外研(新标准)版英语八年级下《Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit

外研(新标准)版英语八年级下《Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3Language in use》教学设计一. 教材分析外研(新标准)版英语八年级下《Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use》主要讲述了洛杉矶夏天的天气和活动。
二. 学情分析学生在进入本节课之前,已经掌握了如何用英语描述天气和日常活动。
三. 教学目标1.学生能够听懂、说出一系列描述天气和活动的词汇。
3.学生能够通过pr work和group work提高口语交流能力。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够听懂、说出描述天气和活动的词汇,并用英语描述夏天的天气和参加各种活动。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过pr work和group work,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。
六. 教学准备1.教材:外研(新标准)版英语八年级下《Module 7 Summer in LosAngeles Unit 3 Language in use》。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过展示洛杉矶夏天的图片,引导学生谈论他们所知道的洛杉矶和夏天。
外研版八年级下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit

experience grow up
information last provide take part in
Mrs Smith: Excuse me. David: Yes, how can I help you? Mrs Smith: I’d like to get some
(1)_i_n_fo_r_m__a_t_io_n__ about your summer camp.
experience grow up
information last provide take part in
David: Yes, of course. Our summer camp is a great (2)_e_x_p_e_r_ie_n_c_e_ for children. They learn about themselves, live close to nature and make new friends.
6 During the course, students will make lots of new friends — and good p_r_o_g_r_e_s_s_ in English!
How long does the course last?
Now ask and answer. -How long does the course last? -It lasts for four weeks.
5 What does his American family think of the French group? They think that they’re really good.
This evening Concert in the park Come and listen to some fantastic music by the group, (1)T__h_e_M__u_s_i_c_P_l_a_n_e_t. They are from (2)_F_r_a_n_c_e___. Price:(3)__$_5_____-with a (4)_f_re_e__d_r_in_k__! Come and join us!

列清单 adj. 发疯的;荒唐的 在……的结尾; 在……的末端 n. [用复数]短裤 n. [用复数]裤子
Words and expressions
homestay weigh
total weight passport
n. [用复数]太阳 镜;墨镜 n. 家庭寄宿 v. 重量有……; 重…… adj. 总的;全部的 n. 重量 n. 护照
2. If you’re already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK. 如果你已经付过机票钱和家庭寄宿费了, 那就应该够了。
pay for表示“支付……的费用, 为……付款”。例如: My father paid for my drivers lessons. 我爸爸支付了我学车的费用。
1. Where is Linging going? Los Angeles. 2. Are many things more expensive in America? Yes, they are.
(三). Listen to the dialogue and
check(√) the things Betty suggests Lingling take.
1. I’m making a list of things for my trip. 我正在列一张旅行所需的清单。 make a list 意为“制表;列单”。 list的意思是“清单;表”,常见的搭配有: a book list 书单,a price list 价目表, a table list 课程表,a name list 名单。如: Make a list of your favourite food. Here is the shopping list.

-口语表达中的连贯性:在口语表达中,学生可能会在句子之间缺乏过渡词汇,使得整个叙述显得生硬,需要在教学中强调使用一些过渡性词汇,如“then, after that, finally”等,以提高表达的流畅性和连贯性。
在今天的教学中,我发现学生们对Module 7 "Summer in Los Angeles"的内容非常感兴趣。他们在讨论夏天活动时,表现出了很高的参与热情。这让我意识到,将学生的日常生活与教学内容相结合,能够有效提升他们的学习积极性。
1.提升学生的英语语言能力,通过学习Module 7,使学生能够熟练运用一般过去时描述过去的经历,增强时态运用的准确性;
2017-2018学年外研版八年级英语下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles教案
本节课选自2017-2018学年外研版八年级英语下册Module 7 "Summer in Los Angeles",主要内容包括:
1.掌握与夏天相关的词汇和表达,如:beach, sunbathe, sunglasses等;
外研版初中英语八年级下册 《Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit

外研版初中英语八年级下册《Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 2》教学设计1一. 教材分析《Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 2》主要讲述了洛杉矶夏天的天气和文化活动。
二. 学情分析学生在学习本节课之前,已经掌握了描述天气的词汇和短语,如hot, warm, cool, sunny等。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握描述天气的词汇和短语,如hot, warm, cool,sunny等;学生能够听懂并说出关于洛杉矶夏天文化活动的句子。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够掌握描述天气的词汇和短语,如hot, warm, cool,sunny等;学生能够听懂并说出关于洛杉矶夏天文化活动的句子。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定具体任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和运用所学的知识。
六. 教学准备1.教学材料:教材、多媒体课件、录音机、磁带等。

Module 7 Summer in Los AngelesUnit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos!【热身训练】一、新词自测1.名单;清单3.重量有(v.)4.总的;全部的6.重量(n.)7.发疯的;荒唐的二、短语匹配make a list A.为做准备prepare for... E.在的结尾三、根据汉语意思完成句子我喜欢提前把东西准备好。
(at the end of......)你要待在那里多长时间?I’m leaving at the end of July and I’m going to stay there for four weeks.我将在七月末离开,待在那里四周。
at the end of...意为“在……的结尾;在……的末端”,其后接名词或名词性的短语,既可以指在时间的末尾,也可以指在某个地点的尽头。
Li Ming came across a few new words at the end of the article.在这篇文章的最后,李明碰到了一些生词。
There is a clothes shop at the end of the street.在这条街的尽头有一家服装店。
与end有关的短语:by the end of...意为“到为止”,常与完成时连用。
We had learned two thousand English words by the end of last term.到上个学期为止我们已经学了2000个英语单词。
in the end意为“最后;终于”。
I have done my homework for two hours. Now I finish it in the end.我已经写了两小时的作业了。

外研版英语八下Module 7《Summer in Los Angeles》(Unit 2)说课稿一. 教材分析《Summer in Los Angeles》是人教版高中英语八年级下册Module 7的一篇课文。
二. 学情分析根据我对学生的了解,他们在七年级已经学过关于季节和天气的英语知识,对天气相关的词汇和表达方式有一定的掌握。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:让学生掌握与天气、季节相关的词汇和表达方式,如:weather, temperature, sunny, cloudy, rny等;2.能力目标:培养学生阅读理解能力,使他们能够通过阅读课文了解洛杉矶夏天的特点和当地人民的生活习惯;3.情感目标:培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高他们的自信心。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:让学生掌握与天气、季节相关的词汇和表达方式;2.难点:让学生能够运用所学知识描述某个地区的夏天特点和当地人民的生活习惯。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.采用任务型教学法,通过小组合作、讨论等方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的参与度;2.使用多媒体教学手段,如:图片、视频等,帮助学生更好地理解课文内容;3.运用情境教学法,创设真实的学习情境,让学生在实践中运用所学知识。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过展示洛杉矶的图片,引导学生谈论关于天气和季节的话题,为新课的学习做好铺垫;2.读前预测:让学生根据课文标题和插图,预测课文内容,激发他们的阅读兴趣;3.快速阅读:让学生快速阅读课文,回答关于课文大意的问题,帮助他们整体把握课文内容;4.精读:引导学生深入阅读课文,理解作者在洛杉矶的日常生活,以及洛杉矶夏天的特点和当地人民的生活习惯;5.小组讨论:让学生分小组讨论,用自己的话描述一下自己所熟悉的季节特点和当地人民的生活习惯,培养他们的口语表达能力;6.输出:让学生结合所学知识,运用所掌握的词汇和表达方式,写一篇关于某个地区夏天的短文,培养他们的写作能力;7.总结:对本节课所学内容进行总结,让学生回顾所学知识,提高他们的归纳总结能力。

外研版英语八下Module 7《Summer in Los Angeles》(Unit 1)说课稿一. 教材分析《Summer in Los Angeles》是人教版初中英语八年级下册Module 7的一篇课文,介绍了洛杉矶夏天的天气特点及人们的生活习惯。
二. 学情分析在进入八年级下册的学习时,学生已经掌握了基本的英语语法和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能正确理解课文内容,掌握关键词汇和表达方式,了解洛杉矶夏天的天气特点及人们的生活习惯。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:课文内容的理解,关键词汇和表达方式的掌握。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.交际式教学法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等形式,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识,提高他们的语言实际运用能力。
外研版英语八下Module 7《Summer in Los Angeles》(Unit 1)教学设计

外研版英语八下Module 7《Summer in Los Angeles》(Unit 1)教学设计一. 教材分析《Summer in Los Angeles》是人教版初中英语八年级下册Module 7的一篇课文,主要介绍了洛杉矶夏季的气候特点以及人们在这个季节里的休闲娱乐活动。
二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,对英语学习有较高的兴趣。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握课文中的关键词汇和短语,理解课文大意。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:课文的理解和朗读。
五. 教学方法采用任务型教学法,以学生为主体,教师为指导,通过设置各种任务,让学生在实践中学习和掌握知识。
六. 教学准备1.教师准备:课文译文、相关背景资料、教学课件。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用图片展示洛杉矶的夏季景色,引导学生谈论夏季的活动,激发学生对课文的兴趣。
外研版英语八年级下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 2教案

NSE8B Module7Unit2Summer in Los Angeles一、Teaching aims1. learn the new words and phrases in the passage: culture/ at thesame time/ depend on / test / provide / progress / daily life /form /friendship /prefer /certain /fill out2. Understand the passage about summer English course3. Learn the structure of the advertisement二、Difficulties1.The useful expressions: prefer/ provide/depend on/ stay in touch2.Reading Strategy: reading for detailed information3.Reading for writing三、Teaching preparation:Multi-media四、Teaching procedureStep1 Presentation1. Look at the picture of Summer in Los Angeles.(1) Who is going to LA? Why?(2) What is an English course?2. Play a video of British English course. Students watch it and then fillin the blanks about the course. Learn the new words: last, culture.3. Introduce the course to the students, have the students come to theblackboard to write out some new words: culture/ last/ depend on/provide/ test/ progress/ guest/ daily / form /friendship/ certain.4. Free talk. Work in pairs. Look at the photos in Activity2 and say whatyou can see. Have the students discuss and talk freely. Try to use the key words: course, Disneyland, family, Hollywood, shoppingStep2 Scan1. Have the students go through the passage and choose the best answer.What is the passage about?Step3 Detailed readingRead each paragraph one by one and then have the student discuss the questions .Paragraph1. Read and answer the following questions:1.What can we offer you?2.What can you learn in Los Angeles?Paragraph2. Read and fill in the table of the course.Paragraph3. Read and tell if the statements are true or false. Paragraph4-5. Have the students read and fill in the blanks in the passage. Step4 After reading1. Talk about the structure of the passage.2. The expressions of the passage. “We can …”and “You can …”Step5. Homework1. Finish the homework book of Unit2.2. Revise the content of the text.。
外研八年级下学期Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Lang

外研八年级下学期Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use教案(表格式)Unit 3 Language in use【Analysis of the Teaching Material】The task of this module is about having a class discussion about summer courses. The topic of unit 1 is about “what to take” when travelling abroad, and the students use different sentence patterns to give advice; and unit 2 is about how to design a summer camp. This writing lesson isto revise Module 7 and set a real task for the students: make a summer camp plan for a group of American teenagers who will spend their summer holiday in Yiwu. This lesson pays much attention to the two aspects of making a summer camp plan , that is, what to do and what to take. Besides, it reviews how to give advice and tips, such as “You should...”, “It’s a good idea to do...”. It is close to the students’ life. So it is interesting and important for them to learn and write.【Analysis of the Learning Condition】Students from Grade Eight are supposed to be intermediate level and have accumulated certain knowledge to express their own ideas in English. Most of them have a definite learning motivation and active learning attitude. Some students are left behind because they have little interest in it. But through the previous study, students have known somewords of things to take and the sentence patterns of how to give advice. It can improve their interest and self-confidence in speaking English. What’s more, this topic is close to their life which makes the students be willing to finish their task.【Teaching Objectives】Language abilityStudents will be able to use these words: shorts, trousers, sunglasses, homestay, passport, provide, prefer, etc.Students will be able to use these phrases: at the end of, form close friendships, be certain to do sth, choose to do sth, take trips to, etc. Students will be able to use different sentence patterns to give advice such as it’s a good idea to do sth, you’d better do sth, etc.Learning abilityStudents will be able to find some useful information from an email by skimming and scanning;Students will be able to develop their collaboration skills and communication skills when they talk about making a plan and giving advice;Students will be able to use some writing strategies to make a summer camp plan and reply the email.Thinking qualityStudents will be able to develop their critical thinking and creativethinking by thinking about how to make a summer camp plan and how to give advice.Cultural awarenessStudents will develop a habit of making a plan earlier while doing something;Students will have the awareness of cultural differences between different countries.【Teaching Focus】Students will know how to plan a summer camp.Students will improve their writing ability by using different strategies.【Learning instruction】Reading: Get the main ideas by circling key words.Writing: Pay attention to the linking words and transitional sentences, make an outline before writing and polish the sentence after writing. Take some useful notes in class.【Teaching Procedures】Steps Learning Procedures Interaction PurposeStep 1: Emma’s hope The Ss are given some requirements in this lesson. Teacher-student interaction Make the Ss be sure of the rules in this lesson.Step 2: Lead-in Ss talk about their summer holiday plan and then guess Emma’s plan, then read an email from Emma’s friend Joanne to get someinformation from it. Teacher-student interaction Student-material interaction Ss get specific information of “what for”, “how many”, “how long”, “what to do” and “what problem”, and prepare for the later task. From that they improve their reading skill.Step 3: Brainstorm After reading, the Ss know they are going to make a summer camp plan for foreign students. Ss brainstorm what should be included in a plan. Teacher-student interaction Student-student interaction Develop students’ divergent thinking ability by thinking about what should a plan be included. And they can tell which is the most important in a plan. That is of great use for their writing.Step 4: “To experience life” Ss think about what foreign students can do to experience life in China. Then make separate sentences into a passage. Two students will present while the others find the linking words they use. Teacher-student interaction Student-student interaction It’s a good way for the students to revise what they have learnt in Unit2.Also there is a writing strategy here: use linking words to form a passage.Also the students have the awareness of taking notes.Step 5: “To learn Chinese” Ss work in a group of four to design Chinese courses as well as some other activities to learn about Chinese culture. Two students will present and they will be the teacher to ask other students some questions. The others take some notes and later answer the questions. Teacher-student interaction Student-student interactionIt’s a good way to develop their divergent thinking and creative thinking, and a chance to form teamwork spirit. By this, Ss will have an awareness of how to make a plan. And there is another writing strategy here: use transitional sentence to link two parts. This step is completely student-centered, and it develops the students’ ability.Step 6 : “What to take ” Ss use different sentence patterns to give advice about what things the foreign students should take. And they will learn some better ways to express themselves. Teacher-student interaction Student-student interaction Ss will know how to polish their sentences by using “so...that...” or “with”, instead of “because”. This writing strategy is useful for them.Step 7: Let's write. Reply the email to Joanne according to the outline and four tips. Write on the worksheet. Student-material interaction With the teacher’s help and their own discussion, the outline and how to write is clear, so it’s won’t be difficult for the students to finish their writing.Step 8: Report and assess. After self and group- assessment, Ss choose the best composition in each group. Then choose two Ss to report their writings. Other students comment and give marks according to the standards. Student-student interaction Student-material interaction Ss will know how a good writing should be according to the standards and learn from each other. Also it can also develop their ability to correctmistakes and find good sentences.Step 9: Enjoy a poem and make a conclusion Make a conclusion about what have learnt in this class then enjoy a poem about travelling, and Ss will realize they should enjoy life. Teacher-student interaction Student-material interaction It’s a good habit for the students to sum up what they have learnt in each class.Step 10: Assignment Different levels of students get different task, also there is individual homework and group homework. Student-material interaction Teach students according to their own ability, and give students different levels of homework according to their English ability, it’s student-centered.。
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Now listen again and repeat.
本课时主要短语和句型 1. make a list 2. at the end of… 3. pay for 4. by the way 5. When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there? 6. Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers.
Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos!
Learning aims:
1.知识目标 Words & phrases: list, crazy, shorts, trousers, sunglasses, homestay, weigh, total, weight, passport, make a list , at the end of 2.能力目标:教会学生从阅读材料中获取有效信息 3.情感目标:通过对异域学习的了解,提高对英语
Listening Time
1. Where Daming and Lingling are going: They are going to LA. ___________________________
2. How long they will stay: ____________ They’ll stay for about four weeks. _______________________________ 3. How many students there are in the They are going in a group of 20. group: ____________________________
Do you like travelling?
Do you want to travel during the summer holiday?
Have you ever gone abroad?
Where did you go?
Where do you want to go?
4. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to take your passport. 噢,顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。
by the way的意思是“顺便说一下,附 带说一下”,用于转入和刚才说的主题 无关的事。例如: By the way, why not drop in for a drink this evening? By the way, have you seen my glasses anywhere?
3. Her ______ weight [weɪt] has increased to 70 kilos. 4. There are a lot of________( 发疯 crazy 的) ,dangerous people in the street. 5. Please make a list l_____ of shopping.
三、 用适当的介词完成句子 。 at 1. Let’s meet _______ the airport tomorrow morning. for a few days. 2. I’m going away _____ with the 3. Are you going to live _______ Canadian children? By the way, there is a telephone 4. ____ message for you.
1. Where is Linging going? Los Angeles. 2. Are many things more expensive in America? Yes, they are.
(三). Listen to the dialogue and
check(√) the things Betty suggests Lingling take.
四、 翻译句子。 1. 她去美国的旅费是父母给的。 Her parents paid for her to go to _______________________________ America. _______________________ 2. 请把要做的事都列出来。 Please make a list of things one _______________________________ must do. ___________________ 3. 八个小时的确是很长的一段时间。 Eight hours is really a very long time. _______________________________
英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词 的重读(stress) 一般遵循以下规律:名 词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词和 表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读;人 称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系 动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一 般不重读(当然有少数例外)。
Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.
3. _____ D there many American friends in the school last Friday? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were 4. There ____ A a great many accidents last year. A. were B. are C. is D. was 5. —How many children ____ D in the picture? —Three. A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there
1 dollars 2 shorts 3 jeans 4 T-shirts 5 pens √ √ 6 a dictionary 7 passport 8 sunglasses 9 notebooks √
√ √ √
Reading time
(一).Read and mark T (True) or F (false). 1. Lingling is leaving at the end of June. ( F) 2. Lingling is going to stay in China. ( F) 3. Betty’s going to stay in LA for four weeks. ( F) 4. It’s sunny and hot in LA in July. ( T) 5. Betty wants Lingling to write to her and send her some photos. ( T)
Find the sentences on your book.
1. I’m making a list of things for my trip. 我正在列一张旅行所需的清单。 make a list 意为“制表;列单”。 list的意思是“清单;表”,常见的搭配有: a book list 书单,a price list 价目表, a table list 课程表,a name list 名单。如: Make a list of your favourite food. Here is the shopping list.
2. If you’re already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK. 如果你已经付过机票钱和家庭寄宿费了, 那就应该够了。
pay for表示“支付……的费用, 为……付款”。例如: My father paid for my drivers lessons. 我爸爸支付了我学车的费用。
注意与spend的区别: spend意为“花费(时间或金钱)”,主语 是人。spend time / money (in) doing sth 意为“花费时间 / 金钱做某事”, spend time / money on sth意为“在…… 上花费时间 / 金钱”。 Practise 用spend或pay的适当形式填空。 spends half an hour playing 1. He ______ basketball every day. 2. Mr Green ______ paid a very high price for the house.
shorts n. 裤子
trousers n. 裤子
What must you take if you go to another country?
Do you know Los Angeles? How much do you know about it?
Now enjoy a video to see what the mayor of LA want you to know about the city.
What will you take if you go on a summer study programme in the US? Jeans? A dictionary? Pens? Notebook? Passport? Dollars? Shorts? T-shirts? Sunglasses? Anything else?