
3:what are the reasons for these bad phenomena?
While modern people create a lot of material wealth,they are controlled by these wealth. People just want to make money, morality however begin to lose.The economic is developing very fast,some people who only think about how to benefit themslves will skirt the law and do the dishonesty things.
The shepherd finally realised that he was wrong, yet there was no way to save the sheep from being eaten. In the end, all the sheep were eaten by the wolf. This story tells us that we cannot tell lies,we should be honesty!
Let’s see the blow pictures…..
As can be seen from the above images,in china there are a lot of dishonesty phenomenons .There are similar cases such as “xiao yue yue” “no help to the old man who fells to the ground’.All these bad things disrupt the order of our life and restrict our economic development!
《Honesty》中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 5ppt课件2【语文版】

7) Mom said to me, “Don’t tell a lie.” Mom told me not to tell a lie.
lies. 父母应该要求孩子不要撒谎。
9. keep silent: 保持沉默 keep: 系动词+adj. He always keeps silent at the meeting. 开会时他总是保持沉默。 10. take…out of…: 从…拿出… He took an apple out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一个苹果。 11. throw…away: “把…扔掉” throw—threw--thrown Why did you throw away my book? 你为什么把我书扔掉啊? 12. fly—flew—flown: 飞 fly with wind: 随风飘飞
He asked me whether I was going home that weekend.
3) “How do you like the food here?” said she. She asked how I liked the food there.
4) She said to me, “Don’t ride in the street.” She told me not to ride in the street.
3. Rewrite the sentences. 1) “I’m glad to receive your e-mail,” said he.
He said that he was glad to receive my email.
2) He said to me, “Are you going home this weekend?”

8NEBiblioteka S ABOUT Spicy bar
• “脏得不得了。”这是不少受访者对于辣条的第一印象。网友 “潮汐君”宣称,自己亲身实验试吃十包辣条并记录下整个过程, “全部吃完大约用了一个半小时,之后从晚上7点一直腹泻至深 夜12点,次日去医院被诊断为急性肠胃炎。”而在亚马逊网站上, 一些外国消费者留言表示,吃辣条后出现腹泻等症状。
• One day, as he wandered about the garden amusing himself by hacking his mother's pea sticks, he found a beautiful, young English cherry tree, of which his father was most proud. He tried the edge of his hatchet on the trunk of the tree and barked it so that it died.
诚信 Sincerity 2
The integrity of the story
Wolf is coming
• When George was about six years old, he was made the wealthy master of a hatchet of which, like most little boys, he was extremely fond.
• Just then George, with his little hatchet, came into the room.
• "George,'' said his father, "do you know who has killed my beautiful little cherry tree yonder in the garden? I would not have taken five guineas for it!''
• “脏得不得了。”这是不少受访者对于辣条的第一印象。网友 “潮汐君”宣称,自己亲身实验试吃十包辣条并记录下整个过程, “全部吃完大约用了一个半小时,之后从晚上7点一直腹泻至深 夜12点,次日去医院被诊断为急性肠胃炎。”而在亚马逊网站上, 一些外国消费者留言表示,吃辣条后出现腹泻等症状。
• One day, as he wandered about the garden amusing himself by hacking his mother's pea sticks, he found a beautiful, young English cherry tree, of which his father was most proud. He tried the edge of his hatchet on the trunk of the tree and barked it so that it died.
诚信 Sincerity 2
The integrity of the story
Wolf is coming
• When George was about six years old, he was made the wealthy master of a hatchet of which, like most little boys, he was extremely fond.
• Just then George, with his little hatchet, came into the room.
• "George,'' said his father, "do you know who has killed my beautiful little cherry tree yonder in the garden? I would not have taken five guineas for it!''

15. Accidentally damaged an unopersonal belongings (computers, MP3, or radio, walkman)(scraped or dented it) and not left a note with your contact information?
7. Sneaked into a movie or concert without paying?
8. Munched on a food item while grocery shopping and not paid for it?
9. Been undercharged or received too much change from a cashier and not told him or her?
Do you really want to hear the truth?
Are you completely honest with your friend/boy or girl friend about EVERYTHING?
How do you stack up against our survey respondents? (Due to rounding, numbers don’t add up to 100%.)
High Honesty (1 to 8 yes’s):
Moderate Honesty (9 to 16 yes’s):
12. Downloaded music from an Internet site and not paid?
13. Switched price tags to get a lower price for something you wanted to buy?

Washington cut down his father's cherry tree when he was young. His father was very angry about this. “If I find out who cut down trees, I will to punish him." his father thought. When he asked his son, little Washington began to cry. "I cut your tree!" Washington told the whole truth. Father picked up his son said: “My clever boy. I would rather lose one hundred trees, than listening to you tell a lie .
Honesty is one of the most important life principles
Honesty is a last-longing virtue of people all over the world.
Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act If you are honest all the time ,you will be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down up and regarded as a black sheep by the people around him. Once you lie ,people will never believe you even if what you speak is the truth .However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the expense of honesty.
Washington cut down his father's cherry tree when he was young. His father was very angry about this. “If I find out who cut down trees, I will to punish him." his father thought. When he asked his son, little Washington began to cry. "I cut your tree!" Washington told the whole truth. Father picked up his son said: “My clever boy. I would rather lose one hundred trees, than listening to you tell a lie .
Honesty is one of the most important life principles
Honesty is a last-longing virtue of people all over the world.
Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act If you are honest all the time ,you will be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down up and regarded as a black sheep by the people around him. Once you lie ,people will never believe you even if what you speak is the truth .However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the expense of honesty.

carefully climbed up onto the branch. ( F) 5. Bill realized his mistake. ( T)
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Lead in
Do you study hard enough?
Are you afraid of exams?
Your friend doesn’t study hard. He asks you to help him cheat(作弊) in the exam by looking at your paper. Are you willing to help him? Why?
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Step III. Fast reading
Please listen to the tape carefully and find the answer to the question
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Who do you think is dishonest, Bill or Joe?
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Lead in
Do you study hard enough?
Are you afraid of exams?
Your friend doesn’t study hard. He asks you to help him cheat(作弊) in the exam by looking at your paper. Are you willing to help him? Why?
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Step III. Fast reading
Please listen to the tape carefully and find the answer to the question
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Who do you think is dishonest, Bill or Joe?
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Honesty诚信 ppt

在第二天的新生见面会上,他发现昨 天那位老人坐在主席台的中央。他就 是当代著名的东方语言学家,教育家, 散文家,北京大学副校长 - 季羡林先 生
Yes, honesty is so conquer the people. Which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is the result of long and heavy waves of life of sincere honed gold.
Vibrant youth, dancing with honesty
12级制药工程 谢催建
A few years ago, a freshmen was signing up in Peking University and he was carrying bags in the huge university campus at a loss. He saw an old man ring a gown, Put luggage on his side, and said: “Elderly, Could you help me look after my luggage, thank you." More than an hour later, the freshmen came back and found the elderly who still guarding his luggage and refused to leave after finishing all the formalities. 几年前,一个新生在报名在北大,他被背着书包在偌 大的大学校园里不知所措。他看见一个老人穿着长衫, 于是把行李放在他身边,说:“老人家,你能不能帮 我看一下我的行李后,谢谢你。”一个多小时后,新 生办完所有手续回来时,发现老人仍然守着他的行李。
Yes, honesty is so conquer the people. Which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is the result of long and heavy waves of life of sincere honed gold.
Vibrant youth, dancing with honesty
12级制药工程 谢催建
A few years ago, a freshmen was signing up in Peking University and he was carrying bags in the huge university campus at a loss. He saw an old man ring a gown, Put luggage on his side, and said: “Elderly, Could you help me look after my luggage, thank you." More than an hour later, the freshmen came back and found the elderly who still guarding his luggage and refused to leave after finishing all the formalities. 几年前,一个新生在报名在北大,他被背着书包在偌 大的大学校园里不知所措。他看见一个老人穿着长衫, 于是把行李放在他身边,说:“老人家,你能不能帮 我看一下我的行李后,谢谢你。”一个多小时后,新 生办完所有手续回来时,发现老人仍然守着他的行李。

Social discreditable behaviors
Lead to
credibility crisis信任危机
Credibility crisis perturbs good social order with lies and propaganda, and it has effected verious problems in all respects of the society.There are a lot of people break their promises, even if they are attorneys,doctors and politicians.
Best-selling author Robert L.Shook has been working full-time as an author since 1978. He is one of six New York Times best-sellers. Member of board of directors of Value City Department Stores, 1991-2002. Contributing editor-Success Magazine-4 years. Chairman of the boardAmerican Cancer Society (Franklin County) 20002002; ACS board member (1985-2002); 1994 Volunteer of the Year-American Cancer Society; past board member of Opera/Columbus; Players Theater of Columbus and member of the Columbus Adopt-a-School Program.
【语文版】中职英语基础模块下册:Unit 5《Honesty》ppt课件(14张PPT)

C) Your teacher asks you why you are late for class. 当老师询问你迟到的原因时。
Stay away from 脱离,避开
1. stay away from school 逃学
e.g : Bill stayed away from school and went swimming. 2. Mom tolds me to stay away from the bad boys. 妈妈告诉我离那些坏小子远一点
Bill thought.
▪lie awake and think till daylight 睁眼想着到天
▪get up quietly and go out
e.g : Please get up quietly when your roommate is sleeping
▪Go straight to the tree
wait for sb. 等待某人
Bill waited for Joe near the school gate and walk home with him. Bill 在学校门口等joe并和他一 起走回家
Bill threatened and pleaded
▪ If you give it to father, I’ll have to run away from home again.
e.g : The rich man took money out of his pockiet.
▪ throw away
What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了
▪ What happened to you? ▪ What’s your problem? ▪ What’s up?
Stay away from 脱离,避开
1. stay away from school 逃学
e.g : Bill stayed away from school and went swimming. 2. Mom tolds me to stay away from the bad boys. 妈妈告诉我离那些坏小子远一点
Bill thought.
▪lie awake and think till daylight 睁眼想着到天
▪get up quietly and go out
e.g : Please get up quietly when your roommate is sleeping
▪Go straight to the tree
wait for sb. 等待某人
Bill waited for Joe near the school gate and walk home with him. Bill 在学校门口等joe并和他一 起走回家
Bill threatened and pleaded
▪ If you give it to father, I’ll have to run away from home again.
e.g : The rich man took money out of his pockiet.
▪ throw away
What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了
▪ What happened to you? ▪ What’s your problem? ▪ What’s up?

Thank you
一个送牛奶的人通过不诚实的手段变得非常富有。 他每日跨河到达他的客户住的城市。他混合水与牛 奶,他卖的一个很好的利润。有一天他去收集债务 为了庆祝他的儿子的婚礼。随着大量因此收集他购 买了大量丰富的衣服和闪闪发光的黄金饰品。但渡 河的船翻了,他所有的昂贵的购买是由河水吞噬。 牛奶供应商是无言以对悲伤。那时,他听到一个声 音从河边走来,“不要哭。你所失去的仅仅是非法 所得,你获得通过欺骗你的顾客。 寓意:诚信交易是最高。错误的方法,所赚的钱不 会永远存在
Ms. Zeng go to the market, her son cried to refuse to go along. Ms.Zeng said to him: "You go home, waiting for me to come back and kill the pig for you to eat " She just came back on the market, soon to catch Zengzi pig slaughte rhouse. His wife stopped him, said: "But are children and joking." Zeng Zi said: "children can not joke with him ah! Children without thinking an d ability to judge, waiting for parents to teach him, and obey their paren ts teaching. you deceived child is teaching him to deceive others. the m other to deceive the child, the child would not believe his mother, this is not to educate children to become an honest man's way. “ So Zengzi cooked the meat for children to eat
诚信英文 课堂演讲PPT

First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students’ selfconfidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society.
The effect of cheating on exam :
How to stop cheating on exams?
First A severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating.
Integrity is a good quality of being honest. Integrity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Integrity is one of the most valuable personalities of human .
1 3 2 4
Fourth,we should develop and expand traditional Chinese virtues of integrity。
First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students’ selfconfidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society.
The effect of cheating on exam :
How to stop cheating on exams?
First A severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating.
Integrity is a good quality of being honest. Integrity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Integrity is one of the most valuable personalities of human .
1 3 2 4
Fourth,we should develop and expand traditional Chinese virtues of integrity。
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At 19:00 on November 25, 2013,Jinhua non-motor vehicle lane, an old man suddenly fell to the ground, his injury was unknown. Many pedestrians and vehicles witnessed the old man fell, while none of them dare to lift up the elderly. Old man tried to climb up, but failed. Everyone was anxious. But people are afraid to help him up as recently they shocked by a news titled “help the elderly to be correct”. Passers dialed 120,, by the meaning time of waiting for the police, they stand in a circle to guard the old man prostrated in the central of circle.
In sharp contrast two days later, in Hangzhou, an old man selling roasted sweet potato suddenly fell to the ground, a girl tourism in Hangzhou and pedestrians nearby, lent their helping hands to the old man.
Honesty is one of the most important life principles
Honesty is a last-longing virtue of people all over the world.
Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act If you are honest all the time ,you will be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down up and regarded as a black sheep by the people around him. Once you lie ,people will never believe you even if what you speak is the truth .However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the expense of honesty.
ZHU Guoqiang
Washington cut down his father's cherry tree when he was young. His father was very angry about this. “If I find out who cut down trees, I will to punish him." his father thought. When he asked his son, little Washington began to cry. "I cut your tree!" Washington told the whole truth. Father picked up his son said: “My clever boy. I would rather lose one hundred trees, than listening to you tell a lie .
Honesty is a basic principle of life, we should adhere to it. As a student, is prohibited.
As a researcher, plagiarism is a sin As a doctor, deceit is stealing patients’ right of living As a citizen, do not deceive others.