标准C语言头文件ISO C标准定义的头文件(24项)<assert。
h> 验证程序断言〈complex。
h> 浮点环境〈float。
h> 浮点常量<inttypes。
h> 整型格式转换〈iso646.h〉替代关系操作符宏〈limits。
h> 实现常量<locale.h〉局部类别<math。
h〉数学常量〈setjmp.h> 非局部goto〈signal。
h> 信号〈stdarg。
h〉可变参数表〈stdbool.h> 布尔类型和值〈stddef。
h> 标准定义〈stdint.h〉整型<stdio。
h〉字符串操作<tgmath.h〉通用类型数学宏<time.h> 时间和日期〈wchar。
h〉宽字符支持〈wctype.h〉宽字符分类和映射支持POSIX标准定义的必须的头文件(26项)〈dirent.h〉目录项<fcntl.h> 文件控制〈fnmatch。
h> 文件名匹配类型〈glob。
h> 路径名模式匹配类型〈grp。
h> 组文件〈netdb.h> 网络数据库操作〈pwd.h〉口令文件<regex。
h> 正则表达式〈tar。
h> tar归档值<termios。
h> 终端I/O <unistd.h> 符号常量<utime.h〉文件时间<wordexp。
h〉字扩展类型<arpa/inet.h> Internet定义<net/if.h> 套接字本地接口〈netinet/in.h> Internet地址族 <netinet/tcp.h〉传输控制协议〈sys/mman。
fclose stdio. h
feof stdio.h
ferror stdio.h
fflush stdio. h
fgetc stdio.h
fgetpos stdio. h
FILE stdio. h
floor math. h
fmod math. h
fopen stdio. h
FOPEN_MAX stdio. h
fpos_t stdio. h
cos math. h
cosh math. h
ctime time. h
C语⾔中头⽂件和cpp⽂件解析回到cpp⽂件与头⽂件各写什么内容的话题上:理论上来说cpp⽂件与头⽂件⾥的内容,只要是C语⾔所⽀持的,⽆论写什么都可以的,⽐如你在头⽂件中写函数体实现,任何⼀个cpp⽂件包含此头⽂件就可以将这个函数编译成⽬标⽂件的⼀部分(编译是以cpp⽂件为单位的,如果不在任何cpp⽂件中包含此头⽂件的话,这段代码就形同虚设),你可以在cpp⽂件中进⾏函数声明、变量声明、结构体声明,这也不成问题那为何⼀定要分成头⽂件与cpp⽂件呢?⼜为何⼀般都在头件中进⾏函数、变量声明,宏声明,结构体声明呢?⽽在cpp⽂件中去进⾏变量定义,函数实现呢??原因如下: 1.如果在头⽂件中实现⼀个函数体,那么如果在多个cpp⽂件中引⽤它,⽽且⼜同时编译多个cpp⽂件,将其⽣成的⽬标⽂件连接成⼀个可执⾏⽂件,在每个引⽤此头⽂件的cpp⽂件所⽣成的⽬标⽂件中,都有⼀份这个函数的代码,如果这段函数⼜没有定义成局部函数,那么在连接时,就会发现多个相同的函数,就会报错,函数重复定义。
feof stdio.h
ferror stdio.h
fflush stdio. h
fgetc stdio.h
12.1. 为什么应该使用标准库函数而不要自己编写函数?
fwrite stdio. h
getc stdio.h
getchar stdio. h
getenv stdlib. h
gets stdio.h
abort stdlib. h
abs stdlib. h
acos math. h
asctime time. h
asin math. h
islower ctype. h
isprint ctype. h
ispunct ctype. h
isspace ctype. h
isupper ctype. h
fmod math. h
fopen stdio. h
FOPEN_MAX stdio. h
fpos_t stdio. h
fpnntf stdio. h
1 头文件ctype.h函数列表<>函数类别函数用途详细说明字符测试是否字母和数字isalnum是否字母isalpha是否控制字符iscntrl是否数字isdigit是否可显示字符(除空格外)isgraph是否可显示字符(包括空格)isprint是否既不是空格,又不是字母和数字的可显示字符ispunct是否空格isspace是否大写字母isupper是否16进制数字(0-9,A-F)字符isxdigit字符大小写转换函数转换为大写字母toupper转换为小写字母tolower地区化本类别的函数用于处理不同国家的语言差异。
2 头文件local.h函数列表函数类别函数用途详细说明地区控制地区设置setlocale数字格式约定查询国家的货币、日期、时间等的格式转换localeconv数学函数本分类给出了各种数学计算函数,必须提醒的是ANSI C标准中的数据格式并不符合IEEE754标准,一些C语言编译器却遵循IEEE754(例如frinklin C51) .3 头文件math.h函数列表函数类别函数用途详细说明错误条件处理定义域错误(函数的输入参数值不在规定的范围内)值域错误(函数的返回值不在规定的范围内)三角函数反余弦acos反正弦asin反正切atan反正切2 atan2余弦cos正弦sin正切tan双曲函数双曲余弦cosh双曲正弦sinh双曲正切tanh指数和对数指数函数exp指数分解函数frexp乘积指数函数fdexp自然对数log以10为底的对数log10浮点数分解函数modf幂函数幂函数pow平方根函数sqrt整数截断,绝对值和求余数函数求下限接近整数ceil绝对值fabs求上限接近整数floor求余数fmod本分类函数用于实现在不同底函数之间直接跳转代码。
4 头文件setjmp.h io.h函数列表函数类别函数用途详细说明保存调用环境setjmp恢复调用环境longjmp信号处理该分类函数用于处理那些在程序执行过程中发生例外的情况。
sfr TMOD = 0x89;
sfr TL0 = 0x8A;
sfr TL1 = 0x8B;
sfr TH0 = 0x8C;
sfr TH1 = 0x8D;
sfr IE = 0xA8;
sfr IP = 0xB8;
sfr SCON = 0x98;
sfr SBUF = 0x99;
sbit RI = SCON^0;
/* P1 */
sbit T2EX = P1^1; // 8052 only
sbit T2 = P1^0; // 8052 only
/* T2CON */
sbit TF2 = T2CON^7;
sbit EXF2 = T2CON^6;
sbit RCLK = T2CON^5;
sbit PX0 = 0xB8;
/* P3 */
sbit RD = 0xB7;
sbit WR = 0xB6;
sbit T1 = 0xB5;
sbit T0 = 0xB4;
sbit INT1 = 0xB3;
sbit INT0 = 0xB2;
sbit TXD = 0xB1;
sbit RXD = 0xB0;
sfr P1 = 0x90;
sfr P2 = 0xA0;
sfr P3 = 0xB0;
sfr PSW = 0xD0;
sfr ACC = 0xE0;
sfr B = 0xF0;
sfr SP = 0x81;
sfr DPL = 0x82;
sfr DPH = 0x83;
sfr PCON = 0x87;
c语言头文件大全ctype.h字符处理函数: 本类别函数用于对单个字符进行处理,包括字符的类别测试和字符的大小写转换----------------------------------------字符测试是否字母和数字isalnum是否字母isalpha是否控制字符iscntrl是否数字isdigit是否可显示字符(除空格外) isgraph是否可显示字符(包括空格) isprint是否既不是空格,又不是字母和数字的可显示字符ispunct是否空格isspace是否大写字母isupper是否16进制数字(0-9,A-F)字符isxdigit字符大小写转换函数转换为大写字母toupper转换为小写字母tolower头文件local.h地区化: 本类别的函数用于处理不同国家的语言差异。
----------------------------------------地区控制地区设置setlocale数字格式约定查询国家的货币、日期、时间等的格式转换localeconv头文件math.h数学函数: 本分类给出了各种数学计算函数,必须提醒的是ANSIC标准中的数据格式并不符合IEEE754标准,一些C语言编译器却遵循IEEE754(例如frinklin C51)----------------------------------------反余弦acos反正弦asin反正切atan反正切2 atan2余弦cos正弦sin正切tan双曲余弦cosh双曲正弦sinh双曲正切tanh指数函数exp指数分解函数frexp乘积指数函数fdexp自然对数log以10为底的对数log10浮点数分解函数modf幂函数pow平方根函数sqrt求下限接近整数ceil绝对值fabs求上限接近整数floor求余数fmod头文件setjmp.h io.h本分类函数用于实现在不同底函数之间直接跳转代码。
----------------------------------------保存调用环境setjmp恢复调用环境longjmp头文件signal.h信号处理: 该分类函数用于处理那些在程序执行过程中发生例外的情况。
c语言中头文件和源文件解析 编译原理
头文件的作用主要有以下几个方面:1.1 提供接口声明头文件中包含了函数的声明,通过包含头文件可以让源文件知道这些函数的存在,并且能够正确地调用这些函数。
1.2 定义常量和宏头文件中可以定义常量和宏,这些常量和宏可以被多个源文件引用和使用。
1.3 声明结构体和类型头文件中可以声明结构体和类型,这些结构体和类型可以被多个源文件引用和使用。
源文件的作用主要有以下几个方面:2.1 实现函数的定义源文件中包含了函数的具体实现,通过编译和链接的过程,可以将函数的定义和函数的调用联系起来。
2.2 定义全局变量源文件中可以定义全局变量,这些全局变量可以被多个函数访问和修改。
2.3 包含头文件源文件可以通过包含头文件来使用头文件中定义的函数、常量、宏、结构体和类型等。
标准C语言头文件ISO C标准定义的头文件(24项)<assert.h> 验证程序断言<complex.h> 支持复数算术运算<ctype.h> 字符类型<errno.h> 出错码<fenv.h> 浮点环境<float.h> 浮点常量<inttypes.h> 整型格式转换<iso646.h> 替代关系操作符宏<limits.h> 实现常量<locale.h> 局部类别<math.h> 数学常量<setjmp.h> 非局部goto<signal.h> 信号<stdarg.h> 可变参数表<stdbool.h> 布尔类型和值<stddef.h> 标准定义<stdint.h> 整型<stdio.h> 标准I/O库<stdlib.h> 实用程序库函数<string.h> 字符串操作<tgmath.h> 通用类型数学宏<time.h> 时间和日期<wchar.h> 宽字符支持<wctype.h> 宽字符分类和映射支持POSIX标准定义的必须的头文件(26项)<dirent.h> 目录项<fcntl.h> 文件控制<fnmatch.h> 文件名匹配类型<glob.h> 路径名模式匹配类型<grp.h> 组文件<netdb.h> 网络数据库操作<pwd.h> 口令文件<regex.h> 正则表达式<tar.h> tar归档值<termios.h> 终端I/O <unistd.h> 符号常量<utime.h> 文件时间<wordexp.h> 字扩展类型<arpa/inet.h> Internet定义<net/if.h> 套接字本地接口<netinet/in.h> Internet地址族 <netinet/tcp.h> 传输控制协议<sys/mman.h> 内存管理声明<sys/select.h> select函数<sys/socket.h> 套接字接口<sys/stat.h> 文件状态<sys/times.h> 进程时间<sys/types.h> 基本系统数据类型<sys/un.h> UNIX域套接字定义<sys/utsname.h>系统名<sys/wait.h> 进程控制POSIX标准定义的XSI扩展头文件(26项)<cpio.h> cpio归档值<dlfcn.h> 动态链接<fmtmsg.h> 消息显示结构<ftw.h> 文件树漫游<iconv.h> 代码集转换实用程序<langinfo.h> 语言信息常量<libgen.h> 模式匹配函数定义<monetary.h> 货币类型<ndbm.h> 数据库操作<nl_types.h> 消息类别<poll.h> 轮询函数<search.h> 搜索表<strings.h> 字符串操作<syslog.h> 系统出错日志记录<ucontext.h> 用户上下文<ulimit.h> 用户限制<utmpx.h> 用户帐户数据库<sys/ipc.h> IPC<sys/msg.h> 消息队列<sys/resource.h> 资源操作<sys/sem.h> 信号量<sys/shm.h> 共享存储<sys/statvfs.h> 文件系统信息<sys/time.h> 时间类型<sys/timeb.h> 附加的时间<sys/uio.h> 矢量I/O操作POSIX标准定义的可选头文件(8项)<aio.h> 异步I/O <mqueue.h> 消息队列<pthread.h> 线程<sched.h> 执行调度<semaphore.h> 信号量<spawn.h> 实时spawn接口<stropts.h> XSI STREAMS接口<trace.h> 时间跟踪标准 C++ 语言头文件(54个其中16个用于构建STL,3个为附加非必须)<algorithm>STL通用算法<bitset> STL位集容器<cassert> 用于在程序运行时执行断言<cctype> 字符处理<cerrno> 错误码<cfloat> 用于测试浮点类型属性<ciso646> ISO646变体字符集<climits> 测试整数类型属性<clocale> 本地化函数<cmath> 数学函数<complex>复数类<csetjmp> 执行非内部的goto语句<csignal> 信号<cstdarg> 访问参数数量变化的函数<cstddef> 用于定义实用的类型和宏<cstdio> 输入/输出<cstdlib> 杂项函数及内存分配<cstring> 字符串<ctime> 时间<cwchar> 宽字符处理及输入/输出<cwctype> 宽字符分类<deque> STL双端队列容器<exception> 异常处理类<fstream> 文件流<functional> STL函数对象<iomanip> 参数化输入/输出<ios>基本输入/输出支持<iosfwd> 输入/输出前置声明<iostream> 数据流输入/输出<istream> 基本输入流<iterator> 遍历序列的类<limits> 各种数据类型最值常量<list>STL线性列表容器<locale> 国际化支持<map> STL映射容器<memory> 专用内存分配器<new> 基本内存分配和释放<numeric> 通用的数字操作<ostream> 基本输出流<queue> STL 队列容器<set> STL 集合容器<sstream> 基于字符串的流<stack> STL 堆栈容器<stdexcept> 标准异常类<streambuf> iostream 的缓冲区类<string> 字符串类<strstream> 非内存字符序列的流类<typeinfo> 运行时类型标识<utility> STL 通用模板类<valarray> 支持值数组的类和模版类<vector> STL 动态数组容器标准C++附加的头文件(3个)非必须<hash_map> <hash_set> <slist>The Standard C++ library consists of 51 required headers.This implementation also includes three additional headers,<hash_map>,<hash_set>,and <slist>,not required by the C++ Standard,for a total of 54 headers.Of these 54 headers,16 constitute the Standard Template Library,or STL.These are indicated below with the notation<algorithm> -- (STL) for defining numerous templates that implement useful algorithms<bitset> -- for defining a template class that administers sets of bits<complex> -- for defining a template class that supports complex arithmetic<deque> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a deque container<exception> -- for defining several functions that control exception handling<fstream> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate exteral files<functional>-- (STL) for defining several templates that help construct predicates for the templates defined in <algorithm> and <numeric><hash_map> -- (STL) for defining template classes that implement hashed associative containersthat map keys to values<hash_set> -- (STL) for defining template classes that implement hashed associative containers<iomanip> -- for declaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument<ios> -- for defining the template class that serves as the base for many iostreams classes<iosfwd> -- for declaring several iostreams template classes before they are necessarilydefined<iostream> -- for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams<istream> -- for defining the template class that performs extractions<iterator> -- (STL) for defining several templates that help define and manipulate iterators<limits> -- for testing numeric type properties<list>-- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a doubly linked list container<locale> -- for defining several classes and templates that controllocale-specific behavior, as in the iostreams classes<map>-- (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers thatmap keys to values<memory>-- (STL) for defining several templates that allocate and free storage for variouscontainer classes<new> -- for declaring several functions that allocate and free storage<numeric>-- (STL) for defining several templates that implement useful numeric functions<ostream> -- for defining the template class that performs insertions<queue> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a queue container<set>-- (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers<slist>-- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a singly linked list container<sstream> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate string containers<stack> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a stack container<stdexcept> -- for defining several classes useful for reporting exceptions<streambuf> -- for defining template classes that buffer iostreams operations<string> -- for defining a template class that implements a string container<strstream> -- for defining several iostreams classes that manipulate in-memory character sequences<typeinfo> -- for defining class type_info, the result of the typeid operator<utility>-- (STL) for defining several templates of general utility<valarray> -- for defining several classes and template classes that support value-oriented arrays<vector>-- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a vector container新的C标准库<cassert> -- for enforcing assertions when functions execute<cctype> -- for classifying characters<cerrno> -- for testing error codes reported by library functions<cfloat> -- for testing floating-point type properties<ciso646> -- for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets<climits> -- for testing integer type properties<clocale> -- for adapting to different cultural conventions<cmath> -- for computing common mathematical functions<csetjmp> -- for executing nonlocal goto statements<csignal> -- for controlling various exceptional conditions<cstdarg> -- for accessing a varying number of arguments<cstddef> -- for defining several useful types and macros<cstdio> -- for performing input and output<cstdlib> -- for performing a variety of operations<cstring> -- for manipulating several kinds of strings<ctime> -- for converting between various time and date formats<cwchar> -- for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings<cwctype> -- for classifying wide characters旧的C标准库<assert.h> -- for enforcing assertions when functions execute<ctype.h> -- for classifying characters<errno.h> -- for testing error codes reported by library functions<float.h> -- for testing floating-point type properties<iso646.h> -- for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets<limits.h> -- for testing integer type properties<locale.h> -- for adapting to different cultural conventions<math.h> -- for computing common mathematical functions<setjmp.h> -- for executing nonlocal goto statements<signal.h> -- for controlling various exceptional conditions<stdarg.h> -- for accessing a varying number of arguments<stddef.h> -- for defining several useful types and macros<stdio.h> -- for performing input and output<stdlib.h> -- for performing a variety of operations<string.h> -- for manipulating several kinds of strings<time.h> -- for converting between various time and date formats<wchar.h> -- for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings<wctype.h> -- for classifying wide charactersFinally, in this implementation, the Standard C++ library also includes several headers for compatibility with traditional C++ libraries:<fstream.h> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate exteral files <iomanip.h> -- for declaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument<iostream.h> -- for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams <new.h> -- for declaring several functions that allocate and free storage<stl.h> -- for declaring several template classes that aid migration from older versions of the Standard Template Library。
c语言头文件 结构体定义
c语言头文件结构体定义C语言头文件:结构体定义在C语言中,头文件(header file)是一个重要的概念。
结构体的基本格式如下:struct 结构体名称{成员1的类型成员1的名称;成员2的类型成员2的名称;...};例如,如果我们要定义一个表示学生的结构体,可以这样写:struct Student {int id;char name[20];int age;};五、如何使用结构体?定义结构体之后,我们可以声明结构体的变量并对其进行操作。
例如,我们可以这样声明一个学生结构体变量并对其赋值:struct Student stu;stu.id = 123;strcpy(, "John");stu.age = 18;六、结构体的指针和动态内存分配除了直接声明结构体变量外,我们还可以通过结构体指针来操作结构体。
一、C标头代码的概念C标头代码是一种头文件(header file),是用来声明、定义一些函数、变量以及数据结构等内容的文件。
1. stdio.hstdio.h是C语言中一个最常用的标头代码,包含了标准输入输出函数的声明,比如printf、scanf、fopen、fclose等。
4. math.h5. ctype.h三、如何正确使用C标头代码在编写C语言程序时,正确使用C标头代码是非常重要的。
以下是一些使用C标头代码的注意事项:1. 在头文件中定义变量和函数时,要遵循一定的规范和命名约定,以便于其他程序员阅读和理解代码。
2. 在引用标头代码时,要确保路径、文件名正确,避免引用错误的文件或路径,导致程序编译失败。
3. 避免在标头代码中写入过多的具体实现代码,应该尽量保持简洁和高效,将具体实现代码放在源文件中。
4. 在使用标头代码中的函数和变量时,要遵循一定的调用规范和参数传递方式,确保正确传递参数和返回值。
c语言中头文件的作用和使用方法C语言中头文件的作用和使用1. 什么是头文件?在C语言中,头文件是包含一些预定义的常量、宏定义、函数声明或数据结构定义的文件。
2. 头文件的作用头文件的主要作用有以下几点:•提供函数和变量的声明:头文件中可以包含函数的声明,使得其他源代码文件可以调用声明在头文件中的函数,而不需要重复写函数的原型声明。
3. 头文件的使用3.1 包含头文件在C语言源代码中,通过使用#include指令可以包含头文件。
一般情况下,包含头文件的方式有两种:•使用尖括号<>包含系统提供的头文件:例如#include <stdio.h>,这种方式会在系统目录中查找相应的头文件。
3.2 防止重复包含由于头文件的常见作用是提供声明和定义,为了防止多次包含同一个头文件引起的重定义错误,可以在头文件中使用预处理指令#ifndef、#define、#endif进行包含防护。
#ifndef MYHEADER_H#define MYHEADER_H// 头文件内容#endif这样,在多个源代码文件中包含同一个头文件时,只会包含一次,避免了重复定义的错误。
4. 常见的C标准库头文件C语言提供了一些常见的标准库头文件,包含了一些常用的函数和宏定义。
C语言头文件大全#include <assert.h> //设定插入点#include <ctype.h> //字符处理#include <errno.h> //定义错误码#include <float.h> //浮点数处理#include <fstream.h> //文件输入/输出#include <iomanip.h> //参数化输入/输出#include <iostream.h> //数据流输入/输出#include <limits.h> //定义各种数据类型最值常量#include <locale.h> //定义本地化函数#include <math.h> //定义数学函数#include <stdio.h> //定义输入/输出函数#include <stdlib.h> //定义杂项函数及内存分配函数#include <string.h> //字符串处理#include <strstrea.h> //基于数组的输入/输出#include <time.h> //定义关于时间的函数#include <wchar.h> //宽字符处理及输入/输出#include <wctype.h> //宽字符分类////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// 标准C++ (同上的不再注释)#include <algorithm> //STL通用算法#include <bitset> //STL位集容器#include <cctype>#include <cerrno>#include <clocale>#include <cmath>#include <complex> //复数类#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>#include <ctime>#include <deque> //STL双端队列容器#include <exception> //异常处理类#include <fstream>#include <functional> //STL 定义运算函数(代替运算符)#include <limits>#include <list> //STL 线性列表容器#include <map> //STL 映射容器#include <iomanip>#include <ios> //基本输入/输出支持#include <iosfwd> //输入/输出系统使用的前置声明#include <iostream>#include <istream> //基本输入流#include <ostream> //基本输出流#include <queue> //STL 队列容器#include <set> //STL 集合容器#include <sstream> //基于字符串的流#include <stack> //STL 堆栈容器#include <stdexcept> //标准异常类#include <streambuf> //底层输入/输出支持#include <string> //字符串类#include <utility> //STL 通用模板类#include <vector> //STL 动态数组容器#include <cwchar>#include <cwctype>////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// #include <complex.h> //复数处理#include <fenv.h> //浮点环境#include <inttypes.h> //整数格式转换#include <stdbool.h> //布尔环境#include <stdint.h> //整型环境#include <tgmath.h> //通用类型数学宏#include<conio.h> //说明调用DOS控制台I/O子程序的各个函数。
c语言头文件解析(Head file parsing of C language)If you don't include this header file in any C file, this code is useless. You can declare function declarations, variable declarations, and struct declarations in the C file, and that's not a problem Why must it be divided into header files and C files? And why do you do functions, variables declarations, macro declarations, and structure declarations in the header? And in the C file to define variables, functions to achieve it? Reasons are as follows:1. if the implementation of a function in the header file, so if in multiple C files referenced in it, and at the same time to compile multiple C files, the generated object files are linked into an executable file, in each reference this header file C file generated in the target file, there are a copy of the code of this function, if this function is not defined as a local function, so in connection, you will find the same function, you will get an error2. if the global variables are defined in the header file, and the global variable initialization, then copy in multiple references this header file in the C file also has the same variable name, is the key to this variable has been assigned to the initial value, so the compiler will use this variable in the DATA section, in the final stage will be connected. There are a number of the same variable in the DATA section, it cannot be these variables into a unified variable, is only for the variable is assigned a space, rather than continuous space, assuming that this variable is not initialized in the header file, the compiler will be placed in the BSS section, the connector multiple variable name to BSS the only one storagespace allocation3. if the file in the C statement macros, structure, function and so on, so I want to refer to the corresponding macros in another C file structure, we must do a repetitive work, if I changed a statement in a C file, then forgot to change the other C file in the statement, this is not a big problem, the program logic becomes you can't imagine, if the public stuff put in a header file, the C file you want to use it only need to refer to a OK Isn't it convenient? When you want to change a statement, you just have to move your head down4. declare the structure, function, etc. in the header file. When you need to encapsulate your code into a library and let someone else use your code, you don't want to publish the source code, then how do you use your library? That is, how do you use all the functions in your library? One way is to release the source code, others want to how to use how to use, another is to provide a header file, see the function prototype file from scratch your people, so that people would know how to call the function you write, as you call the printf function, the parameters inside is what?? How do you know that? It's not a statement in the head file of the family Of course, these things have become C standards, even if you do not look at other people's head files, you can also know how to useConfusion of.C and.H files in C languageThere is no difference in essence. Just the general:.H file is the header file, including function declaration, macro definition, structure definition and so on.c file is program file, including function realization, variable definition and so on. And it doesn't matter what suffixes, but the compiler will default to some of the suffixes of the file to take some action. You can force the compiler to edit any suffix file as a C file.It's a good programming style to write two files separately.And, for example, I defined a declaration of function in aaa.h, and then I built aaa.c in the same directory of aaa.h,Aaa.c defines the implementation of this function, and then in the main function in the.C file #include this aaa.h, and then I can use thisFunction. When main is running, it will find the aaa.c file that defines this function.This is because:Main function is the program entry of standard C/C++,The compiler will first find the file in which the function is located.Suppose the compiler compiles myproj.c (containing main ()), and finds that it has include mylib.h (where the function void test ()) is declared,At this point, the compiler will find the implementation fileof the same name according to the predetermined path (Include path list and the path of the code file)(extension of.Cpp or.C, in this case mylib.c), if the file is found, and in which the function is found (in this case void (test))The implementation code, then continue to compile; if in the specified directory can not find the implementation file, or in the file and subsequent include files have not been foundTo implement the code, a compile error is returned. In fact, the process of include can be regarded as a process of document splicing, which will be declared and implementedWrite in the header file and C file, or write the two at the same time in the head file, there is no essential difference in theory.The above is the so-called dynamic way.For static methods, almost all C/C++ compilers support a link called Static Link, the so-called static link.In this way, what we need to do is to write header files that contain functions, classes, and so forth (A.H, B.H,...), and their correspondenceThe implementation file (a.cpp, b.cpp,...), the compiler will compile it as a static library file (a.lib, b.lib,...). In the ensuingIn the code reuse process, we only need to provide the corresponding header file (.H) and the corresponding library file (.Lib), you can use the past code.In contrast to the dynamic way, the advantage of the static way is to realize the concealment of the code, that is, the interface is advocated in C++, and the code is invisible".It is beneficial to the forwarding of library filesIf the most difficult part of the problem is the basic concept, many people may disagree, but in fact it is. When I was studying physics in high school, the focus of the teacher was the concept - the concept must be clear, so the problem has become an easy problem. If you can analyze clearly a physics problem there are several physical processes, each process that abide by a law of Physics (for example, momentum conservation and energy conservation law of bovine II), then it is very easy to list this process according to the law of the N equation, a process must be N N equation, the problem will be smoothly done or easily solved. Even the high school physics competition, the most difficult thing is also lies in:(1) confuse your concept, so that you can not analyze several physical processes, or the physical law followed by a physical process;(2) the existence of higher order equations and the solution of the equations are not available. The latter is already a mathematical category, so the most difficult thing is to graspthe clear concept;Programming is the same, and if the concept is clear, it's basically no problem (it's hard to mathematically, for example, the choice of algorithms, the trade-off between time and space and efficiency, stability and balance of resources). But it's not that easy to have a clear idea. Take this example, for example, to see if you have a clear understanding of it. //a.h void foo (//a.c #include); "A.H" / / my question out: this sentence is to be, or not? Void foo () {return;} //main.c#include, "A.H" int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {foo (); return 0;}For the code above, please answer the three question: is the phrase "#include" "A.H" unnecessary in a.c?Why do you often see the include corresponding to xx.h in xx.c?If the A.C does not write, then the compiler will automatically put the.H file inside the thing with the same name of the.C file bound together?Please think about the 3 questions carefully for 10 minutes. Don't worry about the following explanation.) the more you think, the deeper you'll understandAll right, time is up! Please forget the 3 questions above, and your thoughts on these three questions, and then listen to me slowly. The correct concept is: from the C compiler point of view,.H and.C are cloud, that is, renamed.Txt,.Doc, there isno big difference. In other words,.H and.C have nothing to do with it. .h generally puts variables, arrays, functions declarations defined in the.C file with the same name, declarations that need to be externally used by.C. What's the use of this statement? Just make the places that need to use these declarations easy to quote. Because the macro of #include "xx.h" actually means to delete the current line and insert the content in the xx.h into the current line. Because want to write these declarations place very much (every function call xx.c in place, all in the statement immediately before use), so use the #include "xx.h" this macro simplifies many lines of code -- to replace the pre processor. That is to say, in fact, just need to write a xx.h statement in xx.c function call (less lines), as to who is the include of the.H files is.H or.C or.H, and the.C of the same name, there is no inevitable relationship.So you might say, "ah?" So I just want to call a function in xx.c, but include the xx.h file. Isn't there a lot of useless statements after the macro replacement? Yes, it does introduce a lot of garbage, but it saves you a lot of ink, and the whole layout looks much more relaxed. You can't have both, is the truth. Anyway, the statement (.H more commonly used to put a statement, and do not put the definition, see my article "crossing the street, look around") no harm, but will not affect the compiler, Why not??Turn back and look at the above 3 questions, very good answer? Answer: not necessarily. This example is obviously superfluous. But if the function in.C also need other function calls with a.C, then the.C is often the name include.H, so there is no need to worry about the order of declaration and call (must bedeclared before the C, include and.H language use name typically put in at the beginning of.C). There are many projects that even write this code as code specification to standardize clear code.Answer: 1 has been answered.Answer: no.. The person who asked this question is unclear or want to fish in troubled water. Very annoying is that many of China's examination is out of this rotten problem, for fear that others have a clear concept, must be confused candidates.Clear and easy to say grammatical concepts, hard to say. There are three tips: don't work with your head, think about it, think about it, read more books;Reading should read good books, ask people to ask strong people. Bad books and bad people will give you a wrong idea, misleading you;Is a good training, a hard one before;(1) call library function through header file. In many cases, the source code is inconvenient (or inaccurate) to the user, as long as the user provides header files and binary library. The user only calls the library function in accordance with the declaration of the interface in the header file, without having to care about how the interface is implemented. The compiler extracts the corresponding code from the library.(2) header files can strengthen type safety checks. If aninterface is implemented or used, the way and the header statement is inconsistent, the compiler will point out mistakes, the simple rules can greatly reduce the burden of programmers debugging, error correction.Header files are used to store function prototypes.How do header files relate to source files?The problem is actually that the known header file "A.H" declares a series of functions (only the function prototype, no function implementation), and these functions are implemented in "b.cpp", so if I want to use "A." in "c.cpp""H" declared in these "b.cpp" in the implementation of the function, usually in "c.cpp" using #include "A.H", then c.cpp how to find the implementation of b.cpp?In fact, there is no direct relationship between.Cpp and.H file names, and many compilers can accept other extensions.In the book "C programming" written by Professor Tan Haoqiang, it is mentioned that when the compiler is preprocessing, the #include command should be "file containing processing": copy all the contents of headfile.h to #include "headfile.h". And that explains why many compilers don't exactly care what the suffix is in this file - because #include preprocessing is done with a copy and insert code.When the program is compiled, it does not go to the function implementation in the b.cpp file, only when link is doing thiswork. We use #include "A.H" in b.cpp or c.cpp, in fact, the introduction of related statements, so that the compiler can go through, the program does not care where the implementation is, how to achieve. The source file is compiled to generate the target file (.O or.Obj file). In the target file, these functions and variables are regarded as symbols. At the time of link, which shows a need to connect the need makefile which.O or.Obj file (here is generated by b.cpp.O or.Obj file), the connector will come to function in the realization of b.cpp in the.O or.Obj file, and then put them into the build makefile specified in the file can be executed.In VC, a group of cases do not need to write their own Makefile, just need to include all the files in the project, VC will help you write makefile.Usually, the compiler will find the required symbols in each.O or.Obj file, rather than just finding or finding one in a file. Therefore, if you implement the same function in several different files, or define the same global variable, the link will prompt "redefined""。
FILE *fopen(“filename”,“mode”):以mode模式打开地址为'filename'的⽂件,并返回⽂件指针。
访问模式主要是“r”:只读; “w” :只写,并删除已有内容; “a”:追加,在末尾追加;“r+”, “w+”:读写; “a+”追加,上述结尾加“b”:⼆进制⽂件操作。
注意:其中r是打开⽂件,⽽w会创建(如果⽂件不存在); w会覆盖原有内容,a则是在原有⽂件末尾追加。
int fclose(FILE *f):释放缓冲区数据,关闭流。
下⾯两个没太⽤过:FILE *freopen(“filename”,“mode”,FILE * f):以mode模式打开地址为'filename'的⽂件,并将该⽂件与流f2关联。
int fflush(FILE *f):将已写到缓冲区但未写⼊⽂件中的所有数据写⼊⽂件中。
(2)⼆进制输⼊/输出fread(*ptr,size,n,FILE* f):从f中读取n个长度为size的对象,并放⼊ptr指向的数组中。
fwrite(*ptr,size,n,FILE* f):从ptr指向数组中读取n个长度为size的对象,并写⼊f中。
(3)⾮格式化输⼊/输出int fgetc/getc(FILE *f):返回流f的下⼀个字符,到达⽂件末尾/发⽣错误,则返回EOF。
int fputc/putc(int c, FILE *f)将字符c输⼊到流f中。
头文件的作用头文件在C语言中具有以下几个重要的作用:1.声明函数和变量: 头文件中常常包含函数和变量的声明,以便在源文件中使用。
2.定义宏: 头文件可以包含宏定义,例如常用的预处理宏、条件编译宏等。
3.类型定义: 头文件中可以定义自定义的数据类型,例如结构体、枚举等。
4.库函数引入: 头文件可以引入外部库函数的声明,使得我们可以直接调用这些函数而无需手动声明。
我们可以通过#include指令来包含系统头文件,例如:#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>使用这些系统头文件可以直接使用其中定义的函数、类型等,无需手动声明。
我们可以通过#include指令来包含自定义头文件,例如:#include "myheader.h"在自定义头文件myheader.h中,我们可以声明自己的函数、变量和类型等,供其他源文件使用。
头文件的注意事项在使用头文件时,需要注意以下几点:1.避免重复包含: 头文件中的内容可以在多个源文件中重复使用,但为了防止重复定义,需要在头文件中使用条件编译指令,例如:#ifndef MYHEADER_H#define MYHEADER_H// 头文件内容#endif这样可以避免重复包含,提高代码的编译效率。
字符输入(控制台) getchar 字符串输入(控制台) gets 字符输出(控制台) putc 字符输出(控制台) putchar 字符串输出(控制台) puts 字符输出到流的头部 ungetc 直接输入输出 直接流读操作 fread 直接流写操作 fwrite 文件定位函数 得到文件位置 fgetpos 文件位置移动 fseek 文件位置设置 fsetpos 得到文件位置 ftell 文件位置复零位 remind 错误处理函数 错误清除 clearerr 文件结尾判断 feof 文件错误检测 ferror 得到错误提示字符串 perror
#include <assert.h> //设定插入点 #include <ctype.h> //字符处理 #include <errno.h> //定义错误码 #include <float.h> //浮点数处理 #include <fstream.h> //文件输入/输出 #include <iomanip.h> //参数化输入/输出 #include <iostream.h> //数据流输入/输出 #include <limits.h> //定义各种数据类型最值常量
日期和时间函数 本类别给出时间和日期处理函数
头文件 time.h 函数列表 函数类别 函数用途 详细说明 时间操作函数 得到处理器时间 clock 得到时间差 difftime 设置时间 mktime 得到时间 time 时间转换函数 得到以 ASCII 码表示的时间 asctime
得到字符串表示的时间 ctime 得到指定格式的时间 strftime
头文件 stdarg.h 函数列表 函数类别 函数用途 详细说明 可变参数访问宏 可变参数开始宏 va_start 可变参数结束宏 va_end 可变参数访问宏 访问下一个可变参数宏 va_arg
标准C语言头文件ISO C标准定义的头文件(24项)<assert.h> 验证程序断言<complex.h> 支持复数算术运算<ctype.h> 字符类型<errno.h> 出错码<fenv.h> 浮点环境<float.h> 浮点常量<inttypes.h> 整型格式转换<iso646.h> 替代关系操作符宏<limits.h> 实现常量<locale.h> 局部类别<math.h> 数学常量<setjmp.h> 非局部goto<signal.h> 信号<stdarg.h> 可变参数表<stdbool.h> 布尔类型和值<stddef.h> 标准定义<stdint.h> 整型<stdio.h> 标准I/O库<stdlib.h> 实用程序库函数<string.h> 字符串操作<tgmath.h> 通用类型数学宏<time.h> 时间和日期<wchar.h> 宽字符支持<wctype.h> 宽字符分类和映射支持POSIX标准定义的必须的头文件(26项)<dirent.h> 目录项<fcntl.h> 文件控制<fnmatch.h> 文件名匹配类型<glob.h> 路径名模式匹配类型<grp.h> 组文件<netdb.h> 网络数据库操作<pwd.h> 口令文件<regex.h> 正则表达式<tar.h> tar归档值<termios.h> 终端I/O <unistd.h> 符号常量<utime.h> 文件时间<wordexp.h> 字扩展类型<arpa/inet.h> Internet定义<net/if.h> 套接字本地接口<netinet/in.h> Internet地址族 <netinet/tcp.h> 传输控制协议<sys/mman.h> 内存管理声明<sys/select.h> select函数<sys/socket.h> 套接字接口<sys/stat.h> 文件状态<sys/times.h> 进程时间<sys/types.h> 基本系统数据类型<sys/un.h> UNIX域套接字定义<sys/utsname.h>系统名<sys/wait.h> 进程控制POSIX标准定义的XSI扩展头文件(26项)<cpio.h> cpio归档值<dlfcn.h> 动态链接<fmtmsg.h> 消息显示结构<ftw.h> 文件树漫游<iconv.h> 代码集转换实用程序<langinfo.h> 语言信息常量<libgen.h> 模式匹配函数定义<monetary.h> 货币类型<ndbm.h> 数据库操作<nl_types.h> 消息类别<poll.h> 轮询函数<search.h> 搜索表<strings.h> 字符串操作<syslog.h> 系统出错日志记录<ucontext.h> 用户上下文<ulimit.h> 用户限制<utmpx.h> 用户帐户数据库<sys/ipc.h> IPC<sys/msg.h> 消息队列<sys/resource.h> 资源操作<sys/sem.h> 信号量<sys/shm.h> 共享存储<sys/statvfs.h> 文件系统信息<sys/time.h> 时间类型<sys/timeb.h> 附加的时间<sys/uio.h> 矢量I/O操作POSIX标准定义的可选头文件(8项)<aio.h> 异步I/O <mqueue.h> 消息队列<pthread.h> 线程<sched.h> 执行调度<semaphore.h> 信号量<spawn.h> 实时spawn接口<stropts.h> XSI STREAMS接口<trace.h> 时间跟踪标准 C++ 语言头文件(54个其中16个用于构建STL,3个为附加非必须)<algorithm>STL通用算法<bitset> STL位集容器<cassert> 用于在程序运行时执行断言<cctype> 字符处理<cerrno> 错误码<cfloat> 用于测试浮点类型属性<ciso646> ISO646变体字符集<climits> 测试整数类型属性<clocale> 本地化函数<cmath> 数学函数<complex>复数类<csetjmp> 执行非内部的goto语句<csignal> 信号<cstdarg> 访问参数数量变化的函数<cstddef> 用于定义实用的类型和宏<cstdio> 输入/输出<cstdlib> 杂项函数及内存分配<cstring> 字符串<ctime> 时间<cwchar> 宽字符处理及输入/输出<cwctype> 宽字符分类<deque> STL双端队列容器<exception> 异常处理类<fstream> 文件流<functional> STL函数对象<iomanip> 参数化输入/输出<ios>基本输入/输出支持<iosfwd> 输入/输出前置声明<iostream> 数据流输入/输出<istream> 基本输入流<iterator> 遍历序列的类<limits> 各种数据类型最值常量<list>STL线性列表容器<locale> 国际化支持<map> STL映射容器<memory> 专用内存分配器<new> 基本内存分配和释放<numeric> 通用的数字操作<ostream> 基本输出流<queue> STL 队列容器<set> STL 集合容器<sstream> 基于字符串的流<stack> STL 堆栈容器<stdexcept> 标准异常类<streambuf> iostream 的缓冲区类<string> 字符串类<strstream> 非内存字符序列的流类<typeinfo> 运行时类型标识<utility> STL 通用模板类<valarray> 支持值数组的类和模版类<vector> STL 动态数组容器标准C++附加的头文件(3个)非必须<hash_map> <hash_set> <slist>The Standard C++ library consists of 51 required headers.This implementation also includes three additional headers,<hash_map>,<hash_set>,and <slist>,not required by the C++ Standard,for a total of 54 headers.Of these 54 headers,16 constitute the Standard Template Library,or STL.These are indicated below with the notation<algorithm> -- (STL) for defining numerous templates that implement useful algorithms<bitset> -- for defining a template class that administers sets of bits<complex> -- for defining a template class that supports complex arithmetic<deque> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a deque container<exception> -- for defining several functions that control exception handling<fstream> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate exteral files<functional>-- (STL) for defining several templates that help construct predicates for the templates defined in <algorithm> and <numeric><hash_map> -- (STL) for defining template classes that implement hashed associative containersthat map keys to values<hash_set> -- (STL) for defining template classes that implement hashed associative containers<iomanip> -- for declaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument<ios> -- for defining the template class that serves as the base for many iostreams classes<iosfwd> -- for declaring several iostreams template classes before they are necessarilydefined<iostream> -- for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams<istream> -- for defining the template class that performs extractions<iterator> -- (STL) for defining several templates that help define and manipulate iterators<limits> -- for testing numeric type properties<list>-- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a doubly linked list container<locale> -- for defining several classes and templates that controllocale-specific behavior, as in the iostreams classes<map>-- (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers thatmap keys to values<memory>-- (STL) for defining several templates that allocate and free storage for variouscontainer classes<new> -- for declaring several functions that allocate and free storage<numeric>-- (STL) for defining several templates that implement useful numeric functions<ostream> -- for defining the template class that performs insertions<queue> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a queue container<set>-- (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers<slist>-- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a singly linked list container<sstream> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate string containers<stack> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a stack container<stdexcept> -- for defining several classes useful for reporting exceptions<streambuf> -- for defining template classes that buffer iostreams operations<string> -- for defining a template class that implements a string container<strstream> -- for defining several iostreams classes that manipulate in-memory character sequences<typeinfo> -- for defining class type_info, the result of the typeid operator<utility>-- (STL) for defining several templates of general utility<valarray> -- for defining several classes and template classes that support value-oriented arrays<vector>-- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a vector container新的C标准库<cassert> -- for enforcing assertions when functions execute<cctype> -- for classifying characters<cerrno> -- for testing error codes reported by library functions<cfloat> -- for testing floating-point type properties<ciso646> -- for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets<climits> -- for testing integer type properties<clocale> -- for adapting to different cultural conventions<cmath> -- for computing common mathematical functions<csetjmp> -- for executing nonlocal goto statements<csignal> -- for controlling various exceptional conditions<cstdarg> -- for accessing a varying number of arguments<cstddef> -- for defining several useful types and macros<cstdio> -- for performing input and output<cstdlib> -- for performing a variety of operations<cstring> -- for manipulating several kinds of strings<ctime> -- for converting between various time and date formats<cwchar> -- for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings<cwctype> -- for classifying wide characters旧的C标准库<assert.h> -- for enforcing assertions when functions execute<ctype.h> -- for classifying characters<errno.h> -- for testing error codes reported by library functions<float.h> -- for testing floating-point type properties<iso646.h> -- for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets<limits.h> -- for testing integer type properties<locale.h> -- for adapting to different cultural conventions<math.h> -- for computing common mathematical functions<setjmp.h> -- for executing nonlocal goto statements<signal.h> -- for controlling various exceptional conditions<stdarg.h> -- for accessing a varying number of arguments<stddef.h> -- for defining several useful types and macros<stdio.h> -- for performing input and output<stdlib.h> -- for performing a variety of operations<string.h> -- for manipulating several kinds of strings<time.h> -- for converting between various time and date formats<wchar.h> -- for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings<wctype.h> -- for classifying wide charactersFinally, in this implementation, the Standard C++ library also includes several headers for compatibility with traditional C++ libraries:<fstream.h> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate exteral files <iomanip.h> -- for declaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument<iostream.h> -- for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams <new.h> -- for declaring several functions that allocate and free storage<stl.h> -- for declaring several template classes that aid migration from older versions of the Standard Template Library。
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免费的C语言.h和.c文件解析C语言中.h和.c文件解析(2010-03-11 18:07:37)转载标签:杂谈简单的说其实要理解C文件与头文件(即.h)有什么不同之处,首先需要弄明白编译器的工作过程,一般说来编译器会做以下几个过程:1.预处理阶段2.词法与语法分析阶段3.编译阶段,首先编译成纯汇编语句,再将之汇编成跟CPU相关的二进制码,生成各个目标文件(.obj文件)4.连接阶段,将各个目标文件中的各段代码进行绝对地址定位,生成跟特定平台相关的可执行文件,当然,最后还可以用objcopy生成纯二进制码,也就是去掉了文件格式信息。
(生成.exe文件)编译器在编译时是以C文件为单位进行的,也就是说如果你的项目中一个C文件都没有,那么你的项目将无法编译,连接器是以目标文件为单位,它将一个或多个目标文件进行函数与变量的重定位,生成最终的可执行文件,在PC上的程序开发,一般都有一个main 函数,这是各个编译器的约定,当然,你如果自己写连接器脚本的话,可以不用main函数作为程序入口!!!!(main .c文件目标文件可执行文件)有了这些基础知识,再言归正传,为了生成一个最终的可执行文件,就需要一些目标文件,也就是需要C文件,而这些C文件中又需要一个main函数作为可执行程序的入口,那么我们就从一个C文件入手,假定这个C文件内容如下:#include <stdio.h>#include "mytest.h"int main(int argc,char **argv){test = 25;printf("test.................%d\n",test);}头文件内容如下:int test;现在以这个例子来讲解编译器的工作:1.预处理阶段:编译器以C文件作为一个单元,首先读这个C文件,发现第一句与第二句是包含一个头文件,就会在所有搜索路径中寻找这两个文件,找到之后,就会将相应头文件中再去处理宏,变量,函数声明,嵌套的头文件包含等,检测依赖关系,进行宏替换,看是否有重复定义与声明的情况发生,最后将那些文件中所有的东东全部扫描进这个当前的C文件中,形成一个中间"C文件"2.编译阶段,在上一步中相当于将那个头文件中的test变量扫描进了一个中间C文件,那么test变量就变成了这个文件中的一个全局变量,此时就将所有这个中间C文件的所有变量,函数分配空间,将各个函数编译成二进制码,按照特定目标文件格式生成目标文件,在这种格式的目标文件中进行各个全局变量,函数的符号描述,将这些二进制码按照一定的标准组织成一个目标文件3.连接阶段,将上一步成生的各个目标文件,根据一些参数,连接生成最终的可执行文件,主要的工作就是重定位各个目标文件的函数,变量等,相当于将个目标文件中的二进制码按一定的规范合到一个文件中再回到C文件与头文件各写什么内容的话题上:理论上来说C文件与头文件里的内容,只要是C语言所支持的,无论写什么都可以的,比如你在头文件中写函数体,只要在任何一个C文件包含此头文件就可以将这个函数编译成目标文件的一部分(编译是以C文件为单位的,如果不在任何C文件中包含此头文件的话,这段代码就形同虚设),你可以在C文件中进行函数声明,变量声明,结构体声明,这也不成问题!!!那为何一定要分成头文件与C文件呢?又为何一般都在头件中进行函数,变量声明,宏声明,结构体声明呢?而在C文件中去进行变量定义,函数实现呢??原因如下:1.如果在头文件中实现一个函数体,那么如果在多个C文件中引用它,而且又同时编译多个C文件,将其生成的目标文件连接成一个可执行文件,在每个引用此头文件的C文件所生成的目标文件中,都有一份这个函数的代码,如果这段函数又没有定义成局部函数,那么在连接时,就会发现多个相同的函数,就会报错2.如果在头文件中定义全局变量,并且将此全局变量赋初值,那么在多个引用此头文件的C文件中同样存在相同变量名的拷贝,关键是此变量被赋了初值,所以编译器就会将此变量放入DATA段,最终在连接阶段,会在DA TA段中存在多个相同的变量,它无法将这些变量统一成一个变量,也就是仅为此变量分配一个空间,而不是多份空间,假定这个变量在头文件没有赋初值,编译器就会将之放入BSS段,连接器会对BSS段的多个同名变量仅分配一个存储空间3.如果在C文件中声明宏,结构体,函数等,那么我要在另一个C文件中引用相应的宏,结构体,就必须再做一次重复的工作,如果我改了一个C文件中的一个声明,那么又忘了改其它C文件中的声明,这不就出了大问题了,程序的逻辑就变成了你不可想象的了,如果把这些公共的东东放在一个头文件中,想用它的C文件就只需要引用一个就OK了!!!这样岂不方便,要改某个声明的时候,只需要动一下头文件就行了4.在头文件中声明结构体,函数等,当你需要将你的代码封装成一个库,让别人来用你的代码,你又不想公布源码,那么人家如何利用你的库呢?也就是如何利用你的库中的各个函数呢??一种方法是公布源码,别人想怎么用就怎么用,另一种是提供头文件,别人从头文件中看你的函数原型,这样人家才知道如何调用你写的函数,就如同你调用printf函数一样,里面的参数是怎样的??你是怎么知道的??还不是看人家的头文件中的相关声明啊!!!当然这些东东都成了C标准,就算不看人家的头文件,你一样可以知道怎么使用c语言中.c和.h文件的困惑本质上没有任何区别。
而且,比方说我在aaa.h里定义了一个函数的声明,然后我在aaa.h的同一个目录下建立aaa.c ,aaa.c里定义了这个函数的实现,然后是在main函数所在.c文件里#include这个aaa.h 然后我就可以使用这个函数了。
假定编译程序编译myproj.c(其中含main())时,发现它include了mylib.h(其中声明了函数void test()),那么此时编译器将按照事先设定的路径(Include路径列表及代码文件所在的路径)查找与之同名的实现文件(扩展名为.cpp或.c,此例中为mylib.c),如果找到该文件,并在其中找到该函数(此例中为void test())的实现代码,则继续编译;如果在指定目录找不到实现文件,或者在该文件及后续的各include文件中未找到实现代码,则返回一个编译错误.其实include的过程完全可以"看成"是一个文件拼接的过程,将声明和实现分别写在头文件及C文件中,或者将二者同时写在头文件中,理论上没有本质的区别。
对于静态方式,基本所有的C/C++编译器都支持一种链接方式被称为Static Link,即所谓静态链接。
如果你能分析清楚一道物理难题存在着几个物理过程,每一个过程都遵守那一条物理定律(比如动量守恒、牛II定律、能量守恒),那么就很轻松的根据定律列出这个过程的方程,N 个过程必定是N个N元方程,难题也就迎刃而解。
//a.h void foo(); //a.c #include "a.h" //我的问题出来了:这句话是要,还是不要?void foo() { return; } //main.c #include "a.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { foo(); return 0; }针对上面的代码,请回答三个问题:a.c 中的#include "a.h" 这句话是不是多余的?为什么经常见xx.c 里面include 对应的xx.h?如果a.c 中不写,那么编译器是不是会自动把 .h 文件里面的东西跟同名的.c 文件绑定在一起?(请针对上面3道题仔细考虑10分钟,莫要着急看下面的解释。
:) 考虑的越多,下面理解的就越深。
因为#include "xx.h" 这个宏其实际意思就是把当前这一行删掉,把xx.h 中的内容原封不动的插入在当前行的位置。
由于想写这些函数声明的地方非常多(每一个调用xx.c 中函数的地方,都要在使用前声明一下子),所以用#include "xx.h" 这个宏就简化了许多行代码--让预处理器自己替换好了。
也就是说,xx.h 其实只是让需要写xx.c 中函数声明的地方调用(可以少写几行字),至于include 这个.h 文件是谁,是.h 还是.c,还是与这个.h 同名的.c,都没有任何必然关系。