
Office2007(含Outlook2007)安装指南China Wind Power Group Limited. IT Department 中国风电集团有限公司信息中心All rights reserved版权所有侵权必究(for internal use only)(仅供内部使用)Revision Record 修订记录Catalog 目录1为什么要使用Office 2007 (4)2是否可以保留Office 2003 (4)3如何让Office 2007在保存文档时自动保存为Office 2003兼容格式 (4)4安装Office 2007企业版 (6)1 为什么要使用Office 2007在集团信息系统升级后,为了提高工作效率及顺利使用今后将上线的新应用系统(如:邮件服务器、OA系统等),客户端计算机需要将OFFICE软件升级到2007版本。
2 是否可以保留Office 2003如果您的计算机已经安装过Office 2003产品,可以不必卸载并且安装Office 2007. 详细步骤将在后面的章节说明。
3 如何让Office 2007在保存文档时自动保存为Office 2003兼容格式下面以Word为例,向您讲解:1. 单击下图中红色方框标识出来的Office按钮2. 点击Word选项3. 在Word选项设置窗口中点击保存,在将文件保存为此格式处选择Word97-2003文档4 安装Office 2007企业版1. 插入Office 2007安装光盘2. 打开我的电脑,双击光盘驱动器3. 在弹出的选择Microsoft Office产品窗口中选择Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise,点击继续4. 在许可证条款中点击我接受此协议的条款,并单击继续5. 注意:如果您的计算机上曾经安装过Office 2003并且您想保留它,请点击自定义并选择保留所有早期版本 立即安装如果您并没有安装过Office早期版本,请直接点击立即安装注意:为了保证不出现兼容性问题,请按照默认的配置安装全部组件,不要自行删减或调整安装组件。
微软原版 Office2007 专业版(完美激活验证破解)简体中文光盘ISO 下载网址

微软原版Office2007 专业版(完美激活验证破解)简体中文光盘ISO 下载网址软件大小:691 MB软件语言:简体中文软件类别:国外软件/文字处理运行环境:Win2003, WinXP, Win2000授权方式:特别软件整理时间:2011-6-18 0:00:49软件简介:微软office2007为微软最新的office系列软件,不仅在功能上进行了优化,而且安全性稳定性更得到了巩固.现在终于有了简体中文版的office2007软件来供下载了. PRO:专业版MSDN版Office 2007光盘ISO镜像下载,市面上唯一的、真正的、纯正的、MSDN原版Office 2007 简体中文版!!!不同与以往.img文件哦!!Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 (New!) 包括:•Microsoft Office Excel 2007•Microsoft Office Outlook 2007•Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007•Microsoft Office Word 2007•Microsoft Office Access 2007•Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007•Microsoft Office Communicator•Microsoft Office Publisher 2007•集成的解决方案能力,比如企业内容管理(ECM),电子表单以及信息权限及策略管理能力。
适用于Microsoft Office 2007任何版本;2。
可以有效激活Office 2007并通过微软正版验证。
现提供“Microsoft Office 2007 全系列激活验证破解补丁”及其使用说明如下——全系列激活验证破解补丁使用说明:1。

4、浏览到如下子键,删除对应的子键 • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0 • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0 • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downl oads\*0FF1CE}-* • HKEY_Licrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* 0FF1CE* • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\U pgradeCodes\*F01FEC • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\U serData\S-1-5-18\Products\*F01FEC • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ose • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Features\*F01FEC • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\*F01FEC • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\*F01FEC • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Win32Assemblies\*Office12* 注:上面以星号括起来的子键,例如 *office12*,表示前后都有文字,这个子键名称可 能是变化的,但一定含有 office12 的字样。并不是说以星号开头结尾的子键。 5、浏览到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 6、依次查看每个 UninstallString ,找到所有的 office12 的相关项,这可能包含 \Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe 这样的字样。 7、删除每个找到的子键。

1. 首先打开安装光盘或下载的安装文件。
2. 打开光盘或安装文件所在的文件夹,找到安装程序,并双击运行。
3. 在弹出的安装向导窗口中,点击“下一步”继续。
4. 阅读许可协议,并选择“我接受协议中的条款”,然后点击“下一步”。
5. 在下一个页面上,可以选择软件的安装位置。
6. 在接下来的页面上,可以选择要安装的组件和功能。
7. 在下一个页面上,可以选择创建快捷方式的位置。
8. 在接下来的页面上,可以选择是否在桌面创建安装向导的快捷方式。
9. 然后,安装程序会开始将文件复制到你选择的安装目录中。
10. 安装完成后,在最后一个页面上,可以选择是否启动CAD。

Exchange 2007 SP1 安装Step-By-Step在Windows Server 2008 amd64部署Exchange 2007 SP1一、安装Active Directory1.1 需要NTFS分区1.2 保留1GB以上硬盘空间1.3 安装通信协议和服务器确定系统上已安装TCP/IP,DNS和IIS。
1.3.1 安装DNS的步骤:1. 开始-〉管理工具-〉服务器管理器2. 角色-〉添加角色-〉DNS服务器1.3.2 安装IIS服务的步骤:1. 开始-〉管理工具-〉服务器管理器2. 角色-〉添加角色-〉web服务IIS1.4 安装Active Directory1.开始-〉运行2.输入dcpromo,单击确定3.安装过程中,系统会要求Windows Server 2008安装光盘4.安装完成后需要重新启动系统二、安装Exchange 20072.1 安装所需服务2.1.1 安装.NET Framework2.0选择Exchange 2007安装起始对话框中的“步骤1:安装.NET Framework 2.0”2.1.2 安装Microsoft管理控制台(MMC)2.1.3 安装Microsoft Windows PowerShell1. 开始-〉管理工具-〉服务器管理器2. 功能-〉添加功能-〉Windows PowerShell2.1.4 安装Windows Media编码器桌面体验组件安装统一消息服务器角色要求安装Windows Media Encoder和Windows Media Audio Voice Codec。
1. 开始-〉管理工具-〉服务器管理器2. 功能-〉添加功能-〉桌面体验2.2 正式安装Exchange 20071.在Exchange 2007安装起始对话框中选择“步骤4:安装Microsoft Exchange”选项2.下一步后,到达安装类型的选项,可以选择典型或者自定义安装3.在进行Exchange 2007 SP1先决的安装,先决条件检查时,如遇到如下错误:“警告:安装程序无法检测到带有地址空间“*”的SMTP 连接器或发送连接器。
Microsoft Office_2007 集成 SP3

office 2007 集成SP3 免激活完全无人值守安装---留给office 2007最后的眷恋方案一准备:1、microsoft office 2007 原版2、PowerISO、UltraISO 、DAEMON Tools 都可以制作步骤:1、定制安装自定义安装包用虚拟光驱加载microsoft office 2007原版安装光盘ISO镜像,如果光盘自动运行,请退出。
然后在“开始”、“运行”里输入X:\setup /admin命令,(X为光盘镜像所在的盘符)进入自定义工具界面,选择新建自定义文件。
在“设置功能安装状态”里,可以选择你需要安装的组件,记得必须选择“从本机运行全部程序”,在“配置快捷方式”里,按自己的需要进行设置,完成相关的设置后,点击“文件”菜单栏的“保存”,把设置保存为setup.msp文件,并保存到D盘2、修改光盘自动运行配置文件autorun.inf把光盘根目录里的autorun.inf文件复制到D盘,用记事本打开,把里面的open=setup.exe这一行改为open=setup /adminfile setup.msp 并保存。
3、制作光盘镜像先把microsoft office 2007原版安装光盘ISO镜像从虚拟光驱里卸载,然后用UltraISO 打开光盘镜像,把刚才定制的配置文件setup.msp和autorun.inf文件添加到镜像的根目录,并替换掉原来的autorun.inf文件,保存。
实现Office 20032007免序列号安装

实现Office 2003/2007 免序列号安装office 2003:查找到FILES\Setup.ini文件后,用文本将其打开,将其中的options一段进行修改——“USERNAME=”后面改上您想使用的用户名;“COMPANYNAME=”后面改成您的单位名称;“PIDKEY=”后面改上您的Office产品的序列号即可(说明:1、前面的“;”是注释,不要,2、去掉中间的"-",如:PIDKEY=GWH28DGCMPP6RC46J4MT3HFDY)。
避免在安装Office2003时出现假死安装 Office 2003的时候安装程序在C盘下建了一个名为MSOCache的属性为只读及隐藏的文件夹,将光盘上的所有文件复制到此文件夹下的All Users\90000804-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9子文件夹中,同时去掉原先所有。
微软这样做的原因是如果要是Office 2003有什么损坏的话,可以直接在这个目录里面用备份文件进行修复。
但是这个功能并不是每个用户都需要,并且占用了很多的硬盘空间,如果要是在安装 Office 2003的时候将这个功能关闭就好了。
先把Office 2003的安装文件都复制到硬盘里面,然后去掉只读属性,在FILES\SETUP文件夹里面找到一个Setup.ini,它是Office 2003安装向导文件。
注意其中CDCACHE=的值,原版光盘里这个值是 auto,这几个参数的实际意义:CDCACHE=0,安装时就不会生成那个MSOCache文件夹,这样安装的时候就不会出现停顿假死的情况;当CDCACHE=1,只会复制很少几个文件到MSOCache文件夹,大概只占用了7.85M的硬盘空间;当CDCACHE=2,这个和值为auto的效果一样,也是安装默认值,即复制近600M的文件到你的硬盘剩余空间最大的分区,然后再继续安装。
怎样安装office 2007

Office 2007解决办法如下:1、先要去掉原来的KEY的注册表信息Microsoft Office 2007 换号方法:删除注册表[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration\{901200 00-0051-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}]键中ProductID和DigitalProductID两项。
Office 2007密钥序列号:B289Y-YC7QG-7WB8B-FCV8V-B2FMJDFGRV-W7PPH-YPV7R-V9K9G-WD8BJWG9V8-26CRY-848GY-36X3F-8D3Q8W3R9K-BXJ93-9GBJW-HTXFY-8DK38GGVKH-WRJH7-RRBCP-V9VVY-H22VWXVFJ7-3FHRM-B6V8C-8W22W-DXHD8BMXXW-TXWFT-T78TF-2PW9J-3CJ7WFrontpage 2003解决办法如下:1、同样要去掉原来的KEY的注册表信息Frontpage 2003换号方法:删除注册表[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Registration\{901200 00-0051-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}]键中ProductID和DigitalProductID两项。
2、运行Frontpage 2003,弹出安装程序,要求输入key 我找到了一个可以通过正版验证的KEY:FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG大功告成了,享受一下OFFICE 2007给我们提供的丰厚的增值服务把!本人收藏,全部给你,试试吧。

office 2007 专业版产品密钥:KGFVY-7733B-8WCK9-KTG64-BC7D8

1、搜“Microsoft office2007”→解压后
2、找到setup.exe →双击安装,然后弹出安装框
□Microsoft office
□Microsoft office Access
3、打开Microsoft office2007文件夹,找到office2007秘钥,打开复制粘贴,
6、○下载并安装Microsoft Update的可用更新(推荐)
Oracle Enterprise Gateway与Fiorano ESB2007集成指南说明书

An Oracle White PaperJune 2011Fiorano ESB 2007 – Oracle Enterprise Gateway Integration GuideDisclaimerThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.1. Introduction (5)1.1. Purpose (5)1.2. JMS Architecture (6)1.3. Prerequisites (6)1.4. Setup Used for this Guide: (6)1.5. Configuration Steps (6)Setting up the Fiorano ESB 2007 environment (7)2.1. Download Fiorano ESB (7)2.2. Installation Fiorano ESB 2007 (7)2.3. Starting Fiorano ESB 2007 Server (7)2.4. Starting Fiorano Studio (7)3. Setting up the OEG environment (8)3.1. Download OEG Gateway software (8)3.2. Insert the Fiorano JMS Provider into the OEG Gateway (8)Instructions for Software install (9)3.3. Add JAR file classpath reference to JVM.xml (9)4. Configuring the Gateway to place messages on (10)4.1. Creating a JMS Session: (10)4.2. Create a “Route to Fiorano” Policy (11)4.3. Ensure policies are updated on the Gateway (14)4.4. Test the configuration to place message on Fiorano ESB Queue (14)4.5. Using OEG Service Explorer to send a message to Fiorano ESB queue .154.6. Send Message and check Fiorano ESB Queue (16)5. Configuring the Gateway to read from a Fiorano ESB queue (17)5.1. Create Policy that will be invoked with message read from Fiorano ESBqueue (17)5.2. Creating a JMS Session: (19)5.3. Ensure policies are updated on the Gateway (20)5.4. Testing to read messages from a queue (20)6. Conclusion (22)Oracle Enterprise Gateway5 / 251. Introduction1.1. PurposeThis document describes how to configure the Gateway to perform protocol translation. This will be demonstrated by the following:1. The Gateway will listen for messages on a HTTP interface. Messages read from this interface will be placed on a message queue.2. The Gateway will listen for messages on a message queue. Messages read from the queue will be sent to an email account via SMTP.The message flow is as follows:This guide applies to OEG software products, from version 6.x upwards.In this guide the message queuing system that will be used is Fiorano ESB 2007.Oracle Enterprise Gateway6 / 251.2. JMS ArchitectureThe Gateway utilises JMS (Java Message Service) for sending and receiving messages from messaging systems. JMS API which was developed by Sun defines a common set of interfaces and associated semantics that allow the Gateway to communicate with various messaging applications in a standard way.Messaging system products (IBM WebSphere MQ, JBossMQ, SonicMQ, TIBCO EMS, Fiorano, and OpenJMS) provide implementations of JMS which can be plugged into the Gateway.The Gateway has been designed to allow 3rd party JMS providers to be "plugged in". To plug in new JMS providers, you must install the JMS provider on the Gateway machine. The messaging system vendors can provide an implementation of the JMS provider which is normally in the form of jar files and configuration settings to be entered in the OEG Policy Studio.1.3. Prerequisites1. Fiorano ESB SOA 2007 is available from 2. OEG’s Gateway Software available from 3. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 or above1.4. Setup Used for this Guide:ñ⇧ Fiorano ESB 2007 installed on Windows to D:\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP4 ñ⇧ OEG Gateway 6.0 software installed to: C:\OEG\v6.0.1\OEGGateway onWindows1.5. Configuration Steps1. Download and install Fiorano ESB2. Configure Fiorano ESB3. Install OEG Gateway4. Configure Gateway to send messages to Fiorano ESB5. Configure Gateway to listen for messages from Fiorano ESB queueOracle Enterprise Gateway7 / 256. Test Setup2.Setting up the Fiorano ESB 2007 environment2.1. Download Fiorano ESBFiorano ESB (Enterprise System Bus) is available from The version used in this guide is Fiorano ESB 2007 SP4.2.2. Installation Fiorano ESB 2007Once Fiorano Esb 2007 has been downloaded install it to a desired locationPlease refer to Fiorano ESB documentation for more information on installing Fiorano ESB.For the purpose of this guide default installation options were used on a Windows platform.Fiorano ESB requires a licence file to be able to start which can be obtained from . Place the licence file in the following directory /Fiorano_Install Location/Licenses which is by default /Fiorano/FioranoSOA2007SP4/licenses2.3. Starting Fiorano ESB 2007 ServerTo start Fiorano ESB Server:1. Under Windows, this may be started using Start->Programs->Fiorano->FioranoSOA 2007 Platform SP4->Fiorano Servers->Fiorano ESB Server2. The ESB may also be started using the FES.bat file to be found at/Fiorano_Install_Location/FioranoSOA2007SP4/esb/fes/bin2.4. Starting Fiorano Studio1. Launch the Fiorano Studio from the “Fiorano Tools” group under Fiorano in the Start Menu.2. Next, right-click on the FES server and select “Login”, as shown below:Oracle Enterprise Gateway8 / 253. Setting up the OEG environment3.1. Download OEG Gateway softwareOEG provides copies of Gateway software to partners, customers, and evaluators.3.2. Insert the Fiorano JMS Provider into the OEG GatewayFiorano provides a particular JMS provider which is used to connect to the Fiorano ESB. The JMS provider takes the form of Java JAR files (.jar). Third-parties such as Oracle do not have licensing rights to distribute these Fiorano product components to end customers directly. But, once a customer has a valid license for the Fiorano ESB, it is a simple matter to insert the Fiorano JMS provider into the OEG Gateway. The procedure is as follows:1. Create a "Fiorano" directory in the OEG Gateway root installation folder.Oracle Enterprise Gateway9 / 252. Copy the following directories and their contents directories from the Fiorano installation locating into the "Fiorano" directory created at Step 1. /Fiorano_Installation_Location/FioranoSOA2007SP4/framework/Fiorano_Installation_Location/FioranoSOA2007SP4/fmq/lib/client1Instructions for Software install1. Browse to/Fiorano_Installation_Location/FioranoSOA2007SP4/framework/Fiorano_Installation_Location/FioranoSOA2007SP4/fmq/lib/client2. Copy the following the “framework” and “client” directories3. Browse to the /oeg_Install_dir and create a folder called “Fiorano” in the root of the Oracle installation directory.4. Copy the “framework” and “client” directories into the “Fiorano” directory/oracle/oeg_product_dir/Fiorano3.3. Add JAR file classpath reference to JVM.xmlFor the Fiorano classpaths to load first the JVM.xml file located in the following directory would need to be modified:For Windows : /oracle/oeg_product_dir/system/confFor Appliance : /opt/oracle/oeg_product_dir/system/conf Open the JVM.xml file and edit it as follows:Add the following two entries to the JVM.xml file as shown below:<ClassPath name="fiorano/client/all/fmq-client.jar"/><ClassPath name="fiorano/framework/lib/all/fiorano-framework.jar"/>---------------------------------------------------------------------<!--JVMSettingsRequired before any Java-using components.-->Oracle Enterprise Gateway<JVMSettings classloader="com.vordel.boot.ServiceClassLoader"><!-- Need our class loader to be on system classpath --><VMArg name="-Djava.class.path=system/lib/system/boot.jar"/><!-- Load these Jars first, to override duplicate APIs --><ClassPath name="Fiorano/client/all/fmq-client.jar" /><ClassPath name="Fiorano/framework/lib/all/fiorano-framework.jar"/><ClassPath name="system/lib/system/wsdl_patch.jar" /><ClassPath name="system/lib/system/iaik_jce.jar" />---------------------------------------------------------------------4. Configuring the Gateway to place messages onFiorano ESB QueueThe gateway will be configured to place messages it receives on a queue (i.e. destination) named “primaryQueue” in Fiorano ESB 2007.4.1. Creating a JMS Session:1.Start the Gateway and Policy Studio (for more details refer to GettingStarted in the Help Configuration Guide.)2.Click on the External Connections navigation panel in Policy Studio3.Right click on JMS Services and click on Add a JMS Service4.Configure the following fields for the JMS Serviceñ⇧Name: Fioranoñ⇧Provider URL: http://IP_OF_HOST:1847ñ⇧Initial Context Factory:fiorano.jms.runtime.naming.FioranoInitialContextFactoryñ⇧Connection Factory: primaryQCFñ⇧Username: adminñ⇧Password: passwd5.Right click on the JMS Service and add a JMS Session. Select not to allowduplicates.10 / 25Oracle Enterprise Gateway11 / 25The JMS Session configuration for Windows:4.2. Create a “Route to Fiorano” Policy1. Create a small test policy to route messages on to the Fiorano ESB queue by completing the following steps:2. Open Policy Studio and select Policies navigation pane. Create a new Policy titled by right clicking on Policies and select Add Policy. titled “Route to Fiorano”.3. Create a new relative path on the Gateway Process called /ToFiorano byselecting Services navigation button, then expand OEG Gateway and right click on Default Services to Add Relative Path. 4. Map the /ToFiorano path to the policy called “Route to Fiorano”. This means that when a message is received by the Gateway on the path “/ToFiorano”, it will be passed to the “Route to Fiorano” policy, which will then process the message.Oracle Enterprise Gateway12 / 25Configuring the Messaging System FilterWhen a policy that routes to a JMS provider (such as Fiorano ESB) is created, the policy must contain a Messaging System filter, which can be found under the Routing category of filters in the Policy Studio. To configure this filter, complete the following steps: NOTE: Make sure that the JMS Service has been configured already (see section 4.1) as the available JMS service will need to be refered to when configuring the Messaging System Filter1. Drag a Messaging System filter from the “Routing” group located in the pallette on the right of the Policy Studio.2. Under the Request tab select the JMS Service that has been configured above (titled “Fiorano”) from the JMS Session dropdown.3. Set the Destination to: primaryQueue4. The Message Type should be specified. Change this to “Use content.body attribute to create a message in the format specified in the ‘SOAP OVER Java Message Service’".5. All other settings may be left at default.6. Click on the Response tab and select ‘No Response’7. Click on OkTo complete the test policy create the following flow:1. Messaging System Filter: Located in the “Routing” group. This filter should be configured as described above. This is a mandatory filter in the policy.2. Set Message Filter: Located in the “Conversion” group. Used to set the content of an XML response message that can be returned to the client to acknowledge that the message has been placed on the Fiorano ESB queue. This step is not mandatory, but generates an acknowledgement of the message placed on the queue.Oracle Enterprise Gateway13 / 25Example of the configuration of the Set Message filter:3. Reflect Filter: Routes the customized response back to the client if necessary. The Reflect filter can be found under the Utility category of filters. Once configured, the “Route to Fiorano” policy will appear as follows:Oracle Enterprise Gateway14 / 254.3. Ensure policies are updated on the Gatewayñ⇧ Open the Policy Studio. ñ⇧ Click on Settings.ñ⇧ Select “Refresh Server” to ensure that the changes made are propagated to the live Gateway.4.4. Test the configuration to place message on Fiorano ESB QueueOEG Service Explorer will be used as the client to test the integration. The entire transaction will be tested from the client, through the Gateway, and on to the Fiorano ESB queue.The following diagram shows the solution architecture:Oracle Enterprise Gateway15 / 254.5. Using OEG Service Explorer to send a message to Fiorano ESB queueLoad a sample XML message into OEG Service Explorer. Ensure that the URL field in OEG Service Explorer points to the Gateway and in particular to the “ToFiorano” path on the Gateway.Oracle Enterprise Gateway16 / 25The screenshot below shows a sample SOAP Request loaded in the OEG Service Explorer:Having sent the SOAP request, the response will be displayed in the SOAP Response panel, as displayed in the screenshot below:4.6. Send Message and check Fiorano ESB QueueBy sending messages using OEG Service Explorer, the Gateway will route the messages to the Fiorano ESB queue, in this case: queue.sample.Once test messages have been sent, open Fiorano Studio and expand Destinations, then expand Queues and select the queue configured to receive messages which is “primaryQueue”.To check the queue in Fiorano ESB:Oracle Enterprise Gateway17 / 251. Open Fiorano Studio2. Right Click on FES under Servers and click on connect (if this has not already been done.)3. Expand FES4. Expand Destinations5. Expand Queues6. Click on PRIMARYQUEUE7. This will display information on the right hand side of the Studio in the general section and display the number of messages received next to NumDeliverableMessages and NumUndeletedMessages Example of Fiorano ESB queue after 5 messages has been sent from OEG Service Explorer. 5 messages can be seen next the NumDeliverableMessages and NumUndeletedMessages value.5. Configuring the Gateway to read from a Fiorano ESB queueThe Gateway will be configured to read the messages from: primaryQueue5.1. Create Policy that will be invoked with message read from Fiorano ESB queue1. To create the second policy that the JMS consumer will point to:2. Right click on Policies.Oracle Enterprise Gateway18 / 253. Click Add Policy and create a new policy titled “Read from Fiorano Queue”.4. Click on the newly created Policy.5. Drag an SMTP filter from the “Routing” group located in the palette on the right of the Policy Studio.6. Configure the filter with credentials and settings of a mail server and account that can be used to send emails to and set it as the Start Filter. SMPT Filter settings used for test:Oracle Enterprise Gateway19 / 25SMTP Server Settings:5.2. Creating a JMS Session:NOTE: If a JMS Session has already been created as per section 4.1, skip to number 3 below to add a JMS consumer to the existing JMS Session.1. Right click on the “OEG Gateway” process and configure a JMS Service by configuring the following fields: ñ⇧ Name: Fioranoñ⇧ Provider URL: http://IP_OF_HOST:1847ñ⇧ Initial Context Factory: fiorano.jms.runtime.naming.FioranoInitialContextFactory ñ⇧ Connection Factory: primaryQCF ñ⇧ Username: admin ñ⇧ Password: passwd2. Right click on the JMS Service and add a JMS Session. Select not to allow duplicates.3. Right click on the JMS Session and add a JMS Consumer and configure as follows: ñ⇧ Destination: primaryQueueñ⇧ Extraction Method: For simplicity, select "Create a content body attribute based on the SOAP Over JMS draft specification”. ñ⇧ Point the JMS Consumer to the “Read from Fiorano Queue” policy.Oracle Enterprise Gateway20 / 25The JMS Consumer configuration window:5.3. Ensure policies are updated on the GatewayComplete the following steps to refresh the policies: 1. Open the Policy. 2. Studio Click on Settings.3. Select “Refresh Server” to ensure that the changes made are propagated to the live Gateway.5.4. Testing to read messages from a queueThe Gateway has also been configured to let the JMS service consume the message on the queue and to forward it to a mail client via SMTP.By creating the JMS consumer and the policy that it pointed to (i.e. “Read from Fiorano Queue”) that contains a SMTP filter, the messages have been read from “queue.sample” and sent to a mail client as configured in the SMTP filter. To check the queue in Fiorano ESB:Oracle Enterprise Gateway21 / 251. Open Fiorano Studio2. Right Click on FES under Servers and click on connect (if this has not already been done.)3. Expand FES4. Expand Destinations5. Expand Queues6. Click on PRIMARYQUEUE7. This will display information on the right hand side of the Studio in the general section and display the number of messages received next to NumDeliverableMessages and NumUndeletedMessagesThe messages have now been “consumed” from the Fiorano queue and the value next to NumDeliverableMessages and NumUndeletedMessages is 0Oracle Enterprise Gateway22 / 25The following diagram shows the flow of the message from the client through the Gateway to Fiorano ESB:The screenshot below shows the inbox of the email recipient that is configured in the SMPT filter that reads all messages off the queue and sends it over SMTP:6. ConclusionThis guide applies to OEG software products, from version 6.x upwards.Oracle Enterprise Gateway23 / 25This configuration can be part of a larger policy, including features such as XML threat detection and conditional routing, features which are out of the scope of this document but are covered in other documents which can be obtained from the Oracle at .Oracle Enterprise Gateway 24 / 25\ Oracle Enterprise GatewayMay 2011Author:Oracle CorporationWorld Headquarters500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065U.S.A.Worldwide Inquiries:Phone: +1.650.506.7000Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. 0410Oracle Enterprise Gateway 25 / 25。

--little cai 对于大多数用户,office2007中的大部分功能根本用不着,而且都安装后也很占系统资源。

网络版AutoCAD 2007客户端安装步骤一.注意事项:1.本软件有licence限制,需要安装使用的用户要填写服务申请单。
2.AutoCAD 2007的licence分配和相关服务器及安装路径:(服务器端设置了自动关闭超过四小时不使用的客户端,在关闭时会提示保存文件;客户端已默认设置为每隔10分钟保存一次,设置方法详见附录)3.对安装本软件的电脑硬件的需求:CPU为PIV2.0G以上、内存512M以上、安装需要硬盘空间400MB以上不符合以上条件的电脑建议暂时使用AutoCAD2004,安装路径仍为\\P09\AutoCAD2004\AutoCAD2004.lnk4.对于原来安装AutoCAD2000或2004并符合升级条件的,在安装完AutoCAD 2007后可以将旧版本的设置迁移到新版本(详见安装步骤第6、7步),再删除原版本(注:新版本的安装不会覆盖旧版本,旧版本也可以继续使用)。
5.完成后在桌面生成AutoCAD 2007和Autodesk DWF Viewer两个图标,其中AutodeskDWF Viewer是小型应用程序,用于查看和打印DWF(Web 图形格式)文件。
6.运行\\t1\AutoCAD2007\NetService.bat或T2同路径(将AdskNetSrv.bat拷入all users相应目录)7.双击AutoCAD 2007图标,如果装过旧版本的AutoCAD,将出现下图:8.由用户决定是否将旧版本的设置移植到新版本,或者选择其中需要移植的选项,接下来进入AutoCAD2007的使用界面。
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China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• FPS的节点名是重要的信息。Fiorano企业服务器首先通过节 点服务器的节点名来识别不同的节点。 • FPS的另一个重要信息是IP地址,但是IP地址在fiorano中并 不作为识别节点机的标志。 • FPS的节点名和IP地址没有必然的联系,相同的节点名可以 更换IP。 • FES同时只能接受相同节点名的一个连接,第二个连接将被 拒绝,并出现出错信息。 • 在安装时要规范节点名的命名,使不同的节点不出现相同的 节点名。
• 开始—>所有程序—〉Fiorano—〉Fiorano SOA~—〉Fiorano Servers—〉Fiorano ESB Server
China Datang Corporation
• 图中上面两条的红线,分别表示该FES接受FPS连接和其 他工具的连接地址和端口号。 • 下面两条红线表示FES名和FES启动成功。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• 安装的类型有三种即
1:企业服务器:Enterprise 2:节点服务器:Workstation 3:自定义:Custom
• 选择Enterprise自动安装FEห้องสมุดไป่ตู้、FPS和工具。
• 修改EnterpriseServer PrimaryURL="http://localhost:1857" • Localhost对应于IP地址;1857为FES的端口号。 • 重启服务后修改才能生效。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
Fiorano 2007与ESB3.7的区别
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China Datang Corporation
2、选择I accept the…….后按next进入下一个页面
China Datang Corporation
• 修改第一行‘Profile name=„双引号中的内容。 • 节点服务器的节点名是一个极其重要的参数,随时将修改 的节点名通知FES的管理人员。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• 文件:
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• 将许可证文件直接复制到许可证目录下即可。 • 默认安装时对应的目录为:
C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP3\licenses
China Datang Corporation
• 修改第一行‘Profile name=„后面双引号中的内容。 • FES的服务名启标示的作用,在FPS连接FES时没有大的意 义。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• FPS的重要参数有节点名,IP地址,使用端口。 • FPS连接FES时需要知道FES的IP地址,FES的使 用端口。 • 其他参数包括内存的使用、连接时的异常等参数、 日志文件的保存等。 • FPS配置文件的地址是:
China Datang Corporation
• 集中式管理:所有的FPS均由FES管理,通过一些Fiorano自带的工具, 实现对整个Fiorano的管理。 • 分布式结构:FES负责FPS的管理和程序的启停管理,Fiorano的组件由 FPS负责管理运行。数据传输时实现的是FPS间点对点的传输。 • 可扩展性:可以动态的增加节点服务器,通过管理工具可以方便的改变 程序部署的节点。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• Fiorano2007的安装 • Fiorano2007连接参数的修改 • Fiorano2007工具FNAT的使用
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• 在安装FES时,自动安装FPS,但是这样安装的FPS为默认 配置:即节点名为fps、连接的FES的IP地址为本机的IP地 址。 • 在FES服务器上不需要再一次安装FPS,但可能需要修改相 应的配置。 • 在其他服务器上也可以通过安装FES,然后修改配置,使 附带的FPS连接到要求的FES。 • 下面说明直接安装时FPS与FES的不同。
• 修改Port=“1956”,为相应的端口号。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• FPS连接FES时需要知道FES的IP地址和端口号。 • FPS需要提供FES的重要参数信息为FPS的节点名。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• Fiorano提供工具查看连接在企业服务器FES上的节点服务 器FPS的状态。包括节点的是否在线,查看节点的日志。 • 可以通过工具对节点进行简单的管理。 • FNAT全称:Fiorano Network Administrator Tool。 • FNAT作为工具连接的是FES,而不是FPS。
China Datang Corporation
• 管理所有的节点服务器(FPS)。 • 提供一个平台和一系列的工具管理Fiorano系统和 上面的程序。 • 提供一个场所存放Fiorano程序和一些配置参数。
China Datang Corporation
C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP3\esb\fps\profiles
China Datang Corporation
• 文件:
C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP3\esb\fps\profiles\FPS\profile.xml
China Datang Corporation
• 可视化开发:各种组件和工具提供了可视化的界面,方便了程序员开发 程序。 • 远程部署:通过Fiorano提供的工具连接到FES,由FES将程序部署到 相应的FPS中。
China Datang Corporation
China Datang Corporation
• 安全管理:提供多种角色,方便对Fiorano的安全管理。 • 组件化开发:Fiorano将程序模块化,也就是组件化,各个独立的组件 实现不同的功能。例如DB组件实现对不同数据库的访问和操作, FileReader组件实现对文件的读取。
China Datang Corporation
• 开始—>所有程序—〉Fiorano—〉Fiorano SOA~—〉Fiorano Servers—〉Fiorano ESB Peer
China Datang Corporation
• 上图从上到下的四条红线分别表示 1、FPS接受工具和其他节点连接的IP地址。 2、FPS连接的FES的服务名IP、地址等。 3、FPS的节点名。 4、FPS启动成功。
C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP3\esb\fes\profiles
China Datang Corporation
• 文件地址:
C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP3\esb\fes\profiles\FES\profile.xml
C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoSOA2007SP3\esb\fps\profiles\FPS\conf\Configs.