英研修2023-10-29contents •课程介绍•教学内容•教学方法•教学师资•教学设施•课程收益目录01课程介绍课程背景针对高级营销精英的深度研修,提升营销战略思维和实战能力结合全球最新营销趋势,专注于实战案例分析和行业前沿探讨源自美国科特勒集团(KotlerMarketing Group)的经典营销课程掌握高级营销战略与战术,提升企业竞争力熟练运用创新营销工具与渠道,实现高效营销深入了解全球营销趋势,提升跨文化营销能力课程目标课程特色汇集美国科特勒集团核心团队及业界顶级专家,为您带来最前沿的营销理念与实战经验名师授课实战导向国际化视野行业交流课程中穿插大量实战案例,通过小组讨论、角色扮演等方式,提高学员的实际操作能力课程涉及全球最新营销趋势,培养学员具备国际化视野,为全球化营销做好准备课程中安排行业大咖分享,为学员提供与业界精英深度交流的机会,拓展人脉资源02教学内容营销策略探讨市场定位、目标市场选择、竞争分析、营销组合策略等,培养制定营销策略的能力。
2.6 Warehouse Clubs or “Wholesale Club” A combined
retailing and wholesaling institution, with very broad but shallow product assortments, extremely low prices, and few customer services. Warehouse clubs are opened to members only.
2.3.2 Off-Price Retailers Also offer lower prices on selected product lines, featuring narrow, deep product assortment, few customer services, often concentrating on
that agree to establish and operate a wholesale warehouse.
“Wholesaler-sponsored Voluntary chain” is sponsored by
a wholesaler that enters into a contract with interested retailers.
ZARA成功案例分析目录一、内容描述 (2)1.1 ZARA公司背景介绍 (3)1.2 研究目的与意义 (3)二、ZARA品牌定位与市场策略 (4)2.1 ZARA品牌理念与价值 (6)2.2 市场定位与目标消费群体 (7)2.3 产品策略 (8)三、ZARA供应链管理 (10)3.1 采购与供应商选择 (11)3.2 生产与物流配送 (12)3.3 库存管理与控制 (14)四、ZARA营销策略 (15)4.1 品牌推广与广告宣传 (16)4.2 社交媒体营销 (18)4.3 快速时尚趋势的把握与引领 (19)五、ZARA成功的关键因素 (20)5.1 创新能力 (21)5.2 市场敏锐度 (22)5.3 优秀的团队协作与管理 (23)六、ZARA面临的挑战与未来展望 (25)6.1 面临的挑战 (26)6.2 未来发展趋势与创新方向 (28)七、结论 (29)7.1 ZARA成功经验的总结 (29)7.2 对其他企业的启示与借鉴 (31)一、内容描述品牌定位与市场策略:分析ZARA如何准确把握消费者需求,以及其在市场策略上的创新之处,如快速响应市场变化、精准定位目标消费群体等。
根据斯坦福大学的教授拉杰·贾因达尔(Rajiv Lal)的研究,传统零售商主要依靠供应链和物流优势,而新零售则注重创造与消费者互动的体验。
与此同时,根据麻省理工学院的教授菲利普·埃文斯(Philip Evans)的研究,新零售在数据分析和人工智能技术的应用方面具有独特优势,能够更好地了解消费者需求,提供更加个性化的产品和服务。
美国企业家兼投资家马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)指出,新零售最大的革命在于通过互联网和移动技术将消费者与企业连接起来,实现实时交互和实时反馈。
这一观点得到了加州大学伯克利分校的教授彼得·杜拉克(Peter Drucker)的支持,他认为新零售将大幅度提高企业的可见性和透明度,帮助企业更好地理解市场和消费者,更好地满足其需求。
哈佛商学院的教授迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)认为,新零售的出现改变了市场竞争格局,强调企业应该专注于创新和差异化竞争,打造独特的核心竞争优势。
英国剑桥大学的教授哲学家塞尔吉奥·马利奥尼(Sergio Mario Quintana)则指出,新零售提供了更多的机遇和平台,使小微企业也能够借助技术创新在竞争中脱颖而出。
你知道怎么用英语表达吗?People who write negative reviews on websites are often a retailer's most valuable and loyal customers, American research suggests.Retail specialists at MIT and Northwestern University found the harshest of critics may not have bought the product they were complaining about, but had strong feelings about a service or brand.The study, which is the first to take an in-depth look at the behaviour of customers who write negative reviews online, has disproved popular theories that peeved competitors or oddball customers make the harshest critics.美国一项研究表明,在网站上写差评的人往往是卖家最有价值和最忠实的顾客。
【讲解】文中的negative review就是“差评”的意思。
negative的意思是“负面的”、“消极的”,又如negative consequence 不良后果和a negative role 反面人物等。
retailpriceRetail Price: The Key Factor in Consumer Decision-MakingIntroduction:In today's competitive market, retail pricing has emerged as a decisive factor influencing consumers' purchasing decisions. Defined as the price at which a product or service is sold to end consumers, retail pricing plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers, maximizing profits, and positioning a brand in the market. This document explores the significance of retail pricing, its impact on consumer decision-making, and strategies that businesses can adopt to optimize their pricing strategies.1. The Importance of Retail Pricing:Retail pricing is not merely the determination of a selling price; it is an essential element that requires careful consideration from businesses. Here are a few reasons why retail pricing is crucial:1.1 Profitability: Setting an appropriate retail price can directly impact a company's profitability. Ensuring that the price is high enough to cover costs and generate a profit margin is vital for sustainability and growth.1.2 Competitive Edge: Price is often a significant factor in consumers' comparison-shopping behavior. By offering competitive prices, businesses can attract more customers and gain a competitive edge over their competitors.1.3 Brand Perception: Retail prices also shape consumers' perceptions of a brand. A high price may imply exclusivity and quality, while a low price may give the impression of lower quality or value for money. Retail pricing can impact how customers perceive the brand and its products.2. Consumer Decision-Making and Retail Pricing:Understanding how retail pricing influences consumers' decision-making processes is crucial for businesses to develop effective pricing strategies. Here are a few ways in which retail pricing impacts consumer behavior:2.1 Value Perception: Retail price affects consumers' perception of value for money. A higher price may lead consumers to believe that a product is of higher quality or offers superior features, while a lower price may be associated with lower quality or reduced benefits.2.2 Price Sensitivity: Retail pricing also determines how price-sensitive customers are. Some consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality products, while others are more price-conscious and opt for lower-priced alternatives. The price elasticity of demand plays a significant role in determining consumers' sensitivity to price changes.2.3 Purchase Decision: Price often acts as a decisive factor in consumers' purchase decisions. A well-priced product has the potential to convert potential customers into active buyers, while an exorbitantly priced product may lead to lost sales opportunities.3. Strategies for Optimizing Retail Pricing:To optimize retail pricing, businesses need to consider several strategies that align with their objectives and target market. Below are a few key strategies worth considering:3.1 Cost-Based Pricing: This approach involves determining the price by adding a markup percentage to the cost of production. It ensures that costs are covered while allowing for a reasonable profit margin.3.2 Value-Based Pricing: This strategy focuses on setting prices based on the perceived value of the product or service. The goal is to capture the value that consumers assign to the product and price it accordingly.3.3 Bundle Pricing: Bundling products or services together and offering them at a discounted price can encourage consumers to make a purchase and increase the perceived value of the offer.3.4 Promotional Pricing: Temporary price reductions, such as discounts or sales, can create a sense of urgency and drive customer interest. Employing promotional pricing tactics can help businesses attract new customers or increase sales volume in the short term.3.5 Dynamic Pricing: Employing dynamic pricing strategies, businesses can adjust prices based on demand, competition,or other market factors. This approach allows for flexible pricing that adapts to changing market conditions.Conclusion:In the complex landscape of consumer decision-making, retail pricing holds a pivotal role. Understanding the importance of retail pricing, its impact on consumer behavior, and implementing suitable pricing strategies can significantly influence a business's success. By optimizing retail pricing, businesses can enhance profitability, gain a competitive edge, and create value for both themselves and their customers. Thus, mastering the art of retail pricing is essential for businesses seeking sustainable growth in today's competitive market.。
01 一、Costco的经营模 式
二、Costco的供应链 管理
三、Costco的客户服 务
四、对我国零售业的 启示
05 参考内容
Costco是一家美国的零售巨头,以其独特的经营模式和高效的供应链管理而 闻名于世。近年来,Costco的经营模式逐渐引起了全球零售业的,尤其是对于中 国零售业来说,Costco的成功经验为我们提供了一个全新的视角来审视自己的经 营模式。本次演示将从Costco的经营模式、供应链管理、客户服务等方面进行分 析,探讨其对我国零售业的启示。
其次,屈臣氏对于用户价值的重视值得我们学习。在“O+O”模式下,屈臣 氏通过更精准地触达用户、聚合用户、运营用户,打造新的核心竞争力。这种以 用户为中心的经营理念,不仅体现在产品的选择和销售上,更贯穿于整个用户体 验过程中。通过提供优质的购物体验、专业的健康美丽咨询、以及贴心的会员服 务等,屈臣氏成功地将用户价值转化为品牌价值,实现了与品牌商一起走出增长 新路径的目标。
Costco采用仓储式的卖场布局,商品陈列简单明了,方便消费者寻找所需商 品。同时,Costco还通过减少商品种类和数量来降低库存成本和运营成本。
Costco采用自选式的购物方式,消费者可以根据自己的需求自由挑选商品, 提高了购物的自由度和便捷性。同时,这种购物方式还降低了商家的员工成本和 库存成本。
Costco采用了一种会员制、仓储式、自选式的经营模式,通过降低商品价格、 提高会员服务和优化供应链管理来吸引消费者。这种经营模式不仅提高了客户的 购物体验,还降低了商家的运营成本,使得Costco在零售市场中具有较高的竞争 力。
根据零售轮转理论,成本领先战略往往是新兴零售业态企业后来居上的有力武器,这一战略的实施涵盖了商品 购、存、销流转过程所有环节上的成本和费用控制,只有降低商品的进价成本和物流成本、降低商品的经营管理费 用,才能实现商品流转的全过程的成本费用的控制。在这方面,沃尔玛无疑是零售业成本领先战略最彻底实施者和 经营典范。其优势体现在成本控制方面的先进水平。
零售轮转揭示的3种基本的战略定位: 低端:低价、有限设施和服务,针对价格敏感型消费者; 中端:中等价位、改善的设施,针对价值和服务意识较强的消费者; 高端:高价、一流的设施与服务,针对上层消费者。
外商进入中国市场的过程是符合零售轮转学说的,外商谋求长期占领中国市场的战略手段。首先,低价销售 的基础是低进货价,而低进价需靠大批量进货,获得价格上的优惠来实现,这一点便是规模优势的派生优势。另 一方面,低价格销售也意味降低毛利。外商十分看重中国市场,为求得长期稳定的发展,往往采取用利润换市场 的经营战略,在初始阶段少赚钱或不赚钱,力求扩大其销售规模和市场占有率。当销售达到一定程度后,随着固 定费用的分摊而成本下降,也能使企业在低价运行中获得较多的利润。
计 算 机 与 网 络 创 新 生 活 7 9
优质面板无框设计 华硕 MX 2 7 9 H 内圣外王
属拉丝工艺 , 精致 、 唯 美 宛 如 现 代 艺
术 品大 师 的天 成 之作 。 这 样 设 计 的 灵 1 7 8 。( H) /1 7 8 。( V) ,几 乎 在 任 何 角
华 硕显 示 器 在这 两 方 面精 益求 精 、 力
酷 的时 尚效 果 , 宛如 漆 黑 夜 空 中一 弯 转 DV I的 转 接 线 ,为 用 户 驳 接提 供
极 大 便 利 ,轻 松 搭 建 家 庭 影 音 中 心 。
图 完 美 。 近 期 推 出 的 MX 2 7 9 H 就 是 明 月 ,含 而 不 发的 现 代 感 沁人 心 脾 。 这样一款 产品 , A H— I P S面 板 显 示 出 色, 无 框 设计 精 美 绝 伦 , 为 用 户 打 造 最佳 视 觉 体验 。
在 外观 上 , 华 硕 MX2 7 9 H 可 谓 着
凭 借 如 此 设计 , MX2 7 9 H赢得了 2 0 1 2 此 外 ,它 还 配 备 华 硕 独有 的 S p l e n d i d
年 Go o d De s i g n A wa r d设 计 大 奖 。 此 智能 靓 彩 引擎 技 术 , 预 设六 种 场景 模
获得 诸 多 无 价 经验 。 ”
电销 ,以及 如 何 运 用 移 动 和 平 板 设
备粘合客户 。 T h o u g h t Wo r k s是 一 家 全 球 I T 咨
度观 赏 影像 都能 获 得 出色 显 示效 果 。
0 0 0万 : 1的超 高 动 态 对 比 度 , 感 来 自 于 几 千 年 前 天 文 计 时 发 拥 有 8 明—— 日晷 , 简 单 的 设计 辅 以光 影 便
解剖美国在线零售商Zappos:玩着取胜, 昨天 10:06, 1329次阅读, 7答复Joseph Michelli过去这些年我一直在疑心一件事:咱们听说有些人只是在YouTube上看了那些“如何办”的视频后,决定摘除扁桃体,而并无给那个医生支付问诊费。
阿姆斯特朗 市场营销学第14版中文PPTu1
• 识别顾客价值驱动型营销战略的核心要素,探讨为市场营销 战略提供指引的市场营销管理导向
Copyright © 2020, 2017, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved
制定顾客价值驱动型营销战略和计划(1 of
• 顾客价值驱动型营销战略 – 一旦企业完全了解了其消费者和市场,它还必须确定为 哪些顾客提供服务以及如何给他们带来价值
需要、欲望和需求(2 of 2)
走近顾客:美国零售巨头 Target公司富有活力的新任 CEO
Copyright © 2020, 2017, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved
• 产品、服务和体验 – 以满足人们的需要和欲望
1.5 描述在关系时代改变市场营销场景的主要趋势和力量
Copyright © 2020, 2017, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved
亚马逊不仅仅是在网上销 售商品,而且是与顾客进 行互动,创造令人满意的 顾客体验。 “对亚马逊而 言,最重要的问题是什么 不会改变,那就是创造真 正的顾客价值” ,亚马逊 创始人杰夫·贝佐斯说。
Copyright © 2020, 2017, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved
• 通过交付卓越的顾客价值和赢得顾客满意来构建和维护有利 可图的顾客关系 – 顾客感知价值:相对于竞争者对手的同类供应物而言, 顾客对从某个市场供应物中所获得的利益与为获得该供 应物所付出的成本之间的平衡与考量 – 顾客满意:一件产品的感知效能与顾客期望的匹配程度
Retail Revolution
The retail industry is undergoing a major revolution, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behavior.Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are facing stiff competitionfrom e-commerce giants like Amazon, as well as from smaller online businesses. This has forced retailers to adapt and innovate in order to survive in the rapidly evolving market.One of the biggest changes in the retail industry is the shifttowards omnichannel retailing. This approach integrates thedifferent shopping channels – such as physical stores, online stores, and mobile apps – to provide a seamless and consistent experiencefor customers. Retailers are investing in technology to connecttheir various sales channels and provide customers with flexible options for purchasing and receiving their products.Another key aspect of the retail revolution is the rise ofpersonalized shopping experiences. With the help of big data and artificial intelligence, retailers can now analyze customer behavior and preferences to offer personalized product recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns. This not only enhances the shopping experience for customers but also helps retailers increase sales and customer loyalty.Furthermore, the concept of sustainability and ethical consumerismis gaining traction in the retail industry. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases, leading retailers to rethink their sourcing andproduction processes. Many retailers are now offering eco-friendlyand ethically produced products, as well as implementing sustainable practices in their operations.In addition, the rise of mobile shopping and contactless paymentshas further transformed the retail landscape. Consumers areincreasingly using their smartphones to browse and purchase products, and retailers are leveraging mobile technology to offer convenientand secure payment options.Overall, the retail revolution is reshaping the way consumers shopand the way retailers operate. It is pushing retailers to embrace technology, prioritize customer experience, and align with ethicaland sustainable practices in order to stay competitive in the ever-changing retail market. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be crucial for retailers to stay agile and innovative to meet the demands of modern consumers.。
零售商如何将线上和线下购买相结合英语作文Retail companies have been facing significant challenges in recent years as consumer behavior continues to evolve. The rise of e-commerce has disrupted traditional brick-and-mortar stores, forcing retailers to adapt and find ways to integrate their online and offline operations. Successful retailers have recognized the importance of providing a seamless and engaging shopping experience for their customers, regardless of the channel they choose to use.One of the key strategies for retailers to combine their online and offline offerings is through the use of omnichannel marketing. Omnichannel refers to the integration of multiple sales channels, including physical stores, websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms, to provide a cohesive and consistent customer experience. By leveraging the strengths of both online and offline channels, retailers can create a more convenient and personalized shopping journey for their customers.One of the primary benefits of an omnichannel approach is the ability to offer a wider range of products and services to customers.Online stores can provide a broader selection of items, as they are not limited by physical store space. At the same time, physical stores can serve as showrooms where customers can touch, feel, and experience products before making a purchase. This hybrid model allows retailers to cater to the preferences of different customer segments and meet their diverse needs.Another key aspect of the omnichannel strategy is the integration of customer data across all channels. By collecting and analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, retailers can gain valuable insights that can inform their marketing strategies and product offerings. This data-driven approach allows retailers to personalize the shopping experience, make more informed decisions, and enhance customer loyalty.One successful example of a retailer that has effectively combined its online and offline operations is Nordstrom. The company has implemented a comprehensive omnichannel strategy that includes a robust e-commerce platform, a network of physical stores, and various customer service touchpoints. Nordstrom's customers can seamlessly move between these channels, with the ability to browse and purchase products online, pick up or return items in-store, and access personalized recommendations and services.Another notable example is Walmart, which has made significantinvestments in its omnichannel capabilities. The company has integrated its online and physical stores, allowing customers to order items online and pick them up in-store or have them delivered to their homes. Walmart has also leveraged its extensive network of physical locations to offer same-day delivery and curbside pickup options, providing customers with greater convenience and flexibility.To effectively combine online and offline shopping, retailers must also focus on creating a consistent brand experience across all channels. This includes aligning marketing messaging, product assortment, pricing, and customer service policies. By maintaining a cohesive brand identity, retailers can build trust and foster stronger relationships with their customers.Additionally, the integration of technology plays a crucial role in the success of an omnichannel strategy. Retailers must invest in advanced inventory management systems, mobile applications, and in-store digital tools to enable seamless customer experiences. This can include features such as real-time product availability, personalized recommendations, and frictionless checkout processes.Furthermore, retailers must adapt their physical store designs and staffing strategies to accommodate the changing needs of their customers. This may involve creating more experiential and interactive store environments, as well as training employees toprovide seamless support across all channels.In conclusion, the successful integration of online and offline shopping is a critical component of a retailer's long-term success. By leveraging an omnichannel approach, retailers can provide their customers with a more convenient, personalized, and engaging shopping experience, ultimately driving loyalty and increasing sales. As consumer behavior continues to evolve, retailers must remain agile and innovative in their strategies to stay ahead of the competition and meet the changing demands of the market.。
Overview of Retail IndustryComparison of Retail Terminology in Chinese and EnglishThis trend is driven by the rapid development of e-commerce and the increasing demand for personalized and conservative shopping experiences
Overview of Retail Industry
The retail industry refers to the industry that directly sells goods or services to end consumers. These goods or services can be daily necessities, fashionable clothing, electronic products, food, etc., to meet the diverse needs of consumers.
Detailed description: ZARA stands out in the retail industry with its fast response supply chain and fashion leadership. By closely following fashion trends, ZARA is able to quickly integrate popular elements into product design and quickly push them to the market through an efficient supply chain. This strategy enables ZARA to quickly seize market opportunities and meet consumers' demand for fresh fashion.
变、 自助服务 市场 发展趋 势 、NCR预 测 服 务 、电子 精 准营 销 、管理 服 务和
云购 物解 决 方案 ,并 就 “ 来银 行 ” 未
展开 了圆桌论坛 。在零售 分会场 ,
NC R负 责零 售行业 的高 管介绍 了零 售
NR C 公司 大中华 区总裁 缪刚
行业 自助结 账的 全球 趋 势及 应 用 ,以
Ch n mpuer i a Co t &Co mu ia i n m nc t o百年企业动全球零售创新 — —
NR 1用户大会召开 c 2 1 0
记者 宇 轩
题演 讲后 参 会人 员分 别进 入 三个 分 会 场 。来 自金 融 、零 售和 航空 酒 店三 个 行业 的 嘉宾 进行 了各 自领域 的 主题 演 讲 、方案介绍和产 品演示 。 在 金 融 主 会 场 , 行 业 专 家 为 大 家 讲述 了零售 银行 创 新及 分行 业 务演
发表 言论 ,对NC R的产 品有什 么建议 ,或 者有什 么不满 ,
可 以 跟 NC R进 行 交 流 ,从 这 个地 方NCR可 以得 到很 多 反 馈。
灵活性 。
最 后他 谈 到 了如 何 使用 NCR自助 结账 解 决 方案 。 一
NCR非 常 关注 自助 服务 软件 和 硬件 ,作为领导者 ,已经在 自助服务
及 NC S l ev C ek u n 自助 R el r h c o t Mii s
ef r 6 。航空酒 店 S 为 了进一 步推 动 中国信 息化科 技创新 业 务的发 展 与建 结账方 案和 电子 商务 自助信息终端S l e v 0 设 ,NCR公 司于 4 中旬在杭 州举办 了2 l年 NC 月 01 R公 司用 分 会场 的会议 内容 则是关 于全球 航空 和酒店 自助服务 的发 H R的行 李 、人体 工程学 和移动 解决方 案 ,以 及颇受 户年 会 ,暨创新 与发 展高峰 论坛 。来 自大 中华 区银行 、零 展* NC R To c P r 0 售 、航 空及酒 店等行 业的NCR客户 、渠道 合作伙伴 、以及 国内客户认 可的NC u h ot7 。三个会场全面展示 了
2019年美国商场用品及全球零售展览会Global Shop
Global Shop
展会地址:美国-芝加哥-芝加哥迈考密会展中心McCormick Place
英语作文-便利店零售行业,门槛之争愈演愈烈In the bustling streets of urban centers, the convenience store has become a cornerstone of modern retail. These compact yet comprehensive shops offer a range of products from snacks to household essentials, often operating around the clock to serve the needs of the community at any hour. The retail industry, particularly the convenience store sector, is witnessing an intensifying battle for market dominance. This struggle is not just about location or price, but also about innovation and adaptation to the evolving demands of consumers.The convenience store industry has traditionally been characterized by low barriers to entry, which has led to a saturated market with fierce competition. Small, independent stores compete with large chains, each vying for a share of the consumer's wallet. The proliferation of these stores has been both a boon and a bane; while it offers consumers unparalleled accessibility, it also means that each store must fight harder to maintain its customer base.One of the key strategies in this battle has been the diversification of services. Convenience stores are no longer just places to buy quick snacks or drinks; they have transformed into multi-service centers that offer a variety of services such as ATMs, parcel delivery and pickup, ticket sales for events and transportation, and even dry cleaning. This evolution has been driven by the need to create additional value for customers, making each visit to the store more than just a transaction.Technology has also played a pivotal role in the intensifying competition. With the advent of e-commerce and mobile shopping, traditional convenience stores have had to innovate to keep up. Many have introduced their own apps and online platforms, allowing customers to order products in advance for in-store pickup or home delivery. This digital shift has not only provided convenience but also opened up new avenues for data collection and personalized marketing, further enhancing customer loyalty.Despite these advancements, the core of the convenience store's appeal remains its physical presence and the immediate gratification it offers. In an age where time is increasingly precious, the ability to quickly walk in, find what you need, and make a purchase is invaluable. This is where the battle for location comes into play. Stores vie for prime spots that guarantee high foot traffic, understanding that visibility and accessibility can make or break their business.The competition extends to the products offered as well. Convenience stores have expanded their inventory to include healthier food options, gourmet snacks, and even private label products that challenge the offerings of supermarkets and specialty stores. This shift reflects a deeper understanding of consumer trends and a desire to cater to the health-conscious and discerning shopper.In conclusion, the convenience store retail industry is in the midst of a dynamic and relentless struggle for supremacy. The barriers to entry may be low, but the stakes are high as each store seeks to outdo the others in terms of service, innovation, and convenience. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be the agility and customer-centric approach of these stores that will determine their success in the ever-escalating battle for retail dominance. With each store striving to be a one-stop solution for the busy consumer, the convenience store has truly become an indispensable part of urban life.。
美国十大零售巨头来源:尹洁的日志10 Retail Power PlayersNRF ranked retailers based on their U.S. sales in 2009. To arrive at U.S. sales figures, the research firm utilized a variety of estimation techniques based on publicly disclosed information. For this reason, the figures do not always match the companies' official public filing reports. Revenue from non-retailing operating segments is also removed unless otherwise noted, and system-wide sales are provided when the operation is a franchise.This year's study also eliminated gasoline sales from total retail sales in most instances. This knocked virtually all convenience store operators off the chart. While fuel-sales volume didn't vary much year-to-year, prices were volatile.Overall discounters and grocers reigned supreme over general merchandise and apparel specialty chains. In fact, none of the apparel retailers even placed within the top 20, with TJX (TJX - News) faring best of the bunch at No. 23.Here are the retailers that ranked in the top 10 according to NRF's measurement…10. Best Buy(百思买);Best Buy (BBY - News), coming in at No. 10, is one of only two traditional electronic retailers to appear on NRF's top 100 chart. In 2009, the company generated $37.3 billion in sales at its 1,192 U.S. stores.High-definition televisions, netbook computers and smartphones were big drivers of sales, helping to push Best Buy's sales up 1.7%. This offset a 3% decline from entertainment software like video games, CDs and DVDs. Best Buy is looking to ramp up this business with the recent launch of a video download service to compete with similar programs from Amazon (AMZN - News), Blockbuster (BBI - News), Apple (AAPL - News) and Netflix (NFLX - News).Domestically, 39% of Best Buy's sales came from consumer electronics, with home office products accounting for another 34%.Even as other retailers looked to cut costs, Best Buy still opened 100 new stores during the year. The electronic retailer is currently focused on expanding its Best Buy Mobile business, with plans to operate up to1,000 of these stores.9. Sears(西尔斯);Sears (SHLD - News) retains its No. 9 ranking, even as its sales continue to remain sluggish. In 2009, Sears sales dropped nearly 6% to $44 billion, as the company shuttered some underperforming stores.This trend has continued into 2010, as one of the few retailers that still saw a decline in profit in its first quarter. Sears reported a 39% drop for the period, earning $16 million, or 14 cents a share, on revenue of $10.05 billion. Sears said its profit margin was squeezed due to deep discounts on major appliances.Still, some of Sears' new initiatives should give investors some encouragement. The department store recently launched a marketplace on its Web site, an appliance layaway program, and streaming movie and TV downloads partnership.8. Lowe's(劳氏);The housing slump pushed Lowe's (LOW - News) 2009 sales down 2.1% to $47.2 billion, but improving trends in bellwether markets like Florida and California are promising.Already in the first three months of 2010, Lowe's posted a 2.4% increase in same-store sales, its first positive quarterly comparable sales figure in nearly four years. While some of this gain can be attributed to government stimulus programs, the home improvement retailer did raise its sales and earnings forecast for 2010.Still, analysts are cautious on the sector, as several cut their estimates for both Lowe's and rival Home Depot (HD - News). "Management commentary on recent webcasts reflected a slight downshift in tone, in our view, and this is what recent investor sentiment has been concerned about," FBR analyst Stephen Chick wrote in a note last week.7. CVS Caremark(美国CVS药店连锁);CVS Caremark (CVS - News) ranks at No. 7, with $55.4 billion in sales in 2009, a 13% increase from the year prior. NRF's total does not include non-retail sales. CVS' purchase of Long's Drug Stores back in 2008, is one of the primary factors of the double-digit sales growth.CVS made headlines along with rival Walgreen due to a dispute over its pharmacy benefits management business. The disagreement ended in a resolution where Walgreen will continue to participate in CVS' PBM for existing, new and renewed plans.In June, CVS approved a new plan to repurchase up to $2 billion in shares before the end of 2011. It recently completed a $2 billion share buyback in November.6. Costco (好市多);Costco Wholesale (COST - News) fell three places to No. 6, generating $56.5 billion in sales at its 406 stores in the United States and Puerto Rico.The biggest reason for Costco's drop on NRF's chart is due to the exclusion of fuel, as it derives a significant portion of its overall revenue from the gas pump.Regardless, Costco credits its food products with boosting its volume even as consumers tightened their purse strings. The wholesaler has said that last year's trends have continued into the first half of the year, as traffic within its stores pichas picked up, but spending remains below normal. The bulk of purchases continue to come from food and other necessities, rather than non-essentials.5. Home Depot (家得宝);As with Lowe's, the success of Home Depot (HD - News) is closely tied to the performance of the housing market.While there is skepticism in the market after last week's disappointing new homes data, Janney Capital Markets analyst David Strasser said he is confident in the company's turnaround. He cited Home Depot's increased visibility in its supply chain, which could mean robust margin opportunities, as well as its investment in information technology."The ability to accurately forecast inventory, manage pricing and control labor hours, all result in better sales and margins," Strasser wrote in a note.Home Depot also plans to continue to increase its dividend payout and buy back shares.4. Walgreen (沃尔格林);Walgreen (WAG - News) moved up two places to the No. 4 slot, as it continued to open stores and make acquisitions.In 2009, Walgreen opened its 7,000 location and its first store in Alaska, giving the drugstore a presence in all 50 states. It also purchased 25 Snyder's Drug Stores in Minnesota, a dozen Eaton's Apothecary locations in Boston and 257 Duane Reade units in New York. These acquisitions helped boost Walgreen's sales 7.3%The $618 million acquisition of Duane Reade will help Walgreen in its move to provide a bigger fresh- and prepared-food selection in stores. Prior to the buyout, Duane Reade was well on its way to launching its DR Delish -- a broader selection of food offerings that includes fresh salads and frozen desserts.Walgreen is also making strides in its pharmacy business, going directly to companies and government agencies to provide prescription medications for employees.3. Target (塔吉特);Target (TGT - News) moved up two notches in NRF's ranking to claim the No. 3 spot.The discounter has been making headway with its PFresh grocery segment, which generated 16% of its $63.4 billion in sales in 2009. The company plans to have more than 450 of its stores with the PFresh assortment and presentation by the end of the third quarter.Target has also seen strength in sales of discretionary merchandise like apparel and home goods.2. Kroger (克罗格);Kroger (KR - News) holds on to its No. 2 ranking, and is expected to hold up better against pressure from discounters than other traditional grocers.The grocery sector has been facing increasing competition from discounters like Target and Wal-Mart, which have been steadily growing their food selection. At its shareholder meeting last week, Kroger's CEO Dave Dillon said the company is strengthening its customer loyalty.Looking ahead, Kroger expects full-year earnings in the range of $1.60 to $1.80 per share, and foresees same-store sales growing between 2% and 3%.The board of directors also approved the repurchase of $500 million of common stock, replacing the $225 million remaining under a $1 billion authorization announced in January 2008. It also declared a quarterly dividend of 9.5 cents to be paid on Sept. 1 to shareholders of record on Aug. 6.1. Wal-Mart (沃尔玛);Wal-Mart (WMT - News), unsurprisingly, once again ranks as the No. 1 retailer in terms of sales, according to NRF.While Wal-Mart's biggest growth opportunities have been overseas, the discount giant still says it can generate another $100 billion annually in domestic sales. One way it may do this is through the roll-out of smaller-sized stores. By reducing its footprints, Wal-Mart hopes to win approval from zoning officials in cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.Wal-Mart's grocery business is also dominating, accounting for more than half of its $304.9 billion in sales in 2009.But the retail behemoth isn't without its worries. U.S. comparable sales have declined in the last four consecutive quarters, and management is forecasting another dip for the second quarter. Wal-Mart has seen weakness in its discretionary categories, most prominently in apparel.。
2====特姆彭纳斯=====《跨越文化浪潮》特姆彭纳斯(Fons Trompenaars),毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院,是跨文化管理的开创者和倡导者之一,曾先后在18个国家开设了1000多次跨文化管理培训课程,现任特姆彭纳斯/汉普顿-特纳跨文化管理公司的总经理。
3====克莱顿·克里斯坦森=====《创新者的处方》《创新者的课堂》克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen)是当今最具影响力的创新大师,现为哈佛商学院教授,并为创见公司(Innosight)、罗斯帕克投资顾问公司、创见研究所的联合创始人,著有5 本著作,包括《纽约时报》畅销书《创新者的窘境》《创新者的处方》以及《创新者的课堂》等。
4====唐·泰普斯科特=====《数字化成长3.0》唐·泰普斯科特(Don Tapscott)是全球著名的新经济学家和商业策略大师,被誉为“数字经济之父”以及“趋势大师”。
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*Day 1 13:00 到达芝加哥 14:30-18:00 参观芝加哥地标建筑云门以及美国精神象征 66 号公路起点 18:30 欢迎晚宴 *Day 2 9:00-17:00 全天观展 IRCE,现场有 120 论坛和研讨会,精选 2 场亚马逊研讨会,全程提 供翻译 *Day 3 9:00-12:00 观展 IRCE 14:00-18:00 芝加哥剧院或者自然博物馆,亦或是海军码头游览 *Day 4 9:00-13:00 芝加哥--旧金山 14:30-18:00 参观金门大桥、渔人码头、九曲花街、市政厅 18:30 渔人码头晚宴 *Day 5 9:30-11:30 走访全球顶尖社交媒体公司 Facebook 14:00-16:30 走进品牌出海专家 Red Cube,深入学习跨境品牌营销 19:00-20:30 前往 Costco 考察美国零售市场或者 前往奥克兰金州勇士队主场 Oracle 体育中心观看 NBA 比赛(球票自费) *Day6
1、全球商店展是美国大型的商店设计和商品贸易展,服务于零售商和消费市场营销人员, 吸引大概有 1 万名零售和产品设计的专业人员参加。 2、IRCE 是美国大型的电子商务展,并且它专注于电子商务的培训,600 名参展商专注于 电子商务必不可少的产品和服务,这些产品和服务是电子商务成功的关键因素,这个展会吸 也引了 1 万多名观众参与。IRCE 每年聚集超过 200 位重量级主讲嘉宾,如维基百科 CEO、 创办人:Jimmy Wales;Amazon 总裁及 CEO 等。 3、RFID 零售展是由 RFID 杂志主办,RFID 已经被美国零售商广泛采用和认可,被电商和 实体店作为关键的供应链管理和库存管理设备。
IRCE IRCE 是全球最大型的互联网零售展览,每年都在美国芝加哥举行,每年 IRCE 展都会提供 所有行业的顶尖专家,展览厅内有最新和最伟大的智囊团和成千上万的行业内佼佼者组成的 社团供全球零售商人员交流。IRCE 完善的建立了每年在芝加哥期间展览聚集超过 200 位重 量级主讲嘉宾,如维基百科 CEO、创办人:Jimmy Wales;Amazon 总裁及 CEO 等。
RetailX 展会是零售业转型的快速响应和有推动力的平台,创造一个环境让所有的零售人能 看到当下的变化和未来,并且能够让零售商据此建设创新团队和领导力,加强业务能力,确 保在零售的巨变中持续增长。这三个展会的同时举行,会让这一切变得更加容易,更方便零 售商寻求实体和数字世界的解决方案。 RetailX 是零售设计、科技技术和创新的集合。
美国新零售游学--直击全球著名零售商会议 RetailX(IRCE)
您将收获: 1,参加全球最顶尖零售商行业会议,接触最顶尖互联网零售行业资源
在 25,000 平米的展览会场内,超过 600 家参展企业,全球顶级的电子商务零售公司,渗透 不同领域、不同垂直行业的海外电商企业,覆盖产业链的咨询、物流、系统、软件、支付、 推广、售后等各个环节的服务商企业都囊括其中。89 位行业高管的主题演讲,细分 10 个 版块共计 55 场研讨会,将汇聚更多先进的理念和顶尖智慧,推动全球电子商务零售发展迈 入一个新的阶段。
9:30-12:00 走访跨境数字营销公司 Google
14:00-16:00 Google 专家大数据营销分享
16:30-18:00 北美跨境大卖分享美国跨境电商运营和线上线下市场发展
*Day 7
9:30-12:00 美国最大产品众筹平台 Indiegogo 参访
2,探索 Google 公司“不做恶”的企业文化及大数据营销的魅力 3,走入 Facebook 等创新创业标杆,深度学习海外社交媒体营销 4,与美国跨境大卖、跨境平台商大咖面对面交流 5,走进美国最大的众筹平台 Indiegogo,看美国众筹模式如何助力中国企业出海
*Day 8
9:30-12:00 美国一站式跨境电商服务平台对接。
14:30-18:00 美国本土线上线下小 B 资源洽谈,采购沙龙
19:00 晚餐后前往射击俱乐部体验美国枪支文化(子弹自费)
*Day 9
6,走进跨境品牌出海专家--Red Cube,学习品牌重塑、打造,到线上线下推广,再到后 勤销售,如何打造美国跨境产业链 7,走访 Costco、Walmart、Homedepot 等全球顶尖零售商超,直面美国线上、线下市 场,行业买家变化,为企业未来发展理清思路 8,参加美国线上线下零售商资源洽谈,采购沙龙
高达 5 万亿美金的美国零售市场,正在发生巨变:线上的零售商正在对主导线下的实体零 售门店发起冲击;传统的线下零售商正在希望通过电子商务实现线上线下一体化。RetailX
关注这一变化,RtailX 包含了世界上顶尖零售商和电商博览会、IRCE 展会、RFID 杂志零售 展。 三个展会集合在同一个地方举行,但是依然会分别提供三个注册服务、三个不同展会行程和 三个不同网站服务,任何一个展会的胸牌可以毫无障碍的参加观看在同期举行的三个展会。 展会地址是在芝加哥 40 万平方英尺的 McCormick 南广场展览中心。