



141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
应用微生物学 细胞生物学 人体解剖生理学 动物学 高级生物化学 普通生物学 动物生产概论 动物内科学 动物传染病学 中兽医学 动物解剖组织学 动物生理学 园林美学 肉制品加工学 食品感官评定 工业药物分析 药物分析 材料化学 天然药物化学 土壤与环境 环境科学概论 生态学概论 物理性污染控制 有机化学 分析化学 化工过程设计 水文与水资源 中国对外贸易概论 国际金融 通关实务 会计学基础 高级财务会计 审计学 仓储管理 供应链管理 物流成本管理
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
深度新闻报道 影视作品分析 电视节目类型学 广播电视新闻学 艺术理论与欣赏 中国现当代文学 广播电视技术基础 广播电视艺术概论 逻辑、证据和研究 新闻伦理与媒介法规 中外新闻事业发展史 多媒体/网络新闻实务 广播电视即兴口语表达 广播电视新闻采访与制作 中外经典新闻作品案例研读 专业新闻报道2(国际与发展新 闻) 专业新闻报道3(科学与健康新 闻) 专业新闻报道4(文化与艺术新 闻) 材料力学 机械原理 电子技术 汽车构造 结构力学 高层建筑结构 建筑设计理论与方法 建筑设计2 油画创作 油画人体 外国美术史 陶艺 品牌形象设计 商业摄影 装饰绘画 行书技法 草书技法 意笔人物画



附录一 真实商务谈判案例点评与思考亲历一次罢工谈判广东一家汽车零部件有限公司(以下简称A公司)工人为争取公平待遇,从2010年5月17日开始罢工,劳资双方经反复交涉,终于在6月初艰苦谈判签订了劳资集体协议,罢工事件平静落幕。




















历届FLL主题2011食品安全2010关注健康(生命科技)(body forward)生物医学工程是利用多类工程学科,以医生和医院更好的救助病人。


2009智能交通(smart move)交通工具跟你每天的生活都息息相关。





2007 破解能源:我们如何解决能源问题,房屋供暖、汽车燃油、手机供电、电脑供电,甚至用iPod下载音乐。


2006 纳米科技:通过一部超强的自动显微镜,我们进入陌生的原子世界,我们如同幻想家和科学家一样,在纳米世界里,开始探索医学、计算机等各领域的新技术。

2005 海洋奥德赛:探索地球最宝贵的资源-神秘的海洋,占地球总面积3/4的海洋,对地球上的所有生命教是至关重要的,但是它又是那么脆弱,污染,不合理开发等给它带来无法想象的伤害。


2004 无限关爱:帮助社会上需要帮助的人,考虑他们的特殊需要,为他们研究和提供机器人技术解决方法,使他们在日常生活中能像平常人一样活动和完成某些任务。

2003 火星探险:想象我们踏上火星,探索这个红色星球的景象。




行政法学 天目公共事业管理092 行政法学 天目公共事业管理091 社会学概论 天目公共管理类102 社会学概论 天目公共管理类101 市政学 天目公共事业管理081 中期论文 天目公共事业管理081 公共礼仪 天目公共事业管理092 公共礼仪 天目公共事业管理091 礼仪实训 天目英语071 大学语文 天目公共管理类101 大学语文 天目公共管理类102 管理文秘 天目公共事业管理071 地方政府学 天目公共事业管理092 地方政府学 天目公共事业管理091 公共管理案例分析 天目公共事业管理071 公共管理原著选读 天目公共事业管理081 人力资源管理 天目公共事业管理081 行政管理学 天目公共事业管理081 中国传统文化概论 天目公共管理类101 中国传统文化概论 天目公共管理类102 思想道德修养与法律基础 天目公共管理类102 思想道德修养与法律基础 天目公共管理类101 公共事业管理学 天目公共事业管理081 管理心理学 天目公共事业管理091 管理心理学 天目公共事业管理092 公务员考试 天目公共事业管理071 政治学原理 天目公共事业管理091 政治学原理 天目公共事业管理092 政府绩效管理 天目公共事业管理081 教学秘书签字
课程代码 07021016 07021016 07051002 07051002 82043012 07011011 82043027 82043027 06023005 07041002 07041002 82041009 82043009 82043009 82043017 82041008 03031003 82041011 82031002 82031002 07011012 07011012 82041005 82041003 82041003 82043018 82041001 82041001 82043010 课程名称 班级名称 校区 人数 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 29 30 30 30 32 32 29 30 29 30 30 33 29 30 33 32 32 32 30 30 30 30 32 30 29 33 30 29 32 课程 性质 必修 必修 必修 必修 专选 必修 专选 专选 专选 必修 必修 必修 专选 专选 专选 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 专选 必修 必修 专选 考核 方式 考试 考试 考试 考试 考查 考查 考查 考查 考查 考试 考试 考查 考试 考试 考查 考试 考试 考试 考试 考试 考查 考查 考试 考试 考试 考查 考试 考试 考查 周学时 4.0-0.0 4.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 +2 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 4.0-0.0 4.0-0.0 3.0-0.0 3.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 4.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 4.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 2.0-0.0 总学 时 48 48 32 32 32 20 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 48 48 48 32 32 48 48 48 32 32 32 32 32 32 起止周 时数 教师姓名 01-13 01-13 01-17 01-17 01-17 01-17 01-17 01-17 01-17 04-19 04-19 01-10 01-17 01-17 01-09 01-14 01-17 01-17 04-19 04-19 04-19 04-19 01-13 01-17 01-17 01-09 01-17 01-17 01-17 48 48 32 32 32 0 32 32 32 32 32 16 32 32 32 48 48 48 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 韩艳微 韩艳微 李叔君 李叔君 李叔君 李叔君 李文莉 李文莉 李文莉 鲁克兵 鲁克兵 鲁克兵 鲁先锋 鲁先锋 鲁先锋 罗马 罗马 彭金玉 王鸿 王鸿 彭金玉 彭金玉 杨运姣 杨运姣 杨运姣 万泽民 万泽民 万泽民 何振波 教师所属学院 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文系 人文学院 人文学院 人文学院 学生办 实验 实验 实验 备注一 教室要求 学时 教师 职称 0/0 陈海嵩 多媒体教室 0/0 陈海嵩 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 杨军 多媒体教室 0/0 杨军 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 0/0 多媒体教室 Nhomakorabea系主任签字



第一节“科学”与“技术”的概 念
• • • • 1. “科学”的概念 科学” 科学 什么是“科学” 什么是“科学”? 2. “技术”的概念 技术” 技术 什么是“技术” 什么是“技术”?
1. “科学”的概念 “科学 科学”
• 科学是由概念和相应的定律所构成的、准确表述 自然界或者人类社会现象与规律的知识体系 • ①科学的源头在客观世界(包括自然界、人类自 身、人造的产品或者环境)。 • ②所谓科学问题,主要是对客观世界的现象和规 律进行研究时遇到的问题。人们的科学研究活动, 主要是发现新问题,探索新规律。 • ③科学研究终结于知识——一旦对某一类研究对 象形成了系统的科学知识,这门学科便诞生了。
光信息科学与技术 研究方法
北京交通大学理学院 2009, 2009,9
• 引言 • 第一章 科学发现与技术发明概述 • 第二章 作为一门科学,现代光学与光子 学的研究方法 • 第三章:光信息新技术的研发方法 • 第四章:未来的主要科学与技术的研究领 域
第一章 科学发现与技术发明概述
• • • • 第 1节 第 2节 第 3节 第 4节 程 科学与技术的概念 科学和技术的密不可分性 科学与技术研究的选题 光学和光信息科学与技术的发展历
2.来自于市场需求的课题 2.来自于市场需求的课题
• 市场需求是消费者的需求与购买力的综合 体现 • 性能价格比是市场需求的第一指标 • 例 • 光纤到户 光纤到户FTTH(Fiber To The Home )
2.来自于市场需求的课题 2.来自于市场需求的课题
• 市场走向,往往决定了你的就业岗位 市场走向, •例 • 掌上电脑 •
• • • • ① 结构复杂性课题 ② 材料与组分复杂性课题 ③非常规和极端条件下的复杂性课题 ④混合态、混沌与非稳态课题



课程号课序号课程名开课系所容量选课人数40L001T01WTO与中国对外贸易经管703740L005T01管理学(B)经管704640L006T01国际融资学经管705340L006T01国际融资学经管705340L007T02技术经济学经管707040L007T02技术经济学经管707040L007T03技术经济学经管70940L008T01企业资源计划概论经管703440L008T01企业资源计划概论经管703440L014T01西方经济学经管707040L014T01西方经济学经管707040L016T01博弈论经管707040L016T01博弈论经管707040L016T02博弈论经管707040L016T02博弈论经管707040L018T01法律经济学经管704040L023T01中外民俗风情经管707040L023T01中外民俗风情经管707040L024T01旅游市场营销经管707040L024T01旅游市场营销经管707040L026T01公共关系与实务经管503940L026T01公共关系与实务经管503940L027T01电子商务基础经管705540L027T01电子商务基础经管705540L028T01旅游美学经管707040L028T01旅游美学经管707040L033T01中外旅游地理经管707040L033T01中外旅游地理经管707040L035T01世界遗产景点赏析经管505040L037T01中外旅游景点赏析经管707040L037T01中外旅游景点赏析经管707040L044T01中国税制经管705040L045T01绿色物流经管702540L045T01绿色物流经管702540L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L046T01国际贸易实务模拟经管701740L048T01企业会计与财务基础经管404040L048T01企业会计与财务基础经管404040L049T01企业风险管理经管702740L049T01企业风险管理经管702740L050T01保险与风险管理经管70540L050T01保险与风险管理经管70540L051T01中国的金融机构与金融市场经管703840L051T01中国的金融机构与金融市场经管703840L052T01营销策划经管707040L052T01营销策划经管707040L054T01国际金融经管707040L054T01国际金融经管707040L055T01项目管理经管7070 40L055T01项目管理经管7070 40L056T01管理学经管55 40L057T01人力资源管理经管7070 40L057T01人力资源管理经管7070 40L058T01管理信息系统经管7018 40L058T01管理信息系统经管7018 40L059T01证券投资分析经管7070 40L060T01个人投资理财经管5050 40L060T01个人投资理财经管5050 40L107Q01工程经济经管7027 40L107Q01工程经济经管7027 40L110Q01财务管理经管7070 40L110Q01财务管理经管7070 40L110Q01财务管理经管7070 40L110Q02财务管理经管7070 40L110Q02财务管理经管7070 40L110Q02财务管理经管7070 40L110Q03财务管理经管7070 40L110Q03财务管理经管7070 40L110Q03财务管理经管7070 40L110Q04财务管理经管7040 40L110Q04财务管理经管7040 40L110Q04财务管理经管7040 40L110Q05财务管理经管7070 40L110Q05财务管理经管7070 40L110Q05财务管理经管7070 40L110Q06财务管理经管7070 40L110Q06财务管理经管7070 40L110Q06财务管理经管7070 40L110Q07财务管理经管7024 40L110Q07财务管理经管7024 40L110Q07财务管理经管7024 40L110Q09财务管理经管7030 40L110Q09财务管理经管7030 40L110Q09财务管理经管7030 40L114Q02中级经济学(A)经管7063 40L114Q02中级经济学(A)经管7063 40L114Q02中级经济学(A)经管7063 40L114Q03中级经济学(A)经管7032 40L114Q03中级经济学(A)经管7032 40L114Q03中级经济学(A)经管7032 40L114Q04中级经济学(A)经管7070 40L114Q04中级经济学(A)经管7070 40L114Q04中级经济学(A)经管7070 40L120Q01金融学经管7061 40L120Q01金融学经管7061 40L121Q01经济法经管7046 40L121Q01经济法经管7046 40L121Q02经济法经管7069 40L121Q02经济法经管7069 40L121Q03经济法经管7065 40L121Q03经济法经管7065 40L122Q01经济学(A)经管4027 40L122Q01经济学(A)经管402740L126Q01经济学研究方法论(A)经管7575 40L126Q01经济学研究方法论(A)经管7575 40L126Q02经济学研究方法论(A)经管7551 40L126Q02经济学研究方法论(A)经管7551 40L131Q01施工组织学经管7026 40L131Q01施工组织学经管7026 40L132Q01税法经管7046 40L132Q02税法经管7070 40L132Q03税法经管7058 40L136Q01应用统计学(B)经管7021 40L136Q01应用统计学(B)经管7021 40L142Q01管理信息系统经管4027 40L142Q01管理信息系统经管4027 40L145Q02管理沟通专题经管7068 40L145Q02管理沟通专题经管7068 40L145Q02管理沟通专题经管7068 40L156Q01工程管理专业导论经管50 40L157Q01工商管理类专业导论经管4540 40L158Q01管理科学与工程类专业导论经管207 40L158Q02管理科学与工程类专业导论经管104 40L159Q01经济学类专业导论经管4536 40L161Q01市场营销经管7070 40L161Q01市场营销经管7070 40L161Q01市场营销经管7070 40L161Q02市场营销经管7070 40L161Q02市场营销经管7070 40L161Q02市场营销经管7070 40L161Q03市场营销经管7047 40L161Q03市场营销经管7047 40L161Q03市场营销经管7047 40L161Q04市场营销经管7068 40L161Q04市场营销经管7068 40L161Q04市场营销经管7068 40L162Q01战略管理经管7070 40L162Q01战略管理经管7070 40L162Q02战略管理经管7069 40L162Q02战略管理经管7069 40L162Q04战略管理经管7025 40L162Q04战略管理经管7025 40L163Q01物流学经管7070 40L163Q01物流学经管7070 40L163Q01物流学经管7070 40L163Q02物流学经管7062 40L163Q02物流学经管7062 40L163Q02物流学经管7062 40L163Q03物流学经管7039 40L163Q03物流学经管7039 40L163Q03物流学经管7039 40L179Q01管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q01管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q02管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q02管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q03管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q03管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q04管理学(A)经管5540L179Q04管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q05管理学(A)经管7056 40L179Q05管理学(A)经管7056 40L179Q06管理学(A)经管7034 40L179Q06管理学(A)经管7034 40L179Q07管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q07管理学(A)经管55 40L179Q08管理学(A)经管10 40L179Q08管理学(A)经管10 40L197Q01产业经济学经管7036 40L197Q01产业经济学经管7036 40L197Q01产业经济学经管7036 40L199Q01国际金融经管5017 40L199Q01国际金融经管5017 40L199Q01国际金融经管5017 40L199Q02国际金融经管5050 40L199Q02国际金融经管5050 40L199Q02国际金融经管5050 40L199Q03国际金融经管5050 40L199Q03国际金融经管5050 40L199Q03国际金融经管5050 40L204Q01技术管理经管7051 40L204Q01技术管理经管7051 40L205Q01多元统计分析经管7026 40L205Q01多元统计分析经管7026 40L206Q01财务会计经管7574 40L206Q01财务会计经管7574 40L206Q01财务会计经管7574 40L206Q02财务会计经管7575 40L206Q02财务会计经管7575 40L206Q02财务会计经管7575 40L207Q01高级财务会计经管7035 40L207Q01高级财务会计经管7035 40L207Q02高级财务会计经管7024 40L207Q02高级财务会计经管7024 40L218Q01会计制度设计经管703 40L218Q01会计制度设计经管703 40L220Q01审计学经管8080 40L220Q01审计学经管8080 40L220Q01审计学经管8080 40L220Q02审计学经管8070 40L220Q02审计学经管8070 40L220Q02审计学经管8070 40L225Q01产业经济学研究性专题经管107 40L228Q01供应链管理研究性专题经管704 40L229Q01电子商务概论经管7059 40L229Q01电子商务概论经管7059 40L229Q02电子商务概论经管7066 40L229Q02电子商务概论经管7066 40L229Q03电子商务概论经管7042 40L229Q03电子商务概论经管7042 40L234Q01创业企业人力资源管理经管7574 40L303Q01建设工程监理经管7028 40L303Q01建设工程监理经管7028 40L306Q01工程质量控制经管702740L306Q01工程质量控制经管7027 40L313Q01工程建设法规经管7035 40L316Q01工程管理研究方法论经管7026 40L316Q01工程管理研究方法论经管7026 40L316Q01工程管理研究方法论经管7026 40L317Q01建设项目管理经管7027 40L317Q01建设项目管理经管7027 40L403Q01公共关系学经管7070 40L403Q01公共关系学经管7070 40L408Q01广告学经管7069 40L408Q01广告学经管7069 40L411Q01企业形象策划经管7029 40L411Q01企业形象策划经管7029 40L425Q01管理研究方法论(A)经管7570 40L425Q01管理研究方法论(A)经管7570 40L425Q02管理研究方法论(A)经管7567 40L425Q02管理研究方法论(A)经管7567 40L425Q03管理研究方法论(A)经管3113 40L425Q03管理研究方法论(A)经管3113 40L425Q04管理研究方法论(A)经管9595 40L425Q04管理研究方法论(A)经管9595 40L425Q05管理研究方法论(A)经管7042 40L425Q05管理研究方法论(A)经管7042 40L427Q01产业经济学热点与前沿问题经管7050 40L505Q01成本会计经管7065 40L505Q01成本会计经管7065 40L505Q03成本会计经管7030 40L505Q03成本会计经管7030 40L524Q01运输财务与会计经管7067 40L524Q01运输财务与会计经管7067 40L601Q01软件开发工具(A)经管7272 40L601Q01软件开发工具(A)经管7272 40L601Q02软件开发工具(A)经管7262 40L601Q02软件开发工具(A)经管7262 40L604Q01面向对象程序设计与应用经管7032 40L604Q01面向对象程序设计与应用经管7032 40L701Q01商品学概论经管7070 40L701Q01商品学概论经管7070 40L714Q01现代流通学经管7068 40L714Q01现代流通学经管7068 40L715Q02数据库应用基础经管7070 40L715Q02数据库应用基础经管7070 40L716Q01物流运作管理经管7070 40L716Q01物流运作管理经管7070 40L717Q01物流方案设计经管7070 40L717Q01物流方案设计经管7070 40L727Q01供应链管理经管7032 40L727Q01供应链管理经管7032 40L727Q01供应链管理经管7032 40L727Q02供应链管理经管7068 40L727Q02供应链管理经管7068 40L727Q02供应链管理经管7068 40L728Q01采购管理经管5555 40L728Q01采购管理经管5555 40L728Q01采购管理经管555540L728Q02采购管理经管5542 40L728Q02采购管理经管5542 40L728Q02采购管理经管5542 40L729Q01数据结构经管7030 40L729Q01数据结构经管7030 40L729Q01数据结构经管7030 40L803Q01金融市场学经管7033 40L803Q01金融市场学经管7033 40L803Q02金融市场学经管7055 40L803Q02金融市场学经管7055 40L804Q01国际贸易经管7070 40L804Q02国际贸易经管7070 40L806Q01商业银行经营管理学经管7028 40L806Q01商业银行经营管理学经管7028 40L806Q02商业银行经营管理学经管7070 40L806Q02商业银行经营管理学经管7070 40L807Q01财政学经管7070 40L807Q01财政学经管7070 40L814Q01项目经济评价经管7033 40L818Q01计量经济学经管7070 40L818Q01计量经济学经管7070 40L818Q01计量经济学经管7070 40L818Q02计量经济学经管7019 40L818Q02计量经济学经管7019 40L818Q02计量经济学经管7019 40L818Q03计量经济学经管7045 40L818Q03计量经济学经管7045 40L818Q03计量经济学经管7045 40L821Q01运输统计学经管705 40L821Q01运输统计学经管705 40L827Q01劳动关系与劳动法经管6565 40L827Q01劳动关系与劳动法经管6565 40L838Q01运输工程经济学经管704 40L838Q01运输工程经济学经管704 40S002T01股票模拟交易经管7070 40S113Q01ERP理论与实践经管8080 40S113Q01ERP理论与实践经管8080 40S113Q02ERP理论与实践经管8070 40S113Q02ERP理论与实践经管8070 40S113Q03ERP理论与实践经管8064 40S113Q03ERP理论与实践经管8064 40S113Q04ERP理论与实践经管8080 40S113Q04ERP理论与实践经管8080 40S113Q05ERP理论与实践经管8074 40S113Q05ERP理论与实践经管8074 40S113Q06ERP理论与实践经管7069 40S113Q06ERP理论与实践经管7069 40S114Q01企业管理综合实践经管120120 40S114Q02企业管理综合实践经管120120 40S114Q03企业管理综合实践经管120118 40S114Q04企业管理综合实践经管12062 40S115Q01实验经济学经管7070 40S115Q02实验经济学经管7056 40S627Q01信息系统开发实践(A)经管7031 40S627Q01信息系统开发实践(A)经管703140S627Q01信息系统开发实践(A)经管7031 40S627Q01信息系统开发实践(A)经管7031 60L043T01创新实践论人文12050 60L057T01大学语文人文9090 60L057T01大学语文人文9090 60L057T02大学语文人文9090 60L057T02大学语文人文9090 60L057T03大学语文人文9081 60L057T03大学语文人文9081 60L064T01大学实用写作人文120120 60L079T01中国现当代文学鉴赏人文12091 60L079T02中国现当代文学鉴赏人文120120 60L079T03中国现当代文学鉴赏人文120120 60L079T04中国现当代文学鉴赏人文120120 60L101T01世界文明史人文12039 60L101T02世界文明史人文120120 60L101T03世界文明史人文120100 60L101T04世界文明史人文12086 60L106T01中国法律文化概论人文12021 60L107T01中国历史文化概论人文12045 60L107T02中国历史文化概论人文12053 60L119T01中国现代人物选讲人文150150 60L144T01西方文学史人文9090 60L144T02西方文学史人文9071 60L144T03西方文学史人文9087 60L145T01东方文学史人文9090 60L145T02东方文学史人文9090 60L145T03东方文学史人文9016 60L154T01影像与中国文学人文120120 60L154T02影像与中国文学人文120120 60L154T03影像与中国文学人文120120 60L196Q01唐宋诗词鉴赏人文120120 60L196Q02唐宋诗词鉴赏人文12057 60L221T01人生哲学概论人文150150 60L251T01合同法实务人文150150 60L253T01公司法实务人文150113 60L260T01社会学概论人文15090 60L268T01毛泽东生平研究人文150150 60L282T01国学概论人文12024 60L282T02国学概论人文1209 60L282T03国学概论人文12045 60L283T01先秦诸子概论人文12034 60L283T01先秦诸子概论人文12034 60L283T02先秦诸子概论人文12026 60L283T03先秦诸子概论人文12031 60L300Q01宪法学(A)人文53 60L300Q01宪法学(A)人文53 60L300Q02宪法学(A)人文53 60L300Q02宪法学(A)人文53 60L303Q01法学导论人文54 60L303Q02法学导论人文53 60L306Q02国际私法(A)人文8571 60L306Q02国际私法(A)人文8571 60L306Q03国际私法(A)人文3827 60L306Q03国际私法(A)人文382760L313Q01债权法人文9075 60L313Q01债权法人文9075 60L313Q02债权法人文2614 60L313Q02债权法人文2614 60L318Q01物权法人文9573 60L318Q01物权法人文9573 60L318Q02物权法人文2119 60L318Q02物权法人文2119 60L322Q01刑法总论人文137 60L322Q01刑法总论人文137 60L322Q02刑法总论人文52 60L322Q02刑法总论人文52 60L323Q01刑事诉讼法人文9384 60L323Q01刑事诉讼法人文9384 60L323Q02刑事诉讼法人文2514 60L323Q02刑事诉讼法人文2514 60L345Q01知识产权法(A)人文9081 60L345Q01知识产权法(A)人文9081 60L345Q02知识产权法(A)人文2518 60L345Q02知识产权法(A)人文2518 60L348Q01商法 II人文8675 60L348Q02商法 II人文2623 60L349Q01经济法 I人文8067 60L349Q01经济法 I人文8067 60L349Q02经济法 I人文3227 60L349Q02经济法 I人文3227 60L352Q01交通运输法概论人文11296 60L352Q01交通运输法概论人文11296 60L357Q01英美侵权法人文9681 60L370Q01商法专题 II人文10031 60L372Q01民法专题 II人文10030 60L513Q01婚姻家庭与继承法I人文11499 60L535Q01劳动与社会保障法人文10495 60L537Q01外国法制史人文9686 60L538Q01司法写作人文10497 60L595Q01行政与行政诉讼法II人文8570 60L595Q01行政与行政诉讼法II人文8570 60L595Q02行政与行政诉讼法II人文2725 60L595Q02行政与行政诉讼法II人文2725 60S056T01公关语言与社交礼仪人文120120 60S056T02公关语言与社交礼仪人文120120 60S056T03公关语言与社交礼仪人文120120 60S056T04公关语言与社交礼仪人文120120 60S158T01外国电影观摩与欣赏人文120120 60S158T02外国电影观摩与欣赏人文120120 60S158T03外国电影观摩与欣赏人文120120 60S159T01中国电影观摩与欣赏人文120120 60S159T02中国电影观摩与欣赏人文12063 60S159T03中国电影观摩与欣赏人文120120 60S361Q01专业综合训练人文10798 60S503Q01认识实习I人文9687 60S505Q01社会调查人文10492 61L015T01思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T02思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T03思想道德修养与法律基础人文125061L015T04思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T04思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T05思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T05思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T06思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T06思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T07思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T07思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T08思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T09思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T10思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T11思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T12思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T13思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T13思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T14思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T14思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T15思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T15思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T16思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T16思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T17思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T18思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T19思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T20思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T21思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T22思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T23思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T23思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T24思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T24思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T25思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L015T26思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T26思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T27思想道德修养与法律基础人文1250 61L015T28思想道德修养与法律基础人文1500 61L017T01马克思主义基本原理人文140117 61L017T01马克思主义基本原理人文140117 61L017T02马克思主义基本原理人文141141 61L017T02马克思主义基本原理人文141141 61L017T03马克思主义基本原理人文140125 61L017T03马克思主义基本原理人文140125 61L017T04马克思主义基本原理人文170170 61L017T04马克思主义基本原理人文170170 61L017T05马克思主义基本原理人文189189 61L017T05马克思主义基本原理人文189189 61L017T06马克思主义基本原理人文140112 61L017T06马克思主义基本原理人文140112 61L017T07马克思主义基本原理人文140129 61L017T07马克思主义基本原理人文140129 61L017T08马克思主义基本原理人文140108 61L017T08马克思主义基本原理人文140108 61L017T09马克思主义基本原理人文160160 61L017T09马克思主义基本原理人文160160 61L017T10马克思主义基本原理人文15012861L017T10马克思主义基本原理人文150128 61L017T11马克思主义基本原理人文140105 61L017T11马克思主义基本原理人文140105 61L017T12马克思主义基本原理人文161161 61L017T12马克思主义基本原理人文161161 61L017T13马克思主义基本原理人文168168 61L017T13马克思主义基本原理人文168168 61L017T14马克思主义基本原理人文140131 61L017T14马克思主义基本原理人文140131 61L017T15马克思主义基本原理人文161161 61L017T15马克思主义基本原理人文161161 61L017T16马克思主义基本原理人文140133 61L017T16马克思主义基本原理人文140133 61L017T17马克思主义基本原理人文140127 61L017T17马克思主义基本原理人文140127 61L017T18马克思主义基本原理人文160160 61L017T18马克思主义基本原理人文160160 61L017T19马克思主义基本原理人文140129 61L017T19马克思主义基本原理人文140129 61L017T20马克思主义基本原理人文162162 61L017T20马克思主义基本原理人文162162 61L017T21马克思主义基本原理人文140119 61L017T21马克思主义基本原理人文140119 61L017T22马克思主义基本原理人文157157 61L017T22马克思主义基本原理人文157157 61L017T23马克思主义基本原理人文140130 61L017T23马克思主义基本原理人文140130 61L017T24马克思主义基本原理人文150150 61L017T24马克思主义基本原理人文150150 61L017T25马克思主义基本原理人文140125 61L017T25马克思主义基本原理人文140125余量总学时学分星期节次持续节次上课地点33322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF608 24322542主校区逸夫教学楼YF409 17322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF104 17322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF104 0322122主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 0322352主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 61322212主校区思源西楼SX505 36322262主校区思源西楼SX404 36322562主校区思源西楼SX404 0322262主校区思源西楼SX405 0322562主校区思源西楼SX405 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF614 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF614 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF615 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF615 30322262主校区思源东楼SD203 0322262主校区思源西楼SX503 0322562主校区思源西楼SX503 0322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 11322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF301 11322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF301 15322262主校区思源西楼SX504 15322562主校区思源西楼SX504 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF615 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF615 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF东701 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF608 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF608 20322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF409 45322142主校区逸夫教学楼YF615 45322342主校区逸夫教学楼YF615 53322612主校区不要教室53322712主校区不要教室53322642主校区不要教室53322742主校区不要教室53322622主校区不要教室53322722主校区不要教室53322652主校区不要教室53322752主校区不要教室0322152主校区机械楼Z306 0322452主校区机械楼Z306 43322152主校区逸夫教学楼YF609 43322452主校区逸夫教学楼YF609 65322112主校区思源西楼SX505 65322412主校区思源西楼SX505 32322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF408 32322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF408 0322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF609 0322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF609 0322162主校区思源东楼SD108 0322462主校区思源东楼SD1080322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF413 0322342东校区东教一楼DQ402 0322162主校区思源东楼SD202 0322462主校区思源东楼SD202 52322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF514 52322562主校区逸夫教学楼YF514 0322162主校区逸夫教学楼YF507 0322612主校区思源楼SY108 0322621主校区思源楼SY108 43322242主校区思源西楼SX501 43322442主校区思源西楼SX304 0644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF106 0644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF106 0644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF403 0644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 0644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 0644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF408 0644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 0644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 0644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 30644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF209 30644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF209 30644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF209 0644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 0644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 0644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 0644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 0644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 0644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 46644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF307 46644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF307 46644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF307 40644212主校区逸夫教学楼YF312 40644412主校区逸夫教学楼YF312 40644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF312 7644222主校区思源西楼SX402 7644442主校区思源西楼SX402 7644542主校区思源西楼SX402 38644222主校区思源西楼SX404 38644442主校区思源西楼SX404 38644542主校区思源西楼SX404 0644442主校区思源西楼SX405 0644222主校区思源西楼SX405 0644542主校区思源西楼SX405 9322142主校区逸夫教学楼YF507 9322322主校区逸夫教学楼YF606 24322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF406 24322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF406 1322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF507 1322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF507 5322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF409 5322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF409 13483322主校区逸夫教学楼YF东703 13483522主校区逸夫教学楼YF东7030483212主校区思源东楼SD202 24483212主校区思源东楼SD203 24483542主校区逸夫教学楼YF512 44322412主校区思源西楼SX505 44322112主校区思源西楼SX505 24322412主校区逸夫教学楼YF104 0322412主校区思源东楼SD202 12322412主校区思源东楼SD203 49322342主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 49322512主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 13644422主校区逸夫教学楼YF304 13644142主校区逸夫教学楼YF304 2644222主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 2644442主校区逸夫教学楼YF104 2644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 580.5342东校区东教一楼DQ314 580.5522主校区第九教学楼中101 1380.5252东校区东教一楼DQ104 680.5252东校区东教一楼DQ105 980.5342东校区东教一楼DQ302 0644222主校区逸夫教学楼YF106 0644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF505 0644522主校区逸夫教学楼YF106 0644222主校区逸夫教学楼YF209 0644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 0644522主校区逸夫教学楼YF209 23644522主校区逸夫教学楼YF505 23644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF409 23644222主校区逸夫教学楼YF505 2644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF414 2644222主校区逸夫教学楼YF606 2644522主校区逸夫教学楼YF606 0322142主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 0322322主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 1322142主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 1322322主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 45322142主校区逸夫教学楼YF208 45322322主校区逸夫教学楼YF208 0644222主校区思源西楼SX502 0644442主校区思源西楼SX502 0644542主校区思源西楼SX502 8644222主校区思源西楼SX503 8644442主校区思源西楼SX503 8644542主校区思源西楼SX503 31644542主校区思源东楼SD108 31644442主校区逸夫教学楼YF603 31644222主校区思源东楼SD108 0483162东校区东教一楼DQ303 0483342东校区东教一楼DQ303 0483342东校区东教一楼DQ305 0483162东校区东教一楼DQ305 0483162东校区东教一楼DQ404 0483342东校区东教一楼DQ404 0483352东校区东教一楼DQ4080483162东校区东教一楼DQ408 14483162东校区东教一楼DQ505 14483342东校区东教一楼DQ505 36483162东校区东教一楼DQ203 36483342东校区东教一楼DQ408 0483162东校区东教一楼DQ314 0483352东校区东教一楼DQ314 1483462主校区思源东楼SD207 1483362主校区思源东楼SD207 34644552主校区逸夫教学楼YF414 34644152主校区逸夫教学楼YF414 34644312主校区逸夫教学楼YF414 33644252主校区逸夫教学楼YF东702 33644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF308 33644512主校区逸夫教学楼YF106 0644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF409 0644252主校区逸夫教学楼YF东703 0644512主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 0644452主校区逸夫教学楼YF414 0644512主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 0644252主校区逸夫教学楼YF东705 19322452主校区思源西楼SX403 19322152主校区思源西楼SX403 44322552主校区逸夫教学楼YF403 44322242主校区逸夫教学楼YF403 1644442主校区思源西楼SX403 1644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF209 1644242主校区逸夫教学楼YF413 0644242主校区逸夫教学楼YF307 0644542主校区逸夫教学楼YF408 0644442主校区思源西楼SX504 35483462主校区逸夫教学楼YF307 35483112主校区逸夫教学楼YF505 46483542主校区逸夫教学楼YF410 46483262主校区逸夫教学楼YF414 67322122主校区思源东楼SD107 67322412主校区思源东楼SD107 0644422主校区思源东楼SD107 0644212主校区思源东楼SD107 0644112主校区思源东楼SD206 10644112主校区逸夫教学楼YF505 10644422主校区思源东楼SD108 10644212主校区思源东楼SD108 3161222主校区机械楼Z104 66161422主校区逸夫教学楼YF205 11322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF104 11322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF104 4322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF603 4322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF603 28322262主校区逸夫教学楼YF403 28322462主校区逸夫教学楼YF403 1161262主校区逸夫教学楼YF606 42322322主校区思源东楼SD203 42322552主校区思源东楼SD203 43322452主校区思源西楼SX40543322152主校区思源西楼SX405 3524 1.5342主校区逸夫教学楼YF313 44483122主校区思源东楼SD203 44483542主校区思源西楼SX501 44483352主校区思源西楼SX501 43483212主校区逸夫教学楼YF508 43483512主校区逸夫教学楼YF508 0322522主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 0322342主校区逸夫教学楼YF207 1322152主校区逸夫教学楼YF613 1322552主校区逸夫教学楼YF613 41322562主校区思源东楼SD108 41322322主校区思源东楼SD108 5483122主校区思源西楼SX505 5483312主校区思源西楼SX505 8483312主校区思源东楼SD207 8483122主校区思源东楼SD207 18483312主校区机械楼Z301 18483512主校区机械楼Z301 0483512主校区逸夫教学楼YF415 0483252主校区逸夫教学楼YF415 28483162主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 28483171主校区逸夫教学楼YF302 20322562主校区逸夫教学楼YF609 5322452主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 5322142主校区逸夫教学楼YF108 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WRO是国际奥林匹克机器人大赛”(WRO, World Robot
Olympiad)其中机器人世界杯系列活动是一项综合教育与科技的国 际性活动, 亦是学术成分最高的赛事。机器人世界杯的概念是于 1993年提的,经过2年的可行性考察,于1995年8月, 组织委员会 正式宣布将举行世界性的机器人交流和机器人足球赛。
乐高 无限 可能
/ watch/040677532400 94759191.html?&rec From=site&list=5&&p age=videoMultiNeed
/v_ show/id_XMTI2MTM 2MjkzNg==.html
•每支参赛队伍由至少4名队员组成,队员们需要以团队形式 ,完成场地竞赛、技术答辩、论文撰写和才艺展2015 FLL World Class 无界课堂示。 •每年,由教育专家及科学家们精心设计的FLL挑战内容将通 过网络,全球同步公布。挑战任务由机器人竞赛和主题、研 究项目两个部分组成。
•挑战项目公布后他们将在接下来的时间使用乐高机器人技术 组件和软件加传感器、马达、齿轮、各种乐高技术积木件等 来制作全智能机器人参加比赛!他们也需要在网上查找资料 、向科学家请教、查阅图书馆资料,完成一份FLL要求的调 查报告。报告的内容通常是与当今世界面临的问题紧密相联 。 看完了吗?转下一页咯
FLL 陈涛、赫建和林小翔:2012年省赛第2名(初中) 叶继兴和王仕翔:2012年省赛第4名(小学) 陈劲、赖虹羽:2014省赛第3名(初中) 2014年WRO华南赛



Robot Game — Missions (12)Robot Game — Rules, Procedures, Philosophies and Definitions (15)2011 FLL CHALLENGE the projectThink AbouT iTFood begins to spoil from the moment it is harvested. For centuries, people have worked to protect their food and keep it safe. Did you know that if you lived with hunters and gatherers in 12,000 B.C., you might have helped to make baskets or clay pots to protect your family’s food? If you grew up in the days of ancient Romans, you might have helped to dry fruits and vegetables. In medieval Europe, your chores might have included helping to salt, smoke, pickle, or ferment the food you grew. Your food had to last from harvest-to-harvest through the freezing winters and hot summers. In the pioneer days in North America, you might have cut and hauled ice in the winter. In summer, maybe you fetched your food from a cool spring house or root cellar. Each of these chores (done by people your age) helped keep food safe to eat.Have you ever thought about how your food stays fresh?The technology might have changed over the centuries, but all these ways to keep your food safe are still used today. Maybe you fetch your food from an electric refrigerator or freezer instead of an ice box, spring house, or root cellar. Maybe you go to the cupboard for freeze-dried snacks instead of to a smoke house for heat-dried vegetables. Instead of a clay pot, maybe you open a glass jar, plastic food container, vacuum pack, or aluminum can.Have you ever thought about who invented these things?With the invention of the microscope, scientists discovered bacteria, parasites, and other threats to our food and our-selves. Pasteurizing, refrigerating, freezing, vacuum packing, and irradiating became common as scientists and engineers found new ways to keep food safe for longer and longer.Have you ever thought about how your food is protected from microscopic attacks?At the same time, other scientists and engineers discovered better fertilizers, pest killers, and medicines for farm animals. Inventors created new machines for planting and harvesting. These inventions allowed farmers to grow more food than their families and neighbors needed. Food began to travel farther and farther from where it was grown. Today, the food you eat might have traveled hundreds or thousands of miles before it got to you.Have you ever thought about where your food comes from and how it stays safe to eat?What do a candle, a metal detector, a clay pot, vibrating molecules, smoke, a computer, salt, a laser, ice, and an invisible light beam have to do with your food? Each plays a role, either in preserving food or testing it for safety. Have you ever thought about that?/fll • • FLL® is the result of an exciting alliance between FIRST® and the LEGO Group.FIRST® is a registered trademark of the United States Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST). LEGO® and MINDSTORMS® are registered trademarks of the LEGO Group. FIRST® LEGO® League, FLL®, Junior FIRST® LEGO® League, Jr.FLL™, and FOOD FACTOR® are jointly held trademarks of FIRST and the LEGO Group.©2011 FIRST and the LEGO Group. All rights reserved. Official FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams and FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Operational Partners are permitted to make reproductions for immediate team and Operational Partner use only. Any use, reproduction, or duplication for purposes other than directly by the immediate FLL team as part of its FLL participation is strictly prohibited without specific written permission from FIRST and the LEGO Group.How do a veterinarian, a factory worker, a physicist, a truck driver, a mathematician, a farmer, a microbiologist, a nutritionist, a doctor, a warehouse worker, a chemist, a grocer, a technician, an engineer, an inspector, and a programmer work together to keep your food safe? Each one played a role in making sure that the food you eat helps you grow and stay healthy. What does each one do?Your Project challenge this season is to investigate your food and find one way to improve its safe delivery to you. Some questions to consider while you investigate include: Where does your food come from? How is it grown? Where has it been? Who handled it? How did it get to your kitchen cupboard? Who protected it along the way? How did they prevent spoiling and contamination? How did they decide which food was good and which was spoiled or contaminated? Once you know about the threats your food faces and who helps protect it, do some research. What could go wrong? How could your food become contaminated or spoiled? How could your team help prevent one of those problems? How could your team protect or preserve your food?identify a ProblemEach Team Member―— Begin by looking around your own kitchen. What kind of food do you find there? Here are some things to look for:•Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)•Eggs (raw, cooked, dehydrated)•Fruits or vegetables (fresh, frozen, dried, canned)•Grains (rice, pasta, bread, cereal, seeds, nuts)•Meat or seafood (fresh, canned, dried, smoked, or frozen)Each Team Member―— Make a list of 5 foods you found and how each one is stored. Now, find out how you got each one. Did you grow it yourself? Did you bring it home from a market or store? Was it delivered to you? Did you pick it from an orchard or garden? Did a relative, neighbor, or friend give it to you? Think about how each one was protected from contamination. Think about how each one was protected from spoiling.As a Team―— Next, take a look at each team member’s list. Talk about each food item on everyone’s list. Pick one food item for your team to research. Keep it simple; pick a food with fewer than 7 ingredients. You want to find out about ev-ery step your team’s food took in its journey from ground (where it was grown) to table (where it was eaten). You want to learn about all the possible contamination and spoiling problems. You will want to learn how these problems are detected and prevented now. Consider some of the questions in the Your Team’s Food Journey (below) as you explore all the pos-sibilities. Learn as much as you can about each ingredient in the food your team chose.As a Team―— After you learn about your food’s journey from ground to table, search out how and where your food could become spoiled or contaminated. Choose one problem that your food faces and research it. Your team’s challenge is to create an innovative solution that prevents or solves the problem your team chooses.Maybe you will find that your food is in danger from a natural attack by parasites, bacteria, or other microbes. Maybe the problem your food faces is man-made (like fungus or weed killers, a pesticide, or toxic waste), a foreign object (a stone, dirt, glass, metal), a wrong ingredient, or medicine from a sick animal that made its way into the food. How could the problem happen? Think about it. Some resources you may use to look for information are: reports, books, magazines, and websites. Consider conducting a survey. Check with professionals who work in and around your community. Use any research tools you have available. Be prepared to share your information sources.While you are researching your food’s journey and contamination and spoiling problems, find out about a professional who is working to keep your team’s food safe. Did a scientist, veterinarian, or engineer help in the growing process? Did an inspector check it? Who stored, shipped, preserved, or packaged it? Who tested it? Was a government agency in-volved? Who decides what is safe and what is not safe to eat?Create an innovative SolutionNow that your team has decided on a contamination or spoiling problem, develop an innovative solution that will address the problem—a new idea or an improvement on something already being done. What is already being done to fix your team’s problem? What could be done? What will it take to make your team’s solution happen? How will your solution help protect your food? A great solution might take all the imagination and ingenuity your team can muster. It might seem so obvious that you wonder why the problem even exists.And remember, the most important thing is to have fun.Share with othersNow, tell others about the problem you researched and exactly how your solution can help. You choose how to share what you’ve learned. Give a talk. Create a website. Perform a skit. Make a comic book. Rap. Create a poster. Pass out flyers. Write a poem, song, or story.Think about who is helped by your solution. How can you let them know? Can you present your research and solution to lawmakers, doctors, engineers, or groups who already help with your problem? What’s the best way to teach your audi-ence about the problem and solution? Your presentation can be simple or elaborate, serious or designed to make people laugh while they learn.Present Your Solution at a TournamentA list of the Project Awards your team can receive at a tournament and rubrics used by judges can be found at:/challenge/2011foodfactorTo be eligible for Project Awards your team must have a live presentation that:•Describes the contamination or spoiling problem your team chose to research•Describes your team’s innovative solution•Describes how your team shared its findings with others•Uses media equipment only to enhance the live presentationThe 2011 Food Factor FLL Coaches’ Handbook contains more information about FIRST® LEGO® League, the Food Factor Challenge, tournaments, judging, and awards.Information and resources are also available online.• At you will find general information.• At /challenge/2011foodfactor you will find the Project rubric. It describes what tournament judges are looking for and how your team’s project work will be evaluated.• At /challenge/2011foodfactor you also will find the 2011 Topic Guide and links to information sources that can help your team start your research.If you have more questions, e-mail fllprojects@ for Project support.oVERViEW •The field is where the Robot Game takes place.• It consists of a field mat, on a table, with mission models arranged on top.• The field mat and the LEGO ® pieces for building the mission models are part of your Field Setup Kit.• The instructions for building the mission models are on a CD, in the same box as the LEGO pieces.• The instructions for how to build the table and how to arrange everything on it are in this document.TAbLE ConSTRuCTionThe Robot Game takes place on a specially designed table, so you’ll need to build one to practice on if you don’t already have access to one. With safety, weight, height, and cost in mind, a simple design is offered here, but as long as your surface is smooth, and your border walls are located properly, how you build the understructure is up to you. The construction is simple, but does require some wood-working skills.At a tournament, two tables are placed back to back, but you only operate on one table, so you only need to build one table to practice on. However, since a tournament setup has a double wall at the interactive area where the two tables meet, practice tables need an extra wall of type B on the corresponding side. So here are the instructions for building one “half-table” including a double north wall:MATEriALsMaterialQuantity Field Setup Kit (mission model LEGO elements, mat, CD, Dual Lock™)1sanded plywood (or other very smooth board) 96” X 48” X 3/8” or thicker1two-by-three, 8’ (actual cross-section = 1-1/2” by 2-1/2”)6flat black paint1 pt.coarse drywall screws, 6 X 2-1/2”1/2 lb.saw horses, about 24” high and 36” wide 2PArTs2011 FLL CHALLENGErobot game — field setupAssEMbLyStep 1 — Determine which face of the plywood (A) is least smooth, and consider that the bottom face. On the bottom face, locate, clamp, and screw on the stiffeners (D) (about every 18 inches). Be sure screw head tops are flush. Sand any splinters.Step 2 — On the top face of the plywood, locate, clamp, and screw on the border walls (b,C) around the top perimeter. The wall-to-wall dimensions must measure 93±1/8” by 45±1/8” (2362±3mm by 1143±3mm), and the height of the height of b and C must measure 3±1/2” (77±13mm), with all border walls being the same height as each other.Step 3 — With the help of another person, place this table top on short saw horses (or milk crates, or anything else short and solid).FiELD MAT PLACEMEnTStep 1 — Vacuum the table top. Even the tiniest particle under the mat can give the robot trouble. After vacuuming, run your hand over the surface and sand or file down any protruding imperfections you find. Then vacuum again.Step 2 — On the vacuumed surface (never unroll the mat in an area where it could pick up particles), unroll the matso the image is up and its north edge is near the north/double border wall (note the location of the double wall in each table sketch below).Step 3 — The mat is smaller than the playing surface by design. Slide and align it so that there is no gap between the south edge of the mat and the south border wall. Center the mat in the east-west direction (look for equal gaps at left and right).Step 4 — With help from others, pull the mat at opposite ends and massage out any waviness away from the center and re-check the requirement of Step 3. It is expected that some waviness will persist, but that should relax over time. Some teams use a hair dryer to speed the relaxation of the waviness.PRACTICE (“HALF TABLE”) TOURNAMENT (“FULL TABLE”)MiSSion MoDEL ConSTRuCTionBuild the mission models — Use the LEGO elements and instruction CD from your Field Setup Kit. It should take a single person between two and four hours to do this, so it’s best done in a work party. For any team members with little or no experience building with LEGO elements, mission model construction is a great way to learn. This step is also a nice time for new team members to get acquainted with each other.MiSSion MoDEL ARRAnGEMEnT AnD SETuPDuAL LoCkFor models where “Dual Lock Needed” appears in the mission model details below, that means the model needs to be secured to the mat during use. The connection is made using the re-usable fastening material from 3M called Dual Lock, which comes in the flat clear bag with the LEGO elements in your Field Setup Kit. Dual Lock is designed to stick or “lock” to itself when two faces of it are pressed together, but you can unlock it too, for ease of transport and storage. The ap-plication process for the Dual Lock is only needed once. Later, the models can simply be locked onto the mat or unlocked. To apply Dual Lock:Step 1 — Stick one square, adhesive side down, on each box you see on the mat with an “X” in it.Step 2 — Press a second square on top of each of those, “Locking” them on, adhesive side up.TiP: Instead of using your finger, use a bit of the wax paper the squares came on.Step 3 — Lower the model onto the squares.CAuTion — Be sure to place each square precisely on its box, and each model precisely over its marks.CAuTion — When pressing a model down, press down on its lowest solid structure instead of crushing the whole model. Pull on that same structure if later you need to separate the model from the mat.TiP: For large and/or flexible models, apply only one or two sets at a time.DuAL-LoCkED MoDELShandwash Station (Sink) – See pictures & mat marks.Fences – One is in the northwest corner, facing south. The remaining two are in the north center, one to the left of the dock, and one to the right. The right fence faces west, and the left one faces east.Table & Flowers/Centerpiece – See pictures & mat marks.Timer – See pictures & mat marks.Thermometer – See pictures & mat marks.interactive Models (Rat Slides) – For the east slide, see pictures and mat marks. This model is Dual-Locked to the north border wall as well as to the mat. Dual Lock it to the mat, a coin’s thickness from the wall (depending on the exact size of your mat and table, the Dual Lock might not go exactly on its marks – that’s okay). Then, add Dual Lock between the model and the wall, as shown. You need to place the second model on the back side of the (double) north wall, diagonal from the first model. Center it on the big black line. Use as much Dual Lock as needed to get it to stick the wall, since there’s no actual table back there to hold it.Contamination Risks (Dispensers) – Before securing these, move two beams on each as follows:Step 1 – Take the long beam off the outside of its base.Step 2 – Remove the black pin nearest the end of the base.Step 3 – Insert the pin one hole from where you took it out (even though the beam itself is moving two holes).Step 4 – Put the beam back on, such that the newly placed black pin goes in the end hole.Step 5 – Repeat Steps 1 thru 4 for the other side of the base.Step 6 – Place Dual Lock as the mat shows, but also in front of those places, as shown.The movement of the beam does not change the location of the model. Align the original back of the base over its mark on the mat before pressing down. Also before pressing down, notice that two of these models are mirrored versions of the others, so be sure that the red axle in the model is over a red cross on the mat.non-DuAL-LoCkED (LooSE) MoDELSFarm Animals – See pictures & mat marks. Be careful – oneof the chickens is a complete lunatic.bacteria & Virus (Germs) – Bacteria go in the dispensersin the quantities and locations shown, except all yellow go inBase, and two red go in the refrigerated trailer. Eight virus gowith the greens and eight with the pinks.Poison (blue & Yellow balls) – See pictures & mat marks.Refrigeration Trailer – The back of the white refrigerationtrailer is pushed against the north border wall, between thetwo center fences, centered on its marks.Food (Groceries) – There are twelve units of groceries: Ten in Base, and two specific ones in the yellow truck.Meat & Fish – The crate of meat goes in Base, and the fish go exactly on their marks east of Base.harvester & Corn – See pictures and mat marks. Put the harvester on the west-side ship, facing east, and roll it back-ward slowly until it resists. Now pick it up without letting the rear wheels spin. Load the four pieces of corn into the back. All four pieces must be individually loose. Now carefully position the harvester over its mark and set it down. TIP: To reduce the chance of corn being stuck in the harvester, every time you load the corn, gently apply some spreading force between the walls to open the gap a little bit. The required spread is so small, you can’t tell the difference by eye. Pickup (Yellow Farm Truck) – Only the bananas, tomatoes, and carrots, in two cases, sit flat in the bed of the truck. Loops (Pizza & ice Cream) – Be sure the loops are evenly shaped and not leaning.Rats – Place the rat loops on their respective slides in the north center. The rats can face randomly north or south, and are pushed as far as they can go toward the color end of their slides. Be sure the loops are evenly shaped and not leaning.West Side East SidePrACTiCE FiELDFiELD MAinTEnAnCE•border Walls — Remove any obvious splinters, and cover any obvious holes.•Field Mat — Make sure the mat touches the south border wall, and is centered east to west. Avoid cleaning the mat with anything that will leave a residue. Any residue, sticky or slippery, will affect the robot’s performancecompared to a new mat (many tournaments use new mats). Use a vacuum and/or damp cloth for dust and debris (above and below the mat). To get marks off, try a white-plastic pencil eraser. When moving the mat for transport and storage, be sure not to let it bend into a sharp kink point, which could affect the robot’s movement.Tournaments using new mats should unroll the mats as far in advance of the tournament day as possible. Forcontrol of extreme curl at the east or west edges of the mat, tape is allowed, with a maximum of ¼” (6 mm)overlap. Foam tape is not allowed.•Mission Models — Keep the models in original condition by straightening and tightening solid connections often. Ensure that spinning axles spin freely by checking for end-to-end play and replacing any that are bent.2011 FLL CHALLENGE robot game — missionsKEEP IN MIND: If a race were held in late 1903, between the original Ford “Model A” automobile and the Wright broth-ers’ first airplane, it would have been close — but a horse would have beaten them both. If the contest were about transportation value, the plane, with its barely controllable 120-foot flight, would again have been beaten by both the car and the horse. Although that plane had less speed and controllability than a horse, it was immediately obvious that the astonishing engineering innovation and raw potential present in its design would bring travel to previously inconceivable heights. Keep this in mind as you develop your robot. The full FLL robot development experience is only partly about tournament-day game points. In FLL, a crazy fun design that sometimes works is just as good as a dull design that always works. As far as the technical judges are concerned, it really is the THOUGHT that counts!ThEMEDon’t be scared, but do be aware… Do you have any idea how many ingredients are in food, how many places those ingredients come from, and how many steps each one has gone through before you eat it? The count is so large and confusing, that almost no one can keep track. And almost every step along the path for every ingredient is a chance for contamination.Every ingredient has origins either in the ground, the water, or a chemical plant, and most come from other states or countries. Most ingredients are exposed to air. Most are worked on by people and machines, stored in different places, for different times, at different temperatures. Most are shipped, combined, processed, and packaged. Eventually they’re prepared and served. Many are held by YOUR HANDS!For the Food Factor Robot Game, your robot’s job is to put some common foods through just a few of the steps they go through in order to get into your belly, while either avoiding or dealing with contamination.MissioNsMiSSion: Read the Rules page, Field Setup page, and the Updates page. Please!knowledge is Power.MiSSion: PoLLuTion REVERSAL — No matter where pollution originates, it usually finds its way into water. And of course, all plants and animals take in water. Since we depend on plants and animals for our food, pollution is a source of contamination, not just in what we breathe and drink – but also in what we eat. The yellow and blue balls represent pesti-cides on the farm and heavy metals in the water. While on their rings, they’re off the mat.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): balls touching the mat are worth 4 PoinTS EACh.MiSSion: CoRn hARVEST — A harvester (combine) is just one of the many huge pieces of machinery that handle mas-sive amounts of food at once. Equipment like this runs on gasoline, and has oil. You can also find hydraulic fluid, nuts & bolts, screens, gaskets, set screws, bearings, sealant, paint chips, and bugs on it – any of these materials and substances could find their way into the food.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Get points for one of these only:---AnY piece of corn touching the mat is worth 5 PoinTS (additional pieces do not add to your score).-----------oR--------------AnY piece of corn in base is worth 9 PoinTS (additional pieces do not add to your score).MiSSion: FiShinG – Fish must be eaten or frozen immediately after being caught. The number of germs that depend on fish is much, much higher than the number of people who do!SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): big fish in base are worth 3 PoinTS EACh, if the baby fish is still touching its mark. MiSSion: PiZZA AnD iCE CREAM – When you go out in public to eat, you place a lot of trust in the people preparing your food. Do they wash their hands or wear fresh gloves? In what direction do they sneeze? How clean are their storage and preparation areas? At what temperatures are the foods stored and cooked? How old are the ingredients? How are pests controlled?SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Pizza and ice cream in base are worth 7 PoinTS EACh.MiSSion: FARM FRESh PRoDuCE – In general, the fresher your food is and the fewer ingredients there are in it, the less chance it has had to become contaminated. Small farms and fisheries close to where you live are a good source of fresh food, but many small farms don’t get the same level of inspection as large ones do.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): The yellow farm truck in base is worth 9 PoinTS.MiSSion: DiSTAnT TRAVEL – Your body suppresses and eliminates the vast majority of chemicals and germs you eat, and it’s especially good at getting rid of stuff it’s been exposed to before – stuff it’s used to. But when you eat in a city or country that’s very far from home, your body’s defenses can be caught off guard by contaminants it’s never processed before. It’s common for travellers to get quite sick after eating certain foods, while other people who ate the same foods right next to them have no problems.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): The robot touching the east wall is worth 9 PoinTS. Remember Rule 23. MiSSion: CookinG TiME – Before cooking, some foods have more germs, or tougher germs than others. If you’re sup-posed to cook a food for 40 minutes, but you think “it should be okay” after 35 – think again!SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): The white pointer in the red zone is worth 14 PoinTS.MiSSion: SToRAGE TEMPERATuRE – Germs grow fast. If your refrigerator is set even a few degrees higher than it’s supposed to be, the “shelf life” of many of the foods is cut in half, or even further. If you go to play ball instead of help-ing to put the picnic food back in the cooler – that’s bad! If you ever hear the phrase “it’s only been out for a few hours” –make some noise!SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): The thermometer spindle clicked/dropped fully showing the low red tempera-ture is worth 20 PoinTS (the spindle needs to drop all the way).MiSSion: PEST REMoVAL – Some animals carry many, many germs that don’t bother them, but which are really bad for us. And some animals have extremely unclean habits (enough said about that!). These animals have become very good at infesting population centers and especially food storage, shipping, and preparation areas, living in the shadows, climbing and nesting in the tiniest unseen places. Convince them to live somewhere else! Keep all food well-sealed, and all food areas clean. At the first sign of these pests, it’s usually too late!SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Rats in your base are worth 15 PoinTS EACh (to you only).MiSSion: REFRiGERATED GRounD TRAnSPoRT – In shipping, cases of frozen and refrigerated foods are often thrown onto pallets, spilled, torn, and crushed by forklifts, and each other, as they are warehoused and loaded onto trucks bound for the marketplace. Then the cases go on bumpy rides for hours in the sun. Amazingly, only a tiny percent-age of the food gets contaminated during all this. The problem is, this tiny percentage totals tens of thousands of tons a year! And while most of that is discovered and thrown away, “some” is not.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Get points for one of these only…---The trailer in base is worth 12 PoinTS.-----------oR--------------The trailer with meat inside, and no germs inside, with any of its wheels touching the port dock north of the white line is worth 20 PoinTS, and 6 ADDiTionAL PoinTS for each big fish inside. For fish points, the baby fish must still be touching its mark.MiSSion: GRoCERiES – Here’s your chance to buy undamaged goods, as fresh as possible, with the fewest ingredients possible, from trustable places, and get your cold stuff home and put away as soon as possible!SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): EACh grocery unit is worth 2 PoinTS if the table is supporting all of its weight, and no weight other than grocery units (the flower centerpiece can be there too).MiSSion: DiSinFECT – It would be very tough to eliminate food contamination from all sources, but you can probably do more than you think, and if you can at least avoid making it worse, that would be a great start.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Empty dispensers are worth---12 PoinTS EACh, if no bacteria is touching the mat outside base.-----------oR--------------7 PoinTS EACh, if AnY bacteria is touching the mat outside base.MiSSion: hAnD WASh/bACTERiAL – Innovative ideas in the future may help us reduce germs, chemicals, and particles, in natural, farming, processing, and public food settings, but studies have shown that one of the biggest source of contamination to your food is your own hands. So wash them! Front and back, with soap, in hot water, for three times longer than you do now! As this mission should show, you can never wash your hands enough.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): bacteria in or on the sink are worth 3 PoinTS, only if all of these are true:---All were in base at some time prior to being in the sink.---While between base and the sink, each was the only one in motion.---All equipment involved with each bacterium’s trip to the sink was--completely in base at the beginning of the trip.--completely out of base at the end of the trip.---The sink is supporting all the weight of every germ, and not supporting any weight except germs. bacteria getting to the sink any other way are given back to the team in base by the referee (the “ref”). MiSSion: hAnD WASh/ViRAL – Viruses almost always need a “host” (another living thing) to live on. They are almost always bad, and they’re also somewhat harder to deal with than bacterial germs. Alcohol sanitizer, bleach sanitizer, and high heat are the better weapons against viral germs, but hand washing is also helpful.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Get points for one of these only…---one to eight viral germs in the sink are worth exactly 6 PoinTS only.-----------oR--------------nine or more viral germs in the sink are worth exactly 13 PoinTS only.MiSSion: GooD bACTERiA – Not all bacteria are bad. There are about a thousand types of good bacteria living on/in your body, which total in the tens of trillions! Bacteria do all sorts of good work for you, and help process your food, both before and after you eat it. How do we get rid of bad bacteria without upsetting the good bacteria? Bacteria are this year’s “touch penalty objects” as described in the Rules. When you cause a touch penalty, the ref takes one yellow bacte-rium.SCoRinG ConDiTion(S): Yellow bacteria are worth 6 PoinTS EACh in base only.。

fll少儿探索 工程笔记

fll少儿探索 工程笔记

FLL是FIRST LEGO League的缩写,是一个由乐高、FIRST组织、乐高公司和北师大的专家联合发起的项目,让孩子们用乐高机器人和编程来探索工程和科学。

1. 确定问题:首先,孩子们需要从现实世界的问题中找出问题,并确定一个他们想要解决的特定问题。


2. 研究问题:接下来,孩子们需要研究问题的背景,收集信息,了解相关技术和解决方案。


3. 设计解决方案:一旦他们理解了问题,他们需要设计一个解决方案。


4. 实施解决方案:接下来,孩子们使用乐高积木和LEGO Mindstorms或LEGO Education SPIKE等编程工具来实施他们的解决方案。


5. 测试和优化:最后,孩子们需要测试他们的解决方案的有效性,并对其进行优化。




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配取所有的蓝色和白色药,但粉红色的药物不会配取。 同时,将获得了蓝色与白色药物的容器送到病人区 (至少一个蓝色和白色)。
配药 所有蓝色与白色被推出平台,所有粉红色仍保留在平台 上。
25 分
送药 获得了蓝色与白色药物的容器在病人区内。 5分
任务十一:机器手灵敏度测试 任务-完成任务的动力,只能通过推动蓝色面板来获得。 让重物被撑起 。 25分
提示: 提示:安装马达和控制器时,尽量保证机器人重心居中, 不要太靠前或者靠后,以免机器人在转弯时造成不稳定。
FLL机器人 机器人
• 如有仔细观察今年FLL比赛场地,会发现 场地中任务装置非常多,而且分布比较 均匀,虽然没有对机器人有严格的大小 限制(只要出发时不超出基地即可)。 但是希望机器人能在场地中较好的行走 ,则建议机器人地盘的长宽最好不要超 过20cm。方便在小范围灵活移动。
识别坏死细胞 ——使所有黑色小板朝上或朝北,表示你已经识别了坏 死的细胞。
20 分
剔除坏死细胞 ——使所有黑色小板朝北,表示你已经剔除了坏死的细 胞。
25 分
任务五:掌握机械手专利 任务-获得并持有机械手专利,如果两只手都持有专利,那么两队都可 获得这项任务的满分。 25分
FLL机器人的结构 机器人的结构
• FLL机器人的结构部分:
– 机器人驱动结构
• 主要是控制机器人运动的状态 • 在FLL比赛中机器人驱动主要是以车的形式运动 • 机器人驱动的设计对于机器人在运行时能否到达 目的地非常重要。
– 机械手臂
• 可分为利用电机驱动和非电机驱动两种, • 机器人手臂的设计将影响机器人执行任务的效率 和成功率。
FLL机器人驱动的设计 机器人驱动的设计
• 机器人的动力都是由马达提供的,将轮子直接 连接到马达或通过齿轮、履带、皮带、链条连 接到马达。
提示: 提示:通过不同的连接方式,驱动的效果会不同。
马达直接驱动 前驱、后驱) (前驱、后驱)
• 观察生活中汽车、自行车(电动)、摩托车、 坦克、四驱越野车是如何产生动力的。
插入骨桥 有两种方法可以获得插入骨桥的分数: ——在比赛结束后,裁判检查插入骨桥的情况,看到骨 桥完全进入骨质缺失的空间。 ——完成了将球踢进球门的任务,将自动获得插入骨桥 得分。 球进入球门 ——只能通过腿和骨桥来带动脚(机器人只能转动其腿 部) ——只有脚可以用于移动球/或者运球。 ——骨桥不能触碰场地纸。 ——当比赛结束时,球必须接触球门里的绿色场地纸区 域。
FLL机器人驱动的设计 机器人驱动的设计
• 建议采用两轮驱动或四驱的形式。
– 如果采用了两轮驱动,为了保证机器人有较 好的转弯性能,前/后轮采用摩擦系数较小 / 的轮毂(即去除轮胎的轮毂)
FLL机器人驱动的设计 机器人驱动的设计
• 两轮驱动(前驱/后驱)
– 两轮驱动拥有前驱与后驱两种形态,建议多 采用后驱,后驱形态可以利用场地边框(场 地围边)等物品做沿墙走等动作,使机器人 动作更加准确稳定;而前驱在转弯性能方面 略有优势,建议可采用前驱与后驱混合应用 的方法(后驱反向行走即为前驱)。
15 分
25 分
任务-设法将注射器送入基地。然后将红血细胞与白血细胞区分开来。 最后将白血细胞送入病人区。
当选手接触了在基地以外区域的机器人时,裁判会 将一个血红细胞拿出场外,每次一个,拿完为止。
任务四:剔除坏死细胞 任务-随机地,至少有1个坏死的细胞(黑色平板)面向南方,其它朝北。 机器人只要一出基地,裁判员可能随机安排模型, 直到机器人第一次使小板发出咔哒声,或者该任务已经是得分状态。
FLL机器人的轮胎选用 机器人的轮胎选用
• 在LEGO教育套装中,我们可以看到各种各样 的轮胎,轮胎也是驱动系统中比较重要的部分 ,不同的场地、不同的地形、不同的任务就需 要选择合适的轮胎。
提示: 提示:你就可以根据FLL比赛任务情况,选择合适的轮胎。
FLL机器人的轮胎选用 机器人的轮胎选用
• 除了一般轮胎外,还可采用履带
FLL机器人搭建与测试一 机器人搭建与测试一
• 机器人沿直线前进到目的地,然后后退返回, 测试机器人点对点直线行走能力。 • 测试两点之间的距离大于等于1米。
FLL机器人搭建与测试二 机器人搭建与测试二
• 让机器人行走一个三角形。测试机器人转弯性能
任务十二:专业的团队 任务-移动医生与生物医学工程师到病人区里,使其与病人会面。 三个人都在病人区 25 分
任务十三:安装仿生眼 任务-任务—移动仿生眼,让至少一个仿生眼与场地纸中间的人体 “上半身”接触。20 分
任务十四:安装血管内支架 任务-通过插入血管内支架来扩张正在收缩的动脉血管。动脉壁必须明 显地平行。支架安装/动脉扩张 25分
任务六:修补心脏 任务-将心脏补片放入心脏,完成修补。 20 分
任务七:安装心脏起搏器 任务-安装心脏起搏器,确保起搏器的末端黑色管在心脏内,而起搏器 的灰色主体不在心脏内。 25 分
任务八:研究神经映射 任务-神经被输入,同时红色信号移出(红色信号不触碰大脑) 15 分
任务九:通过思维控制事物 任务-以让大脑南面的神经向内移动(输入)的方式打开门,神经至少 要输入一半。 20 分
– 履带是一种类似于四驱的形态,在使用四驱 驱动方式时,一定要注意两侧轮胎的距离 (即车身地盘的宽度),如果宽度过窄,机器 人转弯时就会不顺畅。
FLL机器人的驱动马达装配 机器人的驱动马达装配
• NXT的马达因为内置减速箱,所以它的体积相 对来说比较大。 • NXT是采用孔-孔之间的连接,连接方式多, 你可以在任何位置连接马达。下图是几种马达 安装方式:
FLL机器人的结构简介 机器人的结构简介
• FLL机器人的结构部分:
– 机器人辅助装置
• 主要是用于机器人的辅助定位 • 在FLL比赛中机器人可能需要同时完成多项任务, 在每个任务的连接动作时,需要做到相对精确,所 以需要使用辅助装置 • 注意:今年没有了机器人辅助装置的定义,全部 都定义为携带物。
FLL机器人的搭建装配部件 机器人的搭建装配部件
FLL机器人的程式编写 机器人的程式编写
1. 这个模块右上角的字母表示马达连接到 这个模块右上角的字母表示马达连接到NXT 的哪个输出端口。 2. 这个图标表示机器人运动的方向。 3. 这个图标表示马达能量。 4. 这个图标表示你设置马达的延续特性是没有 限制、角度、 限制、角度、圈数或者时间。
2010-2011 FLL项目介绍
任务-设置(调整)手臂骨,然后应用蓝色的石膏。石膏需要 朝下并且完全覆盖断裂区。 25分
任务二:特殊性骨折修复 任务-将”骨桥”向下,插入腿骨骨折处。然后通过只运动腿部, 让其带动脚去踢球进球门来测试骨折的修复情况。
1. 这个图标表示方向属性设置为“停止”,该设置 这个图标表示方向属性设置为“停止” 将停止所有被选择的马达。 将停止所有被选择的马达。
FLL机器人的程式编写 机器人的程式编写
1. 选择你所要控制的马达端口。 选择你所要控制的马达端口。 2. 选择马达是向前、向后还是停止运动。 选择马达是向前、向后还是停止运动。 3. 如果使用了两个马达驱动一辆小车(轮子在两侧),通过移动操 如果使用了两个马达驱动一辆小车(轮子在两侧),通过移动操 ), 纵滑条可以控制机器人走曲线的方向。 纵滑条可以控制机器人走曲线的方向。 4. 滑条和输入框可以设置马达能量 滑条和输入框可以设置马达能量[0-100]。 。 5. 通过延续下拉菜单,可以设置马达运行方式。 通过延续下拉菜单,可以设置马达运行方式。 6. 选择马达在完成动作后是剎车还是缓停。 选择马达在完成动作后是剎车还是缓停。 7. 反馈工具箱,可以检测马达转了多少角度或者几圈。 反馈工具箱,可以检测马达转了多少角度或者几圈。