Semi-automatic Model Integration using Matching Transformations and Weaving Models




The timely, accurate, and complete acquisi-tion of highway transportation asset data, such as signs and guardrails, was a long-time goal of ITD. Visualizing and analyzing geospatial data improves and expedites highway infrastructure planning, opera-tions, and design projects.Over the years, ITD also acquired a va-riety of spatial data-based applications to improve its capabilities but often had insufficient data to effectively utilize these tools. Further, the lack of a reliable highway inventory was sometimes noted in legal issues when ITD was unable to demonstrate knowledge of the assets under scrutiny.E ven with GPS technology, gathering asset data along ITD highways remained a time-consuming, manual “boots-on-the-ground” process. E ach of ITD’s six semiautonomous administrative districts collected data using different methods and timetables. Data collection typically had to be distributed across numerous ITD staff, thereby introducing consistency issues. Due to the staggering time invest-ment needed to perform inventories, they were often done in piecemeal fashion or were not finished. E ven when inventories were completed for a district, there were no standard methods for updating them, so inventories frequently went stale.This scenario likely sounds all too familiar to anyone who deals with GIS transporta-tion data and its management. LimitedHighway Data Collection Improves Operations and Saves MoneyBy Nik SterbentzT he Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) employed mobile vehicle-based data collection and automated data extraction methods to speed and standardize the statewide inventory of its highway system.resources and the intense focus on deliver-ing roadway infrastructure projects often means data collection efforts fall to the wayside or slip into the margins of projects. To rectify this shortfall of roadway asset data, transportation departments across the United States are increasingly relying on mobile vehicle-based data collection and automated data extraction methods. These are typically provided by specialized vendors utilizing technologies such as lidar, high-resolution roadway photography, and automated intelligence software for effi-cient data-gathering methods that provideaccurate data. Mobile technologies can be used by any organization that is responsible for roads or road maintenance, including those at the city or county level. Utility and communications companies, or other indus-tries with assets located along linear routes, can benefit from these processes.In summer 2018, ITD initiated a pilot pro-ject called the Statewide Asset Attribute Inventory (SWAAI, pronounced “sway”) to remedy its data-gathering issues and move ITD forward in its data practices. The project collected vehicle-based lidar and roadway photography data for Idaho’sCyclomedia Technology, selected for the inventory project, collected vehicle-based lidarand roadway photography data for Idaho’s entire state highway.Focusentire state highway system. Following its collection, the data was used to extract a list of deliverable Esri geodatabase feature class roadway asset inventories according to ITD’s specifications.Preliminary PlanningDuring the SWAAI project’s first year, simi-lar projects and capabilities previously un-dertaken by other state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) were investigated. arly discussions with Utah DOT staff provided insight into the extent of data collection options as well as sample docu-mentation. Utah had conducted similar projects for years and had a running record of many of its assets. Armed with a stronger understanding of new-technology data collection methods, a data dictionary of asset types, and associated attributes, the SWAAI project team had a better under-standing of what could be accomplished by its mobile data collection project. Initially envisioned as a project limited to mobile data gathering for a single district, the project was expanded statewide follow-ing a recommendation from ITD headquar-ters. In summer 2019, as project planning progressed, ITD’s District 5 formally part-nered with the ITD headquarters RoadwayData section and its IT group with the goalof building a standard ITD data frameworkand ultimately selecting a vendor to providethe collection services and data.A statewide ITD data stakeholder teamwas organized with a central core commit-tee to guide the project and an extended,continually growing group of interestedITD staff from fields across the organiza-tion. These stakeholders were kept in theloop with a series of monthly emails as wellas invitations to training activities and pres-entations. This mailing list grew from 100 tomore than 300 recipients over the course ofthe project.Throughout the next year, the SWAAIproject team compiled and prioritized dataneeds, prepared and issued a request forproposal (RFP), and conducted two roundsof meetings in each ITD district and head-quarters. A business analyst consultant wasbrought in to help facilitate these discus-sions, build on the data standards, and pri-oritize the asset data types most importantto ITD staff.ITD issued its RFP in March 2020 andspent the next few months answering ques-tions from potential vendors and evaluatingthe proposals that were submitted. FiveSWAAI team members selected the vendorbased on the following criteria: knowledge/experience, data quality/consistency, avail-able resources, and innovation/value adds.Project LaunchCyclomedia Technology, an E sri partnerwith a strong understanding of GIS technol-ogy, was selected from the 11 vendors whosubmitted proposals. The next step wasnegotiation. ITD had considered its datadictionary of about 30 asset types as a wishlist and anticipated only 12 to 15 key dataitems could be included given the project’s$2.5 million budget. However, Cyclomediasurpassed all ITD’s expectations and deliv-ered 28 feature classes.In addition to the wide breadth of datatypes, the asset list included significantdepth in attribution. The ability to per-form drive-by inspections of curb rampsand sidewalks to ensure conformance withthe requirements of the Americans withDisabilities Act (ADA) was an intriguingpossibility going into the project.As it turned out, this was fully feasible.Lidar data gathered during the projectproduced a 3D model of ITD’s entirestate highway system at a high degree ofpoint-to-point accuracy (±0.79 inches, or2 centimeters), allowing for reliable meas-urements of everything on the road, fromguardrail heights to lane widths.Lidar- and photo-collected data from all7,200 miles of Idaho’s state highway systemwas acquired in less than three weeks in July2020. Cyclomedia began extracting the 28asset feature classes immediately after datacollection and delivered the results to ITDeach month as a series of geodatabases forquality assurance purposes. ITD GIS staffaround the state reviewed the data andprovided feedback to Cyclomedia.Early in the project, it was vital to identifythe refinements needed to Cyclomedia’ssemiautomated data extraction process tomeet ITD specifications. Issues such as ap-proach (driveway) pavement status, guard-rail post materials, and lane configurationdefinitions were clarified and rectifiedthrough this process.GIS asset features from an intersection in Lewiston, Idaho.Browser-Based Access to DataApart from asset data, another key—butunexpected—aspect of the SWAAI projectwas Cyclomedia’s Street Smart, a browser-based viewer, which made the 360-degreeroadway photography and lidar accessible.Equipped with measuring tools that allowfor ad hoc measurements directly from thehigh-resolution imagery, ITD users quicklydiscovered many use cases for Street Smart. Although this project value add was pro-vided by Cyclomedia on a complimentary basis, it became a key tool for promoting the project to ITD staff.Street Smart provided a solid visual representation soon after vehicle-based collection was completed, immediately showing stakeholders the rapid progress being made. Street Smart use spread like wildfire. More than 300 interested ITD staff attended Cyclomedia-led trainings to learn how best to leverage its viewing, measur-ing, and sharing capabilities.For ITD GIS staff, one of the most exciting The Statewide Asset Attribute Inventory (SWAAI) is accessible through the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD)SWAAI ArcGIS Online hub site and is clearly presented using dashboards.aspects of Street Smart was its integration with the extracted GIS feature data. Every GIS feature linked to Street Smart provided a view of its location in street-level imagery and focused the camera viewpoint on that feature. The online GIS web application allows users to zoom in to a view of each sign, guardrail, or bridge clearance.Making Data AvailableMaking data available in a timely fashion to the people who need it was a project priority. Data usefulness depends on its accessibility. Having all data as geoda-tabase feature classes makes the data usable across a wide variety of geospatial and CADD applications and allows it to be easily exported to tabular formats.In March 2021, copies of the final geodata-base delivered by Cyclomedia were provid-ed to each of ITD's six district. ArcGIS Online tools were available to ITD and provided the SWAAI data to its stakeholders. The full ge-odatabase was published to ArcGIS Online as a feature service. Online GIS mapping ap-plications showcasing the data are featured on the ITD SWAAI ArcGIS Online hub site (/). ArcGIS Hub was ideal for presenting the data on multiple levels. It served as an infor-mation tool for describing project methods, progress, and other information. SWAAI’s business analysis—including the complete data dictionary and potential use cases for each data type—are also displayed, along with specifications on Cyclomedia’s data collection, extraction, and Street Smart.Ultimately, the hub site became a data showcase, providing an amazing level of detail and revealing fascinating statistics and patterns. For example, more than90 percent of the objects crossing ITD high-ways are utility lines. Data on these assets was not previously collected. The number of specific signs or pavement markings can quickly and accurately be determined.Previously this would have been all but im-possible. Highly detailed ADA curb rampFocus↑ Street Smart provides access to 3D street-level imagery.↓ Idaho interstate highway bridge, seen as a lidar depth surface in Street Smart.and sidewalk information is available from a series of pie charts, and intersections are placed in relation to their subintersection legs, traffic signals, junction boxes, and power pedestals. This is a wealth of data available for ITD staff, partners, and the public to explore.The Value of SWAAIThe SWAAI data and hub site were present-ed at the ITD Program Delivery Conference in April 2021. The level of enthusiasm sur-rounding the SWAAI project was palpable. Reliable data was needed for a long time, and it was finally delivered. By one estimate, SWAAI saved nearly 300,000 hours of per-sonnel data collection and an estimated $3.8 million in maintenance staff wages. However, the surprise was just how im-mediate and far-reaching SWAAI benefits are. One of the earliest and most intensive uses of the data came from the ITD HQ Planning Services division. Over the years, ITD has struggled to maintain its ADA com-pliance data on accessible curb ramps and sidewalks. The consistent, efficient, repeat-able, and cost-effective method of data collection pioneered by SWAAI avoids ex-pensive and time-consuming inspections. Now, curbs and ramps can be categorized as those in compliance, those that can be cost-effectively retrofitted, and those that need replacement. This return on in-vestment is an impressive example of the power of GIS data.ITD staff, led by district GIS analysts, are finding innovative ways to leverage the newdata that ranges from speed zone analysis to identifying the locations of all incorrectly sized stop signs that need replacement. SWAAI data is also being used to provide estimates of the number of guardrails, signs, or other materials required for infra-structure projects. Processed lidar point cloud data is also available for ITD planning and design staff, who can use it to generate topographic surfaces for CADD drawings.The Future of SWAAIFollowing the statewide success of this enterprise data-gathering venture, ITD is planning to refresh the data every threeyears going forward. Today, conversa-tions surrounding maintenance, standards, ownership, and other data governance considerations are being had across the organization. Prior to the SWAAI pro-ject, these discussions were hypothetical because they were based on data gath-ered sometime in the future. Having this volume of data in hand has elevated these discussions from vague desires to a tan-gible reality made possible today by geo-spatial technology.For more information, contact Nik Sterbentz at Nikolaus.Sterbentz @.About the AuthorNik Sterbentz is the GIS analyst for District 5 of ITD, located in Pocatello, Idaho. He was the project manager for the SWAAI project. In his eight years with ITD, Sterbentz has worked with an excellent team of profes-sionals in his district and across the state, developing a variety of time-saving, inno-vative approaches to challenges and issues in IDT’s workflows. He also participates in research on emerging technology and concepts. Sterbentz graduated from Idaho State University with a GIS-based master’s degree and holds a postbaccalaureate certificate in geotechnology. He received ITD’s 2020 E xcellence in Transportation—Professional of the Year Award.。



二重积分求椭圆面积极坐标Ellipse is a common geometric shape that resembles a stretched circle. It is defined as the set of all points in a plane, the sum of whose distances from two fixed points (foci) is constant. The equation of an ellipse in the Cartesian coordinate system is given by (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1, where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes, respectively. When we want to find the area of an ellipse using double integration in polar coordinates, we must first convert the Cartesian equation into polar form.椭圆是一个常见的几何形状,类似于拉伸的圆。


在笛卡尔坐标系中,椭圆的方程由(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1给出,其中a和b分别是半长轴和半短轴。


To convert the Cartesian equation of an ellipse into polar form, we can us e the substitution x = r cos(θ) and y = r sin(θ). By substituting these expressions into the equation (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1 and simplifying, we can obtain the polar form of the equation for anellipse. This allows us to express the equation in terms of r a nd θ, which are the polar coordinates, rather than x and y. Once we have the equation in polar form, we can proceed to calculate the area of the ellipse using double integration.为了将椭圆的笛卡尔方程转换为极坐标形式,我们可以使用代换x = r cos(θ)和y = r sin(θ)。

6英寸 GaAs pHEMT 晶片的末端射频和微波 PCM 测试说明书

6英寸 GaAs pHEMT 晶片的末端射频和微波 PCM 测试说明书
INTRODUCTION Filtronic Compound Semiconductors represents a significant investment by Filtronic PLC in a state of the art facility for the development and supply of 150mm GaAs pHEMT foundry wafers. The supply of discrete and integrated GaAs pHEMT product wafers to key internal Filtronic business units, to carefully selected strategic alliance partners and to the merchant semiconductor marketplace is of critical importance to the development of new business opportunities for Filtronic. Discrete products include high power amplifiers for wireless infrastructure and for handset applications. Integrated products include Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) for broadband access as well as antenna and diversity switches for handsets. This paper describes the "End of Line" test function that has been created within Filtronic Compound Semiconductors GaAs facility at Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. The "End of Line" or "Back End" function has within its remit DC and RF electrical testing, visual inspection, die separation, product audit, packing and shipment to the customer. In particular this paper will outline the methodology adopted for high volume RF and microwave testing of GaAs pHEMT wafer products, which is of central importance to the assured supply of quality GaAs components to our customers. As an example the implementation of a high volume RF



常用机械英汉对照识别码ID/CIdentificationCode3坐标测量机3DcoordinatemeasurementCNC铣床cncmillingmachineNC车床NClatheNC程式制作系统NCprogrammingsystemNC磨床NCgrindingmachineNC钻床NCdrillingmachineT形槽T-slotU形钉staple安全系数saftyfactor安装toassemble凹槽channel凹割undercut凹面铣刀concavecutter凹陷sinking奥氏体austenite拔模锥度drafttaper扳手wrench扳子spanner(美作:wrench)板料冲压sheetmetalparts版本revisioan半导体元件semiconductorelement半机械化semi-mechanization;semi-mechanized半径Radius半自动滚刀磨床semi-automatichobgrinder半自动化semi-automation;semi-automatic棒材bar贝氏体bainite备件spareparts比测仪comparator比较仪支架benchcomparator边刨床sideplaner扁錾chisel变速器speedchanger变速箱transmissiongear变速箱gearbox变速箱体gearboxcasing变形deformation变形力deformingforce变压器transformer标准件standardcomponent标准时间S/TStandardTime表面粗度surfaceroughness919表面研磨skiving表面硬化,淬硬casehardening柄轴arbor波纹加工bending剥落spalling不定积分indefiniteintegral不适用N/ANotApplicable不行,不合格NGNotGood不锈钢stainlesssteel布氏硬度Brinellhardness步进电机steppermotor部件units;assemblyparts材料MAT'SMaterial采购订单POPurchasingOrder残余应力remainingstress残余应力residualstress草图sketch测深规depthgauge测微计micrometer测斜仪clinoretee策略品质保证SQAStrategyQualityAssurance插齿gearshaping插床slottingmachine查核点checkpoint拆卸disassemble产品市场P/MProductMarket颤动chattering超高速内圆磨床ultra-high-speedinternalgrinder超声传感器ultrasonicsensor超音波加工ultrasonicmachining车床lathe;turninglathe车刀lathertool车刀toolforlathe车架automotivechassis车间workshop车轮车床carwheellathe车削lathecutting车削turning车轴axle衬垫backing衬套bushing成形加工shaping成形磨床formgrindingmachine尺寸标注sizemarking920齿轮gear齿轮齿条pinionandrack齿轮加工gearmechining冲头punch除污/除氧化皮等descale触发器flip-flop触针(划针)stylus传动drive/transmission磁路magneticcircles粗加工roughmachining粗切削roughmachining脆性brittleness脆性材料brittlenessmaterial淬水hardening淬火quenching淬火冷却quench寸动inching锉刀file锉刀修润filing带式打磨机beltsander弹簧spring弹塑性elastoplasticity弹性elasticity氮化的nitrided挡板orificeplate刀架,刀座toolpost刀尖noseoftool刀具cutter刀刃角toolpointangle导轨leadrail导数\\微分differentialcoefficient倒角roundingchamfer倒角机chamferingmachine倒角应力planestrain底靠bottoming电动机electromotor电镀electrocladding/plating电化学腐electrochemicalcorrosion电火花加工electricsparkmachining电火花线切割electricaldischargewire-cutting电解片SECCSECC`电解研磨electrolyticgrinding电路circuit电子邮件E-MAILElectrical-Mail921垫片spacer垫圈washer雕刻机engravingmachine雕模放置加工机engravingE.D.M.调质hardeningandtempering碟碟机HDDHardDiskDrive定积分definiteintegral定位allocation定义域definitionaldomain定中centering动力学dynamic动量momentum动能kineticenergy动作性能performance断裂fracture锻forge锻(件)forging二阶行列式secondorderdeterminant发黑blackoxidecoating发生器generator阀门valve钒vanadium反馈feedback范成法generationmethod方钢,钢方坯billet方栓槽拉刀splinebroach方形镘刀squaresleeker仿形车床copylathe仿形磨床copygrindingmachine仿形刨床copyshapingmachine仿形铣床copymillingmachine放电加工electricdischargemachine分度头indexhead分析力学analysemechanics腐蚀rust副本复印CCCarbonCopy概率probability干涉仪interferometer感应淬火impedancematching感应淬火inductionhardening刚度准则rigiditycriterion刚性,刚度rigidity钢锭steelingot钢锯hacksaw922钢坯,钢锭bloom高度规heightgauge镉cadmium个(根,块等) PCSPieces个人电脑PCPersonalComputer个人电脑外设PCEPersonalComputerEnclosure铬chromium工程技术人员engineer工件workpiece工具箱kit工业造型设计industrialmouldingdesign工作服jack工作量规workinggauge功率power攻丝tapping攻丝tap共轭曲线conjugatecurve钩穴hookcavity固溶处理solution固溶体solidsolution固态相变solidstatephasechanges刮刀scraper管钳子boxspanner(美作:socketwrench)光碟CDCompactDisk光谱分析spectrumanalysis光学平晶opticalflat光学平行opticalparallel光学曲线磨床projectiongrinder硅silicon滚齿hobbing滚动轴承rollingbearing滚筒(加工) barrel过盈配合interferencefit含碳量carboncontent焊weld合成进给运动resultantmovementoffeed合成切削运动resultantmovementofcutting合成切削运动方向directionofresultantmovementofcutting合成纤维syntheticfibre合金copper合模机diespottingmachin核准,认可,承认APPApprove桁架truss横梁beam923后角clearanceangle滑动轴承slidingbearing划线scribin划线盘tosecan画法几何descriptivegeometry环规ringgauge黄铜brass回火tempering活扳子,活络扳手adjustablespanner,monkeywrench活动扳手adjustablespanner机床machinetool机床夹具jig机电一体化mechanotronicsmechanical-electricalintegration机械加工/抛光polishing机械加工余量machiningallowance机械零件mechanicalparts机械能守恒conservationofmechanicalenergy机械制图Mechanicaldrawing基准benchmark激光加工laserbeammachining极限量规limitgauge极严重不允许C=0Critical=0集成电路ICIntegratedCircuit集成电路integratecircuit几何形状geometrical计算机辅助设计CADComputerAidDesign技术要求technicalrequirements加工machining加工制造中心machinecenter加工中心machiningcenter加热器冷却装置heatercooler夹具jig夹钳pincers,tongs夹砂sonim夹杂物inclusion夹渣cinderinclusion铗钳pliers间隙规clearancegauge剪切shear剪线钳wirecutters剪子shears键spline交流电路ACcircuit角铣刀anglecutter924绞刀reamer绞孔fraising铰孔修润reaming结合剂bondingagent截面section介质medium金相试验metallographictest金相组织metallographicstructure金属工艺学technologyofmetals金属切削metalcutting仅供参考REFReference尽可能快的 A.S.A.PAsSoonAsPossible进给方向directionoffeed进给运动feedmovement进行退火processanneal晶格lattice晶粒rain晶粒度grainsize精度precision精加工finishmachining精密小测定器borecheck静电排放ESDElectry-staticDischarge静力学static锯片metalsaw锯削sawing卷边加工hemming内径卡规calipergauge卡规calipers外径卡规dialsnapgauge卡规snapgauge卡盘chuck卡通箱CTNCarton靠磨铣床multimodelmiller可编程序逻辑控制器ProgrammableLogicControllerPLC可调手钳adjustablepliers可靠性reliability坑pit空冷aircooling孔加工spotfacingmachining孔径规callipergaug块规blockgauge扩孔钻reamer拉(件)drawing拉拔drawout925拉床broachingmachine拉刀切削broaching拉孔broaching拉伸pulling拉伸试验tensiletesting类型TYPType冷加工coldmachining冷却管coolingpipe离合器clutch离散信号discretesignal立式加工中心verticalmachinecenter连接器CONNConnector联结link联轴器coupling链chain量角器protractor料号P/NPartNumber裂纹crack磷phosphor/phosphorus零件图partdrawing零库存JITJustInTime流体动力学fluiddynamics流体力学fluidmechanics硫sulfer/sulphur六角螺帽hexagonnut六角头螺栓hexagonheadedbolt龙门刨床planer龙门刨削planing炉冷furnacecooling轮廓锯床contouringmachine轮廓投影仪profileprojector逻辑代数logicalgebra逻辑电路logiccircuit螺钉screw螺母nut螺栓bolt螺丝起子screwdriver螺纹thread螺纹加工threadprocessing螺纹切削threadcutting螺旋helix洛氏硬度Rockwellhardness马氏体martensite脉冲波形pulseshape926毛坯rough铆钉rivet铆钉接合rivetedjoint美国U.S.AtheUnitedStatesofAmerica门电路gatecircuit锰manganese米尺monometer面车削facing描图tracing模穴CAVCavity摩擦friction摩擦系数coefficientoffriction磨床grinder磨光器polisher磨粒abrasivegrain磨损wear莫氏锥度量规morsetapergauge钼molybdenum内分千分尺insidemicrometer内径仪passimeter内卡钳insidecalipers内力internalforce内圆磨床internalcylindricalmachine内圆磨削internalgrinding耐磨性abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearingresistance(property)耐用度durability挠度deflection挠曲量deflection逆矩阵inversematrix逆铣加工upcutmilling牛头刨床shaper扭力torsion扭曲变形distortion扭转twist扭转载荷torsionload排列组合permutationandcombination排屑输送机chipconveyor抛光buffing抛光/研磨修润lapping抛亮光polishing刨削加工planning配合公差fittolerance喷钢砂(处理)gritblasting喷砂(处理)sandblasting927喷丸(处理)shotblasting批号L/NLotNumber批退率LRRLotRejeetRate坯料,半成品blank皮带strap疲劳fatigue疲劳极限fatiguelimit偏微分partialdifferential偏析segregation偏移shift频率特性frequencycharacteristic平铲squaretrowel平面量规gaugeplate平面磨床surfacegrinder平面磨削planegrinding平台levelingblock剖面线hatching剖视图profilechart气动夹紧pneumalock气孔gasvent气孔pore气体状态方程equationofstateofgas气压airpressurepneumaticpressure汽缸cylinder千分尺micrometercalipers千分之一寸mil千斤顶jack前刀面rakeface前角rakeangle前端角(臂角)noseangle前置时间(准备) L/TLeadTime钳工locksmith钳子pinchers强度intensity强度strength切缝切削slotting切口效果notcheffect切线tangent切削cutting切削深度cuttingdepth切屑chip青铜bronze清除钢碇缺陷scaling求导derivation928球墨铸铁ductilecastiron球墨铸铁nodularcastiron曲柄crank曲率curvature屈服强度yieldstrength屈氏体nodularfinepearlite/troostite去角刀具chamferingtool去角斜切chamfering去毛边trimming缺陷indication确认CHKCheck热处理heattreatment热处理heat/thermaltreatment热电耦thermocouple热加工hotwork热浸镀锌材料SGCCSGCC热压配合shrinkfit人,机料法环5MMan,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) 4MIHMan,Materia,Money,Method,Time刃口余隙角cuttingedgeclearance刃用锉刀edgefile韧性toughness蠕变creep软碟机FDDFloppyDiskDrive蕊棒轧管机plugmill塞尺,厚薄规feelergauge三相交流电three-phaseAC砂轮grindingwheel砂轮机grinder砂纸sandpaper砂纸sandpaper上午AMAnteMeridian设计品质保证DQADesighQualityAssurance摄像头CCDcamera伸缩性量规telescopicgauge深陷式submarine渗氮nitriding渗碳carburization渗碳剂carburizing渗碳体cementite渗碳体ironcarbide生产单MOManufactureOrder生产日期码D/CDateCode失效invalidation929十字接头crossjoint十字结联轴节crosshead石墨加工机graphitemachine时间地点谁做为什么,怎样做。


CCW counterclockwise
Cd cadmium
AWS advanced wet station
Manufacturing and Science
Sb antimony
B billion; boron
Ba barium
BARC bottom antireflective coating
BASE Boston Area Semiconductor Education (Council)
ACF anisotropic conductive film
ACI after-clean inspection
ACP anisotropic conductive paste
ACT alternative control techniques; actual cycle time
Al aluminum
ALD atomic layer deposition
ALE atomic layer epitaxy; application logic element
ALS advanced light source; advanced low-power Schottky
A/D analog to digital
AA atomic absorption
AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy
ABC activity-based costing
ABM activity-based management
AC alternating current; activated carbon


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海康威视DS-2DF5286-AEL 2 Megapixel网络低温速度仪式说明书

海康威视DS-2DF5286-AEL 2 Megapixel网络低温速度仪式说明书

DS-2DF5286-AEL2 Megapixel Network Low Temperature Speed DomeKey featuresSystem function:●High performance CMOS, up to 1920x1080 resolution●Smart pre-heating system, start at -40℃low temperature●Support smart tracking●±0.1° Preset Accuracy●ONVIF(Open Network Video Interface Forum), CGI(Common Gateway Interface), PSIA(Physical SecurityInteroperability Alliance), to ensure greater interoperability between different platforms and compatibility●3D intelligent positioning function●Power-off memory function: restore PTZ & Lens status after reboot●IP66 standard (outdoor dome)●Impact Protection: IEC60068-2-75 test, Eh, 20J; EN50102, up to IK10●3D DNR●Scheduled PTZ movement●Support 24VAC/Hi-PoE/PoE+Smart function:●Smart tracking modes: support manual/ panorama/ intrusion trigger/ line crossing trigger / Region entrance trigger /Region exiting●Smart detection: support face detection, intrusion detection, line crossing detection, audio exception detection,region entrance, region exiting●Smart recording: support edge recording, support smart search in smart NVR●Smart image processing: support defog, HLC, EIS●Smart codec: low bit rate, ROICamera function:●Auto iris, auto focus, auto white balance, backlight compensation and auto day & night switch●Min. Illumination: 0.02Lux@(F1.6,AGC ON)(Color), 0.002Lux@(F1.6,AGC ON)(B/W)●Support privacy mask with multiple colors and mosaics on polygonal areasPTZ function:●360° endless pan range and -5°-90° tilt range●540°/s Pan Preset Speed and 400°/s Tilt Preset Speed●Manual pan speed of 0.1° -300°/s and manual tilt speed of 0.1° -240°/s●300 presets programmable; preset image freezing capability●8 patrols, up to 32 presets per patrol● 4 patterns, with the recording time not less than 10 minutes per pattern●Park action: auto call up of PTZ movement, after a defined time of inactivity●7 alarm inputs and 2 alarm outputsNetwork function:●H.264/MJPEG/MPEG4 video compression and the latest Davinci processing chip and platform●Support H.264 encoding with Baseline/Main/High profile●ROI(Region of Interest) encoding(support 24 areas with adjustable levels)●Built-in Web server●Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card local storage●Support up to 8 NAS storage; Edge recording(transmit the videos from SD card to the NAS after network resumed) ●HTTPS encryption and IEEE 802.1X port-based network access control●Support three-stream; Basic and advanced video configuration; Real time video at 1080P/960P/720P●Multiple network protocols supported: IPv4/Ipv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1X, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS,DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTP, TCP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE● 1 audio input and 1 audio outputApplication ScenariosIt can be widely applied to places requiring wide-area monitoring and high-definition display, such as rivers, forests, highways, railways, airports, ports, sentries, squares, parks, scenic sites, streets, stations, large venues, outside of residential areas, etc.SpecificationsDimensionsOrder modelsDS-2DF5286-AEL, 24VAC/Hi-PoE, Low temperature, outdoorAccessoriesDS-1602ZJ Long-arm Wall Mount Bracket。

Semi-Automatic Ontology Alignment for Geospatial Data Integration

Semi-Automatic Ontology Alignment for Geospatial Data Integration

Semi-Automatic Ontology Alignment forGeospatial Data IntegrationIsabel F.Cruz,William Sunna,and Anjli ChaudhryDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Illinois at Chicago851S.Morgan St.(M/C152),Chicago,IL60607,USA[ifc,wsunna,achaudhr]@Abstract.In geospatial applications with heterogeneous databases,an ontology-driven approach todata integration relies on the alignment of the concepts of a central ontology that describe the domain,with the concepts of the ontologies that describe the data in the local databases.Once the alignmentbetween the global ontology and each local ontology is established,users can potentially query hundredsof databases using a single query that hides the underlying ing our approach,queryingcan be easily extended to a new data source by aligning a local ontology with the global one.For thispurpose,we have designed and implemented a tool to align ontologies.The output of this tool is a setof mappings between concepts,which will be used to produce the queries to the local databases oncea query is formulated on the global ontology.To facilitate the user’s task,we propose semi-automaticmethods for propagating such mappings along the ontologies.In this paper,we present the principlesbehind our propagation method,the implementation of the tool,and we conclude with a discussion ofinteresting cases and proposed solutions.1IntroductionIn an ontology-driven approach,an application that needs to use the integrated data from a domain expresses its information requests in terms of the concepts in the global ontology,thus giving users the appearance of an homogeneous view over heterogeneous data sources.An ontology ranges from a simple taxonomy to an axiomatized set of concepts and relationship types[9]. In our approach,we focus on taxonomies for land use coding in the state of Wisconsin.Our work is in collaboration with the Wisconsin Land Information System(WLIS),which is a distributed web-based system with heterogeneous data residing on local and state servers.In order to develop WLIS,it is necessary to overcome data heterogeneity that originates from having different state and federal agencies involved in acquiring and storing geospatial data.On one hand,proposing a standard ontology to be adopted by all agencies would lead to loss in the resolution of the collected data.A more feasible approach is to allow for the different agencies to maintain their own ontologies locally while specifying how concepts in their own ontology correspond to concepts in a global ontology.On the other hand,we note that even when agencies use a particular standard,their exact implementation of that standard will differ.In the presence of such heterogeneities,however small they may be,queries to one ontology will likely not work on another ontology.We focus primarily on ontology alignment,that is,on establishing mappings between related concepts in the global ontology and a local ontology without combining the ontologies.We also discuss ontology merging when the two ontologies are not only aligned but also included in a single,coherent ontology.In order to integrate the constituent data models,the mappings between concepts in the global ontology and those in the local data sources,e.g.,as described by a local ontology,have to be determined.In our approach,the mappings are determined semi-automatically,that is,partly established manually by the user and partly deduced using an automatic process.The paper is organized as follows.In Section2,we give an overview of related work in the area.We present the land use codes and how we encode them using an ontology in Section3.In Section4we present the mappings we consider in performing the alignment between two ontologies,we describe our approach to This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Awards EIA-0091489and ITR IIS-0326284.automatically propagate mappings along the two ontologies involved in the mapping,state the assumptions we make that are necessary for the automatic propagation to work,and give an example on how alignments can be used for merging ontologies.In Section5we describe the implementation of the mapping tool that supports the semi-automatic deduction process.With the ultimate goal of extending our semi-automatic alignment method to any ontologies,in Section6we give examples of ontologies that do not satisfy our previously made assumptions and propose ways of extending our semi-automatic propagation to handle those new cases.Finally,in Section7,we draw conclusions and outline future work.2Related WorkHovy[4]proposes a semi-automatic ontology alignment approach for combining and standardizing large ontologies based on their lexical similarity.Multiple languages are also supported by consulting dictionaries. Different kinds of matches,including text and hierarchy matches are used in the heuristics for the alignment process.Initially the unaligned ontologies are loaded and brought into a partially aligned state.For all unaligned concepts,the heuristics mentioned earlier are used to create a set of cross-ontology match scores. Then,a new set of alignment suggestions are created by a function that combines the match scores.The user can then check the suggestions and retain the best matches.Chimaera[5]is a software tool developed by the KSL group at Stanford,also used for merging and testing large ontologies.It provides tools for merging different ontologies created by different authors and for diagnosing individual or multiple ontologies.Similarly to Hovy’s approach,the tool allows users to check the automated merging procedure.Classes that need the user’s attention are highlighted.PROMPT[7],which also uses a frame-based model for the ontology,supports merges at the slot level,in addition to merges at the class(frame)level.In the ontologies that we have considered so far for land use management,an ontology is a hierarchy where concepts refer to the codes(the vertices in the hierarchy)and relationships are established between a parent code and a child(the edges between the corresponding vertices).Such relationships represent generalization/specialization between the codes.In our case,there are no explicitly represented properties or attributes associated with the codes.We have a simpler structure than that found in other systems[5,7], and therefore the decision of whether two concepts match has to be solely based on the codes.Another system for the alignment of ontologies proposes a comprehensive approach encompassing a rich set of mappings types[8].The authors stress the importance of declaratively specified mappings(our mappings are declarative),the necessity for automation,and of addressing the problem of defining a measure for the expressiveness of the mappings supported.However,several of these issues are left as future work.The MOMIS approach[1,2]has several similarities with our approach.It include the semi-automatic processing of ontology alignment,but it has several different characteristics.It uses subsumption and lexical comparison,but in our case we have strings not frames therefore subsumption is not a possibility because we have only strings to consider instead of frames,and lexical comparison,as that provided by WordNet[6] would only play a limited role in the types of ontologies we currently consider.3Land Use DataOur examples focus on the Wisconsin Land Information System(WLIS)and on Land Use Data.A land use database system stores information about land parcels in XML format.Our land parcel data contains an identification number for the parcel(represented by the tag lid),the category of land usage under which it is classified(lucode),thefile containing the pertinent shape information(shapefile),and information about the owner of the parcel(owner id).Land use categories include agriculture,commerce,industry,institutions,and residences.Storing the land use codes of land parcels helps in better planning for township development,transportation,taxation, and so on.A typical query such as“Where are all the crop and pasture lands in Dane County?”would be relatively straightforward when using one data set but more difficult when posed over a larger geographic area.Table1illustrates the heterogeneity of attribute names and values that would satisfy the criteria of the query over selected multiple data sets.Table1.Heterogeneity of attribute names and valuesPlanning Authority Attribute Code DescriptionDane County RPC Lucode91Cropland PastureRacine County(SEWRPC)Tag811Cropland815Pasture and Other AgricultureEau Claire County Lu1AA General AgricultureCity of Madison Lu448110Farms1.Lucode,Tag,Lu1and Lu44must be resolved as synonyms for the attribute that represents the landuse code in the ontology.2.The descriptions are not exact matches.For example where one code is used for the remaining classifi-cations,Racine County uses two codes.To represent the ontologies we use our own XML DTD[3].4Ontology AlignmentAn important step in the data integration process is ontology alignment—the identification of semantically related entities in different ontologies.While establishing a semantic relationship between concepts in the global ontology and concepts in the local ontologies can be challenging,the thorough identification of such relationships is essential for the development of accurate machine-based techniques to handle them.Aligning very heterogenous ontologies can be a difficult process.In our approach we expect ontologies to be close to each other in a given domain.In the examples,we represent the ontologies as trees.The vertices of the trees correspond either to existing entities in the ontology(real vertices)or to entities created with the end of logically grouping entities(virtual vertices).In thefigures,the left tree represents the global ontology and the right tree represents the local ontology.For example,in Figure1,the codes Agriculture-Woodlands-Forests and Agriculture-Woodlands-Non-forests in the ontology are mapped to the land use codes Forestry(91)and Non-forest woodlands(92) in the local ontology(used by Dane County in Wisconsin).There is no local land use code corresponding to Agriculture-Woodlands.The land use codes of the land parcels in the database are stored only as91or92, corresponding to Forestry and Non-forest woodlands.To better align the local ontology with the ontology,a virtual vertex was introduced corresponding to Agriculture-Woodlands.Agriculture - W oodlandsFig.1.Real and virtual vertices4.1Mapping TypesIn Figure1,Agriculture Woodlands-Forests,Agriculture Woodlands-Non-forests,Forestry and Non-forest woodlands are semantically at the same level of detail in the two ontologies.Similarly,the two verticescorresponding to Agriculture-Woodlands also at the same level.We say that such concepts are aligned. Initially,the information as to which entities in the different ontologies are aligned must be provided by the user,who is the geospatial expert for the local database.Once two entities are known to be aligned,the nature of the relation between them can be characterized using the following mapping types:Exact,the connected vertices are semantically equivalent,Approximate,the connected vertices are semantically approximate,Null, the vertex in the ontology does not have a semantically related vertex in the local ontology,Superset,the vertex in the ontology is semantically a superset of the vertex in the local ontology,and Subset,the vertex in the ontology is semantically a subset of the vertex in the local ontology.A mapping can establish the connection between vertices in their entirety or only to parts of a vertex, based on the semantics.Even though the global ontology is usually developed by a team of domain experts, who take utmost care in making sure that every semantically unique entity is represented by exactly one vertex,the local ontology might consist of entities organized or grouped using different criteria.As a result, the semantic equivalent of an entity in the global ontology could be distributed over several vertices or parts of a vertex in the local ontology and vice versa.A county in which agriculture is the main occupation will have more categories of agricultural land usage than the ontology drawn up for the state.Such differences in the resolution of the data can also lead to complications in ontology alignment.Figure2illustrates several mappings between vertices in two ontologies for land use patterns in a cen-tralized integrated system.We show the global ontology subtree on the left side offigure and the local ontology subtree on the right.The vertices corresponding to Industry,Mining and Manufacturing in the global ontology can be mapped to those corresponding to Industrial Sector,Mining and Production in the local ontology.In the global ontology,the vertex Plastic wares denotes entities that are made of plastic or glass.However,in the local ontology,there is a vertex Plastics and another vertex Rubber and Glass,which denotes manufactured objects made of rubber or glass.Fig.2.Mapping types.The Manufacturing and the Production vertices are aligned.Similarly,the two Mining vertices are also aligned.Manufacturing is semantically equivalent to Production,as both denote a collection of industries producing plastics,glass,and rubber products.Hence,this mapping is of type Exact as denoted in the mapping from the Manufacturing vertex to the Production vertex.Plastic wares is semantically a superset of the Plastics vertex and Rubber is semantically a subset of the Rubber and Glass vertex.4.2Semi-automatic AlignmentTo allow for the semi-automatic processing of the ontology alignment,we propose a framework that defines the values associated with the vertices of the ontology in two possible ways:as functions of the values of the children vertices or of the user input.We need to establish two assumptions to guarantee the correctness of the deduction process.Thefirst one is that the specialization of a vertex in the ontology must be total,that is,each lower-level concept must belong to a higher-level concept in the hierarchy.The second one is that“bowties”[4],which are inversions in the order of the two ontologies that are being aligned,do not occur.The mapping techniques described in Section4.1can be integrated in a semi-automatic alignment method-ology to simplify the task of aligning large ontologies[4].The user initially identifies the hierarchy levels in the two ontologies that are aligned.Then the alignment component propagates.When ambiguities or inconsistencies are encountered,or the the algorithm can not propagate values any further,those vertices are singled out.The user can then manually assist the algorithm by mapping concepts by hand.For example,in Figure3,vertex b in the global ontology is mapped using mapping type Superset to vertex e in the local ontology,and vertex c in the global ontology is mapped using mapping type Exact to vertex f in the local ontology.The mapping type between their parents a and d can be deduced to be Superset based on the mapping between the children,because we consider that the semantic content of the parent is the aggregation of the semantic contents of its children.All the children of d are mapped to children of a.This is the Fully Mapped(FM)case.The PartiallyFig.3.Fully mapped deduction operationMapped(PM)case occurs if there are some children in the local ontology that cannot be mapped to any of the children in the global ontology.For example,in Figure4vertices b and c in the global ontology are mapped to vertices e and f using mapping type Exact.But vertex g cannot be mapped to any of the vertices in the global ontology.As a result,vertex a is mapped using mapping type Subset.Fig.4.Partially mapped deduction operationTable2lists the different possible combinations of vertex mappings and the resulting mappings for their parents.The table assumes that a vertex in thefirst ontology has two children that are mapped to the children of a vertex in the second ontology.Column1in the table shows the mapping type of thefirst childand column2shows the mapping type of the second child.Column3shows the deduced mapping type between the two vertices in the Fully Mapped(FM)scenario and column4shows the deduced mapping type between the two parents in the Partially Mapped(PM)scenario.A User-defined entry in the table indicates that the parent’s mapping type cannot be automatically deduced and the user has to provide the appropriate mapping type by hand.These deduction operations can easily scale up to include the cases where a vertex has more than two children.They will be performed recursively,starting from the vertices that are aligned and traveling up the global ontological tree,to deduce the mapping types between the ontology and the local ontologies.As previously mentioned,all combination results can be overridden by the user.Table2.Automatic mapping deduction operationsChild1Child2FM PMExact Exact Exact SubsetExact Approximate Approximate SubsetExact Superset Superset User-definedExact Subset Subset SubsetExact Null Superset User-definedApproximate Approximate Approximate SubsetApproximate Superset Superset User-definedApproximate Subset Subset SubsetApproximate Null Superset User-definedSuperset Superset Superset User-definedSuperset Subset User-defined User-definedSuperset Null Superset User-definedSubset Subset Subset User-definedSubset Null User-defined User-definedNull Null User-defined User-defined4.3Ontology MergingEach local ontology might have a different organization of the entities based on the primary function of the agency maintaining it.For example,a county in which agriculture is the main occupation will have more categories of agricultural land usage than the global ontology drawn up for the state.When such a local ontology is aligned to the global ontology,there might be several places where the mapping type is Null or the user has to provide mappings because the automatic alignment process fails.This can indicate that a particular criterion of classification is missing in the global ontology and leads to loss in the resolution of the data when local ontologies using that classification technique are aligned.In such cases,the expert in charge of maintaining the global ontology could add the missing classification,that is,could merge concepts from a local ontology into the global ontology.This can be viewed as merging concepts from local ontologies into the global ontology.In the global ontology of Figure5,commercial land usage is classified as Commercial Sales and Com-mercial Service(based on the primary function of the commercial establishment).In the local ontology, commercial land usage is sub-classified as Commercial Intensive and Commercial Non-intensive(based on the size of the operations).The two parent vertices are considered aligned,because their level of detail is similar.As shown in Figure5,vertices Commercial Sales and Commercial Service cannot be mapped to any of the vertices in the local ontology and hence have their mapping type as Null.Therefore,the mapping type between Commerce and Commercial Sector cannot be automatically deduced and is specified as Approxi-mate by the user.This mapping type denotes that the mapping between two vertices seems right,but the subclassification is not along the same characteristics.Classification of commercial land usage,based on the scale of operations,is missing from the ontology and could be introduced to better align local ontologies using that classification scheme.The alignment of the ontologies after the additional level of classification was introduced is shown in Figure6.Fig.5.Ontology alignment before the deduction processFig.6.Ontology alignment after deduction5Agreement MakerThe Agreement Maker is a software tool that is used to create the mappings between the global ontology and a local ontology and generate an agreement document,which is used by the query processor.The query processor maps a query expressed in the terms used in the global ontology to the local ontologies[3].The local expert maps the ontology of the local database to the global ontology with a user interface, which shows the two hierarchies that represent the ontologies in two separate panes,allowing the expert to browse through the contents of each of the ontologies and establish the mappings between an entity(or entities)in the global ontology and an entity(or entities)in the local ontology.Figure7shows that interface.5.1Agreement DocumentThe local expert selects semantically related entities in both ontologies and chooses one of the mapping types from Section4.2,which would best explain the relation between the concepts.There is a button labeled‘Update Mapping’that saves the mapping into a table.Each row in the table shows the names of the two vertices that are mapped(one from the global ontology and the other from the local ontology),and the type of mapping between them.As soon as the mapping is saved,all the vertices that have been mapped get clearly marked(with‘−→’,as shown in Figure7).In the backend,the agreement document also gets updated.5.2Deduction ModuleThe semi-automatic alignment methodology from Section4.2is integrated into the Agreement Maker system to simplify the task of aligning large ontologies.Once the children of two vertices(one belonging to the global ontology and the other one to the local ontology)are mapped by the user,the mapping between the parents of those vertices can be inferred by the automatic mapping deduction operations of Table2.These resultser interface showing established mappingsare then presented to the user,who may choose to integrate them in the agreement document or discard them.However,not only mappings that result from the deduction operations are added to the agreement document.Mappings can also result from the comparison of the labels of vertices,which have either the same name(e.g.,person name),which will be mapped using Exact,or because by using a vocabulary it is found that two terms are synonyms,or because the comparison of the respective strings(e.g.,using an edit distance algorithm)produces a high score.Such mappings also reduce the load on the user.A variety of such algorithms for comparison of terms is available.Of course,the user’s decision overrides any mappings by the automatic deduction mechanism.Also,if the user has already mapped a vertex,no deductions will be considered for that vertex.The results obtained by using the automatic deduction module are displayed in a separate pop-up window, which is shown in Figure8.The tabular results indicate the vertices of the global ontology that are mapped to vertices of local ontology,and the respective mapping type.It also indicates whether the mapping was performed by the user,by the deduction mechanism,or by the tool box(which we named“Magic Box”)for the comparison of the labels of the vertices.The user can either commit the changes to the Agreement File if the results seem appropriate or discard them.If the changes are committed,they will be displayed in the main user interface.6DiscussionIn Section4we present the assumptions we have made for the semi-automatic alignment to work.One of them is that the specialization must be total,otherwise the automatic deduction operation may produce semantically incorrect results.Next we consider two cases:in thefirst case,the specialization of the global ontology is not total and in the second case,the specialization of the local ontology is not total.For the sake of our discussion,we consider a simple example based on residential parcels where we assume that the only possible specializations of Residential Buildings are One-family residence and Two-family residence.Case1In thefirst case we consider two subtrees of the local and of the global ontologies,where all the children of Residential Buildings and all the children of Apartment Buildings are represented in Figure9. In Figure9the user initially maps Two-family residence to Multiple-family residence using Subset as the mapping type and maps One-family residence in the global ontology subtree to One-family residence in the local ontology subtree using Exact as the mapping type.Running the deduction process of Table2,the parent vertex of the global ontology subtree Residential Buildings is mapped as Subset of the parent of the localFig.8.The deduction result windowontology subtree Apartment Buildings.This result is semantically incorrect:Apartment Buildings should be a subset of Residential Buildings,not the opposite.The system may notice a problem when the user will override the automatic alignment module to make Residential Buildings a Superset of Apartment Buildings. It is clear in this case that the specialization of Residential Buildings in the global ontology is not total: either there should be other children of Residential Buildings that are siblings of One-family residence and Two-family residence(e.g.,Three-family residence,Multiple-family residence)or there should be a vertex that generalizes One-family residence and Two-family residence,is a child of Residential Buildings,and is a subset of Apartment Buildings in the local ontology.Note that ideally one would want the global ontology to be as“complete”as possible,but,as mentioned before,sometimes the local domain might contain more detail on certain concepts,since it specializes in a certain domain.Global LocalFig.9.Case1:“Incomplete”global ontologyCase2In this case,we interchange the ontologies of the previous case as shown in Figure10.This problem illustrates the case where the local ontology is less“complete”than the global ontology.This may be a rather common case,where the local ontology models the reality of a situation that is more limited.The local ontology may represent a town district where a Residential Building can only be a One-family residence or a Two-family residence and therefore these are all the representatives of Residential Buildings.Again,the deduction mechanism captures the structural aspect but not the semantic one,and erroneously concludes that Apartment Buildings is a superset of Residential Buildings.Global LocalFig.10.Case2:“Incomplete”local ontologyProposed Solution To analyze the situation we consider Figure11,where we represent“monotonic”mappings between two different trees.For example,vertex B maps as Exact to vertex G.Since vertex G represents a Superset of vertex H and a Subset of vertex F,then vertex B is a Superset of vertex H and a Subset of vertex F.In order to guarantee monotonicity,the situation where we have a“bowtie”cannot exist(recall that it was our assumption in Section4that“bowties”were not allowed and we will not be relaxing that assumption now).Fig.11.Monotonic mappingsA possible solution for thefirst case is to augment the global ontology so as to encompass the local ontology.When the user maps Residential Buildings as a Superset of Apartment Buildings the system should catch such inconsistent mapping with the one produced by the automatic deduction mechanism and suggest the introduction of a virtual vertex(see Figure12).A virtual intermediate vertex Apartment Buildings is inserted in the global ontology that carries the same name of its equivalent in the local ontology.The mapping remains Subset because structurally what Apartment Buildings contains in the global ontology is a Subset of what Apartment Buildings contains in the local one.Because a set is both a subset and a superset of itself the deduction mechanism is correct(but not as tight as it could be;in this case,the string comparison mechanism that we have mentioned in Section5would produce the correct Exact mapping). As for Residential Buildings in the global ontology,it can possibly be mapped to the immediate parent of。



第52卷第2期电力系统保护与控制Vol.52 No.2 2024年1月16日Power System Protection and Control Jan. 16, 2024 DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.230829基于知识图谱与SCD文件的智能变电站二次检修安全措施自动生成技术研究俞伊丽1,张展耀1,接晓霞1,甄 钊2,戴 涛1,李康平3(1.国网浙江省舟山供电公司,浙江 舟山 316000;2.华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,河北 保定 071003;3.上海交通大学智慧能源创新学院,上海 200030)摘要:智能站采用光纤传递数字和模拟信号,使常规站基于“短电流、断电压、拆跳闸”方式的二次安全措施理论不再适用于智能站。

为解决传统人工拟票方式编制效率低、错误率高等问题,提出基于知识图谱与智能变电站配置描述文件(substation configuration description, SCD)的二次检修安全措施自动生成技术。





关键词:智能站;知识图谱;SCD文件;配置数据库;安措规则库;二次安措票Automatic generation technology of secondary safety measures in an intelligentsubstation based on a knowledge graph and SCD filesYU Yili1, ZHANG Zhanyao1, JIE Xiaoxia1, ZHEN Zhao2, DAI Tao1, LI Kangping3(1. State Grid Zhejiang Zhoushan Power Supply Company, Zhoushan 316000, China; 2. School of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China; 3. College of Smart Energy,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China)Abstract: Intelligent stations have adopted optical fibers to transmit digital and analog signals, making the theory of secondary safety measures based on the “short current, off voltage, and split trip” method no longer suitable for such stations. To solve the problems of low efficiency and high error rate in traditional manual ticket preparation methods, an automatic generation technology of secondary safety measures based on a knowledge graph and substation configuration description (SCD) files is proposed. First, the technology builds a configuration database based on SCD files and a knowledge graph, and realizes the semi-automatic association between the virtual loop and the soft pressure plate according to the set rules. Second, from the compilation criteria of secondary safety measures in the intelligent station specifications, a safety measure rule library is constructed and the safety measures execution priority coding field is introduced. Finally, the automatic generation technology of secondary safety measures completes the rule matching of maintenance equipment secondary information based on the configuration database and safety measure rule library. This is used to automatically generate secondary safety measure tickets. The simulation results show that this technology can automatically and correctly generate secondary safety measure tickets based on on-site maintenance tasks, improve the efficiency of technical transformation, defect elimination, and verification in intelligent substations, and reduce the error rate of manual compilation. It provides a reference for achieving intelligent operation and inspection integration.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52007092).Key words: intelligent station; knowledge graph; SCD files; configuration database; safety measure rule library;secondary safety measure tickets基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目资助(52007092)- 130 - 电力系统保护与控制0 引言智能变电站作为智能电网的重要组成部分,其关键技术革新在于使用大量光纤代替传统二次电缆进行数字和模拟信号的传递,使得原有互相解耦、具象的二次电缆被高度耦合、抽象的网络数据流代替。



如下图:摩尔斯电码来历:摩尔斯电码(又译为摩斯密码,Morse code)是一种时通时断的信号代码,通过不同的排列顺序来表达不同的英文字母、数字和标点符号。



扩展资料常用缩写A - All after (问号后用于请求重复)AB - All before (同样)ARRL - American Radio Relay League(美国无线电中继联盟)ABT - About(关于)ADS - Address(地址)AGN - Again(再一次)ANT - Antenna (天线)ABN - All between(之间的所有)BUG - Semiautomatic key(半自动的关键)摩斯码应用摩斯密码编码简单清晰,二义性小,编码主要是由两个字符表示:"."、"-",一长一短,这在很多情况下应用很多。






移动煤矿样品摘取机器人Yuanfang Li等人的动态特性分析:悬挂臂的动态特性对移动煤矿样品摘取机

移动煤矿样品摘取机器人Yuanfang Li等人的动态特性分析:悬挂臂的动态特性对移动煤矿样品摘取机

Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of the Hydraulic Arm ofMobile Coal Sampling RobotYuanfang Li1, Haibo Xu1, Jun Wang2, Rong Deng1 and Yufeng Lin11Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shanxi, China2Xi'an Hongyu mining special mobile equipment Co., Xi’an 710075, Shaanxi, China Abstract—Dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic armaffects the mobile coal sampling robot’s accuracy and efficiency.The complex and varied working conditions put many highrequirements on the stability of the hydraulic arm. This papertook the hydraulic arm of the MCYY2000 mobile coal samplingrobot as the research object, and established a simplified modelof the hydraulic arm with SolidWorks. It carried out the analysisunder both the condition of no-sampling resistance and thecondition of variable sampling resistance. The analysis was donewith the module of multi-body dynamics simulation in Simulink.This paper helps to obtain the joint torques and hydraulicdriving forces of the hydraulic arm under different conditions. The results provide a basis for further work including accurate motion control, chatter reduction and safety improvement of the coal sampling robot.Keywords—coal sampling robot; hydraulic arm; complex working conditions; dynamic characteristicsI.I NTRODUCTIONThe mobile coal sampling robot is suitable for the sampling of carts, trains and coal heaps in places such as coal yards, steel mills, power plants, and harbors[1]. With its advantages of small size, high mobility, and wide adaptability, it has demonstrated an important position in the industry of mechanized coal sampling in recent years. Compared to manual sampling, the mobile coal sampling robot can reduce labor intensity and increase sampling efficiency[2].The MCYY2000 mobile coal sampling robot developed by Xi'an Hongyu Mining Special Mobile Equipment Co., Ltd. has the advantages of convenient movement, simple operation, and various control modes (manual, semi-automatic, and automatic), and can realize the integration of full-section sampling, crushing, shrinking, and collection. With high sampling efficiency, the sampling robot overcomes the disadvantages of low accuracy, low efficiency, and poor flexibility in the current manual sampling and mechanical sampling processes. As respectively shown by No.1-7 in Figure I, the whole structure of the sampling robot is mainly composed of the car chassis, the disposal storage device, the sample preparation device, the hydraulic arm, the hydraulic system, the driving room and the electrical system.FIGURE I. STRUCTURE OF THE MOBILE COAL SAMPLING ROBOT The hydraulic arm is the most important part of the mobile coal sampling robot. Its dynamic characteristics affects the sampling accuracy and sampling efficiency. Therefore, the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic arm are important targets for the analysis and research of the coal sampling robot[3][4][5]. This paper takes the hydraulic arm of the MCYY2000 mobile coal sampling robot as the research object, establishes a simplified model of the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot in the SolidWorks, and carries out the analysis of no-sampling resistance and variable sampling resistance of the hydraulic arm through the multi-body dynamics simulation module of Simulink. The dynamic simulation analysis under the two working conditions helps to obtain joint torques and hydraulic driving forces. The analysis is used to provide the basis for follow-up accurate motion control, reducing flutter, and improved work accuracy and safety.II.I NTRODUCTION OF THE H YDRAULIC A RM ANDW ORKING C ONDITION A NALYSISAs respectively shown by No.1-11 in Figure II, the hydraulic arm of the mobile coal sampling robot is composed the base, the upper arm, the second arm, the telescopic arm, the mast, the sampling head, the upper arm cylinder, the second arm cylinder, the telescopic arm cylinder, the guide cylinder and the swing hydraulic motor. The base is connected with the slewing bearing, and the hydraulic motor provides power. The base drives the entire hydraulic arm to realize a 300° rotation. The upper arm, second arm and telescopic arm are driven by their respective hydraulic cylinders to achieve the motion of pitching and telescoping. The sampling cylinder is fixed in the mast, and the directly reciprocating motion of the sampling head guide rail is driven by moving the pulley block and the chain. This motion controls the vertical down sampling and the oblique down sampling at different angles. The mast makes it possible to keep the upper arm and the second arm stationary3rd International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering (EAME 2018)during sampling, so the sampling accuracy can be higher. The sampling head is a spiral structure[6] and can complete the deep sampling into coal heaps with a depth of 2 meters.FIGURE II. STRUCTURE OF THE HYDRAULIC ARM The related size parameters of the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot are shown in Table I. The parameters in the table are all from the actual design parameters of the MCYY2000 mobile coal sampling robot.TABLE I. RELATED SIZES OF THE HYDRAULIC ARMComponent Size / mmupper arm 2900second arm 2700telescopic arm 1000mast 3400Sampling head 2100Complex and varied working conditions[7] of coal sampling projects put many high requirements on the stability of the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic arm:(1) When the sampling head of the hydraulic arm is moving at a low speed and operating the pitching movement with no-sampling resistance, the torque of each joint and the driving force of the hydraulic cylinder should be changed smoothly with small amplitude, so that the hydraulic arm can maintain safety and stability during its adjustment of the sampling angle.(2) When the hydraulic arm is sampling at a fixed sampling angle, the sampling head is subject to a varying sampling resistance. At this time, the joint torques and the hydraulic driving forces must avoid sharp changes or exceeding its safety range[8] so that the coal sampling robot can stay safe. The key research of this paper focuses on the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot under the two working conditions.III.A NALYSIS OF D YNAMIC C HARACTERISTICS OF THEH YDRAULIC A RMTo build a virtual prototype, simplified models should be used as much as possible. In order to reduce the simulation time[9], the number of parts should be reduced as much as possible while satisfying the integrity of the virtual prototyping simulation movement. According to the actual size of the hydraulic arm and the types of hydraulic cylinders, the components including the base, the upper arm, the second arm, the telescopic arm, the mast, the sampling head and hydraulic cylinders are modeled and assembled in SolidWorks. The virtual prototype of the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot is shown in Figure III.FIGURE III. VIRTUAL PROTOTYPE MODEL OF THE HYDRAULICARMAs shown by No.1-8 in Figure IV. the simplified schematic diagram of the movement mechanism includes three joints - join1, joint2 and joint3 - and five hydraulic cylinders - cylinder1, cylinder2, cylinder3, cylinder4 and cylinder5. The range of the motion of each joint variable and cylinder driving variable is shown in Table II.FIGURE IV. MOTION MECHANISM OF THE HYDRAULIC ARM OFTHE COAL SAMPLING ROBOTTABLE II. RANGE OF JOINT ANGLES AND CYLINDER LENGTHS Joint angle Range /(°) Cylinder length Range / mmjoint θ1 66-130 cylinders1 1750-2750 joint θ2 90-160cylinder s2 1450-2300cylinder s3 2700-3700 joint θ3 60-135cylinder s4 1650-2650cylinder s5 3400-5500Import the assembled model into Simulink and generate a block diagram of the model. Set the appropriate material properties and apply the necessary constraints[10] for each component in the model, and add torque sensors and force sensors for the rotating joints and hydraulic cylinders. The signal window modules are also added. The general Simulink dynamic analysis block diagram after settings is shown in Figure V. The multibody structure diagram of the hydraulic arm is shown in Figure VI.FIGURE V. GENERAL SIMULINK DYNAMIC ANALYSIS BLOCKDIAGRAMFIGURE VI. SIMSCAPE MULTIBODY STRUCTURE DIAGRAM A.Analysis of the Dynamic Characteristics of the HydraulicArm of Coal Sampling Robot under the Condition of No-sampling ResistanceWhen the hydraulic arm is under the no-sampling resistance condition, the sampling head only performs low-speed pitching movements. At this time, each joint torque and the hydraulic cylinder driving force should be stable and be of small-scale changes, so that the coal sampling robot can remain safe and stable during the adjustment of its sampling angle. When analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic arm under this condition, the sampling resistance is set to zero. The curve of the length of the hydraulic cylinder s4 is shown in Figure VII. The lengths of cylinders s1, s2, s3 and s5 are respectively set to 2250mm, 1950mm, 2700mm and 3400mm. According to the relationship between the joint variables and the cylinder driving variables, the curve of the joint angle θ3 is shown in Figure VIII.FIGURE VII. CURVE OF THE LENGTH OF CYLINDER 4FIGURE VIII. CURVE OF JOINT ANGLE θ3The curves of the joint torques and the hydraulic cylinder driving forces are respectively shown in Figure IX and Figure X. With the extension and retraction of the mast cylinder s4, the torques of the joint1-joint3 firstly increase and then decrease within a smaller range, and the change trend is relatively stable. The torque of joint1 is the largest. The torque of joint2 is the next, and the torque of joint3 is the smallest. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders also change smoothly. The driving force of the hydraulic cylinder1 is the largest, and the driving force of the hydraulic cylinder3 remains basically unchanged.The results show that when the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot performs low-speed swing movement of its sampling head under the condition of no-sampling resistance, the joint torques and the driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders change smoothly and slightly. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders mainly overcome the effect of gravity. The simulation results are in accordance with the actual situation.FIGURE IX. CURVES OF JOINT TORQUESFIGURE X. CURVES OF CYLINDER DRIVING FORCESB.Analysis of the Dynamic Characteristics of the HydraulicArm of Coal Sampling Robot under the Condition ofVariable ResistanceIn the sampling process, the sampling head of the coal sampling robot is mainly subjected to three external loads including the insertion resistance, the gravity of coal and the lifting resistance. The insertion resistance and the ascending resistance are uncertain under different working conditions. According to formulas and relevant experiences, the insertion resistance and the ascending resistance are respectively set to 6000 N and 5000 N. The designing parameters of the coal sampling robot show that the coal sampling weight is about 200N, which is much smaller compared with the other two resistances. Therefore, the curve of the sampling resistance during vertical sampling process is shown in Figure XI. According to this, the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot under the variable resistance condition can be verified.FIGURE XI. CURVE OF THE SAMPLING RESISTANCEFIGURE XII. CURVE OF THE LENGTH OF CYLINDER 5 When analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic arm under the variable resistance condition, the joint angles θ1 and θ2 respectively maintain 70° and 110°. The joint angle θ3 is set to 90°, which means the sampling head performs vertical sampling at a sampling angle of 90°. Curve of the length of Hydraulic cylinder 5 is shown in Figure XII.As shown in Figure XIII and Figure XIV when the sampling resistance is given, the curves of the joint torques and the driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders are no longer smooth. Instead, they show sharp turning changes with the changes of the sampling resistance. The joint 1 and the joint 2 show large torques and relatively large variation. The joint 3 shows relatively small torque. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinder 1 and the hydraulic cylinder 2 are relatively large and the amplitude of their changes is also large. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinder 4 and the hydraulic cylinder 5 change within a little range and are relatively stable. The hydraulic cylinder 3 basically has no change of driving force under this condition.The results show that the joint torques and the driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders have turning changes under the condition of variable resistance. Due to the low moving speed of the sampling head, the influence of inertial force and inertia torque is relatively small[11]. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders mainly overcome the gravity of the arm itself and the external sampling resistance. The simulation results are in accordance with the actual situation.FIGURE XIII. CURVES OF JOINT TORQUESFIGURE XIV. CURVES OF CYLINDER DRIVING FORCESIV.C ONCLUSIONSThis paper took the hydraulic arm of the MCYY2000 mobile coal sampling robot as the researching object. It established a simplified model of the hydraulic arm with SolidWorks, and carried out the dynamic simulation analysis of the hydraulic arm under both the condition of no-sampling resistance and the condition of variable resistance with the Simulink. The simulation results are basically in accordance with the actual situation.(1) Under the condition of no-sampling resistance, the hydraulic arm of the coal sampling robot performs low-speed swing movement of the sampling head. The joint torques and the driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders change smoothly and slightly. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders mainly overcome the effect of gravity.(2) Under the condition of variable resistance, the joint torques and the driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders show turning changes. Due to the low moving speed of the sampling head, the influence of inertial force and inertial torque are relatively small. The driving forces of the hydraulic cylinders mainly overcome the gravity of the arm itself and the external sampling resistance.In this paper, the joint torques and hydraulic driving forces of the hydraulic arm are obtained through dynamic simulation analysis. The results help to provide a basis for further work including accurate motion control, chatter reduction and safety improvement of the coal sampling robot.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThanks to the support of Xi'an Hongyu Mining Special Mobile Equipment Co., Ltd. And thanks to the help of Shaanxi Science & Technology Co-ordination & Innovation Project.R EFERENCES[1]Yang Jinhe and Liu Enqing. Discussion on mechanized sampling ofcommercial coal [J]. Coal Processing & Comprehensive Utilization, 2007(04): 29-30.[2]Sun Gang. Research on Performance Index of Coal Sampling Machine[J].Journal of China Coal Society, 2009, 34(06): 836-839.[3]Qu Can. Virtual Design of Sampling Arm for Vehicle Coal samplingrobot [D]. 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关键词:液压系统; 过载保护; 机电液一体化Hydraulic system design of small pressesABSTRACTAs one of the modern machinery equipment transmission and control important technical means, hydraulic technology in the field of national economy has been widely used. Compared with other transmission control technology, hydraulic technology has high energy density, flexible and convenient configuration, large speed range, rapid and smooth work ability, easy to be controlled and overload protection, easily realized automation and electromechanical integration ,system integration design ,easy maintenance in manufacturing operation and other significant advantages in technology , which make it become the basic technology of modern mechanical engineering and the basic technologyof modern control engineering.The hydraulic press and pressure machine is the main equipment for molding plastic injection and repressing material formation, such as stamping, bending, flanging, metal sheet drawing, etc. Also it can be engaged in the adjustment, the mounting indentation, the grinding wheel formation, the swaging metal parts formation, the plastic products and the powder products suppressed formation. This article according to the usage, characteristics and requirements of the purposes of the YB32-150 type hydraulic pressure press machine uses the basic principle of hydraulic transmission, draws up a reasonable hydraulic system and undergoes the necessary calculation to determine the parameters of hydraulic system which determine to choose hydraulic components and system structure of the specification. The hydraulic system of YB32-150 hydraulic pressure press Machine is rectangular arrangement .its' external appearance is new and original beautiful, the driving force system adopts hydraulic pressure system that makes the structure simple and compact, the action quick and reliable. This machine is equipped with the foot switch which can realize the semiautomatic craft movement circulation.Keywords: hydraulic system, overload protection, electromechanical integration目录第一章前言 (1)1.1液压传动的发展概况 (6)1.2液压传动在机械行业中的应用 (7)1.3 液压机的发展及工艺特点 (8)1.4液压系统的基本组成 (9)第二章小型压力机的液压系统原理设计 (10)2.1液压压力机的基本结构 (10)2.2 工况分析 (11)2.2.1负载循环图和速度循环图的绘制 (12)2.3拟定液压系统原理图 (13)2.3.1确定供油方式 (13)2.3.2自动补油保压回路的设计 (13)2.3.3 释压回路的设计 (14)2.4液压系统图的总体设计 (15)2.4.1主缸运动工作循环 (16)2.4.2顶出缸运动工作循环 (17)第三章液压系统的计算和元件选型 (17)3.1 确定液压缸主要参数 (17)3.1.1液压缸内径D和活塞杆直径d的确定 (18)3.1.2液压缸实际所需流量计算 (19)3.2液压元件的选择 (19)3.2.1确定液压泵规格和驱动电机功率 (19)3.2.2阀类元件及辅助元件的选择 (21)3.2.3 管道尺寸的确定 (23)3.3液压系统的验算 (26)3.3.1系统温升的验算 (26)第四章液压缸的结构设计 (28)4.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (28)4.2 液压缸的结构设计 (30)第五章液压集成油路的设计 (32)5.1液压油路板的结构设计 (33)5.2液压集成块结构与设计 (34)5.2.1液压集成回路设计 (34)5.2.2液压集成块及其设计 (34)第六章液压站结构设计 (36)6.1 液压站的结构型式 (36)6.2 液压泵的安装方式 (36)6.3液压油箱的设计 (37)6.3.1 液压油箱有效容积的确定 (37)6.3.2 液压油箱的外形尺寸设计 (38)6.3.3 液压油箱的结构设计 (38)6.4液压站的结构设计 (41)6.4.1 电动机与液压泵的联接方式 (41)6.4.2 液压泵结构设计的注意事项 (41)6.4.3 电动机的选择 (42)第七章总结 (43)参考文献 (44)第一章前言1.1液压传动的发展概况液压传动和气压传动称为流体传动,是根据17世纪帕斯卡提出的液体静压力传动原理而发展起来的一门新兴技术,是工农业生产中广为应用的一门技术。

西门子(Siemens) PLM 软件传动工程-挑战与解决方案说明书

西门子(Siemens) PLM 软件传动工程-挑战与解决方案说明书

Predict and reduce gear whine noise 5 times faster Generate transmission gearbox models automatically and boost vibro-acoustic performanceUnrestricted© Siemens AG 2019Realize innovation.Transmission Engineering ChallengesGuarantee Performance and DurabilityReduce Time for SimulationMinimize Vibration and Noise LevelsReduce Weight with Lightweight DesignsAnalysisResultsModellingPrototyping can cost up to 200k$ --per single gear80% of time for manual model creationMicrogeometry modificationscan reduce vibration level with 6dB (=half!)Transmission Error can increase 10x or more!Transmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsTransmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairs.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsMulti-Body SimulationScopePredicting, Analyzing, Improving the positions, velocities, accelerations and loads of a mechatronic system using an accurate and robust 3D multi-body simulation approachMechatronic Systems Flexible Bodies•Integration with tools for robust design of complex non-linear multi-physics systems:control systems, sensors, electric motors, etc •Predict mechanical system more accurately wrt displacements and loads•Gain insight in frequency response of a mechanism•Enable Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) as well as Durability analysesSimcenter 3D Motion for Transmission Simulation Critical featuresMulti-Body Simulation Industry Modelling Practices•Joints •Constraints •Bearings•Linear Flexible Bodies•Nonlinearity (geometric & materials) by running FEcode•Deformations•Loads•Transmission Error•Time domain •Statics, dynamic,•Mechatronics / controlPost processing•Create gear geometry ✓CAE interface ✓Import CAD•Ext. Forces •Motor•Contacts, FrictionParametric Optimization loop Automation / CustomizationKinematicsDynamicsFlexible bodiesCADSolving1D -modelsControlsTEST dataA manual creation process can consume 80%of time!.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsNew ApproachTransmission Builder Vertical ApplicationProblem: Even experienced 3D-Multi Body Simulation experts can struggle to 1.Model complex parametric transmissions2.Capture all relevant effects correctly and efficiently3.Update and validate their modelsSolution: Transmission Builder Up to 5x faster Model creation processSimcenter TransmissionBuilderGear train specification based on Industry standardsMultibody simulation modelDemonstrationModel Creation and Updating1.Loading of pre-definedTransmission2.Geometry creation3.Creation of rigid bodies forgearwheels and shafts4.Positioning and Joint-definition5.Force element creation.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsNew Solver Methodologies Simulating and ValidatingValidation cases ensure resultsas accurate as non-linear Finite Elements simulationMeasured Transmission ErrorAnalytical MethodSiemens STS Advanced MethodExploiting intrinsic geometric properties of gears + Efficient-Only for gears, not for arbitrary shapes-No deformation includedBut, included as part of the Load CalculationFE based contact detection -“Brute force” Slow+ Any geometry+ Deformation effects includedDedicating Tooth ContactModeling –FE PreprocessorLocal Deformation –Analytic SolutionSlicing –Gear Force Distribution Along Line of Action •Includes Microgeometry Modifications and Misalignments in all DOF•Automatically takes in to account coupling between slices and between teeth•Accounts for actual gear body geometry with advanced stiffness formulation•Evaluates tip contact (approximation)Gear ContactMethodology HighlightsKey Features.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsMulti-Body Simulation of Transmissions SummaryValidated methodologySuperior insight in transmission vibrationsAutomated creation of transmission modelsGear simulation as accurate as FE whileextremely fast•Create CAD + MBD model•Connect and position housing•Add flexible modes (Autoflex)•Set up load casesSimcenter 3D Motion Simulate TransmissionDynamic bearing forcesSimulateAcoustic Simulation of TransmissionsTransmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairs.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic Process OverviewvvcvMulti-body simulation resultsD a t a p r o c e s s i n g a n d m a p p i n gLoad Recipe Time series Frequency spectraWaterfalls OrdersNoise PredictionMeasured dataORAcoustic Process OverviewFrom Motion to AcousticsInput Loads Time Data to Waterfallof Time DataFFT Post-Processing•Multi-body simulation results•Data selection (forces, vibrations)•Automatic mapping •Multiple RPM•RPM function•Frame size definition•Time range selection•Time segmentation•Fourier transform(windowing, frequencyrange, averaging)•Waterfalls•Functions•Order-cut analysis Benefits•Quick switch between Motion and Acoustics solutions•Efficient data processing (fast pre-solver)•Automatic data mapping•Pre-processing time reductionAcoustic Process Overview Acoustic SimulationGeometry Preparation Meshing andAssemblyStructural/AcousticPre-ProcessingSolver Post-Processing•Holes closing •Blends removal •Parts assembly •Mesh mating•Bolt pre-stress•Structural meshing•Acoustic meshing•Loading frommulti-body analysis•Fluid-StructureInterface•Output requests•Simcenter NastranVibro-Acoustics(FEM AML,FEMAO, ATV)•Structural results•Acoustic results•Contributionanalysis (modes,panels, grids) What-If, Optimization, Feedback to DesignerBenefits•Efficient model set-up•Efficient, accurate solutions•Quick solution update•Deep insight into results.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic SimulationModel Preparation –MeshesFrom multi-body analysis•CAD geometry•Structural mesh of body→Used to compute structural modes included in Motion model when accounting for flexibility of body Specific to acoustic analysis•Acoustic mesh around body for exterior noise radiation →Geometry cleaning (ribs removal, holes filling)→Surface and convex meshing →3D elements filling•Microphone mesh for acoustic responseAssembly of structural and acoustic meshesBenefits•Easy, fast, efficient model set-up•Quick switch between CAD and FEM environments •Quick update with associativity of meshes to CAD •Flexible modelling through assemblyAssociativityModel Preparation –Loads and Boundary Conditions Structural constraints and loads•Fixed constraints•Multi-body forces applied at center of bearings→Automatic mapping→Data processing (time to waterfall of time data, FFT) Acoustic boundary conditions•AML (Automatically Matched Layer)→Non-reflecting boundary condition to absorb outgoing acoustic wavesFluid-structure interface•Weak or strong couplingTime dataTo Waterfall of Frequency dataBenefits•Easy, fast, efficient model set-up•Quick switch between FEM and SIM environmentsρc AMLSize ~ 190k nodes ~ 14k nodes Timex s/freq.x/20s/freq.AML (Automatically Matched Layer)•Automatic creation of PML (Perfectly Matched Layer) at solver levelFull absorption of outwards-traveling waves•First, accurate results in “physical” (red) FEM domain •Then, accurate results outside the FEM domain (green), through post-processing •PML layer very close to radiatorBenefits•No manual creation of extra absorbing layer •Optimal absorption •Lean FEM model •Fast computationSolver Technologies –FEM AMLATV (Acoustic Transfer Vector)•Single computation of acoustic transfer vector between vibrating surface and microphones{p ω}=ATV ω×{v n (ω)}•Independence of ATV from load conditions (RPM, order)•For exterior radiation, smooth ATV functions in frequencyBenefits•Large frequency steps for ATV computation, and interpolation for acoustic response •Fast multi-RPM analysisSolver Technologies –ATV=+p ωv n (ω)304050607080901001003005007009001100130015001700S o u n d P r e s s u r e L e v e l (d B )f (Hz)FEMATV Response Frequency100-1700 Hz 100-1700 HzTime22 min3 minNo ATV ATVFEMAO (FEM Adaptive Order)•High-order FEM with adaptive order refinement •Hierarchical high-order shape functions•Auto-adapting fluid element order at each frequency (dependent on f, local c0, local ℎ), to maintain accuracy Benefits•Lean single coarse acoustic mesh •Optimal model size at each frequency •Huge gains vs standard FEM •Faster at lower frequencies•More efficient at higher frequencies • 2 to 10 x fasterAcoustic SimulationSolver Technologies –FEMAOStandard FEM →1 single model for all frequenciesStandard FEM →several modelsfor different frequency rangesFEMAO →1 single model for all frequenciesLess DOF required forFEMAO Optimal DOF size over all frequenciesEdge Shape Functions Face Shape FunctionsFEM FEMAO.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryRigid body vs Flexible body•No significant difference at low frequencies •Above 1400 Hz, more frequency content due to structural modes of flexible housing structurePlain gears vs Lightweight gears (flexible body)•Low harmonic at 200 Hz (6000 RPM), due to gear stiffness variation with holes in lightweight gear •Side band due to tooth stiffness variation (amplitude effect due to coupling with holes)Bearing Forces Frequency Domain Benefits•Deeper insight on input forces•Quick solution update for comparative studies involving design/modelling changesPlain gears vs Lightweight gears (flexible body)•Low RPM•Significant impact of lightweight gears •High RPM•Extra frequency content at low frequenciesRigid body vs Flexible body •Low frequencies•Reduced impact of flexibility •High frequencies•Larger impact of flexibilityRadiated Acoustic Power Functions300 RPM –Plain gears300 RPM –Lightweight gear 5900 RPM –Plain gears5900 RPM –Lightweight gears300 RPM –Rigid body 300 RPM –Flexible body 1500 RPM –Rigid body 1500 RPM –Flexible bodyBenefits•Efficient post-processing for results analysis •Quick solution update for comparative studiesinvolving design/modelling changesRigid Body vs Flexible Body Benefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Global overview oncorrespondencebetween source(dynamic forces)and receiver(acoustic power)Plain Gears vs Lightweight Gears Benefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Global overview oncorrespondencebetween source(dynamic forces)and receiver(acoustic power)Contribution AnalysisExamplesMultiple results types: structural displacements and modes, equivalent radiated power, acoustic pressure and power, panel contributions to pressure and power, grid contributions, etcBenefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Deepunderstanding ofmodel behaviorthrough multipleresults types Structural displacements Acoustic pressure Grid contributionsPanel contributions.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic Simulation of Transmissions SummaryEfficient model set-up with CAD associativity for quicksolution updateSuperior insight in vibro-acoustic responseFast and accurate solver technologiesMore efficient link of gear forces from Motion toAcoustics =+p ωv n (ω)Associativity•Transfer bearing forces into frequency domain•Set-up vibro-acoustic model•Map bearing forces onto vibro-acoustic modelSimcenter 3D Acoustics Simulate TransmissionSimulateAcoustic resultsConclusionUnrestricted © Siemens AG 20192019-05-08Page 42Siemens PLM SoftwarePredict and Reduce Gear Whine Noise 5 Times FasterGenerate transmission gearbox models automatically and boost vibro-acoustic performanceSimcenterTransmission Builder Motion Simulation Acoustic SimulationAutomation removes 80% of workload for transmission model generation New gear solver increases efficiencyand accuracy Automatic motion-to-acoustics linksimplifies pre-processing Fast acoustic solver gives superiorinsight to responseUnrestricted © Siemens AG 20192019-05-08Page 43Siemens PLM SoftwareEasy workflow from design specifications NVH gear whine analysisHyundai Motor CompanyGear Whine Analysis of Drivetrains Using Simcenter Simulation & Services•Predictive simulation for system level NVH and gear whine•Bring 3D simulation to the next level of usability, towards an holistic generative approach for drivetrain design and NVH“Simcenter Engineering and Consulting services helped us use the right analysistools to cover the entire gear transmission analysis […] The Simcenter 3D Transmission Builder software tool is well suited for our engineering purposes”Mr. Horim Yang, Senior Research Engineer•Simcenter 3D Motion and Transmission Builder for system level NVH in multibody •Simcenter Engineering and Consulting for solving complex engineering issues AutomaticCAD and multibody creationAccurateFE-based gear elementsMulti-disciplinaryCAD-FEMMultibody-Acoustic。



MICROSET Tool PresettersC A P A BHAIMER – Your system provider around the machine tool HAIMER evolved to become a complete system providerHaimer USA Chicago, IllinoisPresetting TechnologyWhether presetting, shrinking, inspecting and correcting balance, or measuring – we offer the perfect solution for all tool sizes andwork environments.Improve the quality and precision of your workpieces with our know-how and wide range of products.Precision and productivity in productionC A P A B IL IT IE SUNO series – entry level tool presetters include high-tech options as standardT O O L P R E S E T T E R S–Y O U R B E N E F I T SSave time and money, improve workpiece qualityThe efficient tool presetting equipment from HAIMER Microset optimizes your machining processes from the ground up. Improve your tool life, achieve better surface finishes and boost overall process reliability in your production.–M inimize the idle time of your machines–Reduce scrap and tooling costs–Increase process reliability in your production–Improve your tool life–G enerate consistent quality in your products1: Camera system for setting the center of rotation 2: Tactile measurement of the center of rotation3: Release-by-touch function, easy to operate without buttons4: Useful system cabinet with 3 drawers, 1 door and internal oil tray. Also includes 3 maintenance doors (on all sides) 5: Keypad and μm-precise adjustments 6: 150° swiveling adapter storage7 + 8: Measuring based on the snap gauge principle for diameters up to 100 mmIn addition to its precision, speed, and reliability, the UNO series also includes numerous features in hard-ware. The new design and improved ergonomics set the standard, by using high-quality components from SMC, Bosch, Heidenhain, and IDS.UNO series – entry level tool presetters include high-tech options as standardU N O S E R I E S – E Q U I P M E N T A N D F U N C T I O N A L I T Y24356718UNO autofocus & automatic drive – efficient and precise U N O S E R I E S–N E W A U T O F O C U S A N D A U T O M A T I C D R I V E F E A T U R E SThe autofocus and automatic drive models of the UNO series provide unique advantages fortool measurement at the highest level. Choose the presetter that meets your needs.Optimize process reliability in your production with fully automatic measurement capabilities. The open device platform allows for the integration of both new and existing production processes.Maximum stability and precisionThe FEM-optimized, thermally stable cast iron construction of the VIO linear series ensures accurate measuring results and equipment longevity. Additionally, highly dynamic, wear-free linear drives ensure accurate long-term quality. The parallel drive and guidance system ensures optimal distribution of forces and guarantees ±2 µm measurement repeatability.Highlights–High rigidity ensures low distortion even at the maximum permissible load– F EM-optimized and thermally stable cast iron construction – M aximum tool weight 352 lbs (160 kg)–Fast, silent and highly accurate cutting edge approach via unique linear driveVIO linear – maximum ease of use and functionalityV I O S E R I E S – E Q U I P M E N T A N D F U N C T I O N A L I T Y1: Second camera for presetting the center of rotation (optional) 2 + 3: Fully automatic axis drive via modern linear technologyLeader in innovation:–––––––123Post-processor / Ethernet / USBPost-processed data is transferred to the relevant data exchange drive either via USB, network or RS232 interface.(Not available for UNO Smart)Bidirectional interfaceAll presetting units can send and receive tool data to nearlyall software (tool management, databases, CAD / CAM) via abidirectional interface – regardless of whether it is a standard or a customized solution.(Not available for UNO Smart)Post processor and bidirectional interface*HAIMER Microset tool presetting devices are compatible with machine tools from all manufacturers.(Not available for UNO Smart)* The measured data is quickly transferred direct to the machine tool. Control systems from Siemens, Heidenhain, FANUC, MAPPS and many others can be connected via USB data storage, Ethernet LAN or RS232.–Customer-specific data storage–Measurement processes with integrated data retrieval and storage–Integration of all popular RFID systems–The read / write head can be positioned automatically and manually for all popular tool holder systemsData exchange and transfer to the machine toolD A T AE X C H A N G E A N D D A T A T R A N SF E RManual positioning of the read / write headAutomatic positioning of the read / write head RFID – data carrier systemUNO smartSmart entry into tool presettingT O O L P R E S E T T E R S–M A N U A LThe UNO smart is our entry-level machine featuring a small footprint, user-friendly operation and high precision. It is particularly well suited for measurements right on the shop floor and has all this at an unbeatableprice-performance ratio.Picture shows UNO Smart withSmart Pro package (optional)UNO premiumThe bestseller with high-quality components that complement your machine toolT O O L P R E S E T T E R S–M A N U A LUNO Premium – The right solution for nearly every user – the highest standard of manual tool presetting. Highly precise measuring results and direct data transfer.release-by-touch, premium system cabinet with adapter trayPicture shows UNO Premium with premium Pro package (optional)UNO autofocus Ideal for multi-edge toolsUNO autofocus – The right presetter for demanding measurements.Take advantage of semi automatic spindle operation with multiple tool measurements on one plane.T O O L P R E S E T T E R S – S E M I A U T O M A T I C–ISS-U universal ultra-high precision spindle with mechanical pull system and automatic adapter identification–Turning package: Second camera incl. indexing, 4 × 90 ° and 3 × 120 ° motor driven –Bidirectional interface –USB / LAN data output –Manual RFID system –Post-processorOptionsAutomatic focus on the cutting edgeUNO automatic driveFully automatic measuring for unrivalled convenienceWith fully automated measurement capabilities, the UNO automatic drive is the high-end model of the UNO series. The UNO automatic drive is fully independent of the operator and can be used with minimal user expertise. This guarantees maximum quality and time savings, even with complex tools on multiple planes.T O OL P R E S E T T E R S – F U L L Y A U T O M A T I C–ISS-U universal ultra-high precision spindle with automatic adapter identification–Turning package: Second camera incl. indexing, 4 × 90 ° and 3 × 120 ° motor driven –Bidirectional interface –Manual RFID system–Individual release of X/Y-axis –Post-processorFully automatic tool presetting and measurement - independent of the operatorOptionsVIO basicSuitable for large and heavy toolsT O O L P R E S E T T E R S–S E M I A U T O M A T I CThe VIO basic, with optional semi automatic (autofocus) or manual operation, is one of the most modern presetting devices in its class, with many features and an extensive set of standard equipment.VIO linearFast measuring, even for highly complex toolsT O O L P R E S E T T E R S–F U L L Y A U T O M A T I CVIO linear – The complete solution: for fully automatic high-end tool presetting with customizable options. The modular concept makes it possible to preset tools up to 39.37'' in length and diameter.VIO linear toolshrink Shrinking and presetting combinedS H R IN K IN G/P R E S E T T IN GThe combination of shrinking and presetting technology with precise length adjustment on the µm scale makes the VIO linear top of its class, which includes the toolshrink variant. The VIO linear toolshrink is the ideal choice, especially when using shrink fit holders, duplicate assemblies, or multi-spindle machines.High-quality, precise adapters and spindles are important elements for precise tool presetting.We offer solutions for all requirements, from standard tool holders to customer- specific special tool holders. You benefit from our many years of experience of tool design.Our offer: the Universal clam-ping system clamps tools precisely and reliably, regardless of the toolholder's geometry. This also applies to the Attachment holder (2), which was designed for all common tool holder systems on the market.Adapters and spindles for every taperExamples of AdaptersExamples of spindlesT O O L P R E S E T T I N G – A C C E S S O R I E S1: HSK 63 adapter with integrated clamping 2: VDI 40 adapter with manual clamping3: Capto adapter with integrated manual clamping systemUniversal clamping system1: ISS-U universal ultra-high precision spindle 2: Attachment holder (SK, HSK, Capto, VDI) 3: Complete systemWe offer an extraordinarily wide range of adapters and spindles so that you can quickly and easily get the results you need. We will gladly provide consultation regarding your individual requirements and applications.The ISS-U universal ultra-high precision spindle enables incredibly high-precision direct clamping. The ISS-U spindle utilizes the highest clamping forces with runout accuracy < 0.002 mm, all without need for adapters.123123Microvision software enables fast and easy inspection of complex shapes and features, creating even more time savings potential during setup.Microvision – easy and intuitiveT O O L P R E S E T T I N G – S O F T W A R EHighlights–Intuitive operation ensures quick and precise measurement results–Accurate measurement of complex and helical cutters with the precise focus window–User administration and access privileges–Display currently in 16:9 format–Cross hair fixed / floating with automatic measurement lines and automatic contour evaluation–Identical software design for all Microset models –Windows based–Measuring macros for fast creation of automatic measuring sequences –Template-System, for fast and easy creation of measuring cycles with same tools –Creation of customized master measuring cycles possibleThese savings are achieved due to the machine's ability to quickly and precisely measure and set tools, independent from the operator. Modern image processing ensures that the tools are quickly and accurately measured and in turn guarantees the highest quality in your production processes. Complex tools can be measured within an incredibly short period of time with the latest measuring techniques.T O O L P R E S E T T I N G Technical dataPresetting Technology。

海康威视NEI-P8236 2MP 36×网络红外速度域摄像头说明书

海康威视NEI-P8236 2MP 36×网络红外速度域摄像头说明书

Hikvision NEI-P8236 2MP 36× Network IR Speed Dome adopts 1/1.8" progressive scan CMOS chip. With the 36× optical zoom lens, the camera offers more details over expansive areas.This series of cameras can be widely used for wide ranges of high-definition, such as the rivers, forests, roads, railways, airports, ports, squares, parks, scenic spots, stations and large venues, etc. Key Features•1/1.8" progressive scan CMOS•Up to 1920 × 1080 resolution•Min. Illumination:Color: 0.002 Lux @(F1.5, AGC ON)B/W: 0.0002 Lux @(F1.5, AGC ON)0 Lux with IR•36× optical zoom, 16× digital zoom •120dB WDR, 3D DNR, HLC, Smart IR•24 VAC & Hi-PoE•Up to 200 m IR distance•Support H.265+/H.265 video compression •Support rapid focus•Deep-learning-based target classification algorithm for auto-tracking 2.0 and perimeter protection•IK10, IP67Camera ModuleImage Sensor 1/1.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.002 Lux @(F1.5, AGC ON) B/W: 0.0002 Lux @(F1.5, AGC ON) 0 Lux with IRShutter Time 1/1 s to 1/30,000 sWhite Balance Auto/Manual/ATW (Auto-tracking White Balance)/Indoor/Outdoor/Fluorescent Lamp/Sodium LampAGC Auto/ManualDay & Night IR cut filterDigital Zoom 16×Privacy Mask24 programmable polygon privacy masks, mask color or mosaic configurable Focus Mode Auto/Semi-automatic/Manual3D DNR YesBLC YesHLC YesWDR 120dBOptical Defog YesEIS YesRegional Exposure YesRegional Focus YesRapid Focus YesLensFocal Length 5.7 mm to 205.2 mm, 36× OpticalZoom Speed Approx.4.4 s (optical lens, wide-tele)Field of View Horizontal field of view: 59.8° to 2.0° (wide-tele) Vertical field of view: 33.6° to 1.1° (wide-tele) Diagonal field of view: 68.6° to 2.3° (wide-tele)Working Distance 10 mm to 1500 mm (wide-tele)Aperture Range F1.5 to F4.5PTZMovement Range (Pan) 360° endlessPan Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 210°/s, Preset Speed: 280°/s Movement Range (Tilt) From -20° to 90°Tilt Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 150°/s, Preset Speed: 250°/s Proportional Zoom YesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scans, record time over 10 minutes for each scan Power-off Memory: YesPark Action Preset/Pattern Scan/Patrol Scan/Auto Scan/Tilt Scan/Random Scan/Frame Scan/Panorama ScanPTZ Status Display Yes Preset Freezing YesScheduled Task Preset/Pattern Scan/Patrol Scan/Auto Scan/Tilt Scan/Random Scan/Frame Scan/Panorama Scan/Dome Reboot/Dome Adjust/Aux OutputSmart FeaturesPerimeter Protection Intrusion, Line Crossing, Region Entrance, Region ExitingSupport alarm triggering by specified target types (human and vehicle)Filtering out mistaken alarm caused by target types such as leaf, light, animal, and flag, etc.Event Detection Unattended Baggage Detection, Object Removal Detection, Face Detection, Audio Exception DetectionSmart Tracking Manual Tracking, Auto Tracking (support tracking specified target types such as human and vehicle), Event TrackingSmart Record ANR (Automatic Network Replenishment), Dual-VCA ROI Eight fixed region for each streamIRIR Distance 200 mSmart IR YesNetworkMax. Resolution 1920 × 1080Main Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 50fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50Hz: 25fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60Hz: 30fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)SVC YesVideo Compression Main Stream: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 Sub-Stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGThird Stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 with Baseline/Main/High ProfileAudio compression G.711alaw/G.711ulaw/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCMProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, DHCP, PPPoE, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, BonjourSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserSecurity Measures User authentication (ID and PW), Host authentication (MAC address); HTTPS encryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control; IP address filteringSystem IntegrationAlarm Interface 7-ch alarm input/2-ch alarm outputAudio Interface 1-ch audio input, 2 to 2.4 V[p-p], 1 KΩ± 10% 1-ch audio output, line level, impedance: 600 ΩAlarm Linkage Alarm actions, such as Preset, Patrol Scan, Pattern Scan, Memory Card Video Record, Trigger Recording, Notify Surveillance Center, Upload to FTP/Memory Card/NAS, Send Email, etc.Network Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M Ethernet Interface; Hi-PoE CVBS YesRS-485 HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D, self-adaptiveStorage Built-in memory card slot, support microSD/SDHC/SDXC, up to 256 GB; NAS (NFS, SMB/ CIFS), ANRAPI ONVIF (Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDKClient iVMS-4200, iVMS-4500, iVMS-5200, Hik-ConnectWeb Browser IE 8 to 11, Chrome 31.0+, Firefox 30.0+, Edge 16.16299+, Safari 11+ GeneralLanguage (Web Browser Access ) 32 languages.English, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil)Power 24 VAC (Max. 60 W, including max. 18 W for IR and max. 6 W for heater) Hi-PoE (Max. 50 W, including max. 18 W for IR and max. 6 W for heater)Working Temperature Outdoor: -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F) Working Humidity ≤ 90%Protection Level IP67 Standard, IK10 (only supported by camera without wiper), 6,000V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient ProtectionDimensions Φ 266.6 mm × 410 mm (Φ 10.50" × 16.14")WeightApprox. 8 kg (17.64 lb)DORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view.DORI Detect Observe Recognize Identify Definition 25 px/m 63 px/m125 px/m 250 px/m Distance (Tele)2154.7m ( ft)7069.1m (2805.2 ft)430.9 m (1413.8 ft)215.5 m (706.9 ft)Order ModelNEI-P8236, without wiper, 24 VAC & Hi-PoEDimensionsUnit: mm410266.6Accessory Included:Installation Adapter Optional:NEI-A1604 Wall MountNEI-A1604-boxWall Mount with JunctionBoxNEI-A1604-box-poleVertical Pole Mount withJunction BoxNEI-A1604-box-cornerCorner Mount withJunction BoxDS-1660ZJ Parapet MountDS-1619ZJGooseneck MountDS-1661ZJPendant MountDS-1662ZJPendant MountDS-1663ZJ Ceiling MountDS-1667ZJExtendable Pole forPendant MountDS-1673ZJHorizontal Pole MountDS-1682ZJExtendable Pole forPendant MountLAS60-57CN-RJ45Hi-PoE MidspanTEAC-66-243000V (EU)MKAC-66-243000U (USA)TEAC-66-243000VB (UK)Power Adapter05060020190213。

利用FMI适配部件扩展IPG CarMaker

利用FMI适配部件扩展IPG CarMaker

利用FMI适配部件扩展IPG CarMaker王强【摘要】通过使用接口FMI(功能模型接口)能够在虚拟测试驾驶模拟器IPG CarMaker中利用到Modelica的复杂物理系统建模功能。



FMI提供两种部件,在IPG CarMaker中可以平衡计算性能和数字的耐久性。


%Using FMI (interface function model) in the virtual test driving simulator IPG CarMaker using Modelica complex physical system modeling ability.In need of various complexity model,can be used for detailed study of various vehicle performance and ring test platform hardware.IPG CarMaker is equipped with an interface,the use of FMI,the interface can use almost any external component model extended model of vehicle.The FMI provides two kinds of parts,in the IPG CarMaker can balance performance and digital durability.FMI provides additional information for the external model automatic integration and calculation results of the configuration.【期刊名称】《河南机电高等专科学校学报》【年(卷),期】2012(020)001【总页数】3页(P21-23)【关键词】FMI;FMU;IPG;CarMaker;HIL;解算机;接口【作者】王强【作者单位】河南机电高等专科学校汽车工程系,河南新乡453000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U461.91IPG CarMaker平台是一种成熟的虚拟驾驶环境,在环形(HIL)测试中从脱机操作到硬件应用范围较广。



ICgraph Basic
ICgraph Basic supports an extensive set of editing functions for efficient, accurate polygon editing. This gives the engineer full control of circuit density and performance, while improving productivity by as much as 5X to help meet time-tomarket objectives. Hierarchy and advanced window management allows multiple views of the same cell, providing the capability to edit in both views. And with ICgraph Basic, engineers can create matched analog layouts quickly by editing using a half-cell methodology.
The GDSII read/write performance of ICgraph Basic offers the fastest available file access.
The dynamic alignment and “move as close as possible” (Move ACAP) feature in ICgraph Basic enables design engineers to manipulate layouts from coarse grid resolutions or large layout views, reducing the number of steps in the layout process and increasing productivity.



软件工程英语文档:Documents软件工具:Software Tools工具箱:Tool Box集成工具:Integrated Tool软件工程环境:Software Engineering Environment传统:Conventional经典:Classical解空间:Solution Domain问题空间:Problem Domain清晰第一,效率第二Clarity the first, Efficiency the next. 设计先于编码Design before coding使程序的结构适合于问题的结构Make the program fit the problem开发伴随复用,开发为了复用Development with reuse, Development for reuse.靠度量来管理:Management by Measurement软件度量学:Software Metrics 软件经济学:Software Economics软件计划WHY软件分析WHAT软件实现HOW软件生存周期过程的开发标准Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Process 软件开发模型:Software Development Model编码员:Coder瀑布模型:Waterfall Model快速原型模型:Rapid Prototype Model增量模型:Incremental Model 线性思维:Linear Thinking演化模型:Evolutionary Model 螺旋模型:Spiral Model对象:Object类:Class继承:Inheritance聚集:Aggregation消息:Message面向对象=对象Object+分类Classification+继承Inheritance+消息通信Communication with Messages 构件集成模型:Component Integration Model转换模型:Transformational Model净室软件工程:Cleanroom Software Engineering净室模型:Cleanroom Model软件需求规格说明书:Software RequirementSpecification ,SRS分析模型:Analysis Model便利的应用规约技术:Facilitated Application SpecificationTechniques ,FAST结构化语言:Structured Language判定树:Decision Tree基数:Cardinality事件轨迹:Event Trace对象-关系Object-Relationsship结构化分析:SA(Structured Analysis)由顶向下,逐步细化 Top-Down Stepwise Refinement面向对象分析:Object-Oriented Analysis包含:Contains临近:Is Next To传到:Transmits to来自:Acquires from管理:Manages控制:Controls组成:Is Composed of细化:Refinement抽象:Abstraction模块:Module策略:Strategy信息隐藏:Information Hiding 数据封装:Data Encapsulation 抽象数据类型:Abstract Data type模块化设计:Modular Design 分解:Decomposition模块性:Modularity单模块软件:Monolithic Software模块独立性:Module Independence内聚:Cohesion偶然性内聚:Coincidental Cohesion逻辑性内聚:Logical Cohesion 时间性内聚:Temporal Cohesion 过程性内聚: Procedural Cohesion通信性内聚: Communicational Cohesion顺序性内聚:Sequential Cohesion功能性内聚:Functional Cohesion非直接偶合:No Direct Coupling 数据偶合:Data Coupling特征偶合:Stamp Coupling控制偶合:Control Coupling 外部偶合:External Coupling 公共偶合:Common Coupling内容偶合: Content Coupling 由底向上设计:Bottom-Up Design自顶向下设计:Top-Down Design 正式复审:Formal Review非正式复审:Informal Review 走查,排练:Walk-Through会审:Inspection映射:Mapping传入路径:Afferent path传出路径:Efferent path变换中心:Transform Center 接受路径:Reception path动作路径:Action path事务中心:Transaction Center 分支分解:Factoring of Brandches瓮形:oval-shaped一个模块的控制域:Scope of Control一个模块的作用域:Scope of Effect结构化程序设计:Structured Programming通心面程序:Bowl of Spaghetti 流程图:Flow Diagram编码:Coding方框图:Block DiagramPDL (Pidgin):Program Design Language伪代码:Pseudo CodeJSD:Jackson System Development对象建模技术:Object Modeling Technique 基础设施:Infrastructure控制线程:Thread of Control 保护者对象:Guardian Object 协议:protocolUML:Unified Modeling Language OMG:Object Management Group 统一方法:Unified Method关联:Association泛化:Generalization依赖:Dependency结点:Node接口:Interface包:Package注释: Note特化:Specialization元元模型:Meta-Meta Model用户模型:User Model静态图:Static Diagram动态图:Dynamic Diagram用例视图:Use Case View逻辑视图:Logical View并发视图:Concurrent View构件视图:Component View实现模型视图:Implementation Model View部署视图:Deployment View航向:Navigability重数:Multiplicity共享聚集:Shared Aggregation 组合:Composition泛化:Generalization简单消息:Simple Message同步消息:Synchronous Message 异步消息:Asynchronous Message事件说明:Event_Signature守卫条件:Guard_Condition动作表达式:Action_Expression 发送子句:Send_Clause时序图:Sequence Diagram协作图:Collaboration Diagram 前缀:Predecessor循环子句:Iteration-Clause 活动图:Activity Diagram 构件图:Component Diagram配置图:Deployment Diagram 建模过程指导(RUP):Rational Unified Process可执行代码:Executalbe Codes 实现:Implementation编码风格:Coding Style标准:Classical控制流的直线性:Linearity of Control Flow程序风格设计要素:先求正确后求快 Make it right before you make it faster. 先求清楚后求快 Make it clear before you make it faster. 求快不忘保持程序正确 Keep it right when you make it faster. 保持程序简单以求快 Keep it simple to make it faster.书写清楚,不要为“效率”牺牲清楚Write clearly-don't sacrifice clarity for"efficiency"文档化:Code Documentation 内部文档编制:Internal Documentation序言:Prologue用户友善:User Friendly纠错:Debugging测试用例:Test Case穷举测试:Exhaustive Testing 选择测试:Selective Testing 静态分析:Static Analysis黑盒测试:Black Box Testing 白盒测试:White Box Testing 等价分类:Equivalence Partioning边界值分析法:Boundary Value Analysis所谓猜错:Error Guessing因果图:Cause-Effect Graph逻辑覆盖测试法:Logic Coverage Testing试凑:Trial and Error 回溯:Back Tracking病因排除法:Cause Elimination 测试纠错:Debugging by Testing 蛮力纠错技术:Debugging by Brute Force回归测试:Regression Testing 单元测试:Unit Testing综合测试:Integration Testing 确认测试: Validation Testing 系统测试:System Testing模块测试:Module Testing高级测试:Higher order Testing 不可达的:Unreachable办公桌检查:Desk Check走查:Walk-Through代码会审:Code Inspection测试驱动模块:Test Driver测试桩模块:Test Stub群:Cluster混合方式测试:Sandwich Testing渐增式测试:IncrementalTesting非渐增式:Non-Incremental配置复审:Configuration Review测试终止标准:Test Completion Criteria基于线程的测试:Thread-Based Testing基于使用:Use-Based基于构件的软件开发:Component Based Software Development ,CBSD领域工程:Domain Engineering 需求规约:Requirements Specification变体:Variant组件对象模型,COM:Componet Object Model对象链接与嵌入:Object Linking and Embedding公共对象请求代理体系结构,CORBA:Common Object Request Broker Architecture枚举分类:Enumerater Classification呈面分类:Faceted Classification属性-值分类:Attribute-Value Classification应用系统工程,ASE:Application System Engineering完善性维护:Perfective Maintenance适应性维护:Adaptive Maintenance纠错性维护:Corrective Maintenance预防性维护:Preventive Maintenance结构化的翻新:Structured Retrofit可维护性:Maintainability可理解性:Understandability 可修改性:Modifiability可测试性:Testability调用图:Call Graph交差引用表:Cross-Reference Directory数据封装技术:Data Encapsulation维护申请单MRF:Maintenance Request Form软件问题报告单SPR:Software Problem Report软件修改报告单SCR: Software Change Report修改控制组CCB:Change Control Board软件配置:Software Configuration版本控制库:Version Control Library活动比:Activity Ratio工作量调节因子EAF:Effort Adjustment Factor软件再工程:Software Reengineering逆向工程:Reverse Engineering 重构:Restructure演化性:Evolvability问题定义:Problem Definition 系统目标与范围的说明:Statement of Scope and Objectives可行性研究:Feasibility Study 系统流程图:System Flowchart 成本-效益分析:Cost-Benifit Analysis风险识别:Risk Identification 风险预测:Risk Projection风险估计:Risk Estimation风险评价:Risk Assessment估算模型:Estimation Model 资源模型:Resource Model构造性成本模型:Constructive cost Model组织:Organic半独立:Semidetached嵌入:Embeded算法模型:Algorithmic Model 分类活动结构图WBS:Work Breakdown Structure人员-时间权衡定律People-Time Trade-Off Law无我小组:Egoless Team主程序员小组:Chief-Programmer Team PERT:Program Evaluation and Review Technique关键路径:Critical Path知识产权:Intellectual Property靠质量来管理:Management by Measurement质量保证:Quality Assurance 质量认证: Quality Certification质量检验:Quality Inspection 全面质量管理TQC:Total Quality Control 质量体系:Quality System计划-实施-检查-措施Plan-Do-Check-Acti on合格论证:Conformity Certification可靠性:Reliability效率:Efficiency运行工程:Human Engineering 正确性:Correctness使用性:Usability完整性:Integrity可理解性:Understandability 可测试性:Testability可修改性:Modifiability可移植性:Portability可维护性:Maintainability可适应性:Flexibility可重用性:Reusability交互操作性:Interoperability 验证与确认:Verification and Validation ,V&V基线:Baselines平均故障时间:Mean Time To Failure ,MTTF错误传入:Error Seeding冗余:Redundancy容错:Fault Tolerance公理化归纳断言法:Axio-Matic Inductive Assertion循环不变式:Loop Invariant 能力成熟度模型:Capability Maturity Model关键过程域:Key Process Area ,KPA关键实践:Key Practice初始级:Initial可重复级:Repeatable已定义级:Defined已管理级:Managed优化级:Optimizing主任评估师:Lead Assessor极值程序设计:Extreme Programming 自适应软件开发:Adaptive Software Development轻载:Light weight重载:Heavy Weight返工:Rework进度:Schedule时间:Duration成本:Cost代码行LOC:Lines of Code面向功能:Function-Oriented 面向规模: Size-Oriented功能点:Function Points权系数:Weighting Coefficient 用户输入:User Input用户输出: User Output用户查询: User Inquirty主文件处理:Master File外部界面:External Interface TCF:Technical Complexity Factor 技术复杂性因子测度:Measurement最终用户:End-User;计算机辅助软件工程CASE:Computer Aided Software Engineering拉出:pull-out下拉: pull-down一致性:Unification自动化:Automation过程模型:Process Model软件开发环境SDE:Software Development Environment软件设计支持环境PSE:Programming Support Environment集成化项目支持IPSE:Integrated Project Support Environment集成化框架:Integration Framework 质量从头抓起:Quality from Beginning缺陷:Defect变更请求:Change Request功能扩充:Enhancement Request。

西门子数字工业软件 - 自动驾驶汽车开发辅助功能验证与验证说明书

西门子数字工业软件 - 自动驾驶汽车开发辅助功能验证与验证说明书

Nico Nagl –Portfolio Development Autonomous DrivingValidation & VerificationADAS-Fahrfunktionen effizient validieren und verifizierenWhere today meets tomorrow.Nico Nagl –Portfolio DevelopmentConnectivityAutonomous VehiclesShared MobilityVehicle ElectrificationDisruptive InnovationKey to sustained businessEngineering the NEXT product not just the best product for the futureAddressing challenges for autonomous driving vehicle developmentFROM ADAS TO AUTONOMOUS DRIVING“+25% CAGR (through 2030) for Sensors”Roland Berger , on “Autonomous Driving”, 2014…“14.2 billion kilometers of testing is needed”Akio Toyoda, CEO of ToyotaParis Auto Show 2016“Design validation will be a major –if not thelargest –cost component”Roland Berger“Autonomous Driving” 2014Engineering implications of the AV development challengeIncreasing software and hardware complexityMassive validation and verification cyclesGrowing number and variety of sensorsComplex interactions between systems Rethinkthe vehicle development processesWhile balancing safety, comfort and efficiency performancesGrowing number and variety of sensorsMassive validation and verification cycles Reconciling agility with better traceabilityIncreased hardware and software complexityADAS/AV systems virtual V&V Automotive industry needsVirtual validation(MiL, SiL)Semi virtual validation(HiL, DiL, VehiL)Real validationvehicle testing(proving ground, public road)~106test cases~103test cases~102test cases~102test cases~102test cases~102test casesSAE level 1 to 5SAE level 1 to 5SAE level 1 to 5Need for efficient and automated simulation orchestrationFAILING IN SIMULATION DOES NOT KILL PEOPLEDo Things Right-Doing the Right ThingsEfficiency and EffectivenessADAS/AV systems virtual V&VAutomotive industry needs•Take not ideal world into account•Need for realistic and non-idealenvironments•Need for more vehicle physics than before •Simulation of appropriate scenarios is essentialDesign, Validation & Verification framework for ADAS and AVMiL / SiL / ClusterHiL / DiL / ViLProving ground /field testV&V environmentsDigital Twin “World”Digital Twin “Vehicle”Design adaptations(HW/SW)1M –10M scenariosRequirementsMultiple variantsCertification -HomologationSimulation definitionRequirements & system architectures Real worldVehicle under developmentMassive Verification and Validation of ADAS and AVsRequirementsCertification -HomologationSimulation definitionRequirements & system architectures Real worldVehicle under developmentDigital Twin “World”Digital Twin “Vehicle”Multiple variants1M –10M scenariosMiL / SiL / ClusterV&V environmentsHiL / DiL / ViLProving ground /field testChallenge:From thousands of scenarios (or millions of miles) to the relevant critical representationClosed loop automated process for generating critical scenariosOrchestration of virtual test scenarios“Falsification”Identify critical scenariosDigital Twin of the World1000’s of scenarios(weather, light, road types, …)(sensors, controls,powertrain, chassis)…Data Mining, AnalyticsOptimize vehicleonly againstrelevant criticalscenariosDigital Twin of theTest VehicleSimcenter Prescan Virtual testing of autonomous driving functions Complete sensor models library:Camera, Radar, LIDAR, Ultrasone, Infrared, V2X, GPS Scenario 1 -Adaptive Cruise Control ACC Scenario 2 –Advanced Emergency Braking SystemAEBSSimcenter Prescan: camera simulation Ground truth: depth camera exampleWorld modelling solutionsScenario import Scripted scenario generation Ready to use scenariosGUIWorld modelling: non-ideal environmentRealistic bumped asphalt Faded, dirty lane markersNon-perfect lane markers Lane markers with snow Mud, water puddles on the roadSimcenter Prescan–Scenario generation From real data to simulationSimcenterPrescan World modelling: custom data source importKITTI DatasetEgoGPS DataTarget GPS Data Ego state Prescan APIRoadnetwork TargetstatesTarget typesWorld modelling: DataModel APIExplore critical scenarios Prepare for certification •Prescan DataModel API→programmatic creation of scenarios→Repeatability•All important assets can be created viascripting:•Roads•Actors•Traffic signs•Nature elements•Trajectories•Environmental conditions •Etc.Parameter variationV 2X &U l t r a s o n i c R a d a r & L i d a r C a m e r a Ready to use sensor modelsSensor simulationV2N V2VV2P V2ISensors models: the right fidelity level for scaled-up simulationBalancing accuracy andcomputation time ofsensor simulationsLidar (spinning and solid-state)Physics-based Radar simulationExample: during night-time driving Example: Realistic lighting conditionsSimcenter Prescan Physics Based Camera (PBC) simulationRadar simulation exampleDevelopment with model validation in mindTwo projects for radar models validation performed in close collaboration withmajor Dutch Tier2 and Japanese Tier1From a lab… To a test track… To the real world…Radar SimulationValidating simulation results against measured dataReal World Testing•Vehicle with radar•Range-doppler measurementsSimulation Testing•Simulated vehicle using thephysics-based radar model•Range-doppler data generatedbased on the simulated scenarioWhen higher fidelity vehicle dynamics makes the difference!For AEBS,ESC pump dynamics is critical.For level 4-5,redundancy will be ensured by the ESC,the EPB and the eBooster.When level 4-5,we will probably work with steer by wire and motor redundancy.Powertrain and braking systemsmodels for ACC casesPick the relevant fidelity level fromSimcenter Amesim scalable modeling offerFull vehicle dynamics models forAEB safety casesWhen higher fidelity vehicle dynamics makes the difference!45 Libraries / 4,000 Multi-physics Models •Validated and maintained•Supporting multiple levels of complexity •No need for details physics expertise•Hydraulic, hydraulic component design •Hydraulic resistance, filling•Pneumatic, pneumatic component design •Gas Mixture, moist airFluids•Signal and control•Engine signal generator •Real time, MIL –SIL –HILControl•1D –2D –3D mechanical,•Transmission, cam and followers •Finite-elements import •Vehicle dynamicsMechanics•IFP drive, IFP engine •IFP exhaust •CFD-1DIC Engine•Electrical basics, electromechanical •Electrical motors and drives •Electrical static conversion•Automotive electrics, electrochemicalElectrics•Fuel cell •Battery•Power generationEnergy•Thermal, thermal hydraulics•Thermal-hydraulic component design •Cooling, air-conditioning •Two-phase flowThermalSimcenter Prescan360Scenario authoringModels integration environment Sensors and environment simulationSimcenter PrescanProcess automation Simulation plan orchestrator Results analysis and reportingHEEDSThird partyVehicle dynamicsOff-the-shelf validation scenarios, metrics anddashboardsVehicle dynamicsSimcenter AmesimORSimulation production: overall workflow and AEBS exampleNumerous results analysisReportingSimulation plan definitionSimulation plan executionScenariosEgo modelsAzureKubernetesScripted scenario generation automates the process of creating scenarios at scale Test Automation /Design Optimization ToolOrchestration •HEEDS•Prescan APIs •3rd party toolingScenario Change •Parametric sweeping •Design of Experiments •OptimizationHow to run •Single machine •Distributed•Cloud and clusterResults•Local•Cluster•Test automation InterfaceCreate wide variability with on cloud and clusterDo not simulate any scenario.Simulate critical scenarios related toyour application!BUTHow do we identify critical scenarios?Should this scenario be simulated?Simcenter Prescan360 BenefitsPlan Execute Report •Process Automation: avoidance of manual errors•No manual creation of scenarios saves time•Multiple scenario testing for algorithms•Identify critical scenarios for each individual application •Deep insight in highly complex correlations•Realistic simulations•Verification traceability: ready for regulations •SAFE TIME•REDUCE COSTS •ENSURE HIGHEST QUALITY •BE INNOVATIVESpeed Up the Development of Autonomous Vehicles with Simcenter Prescan360Nico Nagl -E-Mail:*********************Where today meets tomorrow.。

Mettler Toledo IND560x 危险区域重量计设备说明书

Mettler Toledo IND560x 危险区域重量计设备说明书

Uncompromising Weighing Performancefor Hazardous AreasW e i g h i n g T e r m i n a l sIND560x Terminal Comply Weigh Connect Control2METTLER TOLEDO Hazardous AreaPerformance and ComplianceU n c o m p r o m i s e d P e r f o r m a n c eThe IND560x excels in controlling filling and dosing applications. It delivers best in class perfor-mance with a target update rate of 50Hz. This means once a set target is reached you can trigger a process control in only 20ms. Choose between an analog or digi-tal scale interface, to deliver pre-cise, repeatable measurements from milligrams to tons, in manual,semi-automatic or fully automatic operations (pages 4 & 5).The IND560x is also ideally suited for manual weighing applications. The SmartTrac™ graphic back lighted LCD display provides opera-tors with unmistakable weighing transaction information, helping to reduce errors and eliminate waste. The IND560x also supports up to 20 programmable, on screenApproved locally. The IND560x is designed for the global market because it is approved to localstandards such as ATEX (EU), FM (USA & Canada) and NEPSI (China).Weights and Measures (W&M) compliance:With a pioneering 10V/m susceptibility theIND560x Harsh meets the highest electromagneticimmunity standards.This ensures the IND560x remains compliant evenwhen current W&M legislation requirements are raised. The IND560x is also fully certified to existing OIML, NTEP and many local W&M standards.Regulatory compliance:With built in maintenance and change logs and alibi memory, achieve traceability in accordancewith quality standards.To operate in harshest of environments the IND560xis certified to NEMA and ingress protection standards.Harsh: IP66, IP68, IP69k Panel: IP65 (Front), Type 4For more local approvals see/IND560xThe IND560x intrinsically safe weighing terminal brings uncompromised performance and versatility into Division 1, Zone 1 and Zone 21 classified areas.prompts to assist an operatorthrough complex operations.IECEx3METTLER TOLEDOWeighing TerminalsA wide range of communication protocols permits real time data sharing with all your operating systemsSpeed, Communication and ControlConnect the IND560x with theACM500 and open a world of com-munication possibilities. From the safe area the ACM500 provides an ultra fast communication rate of up to 115 kbaud allowing high volume data transfer.This means integration with higher level automation equipment such as PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) or DCS (DistributedControl Systems) can be easily achieved. The ACM500 provides the ability for bi-directional com-munication between the weighing terminal and the higher level auto-mation system, allowing for use in a variety of enhanced production applications.The ACM500 and IND560x com-municate using either a copper wire-carried current loop (CL) or aZone 1/21, Division 1fiber optic connection. The ACM500 allows the IND560x to be con-nected to multiple devices using simultaneously 3 different proto-cols: PLC, Ethernet TCP/IP and serial (see page 7).For more information see/ACM500IND560x panel mount (rear view)4METTLER TOLEDO Hazardous AreaU n c o m p r o m i s e d S o f t w a r eBuilt-in Software SolutionsDepending upon your requirements various built in software solutions can be utilized to improve the performance of your weighing system.TraxDSP ®TraxDSP ® is a combination of hardware and software that utilizes advanced multi-stage filters tosupress background electrical noise created by mechanical vibration or electrical sources.This system constantly and rapidlytracks and produces filtered weight data that represents the true weight portion of the load cell signal. Filtering is performed digitally, which permits on-site adjustments to suit each customer's unique weighing requirements.TraxEMT™The Embedded Maintenance Techni-cian (EMT) monitors and analyzes your system performance, enabling action before a failure occurs.TraxEMT™ monitors the condition of the weighing system and in specific circumstances can alert designated individuals of potential failures or maintenance requirements via email or via the operator interface.For more information on TraxEMT ™ log onto: /ind-traxemt CalFREE ™Calibration using test weights can be difficult or even impossible for large tank or hopper scales used in process weighing applications. Use the exclusive CalFREE™ tech-nology to get up and running without using test weights. Alternatively, use the standard calibration with 5-point linearization or step calibration rou-tines for the highest accuracy.For more information on CalFREE ™ log onto: /calfreeWeightreading / kgTraditional Vibration FilteringAgitator speed %TraxDSP ® leads to realized material and cost savings in process control.For more information on TraxDSP ® log onto: /ind-traxdspMinWeighMinWeigh functionality helpsensure the weighing of your critical ingredients are always within acceptable limits by displaying a warning when the weight is below the minimum weight threshold.For more information on MinWeigh log onto:/minweigh5METTLER TOLEDOWeighing TerminalsFill-560 application software capabilitiesFilling and Blending ApplicationsThe IND560x excels as a single material filling or dosing controller with features such as target memory tables and latching discrete inputs and outputs for secure control of material delivery equipment.Save programming costsWith the optional filling application, the IND560x becomes capable of handling combinations of complex, multi-material filling and dosing sequences. The IND560fill solutionfeatures many customizable filling and dosing sequences that can be combined and easily configured to suit specific application require- ments.Zone 1/21, Division 1The IND560fill manages both single and multiple material applications, blending up to four different materi-als. The entire contents can be dispensed or dosed in a precise, controlled manner during the weigh-out cycle.Operators can be freed-up for addi-tional tasks when runningsequences in Automatic Mode, or their skills can be focused on criti-cal points in the process when utilizing the Semi-Automatic Mode.Information at your fingertips 99 individual material targets, acceptable tolerances and descrip-tions can be stored in the Target Table of the IND560x. Softkeys pro-vide quick access to the Target Table, making it simple to search for and select the correct target every time. Multi-material formulas are easily populated with targets recalled from the Target Table.Learn Mode improves process qualityThe Learn Mode and Automatic Spill Adjustment capabilities pro-vide a means of continuously refining the accuracy of the weigh-ing process.For more informationon IND560fill log onto:/IND560fillWeigh-in/weigh-out sequences • Fill• Fill/Dump • Fill/Dose • Dose • Blend• Blend/Dump • Blend/DoseBlend/DoseFill/Dump 99 individual material targets6METTLER TOLEDO Hazardous AreaU n c o m p r o m i s e d S o l u t i o n sTruck and Rail WeighingUncompromised accuracySafely and accurately weigh with a 100% approved solution.Approvals for the terminal, junction boxes and analog load 5cells are available.From Simple Weighing to Process ControlSince there is no need to place the terminal in a safe area, the IND560x provides "at the scale" weight indication and improves driver convenience.Features & benefits• A libi Memory saves all weighing transactions • M ultiple connectivity options aid communication of important shipping and receiving information into external databases • U p to 20 programmable operator prompts to help with traffic throughput • T he IND560drive software available for simple In/Out vehicle applicationsFor more information log onto:/IND560driveHazardous areae.g. 782/GDanalog cellAnalog scaleFloor scalePallet scaleDigital scale20m (65ft)122m (400ft)Feeder control via internal solid state I/OAPS768xNiMH Battery Pack7METTLER TOLEDOWeighing TerminalsSpecialized Applications and Custom ProgrammingIf your application requires programming beyond the standard software packages, TaskExpert ® may be the perfect solution.The IND560x is designed to accept a single scale inputWhile several specialized software packages exist for the IND560x, TaskExpert ® – a custom program development tool – gives end usersand licensed programmers the opportunity to work together to cre-ate applications for the IND560x weighing terminal that satisfy theunique and specific needs of an end user’s application. Using TaskExpert ®, the programmer can:• Create a special user interface including graphics, softkeys, labels, text and selection boxes • Interact with system variables & functions of the IND560x •Implement I/O control through the terminal’s ladder logic engineTaskExpert ® development tool TaskExpert ® custom interface screens for gas cylinder filling applicationZone 1/21, Division 1For more information on TaskExpert ® log onto:/ind-taskexpertPLC Fieldbus InterfaceConnect multiple devices using 3 different protocols (PLC, serial and Ethernet)Serial printerSerial printerACM200ACM500Ethernet Connect to the right scaleWhether the application requires a digital or analog scale the IND560x can connect to one scale directly in the zone.• High precision digital scales ranging from 3kg to 3000kg capacity.• Robust and accurate analog scales ranging from 3kg to 3 000kg capacity.• Rugged weigh modules for weighing 5kg to 300 tons.Power options increase flexibility Choose between AC power using the intrinsically safe APS768x power supply, and the external the NiMH battery pack, both of which can be located within the hazardous area.The integrity and safety of hazardous area equipment requires maintenance in a manner consistent with factory specifications. Only METTLER TOLEDO has the skills, original parts and know-how to ensure that your hazardous area scales and equipment deliver the dependable accuracy your process demands.Uncompromised Commitment to ExcellenceInstallation, configuration, integration and trainingOur service representatives are factory-trained on hazardous area installations. We make certain that your weighing equipment is ready for safe production in a cost-effective and timely fashion and that personnel are trained for success.Initial calibration and qualification documentationThe environment and application requirements are unique for every scale, so per-formance must be tested and certified. Our calibration and qualification services document performance to ensure accuracy and to verify operational readiness.Periodic maintenance and calibrationA maintenance agreement provides on-going confidence that your equipment meets hazardous area specifications and that weighing process accuracy is certi-fied to comply with quality system requirements.For more information on service log onto: 17025Mettler-Toledo LLC 1900 Polaris Parkway Columbus, OhioSubject to technical changes © 06/2017 Mettler-Toledo LLC Printed in USAIN03531.EN_A4.01Quality certification. Development,production, and auditing in accordance with ISO9001. Environmental management system in accordance with ISO14001.ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited service organizations Results, not promises.Conformité EuropéeneThis label is your guarantee that our products conform to the latest guidelines.For more informationPanel mount dimensional pictures in mm (inches)92.5 (3.64)116.3 (4.58)52°183 (7.20)。

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P re l i mi na ryv e r si onSemi-automatic Model Integration using MatchingTransformations and Weaving ModelsMarcos Didonet Del FabroPatrick ValduriezATLAS Group, INRIA & LINAUniversity of Nantes +33 (0)2 51 12 58, patrick.valduriez@inria.frABSTRACTModel transformations are at the heart of model driven engineering (MDE) and can be used in many different application scenarios. For instance, model transformations are used to integrate very large models. As a consequence, they are becoming more and more complex. However, these transformations are still developed manually. Several code patterns are implemented repetitively, increasing the probability of programming errors and reducing code reusability. There is not yet a complete solution that automates the development of model transformations. In this paper we propose a novel approach that uses matching transformations and weaving models to semi-automate the development of transformations. Matching transformations are a special kind of transformations that implement heuristics and algorithms to create weaving models. Weaving models are models that capture different kinds of relationships between models. Our solution enables to rapidly implement and to customize these heuristics. We combine different heuristics, and we propose a new metamodel-based heuristic that exploits metamodel data to automatically produce weaving models. The weaving models are derived into model integration transformations.Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.2.11 [Software architectures ]: Domain-specific architectures. D.2.12 [Interoperability ]: Data mapping.General TermsAlgorithms, Standardization, LanguagesKeywordsModel engineering, matching transformations, model weaving.1. INTRODUCTIONModel transformations are a central component in model driven engineering practices. There are many model transformation languages emerging from industrial and academic efforts [3][12][14][15]. As a consequence, there are an increasing number of model transformations that are being developed fordifferent applications scenarios. For instance, there are transformations to provide tool interoperability, to translate from textual to graphical representations, or to merge models.However, the development of transformations involves many repetitive tasks. Consider for example a generic model integration scenario that transforms one source model into one target model. The transformation development consists of creating rules that transform a set of elements of the source model into a set of elements of the target model. The properties of these elements are transformed using a set of transformation expressions. Most part of these expressions consists of 1-to-1 relationships or other common patterns, such as nesting or concatenation of elements. These transformations are often created manually. To the best of our knowledge, there is not a MDE approach that provides enough generic mechanisms to semi-automate the development of transformations. A semi-automatic process based on well-defined patterns brings many advantages: it accelerates the development time of transformations; it diminishes the errors that may occur in manual coding; it increases the quality of transformational code. The discovery of transformation patterns to integrate models is closely related to schema and to ontology matching approaches (see the survey at [22]). These approaches aim at discovering semantic relationships between elements of different schemas or ontologies. These relationships are used for different purposes, such as ontology alignment [9][19] or data translation [6]. However, these approaches have some drawbacks. Most part of solutions cannot be applied to models conforming to different metamodels. Metamodels are models that describe the structure of models. The distance between the conceptual basis (models) and the implementation (heuristics) is too important. This makes difficult to decompose and to customize different heuristics. There is no support for different kinds of relationships between models. Hence, native constructs of transformation languages are not supported, such as rule inheritance or nested relationships. In this paper, we present a novel solution to semi-automate the development of model transformations. We propose the execution of matching transformations. Matching transformations are transformations that select a set of elements from a set of input models and that produce links between these elements. These links are captured by a weaving model, as we proposed in [7]. The weaving model conforms to extensions of a weaving metamodel. We define links that act as specifications for model integration transformations. Model integration transformations are used in standard model integration applications.Matching transformations enable to rapidly implement new or to adapt heuristics to create weaving models. In addition, we propose a new metamodel-based heuristic that exploits thePermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SAC’07, March 11-15, 2007, Seoul, Korea.Copyright 2007 ACM 1-59593-480-4/07/0003…$5.00.i na ryv e r si oninternal features of the set of input metamodels to produce weaving models. This heuristic is executed together with a link rewriting method that analyzes the weaving metamodel extensions to produce frequently used transformation patterns. The main contributions of this paper are the following. We propose a solution to semi-automate the development of model transformations. We innovate by using matching transformations to allow an easy development of different matching heuristics or algorithms. We propose a metamodel-based heuristic that exploits the information from the set of input metamodels and from the weaving metamodel. These matching transformations automatically create weaving models. The weaving models are derived into model integration transformations.This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is the motivating example. Section 3 presents the general architecture. Section 4 presents weaving metamodel extensions that capture different kinds of relationships between models. Section 5 describes the matching transformations in more details. Section 6 presents how to derive a weaving model into executable model integration transformations. Section 7 presents a general discussion. Section 8 presents the related work. Section 9 concludes.2. MOTIVATING EXAMPLEWe motivate the necessity to automatically create model transformations using two simple metamodels MM1 and MM2. Both metamodels are illustrated in Figure 1. They describe the teachers and the students of different educational institutions. These metamodels have similar attributes and references, but they are organized differently. Metamodel MM1 contains an abstract class Person , with attributes name , SSN (Social Security Number), street, city and zip_code . The class Teacher inherits from Person , and it has the affiliation of the teacher. MM1 has two types of students: undergraduate students (Undergraduate ) and master students (Master ). Only master students have an advisor. Metamodel MM2 does not support inheritance. MM2 contains a class Professor and only one class Student . The presence of an advisor indicates if the student is undergraduate or master. The address of the professors and the students is factored out on the class Address .Metamodel MM1Metamodel MM21Figure 1. Two simple metamodelsIn Figure 2 we show a model transformation used to transform models conforming to MM1 (i.e., source model) into models conforming to MM2 (i.e., target model). The transformation is written in ATL (a complete description of the language is available in [15]). We choose ATL because it provides a simple syntax adapted for model transformations.This transformation has 3 rules; each rule matches one element of the source model and creates elements in the target model. The transformation developer must know that Teacher is transformed into Professor and that Master and Undergraduate are transformed into Student . After that, all the attributes and references of each class must be translated as well (name, SSN, address , advisor, street , code, etc.).rule CreateProfessor {from source : MM1!Teacher to target : MM2!Professor (name <,SSN <-source.SSN,address <-address ),address : MM2!Address (street <-source.street,city <,code <-source.zip_code )}rule CreateStudent1 {from source : MM1!Undergraduate to target : MM2!Student (--copy bindings from CreateProfessor )}rule CreateStudent2 {from source : MM1!Master to target : MM2!Student (advisor <-source.advisor--copy bindings from CreateProfessor )}Figure 2. Transformation definitionThis transformation has basically two kinds of expressions: transformations between self contained elements (i.e., classes), and the setup of their properties (i.e., attributes and references). Thus, in the three rules, the transformation has a source class and a set of target classes. The rule CreateProfessor assigns the attributes of Teacher to Professor . These attributes are inherited from Person . The attributes from both classes have similar properties, such as name and type. These attributes are transformed in the containing class, or in a newly created class (Address ). The same set of expressions must be rewritten in CreateStudent1 and in CreateStudent2 rules, because Undergraduate and Master inherit from Student , that inherits from Person . The transformation developer has two choices: to copy and paste the code, or to apply rule inheritance predicates. These expressions are common patterns in transformations that involve similar metamodels, for example in model integration or in model evolution scenarios. These transformations can be very large depending on the source and target metamodels. The automatic discovery of these transformation patterns can increase the development speed of model transformations. The intervention of qualified transformation developers is left essentially to more complex expressions that do not occur frequently and that cannot be created automatically.In order to automate the development of transformations, it is necessary to discover the different kinds of relationships (links) between metamodel (or model) elements. These links must be saved in another model. This model can be validated or modified by the transformation developer.Heuristics similar to ontology and schema matching can be used to discover these links. However, model transformations can be executed over several different source and target metamodels, with different attributes, relations, properties, etc. The patterns applied vary from case to case. Consequently, it is also important to have efficient ways to implement new heuristics and to adapt existing heuristics.As final step, these links must be translated into the correct transformation expressions, for instance links between attributes of abstract classes must be translated into bindings (a binding is denoted by the “Å” symbol) in the inherited classes.P re l i mi na ryv e r si on3. GENERAL ARCHITECTUREThis section presents an overview of the architecture to semi-automate the production of model transformations. The architecture is illustrated in Figure 3. It is formed by three main components: the weaving engine, the transformation engine and the matching management component.Matching transformationsFigure 3. General architecture3.1 Weaving EngineThe weaving engine supports the specification of the different transformation patterns. The weaving engine is the only component that enables manual user input. It provides interfaces to create/update weaving metamodels and weaving models. The pattern definitions are encoded as typed links in a weaving metamodel. For instance, the link between the SSN-SSN attributes are typed as an AttributeEqual link, indicating the equality between two attributes (we describe these links further in this paper). The weaving models capture the different kinds of links defined in the weaving metamodel (a formal definition of weaving models and metamodels can be found at [7]).The weaving engine exchanges the weaving models and metamodels with the transformation engine through the matching management component.3.2 Transformation EngineThe transformation engine executes different kinds of model transformations. The process is divided in two phases: the matching phase, and the transformation generation phase. We explain them below.3.2.1 MatchingThe matching phase discovers the relationships between a set of input models and creates a weaving model. The whole process is encapsulated in a model management operation called Match [4]. The Match operation takes two models M a and M b as input and produces a weaving model M w as output. M a and M b conform to MM a and MM b ; M w conforms to MM w .M w : MM w = Match (M a : MM a , M b : MM b ).The Match operation is semi-automatic, i.e., it is an interactive process that alternates between the automatic execution of matching transformations and the manual refinement of weaving models in the weaving engine. Matching transformations are transformations that execute different heuristics to produce a weaving model.There are three kinds of matching transformations. The first kind creates a weaving model with links between the elements of the input models. However, it is not possible to create a weaving model with only correct links between the model elements in a single transformation. For instance, we create links between name-name attributes or even name-SSN. These links are refined by other matching transformations. The second kind of matching transformations calculates the similarity distance between every linked element. These transformations execute different matching heuristics (we explain them in the subsequent sections). In this case, the name-name link has a higher similarity value than name-SSN link. The third kind of matching transformation selects the links with best similarity values to produce a more accurate model with only a subset of links. For instance, we select only the name-name links. After the execution of these transformations, the weaving model can be manually modified in the weaving engine.3.2.2 Transformation GenerationThe transformation generation is the last phase in the production of model transformations. We implement higher-order transformations (HOT’s) to interpret the different kinds of links captured by a weaving model. These HOT’s generate the output model transformations. In other words, the weaving models are transformed into transformation models. The transformation model can be extracted into a textual language, for instance ATL or XSLT.3.3 Matching ManagementThe matching management component (illustrated by the “bus” in Figure 3) controls the interactions between the transformation and the weaving engines. This component establishes the order in which the matching transformations are executed, and it synchronizes these transformations with the weaving engine. This way it is possible to manually update weaving models during the match process. The matching management component also provides facilities to inject models into a compatible format and to extract models into different formalisms.4. WEAVING METAMODELThe weaving metamodel specifies the different kinds of links that are generated by the matching transformations. Each kind of link corresponds to one transformation pattern. For instance, one of the most common patterns of declarative transformation rules is to match one class in a source model and to create a new class in a target model.The weaving metamodels are created as extensions of a core weaving metamodel, as proposed in [7]. We illustrate an excerpt of this metamodel in Figure 4. The metamodel is written in KM3 [13]. KM3 is a simple textual language to define metamodels.abstract class WLink extends WElement{reference child [*] container : WLink oppositeOf parent ; reference parent : WLink oppositeOf child ;reference end [1-*] container: WLinkEnd oppositeOf link ; }abstract class WLinkEnd extends WElement{ reference link : WLink oppositeOf end ; reference element : WElementRef ; }Figure 4. Excerpt of the core weaving metamodel The WLink and WLinkEnd classes are the weaving elements that are extended more often, because these elements define the link types (WLink ) and the linked elements (WLinkEnd ). A WLink canP re l i mi na ryv e r si onhave child links to represent nested relationships, and it refers to one or multiple linked elements through the reference end .4.1 Matching Metamodel ExtensionsWe show in Figure 5 an extension of this core weaving metamodel. The class Element is a concrete extension of WLinkEnd . It enables referring to any kind of (meta)model element. The class Equivalent contains two references to save the source and target elements. The class Equivalent has a similarity value that is calculated in the matching transformations. This value is a numeric value that measures the semantic proximity of the linked elements. The other classes capture five different transformation patterns:• Generic equality : the class Equal indicates that the linked elements represent the same information.• Element binding : the class <Type>Binding captures binding patterns between two model elements. The <Type> tag must be replaced by the element type, for example AttributeBinding or ReferenceBinding .• Attribute to references : the class AttributeToRef captures links between attributes in the source model and references in the target model. The targetAttribute contains an attribute of the element referred by the target reference.• Element matching : the class ElementMatch denotes the from/to link between a source and a target element.• Element inheritance : the class ElementInheritance relates elements that inherit from others. The reference super points to the parent element of a given element.class Element extends WLinkEnd { } class Equivalent extends WLink { attribute similarity : Double ;reference source container : Element ; reference target container : Element ; }class Equal extends Equivalent { }class <Type>Binding extends Equivalent { } class ElementMatch extends Equivalent { } class AttributeToRef extends Equivalent {reference targetAttribute container : Element }class ElementInheritance extends Equivalent { reference super container : WLink ; }Figure 5. Matching extensions5. MATCHING TRANSFORMATIONSIn this section we present the different kinds of matching transformations in details. We define one generic model management operation for each matching transformation.5.1 Creating Weaving ModelsTransformations that create weaving models are the first kind of matching transformations that are executed. The model management operation that creates weaving models is called CreateWeaving . The operation takes two models M a and M b as input and transforms them into a weaving model M w . M a conforms to MM a , M b conforms to MM b and M w conforms to MM w .M w : MM w = CreateWeaving (M a : MM a , M b : MM b ). This operation matches a set of elements of a given type of M a with a set of elements of a given type of M b . It creates a restricted Cartesian-product M a × M b . The operation creates a link between every pair of elements.Figure 6 illustrates how the operation is implemented using a generic transformation rule. MM a and MM b denote the input metamodels. MM w denotes the output weaving metamodel. This rule matches all elements of type <TypeA> with elements of type <TypeB> and produces an equivalence link between a source and target element.rule CreateLink {from aSource : MMa!<TypeA>, aTarget : MMb!<TypeB> to alink : MMw!Equivalent ( source <- aSource , target <- aTarget ) }Figure 6. Creation of equivalence linksThe operation can also be modified to update weaving models (to create or to remove other links). In this case it has a weaving model as extra input parameter.M w : MM w = CreateWeaving (M a : MM a , M b : MM b , M w ’ : MM w ).The use of matching transformations enables to change the types of the source or the target elements. This allows matching elements from different metamodels, for instance a KM3 Class with a SQL Table .5.2 Calculating Element SimilarityThe second kind of matching transformation calculates a similarity value between the elements referred by the source and target references, for every link of a weaving model. This similarity value is used to evaluate the semantic proximity between the linked elements. A link with a high similarity value indicates that there is a good probability that the source element must be translated into the target element.We define a model management operation called AssignSimilarity . The operation takes a weaving model M w ’ and a weight as input, and it produces a weaving model M w as output. The input and the output models conform to the same weaving metamodel MM w . The output weaving model has the new similarity values. However, there are many different methods to calculate similarities values. The tag <method> indicates the method that is implemented.M w : MM w = AssignSimilarity<method> (M w ’: MM w , weight: int). The weight parameter is used to restrict the similarity values between [0-weight]. This parameter enables to adjust the impact of a given similarity method. For instance, a similarity method that compares element names may have weight 0.8, and a similarity method that compares types may have weight 0.2. This means that the elements are considered more similar if they have the same name than the same type.This operation executes update transformations, i.e., it does not create new links. Different matching transformations can be executed to obtain a more accurate similarity value. We implement element-to-element and structural methods. We explain them below.5.2.1 Element-to-element SimilaritiesElement-to-element similarities are calculated taking the source and target elements of an Equivalent link and comparing the element names (or identifiers) in different ways. We implement different methods:• String similarity : the names of the model elements are considered strings. The names are compared using stringP re l i mi na ryv e r si oncomparison methods such as Levenshtein distance, n-grams and edit distance [5].• Dictionary of synonyms : the names are compared using a dictionary of synonyms (we use WordNet [11]). This dictionary provides a tree of synonyms. The similarity between two terms (element names) is calculated according to the distance between these terms in the synonym tree. This way it is possible, for example, to increase the similarity value between elements such as Teacher and Professor , which does not yield good results if using string comparison methods.However, some of these methods are already implemented and available in public APIs. We thus extend the ATL transformation engine to be able to call methods from external APIs. The transformation engine provides wrapper methods that can be applied to every model element, this way we are capable to use APIs such as the SimMetrics API [21] and the JWNL API [16].5.2.2 Structural SimilarityStructural similarities are calculated using the internal properties of the model elements, e.g., types, cardinality, and the relationships between model elements, e.g., containment or inheritance trees. These data are encoded in the metamodels. We implement a structural method called metamodel-based similarity . The metamodel-based similarity method is executed after an element-to-element method to improve the accuracy of these methods. The metamodel-based method calculates the similarity using the internal properties and the relationships between model elements. Internal PropertiesModel elements have a set of properties, such as type, cardinality, order, length, etc. Consider two model elements a ∈ M a and b ∈ M b ; M a and M b are different models, but conform to the same metamodel. A matching transformation compares the properties of a with the properties of b. If a given property has the same value, it adds 1(one) to a temporary similarity value. This temporary value is multiplied by the weight parameter and added to the initial similarity value. However, this generic comparison is valid only if M a and M b conform to the same metamodel. When the metamodels are different, the operation is adapted for every different property.Consider two different metamodels, KM3 and SQL-DDL (the complete metamodels can be found at [1]). We consider two elements from these metamodels, Attribute from KM3 and Column from SQL-DDL. An Attribute has properties such as type, lower, upper, isOrdered, or isUnique . A Column has the following properties: default , type, keys , canBeNull . These properties cannot be directly compared if using a generic heuristic, because their values are not compatible and there is no name equivalence. For example, the transformation must take into account that canBeNull is a Boolean . The same information is captured analyzing the value of lower property.. We illustrate the transformation rule for this case in Figure 7.This rule calculates the similarity between KM3 and SQL-DDL elements. It selects an Equal link that satisfies the following condition: the source reference points to an Attribute of a KM3 model, and the target reference points to a Column of the SQL-DDL model. The helper requiredSim compares the requiredproperty with the CanBeNull property, and returns one (1) if they satisfy the equality criteria.rule UpdateStructuralSim {from mmw : MMw!Equal mmw.source.isTypeOf(KM3!Attribute)and!Column))to alink : MMw!Equal (similarity <- ( mmw.similarity +mmw.source.requiredSim( ) * weight ) }helper context KM3!Attribute def : requiredSim (column : SQLDDL!Column) : Real =if (self.lower = 0 and column.canBeNull) or (self.lower = 0 and column.canBeNull) then 1 else 0 endif ;Figure 7. Structural similarity rule5.2.2.2 Element RelationshipsThere are different kinds of relationships between elements of the same metamodel, for instance containment or inheritance relationships. Structural methods that exploit the element relationships rely on the following assumption: if two model elements are similar, the neighbors of these elements are likely to be similar as well. For example, if two attributes from two models have a high similarity value, the containing classes of these attributes have a good probability to be similar.We create a heuristic inspired in the Similarity Flooding (SF) algorithm [18]. We implement a matching transformation that propagates the similarities values between related elements using the containment and the inheritance trees.• Containment tree : it captures the containment relationships of a model. Consider for example a class with references and attributes. The nodes of the tree contain classes, attributes and references. They are all linked by containment edges.• Inheritance tree : it captures the generalization relationships between the elements.These methods can be executed in the same AssignSimilarity operation. However, it is also possible to have separate operations that are applied to specific models. For example, the inheritance tree is not relevant when creating a weaving model between SQL-DDL models that do not have native inheritance relationships. These structures can be used to propagate the similarity between elements of different metamodels. Consider again the SQL-DDL and KM3 metamodels. The containment trees from both metamodels are different. However, the containment relationship between a Table and a Column is equivalent to the relationship between a Class and an Attribute . The matching transformations enable to build a containment tree of these two metamodels. 5.3 Selecting Best LinksThe third kind of matching transformations selects only the links that satisfy a set of conditions. The selected links are included in the final weaving model. These matching transformations are generalized by the operation Select<method>. M w : MM w = Select<condition> (M w ’ : MM w ).The operation takes a weaving model M w ’ as input and produce another weaving model M w as output. Both weaving models conform to the same weaving metamodel MM w. The condition tag denotes the selection criteria. Links are selected using two methods: link filtering and link rewriting. These methods are explained below.。
