第十三部分 IPv6配置指南
任务6.1 IPv6基础配置
ØIPv6(Internet Protocol Version 6)是网络层协议的第二代标准协议,也被称为IPng(IP Next Generation)。
NDP(Neighbor Discovery Protocol,邻居发现协议)是IPv6的一个关键协议,它组合了IPv4中的ARP、ICMP路由器发现和ICMP重定向等协议,并对它们作了改进。
表2-1 ICMPv6报文类型ICMPv6类型消息名称 ICMPv6类型消息名称Type=133 RS(Router Solicitation,路由器请求)Type=136 NA(Neighbor Advertisement,邻居公告)Type=134 RA(Router Advertisment,路由器公告 Type=137 Redirect(重定向报文)Type=135 NS(Neighbor Solicitationh,领居请求)IPv6地址解析地址解析在报文转发过程中具有至关重要的作用。
H3C IPv6 OSPFv3配置
操作手册 IP 路由分册 IPv6 OSPFv3
1.9.1 配置OSPFv3 区域.................................................................................................. 1-22 1.9.2 配置OSPFv3 的DR选择......................................................................................... 1-27 1.10 常见配置错误举例 .......................................................................................................... 1-30 1.10.1 OSPFv3 邻居无法建立 ........................................................................................ 1-30 1.10.2 OSPFv3 路由信息不正确..................................................................................... 1-30
操作手册 IP 路由分册 IPv6 OSPFv3
第 1 章 IPv6 OSPFv描述,表示各型号对于此特性的支持情况可能 不同,本节将对此进行说明。
操作手册 IP 路由分册 IPv6 OSPFv3
第 1 章 IPv6 OSPFv3 配置 ..............................
ipv6 简明教程
ipv6 简明教程IPv6 是一种用于互联网协议的第六版标准,它在设计上取代了 IPv4。
以下是关于 IPv6 的简明教程:1. IPv6 地址:IPv6 地址由 16 个字节组成,通常以 8 组 16 进制数表示,每组之间用冒号分隔。
IPv6 地址空间非常大,几乎可以满足任何网络需求。
2. IPv6 地址分类:IPv6 地址可以分为三种类型:全球路由地址、本地唯一地址和本地链路地址。
3. IPv6 报头:IPv6 报头固定为40 字节,包含了一些重要的字段,如版本、流量类别、优先级、长度等。
这些字段用于标识和处理 IPv6 数据包。
4. IPv6 扩展报头:IPv6 支持扩展报头,用于实现更高级的协议功能。
5. IPv6 安全性:IPv6 支持 IP 层安全性(IPsec),可以为数据提供加密和身份验证功能,确保数据在传输过程中的安全。
6. IPv6 与 IPv4 的互操作性:由于 IPv4 和 IPv6 不完全兼容,因此在从IPv4 向 IPv6 过渡的过程中,需要采取一些措施来实现两种协议的互操作性。
总的来说,IPv6 的设计更加先进和安全,但是由于 IPv4 向 IPv6 的过渡需要时间和成本,因此目前 IPv4 和 IPv6 仍然共存。
IPV6的设置指南 (347)
项: Tcpip\Parameters
数值类型:REG_DWORD - 时间(毫秒)
有效范围: 1-0xFFFFFFFF
默认值: 7,200,000(两个小时)
说明:通过发送保留的数据包,该参数可确定 TCP 要隔多长时间验证一次闲置连接仍仍未断开。如果远程系统仍可以连接并正在运行,它就会确认保留传输。默认情况下,不发送保留数据包。应用程序可以在连接上启用这一功能。
项: Tcpip\Parameters
数值类型: REG_DWORD - 数字
有效范围: 100-0xFFFF
默认值: 100 (Professional、Server)、500 (Advanced Server)
说明:该参数控制 SYN 攻击保护启动前允许处于 SYN-RCVD 状态的连接数量。如果将 SynAttackProtect 设为 1,确保该数值低于要保护的端口上 AFD 侦听预备的值(有关详细信息,参见附录 C 中的预备参数)。有关详细信息,请参见SynAttackProtect 参数。
数值类型: REG_DWORD - 布尔值
默认值: 0 (false)
推荐值: 1
说明:该参数确定当收到网络的名称释放请求时,计算机是否释放其 NetBIOS 名称。添加该参数,管理员就可以保护机器免遭恶意名称释放攻击。
项: Tcpip\Parameters
数值类型: REG_DWORD - 数字
Ipv6配置参考预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制Ipv6配置参考1 R41和R42的RIPng的配置R41(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing /* 全局启用IPv6单播路由R41(config)#int e0/0 /* 进入相关接口R41(config-if)#ipv6 add 2000:0:1:41::1/64 /* 配置ipv6地址R41(config-if)#no sh /* 开启接口R41(config-if)#int s 1/1R41(config-if)#clock rate 64000R41(config-if)#ipv6 add 2000:0:1:4142::1/64R41(config-if)#no shR41(config-if)#exitR41(config)#ipv6 router rip TechNow /* 启动RIPng进程(进程名称:TechNow)R41(config-rtr)#exit /* 退出R41(config)#int e0/0 /* 进入相关接口R41(config-if)#ipv6 rip TechNow enable /* 指定该接口启用RIPng TechNow进程。
R41(config-if)#int s 1/1R41(config-if)#ipv6 rip TechNow enableR41(config-if)#endR42(config)#ipv6 unicast-routingR42(config)#int e0/0R42(config-if)#ipv6 add 2000:0:1:42::1/64R42(config-if)#no shR42(config-if)#int s 1/1R42(config-if)#ipv6 add 2000:0:1:4142::100/64R42(config-if)#no shR42(config-if)#exitR42(config)#ipv6 router rip TechNowR42(config-rtr)#exitR42(config)#int e0/0R42(config-if)#ipv6 rip TechNow enR42(config-if)#int s 1/1R42(config-if)#ipv6 rip TechNow enR42(config-if)#end2 验证R41和R42的RIPngR41#sh ipv6 routeR 2000:0:1:42::/64 [120/2] /* 注意这行,是负载均衡的!CCNA 实验中应该见过!via FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:200, Ethernet0/0via FE80::A8BB:CCFF:FE00:200, Serial1/13 利用IPv6 ACL控制RIPng的更新R41(config)#ipv6 access-list D-RIPng /* 创建IPv6 ACLR41(config-ipv6-acl)#deny udp any any eq 521 /* 拒绝udp 协议任意源任意目标目标端口=521 R41(config-ipv6-acl)#per ipv6 any any /* 允许ipv6协议任意源任意目标R41(config-ipv6-acl)#exitR41(config)#int e0/0 /* 进入相关接口R41(config-if)#ipv6 traffic-filter D-RIPng in /* 接口应用ipv6 ACL 方向in。
Brocade Vyatta 网络操作系统 IPv6 支持配置指南说明书
Supporting Brocade 5600 vRouter, VNF Platform, and DistributedServices PlatformCONFIGURATION GUIDE53-1004723-01© 2016, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Brocade, the B-wing symbol, and MyBrocade are registered trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and in other countries. Other brands, product names, or service names mentioned of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. are listed at /en/legal/ brocade-Legal-intellectual-property/brocade-legal-trademarks.html. Other marks may belong to third parties.Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment, equipment feature, or service offered or to be offered by Brocade. Brocade reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice, and assumes no responsibility for its use. This informational document describes features that may not be currently available. Contact a Brocade sales office for information on feature and product availability. Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from the United States government.The authors and Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. assume no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to the accuracy of this document or any loss, cost, liability, or damages arising from the information contained herein or the computer programs that accompany it.The product described by this document may contain open source software covered by the GNU General Public License or other open source license agreements. T o find out which open source software is included in Brocade products, view the licensing terms applicable to the open source software, and obtain a copy of the programming source code, please visit /support/oscd.Contents Preface (5)Document conventions (5)Notes, cautions, and warnings (5)T ext formatting conventions (5)Command syntax conventions (6)Brocade resources (6)Document feedback (6)Contacting Brocade T echnical Support (7)Brocade customers (7)Brocade OEM customers (7)About This Guide (9)IPv6 Support Overview (11)IPv6 background (11)Supported standards (11)IPv6 addressing (12)Special addresses (13)IPv6 autoconfiguration (13)IPv6 forwarding (13)IPv6 neighbor discovery (14)Commands for IPv6 (14)IPv6 Configuration Examples (15)Configure an IPv6 address on an interface (15)Verify IPv6 support (16)Display the IPv6 routing table (17)Confirm connectivity (17)Display IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) cache (17)Clear ND cache (18)List of Acronyms (19)Preface•Document conventions (5)•Brocade resources (6)•Document feedback (6)•Contacting Brocade T echnical Support (7)Document conventionsThe document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and important notice formats used in Brocade technical documentation.Notes, cautions, and warningsNotes, cautions, and warning statements may be used in this document. They are listed in the order of increasing severity of potential hazards.NOTEA Note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.ATTENTIONAn Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when traffic might be interrupted or the device might reboot.CAUTIONA Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware,firmware, software, or data.DANGERA Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safetylabels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions or situations.Text formatting conventionsT ext formatting conventions such as boldface, italic, or Courier font may be used to highlight specific words or phrases.Format Descriptionbold text Identifies command names.Identifies keywords and operands.Identifies the names of GUI elements.Identifies text to enter in the GUI.italic text Identifies emphasis.Identifies variables.Identifies document titles.Courier font Identifies CLI output.Identifies command syntax examples.Brocade resourcesCommand syntax conventionsBold and italic text identify command syntax components. Delimiters and operators define groupings of parameters and their logical relationships.Convention Descriptionbold text Identifies command names, keywords, and command options.italic text Identifies a variable.value In Fibre Channel products, a fixed value provided as input to a command option is printed in plain text, forexample, --show WWN.[ ]Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.Default responses to system prompts are enclosed in square brackets.{ x | y | z } A choice of required parameters is enclosed in curly brackets separated by vertical bars. You must selectone of the options.In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this purpose.x | y A vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.< >Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle brackets....Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].\Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates two lines of a commandinput, enter the entire command at the prompt without the backslash.Brocade resourcesVisit the Brocade website to locate related documentation for your product and additional Brocade resources.White papers, data sheets, and the most recent versions of Brocade software and hardware manuals are available at . Product documentation for all supported releases is available to registered users at MyBrocade.Click the Support tab and select Document Library to access documentation on MyBrocade or You can locate documentation by product or by operating system.Release notes are bundled with software downloads on MyBrocade. Links to software downloads are available on the MyBrocade landing page and in the Document Library.Document feedbackQuality is our first concern at Brocade, and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. You can provide feedback in two ways:•Through the online feedback form in the HTML documents posted on •By sending your feedback to *************************Provide the publication title, part number, and as much detail as possible, including the topic heading and page number if applicable, as well as your suggestions for improvement.Contacting Brocade T echnical Support Contacting Brocade Technical SupportAs a Brocade customer, you can contact Brocade T echnical Support 24x7 online, by telephone, or by e-mail. Brocade OEM customers should contact their OEM/solution provider.Brocade customersFor product support information and the latest information on contacting the T echnical Assistance Center, go to and select Support.If you have purchased Brocade product support directly from Brocade, use one of the following methods to contact the BrocadeT echnical Assistance Center 24x7.Brocade OEM customersIf you have purchased Brocade product support from a Brocade OEM/solution provider, contact your OEM/solution provider for all of your product support needs.•OEM/solution providers are trained and certified by Brocade to support Brocade® products.•Brocade provides backline support for issues that cannot be resolved by the OEM/solution provider.•Brocade Supplemental Support augments your existing OEM support contract, providing direct access to Brocade expertise.For more information, contact Brocade or your OEM.•For questions regarding service levels and response times, contact your OEM/solution provider.About This GuideThis guide describes IPv6 support on Brocade products that run on the Brocade Vyatta Network OS (referred to as a virtual router, vRouter, or router in the guide).IPv6 Support Overview•IPv6 background (11)•Supported standards (11)•IPv6 addressing (12)•Special addresses (13)•IPv6 autoconfiguration (13)•IPv6 forwarding (13)•IPv6 neighbor discovery (14)•Commands for IPv6 (14)IPv6 backgroundThere are two versions of the Internet Protocol (IP) in use today. Version 4 (IPv4) is the version most commonly in use. However, there are issues with IPv4, and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has designated Version 6 (IPv6) to succeed IPv4 as the next-generation protocol for use on the Internet.IPv6 has a number of advantages over IPv4. The following are four important ones:•Large address spaceAn IPv4 address consists of four bytes (32 bits). IPv6 addresses consist of 16 bytes (128 bits). The increase from 32 to 128 bits results in a huge increase in the number of available addresses: 79 billion billion billion times the addresses available in the IPv4—this is about 1038 addresses, or 1030 addresses for each person on the planet.The expanded address space means that IPv6 does not face the address exhaustion problems predicted imminently for IPv4.Furthermore, the availability for so many addresses means that private address spaces are not required, and that addressshortage work-arounds such as Network Address Translation (NAT) can be eliminated. With no private addresses, there need be no hidden networks or hosts, and all devices can be globally reachable. A larger address space also means that features such as multihoming and aggregation are easier to implement.•Support for mobile devicesA special protocol, Mobile IP, is required to support mobility. Mobile IP is not automatic in IPv4, and there are several challengesinvolved in implementing Mobile IP on IPv4 networks. In contrast, Mobile IP was designed into IPv6 from its inception, and is a mandatory feature in a standards-compliant IPv6 protocol stack.•FlexibilityIPv6 includes multiple levels of hierarchy in the address space. This allows for hierarchical allocation of addressing and more efficient route aggregation. It also permits new kinds of addresses not possible in IPv4, such as link- and site-scopedaddressing.•SecurityBecause devices can be globally reachable, end-to-end security can be employed, which is not possible on an internetwork with hidden networks and hosts.Supported standardsThe Brocade vRouter implementation of IPv6 complies with the following standards:•RFC 2460: Internet Protocol, version 6 (IPv6) Specification•RFC 4443: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6)IPv6 addressingIPv6 addressingIP addresses generally take the following form:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:xwhere x is a 16-bit hexadecimal number; for example:2001:0DB8:0000:0000:51DA:27C0:E4C2:0124Addresses are case-insensitive; for example, the following is equivalent to the example given above:2001:0db8:0000:0000:51da:27c0:E4c2:0124Leading zeros are optional; for example, the following is a valid IPv6 address:2001:DB8:0:0:51DA:27C0:E4C2:124IPv6 addresses often contain many bytes with a value of zero. Successive fields of zeros can be represented by replacing them with a double colon, as in the following:2001:DB8::51DA:27C0:E4C2:124Similarly the following:2001:DB8::124is equivalent to the following:2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0124and this:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1is equivalent to this:::1The replacement by the double colon may be made only once within an address, as using the double colon more than once can result in ambiguity. For example, the following:2001:DB8::27C0::0124is ambiguous between these three addresses:2001:0DB8:0000:27C0:0000:0000:0000:01242001:0DB8:0000:0000:27C0:0000:0000:01242001:0DB8:0000:0000:0000:27C0:0000:0124IPv6 addresses that are extensions of IPv4 addresses can be written in a mixed notation, where the rightmost four bytes of the IPv6 address are replaced with the four decimal octets of the IPv4 address. In mixed notation, the four hexadecimal bytes are separated by colons and the four decimal octets are separated by dots, as in the following example:2001:db8:0:1:: is equivalent to2001:db8:0:1::c0a8:6433IPv6 forwarding Special addressesLike IPv4, IPv6 has some special addresses, which are used by convention for special functions. For unicast addresses, these include the following:•The unspecified address. This address is used as a placeholder when no address is available (for example, in an initial DHCP address), or to stand for “any” address. In IPv6, the unspecified address can be represented as either of the following: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0::•The localhost (loopback) interface. The loopback interface is a software interface that represents the local device itself. In IPv4, the address is used by convention for the loopback interface. In IPv6, the loopback interface can be represented by either of the following:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1::1The IPv6 address architecture is quite rich, and includes types of addressing unavailable in IPv4, such as unicast and multicast scoped addresses, aggregatable global addresses, and anycast addresses. Multicast broadcast addresses do not exist in IPv6. For more information about the IPv6 address architecture, consult RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture.IPv6 autoconfigurationIPv6 supports two mechanisms for automatically configuring devices with IP addresses: stateful and stateless. Both are supported in the Brocade 5600 vRouter.In stateful configuration, addressing and service information is distributed by a protocol (DHCPv6) in the same way that the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) distributes information for IPv4. This information is “stateful” in that both the DHCP server and the DHCP client must maintain the addressing and service information.Stateless configuration uses the Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) protocol, which is a component of the larger Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol. SLAAC has a host component and a router component.In the host component of SLAAC, the IPv6 system constructs its own unicast global address from the system’s network prefix together with its Ethernet media access control (MAC) address. The device proposes this address to the network, without requiring approval from a server such as a DHCP server. The combination of network prefix and MAC address is assumed to be unique. Stateless autoconfiguration is performed by default by most IPv6 systems, including the Brocade vRouter.In the router component of SLAAC, routers respond to Router Solicitation (RS) packets from hosts with network prefix information in the form of Router Advertisement (RA) packet. Hosts receive these advertisements and use them to form globally unique IPv6 addresses. The RS and RA packets also provide the router discovery function, allowing hosts to locate routers that are configured to serve as default routers. The Brocade vRouter fully supports router-side SLAAC and router discovery, including all required configurable parameters. The ND protocol and the router discovery function are specified in RFC 4861. IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration is described in RFC 4862.IPv6 forwardingOn the Brocade vRouter, IPv6 forwarding is enabled by default. If you want to disable IPv6 forwarding, use the following command in configuration mode: set system ipv6 disable-forwarding. This command is described in Brocade Vyatta Network OS Basic System Configuration Guide.IPv6 neighbor discoveryIPv6 neighbor discoveryIPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) provides a layer 3 to layer 2 address resolution mechanism for IPv6 similar to the way that Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) provides for layer 3 to layer 2 address resolution for IPv4.ND resolution is carried out in both the data plane and the control plane; however, it is primarily carried out in the data plane. Note that ND caches in the control plane and data plane are no longer synchronized because entries in the two caches are managed independently. The data plane cache contains entries for both forwarded and locally terminated traffic. The control plane maintains cache entries only for destinations with which the local stack of the control plane communicates.The advantages of implementing the ND protocol in the data plane are as follows:•Avoids bandwidth issues in deployments with distributed data planes, because ND resolution can be performed locally rather than on a centralized controller.•Improves performance because ND does not need to send all ND packets to the control plane.•Protects against scanning DOS attacks due to resolution throttling.Commands for IPv6In addition to the general IPv6 information found in this document, information specific to major functions of the Brocade vRouter are found within the applicable documents for that function; for example, the following:•Commands for enabling and disabling IPv6 on the system are located in Brocade Vyatta Network OS Basic System Configuration Guide.•Commands for configuring IPv6 on a given interface are located in the guide that describes the interface. For example, commands for configuring IPv6 on an Ethernet interface are located in Brocade Vyatta Network OS LAN InterfacesConfiguration Guide.•Static IPv6 routing information can be found in Brocade Vyatta Network OS Basic Routing Configuration Guide.•RIPng-related dynamic IPv6 routing information can be found in Brocade Vyatta Network OS RIPng Configuration Guide.•BGP-related dynamic IPv6 routing information can be found in Brocade Vyatta Network OS BGP Configuration Guide.•DHCPv6-related information can be found in Brocade Vyatta Network OS Services Configuration Guide as well as Brocade Vyatta Network OS LAN Interfaces Configuration Guide.•Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4 is discussed in Brocade Vyatta Network OS Tunnels Configuration Guide.•Multicast routing for IPv6 is discussed in Brocade Vyatta Network OS IGMP and MLD Configuration Guide.IPv6 Configuration Examples•Configure an IPv6 address on an interface (15)•Verify IPv6 support (16)•Display the IPv6 routing table (17)•Confirm connectivity (17)•Display IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) cache (17)•Clear ND cache (18)Configure an IPv6 address on an interfaceFigure 1 shows a simple network with two IPv6 nodes.FIGURE 1 IPv6 address on an interfaceIPv6 addresses are configured on data-plane interfaces in the same way that IPv4 addresses are. T o configure dp0p1p3 on R1, perform the following steps in configuration mode.TABLE 1 Add an IPv6 address to dp0p1p3 on R1Verify IPv6 supportTABLE 1 Add an IPv6 address to dp0p1p3 on R1 (continued)T o configure dp0p1p1 on R2, perform the following steps in configuration mode.TABLE 2 Add an IPv6 address to dp0p1p1 on R2Verify IPv6 supportA simple step to verify that IPv6 support is available is to configure the loopback interface with an IPv6 address and then ping it. T o verify IPv6 support, perform the following step in operational mode.TABLE 3 Confirm IPv6 supportDisplay IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) cache Display the IPv6 routing tableWhen an IPv6 address is added to an interface, a connected network for it appears in the routing table. T o display the routing table, perform the following step in operational mode.TABLE 4 Display the IPv6 routing tableConfirm connectivityT o confirm that R1 and R2 can communicate, use the ping command. T o confirm connectivity, perform the following step in operational mode.TABLE 5 Confirm connectivity between R1 and R2Display IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) cacheT o display a list of neighbors in the Neighbor Discovery (ND) caches in both the data plane and the controller, use the show ipv6 neighbors command. T o display the ND cache in the data plane only use the show ipv6 neighbors. Perform the following step in operational mode.TABLE 6 Display the ND cacheClear ND cacheTABLE 6 Display the ND cache (continued)Clear ND cacheT o clear the Neighbor Discovery (ND) cache, use the reset ipv6 neighbors command. T o clear the ND cache on interface dp0p1p3, perform the following step in operational mode.TABLE 7 Clear the ND cacheList of Acronyms。
IPv6 配置1.1IPv6基本配置首先在全局模式,开启ipv6单播转发Router(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing此后可以开启Cisco的快速转发Router(config)#ipv6 cef1.1.2 链路上启用ipv6对于一个节点而言,它需要给每个网络接口配置本地链路地址,还需要回环地址,所有节点多播地址,分配的可聚合全球单播地址,所用于每个单播和任意播地址的被请求节点多播地址以及主机所属的所有组的多播地址。
路由器的配置如下:A:静态地址配置首先需要配置一个接口的链路地址Router(config-if)#ipv6 address FE80:0:0:0:2123:0136:0789:0abc link-local此后需要配置可聚合的全球单播地址Router(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:090:0:1:0:0:0:1/64最后需要配置本地站点地址:Router(config-if)#ipv6 address FEC0:090:0:1:0:0:0:1/64B:回环地址配置和普通地址配置一样,仅需要在回环接口上配置ipv6接口地址Router(config)#interface loopback 0Router(config-if)#ipv6 address FEC0:090:0:1:0:0:0:1/128C:使用EUI-64配置可以使用EUI-64的方式配置ipv6地址。
EUI-64的配置方法如下:首先可以定义一个前缀ipv6 general-prefix prefix-name [ipv6-prefix/prefix-length]然后在接口上配置Ipv6 addreass prefix-name:ipD:配置前缀例如:Ipv6 general-prefix kaka 2001:090:0:1::/64Ipv6 address kaka::1/64E:使用无编号接口Ipv6 unnumberedF:仅启用ipv6Ipv6 enable1.1.3 修改接口MTUCisco路由器默认以太网和快速以太网的MTU值 1500,在某些情况下需要修改这些值,如下:Router(config-if )#ipv6 mtu 14921.2 NDP邻居发现协议IPv6不再执行地址解析协议(ARP)或反向地址解析协议(RARP),而以邻居发现协议中的相应功能代替。
在Win10系统中,我们可以通过以下步骤进行查看:1. 打开“控制面板”。
2. 选择“系统和安全”。
3. 点击“Windows Defender防火墙”。
4. 选择“高级设置”。
5. 在左侧导航栏中选择“入站规则”。
下面是一些建议和步骤:1. 打开“控制面板”。
2. 选择“系统和安全”。
3. 点击“Windows Defender防火墙”。
4. 选择“高级设置”。
5. 在左侧导航栏中选择“入站规则”。
6. 点击“新建规则”。
7. 选择“端口”。
8. 选择“TCP”。
9. 在“特定本地端口”中输入“3389”。
沈阳航空航天大学校园网用户IPV6使用说明一、安装前注意事项1.请确保您的计算机是直接连接在校园网的端口上(即墙壁口)或与该端口直接连接的交换机上,且能够正常通过我校锐捷认证;2.IPv6不能在未做设定的路由器/防火墙/代理之后工作,如果您的计算机在不支持IPv6的无线/有线路由器之后,将无法获得IPv6地址;如果您的路由器/防火墙硬件支持IPv6,请您的设备管理员与网络中心相关人员联系,以帮助设备接入校园网IPv6中;3.除Windows 7/Vista/2008自带的防火墙外,其它防火墙皆有可能限制IPv6的使用,所以在安装使用前最好关闭防火墙的使用,或者查看相关手册看如何打开IPv6数据包的传输;4.简单说明:如果你的操作系统为Win7或Vista,则不需要做任何配置即可使用IPV6网络;如果您的操作系统为WinXP以下系统,则您需要继续看这篇文档接下来的内容。
二、安装说明1.Windows 2000和Windows XP的安装Windows 2000和Windows XP对IPv6的支持不是很好,需要手工做一定的操作完成IPv6的安装,安装方式可以选择命令行模式或图形界面。
命令行模式的安装对Windows 2000和Windows XP,在命令行模式下键入下面的命令,即可快速完成IPv6的安装:C:\ > ipv6 install键入下面的命令,可以完成IPv6的卸载:C:\ > ipv6 uninstall图形界面的安装打开“控制面板”的“网络连接”项,选择“本地连接”—“属性”,点击“安装”按钮,选择“协议”,添加“Microsoft TCP/IP 版本6”即可。
图1 Windows XP 控制面板图2 Windows XP 网络连接图3 Windows XP 网络连接的属性图4 Windows XP 选择网络组件类型成功安装IPv6协议后本地连接的属性如图5所示。
第十三部分 IPv6配置命令参考
一、认识IPv6IPv6是Internet Protocol Version 6的缩写,它使用128位地址,相比IPv4的32位地址,拥有更加庞大的地址空间。
以下是一些准备工作和注意事项:1. 网络设备支持性确保网络设备(包括路由器、交换机和防火墙等)支持IPv6协议,并具备足够的性能和稳定性。
2. 网络拓扑规划根据实际情况进行网络拓扑规划,合理划分子网和路由器的布局,确保IPv6的部署能够满足现有业务需求,并具备扩展性。
3. 安全性考虑在部署过程中应重视网络安全,采取必要的防护措施,如使用防火墙、加密和访问控制列表等措施来保护IPv6网络的安全。
三、IPv6部署步骤以下是IPv6部署的一般步骤,可以根据实际情况进行调整:1. 部署IPv6原型网络在现有的网络环境中建立IPv6原型网络,模拟实际应用场景,进行测试和验证。
2. IPv6地址规划根据需求规划IPv6地址分配方案,合理划分子网,并分配给各个网络设备和终端设备。
3. 设备配置和升级根据IPv6地址规划,对网络设备进行配置和升级,使其能够支持IPv6协议,并与现有IPv4网络兼容。
4. 逐步迁移在网络设备配置完成后,可以逐步将IPv6服务开通,并逐步迁移现有的应用和服务到IPv6环境中。
一、协议安装1、WindowsXP 系统:第一次使用需安装ipv6 协议打开命令提示符,输入命令ipv6 install进行安装C:>ipv6 install2、Windows2003系统IPv6的配置方法:Windows2003系统需要手工设置固定IPv6地址,因教学办公楼的不同,划分的IP地址段也不同,固定IPv6地址的使用请与网络中心联系,联系电话68773808下面是一个手工设置固定IPv6地址的例子,供参考:C:\>netshnetsh>interface ipv6netsh interface ipv6>installnetsh interface ipv6>add address "本地连接" 2001:250:4001:4321::1000? (配置固定IPv6地址)netsh interface ipv6>add route ::/0 "本地连接" 2001:250:4001:4321::ffff(配置默认路由网关)netsh interface ipv6>add dns "本地连接" 2001:250:4001:1::2 (配置IPv6的DNS服务器,也可不配置,使用IPv4的DNS)DNS????? 2001:250:4001:1::22001:da8:8000:1:202:120:2:1012001:da8:8000:1:202:120:2:1003、vista和win7系统使用IPv6:系统已经自带,可以直接使用IPv6资源。
5、隧道方式:我校原有的IPv6隧道仍然可用,建立隧道的方法如下:1)用户只需点击“开始” --> “运行” --> 输入“ cmd ”然后回车进入命令行模式,在命令行模式下还是先输入C:>ipv6 install。
IPV6讲解与配置⼤全介绍 IPv6 配置IPv6 配置主要由以下⼏个部分组成:•分配给每个接⼝的 IPv6 地址•默认路由器(IPv4 中称为默认⽹关)•域名系统 (DNS) 设置(⽐如:DNS 服务器和名称注册⾏为)不同于典型的 IPv4 节点,典型的 IPv6 节点拥有多个接⼝(LAN 和隧道接⼝)以及分配给每个接⼝的多个地址。
注意:IPv6 并不使⽤⽹络基本输⼊/输出系统 (NetBIOS)。
所以,IPv6 配置不需要 NetBIOS 设置或Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) 服务器的地址。
IPv6 地址IPv6 中的地址配置⽐ IPv4 更加复杂,因为存在着不同类型的 IPv6 地址,并且这些地址可以不同的状态存在。
不同类型的 IPv6 地址对 IPv6 定义的地址类型如下:•全局地址类似公共 IPv4 地址,IPv6 全局地址在 Internet 的 IPv6 部分中全局可访问。
全局 IPv6 地址通常以“2”或“3”开头。
•链路本地 (Link-local) 地址类似⾃动专⽤ IP 寻址 (APIPA) 地址 (,链路本地地址⽤于特定的链路。
•站点本地 (Site-local) 地址类似专⽤ IPv4 地址,站点本地地址⽤于企业的 Intranet,并可重复⽤于企业的不同站点。
RFC 3879 并不推荐使⽤站点本地地址,但是这种地址可⽤于当今的 IPv6 实现。
接⼝ ID(单播 IPv6 地址的最后 64 位)可以:•基于已安装的⽹络适配器的 IEEE 802 地址IEEE 802 地址(通常称为媒体访问控制 [MAC] 地址)共有 48 位,分配给每个⽹络适配器。
大括号“{ }”表示括号中的选项是必选的;中括号“[ ]”表示括号中的选项是可选的;尖括号“<>”表示括号中的信息不被显示出来;方括号“【】”表示括号中的内容需要用户注意;竖线“|”用于分隔若干选项,表示二选一或多选一;正斜线“/”用于分隔若干选项,表示被分隔的各选项是可以被同时选中的;“ 注意”表示需要读者注意的事项,是配置系统的关键之处,希望用户能认真阅读。
“ 注”表示对前面内容的注解;“ 图解”表示对图例的文字解释。
目录第1章简介 (1)第2章IPV6配置 (2)2.1 简介 (2)2.2 基本指令描述 (2)2.3 监控和调试 (4)2.3.1 监控命令 (4)2.3.2 调试命令 (5)2.3.3 监控命令实例 (5)2.3.4 监控命令实例 (6)第3章ICMPV6配置 (8)3.1 简介 (8)3.2 基本指令描述 (8)3.3 监控和调试 (13)3.3.1 监控命令 (13)3.3.2 调试命令 (13)第4章DNSV6配置 (13)4.1 简介 (14)4.2 基本指令描述 (14)4.3 监控和调试 (15)4.3.1 监控命令 (15)第1章简介本文主要讲述IPv6协议,ICMPv6协议和DNSv6协议在迈普设备中的配置方法。
IPV6的设置指南 (343)
此程序首次运行时,会在荧幕上开启一个名为“Happy new
该命令用来诊断 IPV6 网络的连通性。
ping ipv6 [ipv6-address]
第 1页 共 27 页
பைடு நூலகம்
第十三部分 Ipv6 配置命令
第一章 配置 IPv6 命令
【参数说明】 【命令模式】 【使用指南】
ipv6-address :被诊断的目的地址
当在命令中不输入目的地址时则进入用户交互模式,可以指定具体的各种 参数。在执行时 ping 返回的各种符号的含义如下:
符号 ! . U R F A D ?
第1页 共 1 页
第十三部分 Ipv6 配置命令
第一章 配置 IPv6 命令
第一章 配置 IPv6 命令
1.1 配置相关命令
IPv6 配置包括以下相关命令:
ping ipv6 ipv6 address ipv6 enable ipv6 hop-limit ipv6 neighbor ipv6 source-route ipv6 route ipv6 ns-linklocal-src ipv6 nd ns-interval ipv6 nd reachable-time ipv6 nd prefix ipv6 nd ra-lifetime ipv6 nd ra-interval ipv6 nd ra-hoplimit ipv6 nd ra-mtu ipv6 nd managed-config-flag ipv6 nd other-config-flag ipv6 nd dad attempts ipv6 nd suppress-ra ipv6 redirects clear ipv6 neighbors tunnel mode ipv6ip tunnel destination tunnel source tunnel ttl
附件2:IPv6配置指南首先安装支持IPV6的浏览器,包括:IE7以上, Chrome, Firefox, Opera,Safari等。
步骤一:安装IPv6 协议Windows Vista、Windows7和Window8默认开启了IPv6服务,可以跳过此步骤。
Windows XP下需要安装IPv6协议,安装步骤如下:进入“控制面板”—〉“网络连接”,根据情况选择需要连接IPv6的网卡连接图标,在此以本地连接为例,鼠标右键点击“本地连接”,选择“属性”。
选中“协议”,点击“添加”键;选中“Microsoft TCP/IP 版本 6”,点击“确定”键;系统回到“本地连接属性”窗口,请确认“Microsoft TCP/IP 版本 6”在列表之中。
IPv6 DNS 服务器自动获取即可。
以Windows7为例,配置步骤如下:“开始”—〉”控制面板”—〉”网络和Internet”—〉”网络和共享中心”—〉”更改适配器配置”,如下图所示:根据情况选中需要使用IPv6的网卡连接图标,右键点击属性,如下图所示:选择”Internet 协议版本 6”,分别选择自动获取IPv6地址和自动获取DNS服务器地址,确定即可。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
RGNOS®用户配置指导手册配置IPV6第十三部分 Ipv6配置命令目录目录RGNOS®用户配置指导手册 0第一章配置IPv6 (1)1.1 IPv6相关知识 (1)1.1.1 IPv6地址格式 (2)1.1.2 IPv6地址类型 (3)1.1.3 IPv6包头结构 (7)1.1.4 IPv6的路径MTU发现 (9)1.1.5 IPv6邻居发现 (9)1.2 IPv6的配置 (11)1.2.1 配置IPv6的地址 (12)1.2.2 配置ICMPv6的重定向功能 (13)1.2.3 配置静态邻居 (15)1.2.4 配置地址冲突检测 (15)1.2.5 配置路由器的其它接口参数 (17)1.3 IPv6的监控与维护 (18)第二章配置IPv6隧道 (20)2.1 概述 (20)2.1.1 手工配置隧道(IPv6 Manually Configured Tunnel) (21)2.1.2 6to4自动隧道(Automatic 6to4 Tunnel) (21)2.1.3 ISATAP自动隧道(ISATAP Tunnel) (22)2.2 IPv6隧道的配置 (23)2.2.1 配置手工IPv6隧道 (23)2.2.2 配置6to4隧道 (24)2.2.3 配置ISATAP隧道 (25)2.3 验证IPv6隧道的配置和监控 (26)2.4 IPv6隧道配置实例 (27)2.4.1 配置手工IPv6隧道实例 (28)2.4.2 配置6to4隧道实例 (29)2.4.3 配置ISATAP隧道实例 (31)2.4.4 配置ISATAP和6to4隧道综合应用实例 (32)配置第一章IPv61.1 IPv6相关知识随着的迅速增长以及地址空间的逐渐耗尽,的局限性就越来越Internet IPv4IPv4明显。
对新一代互联网络协议(Internet Protocol Next Generation - IPng)的研究工程任务工作小组的工作组确定了和实践已经成为热点,Internet(IETF)IPng的协议规范,并称之为版本(),该协议的规范在中有IPng"IP6"IPv6RFC2460详细的描述。
比如)、最大传输单元发现()、邻接节点发现(Neighbor Discovery MTU Discovery)、路由器请求()、节点路由器通告(Router Advertisement Router Solicitation自动配置(Auto-configuration)等技术就为即插即用提供了相关的服务。
特别要支持全状态和无状态两种地址配置方式,在中,动态主机配置提到的是IPv6IPv4实现了主机地址及其相关配置的自动设置,承继的这种自协议DHCP IP IPv6IPv4动配置服务,并将其称为全状态自动配置(Stateful Autoconfiguration)。
除了全状态自动配置,IPv6还采用了一种被称为无状态自动配置(Stateless Autoconfiguration)的自动配置服务。
z安全性是的一个可选扩展协议,但是在中它是的一个组成部分,用IPSec IPv4IPv6IPv6的安全性。
目前,实现了认证头(,)于提供IPv6IPv6Authentication Header AH,)两种机制。
前者实现数和封装安全载荷(Encapsulated Security Payload ESP第 1 页共 38 页IP包来源的认证,保证分组确实来自源地址所标记的节点;后者提供数据加密功能,实现端到端的加密。
更好的支持z QoS包头的新字段定义了数据流如何识别和处理。
包头中的流标识(Flow IPv6IPv6)字段用于识别数据流身份,利用该字段,允许用户对通信质量提出要Label IPv6求。
z用于邻居节点交互的新协议的邻居发现协议()使用一系列控制信息报IPv6Neighbor Discovery Protocol IPv6文(ICMPv6)来实现相邻节点(同一链路上的节点)的交互管理。
目前已经实现的支持下列特性:IPv6z IPv6协议z IPv6地址格式z IPv6地址类型z ICMPv6z IPv6邻居发现z路径发现MTUz ICMPv6重定向z地址冲突检测z IPv6无状态自动配置z IPv6地址配置z IPv6路由转发,支持静态路由配置z配置协议的各种参数IPv6z诊断工具Ping IPv61.1.1 IPv6地址格式IPv6X : X : X : X : X : X : X : X X4地址的基本表达方式是,其中是一个位十六进位。
下面是一些合法的地址:地址包括8128IPv62001:ABCD:1234:5678:AAAA:BBBB:1200:2100800 : 0 : 0 :0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 11080 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 8 : 800 : 200C : 417A这些整数是十六进制整数,其中到表示的是到。
地址中的每个整数都必A F1015可以不必表示。
某些地址中可能包含一长串的就须表示出来,但起始的0IPv60 (。
即地址可以被表示为:长串的0800 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1800 :: 1128这两个冒号表示该地址可以扩展到一个完整的位地址。
地址中的最低位IPv4IPv6IPv632可以用于表示IPv4地址,该地址可以按照一种混合方式表达,即X : X : X : X : X :,其中表示一个位整数,而表示一个位的十进制整数。
例X : d . d . d . d X 1 6d8就是一个合法的地址。
使用简如,地址0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 192 .168 . 20 : 1IPv6写的表达方式后,该地址也可以表示为:: : 192 .168 . 20 . 1由于地址被分成两个部分:子网前缀和接口标识符,因此可以按照类似IPv6CIDR地址的方式被表示为一个带额外数值的地址,其中该数值指出了地址中有多网络前缀,即节点地址中指出了前缀长度,该长度与少位是代表网络部分()IPv6IPv612AB::CD30:0:0:0:0/60,地址间以斜杠区分,例如:这个地址中用于选路的前缀长度为60位。
1.1.2 IPv6地址类型中定义了三种地址类型:RFC2373IPv6单播:一个单接口的标识符。
IPv6下面逐一介绍这几类地址:单播地址() AddressesIPv6单播地址包括下面几种类型:z可聚集全球地址z链路本地地址z站点本地地址z IPv4IPv6嵌有地址的地址()可聚集全球地址1可聚集全球单播地址的格式如下:| 3 | 13 | 8 | 24 | 16 | 64 bits |+--+-----+---+--------+--------+--------------------------------+|FP| TLA |RES| NLA | SLA | Interface ID || | ID | | ID | ID | |+--+-----+-----+------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------+图中包括下列字段:字段:z FP(Format Prefix)IPv63IPv6地址中的格式前缀,占个比特,用来标识该地址在地址空间中属于哪类地址。
该字段为’ 0 0 1’,表示这是可聚集全球单播地址。
字段:z TLA ID(Top-Level Aggregation Identifier)顶级聚集标识符,包含最高级地址选路信息。
占1 38192字段:z RES(Reserved for future use)保留字段,占个比特,将来可能会用于扩展顶级或下一级聚集标识符字段。
8字段:z NLA ID(Next-Level Aggregation Identifier)下一级聚集标识符,占个比特。