14-Improvement of polymorhous crystalline heterojunction solar cells using low temperature screen pr
高一英语建筑术语单选题50题1.The walls of this building are made of _____.A.steelsB.steelC.stonesD.stone答案:B。
steel 表示“钢”,是不可数名词,A 选项steels 错误;stone 表示“石头”,通常用作可数名词复数stones 或者不可数名词“stone”表示材料,但是题干中说的是墙的材料,应该用steel,因为钢是一种常用的建筑材料,而且是不可数名词。
2.This bridge is constructed with _____.A.concretesB.concreteC.woodsD.wood答案:B。
concrete 表示“混凝土”,是不可数名词,A 选项concretes 错误;wood 表示“木材”,通常用作不可数名词,但是表示“树林”时是可数名词,题干中说的是桥的建筑材料,应该用concrete,混凝土是建造桥梁常用的材料。
3.The roof of this house is covered with _____.A.tileB.tilesC.glassD.glasses答案:B。
tile 表示“瓦片”,是可数名词,A 选项tile 应该用复数形式;glass 表示“玻璃”,是不可数名词,题干中说的是屋顶覆盖的材料,通常是瓦片,所以用tiles。
4.This building has a foundation made of _____.A.bricksB.brickC.steelsD.steel答案:B。
brick 表示“砖”,是可数名词,但是在这里表示材料,用单数形式;steel 表示“钢”,通常不用来做建筑的基础材料,所以用brick。
5.The walls of this ancient building are made of _____.A.stonesB.stoneC.woodsD.wood答案:A。
Design Loading on Deeply Buried Box Culverts
Design Loading on Deeply Buried Box CulvertsKyungsik Kim1and Chai H.Yoo,F.ASCE2Abstract:The current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO)standard specifications for highway bridges and AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications stipulate the computation of the design load on the box culvert primarily based on research by Marston and Spangler.Although this procedure may be applied conservatively for most ordinary culverts, an opportunity exists to evaluate a more realistic soil-structure interaction behavior based on modernfinite element analyses of deeply buried concrete box culverts.The Duncan soil model,represented by hyperbolic stress–strain curves,has been used for properties of backfill and in situ soil.The backfill heights are varied from15.2to61.0m͑50–200ft͒for the embankment condition and15.2–45.7m ͑50–150ft͒for the trench condition.An optimum combination of parameters has been identified for use in the imperfect trench instal-lation method.The data from several hundred hypothetical models with various parameters under three typical installation methods,i.e., embankment,trench,and imperfect trench installation are characterized and quantified using regression analysis.DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2005)131:1(20)CE Database subject headings:Backfills;Culverts;Embankments;Finite element method;Installation;Soil-structure interaction; Buried pipes.IntroductionCast-in-place or precast reinforced concrete box culverts are widely used throughout the world to provide safe and relatively economical structures for the conveyance of water,vehicles,utili-ties,or pedestrians.Although single cell or multicell box culverts are rather simple structures,the loadings applied to these struc-tures during their construction and subsequent service life can be complex.A culvert as an underground structure causes a redistri-bution of stresses of surround soil layers and the nature of this redistribution influences the load that reaches the structure.The load that reaches the structure is governed by the characteristics of the soil,and the geometry and stiffness of the structure itself. Marston pioneered research on the behavior of underground con-duits analytically and experimentally in the early years of the20th century.One of the outstanding contributions of the Marston theory of loads on buried conduits is its demonstration,by the principles of mechanics,that the load on a structure is affected by installation conditions in addition to the height offill over the structure(Marston and Anderson1913;Marston1930).Succeed-ing Marston’s study,Spangler(1950a,b)has shown that the pri-mary factors influencing the load are associated with the installa-tion conditions that control the magnitude and direction of settling of the soil prism over the structure relative to settling of the exterior soil prisms immediately adjacent to this central soil prism.These relative settling generate friction forces or shearing stresses that are added to or subtracted from the dead weight of the central prism and affecting the resultant load on the structure, as shown in Fig.1.When the relative settlement of the soil prism directly above the structure is less than that of the adjacent soil prisms,as usually found in embankment installations[Fig.1(a)], the layers of soil in the central prism are subjected to an arch shape deformation and the earth pressure on the structure is in-creased,which is referred to as negative arching(Selig1972; Vaslestad et al.1993).Likewise,when the relative settlement of the soil prism directly above the structure is greater than that of the adjacent soil prisms,as depicted in the trench installations in Fig.1(b),the layers of soil in the central prism are subjected to a reverse arch shape deformation and consequently the earth pres-sure on the structure is reduced by the amount of the shearing forces exerted on the central soil prism,which is referred to as positive arching.Up until the twelfth edition of the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials(AASHTO)standard specifications for highway bridges(AASHTO1977),the stipu-lated vertical loading was essentially70%of the weight of the earth prism above the top slab.The current AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications(AASHTO1998)and AASHTO stan-dard specifications for highway bridges(AASHTO2002)require-ments for the design loadings on cast-in-place or precast concrete box culverts are based on the Marston–Spangler theory of the soil–structure interaction.These criteria were adopted by AASHTO in the13th edition of the standard specifications in (AASHTO1983).At the same time,the0.7vertical soil pressure reduction factor,was eliminated.The current AASHTO(2002) soil–structure interaction factors are given byF e1=1+0.20HB c͑1͒for embankment installations1PhD Candidate,Dept.of Civil Engineering,Auburn Univ.,Auburn,AL36849-5337.2Professor,Dept.of Civil Engineering,Auburn Univ.,Auburn,AL36849-5337(corresponding author).E-mail:chyoo@Note.Discussion open until June1,2005.Separate discussions mustbe submitted for individual papers.To extend the closing date by onemonth,a written request must befiled with the ASCE Managing Editor.The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possiblepublication on November12,2003;approved on May10,2004.Thispaper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and GeoenvironmentalEngineering,V ol.131,No.1,January1,2005.©ASCE,ISSN1090-0241/2005/1-20–27/$25.00.20/JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING©ASCE/JANUARY2005F e 2=C d B d2HB c͑2͒for trench installations where F e 1,F e 2=soil–structure interaction factor;H =backfill height;B c =width of the structure;C d =load coefficient for trench installation;and B d =horizontal width of trench.BackgroundIf the result of a soil–structure interaction analysis is to be real-istic and meaningful,it is important that the stress–strain charac-teristics of the soil be represented in a reasonable way.There are two general categories of stiffness and/or compressibility models for soils:(1)models based on constant confining pressure triaxial tests,and (2)models based on uniaxial strain confined compres-sion tests.Soil models in the first category usually incorporate a failure condition,whereas those in the second category do not,because the failure condition is not defined in the uniaxial tests.Examples of the first category are the Hardin model (Hardin 1971),the Duncan model (Duncan and Chang 1970),and the bilinear model (McVay and Selig 1981),while the overburden-dependent model (Katona et al.1976)falls into the second cat-egory.Since the Duncan model is capable of obtaining its com-pressibility parameters from the uniaxial compression test,it is the most general of the models in the first category.Duncan and Chang (1970)expanded the basic hyperbolic stress–strain rela-tionship for soil suggested by Kondner (1963)to derive the tan-gent modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio as follows:E t =ͫ1−R f ͑1−sin ͒͑1−3͒2c cos +23sin ͬ2Kp aͩ3p aͪn͑3͒t =G −F logͩ3p aͪͭ1−Kp aͩ3p aͪnͫd ͑1−3͒͑1−sin ͒2c cos +23sin ͬͮ2͑4͒where R f =failure ratio;1,3=maximum and minimum principal stresses;K =modulus number;n =modulus exponent;c =cohesion intercept;=friction angle;G,F,d =Poisson’s ratio parameters;and p a =atmospheric pressure.An attempt to reduce the load on the structure led to the de-velopment of the imperfect trench method (sometimes called the induced trench method )of construction,where larger relative ver-tical displacements of the soil prism above the structure are in-duced by replacing some part of the fill with lightweight material.Baled straw,leaves,compressive soil,or expanded polystyrene blocks are examples of the types of lightweight material that can be used.It was intuitively expected that the result of this light-weight backfill was to introduce a reverse arch shape deforma-tion,causing a radical alteration of the culvert pressure distribu-tion due to the fill subsequently placed above the soft zone.Brown (1967)quantified the pressure reduction effect of the hay layers based on the finite element method of plane elasticity.Vaslestad et al.(1993)revisited this imperfect trench installation method to examine the long-term behavior of the load reduction characteristics on rigid culverts beneath high fills.Linear and nonlinear stress analyses in geotechnical engineer-ing for static and dynamic loading were introduced in the late 1960s and early 1970s.Kulhawy et al.(1969)developed LSBUILD ,a finite element program for stresses and movements in embankments during construction.In ISBILD ,an updated ver-sion of LSBUILD ,Ozawa and Duncan (1973)incorporated a non-linear incremental finite element procedure employing a hyper-bolic stress–strain relationship.Techniques for determining values of the hyperbolic parameter were later presented and updated (Wong and Duncan 1974;Duncan et al.1980).Allen and Meade (1984)used the program ISBILD to predict loads on and settle-ments of concrete culverts that had been actually installed in Ken-tucky.Their results indicated that the finite element method pre-dicted the pressure on box culverts more accurately than other analytical methods available at the time.Katona et al.(1976)developed CANDE ,which is a special-purpose finite element pro-gram primarily intended for the design and analysis of buried culverts.The CANDE program has been widely used for soil–structure analysis and evaluation of buried box culvert designs by a number of researchers,including Chang et al.(1980),Katona and Vittes (1982),and Tadros et al.(1989).CANDE has been upgraded several times,with the latest version being CANDE-89(Musser 1989).Most recently,Kim and Yoo (2002a,b )investi-gated load distributions on deeply buried concrete box culverts using the programs ISBILD and CANDE-89.Finite Element ModelIn the present study,ABAQUS (1998)and ISBILD were used pri-marily for the analysis and CANDE-89for verification and com-parison.The ISBILD code incorporates a nonlinear incremental finite element method employing the hyperbolic stress–strain re-lationship and incremental analysis procedures based on plane strain elements.As required ABAQUS inputs for the material properties of soils,the tangent modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio,are evaluated for each construction layer using Eqs.(3)and (4).In order to quantify the maximum and minimum principal stresses that are needed in Eqs.(3)and (4),the following equa-tions are derived based on the assumption that soil layers are subjected to normal stresses without any induced shear stress:1͑i ͒=␥i ͑h i /2͒+͚j =i +1n␥j h j͑5͒Fig.1.Pressure transfer within soil-structure system:(a )embank-ment installation and (b )trench installationJOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JANUARY 2005/213͑i ͒=R 1͑i ͒͑6͒where h i ,␥i =depth and density of the i th soil layer (numberingfrom the bottom to the top of the backfill,or original ground )and R ,the coefficient of lateral pressure,is taken to be 0.5in this study.Taking advantage of the symmetry,only one half of the struc-ture and the surrounding soil were modeled.Exactly the same geometric mesh,boundary conditions,and numbers of construc-tion layers were considered in both ABAQUS and ISBILD runs.It is expected that the width of the surrounding soil taken in the finite element model will affect the analysis results of soil-structure models.Soil–structure interaction factors or the effective densities (equivalent hydrostatic pressure )of the overburden soil increase as the ratio of the width of the soil layer ͑W s ͒to the width of the box culvert ͑B C ͒increases.Kim and Yoo (2002b )reported that the value of the soil–structure interaction factor in-crease gradually until W s /B c reaches approximately 12–14,after which no significant increase was observed.Therefore,W s /B c was taken to be 14in all subsequent analyses of soil–structure models.The width of the surrounding soil was taken to be six times the culvert width in the trench installations and the depth of the foundation below the bottom slab was taken to be four times the culvert height,as models based on a greater amount of in situ soil either vertically or horizontally did not affect the results.Typical soil–structure models with incremental sequences consid-ered for the embankment and trench installations are illustrated in Fig.2.Heights of backfill varied from 15.2m ͑50ft ͒to 61.0m ͑200ft ͒for the embankment installations,and from 15.2m ͑50ft ͒to 45.7m ͑150ft ͒for the trench installations.The constant exterior dimensions of the culvert were 2.4m ͑8ft ͒by 2.4m ͑8ft ͒,with 305mm ͑12in.͒thick walls and slabs.In cases where the height of the backfill exceeds 47.5m ͑150ft ͒,the thickness of walls and slabs may have to be increased to resist the induced shearing force near the wall face.It was found from a series of numerical analyses that the thickness of the culvert did not sig-nificantly alter the total load at the top of the culvert,having an effect only in the order of 1%.The modulus of elasticity of con-crete box culverts was computed to be 25,181MPa ͑3,605ksi ͒,assuming the 28day strength of concrete f c Јis 27.58MPa ͑4,000psi ͒and Poisson’s ratio is 0.20.Hyperbolic parameters for the Duncan soil model were taken from Allen and Meade (1984).Effects of Soil–Structure Interface ModelingAn interface phenomenon that is frequently discussed is slip be-tween the soil and sidewalls of a culvert.Research has shown that there are basically two modeling techniques for the soil–structure interface examination,one of which is a shear element interface and the other a spring element (Katona et al.1976).Fig.3illus-trates the basic concept of these two modeling techniques.Table 1summarizes soil-structure interaction factors evaluated based on models with and without the effect of soil–structure interface.The hypothetical models examined in Table 1were assumed buried at a depth of 30.5m ͑100ft ͒.The dimensions of the box culvert are the same as those used for the comparative study presented here and other details such as the spring constant can be found in Kim and Yoo (2002b ).As can be seen from Table 1,the effect of a potential slip of the soil along the exterior culvert wall is insig-nificant.Therefore,the effect of interface action was not consid-ered in subsequent analyses.Comparison of Finite Element ModelingIn order to assess the validity of the soil modeling technique adopted in this study,an example used by Katona and Vittes (1982)was reanalyzed.The example is a single cell box culvert with interior dimensions of 1.22m ϫ1.22m and 254mm thick walls (4ft ϫ4ft and 10in.thick )tested in Kentucky in 1975.Pressure gage readings were taken at the backfill height of 6.6m ͑21.6ft ͒and 23.5m ͑77ft ͒.Fig.4shows the soil pressure around the box culvert predicted analytically by CANDE and ABAQUS .As can be seen from Fig.4,the analytically predicted values from ABAQUS are fairly close to those from CANDE .The analytically predicted soil pressure values are also fairly close to those deter-mined experimentally.The soil pressure directly above the side-Table parison of Soil–Structure Interaction Factors (SSIFs )SSIFDifferences a (%)Without interface 1.264—Spring model 1.2760.9Shear modelE S /E I bϭ101.277 1.0E S /E I bϭ201.288 1.9E S /E I bϭ501.310 3.6E S /E I bϭ1001.333 5.5E S /E I bϭ5001.3859.6aDifferences were computed based on the case without soil–structure interface.bE S /E I =ratio of the modulus of elasticity of soil to the fictitious shearelement.Fig.2.Incremental sequences:(a )embankment installation and (b )trenchinstallationFig.3.Interface modeling of culvert wall and soil elements:(a )shear element model and (b )spring element model22/JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JANUARY 2005wall is substantially higher than the soil pressure at the center of the top slab,where the largest relative vertical deflection is ex-pected to occur.Embankment InstallationsThe pressure values on the topflange of the box culverts were averaged and conservatively converted to the effective densities or soil-structure interaction factors F e1and F e2,given by Eqs.(1) and(2).The effective density or the soil-structure interaction fac-tor is higher for an unyielding foundation than for a yielding foundation.Examination of the soil settlement adjacent to the culvert reveals that soil layers on an unyielding foundation[Fig. 5(b)]settle more at the level of the topflange than those on a yielding foundation[Fig.5(a)].As explained earlier and shown in Fig.1,the magnitude of relative settlements of soil prisms adja-cent to the central soil prism affects the effective soil density.Fig.6shows the effective density versus backfill height for culverts on yielding foundations.Effective densities increase as the backfill heights increase.The relative settlement of soil layers on a yielding foundation,illustrated in Fig.5,increases slightly more than linearly.Effective densities from ABAQUS are slightly higher than those from ISBILD.The predicted values from both ABAQUS and ISBILD lie between the values given for the com-pacted and the uncompacted side-fill by AASHTO(2002).Termi-nologies for compaction requirements in AASHTO such as“un-compacted”or“compacted,”used without quantitative references,are difficult to interpret in modern construction con-tracts.The compactness offill along the sides of the box section does not appear to significantly affect the effective density for deeply buried box culverts.It is clear that the effective density is most sensitive to the foundation characteristics.However,concrete box culverts are most likely to be installed on yielding foundations unless a solid rock layer is encountered immediately under the concrete box culverts.The AASHTO stipulates that a special analysis is re-quired for a culvert on an unyielding foundation.Fig.7shows the effective density versus backfill height for box culverts installed on unyielding foundations.The value of the effective density from ABAQUS showed somewhat higher values than those ob-tained from ISBILD.The following equations are proposed for the effective densities for yielding and unyielding foundations,re-spectively:D E=1.047H0.055;yielding foundation͑7͒D E=1.200H0.059;unyielding foundation͑8͒where DE and H stand for effective density andfilling height, respectively.While there are only small differences in the effec-tive densities determined from ABAQUS and ISBILD runs for yielding foundations,as shown in Fig.6,there are fairly large differences in the effective densities determined from ABAQUS and ISBILD for unyielding foundations,as shown in Fig.7.Eqs.Fig.5.Deformed shapes of soil layers adjacent to box culvert:(a) yielding foundation and(b)unyieldingfoundation Fig.6.Effective density for embankment installations on yieldingfoundations parison of soil pressure around box culvertTrench InstallationsThe pressure values on the top flange of the box culverts were averaged and conservatively converted to effective densities.The effect of sloping trench walls and vertical sidewalls was investi-gated.The effective density asymptotically approaches that for embankment installation as the ratio of the horizontal width of the trench to the box width ͑B d /B c ͒increases,as expected.The ef-fective density for vertical sidewalls is plotted as a function of the ratio of backfill height to horizontal width ͑H /B d ͒on yielding and unyielding foundations in Figs.8and 9,respectively.As in the case of embankment installation,the effective densities deter-mined from ABAQUS are slightly higher than those computed from ISBILD .Most values of the soil–structure interaction factor from AASHTO (2002)are 1.4,the upper limit value.It is clear from Fig.8that the effective density given by the current AASHTO is conservative compared to the analytically predicted values from this study.The curves shown are fitted from a regres-sion analysis on the data from ABAQUS and ISBILD as functions of H /B d .It is noted that different effective densities can be found for the same value of H /B d as the magnitude of the backfill height H may have a nonlinear effect on the effective density,as men-tioned earlier.It should also be noted that there are no effective densities plotted in Fig.9,as there are no procedures presented in the current AASHTO other than stipulating a special analysis re-quirement.Predictor equations for effective densities formulated from ABAQUS runs are proposed as follows:D E =exp ͓0.012͑H /B d ͒2−0.288͑H /B d ͒+0.375͔;yielding foundation͑9͒D E =exp ͓0.011͑H /B d ͒2−0.273͑H /B d ͒+0.465͔;unyielding foundation͑10͒In most theoretical treatments,the trench walls are generally taken to be vertical.However,for deep trenches,it is not practical to maintain the trench walls to be vertical.Sloping trench side-walls are expected to have a significant effect on the soil pressure on culverts.For cases where the trench is constructed with slop-ing walls,it is usual that the width of the trench B d is taken as the horizontal distance between the sloping walls at the top of the box.In order to investigate the effect of the sloping sidewalls on the effective density,a number of hypothetical concrete culverts installed in a trench with sloping sidewalls were analyzed.Fig.10shows the effective densities for trench installations with sloping sidewalls.It is believed that such quantified information on the effect of the sloping sidewall has not previously been available.The ranges of the parameters used to generate Fig.10were:ratio of the trench width to the concrete box culvert width B d /B c =2,3,4;and fill height H =15.2m ͑50ft ͒,30.5m ͑100ft ͒,45.7m ͑150ft ͒.represents the angle between the vertical line and the sloping sidewall of the trench.Effective densities increase to ap-proximately 90%of those for embankment installations when approaches 45°.Although Fig.8shows large differences between the values of the effective density computed from AASHTO pro-visions and finite element analyses where the trench walls are assumed to be vertical,the actual differences are likely to be smaller when the sloping trench walls are taken into account.Imperfect Trench InstallationsThe loads on concrete box culverts in embankment installations are greater than the weight of the soil directly above the structure,as stated previously.An attempt to reduce the load on the struc-ture led to the development of the imperfect trench method of construction,as shown in Fig.11.As the embankment is con-structed,the soft zone compresses more than the surrounding fill and thus induces a reverse arch deformation above the culvert.Concrete box culverts buried with a lightweight material zone were analyzed for several different geometric configurations and backfill material properties.The modulus of elasticity of the light-Fig.7.Effective density for embankment installations on unyieldingfoundationsFig.8.Effective density versus H /B d for trench installations on yieldingfoundationsFig.9.Effective density versus H /B d for trench installations on unyielding foundations4.79kPa ͑10ksf ͒and the weight was taken to be 1.57kN/m 3͑10lb/ft 3͒.A typical average value of modulus of elasticity of soil E is about 10–20kPa at ground level and 200kPa at a depth of 30m.The width of the lightweight backfill or the loose mate-rial zone w was varied from 1to 2.5times the width of the culvertB c .The exterior dimensions of the box culvert were 2.44m ͑8ft ͒high and 2.44m ͑8ft ͒wide,and the thickness of the slab and wall were both 305mm ͑12in.͒.Table 2shows the load reduction rate of the imperfect trench method in terms of percentage for a concrete box culvert buried at a depth of 30.5m ͑100ft ͒with a lightweight material zone above 0.6m ͑2ft ͒from the top of the culvert.The height of the lightweight material zone was set at 2.44m ͑8ft ͒.Table 2clearly demonstrates that the width of the lightweight backfill zone need not be greater than 1.5times the width of the culvert,as no significant load reduction is realized beyond that.This number agrees well with the recommendation by Vaslestad et al.(1993).The effects of the height of the lightweight material zone h and the distance between the culvert and the lightweight material zone h Јwere also examined.h and h Јwere varied from 0.75m ͑2.5ft ͒to 4.5m ͑15ft ͒,and from 0to 2.44m ͑8ft ͒,respectively.The load reduction rates as functions of the ratio of the height of the soft zone to that of the culvert h /H c are plotted with different values of w /B c in Fig.12and with different moduli in Fig.13.It can be seen from Figs.12and 13that the ratio h /H c need not be greater than 1.5;after which no significant load reduction is real-ized.The variations of load reduction rates are shown in Fig.14as a function of the ratio of the distance between the culvert and the lightweight material zone to the height of the culvert h Ј/H c .Note that the maximum load reduction rate is realized if the light-weight backfill or the soft zone is placed immediately above the box culvert.However,it may be necessary to place a nominal layer of backfill over the box in order to facilitate the construction of the lightweight material zone.Typical effective density distri-butions on the box culverts are shown in Fig.15for different values of w /B c ,E ,and h Ј/H c .It is evident from Figs.12–15that the imperfect trench method can significantly reduce the effective densities or the soil–structure interaction factors.The notion of inducing artificial reverse arch shape deformations in the backfill above buried conduits,thereby reducing the vertical soil pressure,Fig.12.Effects of w /B c and h /H c in imperfect trench installationsFig.10.Effect of sloping sidewall in trench installationsFig.11.Concept and notation in imperfect trench installationsTable 2.Load Reduction Rates (%)Due to Imperfect Trench Installation Modulus of lightweight materialWidth of back fill layer,w /B c 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.547.9kPa ͑100ksf ͒32.841.139.136.723.9kPa ͑50ksf ͒43.658.657.054.34.79kPa ͑10ksf ͒56.983.785.384.8JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JANUARY 2005/25has been known and tried intermittently (Brown 1967).It is be-lieved,however,that numerical values of the parameters for the optimum size of the lightweight material zone and its desired location have not been available elsewhere before this study.However,the imperfect trench method is an emerging technology that so far lacks a great deal of construction experience.Vaslestad et al.(1993)recommend a judicious selection of the lightweight backfill material and its careful installation,as many unsatisfac-tory experiences have been reported.Summary and Concluding RemarksLinear and nonlinear finite element analyses have been conducted to investigate the effective density or soil–structure interaction factor for deeply buried concrete box culverts.The effective den-sities are sensitively affected by many parameters,including in-stallation methods and foundation characteristics.Although con-servative classical methods will continue to be applied to the design and construction of buried conduits,an opportunity exists to utilize the modern numerical techniques made possible by ad-vances in finite element methods.The findings from this study presented in the form of proposed regression equations and charts should find their applicability.Highlights of the study are as fol-lows:1.Soil–structure interaction factors for deeply buried box cul-verts are more sensitively affected by the foundation charac-teristics.Predictor equations for soil–structure interaction factors were derived based on numerical data for culverts on both yielding and unyielding foundations constructed by em-bankment,trench,and imperfect trench installation methods.2.The effect of possible slips of the sidefill materials along the exterior culvert wall on the vertical soil pressure on the box culvert was found to be negligibly small.3.The current AASHTO provisions and most other references stipulate the effective densities for the trench installations under the assumption that the trench walls are excavated ver-tically.However,it was found that the effect of sloping trench walls on the soil–structure interface factors is very high.Fig.10presents variations of the soil–structure interac-tion factors as functions of major parameters,including the fill height,the degree of slope,and other trench geometry.4.Effective densities or the soil–structure interaction factors may be significantly reduced by properly implementing the imperfect trench method.Load reduction rates afforded by inducing artificial reverse arch shape deformations can be as high as 85%,depending on the dimensions of the lightweight material zone and the modulus of elasticity of the lightweight material.The height and the width of the lightweight mate-rial zone need not be greater than 1.5times those of the box culvert,beyond which no significant load reduction is real-ized.The greatest effect on load reduction is also obtained if the lightweight material zone can be placed immediately above the box culvert,although it may be necessary to place a nominal backfill layer immediately above the box to facili-tate the construction of the lightweight material zone.It is believed that the optimum values defining the lightweight material zone and its location have not been available else-where before this study.AcknowledgmentFunding for this research project was provided by the Highway Research Center,Auburn University.This financial support is gratefullyacknowledged.Fig.13.Effects of Young’s modulus and h /H c in imperfect trenchinstallationsFig.15.Effective density affected by imperfect trenchinstallationsFig.14.Effects of w /B c and h Ј/H c in imperfect trench installations26/JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JANUARY 2005。
Improvement of chloride ion penetration resistance in cement mortars modified with rubber from worn
Improvement of chloride ion penetration resistance in cement mortars modified with rubber from worn automobile tiresN.Oikonomou *,S.MavridouLaboratory of Building Materials,Department of Civil Engineering,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,54124Thessaloniki,Greecea r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 20March 2007Received in revised form 20November 2008Accepted 6April 2009Available online 17April 2009Keywords:Automobile tires Cement mortars ConcreteChloride ion penetration Recycled rubbera b s t r a c tDisposal of worn tires poses a major problem worldwide.In Greece more than 50,000tons of worn auto-mobile tires are stockpiled annually.This paper presents the results of laboratory research that examines the incorporation of tire rubber granules as a partial replacement for the sand in cement mortars.Physical and mechanical properties of these rubber mixtures are studied while,for the first time,resistance to chloride ion penetration is measured.Results showed a decrease in mechanical properties,whereas an increase in chloride ion penetration resistance has been observed.This implies that cement-based mortar and concrete products,modified with tire rubber granules as a partial replacement for the sand,can be used in applications where mechanical properties are not of prime importance but where high resistance to chloride ion penetration is demanded.Ó2009Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn Greece more than 50,000tons of worn mobile tires are gen-erated annually,and this figure is expected to increase in the com-ing years along with an expected increase in traffic.Unfortunately a large part of these tires often gets illegally discarded at dumpsites and since tires are not biodegradable,they will remain in landfill with very little degradation over time,presenting a continuing environmental hazard.Lately law no109/75/2004is issued concerning the means and the terms for the alternative management of worn tires from auto-mobiles in Greece,in compliance with the European Directive 31/1999,which forbids the deposition of worn tires in landfills by mid-2006.According to this law,land filling of whole worn tires is forbidden since 2004and by the end of July 2006,no land filling –even for small particles of tires –is permitted.By the 31st of the same month,the utilization of worn tires must reach 65%of total amount of tires and the recycling of these should be at least 10%[1].Since 2002,in Greece,there is a legislated system called Ecoelastika S.A.[2],which concerns tire management and whose target is the application of laws issued.Rubber tire can be used in a variety of civil and non-civil engi-neering applications such as in road construction,in geotechnical works,as a fuel in cement kilns and incineration for production of electricity or as an aggregate in cement-based products.Todayin Greece the most common uses of worn tires are as a fuel in ce-ment kilns and in the production of electricity,whereas many studies are being carried out to find a way to include worn tires in products based on cement or asphalt.The present study concerns the use of different percentages of rubber from worn automobile tires in cement-based products.Some physical and mechanical properties,as well as absorption of water by immersion under vacuum,of cement mortars with the addition of tire rubber have been studied.The tire rubber has been used in powder form to minimize the loss in mechanical properties due to tire rubber incorporation,which has been studied worldwide [3–19].Meanwhile,for the first time,resistance to chloride ion penetra-tion is measured for all the mixtures and it is found to increase as percentage of tire rubber increases.This increase in resistance has important practical implications,taking into account that penetra-tion of chloride ions into reinforced concrete is the major source of corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel and as a result civil infra-structure based on concrete such as roads;bridges;etc.are threa-tened [20–22].Deterioration of such structures is provoked from this kind of penetration.The depth of the reinforcement from the exposed surface,the frequency and duration of its exposure,and the quality of concrete determine the time which is required for the chlorides to reach the embedded steel in sufficient quantities to initiate corrosion [20].According to the results of this study such rubber mixtures can be used in applications where there is a need for low chloride ion penetration and in structures where corrosion of reinforcement must be avoided.Similar results,as far as durability of concrete0958-9465/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2009.04.004*Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+302310995655.E-mail address:ikonomou@civil.auth.gr (N.Oikonomou).Cement &Concrete Composites 31(2009)403–407Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCement &Concrete Compositesjournal homepage:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l ocate/cemconcompis concerned,have been obtained when fine glass powder has been used as a substitute for cement in concrete [23].2.Experimental workIn the present study cement –IV/B 32.5N,normalized siliceous (standard)sand [24],and granulated tire rubber were used in order to manufacture the series compositions.Granulated tire rubber,which is a fine material with gradation close to that of the sand,has been generated from the mechanical shredding of rubber waste and was supplied by a Greek company [25].Sieve analysis of tire rubber used is presented in Fig.1,whereas sand mixed with tire rubber is illustrated in Fig.2.For the control specimens (TR0),cement,normal sand and water were used.For all mortar mixtures,the flow table extension were kept constant at 11±1cm.Tire rubber was substituted for sand at 2.5wt%,5wt%,7.5wt%,10wt%,12.5wt%and 15wt%.For the percentage with the lowest value of charge passed,which was 12.5%,more mixtures were produced by the use of commercial additives:a super plasticizer (SP),a 60%anionic bitumen emulsion (BE)and a SBR latex (L).These additives were chosen based on a previous experimental study of the authors where it had been con-cluded that these additives improve mechanical and physical prop-erties of rubberized cement mortars [12].Coincidently,according to several studies latex modified concrete proved to be superior in its corrosion resistance compared to the conventional one [10,21,22].For all the compositions,apart from the control one and the ones with tire rubber in percentages more than 10.0%,ce-ment and water contents were kept constant,while the content of tire rubber and sand changed.Table 1summarizes the characteris-tics and proportions of the materials used in the specimen’s preparation.The mortar specimens were moist cured for 28d at 20±2°C and >95%relative humidity after demolding.Specific weight,com-pressive and flexural strength,dynamic modulus of elasticity and absorption of water by immersion under vacuum were studiedon 4Â4Â16mm in size mortar specimens while for the measure-ment of the resistance to chloride ion penetration,cylindrical spec-imens with a diameter of 100mm and 50mm long were examined.All tests were conducted according to standards [24–27].Espe-cially for the measurement of absorption of water by immersion under vacuum,RILEM TC 14CPC 11.3standard has been used.Specimens were put into a tank under vacuum for at least 2h and then water has been transferred from its initial tank into the one in which the specimens were placed and after 24h the mass of the wet specimens has been measured.The difference between the two values (the initial mass before wetting and the wet mass)divided by the initial mass gives a measure of the absorption of water by immersion under vacuum (%).Results of specificweight,Fig.2.Sand and tire rubber mixture.404N.Oikonomou,S.Mavridou /Cement &Concrete Composites 31(2009)403–407mechanical properties and absorption of water by immersion under vacuum of the compositions examined are showed in Table2.3.Electrical indication of resistance to chloride ion penetrationAll specimens were tested for chloride ion penetration resis-tance according to specifications[27]at the age of28d.The PRO-OVE’it Rapid Chloride Permeability Tester of German Instruments has been used for this purpose.The amount of electrical current passed through50mm thick slices of100mm nominal diameter cylinders was measured over a period of6h.A potential difference of60V dc was maintained across the ends of the specimen,one of which was immersed in a sodium chloride(3%NaCl)solution while the other one in a sodium hydroxide(0.3N NaOH)solution.The to-tal charge passed,in coulombs(which is related to the resistance of the specimen to chloride ion penetration)was measured.The re-sults of these tests are listed in Table3whereas the test device is showed in Fig.3.4.Results and discussionFor all the mixtures modified with tire rubber,workability de-creased with increasing tire rubber content as shown in Table1. Granulated rubber has a lower specific weight than the sand and as a result mortars modified with tire rubber showed smaller specific weights than the control mortar.According to the litera-ture[3–19]the use of tire rubber in products based on cement causes a decrease in mechanical properties which can be noticed in the present study,as well.Especially,as shown in Table2,per-centage of tire rubber powder affected compressive strength more thanflexural strength.As seen in Table2,all specimens showed a decrease in dynamic modulus of elasticity,which is due in part to the nature of the rubber,which favors the absorption of ultrasonic waves.ThisTable1Mixture proportions.Materials MixtureTR0TR2.5TR5.0TR7.5TR10.0TR12.5TR15.0Cement IV/B32.5N(g)450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0 Standard Sand(g)1350.01316.31282.51248.81215.01181.31147.5 Tire rubber(g)033.867.5101.3135.0168.8202.5 Tire rubber(wt%of sand)0 2.5 5.07.510.012.515.0 Water(g)225.0225.0225.0225.0225.0235.0245.0 Flow test(cm)12.011.310.810.510.110.010.0TR0-SP1.0TR12.5-SP1.0TR0-L5.0TR12.5-L5.0TR0-BE5.0TR12.5-BE5.0Cement IV/B32.5N(g)450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0450.0 Standard Sand(g)1350.01181.31350.01181.31181.31181.3Tire rubber(g)0168.80168.80168.8Tire rubber(wt%of sand)012.5012.5012.5 Additive SP SP Latex Latex BE BE Additive,(g) 4.5 4.522.522.522.522.5 Additive(wt%of cement) 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0Water(g)200.0200.0216.0216.0216.0216.0Flow test(cm)11.710.011.510.011.510.0Explanation of symbols:TR0,control mortar;TR2.5,2.5%tire rubber;TR0-SP1.0,control mortar+superplastisizer1.0%;TR5.0,5.0%tire rubber;TR12.5-SP1.0,12.5%tire rubber+superplastisizer1.0%;TR7.5,7.5%tire rubber;TR0-L5.0,control mortar+Latex5.0%;TR10.0,10.0%;TR12.5-L5.0,12.5%tire rubber+Latex5.0%;TR12.5,12.5%tire rubber;TR0-BE5.0,control mortar+bitumen emulsion5.0%;TR15.0,15.0%tire rubber;TR12.5-BE5.0,12.5%tire rubber+bitumen emulsion5.0%.Table2Mechanical properties and absorption of water by immersion under vacuum of rubber mixtures.Characteristics MixtureTR0TR2.5TR5.0TR7.5TR10.0TR12.5TR15.0Specific weight,(g/cm3) 2.23 2.11 2.03 1.94 1.84 1.76 1.68 Compressive strength,(MPa)40.7530.9221.3316.1511.129.708.60 Flexural strength,(MPa)9.007.50 5.70 5.25 4.30 3.50 2.90 Absorption of water by immersion under vacuum(%)8.818.257.377.257.03 6.87 6.79TR0-SP1.0TR12.5-SP1.0TR0-L5.0TR12.5-L5.0TR0-BE5.0TR12.5-BE5.0Specific weight(g/cm3) 2.26 1.79 2.18 1.70 2.21 1.75 Dynamic modulus of elasticity(GPa)42.4815.3735.2011.3839.5313.47 Compressive strength(MPa)43.7013.6835.838.9542.8912.79 Flexural strength(MPa)10.26 4.508.36 3.2010.11 4.10 Absorption of water by immersion under vacuum(%)7.91 6.25 6.79 4.92 6.96 5.01Table3Chloride ion penetrability based on charge passed.Composition Charge passed(Coulombs)TR06103TR2.55235TR5.05080TR7.54551TR10.04257TR12.53956TR15.03915TR0-SP1.05910TR12.5-SP1.03640TR0-L5.05334TR12.5-L5.02824TR0-BE5.05208TR12.5-BE5.02692N.Oikonomou,S.Mavridou/Cement&Concrete Composites31(2009)403–407405reduction in elastic modulus indicates higher flexibility,which can be viewed as a positive gain in rubberized concrete mixtures used in stabilized base layers in flexible pavements.Measurement of absorption of water by immersion under vac-uum showed that the addition of rubber particles decreases absorption of water by immersion under vacuum of the matrix.Similar results have been obtained in previous investigations on such rubberized mixtures [12,18].Regarding resistance to chloride ion penetration,it is enhanced by the introduction of granulated tire rubber in cement mortars (Table 3).As the results show,penetration of chloride ions de-creases as rubber content increases.This reduction ranges from 14.22%to 35.85%for compositions TR2.5and TR15.0,respectively.It must be noted that the compositions TR12.5and TR15.0showed almost similar values of charge passed.For this reason,12.5%has been chosen as the optimum percentage of tire rubber for further examination,with the use of additives,which were found to in-crease mechanical strengths of rubberized mortars.For those mix-tures,a superplastisizer,latex and an anionic bitumen emulsion have been added to cement mortars,improving further their chlo-ride ion penetration resistance.Moreover,mixtures with tire rub-ber and additives exhibited improved penetration resistance compared to control mortars with the same additives alone (with no tire rubber).Furthermore,the mixture with 12.5%tire rubber per weight of the sand and with the addition of bitumen emulsion gave the best results,which was a reduction of chloride ion penetration up to 55.89%compared to the control mixture (TR0).The same mixture demonstrated also the best mechanical properties compared to SP and to PL for the same amount of tire rubber.5.ConclusionsIn the present study physical and mechanical properties of ce-ment mortars modified with worn tires from automobiles have been investigated.In parallel for the first time,chloride ion pene-tration in such mixtures was measured.Granulated tire rubber was substituted for sand in different weight percentages;additives such as superplastisizer,a 60%anionic bitumen emulsion and SBR latex were used in some of the mixtures,since they have been found to improve mechanical and physical characteristics of the mortars.Although strength reduction is certainly a negative prop-erty that may hinder the use of tire rubber in cement-based prod-ucts,we observed positive effects on some other properties,such as absorption of water by immersion under vacuum and resistance to chloride ion penetration.Especially,the reduction in chloride ion penetration in cement mortars and in concrete reduces the po-tential for corrosion of embedded reinforcement,which is of great practical importance.Concrete modified with tire rubber concrete can be advanta-geous for special applications where the main request is not for mechanical properties,such as in the production of sound barriers and cement blocks,as lightweight concrete walls,as well as in structures exposed to aggressive environments where high resis-tance to chloride ions penetration is required.Regarding the last of these application areas,additional research is needed to under-stand the performance of granulated rubber concretes under more realistic environmental exposure conditions,such as those involv-ing wet–dry cycling.AcknowledgmentThe authors would like to thank TITAN S.A.[28]for its assis-tance in testing the resistance to chloride ion penetration in some of the mixtures.References[1]Presidential Decree No109.Means and terms for alternative management ofworn mobile tires.Program for their alternative management.5th March 2004.Paper of Government of Hellenic Democracy,1st Part.[2]Ecoelastika.<http://www.ecoelastika.gr>.[3]Ali NA,Amos AD,Roberts e of ground rubber tires in Portland cementconcrete.In:Dhir RK,editor.Proceedings of the international conference on concrete 2000.Scotland 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外文翻译1外文原文出处:Silvia Banfi,Mehdi Farsi,Massimo Filippini,Martin Jakob,Willingness to pay forenergy-saving measures in residential buildings,Energy Economics,Volume30,Issue2, March2008.愿意为节能措施买单由于大多数工业化国家处在温带地区,所以在瑞士,建筑能耗在全社会能源中占有很大比例。
Case Study
3D Geospatial Function Monitoring Model of Arc Dam Deformation Based on the Improvement of Temperature Component
Part1 Introduction
3D Geospatial Function Monitoring Model of Arc Dam Deformation Based on the Improvement of Temperature Component
And we expand it according to bivariate polynomial as follows:
bij f i (t)T j
i1 j1
Three types of components for f (t) are used to reflect the distribution of temperature
is not fixed and it increases obviously when the concrete is in the frozen state, which is
difficult to be depicted by the linear combination. Besides, only the influence of the
and the temperature component has the linear relationship with the temperature of
concrete. The temperature component is expressed as the linear combination of harmonic
第 55 卷第 2 期2024 年 2 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.55 No.2Feb. 2024外置拱形耗能装置的节段拼装钢管混凝土桥墩抗震性能分析王城泉1, 2, 3,宗延威4,孙苗苗1, 2, 3,周子健5,黄毅方6,吴熙1, 2, 3(1. 浙大城市学院 工程学院,浙江 杭州,310015;2. 城市基础设施智能化浙江省工程研究中心,浙江 杭州,310015;3. 浙江省城市盾构隧道安全建造与智能养护重点实验室,浙江 杭州,310015;4. 江南大学 环境与土木工程学院,江苏 无锡,214122;5. 浙江工业大学 土木工程学院,浙江 杭州,310014;6. 浙江大学 工程师学院工程创新与训练中心,浙江 杭州,310015)摘要:为了进一步推广可恢复功能的预制装配式桥梁结构在中、高烈度地区的应用,减少桥墩的震后损伤及修复成本,提出一种外置拱形耗能装置的节段拼装钢管混凝土(concrete-filled steel tube ,CFST)桥墩。
基于ABAQUS 有限元分析软件建立无耗能装置、外置拱形钢板、外置竖直钢板、外置拱形耗能装置的四节段预制拼装CFST 桥墩模型,并在往复位移加载作用下对各模型的抗震性能进行对比分析。
研究结果表明:外置拱形耗能装置的预制节段拼装CFST 桥墩具有较好的水平承载力、较高的初始刚度以及较强的耗能能力,与外置竖直钢板的节段拼装CFST 桥墩相比,其抗侧承载力提升了约11.9%,初始刚度提升了约2.5%;与外置拱形钢板的节段拼装CFST 桥墩相比,其抗侧承载力、初始刚度以及耗能能力分别提升了约28.8%、4.6%和13倍;与无耗能装置的预制拼装CFST 桥墩相比,其抗侧承载力、初始刚度以及耗能能力分别提升了约39.4%、10.4%和18.1倍;外置拱形耗能装置的预制节段拼装CFST 桥墩在整个位移加载阶段残余位移均保持在1 mm 之内,偏移率不超过1%,且损伤集中在拱形耗能装置上,能够实现震后的快速修复。
哈尔滨工程大学学报第35 卷( 总第207 ~ 218 期) 2014 年2014 年总目次浮筏隔振及声辐射同步定相控制研究………………周刘彬,杨铁军,M ichael J.BRENNAN,刘志刚( 1,1)舰载机甲板调运过程避碰路径规划研究………………………………张智,林圣琳,夏桂华,朱齐丹( 1,9)基于倒谱和偏相干分析的噪声源分离方法………………………杨德森,韩闯,时胜国,于树华,时洁(1,16)平板喷气流场特性影响因素试验…………………………………………………叶青,董文才,欧勇鹏( 1,25)载人潜器载人舱布局优化………………………………………………………刘峰,韩端锋,韩海辉( 1,30)水下爆炸冲击波作用下船体刚体动态响应特性………………………………王军,郭君,孙丰,杨棣(1,38)高速滑行艇在规则波中的纵向运动数值研究…………………………王硕,苏玉民,庞永杰,刘焕兴( 1,45)磁性目标干扰下的舰船磁场建模……………………………………姚振宁,刘大明,周国华,喻洲( 1,53)新型船用螺旋桨加工装置刀具位姿控制算法……………………………………………………王瑞( 1,58)超音速横向流作用下射流的二次破碎模型研究…………杨东超,朱卫兵,陈宏,郭金鑫,刘建文( 1,62)船舶燃气轮机发电机组实时仿真新方案……………………………………李淑英,李铁磊,王志涛( 1,69)幅度与频率联合测量的LOFAR浮标定位算法………………………………陶林伟,王英民,苟艳妮( 1,74)小Kasami 序列的正交码元移位键控扩频水声通信…………………………………于洋,周锋,乔钢( 1,81)基于二阶差分滤波器的水下目标纯方位角跟踪适用于宽波束的多接收阵SAS 波数域成像算法…………………………………………王宏健,徐金龙,么洪飞,张爱华( 1,87)张学波,唐劲松,钟何平,张森( 1,93)FrFT 解线调浅剖信号增强算法及FPGA 实现………………………………朱建军,李海森,杜伟东( 1,102)利用相对时钟实现水声通信网络时分复用………………………………………………章佳荣,乔钢( 1,109)混流式喷水推进泵台架试验……………………………………………………………靳栓宝,王永生( 1,115) M 元仿海豚叫声隐蔽水声通信…………………………………………刘凇佐,刘冰洁,尹艳玲,乔钢( 1,119)非静压方程与波作用谱模型的波浪传播嵌套模拟……………………………………邹国良,张庆河( 1,126)渤海湾风浪预报数值模式的研究………………………………………李大鸣,潘番,罗浩,解以扬( 1,132)前视声呐多特征自适应融合跟踪方法…………………………………马珊,庞永杰,张铁栋,张英浩( 2,141)基于小波矩的自主式水下机器人目标识别………………………………万磊,黄蜀玲,张铁栋,王博( 2,148)钢悬链线立管与海底相互作用和疲劳分析………………REZAZADEH Kosar,陆钰天,白勇,唐继蔚( 2,155)水平管道内冰浆流动阻力特性实验研究…………………………王继红,王树刚,张腾飞,贾廷贵( 2,161)沿海进港航道通航水位仿真优化…………唐国磊,王文渊,郭子坚,于旭会,宋向群,王秉昌,张冉( 2,166) SH 波入射覆盖层半空间圆孔及圆夹杂的动力分析……………………………………陈冬妮,齐辉( 2,171)基于特征参数准则的舰船燃机燃烧室贫熄预测……………………………张智博,郑洪涛,李雅军( 2,177)一种水平蒸汽发射系统的基本性能优化设计…………………………………严志腾,金家善,朱泳( 2,184)台架试验的生物柴油发动机使用特性……………………刘玉梅,张敬师,崔丽,熊明烨,宋捷,李梦( 2,189)复合控制导弹的模糊控制算法及实现…………………………………史震,马文桥,张玉芳,林强( 2,195)双均流母线的均流电路及其控制方法……………………………………张强,张敬南,姚绪梁,霍虹( 2,202)浅海中单矢量水听器高分辨方位估计方法…………………………双卷流燃烧室与油束夹角匹配对柴油机排放的影响李楠松,朴胜春宋海岩,张海刚( 2,208)………………………………………………………高浩卜,李向荣,耿文耀,赵陆明,刘文鹏,刘福水( 2,216)基于产形线切齿法的弧齿锥齿轮精确建模……………………………豆书强,呼咏,荣国灿,杨兆军( 2,221)高速切削锯齿形切屑形成过程的有限元模拟………………………………段春争,王肇喜,李红华( 2,226)辅助起立机器人人体运动学建模与试验研究……………………王志强,姜洪源,KAMNIK Roman ( 2,233)一种用于高光谱图像特征提取的子空间核方法………………………………刘振林,谷延锋,张晔( 2,238)基于P SO-RV M 算法的发动机故障诊断…………………………………………毕晓君,柳长源,卢迪( 2,245) TinySBSec—新型轻量级WSN 链路层加密算法………………………………………白恩健,朱俊杰( 2,250)隐性知识对企业竞争优势作用机理的实证研究…………………………………………肖振红,李妍( 2,256)基于参数化小波的主冷却剂泵故障特征识别………………………………………………李彬,夏虹( 2,261)基于预测模型的模糊参数自寻优S 面控制器…………………………何斌,万磊,姜大鹏,张国成( 3,267)正交各向异性功能梯度夹层板的自由振动分析……………………李华东,朱锡,梅志远,张颖军( 3,274)泥浆快速化学脱稳与固液分离试验研究…………………………………冷凡,庄迎春,刘世明,陈兵( 3,280) MEMS 型水听器的自噪声分析………………………………………………方尔正,洪连进,杨德森( 3,285)单矢量水听器频域极化加权MUSIC 算法……………………………………刘伟,朴胜春,祝捍皓( 3,289)潜礁上孤立波传播的数值模拟……………………………房克照,刘忠波,唐军,邹志利,尹继伟( 3,295)台风浪对掠海飞行安全性的影响………………………………………无人水下航行器近海底空间路径规划方法……………………………郑崇伟,邵龙潭,林刚,潘静( 3,301)严浙平,邓超,赵玉飞,李本银( 3,307)大件运输中简支梁桥的动力响应分析及监测……………………刘波,王有志,王涛,丛侃,徐永芝(3,313)单侧有限宽度开缝竖通道内的旋转热流体特性…………………………霍岩,邹高万,李树声,郜冶( 3,320)面向起飞质量的小型飞航导弹参数优化方法………………………………陈阳阳,陈卫东,吴限德( 3,325)对冲式止回阀低流量关闭过程动态特性分析………………杨志达,陈炳德,黄伟,韩伟实,张志明( 3,331)蒸汽发生器多目标优化设计……………………………………………………陈磊,阎昌琪,王建军( 3,336)单井循环系统在不同初始地温下的特性……………………………………………宋伟,倪龙,姚杨( 3,342)泵用不可压缩流体密封刚度系数分析…………………………………张盟,王晓放,徐胜利,万学丽( 3,347)大数据分区管理模型及其应用研究…………………………………………张文燚,项连志,王小芳( 3,353)旋成体环形射流表面优化设计与减阻机理分析…………………………………赵刚,李芳,臧东阳( 3,361)快速高效无损图像压缩系统的低功耗硬件实现………………………………薛金勇,黑勇,陈黎明( 3,368)模拟退火遗传禁忌搜索的多用户检测算法…………………………………………………刁鸣,邹丽( 3,373)冻融循环对沥青混合料力学性能的影响……………………………李兆生,谭忆秋,吴思刚,杨福祺( 3,378)有无稀土CuCrSnZn 合金形变时效组织和性能……………苏娟华,杨哲,任凤章,魏世忠,陈志强( 3,383)水平轴潮流能水轮机设计与数值模拟…………………………………………盛其虎,赵东亚,张亮( 4,389)有限元/间接边界元法求解浸水板振动特性……………………………………刘城,洪明,刘晓冰( 4,395)浅海温跃层对水声传播损失场的影响………………潘长明,高飞,孙磊,王璐华,王本洪,李璨( 4,401)基于基面力的有限变形广义拟Hamilton 原理…………………………………刘宗民,梁立孚,樊涛( 4,408)简谐成分的盲源分离适用性研究………………………………………董建超,杨铁军,李新辉,代路( 4,413)不同边界条件正交各向异性圆柱壳结构固有振动分析…… 张爱国,李文达,杜敬涛,代路,杨铁军( 4,420)长输油气管道裂纹初始扩展特性………………………………………………………马有理,赵丽丽( 4,426)混合距离算法在蒸汽发生器优化设计中的应用………………………………阎昌琪,陈磊,王建军( 4,432)压力容器外部冷却两相自然循环特性理论分析……………………………赵国志,曹欣荣,石兴伟( 4,437)舰载机着舰的动力学建模…………………………………………………高旋弹丸背景涡流磁场建模与补偿………………………………………车用柴油机瞬态工况试验及性能评价方法………………………………夏桂华,董然,孟雪,朱齐丹( 4,445) 向超,卜雄洙,祁克玉,于靖( 4,457) 张龙平,刘忠长,田径,许允( 4,463)发动机多工况有机朗肯循环中混合工质研究……………尉庆国,王震,杨凯,杨富斌,张健,张红光( 4,469) Mindlin 矩形板在任意弹性边界条件下的振动特性分析………薛开,王久法,李秋红,王威远,王平(4,477)消除冗余循环前缀的水声信道OFDM 频域均衡算法………………………冯成旭,许江湖,罗亚松( 4,482)提高系统稳定性的可控串联补偿控制策略……………………………罗远翔,杨仁刚,蔡国伟,刘铖( 4,488)钢结构建筑物磁场特征定量评估………………………………………………………郭成豹,刘大明( 4,493)采用椭球波脉冲的多波段超宽带性能研究………………………………………陈丽丽,于欣,窦峥( 4,499)基于平均场均衡的Ad hoc 网络路由协议…………………………………张旭,钱志鸿,刘影,王雪( 4,504)铝合金微弧氧化放电火花对膜层粗糙度的影响……………………刘兴华,朱立群,刘慧丛,李卫平( 4,510) MWCNT 纳米纸/形状记忆聚合物复合材料导电性能研究……………………………张阿樱,吕海宝( 4,516)多桨型船舶轴频电磁场在浅海中传播特性分析………………………刘德红,王向军,朱武兵,嵇斗( 5,521)声矢量阵自适应抵消稳健波束形成算法…………………………………………梁国龙,陶凯,范展( 5,527)实船阻力及流场数值预报方法…………………………………………易文彬,王永生,杨琼方,李剑( 5,532)高速电磁阀动态响应特性响应面预测模型的研究………刘鹏,范立云,马修真,王昊,白云,宋恩哲( 5,537)全息数据外推与插值技术的极限学习机方法………………………弹性地基复合曲梁抗弯力学性能研究………………………………孙超,何元安,商德江,刘月婵( 5,544)郝扣安,王振清,周利民,王欣( 5,552)近断层地震激励下的隔震桥梁参数优化………………………………………………马涌泉,邱洪兴( 5,558)微小型自主式水下机器人系统设计及试验…………魏延辉,田海宝,杜振振,刘鑫,郭志军,赵大威( 5,566)舰载机阻拦过程动力学仿真…………………………………张智,闻子侠,朱齐丹,张雯,喻勇涛( 5,571)封锁雷智能防排系统………………………………………………孙宇嘉,王晓鸣,贾方秀,于纪言( 5,580)具有输入与状态时变时滞线性系统的鲁棒H∞控制……………………………侯晓丽,邵诚,李永凤( 5,585) LTS 仿真模型组合验证方法……………………………………………………冯晓宁,王卓,王金娜( 5,589)支持高效查询检索的大数据资源描述模型…………………………………张文燚,项连志,王小芳( 5,594)类人型五指手构型的优化设计…………………………樊绍巍,陈川,姜力,曾博,刘宏,邱景辉( 5,602)齿轮激光跟踪在位测量的姿态调整模型………………………………………张白,石照耀,林家春( 5,607)圆筒型永磁直线电机齿槽力解析………………………………………………黄克峰,李槐树,周羽( 5,613)微型二维光流传感器设计……………………………………………张洪涛,张广玉,李隆球,王林( 5,619)头型对回转体非定常空化流动特性影响的实验研究…………………………………胡常莉,王国玉( 5,624)基于多因素模糊判决的多模型机动目标跟踪……………………………………刘扬,闫新庆,国强( 5,630)利用独立性约束非负矩阵分解的高光谱解混算法……………………………………杨秀坤,王东辉( 5,637)遮光剂对SiO2气凝胶热辐射特性影响的理论研究…………………………苏高辉,杨自春,孙丰瑞( 5,642)造船供应链利益分配问题的Shapley 值法分析…………………………………………范德成,胡钰( 5,649)企业产学研合作原始创新系统的演化机制……………………………………李柏洲,罗小芳,苏屹( 5,654) GPU 在SPH 方法模拟溃坝问题的应用研究……………………………杨志国,黄兴,郑兴,段文洋( 6,661)水面舰船风浪环境适应性模糊综合评价方法………………………………焦甲龙,孙树政,任慧龙( 6,667)基于总体坐标法的大变形锚泊线的静力分析…………………………………………… 桅杆RCS 可视化计算方法改进……………………………………………………………马刚,孙丽萍( 6,674)崔俊伟,杨飏( 6,679)深海中潜艇腐蚀相关磁场全空间分布特征分析………………………陈聪,李定国,蒋治国,龚沈光( 6,684)基于弹性基础梁理论的球壳承压能力分析……………………………………………熊志鑫,罗培林( 6,690) EMD 与样本熵在往复压缩机气阀故障诊断中的应用………………张思阳,徐敏强,王日新,高晶波( 6,696)基于模型预测控制的动力定位过驱动控制设计……………………………梁海志,李芦钰,欧进萍( 6,701)不确定条件下海上危化品运输安全演变机理…………………………………李建民,齐迹,郑中义( 6,707)功能梯度热障涂层热应力的有限体积法研究……………龚京风,张文平,宣领宽,明平剑,韩春旭( 6,713)点源模型在旋转声源声场计算中的推广应用……………………………………………付建,王永生( 6,719)新型轮机仿真平台实操考试自动评估算法…………………………张巧芬,孙建波,史成军,孙才勤( 6,725)基于椭球约束的载体三维磁场补偿方法……………………………………于振涛,吕俊伟,稽绍康( 6,731)基于双主交替领航的多AUV 协同导航方法……………………………高伟,刘亚龙,徐博,唐李军( 6,735)迭代寻优的稳健波束形成…………………………………………………王燕,吴文峰,范展,梁国龙( 6,741)基于Schmidt 正交单位化的稀疏化定位算法……………………………赵春晖,许云龙,黄辉,崔冰( 6,747)联合多元信道编码调制-网络编码方案………………………………………佟宁宁,赵旦峰吴宇平( 6,753)高光谱图像的同步彩色动态显示………………………………………………刘丹凤,王立国,赵亮( 6,760) Deltamax 高压缓冲器的研制…………………………………………………………………谢飞,李格( 6,766)加速加载条件下沥青路面结构动力响应……………………………陈静云,刘佳音,刘云全,周长红( 6,771)中国航空航天制造业自主创新效率研究……………………………………………………陈伟,周文( 6,777)摇摆对单相强迫循环流量波动特性的影响机理……………………………幸奠川,阎昌琪,孙立成( 6,784)岸式振荡水柱波能转换装置的数值模拟………………………………基于水动力-结构模型的波浪载荷计算方法…………………………宁德志,石进,滕斌,赵海涛( 7,789)任慧龙,孙葳,李辉,童晓旺( 7,795)基于改进人工鱼群算法的无人艇控制参数优化…………………………廖煜雷,刘鹏,王建,张铭钧( 7,800)气体燃料船用主机工作过程三维数值模拟…………………………冯立岩,田江平,翟君,隆武强( 7,807)多孔介质内预混合燃烧的二维数值模拟……………………………………刘宏升,张金艳,解茂昭( 7,814)欠驱动水面船舶非线性信息融合航迹跟踪控制………………………………胡洲,王志胜,甄子洋( 7,820)柔性飞艇及其悬挂屏体系结构力学性能分析……………………陈宇峰,陈务军,何艳丽,张大旭( 7,826)渤海海域软表层土的动力特性…………………………………………………………荣棉水,李小军( 7,833)加筋土拉拔界面作用的离散元细观模拟………………………………王家全,周健,吴辉琴,徐华( 7,839)木结构组合板蒙皮效应研究…………………………王卫锋,崔楠楠,颜全胜,黄仕平,朱竞翔,夏珩( 7,846)地震总输入能量谱峰值估计……………………………………………………………李亚楠,王国新( 7,851)改进的分水岭图像分割算法…………………………………………………孙惠杰,邓廷权,李艳超( 7,857)多属性决策的IPv6 移动网络路由选择算法………………………………赵蕾,李小平,谭帅帅,石磊( 7,865)实现连续柔性成形的临界摩擦系数的研究……………………………王蜜,蔡中义,李琳琳,李明哲( 7,871)具有复杂缓冲的分段多流水车间调度问题……………………………………张志英,代乙君,隋毅( 7,875) TBM 刀盘支撑筋结构设计及静动态特性分析………………………………霍军周,杨静,孙伟,张旭( 7,883)柔性滤波驱动机构的自适应动态面模糊控制…………………………罗绍华,王家序,李俊阳,石珍( 7,889)基于ANSYS 二次开发的风力机叶片结构优化…………………陈进,马金成,汪泉,郭小锋,李松林(7,895)基于四叉树的海浪磁场快速仿真算法………………………………熊雄,杨日杰,韩建辉,郭新奇( 7,901)自适应匹配追踪的OFDM 系统窄带干扰检测……………………………………………毕晓君,邵然( 7,908)共形阵列天线超宽频带波达方向实时估计………………司伟建,万良田,刘鲁涛,田作喜,蓝晓宇( 7,913)制造业企业产品与工艺创新知识流耦合过程与控制……………………………………毕克新,黄平( 7,919)改进的单轴旋转SINS 初始对准方法……………………………………………………王东,李国林( 8,925)浅海中船舶尾流产生的感应电磁场…………………………………………张伽伟,姜润翔,龚沈光( 8,931)钢结构厚板及其对接焊缝Z 向性能试验……………………………………王元清,张元元,石永久( 8,936)基于逐步等效平面法的可靠性敏度分析方法………………………………王杰方,安伟光,宋向华( 8,942)柴油机缸内辐射换热三维数值模拟………………………………付丽荣,张文平,明平剑,罗跃生( 8,948)多谐次相位法在柴油机故障诊断上的应用……………………肖小勇,向阳,钱思冲,李瑞,周强( 8,954)基于Petri 网的情境感知服务建模及干扰发现…………………………………………胡志芳,卢涛( 8,961)动态部署与分块存储策略的数据恢复模型…………………………………黄春梅,姜春茂,曲明成( 8,968)工程陶瓷脆性域旋转超声磨削加工切削力研究…………………………魏士亮,赵鸿,薛开,荆君涛( 8,976)直立柔性窄结构上的海冰挤压同时破坏………………………………………………王译鹤,岳前进( 8,982)四缸双作用斯特林发动机平衡改进设计…………………………霍军周,李涛,张旭,杨静,路林( 8,987)弹性支撑阶梯柱侧向位移与稳定性的精确分析…………………………………都亮,陆念力,兰朋( 8,993)基于粗集理论桥式起重机能效模糊评价……………………………叶伟,童一飞,李东波,李向东(8,997)谐振式微型管道机器人设计与实验……………………………………刘磊,李娟,李伟达,秦佳( 8,1002)基于MUSIC 算法多脉冲采样的ARM 抗诱饵测向误差分析…………………司伟建,朱曈,张梦莹( 8,1008)微带天线对高功率电磁脉冲响应的时域分析……………………………………………李磊,张昕( 8,1015)分块GPCA 和多视点图像融合………………………………………………吴远昌,孙季丰,李万益( 8,1022)中国地方政府税收竞争行为特性与激励机制……………………………………………梁河,西宝( 8,1028)厚规格铝压型板辊弯成型工艺与裂纹缺陷分析……………………………陈泽军,李军超,黄光杰( 8,1035)周期力场下窄通道内汽泡滑移实验研究………………李少丹,谭思超,高璞珍,许超,胡健,郑强( 8,1040)液舱晃荡与船体非线性时域耦合运动计算………………黄硕,段文洋,游亚戈,姜金辉,王文胜( 9,1045)欠驱动船舶简捷鲁棒自适应路径跟踪控制…………………………………张国庆,张显库,关巍( 9,1053)不同头型弹体低速入水空泡试验研究……………………………杨衡,张阿漫,龚小超,姚熊亮( 9,1060)带支腿浮式结构水动力建模及波浪力分析…………………………………黄亚新,武海浪,陈徐均( 9,1067)船用电缆剩余寿命快速检测方法研究………………………………王鹤荀,纪玉龙,李根,孙玉清( 9,1076)舰船抗沉性的抗鱼雷攻击极限能力分析………………………………………郭君,孙丰,曹冬梅( 9,1082)云重心方法在舰炮维修性评价中的应用………………………………………刘勇,徐廷学,孙臣良( 9,1087) Myring 型回转体直航阻力计算及艇型优化…………………………庞永杰,王亚兴,杨卓懿,高婷( 9,1093)自主式水下机器人故障特征增强方法……………………………张铭钧,刘维新,殷宝吉,王玉甲( 9,1099)竖直窄矩形通道内弹状流特性的实验研究…………………闫超星,阎昌琪,孙立成,王洋,周艳民( 9,1106)多管火箭弹射击精度的复合形法优化……………王巍,陈卫东,张宝财,吴限德,路胜卓,于佳( 9,1112)提高轴系扭振信号时频转换精度的方法………………郭宜斌,李玩幽,蔡鹏飞,卢熙群,吕秉琳( 9,1117)双线圈点火系统特性仿真与试验研究……………………………马修真,靖海国,杨立平,宋恩哲( 9,1124)低快拍下MIMO 雷达收发角度联合估计方法………………………王咸鹏,王伟,马跃华,王君祥( 9,1129)电动汽车复合制动系统过渡工况协调控制策略………………………………朱智婷,余卓平,熊璐( 9,1135)高速公路汽车追尾碰撞预警关键参数估计………………………………………宋翔,李旭,张为公( 9,1142)面向聚类分析的邻域拓扑势熵数据扰动方法…………………………张冰,杨静,张健沛,谢静( 9,1149)基于梯度增强和逆透视验证的车道线检测…………………………王超,王欢,赵春霞,任明武( 9,1156)面向虚拟手术的碰撞检测优化算法…………………………于凌涛,王涛,宋华建,王正雨,张宝玉( 9,1164)基于可拓理论的低碳服务业集聚竞争力评价…………………………………………………贾立江( 9,1171)污泥改良盐碱土中污染物的淋滤行为……………………………………孟繁宇,姜珺秋,赵庆良,王琨,刘纯甫,马立,杨俊晨,郑振( 9,1176)复合材料天线罩螺栓连接结构损伤失效分析………………………杨娜娜,王伟,董一帆,姚熊亮( 10,1183)海上超大型浮体的水弹性响应预报…………………………………………万志男,翟钢军,程勇( 10,1189)舰载风速仪测量误差与安装位置的关系研究……………郜冶,谭大力,李海旭,王金玲,刘长猛( 10,1195)已服役20 年预应力结构现存预应力的试验研究……………………………………黄颖,房贞政( 10,1201)碳纳米管在水性体系中的分散性能及机理……………………………王宝民,韩瑜,葛树奎,张源( 10,1206)曲线箱梁桥的空间传递矩阵…………………………………………………………闫仙丽,李青宁( 10,1212)利用船舶运动数据估计海浪方向谱的研究……………赵大威,丁福光,谢业海,杭栋栋,边信黔( 10,1219)基于相位校正的零点约束直达波抑制方法………………………黄聪,张殿伦,孙大军,兰华林( 10,1224)抗扰动移动对等覆盖网的构建及性能评价…………………………………李军,张国印,王向辉( 10,1231)相似度质心多层过滤策略的动态文摘方法………………………于洋,范文义,刘美玲,王慧强( 10,1236)基于小波变换和陀螺的高旋弹角运动测量技术…………杨登红,李东光,申强,曾广裕,杨瑞伟( 10,1242)基于Bloom 滤波器的快速路由查找方法……………………………………于明,王振安,王东菊( 10,1247)基于干扰对齐的自适应频谱共享算法…………………………………………李记,赵楠,殷洪玺( 10,1253)宽零点约束的圆阵宽带波束形成研究…………………………………张曙,栾晓明,李亮,蒋毅( 10,1260)基于L 邻域分割的结构性纹理合成方法…………………………张雨禾,耿国华,刘伦椿,周子骏( 10,1265)战场宽带数据链分布式虚拟骨干网的构建…………………………陶凯,杨春兰,史海滨,范立耘( 10,1272)全驱动式自主水下航行器有限时间编队控制………………………………袁健,张文霞,周忠海( 10,1276)基于贝叶斯压缩感知多目标定位算法………………………………吴哲夫,许丽敏,陈滨,覃亚丽( 10,1282)基于贝叶斯网络的海洋工程装备故障诊断模型…………………………赵金楼,成俊会,岳晓东( 10,1288)介质阻挡放电辅助甲烷蒸汽重整的动力学分析…………………………刘倩,郑洪涛,杨仁,陈曦( 10,1294)矩形通道弹状流液膜特性…………………………………王洋,阎昌琪,孙立成,闫超星,刘国强( 10,1301)环流理论与泵理论相结合的导管桨设计优化………………………刘业宝,苏玉民,赵金鑫,张赫( 11,1307)海上风机半潜式基础概念设计与水动力性能分析……………………唐友刚,桂龙,曹菡,秦尧( 11,1314)饱和海床土渗流-应力耦合损伤及液化破坏规律( Ⅰ)…………刘红军,李洪江,王虎,吕小辉( 11,1320)水声阵列信号处理对角减载技术…………………………………赵安邦,周彬,宋雪晶,毕雪洁( 11,1327) Park-Ang 三维损伤模型的参数确定和性能等级划分…………………郭进王君杰韩鹏王文彪( 11,1332)公路减隔震桥梁的地震反应简化分析………………………………………李闯,叶爱君,余茂峰( 11,1339)改善型波形钢腹板PC 组合梁抗弯强度试验研究……………………………充量温度对某中速柴油机燃烧和NO x 排放的影响逯彦秋,安关锋,程进( 11,1345)……………………冷先银,魏胜利,田江平,何爽,隆武强,郭海娥,张旭东,钟兵,李焕英( 11,1351)散射体旋转角对二维声子晶体带隙结构影响分析………………………杜敬涛,贺彦博,冯浩成( 11,1358)遥现中基于显著特征的深度图像滤波算法……………………………………………冯策,戴树岭( 11,1364)带极点约束离散广义分段仿射系统的H!保性能控制……………………王茂,周振华,王学翰( 11,1369)多自由度微陀螺结构参数对其动态性能影响分析……………………………郝燕玲,刘博,胡钰( 11,1378)低重力模拟系统控制策略…………………………………………………朱齐丹,陈力恒,卢鸿谦( 11,1384)一种面向不确定图的SimRank 算法………………………………董宇欣,王莹洁,宁鹏飞,张耀元( 11,1390)基于雅可比旋量统计法的发动机三维公差分析……………陈华,唐广辉,陈志强,李志敏,金隼( 11,1397)不同模式下TBM 刀群三维回转切削仿真与优化设计………………霍军周,杨静,孙伟,李庆宇( 11,1403)考虑周期预防性维护的异速并行机集成调度研究………………………江才林,陆志强,崔维伟( 11,1409)机械弹性车轮结构参数对牵引性能的影响……………臧利国,赵又群,李波,陈月乔,李小龙( 11,1415)并联六自由度机构运动学与动力学标定对比………………………………皮阳军,王骥,胡玉梅( 11,1422)补0 的TD-AltBO C 多信号分量联合捕获方法………………………网络下遥感影像实时压缩及渐进传输系统设计……………………杨建雷,金天,黄智刚,秦红磊( 11,1427)石翠萍,张钧萍,曲海成,张晔( 11,1434)北方地区供暖情况下室内热环境数值分析………………………Mg /A l 液固双金属复合材料的界面及相组成王烨,王靖文,王良璧,张文霞( 11,1441)………………………………………………赵成志,李增贝,张贺新,杜德顺,符策鹄,余娇娇( 11,1446)水翼剖面多目标粒子群算法优化………………………………………………黄胜,任万龙,王超( 12,1451)阻抗梯度变化介质的声学特性………………………………杨德森,孙玉,胡博,韩闯,靳仕源( 12,1458)可刚性固定的同振圆柱型矢量水听器的设计…………………………刘爽,李琪,贾志富,刘勇( 12,1467) AUV 水声跳频通信调制解调器的设计与实现……………………范巍巍,张殿伦,董继刚,张友文( 12,1473)饱和海床土渗流-应力耦合损伤及液化破坏规律( Ⅱ)……………李洪江,刘红军,王虎,张冬冬( 12,1480)腐蚀预应力钢绞线的疲劳试验分析……………………………………余芳,贾金青,姚大立,吴锋( 12,1487)管间距对水平管降膜蒸发流动形态和传热的影响………沈胜强,陈学,牟兴森,王耀萱,高宏达( 12,1492) Lock-up 装置的作用机理与分析模型………………………………………夏修身,崔靓波,李建中( 12,1497)磁弹性理论中的守恒定律和路径无关积分………………………………刘宗民,周健生,宋海燕( 12,1503)壳装高能固体推进剂的殉爆实验与数值模拟…………………………………路胜卓,罗卫华,陈卫东,王巍,张丰超,于艳春,李广武( 12,1507)配筋活性粉末混凝土梁抗剪承载力………………………………………邓宗才,周冬至,程舒锴( 12,1512)基于全量补偿算法的结构损伤识别………………………王凤刚,凌贤长,徐训,张锋,赵莹莹( 12,1519)叶片积垢对压气机性能衰退的影响…………………………王松,王国辉,韩青,王忠义,任翱宇( 12,1524)复杂形状波力直线发电装置的优化……………………林礼群,吴必军,王幸,吴春旭,王文胜( 12,1529)光纤捷联惯导系统的双轴旋转调制方案………………………………………………于飞,阮双双( 12,1536)活塞航空发动机复合增压技术仿真分析…………………………………潘钟键,何清华,张祥剑( 12,1543)磁力弹簧式压电振动送料器的设计与试验…………………田晓超,杨志刚,刘勇,沈燕虎,吴越( 12,1548)船舶主尺度设计的高维多目标多方向进化算法………………………毕晓君,张永建,苍岩,肖婧( 12,1553)基于特征空间算法的非圆相干信源DOA 估计…………………刁鸣,丁兆明,高洪元,李晨琬( 12,1559) GNSS 信号捕获的包络损耗及其补偿方法………………………………………………李健,陈杰( 12,1564)核安全级仪控软件可靠性评估模型构建………………………………………( 第35 卷卷终)迟淼,史丽萍,刘盈( 12,1570)Journal of Harbin Engineering UniversityVol.35( Sun N o.207~218) 2014ContentsOn synchrophasing control of vibration and sound radiation for a floating raft vibration isolation system ……………………………………ZHO U Liubi n,YANG T i ejun,M i c hae l J.BRE NNAN,LIU Zhigang( 1,1) Collision avoidance path planning for an aircraft in scheduling process on deck…………………………………………………ZHA NG Zhi,LIN Shenglin,XIA Guihua,ZHU Qi dan( 1,9) Separation of noise sources based on the cepstrum and partial coherence theor y…………………………………YANG Desen,HAN Chuang,S HI Shengguo,YU Shuhua,SHI Jie( 1,16)An experimental study of the flow field around the flat plate with air injection………………………………………………………………Layout optimization of a human occupied vehicle manned cabin ………………………………………………………………YE Q i ng,DONG W encai,O U Y ongpeng( 1,25) LIU F eng,HA N Duanfeng,HA N Haihui( 1,30)Dynam ic response of the rigid ship's hull subjected t o under w ater shock w aves…………………………………………………………WA NG J un,GUO J un,S UN Feng,YA NG Di( 1,38) Numerical study on longitudinal m otions of a high-speed planing craft in regular waves……………………………………………WANG Shuo,SU Yumin,PANG Yongjie,LIU Huanxi ng( 1,45)Research on the m odeling method f or a ship's magnetic f ield w ith magnetic target's inter f erence ……………………………………………YA O Z henning,LIU D aming,ZHOU G uohua,Y U Z hou( 1,53) The cutter position control algorithms for a new marine propeller processing deviceModeling the secondary breakup of a liquid jet in supersonic cross flows…………WA NGRui( 1,58)…………………………YANG D ongchao,ZHU W eibing,CHE N H ong,GUO J i nxin,LIU J i anwen( 1,62)A new scheme for real-time simulation of a marine gas tur bine generator set……………………………………………………………………LI Shuying,LI Tielei,WANG Zhitao( 1,69) LOFAR sonobuoy localization algorithm based on the measurements of am plitude and frequency ……………………………………………………………TA O Linwei,W A NG Y i ngmin,G O U Y anni( 1,74) Orthogonal code shift keying spread spectrum underwater acoustic communications employing the small Kasami se-quence …………………………………………………………………Y U Yang,ZHOU Feng,QIAO Gang( 1,81) Research on second order divided difference filter algorithm for underwater target bearing-only tracking …………………………………………WANG Hongjian,XU Jinlong,YAO Hongfei,ZHANG Aihua( 1,87) Wavenumber-domain imaging algorithm for wide-beam multi-receiver synthetic aperture sonar …………………………………………ZHA NG Xuebo,TANG Jinsong,ZHONG Heping,ZHANG Sen( 1,93) FrFT dechirping sub-bottom profiling signal enhancement algorithm and FPGA implementation ………………………………………………………………ZHU Jianjun,LI Haisen,DU W eidong( 1,102)A relative clock based TDMA protocol f or underwater acoustic communication networks…………………………………………………………………………ZHA NG Jiarong,QIAO Gang( 1,109) Bench test of the mixed-flow waterjet pump…………………………JIN S huanbao,WA NG Y ongsheng( 1,115) M-ray covert underwater acoustic communication by mimicking dolphin sounds…………………………………………………LIU S ongzuo,LIU B ingjie,YIN Y anling,QIAO G ang( 1,119) Simulation of wave transformation by nesting the non-hydrostatic equation and wave action spectrum model ………………………………………………………………………A study of the numerical forecast model of wind waves in Bohai BayZOU Guoliang,ZHA NG Qi nghe( 1,126) ………………………………………………………LI Daming,PAN Fan,LUO Hao,XIE Yiy ang( 1,132) An adaptive fusion method used in forward looking sonar multi-feature tracking……………………………………MA Shan,PANG Yongjie,ZHANG Tiedong,ZHANG Yi nghao( 2,141) Object recognition system for an autonomous underwater vehicle based on the wavelet invariant moment …………………………………………WAN Lei,HUANG Shuling,ZHANG Tiedong,WANG Bo( 2,148) The interaction between the steel catenary riser and the seabed and the analysis of fatigue…………………………………………RE ZA ZA DE H K osar,LU Y utian,BAI Y ong,TA NG J i wei( 2,155)。
西华师范大学学士学位英语考试真题West China Normal University Bachelor Degree English ExamSection I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Our product engineers are constantly striving to improve the performance and reliability of our products, so that our customers can have the best possible experience. By researching the latest technologies and trends in the industry, we are able to develop innovative solutions to meet the changing needs of our customers. One of our recent breakthroughs is the development of a new energy-saving technology that reduces energy consumption by 30%. This not only benefits our customers by saving them money on their utility bills, but also helps to protect the environment by reducing carbon emissions.Questions:1. What is the main goal of the product engineers at our company?A. To increase revenueB. To improve customer satisfactionC. To win industry awardsD. To reduce energy consumption2. How do the product engineers stay informed about the latest technologies and trends in the industry?A. By reading industry publicationsB. By attending trade shows and conferencesC. By conducting market researchD. All of the above3. What is one of the recent breakthroughs mentioned in the passage?A. A new marketing campaignB. A new energy-saving technologyC. A new office buildingD. A new CEO4. How does the new energy-saving technology benefit our customers?A. By reducing carbon emissionsB. By improving product performanceC. By saving them money on utility billsD. All of the above5. Why is it important to develop innovative solutions to meet the changing needs of our customers?A. To win industry awardsB. To increase revenueC. To protect the environmentD. To reduce energy consumptionPassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:The history of cinema is a fascinating subject, full of drama, romance, and suspense. From the early days of silent films to the latest blockbusters, movies have played an importantrole in shaping our culture and society. Some of the greatest filmmakers of all time have left their mark on the industry, creating timeless classics that continue to inspire and entertain audiences around the world. Whether you prefer comedies, dramas, action films, or documentaries, there is something for everyone to enjoy at the cinema.Questions:6. What is the main subject of the passage?A. The history of cinemaB. The latest blockbustersC. The greatest filmmakers of all timeD. The role of movies in shaping culture and society7. What role have movies played in shaping culture and society?A. A minor roleB. A negative roleC. A positive roleD. No role at all8. What do some of the greatest filmmakers of all time have in common?A. They all prefer comediesB. They all create action filmsC. They have all left their mark on the industryD. They only make documentaries9. What type of film appeals to everyone?A. ComediesB. DramasC. Action filmsD. Documentaries10. The passage suggests that movies have the power to:A. Inspire and entertain audiencesB. Influence people in a negative wayC. Create drama and suspenseD. None of the abovePassage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay informed about current events. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential dangers of social media, such as cyberbullying, privacy concerns, and misinformation. By being aware of these risks and taking steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we can continue to enjoy the benefits of social media while staying safe and secure.Questions:11. What is the main subject of the passage?A. The benefits of social mediaB. The dangers of social mediaC. How to connect with friends and familyD. The role of current events in social media12. What are some potential dangers of social media?A. Cyberbullying and privacy concernsB. Sharing thoughts and experiencesC. Connecting with friends and familyD. Misinformation and current events13. How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of social media?A. By ignoring the risksB. By being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect ourselvesC. By avoiding social media altogetherD. By sharing personal information online14. What is one of the benefits of social media mentioned in the passage?A. CyberbullyingB. Privacy concernsC. Connecting with friends and familyD. Misinformation15. According to the passage, how can we continue to enjoy the benefits of social media while staying safe and secure?A. By ignoring the risksB. By being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect ourselvesC. By sharing personal information onlineD. By avoiding social media altogetherPassage 4Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrialization have all contributed to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, leading to rising global temperatures and more extreme weather patterns. It is crucial that we take action now to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment for future generations. By investing in renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices, we can make a positive impact on the planet and create a more sustainable future for all.Questions:16. What is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today?A. DeforestationB. IndustrializationC. Climate changeD. Rising global temperatures17. What has contributed to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions?A. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrializationB. Investing in renewable energy sourcesC. Reducing wasteD. Promoting sustainable practices18. Why is it crucial that we take action now to reduce our carbon footprint?A. To create more extreme weather patternsB. To protect the environment for future generationsC. To increase greenhouse gas emissionsD. To invest in renewable energy sources19. What can we do to make a positive impact on the planet and create a more sustainable future?A. Invest in renewable energy sourcesB. Reducing wasteC. Promoting sustainable practicesD. All of the above20. According to the passage, why is it important to reduce our carbon footprint?A. To create more extreme weather patternsB. To protect the environment for future generationsC. To increase greenhouse gas emissionsD. To invest in renewable energy sourcesSection II: Usage (20 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. I have __________ my friend's birthday party tomorrow.A. forgottenB. forgetD. forgetting22. She __________ all day yesterday, so she's very tired today.A. was studyingB. studiedC. studyD. has studied23. If I __________ you were coming, I would have baked a cake.A. knewB. had knownC. knowD. knowing24. He asked me __________ I had seen his keys.A. whenB. thatC. if25. The book was so __________ that I couldn't put it down.A. interestingB. interestedC. interestD. interestedly26. If you __________ too fast, you'll get a speeding ticket.A. driveB. droveC. will driveD. driving27. My grandmother __________ when she heard the news.A. is cryingB. was cryingC. criedD. will cry28. We will go hiking this weekend, __________ the weather is good.A. ifB. whenC. providedD. unless29. I __________ a new phone, so I can't call you.A. didn't haveB. haven'tC. hasD. have30. He __________ his car since he got it fixed last week.A. has drivenB. droveC. drivingD. drivesSection III: Writing (40 points)Directions:Write an essay of 400 words on the following topic:"The importance of education in the 21st century"In your essay, discuss the role of education in preparing individuals for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. What skills and knowledge are essential for success in the 21st century? How can education help to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change? Provide examples and evidence to support your argument.Answer SheetName: ______________________________________ Date:___________________________Section I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Passage 11. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Passage 26. ______7. ______8. ______9. ______ 10. ______Passage 311. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______Passage 416. ______ 17. ______ 18. ______ 19. ______ 20. ______ Section II: Usage (20 points)21. ______ 22. ______ 23. ______ 24. ______ 25. ______ 26. ______ 27. ______ 28. ______ 29. ______ 30. ______ Section III: Writing (40 points)__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Total Score: ______Good luck!。
Dr. Y.L. Du
School of Materials Science and Engineering
yldu@ Autumn semester,2012
Crystal growth methods
•confined growth (crucible may induce stresses during cooling) •difficult to observe seeding and growing processes •changes in natural convection as the melt is depleted •delicate crucible and seed preparation, sealing, etc.
Growth from melt:
1. Bridgman technique 2. Czochralski technique 3. Kyropoulos technique 4. Zone melting technique 5. Verneuil technique
Growth from solution:
Jan Czochralski (1885 - 1953)
• charge and seed are separated at start • no material is added or removed (conservative process) • charge is held at temperature slightly above melting point • crystal grows as atoms from the melt adhere to the seed
㊀第56卷第3期郑州大学学报(理学版)Vol.56No.3㊀2024年5月J.Zhengzhou Univ.(Nat.Sci.Ed.)May 2024收稿日期:2023-08-30基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(52202119)㊂第一作者:杨明醒(1995 ),男,硕士研究生,主要从事钠离子电池负极材料研究,E-mail:yy734778380@㊂通信作者:朱建华(1992 ),男,讲师,主要从事高功率储能材料研究,E-mail:jianhuazhu@㊂钠离子电池过渡金属硒化物负极材料的研究进展杨明醒,㊀朱建华(郑州大学㊀河南先进技术研究院㊀河南郑州450003)摘要:钠离子电池(SIBs)因其原材料来源丰富,在大规模储能领域具有较强的竞争力,有望成为锂离子电池的重要补充㊂负极材料是制约钠离子电池发展的关键问题㊂在众多的钠离子电池负极材料中,过渡金属硒化物(TMSs)有着高理论容量㊁低成本和环境友好的优点,被认为是有希望的候选材料㊂首先,阐明了TMSs 的钠储存机制㊂然后,阐述了TMSs 目前存在的首次库仑效率低㊁体积膨胀大㊁导电性差和多硒化物穿梭效应等问题㊂随后,讨论了相应的改进策略,并详细介绍了TMSs 在纳米结构设计㊁碳包覆㊁构建异质结和其他方面的最新研究进展㊂最后,进行了对TMSs 的总结和展望㊂关键词:钠离子电池;过渡金属硒化物;纳米结构设计;碳包覆;异质结中图分类号:TB333文献标志码:A文章编号:1671-6841(2024)03-0016-06DOI :10.13705/j.issn.1671-6841.2023202Research Progress on Transition Metal Selenide Anode Materialsfor Sodium-ion BatteriesYANG Mingxing,ZHU Jianhua(Henan Institute of Advanced Technology ,Zhengzhou University ,Zhengzhou 450003,China )Abstract :Due to the abundance of raw materials,sodium-ion batteries (SIBs)with strong competitive-ness in the field of large-scale energy storage were expected to be an important complement to lithium-ion batteries.The anode was a key issue restricting the development of sodium-ion batteries.Among various anode materials for SIBs,transition metal selenides (TMSs)were considered promising candidates be-cause of their high theoretical capacity,low cost,and environmental friendliness.Firstly,the sodiumstorage mechanism of TMSs was elucidated.The challenges of TMSs were discussed subsequently,such as low initial Coulombic efficiency,significant volume expansion,poor conductivity,and the polyselenide shuttle effect.Afterwards corresponding improvement strategies were explored,followed by a comprehen-sive overview of the latest research progress on TMSs,including nanostructure design,carbon coating,heterostructure construction,and other aspects.Finally,a summary and outlook for TMSs were provided.Key words :sodium-ion battery;transition metal selenide;nanostructure design;carbon coating;hetero-geneous structure0㊀引言随着化石燃料开采规模的不断扩大,地壳中煤炭㊁石油和天然气等化石能源的储量逐渐减少,这不仅导致化石燃料的枯竭,还给地球环境带来严峻的挑战[1]㊂近年来,为减少能源消耗和改善环境问题,清洁㊁环保㊁可持续的能源,如风能㊁太阳能㊁水能和潮汐能,引起了学术界的广泛关注㊂然而,这些能源往往具有不可预测性㊁容量不稳定性和间歇性等㊀第3期杨明醒,等:钠离子电池过渡金属硒化物负极材料的研究进展缺点,在实际应用中受到很大的限制[2]㊂为了更有效地利用这些清洁能源,必须开发大规模电化学储能(EES)系统㊂锂离子电池(LIBs)凭借其体积小㊁功能强大和寿命长的优点,在便携式电子设备和电动汽车(EV)领域得到了广泛应用,成为最成功的商业电化学技术之一[3]㊂然而,锂资源有限且成本高昂,而电动汽车销量的快速增长进一步推高了锂的成本[4]㊂因此,有必要探索适用的储能器件在未来的储能领域与锂离子电池共同担负起可持续绿色能源开发的重任㊂钠是地球上最丰富的金属元素之一,分布均匀,是仅次于锂的第二轻和第二小的碱金属,具有与锂相似的物理和化学特性㊂基于钠丰度以及与锂离子电池相似的工作原理,可充电钠离子电池(SIBs)是锂离子电池的理想互补器件[5]㊂当前,商业化的SIBs主要受到负极材料的限制㊂这是因为Na+的半径较大,无法直接应用于锂离子电池(LIBs)的石墨负极材料[6-7]㊂然而,SIBs 的正极材料,如类普鲁士蓝㊁层状过渡金属氧化物和聚阴离子化合物,在电化学性能方面接近商业化的锂铁磷酸盐(LiFePO4),几乎已经满足了商业应用的要求[8-10]㊂因此,开发适用于SIBs的负极材料对于SIBs的发展和商业化至关重要㊂在众多具有潜力的负极材料中,过渡金属硒化物(TMSs)由于其高容量㊁低成本和环境友好等优点而具有一定的优势㊂相比于同族的氧化物和硫化物,金属硒化物具有较高的电子导电性㊁较小的体积变化和良好的可逆性能[11]㊂此外,由于金属硒化物中的M Se键能较M O键和M S键更弱,金属硒化物的极化较小,电化学反应动力学更优异,倍率性能更好[12-13]㊂综上,过渡金属硒化物作为SIBs负极材料具有巨大的潜力和广阔的前景,并受到了广泛的关注㊂接下来,本文将重点介绍钠离子电池过渡金属硒化物负极材料的最新研究进展㊂1㊀过渡金属硒化物负极材料的储钠机制及现存挑战1.1㊀储钠机制相对于锡(Sn)㊁锑(Sb)和铋(Bi),过渡金属具有较低的活性,往往无法与Na进行合金化反应㊂因此,过渡金属硒化物的储钠机制通常为 插层-转化 机制㊂在放电过程中,Na+不断嵌入硒化物材料并发生转化反应,最终形成Na2Se和过渡金属颗粒㊂而在充电过程中,则发生相反的过程㊂上述机制目前已被多次证实㊂以CoSe2为例, Zhang等[14]通过XRD㊁SAED和近边缘X射线吸收光谱(XANES),系统地研究了CoSe2的钠储存机制㊂XRD揭示了Na+和CoSe2之间的转化反应过程㊂放电至0.5V后产生Co和Na2Se,二次充电至3.0V后出现单独的CoSe2,SAED的结果与XRD一致㊂随后,通过非原位XANES揭示了CoSe2的嵌入反应过程㊂基于上述结果,他们提出了CoSe2的可逆钠储存机制:CoSe2⇆Na x CoSe2⇆CoSe+Na2Se⇆Co+Na2Se㊂1.2㊀现存挑战尽管过渡金属硒化物具有许多优点,但距离商业化应用仍很遥远,其中存在的主要问题如下㊂(1)由于不稳定的固体电解质界面(SEI)层的形成,金属硒化物通常显示出较低的初始库仑效率(ICE)㊂(2)金属硒化物在充㊁放电过程中体积剧烈变化,导致电极的自粉碎和容量的快速衰退㊂(3)金属硒化物固有的低离子和电子电导率导致较差的倍率性能㊂(4)放电过程中形成的多硒化物中间体的 穿梭效应 会降低电化学性能㊂2㊀过渡金属硒化物负极材料现行优化策略2.1㊀纳米结构设计纳米级材料拥有比表面积大㊁反应活性高㊁应变能力强等优点㊂纳米材料能够有效缩短Na+的传输距离,从而获得优异的电化学性能[15-16]㊂通过对纳米材料的结构和形貌进行设计,可以进一步提升其电化学性能㊂该方法目前已被广泛应用㊂Yue等[17]基于硬-软-酸碱理论,分别使用Se粉和NaBH4作为Se源和还原剂,在室温下制备出直接在铜网上生长的Cu2Se纳米片㊂纳米片之间的间距有利于电解质的渗透并提供更多的活性位点,从而提高钠存储容量㊂为了稳定结构,他们随后在Cu2Se纳米片上引入导电聚合物聚吡咯(PPy)作为保形涂层,构建具有核壳结构的Cu2Se@PPy,进一步缓解了钠存储过程中活性材料的剧烈体积膨胀和剥落㊂Zhu等[18]通过多元醇溶液化学法成功合成了单晶CuSe2纳米立方材料(CuSe2NCs)㊂单晶CuSe2中原子的整齐排列可以促进钠离子的传输并减少离子扩散的能垒㊂纳米级立方体形貌有利于电解液的71郑州大学学报(理学版)第56卷渗透,缓解循环过程中的体积膨胀㊂密度泛函理论(DFT)计算表明CuSe 2NCs 具有低扩散能垒㊂其较少的副反应㊁增强的动力学特性和稳定的微观结构使CuSe 2NCs 电极各项电化学性能均优于无定形结构的CuSe 2纳米块,尤其初始库仑效率更是几乎达到了100%㊂Ren 等[19]以乙二醇为溶剂,通过溶剂热法制备了装饰还原氧化石墨烯的自组装3D FeSe 2纳米花(FeSe 2/rGO-EG)㊂乙二醇溶剂不仅可以作为还原剂,还可以用作结构导向剂来控制材料的成核和结晶,促进(110)晶面的生长,DFT 计算阐明了Na +在FeSe 2(110)晶面上具有较低的吸附能和迁移能垒,有利于Na +的嵌入和脱嵌㊂众多3D 花状纳米粒子均匀分布在石墨烯表面,形成特殊的3D 结构,可以缩短Na +传输路径并增加电极的比表面积,从而加速反应动力学㊂表1是对上述TMSs 纳米结构设计策略电化学性能的总结㊂表1㊀TMSs 纳米结构设计策略总结Table 1㊀Summary of nanostructure design modification strategy材料结构形貌制备方法比容量/(mAh ㊃g -1)循环圈数Cu 2Se 片状㊀铜网浸泡法263.52000CuSe 2立方体多元醇溶液化学法3441700FeSe 2花状㊀溶剂热法4001000㊀㊀注:1)Cu 2Se 比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度均为10A /g;2)CuSe 2比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度分别为50A /g 和10A /g;3)FeSe 2比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度均为1A /g㊂2.2㊀碳包覆对于TMSs 充放电过程中存在的体积膨胀问题,利用碳材料对其进行包覆已被证实为一种有效且通用的方法㊂碳壳骨架不仅为TMSs 的膨胀提供了充足的缓冲空间,增强了电子电导率,并且锚定了部分多硒化物,从而抑制了穿梭效应㊂同时,这些碳基质避免了金属硒化物和电解质之间的直接接触,减少了副反应并提高库仑效率㊂热解金属有机框架(MOFs)前驱体是对金属颗粒实现碳包覆的一个通用方法[20]㊂以MOFs 为前驱体衍生的电极材料有着超大的比表面积,并且MOFs 衍生电极的多孔结构有效增加了Na +的活性位点,增强了其储钠能力[21-23]㊂同时,电极材料基体中碳的存在提高了电导率并增强了倍率性能㊂Liang 等[24]通过多层沸石咪唑酯骨架结构(ZIF)前驱体的逐步外延生长以及后碳化和硒化的工艺,成功设计并合成了多层蛋黄壳CoSe 2纳米十二面体,为钠离子的插入提供大量的活性位点㊂尽管MOFs 材料有着诸多优点,然而其在后续的化学合成过程中容易发生断裂和塌陷[25]㊂为了解决这一问题,选择性涂层已被证明是保护MOFs 材料的有效方法[26]㊂共价有机骨架(COF)以共价键为特征,表现出优异的化学和热稳定性,可以有效保护MOFs 在反应过程中免受结构损坏[27]㊂Chen 等[28]首次通过双框架设计制备了类似梭子的Fe 3Se 4/NC 结构㊂Fe 3Se 4/NC 源自涂着COF 涂层的MOF,具有大比表面积和高孔隙率,非常适合Na +的嵌入和脱嵌㊂COF 层有效解决了MOF 在剧烈合成和循环反应过程中结构损伤的问题㊂此外,NC 涂层的高电导率增加了Fe 3Se 4/NC 的电子和离子迁移速率,从而有利于提高倍率性能㊂Liu 等[29]以氯化钠为模板㊁葡萄糖为碳源㊁尿素为氮源制备了三维氮掺杂碳网络,首次创建了应力分散结构,并将CoSe 2与导电网络有效连接,成功地控制了其在导电网络上的分布程度㊂在CoSe 2@NC中,CoSe 2均匀锚定在NC 导电网络上,形成具有强界面相互作用的纳米结构,从而改善了电子传输并减少了体积变化,使其能够形成稳定的固态电解质界面膜(SEI)并减少死钠的量㊂传统碳包覆策略都依赖共轭非极性碳平面的位置,对极性TMSs 的固定和捕捉作用有限,因此提高碳对TMSs 颗粒的亲和力也同样至关重要㊂Yuan 等[30]在封闭的高压釜中对壳聚糖㊁尿素㊁Cu (NO 3)2和SeO 2组成的混合物进行水热处理,随后Cu 前体和Se /C 的混合物在惰性气氛中热解,形成Cu 2-x Se@3D-CN㊂值得指出的是,SeO 2不仅是形成连接三维大孔骨架的模板,而且是合成TMS 和形成Se C 铆接键的来源㊂该方法可将各种TMS 植入到氮掺杂的多孔碳上,并在3D 纳米结构混合体中形成强大的铆接Se C 键,使得碳基质与TMS 纳米颗粒具有很强的亲和力,即使在长期循环后也可以防止TMSs 纳米颗粒聚集和分离,从而确保结构完整性㊂碳基体的结构也被改变,成了更强的吸收电子单元来储存Na +,促进了Na +的扩散和转化㊂该方法为碳纳米结构植入金属硒化物提供了一个通用模板路线㊂表2对上述碳包覆策略进行了总结㊂81㊀第3期杨明醒,等:钠离子电池过渡金属硒化物负极材料的研究进展表2㊀TMSs碳包覆策略总结Table2㊀Summary of carbon coating modification strategy材料主体碳包覆法方法优势比容量/(mAh㊃g-1)循环圈数CoSe2热解MOFs材料结构灵活易于操控352.92000 Fe3Se4COFs材料涂覆MOFs COF层增强了MOF材料的结构稳定性333.51000CoSe2三维氮掺杂碳网络浸渍和硒化首次创建了应力分散结构,并成功控制硒化物在导电网络的分布程度318.04500Cu2-x Se混合物水热增强了碳对硒化物的亲和力,并提供了一个通用的模板路线311.0200㊀㊀注:1)CoSe2比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度均为1A/g;2)Fe3Se4比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度分别为12A/g和8A/g;3)CoSe2比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度分别为1A/g和5A/g;4)Cu2-x Se比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度均为1A/g㊂2.3㊀构建异质结近年来,半导体异质结材料在电化学储能领域得到了广泛的应用[31-32]㊂通过在单金属硒化物中引入新的金属元素,形成异质界面,提供了丰富的晶格畸变和缺陷[33]㊂异质界面通过强大的界面协同效应,可以促进金属硒化物局部的电子和离子转移,从而增强了反应动力学㊂特定的异质结构可以获得更多储钠活性位点㊂不同金属的氧化还原电位差异还导致了电化学反应的异步性,从而抑制了Na+嵌入和脱嵌过程中体积变化[33]㊂Cao等[34]通过水热法和原位硒化反应合成了球中球结构的(M Mn)Se/C(M=Co,Ni)㊂Co(Ni) Se2和MnSe晶体之间的异质界面增强了离子扩散动力学,提高了电导率,并且提供了大量的储钠反应位点㊂值得一提的是,这种特殊的异质结构构建的内置电场建立了高效的3D电子传输网络,从而实现了优异的电化学性能㊂在过渡金属中引入活性金属构建异质结,不仅能发挥双金属协同作用,同时有利于提升材料整体的电化学性能㊂Liu等[35]通过水热法和涂覆热解成功制备了MoSe2-Sb2Se3@C复合材料㊂因双金属硒化物的协同效应,所获得的MoSe2-Sb2Se3@C复合材料表现出良好的倍率性能和高循环稳定性㊂通过DFT计算验证了其基本机制,窄带隙和引入的内置电场导致异质结处费米能级和逸出功的差异加速了电子迁移㊂Liu等[36]构建了具有相同阳离子和阴离子的Fe3Se4/FeSe异质结构㊂DFT计算表明,FeSe和Fe3Se4之间的界面有利于提高离子电子电导率和结构稳定性㊂对比单独的Fe3Se4电极,Fe3Se4/ FeSe电极具有优异的循环稳定性和出色的倍率性能㊂表3列出了上述各个异质结的电化学性能㊂表3㊀TMSs构建异质结设计策略总结Table3㊀Summary of heterostructure construction strategy异质结构制备方法比容量/(mAh㊃g-1)循环圈数Co(Ni)Se2/MnSe水热法㊁原位硒化441.21000 MoSe2/Sb2Se3水热法㊁涂覆热解376.0500 Fe3Se4/FeSe静电纺丝㊁气相硒化417.41000㊀㊀注:1)Co(Ni)Se2/MnSe比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度均为5A/g;2)MoSe2/Sb2Se3比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度均为2A/g;3)Fe3Se4/FeSe比容量测试和循环圈数测试的电流密度分别为0.5A/g和5A/g㊂2.4㊀其他策略除了上述三种常见的改进策略外,还存在一些其他已被证实的可行方法,但目前对这些方法的研究较少,因此下面只简要介绍㊂2.4.1㊀电解质调节㊀电解质作为电池系统的重要组成部分,对电池的性能起着至关重要的作用㊂Chen等[37]研究了溶剂对FeSe2微球电化学性能的影响㊂当使用二甘醇二甲醚(DGM)作为唯一溶剂时,FeSe2微球具有优异的循环稳定性㊂在此之后,醚基电解质被广泛应用于TMS,表现出比碳酸酯电解质优越的电化学性能㊂2.4.2㊀电压窗口调节㊀通过电位窗口调节可以避免TMSs发生深度转化反应,从而减少体积变化,延长循环寿命㊂Ou等[38]研究了截止电压对CoSe2纳米棒储钠能力的影响㊂结果显示,在0.4~3.0V的窗口范围内,CoSe2发生了高度可逆的钠储存过程㊂相反,当截止电压调整为0.01V时,CoSe2的储钠过程变得不可逆,800次循环后,容量保持率从之前的92.8%降低至3.8%㊂可以看出,调整截止电压是提高TMSs电化学性能的有效策略㊂2.4.3㊀过渡金属掺杂㊀Sun等[39]通过对CoSe2进行Mn掺杂,扩大了其晶格结构和间隙体积,从而缓解这种材料中钠储存的固有缓慢动力学㊂在水热处91郑州大学学报(理学版)第56卷理过程中,Mn的掺杂量可以通过调节添加Mn的比例来调节㊂DFT计算表明,在Mn/Co=1ʒ4的原子比下,Mn的掺入可以使间隙体积膨胀136.9%㊂与纯CoSe2@CNS/CNF相比,Co0.8Mn0.2Se2@CNS/CNF 显示出了更优异的电化学性能㊂3 总结与展望作为大规模能量存储领域锂离子电池的实际补充,钠离子电池可以满足先进能量存储技术的需求,并为可持续发展做出贡献㊂因此,开发高性能的SIB电极材料具有重要意义㊂过渡金属硒化物由于其较大的理论容量被认为是SIB负极材料具有希望的候选者㊂在本文中,阐明了过渡金属硒化物负极材料的钠储存机制,并总结了该材料的当前问题,如低初始库仑效率㊁严重体积膨胀㊁导电性差和穿梭效应㊂随后对改进策略进行分类和讨论,包括纳米结构设计㊁碳包覆㊁异质结构构建和其他方法㊂尽管近年来对过渡金属硒化物的研究日益增多,但仍存在许多未解决的问题,表明该材料仍具有持续的研究价值㊂这里提出了三个展望:(1)醚基电解质的有限氧化稳定性限制了正极材料的选择,需要开发新型醚基电解质;(2)SEI膜的形成机制尚不清楚,需要进一步探索使用先进的原位表征技术和理论计算以提高初始库伦效率;(3)增加对全电池的研究以推动商业化㊂参考文献:[1]㊀LI Y M,LU Y X,ZHAO C L,et al.Recent advances ofelectrode materials for low-cost sodium-ion batteries to-wards practical application for grid energy storage[J].Energy storage materials,2017,7:130-151. 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关于我国房价影响制约因素与调控手段的文献综述(南京农业大学 经济管理学院金融系 李雪莹 16309314)摘要:我国房价居高不下成为现阶段政府与民众的关注热点。
ABSTRACT:It i s no denying that t he high housing price h as been a hot topic i n societynowadays. The concerned scholars have proceeded multi-layers researches to lead to practical conclusion, which can be an important reference for the government to make policy, and raise the public's view to a rational layer. This essay is meant to staof housing price, main factors affectingtopic w ith 5 aspects: current situationhousing p rice, housing p rice'sinfluence on public, government's policy t o housingprice an its comment and scholars' advise. Abroad & domestic scholars' opinions are gathered here to offer a reference to futurity's study.关键词:房价 制约 调控前言:基于我国房价长期以来波动不下,问题难以解决,货币与税收手段疲软的现状,国内外学者进行过很多专题研究。
UNIT 1一、材料根深蒂固于我们生活的程度可能远远的超过了我们的想象,交通、装修、制衣、通信、娱乐(recreation)和食品生产,事实上(virtually),我们生活中的方方面面或多或少受到了材料的影响。
科技如何改善建筑英语作文一百字How Technology Can Make Buildings BetterHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about how amazing technology is making buildings way cooler and better than ever before. It's like magic, but real!First off, let's talk about smart homes. These are houses that use lots of tech to make living there super easy and convenient. With smart homes, you can control everything by talking to a virtual assistant or tapping on your phone or tablet. Want to turn on the lights? Just say "Hey smart assistant, turn on the living room lights!" Easy peasy.You can also control the temperature, security system, TV, music, and so much more, all with simple voice commands or a few taps. Smart fridges can even make grocery lists and remind you when you're running low on foods. How cool is that?But it's not just homes that are getting smarter. Awesome new technology is transforming all kinds of buildings and making them more sustainable and eco-friendly too. Solar panels that capture energy from the sun are being installed on roofs to generate clean electricity. Green roofs with plants andgrass absorb rainwater and provide insulation to reduce heating and cooling costs.New ultra-strong materials like specialized concrete and glass allow architects to create unique and fascinating shapes for buildings that would have been impossible before. The Saudi Arabian city of Neom has plans for wildly futuristic buildings including a 170 kilometer mirrored skyscraper that runs in a straight line across coastal and mountain landscapes!Speaking of unique skyscrapers, have you heard of 3D printed houses? An entire house can be precisely 'printed' out of concrete by massive 3D printers. This automated process can build houses faster, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly than traditional construction. Maybe your future dream home will be 3D printed!Another cutting-edge technology making buildings better is augmented reality (AR). AR allows you to overlay digital images and information on the real world using special glasses or an app. For architects and construction crews, this means they can visualize 3D models of buildings before they're even built. It's like being able to walk through the building virtually while it's still just a design!AR can also enhance building experiences for visitors and residents. Imagine using an AR app to have digital signs, notifications, and information pop up as you walk through a museum, mall, office or school. An AR tour guide could teach you about all the artworks, stores, or architectural elements around you. Awesome, right?One final technology I'll mention is robots. Specially designed robot workers are being used more and more on construction sites to help build buildings. They can handle tough, repetitive tasks like bricklaying, drilling, and demolition better than humans. Robots never get tired and can work 24/7! Some robot bricklayers can precisely lay hundreds of bricks an hour compared to just 60 per hour for an elite human bricklayer.Robots with powerful sensors can also inspect buildings and bridges for damage that might be hard for people to detect. And watch out, some robots are even getting trained to do electrical wiring, plumbing, and other complex jobs!Phew, that's a lot of incredible building tech! As you can see, advanced technologies like smart home systems, solar power, AR, 3D printing, new materials, and robotics are totally revolutionizing and upgrading the world of architecture andconstruction. Old-fashioned brick and steel buildings are quickly becoming a thing of the past.In the future, our homes, schools, offices, and cities will be smarter, greener, and way more sustainable than today. And they'll integrate cutting-edge technologies that will amaze us and make our lives more efficient and fun. I can't wait to see what incredible cyber-tastic buildings they come up with next!。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Go for a walk.B. Watch TV.C. Read a book.2. Where are the speakers?A. In a library.B. In a bookstore.C. In a classroom.3. How much will the man pay?A. 10.B. 15.C. $20.4. What is the man's favorite sport?A. Football.B. Basketball.C. Tennis.5. When will the meeting start?A. At 9:00.B. At 9:30.C. At 10:00.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Father and daughter.C. Brother and sister.7. What are they going to do this weekend?A. Go to the park.B. Visit their parents.C. See a movie.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
housing is important阅读理解
housing is important阅读理解Housing is always an important concern and things were no different back in Canada`s early days.The naive population had several answers to the housing problem.The igloo if a house built of ice or snow and is still in use today in more primitive areas of Canada`s north.The Inuit people find them the best type of housing especially when away from home on hunting or fishing trips.The igloos used o such trips are smaller and only temporary homes to be used for a few nights at most.Igloos are dome and made of blocks of ice or snow.First a hole is dug out in the snow and this forms the lower part of the igloo.Then the blocks of ice or snow are built in a slope inwards and upwards from this base.Often a short tunnel leads to the door.This prevents the cold winds and snow blowing into the structure.Or tepees are the conical(圆锥形的)tents used by the majority of native Peopleacross America.Some Canadian aboriginal people still prefer them to other types of housing. These structures are formed by a frame of poles covered with,usually, buffalo hide (水牛皮)or birch bark(桦树皮).A hole at the top lets out the smoke from the cooking fires.Native people mostly travelfrom place to place following their food supple across the countryside.Tepees are easy to take down,carry and put up at the next stopping place.Another type of house is the long house.This is exactly what the name suggests-a long narrow building that could house ten to twenty families.Built of poles covered with hides there houses are common to the Iroquois people of 0ntario and new York.These structures are also on the West Coast by the Squeamish Indians.They are usually occupied by an extended family and divided into individual rooms each with its own cooking fire.They are decorated with totem emblems (图腾标志)and a totem pole by the front door tells the history of the family.56.Which of the following pictures matches with the igloo?57.The short tunnel leading to the door of an igloo is used to__________.A.catch the animalsB.decorate the iglooC.fasten the iglooD.keep the warm58.Which of the following about a ti pi is NOT true?A.It has a hole at the top.B.It is made of poles covered with hides.C.It can be easily carried everywhere.D.It has a firm base made of ice.59. The under hand word "They" in the last paragraph refers to "________".A.Squeamish IndiansB.Long housesC.FamiliesD.Individual rooms60. Where can we most probably read this passage?A.In a medical journal.B.In a science report.C.In a culture magazine.D.In a biology textbook.。
住房条件的改善英语Improvement of Living ConditionsLiving conditions have a great impact on the quality of everyone's life. Improving people's living conditions, therefore, is an important task of governments in any country or region.First of all, governments need to ensure housing for people. They can improve the housing conditions by investing more money in infrastructure, rapidly constructing public housing, developing affordable housing programs and addressing the shortage of housing for such disadvantaged groups as low-income families or ethnic minorities.Secondly, governments must pay attention to health care and nutrition. To ensure that all citizens have access to adequate health care, governments should work to strengthen public health systems and reduce medical fees. Furthermore, nutrition is another important issue for people's life quality. Governments should subsidize people's diets by providing more affordable and nutritious food supplies.Finally, governments should have better job policies and create more job opportunities. Governments should work toreduce unemployment and poverty by improving people's employability, expanding job training systems, and investing in rural development.The bottom line is that governments should take more effective measures to improve people's living conditions. Only when people feel secure and comfortable in their housing, health care and nutrition, and employment can they truly lead a better life.。
专家对房子的看法英语作文Title: The Perspective of Experts on Houses。
In today's dynamic real estate market, the opinions of experts play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions and guiding decisions regarding housing. Through their extensive experience and knowledge, these professionals offer valuable insights into various aspects of houses, ranging from design and construction to market trends and sustainability. In this essay, we will delve into the perspectives of experts on houses, exploring key considerations and emerging trends in the housing industry.First and foremost, experts emphasize the importance of structural integrity and quality construction in houses. A well-built home not only ensures safety and durability but also contributes to long-term value appreciation. Professionals in the field of architecture and engineering stress the significance of adhering to building codes and standards to mitigate risks associated with structuralfailures and ensure occupant safety. Moreover, advancements in construction techniques and materials have enabled the creation of energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable homes, aligning with the growing emphasis on eco-friendly design and green building practices.In addition to structural considerations, experts closely monitor market trends and economic indicators to provide informed assessments of housing affordability and investment potential. Real estate analysts and economists analyze factors such as housing supply and demand, mortgage rates, and demographic shifts to forecast market conditions and identify opportunities for buyers, sellers, and investors. Their insights help individuals navigate the complexities of the real estate market, whether they are purchasing a primary residence, investing in rental properties, or flipping houses for profit.Furthermore, experts recognize the evolving preferences of homeowners and the emergence of new design trends in residential architecture. Interior designers and home staging professionals play a crucial role in enhancing theaesthetic appeal of houses and optimizing space utilization to meet the needs and lifestyle preferences of occupants. From open-concept layouts and smart home technology to sustainable materials and biophilic design elements, contemporary houses reflect a fusion of style, functionality, and environmental consciousness.Moreover, experts advocate for inclusive and accessible housing designs that accommodate individuals with diverse needs and abilities. Universal design principles promote the creation of barrier-free environments that enhance mobility and independence for people of all ages and physical abilities. Architects and urban planners collaborate with accessibility experts and community stakeholders to design neighborhoods and housing developments that prioritize inclusivity and promote social equity.Additionally, experts emphasize the importance of ongoing maintenance and renovation to preserve the value and livability of houses over time. Home inspectors and renovation specialists provide valuable guidance onidentifying potential issues and implementing cost-effective upgrades to enhance the performance and aesthetics of properties. Whether it's renovating kitchens and bathrooms, replacing outdated systems, or improving energy efficiency, strategic investments in home improvement projects can yield significant returns in terms of comfort, functionality, and resale value.In conclusion, the perspectives of experts on houses encompass a wide range of considerations, from structural integrity and market dynamics to design aesthetics and accessibility. Through their expertise and insights, these professionals contribute to the development of sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities where individuals can thrive and create lasting memories in their homes. As the housing landscape continues to evolve, the expertise of professionals will remain indispensable in shaping the future of residential living.。
影响房屋构造的因素英语作文英文回答:The construction of a house is influenced by numerous factors, including:Site Conditions:Topography: The slope and elevation of the land can impact the foundation design and excavation requirements.Soil Conditions: The soil type and bearing capacity determine the type of foundation and drainage systems necessary.Hydrology: The presence of water sources, such as groundwater or surface water, may require special measures for waterproofing and drainage.Building Codes and Regulations:Zoning Laws: Local zoning ordinances regulate the size, height, and use of buildings in a specific area.Building Codes: Building codes establish minimumsafety requirements for structural integrity, fire protection, and other aspects of construction.Energy Efficiency Standards: Energy efficiency codes mandate certain measures to reduce energy consumption, such as insulation and efficient appliances.Structural Design:Loads: The structural design must account for all the loads that the building will experience, including gravity loads (weight), wind loads, and earthquake loads.Materials: The choice of building materials, such as wood, concrete, or steel, influences the structural properties and durability of the house.Structural Elements: The arrangement and design of structural elements, such as beams, columns, and walls, determine the overall stability and strength of the building.Architectural Design:Floor Plan: The layout of the rooms, corridors, and other spaces within the house meets the functional and aesthetic requirements of the occupants.Facade Design: The exterior appearance of the house, including the roof, windows, and cladding, reflects the architectural style and personal preferences.Natural Lighting and Ventilation: The design incorporates features that maximize natural lighting and ventilation, promoting health and comfort for occupants.Environmental Considerations:Sustainability: Green building practices aim to reducethe environmental impact of construction by employing energy-efficient systems, recycled materials, and sustainable practices.Indoor Air Quality: The choice of materials and construction methods can significantly affect the indoorair quality, which is important for occupant health.Natural Hazards: The design considers potentialnatural hazards in the area, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or flooding, to ensure the safety of the occupants.Financial Considerations:Budget: The available budget for construction limits the size, materials, and features that can be incorporated into the house.Return on Investment: The construction of a house should consider the potential return on investment, whether for personal use or rental income.Long-Term Maintenance Costs: The choice of materials and design can impact the long-term maintenance and repair costs associated with the house.中文回答:影响房屋结构的因素很多,主要包括以下几个方面:场地条件:地形,地势的坡度和高程会影响地基设计和挖掘要求。
PanPearl-2022-test 2- solution
Problem 1: Spatiotemporal varying electric permittivity (30 points)问题 1: 时变介电常数 (30 分)In electromagnetism, dielectric media, e.g. a block of glass, is represented by a permittivity different from the one of vacuum. The reflection and refraction for electromagnetic waves on a slab of dielectric material can be derived from considering dispersion relationship and matching boundary condition.在电磁学中,不同于真空介质,例如一块玻璃,其介电材料可以用特定的介电常数表示。
In the question, we would like to investigate the Fabry-Pérot resonance from a slab of dielectric medium in the first step and the analog concept when the permittivity of the material becomes inhomogeneous in the time domain instead of the spatial domain.在这个问题中,我们第一步研究电介质板的法布里-珀罗共振现象,以及当材料的介电常数在时域而不是空间域中变得不均匀时类似的概念。
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagrams for light entering a block of dielectric medium at normal incidence. The left diagram shows the case for a block of infinite thickness, in which the light only undergoes one instance of reflection and refraction at the interface. The right diagram shows the case for a finite thickness, in which the light ray undergoes multiple reflections within the slab. The spatial and temporal axes are the horizontal and vertical ones respectively.图 1 显示了光线以垂直入射方式进入电介质板的示意图。
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IMPROVEMENT OF POLYMORPHOUS/CRYSTALLINE HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS USING LOW TEMPERATURE SCREEN-PRINTED PASTESY. Veschetti1, J.-C..Muller1, J. Damon-Lacoste2, P. Roca i Cabarrocas2, A. S. Gudovskikh3, J.-P. Kleider3,P.-J. Ribeyron4, E. Rolland41PHASE-CNRS (UPR 292), 23 rue du Loess, BP20, F-67037 Strasbourg Cedex 02, France.2LPICM (UMR 7647, CNRS) Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France, 3 LGEP (UMR 8507, CNRS), Universités Paris VI et XI, Ecole Supérieure d'Électricité, 11 rue Joliot-Curie, Plateau de Moulon, F-91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France,4CEA-Grenoble, 17 rue des Martyrs, F-38054 Grenoble cedex 9, FranceABSTRACTAn alternative way to conventional solar cell processis to dev elop a low temperature process usinghydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin film deposited by PECVD on bulk crystalline silicon. The French national project “SiNERGIES” aims to improv e polymorphous/crystalline heterojunction (a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si) on p-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) to achieve large area solar cells for industrial application. We present the advancement of the project, focusing on low temperature screen-printed pastes (LT-SP) as well as the analysis of the pm-Si:H/c-Si interface quality. Up to now, solar cells of 25 cm² area using CZ (Si) substrate achiev ed efficiency close to 13.5% with a maximum fill factor of 70% with LT-SP from Dupont MCM. A simulation study giv es insight into the possible improvements.INTRODUCTIONThe rapid growth of photov oltaic industry leads to develop new structures, mainly on p-type c-Si wafer. The amorphous/crystalline heterojunction solar cells (a-Si:H/c-Si) produced in Japan by Sanyo on c-Si (FZ) hav e already shown record efficiencies on n-type silicon [1]. These structures also called Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer (HIT) possess many advantages: high open-circuit v oltage v alues, low saturation current, and low processing temperatures [2]. Furthermore, a-Si:H/c-Si structures are well adapted for the reduction of wafer thickness due to the low mechanical stresses induced by the low temperature process.The aim of the “SiNERGIES” project is to ev aluate the potential of a-Si:H/c-Si solar cells on p-type substrate for a possible application on thin c-Si or mc-Si wafers (W<200µm). The experimental study presented in this paper will be focused on the development of a front side heterostructure on p-type silicon (CZ) 25 cm² using low-temperature screen printed paste on TCO. Results are analysed through different characterisation techniques (spectral response SR, capacitance-v oltage (C-V), and capacitance-temperature (C-T) measurements). A simulation study using the software AFORS-HET [3] givesa better understanding and allows to propose different ways of improvements.EXPERIMENTALOur heterojunction solar cells were fabricated on p-type c-Si substrates (<100> oriented, W=300µm, ρ=14-22 Ω.cm). After a conventional chemical cleaning process, a full aluminium screen-printed layer was deposited andannealed in an IR belt furnace for back contact formation.A particular attention was paid to the front heterojunctioninterface where we used a thin undoped hydrogenatedpolymorphous silicon (pm-Si:H) layer instead of the more conv entional a-Si:H one. Indeed, it has been shown in previous papers that pm-Si:H has a lower defect density than a-Si:H, and that it provides outstanding passivation properties [4, 5]. A subsequent phosphorus doped a-Si:H(n) emitter layer was deposited onto the pm-Si:H. Both pm-Si:H and a-Si:H layers were deposited by means of a capacitiv ely-coupled PECVD system at an RF frequency of 13.56 MHz under various conditions [6]. The thickness of the pm-Si:H and a-Si:H(n) layers, as deduced from spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements is 3 nm and 12 nm, respectiv ely. A 95 nm thick TCO anti-reflection layer was deposited by DC- magnetron sputtering. Finally, a low-temperature silver paste (Dupont MCM) was screen-printed onto the TCO layer, and annealed at 200°C for front contact formation. Apart from the back contact treatment, the whole process was performed at ery low temperature (T<250°C). The experimental study is focused on two main parameters: the interface quality and the contacts quality. In order to compare the potential of this low-temperature process, some additional cells were made according to the industrial standard process, using the same CZ c-Si wafer with the same Al screen-printed back contact. For these standard cells, the emitter was obtained from POCl3 diffusion (40Ω/), and the front surface was processed using deposition of a SiN layer and screen-printed Ag contacts.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA batch of wafers was performed under theconditions described above. All the processed cells wereanalysed by I-V measurements.To confirm the correct calibration of our simulator, thebest cell was measured at Fraunhofer institute (FhG.Callab).Voc(mV) Jsc(mA/cm²) FF(%) η(%) P21 (calLab)613.4 31.2 70.0 13.50 (calLab)Table I: I-V results of the first batch for the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si and reference solar cells.Table I shows the difference between the efficiency of the reference cell P10 and that of the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si cell P21. The av erage fill factor v alue remains too low to achiev e a satisfactory efficiency. From the I-V curv e (fig.1), we observed a high series resistance value which probably comes from the screen-printing step.C u r r e n t (m A )Voltage(mV)Fig.1: I-V characteristics of the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si andreference solar cells.In order to test our screen printed metallization, we used the Transition Line Model method (TLM). This well-known technique allows to extract the contact resistivity between the TCO layer and the metallization itself. The value of the contact resistance for the front silver paste deposited onTCO after annealing was Rs=2×10-2Ω.cm². This value is rather high and should be ideally lowered. Nevertheless, it remains comparable to classical screen printed pastes on conventional solar cell process. The paste resistivity is a more important issue. Indeed, the measured resistiv itywas 4×10 –5Ω.cm which is one order magnitude higher than for con v entional high temperature pastes. A modelisation of the series resistance clearly indicates that the fingers are responsible for the low fill factor (65% av erage). Possible improv ements of the paste resistiv ity are tested in our laboratories.The loss in the short-circuit current (Jsc) is inv estigated through the spectral response and front side reflectiv ity measurements. Fig.2 shows the Internal Quantum Efficiency (IQE) spectrum for both cells (a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si P21 and reference P10) deduced from the external quantum efficiency (EQE) and the reflectivity R from:REQEIQE −=1 . (1) It appears that the deposited thin film emitter induces more recombination than a highly doped standard emitter in the wav elength range between 300 nm and 600 nm. The thickness of the amorphous layer (12 nm) is probably too high and needs to be reduced. We observed a similar efficiency for wavelengths between 600 nm and 800 nm. Nevertheless a difference of IQE occurs between 800 nm and 1050 nm which cannot be explained by a higher recombination rate in the heterojunction solar cell because the same type of wafer was used for both types of solar cells.I Q E (%)Wavelength(nm)Fig.2: Internal quantum efficiency for the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si and reference cells .A possible explanation is related to the absorption of the TCO anti-reflective layer which is not considered in Eq.(1). Ellipsometry measurements (n,k) of the TCO layer on glass substrate were performed after deposition. Figure 3 shows the optical losses of the TCO layer (absorption and reflectivity).O p t i c a l l o s s (%)Wavelength(nm)Fig.3: Optical losses in the TCO layer ( absorption andreflection).The increase in the TCO absorption between 700 nm and 1100 nm clearly explains the difference in the IQE. The IQE in the long wavelength range (λ>1000 nm) is limited by the back surface recombination for both structures. The TCO absorption also strongly limits the efficiency at short wavelengths (λ<400 nm).The analysis of interface quality was performed using capacitance versus temperature measurements. Usually, in the C-T curv e, two steps can be observ ed, that are shifted to higher temperatures when increasing the measurement frequency. The first one occurs at low temperature (100 K - 200 K) and is related to the activ ation of the transport in the amorphous layer. The second step is caused by trapping-detrapping of charge carriers at interface states and occurs for T>200 K [7,8].8,0x101,0x101,2x101,4x10Temperature (K)C a p a c i t a n c e (F /c m 2)Fig.4: Temperature dependence of the capacitance of a good quality a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cell.The measurements of the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si samples (Fig.4) rev eal a smooth increase of the capacitance independently of the frequency, that is related to the temperature dependence of the Fermi level position in the materials, but no step in the capacitance is detected at T>200 K. From numerical modelling, it has been shown that the absence of the high temperature capacitance step means that the interface state density D it is lower than 1012cm² [8]. As a consequence, we can conclude that the passiv ation of the interface using the thin pm-Si:H undoped layer is satisfactory . Further characterisation is necessary to determine the exact value of D it .1 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 10Voltage (V)1/C 2 (F -2)Fig.5: Plot of 1/C 2 v ersus applied v oltage at room temperature for different frequenciesAdditional C-V measurements were performed to evaluate the interface quality and to measure the doping density inthe c-Si substrate. Figure 5 shows that the plot of 1/C 2v ersus bias v oltage is linear and independent of the frequency in the reverse bias range, and the intercept with the bias axis giv es a value (≈ 0.7 V) which is reasonableowing to the position of the Fermi level in both materials and to the conduction band offset [7].These features also support the good interface quality of our structures. The doping density (N B ) in the bulk c-Si was deduced from:C S=q εN B 2V bi −V ()(2)where ε is the dielectric permittiv ity, V bi is the built-in potential, V is the applied bias, S is the cell area and q the absolute value of the electron charge. We foundN B =8x1014cm -3, which is consistent with the resistivity of the wafer (14-22 .cm).POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTSWe decided to investigate the limiting factors of the heterojunction solar cells by means of a simulation study, using the AFORS-HET software [3].The gap state model for amorphous and polymorphous layers consists of two exponential tail states and two Gaussian distributions to simulate deep dangling bonds. The chosen parameters are consistent with prev ious experimental work [9]. The activation energy of a-Si:H(n) was taken equal to 0.2 eV. Considering the c-Si substrate, we fixed a lifetime of 1 ms (measured by µ-PCD), and adoping concentration of 8x1014cm -3deduced from the C-V measurements. The TCO reflectivity (average reflectivity 16.2%) spectrum was implemented in the front contact as well as the absorption measured by ellispometry (average absorption 7.5%). The interface defects were simulated bya 1 nm thick defect layer having a defect density of 1018cm -3. The front and rear surface recombination velocities were set equal to 10000 cm/s and 1000 cm/s,respectiv ely, the latter corresponding to a conv entionalaluminium BSF (doping level 5.1018 cm -3, depth 1µm). The study does not take into account the possible influence of the contacts. Figure 6 shows the simulated quantum efficiency (EQE, IQE) compared with the measurements made at ISE (CalLAB). Only the absorption spectrum had to be slightly modified to fit the experimental data. This can be explained by a possible variation in the TCO layer properties during the annealing step for the silver paste at 200°C.Q u a n t u m e f f i c i e n c y (%)wavelength(nm)Fig.6: Validation of parameters for simulating the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si solar cell P2l.The first step is to understand the limitations of the open-circuit voltage of the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si solar cells. A Vco of 613.4 mV with respect to 618 mV for the reference cell does not represent the real potential of the heterojunction. Figure 7 shows the effect of the interface defect state density on Voc. It appears that the interface quality is a strong limiting factor of Voc which indicates that the pm-Si:H/c-Si interface is still not fully optimised and requiresfurther improv ement. The difference measured in the short circuit current density Jsc between the heterojunction solar cell (31.2 mA/cm²) and the reference cell (32.4 mA/cm²) comes from many parameters. For example, the reflectivity as well as the absorption of the TCO layer are higher than for the SiN layer.O p e n c i r c u i t v o l t a g e V o c (V )Interface defect states density (cm -3)Fig.7:Influence of the pm-Si:H/c-Si interface defectdensity on the open-circuit voltage of the solar cellFrom the IQE plot, a loss in the low wavelength range canbe explained by the strong absorption of the deposited n-type amorphous emitter layer. As a consequence, the reduction of the emitter thickness through simulation leads to a higher Jsc v alue. Finally, Table II presents the possible improv ements of a front a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction using a textured surface for reducing reflection, as well as a thinner emitter (5 nm), an improvedinterface (defect density=1017cm -3), and a better front-printed contact quality (improved R s =1Ω.cm²).Voc(mV) Jsc(mA/cm² FF(%) η(%)Experiment 613.4 31.2 70.0 13.50 Maximum 680.7 34.0 75.0 17.30Table.II : Efficiency improvement of the a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si solar cell from simulation resultsCONCLUSION and PERSPECTIVESWe ha v e fabricated front a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells on p-type silicon wafers and weachieved a maximum efficiency of 13.5% (ISE CalLAB) on25 cm² areas. The whole process was performed at temperatures below 200°C except for the back contact treatment. The use of low temperature screen-printed polymeric/silver paste for the front contact on a TCO layeris possible and represents a real advantage to build solarcell on large areas. The relativ ely low fill factor of 70% was explained by a high resistiv ity of the printed fingers and needs to be improved in order to reach values higher than 75%. Capacitance-temperature measurements indicated that the surface state density at the pm-Si:H/c-Siinterface is lower than 1012cm -2. A simulation study using the AFORS-HET software aimed at analysing the limiting parameters and the possible improvements. The interface appears to be the main limiting factor of the Voc, while the current limitation mainly comes from the TCO layer. Also, a textured surface would lead to a reduction of the reflectiv ity. Furthermore, the reduction of the a-Si:H emitter thickness should impro ve the collection of photogenerated carriers in the low wav elength range. Taking into account all these potential improv ements, a high Voc (640-680 mV), a Jsc value of 34 mA/cm², and an efficiency over 17% could be achieved on large area front side a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells on p-type c-Si.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work has been supported by ADEME, the French Agency for En v ironment and Energy Management. Special thanks to HMI Berlin for providing the simulation software AFORS-HET.REFERENCES [1] T. Sawada et al., ‘’High efficiency a-Si/c-Si heterojunction solar cell ‘’ Proc. of 1stWorld Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, (1994), pp. 1219. [2] M. Taguchi et al,” HIT Cells-high-efficiency Crystalline Si cells with novel structure”, Progr. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 8 (2000) 503. [3] R. Stangl et Al., ‘’AFORS-HET, an numerical PC-pro for simulation of heterojunction solar cell’’ , Proc. of the19thEuropean Photov oltaic Solar Energy Conference,Paris, France (2004), pp. 1497. [4] J.P. 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