现代英语词汇学概论6 polysemy and homonymy



c. She has a sharp eye. (abstract 洞察力)
4. Literal and Figurative Meaning
Many English words can be used figuratively. They make the language quite vivid and impressive. flaw: a flaw in the china vase (literal) a flaw in one’s character (figurative)
pen→ originally from pinna (Latin),
meaning “feather”;
derived meaning “an instrument for writing”
2. General and Specific Meaning
Because of the extension and narrowdown of word’s meaning in the process of its development, some words can be used to denote either a category of things or one particular thing in such category.
• in radiation mode, each of the derived meaning is directly connected to the primary/central meaning;
•in concatenation, each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one. Though the latest sense can be traced back to the original, there is no direct connection in between.


because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office ③ B: An applicant for office; or a person taking an examination
Analysis: ③ is far removed from ①, whose original meaning has be e obsolete. candidate:穿白袍人→身着白袍 申请职位人→候选人
Bread is a slang word when its meaning is “money”, yet it is stylistically neutral in
other senses.
Why are there many polysemic words in English?
• Concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.
2. Homonymy
• Homonyms are words different in meaning but either
Relationship between the primary and the central
– The two may coincide,
– e.g. hand: terminal part of the human arm beyond the wrist --both primary and central

词汇学chapter 6 Polysemey and Homonymy+Chapter 8 Meaning and Context

词汇学chapter 6 Polysemey and Homonymy+Chapter 8 Meaning and Context

• About this example: • 1) all the secondary meanings are derived from the primary meanings. • 2) The derived meanings are, to some degree, related to the primary meaning. • 3) the primary meaning is still dominant or important in current use.
Origins of homonyms
• 1) Change in Sound and Spelling
Words, originally native, and different in earlier forms, were gradually made identical in sound and/or spelling.
• Concatenation: It is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its primary meaning in succession so that the present meaning seems to have no connection to the primary meaning. • Each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.

Session 7
Chapter 6 Polysemy and Homonymy Chapter 8 Word Meaning and Context



➢Synchronic approach共时研究方法
Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同一个 词可以拥有许多不同的意义。
• 2) Relative synonyms
Synonyms which denote different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality are called relative synonyms.
3. Sources of synonyms同义词的来源
➢ The basic meaning of a word is called the central meaning 中心意义. The derived meanings are secondary in comparison.
2. Two processes of development
1) Radiation辐射型 2) Concatenation连锁型
2) Dialects and regional English 地域性语言和方言
3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words 词的比喻和委婉用法 4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions 单词与习惯表达在意义上的偶合

英语词汇学chapter6 Polysemy and Hyponymy

英语词汇学chapter6 Polysemy and Hyponymy
– This first meaning is the primary meaning(原始意义). These later meanings are called derived meanings(派生意义).
An Example Face: 12 meanings (1)the front of the head (2)a surface of a thing (3)the appearance (4)the functional surface (5)effrontery (6)the topography…
• In order to express new ideas, new processes, new products, and so forth, language can do three things: form a new word, borrow a word from other languages, or add new meanings to established words. Of the three ways, the simplest one is to have old words take on additional meaning. That is why polysemic words of long standing are signs of an advanced culture.
– The basic meaning of a word is considered to be the core of word meaning, called the central meaning (中 心意义). The derived meanings, no matter how numerous, are secondary meanings (次要意义).








Polysemy & Monosemy在语言学的术语中,一词多义的现象称为Polysemy / pəlɪsɪmi /,而同时拥有多种含义的词语,则称为Polysemant,表示这种语义关系的形容词是Polysemic。

Polysemy 这个说法,是由两个来自希腊语的词根构成的;Poly-相当于英语中的Many、含义是“多个”;Sema相当于英语中的Sign、指“符号”。

在Semaphore 旗语和Semantics 语义学这两个词语中,都可以看到Sema这个词根。




Polysemy 的用处Polysemy之类的术语,本身并没有什么实际用处,也不需要记在脑子里。




第chapter 6

第chapter 6

• Two approaches to polysemy:
• Diachronic approach: Diachronically, we study
the growth or change in the semantic structure of a word, or how the semantic structure of a word has developed from a primary meaning to the present polysemic state, i.e. with derived meanings springing from the primary meaning. Synchronic approach: Synchronically, we are interested in the comparative value of individual meanings and the interrelation between the central meaning and secondary meanings.

in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike, or both. Types of homonyms:
Perfect homonyms: Words identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning.
• Differentiation of homonyms from
• meet/meet; sound/sound • Etymology: Homonyms are from different sources •



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



Research purpose and significance
To investigate the characteristics and patterns of polysemy and homonymy in English: This research aims to identify the characteristics and patterns of polysemy and homonymy in English, providing a better understanding of these phenomena.
详细描述:根据不同的分类标准,可以将同音异义词分为不同的类型。根据词性,可以将同音异义词 分为名词同音异义词、动词同音异义词、形容词同音异义词等。根据词义,可以将同音异义词分为完 全同音异义词和部分同音异义词。
Homonymy's discrimination method
详细描述:对于同音异义词的辨析,可以采用语境法、词源法、词义分析法等方法。语境法是通过上下文语境来判断词义的 方法;词源法是通过词的来源和历史演变来判断词义的方法;词义分析法是根据词的语义特征和义素来分析词义的方法。
Language contact
When different languages come into contact, words from one language may borrow meanings from another language, leading to polysemy.
Secondary polysemy
When a word acquires a new meaning that is related to its original meaning but is not a fundamental change. For example, the word "gas" can mean any one of the elements or compounds that are gaseous at standard temperature and pressure, or it can refer to a type of fuel.



●Synonymy 同义关系●synonym 同义词●Antonymy 反义关系●antonym 反义词●Polysemy 多义关系●polyseme 多义词●Homonymy 同音(同形)异义关系●homonym 同音同形异义词,homograph同形异义词,homophone 同音异义词●Hyponymy 上下义关系●superordinate 上义词, hyponym下义词●Taxonymy 分类关系●superordinate上类词, taxonym 分类词●Meronymy 部分整体关系●superordinate 总项词, meronym 分项词幻灯片3Synonymy●Synonymy is a relationship of ‘sameness of meaning’that may hold between two words.●Synonym: a word that means the same as another.●Linguists make a distinction between ‘strict’or ‘absolute’synonymy and ‘loose’or‘relative’synonymy.幻灯片4Strict synonymy●Strict synonyms refer to two words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. They areinterchangeable in all contexts.●Strict synonyms are very rare, and some linguists even argue that strict synonyms do notexist.●Strict synonymy is uneconomical; it creates unnecessary redundancy in a language.幻灯片5Loose synonymy●When we speak of synonymy, we mean ‘loose’or ‘relative’synonymy, where we find notonly a significant overlap in meaning between two words, but also some contexts where they cannot be used interchangeably.●John found/discovered the basketball in the grass.●Maria Curie discovered radium in 1898.●*Maria Curie found radium in 1898.discover: be the first one to come across somethingfind: experience something in some way幻灯片6Distinguishing synonyms●We often take the following things into consideration when we try to find the differencesbetween synonyms.●Different English dialects●Different stylistic meanings●Different connotative meanings幻灯片7Synonyms from different dialects●Some synonym pairs differ in that they belong to different dialects of English. Here are someexamples of synonyms from British and American English:BrE AmE BrE AmElift elevator farm ranchlawyer attorney biscuit cookierubbish garbage pavement sidewalk幻灯片8Synonyms with different stylistic meanings●One of a pair of synonyms may be used in a more formal context than the other. Here aresome examples of synonym pairs.Informal Formal Informal Formaldie decease daddy fatherblame chide guy manwest occidental praise eulogy幻灯片9Synonyms with different connotative meanings●Synonyms may have different emotive associations (connotative meanings).famous notorious(disreputably) misuse abuse(of privilege orpower)ambiguous equivocal(deliberately) new novel(strikingly)hate loathe(with disgust) obtain procure(with effort)幻灯片10Source of synonyms●Why are there so many synonyms in English?●The primary reason for this has to do with the heavy borrowing from other languages,especially from French and Latin.English French Latinask question interrogatetime age epochbegin commencebuy purchase幻灯片11Antonymy (反义关系)●Antonymy is a relationship of ‘meaning opposition’ that may hold between twowords.●Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.●Major types of antonyms:●Gradable antonyms●Contradictory or complementary antonyms●Converse antonyms幻灯片12Gradable antonyms●Gradable antonyms include pairs like the following:●beautiful ugly●expensive cheap●fast slow●hot cold●long short●rich poor●wide narrowThese pairs are called gradable antonyms because they do not represent a more/less relation. The words can be the end-points of a continuum (连续体).Since they are gradable, they allow comparison.幻灯片13Contradictory (complementary) antonyms●Contradictory antonyms include pairs like the following:●asleep awake●dead alive●on off●remember forget●win lose●true falseThese pairs are called contradictory antonyms because they represent an either/or relation.If you permit some behavior, then it is not forbidden.Since they are not gradable, they do not allow comparison.幻灯片14Converse antonyms (逆行)●The following are examples of converse antonyms:●lend borrow●husband wife●above below●before after●behind in front of●buy sell●give receive●parent child●speak listenLend is the converse of borrow and vice versa; i.e. the substitution of one member for the other does not change the meaning of a sentence if it is accompanied by the change of subject and object.John lent Mary five dollars.=Mary borrowed five dollars from John.幻灯片15Contradictory antonyms vs. Converse antonyms1,The bridge is above the river.The river is below the bridge. Converse antonyms are relational antonyms.2,This behavior is allowed.This behavior is not prohibited. Contradictory antonyms are either/or antonyms.幻灯片16Polysemy●When a word is first coined, it is always the case (true) that it has only one meaning(monosemic). But in the course of development, the same symbol may be used to express new meanings. The result is polysemy.●Polysemy shows the economy and efficiency of human languages.幻灯片17Two processes leading to polysemy●There are two important processes in the development of meaning:●Radiation (发散)●Concatenation(串联)幻灯片18Radiation●Radiation is a process in which the primary meaning stands in the center, and the derivedmeanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.●All the derived meanings can be traced back to the primary meaning.幻灯片19Radiation Example: faceWe can get the derived meanings by extension, narrowing, analogy, transfer, etc.the front of the head(Primary Meaning): 1a person,2self-respect,3outward appearance,4the surface of a thing,5countenance(Derived Meaning)幻灯片20Concatenation●Concatenation is a process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually from its primarymeaning by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the meaning that is finally developed and the primary meaning.●Unlike radiation where each of the derived meaning is directly related to the primarymeaning, concatenation is a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one.1→2→3→4→5→6幻灯片21Concatenation Example: candidateA a person dressed in whiteA+B(bridging context) a white robed applicant for office (because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office)B a person taking an examinationThere is no connection between A and B, because the middle link (A+B) has vanished.The primary meaning A has also vanished. Now the derived meaning has become the central meaning.幻灯片22Homonymy●Homonymy is the relation between two words that are spelled or pronounced in the sameway but differ in meaning.●Such words are called homonyms.●lie vi. / lie vi. -- perfect homonyms●tear n./ tear vt.--homographs●coarse/course --homophones幻灯片23Perfect homonyms●Perfect homonyms: words identical in both sound and spelling, but different in meaning●bank: n./ bank: n.●bear: n./ bear: vt.幻灯片24Homographs●Homographs: words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning.●bow: vi. to bend one’s head as a greeting●bow: n. the device used for shooting arrows●sow: n. female pig●sow: vi. to scatter seeds●perfect: v. /- ’-/●perfect: adj. /’- -/幻灯片25Homophones●Homophones: words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning.●sun/son●deer/dear●right/write●pair/pear●stationary/stationery幻灯片26Differentiation of perfect homonyms from polysemous wordsthe same lexeme which has several different meaningsperfect homonymshaving different sourcespolysemous wordsdeveloped from the same sourcedifferent lexemes which have the same form幻灯片27The use of polysemy and homonymy●Polysemous words and homonyms are often used as puns, to achieve certain literary effect,such as humor, irony, etc.●Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland●“How is bread made?”●“I know that!”Alice cried eagerly. “You take some flour.”●“Where do you pick the flower?”the White Queen asked. “In a garden, or in the hedges?”●“Well, it isn’t picked at all,”Alice explained: “it’s ground.”●“How many acres of ground?”said the White Queen.幻灯片28Hyponymy●Hyponymy is the sense relationship that relates words hierarchically. The underlyingobservation is that some words have a more general meaning, while others have a morespecific meaning, while referring to the same entity.We are not going to have any food today.We are not going to have any vegetables today.幻灯片29FOOD have a more general meaning(superordinate): FRUIT, MEAT, VEGETABLE(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term FOOD.)MEAT: BEEF, PORK, MUTTON(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term MEA T.)VEGETABLE have a more specific meaning:(CABBAGE,CELERY,SPINACH)FRUIT: APPLE, PEACH, ORANGE(Reading from the bottom of the hierarchy, ORANGE is a ‘kind of’ fruit, which is a kind of food.)幻灯片30Taxonymy●Taxonymy is the relationship in which “X is a kind of Y”(Cruse 1986).●Not all hyponyms are good taxonyms.●Hyponyms large spoon, deep spoon are not “a kind of spoon”●Taxonyms teaspoon, soup spoon are “a kind of spoon”幻灯片31Taxonymy - Focal orientation●Focal orientation: this is a perspective that the taxonym and superordinateterm must share so that the relationship works● A blonde is not a kind of woman because blonde has a hair color focalorientation that woman lacks.幻灯片32Taxonymy –distinctive feature●It appears that a taxonym must engage with the meaning of its superordinate ina particular way, by further specifying what is distinctive about it. (p.121)● A strawberry blonde is a type of blonde.●(Distinctive f. of blonde: fair hair)●?A blonde is a type of woman.●(Distinctive f. of woman: sex)●?A stallion is a type of horse.●(Distinctive f. of stallion: sex)幻灯片33Hierarchical characteristic of Taxonymy●Pine is a kind of conifer, which is a kind of tree, which is a kind of plant.幻灯片34Taxonymy vs HyponymyHyponymy分类关系具有严格的层次性,一般不超过五层,每个层次的词项必须严格地遵守同一分类标准;而上下义关系中的词项虽然也能够划分层次,但没有严密的定义标准,对层次的数目也没有规定。


1. Polysemy 1. Definition 2. Two approaches to study polysemy 3. Relationships of the senses of polysemy 2. Homonymy 1. Definition 2. Types of homonyms 3. The stylistic value of polysemy and homonymy
1. Polysemy[pɔ liˈsi:mi]is a term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings 2. Two approaches to study polysemy (diachronic and synchronic) – Diachronically, study the growth or change in the semantic structure of a word , or how the semantic structure of a word has developed from a primary meaning to the present polysemic state. – Synchronically, we are interested in the
• What does polysemy mean? • What are the relationships among the senses of polysemic words? • What is the difference between homophones and homograph? • What are the types c value of polysemy and homonymy Polysemy and homonymy are often used for stylistic purposes. One of the most common verbal devices is punning, which is employed to achieve humour. Homonymy: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now. Police were called to a daycare where a threeyear-old was resisting a rest.


pick up give up go on with put off win hesitate choose abandon continue postpone gain the upper hand be in two minds
1.3. kinds of synonyms
Linguists make a distinction between ‘strict’ or ‘absolute’ synonymy and ‘loose’ or ‘relative’ synonymy.
1.4. effects of synonyms
Do you know the significance of studying synonyms?
1.1.definition of synonymy
Synonymy is a relationship of ‘sameness of meaning’ that may hold between two words. Synonym: a word that means the same/ similar as another.
Latin interrogate epoch abdomen conflagration
2.The second reason: Dialects and regional English
lift tube petrol call box charm
elevator subway gasoline telephone booth glamour (ScotE)
3.The third reason: Figurative and euphemistic of words
occupation dreamer drunk lie walk of life star-gazer elevated distort the fact



A Brief View on Polysemy and Homonymy【Abstract】Polysemy and homonymy,as important conceps in lexical semantics,explore the relation between different senses.They are employed to achieve humor,irony and dramatic power.【Key words】Polysemy;Homonymy;Distinction;Stylistic value1 IntroductionThe study of polysemy and homonymy has a long history on the philosophy of language,linguistics,psychology,and hterature,The complex relation between meanings and words were first noted by Stoics.They observed that one word could carry diferent meanings.Through the sttbsequent research into the issue of polysemy and homonymy,it is found that there exists an extensive grey area between them.How to distinguish the two is an important issue lying in front of the researchers.Th e paper here will analyze this problem from four angles.Polysemy and homonymy are rarely a problem in language use because of the adoption of contextual cues.Th ey are sometimes used as a source of puns to achieve stylistic value such as humor and irony and to heightened dramatic power,which embody the richness and coincidence of language.2 A Brief Elucidation of Polysemy and HomonymyDefinition of Polysemy and HonomymyThe coexistence of several meanings in a word is called polysemy.Th e word polysemy comes from Neo—Latin polysemia(polymany,sema—sign),that is,having or characterized by many meanings for a single word or phrase.Polysemy seems to be motivated by metaphoric thought,that is,the relation between two polysemes seem to be the result of a certain underlying metaphor for shape,size,position,outward appearance,function and so on.Part of the lexical entry for head in English is used to illustrate this:① part ofthe body containing the brain.② the top of anything(1iterally or metaph orically)that resembles the head in shape③ the pemon who is the chief or leader.Clearly,(2)is motivated by shape and(3)by function.Homonymy is usually viewed to hold between word—forms whose senses are completely unrelated.A word witll at least two elltirely distinct meanings yet sharing a lexical form is said to be homonymous.One of the most commonly cited examples of homonymous words is bank,which has a financial institution sense and an edge of a river sense.Th ese senses seem clearly unrelated,and the fact that they are associated with the same word form seems purely accidenta1.Homonyms can be categorized into three types:total homonyms,homophone and homograph.In the first type,lexemes will be absolutely homonymous if they are formally identical inboth the phonic and graphic medium such a8 the verb lie(to be in or take a flat position)and lie(make a false statement with intention of deceiving to say something untrue).The second type is homophone.Homophones are partial ones by sharing phonologically features,such as flour and flower.The third type is homographs which explore the meaning of different words that look alike,e.g.1ead(guide or direct to go in a certain direction)and lead(a soft,heavy,bluish—grey meta1)a homographs.Distinction Between Polysemy and HomonymyIn fact,polysemy is very similar to homonymy.Two words can be polysemous when their senses are somehow related,as long fit8 they are not equal,while homonymy is usually viewed to hold between word forms whose senses are completely unrelated. Given that we have a written form with diferent meanings,are we to say it is one word with diferent meanings(polysemy)or two diferent words with the same shape(homonymy)?What are the criteria that enable 118 to distinguish between polysemy and homonymy?There are some possible ways of answering these questions.Firstly,dictionary usually ba- ses their decision upon etymology .If it is known that idenficM forms have one origin,even if they have diferent meanings,they are treated as polysemic and given a single entry in a dictionary.If it is know that they have diferent origins,they are treated as homonymous and given separate entries.Thus,on the ground of a shared etymological knowledge,table(furniture)and table(arrangement of data)are polysemic,while pupil(student)and pupil(the round opening in the middle of eye)are homonymous.Secondly,it is reasonable to suggest that where the diferences are regular and to some degree pre- dictable.we have polysemy rather than homonymy.One of the most familiar kinds of regular relationship between meanings is that of metaphor where a word appears to have both a literal meaning and transfered meaning.A good example is the words for part of body,such as fot in his fot and the fot of the mountain.Th us,fot is more 1ikely to be regarded as a polysemic word with literal meaning and transfered meaning.Thirdly,another diferent way of attempting toestablish polysemy rather than homonymy is to look for a central meaning.Around the central meaning are radiations of other meanings.The word table as a polysemic word is a good illustration.The core of meaning is a piece of furniture,and then appeam other ones extending fromit,such as a dish and people sitting at table.Fourthly,it is tempted to say that where the antonym is the same we have polysemy,and the diference of antonym implies homonymy.For example,the same word black can refer to a kind of heavy color and also black people Negro.Its antonym white correspondingly has two meanings:a light kind of color;people of European descent.Thus black belongs to polysemic word.While the word lights is concerned,they have diferent autonyms:light—heavy,light—dark.So they are usually seen as homonyms.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and HomonymyAlthough polysemy and homonymy carry diferent meanings, they are rarely a problem in language use.The reason is the adoption of context,which plays a very important role in the hearer interpreration of words.Some proper ambiguities are intentionally aroused by employing polysemy and homonymy with the purpose of stylistic va1ue.Achieving HumorPolysemy and homonymy can be used as pun to indicate the employer’s intention of making fun.A good example is the following pas-sage from Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland.“How is bread made?”“I know that!”Alice cried eagerly.“You take some flour.”“Where do you pick flowers? ”the White Queen asked,“In the garden or in the hedge?”“Well,itn’t picked at all,”Alice explained,“it is ground.”“How many acres ofground?”said the White Queen.This passage makes use of homonymous words:flour and flower,and polysemic word ground.They are specified differently by Alice and the White Queen.Because there is no connection between the questions and the answers,the audience may feel funny when reading their dialogue.Achieving IronyPolysemic words and homonymous words are not only good can.didates for humor;they can also produce other efects such as irony.For example:Where is Washington?He is dend.I mean the capital of the United States.They loaded it all to Europe.Now do you promise to support the constitution ?Me? How can I? I’ve got a wife and three children to support.The dialogue above is said to be an oral investigation held among constituents when the presidential election is coming.Puns are skillfully used on three words:Washington,capital and support.The proper employment of polysemy implicitly satirizes the politics in the US.Heighten Dramatic PowerDramatic power can be heightened through the ingenious use of puns,and this is another stylistic value of polysemy and homonymy.Here is a right illustration.We must all hang together,or we shall all hang separately.This is a maxim ven by Benjamin Franklin,who argued people should unite and persist to avoid being strangled by the enemy.His mastery of words enhances the efect of political dissemination and the power of appea1.More sun and airfor you son and heir.This is a quotation from an advertisement of a lido.By making use of two sets of homophones(sun/son and air/heir),the lido convinces that thereis adequate sunshine and flesh air which are beneficial to the child and successor.It is believed that this is a unque message for the tourists who are inclined to be attracted by its cleverness and skillfulness.4 ConclusionPolysemy and homonymy,as important concepts in lexical semantles,explore the relation between different senses.The distinction between polysemy and homonymy is important because it separates the principled from the accidenta1.Their pragmatic functions are noticeable,for they are stylistically useful to achieve such contextual effects as humor,irony,and heightened dramatic power.Due to the ingenious employment of polysemy and homonymy,people are impressed with their semantic power and the richness of lan guage.Bibliography[1] ZhangYunfei.An Introduction to Modem EnglishLexicology[M].Beijing:Beijing Normal University Press,2004.[2] CaoWutang.Concise English Lexicology[M].Shandong:Shandong Education Press,1992.[3] QinHonglin,JiaDelin.A Study of English Ambiguity[_M].Jiangsu:Jiangsu Education Press,1991.[4] QinXiubai.Elementary English Stylistics[M].Hunan:Hunan Education Press,1986.[5] Yael Ravin,Claudia Leacock(ed).Polysemy[M].0 rd:Oxford University Press,2000.[6] F.R.palmer.Semantics[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,l976。

现代英语词汇学概论6 polysemy and homonymy

现代英语词汇学概论6 polysemy and homonymy

1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning


original meaning: no practical use extended meaning: in use


穿白衣服的人 羽毛
Candidate Pen

b) His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends.

entry beauty Pride
“进入” “入口” “美丽” “美人” “骄傲” “一个使人引以为骄的人”
1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning

2.1 perfect homonym

They are different words identical both in sound and spelling, though different in meaning.



pop /p p/n. 流行歌曲 pop/p p/n.爸爸 pop/p p/n.砰的一声 last /la:st/a.最后的 last/la:st/v.持续 last/la:st/n.鞋楦头

forget: forgets; forgot

conceptual meaning vs. associative meaning

home small, little begin, commence pretty, handsome


❖ 3)Shortening、 Many shortened forms of words happen to be identical with other words in spelling or sound、缩略法。很 多缩略词得形式正好与其她词得拼写或语音 雷同。
6、2、3 Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants 同形 同音异义词与多义词得区别
❖ Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning、 Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most mon、同音异形异 义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。
sense relations 语义关系
❖ A word which is related to other words is related to them in sense, hence sense relations、一个与其她单词关联得词就是在 语义上与她们相关得, 因而有了语义关系。
6、1 Polysemy 多义关系
❖ When a word is first coined, it is always monosemic、 当一个词最初被创造出来得 时候,一律就是单语义词。
6、1、1 Two Approaches to Polysemy 两种多义关系得研究方法
❖ The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach、 同一词得各种意义之间相互关 联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角 度来研究。



Chapter 6 Polysemy and Homonymy⏹6.1 Polysemy 一词多义⏹6.2 Homonymy 同音同形异义⏹6.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy 一词多义与同音异义的文体价值6.1 Polysemy 一词多义Polysemy: A term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings.*means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.●Two approaches to polysemy :diachronic 历时的and synchronic 一时的,同步的●Two processes leading to polysemy1)Radiation辐射型:It is the process in which the primary or central meaning stands at thecenter while secondary meaning radiates from it in every direction like ray .*Though all the secondary meanings are independent of one another, they can all be traced back to the primary meaning.2)Concatenation连锁型: It is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word movesgradually away from its first sense by successive shifts ,like the links of a chain ,until thereis no connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary meaning .*use relations between senses to master the different meanings of a polysemic word●Sense relations of polysemy1)original meaning vs. extended meaning 原始意义vs.引申意义2)universal meaning vs. particular meaning 普遍意义vs.特殊意义3)abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning 抽象意vs.特殊意义4)literal meaning vs. figurative meaning字面意义vs.比喻意义6.2 Homonymy 同音同形异义Homonymy: words which though different in meaning ,are pronounced alike ,or spelled alike ,or both .Eg.light(光)light(轻的);bark(吠)bark(树皮);flower(花)flour(面粉)●Three types of homonyms:1)Perfect homonyms完全同形同音异义词:Words identical in spelling but different in meaning .E.g.1).poppop /p p/ n.流行歌曲pop/p p/n.爸爸pop/p p/n.砰的一声2).lastlast /la:st/a.最后的last/la:st/v.持续last/la:st/n.鞋楦头现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料chapter62)Homophones同音异义词:Words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.Eg. air空气–heir继承人,后嗣bear忍受,熊–bare空的,赤裸的dear 亲爱的–deer鹿3)Homograph同形异音异义词:Words identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning .Eg. lead sow tear prayerSources of homonyms1.Phonetic convergenceUnder the influence of phonetic convergence ,two or more words whichonce were different in sound forms take on the same pronunciation thespoken language .E.g. melo –meal bean –been beat –beet flea –flee heal –heel2.Semantic divergenceWhen two or more meanings of the same word drift apart to such an extentthat there will be no obvious connection between them ,polysemy will giveplace to homonymy .E.g. flour –flower metal –mettle3.Foreign influenceE.g. host –one who entertains guest [L hospitis ]host –a large number ,an army [L hostis ,army ,hostile force ]4.ShorteningThis source is of decidedly subsidiary importance in formal writing but haswidespread influence in everyday speech.E.g. pop –popular (music )-to thrust ,to push (up ) 推6.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy一词多义与同音异义的文体价值Context plays a very important role in the hearer 's interpretation of words of two special types: different words of like form(homonymy)and words of several meanings (polysemy ).*Polysemic and homonymous words are stylistically useful to achievehumour or irony ,or to heighten dramatic effect .。


fine rocking-chair that his father used to sit in, a desk where he wrote letters, a nest of small tables and a dark, imposing bookcase. Now all this furniture was sold, and with it his own past. In this piece of discourse, the writer uses a set of hyponyms under furniture, which gives the writing coherence and provides the key to understanding the text. In production, knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms, and their superordinates can help us achieve vividness, exactness, and concreteness. Consider the following two pairs of sentences: (1.a) Trees surrounded the water near our summer place. (1.b) Old elms surround the lake near our summer cabin.
Semantic Classification of Words
Semantic classification of words means that vocabulary units are classified on the basis of various meaning relations between words on the paradigmatic axis (语义聚合轴线). Paradigmatic relation existing between words not only define the word meaning but also function as the main criteria underlying (accounting for) the semantic classification of words. For example, the criterion of common concept serves to classify words into semantic fields, whereas semantic relations of similarity, contrast and inclusion underlie ( are the basis of) respectively the classification of lexical items into synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms (下义词).



●Synonymy 同义关系●synonym 同义词●Antonymy 反义关系●antonym 反义词●Polysemy 多义关系●polyseme 多义词●Homonymy 同音(同形)异义关系●homonym 同音同形异义词,homograph同形异义词,homophone 同音异义词●Hyponymy 上下义关系●superordinate 上义词, hyponym下义词●Taxonymy 分类关系●superordinate上类词, taxonym 分类词●Meronymy 部分整体关系●superordinate 总项词, meronym 分项词幻灯片3Synonymy●Synonymy is a relationship of ‘sameness of meaning’that may hold between two words.●Synonym: a word that means the same as another.●Linguists make a distinction between ‘strict’or ‘absolute’synonymy and ‘loose’or‘relative’synonymy.幻灯片4Strict synonymy●Strict synonyms refer to two words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. They areinterchangeable in all contexts.●Strict synonyms are very rare, and some linguists even argue that strict synonyms do notexist.●Strict synonymy is uneconomical; it creates unnecessary redundancy in a language.幻灯片5Loose synonymy●When we speak of synonymy, we mean ‘loose’or ‘relative’synonymy, where we find notonly a significant overlap in meaning between two words, but also some contexts where they cannot be used interchangeably.●John found/discovered the basketball in the grass.●Maria Curie discovered radium in 1898.●*Maria Curie found radium in 1898.discover: be the first one to come across somethingfind: experience something in some way幻灯片6Distinguishing synonyms●We often take the following things into consideration when we try to find the differencesbetween synonyms.●Different English dialects●Different stylistic meanings●Different connotative meanings幻灯片7Synonyms from different dialects●Some synonym pairs differ in that they belong to different dialects of English. Here are someexamples of synonyms from British and American English:BrE AmE BrE AmElift elevator farm ranchlawyer attorney biscuit cookierubbish garbage pavement sidewalk幻灯片8Synonyms with different stylistic meanings●One of a pair of synonyms may be used in a more formal context than the other. Here aresome examples of synonym pairs.Informal Formal Informal Formaldie decease daddy fatherblame chide guy manwest occidental praise eulogy幻灯片9Synonyms with different connotative meanings●Synonyms may have different emotive associations (connotative meanings).famous notorious(disreputably) misuse abuse(of privilege orpower)ambiguous equivocal(deliberately) new novel(strikingly)hate loathe(with disgust) obtain procure(with effort)幻灯片10Source of synonyms●Why are there so many synonyms in English?●The primary reason for this has to do with the heavy borrowing from other languages,especially from French and Latin.English French Latinask question interrogatetime age epochbegin commencebuy purchase幻灯片11Antonymy (反义关系)●Antonymy is a relationship of ‘meaning opposition’ that may hold between twowords.●Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.●Major types of antonyms:●Gradable antonyms●Contradictory or complementary antonyms●Converse antonyms幻灯片12Gradable antonyms●Gradable antonyms include pairs like the following:●beautiful ugly●expensive cheap●fast slow●hot cold●long short●rich poor●wide narrowThese pairs are called gradable antonyms because they do not represent a more/less relation. The words can be the end-points of a continuum (连续体).Since they are gradable, they allow comparison.幻灯片13Contradictory (complementary) antonyms●Contradictory antonyms include pairs like the following:●asleep awake●dead alive●on off●remember forget●win lose●true falseThese pairs are called contradictory antonyms because they represent an either/or relation.If you permit some behavior, then it is not forbidden.Since they are not gradable, they do not allow comparison.幻灯片14Converse antonyms (逆行)●The following are examples of converse antonyms:●lend borrow●husband wife●above below●before after●behind in front of●buy sell●give receive●parent child●speak listenLend is the converse of borrow and vice versa; i.e. the substitution of one member for the other does not change the meaning of a sentence if it is accompanied by the change of subject and object.John lent Mary five dollars.=Mary borrowed five dollars from John.幻灯片15Contradictory antonyms vs. Converse antonyms1,The bridge is above the river.The river is below the bridge. Converse antonyms are relational antonyms.2,This behavior is allowed.This behavior is not prohibited. Contradictory antonyms are either/or antonyms.幻灯片16Polysemy●When a word is first coined, it is always the case (true) that it has only one meaning(monosemic). But in the course of development, the same symbol may be used to express new meanings. The result is polysemy.●Polysemy shows the economy and efficiency of human languages.幻灯片17Two processes leading to polysemy●There are two important processes in the development of meaning:●Radiation (发散)●Concatenation(串联)幻灯片18Radiation●Radiation is a process in which the primary meaning stands in the center, and the derivedmeanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.●All the derived meanings can be traced back to the primary meaning.幻灯片19Radiation Example: faceWe can get the derived meanings by extension, narrowing, analogy, transfer, etc.the front of the head(Primary Meaning): 1a person,2self-respect,3outward appearance,4the surface of a thing,5countenance(Derived Meaning)幻灯片20Concatenation●Concatenation is a process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually from its primarymeaning by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the meaning that is finally developed and the primary meaning.●Unlike radiation where each of the derived meaning is directly related to the primarymeaning, concatenation is a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one.1→2→3→4→5→6幻灯片21Concatenation Example: candidateA a person dressed in whiteA+B(bridging context) a white robed applicant for office (because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office)B a person taking an examinationThere is no connection between A and B, because the middle link (A+B) has vanished.The primary meaning A has also vanished. Now the derived meaning has become the central meaning.幻灯片22Homonymy●Homonymy is the relation between two words that are spelled or pronounced in the sameway but differ in meaning.●Such words are called homonyms.●lie vi. / lie vi. -- perfect homonyms●tear n./ tear vt.--homographs●coarse/course --homophones幻灯片23Perfect homonyms●Perfect homonyms: words identical in both sound and spelling, but different in meaning●bank: n./ bank: n.●bear: n./ bear: vt.幻灯片24Homographs●Homographs: words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning.●bow: vi. to bend one’s head as a greeting●bow: n. the device used for shooting arrows●sow: n. female pig●sow: vi. to scatter seeds●perfect: v. /- ’-/●perfect: adj. /’- -/幻灯片25Homophones●Homophones: words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning.●sun/son●deer/dear●right/write●pair/pear●stationary/stationery幻灯片26Differentiation of perfect homonyms from polysemous wordsthe same lexeme which has several different meaningsperfect homonymshaving different sourcespolysemous wordsdeveloped from the same sourcedifferent lexemes which have the same form幻灯片27The use of polysemy and homonymy●Polysemous words and homonyms are often used as puns, to achieve certain literary effect,such as humor, irony, etc.●Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland●“How is bread made?”●“I know that!”Alice cried eagerly. “You take some flour.”●“Where do you pick the flower?”the White Queen asked. “In a garden, or in the hedges?”●“Well, it isn’t picked at all,”Alice explained: “it’s ground.”●“How many acres of ground?”said the White Queen.幻灯片28Hyponymy●Hyponymy is the sense relationship that relates words hierarchically. The underlyingobservation is that some words have a more general meaning, while others have a morespecific meaning, while referring to the same entity.We are not going to have any food today.We are not going to have any vegetables today.幻灯片29FOOD have a more general meaning(superordinate): FRUIT, MEAT, VEGETABLE(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term FOOD.)MEAT: BEEF, PORK, MUTTON(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term MEA T.)VEGETABLE have a more specific meaning:(CABBAGE,CELERY,SPINACH)FRUIT: APPLE, PEACH, ORANGE(Reading from the bottom of the hierarchy, ORANGE is a ‘kind of’ fruit, which is a kind of food.)幻灯片30Taxonymy●Taxonymy is the relationship in which “X is a kind of Y”(Cruse 1986).●Not all hyponyms are good taxonyms.●Hyponyms large spoon, deep spoon are not “a kind of spoon”●Taxonyms teaspoon, soup spoon are “a kind of spoon”幻灯片31Taxonymy - Focal orientation●Focal orientation: this is a perspective that the taxonym and superordinateterm must share so that the relationship works● A blonde is not a kind of woman because blonde has a hair color focalorientation that woman lacks.幻灯片32Taxonymy –distinctive feature●It appears that a taxonym must engage with the meaning of its superordinate ina particular way, by further specifying what is distinctive about it. (p.121)● A strawberry blonde is a type of blonde.●(Distinctive f. of blonde: fair hair)●?A blonde is a type of woman.●(Distinctive f. of woman: sex)●?A stallion is a type of horse.●(Distinctive f. of stallion: sex)幻灯片33Hierarchical characteristic of Taxonymy●Pine is a kind of conifer, which is a kind of tree, which is a kind of plant.幻灯片34Taxonymy vs HyponymyHyponymy分类关系具有严格的层次性,一般不超过五层,每个层次的词项必须严格地遵守同一分类标准;而上下义关系中的词项虽然也能够划分层次,但没有严密的定义标准,对层次的数目也没有规定。

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1.2.2 universal meaning vs. particular meaning 普遍意义vs.特殊意义
1.2.3 abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning 抽象意vs.特殊意义
1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning 字面意义vs.比喻意义
1.1 Polysemy
means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.
治理国家; 政府
150 meanings
Ex.9 P.133
A man who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident was unable to speak when he first regained consciousness. Whishing to know how long he had been unconscious, he took a piece of paper and a pencil from the bedside and, after writing “date?” on it, gave it to his nurse. She handed it back to him after she had written the word “Married” on it.
mean /mi:n/v.意指 mean/mi:n/a.卑鄙的 mean/mi:n/a.中间的
tense /tens/n.时态 tense/tens/a.拉紧的
2.2 homophone
They are different words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.
two processes of development
1.2 sense relations of polysemy
1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning 1.2.2 universal meaning vs. particular meaning 1.2.3 abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning 1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning
Teaching focus
I. Polysemy II. Homonymy III. How to distinguish the two forms? IV. Context V. Ambiguity and vagueness
I. Polysemy一词多义
1.1 polysemy
Two heads are better than one.
b) Concatenation连锁型:
It is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its primary meaning in succession so that the present meaning seems to have no connection to the primary meaning.
How to master the different meanings of a polysemic word?
relations between senses
1.2 sense relations of polysemy
1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning 原始意义vs.引申意义
Session 6
Chapter V Polysemy and Homonymy
Review chapter 4
I. Motivation of meaning
Onomatopoeic Motivation
Ducks quack.
Morphological motivation
More examples:
climate 原始意义

Greek “klimax”=slope
The Greeks thought that the earth sloped toward the north and that this affected the weather.
1.2.2 universal meaning vs. specific meaning
E.g. “disease ”
a) The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease.
b) Measles and flu are common diseases.
six pence per head
the head of the school
a head of cabbage the head of a page at the head of a list
to lose one’s head use you head
six head of cattle
last /la:st/a.最后的 last/la:st/v.持续 last/la:st/n.鞋楦头
3). scale
scale/skeil/n.鱼鳞 scale/skeil/n.天平 scale/skeil/n.标度 scale/skeil/v.攀登
Homonyms(同行异义词) are different words with the same form (spelling or pronunciation)
light(光)light(轻的); bark(吠) bark(树皮); flower(花) flour(面粉); vain(徒劳的)vein(静脉)vane(风向标); tear(眼泪)tear(撕); lead(率领)lead(铅)等。
capital; capitol dew; due die; dye dual; duel cheap; cheep …
More examples Nhomakorabea Weak Way Wait Waist Vein Waive Wood Tail
1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning
original meaning: no practical use
extended meaning: in use
Candidate 穿白衣服的人
2.1 perfect homonym
They are different words identical both in sound and spelling, though different in meaning.
pop /p p/n. 流行歌曲 pop/p p/n.爸爸 pop/p p/n.砰的一声
1) white-roped
2) office seeker in white gowns
3) a person who seeks an office
4) a person proposed for a place, award, etc.
b) His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends.
b)中, envy 则指“羡慕的对象”这一具体意义
entry beauty Pride
“骄傲” “一个使人引以为骄的人”
1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning
Semantic Motivation
Tabula(木板)---- table
Etymological motivation
Argus-eyed professor
Argus 百眼巨人 目光敏锐的
II. Components of meaning
grammatical meaning vs. lexical meaning
120 meanings
Two processes of development
a) Radiation辐射型:
It is the semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meaning radiates out of it.
His diary is a mirror of the times he lived in.