研究,尤炎丽等[14]在一项基于可穿戴设备监测经皮冠状动脉介入术后病人康复效果的随机对照试验中发现,利用心率带㊁肌氧仪可以提高心脏康复的参与率和依从性,此外,基于心率和肌氧监测的心脏康复运动指导模式能够降低心率和肌氧饱和度㊁提高病人的有氧能力㊂由此可见,日渐兴起的可穿戴设备给冠心病病人带来了诸多益处且在临床推广良好,为医护人员对冠心病病人的二级预防提供了辅助支持,在未来的研究中如何充分发挥可穿戴设备的性能,保护病人的隐私以及提高数据的质量等仍是有待解决的问题㊂1.3微信平台在移动互联网时代,微信已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分㊂根据微信年度数据报告显示,截至2022年底,微信的活跃用户已经达到了13.13亿人[15]㊂微信小程序(W e C h a tm i n i p r o g r a m)是一种不需要安装即可使用的应用,与移动应用程序相比,其更容易被人们接纳㊂X u等[16]基于自我决定理论和行为经济学原理设计了一款名为 T a h n e e W e h 游戏化微信小程序,该小程序不仅能给病人提供心脏康复相关的㊃6201㊃C H I N E S EE V I D E N C E-B A S E D N U R S I N G M a r c h,2024V o l.10N o.6健康信息,健康教练还可以根据病人的心肺功能和运动处方设定每日步数目标,并根据病人的完成情况,通过积分㊁等级的方式进行奖励,同时在半结构化访谈中发现病人对小程序的接受度和满意度均较高㊂D o r j e 等[17]研发了一个基于微信的心脏健康教育系统,该系统主要包括:身体活动的监测和反馈(由健康教练设定个体化的运动目标,健康教练通过微信运动对病人的运动情况进行监测)㊁远程血压监测和管理(为参与者提供一个具有蓝牙功能的血压监测设备,血压读数将通过蓝牙传输到智能手机上的专用应用程序,并在该应用程序上传至数据管理门户网站,由健康教练进行审核,并根据当代指南向参与者提供适当指导,当参与者的测量读数超出目标水平时,健康教练会通过微信发送警报信息,提醒参与者重复测量血压,坚持用药)㊁健康教育(微信官方账号会不定时发送卡通形式的健康教育文章,每篇文章都介绍了一个关键的健康教育主题)㊁药物管理(药物的作用机制㊁临床益处和常见副作用将在微信的教育文章中详细描述)㊂此外,如病人有其他问题可通过官方微信账号与健康教练进行咨询㊂微信平台具有便利性㊁开放性㊁互动性等优势,使其未来能在医疗领域有更广阔的应用前景㊂1.4其他其他应用形式包括短信和虚拟现实技术等㊂与其他应用形式相比,短信操作更加简单,且冠心病病人大多是老年人,因此可能更容易被接受㊂B a e等[18]的一项随机对照试验中,879例接受经皮冠状动脉介入术治疗的病人被随机分配到干预组和对照组,干预组接受为期6个月的短信支持,短信主要包括健康饮食㊁运动指导㊁戒烟㊁用药监督等有关生活方式改变的内容,结果显示干预组身体活动㊁饮食习惯和服药依从性均得到了明显改善,更多病人会按照建议控制他们的心血管病危险因素㊂虚拟现实(V R)技术也是作为冠心病病人二级预防的一种新兴技术手段,其是通过各种技术在计算机中创建一个虚拟世界,用户可以沉浸其中,并与虚拟环境进行交互,获得视觉㊁触觉㊁听觉甚至嗅觉的真实反馈㊂S z c z e p ańs k a-G i e r a c h a等[19]通过头戴式显示器为冠心病病人提供了一个沉浸式虚拟花园体验,结果表明V R治疗显著降低了病人的焦虑㊁抑郁和应激水平㊂综上所述,应用程序㊁可穿戴设备㊁微信平台㊁短信和虚拟现实技术能够有效应用于冠心病病人的二级预防管理中,在临床实践中,可以根据病人的需求和偏好选择合适的形式进行二级预防管理㊂2移动健康技术在冠心病二级预防中的应用效果冠心病的二级预防A B C D E的五项原则为A:长期服用阿司匹林(A s p i r i n)和适用硝酸酯类制剂(A n t i-a n g i n a l);B:应用受体阻滞剂(β-b l o c k e r)和控制血压(B P);C:降低胆固醇(c h o l e s t e r o l)和戒烟(c i g a r e t t e s);D:控制饮食(d i e t)和治疗糖尿病(d i a b e t e s);E:教育(e d u c a t i o n)和体育锻炼(e x e r c i s e),通过移动健康技术干预均取得了良好的效果㊂2.1提高服药依从性冠心病二级预防指南[6]中提到,若病人无禁忌证,可通过长期使用阿司匹林㊁硝酸酯类制剂和β受体阻滞剂来缓解心绞痛症状,降低复发率和死亡率,但在实际生活中,冠心病病人二级指南优化药物的使用与指南要求差距甚远㊂因此,及时且有效的干预对于提高病人的服药依从性尤为重要,移动健康技术能够提醒病人按时用药并监测其用药情况㊂K r a c k h a r d t等[20]通过应用程序 M e&M y H e a r t 每日为冠心病病人发送用药提醒,并每隔几天发送1次激励信息,12个月后,干预组病人的服药依从性明显提高㊂N i等[21]将239例冠心病病人随机分为对照组和干预组,干预组通过微信接收用药管理信息,对照组实施常规护理,结果显示此干预措施不仅可以提高病人的用药依从率还可以改善病人的健康结局㊂有研究表明,冠心病病人在接受移动健康技术干预后,对照组和干预组在药物依从性方面无显著差异[22],未来还需扩大样本量进行证实㊂2.2控制危险因素‘中国心血管健康与疾病报告2022“指出,心血管的危险因素主要包括高血压㊁血脂异常㊁糖尿病㊁慢性肾脏病㊁代谢综合征等[2]㊂T s e n g等[23]将129例冠心病病人随机分为干预组和对照组,干预组接受为期12周的移动健康技术干预,而对照组接受门诊常规护理,结果显示,干预后的病人平均三酰甘油(T G)下降值为0.44mm o l/L(39.27m g/d L),平均收缩压(S B P)和舒张压(D B P)分别下降8.32mmH g和4.24mmH g,体质指数(B M I)平均下降0.48k g/m2,下降幅度均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义㊂H u o等[24]进行了一项随机对照试验,旨在评估基于手机短信的干预措施对冠心病合并糖尿病病人血糖控制的有效性,干预组除接受常规护理外,每周接收6条关于血糖监测㊁血压控制㊁药物依从性㊁体力活动和生活方式的教育和激励信息,对照组只接受常规护理,结果显示,与对照组相比,㊃7201㊃循证护理2024年3月第10卷第6期(总第122期)干预组的糖化血红蛋白和空腹血糖从基线至干预6个月后下降幅度均更大㊂未来学者可探讨移动健康技术对更多危险因素的干预效果㊂2.3促进健康行为促进冠心病病人的健康行为包括:饮食㊁身体活动和戒烟㊂有研究显示,80%的冠心病病人的不良事件都归因于不健康的行为㊂饮食管理是优化健康生活方式的一个重要组成部分,以纠正冠状动脉危险因素[25]㊂K a i h a r a等[26]探讨了通过智能手机应用程序进行饮食教育和咨询对冠心病病人二级预防的影响,干预组接受了1次2h的健康营养讲座后每日被要求使用 S i g n a l A P P发送膳食照片,营养师通过应用程序定期反馈病人饮食中应减少或增加的食物成分,与对照组相比,12周后干预组营养知识水平得分明显提高,饮食习惯也得到了改善㊂运动治疗可以改善心血管疾病病人心肺功能,延缓动脉粥样硬化发展进程㊂M a等[27]评估了一款微信插件应用程序对冠心病病人家庭心脏康复的效果,其包含电子医疗管理模块㊁健康教育模块㊁运动数据收集模块,提醒就诊模块,此外,该应用程序还提供了运动处方,每月自动将处方发送给病人,42个月后,干预组运动代谢当量和最大摄氧量均增加,表明该应用程序有助于提高冠心病病人的运动能力㊂戒烟也是冠心病病人二级预防中不可或缺的一部分,C h o w等[28]对710例冠心病病人进行了一项随机对照试验,对照组只接受常规护理,干预组除接受常规护理外,每周收到4条短信,持续6个月,短信内容主要为改变生活方式提供了建议㊁激励提醒和支持, 6个月后,干预组低密度胆固醇水平降低,同时收缩压和体质指数降低,体力活动增加,吸烟明显减少㊂2.4改善心理状况既往有研究对190例诊断为冠心病的病人随访36个月后发现,焦虑症和抑郁症的发生率均随时间的延长而增加,焦虑症的发生率从基线时的42.6%增加到36个月时的51.1%;抑郁症发生率从33.3%增加到43.7%[29]㊂相关研究表明,焦虑抑郁情绪不仅是冠心病的危险因素,而且还会严重影响冠心病病人的预后[30]㊂Józ w i k等[31]研究调查了虚拟现实技术对冠心病病人焦虑和抑郁症状的影响,这套虚拟现实设备包括一台专门处理3D图形的电脑,能够显示高画质高分辨率图像的虚拟现实眼镜(V R T i e r O n e),设置的虚拟场景可调动病人的视觉㊁触觉和听觉,加深了病人在虚拟世界中的沉浸感,在干预8次后对其进行随访发现,干预组的焦虑㊁抑郁㊁应激水平得分均下降,差异有统计学意义㊂K a i h a r a等[32]的一项M a t e分析结果显示,移动健康技术可以改善冠心病病人的焦虑抑郁情绪㊂S e n g u p t a等[33]探讨了一款名为 H e r B e a t 的应用程序对女性冠心病病人健康行为改变和社会心理特征的影响,结果表明,病人的腰围㊁体质指数㊁抑郁症状较基线相比有明显的改善㊂2.5提高生活质量冠心病是一种终身性疾病,生活质量是冠心病病人二级预防效果的评价指标㊂H i s a m等[34]进行了一项随机对照试验探讨移动健康技术对急性冠脉综合征后病人健康相关生活质量的有效性,干预组会收到应用程序每天发送关于健康生活方式改变的标准化短信,对照组只接受常规护理,在干预后的12周㊁24周均进行一次随访,结果显示,干预组病人健康相关生活质量得到了明显的改善㊂国内学者陈笑茜等[35]为经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术后出院的病人建立微信群,微信群的主要功能包括:微信管理者通过微信群定期向病人或其主要照护者发送疾病相关知识并制订8周心脏康复锻炼计划,同时提供健康管理日记内容,提醒病人复诊,此外,如病人有问题可随时通过微信提问,出现紧急情况照顾者可通过微信群呼救,出院后3个月及6个月,观察组生活质量评分均高于对照组(P< 0.01)㊂3移动健康技术在冠心病病人二级预防应用中的不足及展望3.1研发和构建缺乏科学性移动健康技术的形式与内容缺乏循证依据和理论框架的支撑,现有研究的设备开发团队大多存在医疗领域人员缺失的问题,导致很多应用在知识传播㊁数据收集和分析等方面存在不足,用户获得的结果和建议可能存在误差,且目前我国移动健康技术领域中冠心病的二级预防仍缺乏标准化的干预方案,干预效果存在较大差异,在未来的研究中,移动健康技术可与多种理论模型进行结合,深化多学科协作,鼓励更多的医护人员参与其中,提高医疗服务质量,从而为冠心病病人提供准确有效的二级预防策略㊂3.2信息安全和病人隐私保护不足在移动健康技术的发展过程中,保护病人隐私和信息安全方面还存在一定的隐患,由于移动健康技术掌握着用户的健康信息,一旦发生信息泄露问题,用户将会产生严重的损失㊂有研究表明,病人在使用移动健康技术相关应用时,家属会担心病人填写的个人信息被泄露以及担心病人对互联网不够了解,容易轻信他人,造成多方面的损失[36]㊂未来我国在发展移动健康技术的同时需要出台相关的政策和法律法规,加大㊃8201㊃C H I N E S EE V I D E N C E-B A S E D N U R S I N G M a r c h,2024V o l.10N o.6监管力度,营造安全的网络环境㊂3.3针对不同人群特点的适用性欠缺未来在制定移动健康技术干预措施时,要考虑病人年龄㊁文化程度㊁宗教信仰等多方面的因素制定个性化的干预措施,保证干预措施的适用性和有效性㊂如针对冠心病病人,大多数是老年人,与年轻人相比,老年人的知觉㊁运动和认知能力有限,尤其是视觉和听觉能力㊁手眼协调能力和信息处理能力有限,智能手机的使用率普遍较低,他们对移动互联网的接受和使用会存在较大的问题[37],因此可能更容易接受短信或电话的形式㊂3.4远期的有效性有待进一步验证虽然多项研究表明基于移动健康技术的干预措施可提高冠心病病人二级预防的参与度和依从性,但是冠心病是一种需要长期治疗的慢性病㊂因此,冠心病的二级预防伴随终生,目前国内外的干预研究效果的随访时间普遍较短[38-39],不足以证明移动健康技术对提高冠心病病人二级预防的依从性具有远期有效性㊂未来学者可开展更为严格的长期随访研究以提供更多高水平证据来验证其效果㊂4小结随着科技的不断进步和智能手机的普及,移动健康技术在近年来得到了迅猛发展,作为一种结合了移动设备和医疗保健的创新技术,移动健康技术为病人提供了更为便捷和个性化的健康管理方式,在冠心病二级预防领域中已取得初步进展,但仍存在着一些问题,如研发和构建缺乏科学性㊁信息安全和病人隐私保护不足㊁针对不同人群的适用性欠缺,远期的有效性有待进一步验证等㊂因此,在现有的基础上仍需进一步探索和发展,以期为冠心病病人提供更为优质的二级预防护理服务,从而全面㊁系统地满足病人需求㊂参考文献:[1] T S A OC W,A D A Y A W,A L MA R Z O O QZ I,e t a l.H e a r t d i s e a s ea n ds t r o k es t a t i s t i c s-2022u p d a t e:ar e p o r tf r o m t h e A m e r i c a nH e a r tA s s o c i a t i o n[J].C i r c u l a t i o n,2022,145(8):e153-e639.[2]马丽媛,王增武,樊静,等.‘中国心血管健康与疾病报告2022“要点解读[J].中国全科医学,2023,26(32):3975-3994.[3] F A G G I A N O P,F 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高风速越大ꎬ 物料表面水分 下 降 越 快ꎬ 干 燥 速 率 越
高ꎬ干燥时间越短 [17] ꎮ
2.1 自然晾晒干燥法
自然干燥方法适合于我国北方的气候特点ꎮ 先
1.2 干燥技术在国内的研究现状
晒ꎬ避免太阳的直射( 不能直接在太阳下暴晒ꎬ否则
我国对坚 果 的 研 究 多 在 选 种、 育 种、 栽 培 等 方
核桃等少数传统果品干燥技术的相关研究ꎮ 20 世纪
会造成翘板ꎬ影响瓜籽的品质 [18] ) ꎻ晾晒时瓜籽铺开
概需要 10 天ꎮ 为了使干燥均匀ꎬ色泽一致ꎬ在干燥
Abstract:Drying is the key process of the processing of fresh seed melon seeds. In order to explore the impact of dr ̄
ying technology and equipment on the quality of seed melon seeds and their derivativesꎬ by collecting relevant re ̄
响ꎬ成功地解决了花生干燥的品质问题ꎮ 目前ꎬ国内
缩短烘干时间ꎬ从而提高澳洲坚果的干燥质量ꎮ 朱
对于籽瓜新鲜瓜籽干燥的研究少之又少ꎮ 仅有纪勋
1.1 干燥技术在国外的研究现状
光等 [15] 学者进行了白瓜籽的干燥实验和研究ꎮ 由
干燥技术与设备也较为成熟ꎮ 20 世纪 40 年代ꎬ这些

Meiji Techno America模型MT6130、MT6120、MT6820、MT6830的

Meiji Techno America模型MT6130、MT6120、MT6820、MT6830的

Instruction on Centering Phase Contrast and Dispersion Staining Condenser and Properly Achieving Koehler illuminationFor Meiji Techno America models MT6130, MT6120, MT6820, MT6830Step 1: Need to align the ring slip when using dispersion staining objective. Please find attached sim-ple manual belowStep 2: When dispersion staining objective is used, only polarizer have to engage. Analyzer must re-move from the slot.(Also check the prepared sample slide if it was expired because that can change the colour as it use reflective index 1.550 that has an expiry date.)How to get proper color with Chrysotile Sample•Make sure rotatable swing out polarizer located on the lamp house is properly made the orientation in cross polar.•Make the condenser alignment.Then you will get a right blue and magenta colour.Note: Please note that stage is not centerable, instead of the stage use two short drivers to center the ob-jective from the nosepiece. Strain free objective 10X in fix position and objectives must install in centerable nosepiece position.Note: Please refer to the Section 1.0 to center the objectives and Section 2.0 to adjust the koehler light on the next pages of this manual.1.0 Centering the ObjectivesWhen objectives are not centered, specimens may leave the field of view when rotating the stage. Perform the steps below if objectives are not centered properly:1. Before starting, make sure that the 10X objective is installed in the fixed hole of the nosepiece.This is the position that does NOT have centering screws. All objectives will be adjusted against the 10X position.2. Make sure the Bertrand Lens, the analyzer and any other sliders are clear of the optical pathand the iris on the illuminator is open all the way.3. Use a small grain or some type of target and place it in the center of the field of view with the10X objective and bring it into focus as shown below in “A”.4. Center the target by rotating the stage and evaluatng how centered the target appears.5. Once the target is centered, move to the next highest objective and insert the centering keysinto the nosepiece for that position.6. Bring the specimen again into focus and note its position in the field of view.7. Rotate the stage until the target moves farthest away from the crossline at the as shown belowin “D” (Position 1).8. Adjust the centering screws on the nosepiece until the target is midway between Position 1 andthe crossline as shown in “D”9. Rotate the stage and evaluate centricity. One may need to repeat this procedure until the targetstays in the center of the crossline when the stage is rotated (“D”).Repeat these steps for all other objectives in the nosepiece. To maintain centering, it is important that objectives be handled very gently and only touched on the knurled portion when changing objectives.2.0 Achieving Koehler Illumination• Turn on the miscroscope Power switch and set the illumination to a comfortable level.• Establish one field of view by adjusting the inter-pupillary distance of the Siedentopf viewing head.• Make sure that the Bertrand Lens, analyzer and any other sliders are clear of the optical path and that the iris diaphragm on the condenser is all the way open.• Rack up the condenser to its highest position or until the top element of the condenser is approximately 1mm below the bottom of the slide.• Place a familiar specimen on the stage. Using the 10X objective, bring the specimen into focus.• While viewing the specimen, close down the field diaphragm just enough so that the inner edge of the iris leaves are visible as shown in figure “A”.• Use the condenser focusing knob to slightly lower the condenser to bring the edge of the iris leaves into sharp focus as shown in figure “B”.• By using the two condenser centering screws, adjust the iris opening so it is centered in the middle of the field of view as shown in figure “C”.• Open up the field diaphragm so that it just clears the edge of the field of view as shown in figure “D”.After slidinging into corresponding objectivemagnification such as Dispersion 10X orU plan Phase 40X, remove one eyepiece,replace with Centering Teclescope, then usingtwo centering screws, please align the ring slitto match the phase plate of the objectives.Centering screwsPush left for10X DispersionPush right forPhase 40XTECHNO Saitama 354-0043, JapanInstruction on centering phase contrast and dispersion staining condenserTECHNOSaitama 354-0043, JapanCentering screwsPush left for 10X DispersionPush right for Phase 40XAfter slidinging into corresponding objective magnification such as Dispersion 10X or U plan Phase 40X, remove one eyepiece, replace with Centering Teclescope, then using two centering screws, please align the ring slit to match the phase plate of the objectives.。



2070 世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2023年9月第10卷第9期September.2023,Vol.10,No.9作者简介:陈贵容(1989 11—),女,本科,护师,研究方向:骨科临床护理,E mail:870923194@qq com通信作者:吴晓琴(1990 05—),女,本科,护师,研究方向:骨科临床护理,E mail:421658472@qq com多维度强化护理联合回馈式健康教育对老年股骨颈骨折术后患者睡眠质量的影响陈贵容 吴晓琴(中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九 九医院/厦门大学附属东南医院骨科,漳州,363000)摘要 目的:探索多维度强化护理联合回馈式健康教育对老年股骨颈骨折术后患者睡眠质量的影响。

方法:选取中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九 九医院/厦门大学附属东南医院骨科老年股骨颈骨折患者120例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组。



结果:干预后,2组PSQI评分较本组干预前均降低,知信水平评分较本组干预前均升高,且观察组PSQI评分、知信水平评分改善优于对照组(P<0 05);观察组护理干预满意度为96 67%,高于对照组83 33%(P<0 05)。


关键词 多维度强化护理;回馈式健康教育;股骨颈骨折;老年;术后睡眠EffectofMulti dimensionalIntensiveNursingCombinedFeedbackHealthEducationonSleepinElderlyPatientsafterFemoralNeckFractureCHENGuirong,WUXiaoqin(ChinesePeople′sLiberationArmyJointLogisticsSupportForce909thHospital/OrthopedicsDepartmentofXiamenUniversityAffiliatedSoutheastHospital,Zhangzhou363000,China)Abstract Objective:Toexploretheeffectofmulti dimensionalintensivenursingcombinedwithfeedbackhealtheducationonsleepofelderlypatientswithfemoralneckfractureafteroperation Methods:Atotalof120elderlypatientswithfemoralneckfractureintheDepartmentofOrthopedics,the909thHospitaloftheJointLogisticSupportForceofChinesePeople′sLiberationArmy/SoutheastHospitalAffiliatedtoXiamenUniversitywereselectedastheresearchsubjects Accordingtotherandomnumbertablemethod,theyweredividedintoanobservationgroupandacontrolgroup,with60casesineachgroup Patientsincontrolgroupreceivedroutinenursingintervention,andpatientsinobservationgroupwereincontrolonthebasisofthegroup,themulti dimensionalintensivenursingcombinedfeedbackhealtheducationwasgiven ThePittsburghSleepQualityIndex(PSQI)score,knowledgeandbelieflevelscoreandnursingsatisfactionwerecontrastedbeforeandaftertheinterventionbetweenthetwogroups Results:Followingtheintervention,bothgroups′PSQIratingswerelowerthantheywereinitially,andtheknowledge atti tude levelscoreswerehigherthanthosebeforetheintervention,ascomparedtothecontrolgroup,theobservationgroup′sindica torsperformedbetter(P<0 05) Thenursinginterventionsatisfactionoftheobservationgroupwas96 67%,andthatofthecon trolgroupwas83 33%,whichwashigherthanthatofthecontrolgroup(P<0 05) Conclusion:Multi dimensionalintensivenursingcombinedwithfeedbackhealtheducationcansignificantlyimprovethesleepqualityofelderlypatientswithfemoralneckfractureaftersurgery,andimprovethelevelofknowledgeandbeliefofpostoperativerehabilitation,andtheoverallsatisfactionofpatientsishigh,whichisworthyofclinicalpromotion.Keywords Multi dimensionalIntensiveNursing;FeedbackHealthEducation;FemoralNeckFracture;OldAge;PostoperativeSleep中图分类号:R683 421;R473;R338 63文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2023.09.024 股骨颈骨折是股骨头至股骨颈基底部间发生的骨折,在临床上较为常见,约占所有骨折类型的4%,好发于中老年人群[1],且近年来发病率不断上升,发病人群也呈现出年轻化趋势[2]。



老年人生产性参与的研究进展申英杰1,赵明利2*,代霜霜1,赵文雅1,王 雪11.郑州大学护理与健康学院,河南450000;2.复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院R e s e a r c h p r o g r e s s o n t h e p r o d u c t i v e e n g a g e m e n t a m o n g t h e e l d e v l yS H E NY i n g j i e ,Z H A O M i n g l i ,D A I S h u a n g s h u a n g ,Z H A O W e n ya ,W A N GX u e S c h o o l o fN u r s i n g a n dH e a l t h ,Z h e n g z h o uU n i v e r s i t y ,H e n a n 450000C h i n a C o r r e s p o n d i n g A u t h o r Z H A O M i n g l i ,E -m a i l :872767793@q q.c o m K e yw o r d s p r o d u c t i v e e n g a g e m e n t ;e l d e r l y ;a g i n g ;i n f l u e n c i n g f a c t o r s ;n u r s i n g ;r e v i e w 摘要 对国内外老年人生产性参与的概念㊁积极作用㊁影响因素等进行综述,并提出建议策略,旨在促进我国老年人参加生产性活动,实现老有所养和老有所为相结合,最终贯彻落实新时代积极老龄化战略㊂关键词 生产性参与;老年人;老龄化;影响因素;护理;综述d o i :10.12102/j.i s s n .2095-8668.2023.16.016 随着人口老龄化程度的不断加深,世界各国都面临着经济㊁医疗㊁护理等方面越来越严峻的挑战[1]㊂在某种程度上,老年人被视为 社会负担 [2],其个体也或多或少地遭受着 老化刻板印象 ,即退休等同于衰老㊁无用,这对老年人的生理㊁认知㊁行为等产生了巨大的负面影响[3]㊂为促使老年人健康老化, 生产性参与受到了越来越多的政策制定者和学术研究者关注㊂目前,国外对老年人生产性参与的研究不断深入,而国内相关报道仍较少见㊂因此,本研究对生产性参与概念㊁积极作用及影响因素进行综述,旨在引发人们对老年人生产性参与的重视,为生产性参与的进一步研究提供参考㊂1 老年人生产性参与的概念目前,国内外关于老年人生产性参与尚无统一概念㊂1996年,B a s s 和C a r o 把生产性参与定义为有偿或无偿的生产商品以及提供服务[4]㊂2013年,M o r r o w H o w e l l 提出了老年人生产性参与的概念框架,其中 生产性 指具有经济价值,而 参与 包括工作㊁志愿服务㊁照顾活动3部分[5]㊂后来,有研究者认为 参与 的概念中还应包括为促使老年人完成生产性活动而进行的一些相关能力的培训学习[6]㊂随着研究进一步深入,多位学者提出以提升精神为目的的社交和休闲活动也应加入生产性参与的概念范围[7],比作者简介 申英杰,硕士研究生在读*通讯作者 赵明利,E -m a i l :872767793@q q .c o m 引用信息 申英杰,赵明利,代霜霜,等.老年人生产性参与的研究进展[J ].循证护理,2023,9(16):2950-2953.如一些老年教育课程,因为这可以有效地鼓励老年人为他人提供服务,间接促进老年人产生经济贡献㊂现在对于 老年人生产性参与 没有一致定义,争议主要在于其所包含的活动类型,但参与的活动必须对个人㊁家庭或社会具有直接或间接的经济价值已成为学术共识[8]㊂2 老年人生产性参与的积极作用2.1 改善老年人的生理健康状况促进老年人参与生产性活动可以明显改善老年人的生理健康状况[8-10]㊂有研究表明,促进老年人生产性参与有助于缓解睡眠-觉醒障碍,进而提升老年人的身体健康[11]㊂有学者采用健康生活问卷对645名老年人进行调查发现,生产性参与和躯体功能评分呈正相关,即积极参加生产性活动的老年人躯体健康状况会更好[12]㊂此外,有学者通过分析5549名60岁及以上老年人社会活动的纵向数据提出,生产性参与有利于维持老年人的认知功能,这可能为降低痴呆发生率㊁干预早期痴呆治疗提供参考[13-14]㊂2.2 提升老年人的心理健康状况多项研究证明,老年人的生产性参与水平与心理疾病的发生率呈负相关[15-17]㊂C h e n g 等[18]探讨老年人生产性参与和抑郁㊁孤独相关性的研究显示,生产性参与水平低下的老年人群,孤独感更强烈,其发生抑郁的概率也更高㊂这可能因为老年人年龄增加,运动减少,再加上缺乏社交活动,所以他们更容易发生社会隔离,最后导致抑郁症的发生㊂有研究发现,对于身体功能障碍的老年人来说,参与生产性活动可以提升其幸福感,特别是有偿工作和志愿活动,这对减弱社交恐惧㊃0592㊃C H I N E S EE V I D E N C E -B A S E D N U R S I N G A u gu s t ,2023V o l .9N o .16Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.有明显效果[19]㊂此外,老年人在生产性参与的过程中可以与他人分享他们的价值观和信仰,这反过来能够增强他们的归属感和身份认同[20]㊂因此,促进老年人参与生产性活动有益于降低焦虑㊁抑郁㊁孤独等心理疾病发生的风险,可考虑将生产性参与列为维持老年人心理健康的一种手段㊂2.3减轻家庭和社会的负担随着老龄化程度的逐渐加深,家庭和社会承受着养老导致的经济㊁医疗㊁照顾等巨大负担[21]㊂生产性参与倡导身体健康且有就业意愿的老年人再就业,这在一定程度上能够缓解社会劳动力短缺的压力[6,22]㊂同时,在社区治理主体多元化的背景下,生产性参与鼓励老年人主动参与社区管理和社区志愿服务,对充分利用人力资源有重要意义[23]㊂而且多项研究显示,老年人主动参与生产性活动(比如:继续就业㊁老年教育)不仅可以为家庭提供经济帮助,还能转移其生活重心,减少对家庭的依赖[24-25]㊂因此,生产性参与对减轻家庭负担㊁促进社会和谐有重要意义㊂3影响老年人生产性参与的相关因素3.1个人因素3.1.1社会人口学因素影响老年人生产性参与的社会人口学因素包括年龄㊁性别㊁婚姻状况㊁居住地等[26-28]㊂以往研究证明,年龄无论是对工作㊁家庭照顾还是志愿活动,均产生明显的负面影响[17]㊂性别差异会促使老年人参与不同类型的生产性活动㊂研究显示,男性在晚年选择再就业的比例较女性高,而女性更可能参与家庭照顾活动[29]㊂婚姻状况对所有类型的生产性活动均有积极作用㊂调查发现,有配偶且居住在一起的老年人生产性参与积极性会更高,生活满意度也会更好[16,30]㊂这种情况可能是由于步入老年以后,夫妻之间依赖关系进一步增强㊂此外,研究表明,居住在农村的老年人因为经济状况继续工作的比例较高,而城市的老年人大多会帮助子女进行家务劳动或照顾孙辈[19,27]㊂3.1.2老化态度老化态度是老年人对自己变老过程的体验和评价,包括积极和消极2个方面[31]㊂有研究发现,持积极老化态度的老年人能更好地完成生产性活动,有利于其社会融合[32]㊂王奎等[33]研究也发现,拥有积极自我感知老化的老年人自我认可度较高,更可能进行生产性参与,而拥有消极自我感知老化的老年人认为随着年龄的增长自己身体的各项机能在不断丧失,会限制自己的社会活动㊂故老化态度越积极,越能提升老年人对自己社会关系变化的接纳程度,从而使老年人在生产性参与中更具有主动性㊂3.2家庭因素家庭作为老年人的核心支持体系,对老年人生产性参与有重要影响㊂有研究发现,家庭特征会影响老年人的参与积极性[34]㊂例如,已婚有子女的老年人比单身的老年人更愿意加入志愿活动,与孙辈同住的老年人更有可能参与照顾活动㊂可见,在以集体主义价值为核心的中国社会文化价值观下,配偶㊁子女㊁孙子女对于照料和家庭劳动的需求决定了老年人在家庭中的角色和义务,对老年人生产性参与的方式选择具有重要的影响[27,35]㊂也有研究显示,部分子女认为 让老年的父母外出工作是一种不孝行为 ,从而反对老年人参加生产性活动,这就导致老年人生产性参与受到阻碍[36]㊂此外,一项质性研究发现,有亲属陪伴的老年人在生产性参与的过程中幸福感更强,参与满意度也更高[37]㊂因此,鼓励家庭成员积极参加老年人的生产性活动是十分必要的,这对提高老年人的心理支持有巨大作用㊂3.3社会因素社会环境和公共政策对老年人生产性参与的类型有一定程度的决定性作用[38-39]㊂在美国,工作和志愿服务的机会存在地域差异;在中国,城乡差距可能更大[15,27]㊂与农村相比,城市发达的经济水平和密集的居住环境会提供较多工作和志愿服务的机会㊂欧洲㊁日本分别于2011年和2013年开始施行62~75岁灵活退休的法案,我国目前还未将 延迟退休 政策落实到地,这就使得国内低龄老年人继续工作的比例明显低于国外[40]㊂此外,社会保障水平的高低对老年人的生产性活动类型有一定程度的影响㊂研究发现,有社会保障度较高的老年人工作参与率较低,但其志愿服务㊁家庭照顾活动的参与水平较高;相反,社会保障较差的老年人可能因为生计大多会继续工作[27]㊂4促进老年人生产性参与的对策建议4.1多途径完善社会支持多途径构建和增强老年人社会支持体系,对保障老年人的晚年生活,增加老年人生产性参与的积极性具有不可忽视的作用[34,41]㊂在国家层面,要完善老年人的基本生活保障制度,加大对老年人生产性参与相关配套设施的投入,保障老年人的生产性参与途径;在社会文化层面,要加强宣传力度,引导社会成员树立对生产性参与的正确认知,倡导关心㊁尊重和重视老年人的社会氛围,增强老年人的归属感;在社会关系层面,协助老年人构建新的人际关系网络,同时鼓励社会公众积极通过各类社会志愿服务组织合理有序地帮助老㊃1592㊃循证护理2023年8月第9卷第16期(总第108期)Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.年人进行生产性参与,为老年人提供各类支持㊂4.2多方面加强家庭支持在中国社会文化的背景下,以传统孝道为基础的家庭支持是老年人最为重要的支持资源,所以要重视家庭对老年人生产性参与的影响㊂在老年人生产性参与的认知上,亲属要正确了解生产性参与不是对老年人的剥削,而是鼓励老年人在自愿的前提下发挥自我价值;在老年人生产性参与的决策上,要充分尊重老年人个人意见,允许老年人积极参与各类生产性活动;在老年人生产性参与的过程中,家属要时刻关注老年人的身心变化,并在需要的情况下及时给予帮助和安慰㊂4.3促进老年人养老观念的正确转变老年人养老观念的转变也是促使其进行生产性活动不可或缺的内容㊂一方面,要鼓励老年人主动表达个人意见,包括对老化的认知㊁对生产性参与的意愿㊁对晚年生活的想法等[42]㊂另一方面,对于老年人的一些错误观念要及时进行纠正,比如 社会包袱论 消极无为论 等㊂要保证在老年人自愿的前提下,充分发挥老年人个人能力,在自己力所能及的范围内,实现老有所为㊁老有所乐㊂5小结老年是人生命的重要阶段,是仍然可以有作为㊁有进步㊁有快乐的阶段㊂在我国新时代老龄化国家战略背景下,促进老年人树立积极老龄观,加强全生命周期教育,鼓励参加社会发展,亟须护理学科在科学研究㊁健康促进及行为改变等领域发挥独特的作用㊂参考文献:[1] X IJ Y,L I N X,HA O Y T.M e a s u r e m e n ta n d p r o j e c t i o no ft h eb u r d e n o f d i s e a s e a t t r i b u t a b l e t o p o p u l a t i o n a g i n g i n188c o u n t r i e s,1990-2050:a p o p u l a t i o n-b a s ed s t u d y[J].J o u r n a lo fG l o b a lH e a l t h,2022,12:04093.[2] D E S H A Y E S M,C LÉM E N T-G U I L L O T I NC,C H O R I N F,e t a l."N o t p e r f o r m i n g w o r s eb u t f e e l i 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AN2953Application note How to migrate from the STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 to the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library V3.0.0 IntroductionThe objective of this application note is to explain how to migrate an application based onthe STM32F10xxx firmware library (FWLib) V2.0.3 to the STM32F10xxx standard peripherallibrary (StdPeriph_Lib) V3.0.0. The purpose of this document is not to provide detailedinformation on these two versions, but to highlight the differences between them.Note:Throughout this document, and unless otherwise specified, the term of FWLib will be used to refer to the STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 and StdPeriph_Lib will be used to referto the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library.GlossaryLow-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xxmicrocontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes.Medium-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xxmicrocontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 32 and 128 Kbytes.High-density devices are STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xxmicrocontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 256 and 512 Kbytes.April 2009Doc ID 15531 Rev 11/33Contents AN2953Contents1Why migrate from STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 toStdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1ARM® Cortex-M3™ microcontroller software interfacestandard (CMSIS) compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1.1CMSIS description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1.2CMSIS structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.1.3STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 versus CMSIS V1.10 . . . . . . . . . 91.2STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library with doxygen format . . . . . . . 101.3STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.4STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture:file inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.5STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 legacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library list of changes . . . . . . . . . 163.1STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.1.1Library core files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.1.2Library peripheral drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.1.3Library user and toolchain specific files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.1.4Library examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.2Coding rules and conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.2.1Data types and IO type qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.2.2Exception naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193.3Peripheral driver update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.3.1NVIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.3.2SysTick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.3.3CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.4How to use the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library . . . . . . . . . . . 244Migration example using the automatic script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.1How to use the automatic script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.2Migration steps using the automatic script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953Contents Appendix A FWLib V2.0.3 to StdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0:detailed migration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Doc ID 15531 Rev 13/33List of tables AN2953 List of tablesTable 1.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 macros vs. CMSIS macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Table 2.STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib package folder description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Table 3.CMSIS folder structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Table 4.CMSIS IO type qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 5.STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 types vs. CMSIS types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 6.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 exception names vs. CMSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 7.STM32F10xxx CAN1 exception renaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 8.New exception naming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 9.CAN1 IRQ channel name update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 10.STM32F10xxx FWLib NVIC functions vs CMSIS NVIC functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 11.Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953List of figures List of figuresFigure 1.CMSIS layer structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 2.STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 3.STM32F10xxx standard peripherals library package structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 4.New package vs old package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 5.STM32 library & CMSIS: structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Doc ID 15531 Rev 15/331 Why migrate from STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 toStdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0?The STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 is a complete firmware package for the STM32F10xxxlow-, medium- and high-density devices. It is a collection of routines, data structures andmacros that covers the features of all peripherals. It includes drivers and a set of examplesfor all the standard device peripherals.The STM32F10xxx StdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0 is an update of FWLib V2.0.3:●It makes the library compliant with the Cortex™ microcontroller software interfacestandard (CMSIS)●the package architecture has been enhanced●the source files are provided in the Doxygen format●the update has no impact on the STM32 peripheral drivers’ API (applicationprogramming interface)Note:Only the STM32F10xxx CAN driver was updated to anticipate the support of STM32F10xxx connectivity line products (products with dual CAN).To migrate to the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library V3.0.0, you simply have toupdate the:●files relative to your toolchain●project setting●library file organization●you do not need to change or update the application codeThe details of all updates made on the library (StdPeriph_Lib) are described below.1.1 ARM® Cortex-M3™ microcontroller software interfacestandard (CMSIS) complianceThe CMSIS answers the challenges faced when software components are deployed tophysical microcontroller devices based on Cortex-M0 / Cortex-M1 or Cortex-M3 processors.The CMSIS will also be expanded to future Cortex-M processor cores (the standard refers toCortex-Mx). The CMSIS is defined in close cooperation with various silicon and softwarevendors and provides a common approach to interface to peripherals, real-time operatingsystems and middleware components. For more details, please refer to .description1.1.1 CMSISAs part of the CMSIS, ARM provides the following software layers, which are available forvarious compiler implementations:●Core peripheral access layer: contains name definitions, address definitions andhelper functions to access core registers and peripherals. It also defines a device-independent interface for RTOS Kernels that includes debug channel definitions.●Middleware access layer: provides common methods to access peripherals for thesoftware industry. The middleware access layer is adapted by the Silicon vendor to thedevice-specific peripherals used by the middleware components. The middlewareaccess layer is currently in development and not yet part of this documentation.6/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1These software layers are expanded by Silicon partners with:● a device peripheral access layer: provides definitions for all device peripherals●access functions for peripherals (optional): provides additional helper functions forperipheralsFor a Cortex-Mx microcontroller system, CMSIS defines:● A common way of accessing peripheral registers and a common way of definingexception vectors●The register names of the core peripherals and the names of the core exceptionvectors● A device-independent interface for RTOS Kernels including a debug channel●Interfaces for middleware components (TCP/IP Stack, flash file system)structure1.1.2 CMSISFigure1 illustrates different layers for a CMSIS-based application.Doc ID 15531 Rev 17/33CMSIS – Files for the peripheral access layerCompiler vendor-independent files:●Cortex-M3 core & peripheral file (core_cm3.h + core_cm3.c)–Access to Cortex-M3 core & peripherals: NVIC, SysTick, etc.–Functions to access Cortex-M3 CPU registers and core peripherals●Device-specific header file (device.h)–Interrupt number assignment (consistent with startup file)–Peripheral register definitions (layout & base addresses)–Functions that control other chip-specific functions (optional)●Device-specific system file (system_device.c)–SystemInit function that initializes the physical microcontroller device–SystemInit_ExtMemCtl: function that sets up the external memory controller. It is called in startup_stm32f10x_xx.s/.c before jumping to main.–SystemFrequency value for system-wide timing–Other device-related features (optional)Compiler-vendor + device-specific startup file:●Compiler startup code (assembly or C) (startup_device.s)–Interrupt handler table with device-specific names (consistent with header)–Weak interrupt handler default functions (can be overwritten by user code) Note:The Weak keyword instructs the compiler to export symbols weakly. This keyword can be applied to function and variable declarations, and to function definitions.Functions defined with Weak export their symbols weakly. A weakly defined functionbehaves like a normally defined function unless a non-weakly defined function of the samename is linked to the same image. If both a non-weakly defined function and a weaklydefined function exist in the same image then all calls to the function resolve to call the non-weak function. If multiple weak definitions are available, the linker chooses one for use by allcalls.8/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1Doc ID 15531 Rev 19/331.1.3 STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 versus CMSIS V1.10CMSIS provides a different implementation of some STM32F10xxx FWLib components. Here are the main differences:●Use of standard C types, <stdint.h > file●For each Cortex-M3 exception and STM32 IRQ, there will be: –an exception/interrupt handler with the _Handler postfix (for exceptions) or the _IRQHandler postfix (for interrupts)– a default exception/interrupt handler (weak definition) that contains an endless loop–a #define of the interrupt number with the _IRQn postfix●Startup file renamed to startup_stm32f10x_xx.s/.c , where xx can be: hd (high-density, md (medium-density) or ld (low-density)●Only reduced NVIC and SysTick functions are available, some useful functions will be added in a new driver in the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library, named misc.h/.c●Some macro names are different from those used in STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3. (T able 1)Table 1.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 macros vs. CMSIS macros (1)1.Bold is used to identify the macros that changed. When the change has an impact on the FWLib (driver orexamples), gray shading is added.STM32 macrosCMSIS macrosSTM32 macros CMSIS macros - __NOP __RESETPRIMASK __enable_irq __WFI __WFI __SETPRIMASK __disable_irq __WFE __WFE __READ_PRIMASK __get_PRIMASK __SEV __SEV __set_PRIMASK(val)__ISB __ISB __RESETFAULTMASK __enable_fault_irq __DSB __DSB __SETFAULTMASK __disable_fault_irq __DMB __DMB __READ_FAULTMASK __get_FAULTMASK __SVC-__set_FAULTMASK(val)__MRS_CONTROL __get_CONTROL __BASEPRICONFIG __set_BASEPRI __MSR_CONTROL __set_CONTROL __GetBASEPRI __get_BASEPRI __MRS_PSP __get_PSP __REV_HalfWord __REV16__MSR_PSP __set_PSP __REV_Word __REV __MRS_MSP __get_MSP -__REVSH __MSR_MSP__set_MSP-__RBIT1.2 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library with doxygenformatThe STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library comes in a new source file format. Now, allStdPeriph_Lib files use the Doxygen format to easy documentation generation and for moreinteractive and effective documentation usage.The existing STM32F10xxx firmware library user manual UM0427 will be removed from theSTMicroelectronics MCU website (/mcu) and replaced by a CHM file presentingall STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library components.Doxygen example:/*** @brief Reads the specified input port pin.* @param GPIOx: where x can be (A..G) to select the GPIOperipheral.* @param GPIO_Pin: specifies the port bit to read.* This parameter can be GPIO_Pin_x where x can be (0..15).* @retval : The input port pin value.*/Where:●@brief: one-line brief function overview●@param: detailed parameter explanation●@retval: detailed information about return valuesFor more details, refer to the "stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm" file.1.3 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architectureThe STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture is enhanced with CMSIS layersupport.The StdPeriph_Lib usage is now based on two approaches that take into account theapplication needs:●it uses the peripheral drivers: in this case product programming is based on the drivers’API (application programming interface). Y ou only have to configure the"stm32f10x_conf.h" file and use the corresponding stm32f10x_ppp.h/.c files.●it does not use the peripheral drivers: in this case product programming is based on theperipheral register structure and bit definition fileThe StdPeriph_Lib supports all STM32F10xxx family products: STM32F10xxx high-,medium- and low-density devices. The StdPeriph_Lib is configurable for the whole familyproducts through preprocessor defines, one define per product. Defines are availablefor the following products:●STM32F10x_LD: STM32 low-density devices●STM32F10x_MD: STM32 medium-density devices●STM32F10x_HD: STM32 high-density devices10/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953Why migrate from STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 to StdPeriph_Lib V3.0.0?The scope of these defines is:●Interrupt IRQ channel definition inside the stm32f10x.h file●Vector table, one startup file per product●Peripheral memory mapping and physical register address definition●Product configuration: external quartz (HSE) value, etc.●System configuration functions●Features with different/incompatible implementations across the familyThese defines do not apply to peripheral drivers, these drivers will always support thefeatures of the family superset.1.4 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library architecture:file inclusionFigure2 illustrates the STM32F10xxx file inclusion.1.5 STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 legacyThe STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 and all related firmware will be kept on the STM32™website (/mcu/familiesdocs-110.html). They will be zipped together into asingle file "", available below the “Firmware” documentcategory reachable at: /mcu/familiesdocs-110.html#Firmware.In addition to the archive file, a library patch called ""is also provided. This patch fixes all FWLib V2.0.3 limitations.Doc ID 15531 Rev 111/33STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package AN2953 2 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library packageFor better flexibility and improved structure purposes, the STM32F10xxx firmware librarypackage was updated to include a specific folder for the CMSIS files and peripheral layer.The package is renamed to STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_VX.Y.Z for STM32F10xxx standardperipherals library.The new package architecture is illustrated in Figure3.Figure 3.STM32F10xxx standard peripherals library package structure12/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1AN2953STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library packageDoc ID 15531 Rev 113/33New package descriptionT able 2 describes all the new folders in the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package.Table 2.STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib package folder descriptionSTM32F10x_StdPeriph_LibUtilities ProjectLibraries_htmrescTemplate Template ExamplesSTM32F10x_StdPeriph_DriverCMSISSTM3210-EVAL RVMDK RIDEEWARMv5 A full set examplesfor STM32F10xxxStandard peripheraldrivers srcincSeeT able 3This foldercontains all package html page resources This folder contains a specific driver for the STM3210E-EVAL and STM3210B-EVAL evaluation boardsT emplate projectExample for KEIL RVMDKT emplate project Example for Raisonance RIDE Template project Example for IAR EWARMv5Source files forSTM32F10xxxStandard peripheral driversInclude files for STM32F10xxx Standardperipheral drivers14/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 1T able3 describes the CMSIS folder structure.Table 3.CMSIS folder structureCMSISCoreDocumentationCM3This folder contains the STM32F10xxx CMSISfiles: device peripheral access layer and coreperipheral access layer–core_cm3.h: CMSIS Cortex-M3 core peripheralaccess layer header file–core_cm3.c: CMSIS Cortex-M3 core peripheralaccess layer source file–stm32f10x.h: CMSIS Cortex-M3 STM32F10xxxdevice peripheral access layer header file–system.stm32f10x.h: CMSIS Cortex-M3STM32F10xxx device peripheral access layersystem header file–system.stm32f10x.c: CMSIS Cortex-M3STM32F10xxx device peripheral access layersystem source fileStartupCMSISDocumentationiar gcc armIAR Compiler Startupfiles for STM32F10xxx:–startup_stm32f10x_hd.s: high-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_md.s: medium-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_ld.s: low-density devicestartup fileGCC Compiler Startupfiles for STM32F10xxx:–startup_stm32f10x_hd.c: high-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_md.c: medium-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_ld.c: low-density devicestartup fileARM Compiler Startupfiles for STM32F10xxx:–startup_stm32f10x_hd.s: high-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_md.s: medium-densitydevice startup file–startup_stm32f10x_ld.s: low-density devicestartup fileSTM32F10xxx standard peripheral library packageAN2953AN2953STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library package Old STM32F10xxx FWLib package vs. new STM32F10xxx StdPeriph_LibpackageFigure 4.New package vs old packageDoc ID 15531 Rev 115/333 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library list ofchanges3.1 STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library files3.1.1 Library core files●The stm32f10x_map.h file was renamed as stm32f10x.h. It contains:–STM32 interrupt IRQ list–Specific options for the Cortex-M3 core–STM32 peripheral memory mapping and physical register address definition– A specific define storing the STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library version: “__STM32F10X_STDPERIPH_VERSION”–Configuration options:a) The application has to select the STM32 product it is operating with, only onedefine per productb) The application has to select if the peripheral drivers are to be used or not●The library Debug mode was removed: it is no longer possible to view the peripheralregisters in a debugger watch window. However, it is now possible to access registersusing specific tool chain debugger utilities. As a consequence, the following files wereremoved/updated:–main.c: #ifdef DEBUG was replaced by #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT–stm32f10x_lib.h was removed and its content were included in stm32f10x_conf.h–stm32f10x_lib.c file was removed–stm32f10x_conf.h:a) “#define DEBUG 1” was removed and a specific define for the full assertfunction was added: “#define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1”b) Peripheral instance defines (e.g. #define _USART, #define _USART1,#define _USART2) were removedc) To include the peripheral header file, you have to uncomment the correspondingline to use the driver functions. For example, uncomment #include“stm32f10x_spi.h”to use the SPI driver functions.–The stm32f10x_type.h file was replaced by the <stdint.h> file. Library-specific types were added into the stm32f10x.h file (bool, FlagStatus, ITStatus,FunctionalState, ErrorStatus). Old types remain unchanged. They were includedin the stm32f10x.h file for legacy purposes.–cortexm3_macro.h and cortexm3_macro.s were removed, they are now covered by CMSIS filesNote:1 A specific example is provided. It is called “Lib_DEBUG” and describes how to define a DEBUG feature for a selected peripheral.16/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 13.1.2 Library peripheral drivers●NVIC and SysTick drivers were removed, only five useful functions were added as anew driver (misc.h/misc.c), in addition to the functions covered by the CMSIS coreperipheral layer.–void NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(u32 NVIC_PriorityGroup); for easy Cortex-M3 priority bit configuration–void NVIC_Init(NVIC_InitTypeDef* NVIC_InitStruct); for easy NVIC IRQ configuration–void NVIC_SetVectorTable(u32 NVIC_VectTab, u32 Offset); used to boot from internal SRAM and to relocate the vector table to a different offsetmemory–void NVIC_SystemLPConfig(u8 LowPowerMode, FunctionalStateNewState);–void SysTick_CLKSourceConfig(u32 SysTick_CLKSource);●CAN driver update: in all CAN driver functions, new parameter CAN_TypeDef* CANxadd.●No change in the remaining drivers3.1.3 Library user and toolchain specific files●stm32f10x_vector.s/stm32f10x_vector.c were renamed tostartup_stm32f10x_xx.s/startup_stm32f10x_xx.c, with one startup file per product–startup_stm32f10x_ld.s (STM32 low-density devices)–startup_stm32f10x_md.s (STM32 medium-density devices)–startup_stm32f10x_hd.s (STM32 high-density devices)●stm32f10x_it.h/stm32f10x_it.c: all STM32 IRQ handler routines were removed fromthese files, only Cortex-M3 exceptions are available. The [Weak] directive is mandatoryinside the startup file. The user has to manually add the peripheral ISR into thestm32f10x_it.h/stm32f10x_it.c file●Cortex-M3 exception renamed according to CMSIS●main.c: the following code should be removed:#ifdef DEBUGdebug();#endifexamples3.1.4 Library●The NVIC CM3_LPModes and System_Handlers examples were removed, the otherones were kept (VectorT able_Relocation, DMA_WFIMode, IRQ_Channels, Priority)●PWR and Cortex-M3 examples were updated with new macro names●No change in the remaining examplesDoc ID 15531 Rev 117/3318/33 Doc ID 15531 Rev 13.2 Coding rules and conventions3.2.1 Data types and IO type qualifiersThe Cortex-Mx HAL uses the standard types from the standard ANSI C header file<stdint.h>. IO type qualifiers are used to specify the access to peripheral variables. IO type qualifiers are used for the automatic generation of debug information for the peripheral registers.The “stm32f10x_type.h ” file being removed from the package, the new library will use the CMSIS and <stdint.h> types. Table 5 shows the correspondence between STM32F10xxx and <stdint.h> types.Table 4.CMSIS IO type qualifiersIO type qualifier #defineDescription__I volatile const Read access only __O volatile Write access only __IOvolatileRead and write accessesTable 5.STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 types vs. CMSIS typesSTM32F10xxx FWLib types CMSIS types Descriptions32int32_t signed 32-bit data s16int16_t signed 16-bit data s8int8_t signed 8-bit datasc32const int32_t read access only signed 32-bit data sc16const int16_t read access only signed 16-bit data sc8const int8_t read access only signed 8-bit datavs32__IO int32_t volatile read and write access signed 32-bit data vs16__IO int16_t volatile read and write access signed 16-bit data vs8__IO int8_t volatile read and write access signed 8-bit data vsc32__I int32_t volatile read access only signed 32-bit data vsc16__I int16_t volatile read access only signed 16-bit data vsc8__I int8_t volatile read access only signed 8-bit data u32uint32_t unsigned 32-bit data u16uint16_t unsigned 16-bit data u8uint8_tunsigned 8-bit datauc32const uint32_t read access only unsigned 32-bit data uc16const uint16_t read access only unsigned 16-bit data uc8const uint8_t read access only unsigned 8-bit datavu32__IO uint32_tvolatile read and write access unsigned 32-bit dataDoc ID 15531 Rev 119/33Note:1The old STM32F10xxx FWLib types are still defined inside the “stm32f10x.h” file for legacy purposes.2The STM32F10xxx FWLib-specific types are also defined in “stm32f10x.h”. These types are:typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool ;typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus , ITStatus ;typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState ;#define IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(STATE) (((STATE) == DISABLE) || ((STATE) == ENABLE))typedef enum {ERROR = 0, SUCCESS = !ERROR} ErrorStatus ;3.2.2 Exception namingTable 6 shows the exception handler names which were changed to match CMSIS names.Table 7 shows the exception handlers that were changed to change CAN to CAN1.vu16__IO uint16_t volatile read and write access unsigned 16-bit data vu8__IO uint8_t volatile read and write access unsigned 8-bit data vuc32__I uint32_t volatile read access only unsigned 32-bit data vuc16__I uint16_t volatile read access only unsigned 16-bit data vuc8__I uint8_tvolatile read access only unsigned 8-bit dataTable 5.STM32F10xxx firmware library V2.0.3 types vs. CMSIS types (continued)STM32F10xxx FWLib types CMSIS types DescriptionTable 6.STM32F10xxx FWLib V2.0.3 exception names vs. CMSISSTM32F10xxx exceptions CMSISDescriptionNMIException NMI_Handler NMI exception HardFaultException HardFault_Handler Hard fault exception MemManageException MemManage_Handler Memory manage exception BusFaultException BusFault_Handler Bus fault exception UsageFaultException UsageFault_Handler Usage fault exception SVCHandler SVC_Handler SVCall exception DebugMonitor DebugMon_Handler Debug monitor exception PendSVC PendSV_Handler PendSVC exception SysTickHandlerSysTick_HandlerSysTick handler。
