



北京师范大学翻译硕士研究生入学考试试题考试时间:180分钟命题时间:2015年11月15日试卷分值:150分考试科目:357英语翻译基础一、短语翻译英译汉:1.zebracrossing;2.ticketscalper;3.productplacement;4.skopostheory;5.breachofcontract;6.decimalsystem;7.ruralurbanization;8.expresscompany;9.soildegradation;10.Buckinghampalace;11.Lost andFound;12.light beer;13.family tree;14.Outbound tourism;15.National Geo graphic汉译英:16.硬骨头;17.拦路虎;18.依法治国;19.政治机构改革;20.中国人民抗日战争;21.敌后战区;22.游击区;23.中国梦;24.和平发展道路;25.千里之行,始于足下;26.和而不同;27.先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐;28.现金支付;29.名人;30.沿海经济文化二、段落翻译汉译英:郑板桥“潍县署中与舍弟墨第二书”:吾儿六岁,年最小,其同学长者当称为某先生,次亦称为某兄,不得直呼其名。











09. 北师大MTI翻译硕士真题及资料《蓝皮书2017》 产品说明

09. 北师大MTI翻译硕士真题及资料《蓝皮书2017》 产品说明

北京师范大学MTI翻译硕士真题及全程复习资料《蓝皮书2017》产品说明本文下载地址见:目录一、本资料优势何在? (4)1.针对性 (4)2.系统性 (4)3.专业性 (5)4.完备性 (5)5.保障性 (5)二、为何要购买真题? (6)1.真题重复率极其高 (6)2.窥见出题思路和考察重点 (6)3.找到重点,有的放矢 (6)三、真题部分有何特色? (7)1.完整度极高 (7)2.答案完备 (8)3.排版整齐完美 (9)4.独家讲解和经验谈 (9)5.分模块训练 (9)四、其他资料有何特色? (10)1. 其他各高校历年真题分模块版本 (10)2. “独家赠送”文件夹 (10)3. 英汉语言与翻译有关的对比表格(独家) (11)4. 英语大作文增分点及素材构思(独家) (11)5. 英译汉常见技巧归纳;汉译英常见技巧归纳(独家,菁华) (13)6. 百科知识复习概论——教材怎么看?(独家,菁华) (13)7. 百科知识往年真题在教材中页码(独家) ........错误!未定义书签。

8. 应用文写作常见文体总结版(不用再看书)(独家,菁华) (14)9. 政治相关复习资料 (15)10. 参考复习计划 (15)10. 复试全程资料 (16)四、版权声明 (17)五、销售价格及方式 (17)说明:单击任意标题,即可到达对应页面。










首先,北师大这个选择肯定是没有错的,这不用我们赘述,因此大家需要院校名称报录比推荐参考书备注北京师范大学1:15 1.庄绎传,《英汉翻译简明教程》北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20022.叶子南,《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》北京:清华大学出版社,20013.张汉熙,《高级英语》(修订本)第1、2册北京:外语教学与研究出版社,19954.张卫平,《英语报刊选读》北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20055.张岱年,《中国文化概论》北京:北京师范大学出版社,2004、20106.夏晓鸣,《应用文写作》上海:复旦大学出版社,20107-《全国翻译硕士考研真题解析》天津科技翻译出版社8-李国正,《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》,北京:光明日报出版社,2013年。
















英译散文 4:
冰心 清晓的江头(1),
3 / 15
白雾茫茫; 是江南天气(2), 雨儿来了—— 我只知道有蔚蓝的海, 却原来还有碧绿的江, 这是我父母之乡! 繁星 156(3) 福建福州永远是我的故乡,虽然我不在那里生长,但它是我的父母之乡! 到今日为止,我这一生中只回去过两次。第一次是一九一一年,是在冬季。从严 冷枯黄的北方归来(4),看到展现在我眼前的青山碧水(5),红花绿叶,使我惊讶而欢喜! 我觉得我的生命的风帆,已从蔚蓝的海,驶进了碧绿的江。这天我们在闽江口从大船 下到小船,驶到大桥头,来接我们的伯父堂兄们把我们包围了起来,他们用乡音和我 的父母热烈地交谈。我的五岁的大弟弟悄悄地用山东话问我说:“他们怎么都会说福 州话?”因为从来在我们姐弟心里,福州话是最难懂难说的! 这以后的一年多时间里,我们就过起了福州城市的生活。新年、元宵、端午、中 秋……岁时节日,吃的玩的都是十分丰富而有趣。特别是灯节,那时我们家住在南后 街,那里是灯市的街,元宵前后,“花市灯如昼”,灯影下人流潮涌,那光明绚丽的 情景就说不尽了(6)。 第二次回去,是在一九五六年,也是在冬季。那时还没有鹰厦铁路,我们人大代 表团是从江西坐汽车进去的。一路上红土公路,道滑如拭(7),我还没有看见过土铺的 公路,维修得这样平整的!这次我不但到了福州,还到了漳州、泉州、厦门、鼓浪屿…… 那是祖国的南疆了。在厦门前线(8),我还从望远镜里看见了金门岛上的行人和牛,看 得很清楚…… 回忆中的情景很多,在此就不一一描写了。总之,我很喜欢我的父母之乡。那边 是南国风光,山是青的,水是绿的,小溪流更是清可见底!院里四季都有花开。水果 是从枇杷、荔枝、龙眼,一直吃到福桔!对一个孩子来说,还有什么比这个更惬意的 呢? 我在故乡走的地方不多,但古迹、侨乡,到处可见,福建华侨,遍于天下(9)。我 所到过的亚、非、欧、美各国都见到辛苦创业(10)的福建侨民,握手之余,情溢言表。 在他们家里、店里,吃着福州菜,喝着茉莉花茶,使我觉得作为一个福建人是四海都有家的。 我的父母之 乡是可爱的。有人从故乡来(11),或是有朋友新近到福建去过,我都 向他们问起福建的近况。他们说:福建比起二十多年前来,进步得不可辨认了。最近 呢,农业科学化了,又在植树造林(12),山岭田地更加郁郁葱葱了。他们都动员我回 去看看,我又何尝不想呢(13)?不但我想,在全世界的天涯海角,更不知有多少人在 想!我愿和故乡的人,以及普天下的福建侨民,一同在精神和物质文明方面,把故乡 建设得更美好(14)! The Land of My Ancestors Bing Xin The River mouth at dawn, Behind a white haze of mist, ‘Tis southern climes, Behold, the rain is coming. I have seen the blue sea all along, Little aware of this green River, O the land of my ancestors!

北京师范大学 MTI

北京师范大学 MTI




三、考试基本要求1. 具有良好的英语基本功,认知词汇量在10,000以上,掌握6000个以上的积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配;2. 能熟练掌握正确的英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识;3. 具有良好的英语听辩能力和信息识别能力;4. 具有较强的阅读理解能力和英语写作能力。




I.词汇语法1. 要求1)词汇量要求:考生的认知词汇量应在10,000以上,其中积极词汇量为5,000以上,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。


2. 题型:多项选择或改错题。

II. 阅读理解1. 要求:1)能读懂常见外刊上的专题文章、历史传记及文学作品等各种文体的文章,既能理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实与细节,并能理解其中的观点和隐含意义;2)能根据阅读时间要求调整自己的阅读速度。

2. 题型:1) 多项选择题(包括信息事实性阅读题和观点评判性阅读题);2) 简答题(要求根据所阅读的文章,用3-5行字数的有限篇幅扼要回答问题,重点考查阅读综述能力)。


III.英语写作1. 要求:考生能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的记叙文、说明文或议论文。








目前,众多小机构经常会非常不负责任的给考生推荐北大、清华、北外等名校,希望广大考生在选择院校和专业的时候,一定要慎重、最好是咨询有丰富经验的考研咨询师!2014年金融硕士考研参考书及教材《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》,李国正主编,光明日版出版社,2013年出版1 Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each):1.preferred shares2.IPO3.SPD4. Fukushima5. NATO6. credit rating7.AP8.three unites9.Axis10.Montage11.Civil War12.World Earth Day13.Roman Empire14.Norman Conquest15. The Ten CommandmentsII Translate the following terms into English (15 points, 1 point each):1.辛亥革命2.创业板市场3.幸福指数4.政府工作报告5.“十二五”规划6.综合国力7.贸易顺差8.债权国9.企业兼并重组10.水土流失11.上市公司12.股指期货13.保值储蓄14.挖墙脚15.贪多嚼不烂III. Translate the following passages into Chinese (60 points)The economic storm pelting the U.S.economy is going to do plenty more damage to already flattened job and housing markets. But as dark as the next three or four quarters could be, the U.S.economy appears to be undergoing a more lasting, and ultimately uplifting, shift. Americans who for decades have spent an increasing share of their incomes and taken on more and more debt are now, for the first time in years, saving instead. The personal savings rate, which measures the amount of disposable personal income that isn't spent, ticked up to almost 3% in the second quarter of 2008, after almost four years below 1%. While Americans still aren't going to win any awards for thrift - consumers save more than 10% of their paychecks in creditor nations such as Germany and Japan, for instance - the return to saving carries big implications for U.S.economic health. More saving is good over the long haul, because domestic savings create a pool of money from which companies can borrow to invest in new plants and equipment, creating the jobs that push living standards higher over time. A growing domestic savings pool could also reduce America's need to borrow money overseas - which would make the U.S.less beholden to foreign creditors who now supply us with hundreds of billions of dollars in financing every year. Unfortunately, thrift will cost in the short run. Saving more means spending less - which translates into more hard times in retail and other consumer-driven businesses like the auto industry. The latest evidence of the shift came in Wednesday's steeper-than-expected pullback in retail sales. They dropped 1.2% in September, in their first year-on-year decline in six years and only their third drop in the past 16 years. Economists had been looking for a 0.7% drop.Given that two-thirds of economic activity is consumer spending, today's thrift will exacerbate a general downturn and will weaken the impact of the massive interventions the government has made in the financial markets. Federal actions such as a $250 billion plan to buy preferred shares in banks, along with a public guarantee of bank deposits and bank debt, are aimed at unlocking credit markets and boosting economic activity. Policymakers have promised to get banks lending again, to restore economic growth that has clearly been ebbing even as government data chalked up modest gains in gross domestic product for the first half of the year.IV. Translate the following passage into English (60 points)燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。



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北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班、少干、强军 2014年翻译硕士考研全套视频2500元
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the Authorized Version 钦定版圣经
flesh and blood 血肉之躯
a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人
puppy love 早年初恋
the Analects 论语
contact lenses 隐形眼镜
proof positive 铁证
track and field 田径运动
child's play 容易干的事,不重要的事 danger money 危险工作的额外报酬
pull sb's leg 愚弄某人
in for a penny,in for a pound 一不做二不休
between the devil and the deep blue sea 左右为难
real economy 实体经济



北京师范大学英语语言文学硕士培养计划全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big Dream: Becoming a Master of English at Beijing Normal UniversityHi friends! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. I love learning English and reading stories in English. One day, I hope to become a master of the English language by studying at Beijing Normal University!Beijing Normal University is a super awesome school in the capital city of China. It has a long history of teaching students to become teachers themselves. My big sister studies there now to become a math teacher. She tells me all about the pretty campus with its historic buildings, shady trees, and lovely gardens. I can't wait to visit her there someday!What I'm most excited about is their incredible program for learning English. Beijing Normal University has a special Master's program all about the English language and literature. That means you can spend two whole years deeply exploring everything about English - how the language works, the brilliantwriters who created amazing books and poems in English, and the cultures of English-speaking countries around the world.Just imagine how much fun that would be! I already know I love reading stories like Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in their original English. With this Master's program, I could analyze all the delightful word choices the authors made and understand the books on a deeper level. I could learn all about people like Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Mark Twain who wrote reallyreally old but famous books in such a beautiful way.The classes sound like a total blast too! There are courses on English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing styles. They teach you how to translate between Chinese and English like a pro. My favorite though would probably be the literature analysis classes where you explore the hidden meanings, symbols, and cultural context behind great novels, poetry, and plays. Unraveling all those mysteries and debating what the author really meant to say? Sign me up!The best part is that all the professors teaching these courses are experts in the field of English linguistics and literature. They have spent their whole careers analyzing the English language inside and out. With teachers that knowledgeable andpassionate about English, I know I would learn so much! Maybe I could even get some of them to autograph my favorite English books.Earning a Master's degree from such a respected program would also open up an amazing range of future job opportunities. I could become a professor myself one day, teaching English language and literature at a top university. Or I could get a job translating books, movies, video games, and more from English to Chinese or vice versa. Maybe I could even write my own novels, poetry, and screenplays in brilliant English! The possibilities are endless.While two years sounds like a long time to study just one subject, I know it would fly by in a blink. Every single day would be filled with fascinating new lessons about the boundless world of English. When you truly love a topic as much as I love English, emersing myself in it for that long would be a dream come true!So that's my big aspiration - to dive deeply into the richness of the English language by earning a Master's degree from Beijing Normal University. Just picturing myself strolling across that beautiful campus, spending hours in the library surrounded by classic English literature, and engaging in intense discussions about grammar, vocabulary, and prose...it gives me butterflies ofexcitement! English is a magical world and I can't wait to immerse myself in it fully.Who's with me? Let's all study super hard, appreciate the wonder of the English language, and maybe I'll see you at Beijing Normal University one day! We can explore the genius of Shakespeare's plays together. Goodbye for now, my friends!篇2My Big University DreamHi friends! Today I want to tell you about my big dream for the future. When I grow up, I really really want to go to Beijing Normal University and get a Master's degree in English Language and Literature! Doesn't that sound exciting?I love learning English so much. It's like a secret code that lets you talk to people all around the world. My English teacher Ms. Wang is super nice and she makes learning the language feel like a fun game. We sing songs, read stories, and even put on little plays in English class. It's the best!But I know there is soooooo much more to learn about English. The words, the grammar, the history...it's like an endless treasure waiting to be discovered. That's why I dream of going toa great university like Beijing Normal to become an expert in all things English.From what I've heard, the English Master's program there is simply amazing. The professors are brilliant scholars who have studied English their whole lives. Can you imagine knowing that much about a single language? It must be like unlocking the secrets of a whole universe!The classes sound terribly exciting too. Students take courses on linguistics, literature, translation, pedagogy, and more. They get to dive deep into the etymology of words, analyze Shakespeare's classics, and learn how to teach English to students of all ages. For a English fanatic like me, it would be absolute heaven!But it's not just about the classes. Beijing Normal has incredible resources for students as well. Their library is gigantic, with millions of books including rare English texts from centuries ago. There are special English multimedia labs for watching movies, listening to recordings, and practicing pronunciation. The university even has an English Corner where students can meet weekly to chat and make foreign friends. How cool is that?I know it won't be easy to get into Beijing Normal's English Master's program. The competition is probably insanely fiercesince it's one of the best in China. I'll have to work tremendously hard on my English skills, get great grades, prepare extensively for the entrance exam, and wow them with my application. But I'm determined to make this dream a reality!Just thinking about becoming an English language and literature expert makes me giddy with delight. I could go on to have such an incredibly fulfilling career. Maybe I'll translate the latest bestsellers into Chinese. Or comb through ancient texts to uncover new linguistic insights. Or teach the next generation to love English as much as I do. The possibilities are endless!Sometimes kids at school ask me why I'm so obsessed with English. I just tell them that languages help us to connect with people across the globe and throughout history. By mastering English, we can communicate with millions more people and tap into the richest libraries of literature, poetry, drama and more. It's a path to understanding humanity itself.Yep, that's why the English Language and Literature Master's program at Beijing Normal University is my ultimate dream for the future. Just thinking about it fills me with joy and determination. You can bet I'll be working harder than ever in school to make sure I get there one day. Then I'll finally become the English expert I was born to be!Well, thanks for letting me ramble on about my big university dream. I got a little carried away, didn't I? But can you blame me? English is just the most marvelous, magical subject in the world. I can't wait to spend my life exploring it to the fullest!篇3Hi friends! Today I want to tell you about this really cool master's program I learned about at Beijing Normal University. It's all about studying English language and literature at a really high level. Pretty neat, right?Let me explain what a master's program is first. You know how you go to elementary school, then middle school, then high school, and maybe college after that? Well, a master's program is where you go to study even more after college! It's like the next level up. You take advanced classes and do a ton of research and writing to become a total expert on a subject.The English Language and Literature master's at Beijing Normal University is for people who are just obsessed with the English language. I'm talking about the kind of kids who love reading big novels, analyzing poetry, and digging deep into the history of how English developed over time. Maybe that describes you! If so, this could be your dream program.From what I understand, the classes cover all sorts of fascinating topics related to English. You learn about linguistics, which is the science of how languages work. You study literature from different periods like the Renaissance, Romantic era, Victorian times, and the 20th century. You take classes on literary theory and criticism to analyze writings on the deepest levels. There are also cool electives on things like English teaching methods, translation studies, cross-cultural communication, and more.One of the biggest parts of the program is research. As a master's student, you get to pick a super specific topic that you find fascinating, and you research the heck out of it for your thesis project. Your thesis is like a gigantic research paper or small book that you write to prove you've become an expert. From what I've read, students pick all kinds of interesting topics, like analyzing the feminism in the works of Virginia Woolf, exploring the influence of Ancient Greek on modern English vocabulary, or deconstructing the racial themes in Toni Morrison's novels. Once you decide on your thesis topic, you get to work closely with a professor who is also an expert in that area. Pretty awesome to have that kind of mentorship, if you ask me!Another amazing part of this program is the emphasis on studying abroad. Students have the opportunity to spend time at prestigious universities around the world to take classes, work with international scholars, and gain more global perspectives. How cool would it be to study English literature at Oxford or Cambridge in England for a semester? Or improve your Chinese-English translation skills at an Australian university? Sign me up!From what I've gathered, the professors who teach in this program are world-renowned experts in their fields. We're talking real rock stars of English linguistics, literary theory, postcolonial literature, and more. Having teachers at the top of their game must provide such an enriching learning experience.The program also has some pretty sweet facilities from what I've heard. The libraries are gigantic with endless resources for research. The English Multimedia Center is stocked with the latest technology for language learning. And there are cozy reading lounges, English corners for casual conversations, and all sorts of other spaces to dive into the English language.I know this is a lot to take in, but hopefully I've painted a vivid picture of why this master's program is so amazing! Ifyou're the kind of kid who gets excited over new vocabularywords and embarking on literary adventures through novels, then Beijing Normal's English Language and Literature program might just be your calling. Who knows, maybe I'll see you there in a decade or so! In the meantime, I'm going to keep working on my reading fluency and creative writing. A kid can dream, right?篇4The Big Kids' Class at Normal UniversityWow, you'll never believe what I found out! There's this super cool class for the really big kids at Normal University in Beijing. It's called the Master's Program in English Language and Literature. I know, I know - it sounds kinda boring with that name. But just wait until you hear what it's all about!First of all, you have to be like, really really good at English to get into this class. I mean, you've gotta know all the big words, and be able to read giant books without falling asleep. My brother Billy took one look at the books they have to read and he ran away screaming! But that's just 'cause he's a little baby.The kids in this class get to learn everything about the English language. And I'm not just talking about vocabulary words and grammar rules. They learn why we say things a certainway, and how the English language evolved over time from way back in the olden days. It's like a fun history mystery!But here's the really cool part - they don't just study the language itself. They get to read a ton of awesome stories and poems and plays that were written in English. My favorite is this crazy one about these weird witches who start double double toiling and trouble! Can you imagine? Witches making trouble?? That's like my dream come true!And you know how mommy and daddy are always saying "You need to learn to analyze things more deeply"? Well, these big kids are like, the analyzing MASTERS. They can take one tiny little sentence and dig out all these hidden meanings that no one else even saw. It's like they have X-ray vision for words or something!Another neat thing is they get to learn all about different cultures where English is spoken. That's like a bazillion countries! From Britain with their funny accents to India with their tasty curries. One day they might be discussing goofy Shakespearean insults, and the next day they're reading about ancient myths from Nigeria. It's an around-the-world window seat!As if that's not enough fun already, the big kids get to try their hand at creative writing too. Writing stories, poems, scripts- you name it! Imagine getting teacher approval to make up worlds where pets can talk or princesses fight ninjas. A creative kid's dream!And get this - the program is divided into different "modules" to teach different skills. There's modules on linguistics, literature, cultural studies, and more. It's like a summercamp schedule except reading-camp. Every day is a different adventure!But if they do an amazing job on their thesis, they'll graduate with a "Master's Degree." That's kind of like a Black Belt, except forademics instead of karate. With a belt like that, they'll be pretty much qualified to get jobs teaching English at universities all over the world! They'll be like the tutors of tutors. Maybe they'll even write their own books or become professional authors someday. How cool is that?Thinking about this program makes me want to be a big kid already so I can learn all the cool English stuff too. Of course, by the time I'm old enough, who knows what amazing things they'll be studying? Maybe they'll analyze books from Mars or use jetpacks to reenact Shakespeare plays on the moon!No matter what, this Master's program seems like it'sjam-packed with adventures for anyone obsessed with English.Reading books from across the globe, uncovering hidden meanings, and maybe even getting published yourself? Sign me up! I'll start studying up on those vocabulary lists tonight. Just wake me up when the witches start double-double toiling and troubling!篇5My Big Sister's Master's ProgramMy big sister is really smart and loves books and words. She just started a new master's program at Beijing Normal University to study English even more! I think it's super cool that she gets to spend all day reading, writing, and talking about one of her favorite subjects.When she first told me about the program, I had a lot of questions. "What exactly is a master's program?" I asked her. She explained that it's kind of like super-super advanced college classes, but even harder. You have to take really tough courses and do a ton of reading, writing, and research."So it's like the highest level of school there is?" I said, eyes wide.She laughed. "Well, after you get a master's degree, you can go on to get a doctorate if you want, which is even more advanced study. But yeah, a master's is pretty high up there!"I couldn't imagine having to go to that much school. Just thinking about all the homework and tests made my head spin. But my sister seemed really excited about the whole thing."At Beijing Normal, the English Language and Literature program covers all kinds of cool topics," she told me. "Like analyzing literature from different time periods and cultures. And studying how the English language has evolved over time and how it varies across different regions.""Wow, that does sound kind of interesting," I admitted. I do like a good story. "But why did you want to get your master's degree specifically?"My sister smiled. "Well, first off, I'm really passionate about English. Reading, writing, studying authors and texts - it's all endlessly fascinating to me. I want to spend my career teaching and researching this subject at a high level."She continued, "But beyond that, this program will give me advanced training in things like literary theory, linguistic analysis,academic research and writing. Those are skills I'll need if I want to be a professor or scholar someday."I could tell she had put a lot of thought into this decision. My sister has always been the studious type - she was basically a genius kid who devoured books for fun. Still, the amount of work involved in a master's program seemed crazy."So what are your classes actually like?" I asked, curious. "Do you just sit there while a professor lectures for hours?"She laughed again. "Not quite! The classes are very discussion-based and interactive. We'll do tons of close readings of texts, debate theories and interpretations, and get feedback on our own research and writings."That reminded me of something. "Oh yeah! Don't you have to write a huge paper or something at the end?""You mean a thesis," she clarified. "Yes, that's one of the biggest components. I'll have to come up with an original research topic, then write a book-length scholarly thesis, putting all the analysis and writing skills I've learned to the test."A whole book? On just one topic? I was impressed...and a little terrified on her behalf.Then she told me about all the other requirements too - intense literature seminars, comprehensive exams, teaching assistantships. It was a lot to take in."Sounds brutal!" I remember saying with a gulp. "Are you sure you can handle all that?"But my sister just grinned. "It'll definitely be challenging. But I'm so ready to dive deeper into English and take my studies to the next level. This is what I've been working towards."Her determination was amazing. I knew if anyone could tackle such an intense program, it was her. With her brains and work ethic, she'd no doubt end up as one of those impressive Literature Professor types.Still, it boggled my 9-year-old mind that anyone would choose to keep studying that intensely after being in school for so many years already. Wasn't my sister tired of homework and tests and papers? Apparently not - for her, it was a passion and privilage."I feel really fortunate to have this opportunity," she told me sincerely. "The program at Beijing Normal is so well-respected. I'll be taught by renowned scholars and have access to incredible resources for research."I had to admire her sense of purpose and excitement, even if part of me still thought she was a little crazy. Hey, to each their own - if grinding through an insanely difficult master's program was her idea of fun, more power to her!"I'm just so impressed and proud that you're taking this on,"I told my sister. "I know you're going to do amazing."She smiled and gave me a hug. "Thanks little bro. With all your support and belief in me, how can I fail?"As insufferable as sisters can be sometimes, I really did feel lucky to have such a brilliant role model. Watching her workso hard to achieve her academic dreams was inspiring.Who knows, maybe my love of books and learning will lead me down a similar path someday. Though hopefully not one quite as intense as a master's degree! For now, I'm more than happy being a fourth grader.But I have a newfound appreciation for what my sister is taking on. If her master's program is like getting a second childhood of non-stop homework, I'm glad she has found her calling in attacking it with such passion.I'll be there cheering her on every step of the way. Even if I don't fully understand the ins and outs of literary theory orcomprehensive exams, I know pursuing higher education at the highest level is a huge deal.My big sister is pretty much a rockstar for tackling this crazy master's program. Sometimes genius comes with a price - endless reading, writing, researching and studying. But watching her embark on this journey, I can tell it's going to be an epic adventure.篇6My Big Dream: Becoming an English Master at Beijing Normal UniversityHi there! My name is Little Zhang and I'm 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade and I love learning English. It's my favorite subject in school! I work really hard on my English studies because I have a huge dream - I want to go to Beijing Normal University and get a Master's degree in English Language and Literature when I grow up.Beijing Normal University is one of the best universities in China for studying English. It has an amazing English department with super smart professors who are experts on the English language and literature from all over the world. Just thinkingabout learning from them makes me jump up and down with excitement!The Master's program there sounds like a total blast. Students get to take all kinds of cool classes on different areas of English. There are classes on linguistics, where you learn about how languages are structured and evolve over time. Sign me up! I'd love to dive deep into the nitty-gritty details of English grammar and sounds.Then there are literature classes where you read and analyze famous novels, plays, poetry and other awesome works in English from different time periods and cultures. Getting to discuss the hidden meanings and art behind brilliant writing? Yes please! My imagination runs wild just thinking about unraveling the mysteries in Shakespeare's plays or dissecting the symbolism in an Emily Dickinson poem.The program also has classes on English teaching methodology, which prepares students to become English teachers themselves. I may be young, but I already know I was born to be an English teacher. I dream of one day standing in front of a classroom full of eager students, sharing my passion for the English language with them. Getting proper training onthe best ways to teach English from the experts at Beijing Normal would be a game-changer.Aside from the coursework, I'm really excited about the prospect of doing my own research project as part of the Master's program. Students get to choose a specific topic they're interested in within the field of English language or literature, and then they get to go deep exploring it through scholarly reading, analysis, and writing. Can you imagine!? Getting to be like a real-life English detective, hunting down clues and evidence to unlock the secrets behind some mystifying aspect of the English universe? Sign me up!Maybe I'll investigate the origins of weird idioms like "raining cats and dogs" or "jumping the shark." Or perhaps I'll analyze how English words and phrases from other languages like French or Chinese have influenced modern English over the centuries. Ooh, or I could compare the writing styles of American authors from different regions, like how authors from the South use language differently than New Englanders! The possibilities are endless and I can't wait to spend hours and hours geeking out over whatever English topic captures my curiosity.When I'm done with all my studies and research, I'll then get to write a huge paper called a thesis, documenting all myfindings and proving my total mastery of my chosen topic. It'll probably be the biggest essay I ever write in my whole life - I'm talking hundreds of pages! Can you imagine? At that point, I'll officially be a bonafide EnglishLanguageandLiteratureExpert with a capital E.After completing the program, I'll finally achieve my lifelong dream and have the prestigious title of "Master of English" from the incredible Beijing Normal University. I can't wait to add those letters "M.A." after my name and walk around feeling like the English know-it-all I'll have become through years ofhard work.With a Master's from Beijing Normal, I'll be qualified for the best jobs teaching English at top universities across China and around the world. I could be like one of those amazing professors inspiring theNext Generation of English lovers, just like the ones who will have inspired me. Or maybe I'll move to an English-speaking country and get a job helping new immigrant students learn the English language and culture when they first arrive. No matter what, you can be sure I'll be living out my passion and putting my English mastery to great use every single day.。





















2017年北京师范大学翻译硕士考研必读信息一、北京师范大学翻译硕士专业简介北京师范大学翻译硕士(Master of Translation and Interpreting)培养单位设置在外国语言文学学院MTI教育中心。





翻译硕士专业学位(其英文名称为Master of Translation and Interpreting,英文缩写为MTI)的培养目标为具有专业口笔译能力的高级翻译人才。

















4、作文people today do what they like but not what they should,do you agree不少于400字,专八难度吧,大家可以按专八来复习。











2009年外文学院成为MTI专业学位授予单位,2010年4月成立了MTI 教育中心。






三、北师大翻译硕士考研参考书目北师大近几年开始不公布参考书目,以下是学长学姐推荐书目,供大家参考~1)绎传,《英汉翻译简明教程》北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20022)子南,《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》北京:清华大学出版社,20013)张汉熙,《高级英语》(修订本)第1、2册北京:外语教学与研究出版社,19954)张卫平,《英语报刊选读》北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005 5)张岱年,《中国文化概论》北京:北京师范大学出版社,2004、2010 6)夏晓鸣,《应用文写作》上海:复旦大学出版社,20107)《全国翻译硕士考研真题解析》天津科技翻译出版社8)李国正,《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》,北京:光明日报出版社,2013年。















































Letter to Wu Zhi,Magistrate of ZhaogeCao PiFifth month,twenty-eighth day,Pi reporting:Are you well,Jizhong?The distance that separates us is not great,but office imposes restrictions and I find I have no way to convey the thoughts I want to speak of.The place you are governing now is awkwardly situated and out of the way and our correspondence as a result is sketchy,a fact that increases my depression.Each time I think back to those days when we amused ourselves at Nanpi,I find them more unforgettable than ever. After mulling over the secrets of the Six Classics and wandering at will through the Hundred Philosophers,we found timeto squeeze in a little chess,ending up with a game of liubo.1Lofty discourse delighted our minds,plaintive strings soothed the ear.We galloped in haste to the northern ground,feasted with the crowd in the southern hall,floating sweet melons in the clear fountain,dunking crimson plums in its cold waters.And when the bright sun had gone into hiding,we carried on by the glow of the moon.Sharing a single carriage or driving side by side,we were off to outings at the inner gardens,our全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专业课押题卷育明教育官方网站:carriage wheels turning slowly,attendants following without a sound.A fresh breeze sprang up with the night and melancholy flutes sounded their faint cry.Joy vanished and grief came in its place;sorrowful were the thoughts that visited us.I turned to you and said,“Such joys can never last!”and you and your companions all agreed.Now,as we foresaw,you and I are parted,each in a different corner of the land.Yuanyu has set off on his long journey,changed into a spiritual being.2Each time I think of these things,I wonder when I will ever get to talk with you again.Just now the fifth month pitch-pipe marks the season,and all things are fanned by the soft winds of summer.3The breath of the sky is gentle and warm,and fruit of every kind fills the trees.From time to time I go out in my carriage, following north along the bend of the river,attendants piping flutes to clear the road before me,scholars accompanying me in carriages to the rear.The season is the same as it was then,but the time have changed;the things of nature are still here, but the men are gone.How can I describe to you the weariness I feel?I am about to dispatch a rider to Ye and will have him make a detour so he can pass our way.Carry on,take care of yourself.Pi reporting.Notes:1.A game like backgammon played with bamboo dice and ivory pieces.2.Yuanyu元瑜is Ruan Yu阮瑀,one of the famous men of letters who enjoyed the patronage of the Cao family.He was the father of the even more famous poet,Ruan Ji(210-263).3.Each of the twelve pitch-pipes,representing a twelve-tone scale,was assigned to one of the months.The fourth,fifth,and sixth months of the lunar calendar correspond to summer.(Burton Watson译)北京大学MTI考研信息汇总★★★★★全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专业课押题卷育明教育官方网站:全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专业课押题卷育明教育官方网站:北京大学(自主划线)2016年2015年备注分数线305分340分★翻译硕士英语出题偏向中英文时报。


















北京师范大学2017年外国语言文学学院招生简章一、招生宗旨北京师范大学翻译硕士(Master of Translation and Interpreting)培养单位设置在外国语言文学学院MTI教育中心。













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2017年北京师范大学翻译硕士考研必读信息一、北京师范大学翻译硕士专业简介北京师范大学翻译硕士(Master of Translation and Interpreting)培养单位设置在外国语言文学学院MTI教育中心。





翻译硕士专业学位(其英文名称为Master of Translation and Interpreting,英文缩写为MTI)的培养目标为具有专业口笔译能力的高级翻译人才。

















































