



CATTI中级口译长难句翻译中级口译长难句翻译1. The most thrilling e_planation is, unfortunately, a little defective. Someeconomists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended theold economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth andinflation.[参考译文] 很不幸,这最令人震惊的解释有一点缺陷.一些经济学家认为世界经济结构的强有力的变化已经结束了那个以经济增长和通货膨胀的历史关联为基础的旧的经济模式.2. The Aswan Dam, for e_ample, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egyptof the fertile silt that floods left-all in return for a giant reservoir ofdisease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity. [参考译文] 例如,阿斯旺大坝使得尼罗河不再洪水泛滥,但是它也夺去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥--这些换宋的就是这么个疾病滋生的水库,现在这个水库积满了淤泥,几乎不能发电了.3. New ways of organizing the workplace--all that re-engineering anddownsizing--are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy,which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment andmachinery, new technology, and investment in education and training,[参考译文] 企业重组的新方法--所有那些重新设计.缩小规模的做法--只是对一个经济的整体生产力做出了一方面的贡献.这种经济还受许多其他因素的驱动,比如结合设备和机械上的投资.新技术,以及在教育和培训上的投资.4. His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have appliedre-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without givingsufficient thought to long-term profitability.[参考译文] 他的同事迈克尔?比尔说,有太多的公司已经用一种机械的方式实行公司内部的重新设计,在没有充分考虑长期赢利的能力下削减了成本.5. Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such asThe Flight from S.cience and Reason , held in New York City in _95, and Science in the Age of (Mis) information, which assembled last June nearBuffalo.[参考译文] 科学卫士们在会议上也表述了他们的关注,比如_95年在纽约市举行的逃离科学与理性会议,以及去年6月在布法罗附近召开的 (错误)信息时代的科学会议.6. A survey of news stories in _96 reveals that the antiscience tag has beenattached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated theelimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpo_ virus to Republicans whoadvocated decreased funding for basic research.[参考译文] 一项关于_96年新闻报道的调查显示,反科学的标签还可以贴在许多其他团体身上,从提倡消灭最后存留的天花病毒的权威机构,到鼓吹削减基础研究经费的共和党人(都被贴上了反科学的标签).7. The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrllch of Stanford University,a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidencesupporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and otherconsequences of industrial growth.[参考译文] 环境研究的先驱.斯坦福大学的保罗?厄尔里西认为,科学真正的敌人是那些对支持全球变暖.臭氧层损耗以及工业发展的其他后果的证据提出置疑的人.8. This development--and its strong implication for US politics and economyin years ahead--has enthroned the South as America s most densely populatedregion for the first time in the history of the nation s head counting. [参考译文] 这种发展--以及其对美国政治.经济在未来几年的潜在的强有力的影响一一使得南部在全国人口普查中有史以来首次成为美国人口最密集的地区.9. Often they choose--and still are choosing--somewhat colder climates suchas Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog.crime and other plagues ofurbanization in the Golden State.[参考译文] 他们常常选择--现在依然这样选择--居住在那些气候较为寒冷的地区, 比如俄勒冈.爱达荷,还有阿拉斯加,为的是逃避烟雾.犯罪,以及金州 (加利福尼亚)城市化进程中的其他问题.10. As a result, California s growth rate dropped during the _70 s, to _.5percent--little more than two thirds the _60 s growth figure and considerablybelow that of other Western states.[参考译文] 结果,加利福尼亚的人口增长率在20世纪70年代时下降到了_.5%一一稍高于60年代增长率的三分之二,大大低于西部其他各州.中级口译长难句翻译1. Unlike most of the world s volcanoes, they are not always found at theboundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earth s surface; on thecontrary, many of them lie deep in the interior of a plate.[参考译文] 跟世界上的大多数火山不同的是,它们(热点)并不总是在由构成地球表面巨大漂流板块之间的边界上出现;相反,它们中有许多位于一个板块较纵深的内部.2. The relative motion of the plates carrying these continents has beenconstructed in detail, but the motion of the plates with respect to anothercannot readily be translated into motion with respect to the earth sinterior.[参考译文] 携带这些大陆板块的相对运动已经能够被详细地表述出来,但是这些板块相对于另一些板块的运动还不能轻易地解释为它们相对于地球内部的运动.3. As the dome grows, it develops seed fissures (cracks); in at leasta fewcases the continentmay break entirely along some of these fissures, so that thehot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean.[参考译文] 暂缺4. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary--the dangers of druginteractions, for e_ample--and many are required by state or federalregulations, it isn t clear that they actually protect the manufacturers andsellers from liability if a customer is injured.[参考译文] 尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的--比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告--许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们)并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任.5. At the same time, the American Law Institute--a group of judges, lawyers,and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight--issued newguidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers ofobvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones.[参考译文] 与此同时,美国法律研究所--由一群法官.律师和理论专家组成,他们的建议分量极重--发布了新的民事伤害法令指导方针,宣称公司不必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再提请他们注意一些可能会出现的危险.6. In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools thatallow companies to push information directly out to consumers, transmittingmarketing messages directly to targeted customers.[参考译文] 但是,在过去的一年间,软件公司已经开发出工具,使得公司可以直接将信息推出给顾客,直接把营销讯息传递给目标顾客.7. The e_amples of Virtual Vineyards, , and other pioneers showthat a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mi_ ofinteractivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers. [参考译文] 像Virtual Vineyards,这样的先驱网站表明,一个将交互性.热情服务和安全性合理结合以销售同类商品的网址是可以吸引网上客户注意的.8. An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroomon the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computersinthe classroom for broader reasons of radical education reform.[参考译文] 有些人为了学生的就业前景为教室里放置电脑而辩,有些人为教育的彻底改革中更为广泛的理由为教室里放置电脑而辩,这两群人之间有一条无形的界线.9. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a characterwho is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood andhappiness are affected by things outside of himself.[参考译文] 我们更应该具有的是作为美国公民的某种观念,这个公民人物如果不能很恰当地认识到自己的生存和幸福是如何受到自身之外的事物的影响,那么其公民特征就是不完整的.10. Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind ofprofessional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread overso many states and involves so many international corporations.[参考译文] 另外,在我们这么一个大国里,经济延展到这么多的州.涉及到这么多的国际公司,因而要按照数量培养出所需的各类专业人员是不大可能的.中级口译长难句翻译1. Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches,right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attackedthe bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turnback.[参考译文] 一些机构终于松了一口气,但是其他一些机构,包括教堂,倡导生命之权的团体和澳大利亚医学协会,尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过过于匆忙.但是大势已定,不可逆转.2. In Australia- where an aging population, life-e_tending technology andchanging community attitudes have all played their partother states are going toconsider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia.[参考译文] 在澳大利亚--人口老龄化,延长寿命的技术和变化看的社会态度,这些因素都在发挥作用一一其他的州也会考虑制定相似的关于安乐死的法律.3. There are, of course, e_ceptions. Small--minded officials, rude waiters,and ill mannered ta_i drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is anobservation made so frequently that it deserves comment.[参考译文] 当然,例外是存在的.在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见.然而人们常常得出这样的观察意见,这使得它值得被讨论一下.4. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable,coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.[参考译文] 我们生活在一种药品(毒品)的医学用途和社会用途都很广泛的社会里: 一片用来止头痛的阿斯匹林,一些用来社交的葡萄酒,早上自己提提神所喝的咖啡,一支用来定神的香烟.5. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and moreof the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by theappearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance isdiscontinued.[参考译文] 对药品的依赖性首先表现为不断增长的耐药量,要产生想得到的效果所需要的药品剂量越来越大,然后表现为当停止用药后,令人不快的停药症状的出现.6. Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers? SenatorRobert Dole asked Time Warner e_ecutives last week. You have sold yoursouls,but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?[参考译文] 上星期参议员罗博特多尔质问时代华纳公司的高级管理人员们:难道这就是你们希望能够成就的事业?你们已经出卖了自己的灵魂,但是难道你们还非要腐化我们的国家,威胁我们的孩子们吗?7. The test of any democratic society, he wrote in a Wall Street Journalcolumn , lies not in how well it can control e_pression but in whether it givesfreedom of thought and e_pression the widest possible latitude, howeverdisputable or irritating the results may sometimes be...[参考译文] 对任何一个民主社会的考验, 他在《华尔街杂志》的一个专栏文章中写到, 不在于它能够多有效地控制各种意见的表达,而在于这个社会是否能给予思考和表达的尽可能广泛的自由,不管有时候这种结果是多么的富有争议或令人不快…8. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month s stockholdersmeeting, Levin asserted that music is not the cause of society s ills and evencited his son, a teacher in the Bron_, New York, who uses rap to communicatewith students.[参考译文] 在-上个月的股东大会上关于摇滚歌词的讨论中,莱文宣称说: 音乐不是社会问题的原因 ,他甚至还以他的儿子为例.他的儿子是纽约州布朗克斯的一个教师,并用说唱音乐与学生们进行沟通.9. Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as steeringthe economy to a soft landing of a touch on the brakes , makes it sound likea precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth.[参考译文] 有很多用于描述货币政策的词汇,例如轻踩刹车以操纵经济软着陆 ,使货币政策听起来像是一门精确的科学.没有什么比这更远离实际情况的了.10. Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflationfigures in Britain and the United States, since, conventional measures suggestthat both economies, and especially America s, have little productive slack.[参考译文] 经济学家们对英国和美国的有利的通货膨胀数据尤其感到惊讶,因为传统的计量方法显示两国的经济,特别是美国的经济,几乎没有生产萧条的时候.catti二级口译试题及解析学习也是快乐的,因为你学习了许多知识,今天小编给大家带来了catti二级口译试题及解catti二级口译试题及解析分享学习也是快乐的,因为你学习了许多知识,今天小编给大家带来了catti二级口译试题及解_年翻译资格考试二级口译习题精选篇努力和效果之间,永远有这样一段距离.今天小编给大家带来了_年翻译资格考试二级口_下半年年翻译资格考试二级口译习题精选努力和效果之间,永远有这样一段距离.今天小编给大家带来了_年翻译资格考试二级口。




TheyshouldaimatsheddinglightontheChinesepeople'sresistanceagainstJapaneseaggression anditsrightfulplaceintheWorldAnti-FascistWar.Wemustallowhistorytospeakforitself.Wemustraisethevoiceofhistoricalfacts.70年里,国际形势发生了深刻的演变。


Inthe70yearsfollowingthatgreatvictory,theinternationallandscapeunderwentprofoundtra nsformation:TheUnitedNationswasfounded.TheUNCharterwasestablished.Anewmechanismforsafeguardingworldpeaceandsecuritywasform ed.双方经贸投资合作迅猛增长,人文交流空前活跃,两国关系步入全面发展的快车道。

Bilateraltradeandinvestmentcooperationhasexpandedatanexponentialrate.Andculturaland people-to-peopleexchangeshavereachedanunprecedentedlevel.Insummary,China-UKrelationshaveembarkedonafasttrackofadvancement.在我们纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年的时候,我们永远不能忘记法西斯侵略者给人类社会带来的巨大灾难,给人类文明造成的空前浩劫。


His paintings are characterized by steady strokes and bright colors.
Her beauty is beyond description.
Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.(2000,9)
词性转换( pro-v)
I flew straight ahead, across the harbor and over the sea.
For many years, stainless steel had been used for small things only.
It’s our long-held view that all members of the UN should adhere to the purpose and principle of the Charter of the United Nations.
This product is characterized by its reliable function and durability.

中级口译 U2-U6课后翻译

中级口译 U2-U6课后翻译

1.This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports.这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场。

2.I’m very bad with a jet-lag. But I’ll be all right in a couple of days.我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就恢复了。

3.I’d like to have a 7 o’clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, laundry done, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that.我要早上7点钟叫醒,早餐送我房间,衣服要熨烫,文件要复印,邮件要快递,诸如此类的事情需要服务。

4.We all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.可以说我们每个人都成功地使我们的使命得以完成。

6.我要是没认错的话,您一定是从伦敦来的泰勒可教授吧?You must be Prof. Tallack from London, if I’m not mistaken.7.我是海通集团人力资源部经理。

I’m manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group.8.感激您不辞辛劳,从百忙中抽空来我公司指导。


We’ll host a reception dinner in your honor this evening.10.我在你们的酒店预定了一间双人间,有确认函。

I have made a reservation for a double room with your hotel.And here’s the confirmation letter.11.提前10天预订房间可以享受8折优惠价。


I hope that allofus here today will join hands with all otherpeace-loving peopleandwork for lasting worldpeaceandthe common developmentandprosperityofall nationsandregions.
In today's world, the international situation is, on the whole, moving towards relaxation. However, conflictsandeven local wars triggered by various factors have kept cropping up,andtension still remains in some areas. All this has impeded the economic developmentofthe countriesandregions concerned,andhas also adversely affected the world economy. All responsible statesmenandgovernments must abide by the purposesofthe UN Charterandthe universally acknowledged norms governinginternational relations,andwork for a universal, lastingandcomprehensivepeace. Nobodyshoudbe allowed to cause tension or armed conflicts against the interestofthe people.

中级口译 翻译原题与答案

中级口译 翻译原题与答案

Dolphins, like whales, must surface to breathe air through a blowhole on top of their heads. Dolphins are social animals and love company. Many of them, in fact, even enj oy being around humans. It is not uncommon to hear of dolphins giving rides through the water to humans.In addition to being playful, dolphins are helpful to men. For example, as 400 B. C. the Greek poet Arion was saved from drowning by a dolphin. From then until now, dolphins have been helping swimmers who are in trouble. Swimmers, however, are not the only humans they help. In some parts of the world, they can be counted on to help men catch fish.Moreover, dolphins are very intelligent. A dolphin's brain resembles a human brain, but it is larger. Consequently, some people claim that dolphins are really smarter than men. Of course, there is no way of proving this point. Brain size is not an absolute measure of intelligence. Furthermore, measuring dolphins' intelligence in other ways is not possible since men cannot fully communicate with them. Apparently, however, dolphins communicate with each other. At any rate, they make whistling, clicking and buzzing sounds which seem to be at least a form of language. So far, however, men have not been able to figure out the communication code the dolphins use.每年春季,数以万计的中外客商云集申城,参加一年一度的华东出口品交易会。




1. 偷懒耍滑头goof-off小王总是偷懒耍滑头。


XiaoWang’s always goofing-off----either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.2.大动肝火be up in arms由于公司最近几个月销售业绩不佳,老板正在大动肝火The boss is up in arms about the company’s poor sales record in the past few months.3.保持冷静keep cool即使在十分气愤的情况下她也能保持冷静She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.4.说话兜圈子beat about the bush5.心怀叵测have an ax to grind她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神。

She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.6.心数不正not have one’s heart in the right place他的心数不正,动不动就在别人的背后捅刀子。

He doesn’t have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity tostab in the back of others.7.背后捅刀子stab in the back我万万没想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。










汉语无主句较多,而英语(论坛)句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或There be…结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。









如:(1)What about calling him right away?马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何? (增译主语和谓语)(2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句)(3) Indeed, the reverse is true实际情况恰好相反。

中级口译教程 课后汉英翻译

中级口译教程 课后汉英翻译

1. This is a fantasitic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports. 这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场。

2. I'm very bad with a jet-lag. But I'll be all right in a couple of days.我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就恢复了。

3. I'd like to have a 7 o'clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, laundrydone, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that.我要早上7点钟叫醒,早餐送我房间,衣服要洗烫,文件要复印,邮件要快递,诸如此类的事情需要服务。

4. We all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.可以说我们每个人都成功地使我们的使命得以完成。

5. Let's delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us.让我们尽情享受大自然赐予我们的食物吧6. You must be Prof. Tallack from London, If I'm not mistaken.我要是没有认错的话,你一定是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吧?7. I'm manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group.我是海通集团人力资源部经理。

8. We're very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to our company to give us advice.感激您不辞辛苦,从百忙中抽空来我公司指导。









V. PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE ORGANIZATION FOR MAKING SURE ALL THE REFORM METHODS WOULD BE AFFECTED.It is a deeply revolution with wide effection and hard work on the strengthing administration hirachcy reform and transfering the function of government, which is required to strenghten the leading and comprehensive organization so as to keep the reform forward actively.Firstly, deepen the political institution and cleariry the line of responsibility. The state council will contitue to simplify the administration and separate the political power, combline the strenghten and giving the freedom and optimize the service work. All the sectors in different districts should strenghten fully on the relevant leadership work institution, the chief leader should directly be in charge the important issue during the reform, with the effectively decision to deal with the problem.Every work on the reform should be simplified and seperated with the detailed schedule, work planning line and responsible promise. We are supposed to sacrifies our benifit and let the civiliant to grow up and finally all the people live in the rich life, for the reform might be referred to the government benifit itself.V. Strengthen planning and leadership and ensure sound implementation of all reform measuresTo deepen administrative system reform and transform government functions is a profound revolution that covers extensive areas and involves many difficulties. We must strengthen leadership and planning to move the reform forward in an active yet prudent manner.First, strengthen mechanisms and clarify responsibilities. The State Council will continue to focus on streamlining administration, delegating more powers to lower-level governments and society, improving regulation and optimizing services. All regions and departments must also set up their correspondingleadership and working mechanisms where the principal leaders should take charge and make timely decisions on major issues in the reform. All reform items should be based on detailed division of tasks and duties, timetables, roadmaps and written pledges of responsibility. The reform will touch on the government’s own interests, and we must have the courage to cut our own benefits to give them to the people, to make our society a more prosperous place第二,协调行动、积极探索。



中级口译证书高频翻译考点方针(Major Policies)一个国家,两种制度One country,two systems.◆港人治港Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong◆澳人治澳Macao people administer Macao◆一个中国的原则One-China principle◆和平统一祖国Peaceful reunification of the motherland◆高度自治a high degree of autonomy改革开放基本观点(Basic Viewpoints)◆发展是硬道理Development is the main principle◆深化改革,加强和改善宏观调控Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control◆在我国现代化过程中,我们必须始终坚持一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明。

In the process of China's modernization,we must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress◆深化改革为国民经济和社会发展注入了新的活力。

The deepened reform has injected a flow of fresh vitality into our national economic and social development.◆市场也有盲目性和局限性。

The market is unplanned and has its limitations.◆国有企业改革是当前经济体制改革的重点。

The reform of state-owned enterprises is the principal task of the on-going economic restructuring◆我们要继续扩大对外开放,并形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局。






二级口译考试设:口译综合能力和口译实务2个科目,二级口译考试中口译实务科目分设“交替传译”和“同声传译” 2个专业类别。



















英语翻译考试中级笔译部分真题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation(英译汉)(60 point)Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build.Many of the world’s coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world’s highest seamounts —areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life — are also found in the deep ocean.These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems.Yet just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food products and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vesselsare now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching everything in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor.Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry.Part B Optional Translations (二选一题)(30 points)Topic 1 (选题一)Most of the world’s victims of AIDS live — and, at an alarming rate, die — in Africa. The number of people living with AIDS in Africa was estimated at 26.6 million in late 2003. New figures to be published by the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS (UNAIDS),the special UN agency set up to deal with the pandemic, will probably confirm its continued spread in Africa, but they will also show whether the rate of spread is constant, increasing or falling.AIDS is most prevalent in Eastern and Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya having the greatest numbers of sufferers; other countries severely affected include Botswana and Zambia. AIDS was raging in Eastern Africa —where it was called “slim”, after the appearance of victims wasting away — within a few years after its emergence was established in the eastern Congo basin; however, the conflicting theories about the origin of AIDS are highly controversial and politicized, and the controversy is far from being settled.Measures being taken all over Africa include, first of all, campaigns of public awareness and device, including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms. The latter advice is widely ignored or resisted owing to natural and cultural aversion to condoms and to Christian and Muslim teaching, which places emphasis instead on self-restraint.An important part of anti- AIDS campaigns, whether organized by governments, nongovernmental organizations or both, is the extension of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT).In addition, medical research has found a way to help sufferers, though not to cure them.。




(inform)I have forgotten to inform him of such an important decision, and it is my fault.2.令我惊讶的是,在美国最受欢迎的餐馆是中国餐馆。

(popular)To my surprise, the most popular restaurants in America are the Chinese restaurants.3.我开会迟到的原因是我的手表慢了10分钟。

(the reason)The reason why I was late for the meeting was that my watch was ten minutes late.4.直到患了重病,他才下决心马上戒烟。

(suffer)He did not make up his mind to give up smoking at once until he suffered from a serious disease.5.如今世界上越来越多的人开始关注食品的安全性。

(pay attention)Today more and more people begin to pay attention to the safety of food.6.在所有的影星中,我最佩服成龙的演技和品格。

(admire)Of all the film stars, I admire Chen Long most for his acting and personality.7.回顾历史,我们就会得到很多经验和教训。

(gain)Looking back to history, we will gain a lot of experience and lessons.8.据说,英语的客观考试是20世纪70年代引入中国的。



For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use新编剑桥商务英语(中级)课文翻译BEC课文翻译1、We wanna hold your hand我们愿与你携手创业带着浓厚的经营意识,加上一些进取精神,再来瞧瞧,哈!你拥有了一家连锁店!如果想自己开店、大展身手却又苦于缺乏经验,同时又不想在这个充满风险的昙花一现的独立法人世界中立足,那么开家连锁店不失为一个明智之举。

















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词的译法: (语法与词义)北大出(共51句)No context, no text.1) p149in trade in the tradeat a crossroads At the crossroadsin front of the car in the front of the carin office in the officein word in a worda red and a white flower a red and white flower2) You are a good singer. P1573) In the early 1600’s, the hollanders were great farmers. P1574) We have shortcomings as well as good points. P1595) You can never tell. P1596) He remembered his age. He was thirty-six. P1627) In learning English, grammar is not everything. P1638) Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. P1709) I could have laughed to hear him talk like this. P17510) He was astounded but highly pleased that the man who presided over his destiniesshould come pleading to him. P17511) Drive carefully on that road in bad weather——it’s very winding. P18012) I haven’t heard from him since he lived in Beijing. P18013) They were imprisoned, refused anything to read. P18414)Some of our most skilled people don’t get the salaries of maids in the US. P19315) She makes a good teacher, as she has a good student. P20316) I have five young children, and now my wife has a baby girl and I do not know wherethe money is to come from to feed and clothe them all. We are very poor, and I fear I cannot work hard enough. P20517) Until recently I knew nothing about it. P20718) While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of theimportance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. P20819) A dugout, or a canoe was made by hollowing out a tree trunk. P21020) What decides is not explosives or wells or atom bombs, but the man who handlesthem. P21021) When you look up a word, notice its pronunciation as well as its meaning. P21122) Small talk. P21323) The firemen in this part of the country went on strike. P21324) In country after country, talk of nonsmokers’ right is in the air. P21425) But the advantages of this law are also greater still than its cost——for it is to thislaw that we owe our wonderful material development, which brings improved conditions in its train. P21526) The students made these experiments in chemistry out of necessity. P21627) The evening will come before we know it. P21628) He gave me three apples. They were good and ripe. P21629) I discoved that more than desire and feeling were necessary to write. P21829) It was a curious exchange, less a debate than a quarrel between two aggressive men,each of them determined to impress the audience as more peaceful than the other.P22030) We expressed our gratitude for the outstanding and challenging speech of Mr Smith.P22331) This was the last place the explorers would leave, for it lay riches and naturalresources. P22532) You must remember that we are here to serve the society that we are building a NewSociety. The bureaucracy has this rare opportunity to prove it’s worth to build a progressive nation. P22733) There is a definite lin between smoking and heart disease and lung cancer. But thisdoesn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. P22834) He seaized the chance for peace between them. P23535) I like your policies of first come, first served. P23536) They were then friendly to me and my opinions. P23737) Administrative measures and words soon poured out the president’s office. P23738) He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom. P23939) His parents were dead againt the trip. P24740) He is so arrogant that no one will keep company with him. P25241) Secondly we embarked on a reasoned policy to ensure steady economic growth. p25542) Intense light and heat in the open contrasted with the coolness of shaded avenues andthe interiors of buildings. P26043) the commercial and cultural districts. P26144) anti-globalization and cutural revival movements. P26145) Very proud of their native ancestry and passionately patriotic, they also imbibed theeighteenth century European Culture. P26246) Andrew was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. P26447) She modelled between roles. P27448) I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. P27449) But the master of the house was his mother. She was twice man her son was. p27550) When she and he met again, each had been married to another. P27551) I will go and attend the reception, if only to make some new friends. P275南大出key attached一、翻译以下句子,注意划线词语的理解。

