2014~2015学年度 【人教版】 高考英语总复习:(必修4)Unit 1
• 根据下面提示,介绍世界杰出女性之一——海 伦·凯勒。 • 1.海伦1880年6月出生于美国。19个月大时, 因生病而双目失明,双耳失聪。 • 2.7岁时,她的父母给她找了位老师——Ms Sullivan。Ms Sullivan在教海伦的过程中遇 到很多困难。通过Ms Sullivan灵活的技巧和 耐心的教导,以及海伦坚强的意志和智慧, 海伦最终克服了所有的困难,并取得了成功。 • 3.海伦致力于盲聋儿童的社会工作,著有多
• [成就]②Later on, she devoted all herself to helping the blind and deaf children. She wrote books that inspired millions of people in the world to achieve their goals. The Story of My Life is a remarkable one among her books.
• 9.gain vt.获得 • 10.be absorbed in 全神贯注于 • 11.devote oneself/one's life to 献身于, 专心于 • 12.be enthusiastic about 对„„热心 • 13.make great contributions to 对„„做 出巨大贡献
1.active adj.积极的,活跃的 2.confident adj.有信心的,自信的 3.determined adj.坚决的,有决心的 4.diligent adj.勤奋的 5.energetic adj.精力充沛的 6.generous adj.慷慨的,大方的 7.achieve vi.实现,完成,达到 8.succeed vi.成功
高中英语 必修4 units1-5综合测试(含答案解析)
高中英语必修4units1-5综合测试(含答案解析)1.About80percentofthestudentsinourschool_____beenworkingontheprogramandabouttwo-thirdsofthework_____beenfinished.A.have;hasB.has;have,C.have;haveD.has;has/2.ItisTomratherthanhisclassmatesthat_____responsibleforwhathashappened.A.areBisC.wereD.was3.Anumberofbooks______beenstolenfromthelibrarysincethebeginningofthistermandthenumber_____aslargeas500.A.have;areB.has;isC.have;isD.has;are4.Sixyears_____passedandsixyears_____notashorttime.A.has;isB.have;areC.has;isD.have;is5.Theexplorationteam_____madeupof18strongmenandtheteam____makingpreparationsforclimbingthesnow-coveredmountain.A.are;areB.is;areC.is;isD.are;is6.Thechiefengineerandgeneralmanager_____meetingsomeforeignfriendsinthemeeting—room,afterwhichheandhisforeignfriends_____goingtoattendawelcomepartyintheevening.A.are;areB.is;isC.are;isD.is;are7.Itisnotsurewhetheryouorhe_____togotothemeeting,soyoueach______togetprepared.A.are;hasB;is;haveC.is;haveD.is;has8.Wheretogettheinformationandhowtogetit______atthemeeting.A.istobediscussedB.istodiscussC.aretobediscussedD.aretodiscuss9.Whatheneeds_____moneybutwhatIneed_____meanstomakemoney.A.is;isB.are;areC.is;areD.are;is10.Noteacherandnostudent______tousethecomputertoplaygamesA.allowsB.permitC.areallowedD.ispermitted11.Iamoneofthestudentswho_____Englishwellinmyclassbutheistheonlyoneofus______mathswell.A.studies;learnsB.study;learnsC.study;learnD.studies;learn12.Allthatcanbeendone_____beendoneandallthatshouldbepraised_____beenpraised.A.has;haveB.have;haveC.has;hasD.have;has13.Havingarrivedatthestation,_____.A.itwasfoundthatthetrainhadleftB.thetrainhadleftC.thetrainwasfoundleftD.hefoundthatthetrainhadleft14.---Wouldyoumind______thewindow?It’sabitcoldhere.---Notatall.Goahead.A.closingB.tocloseC.metocloseD.meclosing15.WiththecomingoftheSpringFestival,thepeasantworkersarelookingforwardto______anxiously.A.tobepaidB.beingpaidC.topayD.paying16._______thequestionmadeherteacherangryandupset.A.MaryrefusestoanswerB.MaryrefusingtoanswerC.Mary’srefusingtoanswerD.Mary’srefusin ganswering17.Thenaughtyboyisreally________.Heisalwaysmakinghisparents_______.A.disappointed;disappointedB.disappointing;disappointingC.disappointed;disappointingD.disappointing;disappointed18.His_______lookmadehistolittledaughters________.A.frightening;frightenedB.frightened;frightenedC.frightening;frighteningD.frightened;frightened19.Themissingboywaslastseen________ontheriverbank.A.toplayB.playC.playingD.played20.Shewenttothesupermarketand_______whatsheneeded,shereturnedhome,light-hearted.A.boughtB.havingboughtC.buyingD.tohavebought21.Thereisanoteleftformeonthetable,_______“Callbackthemomentyoureturn”.A.readB.readsC.beingreadD.reading22.Theyoftensende-mailstoeachother,_______eachothertomakefurtherprogressineverything.A.encouragingB.toencourageC.encourageD.encouraged23.TabletennisisplayedbymillionsandmillionsofpeopleacrossChina,_____itthemostpopularsportinthecountry.A.tomakeB.havingmadeC.makingD.made24.________fromherforalongtime,Idecidedtowritetoheragain.A.HavingnotheardB.NothearingC.NotheardD.Nothavingheard25.Theoldteacherlaywideawakeonhisbed,_______alltheproblemshehadtodealwiththenextday.A.thoughtaboutB.tothinkaboutC.thinkingaboutD.havingthoughtaboutII完形填空Thereareaboutfifteenhundredlanguagesintheworld.But___26___afewofthemarevery___27___.Englishisoneofthese.Many,manypeopleuseit,notonlyinEnglandan dtheU.S.A,butinotherpartsoftheworld.About200,000,000speakitastheirownlanguage.Itisdifficulttosayhowmanypeo plearelearningitasa___28___language.Manymillionsare___29__todoso.IsiteasyordifficulttolearnEnglish?Differentpeoplemayhavedifferent___30___.Haveyouever__31___theadsoft hiskindinthenewspapersormagazines?“LearnEnglishinsixmonth,oryour__32___back...”“Easyandfu nny?Ourrecordsandtapes__33___youmasteryou rEnglishinamonth.__34___thefirstdayyour___35___willbeexcellent.Justsend...”Ofcourse,itnever___36___quitelik ethis.Theonlylanguagethatseemseasytolearnisthemothertongue.Weshould___37___thatwealllearnedourownlangua gewellwhenwewere___38___.IfwecouldlearnEnglishinthesameway,itwouldnotseemsodifficult.___39___whatasmallchilddoes.Helistenstowhatpeoplesay.Hetrieswhathehears.Whenheisusingthelanguage,talkinginit,and___40___in itallthetime,justimaginehowmuch___41___thatgets!Soitis___42___tosaythatlearningEnglishiseasy,becauseagoodcommandofEnglish___43___uponalotofpractice.Andp racticeneedsgreateffortand___44___muchtime.Goodteachers,records,tapes,books,anddictionarieswill___45___.Bu ttheycannotdothestudent’sworkforhim.26.A.not B.quite C.only D.very27.A.difficult B.important C.necessary D.easy28.A.native B.foreign eful D.mother29.A.learning B.enjoying C.trying D.liking30.A.questions B.problems C.ideas D.answers31.A.found B.watched C.noticed D.known32.A.knowledge B.time C.money D.English33.A.make B.help C.let D.allow34.A.From B.On C.Since D.After35.A.spelling B.grammar C.English D.pronunciation36.A.happened B.know C.seemed D.felt37.A.know B.remember C.understand D.think38.A.students B.children C.babies D.grown-ups39.A.Imagine B.Mind C.Do D.Thinkofing B.thinking C.trying D.practicing41.A.time B.money nguage D.practice42.A.hard B.easy C.funny D.silly43.A.depends B.tries C.has D.takeses B.takes C.gets D.costs45.A.do B.work C.help D.masterIII阅读理解AThedesertsoftheworldarenotallcoveredwithsand.Manyofthemhavesurfacesofrockorclayorsmallstones.Theyarenotfl at,either.Theyoftenhavehighhillsanddeepvalleys.Thereissomeplants’lifeinmanypartsofthedesert.Thereislittlerainint hedesert,butitdoesfalloftenenoughformostplants.Thedesertsoftheworldarenotuninhabited(notlivedbypeople).Peoplealsoliveoutsideoases(绿洲),butthesepeoplearenotfarmers.Theyhavecamels,goats,donkeys,sheep,etc.Theseanimalscanliveonthedesertplants anddonotneedmuchwater.Thepeopleofthedeserthavetomoveconstantlyfromplacetoplace,theymustalwayslookforgrassordesertplantsfortheiran imals.Theyusuallyliveintents.Whenthereisnomorefoodfortheiranimals,theyfolduptheirtents,patthemontheircamelsa nddonkeys,andmovetoanotherplace.Ingoodyears,whenthereisenoughfoodfortheiranimals,theytradetheirskinsandthe irgoatsandcamelhairswiththepeopleofoasesforwheatandfruit.Butinbadyears,whenthereisnotenoughfoodfortheiranimals,thepeopleofthedesertwouldattacktheoasespeople.Buttheyarealsohospitable,nomaninthedesertwouldeverrefuse togiveastrangerfoodandwater.46.accordingtothepassage,desertsaremostlymadeupof_______.A.clayB.rockC.sandD.stones47.Theunderlinedword“hospitable”hasthemeaningofbeing_______.A.braveB.cruelC.strangeD.kind48.Inthedesert_______.A.itrainsinspringonlyB.itrainsforashorttimeeverymonthC.thereissomerain,butfarfromenoughD.therainfallisjustenoughfortheplants49.Peoplelive_______.A.onlyinsidetheoasesB.onlyoutsidetheoasesC.bothinsideandoutsidetheoasesD.inplaceswithregularrainfalls50.Fromthepassageweknowthatlife_______.A.ishardindesertsB.ishappyindesertsC.isimpossibleindesertsD.indesertsinmuchbetternowBAdesertisabeautifullandofsilenceandspace.Thesunshines,thewindblows,andtimeandspaceseemendless.Nothingissof t.Thesandandrocksarehard,andmanyoftheplantsevenhavehardneedlesinsteadofleaves.Thesizeandlocation(分布)oftheworld’sdesertsarealwayschanging.Overmillion sofyears,asclimateschangeandmountainsrise,newdryandwet areasdevelop.Butwithinthelast100yeas,desertshavebeengrowingatafrighteningspeed.Thisispartlybecauseofnaturalc hanges,butthegreatestmakersarehumans.Humanscanmakedeserts,buthumanscanalsopreventtheirgrowth.AlgeriaMauritaniaisplantingasimilarwallaroundNo uakchott,thecapital.Iranputsathincoveringofpetroleum(石油)onsandyareasandplantstrees.Theoilkeepsthewaterandsmalltreesintheland,andmenonmotorcycles(摩托车)keepthesheepandgoatsaway.TheUSSRandIndiaarebuildinglongcanalstobringwatertodesertareas.51.Inthispassage,“needles”refersto_______.A.small,thinpiecesofsteel.B.long,thinpiecesofbranches.C.smallpointedgrowthonthestem(茎)ofaplant.D.small,thinpiecesofsticks.52.WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrue?A.Thegreatestdesertmakersarehumans.B.Therearen’tanylivingthingsinthedeserts.C.Desertshavebeengrowingquickly.D.Thesizeofthedesertsisalwayschanging.53.Peopleinsomecountriesarefightingabattleagainst_______.A.thegrowthofdesertsB.thedisappearanceofdesertplantsC.naturalchangesD.congenitalclimate54.WecanguessthatMauritaniaandAlgeriabelongto_______.ncountriesB.AmericancountriesC.EuropeancountiesD.Africancountries55.Choosethesentencewhichbestgivesthemainideaofthepassage.A.Thedesertsoftheworldarealwayschanging.B.Manistotakemeasurestocontrolthegrowthoftheworld’sdeserts.C.Desertsarelandsofsilenceandspace.D.Desertshavegrownatafastpaceinthepast10years.C根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
2014高考英语全程复习方略素质与能力提升演练:新人教版必修5检测(答案)阶段评估检测(五)必修5(120分钟135分)Ⅰ. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
When I was about twelve years old, my mother told us that we would not be 1 Christmas gifts for lack of money。
I felt sad and thought,“What would I say when the other kids asked what I'd 2 ? " Then,three women 3 at our house with gifts for all of us。
For me they bought a doll。
I would no longer have to be 4 when I returned to school.Years later,when I stood in the kitchen of my new house,thinking how I wanted to make my 5 Christmas special and memorable there,I 6 remembered the women’s visit。
I decided that I wanted to create the same feeling of 7 for as many children as I could possibly 8 .So I 9 a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help. We gathered about 125 orphans (孤儿)at the Christmas party。
基础梳理整合 词汇拓展 1. achievement;achieve 2.specialist;special;specially 3. connection;connect 4.campaign ;campaign 5.organization; organize 6.behave;behaviour 7 .shade;shade 8.observe; observation;observer 9.respect ;respect 10.argue;argument 11 .crowd;crowd;crowded 12. inspire;inspiration 13.support; support 14.refer;referee; reference 15.intend;intention
adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的 →
1.It was really a remarkable
(成绩) for such a young player.
2.By visiting schools, the actors hoped to
(鼓舞) children to put on their own
3. The target
(观众) for this advertisement were mainly teenagers.
4.It didn't seem
(值得) writing it all out again.
5.We will
(递送)your order to your door.
boy's bad
(行为,举止) at the party made his parents upset.
英语综合教程4参考答案Unit 1: Understanding CulturePart I: Vocabulary and Grammar1. The correct answer is "cultural heritage," which refers to the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present, and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.2. The phrase "cultural diversity" is the right choice here, highlighting the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society.3. "Cultural assimilation" is the term used to describe the process in which a minority group or its members are absorbed into the dominant culture of another group.4. The correct answer is "cultural identity," which is the sense of belonging to a cultural group and sharing its customs, language, and traditions.5. "Cultural relativism" is the concept that a person's beliefs, practices, and customs should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another culture.Part II: Reading Comprehension1. True. The passage discusses the importance of understanding cultural differences.2. False. The text emphasizes the need for cultural awareness rather than the elimination of cultural differences.3. True. It is mentioned that cultural understanding can lead to better communication and cooperation.4. False. The passage does not suggest that cultural understanding is only for people from different countries but for everyone.5. True. The text suggests that cultural understanding can help in avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts.Part III: Listening Comprehension1. The speaker talks about the challenges of adapting to a new culture.2. The second speaker discusses the benefits of cultural exchange programs.3. The third speaker shares their experience of learning a new language as part of cultural immersion.4. The fourth speaker mentions the importance of respecting cultural traditions.5. The final speaker highlights the role of technology in facilitating cultural understanding.Unit 2: The Power of LanguagePart I: Vocabulary and Grammar1. "Eloquent" is the correct term to describe someone who speaks or writes in a fluent, expressive, and persuasive manner.2. "Verbal" refers to something expressed in spoken rather than written form.3. "Idiomatic" is the term used to describe language, expressions, or phrases that are peculiar to a language and cannot be understood literally.4. "Paraphrasing" is the act of restating or rewording something, especially to achieve greater clarity or to avoid plagiarism.5. "Syntax" is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.Part II: Reading Comprehension1. The passage discusses the impact of language on thought and perception.2. True. The text suggests that the structure of a language can influence the way its speakers perceive the world.3. False. The passage does not claim that language is the only factor that shapes thought.4. True. It is mentioned that learning a new language can provide insights into different cultures.5. False. The text does not suggest that all languages are equally expressive or complex.Part III: Listening Comprehension1. The first speaker talks about the importance of effective communication in the workplace.2. The second speaker discusses the role of language in forming personal identity.3. The third speaker shares their experience of learning a new language and the challenges they faced.4. The fourth speaker mentions the influence of media on language use and development.5. The final speaker highlights the power of storytelling asa form of language expression.Unit 3: The Digital AgePart I: Vocabulary and Grammar1. "Innovative" is the correct term to describe somethingthat introduces new methods, ideas, or products.2. "Cyberspace" refers to the virtual environment of computer networks or the internet.3. "Digital divide" is the term used to describe the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology and those who lack such access.4. "E-commerce" is the buying and selling of goods or services, conducted over computer networks such as the internet.5. "Artificial intelligence" (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.Part II: Reading Comprehension1. The passage discusses the impact of digital technology on society.2. True. The text suggests that digital technology has transformed various aspects of life, including communication and commerce.3. False. The passage does not claim that everyone has equal access to digital technology.4. True. It is mentioned that the digital divide can exacerbate social inequalities.5. False. The text does not suggest that digital technology is inherently good or bad, but rather that it has both positive and negative aspects.Part III: Listening Comprehension1. The first speaker talks about the benefits of usingdigital tools in education.2. The second speaker discusses the challenges of maintaining privacy in the digital age.3. The third speaker shares their experience with。
新编大学基础英语综合教程四Units 1-5课后翻译答案
新编大学基础英语综合教程4课后翻译答案UNIT 1Page104. 1.I have offered her a wide range of choices.我给了她很大的选择范围2.We can’t identify fortune with happiness.幸福和财富不能混为一谈3.People constantly search for better career prospect.人们总是不断地寻找更好的职业前景4.Teaching is not a highly rewarding job.教书酬劳不太高5.Busy work can take one’s mind off family issues.繁忙的工作总会使人不去想家庭问题Page113. 1.I want to apply for a visa.我想申请签证2.It is difficult to speak in public.当众演讲是很难的3.The old man wishes to go back to his hometown.这位老人的愿望是回到故乡4.She covers her face with her hands to conceal her excitement.或She buries her face in her hands to conceal her excitement.她用手捂着脸来掩饰她的激动情绪5.It would be good to see him again.能再见到他该多好啊Page125. 1.The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.警方向人群呼吁不要惊慌2.We should assume that he is innocent until he is proven guilty. 要是还没有证实他有罪,我们就得认为他无罪3.His wife’s death made him feel vulnerable and depressed.妻子的去世使他感到十分脆弱和消沉4.She has been transferred to our paris branch.她已调到我们巴黎的分部5.As for as the weather concerned I don’t think it is veryimportant.至于天气,我认为无关紧要Page143. 1.I was seeing a friend off at that moment.我当时正在给一位朋友送行2.He told me that Jane had already left.他告诉我简已经走了3.How do you find the weather here?你觉得这里的天气如何4.Did you go there by train or by plane?你是乘火车还是乘飞机去的5.She is very excited ,she has never travel by plane before.她很兴奋,她以前从未坐过飞机Page166. 1.He has a serious aspiration for a career in politics他有从政的雄心壮志2.He doesn’t play half as well as his sister.他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半3.He has never done this kind of job.I don’t know wether he is able to fit in with other employees他以前从未做过这种工作,我不知道他是否能与其他雇员配合好。
大学英语综合教程4 unit1-6 课后答案
第5题Unit 11。
Taxes are an obligation which may fall on everyday。
译文:纳税是每个人的义务.2.We applauded the authority’s decision not to close the hospital。
3.The doctor's instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick man’s life depe nds on it.译文:必须严格遵照医嘱,病人的生命看就靠它了.4.Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking?译文:民意测验真的能反映人们的想法吗?5.I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases。
In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff。
7.The history of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving or greater efficiency and profit。
8.He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it entailed.译文:他上任新职,却对这个职位的职责要求一无所知。
综合能力测试二(必修2)时间:120分钟满分:150分第Ⅰ卷(共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话。
1. What is the man probably doing? A. Reading a novel. B. Writing a letter. C. Enjoying music. 2. What's wrong with the man? A. He is sick. B. He is behind other classmates. C. He is out of work. 3. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman didn't expect it to be so warm at noon. B. The weather turned cold all of a sudden. C. The weather forecast was unreliable. 4. What does the woman say about Jane? A. She was absent all week owing to sickness. B. She was seriously injured in a car accident. C. She had to be away from school to attend to her husband. 5. What is the woman doing? A. Playing computer games. B. Filling in a form. C. Asking information for a job. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白。
2014年高考英语总复习:综合能力测试(必修四-Unit1-Unit5-含解析)D20.In what case will the students make more mistakes according to the research?A.When they hear part of the conversation.B.When they hear the entire conversation.C.When they don't concentrate on the conversation.听力部分录音材料(Text 1)W: Every time I see you, you are wearing a different shirt.M: That's because I have one for every day of the week.(Text 2)W: I hate flying. It is such a terrible thing although it's the quickest way of travelling.M: Well, if you ask me, flying is one of the safest ways of travelling.(Text 3)M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job section.W: I know. It's over there. There's not much happening though. Maybe you should look up the Net instead.(Text 4)M: Excuse me, Madam, could you tell me which bus goes to the Children's Hospital?W: There's no bus going there. You'd better call a taxi. It is a little bit far from here.M: OK. Thank you!(Text 5)M: I think it's time for me to go now as I have to drop in at the post office to get some stamps.W: If you are going to the post office, would you mind posting some letters for me?M: Of course not.(Text 6)W: Good morning. Your ticket, please? Set your suitcase upright and I'll check it through.W: And where would you like to sit?M: Make it a window seat.W: Uh-huh, here you go. I'm sorry, but there will be a 20-minute delay, so your flight will be boarding in about half an hour.M: I sure hope that's the only delay. Oh, where are my baggage checks?W: They're here with your ticket, sir.M: Uh, thanks.(Text 7)M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?W: I'm not sure. I want to redecorate my living room.M: Really? Have you decided what colours to use?W: Well, not yet. I'm thinking about white walls and light blue furniture. But I can't decide what kind of carpet to get.M: I think you should look for cream colours to go with the wall.W: I worry about expensive things like that. I'm afraid I won't be able to take it back if I decide I don't like it.M: There're a few carpet stores just ahead. Why not ask them about that?W: That's a good idea. I'm glad I ran into you today.(Text 8)M: Hi! Janet, you look tired. What's wrong?W: Oh, I have this neighbour, and his dog barks all night long. It's driving me mad.M: Try talking to him.W: Yeah, I guess. He's kind of unfriendly. That's all. What are your neighbours like?M: OK, except two. One is in the flat below mine, and he smokes and the smoke comes right into my bedroom. Ugh! It's terrible. And if I talk to him, he's really rude.W: Well, if I were you, I'd move house.M: Uh-huh. The other has these wild parties at night, like four or five times a week.W: Well you know what I'd do if I were you ?W: I'd go and join the party!(Text 9)M: You wanted to see me about my grades, Mrs Lange?W: Yes. Sit down, Paul. You're not doing well with your studies. Is the work too difficult?M: The work isn't hard; it's just that I don't have much time to study these days. Besides playing on the school football team, I'm doing a part-time job and working at the student centre.W: Well, Paul, you probably just have to manage your time better. Tell me about your daily life.M: Well, I get up at about eight and start classes at nine o'clock.W: When do you work at the student center?M: From noon to one. I hardly even have time to eat my lunch.W: And you have practice after school?M: Every day. I have football practice from three to four and then work part-time at the supermarket from five to eight.W: So you do your homework after that?M: Usually I'm too tired to start right away. I watch TV from about nine o'clock and then do my homework from about eleven to one.W: One o'clock in the morning! Paul, you'd better stop playing football or stop working at the supermarket. Your schoolwork is more important.M: But I love playing football, Mrs Lange. I guess I have to stop my work.(Text 10)Have you ever wondered why overhearing a cell phone conversation is so annoying? American researchers think they have found the answer.Scientists at Cornell University say that whether in the office, on a train or in a car, only half of the conversation is overheard, and this draws more attention and concentration than when overhearing two people talking.“We have less control to move away our attention from half a conversation(or half a dialogue) than when listening to a dialogue,”said Lauren Emberson, a co-author of the study that will be published in the journal Psychological Science. “Since half a dialogue really is mo re distracting and youcan't tune them out, this could explain why people are irritated.”Emberson also said that in such a situation people try to make sense of snippets of conversation and predict what speakers will say next. “When you hear half of a conversation, you get less information and you can't predict as well, ”she said. “It requires more attention.”The finding by Emberson and her co-author Michael Goldstein are based on research involving 41 college students who did concentration exercises, like tracking moving dots, while hearing one or both parties during a cell phone conversation. The students made more errors when they heard only part of the conversation than when they overheard the entire dialogue.答案1—5 CACBC6—10 ACCAB11—15 ACBCB16—20 BACCA第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
vt.& vi.摇摆;摆动
学海无 涯
Unit 5 Theme parks
A good face is a letter of recommendation Some people say beauty is just a skin deep. I don’t quite agree with them. Good appearance often makes a big difference in social communication, competition, finding jobs and so on. Not only can good appearance help you become more confident, but also it helps you be impressed. If you want to get a good job,the first sight is important. Physical beauty is ①probable to draw much attention. However,we have to face this problem. We have no right to choose our appearance. When necessary,we can make up ourselves. If you think doing this is a good way to improve your confidence,just do what you really want to regardless ②others’ opinion. It is worth all the money and time. Facing a variety of social pressures,we young people should build confidence. Confidence is the key to success. In a word,you may not be the most beautiful one,but you can be the most attractive one;you may not the best one,but you can be the most confident one. Show yourself and chances will kiss you in time.
语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C 和D项中,选出最佳选项。
Every year on my birthday,a white gardenia (栀子花) was 1 to my house. But no card or note came with it。
Calls to the flower shop were always 2 -it was a cash purchase。
After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just 3 in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical,perfect white flower lying in soft pink paper。
But I never stopped 4 who the giver might be. My mother 5 to these imaginations. She asked me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing 6 . I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy I fell in love with or one who had 7 me even though I didn’t know him。
One month before my high-school graduation, my father died. My feelings 8 from sorrow to fear and 9 : my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life。
14级高一英语必修4 各单元随堂训练答案.doc
4) to keep —keep1) Makesure英语必修四第一到第四模块总复习题Module One 随堂训练随堂训练1. 单词拼写:1・ Crimes 2. predicted 3. relying/depending 4・ definitely 5・ charge6.arrested7.resources 8.outdoors 9.eventually lO.limit2句型转换1・ run out 2.it easy to travel 3.dreamed of being 4.what to buy 5.allow smoking 3 •根据汉语意思完成句子1・ place an order for 2・ attached to 3・ are being used up 4.make any prediction 5.get rid of 4 •单句改错1・ get —getting 2. order ■“an order /orders 3. from ■“of 4. smoking ■“to smoke 5・ prevent —to prevent5.词汇与语法1—5 BBABD 6—10 BCBDB 11—15 DCACC Module Two 参考答案基础知识运用1. 单词拼写1) displayed 2) air-conditioned 3) destination 4) impressive 5) reacts6) explore 7) convenience 8) suburban 9) route 10) permission2. 句型转换1) stuck in 2) worth 3) under construction 4) in no time 5) connected to3. 完成句子2) have a; view; changing 3) means of; get round 4) idea; to avoid; crowded 5) a limit to; serving 6) afford 4.单句改错 1) from —at 2) about — to 3) not you --not5)to be discussed —discussing词汇与语法1)—5) ACADB 6)—10)DCBDD ModuleThree随堂练习 1 •单词拼写 1. youth 2. conscious 4. communication 5・bending 6・ stared 7・ accident 8・ request 9・ invitati 10.performance 2.句型转换 1) is different 2) make a deal 3) comfortableto wear 4) on guard 3根据汉语意思完成句子5) varies from cultureto cultue 1) both, switched on bad weather 2) gave ,away 3) more than 4) has been held up, 5 ) refer to6)to be relied on 7)on earth 8) made an apology to4 单句改错 1) at a t in the 2) 3) threatened tthreatening 4) up and dowmups and downs 5) of-^for 6) toast t a toast7) held lifted 5词汇与语法01-05 ABACD 6-10 ABDCB 1) leading 2) original 3) published 4) quantity 5) brilliant 6) personalas a result of carrying outModule Four 随堂练习1 •单词拼写 exploded 8) escaped 9) straight 10) diagnosed2. 句型转换will be planted by accident instead of3.根据汉语意思完成句子1) earns his living 2) broke through 3) came to power 4) brought up4) Moved — Moving 5) onT to 5) in all directions4.单句改错1) of 9 to 2) of — for 3) grow^ growing5.词汇与语法1—5 BCBAC 6—10 CAABD。
高三总复习必修四Unit 1 Women of achievement--------------制作人----衣明学习目标:掌握本单元的重点单词学习重点:① behave ② worthwhile③ argue ④ inspire ⑤intend⑥ deliver ⑦ devote…to⑧ look down upon/on ⑨ come acros s ⑩ refer to为重点掌握词汇;学习难点:① behave ② worthwhile③ argue ④ inspire学习过程:一、自主学习(一)学习检测1.边学习边完成下列问题:①behave: vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现behave oneself 使某人自己举止规矩behave well/badly 举止良好、糟糕Do behave 规矩些well-behave 表现好的badly-behaved 表现差的behaviour n. (人的)言行举止,行为be on one’s behaviour 举止规矩behaveiour towards/to 对……的态度∕行为eg. Behave yourself;don’t make a fool of yourself (注意你的举止,别闹出笑话来)How is your new car behaving? 你的新车性能如何② worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得的It be worth while to do/doing sth 做某事值得eg. Buying the car at this price is not worthwhile. (以这样的价格买车不值得) Is it worthwile making/to make such an effort? (做这样的努力值得吗?)③argue v. 争论,辩论;说服;主张;认为argue with sb. about/over sth. 就某事和某人争辩argue sb. into/out of doing=persuade sb. to/not to do=persuade sb. into/out of doing 说服某人做/不做某事argue for/ against 支持/反对arguement n. 论点;争论;论据settle an argument 解决争端beyond arguement 无可争辩eg. We are always arguing with each other about/over money. (我们总是就金钱的问题而争论)They argued me into buying a new bike.He argued against smkoing,and insisted that it was beyongd argument that smoking was harmful to health.(他反对吸烟,而且坚持认为吸烟有害健康是无可争辩的事实) ④inspire vt. 鼓舞;激励;引发;赋予……灵感;激发inspire sb. to sth 鼓励某人某事inspire sb. to do sth. =encourage sb.to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事inspire sth. in sb. =inspire sb.with sth. 使某人产生……;鼓励某人……inspiration n. 灵感;启发;鼓舞人的事或人inspired adj. 受到鼓舞的;有灵感的inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;激励的eg. The teacher’s words inspired him with hope.=The teacher’s words inspired hope in him.The students were all inspired by the inspiring song.⑤intend v t&vi. 计划,打算be intend for 专供……使用,专为……而设计intend to do/doing 打算……intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事eg. be intended you to take over my career. (我打算让你接管我的事业)Today, I intended to finish reading this novel.(今天我打算读完这本小说)This kind of bicycle is intended for people who are too short.(这种自行车使专为身高太矮的人设计的)⑥deliver vt. 接生(小孩);递送;发表(演说等)Deliver a baby 接生小孩;生小孩deliver sth. to…把某物送到……delivery n. 送货,交付express delivery 快递on delivery 送达时;货到时eg. Some new books have been delivered to the school.(一些新书已经送到学校了) The actor delivered his speech in a soft voice.(演员用他温柔的声音演讲)⑦devote…to 献身于……,专心于……Be/get used to 习惯于get down to 开始认真做look forward to 盼望pay attention to 注意eg. He devoted all his time to his career.(他把他的全部时间都用在事业上了) The professor devoted himself devoted himself to ding research on cancer.(这位教授把一生都用在了研究癌症上)⑧ look down upon/on 轻视,看不起look up to (反义词)敬仰,尊重look into 调查,了解look up 查阅look out 当心,小心look on 旁观look back on 回首look forward to 盼望;期待look through 浏览;检查eg. I hope you don’t look down upon /on this kind of work.(我希望你不要看不起这种工作)She looks down on people who’ve never been to university.(她瞧不起没上过大学的人)You can’t look down upon a person because he is poor.(你不能因为某个人贫穷就瞧不起他)⑨ come across (偶然)遇到;发现Come up with 想到;提出 come about 发生Come of 脱落 come out 出版;出现Come over 越过,来到 come into being 形成,产生Come back 回来 come on 开始,进步,快点eg: I came across my English teacher on my way home.(在回家的路上,我偶然碰到了我的英语老师)I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.(今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老友)She came across some old photogtaphs in a drawer.(她在一个抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片⑩refer to 谈到;查阅;参考;查询;提及;指……而言refer to sb./sth. as 把某人/物称作refer sth. to 把某事提交refer sb. to 让某人向……求助reference n. 言及,提及;参考in/with reference to 关于without reference to 对……无关;不管eg: We agreed never to refer to the matter again.我们同意不再讨论这件事了。
2014高考英语全程复习方略素质与能力提升演练:新人教版必修4U4(答案)必修4 Unit 4Ⅰ。
We shall _______ (保卫)our motherland,whatever the cost may be。
The museum had several paintings _________ (代表)the artist's early style.3。
The boy looked at me _______ (好奇地)as if I were a complete stranger.4。
He is fluent in _______ (口语的) English,but is not good at written English.5。
The machine will not _______ (运转) properly if it is not kept well oiled.6。
The police took down the witness’s _________ (陈述).7。
There were calls for ______ (主要的) changes to the system.8. Try to avoid being ________ (主观的) and one—sided when looking at problems.9。
Speak clearly,or you'll make yourself _________ (误解).10. As you _______ (接近) the school, the first building you see is the teaching building。
Ⅱ. 完成句子1. The athletes _____________________________ Jordan will take part in this year's Special Olympics。
大学英语4复习资料Unit 11、To prove their theories, scientists must__________ a certain amount of data as evidence.A accumulateB consumeC chargeD inquire2.The shop assistant__________ me $10 for the dictionary.A costB chargedC requiredD took3、A will is a legal document in which a person______ how his possessions are to be dealt with after his death.A realizesB declaresC assuresD hopes4、The babies________ the nurse looks after are very healthy.A whereB whichC whoseD whom5、My brother-in-law_______ his supper when I called on him at six p.m. yesterday.A has hadB have hadC had hadD had been eaten up6、She________ for what she has done.A ought to scoldB ought be scoldedC ought to scoldedD ought to be scolded7、He sat alone after the battle, _________the loss of his best friend.A worryingB murmuringC mourningD sobbing8、I was always taught that it was__________ to interrupt other people’s talk.A rudeB roughC crudeD coarse9、Mary told me that she________ in the chemical plant for two more months before quitting.A had workedB would workC had been workingD must have worked10、Would you tell me _________?A where is the post officeB where stands the post officeC where the post office isD where stood the post office11、Under more favorable conditions, we________ better.A should doB could be doneC could have doneD needn’t have done12、________ in the leg , the soldier was sent to hospital at once.A To be injuredB Seriously injuredC Having injuredD Being injured badly13、If you lack experience and skills, it’s tough for you to find a(n) ____ job.A overjoyedB dependentC gratefulD decent14、Under the guidance of their teacher , the pupils are building a model boat_______ by steam.A pressedB droveC pullingD powered15、The car accident was __________to the driver’s violation of traffic regulations.A assignedB contributedC attributedD transferred16、They didn’t take action until the tank ________in the distance.A appealedB vanishedC ranD viewed17、M any stars in the sky are ________ large_________ the sun.A as…likeB same…asC as…asD the same…as18、By the end of last year the pyramids ________ by the old man three times.A were visitedB had been visitedC have been visitedD would be visited19、The town _______ a lot since I was there last in 1999.A has changedB was changingC had grownD has been grown20、This department store has an excellent _________ for fair dealing.A repetitionB authorityC popularityD reputation21、We packed up the things we ( accumulate )_______ over the last four years.22、She will be in charge of the office during my(absent)__________.23、Their progress was(faith)________described in newspaper and magazines.24、I saw the injured man (stagger) ______ away like someone drunk.25、As soon as the truck arrived , we began to (load)______the bricks from it.26、The thief ran into the crowd and soon(vanish)________ from sight.27、The old painting was damaged in the flood and had to (restore)_____carefully.28、(civilize)_______may be destroyed if there is another world war.29、Australia has its own(culture)________identity , which is very different from that of Britain.30、One lane closed while the workers (pave)_____the road.Unit 21.The secret agent concealed her real mission, therefore many local people were _______ intothinking that she was a good person.A drivenB betrayedC convincedD deceived2.It is said that an immediate review of what you have learned will help make your knowledge______.A interestingB usefulC permanentD deep3.He tried to get off the bus while it _______ and was badly hurt.A still movedB was still movedC still was movingD was still moving4.The dance party was the greatest we _________.A had ever hadB had never hadC have ever hadD would have already5.He suddenly remembered that his schoolbag _______at home.A has been leftB was forgottenC had been leftD had been forgotten6.Charlie had to give up _______ tennis, which was his favorite sport , when he left college.A to playB playingC too much playD too often play7.The revolutionary fighter would rather _______with his head high than ________with hisknees bent.A die…liveB death…livingC dying…to liveD to die… to live8.The government denied the ________ right of the people to hold such meetings.A logicalB loyalC liableD legal9.I don’t drink wine as a rule ,but I don’t mind a glass _______.A once for allB once in a whileC at onceD once upon a time10.Each of the children had to drink some milk at breakfast: half a glass was the _________.A excessB maximumC minimumD less11.An old lady was living next door. I heard her _______as I passed her room last night.A is coughingB coughingC to be coughingD keep coughing12.The moment she _______the report tomorrow, she will hand it in.A finish writingB finishes to writeC will finish writingD has finished written13.When mother entered the bedroom , little Jimmy pretended ______ asleep.A having fallenB to be fallingC being fallingD to have fallen14.The rising _______of living is as hard on country families as on city families.A priceB spendC amountD cost15.I will pay you a visit as soon as I can manage- _______ this weekend , if nothingunexpected turns up.A howeverB moreoverC hopefullyD therefore16.The boy gave her back the money he had stolen , on account of his troubled________.A conscienceB conversionC conversationD consciousness17.We believe that he is too loyal to _______ his friends.A betrayB tolerateC bearD scold18.All individuals are required to ______to the laws made by their government.A obeyB conformC observeD chat19._________ we don’t lose heart ,we’ll find a way to get past this difficulty.A OnceB As long asC WhenD Because20.He won’t go on doing the job _____ he gets his salary raised .A unlessB afterC thoughD while21.She had remained (cheer)_______ and energetic throughout the trip.22.Some drugs taken in large quantities cause (permanently)_______ brain damage.23.During the war many couples had to endure long periods of (separate)_______.24.Clearly we need to come an arrangement that is (accept) ______ to both parties.25.She was really very tired after working all day , so she fell(sleep)_____ before I left.26.He went to London for further studies five years ago , and soon afterwards he (grant)_______British citizenship.27.She thinks he’ll come back ,but she (deceive)_______ herself.28.Those asked to attend the lecture ,(include)_______ our monitor , will meet at the school gateat 2 o’clock this afternoon.29.Without air, water and sunlight, there (be) ________ no human race .30.Do you see the column of smoke over there? Some children (must , play)_________with fire!Unit 31.The thief ________ climbing over the garden wall.A has caughtB was caughtC caught forD being caught2.He ______ a dinner party at this time yesterday.A was attendingB attendedC had beenD had been attended3._______I in your position, I would do it.A AmB HadC WereD Be4.I caught an early train to London ,so by late afternoon ,I ________ everything that I wanted.A would buyB had boughtC was buyingD would have bought5.Color-blind people often find it difficult to______ between blue and green.A separateB distinguishC compareD contrast6.Although Mr. smith is quite elderly, _______ he’s in excellent condition , for I read herecently won a local golf match against many youthful players.A apparentlyB evidentlyC obviouslyD clearly7.These government have done ________ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accident.A vitallyB virtuallyC necessarilyD promptly8.She is an actress who always tries to ______ herself completely in a role.A submergeB diveC drownD overjoy9.The schoolmaster ________ the girl’s bravery in his opening speech.A applaudedB clappedC instructedD resembled10.But for the traffic jam, I _________ late for the conference.A would beB would have beenC hadn’t beenD wouldn’t have been11.Mary ________ round to the local supermarket when she suddenly slipped and fell.A wentB had goneC was to goD was going12.The vases which _______ in cotton were placed very carefully into the box.A wrappedB had wrappedC had been wrappedD were being wrapped13.I can’t advise you _______ leave the country or not.A if toB how toC whether toD when to14.Richard _______ that his pen must have fallen from his pocket as he was running for the bus.A concludedB exploredC applaudedD absorbed15.Don’t _______ too near the edge of the well; you might fall in.A riskB ventureC attainD evaluate16.The autumn moon has always been a ______ with poets.A targetB characterC nuisanceD favorite17.She was so ______ in her work that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.A attractedB absorbedC drawnD concentrated18.It was very considerate of you to send me the information so ______.A promptlyB shortlyC hurriedD readily19.As I stood there , I saw two men ______ the bookstore . Then I saw Peter______ up thestreet.A enter…comeB entering…comingC enter…comingD entering…come20.I wish I ______ two lives to devote to the modernization of our country.A haveB have hadC should haveD had21.His grandfather was a (distinguish)_______ professor at Beijing University.22.Only one (conclude) ________can be drawn from the survey: some male students don’t likeEnglish.23.I admired the speed and (accurate)_______ with which she typed.24. I need someone (instruction)________ me how to use the computer.25. Some athletes take drugs to improve their (perform)________, which is strictly forbidden in sports competition.26.She(applaud)______ for five minutes after her speech.27. His pen (miss)______, so he is going to buy a new one immediately after class.28. My classmates( have)________ a Christmas party this time tomorrow.29.If no one answer at the front door, why not try (knock)_________ at the back door?30. You can’t take away these magazines (belong) _________ to our school library.Unit 41.He made such a _______ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.A genuineB minimumC modestD generous2. This morning the newspaper had a very interesting ______on the population problem.A compositionB articleC workD publication3.Some who is _______ is often overproud of his abilities or achievements.A competentB confidentC commandingD conceited4.I ____only Amy to come to the party but her husband showed up too.A was expectedB had expectedC am expectingD have expected5.This is the fourth time we ______ to this hotel.A cameB are comingC will comeD have come6.Tom promised to send his telephone number to me as soon as he _____.A had a phone installedB would have a phone installedC had had a phone installedD was having a phone installed7.The old couple decided to ______ a boy and a girl though they had three children of theirown.A adaptB bringC receiveD adopt8.He was pale with _______ after looking unsuccessfully for a job all day.A prescriptionB fatigueC functionD necessity9.It is impossible for people to _______everything that they have thought, felt, or done.A recallB adaptC argueD appreciate10.All the bikes _______before I came to the store.A are sold outB were sold outC had been sold outD had sold out11.They are pulling down all the old houses in this block . I expect they ______ down mine in afew month’s time.A are pullingB have pulledC should pullD will be pulling12.The old worker was taken to the hospital because of _________.A injured badlyB having injuredC badly injuredD being badly injured13.He was _______ as a representative to attend the national people’s conference.A requestedB pressedC nominatedD donated14.As all the other members of the committee expect the chairman were in favor ofthe suggestion, he was in a ______ of two.A minorityB societyC communityD majority15.Henry was determined to become a doctor and his _______ paid off.A capabilityB persistenceC functionD headline16.They were all _______ that his plan was realistic and so they decided to accept his proposal.A believedB realizedC convincedD dedicated17.The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they _____ of cold andhunger.A will dieB would be dyingC would be deadD would have died18.The _______ practice you have , the ______ mistakes you’ll make.A more…lessB more… fewerC much…littleD most… fewest19.He was really very busy, or he _______her more help.A had givenB would giveC would have givenD gave20.Not until all the fish had died in the river _______how serious the pollution was.A did the villagers realiz eB the villagers realizeC the villagers did realizeD didn’t the villagers realize21.I began to work in this computer factory three years ago. Now my (month) _______ incomeis over 4000yuan.22.Five hundred computers (donate)______ to the village schools of Yunnan Province since2000.23.They must show(their ) identity cards before they can gain (enter)______ to the museum.24.Supporters (generous)________ gave us ten thousand pounds when we were in difficulty.25.The parents of (adopt)_________ children sometimes encounter special problems later on.26.The report stresses the (necessary)___________ of eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.27.Only a small (minor) _______ of children will get a chance to benefit from this new system.28.Up to now a third of the committee members (nominate) ________ by the local authorities.29.Some students want (send) ________ to the hardest places after they graduate fromShanghai University.30.Sally couldn’t have written to him , or he (receive) ________ her letter.。
必修四 Units 3~5质量过关检测 本卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共115分) 第一部分:听力(满分30分) 略 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
21.(2013·浙江省第一次五校联考) We don't think the experiment is ________ failure. At least we have gained ________ experience for future success. A.the; aB.a; / C.a; an D.the; the 答案:B 考查冠词。
22.(2013·武汉市部分学校联考)Military helicopters dropped food and medicine to the earthquake survivors that remained ________ in remote mountain villages. A.cut off B.paid off C.put off id off 答案:A 考查动词短语。
cut off“隔绝”;pay off“成功”;put off“推迟”;lay off“下岗,解雇”。
23.(2013·豫南九校联考)To help the children get a better education,Bill is prepared to do ________ it takes to open a school. A.whichever B.whatever C.however D.whoever 答案:B 考查名词性从句。
2014高考英语全程复习方略素质与能力提升演练:牛津译林必修4U1(答案)必修4 Unit 1Ⅰ。
Most of the families in this neighborhood are on _________ (福利).2. The election __________ (活动,运动) concluded with a mass meeting. 3。
He quoted some ______(格言)in this article。
When you have any problems you can ________ (商量) with an experienced colleague of yours。
If you're not satisfied with this book, I can _________ (推荐)you another one.6. The bad weather __________ (成倍增加)the danger of their exploration.7。
Everyone suspected Peter, but he turned out to be __________ (清白的)。
We figure you would want to celebrate your ____________ (升职).9. The work of an engineer requires _____________ (智力) plus experience.10。
Many old houses have been ________ (更新) with modern facilities. Ⅱ。
However,we still must be ______ of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us things。
综合能力测试综合能力测试一(Unit 1)时间:120分钟分值:150分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.When is Terry's birthday?A.February 14.B.February 5.C.February 24.2.How does David probably feel?A.Disappointed. B.Happy.C.Surprised.3.What has happened to the man?A.He has just given up his job.B.He has started his own business.C.He has got promoted.4.What does the man think of the shirt?A.It's made of cotton.B.It's expensive.C.It feels soft.5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In an office. B.At an airport.C.At a hotel.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.Who asked the woman so many questions last night?A.The policemen.B.The English fans.C.The Japanese guests.7.Which food do you think the woman likes best?A.Hamburger. B.Seafood.C.Beijing duck.8.What did the man do last night?A.He went to the English Corner,too.B.He had dinner with his parents.C.He stayed at home watching TV.听第7段材料,回答第9~11题。
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1.How many shirts does the man have?A.5.B.6.C.7.2.What does the man think of flying?A.It is one of the safest ways.B.It is one of the easiest ways.C.It is one of the quickest ways.3.What is the man looking for?A.His term paper. B.A web site.C.A job.4.How will the man probably get to the Children's Hospital?A.By car. B.By taxi.C.By bus.5.What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Leave for the post office right now.B.Buy some stamps for her.C.Post some letters for her.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。
6.Where does this conversation take place?A.At an airport.B.At a seaport.C.At a railway station.7.How soon will the man get on board?A.In about 10 minutes.B.In about 20 minutes.C.In about 30 minutes.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
8.What colour of carpet does the man suggest?A.Blue. B.White.C.Cream.9.What is the possible result the woman worries about?A.She can't return the carpet if she doesn't like it.B.She can't decide the right colour for the carpet.C.She can't afford the high price of the carpet.10.Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.In a store.B.In the street.C.In the woman's house.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
11.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Friends. B.Strangers.C.Neighbours.12.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Their habits.B.Their families.C.Their neighbours.13.What is the man's trouble?A.He can't give up smoking.B.He's often disturbed at night.C.He has no house of his own.请听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。
14.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.Mother and son.B.Captain and player.C.Teacher and student.15.What is the woman's main purpose of talking to the man? A.To learn what he does every day.B.To help him to manage his time better.C.To suggest making full use of his spare time.16.How long does the man work at the supermarket every day? A.2 hours. B.3 hours.C.4 hours.17.What does the man agree to give up?A.Doing a part-time job.B.Having football practice.C.Working at the student centre.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
18.Where can people overhear other's talking by cell phone? A.In the office, on a train, or in the subway.B.In the office, on the bus, or in a car.C.In the office, on a train, or in a car.19.Why is overhearing other's phone call so annoying? A.Because people don't know each other.B.Because people make many mistakes.C.Because such calls are more distracting.20.In what case will the students make more mistakes according to the research?A.When they hear part of the conversation.B.When they hear the entire conversation.C.When they don't concentrate on the conversation.听力部分录音材料(Text 1)W: Every time I see you, you are wearing a different shirt.M: That's because I have one for every day of the week.(Text 2)W: I hate flying. It is such a terrible thing although it's the quickest way of travelling.M: Well, if you ask me, flying is one of the safest ways of travelling.(Text 3)M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job section.W: I know. It's over there. There's not much happening though. Maybe you should look up the Net instead.(Text 4)M: Excuse me, Madam, could you tell me which bus goes to the Children's Hospital?W: There's no bus going there. You'd better call a taxi. It is a little bit far from here.M: OK. Thank you!(Text 5)M: I think it's time for me to go now as I have to drop in at the post office to get some stamps.W: If you are going to the post office, would you mind posting some letters for me?M: Of course not.(Text 6)W: Good morning. Your ticket, please? Set your suitcase upright and I'll check it through.M:OK.W: And where would you like to sit?M: Make it a window seat.W: Uh-huh, here you go. I'm sorry, but there will be a 20-minute delay, so your flight will be boarding in about half an hour.M: I sure hope that's the only delay. Oh, where are my baggage checks?W: They're here with your ticket, sir.M: Uh, thanks.(Text 7)M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?W: I'm not sure. I want to redecorate my living room.M: Really? Have you decided what colours to use?W: Well, not yet. I'm thinking about white walls and light blue furniture. But I can't decide what kind of carpet to get.M: I think you should look for cream colours to go with the wall.W: I worry about expensive things like that. I'm afraid I won't be able to take it back if I decide I don't like it.M: There're a few carpet stores just ahead. Why not ask them about that?W: That's a good idea. I'm glad I ran into you today.(Text 8)M: Hi! Janet, you look tired. What's wrong?W: Oh, I have this neighbour, and his dog barks all night long. It's driving me mad.M: Try talking to him.W: Yeah, I guess. He's kind of unfriendly. That's all. What are your neighbours like?M: OK, except two. One is in the flat below mine, and he smokes and the smoke comes right into my bedroom. Ugh! It's terrible. And if I talk to him, he's really rude.W: Well, if I were you, I'd move house.M: Uh-huh. The other has these wild parties at night, like four or five times a week.W: Well you know what I'd do if I were you ?M: What?W: I'd go and join the party!(Text 9)M: You wanted to see me about my grades, Mrs Lange?W: Yes. Sit down, Paul. You're not doing well with your studies. Is the work too difficult?M: The work isn't hard; it's just that I don't have much time to study these days. Besides playing on the school football team, I'm doing a part-time job and working at the student centre.W: Well, Paul, you probably just have to manage your time better. Tell me about your daily life.M: Well, I get up at about eight and start classes at nine o'clock.W: When do you work at the student center?M: From noon to one. I hardly even have time to eat my lunch.W: And you have practice after school?M: Every day. I have football practice from three to four and then work part-time at the supermarket from five to eight.W: So you do your homework after that?M: Usually I'm too tired to start right away. I watch TV from about nine o'clock and then do my homework from about eleven to one.W: One o'clock in the morning! Paul, you'd better stop playing football or stop working at the supermarket. Your schoolwork is more important.M: But I love playing football, Mrs Lange. I guess I have to stop my work.(Text 10)Have you ever wondered why overhearing a cell phone conversation is so annoying? American researchers think they have found the answer.Scientists at Cornell University say that whether in the office, on a train or in a car, only half of the conversation is overheard, and this draws more attention and concentration than when overhearing two people talking.“We have less control to move away our attention from half a conversation(or half a dialogue) than when listening to a dialogue,”said Lauren Emberson, a co-author of the study that will be published in the journal Psychological Science. “Since half a dialogue really is more distracting and you can't tune them out, this could explain why people are irritated.”Emberson also said that in such a situation people try to make sense of snippetsof conversation and predict what speakers will say next. “When you hear half of a conversation, you get less information and you can't predict as well, ”she said. “It requires more attention.”The finding by Emberson and her co-author Michael Goldstein are based on research involving 41 college students who did concentration exercises, like tracking moving dots, while hearing one or both parties during a cell phone conversation. The students made more errors when they heard only part of the conversation than when they overheard the entire dialogue.答案1—5 CACBC6—10 ACCAB11—15 ACBCB16—20 BACCA第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。