Information on Power SuppliesThere are many types of electrical and electronic power supplies, providing various alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) voltages for equipment operation.DC voltages are needed for most electronic circuits, and generally an electronic power supply is considered as a device that converts AC into DC. The AC voltage from the power lines can be rectified directly or passed through an isolation transformer ( a turn's ratio of 1:1). Depending on the value of DC voltage needed, the transformer may be of either a step-up or step-down type.After the transformer, the AC is rectified into pulsating DC by diodes in the form of a half-wave rectifier, a full-wave rectifier, or a bridge (full-wave) rectifier The pulsating DC is then filtered or smoothed out by capacitors, inductors, and resistors so as to produce a constant DC output.Bridge (Full-wave) RectifierThe bridge rectifier produces a full-wave DC output with the use of four diodes (Fig 5.1). When the positive half-cycle appears, the anode of diode 1 is positive and it conducts, and the cathode of diode 2 is negative and it conducts.Current flows from the AC source through diode 1, through R L,through diode 2, and back to the source. Diodes 3 and 4 are reversed biased and no current flows through them. They appear as open circuits. On the negative half-cycle the anode of diode 4 is positive and it conducts, and the cathode of diode 3 is negative and it conducts. Current flows from the AC source through diode 4, through RL, through diode 3, and back to the source. Diodes 1 and 2 are reverse.V oltage output Uo is the peak voltage less two times the UF across the diodes ( two diodes are conducting at a time): Full-wave bridge rectifier modules containing four diodes in a single unit are commercially available.Fpeak o U U U 2-=。
MetalsMan fist began using metals at least 5000 years ago. He found that they could be hammered into tools and weapons that remained sharp. From small beginnings the use of metals has brown to such an extent that civilization as we know it today could not exist with them.Metals make up a large part of the earth's outer layer, or crust. But only a few of them appear in the metal form we are familiar with. Most metals, such as iron and tin, are found combined with other chemical elements. Most of these compounds do not look anything like metals. They are often lumps of rocks. But many of them can be treated to produce metals. These are called ores.Not many metals are used widely in their pure state. Other metals are usually added to them to form mixtures called alloys. Sometimes chemical elements other than metals are included in alloys. The most important is carbon. In engineering, metals and alloys are usually called metals. Metals are divided into tow groups, the ferrous, which contain a large percentage of iron, and the nonferrous, which contain no iron.Steel, our most useful metals is alloy of iron and carbon. Because of its strength, steel is used in large buildings and bridges. It is also used to make motor cars, railways and ships. Most of the machinery that makes practically everything we use is made of iron or steel.Many other metals are important to us, too. The spoons, knives and forks we eat with are made of stainless steel. We cook in aluminum boilers. Copper cables carry electricity to factories and families. The coins we carry in our pockets contain copper, nickel, and zinc. The list of the uses of metals is endless.Pure iron is quite a weak metal, and it is not very hard, either. But add a little carbon as well as traces of certain other metals, and it becomes both strong and hard. According to what is added, the iron can be given other desirable properties as well. Adding other substances to a metal to change its properties is called alloying, and the product an alloy.Most of the alloys of iron are better known to us as steels. Many other metals form useful alloys, too. Brass and bronze are common alloys of copper. Solder is a well-known lead alloy. Aluminum and zinc alloys are also in widespread use. However, it is the iron alloys that are by far the most important.The pig iron that is made in the blast furnace can be considered one kind of iron alloy, but it is a very crude one. It contains far too many impurities and other materials as well as being uneven in composition. By only slight refining , it can be made into cast iron. Cast iron is an ideal material formaking engine blocks and machine frames. It is strong, hard, rigid, and absorbs shock well. Its main disadvantage is that it is brittle.Wrought iron is a more refined form of pig iron which is quite pure iron (0.1 〜0.2 per cent carbon) with threads of slag running through it. Wrought iron is made by heating the pig iron with iron oxide in a “puddling" furnace. The oxygen in the oxide combines with the impurities, which either boil away as gas or form a slag. But the temperature of the furnace is not high enough to make the metal melt. That is why it contains threads of slag. Wrought iron is seldom used directly in industry.Refining pig iron in the various steelmaking furnaces reduces the carbon content and removes other unwanted substance. The steel-maker stops the refining process when the metal has reached the carbon content he wants. Then he adds controlled amounts of other elements to bring the steel to the desired composition.There are two principal kinds of steels, carbon steels and alloy steels. The properties of carbon steels depend mainly on the amount of carbon present. Mild steel (up to 0.25 per cent carbon) is the ordinary kind of steel that is used for girders, automobile bodies, bicycle frames, and so on. Medium-carbon steel (0.25〜0.45 per cent) is stronger than mild steel and is used for bridge members, nuts and bolts, and tools of many kinds. High-carbon steel (0.45〜1.5 per cent) is hard and tough, and is used for cutting tools, drill bits, saws, and so on.The properties of alloy steels depend not on the carbon they contain, but on other alloying elements. One of the most familiar alloys is stainless steel. As we all know, ordinary steel corrodes, or rusts if it is left out in the rain, is stained by fruit juices, and so on. But adding chromium and nickel to steel makes it resist corrosion and stains. Both chromium and nickel resist corrosion well, and they tend to impart that property to their alloys. One of the most common kinds of stainless steels contains about 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel.Exercises1.Mark the following sentences with T(true) of F(false) according to the article.(1)The civilization could exist without metals.(2)Many metals appear in the metal form we are familiar with.(3)Only a few of metal are used in their pure state.(4)Metal mixtures are called alloys.(5)Carbon is the most important element to form alloy.(6)Solder is a well-known iron alloy.(7)The pig iron is a kind of iron alloy.(8)Iron alloys are the most important alloys in engineering.(9)Most engine blocks and machine frames are made of cast iron.(10)Wrought iron can be used directly in industry.(11)The properties of alloy steels depend mainly on the amount of carbon present.(12)Carbon steels and alloy steels are two main kinds of steels.(13)Cutting tools and drill bits are made of medium-carbon steel.2.Answer the following questions according to the article・(1)When did man first begin using metals?(2)How many groups of metals? What are they?(3)What kind of metal is most useful in engineering?(4)Is steel an alloy? What is it made from?(5)Please list the usages of iron and steel in daily life.3.Translate the following sentences into Chines・(1)In the old days, man found that metals could be hammered into tools and weapons that remainedsharp.(2)Most metals, such as iron and tin, are found combined with other chemical elements.(3)Other metals are usually added to pure metals to form mixtures called alloys.(4)Metals are divided into two groups, the ferrous, which contain a large percentage of iron, and thenonferrous, which contain no iron.(5)Most of the machinery that makes practically everything we use is made of iron or steel.4.Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below and change the forms wherenecessary.Corrosion, contain, element, stain, property, corrode, depend, leave, alloy, add The properties of alloy steels (1) not on the carbon they contain, but on other alloying (2) . One of the most familiar (3) is stainless steel. As we all know, ordinary steel(4) , or rusts if it (5) out in the rain, (6) by fruit juices, and so on but (7)chromium and nickel to steel makes it resist (8) and stains. Both chromium and nickel resist corrosion well, and they tend to impart (9) to their alloys. One of the most common kinds of stainlesssteels (10) about 18 percent chromium and 8 per cent nickel.。
杜孟远PILOTING THE SMART GRIDAhmad Faruqui, Ryan Hledik and Sanem Sergici1The transformative power of the smart grid is enormous. It is receiving much consideration frutilities and commissions across North America. Several members of the European UniChina, Japan and other nations are also engaged in the same endeavor.The smart grid has the potential for revolutionizing the way we produce and consume electric but because it contains so many new elements; its core value proposition remains untested.The unanswered questions include:What new services will the smart grid provide customers?Do customers want these new services?Will they respond by changing their energy use patterns?The answers to these questions will help policymakers in federal and state government determine whether the benefits of the smart grid will cover its costs.It is widely understood that the new services enabled by the smart grid will include different rate designs that encourage curtailment of peak loads and make more efficient use of energy. Examples include dynamic pricing and inclining block rates.2These innovative rate designs will be enhanced by various automating technologies such as Energy Orbs, programmable communicating thermostats (PCTs), whole building energy management systems (Auto DR), and in-home displays (IHDs).The smart grid will of course go beyond smart meters and rate design and enable renewable energy resources to be connected to the grid. This will allow optimal use of intermittent resources, such as wind, which often reach their peak generating capacity during off-peak hours. New off-peak loads, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, which reduce overall energy consumption and improve the carbon footprint, will be energized by the smart grid.To address the likely impact of the smart grid on customers, utilities, and society as a whole, it may be necessary to conduct a pilot. When should a pilot be conducted and how should it be conducted? To be useful, a pilot must yield credible results. This requires that the pilot satisfy various validity criteria. These issues form the focus of this paper. We provide examples from several recent pilots that involved dynamic pricing, a key element of the smart gird. The concluding section discusses how a hypothetical company, SMART POWER, should go about designing its own pilot. Should a Pilot be Conducted?3Policymakers should consider implementing a pilot if there is much uncertainty in the cost-benefit analysis of proceeding with full-scale deployment. A powerful method for resolving uncertainty is to assess the value of information that would be generated from a pilot. This point is best illustrated with a case study.California suffered the worst energy crisis in its history in 2001. Most analysts attributed the crisis in part to the lack of demand response in the market design. When prices rose in wholesale markets, there was no incentive for retail customers to lower demand. In the summer of 2002, the California Public Utilities Commission initiated proceedings on demand response, advanced metering, and dynamic pricing. Early in the proceedings, it became clear that the decision to deploy advanced metering was fraught with risk. The deployment would be costly and the benefits uncertain, as they depended on the customers’ price elasticity of demand.龚畅Electricity from the Oceans: Will It Really HappenAnytime Soon?By Doug PeeplesSGN News EditorGovernments and private industry have been casting a wide net to find alternative sources of sustainable power to meet accelerating demand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And electric power from ocean waves, tides and currents has been getting a lot more attention —and money — than ever before.But what are the chances that marine and hydrokinetic technologies (let's just call it ocean power to keep it short and sweet) are really going to take their place alongside more mature and relatively well-funded renewable energy sources such as wind and solar to feed the need for more greener power?We can't answer that question to a certainty, but we can round up a lot of the big issues: What's good about it, what's bad and what needs to happen to make ocean power a reality?The Good∙Oceans cover about 70% of the planet, and waves and tides offer a more predictable, reliable source of energy than wind and solar. And energy storage isn't an issue. The oceans are always on.∙ A British company built a large-scale tidal turbine in 2008 that's since been getting good reviews, and several countries have jumped onto the ocean power bandwagon.Globally, according to Pike Research, there are more than 300 ocean power projects"in the works." A New Jersey company has big plans for a pilot buoy project off theOregon coast and much bigger plans for a commercial-scale wave project there.∙ A January report from Pike said ocean power could generate 200 GW of electricity by 2025. A new analysis from Frost & Sullivan pegs global resources at more like2,000 to 4,000 TWh annually. The Frost & Sullivan analysis also anticipates thecommercialization of ocean power within the next 5-10 years as technology improves and production costs drop.∙In the U.S., attitudes of the federal government and private industry are taking a positive tack, too. The DOE and the Interior Department in June signed amemorandum of understanding to collaborate on commercial-scale development of offshore renewable energy projects, including wave power. The DOE has pouredmillions of dollars into hydrokinetic R&D and has put the technological and strategic muscle of its national laboratories behind it.The Bad∙Ocean power is still in the proof-of-concept phase, and initial deployments require unimaginably massive investments. Will investors bet on technologies with nosignificant track record and sky high upfront costs?∙While wave power is more reliable than wind and solar, the actual power in waves fluctuates a lot, as does the state of the oceans in general. Durability is a big issue.Pelamis Wave Power, which operated a highly regarded commercial-scale wave farm in Portugal, shut down its operations last year because of persistent technicalproblems and dwindling financing.∙How will regulations to protect aquatic ecosystems and fisheries evolve? The permitting and siting process for land-based renewable energy projects is complicated enough. The marine environment is more complex, so it seems reasonable thatpermitting and siting for ocean projects will be even more complicated.∙Standardizing technologies, connecting wave power to the electric grid and transmission also present obstacles.That Said, What's It All Mean?Who wouldn’t want to see a new, reliable, secure and green energy source? But even the most optimistic reports and analyses come with heavy disclaimers, most of them pointing at exceptionally high upfront costs and technological nightmares similar to those facing the new deepwater wind farm sector. While the future of ocean power looks a little brighter, it still looks like a long slog to the light at the end of the tunnel.What do YOU think? Will be generating significant amounts of electricity from ocean waves anytime soon ... if ever?甘凯元Radioactive Water Leaking From Crippled Japan Plantby The Associated PressWorkers spray resin on the ground near the reactor buildings to prevent the spread of radioactive substances at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.April 2, 2011Highly radioactive water was leaking into the sea Saturday from a crack discovered at a nuclear power plant destabilized by last month's earthquake and tsunami, a new setback as frustrated survivors of the disasters complained that Japan's government was paying too much attention to the nuclear crisis.The contaminated water will quickly dissipate into the sea and is not expected to cause any health hazard. Nevertheless, the disturbing discovery points at the unexpected problems that can crop up and continue to hamper technicians trying to control the crisis.Word of the leak came as Prime Minister Naoto Kan toured the town of Rikuzentakata, his first trip to survey damage in one of the dozens of villages, towns and cities slammed by the March 11 tsunami that followed a magnitude 9.0 earthquake."The government has been too focused on the Fukushima power plant rather than the tsunami victims. Both deserve attention," said 35-year-old Megumi Shimanuki, who was visiting her family at a community center converted into a shelter in hard-hit Natori, about 100 miles from Rikuzentakata.The double disaster is believed to have left nearly 25,000 dead — 11,800 confirmed. More than 165,000 are still living in shelters, and tens of thousands more still do not have electricity or running water.Although the government had rushed to provide relief, its attention has been divided by the efforts to stabilize the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, which suffered heavy damage and has dragged the country to its worst nuclear crisis since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.The plant's reactors overheated to dangerous levels after electrical pumps — deprived of electricity — failed to circulate water to keep the reactors cool. A series of almost daily problems have led to substantial amount of radiation leaking in the atmosphere, ground and sea.On Saturday, workers discovered an 8-inch long crack in a maintenance pit that was leaking highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean, said Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama.He said the water contaminated with levels of radioactive iodine far above the legal limit found inside the pit could be one of the sources of recent spikes in radioactivity in sea water."There could be other similar cracks in the area, and we must find them as quickly as possible," he told reporters.Soon after the discovery, the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., started filling the pit with cement to seal the crack and prevent more contaminated water from seeping into the ocean.Nuclear safety officials said the crack was likely caused by the quake and may be the source of radioactive iodine that started showing up in the ocean more than a week ago.People living within 12 miles of the plant have been evacuated and the radioactive water will quickly dissipate in the sea, but it was unclear if the leak posed any new danger to workers. People have been uneasy about seafood from the area despite official reassurances that the risk of contamination is low.The cracked pit houses cables for one of the six nuclear reactors, and the concentration of radioactive iodine was the same as in a puddle of contaminated water found outside the reactor earlier in the week. Because of that, officials believe the contaminated water is coming from the same place, though they are not sure where.A nuclear plant worker who fell into the ocean Friday while trying to board a barge carrying water to help cool the plant did not show any immediate signs of being exposed to unsafe levels of radiation, nuclear safety officials said Saturday, but they were waiting for test results to be sure.Radiation worries have compounded the misery for people trying to recover from the tsunami. Kan's visit Saturday to Rikuzentakata did little to alleviate their worries."The government fully supports you until the end," Kan told 250 people at an elementary school serving as an evacuation center. He earlier met with the mayor, whose 38-year-old wife was swept away.He bowed his head for a moment of silence in front of the town hall, one of the few buildings still standing, though its windows are blown out and metal and debris sit tangled out front.Kan also stopped at the sports complex being used as a base camp for nuclear plant workers, who have been hailed as heroes for laboring in dangerous conditions. He had visited the nuclear crisis zone once before, soon after the quake.Workers have been reluctant to talk to the media about what they are experiencing, but one who spent several days at the plant described difficult conditions in an anonymous interview published Saturday in the national Mainichi newspaper.When he was called in mid-March to help restore power at the plant, he said he did not tell his family because he did not want them to worry. But he did tell a friend to notify his parents if he did not return in two weeks."I feel very strongly that there is nobody but us to do this job, and we cannot go home until we finish the work," he said.Early on, the company ran out of full radiation suits, forcing workers to create improvised versions of items such as nylon booties they were supposed to pull over their shoes."But we only put something like plastic garbage bags you can buy at a convenience store and sealed them with masking tape," he said.He said the tsunami littered the area around the plant with dead fish and sharks, and the quake opened holes in the ground that tripped up some workers who could not see through large gas masks. They had to yell at one another to be heard through the masks."It's hard to move while wearing a gas mask," he said. "While working, the gas mask came off several times. Maybe I must have inhaled much radiation."Radiation is also a concern for people living around the plant. In the city of Koriyama, Tadashi and Ritsuko Yanai and their 1-month-old baby have spent the past three weeks in a sports arena converted into a shelter. Baby Kaon, born a week before the quake, has grown accustomed to life there, including frequent radiation screenings, but his parents have not. Their home is fine, but they had to leave because it is six miles from the nuclear plant.Asked if he had anything he would like to say to the prime minister, Tadashi, a32-year-old father, paused to think and then replied: "We want to go home. That's all, we just want to go home."In Natori, where about 1,700 people are living in shelters, others had stronger words for Kan. Toru Sato, 57, lost both his wife and his house in the tsunami and said he was bothered that Kan's visit to the quake zone was so brief about a half day."He's just showing up for an appearance," Sato said. "He should spend time to talk to various people, and listen to what they need."黄松强AEP, ITC Transmission to perform technical study on expanding 765-kV transmission into MichiganCOLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 6, 2006 – American Electric Power (NYSE: AEP) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with ITC Transmission, a subsidiary of ITC Holdings Corp. (ITC), to perform a technical study to evaluate the feasibilityof extending AEP’s 765-kilovolt (kV) transmission infrastructure through Michigan to enhance reliability and support a competitive market of generation supply.The study will explore the merit and benefits of building a 765-kV transmission network in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula that would link to AEP’s 765-kV transmission system in the Midwest. The study will be shared with the Midwest ISO (MISO) and the Michigan Public Servic e Commission’s (MPSC) 21st Century Energy Planning team.The study is projected to be complete in late 2006, in time for it to be shared with the MPSC 21st Century Planning team before they complete their deliberations. The MOU signed with ITC Transmission does not include provisions to build or operate transmission. Any future activities regarding Michigan transmission will be determined after the completion of the study.―Through this agreement, we will work with ITC Transmission to determine the benefits of enhancing the Michigan transmission grid by introducing 765-kV lines, the most robust transmission in the U.S., and linking it to AEP’s 2,100-mile 765-kV transmission network in the Midwest. After the completion of the study, we will provide our analysis to the Michigan Public Service Commission, Midwest ISO and other parties to help them determine the best way to serve Michigan’s future electric reliability needs and support a successful competitive marketplace,‖ said Michael G. Morris, AEP’s chairm an, president and chief executive officer.―ITC Transmission continues in its mission to invest in the transmission infrastructure as a means to improve electric reliability for its customers and lower the overall cost of delivered energy,‖ said Joseph L. Welch, president and chief executive officer of ITC Transmission. ―The transmission grid in Michigan has suffered after a 30-year trend of underinvestment, and we must begin actively looking to implement a long-term solution that will address Michigan’s current electric reliability needs now and for years to come.‖―ITC Transmission, a subsidiary of ITC Holdings Corp. (NYSE: ITC), is the first independently-owned and operated electricity transmission company in the United States. ITC Holdings Corp. is in the business of investing in electricity transmission infrastructure improvements as a means to improve electric reliability, reduce congestion and lower the overall cost of delivered energy. Through its operating subsidiaries, ITC Transmission and METC, it is the only publicly traded company engaged exclusively in the transmission of electricity in the United States. ITC is also the largest independent electric transmission company and the tenth largest electric transmission company in the country based on transmission load served. ITC Transmission and METC operate contiguous, fully regulated, high-voltage systems in Michigan´s Lower Peninsula, an area with a population of approximately 9.8 million people, that transmit electricity to local electricity distribution facilities fromgenerating stations throughout Michigan and surrounding areas. For more information on ITC Holdings Corp., please visit . For more information on ITC Transmission or METC, please visit or , respectively.American Electric Power is one of the largest electric utilities in the United States, delivering electricity to more than 5 million customers in 11 states. AEP ranks among the nation’s largest generators of electricity, owning nearly 36,000 megawatts of generating capacity in the U.S. AEP also owns the nation’s largest electricity transmission system, a nearly 39,000-mile network that includes more 765 kilovolt extra-high voltage transmission lines than all other U.S. transmission systems combined. AEP’s utility units operate as AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power, Kentucky Power, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and Southwestern Electric Power Company (in Arkansas, Louisiana and east Texas). American Electric Power, based in Columbus, Ohio, is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2006.杨萌Siemens Residential Surge Protection —Implementing the Right Line of Defense on the Home FrontUnexpected voltage spikes, surges and other electrical disturbances can ruin or severely damage computers, VCRs, televisions, fax machines, scanners and copiers, disrupt satellite signals, degrade the performance of audio/video components, and wreak havoc with telecommunications systems.Because no single device can protect an entire home or office against all electrical surges, the best way to prevent damage is by implementing a systematic, tiered surge protection plan that monitors every possible incoming signal path and protects against internally generated power fluctuations, providing protection at the service entrance and at the point of use.Protection at the point of entryThe first line of defense is protection at the point of entry where electricity,surges and voltage spikes from lightning hits can enter the electrical system. This requires an electrician-installed secondary surge arrestor or transient voltage surge suppressor installed at the service entrance to limit surge voltage by diverting and conducting large surge currents safely to ground. If an AC surge arrestor does its job right, it shields motor-driven appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, electric washers, and dryers from damage. Additional specialized service entrance protectors can be added to protect cable TV and telephone lines, and minimize damage to TVs and modems. Homeowners also can arrange for installation of branch circuit feeder devices or trips in circuit breaker panels to prevent surges from damaging equipment on specific circuit branches.Protection at the point of useThe second line of defense is the point of use. Here, homeowners can reinforce point-of-entry protection by installing plug-in surge protectors (strips) into grounded wall receptacles where sensitive electronic equipment is located. These plug-in protectors, which generally have much lower limiting voltages than entry protectors, defend against externally and internally generated surges that travel through power, phone, data, and coaxial lines. Plug-in power strips should minimally include AC power protection and appropriate signal line protection and should protect against both catastrophic and small surges. These devices should be installed wherever expensive or sensitive electronic equipment like computers, VCRs, fax machines, PCs with modems, satellite systems, stereo systems, copiers and scanners are located. All types of equipment with signal lines, such as phones, cable TV, and satellites should be equipped with multi-port protectors, which protect signal and AC lines.If you have any questions or are interested in purchasing our surge protection products, please contact us via e-mail or call 1-800-964-4114.胡嘉滨Energy Storage: Can It Replace Transmission?Grid-scale storage offers potential benefits to transmission and distribution systems of utilities in regulated and market environments. These benefits derive from cost reductions due to the time and location shifting of energy for congestion relief, reliability via enhanced stability and outage response, and incremental voltage support—once the storage device and its power electronics are in place. .Between the transmission and distribution systems, at the subtransmission or distribution substation, storage can defer capital expenditures for power transformer upgrades to meet peak load conditions. In remote areas served by radial subtransmission, storage can also be a vehicle for reliability improvement as a way to ride through un-cleared faults on the transmission line(s) that serve the substation.The potential T&D CapEx deferral angle is an interesting area to explore. One example for a substation application is to support power transformer contingency operations during peak load periods that have grown in excess of the N-1 contingency capacity of the station.This potential application, however, suffers from the same barriers today as the transmission congestion relief application:•The planning and operational methodologies are not established•The regulatory process for approval is nonexistent•It, again, crosses the boundary between transmission and distribution regulated functionality and merchant functionality, because it potentially shifts off-peak energy to on-peak delivery.In addition, as this typical substation application is likely to be in the range of 1-10 MW, it may not require centralized storage systems, but rather distributed or utility-scale devices. As previously noted, these could be portable or semi-portable in nature.One More Hurdle … For Now, At LeastAn additional hurdle that needs to be mentioned is costs. One reason multiple roles are applied to a storage device is for a means to create additional revenue that can defer initial cost for the technologies. However, this hurdle needs to be evaluated in the context of an emerging technology and not ―set‖ at current levels.Advanced energy storage technologies are still in a rapid state of evolution and development. Hence, when comparing options, solutions for areas such as CapEx deferral need to be weighed not only against today’s current options, but also with expected prices of future technologies. The intent isn’t to mask cost as a hurdle; rather, there are a number of diffe rent technologies nearing demonstration stages that have potential to alter the current cost of devices. This perceived ―cost‖ hurdle may become a moot point in the near future.Storage is not yet in widespread use to the point that it could serve as a consistent application to defer new transmission. As challenges of siting new transmission continue though, additional modeling of energy storage going forward can help to understand its benefits for a given capacity challenge better.梁诗密A secure energy future requires that we use energy more efficiently and responsibly and improve the performance of the energy delivery system. We launched gridSMART® in 2007 to give customers greater control over their energy usage, increase the efficiency of the electric grid, improve service to our customers and lead us to a new era of energy delivery.From a technology standpoint, gridSMART® incorporates a two-way communications system between AEP and our customers that facilitates the more efficient use of electricity. For example, gridSMART® may allow us to send price signals to customers so they can decide when to run home appliances. It can also allow us to adjust customer thermostats automatically, with their pre-approval, when demand is high and we need to lessen the stress on the electric grid.AEP Ohio is pursuing a comprehensive gridSMART® project involving 110,000 smart meters and distributed grid management technologies on 70 circuits. The $150 million project was funded with a $75 million grant from the DOE, in-kind contributions from vendors and regulatory recovery support from Ohio regulators. The project features smart meters,time-of-use tariffs, home energy use display devices, smart grid-enabled appliances, plug-in electric vehicles, distributed automation equipment, community energy storage devices and a cyber security center.Our most extensive smart meter deployment project is in Texas, where we are installing close to 1 million smart meters. In addition, Indiana Michigan Power Co. (I&M) and Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) are deploying smart grid technology pilots in their states.Our initial goal was to install 5 million smart meters by 2015 throughout the AEP system. Through our early deployments we hope to determine if the expense of the meters is offset by the benefits. We will continue to pursue the deployment of these smart grid technologies where regulators are supportive and there is a proven business case. We believe modernizing the grid is critical to reducing demand and energy consumption, contributing to energy reliability and security, and preparing for the future needs of customers.Get a state-by-state breakdown of gridSMART initiativesWe believe gridSMART® will transform our relationship with our customers and through our current projects we are learning more about how that will occur. For example, we have learned that:The technology that allows us to manage the grid from our back office systems, such as remote operation of the meter and distribution automation equipment, works asexpected. The technology that goes beyond the meter, into the customers’ home, is still evolving.A significant number of customers who participated in the time-of-day rate plan didshift their demand to different times. In a larger scale deployment, this program could provide relief to the distribution systems during peak times.Better system management, fewer crew trips, reduced fuel consumption, better energy theft detection and streamlined billing can create cost savings.When customers agree to the program, we can directly control electric use through wireless technology (e.g. a two-way communicating thermostat) which allows us to raise the temperature in homes to ease stress on the grid and help customers save energy during the cooling season.More education of consumers will be needed in future projects.For more data, please see indicators EU1 through EU12 of AEP's Global Reporting Initiative Electric Utility Sector Supplement.吕思颖Are geothermal power plants safe?For all our hand-wringing over the oil supply, it might shock you to realize that the solution to our dependence on fossil fuels lies right under our feet. In Western states like California, Nevada, Idaho, Alaska and Hawaii, underground pockets of geothermal energy — hot rock, superheated water and steam — can be tapped to generate electricity. According to backers of geothermal technology like Google, this carbon-neutral, inexhaustible energy source could meet 15 percent of America's electricity needs by 2030.Harnessing SteamIn the simplest geothermal power plant, called a dry steam plant, a well is drilled into the rock to tap a steam reservoir. The steam escapes the well under great pressure, which is used to turn a turbine and generate electricity.Since steam deposits aren't as common as hot water and hot rock reserves, the most promising geothermal technology is called a binary-cycle power plant. In this system, hot water from a deep well circulates through a heat exchanger. There, the。
A.Microprocessor chipB.RegistersC.ClockD.Data bus
11._____is a means of connecting a number of computing elements together.
5.Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ____ your computer's memory and disk devices.
A. deleting B. changing C. scanning D. replacing
6.What's the abbreviation of Read Only Memory?
A.If I doB.If I were doC.Were I to doD.Were I do
2.You were ____ to us by our associates.
3.A computer program is a detailed set of____used to tell a computer how to solve a problem or carry out a task.
C.very few familiesD.not any families
30.What has caused such a peculiar family system to die away ?_______
A.The fact that the mother has not got any brother .
《专业英语》作业global corporation全球公司economic boom 经济繁荣Ownership 所有权joint-venture合资企业headquarters 总部Competitive Advantage 竞争优势Entrepreneur企业家equity股权Insurance costs 保险费用bargaining power 议价能力overhead开销Insurance Company 保险公司stock options股票期权consumer appliance 家电消费Insurance contract 保险合同performance-based pay 基础薪酬policy-holder 投保人Commission 佣金personal effects 个人财物natural calamities 自然灾害Decision 决策insurance amount 保险金额insurance coverage 保险保障Venture Capital 风险资本marine coverage 海险salvage charge 救助费用Food chain 食物链general average 共同海损mass production 大规模生产containerization 集装箱distributor 经销商Chain stores 连锁商店phone interview 电话面试vending machine 自动售货机Selling point 卖点billboard 广告牌cinema commercials 影院广告Promotions 促销leaflet 传单poster 海报Search engine 搜索引擎stock prices股票价格Financial crisis 金融危机intellectual capital 智力资本national asset 国家资产Business Model 商业模式Electronic commerce 电子商务Globalization 全球化1、The multinational is big and rich. It often operates in industries which are difficult to enter and of vital national importance, e.g. the computer, chemical and automobile industries. Most important of all, the main objective of the multinational is to organize its activities around the world so as to maximize global profits and global market shares. Each subsidiary is part of an international network of affiliates. These all interact with each other. Each part serves the whole. The center controlling the network—the multinationals’ headquarters—is not under the control of the host government. It is frequently thousands of miles away from these subsidiaries.跨国公司不仅大而且富有。
(1) internet Search Engines (work methods、categories、
(2) advertisement on the web(why、how)
(3) virtual community(interview、categories、example:
专业英语大作业专业班级姓名学号成绩OSI System structure1.1 OSI technology (soar technology)The OSI Technology is a kind of can accurately identify multiple transmission channels to bring their respective customers and turnover of technical system, and this technique system is called ordering source recognition Technology (Sources Identification Technology enough), abbreviation OSI Technology, Chinese named soar Technology.Common explanation: is a home business day receive 1000 orders, can accurately know where come of, whether television, newspaper and Internet advertising, or ground shop, or which individuals to bring, no slip through the net.1.1.1 harmonious business modelAccording to the OSI technology, can help sales enterprise monitoring each transmission channel sales contribution, generating a new business cooperation mode: transmission channel is responsible for sales promotion, enterprises are responsible for trading services, to achieve the sales of the both sides after long-term or permanent share profit. On this basis, join product supplier, spread agents, elevator operators, distribution Business, the payment services, call center service providers, various other service providers and technology platform service providers, forming a Shared resource, information transparency, Shared interests and common evolution of Business ecosystem Model that new pattern is called a Harmonious Business Model (for a friend, abbreviation Model HBM).Common explanation: just a small business society, there are production, have a message, answer the phone, distribution, everybody do each of live, each take all the money, do what do, can also discuss how much money after all agree. 1.1.2 BIZVIVA harmonious business operation platformThe world's first based on the OSI technology and harmonious development of commercial mode concept operation platform, the harmoniousbusiness BIZVIVA nine sakura operation platform. In this platform, any role can find other roles, participation or constructing the relevant ecological circle. Such as sales business, can use the platform develops voluntarily or in the platform directly find product suppliers, media, warehouse services, distribution business and various other service provider, etc., based on their respective contribution payment mode, rapidly after the enterprise established will run business models.Common explanation: this is an entirely pay for performance place, the ability of the person can find his place, not capable people also mix not bottom go to. The most important because the third-party platform between people and people build trust.2.1 OSI modelThe OSI/RM namely Open System Interconnection instead Model Open systems Interconnection basic Reference Model. Open, which is not monopoly. System is a realistic system and interconnection of relevant parts.2.1.1 OSI reference model proposed/RMThe world's first network architecture by IBM put forward (74 years, SNA), then other company successively put forward its own network architecture such as: Digital company DNA, us department of defense TCP/IP, a variety of network architecture coexist, the result is if you use the IBM structure, can choose IBM products, and only the same structure network connections.In order to promote the development of computer network international organization for standardization (ISO in 1977 a commission was set up in an existing network was put forward on the basis of not based on specific model, operating system or the company's network architecture, called the open systems interconnection model (OSI reference, open system interconnection) The OSI reference model formSpecific layer 7 Data format Function and connection modeTypicalequipmentApply networ k services an d user Applic ation Application layer between applications of an interfaceThe Presentati on layer wan g Presentation Data representation, data security, data compressionSession layer Session Session set up, manage and termination of conversationThe Transport layer data o rganization Tr ansport Transport intothe data Segment Segment)Segment with aaddressing mechanism toidentify a particularapplications (port)The Network layer Networ k Segmentation and retooling Packet PacketPacket based on theNetwork layer address(IP address) betweendifferent Networksystem path choice ofrouterRouterThe Data Lin Data Link will Data Link will bit Bridges andk layer Data Linkbit information encapsulationinto Data frames Frameinformationencapsulation into Dataframes in physicalityFrame establishment,dissolution, logo logicalLink and Link reuse anderror calibration, andother functions.switchesThe Physical Physical Physi cal Transmission bits (bit)Flow to establish, maintain and cancel the Physical connectionNic, Repeatersand Hubs2.1.2 OSI design purposesThe OSI model design goal is to become a all distributors can realize open network model, to overcome use many private network model brings difficulties and inefficient sex. The OSI is in a highly respected international standard groups participation, completion, the group is international organization for standardization (ISO). What is the OSI, OSI is Open System Interconnection abbreviations, meaning Open System Interconnection reference model. In the OSI before the emergence of computer Network in the presence of so many system structure, among them with IBM's SNA (systems Network Architecture) and DEC DNA (a Digital Architecture) Digital Network Architecture is the most famous. In order to solve different System structure of network Interconnection of international organization for standardization (ISO problems with the OSI (note that don't confuse) in 1981 formulated the OSI reference model (Open System Interconnection Reference Model, the OSI/RM). This model, the Network communication work is divided into seven layers, they from low to high Physical Layer (Layer respectively is Physical), the Data LinkLayer (Data Link Layer), the Network Layer (Layer), a Transport Layer (Layer), Transport Layer (Layer) Session Session, said wang Layer (Layer) and the Application Layer (Layer) apply. The first layer to the third belongs to the OSI reference model of low three layers, responsible for creating network communication link, The fourth floor to the seventh layer for the OSI reference model of high four layers, specifically in charge of end-to-end data communication. Each layer of the accomplishment of a certain function, each layer is directly upper-deck provide service, and all levels are mutually support each other, and network communication can be top-down (after the sender) or bottom-up (in the receiver) two-way. Of course not every communication needs through all the seven layers of the OSI, some even only needs both corresponding a layer can. The physical interface between Repeaters, and connecting with the connection between Repeaters are simply in the physical can; And the connection between the router and the router instead of simply through the network layer of the following three layers can. Generally speaking, both sides of the communication is equivalent level in, not in asymmetric level to communicate.The OSI standards of the method is used in the process of will whole large and complex problem is divided into several manageable small problems, this is a layered architecture measures. In the OSI is introduced in the tertiary abstraction, both system structure, service definition, agreement specifications. For the convenience of memory can be seven layers from high To low as: All Data To allow People like it. Every capital letters with the seven layers name first letters corresponds.2.1.3 OSI division level principleNetwork of each node has the same levelDifferent nodes same level has the same functionThe same node through the interface communication between adjacent layer Each layer can use lower provides services, and provide services to the upperDifferent nodes between layers of equal through agreement to achieve equivalence between layers of communication2.1.4 OSI/RM layered structurePeer-to-peer communication between layer entities when the flow of information processThe essence of equivalence layer communications:Peer-to-peer communication between virtual entity layer, Lowerlayer to provide services; upper Practical communication at the bottom was completed by sending data from lower top gradually to the receiving party data transmission, by the lowest layer gradually to top transfer.Protocol data unit units = pdusSI reference model, the equivalence between layer Protocol exchange information Unit collectively referred to as Protocol Data Unit (Protocol Data Unit, units = pdus).And the transport layer and the following each layer of units = pdus another specific name:The transport layer data Segment (Segment) --The network layer - group (Packet) (Packet)The data link layer data frames (Frame) --The physical bits (Bit) –The OSI 7-layer structureFirst floor: the physical (PhysicalLayer)Provisions communication equipment of mechanical, electrical, function and process characteristics, to establish, maintain and dismantle physics links. Second floor: the data link layer (DataLinkLayer)In the physical provide bittorrent service is developed on the basis of the data link between adjacent nodes, through error-controlling provide data frames (Frame) in the channel on error-free transmission, and each circuit action series. The third is a Network layer (layer)In computer network communication between the two computers may pass through many a data link, may also pass many communication subnet.The fourth floor is processing information transmission Transport layer (layer)Article 4 layers of unit of data packets (also known as packets). But, when you talk about TCP and so on the concrete agreement and have special hyphenates, TCP data unit called segments (provides) and UDP protocol data unit called "data submitted to (datagrams)".The fifth floor is Session layer (layer) SessionThis layer also can call meetings layer or dialogue layer, the session layer and above of high-level, data transmission unit no longer additional naming, referred to as a message.The sixth floor is the Presentation layer (layer) wangThis layer mainly resolves the problem of grammar said user information. It will be for exchange of data from suitable for a user's abstract syntax, convert OSI system suitable for internal use transmission of grammar. Namely, provide the formatting of representation and conversion of data services.Application layer (layer 7 apply layer)The application layer for operating system or network application provides access network service interface.Through the OSI layer, information can be either from one computer software applications transmission to a different application. For example, A computer on the application to sends messages to computer B applications, then the computer application needs A information sent to its first application layer (layer 7), then the layer sends messages to the presentation layer (6th level), the presentation layer data transferred to the fifth session layer (layer), so continue until physical layer (layer 1). In the physical layer, data is placed in the physical network medium and be sent to the computer B. Computer B of the physical layer receive from physical medium data and information sent up to the data link layer (layer 2), the data link layer turn again to the network layer, ordinal continue until the application layer information arrive computer B. Finally, the computer application layer of B again will transmit information for applicationsreceiver, thus completing communication process. Below is explained in this process.The seven layers of the OSI using a variety of control information to and other computer systems to communicate the corresponding layer. These control information requests and that contains special, they in the corresponding OSI layers exchange. Each layer data in the head and tail are two basic forms carry control information.For from a layer sends down data, additional in front of the control information called head, additional behind the control information called the tail. However, on a layer of data from increased agreement head and agreement for a tail, the OSI layers is not necessary.When data in each layer of transfer, each layer can be in data on head and tail, and increase the data already contains a layer of increase in the head and tail. Agreement header contains about layer and layer communications between the information. Head, tail and data are cognate concept, they depend on analysis information units agreement layer. For example, the transport layer head contains only the transport layer can see the information, the transport layer below other layer will only the head as part of data transfer. For the network layer, an information unit consists of layer 3 head and data structures. For the data link layer and network layer down by transfer all of the information or layer 3 head and data are considered as data. In other words, in a given an OSI layer, information unit of data section contains from all upper head and tail and data, this call encapsulation.2.1.5 OSI layered advantages(1) people can easily discuss and study protocol standard details.(2) layer between the standard interface convenient engineering modularization.(3) to create a better interconnection environment.(4) reduced complexity, makes the program easier to modify, product development faster.(5) each layer using adjacent to the lower service, easier to remember a layer of function.The OSI is a well-defined agreement standard set, and there are many optional part complete a similar tasks.It defines the open system structure, hierarchical relationship between each layer and include the possible task. As a framework to coordination and organization of each layer of service provided.The OSI reference model does not provide a realistic approach, but described some concepts, to coordinate inter-process communication standards. Namely the OSI reference model is not a standard, but a standard in making use of conceptual framework.开放式网络互联体系结构1.1 OSI技术(翱翔技术)OSI技术是一种可以精确识别多个传播渠道各自带来的客户和成交额情况的技术体系,这种技术体系被称为订购来源识别技术(Orders Sources Identification Technology),简称OSI技术,中文名叫翱翔技术。
(10分)2. Light is an excellent means to externally control the properties of materials and small molecules for many applications. Light's ability to initiate chemistries largely independent of a material's local environment makes it particularly useful as a bio-orthogonal and on-demand trigger in living systems. Materials responsive to UV light are widely reported in the literature; however, UV light has substantial limitations for in vitro and in vivo applications. Many biological molecules absorb these energetic wavelengths directly, not only preventing substantial tissue penetration but also causing detrimental photochemical reactions. The more innocuous nature of long-wavelength light (>400nm) and its ability at longer wavelengths (600-950nm) to effectively penetrate tissues is ideal for biological applications. Multi-photon processes (e.g. two-photon excitation and upconversion) using longer wavelength light, often in the near-infrared (NIR) range, have been proposed as a means of avoiding the negative characteristics of UV light. However, high-power focused laser light and long irradiation times are often required to initiate photorelease using these inefficient non-linear optical methods, limiting their in vivo use in mammalian tissues where NIR light is readily scattered. The development of materials that efficiently convert a single photon of long-wavelength light to chemical change is a viable solution to achieve in vivo photorelease. However, to date only a few such materials have been reported. Here we review current technologies for photo-regulated release using photoactive organic materials that directly absorb visible and NIR light. (10分)3. The relentless advance of drug-resistance among pathogenic microbes, mandates a search for alternative approaches that will not cause resistance. Photodynamic inactivation (PDI) involves the combination of nontoxic dyes with harmless visible light to produce reactive oxygen species that can selectively kill microbial cells. PDI can be broad-spectrum in nature and can also destroy microbial cells in biofilms. Many different kinds of nanoparticles have been studied to potentiate antimicrobial PDI by improving photosensitizer solubility, photochemistry, photophysics and targeting. This review will cover photocatalytic disinfection with titania nanoparticles, carbon nanomaterials (fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene), liposomes and polymeric nanoparticles. Natural polymers (chitosan and cellulose), gold and silver plasmonic nanoparticles, mesoporous silica, magnetic and upconverting nanoparticles have all been used for PDI.(10分)4. Coherent controlization, i.e., coherent conditioning of arbitrary single- or multi-qubit operations on the state of one or more control qubits, is an importantingredient for the flexible implementation of many algorithms in quantum computation. This is of particular significance when certain subroutines are changing over time or when they are frequently modified, such as in decision-making algorithms for learning agents. We propose a scheme to realize coherent controlization for any number of superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave resonator. For two and three qubits, we present an explicit construction that is of high relevance for quantum learning agents. We demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal, taking into account loss, dephasing, and the cavity self-Kerr effect.(10分)5. The ability to coherently control and manipulate individual quantum systems lies at the heart of modern quantum technologies and applications in quantum information. Any quantum computation can be realized as a sequence of elementary quantum gates, which are highly-controlled quantum interactions of few qubits at a time, and quantum measurements. Prominent applications include, e.g., quantum algorithms for efficient factoring and quantum simulation. More recently, applications of quantum algorithms to certain problems in machine learning, including data classification and search engine ranking, have been proposed. Other recent proposals, which are of particular interest for the current paper, are the quantum-enhanced deliberation of learning agents in the context of quantum artificial intelligence and the notion of autonomous and adaptive devices for quantum information processing. In parallel to these theoretical developments, the design of experimental implementations of quantum computational architectures in systems such as, e.g., trapped ions and optical setups has been greatly advanced.(10分)。
数控技术应用专业英语2011-2012年度第二学期补考姓名:______________________学号:______________________专业:______________________班级:______________________成绩:______________________一、Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (20×2.5=50分)·1.The CNC concept was proposed in the late 1940s.数控的概念,提出了在20世纪40年代末。
C lathes are primarily used to rotate body workpieces with turning.数控车床主要用于旋转与旋转体工件。
3.The program cannot be stored in some media.该方案不能被储存在一些媒体上。
4.The world’s major industrialized countries don’t pay attention to the research and development of NC machining technology.世界主要工业化国家不重视数控加工技术的研究和发展。
5.Vertical CNC lathes are used to turn large diameter disc -type workpieces.立式数控车床是用来打开大直径圆盘型工件。
6.In the fifity years from the time the first NC machine tools came out to now, itexperienced six generation NC systems.从第一数控机床出来到现在的时间fifity年,它经历了六代数控系统。
第一学期英语作业U 11)Youmg as she is. Mary is very good at handling diffcult customers.2)After explaining his plan in great detail,Bob Suimmarized its main points in a few sentences 3)The newly-elected govermment has begun the painful process of working out its policies and strategies4)At first,Tom found it difficult to absorb what his teachers said in class.5) You will be are boyund to fail the exam if you don't do any rowiston(复习)6) Please feel free to call on us whenever you like,7)There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving,forinstance,training lions. (8)the marketing department is working on new strategies to improve the company's share of the market9)Many of the students Complained that the exam was too hard.,10)After reading the text three times,the clever boy has committed it to memory11)The doctor insisted that everything would be alright.Nevertheless I canmot help feeling anxious about the safety of the child12)Nowadays we rely more and more on computers to help us in doing everything13)Apart form being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.14)Afer spending a year in Australia, the little girl has gained quite a good Command of spoken English3. Complete the following sentences,using the words in brackets(括号):1)I have warmed you over and over again to keep away from drugs.(over)2)If you try to leam toomany things at atime,you may getsonfused.(time)3)We won't know ifthe plan will work untilwe put it intoprctice(practice)4)You can't learmEnglish well withoutwatching out for diomaticways of saying things.5)Peter has tried manythings with no particularsuccess,but he is bu nomeans an incapableperson (means)6)Can you turn themusic down,please?Ican't concentrate on mywork.(concentrate)7)In adlition toteaching at theuniversity,ProfessorWilson also works as alegal adviser(法律顾问)to a high-techcompany.(addition)8)If you come to myoffice,I'l tell you the storyin latai l (detail)我坚信,阅读简写的英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。
龙岩学院化学与材料学院专业英语翻译专业及班级:材料2班姓名及学号:石文艺2013061631Part I. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1. One reactant is delivered to the other in a series of known amounts. The equivalence point (specified as a volume of reactant added —— sometimes called the equivalence volume) of the titration is that point when the reaction mixture has the reactants present in stoichiometric equivalence.将一种反应物加入到其他的一系列已知物当中。
2. A functional group is a chemically reactive atom or group of atoms that imparts characteristic properties to the family of organic compounds containing it. The site of reaction in an organic molecule is often a functional group, a multiple covalent bond, or a polar single bond. An electron-poor atom or group that will bond with an atom that has an available electron pair is called an electrophile. An electron-rich atom or group that will bond with an electron-deficient atom is called a nucleophile.一个官能团是一个化学反应的原子或原子团,它能使包含这些原子团的一类有机化合物显示特殊的性质。
专业英语结课报告姓名:张伟班级:09电信统本01班学号:0911********日期:2012/12/5Summary of the physical electrical knowledge1 circuit1) the formation of the current: the directional movement of the charge formation current. (Directional movement will be the formation of any charge current).2) the current direction: negative flows from the positive power supply.3) Power: provide continuous current (or voltage) of the device.4) power supply is to the other forms of energy into electrical energy. Such as dry cell chemical energy into electrical energy. Generators from mechanical energy into electrical energy.5) continuous current conditions: power supply and the circuit is closed.6) conductor: easy conductive objects called conductors. Such as: metal, the body, the earth, aqueous salt solutions.7) Insulator: the conductive objects called insulators. Such as: glass, ceramics, plastics, oil, such as pure water.8) The circuit is composed of: from the power supply, wires, switches, and electrical appliances.9) Road three states: (1) path: ON circuit called pathway; (2) open: the disconnect circuit called open; (3) short-circuit: direct access to wire circuit called a short circuit on the power poles.10) schematic: schematic symbol indicates that the circuit connection diagram called.11) Series: linking the elements one by one in order, called the series. The (anywhere Disconnect current will disappear).12) in parallel: the components are connected in parallel, and called in parallel. (Each branch is independently of each other).(2) current1) international units: ampere (A); commonly used: milliamperes (mA), the microampere (A), 1 Amps = 103 mA = 106 microamperes.2) measuring the current meter is: ammeter, its use rule is: ① ammeter connected in series in the circuit; (2) current from the terminal into the "+" from "-" terminal; ③measured current should not exceed ammeter range; ④absolutely not allowed without the use of electrical appliances and the ammeter connected to the power poles.3) commonly used laboratory ammeter two ranges: ①0 to 0 6 Ann, said that the current value of each small cell is 0.02 Ann; the safety of ② 0 ~~, said that the current value of each small cell 0.1 Ah .3 V oltage1) the voltage (U): voltage is formed in the circuit current, the power supply is to provide voltage apparatus.2) international units: volts (V); commonly used: kilovolt (KV), millivolts (mV). 1 kV = 103 V = 106 mV.3) measure the voltage meter: voltmeter, usage rules: ①voltmeter in parallel circuit;(2) current from the "+" terminal into, from the "-" terminal; ③measured voltage not exceeding voltmeter range;4) Laboratory voltmeter two ranges: ① 0 to 3 volts, the voltage value represented by each small cell is 0.1 volts; ②0 ~ 15 volts, the voltage value is 0.5 volts per cell represented.5) to memorize the voltage value: ① dry cell voltage of 1.5 volts; ② 1-cell lead-acid battery voltage is 2 volts; ③ The family lighting voltage of 220 volts; ④ safe voltage: no more than 36 volts; ⑤ industrial voltage 380 volts4 Resistor1) a resistor (R): indicates the role of the conductor on the current obstruction. (Conductor hinder the greater current, then the greater the resistance, and the current through conductor is smaller).2) i nternational units: ohms (Ω); commonly used: megohms (MΩ), kilohms (KΩ);1 megohm = 103 kilohms;3) 1 Kohm = 103333 Europe.4) determine the the resistor size factor: the material, length, cross sectional area and the temperature (R U and I with its contents).5) slide rheostat: Principle: changing the length of the resistance wire in the circuit to change the resistance. Effects: by changing the resistance of the access circuit to change the current and voltage in the circuit. Nameplate: a sliding rheostat marked with the "50Ω2A" said the meaning is: maximum resistance of 50Ω, allows the maximum current is 2A. Proper use of: a series in the circuit; b wiring "one last look"; c before energizing the resistance to the greatest place.5 Ohm's law1) Ohm's law: current in a conductor is proportional to the voltage at both ends, with the conductor, with the resistance of the conductor is inversely proportional.2) the formula: where units: the I → Ann (A); U → volts (V); the R → Europe (Ω).3) understanding of the formula:① in the formula I, U and R must be in the same stretch of the circuit;② I, U and R are known in two arbitrary amount can seek another quantity;③ calculation units must unify.4) the application of Ohm's law:① the same resistor is constant, regardless of the current and voltage, and itscurrent is increased with the voltage increases. (R = U / I)(2) When the voltage is constant, the greater the resistance, the currentthrough the smaller. (I = U / R)③When the current is constant, the greater the resistance, the greater thevoltage across the resistor. (U = IR)5) resistor series has the following characteristics: (referring to R1, R2 in series, more strings, the greater the resistance)① current: I = I1 = I2 (the entire current in the series circuit are equal)② voltage: U = U1 + U2 (total voltage is equal everywhere, and voltage)③resistance: R = R1 + R2 (total resistance is equal to the sum of theresistance) if n equivalent resistance in series with R total = nR④stars Pressure: =; calculated U1, U2, and available:; ⑤proportionalrelationship: Current: I1: I2 = 1:1 (Q is heat)6) resistor in parallel has the following characteristics: (the R1, R2 in parallel, and the more resistance the smaller)The①current: I = I1 + I2 (trunk current equal to the current of each branch ofand)② voltage: U = U1 = U2 (the trunk voltage equal to the branch voltage)③ Resistance: (the reciprocal of the total resistance is equal to the reciprocalof the resistance and) n equivalent resistance in parallel, the R total = R④ proportional relationship: voltage: U1: U2 = 1:1, (Q is the heat). Electricpower and electric power) electric power (W): electrical energy into other forms of how much energy is electric power.2) the power of the International System of Units: Joules. Commonly used:(kWh), 1 = 1 kWh = 3.6106 joules.3) measuring the electric power tool: energy Table4) electric power formula: W = Pt = UIt (units where W → coke (J); U → volts(V); I → An (A); t → s) .5) the use of W = UIt calculation Note: ① The in W. U. I and t in the same periodof the circuit; ②The calculation units must unify; ③known to any of the three can be obtained in the fourth amount. There are formulas: = I2Rt6) electric power (P): indicates the speed of the current acting. International Unit:Watt (W); commonly used: kilowatts7) formula: units where P → watts (w); W → coke; t → seconds; U → volt (V), I→ An (A)8) using computational when units must unify ① W with coke, t seconds, then Punit watts; ② if W kWh, t hours, then P is kilowatts.9) Calculate the electric power can also be with the right formula: P = I2R, and P= U2 / R10), the rated voltage (U0): with electrical normal voltage. Otherwise: the ratedcurrent of11) rated power (P0): electrical power at the rated voltage.12) the actual voltage (U): the actual increase in the voltage of both ends of theelectrical appliances. Otherwise: the actual power (P) of the actual current13): with electrical power in the actual voltage. When U> U0, P> P0; light is verybright and easy to burn out. When U <U0, P <P0; lights very dark when U = U0, P = P0; normal light.14) with a resistor connected to the different voltages used, then; such as: Whenthe actual voltage is a half of the rated voltage, then the actual power is the rated power of 1/4. Example "220V100W" if it is connected to the 110-volt circuit, the actual power is 25 watts. )15) Thermal power: the conductor thermal power with current proportional to thesquare with the resistance of the conductor is directly proportional.16) P heat formula: P = I2Rt units (where P → watts (W); I → An (A); R →Europe (Ω); t → sec17) When the work done by the current through a conductor (electric function) allused to generate heat (electric): thermal power = electrical power, electricity power formula to calculate the thermal power. (Such as electric heaters, resistance is so.)7 To life electricity1) Family fuse box circuit consists of a total switch: energy meter into the family line (line and neutral) → → → → ap pliances.2) all household appliances and sockets are connected in parallel. With its switch in series with the electrical connected FireWire.3) Fuse: resistivity, low melting point lead-antimony alloy. Its role is when the circuit has a large current, it warms up to reach the melting point and fuse, the auto-cutting circuit, to play a role in the insurance.4) cause circuit current is too large for two reasons: First, the short circuit occurs; total electrical power is too large.5) the principle of the safe use of electricity is:(1) not in contact with the low-voltage electrified body;(2) is not close to high-voltage electrified body.8. Electric and magnetic1) Magnetic: objects attract iron, nickel, cobalt and the nature of the substance.2) magnets: having the magnetic object is magnet. It directional: Guide North.3) pole: the strongest part of the magnet magnetic called pole.4) Any magnet has two poles, one is the north pole (N pole); Antarctic between magnetic poles (S pole)5) The role of mutually exclusive: magnetic poles of the same name, different names pole attract each other.6) magnetization: they had no magnetic object on magnetic.7) magnet surrounding the existence of the magnetic field, the interaction between the magnetic poles through a magnetic field occurs. Basic properties:8) a magnetic field into which the magnet generates a magnetic force.9) in the direction of the magnetic field: small needle stationary Arctic the direction indicated by the point of the magnetic field direction.10) magnetic induction line: describe the strength of the magnetic field, the direction of the imaginary curve. Does not exist and does not intersect the north to the south into.11) the same as the direction of a point in the direction of the magnetic field in the magnetic field, the direction of the magnetic induction lines, the rest of the small needle Arctic refers.12) 10. Geomagnetic North Pole in a location near the South Pole; geomagnetic Antarctic geographically near the North Pole. But it does not coincide, their obliquity called magnetic declination, the Chinese scholar Shen Kuo earliest account of this phenomenon.13) Oster experiments show: the presence of a magnetic field around the electrified wires.14) amps is: with the right hand grip of the solenoid, so that the four fingers bent solenoid current direction, the thumb within the meaning of the end of the line is asolenoid Arctic (N pole).15) Solenoid nature: through the greater the current, the magnetic, the stronger the more; ②coil turns, the stronger the magnetic; ③insert a soft core, magnetic greatly enhanced; ④ energized the solenoid polarity of the current available direction to change.16) the electromagnet: internal core solenoid constitutes electromagnet.17) the characteristics of the electromagnet by the current presence or absence off:① The magnetic control; ②magnetic strength may be adjusted to change the current size and the number of turns of the coil; ③The pole may be the direction of current change.18) electromagnetic relay: essentially an electromagnet to control the switch. It is the role of remote operation, the use of low-voltage, low current to control high voltage, high current. Y ou can also achieve automatic control.19) Tel basic principle: vibration → → changes in the strength of the current vibration.20) Electromagnetic induction: part of the closed circuit conductor in a magnetic field generated current conductor cutting magnetic induction line movement, a phenomenon called electromagnetic induction, called the current induced current. Application: Generator21) induced current conditions: ① circuit must be closed; ② just part of the circuit conductor in a magnetic field; sports (3) This part of the conductor cutting magnetic field lines.22) in the direction of the induced current: with the the conductor direction of movement and direction of the magnetic field lines.23) the principle of the generator: the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Structure: a stator and a rotor. It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.24) the magnetic field on the current role: energized conductor in a magnetic field to the role by the magnetic. By electrical energy into mechanical energy. Application: motor.25) is energized conductor in a magnetic field in the direction of the force: with the current direction and the direction of the magnetic field lines.26) motor principle: energized coil in a magnetic field, the force rotation principle made.27) commutator: swap between AC and DC.28) AC: cyclical changes in the current direction of the current.29) DC: current direction without changing the current.Introduction and types of resistorsA resistor TypeThere are many types of resistors, usually divided into three major categories: fixed resistors, variable resistor, special resistor. Electronic products, up to a fixed-resistor applications. Fixed resistors with its manufacturing materials can be divided into a lot of class, but common, common RT carbon film resistors, the RJ typemetal film resistors, wirewound resistors RX type, recent widely used chip resistor. The model naming very regular, R represents a resistor, T-like carbon film, J-metal, the X-wirewound, is the first letter of Pinyin. Made the old-fashioned electronic products often can see the appearance of the resistance of the coated green paint is that RT. The resistance of the red color, RJ type. Generally old-fashioned electronic products, mostly green resistance. Why? This relates to the problem of the cost of the product, because the metal film resistor, although high precision, good temperature characteristics, but manufacturing costs are also high, and the carbon film resistors, especially inexpensive, and able to meet the requirements of the civilian products.Resistor of course, power points. Common 1/8 watt color ring carbon film resistor, it is used in electronic products and electronic production. Of course, in some miniature products will be used in the 1/16 watt resistor, its small size. Furthermore, is micro chip resistor, it is a family of chip components, more common in products imported micro electronics enthusiasts can buy (do wireless eavesdropping?) Second, the variable resistorThe variable resistor also referred to as a potentiometer, the electronic equipment on the volume potentiometer is a variable resistor. But is generally believed that the potentiometer can be adjusted manually, are generally small and the variable resistor, is mounted on the circuit board does not frequent adjustment. Variab le resistor has three pins, wherein the resistance value between the two pins are fixed, and the resistance value is known as the variable resistor. The third pin with any of the resistance value between the two pins can be changed with the rotation of the axis arm. Thus, it is possible to adjust the voltage or current in the circuit, to achieve the effect of regulation.Third, special resistancePhotosensitive resistance element is a resistance value with changes in the external light intensity (brightness) changes, the light, the stronger the resistance is smaller, the light is weaker the greater the resistance. Its shape and the circuit symbol shown in Figure 2. If the photoresistors two pins connected to the multimeter table pen multimeter R × 1k block resistance measurement in a different light photoresistor: photoresistor from a dark drawer over the sun or lights on the multimeter readings will change. In complete darkness at the photosensitive resistor up to more than a few megohms (multimeter indicate that the resistance is infinite, and that the pointer does not move), and in the strong light, the resistance can be reduced to the thousands of European and even kilohms.Advantage of this feature, you can create a variety of small and light contro l circuit to. In fact, most of the street lights light control switch automatic control, one of the important components is the photoresistor (or photosensitive three tubes, similar to a feature with amplification of semiconductor components). Photoresistor is made after the film is deposited on the ceramic substrate with a layer of cadmium sulfide (CdS), and in fact is also a semiconductor element. The new village voice corridor lights will not light up during the day, but also because photoresistor work. We can use it toproduce electronic crowing and the chickens, crows early in the morning dawn.The thermistor is a special semiconductor device, its resistance value changes with the changes in the level of its surface temperature. It was originally used in order to make the normal working of the electronic device under different ambient temperatures, called temperature compensation. A new type of computer motherboards have CPU temperature, over-temperature alarm function is to take advantage of the thermistor.The identification method of Color ring resistanceBlack, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white, gold, silver,0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5%, 10%countdownSecond Ring Road, the number of zeros. The last one, that error. This law Skills to Memorize the formulas: brown one red and two orange, three, four yellow and five green six blue, seven purple and eight gray nine White, black is zero gold five silver ten meter error, for example, red, yellow, brown, Kim said 240 Europe. Color ring the resistance points tetracyclic and pentacyclic, usually with the Fourth Ring Road. Penultimate ring Gold (representatives ×0.1) and silver (representing x 0.01), the last loop error can be colorless (20%). Pentacyclic resistance p recision resistors former tricyclic value, the final part or error color ring, usually gold, silver and brown three colors, gold of error is 5%, the error of 10% silver, brown error 1%, colorless error of 20%, and occasionally there is error, represented in green and the green error of 0.5%. Precision resistors are usually used for military, aerospace, and other aspects. Color ring is actually a standard set early in order to help people to distinguish between different resistance, in fact, the popularity multimeter today, this logo has been very little significance to its existence. And color ring resistance is relatively large, and is not suitable for modern highly integrated performance requirements. Now the application is still very broad, such as household appliances, electronic instruments, electronic equipment can often be seen.(1) four-color ring resistance four-color ring resistance refers to the ring with four color indicates the resistance of the resistor, from left to right, as shown. Color ring resistance identificationA color ring indicates the maximum digit of the resistance; said second color ring the second digit of the resistance; said the third color ring resistance multiplied number; said fourth color ring resistance allows the deviation (accuracy). For example, the first ring of a resistor as a red (representative of 2), the second ring is purple (represents 7), the third ring is brown (representing 10 times), the fourth ring Gold (representatives of ± 5%), then the resistance The resist ance should be 270Ω, the resistance error range of ±5%. (2) colored ring resistance colored ring resistor means using colored color ring represents the resistance of the resistor, from left to right, as shown in Fig. The first color ring resistance largest digit; said second color ring the second digit of the resistance; said third channel color ring resistance third digit; fourth color ring resistance times multiplier; fifth channel color ring error range. A colored ringresistors, for example, the first ring of red (representative of 2), a second ring of red (representative of 2), the third ring is black (represents 0), and black (fourth ring represents a 1-fold), fifth ring for Brown (on behalf of ± 1%), its resistance is 220Ω × 1 = 220Ω, the error range of ± 1%. (3) six-color ring resistance six-color ring resistance is a six-color ring represents the resistance of the resistance, as shown in the figure the the colored ring before the six-color ring resistance colored ring resistance indicates that the method is the same, the sixth color ring indicates the resistance temperature coefficient.Professional English learning experience Professional English learning experience the Professional English learning experience professional English learning experience of English as an important subject, is due to the rapid development of science and technology, the special status of the increasingly close globalization, socialization, and international language worth double, became the threshold of essential in the 21st century one of the three passes. The new generation of whether they have this pass will directly affect the motherland tomorrow's brilliant. From this sense, by learning English to students actively learning initiative to collect their subjectivity quality to adapt to the development of modern society, it is particularly necessary. Especially contemporary graduate, master English, especially in their own professional foreign language, either for themselves to complete their studies, or looking for a job in the future have a very important role. Professional learning of English through this semester, I have learned a lot of things more important to know the importance of learning English for.First of all, although we've already learned a long time English, but school is also not enough. Because we basically learn English are based on a common expression, some words for their own areas of expertise, do not know how to express. So, learning professional English is necessary. Especially with the continuous development of the geography and the wide application of new technology, geography students learn geography professional English is essential, but also learn from foreign advanced knowledge, the basis of domestic and international academic exchanges. English as one of the most widely used language in the world, many professional fields of literature and data are written in English. If we want to understand the latest research results of our areas of expertise, and we must learn professional English, so you can read their own professional English literature, so that their own research keep pace.Second, as China continues to open up abroad, we have the opportunity to communicate with foreign experts and scholars will continue to increase, which we need to master the English - this world passes.If we can not be a good grasp of the English expression of their own field of study and exchanges with foreign experts will encounter this problem, affecting the normal exchange. Fluent, specialized vocabulary to grasp the exact English, will leave a deep impression, and enhance exchanges and truly achieve the purpose of the exchange. One can imagine that the gap between the two.Finally, professional English is an important adjunct courses in colleges graduatelevel professional, is the extension of basic English, its purpose is to broaden students' professional vocabulary and the amount of reading, especially to strengthen the English expression for future academic papers reading, writing, and exchanges and lay a solid foundation. The geographic Professional is an ancient discipline, the professional English vocabulary and expressions in order to track the dynamic of the discipline and to catch up with international standards, must be a skilled master; after the geographic Professional graduates face a large extent is teaching and research, must be aware of the latest developments in the field of domestic and international geographic management, often literature, writing research papers, attend an academic conference; addition, the employment of graduates to implement two-way choice, to choose their own jobs, talent market is more and more need for complex talent . Therefore, geographic professional English courses opened is particularly important.。
专业英语(自学)期末大作业 - 副本
![专业英语(自学)期末大作业 - 副本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/59e418600b1c59eef8c7b4c8.png)
南京邮电大学通达学院 2011/2012学年第一学期《专业英语(自学)》期末大作业专业班级学号姓名Writing(100分)You will find several topics in the following lists. Please choose one of them and write a short paper to explain your own opinion.Requirements:(1) Name the paper by yourself;(2) Your own opinion should be clearly put forward.(3)Try to find some articles via the internet or journals as references.(4) More than 1200 words.Topics:0.“People often complain that products are not made to last. They feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and human resources. What they fail to see, however, is that such manufacturing practices keep costs down for the co nsumer and stimulate demand.”Which do you find more compelling: the complaint about products that do not last or the response to it? Explain your position using relevant reasons and/or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading.1.“Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe. If a product injures someone, for whatever reason, the manufacturer should be held legally and financially accountable for the injury.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.2.Analysis of Issue Questions: “Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored or evaluated. Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason fortheir greater motivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society. Because they believe in the importance of their work, they have personal reasons to perform well, even when no financial reward is present. Thus, if our corporation began donating a significant portion of its profits to humanitarian causes, our employees’ motivation and productivity would increase substantially and our overall pr ofits would increase as well.” What do you think about this point? Explain why?3.“All companies should invest heavily in advertising because high-quality advertising can sell almost any product or service.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.4.Analysis of Issue Questions: “Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’permission.” Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why?5.Analysis of Issue Questions: “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.” Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why?6.“Instead of relying on the advice of outside experts, organizations should place greater val ue on the advice that can come only from their own highly experienced employees.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.7.“When judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely solely on objective information, such as a candidate’s résumé and education. Personal interviews are much too subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person’s qualifications for a job.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.8.“Most people today place t oo much emphasis on satisfying their immediate desires. The overall quality of life would be greatly improved if we all focused instead on meeting our long-term needs.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.9.Analysis of Issue Questions: “If the primary duty and concern of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when the corporation must also acknowledge a duty to serve society.” Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why?Teamwork Is Most ImportantToday's society, with the knowledge economy era, all kinds of knowledge and technology continued to emerge, competition is increasingly intense. More diverse needs of the community, so that people face in work and study in the circumstances and environment is extremely complex. In many cases, individual ability alone is very difficult to completely deal with complex issues and take effective and efficient operations. All of these require people to form groups and ask each other to rely on further between members, interrelated and work together to establish cooperative teams to solve complex problems, and coordinate the necessary actions. The development team's response capabilities and sustained innovation rely on the power of teamwork to create a miracle..Ordering by the first wolf and other wolves in its place. The facilities of its staff, howling sound of the ups and downs and interactive, with the tacit understanding, are orderly and not chaotic Wolfs' head snarl. The main who courageously forward and feint, and then were evasive action, those who snapped back and howl with its strong . Lone wolf is not strong, but the collective strength of the wolf to appear before the target, but the performance of a powerful attack. The success of wolf hunting process in a number of factors, the strict order of collective organization and efficient teamwork is one of the most obvious and important factor. This shows the importance of teamwork.Team not only emphasizes the individual's work, more emphasis on the team's overall performance. Team is not only relies on the collective discussion and decision-making but also strengthen information sharing and standards. which emphasizes the contributions by members to gain real collective results, the team is greater than the parts sum. The core team is a common devotion. This requires a common dedication to convince members to whom the target. Only a practical and a challenging target in order to stimulate the team's motivation and dedication, boundless energy into the work. So the team is to achieve the objectives set by the apparent voluntary cooperation and concerted efforts of the spirit. It can mobilize all the resources of team members and intelligence, and will automatically get rid of all the discord and injustice, and it will give those sincere and selfless dedication by an appropriate return. If the team is out voluntarily, it will produce a powerful and enduring force.Teamwork describes both qualitative and functional characteristics when two or more people begin to act like a team. The qualitative meaning of the team is apparent in such everyday expressions as :'we worked closely together', 'we always helped each other', 'we were all focused on a common goal', 'it was a team effort, everyone contributed', and the like. The qualitative meaning of teamwork is that it describes two or more people who are closely knit around a common purpose, whowork easily together, who exhibit a good bit of trust toward each other who respect each other and who have positive work relationships. The functional meaning of teamwork is that it describes that condition in which no one person can produce a specified result or perform a specified task. Teamwork here means only that two or more people worked together and produced something that could not be achieved by one person alone. It does not describe how well they worked together, but only that they co-operated sufficiently to perform their work.Through teamwork, you can create a working atmosphere, so that each team has a sense of belonging, help to improve team members' enthusiasm and efficiency. The so-called men and women are not tired with work, the first Leaving aside the men and women, even men and male cooperation, not because a man in combat and have a sense of loneliness. As the team has a goal of consistency, resulting in an overall sense of belonging. It is this sense of belonging so that each member feels for the team effort but also for their own goals, as well as other members together for this goal to stimulate a stronger incentive to work, so the target initiative will contribute with their own wells, which makes the efficiency higher than when the individual alone.Through teamwork, team members will help to stimulate the motivation to help improve the team's overall capacity. Most people's heart has hope others respect their desire to have unyielding psychological and have the desire to keep improving. These psychological factors are unconsciously motivated to enhance the members, so that members are not conscious of the demands on themselves to progress and strive to be the best team to win the respect of other employees. When there is no best time to do the above that psychological factors can promote competition between members and strive with the best team members in line in order to achieve the incentive function. In this constantly motivate them to help improve the team's overall capacity. Team members are internal competition. There is a certain degree of excitation , and this comes from the psychological desire among team members, but this desire to control, among team members to avoid personal heroism affect the team's overall combat capability.The model does not view team development and performance as finally dependent on such variable as the nature of the task and quality of the environment. The model communicates the view that team development and performance are largely a function of a work unit's decision to be a team regardless of such variables as task and environment. The model couples development with performance. The issues for team environment are the same. Team development and team performance occur together. The more highly developed the team becomes, the better the team performance.Team will help generate new ideas. That everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Each person has their own unique ideas. Team members help togenerate different kinds of diverse ideas and thus help in brainstorming and decision-making when you can produce a better solution.Teamwork can be constrained by the team members to regulate and control behavior. When a person is not the same with others, this formed within the team concept that power will impose a visible and invisible pressures , would have led him to produce a depression in the psychological sense of urgency . Under this pressure, along with members of the public unknowingly in the sense judgments and actions on the show and the team's most consistent in order to bind to regulate and control the behavior of individual purpose. Regulate and control the behavior of individual actions contribute to the standardization organizations.It can help to improve team efficiency.Teamwork can help to improve decision-making efficiency. Team and general groups, the relatively small number of teams, which will help reduce the information transfer process in the absence of conducive to communication between team members, help to improve the team members involved in the decision-making initiative. The concept of leadership also relatively strong in the teams. Team members is relatively flat, which is conducive to the formation of democratic decision-making.Everyone has their own into the collective in order to give full play to the role of individuals. In short, the team spirit of any organization is indispensable in terms of the essence. Otherwise, just like a mess; A chopstick is easy to break, the ten chopsticks is difficult to break . This is the power of teamwork importance of visual expression, and this is my understanding of teamwork. Team spirit is important rules.。
南昌工学院课程论文报告课程名称:专业英语论文题目:如何延长轴承寿命姓名:雷锋二级学院:专业:年级:2009学号:指导教师:刘志红职称:工程师2012年2 月9 日EXTENDING BEARING LIFEAbstract:Nature works hard to destroy bearings, but their chances of survival can be improved by following a few simple guidelines. Extreme neglect in a bearing leads to overheating and possibly seizure or, at worst, an explosion. But even a failed bearing leaves clues as to what went wrong. After a little detective work, action can be taken to avoid a repeat performance.Keywords: bearings failures lifeBearings fail for a number of reasons,but the most common are misapplication,contamination,improper lubricant,shipping or handling damage,and misalignment. The problem is often not difficult to diagnose because a failed bearing usually leaves telltale signs about what went wrong.However,while a postmortem yields good information,it is better to avoid the process altogether by specifying the bearing correctly in The first place.To do this,it is useful to review the manufacturers sizing guidelines and operating characteristics for the selected bearing.Equally critical is a study of requirements for noise, torque, and runout, as well as possible exposure to contaminants, hostile liquids, and temperature extremes. This can provide further clues as to whether a bearing is right for a job.1 Why bearings failAbout 40% of ball bearing failures are caused by contamination from dust, dirt, shavings, and corrosion. Contamination also causes torque and noise problems, and is often the result of improper handling or the application environment.Fortunately, a bearing failure caused by environment or handling contamination is preventable,and a simple visual examination can easily identify the cause.Conducting a postmortem il1ustrates what to look for on a failed or failing bearing.Then,understanding the mechanism behind the failure, such as brinelling or fatigue, helps eliminate the source of the problem.Brinelling is one type of bearing failure easily avoided by proper handing and assembly. It is characterized by indentations in the bearing raceway caused by shock loading-such as when a bearing is dropped-or incorrect assembly. Brinelling usually occurs when loads exceed the material yield point(350,000 psi in SAE 52100 chrome steel).It may also be caused by improper assembly, Which places a load across theraces.Raceway dents also produce noise,vibration,and increased torque.A similar defect is a pattern of elliptical dents caused by balls vibrating between raceways while the bearing is not turning.This problem is called false brinelling. It occurs on equipment in transit or that vibrates when not in operation. In addition, debris created by false brinelling acts like an abrasive, further contaminating the bearing. Unlike brinelling, false binelling is often indicated by a reddish color from fretting corrosion in the lubricant.False brinelling is prevented by eliminating vibration sources and keeping the bearing well lubricated. Isolation pads on the equipment or a separate foundation may be required to reduce environmental vibration. Also a light preload on the bearing helps keep the balls and raceway in tight contact. Preloading also helps prevent false brinelling during transit.Seizures can be caused by a lack of internal clearance, improper lubrication, or excessive loading. Before seizing, excessive, friction and heat softens the bearing steel. Overheated bearings often change color,usually to blue-black or straw colored.Friction also causes stress in the retainer,which can break and hasten bearing failure.Premature material fatigue is caused by a high load or excessive preload.When these conditions are unavoidable,bearing life should be carefully calculated so that a maintenance scheme can be worked out.Another solution for fighting premature fatigue is changing material.When standard bearing materials,such as 440C or SAE 52100,do not guarantee sufficient life,specialty materials can be recommended. In addition,when the problem is traced back to excessive loading,a higher capacity bearing or different configuration may be used.Creep is less common than premature fatigue.In bearings.it is caused by excessive clearance between bore and shaft that allows the bore to rotate on the shaft.Creep can be expensive because it causes damage to other components in addition to the bearing.0ther more likely creep indicators are scratches,scuff marks,or discoloration to shaft and bore.To prevent creep damage,the bearing housing and shaft fittings should be visually checked.Misalignment is related to creep in that it is mounting related.If races are misaligned or cocked.The balls track in a noncircumferencial path.The problem is incorrect mounting or tolerancing,or insufficient squareness of the bearing mounting site.Misalignment of more than 1/4·can cause an early failure.Contaminated lubricant is often more difficult to detect than misalignment or creep.Contamination shows as premature wear.Solid contaminants become an abrasive in the lubricant.In addition。
英语专业写作作业### 英语专业写作作业Introduction:The English language has undergone significant transformations throughout its history. However, the advent of the digital age has accelerated these changes, leading to new linguistic phenomena and challenges for English language learners and educators alike.Body:1. Historical Context:- Discuss the historical development of the English language, from its Anglo-Saxon roots to the modern era.- Highlight key periods and events that have shaped the language.2. Impact of Technology:- Explore how technological advancements have influenced language use, such as the rise of the internet, social media, and mobile devices.- Analyze the emergence of new vocabulary and slang terms in the digital context.3. Changes in Communication:- Compare traditional forms of written communication withmodern digital communication methods.- Discuss the effects of brevity and informality onwritten English.4. Challenges for Learners:- Identify the difficulties faced by English language learners in adapting to the rapidly evolving language.- Suggest strategies for educators to help students navigate these changes.5. Preservation of Standard English:- Debate the importance of maintaining standard English in the face of linguistic innovation.- Consider the role of educational institutions in preserving and promoting the standard language.6. The Future of English:- Speculate on the future trajectory of the English language in the digital age.- Discuss potential developments and the implications for global communication.Conclusion:Conclude by summarizing the key points discussed in the essay and emphasizing the importance of understanding and adapting to the changes in the English language in the digital era.References:- List any sources used for research, including academic articles, books, and credible online resources.This assignment is designed to encourage critical thinking and research skills, as well as the ability to construct a well-organized and coherent essay on a topic of relevance to English language studies.。
网址一:/hub/save-computer-from-Hackers网址二:/hub/What-is-Phishing姓名:**学号:************分校:通州(一)原文1.What is Computer Hacking?Computer hacking is a malicious act, so it is important for your computer and data to protect from Hacking. Computer Hacking refers to the process of making malicious modifications to a software or hardware to accomplish an aim outside the original creator's objective. Hackers are usually expert programmers who usually see hacking as a real life application of their skills.Hacking has become a nuisance in recent times and the protection from hacking has become more complex. Infact, the hackers have become so good that even the software giants are feeling a headache. Nintendo recently reported a loss of $975 million due to privacy and Microsoft has lost an estimated $900 million in five years.Well, the Giants are not the only targets of these hackers, even common individuals are not safe. The dangers range from little thefts to sponsored terrorism. These include stealing personal information and spying your activities. They can get to your secrets and destroy your credit. The dangers are possibly endless.How to protect from HackingPrevention is Better Than Cure. The problem of computer hacking has become really serious. But there are some basic methods which are usually the best to guarantee a Hacker-free system. Here, I am going to introduce some basic tips to save your computer and data from hackers.Using Antivirus SoftwareAntivirus software are one of the basic tools for your data and computer to protect from hacking. Antivirus software act as a protecting net that catches any potential threat before it reaches your system. They can prevent unauthorized access to your computer, protects your system from viruses and cloaks your data ports from intruders searching for any opening. The dangers range from little thefts to sponsored terrorism. These include stealing personal information and spying your activities.Nowadays anti virus software are completely automated. Go for the best when choosing anti virus software and make sure that you scan your system for viruses atleast once a week. Norton antivirus from Symantecis one of the leading products in the industry. Avastis another great antivirus tool to protect from hacking.Using FirewallWhat is a Firewall?A firewall is a set of programs located at the network gateway server which protects a private network from unauthorized access from other networks. The term firewall is originally referred to a wall intended to confine a fire.A firewall protects your computer from offensive websites and potential hackers. It keeps your data and information safe from unwanted intruders. Firewalls are designed to prevent unauthorized access to your network, much like a locked door.Thus firewall is a vital tool for your strategy against hackers so don't forget to set up one for your system. Microsoft has a built-in firewall software but you can also try the Symantec firewall.Using Anti Spyware SoftwareWhat is a Spyware?A spyware is a self installing software which secretly gathers information about a person's computing activities such as surfing habits and viewed sites. Spywares are truly a hacker's tool, not only collecting personal information but also interfering with user control by installing additional software and redirecting web browsers.Anti spyware software are designed to save your computer from hackers. They not only protect your computer by detection and removal of spywares but also preventing automatic installation of these malicious programs. Spysweeperis a great anti spyware software to guarantee a spyware free computer.Email SecurityEmail is one of the leading hacker's tools. Hackers use emails to transmit malicious software to your computer. Emails are usually very cheap which gives the hackers loads of opportunities. One of the basic tips to prevent hacking is to be extra careful with emails. The most important tip is that you should never hand out your real email address to a stranger. Never open an email arriving from an unknown source and never try to open an attachment with an email if you don't know the sender. Aviraantivirus is a useful tool to filter your emails for potential threats as well as provide premium protection for your computer.Software updatesHackers are always searching for security gaps in your system. Anti virus and anti spyware software usually lose their effectiveness with time as new and more advanced malicious programs are created by hackers.Its important to go for the latest security software in the market to guaranteemaximum security from threats. Make sure you frequently check out for software updates or set your software to update automatically.Internet SecurityBeing extra careful while surfing is the best way to protect your computer from hackers. Simple precautions can mean the difference between a secure and vulnerable system. A great way to save yourself from hackers is to avoid visiting hacker controlled sites usually committed to porn, free downloads and online gaming. Also be extra careful while downloading something from an unknown source. Never ignore a security warning about a site. Its better to be safe than sorry.Educate YourselfWhen working for an offensive against hackers, the most important step is to educate yourself. Hacking is a dynamic topic with developments arising every moment. Hackers are intelligent and innovative and you should be prepared for it.Computers are vulnerable. No matter what you do, its impossible to be 100% save. Important data like personal detail and credit card information should never be saved directly on a computer. A password protector is a great way to protect this data.Another great way to secure your computer is to use a password on your computer. Well, it can't really save you if your computer gets stolen (in case of a laptop) but can save you from unauthorized people who can reach to your computer.Windows updateMicrosoft Windows is the best OS which comes with almost all the tools to protect you and your computer from hacking. To make the most of this, it is important to keep your windows updated. An easy way to do this is by checking for updates at Microsoft Windows Update. You can also set your windows security software to check for updates automatically so you don't miss anything. ...2. What is a Phishing Attack?Identity theft has become the new white collar crime and it has grown tremendously. Criminals that steal identities use them in a number of ways. One of the most common tricks is to use a stolen identity to open a line of credit. The line of credit is then depleted by the thief and the actual person receives the bill. Identities are also stolen for malicious intent, such as stealing a military officer’s email credentials in hopes of carrying out fictitious orders to troops.Phishing is a relatively new term to describe ploys used by criminals trying to steal identities. Phishing scams are on the rise:"During 2004, close to 2 million U. S. citizens had their checking accounts raided by cyber-criminals. With the average reported loss per incident estimated at $1200, total losses were close to $2 billion. The incidence of phishing e-mails―e-mails thatattempt to steal a consumer’s user name and password by imitating e-mail from a legitimate financial institution –has risen 4,000 percent over the past six months."•What is Phishing VideoThe term “phishing” is based on the term “fishing”. With fishing you bait a hook and try to catch fish. If you do not receive a bite, you often change the type of bait until you start catching fish. With phishing, the bait is typically an email that appears legitimate. The email typically asks for a bank customer to validate their information, however, the email redirects the customer to a fictitious bank site made to look like the legitimate bank site (James, 2005). The criminals hope the customer will not notice the redirected bank site is fictitious and that they will validate their account information. There are numerous phishing emails used as bait and criminals hope the more bait they use, the greater chances someone will fall for the scam.The key to preventing identity theft is awareness. Financial institutions typically do not ask for account information validation. Any emails that ask for account validation or social security numbers, should be validated. The link contained within the email can be checked for legitimacy. These links often go to bogus sites that can easily be determined by the website link. For example, if you bank at and you receive an email that has a link and takes you to .customer.cz, this should raise suspicion. Phishing scams not only use email, but the telephone is also used. A typical scam involves a telephone call with someone impersonating your credit card company and asking you to validate your social security number, date of birth, etc. Credit card companies already have this information and do not need you to validate it. A simple line of defense is to ask the caller for the credit card company’s number and call them back。
THE RESEACHS OFAMT SHIFTING SCHEDULESAutomatic transmission is a product of the rapid development of electronic technology, it greatly improves the convenience of car use, reduces the labor intensity of the driver, and further meet there quirement of the automobile use people. With the manual transmission (MT) and hydraulic automatic transmission (AT) compared, automated mechanical transmission (AMT) structure not only has the MT compact, low cost, high driving efficiency characteristics, but also can provide shift like AT comfort. In view of the above advantages, in today's on vehicle fuel economy and emission requirements more and more high international situation, AMT has become the hotspot of the world auto parts suppliers and vehicle manufacturers to develop, and launched their products in various models. Shift schedule is the key technology of AMT, this paper studies various shifting rule formulation method and the influence on the performance of vehicle. Firstly, according to the classification of automatic transmission, the transmission of the various advantages and disadvantages and development prospects were compared, and briefly discusses the AMT development process, characteristics, system principle. The key technology of AMT is introduced, to show the shift law research significance of popular AMT. Based on the theoretical solution and the classification method based on intelligent inference, respectively discusses the principle and performance of various shifting law; further introduces the realization principle of shifting law, analyzes implement shift law should have in AMT hardware and software conditions. According to dynamic analysis of the establishment of automobile, automobile driving equation, and according to the method of formulating vehicle driving equation of dynamic shift schedule, including graphic method andanalytic method, and the actual formulation of the dynamic stall between three parameters the optimal power shift schedule surface; the influence factors of automobile fuel economy for a brief analysis; established the automobile fuel consumption equation formulation method based on fuel economy shift schedule, including graphical method, analytical method and the improved formulation method; considering the influence of vehicle quality on the shift rule formulation, this paper proposes a modified scheme to solve the impact of automobile quality change. The simulation model of automobile transmission system required to establish the use of simulation software Matlab/Simulink, and briefly introduces the working principle and the internal principle of each module; finally system using the simulation model, the simulation will not shift improvement and the improvement of the three parameters of the optimal power shift schedule applied to the vehicle, to compare its effect on vehicle dynamic performance; will not revised and modified (according to the weight of automobile quality choice corresponding shift schedule) shift simulation of three parameter optimal fuel economy shift rule applied to the vehicle, to compare the effect on vehicle fuel economy, achieving the aim of the study。
英语专业写作课作业### 英语专业写作课作业Task 1: Argumentative EssayInstructions:1. Introduction: Begin with a hook that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the topic.2. Background: Provide a brief overview of social media and its prevalence among youth.3. Body Paragraphs:- Discuss the positive aspects of social media, such as connecting with others and access to information.- Present arguments and evidence for the negative impact on mental health, including increased anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying.- Counterarguments: Address potential counterarguments and explain why they are less significant.4. Conclusion: Summarize the main points and provide a strong closing statement that reinforces your argument.Task 2: Narrative EssayTitle: "My Journey to Fluency in English"Instructions:1. Introduction: Start with a personal anecdote that sets the tone for your journey.2. Early Struggles: Describe your initial challenges withlearning English, including any language barriers or misconceptions.3. Turning Point: Identify a pivotal moment or experiencethat motivated you to improve your English skills.4. Progress and Growth: Detail the steps you took to become fluent, such as attending language classes, practicing with native speakers, or immersion programs.5. Conclusion: Reflect on the personal growth and thebenefits of being fluent in English.Task 3: Descriptive EssayTitle: "A Day in the Life of an English Major"Instructions:1. Introduction: Introduce the reader to the daily routine of an English major.2. Morning Routine: Describe the morning activities, such as attending classes, reading literature, or writing assignments.3. Afternoon: Discuss the academic and extracurricularactivities that an English major might engage in, such as attending workshops, participating in literary clubs, or studying in the library.4. Evening: Describe how an English major might spend their evenings, whether it's attending a poetry reading, working on a creative writing project, or preparing for the next day's classes.5. Conclusion: Summarize the day and reflect on the unique aspects of being an English major.Task 4: Persuasive EssayTitle: "The Importance of Learning a Second Language"Instructions:1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and present your thesis statement.2. Cultural Understanding: Explain how learning a second language can lead to a deeper understanding of different cultures.3. Career Opportunities: Discuss the professional advantages of being bilingual or multilingual.4. Cognitive Benefits: Present research that shows the cognitive benefits of learning a second language.5. Conclusion: Reiterate the importance of learning a second language and call to action for readers to start their language learning journey.Task 5: Research PaperTitle: "The Evolution of English Language Teaching Methods"Instructions:1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and provide an overview of the evolution of English language teaching methods.2. Historical Context: Discuss the traditional methods of teaching English, such as rote memorization and grammar translation.3. Modern Approaches: Describe contemporary teaching methods, including communicative language teaching and task-based learning.4. Technological Advancements: Explore how technology has influenced English language teaching, such as online learning platforms and language learning apps.5. Conclusion: Summarize the evolution of teaching methodsand predict future trends in English language education.Note: Each task should be completed with proper citation and reference to academic sources where applicable. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and adheres to the conventions of academic writing.。
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专业英语大作业一:英译汉翻译范围TCP/IP Illustrated, V olume 1: The Protocols 5.1~5.5 15.1~15.2第5章RARP:逆地址解析协议5.1简介5.2 RARP报文格式5.3 RARP示例5.4 RARP服务的设计5.5小结练习5.1简介一个拥有本地磁盘的系统通常是从磁盘文件读取配置文件中获取其IP地址。
RARP的正式规范是RFC 903。
5.2 RARP报文格式RARP报文的格式几乎与ARP报文是相同的(图4.3)。
唯一的区别是,RARP 的请求或应答帧类型为0×8035,并且在操作层RARP请求值为3、RARP应答值为4。
图4-3 ARP在网络上请求与应答报文的格式与ARP一样,RARP服务器请求是广播和RARP应答通常是单播。
5.3 RARP示例在我们的网络,我们可以强制sun主机从网络引导,而不是它的本地磁盘。
我们使用-e参数去标记tcpdump的打印硬件地址:图5.1 RARP请求和应答。
第2行的输出,“at sun”,意味着RARP应答包含了主机sun(的IP地址。
原因是我们的系统,该系统上运行的tcpdump 发送该以太网帧(BSDI)。
但以太网设备驱动程序垫这个短帧的最小尺寸为传输(60 )。
如果我们在另一个系统上已经运行的tcpdump ,长度会是60。
(第16章介绍了使用RARP ,BOOTP和TFTP无盘X终端的引导顺序。
图5.2 网络上没有RARP服务器时的RARP请求注意重发的次数。
5.4 RARP服务器设计虽然RARP的概念很简单,RARP服务器的设计取决于系统和复杂度。
此映射包含在一个磁盘文件(在U n i x系统中一般位于/etc/ethers目录中)。
由于内核一般不读取和分析磁盘文件,因此RARP服务器的功能是作为一个用户进程,而不是作为内核的TCP / IP实现的一部分。
更为复杂的是,发送RARP请求以太网与特定的以太网帧类型字段帧(从图2.1 0 ×8035)。
5.4.2 每个网络的多个RARP服务器另一个复杂因素是RARP请求被发送作为硬件级的广播,如图5.2。
文献[Stevens 1990]的第12章提供了完整的源代码实现TFTP客户端和服务器,并介绍了一些与TFTP 使用的编程技术。
在自举无盘系统的正常情况下,第一请求是读请求(RRQ )。
)图15.1 五种TFTP报文格式前2个字节的TFTP消息是操作码。
NETASCII意味着数据是由一个回车后跟一个换行符(称为CR / LF )的2字符序列结束每一行的ASCII文本行。
客户端发送的块编号为1的ACK 。
客户端发送的块编号为2的ACK 。
如果文件可以被写入客户端,服务器响应的块号为0的ACK 。
服务器响应的块编号为1的ACK 。
因为TFTP使用不可靠的UDP ,它是由TFTP来处理丢失和重复的数据包。
文献[Stevens 1990 ]的第12.2节说明该问题如何发生。
二:词汇题1 X terminal X终端2 diskless workstation 无盘终端3 RARP 逆地址解析协议4 ARP 地址解析协议5 Tcpdump 侦听相关的网络性能数据6 RRQ TFTP读请求7 Bsdi 以太网帧的系统8 BSD Packet Filter BSD分组过滤器9 Network Interface Tap 网络接口点选10 Data Link 数据链路11 Frame 帧12 Redundancy 冗余13 Ethernet 以太网14 Unicast 单播15 Broadcast 广播16 BOOTP 自举协议17 TFTP 简单文件传输协议18 FTP 文件传输协议19 read-only memory 只读存储器20 UDP 用户数据报协议21 IP 互联网协议22 RRQ 读请求23 WRQ 写请求24 opcode 操作码25 data packet 数据包26 stop-and-wait protocol 停止和等待协议27 tcp/ip 传输控制协议/网际协议?28 router 路由器29 gateway 网关30 vpn 虚拟专用网络三:英文写作My major is computer science and technology. During f our years’s study, I have had lots of knowledge of the computer for a more clear understanding to the IT.Through the study, I mastered the basic computer science and technology analysis of basic theory, basic knowledge, master the basic techniques of computer systems analysis and design method, and the understanding of the dynamic development of computer science and technology.I think our school courses, although did not keep pace with the times, but to teachknowledge as the most basic to us.Like data structure to let me to understand the way data how to stored , the computer system architecture to let me understand the constitution of the computer, computer network to let me understand how to communicate between computers , and so on. Like the old saying gose ,To teach fishing is better than teach them to fish, the school give us established a relatively complete system of knowledge, let us convenient to expand the knowledge learning in the future. Learning in school let me understand how to learn about computer knowledge, and let me have a preliminary plan for the future work , I think this is the most important.For the development of my own future,I hope I can calculate the direction of study in the cloud, be harvested. Cloud computing is not only a hot topic, but also I think a promising topic , any traditional application , such as the traditional business model ,if combine with cloud computing,would be a huge innovation. My current research direction is the junk mail sorting based on cloud computing. Through the research, I found that, on the basis of cloud computing, sorting and accuracy can be greatly improved, which can reduce the network load, reduce the burden of the mail server.It is very meaningful.Anyway , I think my university life in this school taught me a lot of things, I love this profession ,but also sincerely hope can contribute to the study of the future.。