如针对课文内容进行一些开放性的活动:making dialogues,discussion,comment,summary,writing,debate等。

效 率 体 现 在 阅 读 速 度 和 阅 读 能 力 两 个 做 法 是 先 看 问 题 , 读 短 文 , 做 选 择 答 后 再 读 要 以 量 求 质 。 给 学 生 定 的 阅 读 总 量 为 我 4 万 个 词 左 右 , 天 坚 持 l 分 钟 , 速 定 为 O 每 0 读
后 , 按 精 读 要 求 , 学 生 指 定 段 落 , 他 再 给 让
解 检 查 题 , 可做 为 阅读 的 提 纲 。 般 的 学 又 一
生 都 是 先 阅 读 短 文 , 看 问 题 , 头 看 短 再 回
文 , 后 做选 择 答 案 。 指 导 学 生 的 另 一 种 然 我
们 自己 研 究 主 要 语 言 点 , 励 他 们 提 问 和 5 阅 读 要 讲 求 效 率 鼓
6 wpm左 右 。 求 准确 理 解 率达 7 %以 上 , 0 要 0
研 读 , 变 了那 种 课 堂 中从 泛 读 到 精 读 , 改 全 方 面 , 速 的 提 高 与 读 量 是 密 切 相 关 的 。 读 阅 案 , 样 使学 生 的 阅 读 速 度 大 大 提 高 。 这
参 考 文 献
选用 10 词左右 、 度适 中的短文 , 个 5 难
再 加 5~l 个 理 解 检 测题 , 学 生 在 限 定 时 0 让
6 把 阅 读 的 辅 导 落 到 实 处
阅读基 本上是 在课 外进行 , 学生 自 以
学 为 主 教 师 辅 导 为 辅 , 是 没 有 得 力 措 施 但 就 很 难 保 证 持 续 地 开 展 。 了扎 扎 实 实 地 为


阱” ,即注意 文中一些转 折性词句 ,如 b u t , 意之 中。其 次,弄清主 旨大意与具体例证和
率 定论 。
2 . 词 义猜 测题
尤为重要 。那么如何提高高中生的英语 阅读 h o w e v e r , n e v e r t h e l e s s 等 ,不要被前文迷惑 ,草
语教 学中,培养学生的阅读能力尤为重要。
非高深莫测 ,碰到生词不要惊慌。
三 、 掌握 一 定 的 解 题技 巧
1 细节 事 实题
【 关键 词 】阅读能力;阅读 兴趣 ;词; r -
教 学 ;解 题技 巧
3 . 主 旨大意题
细 节 题 是 阅 读 理 解 题 中出 现 最 多 的 一 类 阅读 是 外 语 学 习者 要 求 掌 握 的基 本 技 能 之 一 ,阅读 能提 高读 者 的认 识 能 力 ,从 而 促 进 英 语 听 ,说 和 写 的 能 力 的 提 高 。侧 重 培 养
【 摘
要 】阅读理解题是考查学生语言
助 于在 阅读 中把 握 文 脉 。同 时 ,教 师 还应 教
运用能力的主要 形式,在 高考 中占有很 高的
授 学生猜 测生词 的方 法,如 :构词法 、上 下
分值 。 高考 英语 的成 败 在 一 定 程 度 上 直 接 取 文 暗示 法 等 , 尽 可 能地 训 练学 生 的猜 词 能力 ,
中 心 思想 往 往是 由一 个 或 几 个 主 题 句 来 概 括 的 。主题 句通 常 是在 一个 段 落 的段 首或 段尾 , 有 些 文 章 无 明 显 的 主题 句 ,主 题 句 隐 含 在 段 细 节 之 问 的 纲 目关 系 ;最 后 综 合 归 纳 出 主题 思想。


01 一、高中生英语阅读 理解能力的重要性
二、高中生英语阅读 理解能力的现状
03 三、提高高中生英语 阅读理解能力的策略
04 四、结语
05 参考内容
一、高中生英语阅读理解能力的 重要性
在当今全球化的时代,英语作为国际通用语言,已经成为了高中教育中不可 或缺的一部分。而对于高中生来说,提高英语阅读理解能力不仅能帮助他们在学 术考试中取得好成绩,更有助于他们未来的职业发展。
3、丰富文化背景知识:在教授课文或引导学生阅读英文原著时,教师可以 穿插介绍相关的文化背景知识,帮助学生了解英语国家的文化习俗和语言习惯。 此外,鼓励学生多参加英语角、观看英语电影等,也能丰富学生的文化背景知识。
4、培养良好的阅读习惯:教师应当纠正学生在阅读时的陋习,例如出声读、 指读等。同时,鼓励学生用默读的方式进行阅读,以提高阅读速度和理解效果。
综上所述,培养高中生的英语批判性阅读能力对于提高他们的阅读理解能力 和跨文化交流能力具有重要意义。通过实证研究的方法,我们可以更深入地了解 批判性阅读教学的实践效果和挑战,并提出相应的解决措施。在未来,我们期待 更多的教育工作者能够和参与到批判性阅读教学的研究和实践当中,为培养具有 国际视野和创新精神的高中生做出更大的贡献。
首先,我们需要明确什么是批判性阅读。批判性阅读并不仅仅是理解和吸收 文本信息,而是通过对文本的深入分析、质疑和评价,形成自己的观点和见解。 这种阅读方式需要读者具备一定的文化背景知识、逻辑思维能力以及批判性思维 技巧。
为了培养高中生的英语批判性阅读能力,我们进行了一项实证研究。该研究 选择了两组高中生作为研究对象,其中实验组接受常规的英语阅读教学,而对照 组则接受侧重于批判性阅读的教学。通过比较两组学生在阅读理解测试中的成绩, 我们发现接受批判性阅读教学的高中生在阅读理解能力上明显优于对照组。

( 江西省宜春 中学 江西 ・ 宜春 3 3 6 0 0 0 )
摘 要 阅读能力的培养是提 升高 中生英语综合水平的关键。 阅读是一种积极主动的思考 , 理解和吸收信 息的认识 活动, 它既是 高中阶段英语教学 的主要手段之 一, 也是英语 学习的主要 目的。 因此, 养成 良 好 的阅读 习惯往往 习惯于逐字阅读,或用手指 点读 , 惟恐遗漏文章 内容 , 这样既减慢了阅读速度 , 又不能准 确地理解全文而只停 留在某个单词、 短语或句子上, 使所获得 的信息支离破碎 , 最终导致理解上的偏差 。 3如何提 高阅读 能力 3 . 1 学会椎 测词义 阅读文章 时, 不可避免地遇到生词, 有时候可以花时间查 阅, 找出答案。 如果经常查词典 , 势必减缓阅读速度 , 打断正确 思维 , 从而给正确理解文章含义 带来麻烦。 教师应指导学生先 判断生词是否属于影响语篇理解的关键 词。 如果是关键词, 首 先运用词义推 测策 略猜测其词义 , 然后再查词典 , 并检测 自己 的推测正确与否; 如果不是 , 则可 以跳过生词继续阅读。事 实 上, 阅读材料中的每个词都与其前后的词语或句子甚至段落有 着相互制约的关系, 可 以利用语境( 各种 己知信息) 推测 、 判 断 某些生词的词义。 遇到这类词不必查字典, 因为它们大多由熟 悉的单词派生或合 成, 可以利用构词法推测词义 , 这就会在很 大程度上减少生词数量 , 近而增加阅读速度 。 3 . 2学会跳读略读 熟练 的阅读者在 阅读过 程中能根据 自己阅读 目的、读物 内容和文 体调整 阅读速度 , 并利 用头脑 中已有 的相关知识, 借 助尽可能少的文字信息进行选择 、 推测和推理 , 必要 时还可跳 出读物客观地判断作者意图 。跳读和略读的关键是要抓住文 章的开头和结尾 以及各段的关键词和主题句,主题句可能在 各段开头也可能 出现在结尾 。 3 . 3 培 养学生的阅读兴趣 学生要有阅读的兴趣, 才有可能更好地提 高阅读能力。 但 每个学生的基础是不 同的, 因此, 教师要根据学生的实际水平, 有针对性地进行指导 。要 灵活地运用 多种 阅读方法 。在课 内 阅读方面 , 教师教学生 阅读时 , 要 时刻注意 引导学生把课文 内 容放在重点 , 做到整体把握 阅读材料 , 有利 于培养学生快速获 取信息 的能力 , 要根据具体 阅读材料提 出难易适当的问题 , 引 导学生找出答案 ,培养学生 阅读兴趣 。选择的阅读材料要 能 激发 学生 阅读 的积极性 , 调动 学生 阅读 的兴趣, 可 以选择一些 学生比较有兴趣的科幻类的或者与生活比较贴近的小常识方 面的读物 ,也可 以让学 生 自己选择一些 比较感兴趣的阅读材 料。 总之, 阅读 理解是英语知识综合运用 的过程 , 能力的提高 更是一个循序渐进 的过程 , 阅读教学是为完成从这一“ 知识向 能力过渡 进行转化 的实战 。只要我们有学好英语 的坚定意 志和攻关精神, 持之 以恒 , 运用科学 的阅读方法, 养成 良好的 阅读习惯, 就一定 能提高 阅读 能力。 参考文献

整 体 内 容 . 生 可 以 根 据 构 词 法 、 联 词 来 猜 出 词 义 , 据 学 关 根
语 境 、 章 字 里 行 间 暗 含 的 意 思 、 者 论 述 的 观 点 来 进 行 推 文 作
读 时 。 耐 心 的 指 导 有 不 良阅 读 习 惯 的学 生 , 决 他 们 的 思 要 解
的综 合 分 析 和 推理 能力 。 ( ) 四 培养 快 速 预 测 内容 和 猜 词 能 力
教 师 充 分 利 用 阅 读 课 ,循 序 渐 进 地 培 养 学 生 对 上 下 文
的 翻 译 , 是 在 英 语 里 有些 单 词 的 词 义 很 多 , 生 如 果 不 具 但 学 备 根 据 上 下 文 猜 词 的 能 力 。那 么 在 具 体 的 语 篇 和 具 体 的语
出 了 更 高 的要 求 。本 文将 从 阅 读 习惯 和 技 巧 等 角度 来探 讨 和 培 养 学 生 的 阅读 能 力 。
发 掘 趣 味 性 的 教 学 资源 , 培 养 学 生 的 阅读 兴 趣 。 来
( ) 养 学 生快 速 阅读 的技 巧 二 培 学 生 通 读 文 章 的第 一 段 和 最 后 一 段 . 找 关 键 词 , 读 查 扫

核心素养视域下高中生英语阅读能力的实践研究1. 引言1.1 背景介绍高中阶段是学生英语学习的关键时期,而核心素养作为学生综合能力的重要指标之一,其在英语学习中的作用逐渐受到重视。
1.2 研究目的研究目的的确定对于整个研究的展开起着至关重要的作用。
1.3 研究意义本研究旨在探讨核心素养视域下高中生英语阅读能力的实践情况,对于深入了解和提升高中生英语阅读能力具有重要意义。


二、研究内容1. 通过问卷调查的方式,探究高中生的英语课外阅读习惯和情况。
2. 分析高中生在阅读过程中遇到的问题及其原因。
3. 针对学生在阅读过程中可能出现的困难,提供相应的解决方法。
三、研究方法1. 文献资料法:通过查阅相关的英语学习阅读资料和文献,对研究课外阅读对英语学习的重要性、高中生英语阅读现状等进行了解和分析。
2. 调查问卷法:通过发放问卷的方式,对目标群体进行实地的数据收集,并对数据进行统计和分析。

国内研究综述在国内,高中英语阅读教学的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 教学方法:研究者们探索了多种教学方法,如基于任务的教学法、合作研究法和信息技术辅助教学法等。
2. 课堂环境:研究者们关注了课堂环境对高中英语阅读教学的影响。
3. 研究策略:研究者们研究了学生在高中英语阅读中的研究策略,如词汇研究策略、阅读技巧和阅读推理等。
国外研究综述国外的研究也在高中英语阅读教学领域取得了一系列的研究成果:1. 语篇理解:许多研究关注了高中生对英语语篇的理解能力,并提出了不同的教学方法和评估工具,以促进学生语篇理解能力的提高。
2. 多媒体阅读:一些研究聚焦于多媒体环境下的高中英语阅读教学。
3. 文化意识:研究者们认为,高中英语阅读教学应该注重培养学生的跨文化意识。
综合以上国内外研究,我们可以得出以下结论:- 教学方法的多样化可以提高学生的阅读理解能力和兴趣。
- 良好的课堂环境有助于创造积极的研究氛围。
- 学生的研究策略对于高中英语阅读的成功至关重要。
- 引入多媒体和跨文化元素可以增强教学效果。
参考文献:- 张三. (2018). 高中英语阅读教学的研究进展[J]. 外语研究,25(2), 10-20.- Li, M. & Wang, L. (2016). Cultivating cultural awareness through high school English reading teaching. Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies, 32(4), 78-89.。


高中生英语阅读能力现状及培养策略探究一、高中生英语阅读能力现状1. 英语阅读能力整体水平欠佳目前,我国高中生在阅读英语方面普遍存在着词汇理解能力不足、阅读速度慢、文化背景理解不足等问题。
2. 缺乏自主学习意识辅以我国高中生在英语阅读方面缺乏自主学习的意识,很少自发去进行英语阅读。
3. 文化背景理解不足英语阅读是需要读者对背景知识有所了解的,而目前许多高中生对于英语国家的文化背景理解不足,导致了他们在阅读过程中对文化难点的理解和处理能力不足。
4. 缺乏阅读策略大部分高中生缺乏英语阅读策略,仅依靠词汇和句法知识进行词面理解,而忽略了完整理解文章的能力,这导致他们在阅读英语文章时无法准确把握文章的中心思想和主旨。
1. 提高英语阅读兴趣和动力要提高高中生的英语阅读能力,首先要培养他们的阅读兴趣和动力。

1. 引言1.1 研究背景In recent years, with the increasing emphasis on English education in China, the ability to read in English has become a key skill for high school students. However, research has shown that many high school students face challenges in developing their English reading skills. This poses a significant problem asreading is not only crucial for academic success, but also for future career prospects.1.2 研究目的本研究旨在调查当前高中生英语阅读的现状,分析影响高中生英语阅读的因素,并提出针对性的对策研究,以帮助高中生提高英语阅读能力。
具体目的包括:1. 了解高中生在英语阅读方面的表现和水平,掌握其英语阅读的特点和问题,为后续对策研究提供依据;2. 探讨影响高中生英语阅读的因素,包括学习环境、学习方法、学习动机等,找出问题所在,为针对性对策研究做准备;3. 提出建立有效的英语阅读教学模式、激发学生英语阅读兴趣、利用现代科技手段辅助英语阅读学习等对策,以提高高中生的英语阅读能力和水平;4. 通过本研究的对策实施,促进高中生英语阅读能力的提升,为其未来的学习和发展打下良好基础。

时 ,要 特别注 意文章首尾 两段 ,因为文 章 的 第一 段往往点 明文章 的主题 ,或 中心思想 , 或作 者的意 图,而 文章 的最后 一段则 常常总
通过 问卷调查 ,我发现 大部分学生无 阅 结归纳或重述文章 的主要 内容 。 2 . 查阅法 考生从 文段 中获得所 需的具体
口 江西省抚州市临川区第十中学 周淑梅
近年 来 ,高考 越来越 注重对 于阅读能力 1 7 . 5 %,理解较少 5 9 . 4 %。这说明扫除学生 阅 文章 主 旨和大 意的问题 。利 用略读法做 阅读 的测试 ,表 现在阅读量的加大 ,难度的增加 , 读 障碍 的关键是 教给学 生对生词 、关 联词 、 以及综合 性的试题 逐渐增 多等方 面。对于考 替代词的正确理解 的方法 。 生 阅读能力 的要求 越来越 高 ,加大 阅读 能力 的培养势 在必行 。提高 阅读 能力不是 一朝一
出可能包 含所需信 息的部分 ,然后 加 以阅读
就行 ,这种 方法就是查 阅法 。查 阅法主要是
在 ,找 到提 高学生 阅读 能力 的切 人 口又 是我 们 阅读教学重 中之重。
( 一) 精心选材
良好 的阅读能力 主要表现 在两方 面,一 获得具体 的信息 ,回答 具体 的问题 ,即测试
的学 生喜 欢做 推理 题 ,2 7 . 4 % 的学生 喜欢做 生 的阅读兴趣 ,另一方 面也可让学生 得到片 是一 个判 断推 理题 了。在答题 时,考 生一旦
细节题 ,这表 明学 生 的阅读 兴趣 和能力 除了 刻 的放 松和休 息。总之 ,要 随时关注 学生 的 发现 有一个看 似正确 的选项 ,就立 即把它作

三、调查结果1. 阅读量不足调查发现,大部分高中生的英语阅读量较少,很少主动进行英语阅读,甚至有的学生每周只进行一次课外英语阅读,导致阅读量不足。
2. 阅读兴趣不高调查结果显示,大部分高中生对英语阅读缺乏兴趣,主要原因包括阅读内容单一、阅读材料难度大、缺乏互动性等。
3. 阅读能力较弱调查发现,部分学生在阅读理解和阅读速度方面存在较大的困难,无法准确把握文章的主旨,无法高效地获取信息。

ENGLISH ON CAMPUS2023年21期总第669期通过时文阅读提高学生英语阅读能力的研究摘 要:高中英语阅读理解能力是高考中一个重要考查方向。
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青岛工学院毕业论文(设计)Study on English Reading Ability of Senior High School Students高中生英语阅读能力的研究学生姓名沈延贞子学号 201501105118指导教师王繁学院外语学院专业英语年级 2015级答辩日期 2019 年 6 月 5 日青岛工学院A Brief Study on English Reading Ability of Senior HighSchool Students高中生英语阅读能力的研究完成日期:指导教师签字:评阅教师签字:答辩小组组长签字:答辩小组成员签字:年月日摘要我国的外语教学可以说一直走在误区里面。
关键词:高中生;阅读能力;跨文化教育;话语能力AbstractForeign language teaching in China can be said to have been in the wrong zone. Test-oriented education has firmly locked the fundamentals of foreign language teaching. At present, teachers creating an atmosphere to teach students to engage in social activities? In the classroom, teachers and students have fully adapted to the "utilitarian" teaching method. If the teacher does not strengthen the intensive training of the words and phrases for the students, not only do the students think that your teacher will not teach, but the parents will not let you. Listening training, morning and evening reading, weekly training, and monthly exams all turn around the results. Students simply do not have the opportunity to conduct practical training in communication and reading. Therefore, for many years, students have been learning dumb English. Not only can not be used for communication activities, reading skills are poor, so it is necessary to thoroughly reform the current English teaching.In high school English learning, reading ability is the key to measuring whether a student learns English well. Through the exercise of reading ability, it can cultivate high school students’ memory comprehension ability and active thinking ability to help students develop English thinking. Therefore, students including the author should study English in a planned, scientific and reasonable way, and finally learn English through practical training. Based on the background and significance of the research and the importance of the research, this paper collects the literature data around the topic, and summarizes the domestic, foreign scholars’ understanding of the emergence, development and understanding of reading, thus expounding the importance of reading. Then it analyzes several factors that affect reading ability, and proposes corresponding solutions to the problem, and finally summarizes and summarizes.Keywords: high school students; reading ability; cross-cultural education: discourse abilityContent摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Chapter One Introduction (1)1.1 Research background (1)1.2 Significance of the study (1)Chapter Two Literature Review (3)2.1 Foreign English Reading Teaching Research (3)2.2 Research status of domestic scholars (4)Chapter Three Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension Ability & the cultivation of it (6)3.1 Factors affecting reading comprehension ability (6)3.1.1 Lack of English vocabulary (6)3.1.2 Lack of pragmatic cultural education (6)3.1.3 Not enough reading methods (7)3.1.4 Poor reading teaching content (7)3.2 Cultivation of reading comprehension Ability (8)3.2.1 Cultivation of students' reading speed (8)3.2.2 Development of students' reading skills (9)3.2.3 Understanding of word meaning (10)3.2.4 Attention on cross-cultural education (11)3.2.5 Development of students' discourse ability (12)3.2.6 Providing of reading courses (13)Chapter Four Conclusion (15)4.1 Conclusion (15)4.2 Revelation (15)References (16)Acknowledgement (18)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research backgroundReading ability is a comprehensive ability of a language. To master a foreign language-English, it is necessary to improve English reading comprehension. Reading can not only comprehensively use English pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure in discourse, but also help students to expand vocabulary, cultivate cross-cultural awareness, develop good foreign language reading habits, and master certain foreign language reading through reading comprehension. Skills, accumulate experience in English learning, thus forming students’ ability to use English comprehensively. However, the current high school English reading teaching is almost blank. The reading teaching texts set in the middle school English textbooks, many middle school English teachers only explain the words, words and sentences of the text. The whole text reading materials are fragmented and fragmented, and the text reading class is only Language knowledge lectures can only be seen in trees, not in forests. The “New Curriculum Standards”(People's Education Press, 2003) made clear provisions on the teaching objectives of middle school English, pointing out: “On the basis of compulsory education junior high school English teaching, students will consolidate and expand basic knowledge, develop listening and speaking. The basic skills of reading, writing and writing improve the ability to use English for communication and focus on cultivating reading comprehension.” The score structure of the college entrance examination English test paper fully reflects the importance of cultivating students' reading comprehension ability in high school English teaching.The high test score is 150 points, and the reading comprehension and cloze account for 70%, and these two are mainly to test students’ English reading comprehension ability. Therefore, the college entrance examination has a guiding and reversal effect on middle school English teaching, and fully reflects the requirements of the New Curriculum Standards for middle school English teaching.1.2 Significance of the studyThe purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that can affect reading ability and the ability of reading ability in high school students’ English reading, so as to cultivate and improve the ability of high school students to read and understand English. This article has a total of four chapters, introduction, literature review, text and conclusions. The first chapter introduces the background and purpose of this topic. Thesecond chapter is to explain the importance of reading through the study of reading by foreign and domestic scholars. The third chapter elaborates on the topic of this paper from the two aspects that affect the ability of reading ability and the method of cultivating reading ability. The fourth chapter summarizes and summarizes the issues discussed in this paper. This paper adopts a variety of research methods, including literature search method, comparative research method, etc., to collect relevant literature data through various channels; and compare the results of the former research to analyze and compare domestic and foreign culture, background, context, method and The differences in teaching materials and other aspects, summed up the problems, and put forward some relevant suggestions and methods for the problems, and then achieve the purpose of the topic.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Foreign English Reading Teaching ResearchThe linguist Bloomfield believes that reading is a signal transformation from visual to auditory. American psychologist Goodman pointed out that reading is a psychological guessing process that uses the interaction between language and thought and puts forward a “top-down” mental reading mode, which emphasizes the process of reading comprehension is the active participation of readers. In the process, the reader uses existing linguistic knowledge and background knowledge related to the subject of reading materials to understand and guess the reading content. Gibson & Levin believes that getting meaning from a discourse is reading. Downing & Leong pointed out that reading is a process of coding written symbols with their own concepts to obtain meaning. West Michael pointed out that reading ability is not limited to one language, and the improvement of reading ability of one language can improve the reading level of another language. Rumelhart believes that in reading, it is necessary to combine the “top-down” mode with the “bottom-up” mode. During the reading process, readers can choose the information processing that suits them according to their own language level and material difficulty. model. The famous American linguist Carrell also contributed to the reading strategy. When reading, first guide the students to analyze the whole structure, grasp the structure and subject matter of the article, and then analyze the specific problems. The experimental results show that the reading performance of these students is obviously better than that of the untrained ordinary students. The experimental results show that after remembering the general context of the article, the degree of reading comprehension is obviously deepened, and the students can also analyze the previous knowledge. After that, Carrell et al. also studied the reading strategy of English as a second language. This study Carrell used a group of experimental methods. The experiment was carried out for four days in order to compare and understand what to do before reading. Prepare to promote understanding of the text, usually to help students compare semantic associations with old and new knowledge before reading the text. Through research, we know that this reading strategy training can effectively improve the analytical ability of reading comprehension. The effectiveness of one strategy training relative to another strategy training depends on the method of measuring reading performance, and the learner learning style is determined by the effectiveness of strategy training. According to analysis by the famous American scholar Anderson, the so-called successful learnersdo not have a fixed set of reading strategies. They will find the reading strategy that suits them best according to their own learning situation, and they can often be used well and perfectly completed. Learning tasks. The American linguist Kletzien focused on the impact of reading strategies on second foreign languages. Analysis shows that successful learners and unsuccessful learners use reading strategies differently. Successful learners will grasp the position and know which type of article is suitable for which reading strategy. The success of second language learning is closely related to the use of reading strategies. A large number of successful learners can reasonably speak their own reading methods and apply different strategies in different situations. The success is not entirely dependent on whether an approach corresponds to an article. The strategy used by successful learners is not necessarily a successful reading, and learners who do not use this strategy will not necessarily fail.2.2 Research status of domestic scholarsDomestic scholar Zhu Chun pointed out that reading is the reader’s use of reading skills to comprehend the author’s meaning through language symbols, thus communicating with the author’s ideas. Hu Jianming pointed out that reading comprehension is a thinking process in which the reader conducts conjecture, analysis, induction and dissolution according to the cultural background knowledge on the premise of possessing certain vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Hu Chundong believes that reading ability is a comprehensive ability, the ability to read and understand, the ability to express through the reading process, and the ability to read into four kinds of ability: reading ability, reading ability, reading skills, reading intelligence, this The four abilities constitute the reader’s complete reading ability. Scholars such as Yu Aiju believe that reading ability mainly includes two components, namely reading speed and understanding. Hu Jian believes that reading ability includes reading flexibility in addition to reading speed and understanding. Cheng Shilu and Zhang Guoyang roughly divided reading comprehension into four levels: (1) level of literal understanding; (2) level of inferential understanding; (3) level of evaluative understanding; and (4) level of creative understanding. In the article “Analysis of the Status Quo of English Reading Teaching in Senior High Schools and Countermeasure Research”, Zhang Linlin took the classroom observation and questionnaires to study the current situation of high school English reading teaching. The authors of the survey found that there were different problems in the pre-reading introduction phase, the reading phase, and the post-reading phase. At the same time, the cultural teaching inthe reading class is also lacking, the introduction of cultural background knowledge is not enough, and the mining of cultural knowledge in the reading text is not deep enough. Finally, the author puts forward the improvement strategy of high school English reading teaching, (1) improving the teaching strategy before the reading stage; (2) strengthening the guidance and training of reading strategies; (3) paying attention to the teaching of cultural background knowledge; (4) excavating teaching materials, Penetrate emotions; (5) Rationally develop and utilize curriculum resources. Li Yaqin investigated the English reading strategies of high school high group and low group students in the article “Study on English Reading Strategies of High School and High Group Students” and proposed teaching suggestions. The author proposes that teachers’ English reading teaching has enlightenment: long-term reading strategy training; understanding the students’ growth background and becoming an agitating decision-maker; diagnosing students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading strategies through qualitative and quantitative evaluation activities; rethinking Traditional vocabulary-based arrangement; revision of traditional foreign language testing models; establishment of reading labs, face-to-face instruction of students, etc. Deng Shangshang’s article “Analysis of the Current Situation of English Reading Teaching in Senior High Schools and Countermeasure Research”. Through the analysis of the current situation of English reading teaching in high school, the author finds that the problems in high school English reading teaching include the problems of teachers in reading teaching and students in reading and learning. problem. Therefore, the author proposes strategies to improve high school English reading teaching: (1) improve teachers’ own quality; (2) develop reading teaching according to reading theory; (3) strengthen vocabulary teaching; (4) focus on cultivating student reading skills; (5) Expand the reading capacity of students; (6) Pay attention to the subjective performance of students. In the article “Investigation and Research on the Current Situation of English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School”, Guo Wei put forward suggestions on the teaching of high school English reading through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of high school reading teaching, such as clarifying the goal of English reading teaching and optimizing the teaching mode of English reading class.Chapter Three Factors Affecting Reading AbilityComprehension Ability and the Cultivation of it3.1 Factors affecting reading comprehension ability3.1.1 Lack of English vocabularyStudents' bad reading habits are mainly manifested in the following four aspects: First, they rely on dictionaries. When I encounter a new word, I turn to the dictionary and I can’t read it consistently. The second is to repeat reading. When reading, the eyes often go backwards, always rereading the content that I just read. The third is that the reading frame is small. Reading is not in units of words or sentences, but in words or phrases. The fourth is to read, read or read. The fifth is to translate while reading. Always worried that you can’t fully understand the article, and read it word by word. Most of the parents of these families have a high cultural quality, they can speak and speak reasonably. Therefore, talks account for a large proportion in family life. Children who grew up in this family have been motivated by these good language since childhood, so they know the importance of language and develop a habit of reading. The other is a family that lacks language stimulation. Parents of such families are usually silent and speak very simply. Not to mention the richness and standardization of expressions, they are always turning a blind eye to children watching TV and playing computer. Because they are all immersed in the TV network all day, the husband and wife do not communicate or communicate with the children. Growing up in this family lacking language stimuli, children naturally cannot realize the importance of language, so they lack language when they are young.3.1.2 Lack of pragmatic cultural educationExcessive reading teaching is limited to the superficial understanding of the materials read, and does not pay enough attention to the role of non-verbal information stored by readers, so that many students can not effectively infer the main points of the articles they read, nor can they correctly grasp the articles. The context, which affects the correctness of understanding. In the design of reading education, many educational institutions also pursue literacy as the main educational goal in order to cater to parent’ utilitarian psychology. Most of the reading teaching strategies are based on the traditional strategies of words, words, tens, paragraphs, and articles. They attach importance to tests, neglect the cultivation of reading interests, and pay too much attention to the in-depth analysis of an article without the pursuit of reading. The concept of education is backward, such as ignoring the cultivation of children’sindependent value, compulsory teaching is common, lack of open teaching thinking; limited educational resources; low teacher teaching level, large class size - large number of students, small teacher space, lack of teaching facilities, etc. Some objective factors have also adversely affected the development of reading teaching. At present, new theories in the field of children’s language education are emerging one after another, but the lack of systematic and operational programs based on the scientific understanding of children’s cognitive development laws makes teaching workers feel at a loss. The reading environment and the atmosphere are lacking, and the reading angle (reading area) of kindergartens and primary schools is also very imperfect.3.1.3 Not enough reading methodsSome teachers generally pay more attention to cultivating students’ ability to find clues in the article and to predict and verify according to the clue. In reading, students are prone to misuse their own predictive ability, ignore the understanding of the specific words of the article, and thus impose their own ideas on the author. When doing the search for the topic of the article, it is often easy to make mistakes. When people are facing some reading materials, the first thing they face is an acceptance process. This acceptance process is also the process of identifying and understanding words, words and sentences. If this process is difficult, then the child will have obstacles in verbal expression and writing. What are the performances of children who are behind the acceptance process? These children don’t know much about some common words, especially some more abstract words. At the same time, when they talk, they are childish and simple compared with their peers. When talking to adults, it is difficult to understand the meaning of adults and cannot make some correct judgments. Even some normal sentences are difficult to understand, and test scores are usually poor. These performances are likely to be caused by their backwardness in hearing.3.1.4 Poor reading teaching contentEmphasis on the teaching of linguistic knowledge, ignoring the subjective position of students in reading, and hampering the development of students’ reading ability. It is easy to mislead students into the embarrassing situation of “seeing trees, not seeing the woods” when reading. Students always read from beginning to end, and when they encounter a sentence that they have not read, they always return, and they cannot grasp the overall meaning of the article. In general, when we hear or see some words, we accept it first, then put it into the brain to store it, and finally express it into words. This is the language generation. Although some children mentioned in the above-mentionedacceptance link did not appear backward, they have fallen behind in this generation, which will still have a bad influence on the development of children’s reading ability in the future. Children with poor language skills and writing skills usually have the following behavior: when they speak, they have very little vocabulary, and even use the same words, they are tedious, and they are stuttering; they don’t dare to speak during class. Even if you speak, the words are not satisfactory; writing is to forget the words, and the typos are full. Of course, some children also appear to love to write or not to say, or to say that they do not like to write. The reason why these children are like this is largely due to insufficient audio-visual ability. Of course, it may also be the influence of the acquired environment.3.2 Cultivation of reading comprehension Ability3.2.1 Cultivation of students' reading speedReading is divided into audio reading and silent reading. Students often use audio to read. Although primary school students use audio reading to help master the correct reading method, it is conducive to cultivating students' reading skills. However, audio reading is the joint movement of the four organs of the eye, brain, mouth and nose, so that the reading speed is affected by the speaking speed. Therefore, it is not conducive to the improvement of students’ reading ability. The silent reading is the reflection of the brain on the words. It only uses the two organs of the eyes and the brain to understand the meaning of the words. The whole activity is silently carried out inside the human brain, eliminating the sound of the mouth and the monitoring of the ears, so the speed is much faster. Lip reading is also avoided during silent reading. Because lip reading does not produce sound, it also affects reading speed. The organ to be read is only the eyes and the brain. There should be no external movement other than the muscle movement of the eye and the tension of the brain. People who read slowly tend to have a lot of bad extra activities. Some people often use their fingers, pencils, and rulers to move or point at the page when they are reading; some people use the swing of the head to align their eyes with each word they are reading; others often look back when reading. Although these activities contribute to the understanding of reading to a certain extent. But undoubtedly, the speed of reading is reduced, which also affects the improvement of reading ability. The principle of direct eye and brain requires us to read the eyeball as the text moves, especially when the line of sight moves from the end of the previous line to the beginning of the next line, the eyeball must be scanned accurately. At the same time, when reading, the distance between the eyes and the bookshould be appropriate, and long-term reading should be avoided. Of course, reading also requires brain control. Especially when learning speed reading, you need strong motivation and concentrated attention. Therefore, when reading normally, we have to choose a quiet environment, we should learn to control our emotions, and we should exert subjective initiative and stimulate reading interest. Seizing the most important information in the literature is an important skill for quick reading. We read that there is more water in the general literature, that is, general content occupies the main component, and important content such as useful information with new knowledge value only accounts for a small part. Therefore, we need to quickly obtain important information in the literature.3.2.2 Development of students' reading skillsThe speed of reading is determined by the content and genre of the text; the level of sound is adjusted according to the change of thought. If Xiao Sandi was before his death, the latter layer of expression expressed his strong feelings about his brother’s pity and concern. During the training, I instructed the students to slow down, reduce the sound, strengthen the pause, and highlight the accent. Xiao Sidi was worried about her brother, accusing the strong feelings of the social system at that time and accurately expressing it, thus achieving the purpose of education and teaching. Reading, there are two main methods: one is intensive reading, and the other is skimming. Extracurricular reading should be based on skimming. Because today’s society is in the period of knowledge explosion, the information content changes rapidly, and it is impossible and unnecessary to read intensively. But skimming does not mean that greed is quicker, and the result of swallowing is necessarily nothing. Skimming method guidance can focus on the following two types: 1. Browsing reading method - this is a reading method that widely reads extracurricular reading materials and acquires various kinds of knowledge, which can be followed by the procedure of "speed reading - finding knowledge points - taking notes” Guided 2. Screening Reading Method - This is a reading method for quickly accessing information and selecting the required information. The program can be guided by the destination search browse intensive excerpt program to guide students through the step-by-step screening of reading materials. Get the knowledge you need. Here, it is worth mentioning that any extra curricular reading is a comprehensive application of a variety of reading methods, and should be interspersed in the reading to achieve the best results. Reading habits are gradually formed in long-term reading practice, and good reading habits are cultivated. One is to make a book. The book to beread is once selected and must be read. It is necessary to develop a habit of choosing one. The second is timing. Instruct students to choose their time for study and to persevere. At the same time, the school must also ensure that students study time, and schedule a certain amount of time each week as a “free reading” time. Let students swim freely in the vast sea of books. The third is to quantify. Instruct students to develop a reading plan based on their reading ability. These habits gradually formed in reading practice. In the process of reading, students should develop the habit of “not reading and not reading”.3.2.3 Understanding of word meaningEnglish is a type of pinyin, and there is a close connection between spelling and pronunciation. After mastering the pronunciation of a word, remembering according to the pronunciation rules of the letters, it is easy to remember the words and it is not easy to forget. Through the usual observations, I also found that those who know the phonetic symbols and who read the words will remember the words more effortlessly than those who will not spell and only know the alphabetical order of the death. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to students the intrinsic link between spelling and pronunciation, and help them to remember scientifically. From the beginning of the first day, I paid attention to helping students identify phonetic symbols, accented syllables and pronunciation rules of English words, and cultivate students’ ability to spell words. When learning words in peacetime, students are encouraged to try to spell them out. It doesn’t matter if they read mistakes. This is to teach them to fish, and lay the foundation for their self-learning words in the future. In the teaching process, one of the headaches for teachers is the problem of students’ vocabulary. Students generally find it difficult to remember words. In particular, most of our students have poor foundations and poor self-consciousness. They do not have the habit of consciously returning to remember words. Therefore, how to improve the efficiency of class and teach them the correct way to learn and help them remember more things in class. Is the problem I have been thinking about. Below are some attempts at how I can consciously develop students’ vocabulary memory in classroom teaching. Just as bricks are just the materials for building a house, vocabulary itself is not the purpose of learning. It is important to be able to form phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and articles to express certain meanings. Therefore, you cannot learn words in isolation. When learning new words, I always tell the students some phrase phrases related to the word, and then carry out sentence making exercises. When choosing sentences, I usually look for sentences that are。