





英语中常见的基本颜色词均可在汉语中找到与之相对应的基本颜色词,但它们有的在指称意义上并不完全对等:red──红,赤yellow──黄purple──紫black──黑,青blue──蓝white── brown──棕,褐green──绿,青试比较:green hills青山 brown sugar红糖black tea红茶 to be brown晒黑了brown bread黑面包 grey hair 白头发black in face脸色铁青 white coffee牛奶咖啡to be looking green苍白,脸上有病色to be blue in the face with cold冻得发紫white meat色浅的嫩牛肉、猪肉或煮熟的鸡鸭肉a white Christmas 大雪纷飞的圣诞节在象征意义和联想意义方面,英语基本颜色词也并不与其汉语基本颜色词完全对应,这是因为各种色调都有自己独特的含义和寓意,不同民族的人对色彩的反应、欣赏以及被激发的联想因受本文化传统的制约也是不同的。


以下是一些含有颜色词的词组:to be in the blues闷闷不乐(兰色在汉语中无此象征意义)a very white man 非常忠实可靠的人(而中国京剧脸谱中"白脸"代表奸诈)a black look 恶狠狠地瞪一眼(汉语中只说"白眼")green-eyed 忌妒的(汉语中只说"红眼病")to be in the red亏损;负债(汉语中有"赤字"之说)a white lie无恶意的谎言(尤为礼貌起见所说的慌言,汉语中白色无此含义)英语和汉语基本颜色词均为实义词,能以名词、动词、形容词和副词等不同词性出现。



主要颜色词对比二: Green4 • 英语当中,绿色作为大家青睐的颜色,经常用 来指代跟植物有关的事物。 • Green belt 绿化带 • Green fingers 园艺技能 • Green lungs of the city 公园 • Green winter 没有下雪的冬天 • Green revolution 农业革命
主要颜色词对比一:红4 • 英汉语言中的红都可以表示 “身体健康”。例 如,汉语的 “红光满面”、 “面色红润”等; 英语中 “a fine old gentle man, with a face as red as a rose”意思是 “一位红光满面、精神矍铄的 老绅士”。
主要颜色词对比一:红5 • 英汉语里红色都可以用来表示情感,如 “脸红” (难为情),相当于英语的become red-faced/ turn red。但英语的 “see red”却不同于汉语的 “见红”,前者表示 “火冒三丈”之意,后者表 示 “妇女分娩前流血”,是一种委婉的说法。 • The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green. • 俗话说,夫妇吵得脸红耳赤之时,便是律师招 财进宝之日。
诗句中的颜色词1 • Vernal breezes green • 春风一吻泰河绿。 the Thames with a kiss. • 春风又绿江南岸。 • Spring wind of itself turns the south shore
诗句中的颜色词2 • 日出江花红胜火,春 来江水绿如兰。 • The sunshine basks the blooms in fiery glow; and the spring waters of blue as sapphire flow. • Two golden oriols sing amid the willows green; A row of white egrets fly into the blue sky.














1.单用式比如:While laughing, she revealed the red and ivory of her mouth.(她笑时露出了红唇白齿)。

2.实物颜色词加颜色词式如:snow-white (雪白),emerald-green(翠绿)等。


4.短语式如:the color of pig’s liver(猪肝色),the color of cow‘s m ilk(牛乳色)等。

5.作定语式如:her rosy cheeks(她那红润的脸),the golden sun(金色的太阳),raven hair(漆黑的头发)等等。


例如: But one afternoon I was walking across the yard and stopped to pick up an acorn---one acorn, nut brown, glossy, cool to to uch; … 一天下午,我在院里散步,无意中停下来,拾起一颗橡子——那是一颗栗色的、光滑的,摸起来感觉很凉的橡子。

2. 借译当一种语言中某种实物代表某种颜色,而另一种语言则没有用这种实物代表这种颜色的习惯,可以从译语中找出与原实物颜色相对应或相近的另一种实物来表达这种颜色。

如:raven hair 乌黑的头发/漆黑的头发;pitch black/jet-black 漆黑;ivory-colored / cream-colored 米色; opal-colored 乳白色3. 意译对于那些在一种语言中常用,而在另一种语言中不常用或不使用的实物颜色词在译语里面又找不到可以借用表达这种颜色的实物颜色词,最好采取意译即使用基本颜色词的方法。



文具类英文单词:轻松掌握学习必备词汇1. 铅笔(Pencil):铅笔是学习过程中不可或缺的工具,用它来书写、绘图,让你的想法跃然纸上。

2. 橡皮(Eraser):犯错不可怕,橡皮帮你轻松擦去错误,重新开始。

3. 尺子(Ruler):尺子不仅用于测量长度,还能帮助你画出直线,让作品更加美观。

4. 削笔刀(Pencil Sharpener):铅笔钝了不要紧,削笔刀帮你恢复锋利,继续书写美好篇章。

5. 圆珠笔(Ballpoint Pen):圆珠笔流畅的书写体验,让你在记录重要信息时得心应手。

6. 彩色铅笔(Colored Pencil):彩色铅笔为你的作品增添色彩,让想象力更加丰富。

7. 钢笔(Fountain Pen):钢笔优雅的书写感受,让你在文字间流露出独特的气质。

8. 墨水(Ink):墨水是钢笔的搭档,为你的文字赋予生命。

9. 笔记本(Notebook):笔记本记录你的点滴成长,见证你的进步。

10. 便签纸(Postit Note):便签纸方便随时记录灵感,让你的想法不再遗漏。

11. 订书机(Stapler):订书机帮你整理文件,让资料井井有条。

12. 复印纸(Copy Paper):复印纸适用于打印、复印,是学习、办公的好帮手。

13. 文件夹(Folder):文件夹帮你分类整理资料,提高学习效率。

14. 记号笔(Highlighter):记号笔突出重点,让学习变得更加轻松。

15. 胶水(Glue):胶水用于粘贴,让你的作品更加牢固。

文具类英文单词:拓展你的学习工具词汇库16. 剪刀(Scissors):剪刀锋利又实用,无论是剪裁纸张还是处理学习材料,它都是你的得力。

18. 图钉(Thumbtack):图钉小巧却强大,能将重要通知或照片固定在公告板上,让你的学习空间更加个性化。

19. 涂改液(Correction Fluid):涂改液是修正错误的利器,它能覆盖错误文字,让你重新书写正确内容。

20. 文件袋(File Folder):文件袋用于存放试卷、资料,保护你的学习成果不受损害。

Colored Pencil 彩色铅笔

Colored Pencil 彩色铅笔

◆Colored Pencil 彩色铅笔:在彩色铅笔的对话框中我们可以调整Pencil Width(铅笔宽度)、Stroke Pressure(笔痕压力)和Paper Brightness(纸亮度)的参数。

◆Cutout 挖切: 切滤镜可以产生剪切画的效果。

在它的对话框中我们可以调节NO.of Level(级数)、Edge Simplicity(边缘简化)和Edge Fidelity (边缘精度)。


◆Dry Brush 干笔: 干笔滤镜可以模仿画笔的干擦的效果。

在它的对话框中我们可以调节Brush Size(画笔尺寸)、Brush Deltail(画笔细节)和Testure(质地)的参数。



◆Film Grain 胶片颗粒: 爱好摄影的朋友都知道如果我们用速度比较快的胶片照出来的相片就会出现特殊的相片的颗粒,达到特别的表现效果。


在它的对话框中我们可以调整Gain(颗粒)Highlight Area(高光区域)和Imtensity(光亮度)参数。

◆Fresco 壁画: 壁画滤镜可以模仿出壁画的效果。


也包含了Brush Size(画笔尺寸)、Brush Deltail(画笔细节)和Testure(质地)的参数,但是滤镜的效果是大不一样的。

◆Paint Daubs 颜料涂抹: 颜料涂抹滤镜主要是模仿颜料直接涂抹的效果。

在对话框中我们可以调整Brush Size(画笔尺寸)、Sharpness(锐度)和Brush Type(画笔类型)。

同样通过画笔尺寸我们可以控制画面的细节多少;锐度可以调整图像的锐化程度;画笔类型中包含了Simple(简单)、Light Rough(亮而粗糙)、Dark Rough(黑而粗糙)、Wide sharp(宽而锐化)、Wide Blurry(宽而模糊)和Sparkle(闪耀)六种笔形,通过改变笔形我们可以获得不同的画面效果。



各种颜色的英语单词Red(红色)Red is a vibrant and intense color that often symbolizes passion, love, and energy. In English, there are various words associated with different shades of red, such as crimson, scarlet, and ruby. Let's explore the vocabulary related to the color red!1. Crimson(绯红)Crimson is a deep red color that resembles the color of blood. It is often used to describe something rich and luxurious. For example, you might hear someone say, "She wore a stunning crimson dress to the party."2. Scarlet(猩红)Scarlet is a bright red color with a slightly orange hue. It is often associated with strong emotions like love and anger. Scarlet can also be used to describe a shade of red that is deep and intense. For instance, you might come across the phrase, "He turned scarlet with embarrassment."3. Ruby(红宝石)Ruby is a dark red color reminiscent of the gemstone it is named after. It is often used to describe something precious or valuable. For instance, you might refer to a beautiful red wine as having a ruby hue.4. Cherry(樱桃红)Cherry is a vibrant red color similar to the shade of ripe cherries. It is often used to describe objects or food that have a bright red color. Forexample, you might hear someone say, "She had painted her nails a lovely cherry red."Green(绿色)Green is a color associated with nature, growth, and freshness. In English, there are numerous words related to different shades of green, such as emerald, lime, and mint. Let's delve into the vocabulary linked to the color green!1. Emerald(翡翠绿)Emerald is a bright green color named after the gemstone. It is often associated with wealth, harmony, and good luck. For instance, you might hear someone say, "She wore a stunning emerald dress to the awards ceremony."2. Lime(酸橙绿)Lime is a bright, citrusy green color similar to the shade of the fruit it is named after. It is often used to describe something vibrant and refreshing. For example, you might refer to a neon green shirt as being lime-colored.3. Mint(薄荷绿)Mint is a pale, cool shade of green similar to the color of mint leaves. It is often associated with freshness and cleanliness. For instance, you might hear someone say, "The bathroom was painted a soothing mint green."4. Forest(森林绿)Forest is a deep, rich shade of green reminiscent of the color found in dense woodlands. It is often used to describe something dark and mysterious. For example, you might describe the hue of someone's eyes as forest green.Blue(蓝色)Blue is a calming and serene color often associated with the sky and the sea. In English, there are various words related to different shades of blue, such as azure, navy, and cobalt. Let's explore the vocabulary linked to the color blue!1. Azure(天蓝色)Azure is a bright, light blue color resembling the color of the sky on a clear day. It is often associated with tranquility and calmness. For instance, you might hear someone say, "Her eyes were a stunning shade of azure."2. Navy(海军蓝)Navy is a dark blue color often associated with uniforms worn by naval officers. It is often used to describe something sophisticated and professional. For example, you might hear someone say, "She wore a stylish navy suit to the business meeting."3. Cobalt(钴蓝色)Cobalt is a bright, intense blue color named after the mineral it is derived from. It is often associated with strength and confidence. For instance, you might refer to a striking blue sports car as being cobalt blue.4. Sky(天空蓝)Sky is a light blue color that resembles the color of the sky on a clear day. It is often used to describe something peaceful and expansive. For example, you might hear someone say, "The walls of the nursery were painted a soft sky blue."In conclusion, the English language offers a rich array of words to describe various colors. Whether it's the passionate red, the refreshing green, or the calming blue, these words allow us to vividly express our thoughts and describe the vibrant world around us. So, let's embrace the beauty of language and enjoy exploring the colorful spectrum of words.。



此外,基本颜色词还拥有大量的同义词或近义词。如英语中的red近义词有200种之多,常见的就有crimson深红、cardinal深红、scarlet腥红、vermilion朱红、 rubious 深红、pink粉红、bloody血红 ruddy微红色,而汉语红色的近义词却只有40多个。
green meat:鲜肉
a green hand:新手
green back:美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)(用于口语)
green power:“金钱的力量”或“财团”
green stamp:指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名
blue laws:蓝法(指禁止在星期日从事商业交易的美国法律)
blue-sky law:蓝法(指美国各州为管理股票所制定的股票发行控制法)
blue sky bargaining:漫天讨价(指谈判或其它交易中提出根本不切实际的或不合理的要求,使协议无法达成)
D. green(绿色)
black in face脸色铁青 white coffee牛奶咖啡
to be looking green苍白,脸上有病色
to be blue in the face with cFra bibliotekld冻得发紫
white meat色浅的嫩牛肉、猪肉或煮熟的鸡鸭肉
a white Christmas 大雪纷飞的圣诞节

Colored articles and compositions and methods for

Colored articles and compositions and methods for

专利名称:Colored articles and compositions andmethods for their fabrication发明人:Tammy Lynn Smith,Ray Baughman,Mary Frances Martin,Wonsik Choi,Jeffrey Moulton 申请号:US10266362申请日:20021008公开号:US20030054158A1公开日:20030320专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:This invention provides improved methods and compositions for achieving material coloration using particle scattering. These coloration effects can be designed to be either highly stable or dependent upon the switching effects of either temperature, integrated thermal exposure, moisture absorption, or exposure to actinic radiation. Articles employing materials with these coloration effects are described. Composition comprise a solid, light-transmitting matrix component having a non-liquid particle scattering colorant dispersed. Articles are produced wherein another solid second matrix component has an electronic transition colorant dispersed therein and the first and second compositions are disposed on one another, and optionally interpenetrate each other. Colored articles are produced in the form of fibers, films and molded articles.申请人:ALLIEDSIGNAL INC.更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Colored articles and compositions and methods for

Colored articles and compositions and methods for

专利名称:Colored articles and compositions andmethods for their fabrication发明人:Tammy Lynn Smith,Ray Baughman,Mary Frances Martin,Wonsik Choi,Jeffrey Moulton 申请号:US09716497申请日:20001120公开号:US06440340B1公开日:20020827专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:This invention provides improved methods and compositions for achieving material coloration using particle scattering. These coloration effects can be designed to be either highly stable or dependent upon the switching effects of either temperature, integrated thermal exposure, moisture absorption, or exposure to actinic radiation. Articles employing materials with these coloration effects are described Composition comprise a solid, light-transmitting matrix component having a non-liquid particle scattering colorant dispersed. Articles are produced wherein another solid second matrix component has an electronic transition colorant dispersed therein and the first and second compositions are disposed on one another and optionally interpenetrate each other. Colored articles are produced in the form of fibers, films and molded articles.申请人:ALLIEDSIGNAL INC.代理人:Virginia Szigeti,Roger H. Criss,Margaret S. Millikin更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:COLORED DVD发明人:SCHOTTLAND, Philippe,THOMAS,Verghese,WEIS, Sharon, S.,PEAK, Steven, R.申请号:US2002022420申请日:20020711公开号:WO03/013214P1公开日:20030220专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A colored optical disk and method for making the same are disclosed herein. The method comprises : disposing a first semi-reflective data layer (3) on a first resin layer, wherein the first resin layer has light transmission at a desired reading wavelength of greater than about 60% ; disposing a top side of a first fully reflective data layer (5) on a side of said first semi-reflective data layer (3) opposite said first resin layer, wherein reflectivity of the first fully reflective data layer (5) and the first semi-reflective data layer (3) is individually about 18 to about 30%, and wherein a difference in the reflectivity between the first fully reflective data layer (5) and the first semi-reflective data layer (3) is less than about 5% ; disposing a separating layer between said first fully reflective data layer (5) and said first semi-reflective data (3) layer ; disposing a second resin layer on a bottom side of said first fully reflective data layer (5) ; and adding color to at least portion of the optical disk.申请人:GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY地址:US国籍:US代理机构:WINTER, Catherine, J.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:COLORED DVD发明人:SCHOTTLAND, Philippe,THOMAS,Verghese,WEIS, Sharon, S.,PEAK, Steven, R.申请号:EP02750045.3申请日:20020711公开号:EP1461853B1公开日:20091230专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A colored optical disk and method for making the same are disclosed herein. The method comprises : disposing a first semi-reflective data layer (3) on a first resin layer, wherein the first resin layer has light transmission at a desired reading wavelength of greater than about 60% ; disposing a top side of a first fully reflective data layer (5) on a side of said first semi-reflective data layer (3) opposite said first resin layer, wherein reflectivity of the first fully reflective data layer (5) and the first semi-reflective data layer (3) is individually about 18 to about 30%, and wherein a difference in the reflectivity between the first fully reflective data layer (5) and the first semi-reflective data layer (3) is less than about 5% ; disposing a separating layer between said first fully reflective data layer (5) and said first semi-reflective data (3) layer ; disposing a second resin layer on a bottom side of said first fully reflective data layer (5) ; and adding color to at least portion of the optical disk.申请人:SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS IP地址:NL国籍:NL代理机构:Modiano, Micaela Nadia 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Colored glass and method for its manufacturing

Colored glass and method for its manufacturing

专利名称:Colored glass and method for itsmanufacturing发明人:Music, Branka,Nevenka, Rajnar,Koritnik, Mateja申请号:EP12006868.9申请日:20121003公开号:EP2716614A1公开日:20140409专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Colored glass and method for its manufacturing solves technical problem of colored blown glass available in state of the art being rather difficult to transform and requiring special attention and extended handling at elevated temperature, these taxing workers and increasing cost of manipulation by adding of iron spinels such as ferrite materials nickel zinc ferrite (NiZnFeO), zinc copper ferrite (ZnCuFe2O4), copper ferrite (CuFeO) manganese ferrite (MnFeO) cobalt ferrite (CoFeO), manganese zinc ferrite (MnZnFeO), zinc ferrite (ZnFeO), and similar materials all commonly known as iron spinels, in the concentration range between 0.05 % (wt/wt) and 10 % (wt/wt) intended for the small-scale production of glass products of the highest quality upon customers' orders and with specific physical and chemical characteristics which enable glass-blowing and/or handcrafting of glass products.申请人:RC eNeM d.o.o.地址:Podvine 36 1410 Zagorje ob Savi SI国籍:SI代理机构:Marn, Jure更多信息请下载全文后查看。


申请号:JP23132982 申请日:19821229 公开号:J P S5912384 3A 公开日:1984 0717
摘要:PURPOSE:To make an image forming material usable as a dot resolving film, a lith film, etc. by forming a dot resolved image on a photosensitive silver emulsion layer on a photo-insolubilizable colored layer, irradiating active light to form an image on the colored layer, and dyeing the image. CONSTITUTION:A photo-insolubilizable watersoluble colored layer of gelatin or the like contg. a condensation product of a diazonium salt is formed on a transparent support of polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene or the like. a photosensitive silver emulsion layer is formed on the colored layer with a strippable intermediate barrier layer in-between, and a dot image with >=2.5 optical transmission density I is formed on the emulsion layer. Active light is irradiated through the image, and the barrier layer, together with the silver salt image, is stripped. The resulting colored image with 0.5-1.5 density I is dyed with an aqueous dye soln. to form a dyed image with >=2.5 density I.

Colored glass for lighting, colored glass bulb and

Colored glass for lighting, colored glass bulb and

专利名称:Colored glass for lighting, colored glass bulb and method for producing thereof 发明人:Oyama, Hideki, c/o Maeda Kogyo Co.,Ltd.,Takagi, Yukio, c/o Nippon Electric GlassCo, Ltd.申请号:EP01308253.2申请日:20010927公开号:EP1193226B1公开日:20030702专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention provides colored glass containing no hazardous substances, such as CdS, CdSe and PbCrO, and used for lamps and covers for lighting, a colored glass bulb with yellow to orange color produced by using said colored glass, and a method for producing said colored glass and said colored glass bulb. Glass composition having a formula of R'O-RO-SiO (wherein R' is an alkali metal element and R is an alkaline earth metal element) is added with 0.01-0.6 of weight ratio of Mo (molybdenum) as MoO and 0.01-1,0 of weight ratio of S to obtain the colored glass and the colored glass bulb therefrom. The colored glass having a formula of R'O-RO-SiO is formed to a desired shape to obtain the colored glass bulb, and the shaped hollow article is heated to 400-620°C to apply a coloring treatment thereto.申请人:MAEDA KOGYO CO LTD,NIPPON ELECTRIC GLASS CO地址:JP,JP国籍:JP,JP代理机构:Crouch, David John 更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:COLORED SYNTHETIC RUSH AND PRODUCT THEREFROM发明人:ARAI KOUJIROU,KOBASHI TOSHIYUKI申请号:JP6515079申请日:19790525公开号:JPS55158320A公开日:19801209专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:Colored synthetic rush that is made by transmittenlty applying dyes to fibers of acrylic polymer to give each fiber difference in color tint and shade, thus being used to produce suitably 'tatami' facings and flower mats because the rush gives beautiful appearance and good touch when woven. CONSTITUTION:Fibers of acrylic polymer which have been foamed, when spun or heat treated after spun, are heat drawn and then dye solutions are sprayed on the fibers so that the difference in color shade or tint is developed on the fibers in a pitch of at least 10-90cm per 100cm of the foamed fibers. The dyes are fixed by heating the fibers with steam at 100-130 deg.C to give the objective colored synthetic rush. The dyes employed are, e.g., dispersing or cationic ones, preferably heat- resistant ones. When woven rush products are made, said colored synthetic rush is used preferably by 20-80wt% based on the weight of the products. USE:Surface mattings, countrified furnishings or glove compartment.申请人:SUMITOMO CHEMICAL CO更多信息请下载全文后查看。



Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe inyourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。

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Colored partitions and a generalization of the braidarrangementVolkmar Welker1Fachbereich6,MathematikUniversit¨a t GH-EssenD-45117Essen,Germanywelker@exp-math.uni-essen.deSubmitted:November11,1996;Accepted:November22,1996.AbstractWe study the topology and combinatorics of an arrangement of hyperplanes in C n that generalizes the classical braid arrangement.The arrangement playsin important role in the work of Schechtman&Varchenko[12,Part II]on Liealgebra homology,where it appears in a genericfiber of a projection of the braidarrangement.The study of the intersection lattice of the arrangement leads tothe definition of lattices of colored partitions.A detailed combinatorial analysisthen provides algebro-geometric and topological properties of the complementof the ing results on the character of S n on the cohomology ofthese arrangements we are able to deduce the rational cohomology of certainspaces of polynomials in the complement of the standard discriminant that haveno root in thefirst s integers.1IntroductionIn this paper we study the arrangement A col,sn of all affine hyperplanes H ij:z i=z j,1≤i<j≤n,and H r i:z i=r,1≤i≤n and1≤r≤s.This arrangement appears in the work of Schechtman&Varchenko[12,Part II]as a genericfiber of projections of the braid space in the context of Lie-algebra homology.We investigate the combi-natorics of the intersection lattice LA col,sn of A col,sn(i.e.,the set of all subspaces that areintersections of hyperplanes in the arrangement,ordered by reversed inclusion).This leads to the definition of“colored partitions.”Via the analysis of the homology of the order complex of the intersection lattice and using a formula by Orlik&Solomon[10] 1Supported by the DFG through“Habiliationsstipendium”We1479/3Keywords:Partition,hyperplane arrangement,intersection lattice,configuration space Mathematics Subject Classification.Primary05C40,52B30.Secondary05C40,05E251we are able to determine the cohomology of the complement C n\H∈A col,snH.The sym-metric group S n acts on C n by permuting the coordinates and leaving A col,sn invariant.By a calculation of the character of S n on the homology of the order complex of LA col,sn and using a formula of Orlik&Solomon[10]we are able to describe the character ofS n on the cohomology of the complement C n\H∈A col,sn H.Passing to rational coho-mology and computing the space of S n-invariants on the cohomology allows then a description of the rational cohomology of the quotient(C n\H∈A col,snH)/S n.The lattercan then be identified with the space of polynomials f(X)=X n+a n−1X n−1+···+a0 in C n such that f(X)has no double root and no root of f(X)lies in[s]:={1,...,s}. These spaces can be used to approximate the space of monic polynomials of degree n that have no double and no integral root.2Basic DefinitionsAn arrangement A of hyperplanes in C n is afinite set of affine hyperplanes in complex n-space.To each arrangement A corresponds an n-dimensional complex manifoldM A=C n\H∈A H.The space M A is called the complement of the arrangementA.The combinatorial object associated to an arrangement A is the intersection(semi)lattice L A.It is the set of subspaces V of C n such that∅=V=H∈B H forsome subset B⊆A ordered by reversed inclusion.Here we allow B=∅and identifythe intersectionH∈∅H with the space C n.Note,that in general L A is actually nota lattice but a meet-semilattice(i.e.,infima exist but suprema in general not).The link between the combinatorics of L A and the topology of M A is provided by the order complex of lower intervals in L A.In general,for a partially ordered set P with top elementˆ1and least elementˆ0we denote by∆(P)the order complex of P.This is the simplicial complex whose simplices are the chains x0<···<x l in P\{ˆ0,ˆ1}.For x≤y,x,y∈P,we write[x,y]to denote the interval{z|x≤z≤y} in P.If afinite subgroup G≤Gl n(C)acts on C n leaving M A invariant then G also acts on L A as a group of lattice automorphisms.If V∈L A then the stabilizer Stab G(V)={g∈G|V g=V}of V in G acts on the lower interval[C,V]in L A as a group of lattice automorphisms.These actions induce a representation of G on the cohomology of M A and a representation of Stab G(V)on the homology of the order complex∆([C,V]).The following result by Orlik&Solomon[10]links these two representations.Proposition 2.1[10]Let G ≤Gl n (C )be a finite group and let A be an arrangement of affine hyperplanes in C n such that M A is invariant under G .Then, H i (M A )∼= V ∈L A /G \{C }ind G Stab G (V ) H codim (V )−i −2(∆([C ,V ])),where L A /G is a set of representatives of G -orbits on the lattice L A .A result by Ziegler &ˇZivaljevi´c [21]is concerned with the union U A =H ∈A H of an arrangement A .The result by Ziegler &ˇZivaljevi´c is actually far more general andis valid for general arrangements of linear subspaces.Here,we state an equivariant version of the result by Ziegler &ˇZivaljevi´c that can be found in [19].Proposition 2.2[21]Let A be an arrangement of affine hyperplanes in C n .Assume G ≤Gl n (C )is a finite subgroup that leaves A invariant.Let ˆ1be an additional element that is larger than any element of L A .Then,U A is G -homotopy equivalent to ∆(L A ∪{ˆ1}).Based on these results,we start the investigation of the special class of arrange-ments we want to consider in this paper.Before we proceed,we recall a general method to determine the homotopy type of the order complex of a poset P .The formula is due to Bj¨o rner &Walker [3]for G =1and can be found in [18]in the general case.Lemma 2.3[3](Homotopy Complementation Formula)Let L be a (finite)lattice with least element ˆ0and largest element ˆ1.Assume G is a finite group of automorphisms of L .Let a ∈L \{ˆ0,ˆ1}be a G -invariant element.Denote by Co (a )={x ∈L |inf (x,a )=ˆ0,sup (x,a )=ˆ1}the set of complements of a .Then ∆(L )is G -homotopy equivalent to the wedge x ∈Co (a )susp (∆([ˆ0,x ])∗∆([x,ˆ1])),where G permutes the spaces in the wedge according to the action of G on L .In the formulation of the lemma we denote by “inf ”the infimum operation in L and by “sup ”the supremum operation in L .We write “ ”for the wedge of topological spaces.Recall,that the wedge X ∨Y of two topological is the disjoint union of X and Y modulo the identification of one point x ∈X with one point y ∈Y .Note,that without specifying the points the wedge is (modulo homotopy)well defined whenever all spaces are path-connected.It turns out,that this is the case in the formula given by Lemma 2.3,except for some discrete 2-point spaces,where the wedge point has to be chosen to be one of the points.By “susp ”we denote the suspension operation and by “∗”we denote the join operation.Note,that in contrast to the common usage,we define the join of a space X with the empty set to be the space X itself and not the empty set.For more detailed information and the definitions we refer the reader to Munkres’book [9].3A Generalization of the Braid Arrangement The classical braid arrangement A n in complex n -space is given by the “thick”diag-onals H ij :z i =z j for 1≤i <j ≤n .The braid arrangement,also known as the complexified Coxeter arrangement of type A ,is a well studied object (see for example Fox &Neuwirth [7],Arnol’d [1],Brieskorn [4]and Lehrer &Solomon [8]).Its name is derived from the fact that by a result of Fox &Neuwirth [7]the complement M A n is the classifying space of the pure braid group on n strings.We enlarge the central (i.e.,all hyperplanes pass through the origin)arrangement A n by some affine subspaces.Let A col ,s n be the arrangement of complex hyperplanes H ij :z i =z j ,1≤i <j ≤n and H r i :z i =r for 1≤i ≤n ,1≤r ≤s .This arrangement occurs in the work of Schechtman &Varchenko [12,Part II].More generally,Schechtman &Varchenko [12]consider the projection of the complement M A n +s of the braid arrangement A n +s of hyperplanes H ij :z i =z j ,1≤i <j ≤n +s in complex (n +s )-space on the last s coordinates.Let pr n,s be the projection of (n +s )-space on the last s coordinates.The image of pr n,s is complex s -space.For a point (t 1,...,t s )in pr n,s (M A n +s )(i.e.,it satisfies t i =t j for 1≤i <j ≤s )the fiber pr −1n,s (t 1,...,t s )of pr n,s when restricted to M A n +s is homeomorphic to M A col ,s n .Let us define some combinatorial objects that turn out to be important in theinvestigation of the arrangement A col ,s n .We describe a partition τof the set [n ]by B 1|···|B f ,where B i ⊆[n ],B i ∩B j =∅, f i =1B i =[n ].The sets B i are called theblocks of τ.We denote by Πn the lattice of all partition of [n ]ordered by refinement (i.e.,we say B 1|...|B f ≤C 1|...|C e if f ≤e and for each 1≤i ≤f there is a1≤j ≤e such that B i ⊆C j ).Let Πcol ,s n ,s ≥1,be the set of all pairs (τ=B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))of partitions τ∈Πn and sequences of numbers l i ∈{0,...,s }of length t ,where t is the number of blocks of τand for each j ∈[s ]–note that then j =0–there is at most one index i for which l i =j .We say (τ=B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))issmaller than (τ =B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))if and only if τ≤τ and if B i ⊆B j thenl i =0implies l j =l i .We call an element (τ=B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))of Πcol ,s n a colored partition of [n ].We call the number l i the color of the i th block of τ.The number“0”in this context stands for “no color.”If s =1then Πcol ,s n is actually a lattice with top element (|1···n |,(1)).In general,let (τ,(l 1,...,l t ))and (τ ,(l 1,...,l t ))be twocolored partitions.Assume (γ,(m 1,...,m q ))is an upper bound of (τ,(l 1,...,l t ))and(τ ,(l 1,...,l t )).Then if B i is a block of τ(resp.,τ )then for the block C j of γthatcontains B i we have m j =0implies l i =0(resp.,l i =0).Hence,we may assume thatif B i ⊆C j then l i =m j (resp.,l i =m j ).We set τ =τ∨τ and for a block D j of τ weset n j =l i for any block B i of τcontained in D j .Then (τ ,(n 1,...,n q ))is an upper bound of (τ,(l 1,...,l t ))and (τ ,(l 1,...,l t ))that is smaller than (γ,(m 1,...,m q )).Thus (τ ,(n 1,...,n q ))is the supremum of (τ,(l 1,...,l t ))and (τ ,(l 1,...,l t )).In particular,this implies that all lower intervals in Πcol ,s n are lattices.Proposition 3.1Let 1≤s,n .The intersection lattice L A col ,s n is isomorphic to the partially ordered set of colored partitions Πcol ,s n .Proof.Let (τ=(B 1|...|B t ),(l 1,...,l t ))be a colored partition in Πcol ,s n .Then wemap (τ=(B 1|...|B t ),(l 1,...,l t ))to the affine subspace V (τ,(l 1,...,l t ))that is defined byz i =z j if i and j lie in the same block of τand z i =l j for i ∈B j in case l j =0.Obviously,this is an order preserving map to L A col ,s n .Conversely,we map each element V ∈L A col ,s n to the colored partition (τ=B 1|...|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))that is defined by :i,j lie in the same block of τif z i =z j and l j =z i if i ∈B j and z i ∈[s ].Obviously,the two maps are inverse to each other.One checks,that they induce indeed a poset isomorphism LA col ,s n∼=Πcol ,s n .A geometric semilattice is (see for example Wachs &Walker [17])a meet-semilattice L that is constructed from a geometric lattice L by removing an upper interval [x,ˆ1]for an atom x of L (i.e.,L =L \[x,ˆ1]).If L is a geometric semilattice then for each x ∈L the number of elements in a maximal chain from the least element ˆ0to x is independent of the choice of the maximal chain.We denote by rank (x )the rank of x in L (i.e.,the number of elements in a maximal chain in [ˆ0,x ]minus 1).As an immediate consequence we obtain :Corollary 3.2The partially ordered set Πcol ,s n is a geometric semilattice.In partic-ular,if ˆ1is an additional element and s >1then the order complex ∆(Πcol ,s n ∪{ˆ1})is homotopic to a wedge of spheres of dimension n −1.For s =1the complex∆(Πcol ,s n ∪{ˆ1})is contractible.More generally,for an element x ∈Πcol ,s n the order complex of interval [ˆ0,x ]is homotopic to a wedge of spheres of dimension rank (x )−2.Proof.It is well known that the intersection lattice of an affine hyperplane arrange-ment is a geometric semilattice (see for example [11]).The corresponding geometric lattice can be constructed by enlarging the arrangement by a hyperplane at infinity and then considering the intersection lattice of the enlarged arrangement.By a result of Wachs &Walker [17]the order complex ∆(L ∪{ˆ1})of a geometric semilattice L enhanced by an additional top element is homotopic to a wedge of spheres of dimen-sions rank (L ∪{ˆ1})−2.Also,for x ∈L the order complex of the interval [ˆ0,x ]is homotopic to a wedge of spheres of dimension rank (x )−2.Then the result for s >1and for intervals follows from Proposition 3.1.It remains to treat the case s =1.As mentioned before in this case the (semi)lattice Πcol ,s n has a top element (see also Remark 3.3and Proposition 4.2).Thus the order complex of Πcol ,s n ∪{ˆ1}is a cone and hence contractible.In order to give the reader a feeling for the combinatorial structure of the latticeof colored partitions,we classify the cover relations in Πcol ,s n .Let(τ=B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))<(τ =B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))be a cover relation in Πcol ,s n .Then either :(A)τ=τ ,there is a unique index i such that l j =l j for j =i and l i =0,l i =0.(B)τ<τ in Πn is a cover relation and τ is constructed from τby merging theblocks B i and B h into the block B j for which l i =l h =l j =0.(C)τ<τ in Πn is a cover relation and τ is constructed from τby merging theblocks B i and B h into the block B j for which l i =l j =0and l h =0.The following Remark3.3wasfirst stated implicitly by Edelman&Reiner[5]. They made the observation on the realm of arrangements that are extensions of the braid arrangement by some set of hyperplanes defined by equations z i=±z j andz i=0.Of course,this includes the arrangement A col,1n .The case s>1is notconsidered by Edelman&Reiner,their motivation for studying the corresponding arrangements origins in the“freeness”condition(see the book by Orlik&Terao[11]) and therefore there is no further overlap with the work presented here.Remark3.3The latticeΠcol,1nis S n-isomorphic toΠn+1.Proof.We map a colored partition of[n]to the partition of[n+1]that is defined by adjoining n+1to the colored block,in case there is one;or adjoining the singleton|n+ 1|in case there is no colored block.It is easily seen that this defines an S n-equivariant (Snregarded as the subgroup of S n+1stabilizing n+1)lattice isomorphism.4Combinatorics&Homology of Lattices of Col-ored PartitionsIn this section we determine the G-homotopy type of the posets[ˆ0,(τ,(l1,...,l t))] where G is the stabilizer of(τ,(l1,...,l t))in S n.First,we consider the structure of intervals[ˆ0,(τ=B1|···|B t,(l1,...,l t))].After possibly renumbering the blocks we may assume that l f=···=l t=0and l1,...,l f−1=0.Lemma4.1Let G be the stabilizer of the colored partition(τ=B1|···|B t,(l1,...,l t)) in S n.Assume that l f=···=l t=0and l1,...,l f−1=0.The interval[ˆ0,(τ= B1|···|B t,(l1,...,l t))]is G-isomorphic to×f−1i=1Πcol,1|B i|××t i=fΠ|Bi|∼=×f−1i=1Π|Bi|+1××t i=fΠ|Bi|.Proof.The isomorphism to the poset on the left hand side is obvious,since all blocks can be split independently.The second isomorphism then follows from Remark 3.3.By the previous lemma it suffices to consider the S n-latticesΠcol,1n in order tounderstand the G-homotopy type of lower intervals inΠcol,sn.Proposition4.2The S n-homotopy type ofΠcol,1n is given by a wedge of n!spheresof dimension(n−2).The n!spheres are permuted by S n according to its regular representation.In particular, H n−2(Πcol,1n)is the regular S n-module.Proof.Let(|1···n|,(0))be the maximal element inΠcol,1n with no colored blockIf a colored partition(τ,(l1,...,l t))is a complement of(|1···n|,(0))then at least one(and therefore exactly one)index i must satisfy l i= 1.Moreover,if there is a non-trivial block inτthen(τ,(0,...,0))is a lower bound for(|1···n|,(0)) and(τ,(l1,...,l t)).Thus any complement of(|1···n|,(0))must be of the form(|1|···|n |,(0,...,1 i,...0))where the 1is at the i th position.Hence there are n complements of (|1···n |,(0))and they are permuted by S n according to the nat-ural S n -action and each complement is stabilized by one of the one-point stabi-lizers S n −1in S n .Each complement is an atom in Πcol ,1n and the upper intervals [(|1|···|n |,(0,...,1 i ,...0)),ˆ1](ˆ1being the largest element (|1···n |,(1))of Πcol ,1n)are S n −1-isomorphic to Πn ∼=Πcol ,1n −1.By the G -equivariant Homotopy Complementa-tion Formula 2.3the result follows.Let us denote by r n the character of the regular S n -representation,by sgn n the character of the sign-representation of S n and by 1n the character of the trivial S n -representation.By πn we denote the character of S n on the homology of the order complex of Πn in dimension n −3.It is a well studied character of dimension (n −1)!(see Stanley [13]for a detailed description).Corollary 4.3Let G be the stabilizer of (τ=B 1|···|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))in S n .Assume that l f =···=l t =0and l 1,...,l f −1=0.Let B f |···|B t be a partition of type (1e 1,...,n e n ).ThenG ∼=S |B 1|×···×S |B f −1|×S e 1[S 1]×···×S e n [S n ].The S n -character onind S n G H n −t +f −2([ˆ0,(τ,(l 1,...,l t ))])is given by ind S n G r |B 1|···r |B f −1|·sgn e 1[π1]·1e 2[π2]···Proof.The assertion follows immediately from Proposition 4.2and the [16,Theorem1.1].We are grateful to Richard Stanley for pointing out that the characteristic poly-nomial (see [14])of Πcol ,s n can be easily computed using a result about characteristic polynomials of hyperplane arrangements (see Orlik &Terao [11,Theorem 2.69])ormore generally subspace arrangements (Athanasiadis [2,Theorem 2.2]).The charac-teristic polynomial χ(P,t )of a poset P with rank function rank and minimal element ˆ0is defined by χ(P,t )= x ∈Pµ(ˆ0,x )t rank (P )−rank (x ).Here,rank (P )is the maximal rank of one of the elements of P and “µ”denotes the M¨o bius function of P (see [14]).Proposition 4.4Let A be an affine hyperplane arrangement in C n such that the subspaces in A can be defined by equations using only integer coefficients.Let F q denote the field with q elements,q a prime.By our assumption we then can regard A as an arrangement in F n q .Then for large enough q we haveχ(L A ,q )= F n q \( H ∈AH ) .Corollary4.5The characteristic polynomialχ(Πcol,sn,q)is given by(q−s)···(q−s−n+1).Proof.If(x1,...,x n)is a point in the complement F nq \(H∈AH)then if q is largeenough there are(q−s−(i−1))choices for the i th coordinate x i.From this observation,the result follows from the preceding Proposition4.4and Proposition 3.1.So far we have treated lower intervals inΠcol,sn .Now we turn our interest toΠcol,sn itself.Let us denote byˆ1an additional element that is larger than all ele-ments ofΠcol,sn .Then by standard facts about the characteristic polynomial(see[14])the preceding proposition immediately implies thatµ(Πcol,sn ∪{ˆ1})=χ(Πcol,sn,1)=(−1)n(s−1)···((s−1)+(n−1)).Proposition4.6The posetΠcol,sn∪{ˆ1}is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of(s−1)···((s−1)+(n−1))spheres of dimension n−1.The S n-homotopy type ofΠcol,sn∪{ˆ1}is a wedge of n!copies of a wedge of(n+s−2)!(s−2)!n!spheres of dimension n−1,that are permuted accordingto the regular S n-representation.In particular,if s=1thenΠcol,sn∪{ˆ1}is con-tractible.The representation of S n on H n(Πcol,sn )is given by(n+s−2)!(s−2)!n!copies of theregular representation of S n.Proof.We give the non-equivariant part of the assertion.The equivariant part of the assertion follows using Proposition2.2from Theorem5.1(ii).Note,that in the proof of Theorem5.1(ii)we use the non-equivariant part of this Proposition4.6.By results of Wachs&Walker[17]the order complex of a geometric semilattice L enlarged by an additional top elementˆ1is homotopic to a wedge of spheres of dimension rank(L∪{ˆ1})−2.In particular,the homology of the order complex is free of rank equal to the number of spheres and concentrated in one dimension.Since the M¨o bius number of a poset equals by a result of P.Hall(see for example[14])the alternating sum of ranks of homology groups of the order complex of P,the result follows from the previous observations about the M¨o bius number.5Geometry and Topology of the ArrangementUsing results on the combinatorics of A col,sn presented in the preceding section,weobtain:Theorem 5.1Let 1≤s,n .(i)There is an isomorphism of S n -modulesH i (C n \U A col ,s n )∼= p ∈Πcol ,s n /S n \{ˆ0}ind S n Stab S n(p ) H codim (V p )−i −2(∆(ˆ0,p )),where V p is the subspace in L A col ,s n corresponding to p ∈Πcol ,s n .In particular, H ∗(C n \U A col ,s n)is free.(ii)If s >1then U A col ,s n is S n -homotopic to a wedge of n !copies of a wedge of (n +s −2)!(s −2)!n !spheres of dimension n −1,where the n !spaces are permuted according to theregular representation of S n .In particular,the space U A col ,s n /S n is homotopic to a wedge of (n +s −2)!(s −2)!n !spheres of dimension n .If s =1then U A col ,s nis S n -contractible.Proof.Part (i)follows immediately fromProposition 3.1,Proposition 2.1.The proof of part (ii)is more subtle.If s =1then the arrangement A col ,s n is equivalent to a central arrangement (consider the point (1,...,1)as the origin).Themap sending all points in U A col ,s n to the origin defines an S n -deformation retraction.In particular,U A col ,s n is S n -contractible (it is a general well known fact that the union of a central arrangement is contractible).Now consider the case s >1.By Proposition 2.2we have U A col ,s n S n ∆(Πcol ,s n ∪{ˆ1}).Thus it suffices to consider the S n -homotopy type of U A col ,s n .Let us regard R n as the subspace of C n defined by the equations Im (z i )=0,1≤i ≤n .Then U R A col ,s n :=U A col ,s n ∩R n is an S n -deformation retract of U A col ,s n .The homotopy is given by K :U A col ,s n ×[0,1]→U A col ,s n that sends ((x 1+iy 1,...,x n +iy n ),t )to (x 1+ity 1,...,x n +ity n ).Actually this is a well known general fact about arrangementsand their complexifications (see [21]).Let U R A n be the “real part”U A n ∩R n of union of the braid arrangement A n ={H ij :z i =z j |1≤i <j ≤n }.Then U R A n is a S n -invariant subspace of U R A col ,s n .Moreover,U R A n is S n -contractible.The map L :U R A n ×[0,1]→U R A n defined by L ((z 1,...,z n ),t )=t ·(z 1,...,z n )defines a S n -homotopy fromid U R A n to the constant map from U R A n to the origin 0.Thus the inclusion {0} →U R A n induces an S n -deformation retract to a one point space.Therefore,by standardarguments the map U R A col ,s n →U R A col ,s n /U R A n defines a S n -homotopy equivalence.Let X n be the closed simplicial cone R ×R n −1+∼={(x 1,...,x n )∈R n |x 1≤···≤x n }.Then the space U R A col ,s n /U R A n is a wedge of n !copies of Y n =(X n ∩U R A col ,s n )/(X n ∩U R A n ).The n !spaces are permuted freely according to the regular representation,the imageof U R A n serves as the wedge point.We already know by the non-equivariant part of Proposition 4.6that U R A col ,s n is homotopic to a wedge of (s −1)···((s −1)+(n −1))spheres of dimension n and no point in Y n is fixed by an element of S n .From this itfollows that Y n is homotopic to 1n !·(s −1)···((s −1)+(n −1))spheres of dimension n .Note,that in part (i)the conclusion that the cohomology is free and in part (ii)the conclusion that the union is homotopic to a wedge of spheres is known to be true in general for hyperplane arrangements (see [11]and [21]).As another immediate consequence we obtain a result on the cohomology of thecomplement of A col ,s n in a rank one local system.We emphasize this otherwise standard application of the combinatorial methods here,since it fits in the framework of theconsiderations by Schechtman &Varchenko [12].Let A be some arrangement of affine complex hyperplanes in C n .Let ξ=(ξH )H ∈A be some vector of complex numbers.Then we denote by ωξthe differential form H ∈A ξH ·dH H ,where H is identified with a linear form defining H .Proposition 5.2Let 1≤s,n .Let ξ=(ξH )H ∈A col ,s n be some vector of complex num-bers,such that for all V ∈L A col ,s n\{ˆ0}the sum H ≤VξH over all hyperplanes H con-taining V does not vanish.Then the rank of the cohomology H i (C n \U A col ,s n ,L ωξ)of C n \U A col ,s n with coefficients in the rank one local system L ωξdefined by ωξis given by (s −1)···(s +n −2)for i =n and 0in all other dimensions.Proof.By the work of Esnault,Viehweg &Schechtman [6]it follows that under the given assumptions the cohomology with coefficients in the rank one local system vanishes exceptin dimension n .By general facts or by the work of Yuzvinsky [20]we have i ≥0(−1)i rankH i (C n \U A col ,s n ,L ωξ)=χ(L A col ,s n ,1).Hence,the assertion follows from Corollary 4.5.Finally,we turn our interest to the quotient spaces (C n \U A col ,s n )/S n .We recall a basic fact about symmetric products of complex lines.Proposition 5.3Let the symmetric group S n act on complex n -space C n by permut-ing the coordinates.Then the map that sends an n -tuple (z 1,...,z n )to the polynomial f (X )=(X −z 1)···(X −z n )induces an homeomorphism from C n /S n to C n .For Proposition 5.3we immediately infer the following interpretation.Lemma 5.4The space (C n \U A col ,s n )/S n is homeomorphic to the space of monic com-plex polynomials of degree n with no double root and no root in the set [s ].Using our description of the S n -action on cohomology we obtain:Theorem 5.5Let 1≤s,n .(i) H 1((C n \U A col ,s n)/S n ,Q )∼=Q s +1.(ii) H i ((C n \U A col ,s n )/S n ,Q )=0for i =2,...,n −1.The rank is given by the number of S n -orbits of elements (τ=B 1|...|B t ,(l 1,...,l t ))in Πcol ,s n such that l i =0implies |B i |=1,2and there is at most one index i such that l i =0implies |B i |=2.Proof.In order to determine the rational cohomology of the quotient it suffices to determine the multiplicity of the trivial representation of S n in the cohomology ofC n\U A col,sn .Note,that in general for a G-space X,which is CW-complex and G afinite group,the rational cohomology of X/G is given by the space of G-invariants on the rational cohomology of X.We know by Proposition3.1and Corollary3.2that intervals[ˆ0,p],p∈Πcol,sn ,are homotopic to a wedge of spheres of dimensionrank(p)−2.Let V p be the subspace in LA col,sn corresponding to p∈Πcol,sn.Thencodim(V p)=2rank(p)–note that we consider real codimension.Therefore,[ˆ0,p] contributes to the cohomology of C n\U A col,snin dimension rank(p).(i)There are exactly s+1orbits of S n on elements of rank1inΠcol,sn satisfying theconditions of assertion(ii)–one orbit of partitions with one block of size two and no blocks colored,s orbits of the partition1|···|n with exactly one block colored.(ii)Let p=(τ=B1|···|B t,(l1,...,l t))be some element ofΠcol,sn .Let G∼=S|B1|×···×S|Bf−1|×S e1[S1]×···×S e n[S n]be the stabilizer of p=(τ,(l1,...,l t))in S n.By Corollary4.3the S n-character on ind S nG Hn−t+f−2([ˆ0,(τ,(l1,...,l t))])is givenby r|B1|···r|Bf−1|·sgn e1[π1]·1e2[π2]···for suitable parameters.Now,by thework of Sundaram[15,Corollary2.3]the trivial S n-representation appears inr|B1|···r|Bf−1|·sgn e1[π1]·1e2[π2]···if and only if e2≤1,e3=···=e n=0andin this case it appears exactly once.But this condition translates immediately to the condition stated in assertion(ii).It is clear that such partitions exist for all ranks.Now,for s→∞the space MA col,sn can be used to“approximate”the space ofcomplex polynomials with no integral root.Note,that the combinatorics of A col,sn does not depend on the actual values of the excluded coordinates.Thus by choosing the sequence0,−1,+1,−2,2,...we exhaust the integers when s→∞.References[1]V.I.Arnol’d,The cohomology ring of the colored braid group,Math.Notes5(1969),138–140.[2]C.A.Athanasiadis,Characteristic polynomials of subspace arrangements andfinitefields,(Preprint1996).[3]A.Bj¨o rner and J.W.Walker,A homotopy complementation formula for partiallyordered sets,European bin.4(1983),11–19.[4]E.Brieskorn,Sur les groupes de tresses,S´e minaire Bourbaki1971/72(Berlin,Heidelberg,New York),Lecture Notes in Math.,vol.317,Springer,Berlin,Hei-delberg,New York,1973,pp.21–44.。
