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1. (2017·湖南六校联考)Learning it is like _______ (climb)a mountain.

2. (2017·盘锦一模)She said I just wanted good grades, but I didn’t put enough effort into _______ (get)them.

3. (2017·衡水中学二模)I knew she needed my help, and her smile was enough _______ (make)my day.

4. (2017·哈尔滨二模) _______ (face)with many problems while chasing his dream, he often sleeps in homeless shelters and even a public bathroom.

5. (2017·钦州一模)But in China, smiling is not only an expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid _______ (be)embarrassed.

6. (2017·重庆一模)People do have different ideas about what _______ (wear).

7. (2017·临汾三模)Almost every Chinese student is made _______ (recite)classical Chinese poems during their primary and middle school, even kindergarten days.

8. Instead of _______ (ask)the participants to simply recite, the TV show tests their profound understanding and rich knowledge of classical poetry as well as quick responses.

9. (2017·山东师大附中一模)The teahouse recreates the character of old Beijing, which makes it a must for foreigners, who, from around the world, come to China _______ (appreciate)Beijing Opera, drama and other Beijing folk art, as well as drink tea.

10. (2017·南昌一模)So when my friends invited me _______ (go)for a long weekend

camping without the cell service, I thought this was exactly what I needed.

答案: 1. climbing 2. getting 3. to make 4. Faced 5. being

6. to wear

7. to recite

8. asking

9. to appreciate 10. to go

Ⅰ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空

The Internet is playing a more and more i mportant part in people’s daily life. It is an 1. _______ (amaze)information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as an investigative tool. Journalists use it 2. _______ (find)information for stories. Doctors use it 3. _______ (learn)more about unfamiliar diseases and the latest medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and 4. _______ (communicate)with family and friends. People all over the world use it 5. _______ (connect)with individuals from other countries and cultures. However, while there are many positive developments 6. _______ (associate)with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. One concern relates to a lack of control over what appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors 7. _______ (check)the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are restrictions on other aspects, for example, what kinds of programs can 8. _______ (broadcast)and at what time of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide 9. _______ (determine)what is suitable for their children 10. _______ (see).

答案: 1. amazing 2. to find 3. to learn 4. communicating 5. to connect

6. associated

7. to check

8. be broadcast

9. to determine 10. to see

Ⅱ. 综合填空
