


翻译 。
l 影视片 名的功 能及 特点

影视作品通常可分为纪录片、科教片及故事片 。其中 故事片又可分为惊险类、幻想类 、喜剧类及抒 隋类 ( 贺莺 , 2 0 0 1 ) 。不管是哪种类别的影片 ,其片名都是商标和广 告, 具有三项功能: 信息功能、审美功能及祈使功能。 首先 是信息功 能。片名必须浓 缩主题 ,最大 限度 地 提 供 影 片 的 相 关信 息 ,如 影 片 类 别 、所 涉 及 的 主 人 公 或 主要 事件 或故事 发生 的地 点等重 要信 息。如 Wa r Ho r s e ( 2 0 1 2 )译为 《 战马 》 ,观 众一 目了然 ,影 片为战 争片 , 故事 围绕战马展开 。 其次 是审美功 能。不 同类 别的片名有 其各 自不 同的 审美功能 。如惊 险类片名要突出其惊险刺激 ; 影片 S p e e d 译为 《 生死时速》 ,通过 “ 生死 ”二字的对比,给 人留下
目 片名 翻译的目 的 与原则
功能派翻译理论 的核心 为功 能 目的论 。汉斯・ 费米尔 ( H a n s V e r me e r )提 出 了 目的 论 ( s k o p o s t h e o r y ) ,将 翻 译 研 究从原文 中心论 的束缚 中摆脱 出来 。 “ S k o p o s ”一 词来 自
( 张南峰 , 2 0 0 4 : 1 2 0 ) 。
惊 心动魄 的印象 。而抒情 类片名则通 过生动 的形 象、优 美 的措辞给 观众带来 美的体验 。如 W a l k i n t h e C l o u d ( 1 9 9 5 )译为 《 云中漫步 》 ,片名如 梦如幻 的意境 ,令观 众遐想 无限 ,产生 一探 究竟 的好 奇 。最后 是祈使 功能 , 其 目的是 召唤观众观看影 片 ,提升票 房收入 ,从而 达到 影 片的商业 目的 。只有 具备前两种功 能的片名才 能成功 地 实现 第三 种 功 能 。 在 这三种功 能的约束 下, 电影片 名被赋予 了独 特的 特 点 ,既言简意赅地体 现主题 ,同时又体现各种影 片类 别的特 点,富有美感 ,最后是符合观 众对影视作 品的期 待而吸引观 众。



















最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 A Comparative Study of Refusal in Chinese and American Cultures2 目的论视角下的公司简介汉英翻译3 论汤亭亭《女勇士》中的和谐观4 浅析《理智与情感》中简奥斯汀的婚姻观5 从美国妇女社会地位的提升看英语歧视性词汇的变化6 汉英“眼”概念隐喻的对比研究7 世纪年代鲁迅与梁实秋之间的翻译论战8 乔伊斯的生活经历对其作品的影响--他是怎样刻画人物的9 简析《蝇王》的象征主义10 人性的苏醒—《香蕉鱼的好日子》主题研究11 视角转换理论在英文电影字幕中汉译的应用12 语言迁移在英语教学中的应用13 在英语口语教学中提高学生跨文化交际能力14 英语广告的修辞及其翻译15 欧•亨利作品中的人生的价值探索16 《纯真年代》中的双性同体和自我实现17 露易莎•梅•奥尔科特《小妇人》中主要人物性格分析18 丛林法则下生存:西奥多•德莱塞《嘉莉妹妹》的主要人物分析19 On the English-Chinese Translation of Movie Titles20 商务英语的语用特点及翻译21 论托尼·莫里森《宠儿》中的模糊化现象22 埃德加爱伦坡哥特小说中的死亡主题探索23 Psychological Analysis of Stuttering in The King’s Speech24 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能25 灰姑娘情结在《理智与情感》中的表现26 课后练习在初中英语课堂教学中的作用27 从习语翻译看文化空缺28 苔丝之罪是谁之过29 中美服饰的文化差异分析30 试析《道连•格雷的画像》中的伦理冲突31 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝人物性格分析32 从文化角度浅析中美两国幽默的特点33 浅析艾米丽•迪金森诗歌的主题思想34 浅议英语语言中的委婉及其应用35 论海明威作品中的语言特征36 奥巴马演讲词的人际意义研究37 从习语来源看中西文化之不同38 英语动画片中的中国元素探究39 一首平凡女性成长的赞歌—用“成长小说”理论来解读《简爱》40 浅析《贵妇画像》中的心理描写41 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格4243 论《杀死一只知更鸟》的成长主题44 交际法在中学英语教学中的应用45 对公共演讲课堂中大学生课堂表现的心理分析46 On the Differences between Chinese and American Culture in Nonverbal Communication47 《呼啸山庄》中嵌套式叙述的美学功能48 从中美餐饮礼仪差异谈跨文化交际49 On the Symbolic Meaning of Alcohol in Angela’s Ashes50 英汉隐喻中谚语的对比分析51 高中英语教学中的文化教育52 英文电影片名汉译策略研究53 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义5455 A Study of Cultural Influence upon Internet Language56 A Study on the Effects of Phonetics in JEFC Teaching57 The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School58 "麦田里的守望者" 中纯真的失去59 On Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition60 荒原背景下《还乡》和《呼啸山庄》女主人公爱情悲剧的比较分析61 朱虹翻译作品中的女性主义意识研究62 论杰克•伦敦的个人经历和信仰对《野性的呼唤》主人公巴克命运的影响63 中小学英语词汇教学法探讨64 The Changes of Women’s Status in China and Western Countries65 从文化差异看英文电影片名的汉译66 A Comparison of the English Color Terms67 浅析中西饮食文化差异及中餐菜名英译68 论商务谈判口译员的角色69 《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂悲剧的分析70 《格列佛游记》中格列佛的人格探析71 从电影《杀死一只知更鸟》审视美国种族文化冲突72 浅析新闻英语中模糊语言的运用73 Cultural Differences Reflected in the Concept of Dragon74 好莱坞电影中美国总统形象的演变和文化内涵75 浅谈交际教学法在中学课堂中的问题与对策76 Exploring Effective Approaches to Translating Allusion in Ancient Chinese Poetry77 英文歌词翻译策略探析78 A Tentative Study of the Origin of American Place Naming79 Differences Between English and Chinese Euphemisms and Influences on Cross-cultural Communication80 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性81 从《简爱》看知识改变女性命运82 从合作原则的角度分析《成长的烦恼》中的言语幽默83 英汉否定形式的语用对比研究84 女性主义视角下汤婷婷《女勇士》中华裔女性的重生85 身势语在基础英语教学中的应用86 幽默元素在英语电影和电视剧中的翻译87 查尔斯•狄更斯《雾都孤儿》的成长主题88 Feminist Thoughts of Theodore Dreiser——A Case Study of Sister Carrie89 中英社交禁忌习俗异同之比较分析90 《瓦尔登湖》与陶渊明作品中的自然观简析91 浅析薇拉·凯瑟《啊,拓荒者!》的艺术特色92 英汉恐惧隐喻对比研究93 试析《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》的成长主题94 Translation Strategy on Culturally-loaded Expressions in Prison Break95 The Research of Chinese and Western Names in Cross-cultural Communication96 哲学视角下的中英数字对比研究97 社会阶层与语言关系在《雾都孤儿》中的投射研究98 当今英式英语和美式英语的对比99 王尔德戏剧作品中的道德观100 大众文化视角下的另类古典小说-斯蒂芬妮•梅尔《暮光之城》之畅销解读101 Cultural Differences and Translation102 从《麦田里的守望者》看霍尔顿的摇滚情结103 对高中学生英语学习动机现状及激发策略的调查分析—以屏边高级中学为例104 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播105 合作原则下幽默的语用分析106 从《死者》看都柏林人的精神瘫痪107 从《暴风雨》看凯特•肖班的自由派女性主义思想108 电影《纳尼亚传奇》中的圣经意象109 从小飞侠彼得•潘浅析詹姆斯•巴里的悲剧人生110 A Brief Analysis of Public Sign Translation111 Cultural Differences Between Chinese and American Social Etiquettes112 英文电影片名翻译的归化与异化113 浅析美国俚语的起源114 《儒林外史》中应对文化缺省的文化负载词翻译115 目的论与对外传播翻译116 On Contradiction Between Comprehension and Expression in Translation117 Where Should Gone With the Wind Go?——Study on The Disputes Among Critics of Gone With the Wind118 《诗经》中隐喻翻译的研究119 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异120 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩121 从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯•狄更斯的善恶观122 意象手法在《永别了,武器》中的使用123 英汉称谓语对比及翻译124 《论语》中“仁”的翻译研究(开题报告+论)125 情感因素对外语教学的影响126 从《傲慢与偏见》浅析现代经济对婚姻爱情观的影响以及奥斯汀眼中的完美婚姻127 李清照“声声慢”英译本的对比研究128 浅谈中学生英语口语能力的培养129 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例130 A Comparison of the English Color Terms131 《吉姆爷》的生态女性主义解读132 黑人英语与非裔美国黑人文化的研究133 浅谈中式英语的成因及解决方法134 论《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的殖民主义135 从传播美学分析国内畅销知名化妆品广告中的译文136 英汉拒绝言语对比研究137 中英手机短信的修辞特点分析138 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒139 论《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的超验主义哲学观140 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的资产阶级特征141 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析142 英汉“悲伤”情感隐喻认知对比分析143 美国电影中的中华文化运用得与失的研究144 《夜莺与玫瑰》和《快乐王子》中奥斯卡•王尔德的唯美主义145 从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化146 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动147 从传统消费观念看中美文化差异148 目的论在英文电影片名汉译中的应用149 中学英语老师提问存在的问题及解决策略150 幸福婚姻中爱情与金钱并重——论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观151 从生态批评视角解读海明威作品152 A Comparison of the English Color Terms153 《乱世佳人》女主人公斯嘉丽的性格分析154 The Transcultural Differences in the Translation of Commercial Advertisements 155 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的人物性格分析156 继承与颠覆—解读《傲慢与偏见》中的“灰姑娘”模式157 中西酒文化比较158 古诗词英译关于夸张的翻译策略研究159 论教师的非语言行为在课堂教学中的作用160 The Analysis of Narrative Techn iques in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”161 The Painful Growth of Scarlett O’Hara in Her Three Marriages162 浅谈跨文化交际中的理解障碍163 《查特莱夫人的情人》中肉体与灵魂的平衡164 中美肥胖问题比较研究165 功能对等理论指导下的英文电影片名汉译166 The Differences of Nonverbal Languages between China and the West167 广告英语的语言特征168 浅析莎士比亚四大悲剧作品中人文精神的一致性169 从词汇学角度分析英国英语和美国英语的差异170 分析苔丝悲剧的形成原因171 浅谈商务英语合同的翻译172 语用预设视野下的广告英语分析173 忠实与变通策略在科技翻译中的运用174 《呼啸山庄》的哥特式传统175 超越性别的美——以《道林格雷的画像》为例176 如何通过教师提问促进课堂互动177 《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中的爱情观对比究178 丰田如何成为全球第一汽车生产商179 黑人英语克里奥起源论180 试析《啊,拓荒者》中的生态伦理观181 《幸存者回忆录》中多丽丝•莱辛的生态观182 An Analysis of American and Chinese Culture in Kung Fu Panda 183 “集体无意识”理论观照下艾米莉的悲剧性184 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述185 二元对立下人性的扭曲:读雪莉.杰克逊小说《抽彩》186 美剧网络字幕翻译研究187 功能目的论视角下的仿拟翻译的应用分析188 中美幽默的比较189 浅谈商务英语句法特点及翻译技巧190 英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比191 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译192 对《名利场》中女主人公的性格特征分析193 维多利亚时期的艺术对文学的影响——以白衣女人为例194 美剧字幕中的译者主体性——以美剧Gossip Girl第一季为例195 浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习196 极限环境中的善与恶——浅析《蝇王》中的主要人物人格结构197 从社会语用学角度分析《雷雨》中的称谓语198 中英动物词语文化内涵的差异199 从语言表达看中西思维方式差异200 On Loss of Fidelity in Translation。



V0 1 . 2 7 No . 1 1 NO V . 201 4
功 能对等理 论在 新 闻标题 英译 中的应用
以 “ 今E t 中国"中英双语 新 闻网为例
杜 丽 娟
( 阜 阳师范学 院信 息工程学 院 ,安徽阜 阳 ,2 3 6 0 4 1 )
[ 摘
要] 翻译者在 我国新 闻的英译工作 中面临着如何将新 闻词语准确地译为 英语 的挑 战。通过 阐述 英语 新闻标题 的特 点
新 闻网 , 从 中我们 发现并总结 了英语新 闻标题 的特点 , 主要
表现在两个方面 。 ( 一) 英 语 新 闻标 题 的语 法 特 点
二、 新 闻标题 翻译 的 理论依 据
( 一) 功能对等理论简介 而奈达 的功 能对 等理论 用一种新 的视角给 新闻翻译 提
英语新 闻标题一般使 用非谓语 动词 。在英语语法 中 , 非 谓语动 词分为 三种形式 : 动名词 、 不定式和 分词 。英语 新闻
第三 , 英语 新闻标题 中多用“ 后 置修 饰语 ” 来表达汉语 中 “ 的” , 如例 8中“ t h a t y o u mu s t r e a d ” 表达 了“ 关 于苹果你 所
不 知 道 的” , “ y o u s h o u l d n ’ t u s e a b r o a d பைடு நூலகம் 表达的是“ 在 国外 要 慎用 的” 。
等” 。

( 二) 英语新 闻句法结构的特点
第一 , 汉语 新闻标题在 表达方法 上力求详 细且完 整 , 而 相反的是英文新闻标题却力求精炼概括要点 。
第二 , 在 时间表达上英 汉新 闻标 题也是有 差别 的 , 英语 新 闻标 题一般用 不定式表将 来 , 而且通常 变句子为短语 ; 而 汉语 新 闻标 题 要借 助 时间 词汇 表 达时 间 。在 例 l 1 、 1 2 、 l 3 中, 汉语新 闻标题用 “ 将” “ 首位” 来表示将 来要发生 的事情 , 而在 英语 新 闻标 题 中 , 用 不定 式 “ t o me e t ” “ t o d o n g w r a d e ” “ t o n o mi n a t e ” 表示将来 。
































然而,自1970年代以来面向功能的方法已经成为一个有影响力的理论, 与此同时equivalence-oriented翻译理论遭到质疑和批评。




关键词新闻标题;目的论;翻译Abstract With the increasingly frequent international exchanges, a large number of information needs to be conveyed by news translation. And news headlines, as the soul of news, compressing large amount of information.For long time, many theorists and translators has regarded the equivalence-oriented translation theory as the criteria for good translation. However, since 1970s function-oriented approach has emerged as an influential theory and the equivalence-oriented translation theory stared to be questioned and criticized. Skopostheorie(目的论) is one of the most important translation theories on functionism. The skopos theory begin to play a role in pragmatic translation but it still not the major rule in news translation. Therefore,this paper aims based on the Skopos Theory to guide the translation of news headlines and to enrich the present related study.Key Words News Headlines; Skopostheorie; translationContents1. Introduction (1)1.1 Background of the Research (1)1.2 The Origin of Skopostheorie (1)1.3 The Development and Perfection of Skopostheorie (1)1.4 Basic Rules of Skopostheorie (2)1.4.1 Skopos Rules (2)1.4.2 Coherence Rules (3)1.4.3 Fidelity Rules (3)2. Study on News Headlines (4)2.1 Definition of News Headlines (4)2.2 Functions of News Headlines (4)2.2.1 Informative Function (4)2.2.2 Aesthetic Function (4)2.3 Features of News Headlines (5)2.3.1 Lexical Features (5)2.3.2 Syntactic Features (5)2.3.3 Rhetorical Features (6)3. Research on News Headlines Translation at home and abroad (7)4. Application of Skopostheorie in English News Headline Translation (8)5. Conclusion (10)References (12)Acknowledgements (13)1. Introduction1.1 Background of the ResearchWith the increasingly frequent international exchanges, a large number of information needs to be conveyed by news translation. And news headlines, as the soul of news, compressing large amount of information, including a person's habits, preferences and cultural background, therefore, require our correct understanding and proper translation for them.Although currently there exist many well- translated news headlines, the translation quality in China still calls for more improvement for quite a few translations are far from satisfactory. To some degree, no satisfactory guiding theory has been involved. Therefore, this paper aims based on the Skopos Theory to guide the translation of news headlines and to enrich the present related study.1.2 The Origin of SkopostheorieIn Germany static linguistic typologies of translation in the 1970s and 1980s moved the to functionalists and communicative to the analysis of translation.(Munday 2001:73).And German scholars changed their focus from rigorous linguistics to dynamic functio nalism in translation studies which are called the”Germany School of functional theories of translation. Functionalism is a type of cover term for the scholars who advocate that the most important yardstick for any translation is whether it has realize the purpose of the target text (Munday 2001:78). Functionalist theory is a main change from linguistic equivalence to functional purpose.1.3 The Development and Perfection of SkopostheorieIn the 1970 s, the functionalist translation theory derived from Germany. Its development has gone through the following four stages.The first stage: Katharina Reiss., first introduce the functional category of translation criticism, rice will language features, types and translation strategy, developed on the basis of the relationship between the source text and the translation functio n mode of translation criticism, so as to put forward the idea the functionalist theory.Les think the ideal translation should be a comprehensive communication, namely in the conceptual content, language form and communicative function are equivalent to the original, but inpractice should give priority to the translation of functional characteristics.The second stage: Hans J.V ermeer proposed the skopos theory and made the translation studies break away from the bondage of the original text.The theory holds that based on the original translation is a behavior with purpose and results and this behavior must be accomplished through consultation. Meanwhile, translation must follow a series of rules, among which the skopos rule tops the list.In other words, the translation depends on the purpose.In addition, the translation must also follow the “intralingual coherence rule” as well as "interlingual coherence rule".The former refers to the translation must be coherent and understandable to the receiver and the latter refers to there should be the consistency between the translation and the original. According to these three princ iples put forward, the yardstick of translation is no longer "equivalence", but the adequacy of achieving anticipated purpose.V ermeer also puts forward the concept of translation appointment, which means that it is the translator who is supposed to decide whether, when and how to complete the translation work.That is to say, the translator should according to different purpose adopts corresponding translation strategies, and shall have the right to according to the translation purpose decide what original content can keep in the translation and what need to be adjusted or modified.The third stage: Justa Holz-Mgnttgri:Theory of Translational Action. His translation theory regards translation as being driven by purpose and the translation is result-oriented and affected by interpersonal interaction. The theory further develops the functionalist translation and has much common with and finally fuses with skopos theory of vermeer.The fourth stage: Christiane Nord:Improved Skopostheorie.Christiane Nord made a comprehensive summing-up of functionalist theory. He was first one to adopt English system to elaborate on the internal and external factors which should be taken into account when analyzing the text in translation and how to based on the original functions formulated translation strategies meeting the translation purpose. Besides,Nord sorted out various schools of functionalism and put forward that the translation should follow the guidelines of "function and loyalty"to perfect the theory.1.4 Basic Rules of Skopostheorie1.4.1 Skopos RulesSkopos is a Greek word for……purpose”.The term of Skopos originates from the Greek word "Skopos” and usually refers to the purpose of translation..In addition to the Skopos, vermeer also used the related words, such as “aim”, “purpose", "intention" and "function” In order to avoid confusion, Nords proposes the distinction between “ intention” and “function”. "intention" is defined from the viewpoint of the sender, while"function" refers to the text function and is jointly determined by the recipient's expectations, needs, knowledge and environmental conditions.Skopos theory argues that first principle all translation activities should follow is the “skopos rule”. In other word, the translation should be understandable to the receivers in the target language context and culture with the receivers‟ anticipated way. To a large extent,the purpose of translation determines the whole process of the translation behavior, namely the decision method.But the translation activities can have multiple purposes, which can be further divided into three categories: (1) the basic purpose of the translator (such as making a living);(2) the purpose of communication; (3) the use of a particular translation means to achieve the purpose (. However, generally, "purpose" refers to the communicative purpose of the translation.Therefore, the translator should be clear about its specific purpose in a given contexta.1.4.2 Coherence RulesCoherence rule refers to the translation must conform to the intra - textual coherence standards, that is say the translation must be readable and acceptable and allows the receiver to understand. At the same time, the translation makes sense in target language context and culture.In light of V ermeer, source language text and target language text are taken as all “offer of information”,from which receivers choose what they think significant and meaningful.When applied to translation, this concept can be understood in a way that‘‘a target text is also an offer of information but formulated by a translator in a target culture and language. (Reiss and V ermeer 1984:67).1.4.3 Fidelity RulesFidelity Rule is put forward by Nord. She found that skopos theory have two defects: first of all, due to differences in cultural pattern, people from different culturalbackgrounds have different opinions on good translation; In addition, if the the communicative purpose of “skopos rule” goes against original author's intentions, it is probable we will choose to observe “skopos rule” but violate the principle of fidelity. Therefore, Nords came up with that fidelity rule to solve cultural differences as well as the relationship of participants in the translating activities. Nord believes that the translators have moral responsibility for the recipients and must explain to them what they do and the reason for doing this,which is one part of the loyalty rule. The other part is that the translator is required to loyal to the original author, which means a translator should respect the original author, coordinate with the target language and the author intention.(Nord, 2001).2.Study on News Headlines2.1 Definition of News HeadlinesNews headlines appear in the front of the news to generalize or evaluate the news content. the font size is larger than the body, whose function is to divide, organize, reveal, evaluate news content, and attract readers. News headlines according to different classification standards can be classified into different types, including theme,eyebrow head, subtitle, inserted head, side head, tail head.2.2 Functions of News Headlines2.2.1 Informative FunctionFor newspapers and magazines, headline is always the most important element on a page. It does occupy a prominent position in news for its irreplaceable functions.The newspaper headline tells what, who, where, when and how are about the events. Headline can set up a bridge between the readers and the information the author intend to convey.2.2.2 Aesthetic Functionan attractive headline can not only improve the readers‟ understanding of the news but also catch the readers‟ eyes at first sight. The headline to an article is what the wrapping paper to the chocolate. Once the readers see the headline, they will be induced to know the taste of the paper, to explore w hat‟s inside the body behind the headline.2.3 Features of News Headlines2.3.1 Lexical FeaturesGenerally speaking, the diction of news headline is always concise and comprehensive. Short and simple words, initials, abbreviations and coinages are usually employed. In light of the function of the headlines, headlines should be simple, attractive and highlighted. In terms of lexical features, English news headlines are mainly divided into the following types. Short WordsShort words are often used in English language newspaper headlines, which, on the one hand can avoid being wordy; and ,on the other hand, can be that are more understandable to readers.(1) World Eyes Mid-East World Talks (eyes=watches ,observes)(2) Britain Charges 16-Y ear-Old with Murder in Riots2.3.1.2 AbbreviationsAbbreviation is widely used in English. Abbreviation is made of the shortened form of some words with many letters.there are three types of abbreviation,namely clipped words, initialism,and acronyms.E.g: 1.Clipped words(缩略词)Calif. Judge Orders Enron to Hand over Documents (Calif.=California)2. Initialism (首字母缩略词)WTC Flag Returned to Delegation (WTC=the World Center NY=New Y ork)3.Acronyms(首字母缩略词)APEC=Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation2.3.1.3 Journalistic CoinagesThat two or more words are combined into a newly invented word or phrase is called coinages, which are usually created by omitting several syllables among them, connecting them into one coherently. Coinages can add delight and creativity to draw reader‟s eyes.E.g.:newscast=news+broadcast.2.3.2 Syntactic Features2.3.2.1OmissionIn a bid to realize syntactical conciseness, it is easy to find omission in the news headlines to highlight the main idea.Preposition, conjunction and pronoun are often left out. In addition, some substantives words such as noun,verb can be occasionally omitted.E.g: Italian Ex-mayor Murdered(=An Italian Ex-mayor Was Murdered) (Omitting article and relative verbs)Forecast of Mexican Quake Accurate ,But ignored(=The Forecast of Mexican Quake Is Accurate, But It Is Ignored) (Omitting article ,relative and pronoun) Tensesthe present tense and past ten are usually used in the news headlines. Infinitive and participles also frequently appear in the news headings. V oicesActive voice is widely used in headlines, for it can make headlines more attractive and vivid. Although passive voice are occasionally used, the auxiliary “be” is often omitted .E.g.: (1) Scandal spate deprives charities of donations (China daily, August 27, 2011) PunctuationsAs we all know, punctuations are hardly found in headlines. Punctuations merely emerge in the two situations. First, they are used to save space. English newspapers are published in the limited space, requiring the title refined, so the use of punctuations can sometimes save some words. Second, the use of punctuations in headlines can arouse the readers‟ attention or curiosity. Totally speaking, there are quite many punctuations used in headlines, such as comma, colon, parentheses, dash, quotation marks and so on. Here I would like to summarize them separately as follows.2.3.3 Rhetorical FeaturesGood news headlines are like a window, through which we are able to sense the soul of news.. An appealing news title can leave deeper impression on readers. news reports usually take advantage of various rhetoric such as metaphor, personification, pun, metonymy, irony, antithesis, and so on so as to motivate readers‟ appetite when reading thetitle. These rhetorical methods can present the information more effectively and enable the news headlines outstanding and unique.3. Research on News Headlines Translation at home and abroadUntil now, some scholars from home and abroad have made related studies in the translation of news headlines.Many scholars abroad explore the problem from different aspects. Through a lot of translation practices, Indian scholar R. M. K. Sinha (2006) raised some useful translation strategies in solving the problem of translating news headlines from English to Hindi. First, one needs to make a classification to different news headlines. Second, one begins to translate the headlines through their extended forms.Ennis (2006) believes in news headlines translation, the translation of intertextuality should be emphasized, because inter textual references are often used in the headlines. He tries to propose some strategies in this perspective to express the similar implication in target language. He also argues that some parts of the source langua ge text should be retained in translation, which is know as transliteration approach. Ono (2006) raises another way for the translation through machine to solve the problem through through completing the abbreviations and acronyms. Then through the parallel corpus the target words are able to be chosen through similar reports.In recent years, more and more Chinese scholars also begin to focus on the problem. Chen Huilin (2007) analyzes the headline translation through the use of V erschueren's theory which requires to translate under both communicative context and linguistic context.Zhu Y an (2007) uses the relevance theory to analyze the translation. As one ways of cross cultural communication, translator should select optimal strategies in translating through relevance and cognitive contexts.Liao Zhiqin (2006) analyzes the features of the news headlines in English, and concludes most of them show characters of briefness, humor, expressiveness. He concludes three strategies, including equivalence, expansion and deletion. By use of Peter Newmark 's news headlines translation, Li Y ong (2005) holds that communicativetranslation should be used for expressing actual information, while semantic translation is used for keeping literary and cultural characteristics.From the literature review above, it can be seen that many scholars have tried to summarized the characters of news headlines from linguistic perspective. Although many scholars of home and abroad raise some strategies with the help of translation theories, most of the studies are not systematic and deep enough. Also, many scholars propose their own strategies for the translation, but in fact there is no consistent answer for the strategies.4. Application of Skopostheorie in English News Headline TranslationAccording to Skopostheorie, every translator should keep the purpose in mind before the translation, and the translator mush also keep it clear who are the expected receivers and their communicative needs. Different translation has different target readers, so translation is required to produce a text in a target situation for a given purpose and target addressees in target environment.(V ermeer,1987a:29)In the Skopos rule,the the importance of SL text is much lessened, and the SL text is regarded as information offer. It is the purpose that determines how to translate the SL text, what to be translated and what kinds of strategies to be adopted in the practice. According to the coherence role, the TL text should be understandable in target reade rs‟ communicative situation and culture. Ad for fidelity rule, the translator should be loyal to the SL text and the target language. The three rules focus on translator's initiative and creativity.Skopostheorie furnishes us with a theoretical guidance for translation of news headlines. As is mentioned above, the purpose of translating news headlines is conveying to the contents and information of the news to the readers in the target culture. First of all, information of the headline should be appropriately presented to the readers, which needs loyalty in the course of translation. secondly, in order to attract the target readers‟ attention, the translator must consider the target culture and custom in the translated text. In brief, translation of news headlines based on Skopostheorie is supposed to be a fidelity "re-creation".for translating news headlines in a more effective way, a rational process of translating news headlines is offered and tells us how to translate news headlines base on the guidance of Skopostheorie.This process consists of there steps The first step is to read and reorganize the original headline. The translator should thoroughly understand the news. Through doing this, the translator can get the general idea of the news, analyzing the contents and comments, summarizing the major facts of original news, and finally reorganize the headline. In the second step, trial translation is carried out. The translator tries to adopt various translation strategies or methods to produce a trial target news headline based on the facts extracted in the first step. The last step is modification or perfection of the tentative target headline. After the trial translation, the tentative target headline is formed, thereby readjusting of the tentative target headline is required in light of skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. An expected news headline is supposed to conform with the target culture, be aesthetically attractive to tempt the target readers.The tree steps in fact are not necessary to strictly follow step by step. The order can be changed according to specific situation. The three steps can be combined together or the cultural distinctions, aesthetic feeling and emotion evoking can be taken into account during trail translation. In these senses, trial translation and readjustment are combined into one step. Let's take a hard news headline as an example to explore this process.“U.S. President Obama arrives Shanghai for his first state visit to China"(1) Reading source news and acquiring the main ideaThis news is related to U.S. President Obama‟s state visit to China. It is President Obama's first time to come to China, giving this visit a historical significance and draws the attention around the world.After reading the news, the translator is able to get the general idea of the news and focus on the key information: U.S. President Obama reached Shanghai for his state visit to China, and this is his first time to China.(2) Trial translationAfter get the general idea of the news, the translator try utilize the information toproduce a trial target news headline form the original headline:“美国总统奥巴马到达上海开始访问中国”. This is only a trial translation and needs further modification and adjustment.(3) ModificationThis is the last step in translating a hard news headline. Based on trial translation, the translated headline need further readjustment. This readjustment will be conducted based on the skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule.Shanghai is called “HU”(沪)for short, so in the trial translation, “shanghai”(上海)can be replaced by “HU”(沪), which can make the headline more shorter and acceptable for Chinese readers.In addition, the translation in the trial translation only shows that Obama reaches China and starts his state visit to this China, yet misses a very important information that it is his first state visit to China, which can the core point attracting target readers, thus, it should be never forgotten in the translated headline. furthermore, the translation title should try to use short words. Therefore, final headline is “美国总统奥巴马抵沪开始对中国进行首次国事访问”.5. ConclusionThis chapter examines some basic ideas of the skopos theory, and it is intended to lay a theoretical foundation for the English news headline translation. Many researchers have made a lot of theoretical and practical studies on this. However, only a few studies are conducted in economic news headline translation. the purpose of economic news translation is to satisfy the target readers, according to the skopos theory, the translator can apply some flexible strategies to satisfy the receivers' purpose and needs of reading. The source text is not that important and the translation should be reader-oriented. In this paper, the author based on the skopos rules and its features puts forward a feasible translation process of news headline for the purpose of guiding the translation. The process is divided into three steps: reading and understanding the whole news, trial translation and modification of the trial translation.References[1] Bell, R. T. The Language of News Media [M]. Qxford: Blackwell Publisher, 1991.[2] Evans, H. News Headlines—An Illustrated Guide [M]. London: Morrison & GibbLtd., 1974.[3] Munday, J. Introducing translation studies: theories and applications[M].London andNew York: Routledge, 2001.[4] Bell, R. T. The Language of News Media [M]. Qxford: Blackwell Publisher, 1991.[5] Evans, H. News Headlines—An Illustrated Guide [M]. London: Morrison & GibbLtd., 1974.[6] Munday, J. Introducing translation studies: theories and applications[M].London andNew York: Routledge, 2001.[7] Nord, C. Translating as a purposeful activity -- functionalist approaches explained[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.[8] Vermeer, H. J. Skopos and Translation Commission [M]. Heidelberg: University,1989.[9] 郝慧敏. 用目的论及文本理论解读汉语软新闻英译[D]. 武汉理工大学, 2009.[10] 廖莎. 目的论在新闻英语翻译中的应用[D]. 武汉理工大学, 2007.[11] 罗丹. 目的论视角下的中国日报网英语新闻标题的翻译策略[D].武汉科技大学,2012.[12] 陆露, 2002,《新闻标题论》[M],北京:中国社会科学出版社。














1 翻译功能理论概述功能派翻译理论的发展主要经历了以下几个阶段。
















目的论首先由卡特琳娜·赖斯(katharina reiss)发表了相关主张,后来赖斯的学生汉斯·弗米尔(hans vermeer)突破了对等理论的限制,以行为理论为基础发展并创立了翻译目的论。



















































增强新闻传播效果:新闻标题是新闻的重要组成部分,目的论指导下的翻译能够更好地 吸引目标受众,增强新闻传播效果。
促进跨文化交流:新闻标题是跨文化交流的重要载体,目的论指导下的翻译有助于消除 文化隔阂,促进跨文化交流。
提升国际形象:新闻标题是展示国家形象的重要窗口,目的论指导下的翻译有助于提升 国际形象,增强国家软实力。
对比分析:通过对英汉新闻标题的对比 分析,可以更好地理解两种语言的差异 和特点,从而在翻译中更好地处理语言 转换。
注重创新:在保证新闻标题准确传达信 息的基础上,可以尝试采用一些创新的 翻译方法,以增加新闻标题的吸引力和 可读性。
提高翻译质量和效果:目的论强调翻译的目的和受众,有助于译者更好地理解原文,准 确传达信息,提高翻译质量和效果。
目的论在新闻标 题英汉翻译中的 运用
实例分析:新闻 标题英汉翻译的 技巧与策略
目的论视角下新 闻标题英汉翻译 的优劣分析
了解目的论:在翻译新闻标题时,首先要 明确翻译的目的和受众,以便更好地选择 翻译策略。
灵活运用:在翻译新闻标题时,应根据具 体情况灵活运用直译、意译等翻译方法, 以实现最佳的翻译效果。
连贯原则:译文 必须符合语内连 贯的标准,即译 文必须能让接受 者理解,并在目 标文化中有意义。
忠实原则:忠实 于原文是翻译的 基本要求,但忠 实的程度和形式 取决于翻译的目 的和译者对原文 的理解。
目的论定义:翻 译的目的是衡量 翻译是否成功的 标准
目的论三原则: 目的原则、连贯 性原则和忠实性 原则
英语新闻标题通常采用现在时态,而汉语新闻标题则更常使用过去时态,需要正确处理时态转 换问题。











二、目的论概述目的论(Skopostheorie)是20世纪70年代由德国翻译理论家汉斯·弗米尔(Hans J. Vermeer)提出的翻译理论。


目的论认为,翻译的首要原则是目的原则(Skopos Rule),即翻译应能在译入语情境和文化中,按译入语接受者期待的方式发生作用。








. 4 调 整 法 法 则。 目的法则 , 最重要最 中心的是 目的法则 。 目的论指出 , 目的决定 3 传统 的翻译 理念以原文为 中心 . 而在功能 派 目的论指导下 , 翻译 手段, “ T h e e n d j u s t i i f e s t h e m e a n s ” 。 【 l _ 。 汉斯 ・ 弗米 尔的 目的论拓宽 了翻 在翻译 时可 以根据 目的语 读者的 译 理论研究的领域 . 对于具有交 际 目的 、 以传 递“ 信息精华 ” 的英语新 策略是 由译文的 目的决定的。因此 . 表达 习惯进行相应的调整。调 整法可 以调整词序 , 使得译 文更加具有 闻标题 的应用文本 的翻译实践具有实践 指导 意义 逻辑关系 。 2 新闻标题概述 例4 : A hi T r d o f L o n d o n e r s M u s t Wo r k F r o m H o m e D u r i n g O l y m p i c s
们更好地 了解外部世界 。 【 关键词】 功能 目的论 ; 英语新 闻标题 ; 翻译策略 进入 2 1 世 纪, 中国与世界各 国的交流 日趋频繁 , 新闻传播作为联 省译法是为 了避免译文累赘 . 将 一些重 复的和不必要 的词语进行 在保证译文原意的条件下 , 对原文信息进行适 当的删减 , 以符合 系中国与世界的纽带起着不可替代的作用。新闻报道的种类很多 , 但 删 除。 人们 的习惯 : 先浏览新闻标题 , 再决定要不要继续 。因此 , 新 闻标题 的 读 者的阅读 习惯 . 增强译文 的可读性 。 翻译研究受到越来越多的关注 。本研究 以目的论为指导 , 尝试 总结英 例3 : “ T h i r d S e x B e c o me s O ic f i a l ” , A u s t r a l i a n P ss a p o r t s N o w Ha v e Th r e e Ge n d e r Op t i o n s: Ma l e ,F e ma l e a n d Xm 语新 闻标题翻译过程中使用的策 略。 澳大利 亚 : 新护照承认第三种性别 1 功能派 目的论简介 例3 的英语新 闻标 题有“ m a l e ” 和“  ̄ m l a e ” 这两个 单词 . 这两种性 所 以没有必要 把它们 翻译成 “ 男人 , 女人 ” 。 但“ x ” 对 2 0 世纪 7 O 年代 , 凯瑟琳娜 . 莱斯在《 翻译批评的可能性 与限制》 中 别是众所周 知的 . 在翻译 时要运用省译法删 除这种 不重要 提 出功能派理论 。 而 目的论( S k o p o s山e o r y ) ——功 能派 的核心理论是 由 我们而言是新生事物 所 以 . 而把“ 第三种性别 ” 准确地 翻译 出来 。 以激起读者的好奇心。 莱斯 的学生汉斯 - 弗米尔创立的。功能派的三大法 则 : 忠实法则 , 连贯 的信息 .













1 省译法新闻要做到言简意赅,不能冗长且意思含糊。




例1:"During the 13th five-year plan period, agriculture can only take the path of sustainable development and must make significant adjustments in the areas of development ideas, technology system, policy support and resource allocation.译文:“十三五”计划期间,农业只能走可持续发展的道路,必须在发展思路,技术体系,政策支持和资源配置等方面作出重大调整。



目的论视角下的英语新闻标题汉译发表时间:2020-12-17T03:22:44.922Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2020年12月总第357期作者:黄培鑫[导读] 新闻的标题、导语和主体等各部分在内容和形式上各具特色,其中新闻标题可以总结为“概括性”和“可读性”两大特点。







例如一则题为OurCrowd to set up $50 million digital health fund的新闻,新闻标题采用动词不定式表达将来的意义,并省略了不定冠词,表达简洁凝练,同时又涵盖了新闻要素中的新闻主体who(OurCrowd)和新闻事件what(set up $50 million digital health fund ),读者浏览标题便已经掌握了该新闻的主要内容。





该新闻的标题为:Why Yoni and Yael can’t do math?标题独辟蹊径,抛出问题,一下子引起了读者的兴趣。






XX 关键词:标题翻译,功能翻译,新闻把关1.引言XX1.1研究国际新闻标题翻译的必要性新闻翻译的研究受关注程度远低于文学翻译,在这范畴内的研究专著和相对而言还不多。






XX 1。







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