闵行区2011学年第一学期高一年级质量调研考试数 学 试 卷(满分120分,时间110分钟)考生注意:1.答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将学校、班级、学号、姓名等填写清楚.2.请按照题号在答题纸各题答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效.3.本试卷分两部分,第Ⅰ部分共有20道试题,满分100分,第Ⅱ部分共2道题,满分20分.第Ⅰ部分一.填空题(本大题满分36分)本大题共有12题,考生应在答题纸上相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得3分,否则一律得零分.1. 设全集U =R ,集合{}30,A x x x =-<<∈R ,{}1,B x x x =<-∈R ,那么()U A B = ð_________________. 2. 函数()f x =()11g x x =-,那么()()f x g x +的定义域是________________.3. 函数()f x =的值域是_____________________.4. 幂函数()y f x =的图像经过点1,327⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,则()f x = .5. 函数()()1()x x a f x x-+=为奇函数,则a =____________.6. 函数()()()31321x x f x x x⎧≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩,若()8f x =,则x =________________.7. 如果函数()()2234f x x a x =+-+在区间(),1-∞上是减函数,那么实数a 的取值范围是_____________.学校_______________________ 班级__________ 准考证号_________ 姓名______________………………………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线…………………………8. 不等式2102x m x >++的解集为R ,则实数m 的取值范围为 .9. 函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0<x 时,3()1f x x =+,则当0>x 时()f x = .10. 已知命题P :“如果2x x ⋅≤,那么x a ≤”,若命题P 的逆命题是真命题,则实数a 的取值范围是___ ________.11. 点P 在函数1y x=(0x >)的图像上运动,作P M x ⊥轴,M 为垂足,则三角形O P M (O 为坐标原点)的周长的最小值是___________________.12. 函数()[]()2311,0,2()2,2,xx x f x x -⎧-+∈⎪=⎨∈+∞⎪⎩,若三个互不相等的数a 、b 、c 满足()()()f a f b f c ==,那么a b c ++的取值范围是_________________. 二.选择题(本大题满分12分)本大题共有4小题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生必须在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格用2B 型铅笔涂黑,选对得3分,否则一律得零分. 13. “2x >”是“21x<”的 ( )(A) 充分不必要条件 (B) 必要不充分条件 (C) 充要条件 (D) 既非充分又非必要条件14. 如果0a b <<,那么下列不等式中不正确...的是 ( ) (A)ba 11> (B)bba 11>- (C) b a ->- (D) b a ->15. 下列函数既是偶函数,又在区间(),1-∞-上是增函数的是 ( )(A) 2y x-= (B) 24y x x =+ (C) 23y x= (D)211y x =+16. 学生在物理课上做水冷却实验,测得初始温度为C ︒621.75的水在室温13C ︒的环境下冷却过程中的水温变化数据和根据所测水温数据作的描点图如下(表中是测得的30个水温数据中的部分),若以()y t 表示第t 分钟的水的温度,选择以下函数类型去近似表示这一关系,你认为最合理的函数表达式是 ( )(A) y a bt =+ (B) b y a t=+ (C) t y a b =⋅ (D) t y a b c =⋅+三. 解答题(本大题满分52分)本大题共有4题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸上与题号对应的区域内写出必要的步骤. 17. (本题满分10分)解不等式组:211323x x x -⎧>⎪+⎨⎪->⎩18. (本题满分12分)本题共2个小题,每小题满分各6分.已知函数()22f x x x =-(x ∈R )(1)写出()f x 的奇偶性和递减区间((2)画出函数()[]()3,2f x x ∈-19. (本题满分14分)本题共3个小题,第(1)小题满分4分、第(2)小题满分5分,第(3)小题满分5分. 定义在R 上的三个函数:()12xf x a a =-+, ()22x af x -=,()()()12f x f x f x =+.(1) 当1a =-时,解不等式()()2123f x f ≤;(2) 当3a =时,证明函数()f x 在[]2,3上是单调函数; (3) 当1a =时,求函数()f x 在[]0,2上的值域.20. (本题满分16分)本题共3个小题,第(1)题满分4分、第(2)小题满分7分,第(3)小题满分5分.已知函数()y f x =,有限集合S ,如果满足:当x S ∈,则()f x S ∈,且*S N Ü.那么称集合S 是函数()f x 的生成集.例如()4f x x =-,那么集合{}12S =,{}21,3S =,{}31,2,3S =是()4f x x =-的所有生成集.(1) 已知()24f x x x =-+,求()f x 的单元素生成集S ;(2) 已知()()*41x b f x b x +=∈-N ,若()f x 在[)2,+∞上的值域24,6A b b b ⎡⎤⊆--⎣⎦,求满足要求的b 的值;并判断对满足要求的b ,在[)2,+∞上是否存在()f x 的生成集S ,如果存在求出所有生成集S ,若不存在说明理由.(3) 已知()()22ax b f x x x +=>-,试写出一个减函数()f x 和至少有5个元素的一个生成集S .第Ⅱ部分(附加题)一.填空题(本题满分8分)本题共2个小题,考生应在答题纸上相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分.(1) 关于x的不等式20x b +<的解集是()1,4,那么a b -=___________.(2) 已知直角三角形ABC , 90B ∠= 、4A B =、3B C =,D 、E 分别为边A B 、A C 上的点,将三角形ABC 沿D E 对折,顶点A 恰好落在边B C 上的点F 处,设B D x =,BF y =,试求y 关于x 的函数关系式,并指出x 的取值范围._____________________________________.二.解答题(本题满分12分)本题共3个小题,第(1)小题满分3分,第(2)小题满分4分,第(3)小题满分5分.解答本大题必须在答题纸上与本题号对应的区域内写出必要的步骤.已知函数()221f x x tx =--有两个不同零点(),αβαβ<,设函数2()1x t g x x -=+的定义域为[],αβ,且()g x 的最大值记为()max g x ,最小值记为()min g x .(1)求βα-(用t 表示);(2)当0t >时,试问以α、β、1t +为长度的线段能否组成一个三角形,如果不一定,进一步求出t 的取值范围,使它们能组成一个三角形;(3)求()()m ax m ing x g x βα--.F闵行区2011学年第一学期高一年级期末质量调研数学试卷答案与评分标准1.[)1,0-2. [)()0,11,+∞3. []0,24. 13x - 5. 1a = 6. 47. (,2]-∞8. (2- 9. 31x-10. (,-∞11.2+12.()4,513. A 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. (本题满分10分)解:2141033232323x x x x x x x --⎧⎧>>⎪⎪⇔++⎨⎨⎪⎪->-<-->⎩⎩或 ………………………………4分 3415x x x x <->⎧∴⎨<->⎩或或 …………………………………………………………8分所以原不等式组的解集是()(),35,-∞-+∞ ………………………………10分 18. (本题满分12分)解:(1)()f x 在R 上是偶函数;…………… 2分 其递减区间是(),1-∞-及()0,1 ……………6分 (2)作图 ………………………………………12分19. (本题满分14分)解:(1)()12112x x f x =+-= ()122x f x +=由()()2123f x f ≤ 21322x +⇔≤ 213x ⇔+≤ 21x ⇔-≤≤ ………4分(2)当[]2,3x ∈时,()12332x x f x =-+= ()33222x xf x --==,此时()822xxf x =+……………………………………………………………6分设1223x x ≤<≤,那么1222x x<,且12422168x x +>=>于是()1212121212128828()()22220222x xx x x x x x x x f x f x ++-⎛⎫⎛⎫-=+-+=-< ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭……8分所以函数()f x 在[]2,3上是增函数. ……………………………………………9分(3)当[]0,2x ∈时,()12112x x f x =-+= ()122x f x -=,1º 当[]0,1x ∈时,()122222x x x xf x -=+=+≥ (当且仅当12x =取等号)()()(){}max 0,13f x f f ≤=, 于是(),3f x ⎡⎤∈⎣⎦…………………11分2º 当(]1,2x ∈时, ()132222xx xf x -=+=⋅,得()(]3,6fx ∈ (13)分由1º、2º可得()f x 的值域是:6⎡⎤⎣⎦. (14)分20. (本题满分16分)解:(1)由24x x x -+=,解得3x =或0(舍去),所以{}3S = ……………………4分 (2)∵*b N ∈,∴()441b f x x +=+-在[)2,+∞上是减函数,∴(]4,8A b =+.…6分又24,6A b b b ⎡⎤⊆--⎣⎦,于是24488618b b b b b b b -≤≤⎧⎧⇒⎨⎨+≤-≤-≥⎩⎩或 解得8b =,所以()1241f x x =+- (9)分因为()*1241f x N x =+∈-,需验证2,3,4,5,7,13x =注意到(]4,16S ⊆,故只需验证5,7,13x =即可. 当5x =时,()57f = ()76f = ()*2665f =∉N 不满足要求;同理,经验证当7,13x =时,都不满足要求,所以不存在生成集S …………11分(3)方法一:设所求的集合S 中的最小数为m ()3m ≥,最大数为M ,因为函数()f x 在S 上是减函数,所以 ()()()()2222am b f m M am b M m m aM b m M aM b f M m M +⎧==⎪+=-⎧⎪⎪-⇒⎨⎨+=-+⎪⎩⎪==⎪⎩-①②由①—② 得2a =此时()22(2)442222x b x b b f x x x x +-+++===+--- (14)分构造一:令8b =,得()122(2)2f x x x =+>-,取3,4,5,6,8,14x =得()314f =,()48f =,()56f =,()65f =,()84f =,()143f =; 所以{}3,4,5,6,8,14S =…………………………………………………………16分 构造二:令12b =,得()162(2)2f x x x =+>-,取3,4,5,6,10,18x =得()318f =,()410f =,()66f =,()106f =,()183f =;所以{}3,4,6,10,18S =…………………………………………………………16分 构造三:令16b =,得()202(2)2f x x x =+>-,取3,4,6,7,12,22x =得()322f =,()412f =,()67f =,()76f =,()124f =,()223f =; 所以{}3,4,6,7,12,22S =…………………………………………………………16分注:此题是开放题,其它构造方式酌情给分.以下解法供参考方法二:设x S ∈,且()f x x '=,若令()f x x '=,当x x '≠时,有{},x x S 'Ü,当x x '=时,有{}x S Ü, 故不妨构造图像关于y x =对称的函数()f x . 因为()222ax b a b f x a x x ++==+--,其图像关于y x =对称,那么2a = (14)分以下步骤同方法一.方法三: 设所求集合{}123,,,,n S x x x x = ,且123n x x x x <<<<因为:f S S →且函数()f x 是减函数,于是()1n f x x =、()21n f x x -=、 、()1n f x x =,即()()()()()()1213223121,,,,,,,,,,,,n n n n n n x x x x x x x x x x x x ---- 是()f x 图像上的点, 所以()f x 图像关于直线y x =对称,于是2a =. ……14分以下步骤同方法一. Ⅱ 附加题1.(1)29- (2)728y x ⎛⎫=≤≤ ⎪⎝⎭(注:写y 与x 出关系式2分,指出x 的范围2分)2.(1)t t βα=+=-,βα-=………………3分(2)方法一:∵20,10t αβαβ+=>=-<,∴βα> ∴以α、β、1t +为长度的线段能组成一个三角形的充要条件是: 1t βααβ-<+<+恒成立.)211t t αββα+=-=+>+恒成立 ………5分 而2t βαβα-=+=不一定恒小于1t +,于是它们能组成一个三角形只需满足21t t <+,解得01t <<.所以它们能组成一个三角形的充要条件是01t <<. …………………………7分方法二: 因为当0t >时,t α=、1t +皆恒小于t β=因此以α、β、1t +为长度的线段能组成一个三角形的充要条件是:()1t αβ++>恒成立. ……………………………………………………5分()1t t t ++>,解得1t <.所以它们能组成一个三角形的充要条件是01t <<. ………………………7分(3)方法一 设12x x αβ≤<≤,则211210x tx --≤,222210x tx --≤()()221212220xx t x x ∴+-+-≤121222()20x x t x x ⇒-+-<即()121210t x x x x ++->所以()()()211212212122222121()1()()01111x x t x x x x x t x t g x g x x x xx -+-+⎡⎤--⎣⎦-=-=>++++故()g x 在区间[],αβ上是增函数. ………………………………9分2,1t αβαβ+==-()()()()()()()max mi n222222211122144222g x g x g g t t t t βααβαββαβααβαβαβαβαβαβ--+-+∴==--++++-++===++-+ …………12分方法二 令s x t =- 则()222()211ssy g x s ts t t s ===+++++1º 当0s =,即x t =时 0y =2º 当0s ≠,即x t ≠时 2112y t s ts=+++ 当0s >时(212220t s t t t s+++≥+=+>0y ⇒<≤取上述等号当且仅当()210t s s s+=>,解得s =2011学年第一学期高一年级质量调研考试数学试卷 第 11 页 共 11 页x t β=+=当0s <时(212220t s t t t s+++≤-=-<0y ⇒≤< 上述取等号当且仅当()210t s s s +=<解得s =x t α=-=由1º2º可知,()g x 在[],αβ上值域是,⎡⎤ .10分()()max min 12g x g x βα-==- ………….12分。
答题时客观题用2B 铅笔按要求涂写,主观题用黑色水笔填写。
一、选择题(共60分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.一个考古队从非洲出发,从西向东去考察四大文明古国的发源地,其考察顺序是 ①尼罗河流域 ②印度河流域 ③黄河流域 ④两河流域 A .①②④③ B .①③④② C .①④②③ D .③②①④2.某同学在图书馆借了一本书,书中有很多神话和历史传说,它是欧洲最著名的长篇史诗作品之一。
该书应该是A .《吉尔伽美什》B .《荷马史诗》C .《罗摩衍那》D .《摩诃婆罗多》 3.罗马法是古代世界最完备的法律体系,下列有关罗马法的叙述不确切的是 A .罗马法成为近现代西方法律制度的基础 B .《十二铜表法》是罗马法体系的起源 C .罗马法揭露和批判了私有制的罪恶 D .罗马法体现了罗马人的法治精神和法律意识4.西方学者认为,公元前6世纪至公元前3世纪是人类文明的“轴心时代”,人类首次觉醒,理性思维所创造的精神文化决定着其后诸民族的文化走向。
在这一时期欧亚大陆出现许多影响时代的伟人,与中国孔子同一时代的人物是A .屋大维B .悉达多C .耶稣D .穆罕默德5. “欧洲中世纪最重要人物之一,其功绩包括奠定卡洛林王朝的基础,确立了采邑制,巩固与发扬当时的封建社会制度”。
上述材料评价的历史人物是A .克洛维B .亨利四世C .查理.马特D .格列高利七世6.从战国时期“百家争鸣”到西汉时期 “独尊儒术”的转变中,我们能够看到 ①大一统局面的形成 ②古代学术思想的自由发展受到扼制 ③中国传统文化主流思想的确立 ④中央集权的加强和自然经济的鼎盛 A .①②③ B .②③④ C .①②④ D .①③④学校_______________________ 班级__________ 准考证号_________ 姓名______________ …………………………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线…………………………7.某班要举行关于“贞观之治”盛况的故事会,同学们准备到图书馆去查找资料。
【高中地理】上海市闵行区2011-2012学年第一学期高三年级质量调研考试地理试卷 人教课标版
1、在纽约(74°W)的华人想要观看“天宫一号”发射的现场直播,应何时守候在电视机前A. 28日8:16B. 28日9:40C. 29日8:16D. 29日9:402、闵行三中多名小航天迷们设计的将珙桐、普陀鹅耳枥、望天树、大树杜鹃等四种濒临灭绝植物种子搭载“天宫一号”升空育种的方案,体现了对太空哪种独有资源的利用A.空间资源B.太阳能资源C.矿产资源D.环境资源3、“天宫一号”升空这一天上海天气晴好,黄昏时可看到A. 西边天空的娥眉月B.东边地平线的凸月C.上中天的娥眉月 D.东边天空的娥眉月(二)2011年11月2日国家主席胡锦涛抵达法国戛纳,出席二十国集团领导人第六次峰会。
她的气候应该是A.温带海洋性气候B.地中海气候C.温带大陆性气候D.亚热带湿润气候5、来自不同文化区的各国领导人在重要会议的时候大多着西装出席,这种文化整合是受什么因素影响A.社会因素B.环境因素C.文化自身因素D.时间因素6、除了富有盛名的葡萄酒,法国奶制品的出口也占世界首位,法国主要的农业地域类型是A.地中海型农业B.高度发达的商品化混合农业C.牧场畜牧业D.旱作农业(三)读40°N 附近地形剖面示意图,完成7-9题。
闵行区2011第一学期高三年级质量调研考试数 学 试 卷(文科)一. 填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸上相应编号的空格内直接填写结果每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.若{3,2,1,0,1,2,3}U =---,2{10,}A x x x =-≤∈Z ,{|13,}B x x x =-≤≤∈Z , 则()UA B = .2.已知扇形的面积为316π,半径为1,则该扇形的圆心角的弧度数是 . 3.已知a b ∈R 、,命题“若2a b +=,则222a b +≥”的否命题是 .4.若α为第二象限角,且sin 2204παα⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,则ααcos sin +的值为 .5.椭圆221(1)x y t t+=>上一焦点与短轴两端点形成的三角形的面积为1,则t = .6.设向量a b 、满足(2,1)a =,25b =,且b 与a 的方向相反,则b 的坐标为 . 7.已知直线:1l y kx =+与两点(1,5)(4,2)A B --、,若直线l 与线段AB 相交,则k 的取值范围是 . 8.若*111()1()2331f n n n =++++∈-N ,则对于*k ∈N ,(1)()f k f k +=+ .9.在ABC △中,若a b ≠,且22tan tan a b A B=,则C ∠的大小为 . 10.执行右图所示的程序框图,若输入2x =,则输出y 的值为 .11.已知数列{n a }的前n 项和21nn S =-*()n ∈N ,则2limn n na S →∞+= .12.若函数()y f x =()x ∈R 满足()(2)f x f x =+,且当[1,1]x ∈-时,2()f x x =,则函数()()lg g x f x x =-的零点个数为 个.13.如图,矩形OABC 中,AB =1,OA =2,以BC 中点E 为圆心、以1为开始 输入xx y =6x y ->是 否结束y=2x+1输出y E半径在矩形内部作四分之一圆弧CD (其中D 为OA 中点),点P 是弧CD 上一动点,PM BC ⊥,垂足为M ,PN AB ⊥,垂足为N ,则四边形PMBN 的周长的最大值为 . 14.在一圆周上给定1000个点.(如图)取其中一点标记上数1,从这点开始按顺时针方向数到第二个点标记上数2,从标记上2的点开始按顺时针方向数到第三个点标记上数3,继续这个过程直到1,2,3,…,都被标记到点上,圆周上这些点中有些可能会标记上不止一个数,在标记上的那一点上的所有标记的数中最小的是 .二. 选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题只有一个正确答案.考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.抛物线22y x =的准线方程是 [答]( ) (A )12x =-. (B) 12y =-. (C) 18x =-. (D )18y =-. 16.若函数()y f x =的图像与函数12x y +=的图像关于y x =对称,则()f x =[答]( )(A) 2log x . (B) 2log (1)x -. (C) 2log 1x -. (D) 2log (1)x +.17.已知关于x y 、的二元一次线性方程组的增广矩阵为111222a b c a b c ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,记121212(,),(,),(,)a a a b b b c c c ===,则此线性方程组有无穷多组解的充要条件是[答]( )(A) 0a b c ++=. (B) a b c 、、两两平行. (C) a b //. (D) a b c 、、方向都相同. 18.设1x 、2x 是关于x 的方程2210x mx m +++=的两个不相等的实数根,那么过两点211(,)A x x ,222(,)B x x 的直线与圆122=+y x 的位置关系是( )(A )相离. (B ) 相切. (C )相交. (D )随m 的变化而变化.三. 解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤. 19.(本题满分12分)对于1122(,),(,)m x y n x y ==,规定向量的“*”运算为:1212(,)m n x x y y *=. 若12(,1),(1,),(1,0),(0,1)a x b x e e ==-==.解不等式12(*)11(*)1a b e a b e ⋅+>⋅+.20.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分5分,第(2)小题满分9分.设双曲线()2222:1,0x y C a b a b-=>的虚轴长为23渐近线方程是3y x =,O 为坐标原点,直线(),y kx m k m =+∈R 与双曲线C 相交于A 、B 两点,且OA OB ⊥. (1)求双曲线C 的方程; (2)求点(),P k m 的轨迹方程.21.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分6分,第(2)小题满分8分.某地政府为改善居民的住房条件,集中建设一批经适楼房.用了1400万元购买了一块空地,规划建设8幢楼,要求每幢楼的面积和层数等都一致,已知该经适房每幢楼每层建筑面积均为250平方米,第一层建筑费用是每平方米3000元,从第二层开始,每一层的建筑费用比其下面一层每平方米增加80元.(1)若该经适楼房每幢楼共x 层,总开发费用为()y f x =万元,求函数()y f x =的表达式(总开发费用=总建筑费用+购地费用);(2)要使该批经适房的每平方米的平均开发费用最低,每幢楼应建多少层?22.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第(1)小题满分4分,第(2)小题满分5分,第(3)小题满分7分.将边长分别为1、2、3、…、n 、n +1、…(*n ∈N )的正方形叠放在一起,形成如图所示的图形,由小到大,依次记各阴影部分所在的图形为第1个、第2个、……、第n 个阴影部分图形.容易知道第1个阴影部分图形的周长为8.设前n 个阴影部分图形的周长的平均值为()f n ,记数列{}n a 满足()1(),,n n f n n a f a n -⎧⎪=⎨⎪⎩当为奇数当为偶数.(1)求()f n 的表达式;(2)写出1,a 23,a a 的值,并求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (3)记()n n b a s s =+∈R ,若不等式1120n n n nb b b b +++>有解,求s 的取值范围.23.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.记函数()f x 在区间D 上的最大值与最小值分别为{}max ()|f x x D ∈与{}min ()|f x x D ∈.设函数[]2,1,(),(,3]x b x b f x b x b ⎧-+∈⎪=⎨∈⎪⎩(13b <<),()(),[1,3]g x f x ax x =+∈,令{}{}()max ()|[1,3]min ()|[1,3]h a g x x g x x =∈-∈,记{}()min ()|d b h a a =∈R . (1)若函数()g x 在[1,3]上单调递减,求a 的取值范围; (2)当12b a -=时,求()h a 关于a 的表达式;(3)试写出()h a 的表达式,并求(){}max ()|1,3d b b ∈.闵行区2011第一学期高三年级质量调研考试数学文试卷参考答案与评分标准1.{}2,3;2.83π;3.若2a b +≠,则222a b +<;4.12;5.2;6.(4,2)--; 7.(]3,4,4⎡⎫-∞--+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭;8.11133132k k k ++++;9.90;10.23;11.(文)12; 12.10;13.(文) 222;14.(文)12 二. 选择题15. D ;16.C ;17.B ;18.(文)B 、 三. 解答题19.(本题满分12分) 解:12(*)1(,)(1,0)111(,)(0,1)11(*)1a b e x x x x x x a b e ⋅+-⋅+-+==>-⋅++⋅+(6分) 121001011x x x x x -+⇔->⇔<⇔-<<++. (12分)20.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分6分,第(2)小题满分8分.解:(1)(文)由题意,有3b =3b a =,1a ∴= (3分)故双曲线C 的方程为2213y x -=. (6分) (2)设()()2211,,,y x B y x A ,直线AB :m kx y +=与双曲线2213y x -=联立消去y ,得222(3)230k x kmx m ----=由题意230k -≠, (2分)且()()()2221222122243302333km k m km x x k m x x k ⎧∆=---->⎪⎪⎪+=⎨-⎪⎪--=⎪-⎩(4分) 又由OA OB ⊥知12120x x y y +=而()()2212121212121212()x x y y x x kx m kx m x x k x x km x x m +=+++=++++所以22222223320333m m km k km m k k k+++++=--- 化简得22233m k -=① 由0∆>可得223k m <+②由①②可得22233m k -= (6分)故点P 的轨迹方程是22233(3)y x x -=≠ (8分)21.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分6分,第(2)小题满分8分.(1)由已知,每幢经适楼房最下面一层的总建筑费用为:3000250750000⨯=(元)75=(万元), 从第二层开始,每幢每层的建筑总费用比其下面一层多:8025020000⨯=(元)2=(万元), 每幢经适楼房从下到上各层的总建筑费用构成以75为首项,2 为公差的等差数列,2分所以函数表达式为:2*(1)()8[752]140085921400()2x x y f x x x x x -==+⨯+=++∈N ; (6分) (2)由(1)知经适楼房每平方米平均开发费用为:2()40(74175)()100008250f x x x g x x x++=⨯=⨯ (10分) ()1754074402175744018x x ⎛⎫=++≈ ⎪⎝⎭≥(元) (12分)当且仅当175x x=,即13.2x ≈时等号成立,但由于*x ∈N ,验算:当13x =时,175()401374401813g x ⎛⎫=++≈ ⎪⎝⎭,当14x =时,175()401474402014g x ⎛⎫=++≈ ⎪⎝⎭.答:该经适楼建为13层时,每平方米平均开发费用最低. (14分)22.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第(1)小题满分4分,第(2)小题满分5分,第(3)小题满分7分.解:(文)(1)第n 个阴影部分图形的周长为8n , (2分)故882()44nnf n n n+⨯==+. (4分)(2)1(1)8a f ==,21()(8)36a f a f ===,3(3)16a f ==当n 为奇数时,()44n a f n n ==+ (3分)当n 为偶数时,[]11()4444(1)44164n n n a f a a n n --==+=-++=+故44,164,n n n a n n +⎧=⎨+⎩当为奇数当为偶数. (5分)(3)44,164,n n n s n b a s n s n ++⎧=+=⎨++⎩当为奇数当为偶数1120n n n nb b b b +++>有解11212()0n n n n n n n b b b b b b b +++++⇔-=->有解,当n 为奇数时,12()0n n n b b b ++->即[]()16(1)4444(2)40n s n s n s +++++-+++>⎡⎤⎣⎦,亦即16200n s ++<有解,故()max 162036s n <--=- (3分) 当n 为偶数时,12()0n n n b b b ++->即[]()4(1)416416(2)40n s n s n s +++++-+++>⎡⎤⎣⎦,于是480n s ++<,故()max 4816s n <--=-. (5分)综上所述:16s <-. (7分)23.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.解:(文)(1)(1)2,[1,](),(,3]a xb x b g x ax b x b -+∈⎧=⎨+∈⎩(2分)由题意1000a a a -<⎧⇒<⎨<⎩(4分)(2)当21b a =+时,01a <<,(1)42,[1,21]()21,(21,3]a x a x a g x ax a x a -++∈+⎧=⎨++∈+⎩,显然g (x )在[1,21]a +上单调递减,在[21,3]a +上单调递增,又此时(1)(3)51g g a ==+ 故{}max ()|[1,3](1)(3)51g x x g g a ∈===+, (2分){}2min ()|[1,3](21)231g x x g a a a ∈=+=++ (4分)从而:()h a =()222,0,1a a a -+∈. (6分)(3)(1)2,[1,](),(,3]a x b x b g x ax b x b -+∈⎧=⎨+∈⎩1)当0a ≤时,{}max ()|[1,3]g x x ∈=g(1)=a +2b -1, {}min ()|[1,3]g x x ∈=g(3)=3a +b此时,()21h a a b =-+-2) 当1a ≥时,{}max ()|[1,3]g x x ∈=g(3)=3a +b , {}min ()|[1,3]g x x ∈= g(1)=a +2b -1此时,()21h a a b =-+ (2分) 3) 当102b a -<≤时,{}max ()|[1,3]g x x ∈= g(1)=a +2b -1,{}min ()|[1,3]g x x ∈= g (b )=ab +b , 此时,()1h a a b ab =+-- 4) 当112b a -<<时,{}max ()|[1,3]g x x ∈=g (3)=3a +b ,{}min ()|[1,3]g x x ∈= g (b )=ab +b , 此时,()3h a a ab =-故21,01(1)1,02()1(3),1221,1a b a b b a b a h a b b a a a b a -+-≤⎧⎪-⎪-+-<≤⎪=⎨-⎪-<<⎪⎪-+≥⎩, (4分)因()h a 在1(,]2b --∞上单调递减,在1[,)2b -+∞单调递增,故{}()min ()|d b h a a R =∈=h (12b -)=(3)(1)2b b --, (6分) 故当2b =时,得(){}1max ()|1,32d b b ∈=. (8分)。
相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Fe-56一、战略金属——铬铬(Cr)是重要的战略金属资源。
2.铬的第二电离能和锰的第二电离能分别为1590.6 kJ•mol-1、1509.0 kJ•mol-1。
3.CrCl3的熔点(83 ℃)远低于CrF3的熔点(1100 ℃),是因为。
4.热稳定性:H2O H2S(选填“>”或“<”),原因是。
(双选)A.水分子间存在氢键B.电负性:O > SC.水的沸点较高D.非金属:O > S5.N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值。
A.1 mol•L-1 H2SO4溶液中:c(H+) > 2c(SO42-)B.标准状况下,含N A个硫原子的硫单质体积约为22.4 LC.将2 mol SO2和1 mol O2混合于密闭容器中,充分反应后,转移的电子数为4N A D.1 mol SO2和SO3混合气通入过量NaOH溶液中,所得溶液中SO32-和SO42-总数为N A二、氢经济——制氢“氢经济”是“双碳”转型中非常关键的一环。
体系中发生如下反应:7.恒温条件下,1 L密闭容器中,1 mol CH4(g)和1 mol H2O(g)反应达平衡时,CH4 的转化率为x,CO2的物质的量为y mol,则反应①的平衡常数K= 。
闵行区2011学年第一学期高三年级质量调研考试英语试卷考生注意:1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将学校、姓名及准考证号填写清楚,并在规定的区域内填涂。
2. 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷,共12页。
3. 考试后只交答题纸,试卷由考生自己保留。
第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Receptionist and guest. B. Hairdresser and customer.C. Doctor and patient.D. Boss and staff.2. A. On Thursday morning. B. On Monday night.C. On Friday morning.D. On Thursday night.3. A. In a library. B. In a classroom.C. In a furniture store.D. In a computer shop.4. A. The time of the lecture. B. The boredom of the lecture.C. The length of the lecture.D. The problem of the clock.5. A. Go to the movie alone. B. Check the Reader.C. See a movie with the woman.D. Find a nice movie.6. A. The cost of fixing the window.B. The difficulty of cleaning up the broken glass.C. The possible harm to the people involved.D. The type of punishment he will give Tommy.7. A. The clerk doesn’t like to be bothered.B. The machine was just repaired.C. The man couldn’t make any more copies.D. The woman can teach the man to use the machine.8. A. The man will buy some envelopes for the woman.B. The man will take the woman to town.C. The woman will have to go and buy some envelopes herself.D. The woman has written several letters today.9. A. Because she doesn’t feel tired.B. Because the seat is occupied.C. Because she feels tired.D. Because she feels terrible when sitting on the bus.10. A. He is surprised that Dan did not fail.B. He is working especially hard on physics.C. He wonders how Dan’s history course went.D. He wants to pass the management course.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The change of the weekend. B. Attitudes towards leisure activities.C. Shifting job opportunities.D. Attitudes towards employment.12. A. How many weeks there are in a month. B. Which day begins the week.C. Which days people should work.D. How the week is divided into days.13. A. It would make the workday longer.B. It would allow people to work on weekend.C. It would create much more free time.D. It would make leisure activities expensive.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To invite authors to guide readers.B. To involve people in community service.C. To encourage people to read and share.D. To promote the friendship between cities.15. A. They came from many different backgrounds.B. They were too busy to read a book.C. They had little interest in reading.Section ADirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Most of the people in this village have free access ______ clean drinking water.A. withB. forC. byD. to26. — Are you coming to the party?—I’m not sure. I ______ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. mightC. should D would27. So little ______ the plan that they could not settle their difference.A. they agreed onB. do they agree onC. did they agree onD. they did not agree on28. With the great weight ______ off her mind, she passed the test successfully.A. takingB. takenC. takeD. to be taken29. has begun selling tickets online for international flights, ______ to cut themarket share of and other competitors.A. to aimB. having aimedC. aimingD. being aimed30. The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed ______ for it prettywell.A. to prepareB. to have preparedC. having preparedD. to be preparing31. It was fortunate that Jack narrowly escaped ______ in a traffic accident.A. being killedB. killingC. to be killedD. to kill32. — Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad.— Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ______ of my friends back home.A. have just thoughtB. would just thinkC. was just thinkingD. will just be thinking33. I suppose by the time I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ______ down.A. will have been pulledB. will be pullingC. will have pulledD. will be pulled34. Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents______ students got injured or killed while in school.A. whyB. whenC. in whichD. for which35. The figures are further evidence ______ children are more likely to become near-sighted.A. whatB. thatC. whyD. which36. It was for her rare charm and inner beauty ______ British movie star Audrey Hepburnwas named the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.A. whenB. thereforeC. thatD. why37. Handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers, historians say, ______ theirreliability can be confirmed.A. thoughB. so thatC. whileD. because38. Man must keep in mind that it will be years ______ the earth recovers from the damagehe makes to it.A. whenB. untilC. sinceD. before39. —I don’t mind how you do it ______ you finish the painting on time.— No problem.A. as well asB. as far asC. as long asD. as fast as40. The businessman is very modest about his success. He says it’s _____ the result of goodluck as of his own diligence.A. more thanB. so muchC. moreD. as muchSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.many drivers off 52 hitchhikers. That no single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester no doubt 53 the safety fear: a large, strangely dressed man is seen as dangerous.But the reason may be more 54 : hitchhiking happens where people don’t have cars and transport services are poor. Plenty of people still hitchhike in Poland and Romania. Perhaps the rising level of 55 in the UK means the few people left hitchhiking are usually considered strange. Why can’t they afford cars?Three-quarters of the UK population have access to a car; many of the remainder will be quite old. The 56 hitchhiking population is therefore small. Yet my trip proves it’s still 57 to hitchhike. The people who picked me up were very interesting — lawyer, retired surgeon, tank commander, carpenter, man who live in an isolated farmhouse and a couple living up in the mountains. My 58 is that only really interesting people are mad enough to pick up fat blokes (家伙) in red, spotted scarves. Most just wanted to do someone a good turn; a few said they were so surprised to see a hitchhiker that they couldn’t help 59 .64. A. example B. coincidence C. imagination D. challengeSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme. It has been designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.So how does it work?First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key. The key will unlock one of the bikes,which are kept at docking stations in and around central London. You have to pay an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go for the length of time you use the bike.Transport for London, which runs the scheme,are hoping to have 6,000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year. The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion (拥挤) in London and is expected to create up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the scheme and said London had been “filled with thousands of gleaming machines t hat will transform the look and feel of our streets and become as commonplace on our roads as black cabs and red buses”.However,there have been a few problems since the scheme was launched last Friday. On the first day some people found they couldn’t dock their bike properly and their usage of the bike had not been registered. Transport for London did admit they had been expecting a few “teething problems” and have said they wouldn’t charge for the first day as a “gesture of goodwill”. Some other people ha ve criticized the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles.Despite the comments,the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things, saying, “My campaign for the capital to beco me the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a big pedal-powered push forwards.”65. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the new bike scheme in order to ___________.A. reduce the air pollution of the cityB. encourage the citizens to take exercisesC. deal with the city’s traffic problemsD. increase employment opportunities66. If you want to hire a bike, what would you do first?A. Pay for the bike according to the time you use it.B. Pay for the key to a bike.C. Cycle in and around central London.D. Sign up as a member to get a key.67. All the following are the problems of the scheme EXCEPT___________.A. the high cost to hire a bikeB. not charging for the first day of the schemeC. not registering their usage of the bikesD. docking the bikes properly68. From the passage we can infer that __________.A. the London Mayor is confident in the schemeB. the scheme will be cancelled because of the problemsC. all the citizens in London support the schemeD. the cycling revolution is not successful(B)Sabina Caste Franco Rome October 16,2011—The U.N. World Food program says there are growing concerns over food insecurity in the developing world. Some of those concerns are discussed in a report to agree with the anniversary Sunday of World Food Day.The theme for World Food Day 2011 is “Food Prices —From Crisis to Stability”. A ceremony to mark World Food Day will be held Monday at the headquarters of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. Rising food prices, weather emergencies and political instability are deepening the struggle of families trying to provide for their households in many developing nations. This year’s “State of Food Insecurity in the World”report, published last week, focuses on the impact of food price volatility, confirming that high, unpredictable prices are likely to continue. The report highlighted how poor consumers, small farmers and countries dependent on imports, especially in Africa, have been deeply affected by the food and economic crises.Gregory Barrow is with the World Food Program in Rome. “If you look at the places where World Food program works particularly in developing countries, you see populations of people who might be spending 60, 70, 80 percent of their salaries on purchasing food for their families”. Barrow added that if prices become changeful and generally start rising, even by a small amount, it means that many of these people are going to struggle to put nutritious food on their tables.The report also showed that even short-term fluctuations (波动) in prices can have a long-term effect on development, and that cutting back on nutritious food in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life can affect mental and physical development and finally, future earning capacity. The United Nations has programs in place aimed at reducing the number of hungry people by one-half by 2015. But most observers agree this target is unlikely to be reached.69. The U.N World Food program aims to __________.A. hold a ceremony to mark World Food DayB. provide food for developing nationsC. show concerns over food insecurity in the developing worldD. introduce the U.N Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome70. The underlined word “volatility” in paragraph 2 means __________.A. supplyB. instabilityC. qualityD. control71. According to the report, we can learn that __________.A. people in Africa have been influenced by the food and economic crisesB. the short-term change in prices has nothing to do with developmentC. food price changes have little effect on householdsD. children’s development can be affected by the taking of nutritious food(C)In the past few decades, the popular belief in the area of organizational behaviour and organizational psychology has been that happy workers are better workers. However, new research at the University of Alberta shows that sad workers are more productive.Psychologist Dr. Robert Sinclair and his former PhD student Carrie Lavis recently conducted a series of four studies addressing the effects of experimentally induced (诱发的) happiness versus sadness on work productivity by asking the participants to build circuit boards (电路板). In the first study, sad people committed significantly fewer errors than did happy people (approximately half the number of errors) but there was no difference in the number of boards completed. Thus, sad people were more productive.In similar studies Sinclair and Lavis found the same results along with evidence that happy people might not devote as much energy to the task in order to maintain their happy moods — they considered that task as something that might detract (减去) from their present feelings. Conversely, sad people appeared to be devoting energy to the task in order to divert themselves from their sad feelings. “It is important to know that the moods were unrelated to the task,” said Sinclair. “Unhappiness is coming from something else.”These findings are not surprising, said Sinclair, since there has been a growing body of literature in the area of social psychology demonstrating that sad moods lead to more calm lengthy intent consideration and, often, more thoughtful or accurate judgments.In Sinclair’s following studies, when people believed that the task would make them feel good, they devoted more energy to the job. The bottom line, said Sinclair, is that it is important for organizations to take into account the emotions of their employees. It seems it could be beneficial to creating situations that lead people to believe that performing their jobs will cause them to feel good: this could cause increases in motivation and superior performance.72. The new research done at the University of Alberta shows __________.A. sadness leads to accurate judgmentsB. sad workers are less engaged in their workC. sad workers produce betterD. happiness can make people do well73. The purpose of the series of four studies conducted by Dr. Sinclair was __________.A. to find out the influence of happiness vs. sadness on workB. to ask the subjects to build circuit boardsC. to prove that happy workers are better workersD. to explore the ways how to produce happiness or sadness at work74. According to the third paragraph, the happy workers might not devote as much energyto the task because __________.A. they hate doing the same job for a long timeB. they never feel sadC. happiness diverts them from their taskD. they want to keep their happy moods75. It is suggested in the last paragraph that __________.A. increases in motivation and superior performance are importantB. companies should take into consideration employees’ emotionsC. companies should create situations that make workers feel goodD. employees should do the task that would make them feel goodSection CDirections:Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.potent antidepressant, but evidence suggests that physical activity triggers new cell growth in the brain, increases mood-enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces stress, and relieves muscle tension — all things that can have a positive effect on depression.80.If you find your depression getting worse and worse, seek professional help. Needing more help doesn’t mean you’re weak. Sometimes the n egative thinking in depression can make you feel like you’re a lost cause, but depression canbe treated and you can feel better!Section DDirections:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.All over the world mentioning of English education suggests a picture of the “public schools”, and it suggests in particular the names of certain very famous institutions— Eton, Oxford and Cambridge; but people do not always realize what place these institutions occupy in the whole educational system. Oxford and Cambridge are universities each having about 12,000 students out of a total of over 250,000 students at all British universities. Eton is a public school, and the best known of the public schools, which, in spite of their name, are not really public at all, but independent and private secondary schools taking boys from the age of thirteen to eighteen years. The public schools in reality form a very small part of the whole system of secondary education; only about one out of forty English boys go to a public school, and one out of 1,500 goes to Eton.Apart from the so-called public schools there is a complete system of state primary and secondary education, which resembles in its general form the state education in most other countries. All children must, by law, receive full-time education between the ages of five and sixteen. Any child may attend, without paying fees, a school provided by the public authorities, and the great majority attend such schools. They may continue, still without paying fees, until they are eighteen. In presenting an overall picture of English education it would be reasonable to concentrate on the state system alone and refer briefly to the public schools. However, although the public schools are not important numerically, they have been England’s most peculiar and characteristic contribution to educational methods, and they have an immense influence on the whole of English educational practice and on the English social structure. For a hundred years most men in leading positions in banking, insurance, high finance, some industries, the army, the church and conservative politics have been educated at public schools.(Note: Answer the question or complete the statements in no more than 12 words.)81. British public schools are not as their names suggests because they are ______________.82. The public schools are not important in certain senses because _____________________.83. Why must all British children between the age of five and sixteen attend a school?84. Why do people easily think of public schools when British education is mentioned?第II 卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 我们有必要在出发前制定一份计划。
一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.) 1.满足条件{1,2}⋃M =}{3,2,1的所有集合M的个数是A .1B .2C .3D .4 2.如果复数)(12R b ibi ∈+-的实部和虚部互为相反数,则b 的值等于A .0B .1C .2D .3 3.若条件41:≤+x p ,条件65:2-<x x q ,则p ⌝是q ⌝的A .必要不充分条件B .充分不必要条件C .充要条件D .既不充分又不必要条件 4.已知函数)(x f y =的反函数)21(log)(211-=-x x f,则方程1)(=x f 的解集是A .{1}B .{2} C.{3} D.{4}5.设等比数列}{n a 的前n 项和为S n ,若2:1:36=S S ,则=39:S SA .1:2B .2:3C .3:4D .1:36.在等差数列}{n a 中,,,83125S S a =-=则前n 项和n s 的最小值为A .80-B .76-C .75-D .74-7.已知22=3=,a 与b 的夹角为4π,如果b a p 2+=,b a q -=2,则-等于A .132B .53C .63D .2249+ 8.已知,0)4()4(),1,0(||log )(,)(2<-≠>==-g f a a x x g a x f a x 若则)(),(x g y x f y ==在同一坐标系内的图象大致是9.设函数)(x f 是奇函数,并且在R 上为增函数,若0≤θ≤2π时,f (m sin θ)+f (1—m )>0恒成立,则实数m 的取值范围是A .(0,1)B .(-∞,0)C .(-∞,1)D .)21,(-∞10.关于函数xx x f +-=11lg )(,有下列三个命题:①对于任意)1,1(-∈x ,都有0)()(=-+x f x f ; ②)(x f 在)1,1(-上是减函数;③对于任意)1,1(,21-∈x x ,都有)1()()(212121x x x x f x f x f ++=+;其中正确命题的个数是A .0B .1C .2D .3 二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.)11.等差数列}{n a 中,2,851==a a ,若在每相邻两项间各插入一个数,使之成等差数列,那么新的等差数列的公差是 。
)1.下列家用电器中,利用电磁感应原理进行工作的是-------------------------()(A)电吹风(B)电冰箱(C)电饭煲(D)电话机2.许多科学家在物理学发展过程中做出了重要贡献,下列表述正确的是------()(A)开普勒关于行星运动的三大定律为牛顿总结三条运动定律奠定了基础(B)胡克认为只有在一定的条件下,弹簧的弹力才与形变量成正比(C)卡文迪许在测量静电力恒量时运用了将微小量放大的方法(D)安培通过实验研究,发现了电流周围存在磁场3.关于分子动理论和内能,下列说法中正确的是------------------------------------()(A)扩散现象是物体分子热运动的宏观表现(B)每一个分子都有势能和动能,分子动能与分子势能之和就是分子内能(C)只有热传递才可改变物体的内能(D)物体的动能和重力势能也是其内能的一部分4.下列关于宇宙及星系的说法中正确的是-------------------------------------------()(A)太阳系中内行星都没有坚硬的外壳,外行星都有坚硬的外壳(B)太阳系中距离太阳越近的行星绕太阳公转速度越大(C)银河系是一种漩涡状的系星,太阳系就位于漩涡的中心(D)宇宙中恒星都是不动的星球,行星都是绕着恒星运动的5.关于小孩荡秋千,不计空气阻力的影响,下列说法正确的是------------------()(A)其它条件相同的情况下,重一些的小孩荡秋千,摆动的频率会更大(B)在秋千达到最低处时小孩有失重的感觉(C)当秋千摆到最低点时,绳子最容易断(D )这一过程一定是简谐运动6.中国承诺到2020年碳排放量下降40—45%。
闵行区2011学年第一学期高三年级质量调研考试英语试卷2012.1II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25.Most of the people in this village have free access ______ clean drinking water.A. withB. forC. byD. to26. — Are you coming to the party?— I’m not sure. I ______ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. mightC. should D would27. So little ______ the plan that they could not settle their difference.A. they agreed onB. do they agree onC. did they agree onD. they did not agree on28.With the great weight ______ off her mind, she passed the test successfully.A. takingB. takenC. takeD. to be taken has begun selling tickets online for international flights, ______ to cut themarket share of and other competitors.A. to aimB. having aimedC. aimingD. being aimed30.The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed ______ for it prettywell.A. to prepareB. to have preparedC. having preparedD. to be preparing31.It was fortunate that Jack narrowly escaped ______ in a traffic accident.A. being killedB. killingC. to be killedD. to kill32.— Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. — Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ______ of my friends back home.A. have just thoughtB. would just thinkC. was just thinkingD. will just be thinking33.I suppose by the time I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ______ down.A. will have been pulledB. will be pullingC. will have pulledD. will be pulled34.Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents______ students got injured or killed while in school.A. whyB. whenC. in whichD. for which35.The figures are further evidence ______ children are more likely to become near-sighted.A. whatB. thatC. whyD. which36.It was for her rare charm and inner beauty ______ British movie star Audrey Hepburn wasnamed the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.A. whenB. thereforeC. thatD. why37. Handwritten documents are more valuable to researchers, historians say, ______ theirreliability can be confirmed.A. thoughB. so thatC. whileD. because38.Man must keep in mind that it will be years ______ the earth recovers from the damage hemakes to it.A. whenB. untilC. sinceD. before39.— I don’t mind how you do it ______ you finish the painting on time.— No problem.A. as well asB. as far asC. as long asD. as fast as40.The businessman is very modest about his success. He says it’s _____ the result of good luckas of his own diligence.A. more thanB. so muchC. moreD. as muchSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. essentialB. endangeredC. goingD. performanceE. crisesF. supposedG. consequenceH. materialI. exposedJ. involvesAs the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the 41 from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is 42 for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as often 43 to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor 44 and ill health.The amount of stress a person can stand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime 45 for managerial responsibilities; others lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties. When 46 to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between “flight or fight” and in more primitive (远古的) days the choices made the difference between life or death. The 47 we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it 48 the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes 49 . Since we can’t remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.III. Reading comprehension:Section ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.We all remember seeing hitchhikers, standing by the side of the road, thumb sticking out, waiting for a lift. But it is getting 50 nowadays. What killed hitchhiking? 51 is often mentioned as a reason. Movies about murderous hitchhikers and real-life crime have put many drivers off 52 hitchhikers. That no single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester no doubt 53 the safety fear: a large, strangely dressed man is seen as dangerous.But the reason may be more 54 : hitchhiking happens where people don’t have cars and transport services are poor. Plenty of people still hitchhike in Poland and Romania. Perhaps the rising level of 55 in the UK means the few people left hitchhiking are usually considered strange. Why can’t they afford cars?Three-quarters of the UK population have access to a car; many of the remainder will be quite old. The 56 hitchhiking population is therefore small. Yet my trip proves it’s still57 to hitchhike. The people who picked me up were very interesting — lawyer, retired surgeon, tank commander, carpenter, man who live in an isolated farmhouse and a couple living up in the mountains. My 58 is that only really interesting people are mad enough to pick up fat blokes (家伙) in red, spotted scarves. Most just wanted to do someone a good turn; a few said they were so surprised to see a hitchhiker that they couldn’t help 59 .The 60 of hitchhiking most likely lies with car-sharing organized over the Internet, via sites such as hitchhikers. org. But for now, you can still stick your thumb out (actually, I didn’t do much of that, 61 just to hold up my destination sign) and people — wonderful, caring, sharing, unafraid people — will stop.In the UK, with its cheap coaches and reasonable rail service, I don’t think I’ll make a62 of it. But having 63 it so much, I’m ready now to do a big trip across Europe and beyond. In the 1970s a female friend of my wife’s hitchhiked to India. How wonderful it would be to have another go, though Afghanistan might be a(n) 64 . I wish I’d got that tank commander’s mobile number.50. A. frequent B. meaningless C. rare D. unbelievable51. A. Expense B. Distance C. Location D. Safety52. A. refusing B. picking up C. saving D. getting rid of53. A. eliminates B. strengthens C. reflects D. multiplies54. A. complex B. relevant C. personal D. persuasive55. A. safety awareness B. car ownershipC. transportation serviceD. road condition56. A. potential B. sensitive C. suspected D. respectable57. A. dangerous B. doubtful C. possible D. sensible58. A. prediction B. principle C. intension D. conclusion59. A. hating B. stopping C. fearing D. gasping60. A. future B. problem C. uncertainty D. danger61. A. pretending B. expecting C. preferring D. managing62. A. mistake B. habit C. misunderstanding D. decision63. A. enjoyed B. heard about C. imagined D. suffered from64. A. example B. coincidence C. imagination D. challengeSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme. It has been designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.So how does it work?First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key. The key will unlock one of the bikes,which are kept at docking stations in and around central London. You have to pay an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go for the length of time you use the bike.Transport for London, which runs the scheme,are hoping to have 6,000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year. The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion (拥挤) in London and is expected to create up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the scheme and said London had been “filled with thousands of gleaming machines that will transform the look and feel of our streets and become as commonplace on our roads as black cabs and red buses”.However,there have been a few problems since the scheme was launched last Friday. On the first day some people found they couldn’t dock their bike properly and their usage of the bike had not been registered. Transport for London did admit they had been expecting a few “teething problems” and have said they wouldn’t charge for the first day as a “gesture of goodwill”. Some other people have criticized the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles.Despite the comments,the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things, saying, “My campaign for the capital to become the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a big pedal-powered push forwards.”65. London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the new bike scheme in order to ___________.A. reduce the air pollution of the cityB. encourage the citizens to take exercisesC. deal with the city’s traffic problemsD. increase employment opportunities66.If you want to hire a bike, what would you do first?A. Pay for the bike according to the time you use it.B. Pay for the key to a bike.C. Cycle in and around central London.D. Sign up as a member to get a key.67.All the following are the problems of the scheme EXCEPT___________.A. the high cost to hire a bikeB. not charging for the first day of the schemeC. not registering their usage of the bikesD. docking the bikes properly68. From the passage we can infer that __________.A. the London Mayor is confident in the schemeB. the scheme will be cancelled because of the problemsC. all the citizens in London support the schemeD. the cycling revolution is not successful(B)Sabina Caste Franco Rome October 16,2011—The U.N. World Food program says there are growing concerns over food insecurity in the developing world. Some of those concerns are discussed in a report to agree with the anniversary Sunday of World Food Day.The theme for World Food Day 2011 is “Food Prices — From Crisis to Stability”. A ceremony to mark World Food Day will be held Monday at the headquarters of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. Rising food prices, weather emergencies and political instability are deepening the struggle of families trying to provide for their households in many developing nations. This year’s “State of Food Insecurity in the World” report, published last week, focuses on the impact of food price volatility, confirming that high, unpredictable prices are likely to continue. The report highlighted how poor consumers, small farmers and countries dependent on imports, especially in Africa, have been deeply affected by the food and economic crises.Gregory Barrow is with the World Food Program in Rome. “If you look at the places where World Food program works particularly in developing countries, you see populations of people who might be spending 60, 70, 80 percent of their salaries on purchasing food for their families”. Barrow added that if prices become changeful and generally start rising, even by a small amount, it means that many of these people are going to struggle to put nutritious food on their tables.The report also showed that even short-term fluctuations (波动) in prices can have a long-term effect on development, and that cutting back on nutritious food in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life can affect mental and physical development and finally, future earning capacity. The United Nations has programs in place aimed at reducing the number of hungry people by one-half by 2015. But most observers agree this target is unlikely to be reached.69.The U.N World Food program aims to __________.A. hold a ceremony to mark World Food DayB. provide food for developing nationsC. show concerns over food insecurity in the developing worldD. introduce the U.N Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome70.The underlined word “volatility” in paragraph 2 means __________.A. supplyB. instabilityC. qualityD. control71.According to the report, we can learn that __________.A. people in Africa have been influenced by the food and economic crisesB. the short-term change in prices has nothing to do with developmentC. food price changes have little effect on householdsD. children’s development can be affected by the taking of nutritious food(C)In the past few decades, the popular belief in the area of organizational behaviour and organizational psychology has been that happy workers are better workers. However, new research at the University of Alberta shows that sad workers are more productive. Psychologist Dr. Robert Sinclair and his former PhD student Carrie Lavis recently conducted a series of four studies addressing the effects of experimentally induced (诱发的) happiness versus sadness on work productivity by asking the participants to build circuit boards (电路板). In the first study, sad people committed significantly fewer errors than did happy people (approximately half the number of errors) but there was no difference in the number of boards completed. Thus, sad people were more productive.In similar studies Sinclair and Lavis found the same results along with evidence that happy people might not devote as much energy to the task in order to maintain their happy moods — they considered that task as something that might detract (减去) from their present feelings. Conversely, sad people appeared to be devoting energy to the task in order to divert themselves from their sad feelings. “It is important to know that the moods were unrelated to the task,” said Sinclair. “Unhappiness is coming from something else.”These findings are not surprising, said Sinclair, since there has been a growing body of literature in the area of social psychology demonstrating that sad moods lead to more calm lengthy intent consideration and, often, more thoughtful or accurate judgments.In Sinclair’s following studies, when people believed that the task would make them feel good, they devoted more energy to the job. The bottom line, said Sinclair, is that it is important for organizations to take into account the emotions of their employees. It seems it could be beneficial to creating situations that lead people to believe that performing their jobs will cause them to feel good: this could cause increases in motivation and superior performance.72. The new research done at the University of Alberta shows __________.A. sadness leads to accurate judgmentsB. sad workers are less engaged in their workC. sad workers produce betterD. happiness can make people do well73. The purpose of the series of four studies conducted by Dr. Sinclair was __________.A. to find out the influence of happiness vs. sadness on workB. to ask the subjects to build circuit boardsC. to prove that happy workers are better workersD. to explore the ways how to produce happiness or sadness at work74.According to the third paragraph, the happy workers might not devote as much energyto the task because __________.A. they hate doing the same job for a long timeB. they never feel sadC. happiness diverts them from their taskD. they want to keep their happy moods75. It is suggested in the last paragraph that __________.A. increases in motivation and superior performance are importantB. companies should take into consideration employees’ emotionsC. companies should create situations that make workers feel goodD. employees should do the task that would make them feel goodSection CDirections:Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A. Keep your body healthyB. Cultivate supportive relationshipsC. Take care of yourselfD. Challenge negative thinkingE. Know when to get additional helpF. Adopt healthy habitsTips for dealing with depression76.Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and keeping it away. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. But the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. However, isolation and loneliness make depression even worse, so maintaining your close77.Depression puts a negative spin on everything, including the way you see yourself, the situations you encounter, and your expectations for the future. But you can’t break out of this pessimistic mind frame by “just thinking positive.” Happy thoughts or wishful thinking won’t cut78.In order to overcome depression, you have to take care of yourself. This includes following a healthy lifestyle, learning to manage stress, setting limits on what you’re able to do, adopting79.When you’re depressed, exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing. But exercise is a powerful tool for dealing with depression. In fact, studies show that regular exercise can be aseffective as antidepressant medication at increasing energy levels and decreasing feelings of fatigue. Scientists haven’t figured out exactly why exercise is such a potent antidepressant, but evidence suggests that physical activity triggers new cell growth in the brain, increases mood-enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces stress, and relieves muscle tension — all80.If you find your depression getting worse and worse, seek professional help. Needing more help doesn’t mean you’re weak. Sometimes the negative thinking in depression can make you feel like you’re a lost cause, but depression can be treated and you can feel better!Section DDirections:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.All over the world mentioning of English education suggests a picture of the “public schools”, and it suggests in particular the names of certain very famous institutions — Eton, Oxford and Cambridge; but people do not always realize what place these institutions occupy in the whole educational system. Oxford and Cambridge are universities each having about 12,000 students out of a total of over 250,000 students at all British universities. Eton is a public school, and the best known of the public schools, which, in spite of their name, are not really public at all, but independent and private secondary schools taking boys from the age of thirteen to eighteen years. The public schools in reality form a very small part of the whole system of secondary education; only about one out of forty English boys go to a public school, and one out of 1,500 goes to Eton.Apart from the so-called public schools there is a complete system of state primary and secondary education, which resembles in its general form the state education in most other countries. All children must, by law, receive full-time education between the ages of five and sixteen. Any child may attend, without paying fees, a school provided by the public authorities, and the great majority attend such schools. They may continue, still without paying fees, until they are eighteen. In presenting an overall picture of English education it would be reasonable to concentrate on the state system alone and refer briefly to the public schools. However, although the public schools are not important numerically, they have been England’s most peculiar and characteristic contribution to educational methods, and they have an immense influence on the whole of English educational practice and on the English social structure. For a hundred years most men in leading positions in banking, insurance, high finance, some industries, the army, the church and conservative politics have been educated at public schools.(Note: Answer the question or complete the statements in no more than 12 words.)81. British public schools are not as their names suggests because they are ______________.82. The public schools are not important in certain senses because _____________________.83. Why must all British children between the age of five and sixteen attend a school?84. Why do people easily think of public schools when British education is mentioned?第II 卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.我们有必要在出发前制定一份计划。
(《观猎》)2. ,人约黄昏后。
(《生查字·元夕》)3. 孤村落日残霞,轻烟老树寒鸦,。
(《天净沙·秋》)4. 越明年,,百废俱兴。
(《岳阳楼记》)5. 树林阴翳,,游人去而禽鸟乐也。
(《醉翁亭记》)6. 狼亦黠矣,而顷刻两毙,?(《狼》)(二)阅读下面一首曲,完成第7-8题(4分)天净沙秋思枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。
闵行区2011学年第一学期高三年级质量调研考试化学试卷考生注意:1.答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将学校、姓名及准考证号填写清楚,并在规定的区域 填涂相关信息。
答题时客观题用2B 铅笔涂写,主观题用黑色水笔填写。
第I 卷 (共66分)相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Cl-19 Na-23 S-32 Fe-56一、选择题(本题共l0分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项。
下列图标中,属于节能标志的是A B C D2.氧化还原反应与四种基本反应类型的关系如图所示。
下列化学反应属于阴影部的是A .2Na 2O 2+2CO 2→2Na 2CO 3+O 2 B .2NaHCO 3Na 2CO 3+H 2O+CO 2↑C .4Fe(OH)2+O 2+2H 2O →4Fe(OH)3D .Cl 2+2KBr →Br 2+2KCl3.下列有关化学用语中不能体现氮原子核外电子能量有差异的是A . N ●●●●●BC .D .1s 22s 22p 34.下列有关乙醇的表达正确的是A .乙醇分子中含有甲基,甲基的电子式为: HC H H●●●●●●●●B .乙醇结构简式为:C 2H 6O C .乙醇分子中羟基电子式:O⨯D .乙醇分子的比例模型为:5.氯化钠是日常生活中非常重要的化合物之一,结合你掌握的化学知识,下列说法合理的是A .锌粒与盐酸反应时,若加入适量氯化钠晶体,可明显加快反应速率B .氯化钠中所含化学键为离子键,含离子键的化合物一定是离子化合物C .标准状况下,氯化钠溶液呈中性,溶液的pH=7D .氯化钠溶液导电是化学变化,而熔融态氯化钠导电是物理变化二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项。
) 6.升高温度,下列数据不一定增大的是 A .化学反应速率v B .水的离子积常数K wC .化学平衡常数KD .弱酸的电离平衡常数K i7.今有甲、乙、丙三瓶等体积的新制氯水,浓度均为0.1mol/L 。
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3.2011年11月29日,瓦良格号航母再次出海,开展相关科研试验。它的满载排水量为64000吨,有四台50000马力的蒸汽轮机提供其动力。设想如能创造一理想的没有阻力的环境,用一个人的力量去拖这样一艘航空母舰,则从理论上可以说( )
A. B. C. D.0
14.如图所示,把两个相同的灯泡分别接在甲、乙电路中,甲电路两端的电压为8V,乙电路两端的电压为16V。调节变阻器R1和R2使两灯都正常发光,此时变阻器消耗的功率分别为P1和P2,两电路中消耗的总功率分别为 和 则下列关系中正确的是()
220V 50Hz
A. B. C. cosθD. sinθ
25.如图所示,AB、BC均为轻杆,处在同一竖直平面内,AB杆高为h。A、B、C三处均用铰链连接,其中A、C两点在同一水平面上,BC杆与水平面夹角为30°。一个质量为m的小球穿在BC杆上,并静止在BC杆底端C处,不计一切摩擦。现在对小球施加一个水平向左的恒力 ,则当小球运动到BC杆的中点时,它的速度大小为,此时AB杆对B处铰链的作用力大小为。
D.质点在t=0到t=t4这段时间内的最大位移为 ,且质点最终能回到开始出发的点