Application Execution Steering Using On-the-fly Performance Prediction

Quality production
time Opening
Number of good parts produced x Cycle time
Opening time
Cycle time = Initial reference + improvements Initial ref. = Minimum technical time
TPM : Breakdowns
Pareto analysis of breakdowns
breakdow breakdow breakdow
breank3dow breaknd5ow breakdow
– Pareto of unsolved breakdowns of the last 12 months
Steering : Supervisor
From the noted effect,
Execution: Maintenance Expert Method: Formalise and train the operator in diagnosis
define the diagnosis
method of causes
–PARTICIPANTS: supervisor and maintenance technician
–GOAL: ensure that the definitive measures have been implemented to avoid any recurrence of breakdowns
bea tuxedo

BEA TUXEDO Application AdministrationTUX-A11-XX-01Lab ExercisesBEA Systems, Inc.Educational ServicesCopyright © 2001, BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Restricted Rights LegendThis software and documentation is subject to and made available only pursuant to the terms of the BEA Systems License Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. It is against the law to copy the software except as specifically allowedin the agreement. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from BEA Systems, Inc.Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the BEA Systems License Agreement and in subparagraph (c)(1) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights Clause at FAR 52.227-19; subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, subparagraph (d) of the Commercial Computer Software--Licensing clause at NASA FAR supplement 16-52.227-86; or their equivalent.Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of BEA Systems. THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FURTHER, BEA Systems DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIAL IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE.Trademarks or Service MarksBEA, BEA eLink, BEA Jolt, Distributed Application Framework, and Enterprise Middleware Solutions are trademarks of and are developed and licensed by BEA Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. TUXEDO is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc., exclusively licensed to BEA Systems, Inc.OpenView is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. SunNet Manager and Solstice are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. IBM and NetView are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Informix is a registered trademark of Informix. Cabletron Spectrum is a trademark of Cabletron Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.All other company names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.BEA Tuxedo Application AdministrationDocument Edition Part Number Date Software Version Comment1.0 Sep 2001 BEA Tuxedo 6.5, 7.1,8..0 Initial Labs VersionContentsGeneral Lab Instructions (3)Lab Instructions (3)Environment Variables (3)Lab Directories (5)INSTL–Lab Installation and Verification (7)Part 1 – Copying the Lab Files (8)Part 2 – Viewing the Tuxedo Documentation (10)Part 3 – Verifying the Lab Machine Environment (10)Part 4 – Building Tuxedo Programs for the Lab Workshops..11 DEPL–Deploying a Basic Tuxedo Application (13)CONF–Configuring Application Servers (17)ADAC–Administration and Additional Configuration (21)CLNT–Configuring /WS Support (25)SECU–Configuring Tuxedo Security (29)MMC–Multiple Machine Configuration (33)SRVG–Server Groups and Data Dependent Routing (37)TRAN–Configuring Transactions (41)CQUE–Administering Queues (45)MIBS–Accessing MIBs (51)PERF–Performance Considerations (55)DOMS–Multiple Domains (59)General Lab InstructionsThis guide contains general instructions for the lab workshop exercises for the BEA Tuxedo Application Administration course. The course lab exercises can be performed on a system with either BEA Tuxedo 6.5, 7.1, or 8.0 software installed.The lab exercises can be performed in a variety of classroom environments, both public classrooms and on-site customer locations. The lab exercises are supplied for two generic platform types – UNIX (Sun, HP, other versions) and Microsoft WindowsNT/Windows2000. The lab machine/s used should have been previously set up for the class; the BEA Tuxedo product and a C compiler should be installed. On Windows systems, the only C compiler tested with the labs is Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.The lab exercises are labeled with the same abbreviated module name used for a particular Module in the student material, for example INSTL. Each exercise describes the objective and the steps for performing the exercise. Consider the time suggested for each lab as a “guideline” and not a requirement. Your instructor will end the lab session when it is appropriate.Lab InstructionsInstructions for each lab are usually common for both Windows and UNIX and any differences are noted in the instructions.The first set of actions that you will perform for any lab is common to all labs and are:1. Open a Windows/DOS command window or UNIX shell window.2. Change directory to the lab exercises directory – the lab refers to the <xyz> lab directory:[Windows]: cd<root-directory>\exercises\<xyz>[ UNIX]: cd<root-directory>/exercises/<xyz>3. Edit the setenv command script file that sets the environment variables:[Windows]: setenv.cmd[ UNIX]: setenv.ksh4. Execute the setenv command script file:[Windows]: setenv[ UNIX]: . setenv.ksh(Note the <space> between . and setenv.ksh)Environment VariablesYou should make sure that the environment variables shown below are set. In Windows, you can edit your system environment variables through the Control Panel so that these are always set when you startup a DOS or shell command prompt. The actual paths may differ for your system, for example Tuxedo might be installed in D:\ instead of C:\ as the table below suggests.Set environment variables according to your computer-specific installation directories. For the PATH environment variables, we suggest that you add the paths listed in the table below to thebeginning of the variable because you might have other software installed that may interfere. Ifyou choose not to change the environment variables and use the provided setenv.bat orsetenv.ksh file, you may need to edit this file to reflect your actual installation folders.For Windows systems:Env. Variable Windows Example DescriptionTUXDIR C:\tuxedo Tuxedo installation directory TUXCONFIG C:\tuxa11\exercises\depl\tuxconfig LocationofTUXCONFIGPATH %TUXDIR\bin;%PATH% Path should include theTuxedo bin directoryTUXDIR should be set on supported Windows platforms when Tuxedo 6.5 or 7.1 is installed.Tuxedo 8.0 installation does not set these environment variables and they have to be set either inthe Settings-> Control Panel-> System->Environment control panel or before executing aTuxedo program. In the lab exercises, we will usually set them for each lab exercise.For UNIX systems:Env. Variable UNIX Example Description TUXDIR /opt/tuxedo71 Tuxedo installation directory TUXCONFIG /home/stu01/exercises/abcs/tuxconfig LocationofTUXCONFIGPATH .:$TUXDIR/bin:$PATH/opt/.. or /usr/.. Path should include these Tuxedo related directories…… and any C compiler directories…<include directory path> $TUXDIR/include Usually specified in thecompile commandLD_LIBRARY_PATH (SVR4, Solaris)SHLIB_PATH (HP-UX)LIBPATH (AIX) $TUXDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH$TUXDIR/lib:$SHLIB_PATH$TUXDIR/lib:$LIBPATHAdd the Tuxedo librarydirectory to the library searchpathLANG CorEn_US If you get Tuxedo catalog errors, you may need to reset this to “C” instead of En_US; check which of these two directories has been installed under the $TUXDIR/locale directoryTUXDIR– obtain the directory name where Tuxedo has been installed on the UNIX system from the Instructor or the UNIX Administrator.Lab DirectoriesThe parent directory for the lab exercises contains files used to build the lab exercises. It also contains the exercises and s olutions s ub-directories. Each lab exercise directory is under the exercises directory in a different lab-specific sub-directory (this directory will be the application directory, APPDIR). A lab exercise directory is named to match the corresponding module name, for example DEPL but the lab directory name is in lower-case as in “depl”.Each lab exercise directory contains the files required for the lab exercise described. These files include template files (that you need to complete) or completed files:- a template configuration file named UBBconfig.template- a template file, setenv.cmd.template (Windows) or setenv.ksh.template (UNIX), for setting the environment variables- client and/or server source program template files, <name>.template- completed client or server programs, <name>.c, or executables, <name> in UNIX or <name>.exe in Windows.The UBBconfig.template configuration file requires the following information to be filled for each lab:machine name The configured system name for this machineTUXDIR The directory where the Tuxedo product is installedAPPDIR Application directory, which is the current lab exercise directory TUXCONFIG The TUXCONFIG file in the <APPDIR> directoryYou will need to change the value of these parameters to the appropriate values and complete any other lab-specific directions.You can obtain the machine name from the %COMPUTERNAME% environment variable or from the Network control panel [Windows], or [UNIX] by ‘uname –n’ or ‘hostname’. Note that for Windows systems, the machine name specified in a Tuxedo configuration file should always be in upper case – example, GUMBY and not gumby.A corresponding lab directory in the solutions sub-directory contains the UBBCONFIG configuration solution files for the lab exercise. You should try to avoid using the solution files unless you are really stuck or the Instructor is busy with other students. The Instructor is there to help you !Each lab solution directory contains solution configuration files for Windows and UNIX for each lab exercise, generically represented by the lab directory <labname> below. These solution files use the following values for the above information in the solutions:machine name The node name for the system: NODE1TUXDIR Tuxedo install directory:[Windows] c:\tuxedo[UNIX] /opt/tuxedoAPPDIR Application directory, the current lab directory:c:\tuxa11\solutions\<labname>[Windows][UNIX] /home/student/tuxa11/solutions/<labname> TUXCONFIG The TUXCONFIG file in the <APPDIR> directory:%APPDIR%\tuxconfig[Windows][UNIX] $APPDIR/tuxconfigTo use a lab solution, copy the solution files to the equivalent lab exercise directory; replace the above values in the solution files with values appropriate for your lab machine and follow the instructions to run the lab exerciseINSTL–Lab Installation and VerificationReference Course Section(s): INSTL, Lab Guide: Getting Started Suggested Time: 40 minutesObjectiveThe objective of this exercise is to install the labs and make you familiar with the lab exercise environment.DescriptionYou will install the lab exercises from the Student CD supplied with your course materials and become familiar with the lab machine environment. Installing the labs consists of two main tasks – copying the labs from the Student CD and then compiling the C source programs to generate the client and server executable programs for the platform being used for the lab exercises.You will also become familiar with the Tuxedo documentation layout on the Student CD. Finally, you will follow some simple instructions to verify that Tuxedo has been installed on your machine.SummaryThere is no lab exercise directory or files associated with this lab exercise. You will need the Student CD packaged with your course materials.• Copy the labs from the CD-ROM to your lab machine• View the Tuxedo documentation with a browser• Verify that Tuxedo is installed on the lab machine• Build the client and server executable programs for use in the other lab exercisesStepsPart 1 – Copying the Lab Files(This step may already have been done for the class – check with the Instructor.)1. All the code and template files that you need to accomplish the Lab Workshop exercises aresupplied on the Student CD-ROM that is bundled with the course Student Materials. This CD is in a PC format and may not be readable on most UNIX machines.• On a Windows system, load the Student CD.• On a UNIX system, the tar file containing the lab exercise files may have already been copied from the CD to a directory on the system – check with the Instructor.2. Install the Lab Workshop exercise files:To install the lab exercises on a WindowsNT/Windows2000 system• Create a <lab root directory> such as C:\tuxA11 on your student machine.• Copy the contents (directories and files) from the labs directory on the student CD to this <lab root directory>on the Windows system: select all files and directories, and drag and drop them into the newly-created labs directory.• The files copied to your lab directory will be copied as read-only. To change the read-only attributes, open a DOS/Command window and change directory to your lab root directory.Type the following command to change the read-only attributes on all the files: > attrib –r *.* /S• In the DOS/Command window, verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler is installed by typing “cl”, the command to run the compiler; if it is installed, the banner heading from the compiler will be printed in the window.• If the previous command fails, try to find and execute the following command file to set the correct system environment. This file is typically located in:C:\Program Files\ Microsoft Visual Studio\vc98\bin\Vcvars32.bat Try the previous step again. If this still fails, the Visual C++ compiler may not be installed on the PC you are using. Notify the Instructor.To install the lab exercises on a UNIX system• If the System Administrator has already transferred the tar file from the Student CD to the UNIX system, make a copy of the tar file in your lab root directory using the cp command: > cp \…\TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar .• If not, transfer the labs\UNIX\TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar file from the student CD to the student’s <lab root directory>on the UNIX system being used. You can useFTP binary mode to transfer the file. An example of <lab root directory> is/home/student01.• Use tar to uncompress the TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar file:> tar xvf TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar3. This completes the copy of the lab files to your directory.For both Windows and UNIX systems, the previous steps will create a directory structure underneath the <lab root directory> containing the lab directories corresponding to the Modules in the Student Guide. The root directory should contain the following sub-directories plus some other command files that will be used to build the client and server programs:The formats for directory names are (using the Windows path name convention): • Exercises described in the lab guide: <root-directory>\exercises\ <xyz>• Solutions to exercises in the lab guide: <root-directory>\solutions\<xyz>where <root-directory> represents the root directory where the labs were installed, and <xyz> and <XYZ> are the lab directory name and the associated module name respectively.There is another step to be done before the lab exercises can be performed – build the client and server program executables to be used for each lab exercise. This is described later in this lab exercise.4. This completes the copying of the lab files to your machine.Part 2 – Viewing the Tuxedo Documentation5. We will now examine the Tuxedo documentation supplied on the Student CD. [If the courseis being delivered on a UNIX platform, the Tuxedo docs may have been transferred to aUNIX directory.] Using Windows Explorer or other File Manager, move to the following directory on the Student CD :[Student-CD] \Tuxedo Docs\ xxxwhere xxx is either v6_5, v7_1, or v8_0 depending on whether Tuxedo release 6.5, 7.1, or 8.0 respectively is being used in the class.6. Double-click on the index.htm file in the above directory. This will start-up a browserprogram and bring up the Tuxedo documentation index page. The display will be different for the different Tuxedo releases but there will be common displayed items, including a link to the (ATMI) Reference section.Click on the Reference link. Under Reference Topics, you should see several sections such as Command Reference – Section 1. The Tuxedo reference documentation is organized into sections very much like UNIX man pages.7. In the course slides you will see references to items such as tmadmin(1). This means thatthe reference information for the Tuxedo command tmadmin is in Section 1 of the reference documentation. The Tuxedo file formats are in Section 5. Click on this link.The displayed page shows all the BEA Tuxedo File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes listed in alphabetical order.8. Click on one of the topics, such as UBBCONFIG(5), displayed in the left column. Thedisplayed page shows the details of the Tuxedo Configuration file format including all the required and optional parameters.Part 3 – Verifying the Lab Machine Environment9. Open a DOS/Command or Shell window. Display the current environment variables:• On Windows type:set | more• On UNIX: env | more10. Check the listed variables to see if the TUXDIR variable is set. If not, set it – (if needed, askyour Instructor for the location of the Tuxedo directory on your PC or UNIX system): [ On Windows] set TUXDIR=<Tuxedo installed directory>[On UNIX (ksh)] export TUXDIR=<Tuxedo installed directory>11. If necessary, add the Tuxedo bin directory to your command execution path:[ Windows] set PATH=%TUXDIR%\bin;%PATH%[UNIX (ksh)] export PATH=$TUXDIR/bin:$PATHAlso, set and export the LIBRARY PATH as appropriate (see theUNIX Environment Table for information on some UNIX systems)to include $TUXDIR/lib.12. Type the Tuxedo administration command tmadmin with the –v option :tmadmin –vThis should print out the Tuxedo license information such asIf a message similar to the one above was printed on your console, your environmentvariables were set correctly and Tuxedo is installed on your machine.13. If you get Tuxedo catalog message errors, you may also need to set (and export) theenvironment variable that defines the locale, for example:LANG=C [for US English]14. This completes the initial lab installation.Part 4 – Building Tuxedo Programs for the Lab WorkshopsYou will now build all client and server executable programs to be used in the lab exercises. These programs need to be built as the lab exercises can be run on a number of platforms, using different versions of operating system and C compiler. The next step requires that the environment is suitably setup - Tuxedo must be installed, the Tuxedo Software Development (SDK) license installed must be valid, and a C compiler must be installed. 15. After installing the lab files, to compile all C programs in the solutions directories and buildthe executable programs:- cd to the <root-directory> that contains the exercises and solutions sub-directories- edit the appropriate buildlabs script file[Windows] buildlabs.bat[UNIX] buildlabs.kshto set the environment variables identified there- In the <root-directory>, run the appropriate buildlabs script (examples are below): [Windows]: Note that you have to supply the root directory name if you did notset it in the buildlabs.bat file.buildlabs [<root-directory>][UNIX]: Note the {space} between {. } and {buildlabs.ksh}. buildlabs.kshWindows Example: cd c:\tuxa11(In a DOS Window)[Edit/set the appropriate environment variables in the buildlabs.bat file; run the bat file as shown below.]buildlabs c:\tuxa11 [Note that the root lab directory name isrequired as a parameter if not set inbuildlabs.bat]UNIX Example: cd /home/student01(ksh)[Edit/set the appropriate environment variables in the buildlabs.ksh file; in the command line below note the <space> between “.” andbuildlabs.ksh)]. buildlabs.ksh16. When the build command script is successfully completed, verify that it has built the clientand server executables by looking at the files in a lab directory such as ‘adac” under the exercises subdirectory. There should be some executable program files (*.exe in Windows, executable files in UNIX). If necessary, you can re-run the buildlabs command file again at any time.17. This completes the lab installation and familiarization. Review the notes in the General LabInstructions section at the beginning of this Lab Guide to become familiar with thegeneralized instructions for the rest of the Lab Workshop exercises.DEPL–Deploying a Basic Tuxedo ApplicationReference Course Modules: DEPLSuggested Time: 20 minutesObjectiveYou will be following instructions to make you familiar with the computer and lab exercise environment, and to configure and run a basic sample application to verify the successful installation of the Tuxedo product. In doing so, you will also be deploying a simple Tuxedo application. You will be performing some of these instructions in this lab without fully knowing the details, such as the configuration file, that will be explained later. An important objective of this lab exercise is to make you comfortable with the lab environment and begin to use some of the basic Tuxedo commands.DescriptionThe configuration for this lab is a basic single machine (SHM mode) application with one client and one server. This basic application, which is shipped with the BEA Tuxedo product, is called simpapp. It consists of the simpcl client that sends a text string, supplied by the user, to the TOUPPER service implemented in the simpserv server. The TOUPPER service converts the text string to uppercase and returns the resultant text string to the client for display to the user.The following files are provided• command script files to set the appropriate environment variables (setenv.cmd for Windows, setenv.ksh for UNIX)• a template Tuxedo configuration file, UBBconfig.template• a client source program, simpcl.c (that you will copy from the Tuxedo product directory)• a server source program, simpserv.c (that you will copy from the Tuxedo product directory)Steps1. The working directory for this lab is depl in the lab exercises directory.• Open a [Windows] DOS command or [UNIX] shell window and “cd” to this directory.2. Edit the appropriate setenv command file replacing the remarks within <> with appropriatevalues for TUXDIR, APPDIR, TUXCONFIG :[Windows] setenv.cmd[UNIX, Korn shell] setenv.kshSet the environment variables using:[Windows] >setenv [Note: Runs the setenv.cmd file][UNIX, Korn shell]$. setenv.ksh[Note: <space> between “.” & “setenv.ksh”] 3. Copy or rename the UBBconfig.template file to UBBconfi g.[Note: This configuration file is almost identical to the one supplied with the simpappapplication, except that we are using the configuration file name convention that we will use for the rest of the lab exercises.]4. Edit the UBBconfig file:• set appropriate values for IPCKEY, TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, APPDIR, and for the machine name in the MACHINES section.5. Build the TUXCONFIG file using the command:tmloadcf -y UBBconfigIgnore the warning message “WARN: Missing SERVICES section”. If you encounter any other errors, edit the configuration file and correct the errors. Re-build the TUXCONFIG file.6. Copy the client and servers programs, simpcl.c and simpserv.c, from the TUXEDOsample applications directory into the lab directory (depl):[Tuxedo 6.x]copy %TUXDIR%\apps\simpapp\simpcl.*Windows:UNIX: cp $TUXDIR/apps/simpapp/simpcl.* .[Tuxedo 7.1, 8.0]copy %TUXDIR%\samples\atmi\simpapp\simpcl.*Windows:UNIX:cp $TUXDIR%/samples/atmi/simpapp\simpcl.* .Repeat the appropriate command above to copy simpserv.* to the current directory.7. Build the client program executable using the buildclient command:buildclient -v -f simpcl.c -o simpclThis builds a Tuxedo client executable, simpcl, from the C source file, simpcl.c.8. Build the server program executable using the buildserver command:buildserver -v -f simpserv.c -o simpserv -s TOUPPERThis builds a Tuxedo server executable, simpserv, from the C source file, simpserv.c, that will provide a service called TOUPPER when it is started. This server is defined in the Tuxedo configuration file.9. Boot the application using the Tuxedo command:tmboot -y10. Run the Tuxedo administration command line utility program, tmadmin:• Use the printserver subcommand to view the active servers• Use the printservice subcommand to view the information on services• Exit from tmadmin with the quit subcommand11. At the command line prompt, run the client and observe the input text string returned as anuppercase string:simpcl “hello tuxedo”12. Re-run the tmadmin program, and run the same sub-commands as before to observe anydifference in the statistics printed. (Hint: We submitted a request for the TOUPPER service that was completed successfully and was performed by the SIMPSERV server). Exit the tmadmin program.13. Shut down the Tuxedo application system:tmshutdown -y14. Tuxedo messages are logged in a file called the userlog or ULOG file. The file is namedULOG.mmddyy where mmddyy are the two-digit month, day, and year respectively. For example, the file for August 9, 2001 would be named ULOG.080901. We will cover the details of the ULOG file later; for now, be aware that this log file exists and contains valuable error and information messages logged by the Tuxedo system.The ULOG file is a text file and you can examine it with any text editor or with commands such as type or more.Windows: type ULOG* | moreUNIX: more ULOG*Look up the details of some of the logged messages (such as the LIBTUX_CAT:262 message) in the Messages section of the Tuxedo documentation on the Student CD.CONF–Configuring Application ServersReference Course Chapter: CONFSuggested Time: 30 minutesObjectiveThis lab exercise is intended to provide experience in configuring a functional basic application consisting of essential configuration components and to observer the synchronous client-server communication mechanism.DescriptionThis lab utilizes an SHM configuration with one client and three servers.The clientdb program calls a service (specified on the command line) and then prints out information when it receives a reply back from the server. It operates in a synchronous mode – it sends a request for the service and then waits for the response before sending the next request. The three servers provided are SvrInq, SvrUpdate, and SvrDelete and the services each provides simulate the inquiry, update, and delete operations to a database in a typical application.The following files are provided:• template command script files to set the appropriate environment variables (setenv.cmd for Windows, setenv.ksh for UNIX)• template Tuxedo configuration file, UBBconfig.template• application executables (one client and 3 servers): clientdb; servers SvrInq, SvrUpdate, and SvrDelete。
Regatta Compass Sensor 用户手册和安装指南说明书

REGATTA Compass SensorProduct reference: 90-60-396USER MANUAL&INSTALLATION GUIDERev : 1Zi de Kerandré – Rue Gutemberg – 56700 – HENNEBONT – FRANCECONTENTS1OPERATION (3)P RESENTATION (3)L IST OF CHANNELS DISPLAYED (4)ALARMS SETTING (4)F ILT E R ING OF THE CHANNELS (4)D IAGNOSTIC FOR 1ST LEVEL TROUBLESHOOTING. (5)2SENSOR CALIBRATION (6)O FFSET SETTING (6)COMPASS AUTOCOMPENSATION (8)3INSTALLATION (9)L IST OF ACCESSORIES (9)INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS (9)I NSTALLING THE COMPASS ON A VERTICAL SURFACE (10)C ONNECTION TO THE TOPLINE BUS (14)1 OPERATIONPRESENTATIONThe Regatta Compass sensor is a measuring instrument that provides the magnetic heading, heel and pitch of the boat.It is connected to the Regatta Compass interface of your TOPLINE installation.The sensor is equipped with a 10-meter cable, a mounting bracket, two screws and the Regatta Compass interface.architecture of the installationLIST OF CHANNELS DISPLAYEDThe Regatta compass, connected to the TOPLINE bus of your installation, creates the channel below. They are accessible from the displays of the TOPLINE range.ALARMS SETTINGThe setting of an alarm enables you to monitor the magnetic heading you are following. When the preset angle range is exceeded, a warning message is displayed and an audible alarm is activated.There is no alarm for heel and pitch.ProcedureDisplay the magnetic heading channel.Select the BASE sub-channel and enter the value of the reference heading selected for the alarm.Select the RANGE sub-channel and enter the tolerance on either side of the reference heading.0°To cancel the alarm, enter the value 0 in the RANGE sub-channel.Thus, the setting of an alarm on the compass will allow you to effectively monitor the heading consistency of your boat.To activate the alarms, please refer to the user guide of your display.FILTERING OF THE CHANNELSThe level of filtering of a channel determines the frequency of update of the data displayed. For example, in rough sea when the boat moves significantly, it is useful to increase the filtering of the magnetic heading channel to stabilise the value displayed. Conversely, in calm sea, low filtering will be preferable to obtain a fast response of the display.Filtering is adjustable between 1 and 32, and the default value is 8. The lower this value is, the higher the frequency of update is.Please refer to the user guide of your display to adjust the filter setting.Technical specificationsPower supply: 10 to 16VDCPower consumption: <200mA (Compass & Interface)Resolution: 0.1° (with Processor)Roll and pitch measurement range: +/- 50°Tightness: IP66Weight: 270gOperating temperature: -10°C to +50°CStorage temperature: -20°C to +60°CDIAGNOSTIC FOR 1ST LEVEL TROUBLESHOOTING.This chapter can help you rapidly resolve minor problems which do not require the intervention of a specialist. Before contacting technical support, please check the troubleshooting table below.Problem Possible causes and solutionsThe Topline installation does not detect the compass.The bus cable is not or is badly connected to the terminal box : check theplugging inside the terminal box. Check the state of the cables : theymust not show any sign of wear or cut.The magnetic heading displayed is very different from that indicated by the steering compass.Check that no equipment likely to disrupt the steering compass of your boat or the fluxgate compass is in the vicinity: please consult the list in the installation chapter.Check that the steering compass of your boat is compensated.Carry out a calibration of the compass.If you do not manage to solve the problem, please contact your distributor.2 SENSOR CALIBRATIONThe Regatta Compass is adjusted at the factory. However, an offset adjustment is required to adapt the sensor to the specificities of your boat and to obtain an optimum measurement accuracy. Follow the calibration procedure below, while visualising the settings on a display: please refer to the user guide of your display.OFFSET SETTING2.1.1 PrincipleAfter the installation, it is necessary to adjust the OFFSET of the Regatta Compass so that the magnetic heading displayed is identical to the true magnetic heading.In order to do that, you must carry out an actual test at sea with your boat. Take the GPS unit of your boat as reference, and make sure there is no current and the sea is calm in the area chosen for this test. Follow a set bottom (magnetic) heading and note the heading shown by the magnetic heading channel of your display. Then, deduce the difference between the steering compass and the magnetic heading displayed : this value is the correction offset of the Regatta compass.2.1.2 Procedure for setting the offset coefficient (the default offset value is 0):Select the calib offset sub-channel of the magnetic heading channel.Enter the new calculated offset coefficient and validate using the enter key. The new setting will be saved to the memory.2.1.3 Procedure for setting the heel offset (the default offset value is 0):Select the sub-channel offset calib of the Heel channel.Enter the new offset coefficient and confirm by pressing enter. The new setting will be saved to the memory.2.1.4 Procedure for setting the pitch offset (the default offset value is 0):Select the sub-channel offset calib of the Pitch channel.Enter the new offset coefficient and confirm by pressing enter. The new setting will be saved to the memory.Please refer to the user guide of your display to perform the setting.COMPASS AUTOCOMPENSATIONOn some boats, the Regatta Compass may be strongly disrupted by its environment. Despite a careful installation and an offset properly adjusted, an important difference remains between the magnetic heading displayed and the true magnetic heading, throughout the measurement range between 0 and 359°. In this case, you can perform an autocompensation of the Regatta Compass to achieve an acceptable level of accuracy.2.1.5 Autocompensation principleThe operation consists in executing a perfect circle with your boat at a rigorously constant speed. Thus, your Regatta Compass will be accurately corrected between 0and 359°.2.1.6 Autocompensation procedure for the Regatta CompassIn order to achieve a successful autocompensation, you must sail:-On a smooth sea, with no current,-Away from large magnetic masses such as cargo ships, buoys, metallic pontoons,…-At a constant speed of about 2 or 3 knots.1. Display the magnetic heading channel.2. Launch the “autocompensation” mode according to the procedure described in the userguide of your display.3. Start to describe the circle then launch the autocompensation procedure.4. One circle is enough to perform the autocompensation correctly.5. The display then sends out a message to the user indicating that the autocompensation issuccessful. The number 3 for the Gyropilot and the number 3000 alternately with dashes for the other displays (Performance, TL25 and SL50).6. Exit the autocompensation mode.Please refer to the user guide of your display to perform the autocompensation procedure. Should there be a problem during autocompensation, the display will notify the user of the cause of the fault indicating alternately, for 5 seconds, the message PANNE with the following code :-code 11: Failure through timeout (> 5 minutes) or excessively slow rotation (< 30 sec / 45°). -code 12: Failure through excessive heel.-code 13: Any other error.In case of autocompensation error, the measurements are not saved to the memory and the sensor resumes its normal operating mode.3 INSTALLATIONBefore starting the installation, take the time to select the most appropriate location for the sensor. Indeed, the Regatta Compass and its TOPLINE interface, just like the steering compass of your boat, is sensitive to metal masses, the movements of the boat and the disturbances caused by electrical appliances. Although it can be autocompensated, the installation must be carefully carried out in order to achieve an optimum level of accuracy. LIST OF ACCESSORIES-TOPLINE Terminal box: 90-60-121-TOPLINE bus cable: 20-61-001INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONSThe location of the sensor must be:-as close as possible to the pitch and roll centres of the boat; the closer it is to the centre of gravity, the more stable the measurement will be.-more than one metre away from onboard magnetic compasses (to avoid a mutual disturbance).-as far as possible from onboard magnetic masses.-With the least amount of vibration.-Do not install the compass inside boats with a steel hull. A position on the mast can be considered on this type of boat.Below is a list of equipment likely to disrupt a fluxgate compass:-The keel of the sailing boat (when it is made out of cast iron or steel).-The radio and radar equipment.-The boat’s engine.-Generators and battery chargers.-Voltage regulators.-Electrical motors.-Tool boxes and anchors.-The electrical windlass.-High voltage electrical cables.Before installing the Regatta Compass, you can check that the location will not be disrupted by following the procedure below:Place a bearing compass at the selected location. Then, with your boat, execute a full 360° circle in order to compare the information provided by the steering compass and the boarding compass. If the variations are less than 10°, the location is suitable.Also make sure you will be able to run the cable without being too close to the high amperage cables, such as those of the generator motor and batteries. Keep a distance of at least 1 metre between the cables.INSTALLING THE COMPASS ON A VERTICAL SURFACEUsing a spirit or electronic level, mark the mounting holes of the mounting bracket at the chosen location.Drill the 4mm holes and screw the self-tapping stainless steel screws.Drill 6mm holes for the mounting bracket centre screws.Spirit levelSensor preparationThere are two ways to install the sensor:Using threaded pins:This method is easier for the user because it allows the position of the compass to be adjusted. However, these screws will protrude under the sensor by about 20mm, which can prevent the compass from being installed in a limited space.Install the cable and the seal on the compass.Screw the pins onto the compass.Serial number ConnectorArrow pointing forwardCompassThreaded pin ConnectorSealUsing screws: The screws allow the space needed for the compass and its mounting bracket to be optimised.Installation of the compassCompass Seal Threaded pin CableMounting bracket Positioningscrews Washers Washers NutScrewPass the connector of the compass through the seal. Connect the cable to the compass.11 46_Regatta_Compass_Interface_um_EN_14Insert the seal onto the compass so as to match the mounting holes between the compass and the seal. Pass the cable through the mounting bracket and place the compass onto its mounting bracket. Line up the “Forward” arrow with the centreline of the boat. Screw the mounting screws or nuts, depending on the chosen solution. Make sure the axis of the compass has not moved while tightening the screws or nuts.Installing the compass on a horizontal surfacePass the connector of the compass through the seal. Connect the cable to the compass. Insert the seal onto the compass so as to match the mounting holes between the compass and the seal. Drill the holes for the threaded mounting pins of the compass using a 6mm drill bit. Drill the cable hole using a 38mm drill bit. Pass the cable through the hole. Position the compass on the surface. Screw the threaded pins onto the compass. Place the flat washers and lock washers on the pins. Hand screw the nuts onto the pins.12 46_Regatta_Compass_Interface_um_EN_14Serial numberConnectorCompassThreaded pinConnectorConnectorSeal Positioning arrowMounting surfaceFlat washer Lock washerNut13 46_Regatta_Compass_Interface_um_EN_14CONNECTION TO THE TOPLINE BUS1. Run the compass bus cable to the interface of the Regatta Compass of your installation. 2. Connect the bus cable of the Regatta compass interface to a terminal box. 3. Connect the bus cable inside the terminal box:If you reduce the length of the bus cable, strip and galvanise the wires before connecting them inside the terminal box.REGATTA COMPASS-+12VDC power supplyDATA black 12VDC whiteTerminal box 90-60-41714 46_Regatta_Compass_Interface_um_EN_14NOTES_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________15 46_Regatta_Compass_Interface_um_EN_14NOTES_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________16 46_Regatta_Compass_Interface_um_EN_14。

Urban transportation services
1 2 3
Autonomous taxi service, providing efficient and safe point-to-point travel.
Autonomous Public Transport
It enables scheduled and scheduled public transportation services by driving buses or subways automatically.
• Millimeter wave radar: Utilizing electromagnetic waves in the millimeter wave band for detection, it can operate under harsh weather conditions and measure the speed and distance of objects.
solves the problem of "last mile" delivery in cities
through autonomous driving.
Autonomous Trucking
Automated long-distance freight transportation to
• Transfer learning: Transfer the knowledge learned in one task to other related tasks, accelerating model training and improving performance.
OpenText SAP测试服务商品介绍说明书

FlyerSAP T esting ServicesMeet Y our SAP Quality Challenges with OpenT ext SAP T esting ServicesExecutive SummarySAP matters. Users expect it to be robust, per-form, and function reliably. So you must improve the platform to match those expectations. The ever-increasing pace of change requires faster testing while ensuring current performance and existing functionality is not impacted.OpenT ext Professional Services offer a range of testing services to help your organization meet your SAP application delivery chal-lenges. The multiple test automation frame-works within our SAP testing services help you deliver high-quality changes to your SAP platform. We power our testing services with industry-proven OpenT ext Application Delivery Management (ADM) tools such as:■Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) ■Business Process T esting (BPT)■UFT One (UFT)■LoadRunner■Service VirtualizationUsing these tools and our considerable ex-pertise, OpenT ext Professional Services can rapidly complement your current SAP testing capability, or accelerate your efforts to new heights.SAP T esting Service TypesBecause every SAP platform is customized, every customer has different testing requirements. Our SAP testing services can be adapted to match your SAP test requirements and engagement model. We provide:■Functional T est Automation for SAP:A projectbased, fixedscope service using OpenT ext ALM, BPT, UFT and Service Virtualization platforms for system, integration or end-to-endSAP functional testing. ■Performance T esting for SAP: Use ourLoadRunner toolset to identify the causeof performance issues in your SAPplatform using fixedscope, fixed costload and performance testing.■T est Automation Frameworks for SAP:Let us build an SAP T est Frameworksuited to your SAP platform, and deliverusage and maintenance coaching.■T esting-as-a-Service (TaaS) for SAP:Created for those needing a moreextensive, predictable, but elastic testingservice, this engagement model includesfixed price testing deliverables andscalable, mixed-shore delivery.Functional T est Automationfor SAP ServicesThe OpenText Functional Test AutomationService for SAP is an opportunity to engagewith OpenT extProfessional Services experts;to discover how functional test automation canbuild, test, and execute a library of components,scripts, and test cases for their SAP platform.Activities generally include:■Expert consultations: We work withyour test/QA leads and SAP subjectmatter experts to review test requirementsand current test cases to determinethe most effective test automationscenarios.■Collaborative test plan: This covers thedetail that will deliver the required testingscope.■Automation: Potentially, new manual andautomated test cases, and the automationof older test cases.■T est cases: Manual and automated,executed to an agreed number test plan.■Documented feedback: OpenT ext will logany defects, and provide test executionresults and a comprehensive report.■Multi-methodology approach: We useeither traditional, iterative or agile methods.■Asset retention: Customers keep allengagement assets, and we coach userson using this capabilityWe have proved our practices, methodologies,approaches, standards, and templates in thefield of SAP platform quality and testing overmany years, across hundreds of projects. Wehave delivered our customers an acceleratedcapability to execute their SAP testing and en-joy new value from investments in OpenT extALM, BPT, UFT One and SV software.Performance T esting for SAPOpenText Performance Testing Servicesfor SAP is based on our industry-leadingLoadRunner software and measures applica-tion performance to reduce the risk of poorSAP platform performance in production. Theservice uses the LoadRunner SAP protocol tocreate iterative, automated test scripts, basedon customerdefined business processes ortest cases, to execute performance tests andprovide a summary of the run results.These results help you determine whether yourSAP platform changes are ready for productionor need further configuration and optimization.OpenT ext Performance T esting Services forSAP deliver validation services remotely forinternal, or Internet-accessible SAP servicesThis service includes:■An individual SAP performance testingprogram, including analysis, requirementscapture, and test plan creation.FlyerSAP T esting ServicesAutomated Scripts Virtualized ServicesFigure 1. A OpenT ext Performance test framework for SAP example■Performance test script creation and scenarios using OpenT ext LoadRunner technology, including any web generated load, and SiteScope profiles.■T est scenario execution, arranged iteratively for different performance test types.■Reports and log defects based on test results, and consultation with customer stakeholders.T est Frameworks for SAPWe deliver a rapidly implemented platform and SAP testing assets to help fill any knowledge or capacity shortfall, and the expertise to utilize the implemented test framework. We include these deliverables and activities:■Automation framework solution design, based on our ALM, BPT, UFT, LR and SV software, and third party integrations.■Ready-deployed software and integration solution.■Any testing script import or adaptation into the automation framework or test case automation to an agreed scope.■Mentoring for your team—you will be ready to begin using the framework solution. T esting-as-a-Service for SAPCustomer requirements for apps testing vary,and each customer is different. T estingasaService (TaaS) uses a fixed price, termbasedconsumption approach reducing the total costof quality, while increasing it.What Is T aaS?It is an elastic testing delivery model thatenables customers to scale their testing, withpredictable costs, based on fixedpriced test-ing deliverables.TaaS supports traditional, agile or hybrid ap-proaches to delivery and can work alongsideoutsourced delivery. We offer TaaS across allphases of testing, and for specific capabilitiessuch as functional, performance, security andmobile testing.How Is T aaS Priced?OpenT ext uses testing units, a relative mea-surement framework. Purchase units in min-imum monthly packs by ‘testing type’; theseassigned to your testing catalog services, asagreed through a OpenT ext term agreement.Consume them according to demand for SAPfor your preferred term and scope (see Figure 2).SAP T est Governance & PlanningValidate the prereqs, validate environments, build test plans, validate test dataSAP T est Execution & Optimization AssistExecute tests, results analysis & report, provide recommendations276641604820 Figure 2. Catalog Services & T est Unit examples for SAP T aaSFigure 3. OpenT ext Professional Services approach to T esting-as-a-ServiceWhat Does T aaS Include?Each T aaS service includes access to certified, platform-independent and highly productive OpenText testing professionals, enterprise testing methods, practices, and accelerators.How Does T aaS Work?Our TaaS model operates with the following basic tenets:■Managed test supply to ensure consistent, customer-focused engagement.■T esting on demand from a catalog with predictable costs.■Customers are empowered to manage their testing budgets.■Scaled up or down as required.■Full transparency—labor, expenses and other costs included.Why Choose T aaS?T aaS suits customers wanting to focus on their business and leverage our quality and testing expertise. T aaS lowers the cost of testing, im-proves time to-market, and minimizes risk by delivering testing services through a flexible, outcome-based delivery model.Why Choose OpenT extas Y our T aaS Partner?■Strong focus on outcomes with accountability■SLAs on quality and other business outcomes ■We bear any staff training and ramp upcosts■Governance using Internal dashboardsand KPIs■Flexible service packages with specificscope and SLAs■Decades of experience and IPThe OpenT ext ProfessionalServices DifferenceOpenT ext provides unmatched capabilities witha comprehensive set of consulting and imple-mentation services and unique intellectualproperty that help you drive innovation throughstreamlined and efficient software delivery:■Proven OpenT ext software solutionimplementation expertise.■More than 20 years of experience helpinglarge, complex, global organizations realizevalue from their OpenT ext softwareinvestments.■Rich intellectual property and unparalleledreach into product engineering.■Education and support servicesto ensure adoption.Learn MoreFind more information about our ProfessionalServices’ capabilities:OpenT ext Professional ServicesConnect with Us。

Cd cadmium
AWS advanced wet station
Manufacturing and Science
Sb antimony
B billion; boron
Ba barium
BARC bottom antireflective coating
BASE Boston Area Semiconductor Education (Council)
ACF anisotropic conductive film
ACI after-clean inspection
ACP anisotropic conductive paste
ACT alternative control techniques; actual cycle time
Al aluminum
ALD atomic layer deposition
ALE atomic layer epitaxy; application logic element
ALS advanced light source; advanced low-power Schottky
A/D analog to digital
AA atomic absorption
AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy
ABC activity-based costing
ABM activity-based management
AC alternating current; activated carbon
NI Body and Chassis HIL Brochure说明书

Body and Chassis HIL BrochureTest at the Pace of InnovationBody and Chassis HIL Solution Advantages•Minimize cost and ensure reliability with hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation, reducing the need for costly real-world tests.•Maximize system reuse with a flexible test solution designed to be extended and customized to meet your changing requirements.•Reduce development time and quicken startup by taking advantage of customized HIL solutions available through the NI Partner Network.Body and Chassis HILAs vehicles become increasingly connected, automated, and electrified, body and chassis systems are being transformed to maintain inter-functionality and meet user’s changing demands. The complexity and number of electronic control units (ECUs) within vehicles continues to grow—from active suspension, brake by wire, and emergency steering to seat control, rearview mirror ECUs integrated with infotainment systems, and passive safety systems like airbags or seat belts. Engineers need a fast, accurate, and automated way to systematically test functionality while eliminating potential points of failure before production starts. This solution must be capable of:•Adapting to inevitable changes in signal lists and I/O requirements•Conducting fault insertion and signal conditioning•Integrating models, third-party devices, and toolkits to accurately simulate the full systemNI’s body and chassis HIL test architecture serves as the foundation of a powerful software-connected system that adapts quickly to new requirements and enables rapid iteration.NI’s p owerful, real-time controllers, including CompactRIO and open PXI systems, offer high-performance modular instrumentation and a broad range of I/O modules connected directly to the FPGA for testing with higher fidelity through high-speed deterministic execution.NI Switch Load and Signal Conditioning (SLSC) is a functional extension for NI data acquisition that standardizes connectivity and provides a modular approach to signal conditioning, fault insertion, and other test needs. This greatly simplifies adding devices under tests (DUTs) to your system by utilizing common interfaces that facilitate easy swapping of interface modules for different test objectives.Test setup and execution are streamlined using VeriStand, NI’s configuration-based test software. With VeriStand, i t’s never been easier to c onfigure I/O channels, create test sequences, and import real-time models with associated stimulus profiles to conduct automated system integration testing.Figure 1. A body and chassis HIL system built on NI’s modular, off-the-shelf components offers the ultimate in flexibility.Recommended ArchitectureSoftwareSuccessful engineering enterprises share characteristics such as consistent data logging, analysis, and effective data management. This is especially true of HIL test applications where design and test teams must collaborate to ensure embedded software and mechanical system product quality. Implementing a standard, automated means of data analysis and report generation helps you view data in a consistent way, improves test efficiency, and makes data much easier to find and interpret.DIAdemDIAdem is a single software tool that you can use to quickly locate, load, visualize, analyze, and report measurement data collected during data acquisition and/or generated during simulations. It’s designed to help you quickly access, process, and report on large volumes of scattered data in multiple custom formats to make informed decisions. You can use VeriStand’s UI tools with DIAdem to log data, perform post-processing, and generate reports quickly and easily.TestStandTestStand is a ready-to-run test management software designed to help you develop automated test and validation systems faster. You can use TestStand to develop, execute, and deploy test system software. In addition, you can develop test sequences that integrate code modules written in any test programming language. Sequences also specify execution flow, reporting, database logging, and connectivity to other enterprise systems.You can use TestStand to automate an HIL test application by calling the VeriStand .NET-based execution API. TestStand can also manage hardware and software from multiple platforms in a single TestStand sequence. For example, it can automate VeriStand real-time sequences running on an NI PXI real-time controller while simultaneously controlling a third-party instrument using its native IVI driver support. After you run your test, you can log test result information in a customizable report or database automatically. Additionally, systems written in TestStand can be integrated with existing source code control, management requirements, and data management systems.You can also integrate TestStand into third-party test management and test generation software platforms to create not only a system to automate test but also a system capable of automatically generating unit tests to make your ECU fail. This helps you focus on testing embedded software instead of writing new test scripts from scratch.VeriStandVeriStand is a software environment for configuring real-time test and HIL applications. It can help you construct a multicore-ready real-time engine to execute tasks such as real-time stimulus generation, data acquisition for high-speed and conditioned measurements, and calculated channels and custom channel scaling—out of the box!VeriStand can also import control algorithms, simulation models, and other tasks from both LabVIEW and third-party environments. You can monitor and interact with these tasks using a run-time editable user interface that includes tools for value forcing, alarm monitoring, I/O calibration, and stimulus profile editing. Although you don’t need programming knowledge to use VeriStand, you can customize and extend it with a variety of software environments such as LabVIEW, ANSI C/C++, ASAM XIL, and others for modeling and programming.VeriStand is architected to have a real-time engine that runs independently from the user interface to ensure the determinism of the system you’re running.HardwareCompactRIOCompactRIO is a rugged hardware design in a compact form factor that is ideal for most harsh environments as well as lab settings that require a small physical footprint. Although typically providing lower computational performance than PXI, CompactRIO offers high-performance processing and heterogeneous computing elements, including ARM-based Xilinx Zynq SoCs, quad-core Intel Atom processors, and Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGAs. CompactRIO also includes signals with measurement specific signal conditioning, built-in isolation, and industrial I/O.CompactRIO is an ideal fit for benchtop H IL systems. It doesn’t have as many I/O options as PXI, but the compact form factor and lower price make it a great choice for unit testing of ECUs that require integrated processing and FPGA performance such as ECU testing.PXIA major benefit of the PXI platform for HIL is the wide range of I/O options that can be integrated into the test system. As the automotive industry evolves to incorporate new technologies, HIL systems must also evolve to verify the safe operation of these technologies. The PXI platform is uniquely positioned to meet the demands of these new test requirements.In most cases, PXI is the best solution for HIL testing. It provides high channel count and density, the broadest availability of I/O, and the highest processing capability available. In addition to high-performance hardware, PXI also offers the best software experience for HIL testing, as it supports most modeling environments and seamless DAQ hardware support.SLSCSLSC extends PXI and CompactRIO measurement hardware with high-power relays for signal switching, power loads, and additional inline signal conditioning capability. The system consists of a chassis with built-in active cooling that can host 12 modules. SLSC plug-in modules can operate in the chassis in three different modes: standalone, pass through, or cascaded. You can use cascaded mode to implement functionality like signal fault insertion.SLSC is designed to simplify overall system integration, reducing system point-to-point wiring by accumulating signals and using standard cables. Each SLSC chassis consists of an SLSC digital bus that is used to discover, configure, and set parameters on the individual modules. Signals pass through SLSC modules either from the front connector or the rear expansion connector. You have the flexibility to design your own secondary backplanes to reduce system wiring using a custom application-specific backplane integrating the signal flow.NI Body and Chassis ECU HIL SystemWith NI’s open, flexible HIL solutions, you have the power to easily customize the test system to fit your specific needs. Using a modular architecture, you can easily upgrade the platform with added functionality to future-proof your test systems and meet the requirements of the most demanding embedded software test applications.Compared to competitors, NI’s performance capabilities make it the best option for testing innovative control systems.Figure 2 shows an example of how the various hardware and software components are assembled into a body and chassis HIL system. The system includes software for data management and test automation in addition to the HIL test execution and interface. The PXI hardware for modular I/O and SLSC that is used for application-specific switching, loads, and signal conditioning is then connected to the DUT through various connectivity options, depending on the device.Figure 2. Body and Chassis ECU HIL System ExampleCommitted To Your SuccessWith industry-leading customizability, NI HIL systems help you easily adapt to changing test requirements and system integration so you can find more ECU defects faster.We offer a variety of solution integration options customized to your application-specific requirements:NI Partner NetworkBy working with NI Partners that specialize in automotive HIL, you can drastically reduce your time development costs. Receive full support and delivery with a customizable turnkey solution based on NI tools that fits your exact application requirements. These systems are built to integrate into your existing workflow while still giving you the flexibility to adapt to future requirements.“By using NI’s highly adaptable platform, we were able to scale from the Electric Parking Brake HIL tester to the Durability tester that helped a Global Automotive Brake Manufacturer substantially reduce their nonrecurring engineering costs.”Todd VanGilder, Sr. Vice President of Business Development, GenuenOur partners have extensive experience in integrating NI hardware and software as well as the vertical application expertise of HIL in automotive. These systems are built to exact specifications and architectures defined by NI and on NI components to ensure consistent quality and user experience anywhere in the world. Contact your account manager or NI at (888) 280-7645 or ***********to get help selecting an automotive HIL partner that can best serve your business needs.Services and support programOur service programs go beyond the included one-year warranty to help you save time and reduce long term, operational costs. Advanced replacement, technical support and training help you avoid hassle, improve uptime, and keep your maintenance costs under control over the life of your system.The offered Services and Support Programs provide coverage at module level for NI-provided components.NI Body and Chassis HIL Learning PathLearn faster, on your own or with an NI expert, and build skills for this project and the next: •On-Demand 24/7 access to our NI Learning Center•Public Training: Virtual or in a Regional Training Center•Private Training: Virtual or on-site at your company AMER, APAC, EMEA©2021 National Instruments. All rights reserved. National Instruments, NI, , CompactRIO, CVI, DIAdem, LabVIEW, TestStand, and VeriStand are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.An NI Partner is a business entity independent from NI and has no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with NI.The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.。
sap bsp开发高级教程

Brian McKellar, Thomas Jung AdvancedBSP ProgrammingContentsIntroduction15Target Audience (15)On What Releases Can You Use BSP? (16)BSP vs. Web Dynpro ABAP (16)Acknowledgements (17)1What is BSP?211.1Internet Communication Manager (21)1.2Internet Communication Framework (24)1.3BSP Development Environment (25)1.4HTMLB Rendering Family (26)1.5BSP Compiler (27)1.6BSP Runtime (28)1.7BSP Debugger (29)1.8MIME Repository (30)1.9Summary (30)2HTTP and HTML312.1Viewing the HTTP Traffic (32)2.2Structure of HTTP (32)2.2.1The HTTP Request Status Line (35)2.2.2HTTP Request Headers (35)2.2.3HTTP Header/Body Separator (37)2.2.4HTTP Request Body (37)2.2.5The HTTP Response Status Line (37)2.2.6HTTP Response Headers (38)2.2.7HTTP Response Body (39)2.3Server Objects for HTTP Request and Response (39)2.4HTML Forms and Data Handling (41)2.5Mapping of HTML onto HTTP Requests (46)2.5.1Input Fields (46)2.5.2Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Dropdown List Boxes (48)2.5.3File Upload and Download (49)5Contents2.6Cookies (54)2.7HTTP Redirects (58)2.8Handling of HTML Resources in HTTP (59)2.9Troubleshooting Examples (62)2.9.1Missing Resource (62)2.9.2Non-Secure Warnings (63)2.9.3Relative URLs That Become Invalid (63)2.9.4Estimating Performance (65)3HTTP Handler673.1URL Handling in the ICF Tree (67)3.2URL Mapping (68)3.3Sample Handler for Reading Images (69)3.3.1URL Syntax (71)3.3.2Handler Coding (72)3.4Alias Handling (74)3.5Handler Example—Table Query (77)3.5.1Table Query Handler Implementation (78)4URLs in BSP834.1URL Mangling (83)4.1.1What is URL Mangling? (83)4.1.2How is URL Mangling Done? (84)4.1.3Attempting to Hide the URL Mangling (85)4.2Fully Qualified Domain Names (89)4.2.1Motivation for FQDN (90)4.2.2ICM Configuration (91)4.2.3Browser Requirements (91)4.3Namespace Mapping (92)4.4URL Parameters (93)4.5URL Escaping (95)5Authentication975.1Basic Authentication (98)5.2Single Sign-On (102)5.3Digital Certificates (105)5.4Anonymous Services (108)5.5Form-Based Authentication (109)6Contents5.6Implementing a Simple Logon Application (110)5.7De-Authentication (113)6Session Management1156.1Session Identification (115)6.2Session Timeout (118)6.2.1Catching and Handling a Session Timeout (119)6.2.2Session Timeout in Browser (120)6.3Confusion with Processing Timeout (121)6.4Catching and Handling a Restart after Timeout (123)6.5Session Management from the Browser (125)6.6Warning the User of a Pending Timeout (128)6.7Summary (131)7Using BSP Applications in SAP GUI1337.1Using a BSP Application in a Dynpro (133)7.2Pitfalls when Using BSP Applications with SAP GUI (136)7.2.1Communication Path (136)7.2.2The Second Authentication (137)7.2.3The Second Session (138)7.2.4Window Open Behavior (139)7.2.5Effects of SAP’s New Visual Design (141)7.2.6Loading HTML Pages Directly (142)7.3Interaction between SAP GUI and BSP Applications (144)7.3.1BSP Application Event to SAP GUI (144)7.3.2SAP GUI Event to BSP Application (147)7.4Starting a New Browser Outside the SAP GUI (149)8Performance Measurements1518.1Test Applications (152)8.2Quick Sizing with HTTP Trace Tool (153)8.3Network Latency (154)8.4Server Processing Time (155)8.5Browser Rendering Time (157)8.6Determining Hotspots (159)8.7Load Testing (161)8.8SQL Traces (165)7Contents9BSP Extensions1679.1Extension Overview (167)9.1.1Extension Technology (168)9.1.2Using BSP Extensions (168)9.1.3Finding Details about the Extensions (169)9.1.4Available Extensions (172)9.1.5Extensions Designs (172)9.1.6High Level Elements (174)9.2HTMLB Event System (180)9.2.1Event Dispatching (180)9.2.2Manually Handling Events (181)9.3Common Extension Elements (186)9.3.1<htmlb:tableView> (187)9.3.2<htmlb:tree> (192)9.3.3<phtmlb:matrix> (194)9.3.4<xhtmlb:protectDoubleSubmit> (196)9.3.5<phtmlb:containerTabStrip> (197)9.3.6<phtmlb:formLayout> (200)10BSP Element Expressions and Iterators20510.1BSP Element Expressions (205)10.1.1What is a BEE? (205)10.1.2N=1, Using Any BSP Element as BEE (206)10.1.3HTML BEE (209)10.1.4Table BEE (211)10.1.5XML BEE (212)10.1.6Errors and Error Handling (215)10.2Table View Iterators (215)10.2.1What is a Table View Iterator? (217)10.2.2Method GET_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS (218)10.2.3Method RENDER_ROW_START (220)10.2.4Method RENDER_CELL_START (222)10.2.5Finished Output (225)11Creating your own BSP Extension Element22711.1Creating a BSP Extension Element (227)11.1.1Extension Framework Hierarchy (227)11.1.2User-Defined Validation (228)11.1.3Element Content (230)11.2Writing a Composite Element (231)11.2.1Designing a New Composite Element (231)11.2.2Processing Other BSP Elements (233)8Contents11.2.3Writing the Composite BSP Element (237)11.2.4Handling of Inner Data BSP Elements (238)11.3 A Deeper Look at BSP Extensions Events (239)11.3.1Introduction to BSP Extension Events (239)11.3.2Rendering Events (240)11.3.3Handling Incoming Events (243)11.3.4Rendering an Event via the <bsp:htmlbEvent> Element (243)11.4Event Handling in Composite Elements (244)11.4.1Extending the Design of the Composite Element (245)11.4.2Using the Composite Element (245)11.4.3Use of IDs (246)11.4.4Integrating into the HTMLB Manager (247)11.4.5Data-Handling (249)11.4.6Event-Handling (250)12Additional BSP Extensions25312.1Business Text Framework (253)12.1.1SAP Example (253)12.1.2BTF Functionality (254)12.1.3Database Storage (255)12.1.4BSP Extension Element (256)12.1.5BTF Editor in the Page Layout (257)12.1.6Preparing the BTF Document (258)12.1.7Retrieving BTF Content on Input (258)12.2Internet Graphics Service (260)12.2.1IGS Setup and Administration (260)12.2.2SAP Examples (261)12.2.3IGS BSP Extension (261)12.2.4Chart Data (262)12.2.5Chart Model Classes (264)12.2.6IGS Customizing (266)12.2.7Image Click Event Handling (267)12.2.8Image Conversion (268)12.3BSP Library (268)12.3.1findAndReplace Element (268)12.3.2htmlbEvent Element (269)12.3.3Portal Integration (270)13MVC—Model View Controller27513.1MVC Design Paradigm (275)13.2Application Structure (275)13.2.1Model (276)13.2.2Controller (277)13.2.3View (283)9Contents13.3.1Getter/Setter methods (286)13.4Dynamic Model Binding (288)13.5Stateless MVC (291)13.5.1XML Serialization of ABAP Objects (291)13.5.2Server Cookie Storage of the XML Stream (292)13.5.3Controller Modifications to Support Serialized Models (293)13.6Building a Pattern Engine with MVC (295)13.6.1The Final ESS Application (297)13.6.2Writing the ESS Application (298)13.6.3Writing the Pattern Engine (301)14Help Systems30714.1F1—Field Level Help (307)14.1.1The Help UI (307)14.1.2Implementing the BSP Extension Element (311)14.1.3BSP Element Properties (311)14.1.4BSP Element Attributes (312)14.1.5Element Handler Class (312)14.1.6BSP F1 Help Controller Method—DO_REQUEST (318)14.1.7Implementing the BSP F1 Help Application—Model (318)14.2Dialog Windows (319)14.3F4—Value Help (322)14.3.1Value Help Requirements (322)14.3.2The Solution (323)14.3.3The New BSP Element (324)14.3.4Input Help Controller (325)14.3.5Input Help View (326)14.3.6Input Help Model (329)15Internationalization33715.1Multiple Language Support (337)15.2Logon Language (338)15.3Unicode (341)15.3.1What is Unicode? (341)15.3.2Unicode in BSP (343)15.4Online Text Repository (OTR) (346)15.4.1Types of OTR: Alias and Long (347)15.4.2Working with OTR from ABAP Code (348)15.4.3Special Note about using OTR (349)10Contents15.5.1OTR (350)15.5.2Field Labels and Quick Info (351)15.6Date Format (352)16Document Handling in BSP35516.1MIME Repository (355)16.2ICM File Handler (357)16.3Handling Non-HTML Documents (358)16.3.1Test Program (359)16.3.2Display Document Inline (361)16.3.3Display Document Inside HTML Page (363)16.3.4Display Document in New Window (366)16.4Data Manipulation (366)16.5Microsoft Excel Download (367)16.5.1Excel Files (368)16.5.2Excel Unicode Text File (369)16.5.3Unicode Formats and Endians with Excel (369)16.5.4Conversion to Binary String (370)16.5.5Addition of the Byte Order Mark (371)16.6Pushing the Excel Content back through the browser (371)16.6.1Push Using the Current RESPONSE Object (371)16.6.2Push Using a Cached Response (372)16.7BSP Extension Element for Excel Download (374)16.7.1The Download Element User Interface (374)16.7.2The Element Properties and Attributes (375)16.7.3Compile Time and Runtime Checks (376)16.7.4Rendering Logic (377)16.7.5Trapping Events (379)16.7.6Calling the Element from a Page Layout (380)16.7.7Event Handler (381)16.7.8Get Structure Definition (385)16.7.9Process Excel Download (386)16.8Alternatives to the MIME Repository (389)16.8.1ICM File Handler (389)16.8.2SAP Content and Cache Server (390)16.9ZIP Tool (392)17Customization39517.1Customization Overview (395)17.2Export—Modify—Import (395)17.3NetWeaver Theme Editor (397)11Contents17.4ALFS—ABAP Look-and-Feel Service (398)17.4.1ALFS Tool Scope (399)17.4.2What is ALFS? (399)17.4.3How Does Customization Normally Work? (401)17.4.4 A New Theme from Five Colors (401)17.4.5Integration into Web AS (402)17.4.6The Source Code: Making It Work (404)17.4.7ALFS Theme Editor in Detail (405)17.5Configure a Theme Root (406)17.6Theme Root White List (406)17.7Error Pages (408)17.7.1Historical BSP Error Pages (408)17.7.2Error Pages—New Approach (409)17.8Logon Application (412)18Skilled in the Art41718.1Field History (417)18.1.1Working with <phtmlb:comboBox> (417)18.1.2Processing the Field History (419)18.2Server-Side Printing (422)18.2.1PRINT Method Interface (423)18.2.2PRINT Method Coding (424)18.2.3Printer Dialog (426)18.3Select-Options/Parameters (429)18.3.1UI Design (430)18.3.2Solution Structure (431)18.3.3Select-Option Controller Class Attributes (432)18.3.4Select-Option Controller Class Coding (432)18.3.5Select-Option Model Class Attributes (434)18.3.6Select-Option Model Class Coding (436)18.3.7Recreating Transaction SE16 (442)19Breaking Out of the Mold44919.1Interactive Excel (449)19.2RSS Feeds (451)19.2.1Consuming an RSS Feed (451)19.2.2HTTP Client (452)19.2.3XML (453)19.2.4BSP Output (454)19.2.5XSLT (456)19.2.6Creating an RSS Feed (457)12Contents19.3Mini-Portal (458)19.3.1Mini-Portal Example 1—Common Page Header (458)19.3.2Mini-Portal Example 2—Portal with Navigation (460)19.3.3Portal within the SAP GUI (464)19.3.4Current Weather Display (466)20Closing471A Appendix—BSP Utility Classes473B The Authors483Index48513ContentsIntroductionThe history of BSP began in the late 1990s. Back then, the SAP Internet Transac-tion Server (ITS) and the SAP Workplace—SAP’s first attempt at a portal—depended heavily on the use of external Web servers. These solutions neither lev-eraged the inherent strengths of the ABAP technology nor re-used current devel-opers’ skill sets.Therein lay the greatest technical challenge to SAP as Web-based technologies became essential to all businesses. Companies began to realize that E-business was still just business and therefore expected their ERP solutions to transition eas-ily into this brave new world.Starting with Release 6.10, SAP began a major overhaul of its ABAP technology stack. The company broke the traditional Basis layer away from the applications that ran on it and renamed this new technology layer Web Application Server (Web AS). But this name change was far more than a marketing move. With this release, SAP had begun to build native Web server technology into the ABAP Ker-nel. No longer would SAP technology be dependent upon external Web serversor programming languages. ABAP itself was now HTTP-enabled!Naturally, ABAP was extended with a new Web development environment, called Business Server Pages (BSP). Like all other ABAP programming tools, BSP is integrated into the ABAP Workbench (SE80) and fully supports the Transport Management System (TMS). And, given its recent birth, BSP also fully embracesthe new ABAP object-oriented technology.Target AudienceThe target audience for this book is anyone who is currently an ABAP developeror who is interested in becoming an ABAP developer. BSP is another tool in the developer’s tool box, one that adds value to any ABAP development team.It does not matter if you have never done BSP development, are a novice BSP developer, or have several years of BSP development under your belt; there should be something for everyone in this book. We attempted to make this the definitive work on the subject of BSP, revealing behind-the-scenes aspects and discussing features in a new way.This book is not based solely on the underlying technology. Several years of expe-rience building real-world BSP applications at a customer site were also used in writing this book. Therefore, you will find solutions and sample source code to15Introductionhelp you overcome common development hurdles. Toward that goal, you will find all the example source code presented in this book on the accompanying CD.On What Releases Can You Use BSP?BSP has been shipped as an integrated part of the ABAP technology stack since Web AS Release 6.10. Release 6.10 contains the functionality to create basic BSP pages with flow logic.With Web AS Release 6.20, SAP introduced major enhancements to the BSP technology: Model View Controller and BSP Extension Elements. With Release6.20, Service Pack 34, a new HTML rendering engine, and a complete new BSPExtension library, PHTMLB, were added. Because of these additional enhance-ments to BSP, customer development should really only be done on Web AS 6.20 with SP34 or higher.SAP continued to enhance BSP with SAP NetWeaver ’04 (Web AS 6.40) and SAP NetWeaver ’04S (Web AS 7.0); however, nearly every feature of BSP is in sync between the major releases. This means that even if you are on an older Web AS6.20, you still reap the benefits of new developments within the NetWeaverreleases. Although you will rarely find in this book that a feature is limited to a specific release, we will point this out when it occurs.With the coverage for BSP within the latest technology releases of ABAP, you will find BSP present in the equivalent releases of the SAP application components as well. This means, for instance, that R/3 Enterprise (with or without Extension Set1.10 and2.00) and mySAP ERP 2005 (also known as Enterprise Core Component5.00 or ECC 5.00) both contain the technology necessary to create BSP applica-tions.BSP vs. Web Dynpro ABAPIn the past year, much of the attention within the SAP world has focused on SAP’s next generation technology: Web Dynpro. As this book goes to print, Web Dyn-pro for ABAP is scheduled for general availability in spring of 2006.In truth, Web Dynpro contains many of the enhancements that BSP developers have always wanted. Enhancements like built-in value-help and select options will become standard in Web Dynpro, but must be added by the customer into the BSP environment. Do not worry, however: The task of adding many of these enhancements to BSP is the subject of the last one-third of this book.All this begs the question: If Web Dynpro ABAP (WDA) is so great, why continue to use BSP (or for that matter why write a book about it?). There are several archi-16Introductiontectural differences between BSP and WDA. WDA may have some more advanced features compared to BSP, but it is a far more restrictive framework. First of all, WDA is stateful only. BSP supports both stateful and stateless pro-gramming models. Stateless programming is essential to high-performance Inter-net-facing applications.WDA is also designed to be future-proof, obscuring the specific client’s rendering technology. As a consequence, the tool does not allow low-level access to include your own custom HTML, JavaScript, or other controls. WDA targets the browser today, but tomorrow it might well be running within a smart client using entirely different technologies (such as XML and native UI controls). To keep this technol-ogy switch possible, the rendering logic is completely hidden from the developer, presenting only an abstract UI layer with abstract controls. On the other hand, BSP has no such restrictions. BSP is strictly centered on browser-based deploy-ment and therefore allows an extreme level of custom rendering. This makes BSPa perfect platform for applications that require pixel-perfect layout or specializedUI elements.The other aspect to consider is that Web Dynpro ABAP will not be available until NetWeaver ’04S. Therefore, you must upgrade your existing system to be able to use these new development tools. BSP, on the other hand, has been available for several years and is included in the vast majority of supported SAP product releases. For several more years, BSP may be your only choice for Web develop-ment using the ABAP language.AcknowledgementsFirst, we would like to thank the SAP Developer Network (SDN) content team, particularly Mark Finnern and Craig Cmehil, for not only providing a great servicein the form of SDN, but also making sure that BSP has its comfortable little home there.This book itself has deep roots within SDN. In fact, it is doubtful that it would exist at all if were not for SDN. Several sections of the book have their roots as SDN weblogs. The two authors of this book (who to this day have never met in person or even spoken on the phone) would likely never have crossed paths wereit not for the virtual community that is SDN.For their support, guidance and suggestions, Thomas would like to thank co-workers and friends: Chris Cassidy, Sam Mason, Lynn Scheu, and Sandy Smith. A special thanks goes to Steffen Knoeller, who behind the scenes has influenced many chapters in this book, without even knowing it!17AcknowledgementsBrian would wish to thank the complete team that made BSP happen. There is Albert Becker, who showed a team can work across many groups, and who taught the lesson late one night that VPs still know how to debug ABAP code. There are the ICM colleagues, Oliver Luik and Bernhard Braun, who measured performance in CPU cycles and give a new appreciation for “blazing fast.” Not to be forgotten are their partners in crime, the ICF colleagues: Masoud Aghadavoodi, Christoph Hofmann, and Daniel Walz, who has helped many hours so that we could write our first Web-based logon application. Then there are the men in black, the secu-rity group: Wolfgang Janzen and Martin Rex. The last import group required to start the project was the ABAP Language Group: Andreas Blumenthal, who fights like a lion for anything with ABAP stamped on it and who did a lot for BSP (even although it was not called ABAP Server Pages!); Holger Janz, who taught me the elegance of ABAP programming; Jürgen Lehmann and Peter Januschke, who taught me the complexities of compiler writing in ABAP and that it is actually quiet easy; Klaus Ziegler and Kay Mueller-Silva, who integrated JavaScript, Ulrich Elsaesser, who always used a short pencil for the pre-compiler; and the x-team, Karsten Bohlmann (XSLT) and Rupert Hieble (XML).In building BSP itself, the Workbench needed minor tweaking, plus some hard development by: Sigrun Wintzheimer, Michael Wenz, Margarethe Czarnecki, Andreas Herrmann, and, of course, Jürgen Remmel. The runtime was done by our small group: Rüdiger Kretschmer, who had the idea (and together with a col-league wrote the first ABAP book, and always knows the answers to everything or knows someone that knows); Björn Goerke who hacked the runtime years ago;Regina Breuer who did MVC; Jutta Bindewald, and Arndt Rosenthal.And then there is Steffen Knoeller, who shared my office for years and taught me HTML. Quality management was done by Michael Lottbrein, who rolled the first sneak preview out the door, Judith Rabetge, and Rainer Liebisch. Heidi von Gei-sau and Tina Haug wrote all documentation. Our first support steps were handled by Dongyan Zhao. Not to be forgotten is our extended support troop: Artem Gratchev, Vitaly Romanko, Yulia Kuznetsova, Dmitry Vladimirov, and Andrey Ali-mov. They not only taught me two words in Russian, but they also showed each and every time that the trickiest problems are theirs to solve! Finally, a good product required a few good salesmen: Axel Kurka (who passed away unexpect-edly and before his time; we will remember him fondly) and Dirk Feeken, who came up with the BSP name over lunch!Brian can only say: It is still a great team!For his guidance and patience, we wish to thank our publisher from Galileo Press, Florian Zimniak. Although we broke every rule and deadline he gave us, he stuck18Introductionwith us till the end. We also thank John Parker of SAP PRESS America for his edi-torial skills and for also putting up with our rule-breaking nature.Finally we must thank our families who put up with us through this experience. Without the support of our wives, Shari and Anja, we would never have pulled it through.19Acknowledgements11Creating your own BSP ExtensionElementWe already have seen in the last few chapters how powerful the BSPExtension Framework is. Fortunately, this is also an open technologyframework that allows SAP’s customers to build their own BSP exten-sions and to combine existing extensions to create composite ele-ments.11.1Creating a BSP Extension ElementIn Chapter 9, we took a close look at how BSP extension elements are structuredin order to better understand how to use them. However, this only scratched the surface of what lies within the BSP extension element. Before we begin the pro-cess of writing our own elements, it is important to study in detail the most important part of an extension element: its element-handler class.11.1.1Extension Framework HierarchyThe element-handler class actually represents an inherited hierarchy of class objects that all come together to form the extension framework. It is important to build this inheritance hierarchy correctly, because much of the functionality wewill code within our handler will be placed inside of redefinitions of inherited methods.The core extension framework comprises two objects, IF_BSP_ELEMENT and CL_BSP_ELEMENT. IF_BSP_ELEMENT defines all the core methods and attributes forthe extension framework. CL_BSP_ELEMENT implements the IF_BSP_ELEMENT interface and provides the basic functions that support all BSP extension ele-ments.There are two more objects within this hierarchy, both specific to the individual extension element. The first is a generated basis class, usually created with the fol-lowing naming standard:(Z)CL G_<EXTENSION>_<ELEMENT>This class is automatically generated by the BSP development environment. Whenyou define attributes for your extension element inside the BSP extension editor, these attributes will be generated as public attributes of this basis class. This class should also inherit from CL_BSP_ELEMENT and provide the specific constructorfor the element. By dynamically generating this class, all the attributes of your ele-ment can be strictly typed and checked at compile time.227Creating your own BSP Extension ElementThe final object is the core handler class itself. It should inherit from the generated basis class, and its name is completely user definable. However it is probably good form to following a naming standard such as the following:(Z)CL_<EXTENSION>_<ELEMENT>This class is where you will be spending most of your time as an element author.This class has the method redefinitions and any specific methods or attributes needed to implement the element.11.1.2User-Defined ValidationBSP extension elements are unique among the ABAP language tools in their approach to input validation. The extension runtime gives you the opportunity to code different validation routines that will be executed at runtime and compile time. That means that the syntax check of a BSP page will fire validation code that you can write. This gives you the ability to throw compiler errors for your own elements.In order to implement user-defined validation, we must redefine two methods in our handler class that were inherited down from IF_BSP_ELEMENT.The first method is COMPILE_TIME_IS_VALID. This is where we will code our compile time checks. SAP provides a series of validation methods (in class CL_ BSP_ELEMENT_CT_ATTR_VALID), which assist in this process. In addition to pro-viding simple checks, these methods also properly convert attribute-input string values into Boolean and integers values where necessary.What follows are coding examples for the validation routines of a fictional BSP Extension Element. They contain common types of checks in order to demon-strate the different possible techniques.METHOD if_bsp_element~compile_time_is_valid .validator->to_enum( name = 'Color'enums = 'RED/BLUE/GREEN' ).validator->to_enum( name = 'alignment'enums = 'LEFT/RIGHT' ).validator->to_boolean( name = 'disabled' ).validator->to_integer( name = 'size' ).valid = validator->m_all_values_valid.ENDMETHOD.We also have the method RUNTIME_IS_VALID. This method is useful for checking attribute values that are supplied dynamically, such as through BSP expressions228Creating your own BSP Extension Element(<%=...%>) only at runtime, or for attributes whose values are transformed into another data type.METHOD if_bsp_element~runtime_is_valid.get_class_named_parent(class_name = 'CL_HTMLB_CONTENT' ).IF runtime_parms = '/*/' OR runtime_parms CS 'alignment'.alignment = m_validator->to_enum(name = 'alignment'value = alignmentenums = 'LEFT/RIGHT'required = space ).ENDIF.IF runtime_parms = '/*/' OR runtime_parms CS 'disabled'.disabled = m_validator->bindable_to_boolean(name = 'disabled'value = disabledbinding_path = _disabledpage_context = m_page_context ).ENDIF.IF runtime_parms = '/*/' OR runtime_parms CS 'size'.size = m_validator->bindable_to_integer(name = 'size'value = sizebinding_path = _sizepage_context = m_page_context ).ENDIF.ENDMETHOD.The first line in the runtime validation method checks that this BSP element is used with an <htmlb:content> element. It is not possible to check this at com-pile time, as different elements can be used in different views, and these are com-piled separately. We surround each of our dynamic value checks with an IF checkfor performance. That way we only perform validation routines on attributes that actually have values set dynamically.It is important to note that these two validation methods will only be called if the User-Defined Validation option is selected in the BSP Element Properties. That way, if you have no validations that you wish to perform in your element, you can save the time that it would have taken for the framework to make calls into simply empty methods.229Creating a BSP Extension Element。

”(The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe for more detail.)这样的错误。
1 建⽴⼀个安装程序⼯程。
2 ⼯程⽂件中加⼊Merge Module3 从系统盘:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules选择加⼊需要的⽂件因为我的IDE环境是xp(32bit)+VS2005,所以我选择了以下⽂件(是我环境中所有的VC80+x86的⽂件,可能不同环境这些⽂件个数不同)policy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_OpenMP_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_DebugOpenMP_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_DebugMFC_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_DebugCRT_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86.msmpolicy_8_0_Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_OpenMP_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_MFC_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_DebugOpenMP_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_DebugMFC_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_DebugCRT_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_CRT_x86.msmMicrosoft_VC80_ATL_x86.msm4 ⽣成debug和release版⽂件5 在虚拟机中安装上步⽣成的⽂件经过以上步骤,我们编的debug和release版程序便可在虚拟机⾥正常运⾏了。

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SHAC 上海汇众项目管理体系 2011

授课提纲Step 1 preparation (10 minutes)1. Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.2. Learn some key words :章、节名称 对应教材内容Logbook1早节 页次教学口标At the end of class, students will be able to grasp the contents of Logbooksand know how to keep a logbook.教学重点 和难点 1 • The contents of Logbooks2. The characteristics of logbooks ・3. The practical words and expressions used in a logbook ・难点处理 方 法Discussion and detailed explanation, Pair work教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段LogbookStep 1 preparation (10 minutes)Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.Key words: Superintendent accurate entry execution dispute erasureStep 2 Extensive Reading(30 minutes)Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices.Step 3 Intensive Reading (25 minutes)The students are required to Read the passage in details, and answer some questions.Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes)The students are required to point out the key points in this period ・Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes)1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today 2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook.课后 追记___________ 学年度第 ______ 学期 课程名称:航海英语阅读任课教师 ____________Step 2 Extensive Reading(20 minutes)Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices ・1 ・ ________ is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage, written up at the end of eachwatch by the officer of the watch .A. Sea protestB. Deck logC. Accident reportD. Seamen^s book2. In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing an entry ・ Wliat is the proper means of coiTecting this error? _____________A. Cross out the error with a single line , and write the correct entry .then initial it.B. Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly.C. Remove this page of the log book, and rewrite all entries on a clean page. D ・ Blot out the error complete and rewrite the entry correctly3. Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ________________ .A. the ship is in a harborB. the ship is at anchorage C- the ship is underway D. all of the above 4. Never make comment 、estimate or guess in your logbook , but ________________ only..A. the specificationB. the factsC. the descriptionsD. the detailsStep 3 Intensive Reading (35 minutes)Ss read passages about logbooks and figure out the key points. l) .what is logbook and its characteristics?Logbook is used to record the full, daily events occurring during the ship's stay in a harbour, at1. in case of 假使;万一 prep.2. require 要求;命令v.3. request 请求;要求V.4. inquire 询问;查究n.5. superintendent 监督人;主管人 n.6. justification 正当的理由n.7. accurate 精确的;准确的a.8. entry登记;记载n. 9. erasure 擦掉;消除n.10. dispute争论;争端n. 11. execution 实施;执行n.12. contract合同n ・ 13. insurance保险n. 14. consignee收货人n. 15. leeway由于风压引起的船舶 偏航n.21. 22. 16. suminarization 概括,总结 n.17. trend 走向;倾向,趋势n 18. hint 暗示;提示n. 19. re-draw 再绘出 vt. 20. track航迹 n.41. azimuth 方位角 n.23. 24.25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. n. seaworthyspecify基本的;主要的a. 行为;(机器等)运适航性的adj. 指定;规定vt. disappearance 消 失; 失踪n. run-away estimate disaster contradiction investigation grant pratique station hawser dismiss cease idle recondition transit catch 逃亡者n. 评价;估计v.&n. 灾难;天灾n.. 矛盾n. 调查n. 准予;授予vt. 无疫通行证n. (应急)岗位;位置 大缆n 打发;解雇vt.停止;结束vt. 闲着的a.修理,修复vt叠标线n.观测vt.n.anchorage, or underway. It is a legal record required by law. It may be requested to produce evidences in case of official inquiries about accidents. Therefore everything recorded in it must be true and accurate. In case a mis-entry has been made in the log, a red line should be diawn on the parts and the correct entry with signature should be made near or above them. No erasures or cuts are to be allowed・2).Contents to be entered in the logbook include:•the information and evidences relating to accidents, disputes or the execution of regulations or contracts, etc., to owners, marine authorities, insurance companies, courts and consignees or shippers, etc.•the records about the navigation, the cargo work, the various states of ninning vessels for obtaining ship's speed, leeway under various wind force and directions, kind of cargo,loading and unloading rates at various ports and summarization of weather and currenttrends in certain districts in various seasons. But this purpose is getting less importantnowadays.3).What functions does a logbook have?•You can re-draw the tracks of the vessel on charts according to the records in the logbook. •You can offer records about the fundamental facts to state the ship's continuous behaviour including sailing (setting course, changing course, anchoring, piloting, berthing andunberthing, etc.) and staying in port (making formalities for entry into a port or leaving, loading, unloading, waiting, repairing, etc.).•You can state whether your ship is seaworthy or not.•You can state whether your ship is suitable and ready for loading or discharging cargoes. •You can state whether all the things specified in the certain international and local rules or regulations as well as the related contracts have been done, such as the records about boat drill (related to "SOLAS”),actions during sailing in poor visibility (related to n COLREG H) and cleaning in cargo holds (related to M Charter-Party,r).4). What attentions are to be paid while keeping logbooks?•If the documents issued or signed by authorities or parties concerned have been obtained, the events entry in the logbook can be in briefer something be omitted.•Never make any comment, estimate or guess in your log-book, but the facts only. •When recording the natural conditions, always keep the current, the wind, the swell involved in the cause of accident in mind・ If you deem the accident is caused by natural disasters and is "beyond the human's capacity\ state it in detail.•There should be no contradictions or stoppage in the log-book or contradictions between the log book and other documents.•Remember that the deck log book is a formal document. If records have been established in it, you should always have it ready for check or investigation by the authorities.Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes)The students are required to point out the key points in this unit Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes)1)Recite the words and expressions learnt today2)Learn by heart the key points of Logbook.授课提纲___________ 学年度第______ 学期课程名称:航海英语阅读任课教师序号::章、节名称对应教材内容Logbook2 -3^早节页次教学目标At the end of class, students will be able to write the entries of logbooks・教学重点和难点1.Practical phrases in different situations.2.Some abbreviations used in logbooks・3.reading materials.难点处理方法Pair work , Discussion and detailed explanation教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段LogbookStep 1 preparation (10 minutes)Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.Key words: anchorage bearing deviation variation observedStep 2 Explanation (20 minutes)Pay attention to some general rules while writing logbooks・ Introduce Some abbreviations used in logbooks.Step 3 Reading (35 minutes)The students are required to Read the entries in details, and answer some questions-Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes)The students are required to point out the key points in this period・Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes)1)Recite the words and expressions learnt today2)Learn by heart the key points of Logbook.课后追记Step 1 preparation (10 minutes)Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.Answer the following questions:1)What are logbooks used for?2)What should be entered into logbooks?3)Why must everything entered in the logbook be true and accurate?4)In case a mis-entry has been made, how do you usually correct it?Step 2 Explanation1.航海日志中的语言使用具有其特殊性,在阅读时要注意如下特点:(1)记载航海H志般都用过去吋,女山a)Cast off buoy rope & left Hong Kong fbr Singapore •收进系浮缆绳,离香港前往新加坡。
MES Overview and Application

Foundation for MES
The REPAC model (Ready, Execute, Process Control, Analyze, Coordinate) laid the foundations for an MES (source: AMR).
Vision of an MES System
System Layers
Corporate Business Layer Provides direction to the Company (Outside the scope of this training course) Manages the business supply chain (i.e. demand forecasting, planning and strategic supply organisational planning)
System Interfaces
Level 4
Business Planning & Logistics
Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc
Level 3
Dispatching Production, Detailed Production Scheduling, Reliability Assurance, ...
Console Controller Corrective And Preventive Action Tracking
Personnel Qualification & Training

Automated simulation of scenarios to guide thedevelopment of a crosswind stabilization functionKlaus-Dieter Hilf*. Ingo Matheis**Jakob Mauss**. Jochen Rauh**Daimler AG, D-71059 Sindelfingen, Germany (e-mail: {klaus-dieter.hilf, jochen.rauh}@).**QTronic GmbH, AltMoabit 91d, D-10559 Berlin, Germany (e-mail:{ingo.matheis, jakob.mauss}@)Abstract:Mercedes-Benz has recently added a crosswind stabilization function to the Active Body Control (ABC) suspension for the 2009 S-Class. For this purpose the ABC uses the yaw rate, lateral acceleration, steering angle and velocity sensors of the Electronic Stability Program ESP to vary the wheel load distribution via the ABC spring struts, depending on the direction and intensity of the crosswind. This function has to distinguish between vehicle reactions caused by crosswind, by driver interaction, and by road unevenness. The effects of the crosswinds can be compensated in this way, or reduced to a minimum in the case of strong gusts. For developing this function Mercedes Benz used the test case generator TestWeaver to generate thousands of different driving and crosswind scenarios. The scenarios have been executed using a co-simulation of: (i) a dynamic vehicle model (based on the in-house tool CASCaDE), (ii) a road and crosswind model implemented in C and (iii) a MathWorks/Simulink model of the crosswind stabilization function. This simulation-based approach helped considerably to validate and iteratively improve the safeguarding algorithms of the stabilization function through all design phases.Keywords: Rapid Control Prototyping; Systems for Vehicle Dynamics Control; Lanekeeping.1. INTRODUCTIONNowadays an increasing number of automotive functions is realized using software, resulting in a steadily growing complexity of automotive controllers.For validation and test of complex controllers, traditional methods based on hand-written test scripts do not scale well. Testing the controller in real life by trying to expose the system under test to all relevant situations is very time consuming or even not feasible without excessive effort. New methods and tools supporting a much higher degree of automation are required here, to meet shorter time-to-market and high quality demands. In this paper, we present one such method based on fully automated generation, execution and validation of useful test cases. We also report how the corresponding tool, TestWeaver, has been used to validate and iteratively improve the safeguarding algorithms of the crosswind stabilization function of the 2009 S-Class. The paper is structured as follows: in the next section, we describe our simulation-based validation and test environment. Section 3 presents the executable model of the system under test, consisting of the stabilization and safeguard functions, road, wind and vehicle models. Section 4 describes the automated test and validation process. We conclude with a brief assessment of the presented approach.2. VALIDATION AND TEST ENVIRONMENTThe entire validation and test environment runs on a standard PC, without any real vehicle hardware in the loop. Section 3 describes how a realistic system simulation model was built. Such a pure 'virtual' setup can be easily duplicated, e.g. to parallelize and hence speed-up development within a team. Another advantage is that, without real vehicle hardware (such as ECUs) in the loop, there is no real-time requirement for running the models: Simulation can be suspended at a specified event to inspect all variables of the simulated vehicle. Simulation can also be arbitrarily fast, resulting in increased test throughput. In our case, the simulation runs about 10 times faster than real time. Thus, in just 3 days of simulation, about one month of street driving, with a huge number of differing situations, can be simulated and analyzed on one PC.For automated validation (see Fig. 1), the simulation of the system under test is driven by a sequence of inputs generated by the test case generator TestWeaver. The inputs control the road and wind properties, acceleration and brake pedals, steering, and may also be used to activate dynamically (simulated) component faults, e.g. of sensors and actuators. Selected outputs of the simulation (such as car speed, gear rates, key variables of the controller) are observed by TestWeaver and stored together with the inputs in a data base, labeled 'state DB' in Fig. 1.presented at the 6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, July 12-14, 2010, Munich, GermanyFig. 1. Setup for simulation-based validation and test.The test case generation, execution and validation does not require any user interaction and is interleaved: a new test case depends on the outcome of all previously generated tests. TestWeaver generates tests not randomly (this does not help much), but in a reactive, informed way, trying to worsen actively scenarios that are already sub-optimal until system behavior is really bad, i.e. a bug or flaw has been found. Here, a 'bad' scenario is by definition a scenario where an output variable reaches a value classified as 'bad' in the test specification, see below. TestWeaver also attempts to maximize the coverage of the system state space, i.e. to reach every reachable state in at least one of the generated scenarios. As indicated in Fig 1, state space is here the space spanned by all inputs and outputs that connect the system under test to TestWeaver. Maximizing state coverage is non-trivial, because TestWeaver can only control the inputs directly, not the outputs. For example, TestWeaver cannot set the speed of the car (an output of the model), but it can learn that pushing the acceleration pedal (an input of the model) for a while leads to high vehicle speed. To guide scenario generation, TestWeaver stores each state reached during simulation into a state data base, together with the sequence of inputs that leads into this state. Thereby TestWeaver successively learns how to control the system under test. TestWeaver uses this knowledge to drive the system into states not reached before (to maximize state coverage) and to worsen scenarios locally by automated variation of those already generated scenarios that got worst scores. Technically, an input or output is a model fragment implemented in C, Simulink, Modelica or Python as part of a model or sub-model and that connects to TestWeaver using TCP/IP to either retrieve input values during simulation or report output values.For testing a system with TestWeaver no test scripts need to be specified. Instead, a test or development engineer provides a very compact test specification with the following information: • names of input variables, allowed set of discrete values, and classification of these input values on a good-bad scale (to support fault injection)• names of output variables and classification of output values on a good-bad scale (to support automated validation of generated scenarios during execution)• templates for reporting reached coverage in the state space and other test results• general specification data, such as maximal duration of generated scenarios, upper-bounds for injected faults per scenario, command used to start the simulation, etc. TestWeaver reports the test results using HTML. Report templates use SQL (a standard for data bases) to define the content of the tables. All scenarios generated by TestWeaver can be replayed by the test engineer on demand for detailed investigation and debugging. More details can be found in (Brückmann et al. 2009), (Gäfvert et al. 2008), (Junghanns et al. 2008), (Rink et al. 2009).3. SYSTEM MODELThis section describes the executable system model used for automated validation by TestWeaver. Simulation has been implemented here as a co-simulation of several sub-models using the co-simulation tool Silver (Rink et al. 2009). In Silver, a sub-model contains either a numerical solver, or uses a numerical solver provided by Silver. In both cases, a Silver sub-model is a DLL (dynamic link library) that implements a certain API, such as the standard FMI (ITEA 2 2010) or the proprietary Silver module API. For the application presented here, the modules and their mutual connections as well as the embedding in the Silver Co-Simulation are shown in Figure 2.Fig. 2. Integration of CASCaDE-simulation into TestWeaver.The CASCaDE vehicle model has been exported as DLL that implements the Silver API and uses a CASCaDE solver for numerical integration (shown as vehicle dll). A second sub-model was created to model crosswind and the road, called the environment dll in Figure 2. The wind stabilization function has been developed using MATLAB/Simulink and was included into the vehicle dll also comprising the CASCaDE vehicle model. A third sub-model called modifier dll contains all instruments (inputs u and outputs y in Fig. 1) used by TestWeaver to control simulated crosswind, road and vehicle and to observe and assess model behavior.3.1 Crosswind Stabilization FunctionThe stabilization function (Keppler et al. 2010) is based on a disturbance observer which measures the difference between predicted and actual vehicle behavior. From the calculated deviation a disturbing moment around the vertical axis of the inertia system is derived.Fig. 3. Driving with and without stabilization function.If the safeguard functions determine that this moment is caused by crosswind, a path correction is induced by performing a diagonal wheel load actuation (warp mode) called Active Body Control crossover with the hydraulic struts of the ABC suspension. Through the elastokinematic design of the axle, changes in the toe angles are generated, resulting in an asymmetric side force. This leads to a steering reaction of the car compensating the lateral offset induced by the crosswind. The intervention of the system is scaled to compensate the disturbing moment up to a designed degree. For simulation purposes the controller developed in Simulink was exported using the RealTime Workshop. In the CASCaDE (Rauh et al. 2008) simulation environment, used here for vehicle dynamic simulation, the subsystem-interface was used to couple efficiently the inputs and the outputs of the control system with the vehicle model. 3.2 Road and Wind ModelThe system model also includes configurable road and wind models. During simulation, TestWeaver controls key control signals of this model in order to test the system under a great range of differing road and wind conditions.The bank angle of the road is modeled as superposition of two Bezier splines - capturing large and small scale variations of the bank angle. One such spline is shown, together with its control points, in Fig 4. Control points are dynamically generated by TestWeaver in front of the vehicle on demand during simulation. Similarly, the local road inclination is modeled by two Bezier splines for large and small scale variations. Again, control points are dynamically generated on demand by TestWeaver. The road generated by TestWeaver is constrained in a way that the acceleration ofthe driver does not exceed a certain threshold during driving.Fig. 4. Bank angle of road modeled using Bezier splines. Speed and direction of the wind is modeled and controlled in a similar manner. In addition, the wind model provides a couple of parameters for varying statistical properties of the wind, such as shape of and delay between wind gusts.The road and wind models have been implemented in C and compiled as a DLL that directly runs in Silver. The dynamic control of the road and wind model during simulation (as opposed to using predefined static road and wind profiles) gives TestWeaver better chances to increase the state coverage of the total system, including road, wind, vehicle and controller states: this way TestWeaver can better synchronize differing road and wind events with differing states occurring in the controller and vehicle model.3.3 Vehicle modelThe CASCaDE (Rauh et al. 2008) simulation model describes the vehicle dynamics of a car. All important aspects like steering, propulsion, braking system and suspension are modeled in appropriate depth and detail for vehicle dynamics analysis. A model of the hydraulic suspension system ABC with a simple representation of the hydraulic lines, valves, cylinders and the suspension struts is included. The detailing is adapted to the problems examined here. The original control software of this active suspension system is also embedded as exported c-code and linked with the model. The module receives sensor-information created by the simulation and outputs the control currents for the valves, thereby performing the desired wheel-load changes.The vehicle dynamics behavior and especially the steering effect based on wheel load variation – the elastokinematic effect used here for crosswind stabilization – were validated from measurements. The aerodynamic characteristics were parameterized from extensive wind tunnel measurements and validated from bypass measurements at a crosswind test facility.The ESP-algorithm is not included in the simulation model. Since crosswind impact is generally not strong enough to cause an ESP-intervention in the S-Class, a car featuring a strong directional stability, the influence of the ESP-system can be neglected in the study reported here. Only the ESP sensors used by the stabilization function are represented in the model. For other investigations the ESP could also be included.This simulation model (including the stabilization function from 3.1) was converted into a dynamic link library (DLL) with an open interface implementing the communication with Silver. Driver inputs, current tire patches and wind is fed to the vehicle simulation. Vehicle and controller states are reported back to TestWeaver for scenario assessment and state coverage measurements (see Figure 2).4. TEST OF THE STABILIZATION FUNCTIONIt is not possible to test all possible driving situations in real life. Disregarding the great effort in time and expenses which make extended test drives undesirable, even on test tracks, only a limited number of road profiles is available, so all possible road excitations can never be covered. Furthermore, the possibilities to create different wind profiles for real life testing are very limited. In virtual test drives, however, every combination of road and wind excitation can be generated. Therefore, TestWeaver was chosen as a promising approach to cover the necessary test range with acceptable effort.The main focus of the investigations was safeguarding against control impacts due to an erroneous crosswind detection. Since the observer bases the detection only on ESP-sensor data, and no direct wind-sensor is implemented, an asymmetric unevenness of the road, leading to lateral acceleration and yaw rate, could be interpreted as crosswind. To avoid the crosswind stabilization to respond to this excitation, other controller subsystems are designed to differentiate between vehicle reactions due to crosswind and reactions due to driver- and street-interaction or sensor faults. The first focus was on trying to provoke the crosswind stabilization function to perform steering impacts due to driver and street interaction, thus detecting holes in the safeguarding mechanisms. Since basic features of safeguarding rules implemented were specified, and already sufficiently tested, the range of feasible driving- and environment situations in which the function had to be tested in this approach could be restricted to situations not already reliably and adequately covered. Thus scenarios not respecting these well-known limits set by the safeguarding mechanisms, for instance, on steering wheel angle or velocity, were not investigated and excluded in advance from the situations possibly chosen by TestWeaver. By taking into account this beforehand knowledge the design range TestWeaver had to cover to guarantee the reliability of the system was reduced to the regions not verified so far, allowing TestWeaver to work more efficiently.Finding categories of suited street excitations was an iterative approach. Too high excitations were easily detected by the safeguard mechanisms implemented so far. Too small excitation did not lead to a relevant wind force estimation and, thus, to no reaction of the system. After choosing a promising range from evaluating the TestWeaver results, TestWeaver found several categories of impacts which the controller was not safeguarded against.The mechanism included at the examined design stage only used the difference in spring travel between left and right wheel with the standard sensors being available in the ABC suspension system. The failure scenarios found with TestWeaver showed that a certain type of street unevenness did not lead to a high enough difference in spring travel. Reducing the critical limit of difference spring travel allowed was not an appropriate solution - this would reduce the percentage of time the system is active. The relevant scenarios were nonetheless marked by a high individual spring travel. From this observation a new safeguarding module was added, combining individual and difference spring travel.After this element was included in the controller, a re-run of the critical scenarios showed that the unevenness was now detected. New runs with TestWeaver proved that the protection against false crosswind recognition was complete. The proportion of time the system was active was not reduced. Thus, this new criterion was implemented and approved in the test runs.In a second approach TestWeaver was additionally used to create sensor faults of different classes: sudden offsets or linear drifts on the different sensor signals used by the observer and the safeguarding mechanism. Here TestWeaver was used during the design phase of the detection module inside the controller. Current versions were immediately exported, linked with the vehicle system simulation and tested with TestWeaver. The effectiveness of new measures or chosen limits was investigated before a first version was tested in the vehicle.5. CONCLUSIONWe reported how a closed-loop vehicle simulation in combination with the test case generator TestWeaver has been used to support and guide the development of a crosswind stabilization function. The validation reported has been conducted by a single engineer (a novice TestWeaver user at that time) within about three weeks. In that time, about 100.000 different driving scenarios, each 45 sec. long, have been generated, executed and validated. The setup has been changed and extended during the investigation to explore also the effect of sensor faults. The coverage achieved this way would have been hard, if not impossible, to achieve with comparable effort using a less automated approach, e. g. based on hand-written test scripts, driving areal car on the road, or using the Daimler crosswind test facility.To summarize, the presented approach seems extremely well suited for the validation of complex automotive controllers during all stages of development. The main benefit is in the high test coverage that can be achieved with low work effort for engineers, based on a compact high-level specification of the validation task.REFERENCESBrückmann, H. et al. (2009). Model-based development of a dual-clutch transmission using rapid prototyping and SiL. In International VDI Congress Transmissions in Vehicles 2009, Friedrichshafen, Germany.Gäfvert, M. et al. (2008). Simulation-based automated verification of safety-critical chassis-control systems. In Proceedings of AVEC ’08, Kobe, Japan.ITEA 2 (2010). Functional mock-up interface for model exchange 1.0, Specification, released 26.01.2010. Junghanns, A., Mauss, J. and Tatar, M. (2008). TestWeaver -a tool for simulation-based test of mechatronic designs.In 6th International Modelica Conference, pp. 341 – 348, Bielefeld, Germany.Keppler, D., Rau, M., Ammon, D. et. al. (2010). Realisierung einer Seitenwind-Assistenzfunktion für Pkw. In AAET – Automatisierungssysteme, Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel, Braunschweig, Germany (in German).Rauh, J. and Mössner-Beigel, M. (2008). Tyre simulation challenges. Vehicle System Dynamics,volume 46, supplement 1, pp. 49-62.Rink, A., Chrisofakis, E., Tatar, M. (2009). Automatisierter Test für Softwaremodule. ATZelektronik,volume 6, pp.36-40. (in German).English:。

engine, to read the general 'SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS' in the following section and to strictly adhere to the advice contained therein.Also, please study the entire contents of this instruction manual, so as to familiarize yourself with The advice which follows is grouped under two headings according to the degree of damage or obvious sources of danger, but which, under certainhighly efficient internal-combustion machine whose power is capable of harming you, or others, if it is misused or abused. As owner, you, alone, are responsible for the safe operation of your engine, so act with discretion and care at all times. If at some future date, your O.S. engine is acquired by another person, we would respectfully request that theseinstructions are also passed on to its new owner.Model engine fuel is poisonous. Do not allow it to come into contact with the eyes or mouth. Always store it in a clearly marked container and out of the reach of children.Model engine fuel is also highly flammable. Keep it away from open flame, excessive heat, sources of sparks, or anything else which might ignite it. Do not smoke or allow anyone else to smoke, near to it.Model engines generate considerable heat. Do not touch any part of your engine until it has cooled. Contact with the muffler (silencer), cylinder head or exhaust header pipe, in particular, may result in a serious burn.Never operate your engine in an enclosed space. Model engines, like automobile engines, exhaust deadly carbon-monoxide. Run your engine only in an open area.exposure to a noisy exhaust (especially in the case of the more powerful highspeed engines) may eventually impair your hearing and such noise is also likely to cause annoyance to others over a wide area.The wearing of safety glasses is also strongly recommended.Take care that the glowplug clip or battery leads do not come into contact with rotating parts. Also check that the linkage to the throttle arm is secure.For their safety, keep all onlookers (especially small children) well back (at least 20 feet or 6 meters) when preparing your model for running.attempt to use it for any other purpose.Mount the engine in your model securely, following the manufacturers' recommendations, using appropriate screws and locknuts.To stop the engine, fully retard the throttle stick and trim lever on the trans-mitter, or, in an emergency, cut off the fuel supply by pinching the fuel delivery line from the tank.Warning! Immediately after a glowplug-ignition engine has been run and is still warm, conditions sometimes exist whereby it is just possible for the engine to abruptly restart if it is rotated over compression WITHOUT the glowplug battery being reconnected.Before starting the engine, always check the tightness of all the screws and nuts especially those of joint and movable parts such as throttle arm. Missing retightening the loose screws and nuts often causes the parts breakage that is capable of harming you.The Needle-Valve:Four adjustable controls are provided on this carburetor.For adjusting the mixture strength when the throttle is fully open.The Throttle Stop Screw:For setting the minimum idle speed:For adjusting the mixture strength at part-throttle and idle speed, to obtain steady idling and smooth acceleration to mid speed.The Metering Needle:NOTE: Readjustment may be necessary, occasionally to allow for changes in fuel formula, gear ratio or clutch engagement point.ENGINE INSTALLATIONSTARTING THE ENGINE & RUNNING-IN ('Breaking-in)Attention:It is vitally important to set the throttle at the correct position (i.e. with the driving wheels not in contact with the ground) it will rapidly over-heat and may be seriously damaged.The Mixture Control Valve:For changing the mixture strength at mid speed and acceleration. (Do not rotate the screw more than one turn.)21TM-R First, remove the original engine, from the engine mount.Install the engine on the engine mount with ground wire.Install the flywheel and clutch.T-MaxxRevo Install the electric starter taken from the original engine.Install the manifold supplied with the engine.Adjust the plastic ball end so that the throttle linkage may be connected correctly.T-MaxxRevoAdjust the stopper end so that the throttle linkage may be made correctly.Finally, connect the wire for glow plug heating to the glow plug.T-MaxxFinally, insert the wire for heating the glow plug.For long life and high performance, every engine needs to be 'run-in' or 'broken-in'. With care, running-in of the MAX-21TM can be carried out with the engine installed in the vehicle.Be sure to install the air-cleaner on the carburetor and use a muffler-pressurized fuel system.The somewhat violent changes of vehicle attitude that occur in off-road running, combined with the fact that, in buggy type cars, the fuel tank is often located some distance from the carburetor, means that fuel 'head' at the carburetor can vary and upset running.Therefore,it is recommended that a muffler pressurized fuel feed system be used.Never run your vehicle without installing the air cleaner. Dust and dirt that may otherwise be drawn into the engine will rapidly shorten its life.Fill the tank completely with fuel.Temporarily remove the glowplug to check that it glows bright red when energized.The carburetor on this engine has been set at the starting setting when the engine leaves the factory.Switch on the transmitter, and check that all the linkage moves correctly.When the engine starts, first allow it to operate in short runs on its very rich starting settings, with the glowplug battery still connected and with its driving wheels clear of the ground. The rich mixture will, under these conditions, provide adequate lubrication and cooling, indicated by profuse smoke from the exhaust.Next, disconnect the glowplug battery and try running the car on the track. If the engine stalls, open the throttle fractionally, but try to keep the engine running as rich as possible: if it stops because of being excessively over-rich, close the Needle-Valve 30˚ and try again.Run the car on the track until one tank of fuel has been consumed, then close the Needle-Valve 30˚. Repeat this procedure again until five tanks of fuel have been consumed, during which time the throttle may be opened for brief bursts of increased power. If the engine stops at medium speeds, close the Mixture Control Valve 30˚.30˚Needle30˚30˚The position of the needle-valve when starting the Close the needle-valve approx. 30˚ after running the vehicle for every one full tanks of fuel. Repeat this procedure around five times.Note:If the engine should need to be disassembled (e.g. for cleaning or minor parts replacement), it is advisable to return the needle-valve to the original rich, starting setting and check whether further running-in time is required before the car is raced again. In the event of any major working parts (e.g. piston/cylinder liner assembly) being replaced or the fuel being changed, especially to high nitro fuel, the complete running-in should be repeated.Warning!Do not touch rotating parts, engine and silencer when stopping the engine as they become very hot, and contact with them may result in a serious burn.on the transmitter.carburetor.FINAL ADJUSTMENTFinal adjustment should be carried out only after the running-in has been completed.Run the vehicle (with throttle fully open) over the longest available straight course, in order to observe the model's speed. Next return the car to the starting point, close the Needle-Valve 30˚ and repeat the run, taking note of the improvement in performance.Continue with further runs, gradually reducing the Needle-Valve setting and aiming to achieve the highest straight-line speed. Remember, however, that, if the Needle-Valve is shut down too far, the engine will overheat and, accompanied by visibly diminished exhaust smoke, the model will lose speed. At this point, throttle down immediately, stop the vehicle and reopen the Needle-Valve 30˚.With the engine running, close the throttle and allow it to idle for about five seconds, then reopen the throttle fully. If, at this point, the engine puffs out an excessive amount of smoke and the vehicle does not accelerate smoothly and rapidly, it is probable that the idle mixture is too rich. In this case, turn the Metering Needle clockwise 30˚. If, on the other hand, the engine tends to speed up momentarily and then cut out abruptly when the throttle is opened, the idle mixture is too lean. Correct this by turning the Metering Needle counter-clockwise 30˚.NOTE:Metering Needle adjustment should be made in steps of not more than 30˚, carefully checking the effect,on throttle response, of each small adjustment.Carry out adjustments patiently, under actual running conditions, until the engine responds quickly and positively to the throttle control.Warning!Mixture adjustments (whether via the Metering Needle, or the Needle-Valve) cannot be made accurately under 'no-load' conditions, which, in any case, are not advised, since such operation carries the risk of seriously damaging the engine through over-revving and overheating.With the optimum mixture control position, light smoke is visible during high speed running,and the engine rpm increases smoothly during acceleration.Remember that, if the engine is operated with the fuel/air mixture slightly too lean, it will overheat and run unevenly.As with all engines, it is advisable to set both the needle-valve and metering needle slightly on the rich side of the best rpm setting, as a safety measure.If the engine runs too fast with the throttle closed, the throttle stop screw should be turned counter-clockwise to allow the throttle opening to be reduced.Finally, beyond the nominal break-in period, a slight readjustment toward a leaner needle setting may be required to maintain maximum performance.CARE AND MAINTENANCE2.3.any fuel may, by accumulating and partially obstructing fuel flow, cause engine performance to become erratic and unreliable.O.S. 'Super-Filters' (large and small) are available, as optional extras, to deal with this problem.One of these filters installed to the pickup tube inside your refueling container, will prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel tank. It is also recommended that a good in-line filter be installed between the tank and carburetor.Do not forget to clean the filters regularly to remove dirt and lint that accumulate on the filter screens. Also, clean the carburetor itself occasionally.At the end of each operating session, drain out any fuel that may remain in the fuel tank. Afterwards,energize the glow-plug and try to restart the engine, to burn off any fuel that may remain inside the engine. Repeat this procedure until the engine fails to fire. Do this while the engine is still warm. 4.Then, inject some after-run oil into the engine, and rotate the engine with an electric starter for 4 to 5 seconds to distribute the oil to all the working parts.Note:5.Finally, when cleaning the exterior of the engine, use methanol or a household cleaning agent.Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or any petroleum based chemical which can damage silicone fuel tubing.CHECKING THE ENGINElong time running due to wearing of parts. It is suggested to replace necessary parts when the following symptoms are detected.Engine sound changes and easily overheats.Power has dropped extremely.Idle is unstable and/or engine tends to stop at idle.In most cases, ball bearings, cylinder & piston assembly, connecting rod and/or crankcase have become worn. Check the parts carefully and replace them if necessary.O.S. GENUINE PARTS & ACCESSORIES 71410150714102007141025071410300714112007141125071412300714135507141360071413700O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH DRIVER 1.5O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH DRIVER 2.0O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH DRIVER 2.5O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH DRIVER 3.0O.S. SPEED HEX BALL WRENCH DRIVER 2.0O.S. SPEED HEX BALL WRENCH DRIVER 2.5O.S. SPEED FLAT HEAD SCREWDRIVER 3.0O.S. SPEED NUT DRIVER 5.5O.S. SPEED NUT DRIVER 6.0O.S. SPEED NUT DRIVER 7.0O.S. SPEED DRIVER TOOLSCode No.Description71414015714140207141402571414030714141207141412571414230714143557141436071414370O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH TIP ONLY 1.5O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH TIP ONLY 2.0O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH TIP ONLY 2.5O.S. SPEED HEX WRENCH TIP ONLY 3.0O.S. SPEED HEX BALL WRENCH TIP ONLY 2.0O.S. SPEED HEX BALL WRENCH TIP ONLY 2.5O.S. SPEED FLAT HEAD SCREWDRIVER TIP 3.0O.S. SPEED NUT DRIVER TIP ONLY 5.5O.S. SPEED NUT DRIVER TIP ONLY 6.0O.S. SPEED NUT DRIVER TIP ONLY 7.0Code No.DescriptionThe specifications are subject to alteration for improvement without notice.O.S. GLOW PLUG(71520100)(71415100)(71415200)(71415300)O.S. SPEED CLUTCH WRENCH & ADJUSTER O.S. SPEED FLYWHEEL KEY O.S. SPEED FLYWHEEL PULLER O.S. SPEED PLUG WRENCH 3-Chome Imagawa Higashisumiyoshi-ku Osaka 546-0003, Japan TEL. (06)6702-0225FAX. (06)6704-2722Dimensions (mm)THREE VIEW DRAWINGDo not inject after-run oil into the carburetor as this can cause the O rings inside the carburetor to deteriorate.Add the oil through the glowplug hole and turn the engine over several times by hand.(72106172)(71653000) (22884254)(72506100)MANIFOLD SPRING (2pcs.)2.5mm x 1000mmO.S. SPEED CILICONE TUBE O.S. SPEED DUST CAP SET FOR 12-30 CLASS 3mm(2pcs.) / 16mm(2pcs.) / 18mm(1pc.)(71417100)No.1(71417200)No.2(71415500)(71415400)O.S. SPEED BODY REAMERO.S. SPEED SPRING REMOVER O.S. SPEED PHILLIPS SCREW DRIVER O.S. SPEED PHILLIPS SCREW DRIVER The correct functioning of the carburetor depends on its small fuel orifices remaining clear.REALIGNMENT OF METERING NEEDLE AND MIXTURE CONTROL VALVEIn the course of making carburetor adjustments, it is just possible that the Metering Needle and the Mixture Control Valve may be inadvertently screwed in or out too far and thereby moved beyond its effective adjustment range.The basic positions can be found by rotating the Metering Needle until its slotted head is flush with theball link body or throttle lever body.When storing the engine, install the cap on the exhaust port, carburetor, etc. to prevent dust from entering the engine.Caution:The rear crankshaft bearing of this engine uses a special plastic retainer. If the front housing needs to be heated to remove or replace the bearing, do not allow the bearing to exceed 120˚C (248˚F), otherwise it may be damaged and rendered unserviceable.(Optional extra)INSTALLING DUST CAPS Type of screwC…Cap Screw M…Oval Fillister-Head Screw21TM (T-Maxx) ENGINE EXPLODED VIEW & ENGINE PARTS LIST1231712321TM (Revo) ENGINE EXPLODED VIEW & ENGINE PARTS LISTType of screwC…Cap Screw M…Oval Fillister-Head Screw11K / 11K-R CARBURETOR EXPLODED VIEW &ENGINE PARTS LIST(21TM-T & 21TM-R)60091890 122002。
新Hyundai Elantra产品介绍说明书

HyundaiAce the chaseDon’t just chase, ace it.The new ELANTRA introduces “DYNAMIC PRECISION”, the identity of a brand new exterior style through Fluidic Sculpture 2.0.The exterior comprises of a dynamic and sophisticatedprofile and completes the modern and future-oriented design. Opt for Hyundai ELANTRA, your next move towards victory. 2.0L l4 DOHC 16 Valves154 HP @ 6,200 rpm6-Speed Automatic T ransmissionDare yourself to be the heroic front of all endeavors that push beyond the ordinary.Be bolder. Be fearless.Be the finish line in the race to success.Clear the roads for a grand impression Hexagonal Radiator Grille Hyundai’s signature hexagonal front grille creates a bold and dynamic design identity.Sporty Bumper with Air Curtains T o help elevate looks along with aerodynamics.T etra LED Projection headlamps improve lighting performance at wider angle to secure a sufficient view for the driver.Light up the path aheadT etra LED Headlamps T etra LED headlamps illuminate the road with crisper, more intense light than any other headlamp while using lesser power.Daytime Running Light (DRL)Daytime running light’s (DRL ’s)slick wing design delivers a future-oriented image.Headlight Delay The lights guide you to the doorstep as they remain lit till 15 seconds after you lock the vehicle.16“ Alloy RimsShark Fin Antenna The shark fin antenna,which boasts superior sensitivity, is a premium styling point in the sporty exterior design.LED Outside Mirrors Mirrors are electrically -controlled, while LED repeaters add a touch of refinement.Character Line Emphasizes the ELANTRA’s dynamic but refined image by accentuating the side character line and volume on the lower side area.A profile packed with noticeably remarkable features are all what make the ELANTRA a standout car. A power packed profileEngine Start/Stop Button The engine starts quickly at the press of a button when the Smart Key is inside the vehicle.Smart T runk When a person holding a Smart Key stays in a position near the rear trunk for approximately.3 seconds or longer,the trunk opens and is propped upward.When you open the doors to the future, it has to be in style.Equipped with the innovative and advanced Smart Entry system, the Smart Door handles illuminate as you move to enter.The smarter,the betterSmart Door HandleRear Camera with Dynamic Parking GuidelinesSporty Bumper with ReflectorsLED Rear Combination Lamp Produces a multi-dimensional and premium feel using high-tech graphic details.Give your followers a great viewThe ELANTRA comprises of a dynamic, moderate and sophisticated profile, and offers a modern,sporty and future oriented design.Powered Sunroof The sunroof is made for those special days when you want to enjoy the sunshine and fresh breeze. A safety sensor prevents closure.Open up to new challengesBeauty that transcends within, manifesting an open-air driving experience into an alluring interior and exterior design.Drive from a position of powerThe Hyundai ELANTRA comes with a 2.0 MPi gasoline engine that makes it the most powerful in its class. This allows the driver to accelerate whenever and as much desired.Lightweight Aluminium Block, Plastic Intake Manifold.High Fuel Efficiency Low Friction Seal, Friction Reduction, Coatings on Moving Systems. Exhaust Cooling Reinforcement.Quietness Lower Crankcase, Direct Accessory. Max. T orque (Nm(Kgf.m)/rpm 195(19.9)/4,500Optimized and comfortableDisplaying confident mastery over materials and forms, the cabin space exudes an air of inviting comfort and luxurious exclusivity.2-Way Powered Lumbar SupportCup Holders8-Way Powered Driver SeatFront Console Box Claim your throneDiscover Hyundai’s secret for comfort in the fully adjustable, 10-way powered driver seat;which comes fully equipped with Lumbar Support.Rear Armrest with Cup Holder Rear AC VentsSeat Folding System (60:40 type)The rear seats can be folded flat in60:40 ratio and create a convenientlyversatile load space.Step out of the ordinary as you step inFrom the basic layout to the execution of the details, the ELANTRA’s interior design revealsitself to be roomy, comfortable and simply brilliant.Break through the barriersof the ordinaryDriver centric horizontal layout, arrangement of buttons grouped by function and ergonomic design redefine the interior experience in the ELANTRA.Wireless Charging8” Infotainment SystemCan be operated convenientlythanks to its touchscreen.The Bluetooth function letsthe driver listen to music andmake calls safely while driving.Dual Zone AutoAir ConditioningThe driver and passengerenjoy individually customizedcomfort.Clean AirAn in-car ionization systemthat helps to purify the airflowing in through the climatecontrol system.Move the world asyou move aheadCaptivating multimedia and atmosphericadjustments secure exceptional convenience. Plz check this Spread carefullySet your paceto the beat6 surround sound speakers built into the car for loud and clear music.Fuel Economy Screen Supervision w/4.2”TFT LCD Screen Digital Speedometer Get a precise digital reading of your speed.Accelerate to innovationCluster gauge integrates 4.2” TFT LCD screen which with its circular rev counter and speedometer is illuminated with backlighting for optimum clarityand readability.Multimedia ControlAuto Cruise ControlIn-Dash Cluster Illumination ControlTake control of your destination The view before the view. Settle affront a leather stitched tilt and telescopic steering wheel with a horizontally scaped button arrangement for driver convenience.Normal Mode TFTA VNECO Mode Sport Mode Smart Mode 6-Speed Automatic T ransmission Unmatched fuel economy plus dynamic performance A new shift pattern with Sport mode. Optimized transmission design for best-in-class fuel economy.Shift perspectives as you shift gears Offering dynamic & efficient driving performance with the help of rapid-shift and optimized gear-ratio, the ELANTRA offers four drive modes and an easy gear shift.ISOFIX Anchor Points Are situated behind the rear seat head rest.Speed Sensing Door LockAutomatically locks cardoors when the carreaches a certain speed. High Strength Steel Extended applicationof Ultra High T ensionSteel Plate reinforceschassis rigidity.Secure your leadThe highest convenience in the class is provided bynew technologies related to advanced riding safety,such as the Dual SRS Airbags.ISOFIX Child SeatT raction ControlABS with EBD & BA Electronic Stability Control (ESC)Provides optimal control to the engine steering device during sudden braking and turning,in order to maintain vehicle stability.Hill Start AssistMaintains the brake pressure for a set period of time as you switch from the brakes to the gas pedal.Go uphill,fearlesslyEquipped with all the best safety driving features for daily driving and for those occasional maneuvers.your destinationFeaturesDaytime Running Light (DRL) High Mounted Stop Lamp Power WindowsConcealed Boot Lid ButtonLuggage StorageFront Door Armrest withMap PocketSpare 16” Alloy WheelRear Arm Rest with Cup HolderCenter ConsoleSunglasses HolderFront Cup HoldersVanity Mirror with IlluminationWireless Phone ChargingAUX/USBDome LightsGlove BoxTrimBeige two-tone Interior ColorsPolar WhiteBlack Diamond MetallicSilver MetallicT eal BlueGraphite Grey MetallicFiery RedAbout UsHyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited, a Nishat Group company, is a joint venture among three leading international businesses; Nishat Group, Sojitz Corporation (Japan) and Millat T ractors Ltd. Hyundai Motor Company (Korea) has partnered with Hyundai Nishat for the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of Hyundai’s product line in Pakistan. Hyundai Nishat aspires tobe amongst the leading auto manufacturers in Pakistan in the coming years to align its track record with other sister concerns of the Nishat Group. Our vision is to become the most valued automobile brand and recreate the global success of Hyundai in Pakistan.Since our inception in 2017, we are rapidly establishing our 3S distribution network across the country through our partner franchisees. Our manufacturing plant, being set up in the largest industrial estate of Pakistan, avows world class precision with the deployment of the most advanced production techniques.。
LPKF LDS Laser Direct Structuring 三维电路技术说明书

Innovative Product Design with MID TechnologyState-of-the-art technology: a circuit carrier was designed according tothe LPKF LDS process for a complex dental tool. This makes a compactdesign and more functionality possible. The control for the warm waterand air supply and a special lighting device are integrated in thehand piece.The three-dimensional circuit comes about without cablesor separate circuit boards directly on the plastic carrier.The LPKF LDS process reduces the weight anddiameter of the tool. That improves the ergonomics:Handling is pleasant and the manual stress on thehands is lowered.Contents2More Functionality – New Possibilities4Flexible Solution for Three-Dimensional Circuits 6Tomorrow’s Technology in Today’s Production 8Inspiration for New Layouts12From the Idea to the LDS Prototype14The Advantages at a Glance Component for dental hand piece (Manufacturer: KaVo Dental GmbH)2Smartphone antenna structured with the LPKF Fusion3D 1100Flexible Solution forModified polymerLaserAdditive activated by laser ablationTomorrow’s TechnologySteering wheel controls(Manufacturer: TRWAutomotive for BMW)MID technology makes medical devices even more comfortable.A classic LPKF LDS application: hearing aids that are light and compact8Pressure sensor for industrial applications. The ASIC is Inspiration for New LayoutsWhat is more convincing than projects that others have already successfully implemented? In the following, some applications represent the respective technical challenge. They illustrate how theoretical approaches have become real components – and show the potential for LDS technology to develop in completely different markets.General electronics, medical technology, automobiles, telecommunication, consumer products – LDS components are found in many devices and systems in many different areas of application and solve a whole range of demanding problems.Dental hand piece (Manufacturer: KaVo Dental GmbH)200μmDiameter = 240 μmLDS through-hole plating200μm911121. Creating the three-dimensional part3. Structuring the circuit tracks with the LPKF ProtoLaser 3D 2. Painting the part with LPKF ProtoPaint LDS4. Selective metallization with LPKF ProtoPlate LDSDesign Rules at a GlanceTracks and GapsOne of the most important characteristics of three-dimensional molded interconnect devices is efficient use of the available surface. Track widths ≥ 150 μm(6 mil)and track gaps ≥ 200 μm (7.9 mil) have proven themselves in practice. Depending on the application, narrower tracks and gaps can also be obtained.The size of the WorkpieceThe area in which the component can be processed is limited by the scanning area of the laser. The scanning area of the LPKF Fusion3D laser system is a truncated cone with a base area diameter of 160 mm (6.3”), a height of 70 degrees between the sleeve surface and the base line. Within these dimensions, a workpiece is processed without turning or shifting.Angle of IncidenceActivation of the polymer is done by a laser. The laser’s angle of incidence in relation to the surface to be structured is to be considered for reliable activation. The angle of incidence is the angle between the perpendicular of the surface to be activated and the laser beam. Angles of incidence that exceed 70 degrees are reduced by rotation of the component during processing. Thus circuit layouts can also be created on surfaces that are separated by angles of 90 degrees.Panels and Ejector PinsTracks should be designed so that they do not directly touch the panels. In the case of panels with an angle of 45 degrees, a space ≥ 150 μm (6 mil) is recommended; in the case of steeper panels with angles of 70 degrees, spaces ≥ 250 μm (9.8 mil) make sense. In planning, a sufficient gap between tracks and ejector pins is to be taken into account.Optimal Throughput TimesThe shorter the throughput time for the parts, the higher the cost advantages of the LPKF LDS process are. The throughput time consists of the handling time and the time for the structuring. The duration of the structuring is proportional to the surface of the circuit layout. The processing time is mainly determined by the number of positions into which the component has to be brought. Minimizing the number of positions and the layout surface during the design of the component provides for optimal throughput times.Through-Hole PlatingIn order to process the inner walls of drill holes for metallization with the laser, the through-hole plating on one or both sides must be conical. With largerwall thicknesses, sufficient inside diameters of the holes are required so that the laser beam reaches all surfaces. The ratio for a one-sided conical execution is 1:1, for a two-sided conical execution 2:1.Holders and Connection SeamsThe three-dimensional components must be secured during laser structuring and assembly. The holders required must not cause any damage to sensitive parts such as the tracks, contact pads or surfaces of components. Tracks should not be allowed to go over connecting seams of the plastic component.A process-optimized design of molded interconnect devices is decisive for optimally utilizingthe advantages of the LPKF LDS technology. A few simple rules ensure high quality in MID manufacturing.Tilted-out, centered laser beam15L P K F A G , 10005434-180714-E NP i c t u r e s m a y s h o w o p t i o n a l e q u i p m e n t . w w w .j e n k o -s t e r n b e r g .deThe global LPKF network for service and distribution: Headquarters LPKF GroupLPKF DistributorsLPKF Laser & Electronics AG sells and markets products and provides support in more than 50 countries. Find your local representative at .Worldwide (LPKF Headquarters)LPKF Laser & Electronics AG Osteriede 7 30827 Garbsen Germany Phone+49(5131)**********************North / Central AmericaLPKF Laser & Electronics North AmericaPhone+1(503)****************************ChinaLPKF Tianjin Co., Ltd.Phone+86(22)*************************Hong KongLPKF Laser & Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd.Phone+*********************************JapanLPKF Laser & Electronics K.K. JapanPhone+81(0)*******************************.lpkf.jpSouth KoreaLPKF Laser & Electronics Korea Ltd.Phone+82(31)*****************************© LPKF Laser & Electronics AG. LPKF reserves the right to modify specifications and other product information at any time without notice. Systems and products supplied by LPKF and its subsidiaries are covered by issued or pending patents registered in the US and other foreign countries. Product names are only used for identification and could be trademarks or registered brand names of thecompanies involved.。
unhandled error during execution on setup function

unhandled error during execution on setup functionI'm sorry, but without more information about the specific error message or the code you are using, it is difficult to provide a detailed solution. However, I can offer some general advice on handling errors during the setup function in Python:1. Check for proper installation: Make sure that all necessary packages or dependencies are installed correctly. You can use the pip package manager or any other relevant tool for this.2. Confirm correct file or path references: Verify that the file or path you are trying to access or manipulate exists and is accessible. Double-check file names, directories, and permissions.3. Debug the code: Review the code in your setup function and check for any syntax errors, logical errors, or missing variables. Comment out specific sections to isolate the error and narrow down the problem.4. Implement try-except blocks: Surround your setup function with try-except blocks to catch and handle any exceptions or errors that might occur during execution. This allows you to handle errors gracefully and provide informative error messages.Here's an example of how to use a try-except block around your setup function:```pythondef setup_function():try:# Your setup code hereexcept Exception as e:# Handle the specific error or exceptionprint("Error occurred during setup:", str(e))# Additional error handling and clean-up if necessary# Call the setup functionsetup_function()```By implementing try-except blocks, you can catch any errors that occur during the execution of your setup function and provide appropriate error handling or messages.Remember, it's important to have a clearer understanding of the specific error message and the code you are working with in order to provide a more targeted solution.。

先看⼀个例⼦和程序截图:源代码如下:Unit1.h⽂件//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#ifndef Unit1H#define Unit1H//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <Classes.hpp>#include <Controls.hpp>#include <StdCtrls.hpp>#include <Forms.hpp>//---------------------------------------------------------------------------class TForm1 : public TForm{__published: // IDE-managed ComponentsTMemo *Memo1;TButton *Button1;TButton *Button2;void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);void __fastcall Button2Click(TObject *Sender);private: // User declarationsbool bStop;public: // User declarations__fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner);};//---------------------------------------------------------------------------extern PACKAGE TForm1 *Form1;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#endifUnit1.cpp⽂件//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <vcl.h>#pragma hdrstop#include "Unit1.h"//---------------------------------------------------------------------------#pragma package(smart_init)#pragma resource "*.dfm"TForm1 *Form1;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner): TForm(Owner){}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------//点击开始按钮void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender){bStop=false;for(int i=0;;++i){Memo1->Lines->Add(IntToStr(i));Application->ProcessMessages();if(bStop)break;if(Application->Terminated)break;Sleep(200);}}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------//点击停⽌按钮void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender){bStop=true;}//---------------------------------------------------------------------------关于TApplication.ProcessMessages⽅法介绍:Interrupts the execution of an application so that it can process the message queue.Call ProcessMessages to permit the application to process messages that are currently in the message queue. ProcessMessages cycles the Windows message loop until it is empty, and then returns control to the application.Note: Neglecting message processing affects only the application calling ProcessMessages, not other applications. In lengthy operations, calling ProcessMessages periodically allows the application to respond to paint and other messages.Note: ProcessMessages does not allow the application to go idle, whereas HandleMessage does.简单地说就是,在漫长的操作如循环计算中,周期性地调⽤ProcessMessages⽅法去处理消息队列中的消息,可以让应⽤程序响应界⾯刷新和其它消息(如按钮点击等)。
NVIDIA DOCA虚拟功能用户指南说明书

User GuideTable of ContentsChapter 1. Introduction (1)Chapter 2. Prerequisites (2)Chapter 3. VF Creation (3)Chapter 4. Running DOCA Application on Host (4)Chapter 5. Topology Example (5)Chapter 6. VF Creation on ConnectX-6 DX (7)Chapter 1.IntroductionSingle root IO virtualization (SR-IOV) is a technology that allows a physical PCIe device to present itself multiple times through the PCIe bus. This technology enables multiple virtual instances of the device with separate resources. NVIDIA adapters are able to expose virtual instances or functions (VFs) for each port individually. These virtual functions can then be provisioned separately.Each VF can be seen as an additional device connected to the physical interface or function (PF). It shares the same resources with the PF, and its number of ports equals those of the PF. SR-IOV is commonly used in conjunction with an SR-IOV-enabled hypervisor to provide virtual machines direct hardware access to network resources, thereby increasing its performance. There are several benefits to running applications on the host. For example, one may wantto utilize a strong and high-resource host machine, or to start DOCA integration on the host before offloading it to the BlueField DPU.The configuration in this document allows the entire application to run on the host's memory, while utilizing the HW accelerators on BlueField (e.g., using RegEx the accelerator on BlueField via a daemon running on it).When VFs are enabled on the host, VF representors are visible on the Arm side whichcan be bridged to corresponding PF representors (e.g., the uplink representor and thehost representor). This allows the application to only scan traffic forwarded to the VFs as configured by the user and to behave as a simple "bump-on-the-wire". DOCA installed onthe host allows access to the hardware capabilities of the BlueField DPU without comprising features such as the stateful table (SFT) which uses HW offload and additional HW steering elements embedded inside the eSwitch.Chapter 2.PrerequisitesRunning applications on the host and using the RegEx accelerator on the BlueField requires enabling the RegEx engine.To run all the reference applications over the host, you must install the host DOCA package. Refer to NVIDIA DOCA Installation Guide for Linux for more information on host installation. VFs must be configured as trusted for the hardware jump action to work as intended. The following steps configure "trusted" mode for VFs:1.Delete all existing VFs/SFs.a).To delete all VFs on a PF run the following on the host:$ echo 0 > /sys/class/net/<physical_function>/device/sriov_numvfsFor example:$ echo 0 > /sys/class/net/ens1f0/device/sriov_numvfsb).Refer to Scalable Function Setup Guide for instructions on deleting SFs.2.Stop the main driver on the host:/etc/init.d/openibd stop3.Before creating the VFs, set them to "trusted" mode on the device by running the followingcommands on the Arm side.a).Setting VFs on port 0:$ mlxreg -d /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0 --reg_id 0xc007 --reg_len 0x40 --indexes "0x0.0:32=0x80000000" --yes --set "0x4.0:32=0x1"b).Setting VFs on port 1:$ mlxreg -d /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0.1 --reg_id 0xc007 --reg_len 0x40 --indexes "0x0.0:32=0x80000000" --yes --set "0x4.0:32=0x1"Note: These commands set trusted mode for all created VFs/SFs after their execution onArm.Note: Setting trusted mode should be performed once per reboot.4.Restart the main driver on the host by running the following command:/etc/init.d/openibd restartChapter 3.VF Creation1.Enable SR-IOV. Run:host$ mlxconfig -y -d /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0 s SRIOV_EN=12.Set number of VFs. Run:host$ mlxconfig -y -d /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0 s NUM_OF_VFS=XNote: Requires power$ echo X > /sys/class/net/<physical_function>/device/sriov_numvfsFor example:host $ mlxconfig -y -d /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0 s NUM_OF_VFS=2host $ reboothost $ echo 2 > /sys/class/net/ens1f0/device/sriov_numvfsAfter enabling VF, the representor appears on the DPU. The function itself is seen at the host.3.To verify that the VFs have been created. Run:$ lspci | grep Mellanox05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies Device a2d605:00.1 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies Device a2d605:00.2 DMA controller: Mellanox Technologies Device c2d305:00.3 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT2885005:00.4 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT28850Note: 2 new virtual Ethernet devices are created in this example.Chapter 4.Running DOCA Applicationon HostThe following steps are required only if the application utilizes the RegEx engine:1.Stop the driver on the host. Run:host$ sudo /etc/init.d/openibd stop2.On the Arm, start the driver. Run:dpu$ sudo /etc/init.d/openibd start3.On the Arm, enable RegEx (only if the application requires it). Run:dpu$ echo 1 > /sys/class/net/p0/smart_nic/pf/regex_en4.On the Arm, add 200 huge pages. Run:dpu$ current_huge=$(cat /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages) dpu$ sudo echo $((200 + current_huge)) > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages5.On the Arm, start mlx RegEx. Run:dpu$ systemctl start mlx-regexNote: If it has not been set before, the previous value of huge pages should be 2048 orhigher (depending on the number of cores).6.Verify that the service is running. Run:dpu$ systemctl status mlx-regex7.The host can now run RegEx. Run:host$ sudo /etc/init.d/openibd startNote: Running DPDK over the host requires configuring huge pages.Note: By default, a DPDK application initializes all the cores of the device. This is usuallyunnecessary and may even cause unforeseeable issues. It is recommended to limit the number of cores, especially when using an AMD-based system, to 16 cores using the -c flag whenrunning DPDK.The following is a CLI example for running a reference application over the host using VF:./opt/mellanox/doca/applications/**/bin/*executable* -a "pci address VF0" -a "pci address VF1" -c 0xff -- "application flags"Chapter 5.Topology Example The following is a topology example for running the application over the host.Configure the OVS on BlueField as follows:Bridge ovsbr1Port ovsbr1Interface ovsbr1type: internalTopology ExamplePort pf0hpfInterface pf0hpfPort pf0vf1Interface pf0vf1Bridge vf_brPort p0Interface p0Port vf_brInterface vf_brtype: internalPort pf0vf0Interface pf0vf0When enabling a new VF over the host, VF representors are created on the Arm side. Thefirst OVS bridge connects the uplink connection (p0) to the new VF representor (pf0vf0), and the second bridge connects the second VF representor (pf0vf1) to the host representors(pf0phf). On the host, the 2 PCIe addresses of the newly created function must be initialized when running the applications.When traffic is received (e.g., from the uplink), the following occurs:1.Traffic is received over p0.2.Traffic is forwarded to pf0vf0.3.Application "listens" to pf0vf0 and pf0vf1 and can, therefore, acquire the traffic frompf0vf0, inspect it, and forward to pf0vf1.4.Traffic is forwarded from pf0vf1 to pf0hpf.Chapter 6.VF Creation on ConnectX-6DXThe following steps are required only when running DOCA applications, such as Simple Fwd VNF, on a ConnectX-6 Dx adapter card.1.Set trust level for all VFs. Run:host# mlxreg -d /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0 --reg_name VHCA_TRUST_LEVEL --yes --set "all_vhca=0x1,trust_level=0x1"2.Create X VFs (X being the required number of VFs) and run the following to turn on trustedmode for the created VFs:echo ON | tee /sys/class/net/enp1s0f0np0/device/sriov/X/trustFor example, if you are creating 2 VFs, the following commands should be used:echo ON | tee /sys/class/net/enp1s0f0np0/device/sriov/0/trustecho ON | tee /sys/class/net/enp1s0f0np0/device/sriov/1/trustNoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation nor any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively: “NVIDIA”) make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assume no responsibility for any errors contained herein. 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Application Execution Steering Using On-the-flyPerformance Prediction1D.J. Kerbyson,E. Papaefstathiou, G.R. NuddHigh Performance Architectures Group,University of Warwick,Coventry, CV4 7AL, UKemail {djke,stathis}@AbstractThe execution of an application on a high performance system requires parameters concerning the problem in hand, and those that determine the system mapping, to be specified by a user. The system parameters are typically used to minimise the execution time. However, by the coupling of a performance model with an application, system parameters can be determined without user intervention. In the work presented here, a novel performance prediction system has been used to provide suitable performance models which can determine application mapping parameters, code execution decisions, and system choices on-the-fly. An example compact application of a convolution is used to illustrate the approach for automatically choosing the actual code to be executed, and the number of workstations in a cluster to be utilised. The performance prediction system is shown to have a reasonable accuracy (approximately 10% error), with a rapid evaluation time (typically < 2s).Keywords:High Performance Computing, Performance Prediction, On-the-fly decision making, application steering.1 IntroductionAn underlying goal in the use of high performance systems is to apply the often quite complex systems to achieve rapid application execution times. The analysis of performance is currently an active research area. Traditionally performance prediction has been used prior to application implementation to explore alternative implementations e.g. different parallelisations, and also in analysing existing codes in order to access the impact of increasing resources, and also to identify bottlenecks.In the novel system utilised here, the traditional use of performance prediction is extended to encapsulate the full software cycle. It incorporates both pre- and post implementation analysis but also importantly it can be used to aid the actual execution of an application. Thus, utilising performance prediction to effectively steer the application execution onto an available system at run-time in an efficient manner. The prediction system provides detailed information on the expected application execution which is dependent on application parameters as well as current system status - which can only be resolved at run-time.1 in High Performance Computing and Networking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1401, Springer-Verlag, April 1998, pp. 718-727.Several other systems have been proposed which incorporate performance information to aid application execution e.g. [2,3,10] which have been applied for scheduling in Meta-computing systems. However, the performance information is usually extracted from previous timing information, and is not based directly on prediction. Thus, they have limited use for the application steering on changes in system configuration, and also in changing parallelisation methods. Performance prediction has not been used in such situations to date due mainly to in-accurate modelling of real-systems, and also to a slow speed of evaluation. The system used here attempts to tackle both of these issues which results in accurate performance models which can be evaluated quickly.This paper concentrates on the use of on-the-fly use of performance prediction, the concepts of which are described in Section 2. An overview of the prediction system (PACE), which is under development at Warwick, is described in Section 3. This system enables a performance model to be incorporated into an application which can be used to steer its execution. The system enables rapid performance predictions to be calculated. A compact application containing a convolution kernel is used to illustrate the approach for determining system mapping, and calculation method, in Section 4.2 On-the-fly Performance PredictionThere are a number of decisions that a user has to make in order to execute an application. These are traditionally specified through the use of two types of application parameters, which can be broadly classed into two categories:Problem parameters include those that specify the format of the data to be processede.g. data size, and also the type of result required such as accuracy in a numericalcalculation, or the number of iterations required in an iterative solution.System parameters specify how a target system will be utilised, e.g. in specifying the number of processors to be used in a high performance system, and possibly also to specify the platform to be utilised when several are available.The problem parameters need to be specified by the user (always) and depend on the calculation required. However, the system parameters are used to determine how the application will be mapped onto the available system, and are normally used to reduce execution time. By coupling a suitable performance model into the application, predictions can be made to determine these system parameters using criteria such as requiring a minimum execution time. These on-the-fly decisions can be made with negligible overhead in comparison to the total application execution time if the performance model is rapid in its evaluation. Figure 1 illustrates both a user directed execution of an application and a performance directed approach.For example, when determining the number of processors to be used in the application execution, a performance model can be used to evaluate a best apriori estimate based on the application and system performance characteristics. However, in a user-directed approach, the number of processors specified by the user maynaively be the maximum available or at best use pre-acquired knowledge from previous application runs but not necessarily the optimum. Thus, the performance model replaces what is quite often an ad-hoc decision procedure.(a) User directed approach(b) Performance directed approachFigure 1 - Execution of an application using problem and system parametersThe use of the performance model is not limited to just specifying the number of processors to be used. Consider the situation depicted in Figure 2 where an application has two methods of implementation (perhaps two ways in which a numerical solution can be calculated). In addition, two systems are available for its execution. In this scenario, the user specifies the problem parameters, but also decides on the code to be used and the target system along with relevant system parameters. The use of a suitable performance model in this example can determine the code to be executed, on which target system, along with relevant system parameters, based on achieving the minimum execution time. Thus, the user need only specify the problem parameters, with the performance model directing the application execution. Figure 3 illustrates this situation, and shows the chosen code and system (solid arrows), and other available choices (dotted arrows).Implementation Choice System Choiceavailable systems.Figure 3 - Performance directed execution of an application with multiple implementations andavailable systems.The performance model can be used to automatically determine a number of parameters based on a performance criteria, including:Mapping: including the number of processors to be usedImplementation: method of solution when several are available, or choice of implementation if several are available (e.g. different parallelisations) System choice: when multiple systems are availableIn addition individual performance models can be used collectively within a task scheduling environment in which a scheduler is responsible for maintaining useful activity on system resources. The scheduling process is enhanced by use of predicted execution times, and mapping information from each task. Such a system is currently being explored using a Genetic Algorithm for the Scheduler implementation.The decisions made by the performance model require a number of separate scenarios to be evaluated. Each scenario is a function of the mapping, the implementation, and the available systems. The best scenario is taken to be that which results in a minimum predicted execution time. The total number of scenarios required to be evaluated is a product of the number of mappings, number of implementations, and number of systems. Thus, rapid performance model evaluation time is required.3 The PACE Performance Prediction SystemPACE (Performance Analysis and Characterisation Environment) is a performance prediction toolset suitable for a non-performance expert [6,7]. PACE supports the development of performance prediction models for sequential and parallel applications running on high performance systems. It is based on a layeredcharacterisation methodology [8], and is an analytical based approach that organises a performance model into three separate layers: an application layer (includes the computation parts), a hardware layer (includes hardware models), and a parallelisation layer (includes communication patterns).PACE supports the entire software lifecycle including development, execution, and post-mortem performance analysis. A full description of PACE is out of the scope of this paper [6,7]. However, the PACE components utilised for the on-the-fly prediction are shown in Figure 4.Figure 4 - Constructing a Performance Stub using PACEThe main part of PACE is a special purpose performance language which describe the control flow of the application, the computational resource requirements, and the parallelisation communication patterns. The language scripts can be produced either manually by the user, or by using tool support within PACE. The scripts are then converted into a performance model by the PACE compiler. The output of the compiler is an executable performance stub that includes: the application models, pre-defined hardware models, and an evaluation engine to produce performance predictions.In the process of producing a performance model for on-the-fly steering, it is assumed that the parallel application source code is available. PACE includes an Application Characterisation Tool (ACT) that aids the conversion of source code into PACE scripts via the Stanford Intermediate Format (SUIF) [5]. ACT performs a static analysis of the code to produce the control flow of the application, operation counts in terms of high level language operations (C or FORTRAN) [9], and also the communication patterns. This is a semi-automated process as ACT requires userintervention to resolve dynamic constructs (e.g. data dependent branching probabilities and loop iteration counts).The PACE scripts when compiled, allow linkages to the application code. The user can modify the application code to utilise the performance model including the setting of problem sizes, system configuration parameters and also the invocation of the model for on-the-fly steering.4 Application Case StudyIncorporating a performance stub (from PACE) to enable on-the-fly performance prediction is illustrated below for an example compact image processing convolution application which is common in many computationally demanding applications (e.g.Image microscopy [1]). It also has multiple methods which can be used to calculate the resultant data. Thus, when a high performance system is available, both the number of resources, and the calculation method have to be decided upon solely by the means of the performance stub. The choice of system and calculation is determined using both the user specifiable problem parameters, and the knowledge of the currently available resources.4.1 Application descriptionA two-dimensional convolution operation can be expressed as: F(i,j) = W * I(i,j)where I() is the input image, F() the output image, ’*’ is the convolution operator, W is the convolution weighting function (kernel), and (i, j) indicates the data element. Each output element is a function of a windowed region of the input data weighted by the kernel. The two-dimensional convolution can be written as:F (i ,j )=W (p ,q )*I (i −p ,j −q )q =−SS∑p =−R R ∑where R and S define the size of the rectangular kernel.The convolution can be calculated either in the spatial domain or in the frequency domain. A spatial convolution is simply a set of multiply-accumulate operations withsequential complexity proportional to M 2N 2 (where N 2is the size of the input image,and M 2is an assumed square kernel). A convolution in the frequency domain requires the transformation of the input image, and kernel, using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) followed by a point-wise multiplication. The sequential complexity of thiscalculation is proportional to N 3log 2N (due to the two dimensional FFT) and is independent of kernel size. The choice of processing is shown in Figure 5.The size of the image ranges upwards from 2562pixels, and the convolution kernelconsidered ranges upwards from 132elements. A typical processing scenario may beon a 10242 image using a 312convolution kernel.Filter Size, ResultFigure 5 - The algorithmic choice available in the convolution operation. Associated with the choice of processing is the mapping onto the available resources. In this example, it is assumed that a cluster of 32 Sun SparcStations are available for use as a parallel resource, using the PVM message passing interface [4].4.2 Model ValidationA performance stub was constructed using PACE for both forms of convolution calculation. A validation procedure was carried out that samples the correctness of the model for a number of problem sizes and processor configurations. A comparison of the measurements from the machines in the Sun Workstation Cluster, and the predictions from the performance model is shown in Tables 1 and 2. It should be noted that the execution time for the frequency domain calculation is independent of the convolution kernel size.Number of Processors24816 Image Filter Meas.Pred.Meas.Pred.Meas.Pred.Meas.Pred. 2561530.3129.7317.5115.299.688.21 6.55 4.96 31120.23125.5462.5663.5732.4432.7218.7617.59 51215121.46117.7064.1159.5335.5530.5822.7816.4 31561.05540.18254.05251.51136.31127.3268.9465.51 102415484.58469.38249.41236.15137.24119.6779.8461.73 312010.21997.71023.91001.8518.54504.00269.10255.38 Table 1 - Comparison of Measurements and Predictions for the spatial convolution (sec).Number of Processors24816 Image Meas.Pred.Meas.Pred.Meas.Pred.Meas.Pred.25635.7845.3044.9750.6758.2460.1870.4364.59512122.35123.20134.44144.70147.43159.33173.36177.871024841.54909.85823.10780.67845.76822.77870.76847.89 Table 2 - Comparison of Measurements and Predictions for the frequency convolution (sec)The comparisons indicate that the PACE performance stub conforms to the measurements within an acceptable error bound (typically < 10%). The system is assumed to be quiet during the measurement period and hence the performance model is valid for use during a quiet period on the target system. Incorporation of dynamic system loading into the PACE performance models, and its effects on the execution time, is currently in progress.4.3 Use of the Performance stubA single application executable was formed by the linking of both forms of the convolution, and the performance stub. The performance stub was thus used to direct the execution of the application both in terms of the choice of the calculation method, and also in the choice of the mapping onto the available system.A summary of the use of the performance stub is shown in the four graphs in Figure6. The user specifiable problem parameters are shown on the axis of the graphs, and the parameters determined by the model are shown as discrete numeric values (number of processors), and by shading (grey indicates a spatial convolution, and white indicates a frequency convolution). The four graphs differ only in the assumed size of the available system (either 4, 8, 16, or 32 SUN SparcStation 2’s in this analysis).It can be seen, from Figure 6, that the spatial convolution method is chosen over the frequency method for small filter sizes across the range in image sizes and available systems. Indeed, the spatial method scales readily on a parallel system, and becomes the preferred method as both the system size increases. The frequency method is preferable for larger kernel sizes on smaller system sizes (due to communication cost scaling with the number of processors).It should be noted that when the performance stub is used on-the-fly, only a limited number of different scenarios need be evaluated to determine the mapping and algorithm choice. The number of different scenarios is simply a multiple of the number of algorithmic choices, and the number of system configurations possible. The advantage in using performance stubs on-the-fly is clear in that the user no longer needs to be concerned with the system use, but instead these decisions are made using information available within the model. However, there is a cost of using the performance model which can be quantified in terms of the additional time required to provide the decision making procedure, and also its effect in the increase of executable size. The additional time is small - measured to be less than 2 seconds for all scenarios depicted in the results above thus adding very little perturbation to the total application execution time. The executable size is constituted from the two different calculation forms, and the performance model. This is larger than an individual method’s executable but does not effect overall processing time (other than in initial loading).(a) maximum of four workstations(b) maximum of eight workstations(c) maximum of sixteen workstations(d) maximum of thirty-two workstationsFigure 6 - Use of the performance stub for a range of problem and system sizes.5 SummaryIn this work we have shown how a novel performance prediction system may be applied for on-the-fly performance prediction to steer the execution of applications. The PACE system enables a performance stub to be incorporated into an application executable and can be used in a decision making procedure to determine application system parameters. Accurate predictions can be produced, and rapid evaluation of the performance models enables on-the-fly use.An example compact application of convolution was used to illustrate the approach. This showed the decision making procedures for determining the code to be used andalso its mapping on to the target platform of a workstation cluster. The PACE system is currently being extended to include dynamic loading effects, and also allow the mapping of applications onto heterogeneous processing systems. AcknowledgementsThis work is funded in part by DARPA contract N66001-97-C-8530, awarded under the Performance Technology Initiative administered by NOSC, and by EPSRC grant GR/L13025.References1. D.A. Agard, Y. Hiraoka, P. Shaw, J.W. Sedat, Fluorescence Micrroscopy in ThreeDimensions, in Fluorescence Microscopy of Living Cells in Culture, Elsevier, pp. 353-377, 19892.J.N.C. Arabe, A.B.B. Lowekamp, E. Saligman, M.Starkey, and P. 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