




(3)熟悉使用ping命令工具来进行测试;(4)熟悉利用ipconfig工具进行测试二、实训材料一台装有win2000 server的服务器与若干台装有winxp的客户机连接,并可以实现通信三、实训步骤一、 Windows的网络配置1、进入网络配置⑴单击“开始”按钮,打开“开始”菜单,依次选择“设置”和“控制面板”,打开“控制面板”对话框。




网络的配置工作就是在“配置” 标签里完成的。






网络组建 实验指导-显示当前的TCP IP配置

网络组建  实验指导-显示当前的TCP  IP配置

网络组建实验指导-显示当前的TCP IP配置IPConfig实用程序和Windows 95/98中的WinIPCfg程序相同,都可以用于显示当前的TCP/IP配置的设置值。











图2-27 ipconfig命令使用●Ipconfig/allall选项时,IPConfig能为DNS和WINS服务器显示它已配置且所要使用的附加信息(如IP地址等),并且显示内置于本地网卡中的物理地址(MAC)。

如果IP地址是从DHCP 服务器租用的,IPConfig将显示DHCP服务器的IP地址和租用地址预计失效的日期。



图2-28 Ipconfig/all命令使用Ipconfig/release和Ipconfig/renewDHCP服务器租用其IP地址的计算机上起作用。






















网络实验 TCP-IP配置

网络实验  TCP-IP配置

实验二TCP/IP 配置一、实验目的掌握Windows2000 系统下TCP/IP 协议的配置。



三、实验原理TCP/IP 协议是Internet 默认的网络协议。

目前流行的操作系统,无论是Unix 、Linux,还是Windows ,都把TCP/IP 协议作为默认的网络通信协议。

下面讲述Windows2000 系统下TCP/IP 协议的配置。


但无论哪种方式,用户计算机中都必须增加相应的设备,以完成TCP/IP 协议栈的相应层次的功能。


本章主要以用户计算机通过局域网以双绞线上网为例介绍TCP/IP 协议的配置。


它大致完成TCP/IP 协议栈中网络接口层的功能,使计算机通过TCP/IP 协议访问Internet 的物质基础。

在Windows2000 操作系统中,大多数网络适配器都可被系统自动识别,Windows2000 自动安装网络适配器驱动程序,从而使适配器处于正常的工作状态。

当然也会有个别比较特殊的网络适配器,Windows2000 不能自动识别,就需要用户提供相应的驱动程序才能使适配器正常工作。


在Windows2000 中正确安装好网络适配器后,在Windows2000 的“网络邻居”→“属性”窗体中会出现“本地连接”图标,如图1 所示。


若Windows2000 不能正确识别网络适配器,将不会出现上图中的“本地连接”图标。




实验一常用网络命令的使用与TCPIP协议配置一、实验目的:1. 掌握常用的网络命令,如ping、ipconfig、netstat等。


二、实验原理:1.常用网络命令1.1 ping命令:用于测试网络连接和查看网络延迟。

1.2 ipconfig命令:用于查看和配置本地网络接口信息。

1.3 netstat命令:用于查看网络连接和端口状态。

1.4 tracert命令:用于跟踪网络数据包的路径。





三、实验步骤:1.常用网络命令的使用1.1 打开命令提示符窗口(win+R,输入cmd,回车)。

1.2 使用ping命令测试网络连接:输入“ping 目标IP地址”进行测试,观察返回结果。

1.3 使用ipconfig命令查看本机网络接口信息:输入“ipconfig”,查看IP地址、子网掩码、默认网关等信息。

1.4 使用netstat命令查看网络连接和端口状态:输入“netstat -a”,查看当前所有的连接和端口状态。

2.1 配置IP地址:输入“netsh interface ip set address name=本地连接 static IP地址子网掩码默认网关”,其中“本地连接”为网卡名称,可通过ipconfig命令查看。

2.2 配置子网掩码:输入“netsh interface ip set address name=本地连接 source=static addr=IP地址 mask=子网掩码”,其中“本地连接”为网卡名称,“IP地址”为设定的IP地址,“子网掩码”为设定的子网掩码。

2.3 配置默认网关:输入“netsh interface ip set address name=本地连接 gateway=默认网关”,其中“本地连接”为网卡名称,“默认网关”为设定的默认网关。





二、实验环境与因特网连接的计算机局域网;主机操作系统为windows 2000;三、预备知识从某种程度上说,Internet/Intranet与传统网络的主要区别在于它采用了TCP/IP协议,TCP/IP通信协议是目前最完整的、被普遍接受的通信协议标准。


TCP/IP 是一个广泛发布的公开标准,完全独立于任何硬件或软件厂商,可以运行在不同体系的计算机上。



微软公司的操作系统平台对TCP/IP提供了强有力的支持,其安装和配置管理都是基于图形化窗口的,只要对TCP/IP 基本知识有所了解,即使是初学者按照提示也能够很轻易地进行基本的安装配置。


Windows提供了许多测试工具软件,常用的有:.Ping ,检测网络是否连通。

.Ipconfig ,显示目前TCP/IP的配置。

.Netstat ,显示目前TCP/IP网络连接与每一种协议的统计数据。

.Route ,显示路由配置信息。

.Tracert ,根踪由本机将数据包传送到目的主机所经的路由器及时间。

四、实验步骤1、在Windows2000 Server中配置TCP/IP。


(2)选择[本地连接],单击鼠标右键,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择[属性]、从组件列表中选择[1nternet协议(TCP/IP)] ,单击[属性]按钮打开如图所示的对话框。

图[Internet协议(TCP/IP)属性]对话框(3)选择1P地址分配方式,这里有两种情况:如果要通过动态分配的方式获取IP地址,请选择[自动获得IP地址选项] 。


指导教师签名: 批阅日期:
能接入Internet、安装Windows 2003 Server操作系统的PC机
ping IP –t连续对IP地址执行Ping命令,直到被用户以Ctrl+C中断。
ipconfig /release和ipconfig /renew--这是两个附加选项,只能在向DHCP服务器租用其IP地址的计算机上起作用。
route print本命令用于显示路由表中的当前项目
选择“开始”→“设置”→“网络连接”→“本地连接”属性→“Internet协议属性”→“使用下面的DNS服务器地址”-j host-list指定Tracert实用程序数据包所采用路径中的路由器接口列表。



实验二--配置T C P I P协议本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March实验二配置TCP/IP协议一、实验目的了解TCP/IP协议的工作原理;掌握TCP/IP协议的安装及配置方法;掌握常用的TCP/IP网络故障诊断和排除方法;二、实验环境多台装有Windows 2008 Server的计算机。





命令格式:参数含义:-t不停地向目标主机发送数据;直到用户按ctrl+c结束-a 以IP地址格式来显示目标主机的网络地址;-n count 指定要Ping多少次,具体次数由count来指定;-l size 指定发送到目标主机的数据包的大小。




2.了解IE功能及使用方法,理解IE 各项参数意义并会合理设置。






【实验原理】(一)查看和设置网络参数 (以windows XP为例)1.方法一:利用计算机桌面上的“网上邻居”进行TCP/IP 的属性查看本主机IP 地址、子网掩码、默认网关、DNS 服务器等相关信息。


①“ Microsoft 网络客户端” ---- 是Microsoft 公司在Windows 软件中内置的一个客户端程序,是Windows 环境下进行网络通讯的客户端基础,如果不安装“ Microsoft 网络客户端”,大部分网络功能无法实现;②“ Microsoft 网络的文件和打印机共享” ---- 安装本组件后,将允许用户将本机的软件(磁盘上的文件)和打印机作为共享资源,提供给网络中其它的计算机。

网络中拥有合适权限的其它计算机将可以使用本机提供的软件或打印机;③“ Internet 协议(TCP/IP )” ---- 表示在本机上已经安装了TCP/IP 协议,点击“属性”按钮后,将进入TCP/IP 的属性设置对话框。

图1.1 TCP/IP 协议属性设置与查看在这个对话框中可以设置IP 地址、子网掩码、默认网关、DNS 服务器,点“高级”按钮后,还可以对IP 地址、DNS 服务、WINS 等其它内容进行高级设置。

2.方法二:利用计算机“运行”命令ipconfig /all查看计算机TCP/IP属性。

计网实验TCPIP Configuration

计网实验TCPIP Configuration

Test 1. TCP/IP Configuration1. Click Start and then click Run. Type the command or cmd and then press Enter.2. At the DOS prompt, type NET HELP and press Enter. You should see something like the screen below:The command you are interested in is the View command. To obtain information about it, type NET HELP VIEW, and press Enter.3. What is the purpose of NET VIEW:The NET VIEW command shows the names of the machines present on your network. Notice that it lists the names of machines on the left, in column labelled “Server name” and another column labelled “Remark”4. List the machines after you have typed NET VIEW from the command promptClose the DOS window by typing EXIT on the command line and then press Enter, or by clicking the Close button in the upper right corner of the window. Obtain the TCP/IP Configuration InformationUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt, an MS-DOS-like window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt.The following figure shows the Command screen. Type ipconfig and press the Enter key. The spelling of ipconfig is critical while case is not. It is short for IP Configuration.This first screen shows the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The IP address and the default gateway should be in the same network or subnet, otherwise this host would not be able to communicate outside the network. In the figure the subnet mask tells us that the first three octets must be the same to be in the same network.Note: If this computer is on a LAN, the default gateway might not be seen if it is running behind a Proxy Server. Record the following information for this computer.Record the following TCP/IP information for this computer6.Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN 7.If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information of several machines. Record a couple of the IP Addresses:1) IP sddresses 1:2) IP addresses 2:Are there any similarities?前三个字段相同,What is similar about the IP addresses?最后字段存在差异What is similar about the default gateways?完全相同The IP addresses should share the same network portion. All machines in the LAN should share the same default gateway.Check additional TCP/IP configuration informationTo see detailed information, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. The figure shows the detailed IP configuration screen.The host name, including the computer name and NetBIOS name should be displayed. Also, the DHCP server address, if used, and the date the IP lease starts and ends should be displayed. Look over the information. Entries for the DNS, used in name resolution servers, may also be present.8.Mark the Physical Address (MAC) and the NIC model (Description).9.While not a requirement, most LAN administrators try to standardize components like NICs. Therefore, it would not be surprising to find all machines share the first three Hex pairs in the adapter address. These three pairs identify the manufacturer of the adapter.10.Write down the IP addresses of any servers listed (if any):IP sddresses 1:IP addresses 2:Write down the computer Host Name:118stu-06Write down the Host Names of a couple other computers:Do all of the servers and workstations share the same network portion of the IP address as the student workstation? NOIt would not be unusual for some or all of the servers and workstations to be in another network. It means that the computer default gateway is going to forward requests to the other network.Using ping from a WorkstationAccess the command promptUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt or Start > All Programs > Command Prompt.ping the IP address of another computerIn the window, type ping, a space, and the IP address of a computer located in your working area .11.The following figure shows the successful results of ping to this IP address. Ping uses the ICMP echo request and echo reply feature to test physical connectivity. Since ping reports on four attempts, it gives an indication of the reliability of the connection. Look over the results and verify that the ping was successful. Is the ping successful? If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting. 成功If a second networked computer is available, try to ping the IP address of the second machine.Note the results.ping the IP address of a DHCP or DNS servers12.Try to ping the IP address of any DHCP and/or DNS servers listed in the last exercise. If this works for either server, and they are not in the network, what does this indicate?Was the ping successful? 成功ping the hostname of another computerTry to ping the hostname of the computer that was recorded previously. The figure shows the successful result of the ping the hostname.Look over the results. Notice that the first line of output shows the host name, DESKTOP in the example, followed by the IP address. This means the computer was able to resolve the host name to an IP address. Without name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names.If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only a hostname. In fact, this is how many early networks communicated. If successful, then ping a hostname also shows that there is probably a WINS server working on the network. WINS servers or a local “lmhosts” file resolve computer host names to IP addresses. If the ping fails, then chances are there is no NetBIOS name to IP addresses resolution running.ping the IP address of the default gateway13.What is the IP address of your default gateway?Try to ping the IP address of the default gateway. Was it successful?成功If the ping is successful, it means there is physical connectivity to the router on the local network and probably the rest of the world.Type tracert at the command prompt, followed by a host name or IP address from your working area.tracert is TCP/IP abbreviation for trace route. The preceding figure shows the successful result when running tracert from on a LAN. The first output line shows the FQDN followed by the IP address. Therefore, a DNS server was able to resolve the name to an IP address. If you are connected on a huge network (like the Internet) there will be listings of all routers the tracert requests had to pass through to get to the destination.tracert uses the same echo requests and replies as the ping command but in a slightly different way.Each router represents a point where one network connects to another network and the packet was forwarded through.14. Tracert a website and explain what you have found.。



Test 1. TCP/IP Configuration1. Click Start and then click Run. Type the command or cmd and then press Enter.2. At the DOS prompt, type NET HELP and press Enter. You should see something like the screen below:The command you are interested in is the View command. To obtain information about it, type NET HELP VIEW, and press Enter.3. What is the purpose of NET VIEW:The NET VIEW command shows the names of the machines present on your network. Notice that it lists the names of machines on the left, in column labelled “Server name” and another column labelled “Remark”4. List the machines after you have typed NET VIEW from the command promptClose the DOS window by typing EXIT on the command line and then press Enter, or by clicking the Close button in the upper right corner of the window.Obtain the TCP/IP Configuration InformationUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt, an MS-DOS-like window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs >Command Prompt.The following figure shows the Command screen. Type ipconfig and press the Enter key. The spelling of ipconfig is critical while case is not. It is short for IP Configuration.This first screen shows the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The IP address and the default gateway should be in the same network or subnet, otherwise this host would not be able to communicate outside the network. In the figure the subnet mask tells us that the first three octets must be the same to be in the same network.Note: If this computer is on a LAN, the default gateway might not be seen if it is running behind a Proxy Server. Record the following information for this computer.Record the following TCP/IP information for this computer6.Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN 7.If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information of several machines.Record a couple of the IP Addresses:1) IP sddresses 1: IP addresses 2: there any similarities?前三个字段相同,What is similar about the IP addresses?最后字段存在差异What is similar about the default gateways?完全相同The IP addresses should share the same network portion. All machines in the LAN should share the same default gateway.Check additional TCP/IP configuration informationTo see detailed information, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. The figure shows the detailed IP configuration screen.The host name, including the computer name and NetBIOS name should be displayed. Also, the DHCP server address, if used, and the date the IP lease starts and ends should be displayed. Look over the information. Entries for the DNS, used in name resolution servers, may also be present.8.Mark the Physical Address (MAC) and the NIC model (Description).9.While not a requirement, most LAN administrators try to standardize components like NICs. Therefore, it would not be surprising to find all machines share the first three Hex pairs in the adapter address. These three pairs identify the manufacturer of the adapter.10.Write down the IP addresses of any servers listed (if any):IP sddresses 1: addresses 2: down the computer Host Name:118stu-06Write down the Host Names of a couple other computers:Do all of the servers and workstations share the same network portion of the IP address as the student workstation? NOIt would not be unusual for some or all of the servers and workstations to be in another network. It means that the computer default gateway is going to forward requests to the other network.Using ping from a WorkstationAccess the command promptUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt or Start > All Programs > Command Prompt.ping the IP address of another computerIn the window, type ping, a space, and the IP address of a computer located in your working area .11.The following figure shows the successful results of ping to this IP address.Ping uses the ICMP echo request and echo reply feature to test physical connectivity. Since ping reports on four attempts, it gives an indication of the reliability of the connection. Look over the results and verify that the ping was successful. Is the ping successful? If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting. 成功If a second networked computer is available, try to ping the IP address of the second machine.Note the results.ping the IP address of a DHCP or DNS servers12.Try to ping the IP address of any DHCP and/or DNS servers listed in the last exercise. If this works for either server, and they are not in the network, what does this indicate?Was the ping successful? 成功ping the hostname of another computerTry to ping the hostname of the computer that was recorded previously. The figure shows the successful result of the ping the hostname.Look over the results. Notice that the first line of output shows the host name, DESKTOP in the example, followed by the IP address. This means the computer was able to resolve the host name to an IP address. Without name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names.If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only a hostname. In fact, this is how many early networks communicated. If successful, then ping a hostname also shows that there is probably a WINS server working on the network. WINS servers or a local “lmhosts” file resolve computer host names to IP addresses. If the ping fails, then chances are there is no NetBIOS name to IP addresses resolution running.ping the IP address of the default gateway13.What is the IP address of your default gateway? to ping the IP address of the default gateway. Was it successful?成功If the ping is successful, it means there is physical connectivity to the router on the local network and probably the rest of the world.Type tracert at the command prompt, followed by a host name or IP address from your working area.tracert is TCP/IP abbreviation for trace route. The preceding figure shows the successful result when running tracert from on a LAN. The first output line shows the FQDN followed by the IP address. Therefore, a DNS server was able to resolve the name to an IP address. If you are connected on a huge network (like the Internet) there will be listings of all routers the tracert requests had to pass through to get to the destination. tracert uses the same echo requests and replies as the ping command but in a slightly different way.Each router represents a point where one network connects to another network and the packet was forwarded through.14. Tracert a website and explain what you have found.。

实验2 实验环境认识、TCPIP配置

实验2  实验环境认识、TCPIP配置

计算机网络实验报告实验组号: 1-1(请如实填写) 课程: 网络技术 班级: 实验名称:实验二 实验室设备认识及TCP/IP 配置及简单网络连通性测试姓 名__________ 实 验 日 期:学 号_____________ 实验报告日期:同组人姓名_________________ 报 告 退 发: ( 订正 、 重做 )同组人学号_ _______________________ 教 师 审 批 签 字:通过 不通过实验二 实验室设备认识及TCP/IP 配置一、:实验名称: 实验室设备认识及TCP/IP 配置二、实验目的:1、熟悉实验室环境,了解实验设备2、熟悉掌握实验设备的基本使用方法3、测试验证实验环境网络拓扑,掌握TCP/IP 基本配置三、实验设备:每一实验小组提供如下实验设备1、 实验台设备:计算机两台PC1和PC2(或者PC4和PC5)2、 实验机柜设备:R1762路由器两台 S3550(S3760)三层交换机一台S2126二层交换机一台3、 实验工具及附件:网线测试仪一台 跳线若干四、实验内容及要求:1、 熟悉实验室环境,了解实验设备及相关管理设备的基本布置。

2、 熟悉网络子网以及IP 地址的划分和分配规定,熟悉实验室设备的基本配置信息。

3、 熟练掌握实验设备的基本使用方法和基本配置方法4、 测试验证网络连通性,画出本实验小组的网络拓扑图。

5、 练习常用网络测试工具软件的使用。

五、实验注意事项及要求:6、 实验中严禁在设备端口上随意插拔线缆,如果确实需要应向老师说明征求许可。

7、 以电子文档形式提交实验报告。

8、 本次实验结果保留:是 否 √六、实验具体步骤及实验结果记录:1、 画出所属实验小组的实验设备的布置示意图,并表明实验设备型号、标号:2、 测试验证本实验小组的实验拓扑,画出实验拓扑图:(参照实验室网络拓扑图PPT)3、 查看实验用计算机的独立网卡(该网卡是用来实现上网和配置网络设备用的)上的TCP/IP 基本配置信息,并记录显示结果(可以用屏幕截图的方式保存图片在实验报告的相关位置):特别提示:实验室的计算机上安装有两块物理网卡,独立网卡的功能是配置网络设备及上网用,独立网卡的配置参数(主机的IP 地址)不能修改,所有的学生机机器已经通过独立网卡连成了网络。



计算机网络实验报告tcp计算机网络实验报告:TCP一、引言计算机网络是当今社会中不可或缺的一部分,而TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)作为互联网中最重要的传输协议之一,起到了关键的作用。


二、实验目的1. 了解TCP协议的基本原理和机制;2. 掌握TCP协议的连接建立和断开过程;3. 研究TCP协议在不同网络环境下的传输性能。

三、实验环境和工具1. 实验环境:使用两台计算机,分别作为服务器和客户端;2. 实验工具:使用Wireshark进行网络数据包的捕获和分析。

四、实验过程和结果1. 连接建立在服务器端启动TCP监听,并设置端口号为8080。



2. 数据传输在客户端输入一段文本,并通过telnet发送给服务器。



3. 连接断开在客户端输入断开连接的命令,通过Wireshark可以观察到四次挥手的过程,即FIN、ACK、FIN和ACK的交互。


五、实验结果分析通过实验可以得出以下结论:1. TCP协议通过三次握手建立连接,保证了连接的可靠性和稳定性;2. TCP协议具有拥塞控制机制,能够根据网络情况动态调整传输速率,避免网络拥塞;3. TCP协议的断开过程需要四次挥手,确保连接的安全关闭。



实验一 TCP/IP的配置和测试

实验一 TCP/IP的配置和测试





(我们的实验将采用C类私有地址)二、实验的目的1)掌握Windows 系统IP地址配置的方法2)掌握子网掩码的作用和配置3)掌握TCP/IP基本测试方法和正确理解网络测试命令Ping,和ipconfig三、步骤:1、查看本机原始的IP设置。

并记录相关的内容2、使用ping、ipconfig命令,进入命令行方式(开始-运行-cmd)1)使用pingPing 本机IP地址Ping Ping –t使用ipconfig 命令IpconfigIpconfig /all记录所有的命令执行结果。

3)使用ARP命令,了解命令的格式,上网查找命令的用法,使用arp –a察看本机的设置.4)使用命令tracert 记录运行结果,进行初步的分析,上网查找命令使用的方式.3、对IP地址进行改变,三台机器为一个组,对计算机的IP 地址进行改变(1)IP地址的具体要求:组号网络标识号主机号1192.168.1 1,2,52192.168.2 1,2,53192.168.3 1,2,54192.168.4 1,2,55192.168.5 1,2,56192.168.6 1,2,57192.168.7 1,2,58192.168.8 1,2,5…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(2)子网掩码设为(工作如下:a)使用网络测试命令,确定每台计算机的网络配置正确b)同组的计算机测试是否连通?于其它组的计算机测试连同情况(3) 同组中的IP地址不变,子网掩码变为:,测试同组机器的连通情况,分析结果,说明原因.实验报告须写明测试方法和记录测试过程四、考虑下列问题?1)ping 、ipconfig的命令分别可以测试网络的什么方面的情况?2)简要分析步骤3中第(3)工作的结果,并提出解释。



Test 1. TCP/IP Configuration1. Click Start and then click Run. Type the command or cmd and then press Enter.2. At the DOS prompt, type NET HELP and press Enter. You should see something like the screen below:The command you are interested in is the View command. To obtain information about it, type NET HELP VIEW, and press Enter.3. What is the purpose of NET VIEW:The NET VIEW command shows the names of the machines present on your network. Notice that it lists the names of machines on the left, in column labelled “Server name” and another column labelled “Remark”4. List the machines after you have typed NET VIEW from the command promptClose the DOS window by typing EXIT on the command line and then press Enter, or by clicking the Close button in the upper right corner of the window. Obtain the TCP/IP Configuration InformationUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt, an MS-DOS-like window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt.The following figure shows the Command screen. Type ipconfig and press the Enter key. The spelling of ipconfig is critical while case is not. It is short for IP Configuration.This first screen shows the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The IP address and the default gateway should be in the same network or subnet, otherwise this host would not be able to communicate outside the network. In the figure the subnet mask tells us that the first three octets must be the same to be in the same network.Note: If this computer is on a LAN, the default gateway might not be seen if it is running behind a Proxy Server. Record the following information for this computer.Record the following TCP/IP information for this computer6.Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN 7.If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information of several machines. Record a couple of the IP Addresses:1) IP sddresses 1: IP addresses 2: there any similarities?前三个字段相同,What is similar about the IP addresses?最后字段存在差异What is similar about the default gateways?完全相同The IP addresses should share the same network portion. All machines in the LAN should share the same default gateway.Check additional TCP/IP configuration informationTo see detailed information, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. The figure shows the detailed IP configuration screen.The host name, including the computer name and NetBIOS name should be displayed. Also, the DHCP server address, if used, and the date the IP lease starts and ends should be displayed. Look over the information. Entries for the DNS, used in name resolution servers, may also be present.8.Mark the Physical Address (MAC) and the NIC model (Description).9.While not a requirement, most LAN administrators try to standardize components like NICs. Therefore, it would not be surprising to find all machines share the first three Hex pairs in the adapter address. These three pairs identify the manufacturer of the adapter.10.Write down the IP addresses of any servers listed (if any):IP sddresses 1: addresses 2: down the computer Host Name:118stu-06Write down the Host Names of a couple other computers:Do all of the servers and workstations share the same network portion of the IP address as the student workstation? NOIt would not be unusual for some or all of the servers and workstations to be in another network. It means that the computer default gateway is going to forward requests to the other network.Using ping from a WorkstationAccess the command promptUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt or Start > All Programs > Command Prompt.ping the IP address of another computerIn the window, type ping, a space, and the IP address of a computer located in your working area .11.The following figure shows the successful results of ping to this IP address.Ping uses the ICMP echo request and echo reply feature to test physical connectivity. Since ping reports on four attempts, it gives an indication of the reliability of the connection. Look over the results and verify that the ping was successful. Is the ping successful? If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting. 成功If a second networked computer is available, try to ping the IP address of the second machine.Note the results.ping the IP address of a DHCP or DNS servers12.Try to ping the IP address of any DHCP and/or DNS servers listed in the last exercise. If this works for either server, and they are not in the network, what does this indicate?Was the ping successful? 成功ping the hostname of another computerTry to ping the hostname of the computer that was recorded previously. The figure shows the successful result of the ping the hostname.Look over the results. Notice that the first line of output shows the host name, DESKTOP in the example, followed by the IP address. This means the computer was able to resolve the host name to an IP address. Without name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names.If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only a hostname. In fact, this is how many early networks communicated. If successful, then ping a hostname also shows that there is probably a WINS server working on the network. WINS servers or a local “lmhosts” file resolve com puter host names to IP addresses. If the ping fails, then chances are there is no NetBIOS name to IP addresses resolution running.ping the IP address of the default gateway13.What is the IP address of your default gateway? to ping the IP address of the default gateway. Was it successful?成功If the ping is successful, it means there is physical connectivity to the router on the local network and probably the rest of the world.Type tracert at the command prompt, followed by a host name or IP address from your working area.tracert is TCP/IP abbreviation for trace route. The preceding figure shows the successful result when running tracert from on a LAN. The first output line shows the FQDN followed by the IP address. Therefore, a DNS server was able to resolve the name to an IP address. If you are connected on a hugenetwork (like the Internet) there will be listings of all routers the tracert requests had to pass through to get to the destination.tracert uses the same echo requests and replies as the ping command but in a slightly different way.Each router represents a point where one network connects to another network and the packet was forwarded through.14. Tracert a website and explain what you have found.。

实验6 TCPIP协议属性设置

实验6 TCPIP协议属性设置

实验6 TCPIP协议属性设置实习6 TCP/IP网络协议配置一、实习目的1.掌握IP地址配置方法;2.理解网络基本配置中包含的协议、服务、客户端,以及基本参数;3.练习并掌握简单网络命令的使用。


三、预备知识1.T CP/IP协议和IP地址的有关知识;2.W indows命令方式的有关知识。

四、实习步骤1. 常用网络命令的使用提示:Windows命令使用方法:单击【开始】按钮→选择【程序】→选择【附件】→选择以下信息,阅读并解释。


Windows IP ConfigurationHost Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : sjm(主机名)Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :(DNS后缀)Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown(结点类型)IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No(IP路由器是否可用)WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : NoEthernet adapter 本地连接:Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :Description . . . . : 3Com 3C920Integrated Fast Ethernet(网卡型号)Controller (3C905C-TX Compatible)Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-06-5B-75-53-C1(物理地址MAC) Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No(动态IP是否可用)IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :地址)Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :子网掩码)Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :网关)DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :域名服务器IP地址) ping命令Ping命令实际是通过ICMP协议来测试网络的连接情况的,即将数据发送到另一台主机,并要求在应答中返回这个数据,以确定连接的情况,所以用ping命令可以确定本地主机是否能和另一台主机通信。



实习6 实验报告一、实习目的1.了解网络基本配置中包含的协议、服务、客户端,以及基本参数,并了解各种协议的作用,以及安装方法;2.掌握Windows支持的网络协议及参数设置方法;3.练习并掌握简单网络命令的使用。


三、实习步骤1. 常用网络命令的使用(1)IPConfig命令 ipconfig/all ,显示的信息如下:在命令行下键入:Ping,显示以下信息:在命令行下键入:Ping 本机IP地址,显示信息如下:说明网络配置正确。






4. 共享资源访问在邻居查看了计算机 2mcpc38 ,访问了共享文件夹,进行了拷贝文件、删除文件、改名等,能够顺利完成,说明该文件夹是可改写的。

在邻居查看了计算机 2mbpc060 ,访问了共享文件夹,进行了拷贝文件、删除文件、改名等,不能顺利完成,说明该文件夹是只读的。

5.修改网络配置参数,建立小组内的局域网●修改本机所属工作组工作组名原为 CIE1N ,修改为 GROUP1 。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Test 1. TCP/IP Configuration1. Click Start and then click Run. Type the command or cmd and then press Enter.2. At the DOS prompt, type NET HELP and press Enter. You should see something like the screen below:The command you are interested in is the View command. To obtain information about it, type NET HELP VIEW, and press Enter.3. What is the purpose of NET VIEW:The NET VIEW command shows the names of the machines present on your network. Notice that it lists the names of machines on the left, incolumn labelled “Server name”and another column labelled “Remark”4. List the machines after you have typed NET VIEW from the command promptClose the DOS window by typing EXIT on the command line and then press Enter, or by clicking the Close button in the upper right corner of the window.Obtain the TCP/IP Configuration InformationUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt, an MS-DOS-like window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt.The following figure shows the Command screen. Type ipconfig and press the Enter key. The spelling of ipconfig is critical while case is not. It is short for IP Configuration.This first screen shows the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The IP address and the default gateway should be in the same network or subnet, otherwise this host would not be able to communicateoutside the network. In the figure the subnet mask tells us that the first three octets must be the same to be in the same network.Note: If this computer is on a LAN, the default gateway might not be seen if it is running behind a Proxy Server. Record the following information for this computer.Record the following TCP/IP information for this computer6.Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN7.If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information of several machines.Record a couple of the IP Addresses:1) IP sddresses 1: IP addresses 2: there any similarities?前三个字段相同,What is similar about the IP addresses?最后字段存在差异What is similar about the default gateways?完全相同The IP addresses should share the same network portion. All machines in the LAN should share the same default gateway.Check additional TCP/IP configuration informationTo see detailed information, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. The figure shows the detailed IP configuration screen.The host name, including the computer name and NetBIOS name should be displayed. Also, the DHCP server address, if used, and the date the IP lease starts and ends should be displayed. Look over the information. Entries for the DNS, used in name resolution servers, may also be present.8.Mark the Physical Address (MAC) and the NIC model (Description).9.While not a requirement, most LAN administrators try to standardize components like NICs. Therefore, it would not be surprising to find all machines share the first three Hex pairs in the adapter address. These three pairs identify the manufacturer of the adapter.10.Write down the IP addresses of any servers listed (if any):IP sddresses 1: addresses 2: down the computer Host Name:118stu-06Write down the Host Names of a couple other computers:Do all of the servers and workstations share the same network portion of the IP address as the student workstation? NOIt would not be unusual for some or all of the servers and workstations to be in another network. It means that the computer default gateway is going to forward requests to the other network.Using ping from a WorkstationAccess the command promptUse the Start menu to open the Command Prompt window. Press Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or Start > Programs > Command Prompt or Start > All Programs > Command Prompt.ping the IP address of another computerIn the window, type ping, a space, and the IP address of a computer located in your working area .11.The following figure shows the successful results of ping to this IP address.Ping uses the ICMP echo request and echo reply feature to test physical connectivity. Since ping reports on four attempts, it gives an indication of the reliability of the connection. Look over the results and verify that the ping was successful. Is the ping successful? If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting. 成功If a second networked computer is available, try to ping the IP address of the second machine.Note the results.ping the IP address of a DHCP or DNS servers12.Try to ping the IP address of any DHCP and/or DNS servers listed in the last exercise. If this works for either server, and they are not in the network, what does this indicate?Was the ping successful? 成功ping the hostname of another computerTry to ping the hostname of the computer that was recorded previously. The figure shows the successful result of the ping the hostname.Look over the results. Notice that the first line of output shows the host name, DESKTOP in the example, followed by the IP address. This means the computer was able to resolve the host name to an IP address. Without name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names.If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only a hostname. In fact, this is how many early networks communicated. If successful, then ping a hostname also shows that there is probably a WINS server working on the network. WINS servers or a local “lmhosts”file resolve computer host names to IP addresses. If the ping fails, then chances are there is no NetBIOS name to IP addresses resolution running.ping the IP address of the default gateway13.What is the IP address of your default gateway? to ping the IP address of the default gateway. Was it successful?成功If the ping is successful, it means there is physical connectivity to the router on the local network and probably the rest of the world.Type tracert at the command prompt, followed by a host name or IP address from your working area.tracert is TCP/IP abbreviation for trace route. The preceding figure shows the successful result when running tracert from on a LAN. The first output line shows the FQDN followed by the IP address. Therefore, a DNS server was able to resolve the name to an IP address. If you are connected on a huge network (like the Internet) there will be listings ofall routers the tracert requests had to pass through to get to the destination.tracert uses the same echo requests and replies as the ping command but in a slightly different way.Each router represents a point where one network connects to another network and the packet was forwarded through.14. Tracert a website and explain what you have found.。
