



常见的合同通用条款中英文常见的合同通用条款中英文DATED日期CONTRACT NAME合同名称by and between合同双方PARTY A NAMEPARTY A甲方名称and与PARTY B NAMEPARTY B乙方名称TABLE OF CONTENTPRELIMINARY STATEMENT前言1.DEFINITIONS定义2. [OPERATIVE CLAUSES] 具体操作条款3. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件4. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 陈述和担保[保证]5. TERM合同期限6. TERMINATION合同终止7. CONFIDENTIALITY保密义务8. BREACH OF CONTRACT违约9. FORCE MAJEURE不可抗力10.SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES争议的解决11.APPLICABLE LAW适用法律12.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他规定THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in *city and province+, China on this day of,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafterreferred to as “Party A”), and *Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at *address+ (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). P arty A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”.本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订:[甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”):[乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。



国际贸易合同中英对照International Trade Contract (English-Chinese Comparison)Introduction:国际贸易合同,作为国际贸易中不可或缺的一环,扮演着规范交易双方行为、维护权益、确保交易平稳进行的重要角色。


1. 合同条款/Contract Clauses1.1 Particulars of the parties involved合同当事方的具体情况English:The International Trade Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into on [date] between [Party A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its principal place of business at [address], and [Party B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its principal place of business at [address].Chinese:国际贸易合同(以下简称“合同”)于[日期]由[甲方全称],一家根据[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,主要办事处位于[地址],以及[乙方全称],一家根据[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,主要办事处位于[地址]签署。

1.2 Product description and specifications产品描述和规格English:The goods to be traded under this Contract are as follows:- Product 1: [Description and specifications]- Product 2: [Description and specifications]- ...Chinese:本合同涉及的货物如下:- 产品1:[描述和规格]- 产品2:[描述和规格]- ...1.3 Quantity and pricing数量和定价English:The quantity of each product, unit price, and total amount payable under this Contract are as follows:- Product 1: [Quantity], [Unit price], Total: [Amount]- Product 2: [Quantity], [Unit price], Total: [Amount]- ...Chinese:本合同涉及的每款产品的数量、单价和应支付的总金额如下:- 产品1:[数量],[单价],总计:[金额]- 产品2:[数量],[单价],总计:[金额]- ...1.4 Delivery terms交货条款English:Delivery shall be made according to the following terms:- Place of delivery: [Address]- Delivery date: [Date]- Mode of transport: [Air/Sea/Road/Rail]- ...Chinese:交货将按照以下条款进行:- 交货地点:[地址]- 交货日期:[日期]- 运输方式:[航空/海运/公路/铁路]- ...1.5 Payment terms付款条款English:The payment terms for this Contract are as follows:- Currency: [Currency]- Method of payment: [Wire transfer/Letter of credit/Cash] - Payment schedule: [Details of installment payments]- ...Chinese:本合同的付款条件如下:- 币种:[货币]- 付款方式:[电汇/信用证/现金]- 付款计划:[分期付款详情]- ...1.6 Inspection and acceptance检验和验收English:Inspection and acceptance of the goods shall be conducted according to the following provisions:- Inspection agency: [Name of inspection agency]- Inspection criteria: [Specifications, quality standards]- Acceptance period: [Number of days]- ...Chinese:货物的检验和验收将按照以下规定进行:- 检验机构:[检验机构名称]- 检验标准:[规格、质量标准]- 验收期限:[天数]- ...2. Conclusion结论以上仅为国际贸易合同中的一些典型条款,根据实际情况,各种合同具体内容可能存在差异。





1. 合同 Contract。

2. 条款 Clause。

3. 协议 Agreement。

4. 双方 Parties。

5. 法律适用 Governing Law。

6. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution。

7. 违约 Breach。

8. 保密协议 Confidentiality Agreement。

9. 赔偿 Indemnification。

10. 解除合同 Termination of Contract。





Unit Price
• 每箱30加元CIF 温哥 华
• 每码3港元,含佣金 3%,CIF新加坡
• CA$30.00 per carton CIF Vancouver
• at HK$3.00 per yard CIFC3% Singapore
• at US$45.00 per set
• 成本加保险费加运费
• Price
• Payment • Insurance
(九)单据条款 (十)索赔 (十一)不可抗力
• Shipping Terms
• 工作手套 Working Gloves • 中国餐具 Chinese Dinner Sets • 天坛牌男衬衫 Tiantan Brand Men's Shirts • 甘薯片 Sweet Potato Slices
❖ Therefore, we should keep in mind this sentence
pattern: "To be covered by ... against ... for ... as per ... ".
• 由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日保险条款,
CIF Tokyo
• at Stg.£47.50 per
dozen CFR Hamburg • 每打47.50英镑CFR汉
Total Value
• 22,500美元
❖ US$22,500
❖ Say US Dollars Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Only ❖ SAY US DOLLARS TWENTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ONLY



1. Employment Contract: 雇佣合同
2. Lease Contract: 租赁合同
3. Sales Contract: 销售合同
4. Service Contract: 服务合同
5. Purchase Contract: 采购合同
6. Franchise Contract: 特许经营合同
7. Distribution Contract: 分销合同
8. Partnership Agreement: 合伙协议
9. Shareholders' Agreement: 股东协议
10. Joint Venture Agreement: 合营协议
11. Loan Agreement: 贷款协议
12. Guarantee Contract: 担保合同
13. Indemnity Agreement: 赔偿协议
14. Trust Agreement: 信托协议
15. Warranty Agreement: 保证协议
16. Service Level Agreement: 服务级别协议
17. Non-Disclosure Agreement: 保密协议
18. Non-Compete Agreement: 竞业禁止协议
19. Release and Waiver Agreement: 免责和弃权协议
20. Settlement and Release Agreement: 解决和释放协议




2024版合同术语英语1. Agreement - 合同2. Parties - 双方3. Contractor - 承包商4. Subcontractor - 分包商5. Principal - 主要方6. Counterparty - 相对方7. Affiliate - 关联方8. Signatory - 签署人9. Executor - 执行人10. Assignee - 受让人11. Beneficiary - 受益人12. Witness - 见证人13. Guarantor - 担保人14. Surety - 保证人15. Consignor - 托运人16. Consignee - 收货人17. Vendor - 卖方18. Purchaser - 买方19. Lessor - 出租人20. Lessee - 承租人21. Employer - 雇主22. Employee - 雇员23. Independent Contractor - 独立承包商24. Joint Venture - 合资企业25. Partnership - 合伙26. Shareholder - 股东27. Director - 董事28. Officer - 高级职员29. Agent - 代理人30. Broker - 经纪人31. Consultant - 顾问32. Licensee - 被许可人33. Licensor - 许可人34. Manufacturer - 制造商35. Distributor - 分销商36. Supplier - 供应商37. Manufacturer's Representative - 制造商代表38. End User - 最终用户39. Third Party - 第三方40. Intermediary - 中间人41. Bidder - 竞标者42. Contractor - 承包商43. Subcontractor - 分包商44. Contractor - 承包商45. Contractor - 承包商46. Contractor - 承包商47. Contractor - 承包商48. Contractor - 承包商49. Contractor - 承包商50. Contractor - 承包商Terms and Conditions1. Effective Date - 生效日期2. Term - 期限3. Renewal - 续签4. Expiration - 到期5. Termination - 终止6. Amendment - 修改7. Assignment - 转让8. Modification - 修改9. Waiver - 放弃10. Breach - 违约11. Force Majeure - 不可抗力12. Indemnification - 赔偿13. Confidentiality - 保密14. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) - 保密协议15. Non-Compete Clause - 竞业禁止条款16. Liquidated Damages - 约定赔偿金17. Penalty - 罚款18. Dispute Resolution - 争议解决19. Arbitration - 仲裁20. Mediation - 调解21. Jurisdiction - 管辖权22. Venue - 地点23. Governing Law - 适用法律24. Entire Agreement - 完整协议25. Severability - 可分割性26. Merger Clause - 合并条款27. Integration - 整合28. Counterparts - 副本29. Notice - 通知30. Good Faith - 善意31. Fair Dealing - 公平交易32. Representations and Warranties - 陈述和保证33. Cure Period - 补救期34. Suspension - 暂停35. Acceleration - 加速36. Forgiveness - 宽恕37. Restitution - 恢复原状38. Set-Off - 抵销39. Escrow -。



Terms of payment: 支付条款支付条款D/A: (documents against acceptance)商业单据是凭承兑交单交付款人,是指出口人的交单以进口人在汇票上的承兑为条件。

D/P: (documents against payment) 商业单据是凭付款交单交付款人,是指出口人的交单是以进口人的付款为条件。

Down Payment: 首期付款Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee: 不可撤销保证函Pro forma invoice: 形式发票形式发票Documentary L/C: 跟单信用证,是开证行凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。

Clean L/C: 光票信用证,是开证行凭不附单据的汇票付款的信用证。

Bills of Lading(B/L): 提单提单Compensation: 赔偿金Process unit: 工艺设备Delivery and terms of delivery: 交货及交货条款General provisions: 一般规定Components: 组件Implementation: 履行,落实Container vessel: 集装箱船Incorporated parts: 配套件DDP: 完税后交货Packing and marking: 包装与标记包装与标记Design liaison and design review: 设计联络与设计总览Standards and inspection: 标准与检验标准与检验Erection, commissioning, and acceptance: 安装,调试与验收Liquidated damages and claims: 损失和赔偿金Force majeure clauses: 不可抗力条款不可抗力条款Demurrage: 滞留费,滞留滞留费,滞留Arbitration: 仲裁Patent infringement, secrecy, licence: 专利侵权,保密,执照Termination for default: 违约终止违约终止Coming into force: 合同生效合同生效Miscellaneous: 其他事项Contract amendments: 合同修订Assignment and subcontract: 分配与分包分配与分包Termination for insolvency: 破产终止破产终止Performance bond: 履约保证金Change orders: 变更通知书Governing language and unit of measurement: 合同语言与测量单位Correspondence: 信件Limitation of liability: 责任限制责任限制Confidentiality-use of contract documents and information: 保密-合约单据与信息的使用Spare parts: 零备件Specimen: 样票。



1. Agreement - 协议,合同
2. Contract - 合同
3. Party - 当事方,合同方
4. Terms and Conditions - 条款和条件
5. Effective Date - 生效日期
6. Termination - 终止
7. Obligations - 义务,责任
8. Representations and Warranties - 陈述和保证
9. Indemnification - 赔偿,偿付
10. Confidentiality - 保密
11. Governing Law - 管辖法律
12. Force Majeure - 不可抗力
13. Liability - 责任,义务
14. Breach - 违约,违反
15. Jurisdiction - 管辖权
17. Amendment - 修改,变更
18. Counterpart - 对应物,一方副本
19. Prevailing Party - 胜诉方
20. Severability - 可分割性,可分离性




涉外合同格式ContractAgreementConfirmation〕、备忘录〔Memorandum〕、订单〔Order〕等等,但是一般都包含如下几个局部:一、合同名称〔Title〕二、前文〔Preamble〕1. 订约日期和地点Date and place of signing2. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所Signing parties and their nationalities, principal place of business or residence address es3. 当事人合法依据Each party's authority,比方,该公司是“按当地法律正式组织而存在的〞〔a corporati on duly organized and existing under the laws of XXX〕4. 订约缘由/说明条款Recitals or WHEREAS clause三、本文〔Body〕1. 定义条款〔Definition clause〕2. 根本条款〔Basic conditions〕3. 一般条款〔General terms and conditions〕a. 合同有效期〔Duration〕b. 合同的终止〔Termination〕c. 不可抗力〔Force Majeure〕d. 合同的让与〔Assignment〕e. 仲裁〔Arbitration〕f. 适用的法律〔Governing law〕g. 诉讼管辖〔Jurisdiction〕h. Notice〕i. 合同修改〔Amendment〕j. 其它〔Others〕四、结尾条款〔WITNESS clause〕1. 结尾语,包括份数、使用的文字和效力等〔Concluding sentence〕2. 签名〔Signature〕3. 盖印〔Seal〕以上的格式和内容并非一成不变,当事人可以根据各自交易情况做出调整或增删。



与求异型近义词相反,求同型近义词所追求的效果 不是为表达各次之间的差别意义,而是为了表达它 们的共同意义。
[例1] 双方可在必要时通过协商修改本合同。
The parties may, through consultation, make amendments to and revision of this contract as and when the need arise.
At the request of Part B, Part A agrees to send technicians to assist Part B to install the equipment.
e.g. 在加工贸易中,生产方对原材料和产成品都 没有所有权。 In processing transactions, the manufactures never have title either to the materials or the finished products.





首先,合同中常用的术语包括但不限于,offer(提议)、acceptance(接受)、consideration(对价)、representation and warranty(陈述与保证)、breach(违约)、indemnity(赔偿)、confidentiality(保密)、governing law(管辖法律)、force majeure(不可抗力)、termination(终止)等。










通用合同条款英语单词English:1. Parties: The parties to this agreement are [Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address], and [Counterparty Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address].2. Term: This agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue in full force and effect until terminated by either party upon [number] days written notice.3. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provision or rule.4. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep confidential, and not disclose to any third party, any and all information, documents, or materials that are marked as confidential or that would reasonably be understood to be confidential.5. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement in the event of a material breach by the other party which remains uncured for a period of [number] days after written notice.6. Indemnification: Each party shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in connection with any breach of this agreement by the indemnifying party.7. Entire Agreement: This agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating thereto.中文翻译:1. 双方: 本协议的双方为[公司名称],一家依照[司法管辖区]法律组织和存在的公司,主要营业地点在[地址],和[交易对方名称],一家依照[司法管辖区]法律组织和存在的公司,主要营业地点在[地址]。



1. The buyer shall have the covering letter of credit reach the Seller 30 days before shipment, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to regard as still valid whole or any part of this contract not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for losses thus sustained, if any.买方须在装船前30天将合同项下的信用证寄达卖方,否则卖方保留在不通知买方的情况下解除合同,或认为买方完全或者部分不履行合同,或向买方索取由此造成损失的权利。

2.In case of any discrepancy in Quality/Quantity, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrive of the goods at the port of destination.一旦发现货物质量或者数量有出入,买方须在目的港接到货后30天内提出索赔;若数量上有出入,买方应在收到货物后15天内提出索赔。

3. For transactions concluded on C.I.F. basis, it is understood that the insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation. If additional insurance amount or coverage required, the Buyer must have the consent of the Seller before Shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyer.由于交易的术语为CIF,所以保险金额应为销售确认书上注明金额的110%。





二、合同翻译1. 条款一本合同由甲方与乙方共同缔结,双方应本着合作、互惠、互利的原则,在平等、自愿的基础上达成以下约定:1.1 合同目的:...1.2 合同有效期:...1.3 合同解除:......2. 条款二甲方权利与义务:2.1 甲方应...2.2 甲方有权...2.3 甲方承诺......3. 条款三乙方权利与义务:3.1 乙方应...3.2 乙方有权...3.3 乙方承诺......三、协议翻译1. 条款一本协议由甲方与乙方共同缔结,双方应本着友好、平等、公正的原则,在相互尊重的基础上达成以下协议:1.1 协议目的:...1.2 协议执行期限:...1.3 协议解除:......2. 条款二甲方的权利与义务:2.1 甲方应...2.3 甲方承诺......3. 条款三乙方的权利与义务:3.1 乙方应...3.2 乙方有权...3.3 乙方承诺......四、声明翻译1. 条款一本声明由甲方发布,旨在明确以下事项:1.1 声明目的:...1.2 声明有效期:...1.3 声明撤回:......2. 条款二甲方义务:2.2 甲方承诺......3. 条款三附则:3.1 本声明适用法律:...3.2 本声明生效:...3.3 本声明解释权:......五、总结通过以上对常用模板条款的翻译,我们可以看出不同类型的条款在翻译上有一定的相似之处,但也需要根据具体内容加以细致的翻译,确保准确表达条款的内容和意义。





合同通用条款范本中英文DATED令狐采学[日期][CONTRACT NAME][合同名称]by and between合同双方[PARTY A NAME]PARTY A[甲方名称]and与[PARTY B NAME]PARTY B[乙方名称]TABLE OF CONTENT PRELIMINARY STATEMENT1. DEFINITIONS2.[OPERATIVE CLAUSES]3.CONDITIONS PRECEDENT4.REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES5.TERM6.TERMINATION7.CONFIDENTIALITY8.BREACH OF CONTRACT9.FORCE MAJEURE10.SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES11.APPLICABLE LAW12.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSSCHEDULE A DEFINITIONS1、界说2、[具体操纵条款]3、[如有需要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件]4、陈述和担保[包管]5、合同期限6、合同终止7、保密义务8、违约9、不成抗力10、争议的解决11、适用法令12、其他规定THIS CONTR ACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province],China on thisday of ,200by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Par ty B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually a s a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”.本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地址]签订:[甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法令组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲办法定地址](以下简称“甲方”):[乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法令组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙办法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。



ARTICLE 10第10条TERMINATION协议的终止10.1 Term. The initial term of this Agreement shall be two (2) years from the Effective Date and shall automatically be extended for additional one (1) year periods unless either party provides not less than 180 days prior written notice of its election not to renew for such additional term or this Agreement is earlier terminated pursuant to Sections 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, or 10.5 hereof.10条第一款.本协议的第一条款自生效日起有效期为2年,除非任何一方至少在期满前180天提交书面通知以告知另一方不延长有效期限,或根据第10条第二款、第三款、第四款或第五款的规定而提前终止协议,这项协议,则本协议将自动延长有效期一年。

10.2 Termination for Cause. At any time during this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated for cause:终止原因。

在本协议有效期内,本协议可因以下原因终止:(a) By any party, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other parties, upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events:以下任何一项或多项情况发生时,任何一方需在30天内书面通知另一方。




合同英文中的标题通常用Terms and Conditions(条款和条件)或Agreement(协议)来表示。

此外,根据具体合同内容的不同,也可以使用其他相关词汇,如Contract(合同)、Agreement of Sale(买卖协议)、Lease Agreement(租赁协议)等。













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合同条款的翻译一.合同当事人的名称或姓名、国籍、主要营业地点或住所The corporate or personal names of the contracting parties and their nationalities and principal places of business or domicile例1:This know-how contract is concluded in Beijing on October 27, 1997 by and between ABC Company, Beijing, China(hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”, or Party A) on the one hand and XYZ Company, New York, USA((hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”, or Party B) on the other hand.Whereas Party B possesses Know-how for the designing, manufacturing, installing and marketing of (the product’s name).Whereas Party B has the right and desires to transfer the above-said Know-how to Party A.Whereas Party A desires to design, manufacture, sell and export(the product’s name)using Party B’s Know-how.The Parties hereto hereby made and entered into this contract through friendly consultation under the following terms, conditions and provisions hereof.本专有技术转让(某产品)合同,由中国北京ABC公司(以下简称接受方,或甲方)为一方,和美国纽约XYZ公司(以下简称许可方,或乙方)为另一方,于1997年10月27日在北京签订。


例2:This Agreement is made and entered into in Beijing, China by and between China ABC Corporation, a state enterprise duly organized and existing under the Laws of the People’s Republic of China with its principal place of business at Jian Guomen, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as ABC) and General Trading and Chemical Co., a state-owned company duly organized and existing under the laws of the Arab Republic of Egypt with its principal place of business in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt(hereinafter referred to as GENCO).Whereas ABC is the exporter of commodities provided herein and is desirous of the sales in the Arab Republic of Egypt;Whereas GENCO is desirous of acting as ABC’s sole agent for sales in Egypt togovernment organizations, public sector and private sector.Now it is hereby agreed under the terms and conditions as follows:本协议,由中国ABC公司,一家依据中华人民共和国法律建立和组织的国营公司并在北京建国门设有营业地(以下称ABC),与General Trading and Chemical Co., 一家依据埃及阿拉伯共和国法律建立和组织的国营公司并在开罗设有营业地(以下称GENCO),在中国北京签订。

鉴于ABC为所供商品的出口方,并且愿意在埃及销售,而GENCO愿意作ABC 在埃及的独家代理向埃及的政府组织、公共及私营部门销售ABC的产品;兹同意下列条款:例3:This Agreement is made and concluded induplicate in Beijing, China by and between XYZ Company, a company incorporated under the Law of USA having its head office and a place of business in the City of New York, USA, (hereinafter called XYZ) as the first Party and China Jing Du Corporation(hereinafter called the Purchaser) as the Second Party.In consideration of the mutual conventions and agreements herein contained, the XYZ and the Purchaser agree on the following terms, conditions and provisions hereof:本协议书,由按美国法律成立的,并在美国纽约设有总部和营业地的XYZ有限公司(以下称XYZ)为甲方和中国京都公司(以下称买方)为乙方在北京签订,一式两份。

考虑到相互契约及约定,XYZ与买方同意以下条款:二.合同的种类与合同的范围Type of contract and kind and scope of theobject of contractThe organization form of the Joint Venture Company shall be a limited liability company. The profits, risks and losses of the Joint Venture Company shall be shared by the Parties to this Contract in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital.合资公司的形式应为有限责任公司。


The business purpose of the Joint Venture Company shall be in conformity with the wish to enhance the economic cooperation and technical exchange, to develop businessopportunities and take advantage of the Parties to this Contract to raise economic results and ensure satisfactory economic benefits for parties hereto. Activities shall be as follows but not limited to:(1)trade inter-mediation;(2)Technology development and transfer;(3)Arrangement of strategic alliance and joint ventures;(4)Market research(5)Management consultation and human resources development;(6)Any and all business activities incidental to the foregoing objectives.合资公司的目的是为了促进经济合作和技术交流,开拓业务渠道,充分发挥本合同双方的各自优势提高经济效益,保证双方获得较好的经济效益。

业务范围应包括,但不只限于以下各条:(1)贸易中介(2)技术开发、技术转让(3)为贸易伙伴和合资经营牵线搭桥(4)市场调查(5)提供管理咨询和人才资源的开发(6)涉及上述目的的所有及任何其它业务活动Party A agrees to acquire from Party B the know-how for design and manufacture of the contract products with the types, specifications and parameters specified in Appendix No. 1 to the contract, and Party B agrees to supply the above-mentioned know-how to Party A. The surrender of the know-how shall be made not only in the scope of new production of the contract products under appendix No.1, but also by such components as are already being manufactured by party A, as far as the type of products belongs to the contract products. Party B shall, in accordance with the provisions in Sub-clause 1.6, have obligationsto supply a maximum of 8 sets of the contract products(3 sets of new designs and 5 sets of revisions of components already being manufactured by party A, as far as they belong to the category of the contract products.)甲方同意按合同中附件1规定的型号、规格和参数向乙方购买有关合同产品设计和制造方面的专有技术;乙方同意向甲方提供上述专有技术。
