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班级: 姓名:


1. c a t b a g d a d h a nd /æ/

2. t e n p e n l e g r e d /e/ 猫 包 爸爸 手 十 钢笔 腿 红色

3. b i g p i g s i x m i lk /i /

4. d o g b o x o range b o dy /ɔ/ 大的 猪 六 牛奶 狗 盒子 桔色;桔子 身体

5. f u n r u n d u ck u nder /ʌ/ 有趣的 跑步 鸭子 在…下面

以上每组单词分别含有元音字母a e i o u ,要能准确发这五个元音字母在单词里

的音,即/æ/, /e/, /i /, /ɔ/, /ʌ/,音标认识即可,不需要听写。



(the )UK Canada (the )USA China

英国 加拿大 美国 中国


he student teacher pupil

教师 小学生

father (dad ) man mother (mum ,mom ) 爸爸 男人 妈妈

woman sister brother grandfather (grandpa ) grandmother (grandma )

兄弟 爷爷或外公 奶奶或外婆

fat thin tall short

胖的 瘦的 高的 矮的

small big long short


in on under chair desk

在…里 在…上 在…下面 椅子 桌子

cap ball car boat map 帽子 球 小汽车 船 地图

pear (an )apple (an )orange banana

梨 苹果 桔子 香蕉

watermelon (s ) strawberry (…berries

) 西瓜 /z/ 草莓

/iz/ 葡萄

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 11 12 13 14 15

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

16 17 18 19 20


boy and girl new friend today family giraffe so

男孩 和;与 女孩 新的 朋友 今天 家庭 长颈鹿 这么

children (单child) tail toy box buy fruit kite beautiful

儿童 尾巴 玩具 盒;箱 买 水果 风筝 美丽的



★五、重点认读句子(最好背过) 1.We have two new friends today. 2.I ’m from the USA/ UK.

I’m from China/Canada/Australia.

3.This is … He ’s a teacher. She ‘s a student.

4.Nice to see you again.---Nice to see you, too.

5.We are friends. We like to play. A boy from Canada. A girl from the UK. Friends from China and the USA.

1.This is my family. This is my father. This is my mother. This is my …

2.I ’m the Easter Bunny! How many eggs?

3.Who ’s that man?---Sarah ’s grandfather.

4.They are a family, one and all.

5.All my family. Help each other.

1.Look at the elephant. Look at that monkey.

2. So cute.

3.Make your eyes big/small. Make your arms long/short.

Recycle 1

1. I am …/ You are…/ He is …/ She is …

2. I like sports.

3. You are a little bit fat.

1. Put your … in/on/under your …

2. Row a boat. Bounce a ball. Drive a car. Put on a cap.

Read a map.

3. Let ’s play hide and seek.

4.I can ’t find you.

5.I ’m behind you.

1.Have some grapes.---Thank you./ Thanks.

2.Can I have some bananas?---Sure, here you are.

3.A fruit bowl in my tummy. Yummy

4.They taste really good.

5. I like them all. How about you?

6.Doggy bag, please.--- No way.

1.Look at the kites.---Wow, so beautiful.

2.How many fish do you see?

3.What ’s this?---My new crayons.

4.Please tell me.

5.10 and 8 makes 18. 4 times 5 makes 20.

6. Can you count with me?
