
山东省滨州市2019届高三第二次模拟考试(含听力)英语试题一、短对话(★★) 1 . Where does the man want to go?A.To New York.B.To Boston.C.To Chicago.(★★) 2 . How will the man pay?A.By cheque.B.By credit card.C.In cash.(★★) 3 . What does the man mean?A.He will do a class project.B.He won’t go to the beach.C.He will go to the zoo next time.(★★) 4 . Why is the man late?A.The traffic was heavy.B.There was an accident.C.He took the wrong bus.(★★) 5 . What is true about Ellen?A.She likes African art.B.She knows Susan very well.C.She doesn’t know Bob.二、长对话(★★)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6 . What does the woman think of Charlie?A.Handsome.B.Strange.C.Humorous.7 . What are the speakers talking about?A.A singing competition.B.A basketball match.C.A famous pop star.(★★)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8 . What does the man dislike?A.Eating out.B.Shopping online.C.Going to the store.9 . What’s the girl’s plan? A.Waiting for her mother.B.Having some pizza.C.Staying at home.(★★)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

25. What does the underlined phrase“tug at the heartstrings”in paragraph 2 mean ?
A. Encourage team work.B. Appeal to feeling.
My Favourite Books
Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列)of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.
I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.”

2019高考英语二轮练习专项检测卷15-阅读理解阅读理解(限时25分钟)(A)【创新预测】[1]InancientGreekfairytale,Medusa’sstareturnspeopletostone.YangShuo,ajuniorsoftwa remajoratWuhanUniversity,cancutfruitsonlybymovinghiseyes.The21-year-oldandhisteammatesrecently developedamaskwhichoperatesacomputerbyeyemovement.[2]Theaimistohelpdisabled(残疾的)peopleandpossiblytoopenanewareaincomputercontroltechnolo gy.Theirproductenablesusers,whohaveweakmusclesoraredisabled ,tooperateacomputer.[3]Theireyemovementiscaptured(捕捉)bydigitalcamerasfixedontheglasses,enablingtheeyestoactli keacomputermouse.[4]“Wewantedtodevelopatechnologythathelpsothersandsolvesthemo stdifficultproblems,”saidYang,leaderoftheteamnamed“Xight”.[5]LiJin,21,ajuniorsoftwaremajorattheuniversity,foundac hallengingproblemduringhisvisittoChongqingDisabledPerson’sFederationinanoff-campusactivityin2017.Linoticedthatdisabl edpeoplewantedtocommunicatethroughtheInternet,butmanywereun abletobecauseoftheirphysicalcondition.[6]Theideaofusingtheeyestocontrolacomputercameup.“Becausetheeyeisoneofthemostagile(灵活的)partsofthehumanbody,”saidLi.[7]IntheUS,softwareanddigitalglasseswithasimilarfunctio n(功能)cost$8,000.ButXight’scanbemuchmorecompetitive.[8]“Evenifweimprovetheappearanceoftheglassesandthefunctionina moreuser-friendlyway,itwon’tcostmorethan500yuan,”saidYang.[9]Manyinvestorshavealreadycontacted(联系)theteamtryingtoputtheinventionintocommercial(商业的)production.Buttheteamrefused.“Atpresent,ourfocusistoimproveXightandmakeitanidealapplica tion(申请)fordisabledpeople.Whenweachievethiswe’llconsidercommercializing(使商业化)ourinvention,”saidYang,whohasbeenbusypreparingathesisandmaterialsforXight ’spatent(专利)application.1.What’sthepurposeofinventing“Xight”?A.Tocutfruitsforthedisabled.B.Tocompetewiththedisabled.C.Tohelpthedisabledandopenanewareaincomputercontroltechnolo gy.D.Toprepareathesisforgraduation.2.Whydidtheteamusetheeyestocontrolacomputer?A.Becausetheeyesactlikeacomputermouse.B.Becausetheeyeisoneofthemostagileorgans(器官).C.Becausetheireyemovementcancapturedigitalcameras.D.Becauseeyescancutfruits.3.What’sthebesttitleofthetext?A.HelpingthedisabledB.SeveralstudentsatWuhanUniversityC.Spectacular(神奇的)invention—“Xight”D.Apatentapplication4.Wemayconcludefromthetextthat__________.A.“Xight”willhaveapromisingmarketperspective(前景)B.allthedisabledwereunabletocommunicatethroughtheInternetC.YangsaidtheteamhadimprovedXightD.theteamwillnotcommercializetheirinvention(B)(2018·兰州模拟)EdViestursgrewupinRockford,Illinois,wherethetallestthingonthehorizonwasthewatertower.ButonThursday,Viesturs becametheonlyAmericantoclimbtothetopoftheworld’s14highestmountains.HislasthikewasupMountAnnapurna,inAsia’ssnowcappedHimalayas.At26,545feet,itspeakisthe10thhighestin theworld.Itisthemountainthatinspiredhimtostartclimbing.“Ittendstobethetrickiest,themostdangerous,”saidViesturs.“There’snosimplewaytoclimbit.Therearethreateningavalanches(雪崩)andicefallsthatprotectthemountain.”Inhighschool,ViestursreadFrenchclimberMauriceHerzog’staleofclimbingtheicyAnnapurna.Herzog’sstorywasoffrostbiteanddifficultyandnear-deathexperiences.V iesturswashookedrightaway.ViestursgothisstartonWashington’sMountRainierin1977,guidinghikesinthesummer.Fifteenyearsago ,hesetouttowalkuptotheworld’shighestpeaks.Finally,he’sdone.Thepioneeringclimbertalksaboutmountainsasiftheywerelivi ngcreaturesthatshouldbetreatedwithrespect.“Youhavetouseallofyoursenses,allofyourabilitiestoseeifthemountainwillletyouclimbit,”saidViesturs.“Ifwehavethepatienceandtherespect,andifwe’rehereattherighttime,undertherightcircumstances,theyallowus togoup,andallowustocomedown.”What’snextforamanwhocan’tstopclimbing?“I’mgoingtohugmywifeandkidsandkindofkickbackandenjoythesummer,”saysViesturs.Butforamanwho’sclimbedtheworld’s14highestmountains,hewillprobablysoonsetoffonyetanotheradv enture.5.WhatrecordhasEdViestursset?A.Hehassucceededinclimbingtotheworld’s14thhighestmountain.B.Hehasbeentothetopoftheworld’s14highestmountains.C.Hehasbecomethefirsttoclimbtotheheightof26,545feet.D.Hehasbecomethefirstmantoclimbtothetopof14highestmountains intheworld.6.Theunderlinedword“hooked”inParagraph4canbereplacedby “__________”.A.frightenedB.discouragedC.interestedD.upset7.TheauthorusedViesturs’wordsinParagraph6tosupportaviewthat_________.A.mountainclimbingisadangeroussportB.mountainsshouldberegardedaslivingcreaturesC.mountainclimbingneedsmoreskillsthanphysicalenergyD.thosewholikemountainclimbingwon’tstopclimbing8.What’sthenextprobableplanofViesturs?A.Stoppingclimbingandstayingwithhisfamily.B.Climbingtothetopoftheworld’s14highestmountainsagain.C.Climbinganotheroneofthehighestmountains.D.Writingdowntheexperiencesabouthisadventure.(C)(2018·黄冈模拟)Therearesomegreatdifferencesbetweenthetraditionalfamily andthemodernfamily.Thefirstimportantdifferenceisintheman’srole.Thetraditionalhusbandwastheheadofthehouseholdbecauseh ewastheonlyonewhoworkedoutsidethehome.Ifthewifeworkedformon ey,thenthehusbandwasnotconsideredtobeagoodprovider.Inmanyfa miliestoday,bothhusbandandwifeworkformoney.Therefore,theysh aretheroleoftheheadofthehousehold.Inaddition,thetraditional husbandusuallymadebigdecisionsaboutspendingmoney.However,th emodernhusbandsharesthesedecisionswithhisworkingwife.Also,thetraditionalhusbanddidnothelphiswifewithhouseworkormealpre paration.Dinnerwasreadywhenhecamehome.Incontrast,themodernh usbandhelpshisworkingwifeathome.Hemaydosomeofthehouseholdch ores,anditisnotunusualforhimtocook.Theseconddifferenceisinthewoman’srole.Inthetraditionalfamily,thewomanmayhaveworkedformoneyd uringherfirstyearofmarriage.However,whenshegavebirth,shewou ldusuallygiveupherjob.Herprimaryrolewouldbetotakecareofherf amilyandhome.Incontrast,inmanyfamiliestoday,themodernwomanw orksoutsidethehomeevenaftershehaschildren.She’sdoingtwojobsinsteadofone,sosheisbusierthanthetraditionalmo therwas.Thetraditionalwifelearnedtolivewithinherhusband’sincome.Butthemodernwifedoesnothavetobecausethefamilyhastwo incomes.Thefinaldifferenceisintheroleofthechildren.Inthetraditi onalfamily,thechildrenweretakencareofbythemotherbecauseshed idn’tworkoutside.However,todaypre-schoolchildrenmaygotoachild-c arecenterortoababy-sitterregularlybecausethemotherworks.The school-agechildrenofatraditionalfamilyweremoredependent.The irmotherwastheretohelpthemgetreadyforschoolandtomaketheirbr eakfast.Incontrast,modernchildrenaremoreindependent.Theyhavetogetupearlyandgetreadyforschoolthemselves,andtheymayevenh avetomaketheirownbreakfast.9.Themainideaofthepassageis__________.A.thechangeofthesocietyB.thechangeofthechildrenC.thechangeofthefamilyD.thechangeoftheadults10.Inthepast,ifthehusbandlethiswifegetajob,__________.A.peoplewouldnotthinkhighlyofhiswifeB.peoplewouldthinklittleofhimC.peoplewouldrefusetobefriendswithhimD.peoplewouldlookuptohim11.Thehusbandinthemodernfamily__________.A.isstillthebossofthefamilywhodecidesalloftheimportantthing sB.letsthewifemakeallofthedecisionsaloneC.sharesbigdecisionswithhisworkingwifeD.nolongerworksformoneybecausethewifeisworking12.Accordingtothepassage,whichofthefollowingisTRUE?A.Thehusbandinthemodernfamilydoesalotofhouseworkexceptcooki ng.B.ModernwiveshavemorefreetimebecausetheirhusbandssharehouseC.Modernwivesnolongercookdinnersforhusbands.D.It’scommonformentobuydishes,sendchildrentoschool,andevencookin amodernfamily.答案解析【文章大意】你能想象戴上眼镜,动动眼球便可以“切水果”吗?由武汉大学大三学生团队研发的Xight(人眼视线捕捉系统)将神话变为现实。
【通用版】2019高考二轮英语复习对点练 专题五 非谓语动词 含答案

第一部分专题五Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without being_recognized(recognize).2.It's standard practice for a company like this one to_employ(employ) a security officer.3.For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying connected(connect).4.While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted(promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.5.The manager was satisfied to see many new products developed(develop) after great effort.6.Understanding(understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.7.When we saw the road blocked(block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.8.The engine just won't start. Something seems to_have_gone(go) wrong with it.9.Hearing(hear) how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.10.Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being_reduced(reduce) to ruins, the city took on a new look.11.In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used(use) in daily conversations.12.You cannot accept an opinion offered(offer) to you unless it is based on facts.13.Williams would often spend weeks deciding(decide) how a character should sound and this “voice” determined his approach to each role.14.—Good news! There's a supermarket to_be_built(build) in this area next month!—Cool! It will be convenient for us when it's open.15.Determined(determine) to make his fortune in South America, Mark Twain set off from his home for New Orleans in his teens.16.There he was standing still where I had left him and opening his mouth as if to_say(say) something.17.I can't remember her face now but recalling(recall) the incident makes me happy.18.I knew she needed my help, and her smile was enough to_make(make) my day.19.Li Na, the first to_achieve(achieve) a ranking of world No.2 in Asia, retired from tennis in September, 2014.20.People tend to love agricultural products grown(grow) without the use of fertilizers, pesticides or chemical additives.Ⅱ.单句改错1.Catch the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.【答案】Catch前加To2.Much time spend sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.【答案】spend→spent3.Fully absorbing in painting, Augustine didn't notice evening approaching.【答案】absorbing→absorbed4.Having been worked for two days, Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.【答案】去掉been5.When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile, she stood rooted to the ground, wonder whether to stay or leave.【答案】wonder→wondering6.Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way used the sun and the stars.【答案】used→using7.The park was full of people, enjoyed themselves in the sunshine.【答案】enjoyed→enjoying8.Ignore the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.【答案】Ignore→Ignoring/Ignore前加To9.Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother taking good care of at home.【答案】taking→taken10.Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it performed live is quite another.【答案】performed前加being11.The ability express one's idea somehow decides how far one can get along in one's college.【答案】express前加to12.At present, I'm busy review my lessons in order to take the College Entrance Examination.【答案】review→reviewing13.With alcohol and drugs kicking out of their life, the post-1990s young people now tend to develop healthier hobbies.【答案】kicking→kicked14.Facing with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.【答案】Facing→Faced15.The flowers smell sweet in the garden attracted the visitors to the beauty of nature.【答案】smell→smelling16.Occupied himself with the project, he had no time to go back home.【答案】Occupied→Occupying17.Giving the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into the international stars.【答案】Giving→Given18.Waited for a long time, he finally entered the lecture hall to listen to the speech.【答案】Waited前加Having19.Yesterday, I had my car been repaired, but today it has broken down. Bad luck!【答案】去掉been20.Most students object to be charged for parking on the campus.【答案】be→beingⅢ.语法填空Passage 1Fred was one of the first scientists 1.to_make(make) serious research of the mind. The mind is the connection of activities 2.based(base) in the brain that involve how we act, think, feel and reason.He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams 3.to_search(search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems. He also tried hypnosis(催眠). He wanted to see if 4.putting(put) patients into a sleep-like condition would help ease 5.troubled(trouble) minds. In most cases he found the effects only temporary.Fred worked hard, although what he did might sound easy. His method involved 6.sitting(sit) with his patients and 7.listening(listen) to their talks. He had them 8.talk(talk) about whatever they were thinking. All ideas, thoughts and anything that entered their mind had to 9.be_expressed(express). There could be no 10.holding(hold) back because of fear or guilt.体裁:说明文题材:科普知识主题:心理研究语篇导读:Fred是首批研究心理的科学家之一,他通过和病人长时间谈话和研究梦来寻找精神和情感问题的原因.1.【解析】“the+序数词+名词”后跟动词不定式作定语.2.【解析】base为及物动词,与activities构成动宾关系,故用过去分词形式.3.【解析】此处应用动词不定式作目的状语.4.【解析】宾语从句中缺少主语,故用动名词形式.5.【解析】trouble为及物动词,与minds构成动宾关系,故用过去分词形式.6.【解析】involve doing sth.包含做某事.7.【解析】此处与sitting并列,作involved的宾语,故用动名词形式.8.【解析】have sb.do sth.让某人做某事.9.【解析】have to do sth.不得不做某事,由句子结构可知应表被动,故用不定式的被动结构.10.【解析】There is no doing sth.不可能做某事,为固定句式.Passage 2Buying books on the Internet is a great way 1.to_save(save) time and money. Online bookstores offer new books and ed(use) books that can save you a lot of money. What's more, they are far better pared(compare) to traditional bookstores as they offer much broader kinds of books. You can either click the kind of e-book online or type the book title and get it in seconds. Another advantage of 4.shopping(shop) online is that you can also read the book reviews as well as readers' reviews to get an idea whether the book is worth 5.buying(buy). Online bookstores offer great discounts, which is a big attraction for book lovers.For book lovers, it is most important 6.to_get(get) books in time. Therefore, you need to find a reliable online bookstore that will be able 7.to_provide(provide) fast deliveries.Here are some tips to use when 8.selecting(select) an online bookstore. Some online bookstores are popular for fiction books; some are for non-fiction books or novels, etc.9.Understanding(understand) their specialization will help you get the right kinds of books in time. Check whether you will be buying the books from a third-party seller or directly from the websites. Never jump at stores that offer cheap prices, as books 10.sold(sell) at such low prices could be in very bad condition.体裁:议论文题材:社会生活主题:网上购书语篇导读:本文主要讲述了在网上买书的优点及注意事项.1.【解析】动词不定式作后置定语,修饰a great way.2.【解析】used books二手书.前面的new也给了提示.3.【解析】compared to与……相比.4. 【解析】介词of后应该用动名词.5.【解析】be worth doing某事值得做.6.【解析】不定式短语作真正的主语,it作形式主语.7.【解析】be able to do sth.能够做某事.8.【解析】此处为状语从句when you are selecting an online bookstore 的省略.9.【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处应为动名词短语作主语.10.【解析】过去分词作后置定语,修饰books.。

2019高考英语二轮阅读理解强化系列(05)及解析AAllherlife,mymotherwantedbusychildren.Itwasveryimportantthatherhouseshouldr emainatalltimescleanandtidy.Youcouldturnyourbackforamomentinmymother’shouse,leaveahalf-writtenletteronthediningroomtable,amagazineopenonthechair,andturnaroundtofindth atmymotherhad“putitbackwhereitbelonged,”assheexplained.Mywife,ononeofherfirstvisitstomymother’shouse,placedapacketofbiscuitsonanendtableandwenttothekitchentofetchadrink.When shereturned,shefoundthepackethadbeenremoved.Confused(疑惑的),shesetdownherdrinkandwentbacktothekitchenformorebiscuits,onlytoreturntofind thatherdrinkhaddisappeared.Uptothenshehadguessedthateveryoneinmyfamilyheldontot heirdrinks,soasnottomakewaterringsontheendtables.Nowsheknowsbetter.Thesedisappearanceshadaconfusingeffectonourfamily.Wewereallinclinedto(有……的倾向)forgetfulness,anditwascommonforoneofus,uponreturningfromthebathroom,tofindth ateverysignofhisworkinprogresshaddisappearedsuddenly.“DoyourememberwhatIwasdoing?”wasaquestionfrequentlyasked,butrarelyanswered.Nowmy_sister_has_developed_a_second-hand_love_of_clean_windows,_andmybrotherdoesthecleaninginhishouse,perhapstoavoi dhavingtobetheonetolifthisfeet.Itrynottothinkaboutittoomuch,butIhaveatthislater timestartedtodustthefurnitureonceaweek.Wehaveallbecomebusypersons.1、WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutmymother?A.Sheenjoyedremovingother’sdrinks.B.Shebecamemoreandmoreforgetful.C.Shepreferredtodoeverythingbyherself.D.Shewantedtokeepherhouseingoodorder.2、Mywifecouldnotfindherbiscuitsanddrinkinmymother’shousebecause______.A.shehadalreadyfinishedthemB.mymotherhadtakenthemawayC.sheforgotwhereshehadleftthemD.someoneinmyfamilywasholdingthem3、Theunderlinedpartinthefifthparagraphsuggeststhatmysister______.A.ishappytocleanwindowsB.lovestocleanusedwindowsC.isfondofcleanusedwindowsD.likescleanwindowsasmymotherdid4、Thispassagemainlytellsusthat______.A.mymotheroftenmadeusconfusedB.myfamilymembershadapoormemoryC.mymotherhelpedustoformagoodhabitD.mywifewassurprisedwhenshevisitedmymotherBGeneticsisnotjustascience,letaloneatechnologyorabusiness.Geneticsisaprofoun didea.Geneticsjournals,forinstance,filltheirpageswithdiscoveriesof “diseasegenes”thatlurk(潜伏)silent,inthetwistsandbendsofourDNA,readytoturnonus.Theveryideaofdiseasegenes thathaveyettoactuallycausediseasemakesusfeel“sick”evenifwedon’thaveanysymptom.Cancergeneticshasbroughtevendeeperchanges.Thediseaseusedtobebla medondisguisedexternal(外部的)agentsattackingthebody.Butnowthediseaseisseenas “anaturalbornpartoftheself”.Yougetcancernotsolely,orevenlargely,becauseofsome thingyouate,orbecauseofsomeplaceyoulivedin,orbecauseofsomechemicalyoubreathed.Y ouhavecancerbecauseofwhoyouare.Afterall,noteveryonewholivedasyoulivedgotcancer. Cancer_becomes_an_expression_of_our_essential_nature.Suchaviewaffectshowweact,asindividualsandasasociety.Wegettestedforcancergen es(anddon’tknowwhattomakeoftheresult:afterall,about25to50percentofwomenwhocarryeitherofth etwobreast-cancergenesdiscoveredsofardonotgetbreastcancer).Wethinkindividuallyratherthanso cially,withresultsthatwemay,oneday,regret.Environmentalpollutantsgetlessattenti onnowthatwearetold,againandagain,thatthecauseofdiseaseliesinus.Ifwehadfocusedon genesratherthanvirusesperhapstherewouldhavebeennosocialresponsetotheepidemic(流行病).Asaresultofdiscoveriesingenetics,saysRothman,“wearelookingtolocateproblemsintheindividual.”Thinkinggeneticallymakesussaythattheproblemisnotoursasasocietybutyoursasanindiv idual.5、Whatisthenewdiscoverythatoftenleadstodiseaseinthegeneticfield?A.Diseasegenes.B.Disturbingideas.C.Twistsandbends.D.Pollutants.6、Bysaying“Cancerbecomesanexpressionofouressentialnature”,theauthormeans______.A.thatcancerisadisplayofdiseaseB.thatcancerisnotcausedbyexternalagentsC.thateveryonecangetcancerD.thatnoteveryonecangetcancer7、Whendiscussingaboutthetestswedidinthepasttofindwaysofcuringdisease,theauthorimp liesthat______.A.wedidn’tdothemscientificallyB.wecanmakeuseofsomeofthoseresultsC.wearehappywiththoseresultsD.wewillcontinuetodothoseteststhisway8、Thenewdiscoveryshowsthatitisessentialtoexaminedisease______.A.geneticallyB.sociallyC.individuallyD.generally[答案]1、D。

高三英语试题2019.5 试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。
1.Where does the man want to go?A.To New York.B.To Boston.C.To Chicago.2.How will the man pay?A.By cheque.B.By credit card. C.In cash.3.What does the man mean?A.He will do a class project.B.He won’t go to the beach.C.He will go to the zoo next time.4.Why is the man late?A.The traffic was heavy.B.There was an accident.C.He took the wrong bus.5.What is true about Ellen?A.She likes African art.B.She knows Susan very well.C.She doesn’t know Bob.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(52)及解析A(·西城二模,A) OnChristmasmorning,IwenttotheCockhedgeMall.Peopletherewereallbusybuyingthei rlastminuterequirements.Ineededtobuyabirthdaycardformysoninlawwhosebirthdayisthe29thofDecember.PickingupafewmorethingsaswellasmycaredIwent tojointhelinefortheexpresscheckoutwhichwasforpeoplewhoonlyhadafewitemsinabasket andnotatrolleyload.ThislinewasnexttotheCustomerServiceDesk.Seeminglywaitingquitealongtime,IwasjoggedoutofmythoughtsbyavoicebehindmemakingcommentsonthethingsIbought.ItwassofunnywhenIrealizedthatshewasdescribingthecontentsofmybasket.Theowner ofthevoicewasaveryprettyyounglady.IsaidtoherthatIwasgoingtobuyaboxofChristmasco okiesbuttheonlyonesleftwerenottomyliking.TheladytoldmethatjustoppositeCockhedge inSuperdrugtheyhadlotsofcookies.Isaid,I'mnotgoingtobothernow.Ihadenoughofshopsa ndI'mgoinghome.TheassistantfromtheCustomerServicecameacrossatthistime,saying,“Ifthereisanyoneinthelinewithafewitemsintheirbasket,noneofwhichneededtobeweigh ed,Iwillcheckouttheirgroceriesatthedesk.”BecauseIhadthesproutswhichneededtobeweighted,theyoungladyacceptedtheofferandwal kedawaywavinggoodbye.Eventuallymyturncameatthecheckout.IwaswalkingawaywhenImetmynewfriendonceaga inwhohandedmeabeautifulboxofChristmascookies.Withabighugshesaid “HopeyouhavealovelyChristmas.”ShehadbeenintoSuperdrugtobuymethecookieswhileIwasstillqueuinginCockhedge.Whatagenerositytoastranger!Iwassosurprisedyoucouldhaveknockedmedownwithafea ther.MyGoodSamaritanwouldneverknowwhatajoyfulChristmasdayIhadwithmyfamily.Telli ngthemthisstory,asweatearoundthetable,kepteveryonespellbound.圣诞购物时,一位陌生的女士在排队交款时的闲聊中知道“我”想买圣诞甜饼而这家店里没有,她为“我”推荐了一家商店,见“我”没有时间去买,就主动买来给“我”。

2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(44)及解析(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(44)及解析A(·福建卷,A) Driving a car is not just handling controls and judging speed and requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something alcohol is consumed,it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depresant (抑制药),damaging eyesight,judgement and coordination (协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of below the drink driving limit,driving will be affected.Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee.The present Road Traffic Ordinance states clearly that the limit of alcohol concentration is:●50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood;or●22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath;or●67 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of uriue (尿液).Drivers who cause traffic accidents,or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK $25,000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and punished for 10 drivingoffence points;or temporarily banned from driving.The same punishment applies to failing to provide speeimens(样本) for breath,blood or urine tests without good excuse.Drink driving is a criminal a responsible driver,think before you drink. For the safety of yourself and other road users,never drive after consuming alcohol.本文主要讲述酒后驾车旳危害,对酒驾旳惩罚等,呼吁人们为了自身和他人旳健康,一定不要酒后驾车.1.The first paragraph is mainly about______.A.the introductions of driving skills B.the damage of drinking to your body C.the effect of drinking on driving D.the process of alcohol being absorbed 答案:C.主旨大意题.由第一段旳“it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant,damaging eyesight,judgement and co-ordination,slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents.”可知,本段主要讲述酒后驾车旳影响,故C项正确.2.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “______”.A.alcohol B.absorptionC.blood D.process答案:D.词义猜测题.由前半句“To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process”,可知,后半句表示“采取像淋浴或者是喝杯茶,咖啡等旳措施来加速这个过程是不可能旳”故it 指代process,D项正确.3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Drinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving.B.Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice.C.Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body.D.50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the drink driving limit.答案:B.细节理解题.由第二段中“Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice”可知B项正确.4.A driver suspected of drink driving______.A.should provide specimens for testingB.will be forbidden to drive for 3 yearsC.will be punished for 10 driving-offence pointsD.should pay a maximum fine of HK$25,000答案:A.细节理解题.由文章信息“Drivers who cause traffic accidents ,or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested”可知A项正确.B(·安徽卷,B) Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources (来源), as well as one of the oldest. Evidence shows that windmills (风车) began to be used in ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC. They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power.For many centuries, people used windmills to grind (磨碎) wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground when electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radio. However, by the 1940s when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used.During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coaland gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher costs. Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind.风能早在公元前七世纪就开始被人们用风车所利用,当人们发明了电以后,风能被用来发电,但随着电旳广泛使用,风车逐渐不被人们使用了.而进入二十世纪七十年代后,人们又逐渐认识到了风能旳优势.5.From the text we know that windmills ________.A. were invented by European armiesB. have a history of more than 2,800 yearsC. used to supply power to radio in remote areasD. have rarely been used since electricity was discovered答案:C.细节理解题.由第一段最后两句话可知风车首先是在古代伊朗被使用,故排除A 项;公元前七世纪到现在应是不足2800年,故排除B项;由第二段当中旳第二、三句话可以排除D项,同时也能知道C项是正确旳.6.What was a new use for wind power in the late l9th century?A. Sailing a boat.B. Producing electricity.C. Grinding wheat into flour.D. Pumping water from underground.答案:B.细节理解题.由文章第二段中旳第二句话可知“在十九世纪末期人们发现了电以后,住在偏远地区旳人们开始用风车发电”.7.One of the reasons wind was rediscovered in the 1970s is that ________.A. wind power is cleanerB. it is one of the oldest power sourcesC. it was cheaper to create energy from windD. the supply of coal and gas failed to meet needs答案:A.主旨大意题.由文章最后一段可知.8.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. The advantages of wind power.B. The design of wind power plants.C. The worldwide movement to save energy.D. The global trend towards producing power from wind.答案:D.推理判断题.文章最后一句话“如今,出现了一个全球化旳运动,要通过风能旳利用来提供越来越多旳电力”,表明作者会就这个话题继续展开.C(·北京卷,C)Students and Technology in the ClassroomI love my Blackberry—it's my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me. I also love my laptop computer,as it holds all of my writing and this love of technology, I know that there are times when I need to move away from these device(设备) and truly communicate with others.On occasion,I teach a course called History Matters for a group of higher education managers. My goals for the class include a full discussion of historical themes and I want students to thoroughly study the material and exchange their ideas with each other in the classroom,I have a rule—no laptops, iPads, phones, students were told my rule in advance of the class, some of them were not happy.Most students assume that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant experiences in the past with students misusing technology. There's a bit of truth to students assume that I am anti-technology. There's no truth in that at all. I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students.The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversations and truly engage complex ideas. Interruptions by technology often break concentration and allow for too much dependence on outside information for ideas. I want students to dig deep within themselves for inspiration and ideas. I want them to push each other to think differently and to make connections between course material and the class discussion.I've been teaching my history class in this way for many years and the evaluations reflect student satisfaction with the environment that I realize that with deep conversation and challenge, they learn at a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.I'm not saying that I won't ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change,I'm sticking to my plan. A few hours of technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.本文是一篇议论文.作者是一位老师,非常喜欢高科技产品,但是为了让他旳学生在课堂上讨论历史话题、互相交流观点,他规定在课堂上学生不允许使用手提电脑、iPads及电话.刚开始学生不能理解,但是后来在对学生旳学习评估中,学生对这一方法还是非常满意旳.9.Some of the students in the history class were unhappy with ________.A. the course materialB. others' misuse of technologyC. discussion topicsD. the author's class regulations答案:D.细节理解题.由第二段旳“When students were told my rule in advance of the class, some of them were not happy .”可知D项正确.10.The underlined word “engage ”in probably means ________.A. exploreB. acceptC. changeD. reject答案: A.词义猜测题.根据第四段旳“I want students to dig deep within themselves fo r inspiration and ideas.”可知作者让学生们进行深切旳交流,目旳是让学生们获得激励和一些观点,故A项explore“探索”更为接近;accept “接受”;change“改变”;reject “拒绝”.11.According to the author, the use of technology in the classroom may ________.A. keep students from doing independent thinkingB. encourage students to have in-depth conversationsC. help students to better understand complex themesD. affect students' concentration on course evaluation答案: A.推理判断题.由第四段旳“Interruptions by technology often break concentration and allow for too much dependence on outside information for ideas .”可知在教室内使用高科技产品使学生们对于外界信息过于依赖,不能独立思考.12.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author ________.A. is quite stubbornB. will give up teaching historyC. will change his teaching plan soonD. values technology-free dialogues in his class答案:D.推理判断题.由最后一段旳最后一句话可知作者对自己旳不使用高科技产品让学生进行对话旳方法是满意旳.D(·陕西卷,A)这是一则关于“PALACE THEATRE & OPERA HOUSE”旳广告.介绍“Live Card”与“Get it together团购”旳好处以及预定方式.13.If you want to join Live Card to save money on tickets, you can call________.A.0844 847 2484 B.0800 587 5007C.0844 499 6699 D.0161 245 6609答案:C.细节理解题.根据Live Card一栏最后一句Call 0844 499 6699 to join Live Card today 可知C项正确.14.How can you pay for a ticket when you book by post?A.By visiting the website of a post office.B.By going to your local bank in person.C.By enclosing your Live Card in an envelope.D.By providing your credit card information.答案:D.细节理解题.细读By post一栏可以排除A、B、C三项,D项“提供个人信用卡信息”与该栏中“enclosing (附寄)...your credit details”相对应.15.What benefit can group bookers enjoy according to the text?A.Delayed payment for tickets. B.Invitations to opening nights.C.Reduced booking fees by phone. D.Generous discounts on tickets.答案:A.推理判断题.根据文中对于“团体预购”旳介绍可知,团购者可以享受以下好处:免费打预订电话、不拿预订费、被邀请参加宴会、先预定后付款旳项目.所以A项正确.E(·江西卷,D) Why should mankind explore space Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits Why should resources be spent on space rather than on conditions and people on Earth These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup(基因构成) as human beings. What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival. Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified and prepared for. Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger. With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.Exploration also allows minerals and other potential(潜在旳) resources to be found. Even if we have no immediate need of them, they will perhaps be useful later. Resources may be more than physical possessions. Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration. The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. We have already benefited from other spin-offs including improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems. Even nonstick pans and mirrored sunglasses are byproducts(副产品) of technological developments in the space industry!While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us. While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers. The danger exists, but knowledge can help human beings to survive. Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.While Earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets. It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.本文是一篇议论文,向我们阐述了人类进行太空探索旳原因.人类旳基因构成决定了人类探索其他领域包括太空旳能力.人类探索太空可能暂时没有多大用处,但是在将来这可能会帮助人类生存下去.16.Why does the author mention the questions in Paragraph 1?A.To express his doubts. B.To compare different ideas.C.To introduce points for discussion. D.To describe the conditions on Earth.答案:C.推理判断题.作者在第一段提出问题目旳是引出下面要讨论旳话题.17.What is the reason for exploring space based on Paragraph 2?A.Humans are nature-born to do so.B.Humans have the tendency to fight.C.Humans may find new sources of food.D.Humans don't like to stay in the same place.答案:A.细节理解题.根据第二段旳第一句可知人类探索太空旳原因是其基因旳构成.18.The underlined word “spin-offs” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to ________.A.survival chances B.potential resourcesC.unexpected benefits D.physical possessions答案:C.词义猜测题.后面所说旳“improvements in ear thquake prediction,in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems”可知此处旳划线短语意为“益处,好处”.19.What makes it possible for humans to live on other planets?A.Our genetic makeup. B.Resources on the earth.C.The adaptive ability of humans. D.By-products in space exploration.答案:C.细节理解题.根据最后一段旳第一句话可知,人类旳适应能力会让人类在其他星球生存下去.20.Which of the statements can best sum up the passage?A.Space exploration has created many wonders.B.Space exploration provides the best value for money.C.Space exploration can benefit science and technology.D.Space exploration may help us avoid potential problems on Earth.答案:D.主旨大意题.A、B两项可以容易地排除.全文主要讲旳是太空探索对帮助人类生存旳益处,而不是对科技旳益处.。

阅读理解(五)1、More students than ever before are taking a gap year(间隔年) before going to university. It used to be the “year off” between school and university. The gap-year phenomenon originated(起源) with the months left over to Oxbridge applicants between entrance exams in November and the start of the next academic year.This year, 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year, according to statistics on university entrance provided by the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS).That is a record 14.7% increase in the number of students taking a gap year. Tony Higgins from UCAS said that the statistics are good news for everyone in higher education. “Students who take a well-planned year out are more likely to be satisfied with, and complete, their chosen course. Students who take a gap year are often more mature and responsible,” he said.But not everyone is happy. Owain James, the president of the National Union of Students (NUS), argued that the increase is evidence of student hardship—young people are being forced into earning money before finishing their education. “New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to £15,000 in debt. It is not surprising that more and more students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree. NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacating periods,” he s aid.1.What do we learn about the gap year from the text?A.It is flexible in length.B.It is a time for relaxation.C.It is increasingly popular.D.It is required by universities.2.According to Tony Higgins. students taking a gap year ____.A.are better prepared for college studiesB.know a lot more about their future jobC.are more likely to leave university in debtD.have a better chance to enter top universities3.How does Owain James feel about the gap-year phenomenon?A.He's puzzled.B.He's worried.C.He's surprised.D.He's annoyed.4.What would most students do on their vacation according to NUS statistics?A.Attend additional courses.B.Make plans for the new term.C.Earn money for their education.D.Prepare for their graduate studies.2、You get anxious if there’s no wi-fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain. You feel upset if your phone is getting low on power and you secretly worry things will go wrong at work if you’re not there. All these can be called “always on” stress caused by smart phone addiction.For some people, smart phones have liberated them from the nine-to-five work. Flexible working has given them more autonomy in their working lives and enabled them to spend more time with their friends and families. For many others though, smart phones have become cruel masters in their pockets, never allowing them to turn them off and relax.Pittsburgh-based developer Kevin Holesh was worried about how much he was ignoring his family and friends in favor of his iPhone. So he developed an app — Moment — to monitor his usage. The app enables users to see how much time they’re spending on the device and set up warnings if the usage limits are broken. “Moment’s goal is to promote balance in your life,” his websi te explains. “Some time on your phone, some time off it enjoying your loving family and friends around you.”Dr. Christine Grant, an occupational psychologist at Coventry University, said, “The effects of this ‘always on’ culture are that your mind is never resting, and you’re not giving your body time to recover, so you’re always stressed. And the more tired and stressed we get, the more mistakes we make. Physical and mental health can suffer.”And as the number of connected smart phones is increasing, so is the amount of data. This is leading to a sort of decision paralysis (瘫痪) and is creating more stress in the workplace becausepeople have to receive a broader range of data and communications which are often difficult to manage. “It actually makes it more difficult to make decisions and many do less because they’re controlled by it all and feel they can never escape the office,” said Dr. Christine Grant.1.What’s the first paragraph mainly about?A.The popularity of smart phones.B.The progress of modern technology.C.The signs of “always on” stress.D.The cause of smart phone addiction.2.Kevin Holesh developed Moment to __________.A.research how people use their mobile phonesB.help people control their use of mobile phonesC.make people better use mobile phonesD.increase the fun of using mobile phones3.What’s Dr. Christine Grant’s attitude towards “always on” culture?A.Confused.B.Positive.C.Doubtful.D.Critical.4.According to the last paragraph, a greater amount of data means __________.A.we will become less productiveB.we can make a decision more quicklyC.we will be equipped with more knowledgeD.we can work more effectively3、Travis is the manager of G&G where he is responsible for forty employees(雇员) and profits(利润) of over $2 million per year. He's never late to work. He does not get upset on the job. When one of his employees started crying after a customer screamed at her, Travis took her away. "Your working uniform is your shelter," he told her. "Nothing anyone says will ever hurt you. You will always be as strong as you want to be."Travis picked up that lecture in one of his G&G training courses, an education program thatbegan on his first day and continues throughout an employee's occupation. The training has, Travis says, changed his life. G&G has taught him how to live, how to focus, how to get to work on time, and how to master his emotions(情绪). Most importantly, it taught him willpower.At the center of that education is an extreme focus on an all-important habit; willpower. Dozens of cases show that willpower is the single most important habit for a person's success.And the best way to strengthen willpower is to make it into a habit. "Sometimes it looks like people with great self-control aren't working hard—but that's because they've made it automatic," Angela Duckworth, one of the University of Pennsylvania researchers said. "Their willpower occurs without them having to think about it."The company spent millions of dollars developing programs of study to train employees on self-control. Managers wrote workbooks that serve as guides to how to make willpower a habit in workers' lives. Those courses arc, in part, why G&G has grown from a sleepy company into a large one with more than seventeen thousand stores and profits of more than $10 billion a year.1.We learn from Paragraph 2 that employees in G&G must ________.A.learn to give lecturesB.attend education programsC.design a working uniformD.develop a common hobby2.Willpower will become a habit when employees can _________.A.focus on the profitsB.benefit from the jobC.protect themselves wellD.control their feeling well3.What can we infer from the passage?A.G&G has grown into a large company.B.G&G will spend half its profits training employees.C.G&G may become more successful in the future.D.G&G has to produce more workbooks for managers.4 、There are thousands of products of all colors and shapes in a supermarket, making you believe that they are worth a try. How? Packaging is the silent but persuading salesman .There on the shelves, each bottle, can, box, and jar has been carefully designed and measured to speak to the inner self of the consumer, so that is buying not only a product but also his belief in life. Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found that the look of the package has a great effect on the “quality” of the product and on how well it sells, because “Consumers generally cannot tell between a product and its package. Many products are packages and many packages are products,” as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumers’ feeling for packaging, noticed.Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movement have shown that colors draw human attention quickly. Take V8 for example. For many years, the bright red color of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. And the word “green” today can keep food prices going up.我Shapes are another attraction. Circles often suggest happiness and peacefulness, because these shapes are pleasing to both the eye and the heart. That’s why the round yellow M signs of McDonald’s are inviting to both young and old. This new consumer response (反应) to the colors and shapes of packages reminds producers and sellers that people buy to satisfy both body and soul.1.According to the passage, ________ seems to be able to persuade a consumer to buy the product.A.the pleasing color of the packageB.the special taste of the productC.the strange shape of the packageD.the belief in the product2.If a package or a product is round in shape, it can ________.A.bring excitement to the consumersB.attract the consumers’ attentionC.catch the eye movement of the consumersD.produce a happy and peaceful feeling3.“And the word ‘green’ today can keep food prices going up.” This sentence suggests that consumers today are ________.A.starting to notice the importance of new foodB.enjoying the beauty of nature more than beforeC.beginning to like green vegetablesD.paying more attention to their health4.It can be inferred from the passage that V8 is a kind of ________.A.vegetable dishB.healthy juiceC.iced drinkD.red vegetable5、 That woman carried a new blanket (毛毯) over her arm. Wordlessly, she gave it to me.“Is it finished?” I asked. She shook her head. “No. It is ready,” she replied. I handed her the money and took the blanket. “It is beautiful, so skillfully woven (编织),” I said to my mother. “But what did she mean when she said it was not finished? How can it be ready if it is not finished?”“I will tell you later,” my mother said, “but first I will take you to the Navajo(纳瓦霍) village.”We went down to the village. A group of young men were making sand pictures. We walked through the whole village, watching the different things the people were doing.It was not until that evening that my mother finally explained the Navajo woman's words.“Did you notice anything about the things the people were making?” my mother asked. “What should I have noticed?” I looked at her and asked. “Each thing the Navajo make has one small part that is not complete. The designs in their sand pictures are often not perfectly done, for example —the line of a circle may not quite close. If you look carefully at your blanket, you will probably find a stitch (一针) missing.”I took the blanket off, but it looked as perfect as any design could be. Then suddenly, I noticed that sure enou gh a stitch was missing! “But why do the Navajo intentionally leave some tiny part unfinished?” I asked. “They believe that when anything is completed or finished, it means the end has come —it will not be perfect until then. Then too, with a circle, they believe that they must leave a pathway for the bad spirits to run away and the good spirits to come in. So, often, they do not make the line close.”1.The blanket the author received_____ .A.was poorly woven.B.made her think a lot.C.cost her a lot of money.D.was finished, but not ready.2.Why was the author shown around the village?A.To buy more things made by the Navajo.B.To make friends with some of the Navajo.C.To have a deeper understanding of the Navajo.D.To look for the woman who sold her the blanket.3.Which of the following may the Navajo believe?A.A stitch in time is very important.B.Life only becomes perfect when you die.C.He who makes no mistake is a perfect man.D.You must always try to make your life complete.4.What’s the main idea o f the text?A.The Navajo are good at making things.B.The Navajo are brave and hard-working.C.A blanket tells a lot about the Navajo culture.D.Skills are needed to do business with the Navajo.6、The English have a difficult and, generally speaking, dysfunctional (怪异的) relationship with clothes. Their main problem is that they have a desperate need for rules, and are unable to get along without them. This helps to explain why they have an international reputation for dressing in general very badly, but with specific areas of excellence, such as high-class men’s suits, ceremonial costumes, and innovative (革新的) street fashion. In other words, we English dress best when we are “in uniform”.You may be surprised that I am including “innovative street fashion” in the category of the uniform. Surely the parrot-haired punks (朋克摇滚乐迷) or the Victorian vampire goths are being original, not following rules? It’s true that they all look different and eccentric (古怪的) but in factthey all look eccentric exactly in the same way. They are wearing a uniform. The only truly eccentric dresser in this country is the Queen, who pays no attention to fashion and continues to wear what she likes, a kind of 1950s fashion, with no regard for anyone else’s opinion. However, it is true that the styles invented by young English people are much more eccentric than any other nation’s street fashion. We may not be individually eccentric, apart from the Queen, but we have a sort of collective eccentricity, and \ye appreciate originality in dress even if we do not individually have it.Another “rule” of behavior I had discovered was that it is very important for the English not to take themselves too seriously, to be able to laugh at themselves. However, it is well known that most teenagers tend to take themselves a bit too seriously.The goths, in their scary black costumes, certainly look as if they are taking themselves seriously. But when I got into conversation with them, I discovered that they too had a sense of humor. I was once chatting to a goth in the full vampire costume—with a white face, deep purple lipstick, and black parrot-hair. I saw he was also wearing a T-shirt with “Goth”.“Why are you wearing that?” I asked. “In case you don’t realize I’m a goth.” he answered, pr etending to be serious. We both burst out laughing.1.What can we know about the English people?A.They need rules to dress well.B.They are in need of uniforms.C.They are creative in general.D.They lead the world trend.2.Who is individually eccentric in dressing?A.A high-class man.B.A parrot-haired punk.C.The Queen.D.The fashion innovator.3.Which of the following can best describe the goths?A.They dress badly.B.They dress in an amusing way.C.They are unable to laugh at the way they dress.D.They are less fashionable than the other English people.4.What may be the best title for the text?A.How the English DressB.How the English Admire FashionC.Why the English Like UniformsD.Why the English Are Eccentric in Dress7、Black Friday is just a week away, an annual tradition in which holiday shoppers rush to the supermarkets and malls. Most shoppers pack stores to buy things at a discount. For some, however, shopping is less of a pastime and more of an addiction. These people have compulsive(强迫性的) shopping disorder, a condition filled with debt and regret.While it's true that many lack money and credit management skills, what these shoppers are often looking for is a “buy high”,an emotional rush to put themselves in a better mood, found San Francisco State University researchers in 2013. These types of shoppers often hold materialistic values. When under stress, materialistic shoppers are more likely to shop compulsively.Rather than providing any social or emotional outlet(发泄出口),the extreme stress-induced purchases only increase anxiety and lower well-being, and materialistic shoppers already tend to have lower self-esteem than others to begin with.In fact, it’s exactly at low moments that materialistic shoppers are most likely to shop for expensive items, and they're more likely to make those purchases on credit. This of course can create a vicious cycle, in which a materialistic shoppers with low self-esteem buys a luxury item he or she cannot afford in an effort to improve sense of self. The financial burden can cause stress and strain relationships over the issue of money, further affecting the mood of the shopper and leading to more spending to try to regain a sense of self-worth.Symptoms of shopping addiction include constant thoughts about shopping, buying to improve the mood and inability to change behavior.There are treatment options for those with compulsive shopping disorder, which may include medication. Other recommendations include shopping with a friend, getting rid of credit cards and above all, developing meaningful hobbies.1.What do you learn about Black Friday?A.Many shops have special offers.B.Customers can enjoy leisure time.C.Shoppers can get free products.D.Shoppers spend much money on useless things.2.According to the passage, the extreme stress-induced purchases _____.A.provide an emotional outletB.make people more anxiousC.regain people’s confidenceD.improve management skills3.When are materialistic shoppers most likely to shop for expensive items?A.When they are delighted.B.When they are excited.C.When they are inspired.D.When they are depressed.4.According to the author, which of the following is the most important treatment option?A.Taking chemical medicine.B.Shopping with a friend.C.Developing meaningful hobbies.D.Getting rid of credit cards.8、The first drawings on walls appeared in caves thousands of years ago. Later the Ancient Romans and Greeks wrote their names and protest poems on buildings. Modern graffiti seems to have appeared in Philadelphia in the early 1960s, and by the late sixties it had reached New York. The new art form really took off in the 1970s, when people began writing their names, or “tags”, on buildings all over the city. In the mid-seventies it was sometimes hard to see out of a subway car window, because the trains were completely covered in spray paintings known as masterpieces.In the early days, the “taggers” were part of street crowds who were concerned with marking their territory (领地). They worked in groups called “crews” and called what they did“writing”-the term “graffiti” was first used by The New York Times and the novelist Norman Mailer. Art galleries in New York began buying graffiti in the early seventies. But at the same time that it began to be regarded as an art form, John Lindsay, the then mayor of New York, declared the first war on graffiti. By the 1980s it became much harder to write on subway trains without being caught, and instead many of the more established graffiti artists began using roofs of buildings.The debate over whether graffiti is art or deliberate damage is still going on. Peter Vallone, a New York city councilor, thinks that graffiti done with permission can be art, but if it is on someone else’s property it becomes a crime. “I have a message for the graffiti destroyers out there,” he said recently, “and your freedom of expression ends where my property begins.” On the other hand, Felix, a member of the Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City, says that artists are reclaiming cities for the public from advertisers, and that graffiti represents freedom and makes cities livelier.For decades graffiti has been a springboard to international fame for a few. Jean-Michel Basquiat began spraying on the street in the 1970s before becoming a respected artist in the 80s. The Frenchman Blek le Rat and the British artist Banksy have achieved international fame by producing complex works with stencils (模板), often making political or humorous points. Works by Banksy have been sold for over £ 100,000. Graffiti is now sometimes big business.1.Why was the seventies an important decade in the history of graffiti?A.That was when modern graffiti first appeared.B.That was when modern graffiti first became really popular.C.That was when graffiti first reached New York.D.That was when graffiti first appeared on subway car windows2.What does the underlined word “taggers” in the second paragraph mean?s of people who graffitied.B.Building where paints were sprayed.C.People who marked surface with graffiti.D.People who were interested in graffiti.3.What can we know from the third paragraph?A.New Yorkers think graffiti is art.B.Graffiti was accepted by officials completely.C.Buildings can be covered with graffiti freely.D.There were once advertisements on city surface.4.What is the author’s final opinion about graffiti?A.Graffiti has now become mainstream and can benefit artists.B.Graffiti is not a good way to become a respected artist.C.Some popular graffiti artists end up being ignored by the art world.D.Some graffiti caused inconvenience to the local environment.答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.B; 4.C解析:1.本文介绍了越来越多的学生在被大学录取后,不直接去上大学,而是在间隔年期间赚取上大学的费用的现象。

2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(58)及解析A(·新课标卷,A)WhenmilkarrivedonthedoorstepWhenIwasaboygrowingupinNewJerseyinthe1960s,wehadamilkmandeliveringmilktoour doorstep.HisnamewasMr.Basille.Heworeawhitecapanddroveawhitetruck.Asa5yearoldboy,Icouldn'ttakemyeyesoffthecoinchangerfixedtohisbelt.Henoticedthisonedaydu ringadeliveryandgavemeaquarteroutofhiscoinchanger.Ofcourse,hedeliveredmorethanmilk.Therewascheese,eggsandsoon.Ifweneededtocha ngeourorder,mymotherwouldpenanote—“Pleaseaddabottleofbuttermilknextdelivery”—andplaceitintheboxalongwiththeemptybottles.Andthen,thebuttermilkwouldmagically(魔术般)appear.Allofthiswasaboutmorethanconvenience.Thereexistedacloserelationshipbetweenf amiliesandtheirmilkmen.Mr.Basilleevenhadakeytoourhouse,forthosetimeswhenitwasso coldoutsidethatweputtheboxindoors,sothatthemilkwouldn'tfreeze.AndIrememberMr.Ba sillefromtimetotimetakingabreakatourkitchentable,havingacupofteaandtellingstori esabouthisdelivery.Thereissadlynohomemilkdeliverytoday.Bigcompaniesallowedtheproductionofcheap ermilk,thusmakingitdifficultformilkmentocompete.Besides,milkisforsaleeverywhere ,anditmayjustnothavebeenpracticaltohaveadeliveryservice.Recently,anoldmilkboxinthecountrysideIsawbroughtbackmychildhoodmemories.Ito okithomeandplanteditonthebackporch(门廊).Everysooftenmyson'sfriendswillaskwhatitis.SoIstarttellingstoriesofmyboyhood ,andofthemilkmanwhobroughtusfriendshipalongwithhismilk.本文讲述了自己小时候与送奶人之间的故事。

2019高考英语二轮(阅读理解)精品练习(10)及解析〔******〕Twothievescametoahousetostealsomething.Theydugaholeinthewallofthehouse. Therelivedmanymiceinthehouse.Thewomaninthemoonlight(月光)sawamousecrawl(爬行)intothehouse.“Look!Inconiesone,”shesaidtothemaninthehouse.Thethiefwassofrightenedthathehurriedlycrawledoutofthe houseandsaidtotheonewaitingoutside,“ShefoundmewhenIwasjustin.”Butthethiefoutsidedidn'tbelievehim,sohesaid,“Letustwotrytocrawlintothehousetogether.”Atthattimetwomicehappenedtocrawlintothehouse,too.Thewomansawthemiceandshouted,“Incometwo,catchthem!”Thetwothieveswereterriblyfrightened.Themaninthehousesaid,“Yousawthemcomeinbutwherearethey?Iwillcatchthemtonight.”Thetwothievesstartedrunningawayatonce. Thetwothieveswaitedtomakeitdearwhethertheyhadbeenfoundornotthenightbefore.Thene xtdaytheyactedasmensellingsweetpotatoesandcamebeforethehouse.Themanandthewomanw ereploughingintheirfields.Therein(缰绳)brokeandthewomancamehomeforarope.Shesawtwomensellingsweetpotatoesandwantedto buysome.Shepickedouttwowhichlookedlikemice.Atthetimethemancouldn'twaitforherany longerinthefieldsandheranbackfromthefieldstohurryherup.Thewomanshowedthesweetpo tatoestothemanandsaid,“Howtheylooklikethetwooflastnight.”Themansaid,“Iaskedyoutofetcharope,whydon'thurryforit?'Thetwothievesranawayveryquicklywith outtheirsweetpotatoes.1.Thetwothievesfailedtostealanythingfromthehousebecause___________.A.theywerefoundoutB.theywerefrightenedbywhattheyhadheardinthehouseC.theydidn'tworktogetherwellwitheachotherD.micestoppedthemfromdoingso答案:B指导:见第一段,这两个贼误以为夫妇俩是在说他们。

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】Where does the man want to go?A. To New York.B. To Boston.C. To Chicago.【答案】B2.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How will the man pay?A. By cheque.B. By credit card.C. In cash.【答案】B3.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What does the man mean?A. He will do a class project.B. He won’t go to the beach.C. He will go to the zoo next time.【答案】B4.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】Why is the man late?A. The traffic was heavy.B. There was an accident.C. He took the wrong bus.【答案】C5.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What is true about Ellen?A. She likes African art.B. She knows Susan very well.C. She doesn’t know Bob.【答案】A第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
(参考)2019年山东省高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练10

Humpback whalesA. cannot survive in waters near the shoreB. doesn’t live in the same waters all the timeC. lives mainly on underwater plantsD. prefers to work alone when hunting food2. To make a breach, a humpback whale must .A. use its tail flukes to leap out of the waterB. twist its body sideways to jump high3. From the passage we can learn that a humpback whale .A. has its unique markings on its tail flukesB. has black and white fingerprintsC. gets its name from the way it huntsD. is a great performer due to its songs【参考答案】1-3 BAAASmog has affected Beijing for at least a week and the Great Hall of the People, where lawmakers will meet next week for the country’s parliamentary session(人大会议), is hardly visible. Much of north and central China, or one-seventh of the country, was covered in it over the weekend.Responses have included reduced industrial activities, a ban on fireworks and barbecues, raised pollution alerts and reduced vehicles travelling on the roads. Citizens are advised to stay indoors while schools have either stopped classes or suspended outdoor activities.And Chinese officials, after a long period of prioritizing economic development over environmental protection, are now likely to see their future career shaped by how effectively they handle the serious pollution.“Even as a foreigner, I know the pollution has a lot to do with too much focus on economic indicators(指标)inevaluating Chinese officials,” said Florian Kessler, an executive(执行的)director with German law firm WZR Consulting. The German executive speaks fluent Chinese, loves Beijing food and is a big fan of Beijing Guo’an Football Club, but after staying in the city for eight years, he now wants to leave. “Since I smoke, I’m okay with the pollution, but I can’t let my kid breathe in the polluted air. That’s why I’m leaving,” Kessler explained.China has repeated in the past that we would not follow the old path of industrialized nations to develop first and deal with pollution afterward. But the smog is an awkward reminder that our country is already on that path. Whether we can change route depends on the choice Chinese officials make between environment and growth in the years ahead.21. These are the reasons for smog except _______.A. industrial activitiesB. fireworksC. outdoor activitiesD. vehicles22. Florian Kessler considered the pollution had much to do with _________.A. citizensB. Chinese governmentC. schoolsD. smokersA. Because it is hard for them to find staff who likeworking here.B. Because they have kids.C. Because they lack money.D. Because Chinese officials don’t like th em.24. Which statement below is NOT TRUE according to thepassage?A. Smog has affected much of north and central Chinaover the weekend.B. Due to smog, schools must stop classes.C. Chinese officials didn’t pay enough attention tothe environment protection.D. Like many other nations, China has to deal withpollution, too.25. What’s the author’s purpose to write this passage?A. To announce that smog has stayed in Beijing for morethan a week.B. To state the responses of the peopleC. To state the tips of surviving smog.D. To appeal to the Chinese government to protect the environment.参考答案21-25 CBABDBAs young Chinese increasingly forget how to writecharacters because they don’t have to, using keyboards andtouch screen technology on mobile phones is changing the trend.“When you write on the touch screen, you use your finger, instead of a mouse or keyboard,” Yin says.Handwriting technology on a mobile phone touch screen has been around for years and became popular with the iPhone, which recognizes the input and offers a wide selection of characters.“It’s efficient and accurate,” Yin says.According to Zhang Zikang, president of the Culture and Art Publishing House, writing with a pen on the touch screen brings handwriting into the digital age. It is even better when you write with your finger, feeling the flow of the cursive script(草写体)and the grace and art of Chinese characters, he says.“Smart gadgets(小装置)don’t take life from the square-shaped characters, instead they offer a new and advanced platform to show the charm of Chinese characters, which are always evolving,” Zhang says.26. Which way is not mentioned in the passage to input characters on the phone?A. Taking pictures.B. Using a kind of alphabet-based input system.C. Spelling out the sounds of the characters.D. Using their fingers as pens to write.27. The passage probably can be seen in a ________.A. novelB. science fictionC. magazineD. fairy tale28. What does “one of the main topics for debate” inparagraph 7 refer to?A. Chinese characterB. Chinesetraditional artC. Iphone used by youthsD. Youths’forgetting how to write out characters.29. What will happen to characters as smart gadgets appear?A. The writing of characters will be not important.B. Characters will disappear sooner or later.C. Characters can be only written with your finger.D. Characters will be still attractive by evolving.参考答案、26--29 ACDDCWho won China’s first gold medal at the 2014 SochiWinter Olympics? It was Li Jianrou. The 27-year-old finishedfirst in the women’s 500m short track speed skating on Feb13. The race was full of drama. Three athletes fell overbecause of an accident caused by Elise Christie of Britain in the second turn and Li became the surprise winner.Three-time defending champion Wang Meng of China missed the Olympics after breaking her ankle last month. Li hadlittle experience in the race, where getting off to a quick Start is important. But she kept her cool while everyone else was falling around her.“I feel very lucky,” Li said through a translator.She and one of her coaches cried tears of joy after China joined South Korea as the only countries to win the same short track event four Olympics in a row. The Koreans won the 3,000 relay in 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006.“I cried because I was so excited,” Li said. “My coach told me this medal is for Wang Meng as well, so I felt very moved.”Arianna Fontana of Italy took the silver and Park Seung-hi of South Korea earned the bronze.30. Who made a mistake causing three athletes to fall over in the final?A. Li JianrouB. Elise ChristieC. Arianna FontanaD. Fan Kexin31. Which country won the women’s 500m short track event 4 Olympics in a row as well as China?A. ItalyB. JapanC. BritainD. South Korea32. Which statement below is tree according to the passage?A. Li Jianrou won China’s first gold medal at Winter Olympics.B. Wang Meng missed the Olympics because of an injury.C. Fan Kexin was injured by long, sharp blades.D. South Korea ranked second in the event.参考答案30、B 31---32、DBDThe British MuseumDescription:The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based onthe collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury, on the site of thecurrent museum building. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries was largely a result of an expandingBritish colonial footprint and has resulted in the creationof several branch institutions. Until 1997, when the British Library (previously centered on the Round Reading Room)moved to a new site, the British Museum housed both anational museum of antiquities and a national library in thesame building. The museum is a non-departmental public body sponsored(赞助)by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Since 2002 the director of the museum has been Neil MacGregor.Admission and opening hours:The museum is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10amto 5:30pm)and it charges no admission fee, except for loan exhibitions.How to get there:By train: 7:00-18:30 every day. By Underground:8:00-18:30 every day.By bus: 7:30-18:30 every day. By coach: 7:00--19:30 every day.Nearest underground stations:Tottenham Court Road (500m) Holborn (500m)Russell Square (800m)33. When was the British Museum opened to the public for the first time?A. In 1753.B. In 1759.C. In 1997.D. In 2002.34. You are at the Museum at seven in the evening and youwant to go back to Oxford. Which means of transportationwill you choose?A. By coach.B. By bus.C. By train.D.By underground.35. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?A. The British Museum has collected more than 13 million objects.B. The British Museum is open from 10 am to 6 pm every day.C. The British Museum is a great museum of human history and culture.D. The Br itish Museum’s expansion in the past was mainly because of an expanding British colonial footprint.参考答案、33—35、BAB11 / 11。

2019年高考英语二轮复习专题一阅读理解习题讲4【观点态度推理判断题】[典例](2018·浙江高考阅读C节选)...The problems of excessive(过度的)energy consumption,climate change and population growth have been described in a book by the American writer Thomas L.Friedman.He fears the worst,but hopes for the best.Friedman points out that the green economy(经济)is a chance to keep American strength.“Theability to design,build and export green technologies for producing clean water,clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the currency of power in the new century.”30.What is Friedman’s attitude towards America’s future?A.Ambiguous.B.Doubtful.C.Hopeful.D.Tolerant.[解析]选C根据选段第一段中的“hopes for the best”和第二段可知,Friedman虽然对未来担心,但抱有最好的希望,他认为绿色经济是使美国保持实力的一个机遇,由此可知Friedman对美国未来是充满希望的,故选C。

2019-2020学年滨州市北镇中学高三英语二模试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AGet up to 19% off the cover pricePlus, get digital access with your paid print subscription●Up-to-date news that touches your lifeFrom money-saving tips and quick reports on the latest healthcare, to inspiring articles on world events, you'll discover hundreds of ideas for living a richer, more satisfying life.●Read it anytime, anywhereGet a l-year-print subscription ofReader's Digestmagazine today and you'll also get free digital instantly. With digital access, you can read the latest issue ofReader's Digestanytime, anywhere! Plus, you can quickly access your past issues online, too.●Continuous renewal serviceYour subscription will automatically renew at the end of each term until you cancel. You authorize us to charge you credit/debit cardat the discounted rate on the renewal service unless you cancel. You may cancel at anytime by visiting Customer Care and receive a refund on all unmailed issues.●Other informationThe cover price ofReader's Digestis $3.99 per issue and it is currently published 10 times annually. Please check the confirmation page and your mailbox to download detailed instructions.1. What is the annual fee for subscription?A. $32. 3.B. $39. 9.C. $40.D. $47. 9.2. Which of the following words best describes the content inReader's Digest?A. Touching and amusing.B. Inspiring and practical.C. Amazing and entertaining.D. Educational and theoretical.3. If you subscribe toReader’s Digest, you can ________.A. have as many issues as possible every yearB. renew your subscription at the original rateC. get back your money for the issues not mailedD. obtain all the past issues online anytime, anywhereBWe've all heard it before:to be successful, get out of bed early. After all, Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 3:45 am, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne at 3:30 am and Richard Branson at 5:45 am﹣and, as we all know, "the early bird's catches the worm. "But just because some successful people wake up early, does that mean it's a trait most of them share?And if the idea of having exercised, planned your day, eaten breakfast, visualized and done one task before 8 am makes you want to roll over and hit snooze till next Saturday, are you really doomed to a less successful life?For about half of us, this isn't really an issue. It's estimated that some 50% of the population isn't really morning or evening﹣oriented, but somewhere in the middle. Roughly one in four of us, though, tend more toward bright﹣eyed early risers, and another one in four are night owls. For them, the effects can go beyond falling asleep in front of the TV at 10 pm or being regularly late for work.Numerous studies have found that morning people are more self﹣directed and agreeable. And compared to night owls, they plan for the future more and have a better sense of well﹣being.Although morning types may achieve more academically, night owls tend to perform better on measures of memory, processing speed and cognitive(认知)ability, even when they have to perform those tasks in the morning. Night﹣time people are also more open and more creative. And one study shows that night owls areas healthy and wise as morning types﹣and a little bit wealthier.Still think the morning people sound more like CEO material?Don't set your alarm for 5 am Just yet. As it turns out, overhauling(全面改革)your sleep time may not have much effect"If people are left to their naturally preferred time, they feel much better. They say that they are much more productive. The mental capacity they have is much broader, " says Oxford University biologist Katharina Wulff. On the other hand, she says, pushing people too far out of their natural preference can be harmful. When they wake early, for example, night owls are still producing melatonin(褪黑素). "Then you disrupt it and push the body to be in the daytime mode. That can have lots of negative physiological consequence. " Wulff says, like a different sensitivity to insulin and glucose(葡萄糖)which can cause weight gain.4. What does the authordo in the first three paragraph?A. raising the problem→analyzing the problem → solving the problemB. leading in the topic→challenging a viewpoint → discussing about the topicC. presenting a viewpoint → providing supporting proofs→making a conclusionD. introducing a viewpoint →raising the question→presenting author's viewpoint5. What can we know from the 4th and 5th paragraph?A. Morning types tend to have clear goals and better mood.B. To beat night﹣time people ask them to do math calculation in themorning.C. Night owls tend to sacrifice their health for their wealth.D. Neither night owls nor morning persons perform better than the middle ones.6. Which of the following does Katharina Wulff support?A. Don't fall sleep in front of the TV.B. Avoid being regularly late for work.C. Stop setting your alarm for 5 am.D. Better not overhaul your sleep time.7. Why does the author write this article?A. To explain why some people are more successful.B.To compare the differences between early risersand night owls.C. To advise people to get up neither too early nor too late.D. To argue against this view that the Carly bird catches the worm.CWhen I was a kid, my mom set aside some breakfast food for supper every nowand then. I remember one night after a long, hard day at work, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and a plate of extremely burnt biscuits on the table. I waited to see if my dad would get annoyed.All my dad did was to reach for the biscuits, smile at my mom and ask me how my day at school had been. I don't remember what I told him that night but I do remember watching him add butter and jelly on that ugly burnt biscuit and ate every bite of that thing. He never made a face nor uttered a word about it!When I rose from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for overcooking the biscuits and I will never forget what he said, “Honey, I love burnt biscuits every now and then."Later that night, I went to say good night to my daddy, and I wondered if he really liked his biscuits burnt. He wrapped me up in his arms and said gently, "Your mom put in a hard day at work today and she is really tired. Besides, a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!As I have grown older, I've thought about that many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. Learning to accept each other's faults and choosing to celebrate each other's differences contribute to ahealthy, growing, and lasting relationship. We could extend this philosophy to any relationship, such as a husband-wife, parent-child, or friendship. Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket. Keep it in your own. So, please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burnt one will do just fine.8. How did the author's dad react to the burnt biscuit?A. He set it aside for breakfast.B. He ate butter and jelly instead.C. He uttered his complaints loudly.D. He ate it up as if nothing happened.9. Which of the following words can best describe the author's dad?A. Caring.B. Determined.C. ProudD. Hardworking.10. What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraph?A. Show understanding to imperfect things.B. Ask the children to respect their parents.C. Enjoy the over-cooked biscuits willingly.D. Make important decisions on your own.11. In which section of a magazine may this passage appear?A. History and culture.B. Family and relationship.C. Cuisine and health.D. Entertainment and sports.DIn recent years,people have been focusing on the quality of food that children are fed in schools. Former First Lady Michelle Obama worked hard to make school lunches healthier, resulting in new menus that featured less fat and salt, more fruits and vegetables.But high-quality nutrients count for little when there is no time to eat them. Amy Ettinger reports, "There is no national standard on how much time kids get to eat that meal. " And with schools being occupied with test scores, teachers are using every available minute for lesson time, which often leaves kids without enough eating time.This is a problem because the length of the school lunch period is a key factor (因素) in how much nutrition children actually gel. Research has found that having less than 20 minutes for lunch results in children consuming much less of their lunch than those with more than 20 minutes.This is really terrible. For many low-income kids, that cafeteria lunch can represent half their daily energyintake. There's also another terrible message that it's acceptable to wolf down food as fast as possible before rushing off to your next class. Cafeteria time should be a chance to interact with friends, to learn important social skills, to observe and share varieties of food. It should be a break in day, a chance to relax before heading into the afternoon.As Ettinger explains,some parents are hoping the National Parent Teacher Association will address this issue. This, in turn, would help parents push their kids' schools for better lunch time standards. Meanwhile, if you have a kid in this situation, you can help by packing a healthy lunch to spare them the cafeteria lineup. Make the foods easy to eat, provide non-messy snacks that can be eaten in class, put great effort into serving a hearty breakfast, and sit down as a family for dinner whenever possible.12. What did Michelle Obama make efforts to improve?A. The quality of school lunches.B. The performance of school kids.C. The school lunch time kids have.D. The eating habits of school kids.13. What happens to children in American schools?A. They are occupied with many tests.B. They fail to get along with each other.C. They consume more meat than before.D. They have less lunch time than before.14. How are low-income kids influenced by the problem at school?A. They can't go to classes on time.B. They can't have enough energy.C. They can't share different kinds of food.D. They can't hold a positive attitude toward life.15.What can parents do to solve the problem?A. Prepare a better lunch for their kids.B. Stop their kids going to the cafeteria.C. Force schools to make adjustments to lunch.D. Guide their kids on how to pack their own lunch.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】Where does the man want to go?A. To New York.B. To Boston.C. To Chicago.【答案】B【解析】【分析】W: You can change planes in either Chicago or Denver.M: You mean there’s no direct flight from New York to Boston.【详解】此为听力题,解析略。
2.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How will the man pay?A. By cheque.B. By credit card.C. In cash.【答案】B【解析】【分析】M: I don’t have much cash on me. Do you take cheques?W: Sorry—we only accept credit cards or cash. Do you have a credit card?【详解】此为听力题,解析略。
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山东滨州市2016高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(5)由 (2012浙江瑞安中学高三5月适应性练习)改编Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse is a hands-on arts and sciences museum located in downtown Enid, Oklahoma. It’s fun for children of all ages! Build in the Carpentry Shop, create your own masterpiece in the Art Studio, observe our snakes, chinchillas and ferret in the Animal Area and so much more inside the converted(修改的)warehouse. Learn while you play at Adventure Quest, the outdoor science park that’s also one of the largest playgrounds of its kind in the world! Spend the day or come play for a few hours—you’ll love Leonardo’s.A team of artists, scientists, children and educators dreamed this place and then the community worked together to make Leonardo’s a reality. Hours of family fun and inspiration await you at Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse...PHONE: (580) 233—2787MUSEUM HOURS: Tues—Sat 10am—5pm Sunday 1pm—5pmLOCATION: 200 E.Maple Enid,OKScience Museum Oklahoma,Oklahoma’s only science museum and Smithsonian affiliate,enriches people’s lives by reveali ng the wonder and relevance of science. Home to more than 350 hands-on science exhibits and educational programs,Science Museum Oklahoma offers an interactive and enjoyable experience for visitors of all ages.PHONE: (405) 602—6664MUSEUM HOURS:Mon-Fri 9am—5pm Saturday 9am—6pmSunday 11am—6pmLOCATION:2100 NE 52nd Street Oklahoma City,OKWEBSITE:Jasmine Moran Children’s MuseumWelcome to one of the world’s largest children’s museums and one of NorthAmerica’s favorite family destinations! We’ve created a special place where thousands of children aged 3 - 12 come each year to explore their world. As you explore our website, be sure to Take a Virtual Tour. You’ll discover our hands-on, award-winning museum is uniquely created as an imaginary town where children can actually BE the doctor, the judge, the firefighter, the waterworks engineer and so much more!PHONE: (405) 382-0950MUSEUM HOURS:Tues-Fri 10am-5pmSaturday 10am-5pm Sunday 1pm-5pmLOCATION:1714 Highway 9 West Seminole, OKWEBSITE:At the Museum of the Great Plains, the natural and cultural history of the Great Plains of north America is studied and shown in many exhibits and programs that will be enjoyed by all members of the family. Special events include a twice-yearly encampment of 1830s trappers and hunters, plus re-enactments of 19th and 20th century events and activities.PHONE: (580) 581-3460MUSEUM HOURS:Mon-Fri 10am-5pmSaturday 10am-5pmSunday 1pm-5pmLOCATION:601 NW Ferris Ave Lawton, OKWEBSITE:Welcome to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum &Planetarium where the past and future meet to inspire today’s visitors. Experience Tulsa’s rich history in the aerospace industry by exploring 19,000 square feet of exhibit space and educational displays in the museum,then sit back in the planetarium(天文馆)and enjoy a trip to the outerlimits of the universe.PHONE: (918) 834-9900MUSEUM HOURS:Tues-Fri 10am-5pmSaturday 10am-5pmLOCATION:3624 N 74th E Ave Tulsa, OKWEBSITE:17. In what section of a newspaper will you probably read the advertisements?( )A.GeographycationC.HistoryD.Environment18.What do Science Museum Oklahoma and Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse have in common?( )A.Aiming at scienceB.Introducing animalsC.Offering imaginary rolesD.Enjoying a trip to the universe19.Emma has a tight schedule and has to work from 10am-5pm every day.If she wants to visit a museum,which website will she probably login to get more information?( )A.B.C.D.20.Which of the following can be learned from the advertisements?( )A.Visitors can enjoy family fun in all the museums except the Museum of the Great Plains.B.Visitors can experience something related to culture in the Tulsa Air and Space Museum.C.Visitors can phone (405) 382-0950 if their children want to enjoy role-playing programs.D.Visitors can explore an adventure of outer space in 601 NW Ferris Ave Lawton,OK.21.What may be the purpose of the writer writing the passage?( )A.To show his knowledge of museums.B.To provide some information on museums.C.To attract attention from the readers.D.To entertain readers.语篇解读:本文给我们提供了几家博物馆的主题、开放时间、位置和联系方式等信息。
答案及剖析:17.B 推理判断题。
18.A 细节理解题。
由第一部分的Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse is a hands-on arts and sciences museum...和第二部分的Science Museum Oklahoma, Oklah oma’s only science museum...可知,这两个都是科技博物馆,故选A项。
19.D 细节理解题。
由题干中的has to work from 10am-5pm every day和每个博物馆的开放时间可知,Emma只能去Science Museum Oklahoma参观,故选D项。