2-05-Part 2
IEC 60068-2-52 循环冲击试验

IEC 60068-2-52 循环冲击试验介绍目的循环冲击试验的目的是模拟设备在运输、搬运、使用等过程中可能遇到的冲击环境,评估设备在这些环境下的可靠性和性能。
试验要求IEC -2-52对设备的可靠性和耐久性提出了一些基本要求,包括:1. 设备应具备良好的耐冲击性能,能够抵抗在运输、搬运等过程中可能遇到的冲击;2. 设备应具备耐振性能,能够在振动环境下正常工作;3. 设备经过试验后不应出现重大故障或性能损失;4. 设备应满足其他相关标准的要求,如环境适应性等。
结论IEC -2-52循环冲击试验是评估电子设备可靠性和耐久性的重要测试标准。
参考文献:[1] IEC -2-52:2009 Environmental testing - Part 2-52: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution)[2] IEC -2-52:2009 Environmental testing - Part 2-52: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution), Corrigendum 1(05/2010)[3] IEC -2-52:2009/ Redline version - Environmental testing - Part 2-52: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution), Amendment 1 (02/2018)希望这份文档对您有所帮助!。

Pre A1 Starters Listening Marking keyPart 1 5 marksLines should be drawn between:1 Lucy girl behind tree2 Jill girl feeding ducks3 Dan boy with kite4 Ann girl reading5 Nick boy on bikePart 2 5 marks1 W-A-L-L2 S-U-N3 15/fifteen4 T-I-G-E-R5 7/sevenPart 3 5 marks1 B2 A3 A4 B5 C Part 4 5 marks1 Colour balloon in boy’s hand – yellow2 Colour balloon between boxes – pink3 Colour balloon under table – green4 Colour balloon on chair – brown5 Colour balloon behind cat – orange( ) = A cceptable extra words areplaced in brackets/ = A single slash is placed betweenacceptable alternative wordswithin an answer1 R = rubric F = Female adult M = Male adultFch = Female child Mch = Male childPre A1 Starters Listening TapescriptR Hello. This is the Cambridge English Starters Listening sample test.[MUSIC] Look at Part 1. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. PAUSE 00’03”Mch Here’s a photo of me and my friends in the park, Miss Box.F Oh yes! Who’s that? The boy with the cats. Mch His name’s Pat. He’s holding one cat in his arms! Pat loves animals.F That’s good. PAUSE 00’03”R Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and draw lines.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R OneF There’s a girl here, too. She’s behind the pear tree!Mch Yes. She’s funny. Her name’s Lucy. F And what’s Lucy doing behind that tree? Mch Sorry! I don’t know. Playing a game?PAUSE 00’05”R Two Mch And there’s Jill. She’s got some bread in her hand. F Is she giving it to the ducks? Mch Yes! Jill loves ducks. F Me too!PAUSE 00’05”R Three FThat’s a great kite!Mch Yes, that’s Dan’s kite.F Is Dan the boy in the red T-shirt?Mch Yes, that’s right.PAUSE 00’05”R Four F One person is reading. What’s her name? MchThe girl with the book?F Yes.MchT hat’s my friend Ann. Reading is Ann’s favourite hobby.PAUSE 00’05”R FiveF And what’s that boy’s name? The boy on the bike.Mch That’s Nick. Nick’s in my class at school. F Oh! He’s got a nice bike!Mch I know! It’s new. He loves it. PAUSE 00’05”R Now listen to Part 1 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 1 WITH ONLY 00’03” PAUSES] That is the end of Part 1. PAUSE 00’05” Part 2.Look at the picture.Listen and write a name or a number.There are two examples.PAUSE 00’03”Fch Hello. I’m new in class.MWhat’s your name, please?Fch Kim.M Is that K-I-M?FchYes. Kim.PAUSE 00’03”M How old are you, Kim?Fch I’m 8 today.M 8 today? Happy birthday!FchThank you.PAUSE 00’03”RCan you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R OneM What’s your family name, please?Fch It’s Wall. W-A-L-L.M Wall? (ha, ha) That’s my name, too.Fch Is it?M Yes.PAUSE 00’10”R TwoM Where do you live, Kim?Fch In Sun Street.M Sun Street?Fch Yes. S-U-N. It’s behind the zoo.M Oh yes.PAUSE 00’10”R ThreeM What number’s your house?Fch It’s 15.M15. Oh, is it that house with the big garden?Fch Yes, it is. And it’s got a pink door!PAUSE 00’10”R FourM What have you got in your bag?Fch Apples for my horse. I go to see him with my friend. M What’s your horse’s name?Fch Tiger. That’s T-I-G-E-R.M Tiger?!Fch Yes, it’s a funny name for a horse but I like it.PAUSE 00’10”R FiveM How old is your horse?Fch He’s seven.M Seven?Fch Yes. And he can run and jump.M Great!PAUSE 00’10”R Now listen to Part 2 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 2 WITH ONLY 00’05” PAUSES]That is the end of Part 2.PAUSE 00’05”Part 3.Look at the pictures.Now listen and look.There is one example.PAUSE 00’03”R What animal has Alex got in his bedroom?PAUSE 00’03”Fch Mum, Alex has got an animal in his bedroom.F What is it? A fish?Fch No, a lizard. Can I have one?F OK. But please don’t ask for a snake!PAUSE 00’03”R Can you see the tick?Now you listen and tick the box.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R One. Which picture are May and Sam looking at?PAUSE 00’03”Fch This picture’s nice, Sam. Who’s in it?Mch Mum, my grandpa and my cousin, Tom.Fch Where’s your dad and your grandma?Mch They’re not in this picture, May.PAUSE 00’05”R Two. What are Mrs Good’s class doing this afternoon?PAUSE 00’03”M W here are your class this afternoon, Mrs Good? At their swimming lesson?F No, they’re in the playground.M Are they playing football?F Not today. They’re taking photos for our class book.PAUSE 00’05”R Three. What is Mum’s favourite fruit?PAUSE 00’03”Mch Mum, can we have this coconut?F Well, they’re very nice but I can’t open them.Mch What about these oranges?F O K. They’re my favourites. And let’s have this pineappletoo.PAUSE 00’05”R Four. Which dog is Anna’s?PAUSE 00’03”Mch Is that your dog, Anna?Fch No, my dog’s dirty.Mch Is it young?Fch Yes. My brother’s dog is that old one.PAUSE 00’05”R Five. What is Lucy wearing?PAUSE 00’03”1 F (shouting up the stairs) Lucy, your skirt’s on the bed.Fch Thanks, Mum but I don’t want it. I’m wearing my jeans.F And your new T-shirt?Fch Yes. It’s great! PAUSE 00’05”R Now listen to Part 3 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 3 WITH NO PAUSE AFTER THE QUESTION BUT THE SAME 00’05” PAUSE AFTER EACH DIALOGUE] That is the end of Part 3. PAUSE 00’05” Part 4.Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. PAUSE 00’03”M Look! It’s the girl’s birthday today.Fch Ican see lots of balloons! I’ve got my pencils here. Can I colour one?M Yes! A balloon is next to the photo of the family. Colour that one, please. Fch OK. What colour?M Make the balloon next to the photo, red. PAUSE 00’03”R Can you see the red balloon next to the photo? This is an example.Now you listen and colour.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT FROM HERE]R One M Colour the balloon in the small boy’s hand now.Fch Sorry? The balloon in the boy’s hand? M Yes. Have you got a yellow pencil?Fch Yes, I have.M Great! Colour it with that pencil, then.PAUSE 00’15”R Two MAnd can you see a balloon between the boxes?Fch Yes! M Well done! Colour that balloon now, please. Fch What colour for the balloon between the boxes? MWould you like to colour it pink?Fch Yes!PAUSE 00’15”R Three M Now colour the balloon under the table. Fch The balloon under the table? OK!M You can choose the colour!Fch Green! I love that colour!M Me too!PAUSE 00’15”R Four M There’s a balloon on the chair. Find that one, please. Fch I can see it.M Good. Make that balloon brown.FchOK! I’m colouring that balloon, the one on the chair, now.M Great!PAUSE 00’15”R Five Fch And which balloon can I colour now? M The one behind the cat. Colour that balloon! Fch Can I make it orange? M Yes. Thank you! PAUSE 00’15”R Now listen to Part 4 again.PAUSE 00’03”[REPEAT PART 4 WITH ONLY 00’10” PAUSES]R That is the end of the Starters Listening test.[MUSIC]1 i Pre A1 Starters Reading and Writing Marking keyPart 1 5 marks1 ✗2 ✓3 ✓4 ✗5 ✓Part 2 5 marks1 yes2 yes3 no4 yes5 yesPart 3 5 marks1 duck2 mouse3 hippo4 monkey5 chickenPart 4 5 marks1 spiders2 legs3 tail4 trees5 sandPart 5 5 marks1 spiders2 chair3 shoe(s)/slipper(s)4 (a/the) (blonde) girl/sister/daughter5 garden/(back)yard outsidedoor (frame)/(way)( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in brackets/=Asingle slash is placed between acceptable alternative words within an answerPre A1 Starters SpeakingSummary of proceduresThe usher introduces the child to the examiner.1. A fter asking the child ‘What’s your name?’, the examiner familiarises the child withthe picture first and then asks the child to point out certain items on the scene picture,e.g. ‘Where’s the door?’ The examiner then asks the child to put two object cards invarious locations on the scene picture, e.g. ‘Put the robot on the red chair.’2. T he examiner asks questions about two of the people or things in the scene picture,e.g. ‘What’s this?’ (Answer: banana) ‘What colour is it?’ (Answer: yellow). Theexaminer also asks the child to describe an object from the scene, e.g. ‘Tell me about this box.’3. T he examiner asks questions about four object cards, e.g. ‘What’s this?’ (Answer:(orange) juice) and ‘What do you drink for lunch?’4. The examiner asks questions about the child, e.g. ‘Which sport do you like?’。
高中政治统编版必修二1.1 公有制为主体 多种所有制经济共同发展 说课(共25张ppt)

02 学情分析
学生心智特征 心智还不够成熟, 理论思维能力还不 够,需要用直观易 懂的方式讲述深刻 的经济学道理。
有一定的认识基础, 但理论思维能力和 联系现实分析问题 的能力还有待提 高。。
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教学重点 我国基本经济 制度的内容和
公有制主体地 位的体现
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04Part Four 教学思路
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雅思口语part2人物类素材雅思口语part2 人物类素材首先,咱们先看看雅思口语中关于人物的常见题目有哪些呢?Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country.Describe a childhood friend of yours.Describe someone who is talkative.Describe an interesting person you would like to meet.Describe a teenager you know.Describe a famous person/celebrity in your country.接下来我们就以part2中喜剧演员这道题为例,和小伙伴们具体的分享一下人物题答题思路和准备方法。
雅思口语考试中的part2只考一道题,考生有1分钟读题+准备的时间,然后1-2分钟时间来回答这个话题,咱们先看题目:Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your countryYou should say:Who he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat comedies have he/she performedE某plain why he /she is popular拿到题,有同学可能会担心,我不看喜剧怎么办?喜剧名字不会翻译怎么办,就算看喜剧感觉也说不了2分钟的时间怎么办?其实在备考过程中,建议小伙伴们把每道part2题目准备2分钟的答案,这样哪怕考试紧张会忘记一些句子,也还可以说到1分多钟的时间。
我想part22019-03-05作词:法老/杨秋儒作曲:法老编曲:杨秋儒他们说他变了歌词不再免费了跑去洛杉矶演出甚至可以免签了拿下几十万的酬劳生活不再艰险不再筹钱拍摄8000吃顿午饭不再差钱路人开始找他签名和时尚杂志搭边收到了很多礼物源源不断的明信片那得之不易的光鲜没有埋没他的历练但是有些东西至今仍在他的骨子里面就像此时此刻他的交通工具仍叫地铁人来人往谁又在乎他是什么逼脸为了成功他在八点半用安眠药来入夜在你玩闹之时他在健身房里付出一切手机app里三个学习英语软件睁开眼睛tupac海报贴在他的床沿Black God告诉他不能满足拥有的一切他希望自己名字伴随你的每个日夜我想呼风唤雨用奇妙旋律我想一日千里踩疯狂节奏我想遨游四海让音乐做舟我想睡在梦里醒在梦境他还有很多梦想必须实现但需要时间他想看见太阳却总有乌云遮挡视野别人想得到镶满宝钻红灯绿酒之鞋他却偏偏钟爱布鞋迈步每个台阶外公说有实力的人必须保持谦逊但满大街的忙人却爱等待漫天馅饼曾经他渴望名利错失一段爱情如今他看淡风月把心事给埋藏在了心底他的话在变少总埋头苦干不喘息即使他即刻逝世也能出版四张专辑他必须努力朋友问何必?也许为何力也许为人们明白说唱不是儿戏为了有天他的父亲递给同事耳机自豪他儿子是个了不起的说唱巨星他记得那些无人问津的岁月他希望自己名字伴随你的每个日夜我想呼风唤雨用奇妙旋律我想一日千里踩疯狂节奏我想遨游四海让音乐做舟我想睡在梦里醒在梦境他到底属于哪?这答案已经明了他代表智慧代表黎明降临前的鸣鸟他曾在地下留有光辉领你寻宝如今他正在走向伟大你能感知讯号缺乏物质会不太舒服但他懂得知足只有家人才是神赐福的完美艺术也许会有人会给你阻挠但你要记住愤怒才不会让你升华只会让你迷路无论你身处何方无论这世界有多疯狂也别让俗套生活掩盖你的锋芒当你拿起公文包挤进上班队列天真在随着你的年龄逐渐退却我知道欲望总是让人无法拒绝但不要尝试与恶魔去交换那副对戒当你失意之时留声机里还有音乐他会循环播放伴随你的每个日夜我想呼风唤雨用奇妙旋律我想一日千里踩疯狂节奏我想遨游四海让音乐做舟我想睡在梦里醒在梦境。

联系廊 :联系两个相邻住宅单元的楼、电梯间的
06 住宅单元:由多套住宅组成的建筑局部,该局部 内的住户可通过共用楼梯和安稳出口进行疏散。
地下室 :室内地面低于室外地平面的高度超过室内净高 07 的1/2的空间。
半地下室:室内地面低于室外地平面的高度超过室内净 高的1/3,且不超过1/2的空间。
住宅设计除应符合本标准外, 尚应符合国家现行有关标准
1 为保障城镇居民的根本住房条件和功能质量,提高 城镇住宅设计水平,使住宅设计满足安稳、卫生、 适用、经济等性能要求,制定本标准。
02 术语
04 技术经济指标
套型总建筑 (m2/套)
04 计算住宅的技术经济指标的规定
套内使用面积应等于套内 各功能空间使用面积之和
套型阳台面积应等于套内各阳台的面 积之和;阳台的面积均应按其结构底
套型总建筑面积应等于套内使用面积、 相应的建筑面积和套型阳台面积之和

根据骨盆形状(按Callwell与 Moloy分类),分为女型 、 扁平型 、类人猿型和男型 4 种类型 。
骨盆底是由多层肌肉和筋膜构成,封闭骨盆出口,承托并保持盆腔脏器于正常位置。 骨盆底前方为耻骨联合和耻骨弓,后方为尾骨尖,两侧为耻骨降支、坐骨升支和坐骨 结节。 两侧坐骨结节前缘的连线将骨盆底分为前后两个三角区:前三角区为尿生殖三角,向 后下倾斜,有尿道和阴道通过;后三角区为肛门三角,向前下倾斜,有肛管通过。 骨盆底由外向内分为3层。
1. 外生殖器的神经支配 外生殖器主要由阴部神经支配。 由第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ骶神经分支组成,含 感觉和运动神经纤维,走行与阴部内 动脉途径相同。
在坐骨结节内侧下方分成会阴神经、 阴蒂背神经及肛门神经3支,分布于 会阴、阴唇及肛门周围。
2. 内生殖器的神经支配
1. 骨盆的骨骼
女性骨盆是躯干和下肢之间的骨性连 接,由骶骨、尾骨及左右两块髋骨组 成。每块髋骨又由髂骨、坐骨和耻骨 融合而成,骶骨由5~6块骶椎融合而 成,尾骨由4~5块尾椎合成 。
2. 骨盆的关节
3. 骨盆的韧带
骶结节韧带位于骶、尾骨与 坐骨结节之间;
女性 生殖系统
卵巢:产生卵子并分泌女性激素; 输卵管:输送卵子的管道和卵子受精的部位; 子宫:孕育胎儿、产生月经; 阴道:性交、排出月经和娩出胎儿的管道。
阴阜 大阴唇 小阴唇 阴蒂 阴道前庭

TWINMOTION314523twinmotion 面板主要由5个部分组成1.预览窗口面板控制场景对场景中物件进行移动旋转缩放等操作2.物件管理面板对场景中所有物件分类管理,可通过管理器进行快速选择隐藏删除等操作3.物件属性面板控制场景内单个物件属性包括其尺寸,材质,发光强度等4.素材库面板所有的素材来源可通过直接拖拽入预览窗口的方法快速创建物件材质灯光等5.场景控制面板可控制场景的天气,地理位置,时间,添加参数人物,车等,导入链接模型,输出动画控制镜头及滤镜效果twinmotion 面板组成从上至下功能依次是选择可按M切换(M)透视显示(P)Local Axis 坐标切换可切换物件坐标和世界坐标(F8)Enable Animations 动画切换可切换参数人车是否动画显示(F9)Viewport Quality 画面质量控制预览窗的显示质量(F10)Walkthrough Mode 步行模式切换预览窗进入步行模式(F11)Screenshot to Desktop快速截屏至桌面(F12)顶视图(ALT+T)底视图(ALT+B)前视图(ALT+Y)后视图(ALT+K)左视图(ALT+L)右视图(ALT+R)显示线框(H)镜头属性材质吸取(M)移动可按TAB切换(TAB)旋转缩放选择物体充满视窗(ALT+Z)备注:移动物体时按住SHIFT可实现多个物体的复制帮助(CTRL+F1)ALL控制场景内灯光,参数路径等的显示(F7)ALL可选择场景内的全部物体MESHES只可选择场景内的模型LIGHTS只可选择场景内的灯光CUSTOM PATHS只可选择场景内的参数路径VEGETATION只可选择场景内的植被物件LIGHTS控制场景内灯光的显示CUSTOM PATHS控制场景内参数路径的显示REF.POINT控制场景内反射点的显示INPUT FIELD控制场景内变换坐标系的显示物件控制面板镜头控制漫游速度控制场景选项场景显示控制选择过滤单击右侧箭头可进入下拉菜单单击右侧箭头可进入下拉菜单单击右侧箭头可进入下拉菜单提供三种速度选择步行、开车、飞行也可按F3进行切换单击右侧箭头可进入下拉列表预览窗口预览窗口可用键盘与鼠标对场景进行漫游操作键盘WASD和四向方向键可控制前进后退方向鼠标中键控制镜头缩放CTRL+中键可进行平移ALT+中键可进行镜头旋转,如选中物体即以物体为中心旋转键盘QE可控制镜头的升高和降低物件过滤器物件显示/冻结面板,相同物件标示项目管理面板物件搜索器物件管理面板显示/隐藏单击右侧箭头可进入下拉列表通过选择过滤可只在场景中显示某一类物件只显示人物物件只显示交通工具物件只显示文件夹只显示灯光只显示面域模型控制物件显示/隐藏建立新文件夹设置物件为母项设置某一物件为所选择物件的子项拷贝物件粘贴将关联物件设置为单独重命名删除塌陷模型隔离所选物件退出隔离放大所选物件删除关联添加物件进用户素材库替换物件按字母顺序排列右键菜单栏项目管理器内第一项是反射点第二项是项目,所有的物件都位于项目的子项下。

give baseball_bat 棒球棍(不可用或未知)
give frying_pan 平底锅(仅限第3、4、5大关战役可用)
give electric_guitar 电吉他(仅限第2、5大关战役可用)
Map l4d_dbd2dc_anna_is_gone versus
第一关:Map l4d_dbd2dc_anna_is_gone
第二关:Map l4d_dbd2dc_the_mall
第三关:Map l4d_dbd2dc_clean_up
第四关:Map l4d_dbd2dc_clean_up_p2
sv_cheats 0 关闭作弊(默认)
sv_cheats 1 打开作弊 3E2A2A3B6F
第二关:Map urbanhoods_m2_sewer
第三关:Map urbanhoods_m3_forest
第四关:Map urbanhoods_m4_skyscraper
Map l4d2_diescraper1_apartment_34 versus
第一关:Map l4d2_diescraper1_apartment_34
第一关:Map hiking_trails
第二关:Map camp_grounds
第三关:Map plant
第四关:Map the_end
第一关:Map nwisc2-m1
第二关:Map nwisc2-m2

3x11, "Birthright""Honky Tonk Woman"The Rolling Stones Played when the unsub"Charlie" had the girlsdance for him."Skin and Bones"Jet As Tara Ricker iskidnapped"Where the Devil Don't Stay"Drive-By Truckers At the beginning whilethe teens party."Decoration Day"Drive-By Truckers At the end, Rossi andthe officer talk, the teamgoes out.3x12, "3rd Life""Umbrella"Rihanna At the end, Jack and hisdaughter move to a newhome."My Hero"Foo Fighters3x13, "Limelight""Barely Breathing"Duncan Sheik"Sweet Beliefs"Cyann & Ben Reid and Rossi gothrough the Unsub'snotes3x14, "Damaged""We'll Get By"Gary Louris Montage at end of show 3x15, "A Higher Power""Shambala" Three Dog Night3x16, "Elephant's Memory""Rapture"HURT The promotrailer/commercial."When the Man ComesAround"Johnny Cash Played in a video, whenOwen, the unsub, exactsrevenge on his formertormentors."Hurt Johnny Cash As Owen plans ondelivering Jordan thenecklace that belongedto his mother, Reid triesto save Owen's life bylying to Hotch.3x17, "In Heat""Since You've BeenAround"Rosie ThomasSeason 4。
综合英语教程第四册5单元4-05-Part 2

2. How do you explain the differences?
Western culture advocates independence, competition, and efficiency. Chinese culture places high regard on family and social support.
Book 4-Unit 5
Important Highlights from the Article
1. A natural man loves his children, but a cultured man loves his parents. 2. How can one be thought wise unless one is thought to be old? 3. The debts to one’s friends may be numbered, but the debts to one’s parents are beyond number. 4. Old people are even more dependent than the young because their fears are more definite and their desires are more delimited.
Book 4-Unit 5
Answers for Reference
1. Based on your personal perception, what are the differences in the attitudes towards old age between Eastern and Western countries?
起重机 起重机操作手册 第2部分:流动式起重机说明书

ICS 53.020.20ccs J 80 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 17909.2—2021 /ISO 9928-2: 2014代替GB/T17909.2—2010起重机起重机操作手册第2部分:流动式起重机Cranes—Crane operating manual—Part 2: Mobile cranes2021-05-21发布(ISO 9928-2: 2014, IDT)国家市场监督管理总局国家标准化管理委员会2021-12-01实施发布中华人民共和国国家标准起重机起重机操作手册第2部分:流动式起重机GB/T 17909. 2—2021/ISO 9928-2: 2014兴中国标准出版社出版发行北京市朝阳区和平里西街甲2号000029)北京市西城区三里河北街16号000045)网址:.en服务热线:400-168-00102021年5月第一版*书号:155066• 1-67631版权专有侵权必究GB/T 17909.2—2021 /ISO 9928-2: 2014前言本文件按照GB/T1.1—2020《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。
本文件代替GB/T17909. 2—2010《起重机起重机操作手册第2部分:流动式起重机》,与GB/T 17909.2—2010相比,除结构调整和编辑性改动外,主要技术变化如下:a)标准英文名称中“driving“修改为"operating";b)更改了"架设“要求[见5.5d),2010年版的5.5d)];c) 更改了"载荷定位“要求[见5.5e),2010年版的5.5e)];d)更改了“安装/拆卸“要求[见5.5D,2010年版的5.5f)]。
本文件使用翻译法等同采用ISO9928-2: 2014《起重机起重机操作手册第2部分:流动式起重机》。

如出现发烧,局 部疼痛加剧、流 脓,说明创面已 感染发炎,应请 医生处理。
Add Your Title
磺胺嘧啶银糊剂或 1.生命体征的监护 霜剂,或应用新型
留置尿管,记录 敷料胶原美皮康或
Add Your Title
Add Your Title
严重的烧伤不仅损伤皮肤,还可深达肌 肉、骨骼甚至引起全身变化如休克感染 等
Add Your Title
迅速避开热 源
采取“冷散 热”的措施, 在水龙头下 用冷水持续 冲洗伤部。
其战胜疾病的信心,保 持情绪稳定
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Step 01 Step 02 Step 03 Step 04
1.注意休息,生活规律,提 高机体抵抗力。
2.加强营养,进食高蛋白 、高热量饮食。
3.注意功能锻炼,加强烫 伤部位功能恢复。 4.指导家属加强与患者的 沟通交流,树立正确的人 生观,减轻心理压力。.
3.气管切开的患者 应保持切口清洁干 燥,定时更换切口
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4.若者采用暴露 疗法,应将患者置 于单人房间,实行
5.心理护理:严重烫伤患者 因担心容貌、身体、形象的 改变而影响生活、工作和社
盘点进行中存在的问题总结 (2)

盘点环境存在安全隐患,可能对人员和物品造成损害,影响 盘点的顺利进行。
在盘点过程中,如果环境存在安全隐患,如地面湿滑、电线 裸露等,容易发生意外事故,如滑倒、触电等,不仅可能造 成人员伤亡,也可能导致物品损坏。
盘点环境温度过高或过低,可能对物 品产生不良影响,影响盘点的准确性 。
商品信息录入不全或错误,导致盘 点时无法准确识别和记录商品。
采用不合适的盘点方法,如使用不 准确的计量工具或未遵循正确的盘 点流程,导致数据不准确。
由于盘点周期较长,导致数据录 入不及时,影响盘点的准确性。
盘点过程中,数据录入人员粗心 大意或操作失误,导致数据录入
不同工具之间的数据交换需要耗费大量时间和人 力,增加了盘点工作的难度和成本。
不统一的数据格式和来源影响了数据分析的准确 性和可靠性,使得企业难以制定科学合理的经营 策略。
许多盘点工具操作复杂, 需要员工经过长时间培训 才能熟练使用,增加了企 业的培训成本。
部分盘点人员对商品属性、计量单位、存放位置等基本信息掌握不足,导致盘 点时出现误差。
部分人员在实际操作中存在不规范行为,如未按要求进行清点、记录等,导致 数据失真。
在盘点过程中,由于人员之间的 沟通不畅,导致信息传递受阻, 影响盘点的准确性和效率。
Pandora Plan 白皮书图文版(2)

开启潘多拉游戏服务新时代Open a new era of Pandora game services加速共识 · 赋能公链 · 创造社区 · 治理组织Pandora Plan潘多拉(Pandora,希腊语:Πανδώρα;也译作潘朵拉),希腊神话中火神赫淮斯托斯或宙斯用粘土做成的地上的第一个女人,作为对普罗米修斯造人和盗火的惩罚送给人类的第一个女人。
Pandora Plan应用将脱虚向实,让更多游戏行业使用PDP提升协作效率、降低成本,成为价值创新创造的潘多拉游戏娱乐产业互联网生态链,打造区块链潘多拉游戏竞技社区。
--克劳斯.施瓦布(达沃斯论坛创始人)As an important achievement of the fourth important industrial revolution afterPandora Planeam engines, electrical machines and computers, blockchain is expected to use blockchain technology forPandora Planorage by 20% by 2025. Therefore, blockchain It is the most revolutionary innovative technology after the Internet. It will change the way human society delivers, reshape organizational forms, promote resource recombination, and change industry logic.区块链带来的不仅是技术革命,并深刻改变了现有商业体系,商业模式及经济运行的规律。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Book 2-Unit 5
Probe the Text
1. Where do the majority of English people prefer to live ? In the lowlands. 2. What are the attractions of an English village? It is situated in a valley, overlooked by the hills, clustered about an ancient church, with a river nearby, mills, animals such as swallows and birds, plants on weirs such as watercress and osiers, children playing along the banks, men leaning on weirs watching birds flying across the river, gardens in front of a cottage, pastures near around, village has a church in the middle, clustered around by the farm houses, growing and gathering of osiers for homely occupation: weaving baskets, animals grazing on the pastures in the valley.
Part II Reading Comprehension
Book 2-Unit 5
Reading Comprehension
Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work
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Book 2-Unit 5
Read the words and expressions on page 64 and match them with the pictures below.
Book 2-Unit 5
overlooked from the hills
in a valley
ered about its ancient church of a more or less commodious homestead in a valley
Book 2-Unit 5
Gathering watercress. (It did not show on the pictures.) Growing osiers for basket weaving. (It did not show on the pictures.) Mill-wheels (in left side of the second picture in the worksheet) are silent now and clogged by weed. …
woods orchards valley
Book 2-Unit 5
In small groups, identify important ingredients, which constitute the typical English countryside as shown in the pictures below.
Popular idea of an English village
General conception of a farm with broad fields with a river flowing not far away
sheltered by ample trees small and insignificant
Book 2-Unit 5
3. What are the differences in rivers between England and other European countries? (1)The rivers in English villages, generally small and insignificant, judged by Continental standards. (2)No national songs are composed for them as in the case of the Volga, the Danube or the Rhine. (However, the song Jerusalem mentions the sweet brooks (streams) of home.)
In small groups, study the 2nd paragraph and draw a picture of the views from the writer’s cottage.
•Cottage • The Cotswolds •Meadow •The Severn Valley •The Malverns •The Welsh Mountains •The estuary •Garden •Orchards •Pastures
Book 2-Unit 5
Traditional English Rural Landscape in the 18th Century
Traditional English Rural Landscape in the 19th Century
Typical English Rural Landscape: Yorkshire English Rural Landscape in the 20th Century
Book 2-Unit 5
Book 2-Unit 5
The Cotswolds
Book 2-Unit 5
The River Severn
Wide tree-lined waters of the River Severn
Severn estuary
Book 2-Unit 5
The Malverns Bee-orchis
Useful Words and Expressions mountains, hills in the mist, trees dotting the field, broad cultivated fields with footpaths dividing the land, village/farm houses nearby, valley, streams, sheep, cattle, river, stone bridge, villagers fishing on the river farmhouse, old trees, riverbanks, dogs, mill, pasture on which cattle is grazing
Reading Comprehension Difficult Sentences Story Reproduction
Book 2-Unit 5
Reading Comprehension
In small groups, read the text and find out the similarities and differences between the pictures above and the description in the reading passage. List the similarities and differences. Report the similarities and differences to another group.
Book 2-Unit 5
The homestead is in the lowlands instead of the highlands, overlooked from a hill . The homestead is very large, and faces a broad field (a commodious homestead) sheltered by ample trees . Rivers are small and not useful for trade and transport, but broad fields are delicate and beautiful. Children or villagers may still bathe in the river. Farmers may still fish in the river, and they may lean over the weirs on summer evenings and watch the swallows across the clear water under the bridges.
pastures footpath
Pre-reading Tasks
coast mountain ridges
Book 2-Unit 5
cultivated fields
cliff cornfield rice pad
Book 2-Unit 5
brook beach bushes estuary waterfall
4. What does the writer mean when he says “The Severn was
part of my view; it was even part of my consciousness” ?
The writer was so familiar with the views of the river and the valley, and therefore, the landscape tended to be part of his consciousness–that is, he is able to see the view with his mind eyes.