


4305.5 1,B 2,B 3,D 4,B 5,D 6,D
2,工程经济学的特点::综合性, 实践性,系统性,预测性,定量性
5,基本原则:选择替代方案原则,方案的可比性原则: 需要可比, 消耗费用可比, 价格可比, 时间可比, 指标可比经济效果评比原则.
5,某建设项目投资5000万元,在计算部收益率时,当i=12%,净现值为600万元,当i=15%时,净现值为-150万元。则该项目的部收益率为( )
A.12.4% B.13.2% C.14.0% D.14.4%
6,一般说来,对于同一净现金流量系列,当折现率i增大时,( )

高考词汇3500+配套练习 Day 4(含答案)

高考词汇3500+配套练习 Day 4(含答案)

1. annoy __________(n.)3. apology __________(v.)5. appear __________(n. 出现;外表)7. appoint __________(n.)8. approve __________(n.)2. anxious __________(n.)4. apart(adv.)__________(v.)6. apply __________(n. 申请)__________(申请人)二根据相关提示填写正确的单词1. __________ cash budgets 年度现金预算(yearly)3. _____- for his outstanding performance 为他的精彩表现鼓掌(clap vi.)5. wait with __________ 焦急地等待7. appeal __________ the public’s support 呼吁得到公众支持9. appeal __________ sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事(call on sb. to do sth.);appeal to sb. __________ help向某人求助(turn to sb.for sth.)11. adopt effective a__________to betteringd iscipline 采取有效办法提高纪律性(solutions to doing)13. __________ for your behaviour 对……负责(be responsible for)15. be annoyed/ angry __________ / about sth. 对某事生气17. a qualified __________ 一个合格的申请人(candidate)19. hard to tell the twins __________ 区分,辨别(distinguish)21. a__________ to a business for a post 向一家公司申请职位;apply __________(规则,法律2. a furnished __________ 配有家具套间(flat, suite)4. greet sb. with thunderous __________ 以雷鸣般的掌声欢迎某人(clap n.)6. remove one’s a__________ 水平消除忧虑(concern, worry)8. appeal __________ the public 吸引公众(attract)10. have an __________ /a thirst/a desire/a hunger to do(be anxious/ dying/ thirsty/ eager/ desperate to do)12. a__________ the situation turning for the worse预计情况将会恶化cf.: expect sb./ sth. to do sth.14. be __________ / angry/ mad with sb. 对某人生气16. release/ contain one’s _____宣泄/ 抑制气愤18. __________ / aside from除了(except,besides)20. live a__________ from one’s parents 和父母分开住22. The technology is applied __________ farming. (物)应用于;__________ cream to等)适用于23. __________sb. as 任命某人为25. have an __________ with sb. 和某人有个约会27. Christmas is a__________. 圣诞节快来临了。



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高考词汇3500+配套练习 Day 5(含答案)

高考词汇3500+配套练习 Day 5(含答案)

一词性转换1. argue __________(n. 辩论;论据,论点)3. arrive __________(n.)5. assess __________(n.)7. assist __________(n.)9. assume __________(n.)10. athlete ________(adj.)2. arm(v.)________(adj. 武装的)4. side ________(adv.)6. assign ________(n. 任务)8. associate ________ (n.)(协会;关联;联系)二根据相关提示填写正确的单词1. argue ________ sb. ________ sth. 为某事和某人争辩3. arm ________ arm臂挽臂地cf: shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;hand in hand手拉手5. arm/ equip sb. ______ a laptop 给某人装备一台手提电脑7. make ________ for sth. 为某事作安排9. ________ / apart from 除了(besides, except)11. as ________ / to 至于,关于13. put/ lay/ set/ leave sth. ________ 搁置;抛开;丢开;打消;留出15. ________ / fast asleep呼呼大睡17. with the a________ / aid/ help of在...帮助下19. ________ you of my full support向你保证我将全力支持(guarantee/ ensure you my full support)21. be ________ to 附属于;与..有关联;喜欢23. works of _________ 艺术作品25. in an ________ to top of the score 试图登上得分榜首2. ________ from 由...引起(result from)4. a________ the aimobjectivelevelstandard 达到目的/目标/水平/标准(achieve)6. arrange ________ lectures to be delivered 安排人作讲座8. on/upon one’s ________ at 一到达... 就...10. ask sb. ________ sth. 向某人索取cf.: claim sth. from... 要求领取12. allow things to be______ they are 让一切顺其自然14. put/ lay/ set_______储蓄(put away, save, deposit)16. ________ /evaluate the damage评估损失18. be a ________ / connected with与...有联系20. ________ a label to the bottle贴个标签到瓶上(stick a label on the bottle)22. importance/ significance/ value to认为...重要24. an a ________ murder/suicide谋杀未遂/自杀未遂26. have urgent business to ________ to有急事要处理(see to)三认词(组)并在语境中理解意思1. cover an area of3. argue for/ against5. an arrival form7. arts and science9. artificial intelligence11. Attendance at the meeting is compulsory.13. all the aspects of the problem15. an athletic figure 2. argue that + clause4. beyond argument; a convincing argument 6. attach a photo to your application form8. two articles of luggage10. an artificial smile12. on the assumption that(= assuming that)14. attain straight A's/success16. create a friendly atmosphere(= air)四用方框里的单词或词组完成句子(①可重复使用;②注意形式)1. Parents _______ much _______ education. They will do their best to give their childrer that priceless gift.2. Status is the honour or respect ______________ a person’s position in society. It can also be affected by power and class, but not necessarily so.3. ______________ the gift was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our reception during his stay.4. ---Poor and backward area _______ Western China is, many college students are willing to work there after graduation.---You said it. More chances of employment are available.5. ---Would you like to join us in the game?---I’m afraid not, for I have something important to ______________.6. Gun control is a subject ___________ which Americans have ___________ for a long time.7. Many people know how to ___________ success, but few know how to make the best of it.8. To listen closely and reply well is highest perfection we are able to ___________ in the art of conversation.9. We all have the power to use our fantasies to _______ things we never thought possible, to go through those things that seem impossible, and to achieve what we never believed we could.10. In a sense it’s human nature to consider the opportunity cost precisely --- we keep _______ the advantages and disadvantages of decisions all the time.● 知识拾零:“put/set/lay/leave aside+宾语” 搭配的对应的汉语意思1. put/ set/ lay/ leave aside what you are doing 放下你们手中的活2. put/ set/ lay/ leave aside differences 搁置争议3. put/ set/ lay/ leave aside those foolish ideas 打消那些愚蠢的想法4. put/ set/ lay/ leave aside these prejudices 抛开这些偏见5. put/ set/ lay/ leave aside our proposal 对我们的建议置之不理6. put/ set/ lay/ leave aside the habit of... 改掉…习惯Unit 5(arch-attend)-、1. argument 2. armed 3. arrival 4. aside 5. assessment 6. assignment 7. assistance 8. association 9. assumption 10.athletic二、1. with; about 2. arise 3. in 4. attain 5. with 6. for 7. arrangements 8. arrival 9. aside 10. for11. for12. as 13. aside 14. aside 15. sound 16. assess 17. assistance 18. associated 19. assure 20. attach 21. attached 22. attach 23. art 24. attempted 25. attempt 26. attend三、1.占……面积2.据理力争地认为…3.赞成/反对4.无可争辩;论据5.来客登记表6.贴一张照片到申请表上7.文理科8.两件行李9.人工智能10.不自然的微笑11.必须参加会议。



高中3500核心词汇讲义测试练习(答案版)-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANaboard prep/adv 登船/登机abroad adv 在国外absent adj 缺席的absorb vt 吸收access n/v 连接/进入account n 账户acknowledge vt 承认adapt vi 适应admire vt 仰慕admit vt承认/招收adopt vt 采用/领养advertise vt 做广告advice n 建议advise vt 建议affair n 事务/琐事affect vt 影响afford vt 负担起against prep 反对agency n (代理)机构aggressive adj 有攻击性的agriculture n 农业alarm n 警报 vt 警示album n 专辑/相册alike adj/adv 相像的alive adj 活的alone adj 单一的aloud adv 响亮的amaze vt 使震惊ambition n 目标/雄心ambulance n 救护车amuse vt 娱乐analyze vt 分析analysis n 分析ancestor n 祖先ancient adj 古代的anger n 生气anniversary 周年纪念announce vt 宣布annoy vt 使恼怒annual adj 每年的anxiety n 焦虑apart adv 分开的apartment n 公寓apologize v 道歉appeal n/vt 呼吁 vt 吸引appearance n 外表/出现appetite n 胃口applaud v 鼓掌apply v 运用/申请appoint vt 指定appreciate vt 欣赏/感激approach n 方法 vt 接近approve vt 批准/同意arrange vt 安排arrest vt 逮捕ashamed adj 羞愧的aspect n 方面association n 联合会/关系athlete n 运动员atmosphere n 大气层/氛围attempt n/v 尝试attend vt 参与attitude n 态度audience n 观众/听众authority n 权威automatic adj 自动的available adj 可获得的/可利用的average n/adj 平均avoid vt 避免awake adj 醒着的 v 唤醒award n/v 奖励aware adj 有意识的awful adj 糟糕的awkward adj 困难的/笨拙的baggage n 行李bake v 烘焙balance n/v 平衡 n 余额bamboo n 竹子bare adj 光秃秃的/几乎没有的bargain n 便宜货 v 讨价还价basis n 基础bath n 洗澡bathe v 洗澡battle n/v 战斗bear n 熊 vt 忍受/承担beard n 胡子behave v 行为/表现belief n 信念/信仰belong vi 属于bend vt 弯曲beneath prep 在下方beyond prep/v 超过bid n/v 投标/竞标biscuit n 饼干blame n/v 谴责bless v 祝福/保佑block n 街区/大块头 vt 阻挡board n 板/董事会 vt登船/登机bomb n 炸弹 vt 轰炸border n 边界 vt 接壤born v 出生bother n/v 烦扰bottom n 底部branch n 树枝/分支breathe v 呼吸brick n 砖头bride n 新娘brief adj 简要的broad adj 宽阔的broom n 扫帚budget n 预算 vt 指定预算 adj 便宜的burden n 负担 vt 承担burst v 爆炸/迸发bury vt 埋葬butcher n 屠夫button n 按钮cabbage n 卷心菜cafeteria n 餐厅cage n 笼子calculate vt 计算calendar n 日历calm n/v/adj 冷静(的)camera n 照相机camp n 帐篷 v 露营canal n 运河candidate n 申请人/候选人candle n 蜡烛candy n 糖果capital n 资本/首都carpet n 地毯cash n 现金cassette n 磁带/卡带castle n 城堡casual adj 随意的cattle n 牛群cautious adj 谨慎的cave n 洞穴celebrate vt 纪念/庆祝cell n 细胞/牢房cent n 分central adj 中央的century n 世纪ceremony n 仪式chain n 链条/连锁chalk n 粉笔challenge n/v 挑战channel n 频道/海峡/渠道chapter n 章节character n 性格/特性charge n 费用 v 收费/指控/充电cheat n 骗子 vt 欺骗cheek n 脸颊chemical adj 化学的 n 化学物质chest n 胸脯chief n 领袖 adj 首席的chopsticks n 筷子Christian n 基督徒 adj 基督的church n 教堂cigar n 雪茄civilization n 文明classic adj 经典的clerk n 文员/职员clinic n 诊所close vt 关闭 adj 接近的cloth n 布匹coach n 教练/大巴车 vt 指导coal n 煤coast n 海岸collar n 衣领colleague n 同事comb n 梳子 vt 梳头combine vt 组合comfort n 舒服 vt 安慰command n/v 命令comment n/v 评论commercial n 广告 adj 商业的communism n 共产主义community n 社区companion n 陪伴者compete v 竞争comprehension n 理解concept n 概念concern n/v 关心/关注confuse vt 使迷惑considerate adj 体贴的/周到的construct vt 建设/建造consult vt 咨询content n 内容 adj 满意的cook n 厨师 vt 做饭corporation n 公司correct adj 正确的 vt 更正cotton n 棉counter n 柜台 vt 反对courage n 勇气cousin n 表兄弟(姐妹)cover n 保护/封面 vt 覆盖/走过距离/承担费用crash n/v 撞击cream n 奶油/面霜crew n 全体船员(乘务员)cruel adj 残忍的curious adj 好奇的currency n 流/货币curtain n 窗帘cushion n/v 缓冲custom n 习俗/海关dare v 敢dash v 冲刺跑 n 小横线data n 数据dawn n 黎明deadline n 截止日期deaf adj 聋的debate n/v 辩论debt n 债务declare vt 宣布decline n/v 下降 v 拒绝delay n/v 延迟delight n/v 高兴department n 部门/系description n 描述desert n 沙漠 vt 遗弃desire n 欲望 v 想要dialog n 对话diary n 日记diet n 饮食/节食digital adj 数码的direct adj 直接的 v 指引disappointed adj 失望的discount n/v 折扣disease n 疾病dismiss v 开除/解散/屏蔽distinguish vt 分辨distribute vt 分配district n 区域dormitory n 寝室drag vt 拉拽drop n/v 下降 vt 丢下drug n 药品/毒品due adj 到期的dull adj 无聊的dusty adj 满是灰尘的eager adj 急切的/迫切的ease n 轻松 vt 缓解edge n 边缘effort n 努力electric adj 电的electronic adj 电子的embarrass vt 使尴尬emergency n 紧急情况/急诊emotion n 情感encourage vt 鼓励enemy n 敌人engage vt 从事/参加/订婚enterprise n 企业entertain vt 娱乐enthusiastic adj 热情的entire adj 完整的envelope n 信封envy vt 嫉妒evaluate vt 评价even adv 甚至 adj 平均的evidence n 证据exact adj 准确的excellent adj 很好的except prep 除外excite vt 使兴奋exist v 存在expect vt 期望expense n 费用explode v 爆炸explore vt 探索expose v 暴露express v 表达 adj 快速的 n 快递/快车extreme n/adj 极端fair adj 公平的/相当的/适中的 n 展会faith n 信仰fall n/v 下降/落下false adj 错误的/虚假的fancy vt 喜欢fantastic adj 极好的/巨大的fasten vt 系fault n 过错fear n/v 恐惧feather n 羽毛feature n 特征 vt 以…为特征feed v 喂养fellow n/v 同事/同伴fence n 篱笆/围墙fetch v 获取fever n 发烧fiction n 小说fierce adj 激烈的figure n 数字/人物/体型/形状/图表 vt 认为/演算file n 文件fine adj 好的 n/v 罚款firm n 公司 adj 坚定的fist n 拳头fix v 固定/修理flag n 旗帜flame n 火焰flat n 公寓 adj 平坦的flexible adj 灵活的flight n 航班float v 漂浮flood n 洪水 v 洪水泛滥/涌入flour n 面粉flow n/v 水流/流动fluent adj 流利的fly v 飞 n 苍蝇foggy adj 有雾的fold vt 折叠fond adj 喜欢的fool n 傻子 vt 愚弄forbid vt 禁止force n 力量 vt 强迫forgive vt 原谅fork n 叉子form n 形式/表格 vt 形成former adj 前者的fortunate adj 幸运的fortune n 财富/幸运forward adv/adj 向前的 n 前锋 vt 转发found vt 建立fountain n 喷泉freedom n 自由frequent adj 经常性的frighten vt 惊吓fry vt 煎炒fuel n 燃料garage n 车库garlic n 咖喱gay adj 同性恋的/开心的generous adj 慷慨大方的gentle adj 绅士般的/轻柔的gifted adj 有天分的glory n 光荣/荣耀glove n 手套graduate n 毕业生 v 毕业grain n 谷物gram n 克grasp vt 抓住grateful adj 感激的greedy adj 贪婪的greet vt 打招呼gray adj 灰色的grocery n 杂货店guarantee n/v 确保/保障guard vt 保护 n 守护者guidance n 指导habit n 习惯hall n 大厅ham n 火腿hammer n 锤子handle vt 处理 n 门把手harbor n 港口 vt 心怀/庇护hardly adv 几乎不harvest n/v 丰收/收获headmistress n 女校长height n 高度hesitate v 迟疑/犹豫hobby n 兴趣爱好horizon n 视野/地平线host n 主人/主持人 vt 主持hunger n 饥饿identity n 身份impress vt 使有印象indicate vt 表明infer vt 推测/暗示inform vt 告之injure vt 伤害innocent adj 天真的/无辜的insect n 昆虫insist v 坚持inspect vt 检查inspire vt 激励instant adj 即时的institute n 学院 vt 开始创立instruction n 指导instrument n 乐器intelligence n 智力intend vt 打算interrupt vt 打断interview n/v 面试/采访invent vt 发明iron n 铁 v 熨烫item n 项目/条款/物件jam n 果酱/拥堵journalist n 记者judge vt 判断 n 法官juice n 果汁junior adj 年少的/低级的 n 大三学生just adv 仅仅只有 adj 公正的justice n 公正kindergarten n 幼儿园knowledge n 知识/知情labor n 劳动/分娩last adj 最后的/之前的 v 持续laughter n 笑lay v 放置/下蛋leather n 皮革lecture n/v 授课legal adj 合法的/法律的length n 长度lie n 谎言 v 躺下lift v 提升 n 电梯light n 光明/灯 v 点亮 adj 明亮的/轻的likely adj/adv 有可能的lip n 嘴唇liquid n 液体 adj 液体的literature n 文学live n 生活/居住 adj 直播的load n 负担 vt 装载loaf n 面包块loose n 宽松的lorry n 大卡车loss n 损失luggage n 行李lung n 肺madam n 夫人major adj 主要的/大多数的 n 专业 v 主修manner n 礼貌/方式march n/v 行军marriage n 婚姻master n 主人/大师/硕士 vt 掌握mat n 垫子match n 比赛/火柴 vt 匹配matter n 物质/事情/问题 v 有关系maybe adv 有可能mean v 意味 adj 吝啬的/低劣的/平均的 n 平均值means n 方法meanwhile adv 同时measure vt 测量 n 措施medal n 奖牌media n 媒体memory n 记忆mend vt 修理mental adj 心理的/精神的mention vt 提及mess n 混乱 vt 弄乱metal n 金属mind v 介意/留心 n 头脑/心理mine n 矿 v 开矿mineral n 矿物质minister n 部长minority n 少数人modest adj 谦虚的/适度的monitor n 班长/监视器 vt 监视moral n/adj 道德(的)multiple adj 许多的 n 倍数murder n/v 谋杀nail n 钉子/指甲narrow adj 狭窄的 vt 使变窄nationality n 国籍native adj 本土的 n 本国人/本地人navy n 海军neck n 脖子needle n 针neighborhood n 邻近/邻居nephew n 侄子network n 网络niece n 侄女noble adj 高贵的nod v 点头noodle n 面条novel n 小说 adj 新颖的nowadays adv 现在obey vt 遵守object n 物体 v 反对occupation n 职业/占领occupy v 占领once adv 一次/曾经 conj 一旦operate vt 操作oppose vt 反对oral adj 口头的 n 口试order n/v 命令 n 秩序ordinary adj 普通的origin n 起源/原点otherwise adv 否则/在不同方面outline n 提纲output n 产量overcoat n 大衣overcome vt 克服overlook vt 忽视oxygen n 氧气pack n 背包 v 打包packet n 小袋pale adj 苍白的 v 使苍白panic n/v 惊吓parcel n 包裹pardon n/v 原谅/宽恕park n 公园 vt 停车participate v 参与particular adj 特定的 n 详情passenger n 乘客patience n 耐心patient adj 耐心的 n 病人peach n 桃子perhaps adv 有可能permanent adj 永久的permit vt 允许petrol n 石油phrase n 短语physical adj 生理的/物理的pie n 馅饼pile n 堆pilot n 飞行员 v 领航pin n 别针 v 钉住pineapple n 菠萝plain adj 平坦的/简单的 n 平原planet n 星球plant n 植物/工厂 vt 种植plastic n/adj 塑料(的)platform n 平台/讲台/月台pleasant adj 愉悦的pole n 杆/极点policy n 政策polish vt 擦亮/润色 n 光泽polite adj 有礼貌的position n 位置/工作岗位/立场/状态positive adj 积极的/正面的possess v 拥有possession n 拥有物/财产post n 邮件/工作岗位 vt 张贴pour vt 倾倒powder n 粉末practice n 实践/练习/做法pray v 祈祷precious adj 珍贵的present n 礼物/现在 adj 现在的/出席的/存在的 vt呈现preserve vt 保护pretend v 假装prevent vt 阻止previous adj 先前的principle n 原则prisoner n 囚犯prize n 奖赏process n 过程 vt 处理produce vt 生产 n 产品project n 计划/项目/工程 vt 计划/设计/投射promise n/v 许诺proper adj 合适的protect vt 保护proud adj 骄傲的/自豪的prove n 证明/证实provide vt 提供pub n 酒吧publish vt 公开发表/出版punish vt 惩罚pupil n 小学生purchase n/v 购买purse n 钱包quantity n 数量quarter n 四分之一question n 问题 vt 质疑quiet adj 安静的quite adv 相当的race n 赛跑/种族 v 比赛railway n 铁路raise v 上升/举起/抚养/筹集/提出rate n 比率/速度/价格 vt 分级raw adj 原始的ray n 射线realize vt 意识到/实现recognize vt 认出recommend vt 推荐record n/v 记录refer v 参考/谈及reflect vt 反映reform n/v 改革refund n/v 退款refuse vt 拒绝regret n/v 后悔regulation n 规则relative adj 相关的/相对的 n 亲戚reliable adj 可靠的relief n 缓解rely vt 依靠remain v 维持/遗留 n 遗留remind vt 提醒repeat v 重复replace vt 替代reply vt 回复represent vt 代表representative n/adj 代表(的)republic n 共和require vt 要求rescue n/v 救援research n/v 研究reserve vt 保留respect n/v 尊敬 n 方面revision n 修订/复习ring v 打电话/鸣响/包围 n 圆环/戒指ripe adj 成熟的roast vt 烤rob vt 抢劫role n 作用/角色roll v 滚 n 卷roof n 屋顶round adj 圆的 prep围绕 n 一局(轮) v 绕行row n 排 v 划船rubber n 橡胶/橡皮rude adj 粗鲁的rule n 规则 v 统治ruler n 尺子/统治者safety n 安全sail n/v 航行 n 船帆sale n 出售/促销satellite n 卫星sausage n 香肠save vt 拯救/节省/保存saying n 俗话scan n/v 扫描/浏览scene n 情景/景色scenery n 景色scientific adj 科学的scissors n 剪刀scold vt 责备score n 得分/分数/二十 v 得分scream n/v 尖叫screen n 屏幕 v 屏蔽/筛选secretary n 秘书secure adj 安全的 v 使安全seed n 种子seek vt 搜寻seize vt 抓住seldom adv 几乎不senior adj 年长的/高级的 n 大四学生sentence n 句子 n/v 判刑separate v/adj 分开(的)servant n 服务员settle v 解决/定居/结算 n 定居sew v 缝合shade n 阴影 vt 遮蔽shadow n 影子shallow adj 浅的shame n/vt (使)羞愧shape n 形状 vt 成形sharp adj 锋利的/明显的shave vt 刮sheet n 纸片/被单shelf n 架子shelter n 避难所 vt 庇护ship n 轮船 vt (用船)运输shore n 海岸shortcoming n 缺点shot n 开枪/投篮/发射/注射shoulder n 肩膀 vt 承担shout n/v 呼喊shower n/v 阵雨/淋浴shrink n/v 萎缩shut n/v/adj 关闭sigh n/v 叹气sign n 招牌/符号/迹象 vt 签字signal n 信号 v 发信号silk n/adj 丝绸(的)since conj 因为 conj/prep/adv 自从sincerely adv 真诚的single adj/n 单一(的)/单身(的)sink v 下沉 n 水槽skate n/v 滑冰slave n 奴隶sleepy adj 想睡的slight adj 轻微的slim adj 苗条的smooth adj光滑的/平稳的/流畅的 vt 使光滑sneeze n/v (打)喷嚏soap n 肥皂sock n 短袜software n 软件soil n 土壤solid n/adj 固体(的)sorrow n 悲伤/悲痛sort n 种类 vt 分类soul n 灵魂sound n 声音 v 听起来 adj 合适的/妥当的sour adj 酸的souvenir n 纪念品spare adj 备用的/多余的 vt 抽出/节省special adj 特殊的specific adj 具体的speed n 速度 vt 加速spirit n 精神/烈酒split n/v/adj 分裂(的)sponsor n/v 赞助spot n地点/场所/职位/污点/斑点spread n/v 传播spring n 春天/弹簧/泉水 v 弹跳square n/adj 正方形(的)/平方(的)stadium n 体育场staff n 全体员工stand v 站立/忍受 n 货摊stare n/v 凝视state n情形/状态/国家/州 v陈述/声明status n 状态/地位/身份steady adj 稳定的/稳固的steam n 蒸汽steel n 钢铁stick n 棍子 vt钉住/坚持/遵守still adv 仍然 adj 静止的stomach n 胃store n 商店 vt 存储straight adj/adv 笔直的/直接的/连续的stream n 溪流strength n 力量/长处stress n 压力 n/v 强调strike n/v 打击/罢工struggle n/v 挣扎/奋斗stubborn adj 顽固的subject n话题/科目/主题/题材/主观/实验对象 adj易患的/服从的 v使服从sudden adj 突然的suffer v 遭受/忍受/受苦suppose v 假设/认为surround vt 包围/环绕survive v 存活suspect vt 怀疑 n嫌疑犯sweat n 汗水 v 流汗swell v 膨胀swing n/v 摇摆switch n/v 转换sympathy n 同情tailor n 裁缝 vt 缝制talent n 天赋/才能/天才tap n 龙头 v 轻拍tape n 磁带target n 目标 v 瞄准tear n 眼泪 vt 撕扯technical adj技巧的technique n 技巧technology n 技术temper n 脾气/性情temperature n 温度tense adj 紧张的/拉紧的 n 时态terminal n 末端/终点站/航站楼adj末端的/终点的/晚期的theft n 盗窃theory n 理论thick adj 厚的/浓密的thirst n 口渴 v 渴望thorough adj 彻底的/详尽的thought n 想法thread n 线tidy adj 整齐的 v 整理tie n 束缚/领带/平局 v 捆绑tight adj 紧的tin n 罐头/锡tiny adj 微小的title n 标题/称号/头衔tone n 语气/音调tongue n 舌头/语言tough adj强硬的/棘手的/难办的/艰苦的tourism n 旅游业towel n 毛巾track n 轨道/踪迹 vt 追踪traffic n 交通/走私transport n 交通trap n 陷阱 v 设圈套treasure n 宝藏/财富 vt 珍视tremble n/v 颤抖trial n 审讯/试验 v 测试trick n 把戏 vt 戏弄troublesome adj令人烦恼的/讨厌的/困难的trousers n 裤子trust n/v 信任truth n 事实/真理/真相tube n 管子/地铁twist n/v 缠绕/扭曲typical adj特有的/典型的undertake vt 承担unite v 联合/团结update n/v 更新/升级upper adj 较高的/上面的upset adj心烦的/苦恼的/不安的upstairs adj/adv/n 楼上urban adj 城市的urgent adj 紧急的/迫切的vacation n 度假/假期valid adj 有效的variety n 多样性vehicle n 车辆/传播媒介/工具via prep 通过victim n 受害者village n 村庄visa n 签证wallet n 钱包warn v 警告weakness n 弱点/缺陷weigh v 称重wheat n 小麦whisper n/v 低声说willing adj 有意愿的wind n 风 vt 缠绕windy adj 刮风的wing n 翅膀wire n 金属丝/电线wisdom n 智慧wise adj 聪明的withdraw v 撤回/撤退witness n/v 目击(者) wonder n 惊奇 v 想知道wool n 羊毛worthwhile adj 值得的wound n/v 伤害yard n 院子/码zone n 区域/地域。



高考英语3500单词复习配套练习答案第1课时1.单词拼写(1) abandon (2)absorb (3)album (4)accident (5)account(6) anxious (7)ambition (8)ability (9)accent (10)appreciate2.单项选择(1)一(5)BCCDC (6)一(10)BACAA3.词组填空(1)adapt to (2)was accused of (3)add up to (4)agree with (5)took advantage of (6)is against (7)are aimed at (8)were about to (9)take action (10)are addicted to 4.完成句子(1)was absent from the meeting (2)Absorbed in work(3)are you likely to achieve your goal (4)have added to the economic burden of people (5)will be admitted into a key university (5)apply knowledge to practice(7)With the Middle Autumn Day approaching (8)apologize for what you did(9)annoyed by such trivial things (10)have access to第2课时1.单词拼写(1)amuse (2)analyze (3)ancestors (4)audience (5)arrangements (6)architect (7)appointment (8)astronaut (9)athletes (10)anniversary 2.单项选择(1)一(5)BCDBC (6)一(10)ABDAB3.词形转换(1) analysis (2)amused (3)announcement(4) anxious (5)apologizing (6)appearance7) argument (8)arrival (9)applying (10)attempting4.选词填空(1) ancient (2)atmosphere (3)attracts (4) available(5)attack (6)attending (7) ashamed (8)arrange(9)armed (10)area5.句子翻译(1)He was arrested for careless driving. (2)They always argue with each other about money.(3)The new technology has been applied to agriculture. (4)He was astonished to know the truth.(5)Why don’t you ask him for advice? (6)She has a positive attitude towards life.7)She was ashamed of her behavior at the party. (8)Tom apologized for being late.(9)He tried to attract the waiter’s attention.(10)He doesn’t appreciate being treated like a child.第3课时1.单词拼写(1)bleeding (2)bite (3)belief (4)balcony (5)bitter (6)baggage(7)bath (8)beach (9)behavior (10)biology2.单项选择(1)-(5)BCDBB (6)-(10)BCACA3.词组填空(1)benefited from (2)on the basis of (3)because of (4)begging for(5)begin…by (6)are aware of (7)believe in (8)are blessed with(9)belong to (10)became of4.句子翻译(1)You should avoid mentioning his mistake again. (2)The noise keeps everyone awake.(3)He was banned from driving for 6 months.(4)She can’t b ear having cats at home.(5)The boy behaved as if he were an adult. (6)She bent and kissed the boy on the head.(7)The bill will become law next year. (8)Many roads were blocked by the heavy snow.(9)The bike was damaged beyond repair. (10)The girls were bargaining with the waders.第4课时1.单词拼写(1)bottom (2)branches (3)brands (4)breakthrough (5)burglar(6)candidates (7)canteen (8)campaign (9)camera (10)budget2.选词填空(1)burst (2)bouncing (3)boycott (4)breathe (5)broadcast(6)brush (7)buried (8)calculate (9)brake (10)borrow3.单项选择(1)-(5)ACDBA (6)-(10)CBBBC4.选词填空(1)care about (2)cared for (3)called in (4)called off (5)called up (6)calls for (7)burst out (8)burst into (9)burnt down (10)build up5.句子翻译(1)I don’t like to borrow money from friends. (2)Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.(3)His brother was born blind. (4)The telephone system has broken down.(5)The government is trying to bring prices down. (6)I don’t want to bother her with my problems.(7)Please stay in your seats and keep calm. (8)They get paid by the hour.(9)Be careful not to wake the baby up. (10)The church was built of stones.第5课时1.单词拼写(1)climate (2)clerk (3)Civil (4)citizen (5)ceremony(6)civilization (7)Centigrade (8)chapter (9)Channel (10)century2.单项选择(1)--(5)BCBCD (6)--(10)ADABD3.选词填空(1)carry (2)carved (3)casual (4)categories (5)cause (6)clapped (7)chief (8)character (9)celebrate(10)choice4.句子翻译(1)Police in many countries carry guns. (2)He Was caught in a thunderstorm.(3)Do you know what caused the fire? (4)How do people in your country celebrate theNew Year?(5)It's certain that they’ll agree.或They’re certain to agree·.(6)The traffic lights changed from red to green. (7)The operation has a good chance of success,(8)They charged 20 for the repairs. (9)Check your work before handing it in.(10)What time does the bank close?第6课时单词拼写(1)coach (2) coast (3)comfort (4)companion (5)cost(6)committee (7)contents (8)conference (9)composition (10)concept2.词形转换(1)collection (2)comfortable (3)communication (4)Competition(5)conclusion (6)Congratulation (7)connection (8)construction(9)encouraged (10)confidence3.单项选择(1)--(5)BADDA (6)--(10)CABDA4.选词填空(1)concentrate on (2)comment on (3)are concerned about (4)consist of (5)am contentwith (6)under control (7)convince…of (8)connected to (9)On the contrary(10)a couple of5.句子翻译(1)He congratulated me on my good exam results· (2)The two brother have little in common.(3)Many people are competing for the job. (4)We conclude from his words that he isnot for the plan.(5)The survey will be conducted in English. (6)The rumor was later confirmed.f7)Be careful not to confuse quality with quantity. (8)Have you ever considered buying a newcar?(9)Immigrants contribute to enriching culture in many ways. (10)The mistake almost cost him hislife.第7课时1.单词拼写(1)course (2)Dessert (3)craft (4)custom (5)degrees (6)description (7)detective (8)crash (9)dictionary(10)criminal2.单项选择(1)--(5)ABDDA (6)--(10)BCBAC3.选词填空(1)diet (2)dialed (3)designed (4)describe (5)delivered(6)damage (7)damp (8)cross (9)Cycling (10)debating4.句子翻译(1) She covered her face with the hands. (2)Scientists disagree on how the universewas created.(3)Doctor, can you cure him of the disease? (4)The children were dancing in circle.(5)The custom dates from hundreds of years ago. (6)The price has decreased by 5%.(7)He is the man you can depend on. (8)The flight has been delayed for two hours.(9)She devoted herself to her career. (10)The result is different from what weexpected第8课时1.单词拼写(1)disease (2)disadvantage (3)disaster (4)discouraged(5)discount (6)divorce (7)drunk (8)ecology(9)downtown (10)District2.词形变化(1)director (2)disabled (3)discouraged (4)discovery(5)editor (6)education (7)electrical (8)disappointing (9)dismissed (10)distance3.单项选择(1)--(5)ADBCD (6)--(1 0)BCABD4.选词填空(1)direct (2)drag (3)edge (4)dry (5)dropped (6)dived (7)discover (8)distinguish (9)documents (10)draw5.句子翻译(1)He dipped his finger into the mixture. (2)He respects those who disagree with him·(3)I divided the pizza into three parts. (4)The songs can be downloaded free from the Internet.(5)Her boyfriend told her to dress herself in her nicest dress. (6)He was elected president of the USA again.(7))I know you don’t like her, but please make an effort to be polite.(8)I never doubted that she would come.(9)Be careful.The paint hasn't dried yet. (10)He was educated in the US.第9课时1.单词拼写1) embarrass 2) emergency 3) equipment 4) environment 5) envelope6) emperor 7) engineer 8) entrance 9) fault 10) exhibition2.单项填空1 --- 5 BABAB 6---10 BDACD3.选词填空1) fell 2) explore 3) enjoyable 4) fare 5) essay 6) evidence 7) have examined 8) exit 9) exports 10) fade4.句子翻译1)Hurry up, or else you’ll be late.2)The teacher encouraged us to practice more.3)We all envied him his new car.4)Does life exist on other planets?5)Words cannot express how pleased I am.6)He failed to carry out his promise.7)Don’t expose babies to strong sunlight.8)Prices have fallen by 15%.9)Don’t expect too much of/from me.10)Bombs were exploding all around the city.第10课时1.单词拼写1) favorite 2) feather 3) festivals 4) foreigners 5) frequent 6) forehead 7) freedom 8) former 9) flight 10) fishermen2.单项填空1 --- 5 BBCDA 6 --- 10 BAACB3.选词填空1) fear 2. fees 3) fellow 4) field 5) fined 6) firm 7) fool 8) forecast 9) functioning 10) form4.句子翻译1.What are you frightened of?2.He forgot to turn off the lights.3.He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.4.He folded the newspaper and handedit to me.5.I can’t focus my attention on my work.6.Have you fixed a date for your wedding?7.The college was founded in 1840 by Henry. 8.Blood flowed from a cut on his forehead.9.He does not fit the job. /He is not fit for the job. 10.Tom hasn’t finished readingthe novel.第11课时1.单词拼写1. garage2. guilty3. graduation/graduating4. gesture5. generous6. funeral7. furniture 8. hamburgers 9. government 10. geography2.词形变化1. gains2. Generally3. gifted4. harmful5. hanged6. gradually7. happiness8.growth9. guidance 10. geese3.单项填空1 --- 5 ABCAD 6 --- 10 AABBD4.选词填空1. get over2. gave … away3. give in4. glanced at5. handed down6. handing out7. hung up8. grew into9. grow up 10. go about5.句子翻译1)The girl has a gift for music.2)He graduated from the school two years ago.3)The child grasped his/her mother’s arm firmly.4)Some people are greedy for money and power.5)I guarantee that you’ll love the film.6)He felt guilty about not visiting his parents often.7)Jeff has been in the habit of taking a walk after dinner.8)Did Tom hand in his homework on time?9)I want to hang the picture by the door.10)I happened to be out when you called.第12课时1.单词拼写1. headmaster2. hurricane3. identity4. idiom5. hobbies6. helicopters7. homeland8. incident9. industry 10. income2.词形变化1. healthy2. hopeless3. helpful4. hostess5. humorous6. impressions7. independence 8. injuries 9. illegal 10. hungry3.单项填空1 --- 5 BACDB 6 --- 10 ACABD1. headed for2. hear from3. help out4. at home5. hoped for6. hunting for7. hurryup8. be independent of 9. hold back 10. hold on5.句子翻译1)Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help.2)We’re sorry to inform you that your application has been rejected.3)We were impressed by her performance.4)Your opinion won’t influence my decision.5)It was n’t wise of you to ignore my advice.6)It hurts when I try to move the leg.7)Changes will be made i f the situation doesn’t improve.8)Research indicates that people’s eating habits are changing fast.9)I have never tried to hide the truth about my past.10)How much does it cost to hire a boat for a week?第13课时1.单词拼写1. insects2. interpreters3. introduction4. journalist5. kitchen6. Institute7. islands8. jewellery9. lectures 10. knowledge2.单项填空 1-5 BADBA 6 --- 10 CDCAB3.选词填空1. landed2. last3. introduced4. keep5. interrupting6. leaking7. learn8. junior 9. interviewed 10. innocent4.句子翻译1)They insisted on singing karaoke.2)The lecture lasted three hours.3)Eating too much sugar will lead to health problem.4)Alex’s real problem is that he lacks c onfidence.5)The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.6)As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame.7)The old buildings are going to be knocked down.8)Nitrous oxide is commonly known as laughing gas.9)Don’t leaving him waiting outside in the rain.10)Over 100 passengers were killed in the plane crash..第14课时1.单词拼写1. library2. licence3. liquid4. luggage5. lightning6. magazine7. marriages8. medical9. mainland 10. material2.句子改写1. lent my CD player to2. lied to3. is very likely to come4. lost their lives5. is lined with6. The majority of students7. are marked with8.doesn’t matter9. is made up of 10 doctors 10. means waiting more3.单项填空 1--- 5 ABADC 6 --- 10 AADDA1. litter2. lifted3. limit4. master5. mean6. measures7. mention8. mend9. memory 10. listed5.句子翻译1)As the sight of the snake, she let out a scream.2)That accident taught me a lesson I’ll never forget.3)The book lay open on his desk.4)The camera is linked to a computer.5)You look as if you didn’t sleep well.6)We managed to get to the airport in time.7)It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full.8)She is by no means a mean woman.9)What’s meant by “CEO”?10)A ship’s speed is measure d in knots.第15课时1.单词拼写1. method2. millionaire3. monitor4. museum5. musician6. modern7. mountain 8. necklace 9. neighbours 10. nationality2.词形变化1. mistaken2. minority3. misunderstandings4. mixture5. mountainous6. movement7. multiplied 8. natural 9. neighborhood 10. national3.单项填空 1 --- 5 DBCAB 6 --- 10 DCDAB4.选词填空1. network2. necessary3. nature4. motto5. minus6. miss7. mild modest 9. murdering 10. model5.句子翻译1.She was so nervous about her exams that she couldn’t sleep.2.In modern society it’s necessaryto master English.3.Tom, you must have misunderstood me.4.Do you mind being away from home forso long?5.Oil does not mix with water.6.The audience were deeply moved by the movie.7.What’s your nationality? 8.You needn’t have hurried.9.The murdered woman was well known in the area.10.The news came that he had had a car accident.第16课时1.单词拼写1. nuclear2. object3. Ocean4. official5. optimistic6. noodles7. Oxygen8. overcoat9. Organization 10. package2.单项填空 1 --- 5 CACDB 6 --- 10 BACBD3.选词填空1. nowadays2. observes3. opposed4. opposite5. outgoing6. otherwise7. ordered 8. overweight 9. outline 10. optional4.句子翻译1.Slow down! I can’t keep pace with you.2.The athlete owed his success to his coach.3.You oughtn’t to have stayed up last night.4.The idea occurred to him in a dream.5.If only I had gone by taxi yesterday.6.He finished the job on his own.7.All citizens must obey the law. 8.I haven’t packed my suitcas e yet.9.Tom can’t swim, nor can I. 10.I didn’t notice him leaving the office.第17课时1.单词拼写1. Palace2. panda3. parents4. passengers5. passport6. petrol7. pillow8. pioneer9. planets 10. platform2.单项填空1 --- 5 ACBCD 6 --- 10 ABCDD3.选词填空1. parcel2. park3. pass4. passage5. pattern6. paused7. performing8. period 9. phrases 10. pity4.句子翻译1.He pointed out the dangers of drunk driving.2.It’s a pleasure to meet you.3.Everything went exactly as planned.4.A bomb was placed under the seat.5.Cell phones are not permitted in the library.6.A computer can perform many tasks atthe same time.7.I paid 800 yuan for the two train tickets. 8.I don’t have the patience to play games with children.9.He loves science fiction in particular. 10.He was partly responsible for the accident.第18课时1.单词拼写1. polite2. pollution3. present/postcard4. president5. primary6. pressure7. Private8. professor9. pronunciation 10. provinces2.词形转换1. poisonous2. political3. polluted4. possessions5. practical6. preparation7. properly8. pride9. punishment 10. protection3.单项填空1-- 5 ABACD 6 -- 10 BCBCD4.选词填空1. adopted2. position3. postage4. presented5. process6. pronounce7. pull 8. pretty 9. press 10. predict5.句子翻译1.He is proud of his great discovery.2.The teacher praised Tom for his courage.3.Owing to a lack of money, we didn’t put the program into practice.4.On purpose he pretended not to see me.5.Jack was sent to prison for(因为) robbing a bank.6.Great progress has been made in controlling SARS.7.Science fiction is popular with/among teenagers at the moment.8.His secretary is preparing a report for tomorrow’s meeting/conference.9.As many as 50 guests were present at his birthday party.10.Sunglasses can protect your eyes from sunlight.第19课时1.单词拼写1. quarters2. quiz3. rapid4. Republic5. relationship6. reality7. recite8. Reform9. recycled 10. remote2.词形转换1. puzzled2. racial3. rainy4. realize5. recorders6. reasonable7. reference8. reliable(可靠的)9. requirements 10. relaxing3.单项填空 1 -- 5 BDACA 6 -- 10 DABCA4.选词填空1. received2. recovering3. regular4. replaced5. reacting6. removed7. relief 8. put 9. reserved 10. quit5.句子翻译1)The price has been reduced by 21%. 2)She refused to accept their invitation.3)Now testing on animals is regarded as very cruel. 4)He remained silent until his lawyer arrived.5)Babies rely entirely on others for food. 6)The song reminded me of my childhood.7)I still remember Grandpa playing games with us. 8)Raise/Put up your hand if you know the right answer.9)Medicine should be kept out of the reach of children/where it is not accessible to the kids.10)The couple often quarrel with each other about/over money.第20课时1.单词拼写1. reward2. restaurant3. sandwich4. rubbish5. scholarship6. responsibility7. riddle8. rocket9. satellite 10. secretary2.介词填空1. to2. on3. from4. for5. from6. with7. for8. of9. to 10. from 3.单项填空 1 --- 5 ABCBC 6 --- 10 CCADB4.选词填空1. retell2. scenery3. rolled4. ruined5. ran6. scolded7. scene8. satisfy9. right 10. rough(口语里)艰难的,难受的5.句子翻译1)Someone robbed Lily of her diamond necklace.2)Agriculture plays an important role/part in the economy of our country.3)Our gas ran out on the way./We ran out of gas on the way.4)It’s said that the singer is a spy./The singer is said to be a spy.5)He can’t resist showing off his new car.6)I got rid of all the old furniture.7)The teacher was very satisfied with your plan.8)I bought the same cell phone as yours.9)Oranges are rich/abundant in vitamin C.10)The police were searching the room for the top secret file.第21课时1.单词拼写1. sew2. shallow3. shelf4. sightseeing5. Sharks6. shower7. Slavery8.silver9. sleeves 10. skating2.词形变化1. selfish2. separation3. settlers4. shaver5. shopping6. silence7. simplify 8. skilful/skilled 9. sleepy 10. sickness3.单项填空 1 -5 ABCCD 6 - 10 BCDCA4.选词填空1. serve as2. shut down3. in sight4. sent out5. set up6. settle down7. out of shape8. am sick of9. take sides 10. sit up5.句子翻译1. They've gone to the airport to see their son off.2. I seem to have lost the keys.3. Britain is separated from France by the English Channel.4. It's only a joke -- don't takeit seriously!5. It's a shame that you didn't come to the party last night.6. We share the same hobbiesand interest7. We were shocked at his sudden change of attitude.8. At the moment the school library is short of(=lacking in) money.9. Tom's voice is very similar to Bush's. 10. She screamed at the sight of a snake.第22课时1.单词拼写1. smart2. soap3. software4. splendid5. society6. spell7. spaceship8. square9. status 10. stomachs2.词形变化1, smoothly 2. snowy 3. social 4. specialist 5. spelling6. spokesman7. starvation8. stolen9. statement 10. smoker3.单项填空 1 -- 5 BACBD 6 -- 10 CABDA4.选词填空1. Somehow2. speak3. space4. state5. stood6. sort7. spot8. spare 9. speed 10. solid5.句子翻译1. The president took immediate steps/action/measures to stop the fighting.2. You sound as if/as though you've got a cold.3. Doctors advise us to exercise regularly to stay/keep healthy.4. It's bad manners to stare at foreign guests.5. The truck is traveling at a speed of 50 mph.6. She spent all her spare time painting.7. The disease spread rapidly among the people.8. Our school has a staff of 120.9. Children start school at the age of 7 in our country.10. I was late because I was stuck in a traffic jam.第23课时1.单词拼写1. stranger2. strengths3. teenagers4. technology5. surface6. suitcase7. summary 8. supermarket 9. swallow 10. tasty2.介词填空1. of2. to3. for4. for5. in6. for7. under8. in9. by 10. for3.单项填空 1 -- 5 ABBCD 6 --- 10 ABDAC4.选词填空1. success2. straight3. strengthened4. teasing5. task6. target7. swing 8. swells 9. swept 10. swore5.句子翻译1. Dad is very strict with me in my studies.2. They succeeded in finding a cure for headache.3. Dad suffers from a bad back.4. The show is not suitable for young children.5. She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.6. Ben supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime.7. We strongly support=are strongly for your plan. 8. The child has a talent for music.9. She tore the letter into pieces and threw them in the dustbin.10. They were talking in low voices=whispering and I couldn't catch what they were saying.第24课时1.单词拼写1. temperature2. thunder3. Tobacco4. treasure5. tongue6. theatre7. timetable 8. tiny 9. toilet\toilets 10. traditions2.词形变化1. tension2. thankful3. themselves4. thriller5. tiring\tiresome6. translator7. traditional8. training9. traveler 10. terrified3.单项填空 1 --- 5 BCCAD 6 --- 10 DBADC4.词组填空1. cleared his throat2. in terms of3. In theory4. There you are5. even though6. as though7. in total8. tourist attraction9. On top of 10. for themselves5.句子翻译1. The nurse took the patient's temperature.2. He thought back to the day they'dfirst met.3. No sooner had I got into the house than the phone rang.4. Can you tell the difference betweenthe two wines?5. Please translate the poem from Chinese into French.6. The shops open till nine o'clock in the evening on Fridays.7. Let's toast Edward for a job well done. 8. I'm tired of watching television;let's go for a walk.9. We were trapped in a traffic jam.10. She was deeply touched /moved by the novel.第25课时1.单词拼写1. triangle2. trousers3. umbrella4. tutor\teacher5. truck6. University7. valuable8. vegetables 9. victory 10. villagers2.词形变化1. treatment2. troublesome3. truth4. understood5. unfortunately6. unusual7. various8. violence 9. visitors 10. used3.单项填空 1 --- 5 CABAD 6 --- 10 CBBCD4.词组填空1. up to2. true of3. turned ... down4. turn ... off5. turned out6. turn ... over7. turnedup8. pay a visit to 9. In my view 10. in vain5.句子翻译1. The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.2. If I don't get this finished(finish this) on time, I will be in trouble.3. Try the shoes on before you buy them.4. Until he spoke I hadn't realized he wasn't English. Not until he spoke did I realize he wasn’t English.It wasn’t until he spoke that I realized he wasn’t English.5. I tried to contact him, but I was unable to.6. I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime.7. There's a wide variety of patterns to choose from. 8. Unless I am mistaken, he was back at work yesterday.9. He was unwilling to give us any further details. 10. I understand how upset you must be feeling.第26课时1.单词拼写1. vocabulary2. volcano3. voyage4. website5. whistled6. volleyball7. whispered 8. widespread 9. worldwide 10. yoghurt2.词形变化1. waitress2. warmth3. weakness4. wealthy5. weight6. western7. widely 8. winners 9. wonderful 10. worried3.单项填空 1 --- 5 ABADC 5 --- 10 BACBD4.词组填空1. washed ... away2. wake ... up3. worn ... out4. win over5. working with6. working on7. work out8. wrote back9. write ... down 10. write to 5.句子翻译1. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.2. I warned you not to walk home alone.3. She is wearing school uniform today.4. They warmly welcomed the new volunteers.5. The book is well worth reading.6. The hall is 18 meters wide.7. I'm not worried about him; he can take care of himself.8. We moved to Paris, where we lived for 6 years.9. Whether you like it or not, I am going.10. He has put on/gained weight since he gave up /quitted smoking.。



(2)on the basis of (6)are aware of (10)became of
(3)because of (7)believe in
(4)begging for (8)are blessed with
(1)You should avoid mentioning his mistake again . (2)The noise keeps everyone awake.
(5)account (10)appreciate
(1)一 (5)BCCDC
(6) 一 (10)BACAA
3.词组填空 (1)adapt to (6)is against
(2)was accused of (7)are aimed at
(3)add up to (8)were about to
(7)burst out
(8)burst into (9)burnt down
(10)build up
(1)I don ’ t like to borrow money from frien.ds
(2)Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.
(3)His brother was born blind . (5)The government is trying to bring prices down.
(5)conclusion (10)confidence
(1)concentrate on (2)comment on
(3)are concerned about
(4)consist of (5)am content with



2024届高考英语3500词汇专项练习12(含答案)【暑假逆袭必备】高考英语3500词汇专项练习,积累正当时!12第12课时(hat — innocent)一. 词性转换1. head n. 头;脑子;首脑;前端v. (朝……)前进;位居……的首位;在……前列___________ n. 头痛___________ n. 头饰___________ n. (车辆的)前灯,车头灯___________ n. (报纸的)标题v. 扮演主角___________ n. 部落的首领___________ n. 男校长___________ n. 耳机___________ adv. (时间、空间)向前,在前面2. health n. 健康(状况);健康___________ n. 医疗保健___________ adj. 健康的;有益健康的___________ adj. 不健康的;虚弱的___________ adv. 健康地___________ adj. 有益于健康的3. hear v. 听到;聆听;得知___________ n. 听话人;听者___________ n. 听觉;审讯4. heart n. 心(脏);内心___________ n. 痛心,伤心___________ n. 心跳,心搏___________ n. 心碎,悲伤;极度失望___________ adj. 极度伤心的,悲伤的,心碎的___________ v. 使高兴;使振奋,鼓舞___________ adj. 热情友好的___________ adv. 开怀地;完全地___________ adj. 无情的,冷酷的___________ adj. 令人欣喜的,暖人心房的5. help v. 帮助;(使)(形势)改善n. 帮助;有帮助的人(物)___________ n. 帮手;助手___________ adj. 有用的;乐于助人的___________ adj. (食物的)一份___________ adj. 无助的;情不自禁的___________ n. 求助(咨询)热线6. hesitate v. 犹豫,踌躇,迟疑___________ n. 犹豫,踌躇,迟疑___________ adj. 犹豫的,迟疑的,有疑虑的___________ adv. 犹豫地7. high adj. 高的adv. (离地面)高高地;(价值、成本、数量等)高高地n. (价格、数字、温度等的)最高点,最高水平___________ adj. 苏格兰高地的___________ n. 苏格兰高地___________ v. 使……突出,使注意力集中于n. 最突出(精彩)的部分(场面)___________ adv. 非常;高度地___________ adj. 给人很大压力的,非常紧张的___________ n. (尤美)公路___________ n. 身高;(离地面的)高度;高处___________ v. (使)加强,(使)增加8. history n. 历史;发展史___________ n. 历史学家;史学工___________ adj. (地方或建筑)古老的;历史上重要的___________ adj. (有关)历史的;历史上的9. home n. 家;家庭;本国adv. 到家,回家;在家adj. 家的;家用的___________ n. 祖国,家乡___________ adj. 无家可归的___________ adj. 简单舒适的___________ adj. 自制的,家里做的___________ n. 家乡,故乡___________ n. (学生的)家庭作业,功课10. honest adj. 诚实的;坦诚的,直率的___________ adv. 真的,的确(强调所说的真实性,即使可能让人吃惊)___________ n. 诚实,正直;坦诚11. honor (honour) n. 光荣;荣誉;荣誉称号v. (做某事)感到荣幸;表彰___________ (___________) adj. (行为或活动)光荣的;品德高尚的___________ n. 获奖者;受勋者___________ adj. (称号、头衔或学位的)荣誉的12. hope v. 希望,期望,指望n. 希望;希望发生的事;机会___________ adj. 抱有希望的;给人希望的___________ adv. 有望___________ adj. 无望的___________ adv. (强调情况的糟糕程度)没有希望地;完全地13. house n. 房屋;住宅v. 让……居住;给……提供住房___________ n. 一家人;同住一幢房子的人adj. 家庭的;家用的;家务的___________ n. 管家___________ n. 家务;后勤___________ n. 家务(劳动)___________ n. 住房;住房条件14. human adj. (尤指与机器或动物相对的)人的;人类的___________ adj. 人道的,仁慈的___________ n. 人道主义;人本主义___________ n. 人,人类(总称);仁慈___________ v. 使(场所、制度)人性化;使仁慈___________ n. 人类15. hurry v. 赶紧;催促;急送n. 匆匆忙忙,仓促,赶时间___________ adj. 匆忙完成的,赶出来的16. ideal adj. 理想的;想象的n. 理想___________ (___________) v. 把……理想化;把……视为理想___________ (___________) n. 理想化___________ n. 理想主义___________ n. 理想主义者;空想家___________ adj. 理想主义(者)的;空想的___________ adv. 理想地17. identify v. 认出,识别(某人或某物);确定;发现___________ adj. 完全相同的;非常相似的___________ adj. 可识别的,可辨认的___________ n. 身份证明(文件);(对某物的)确定,发现___________ n. 身份;(区别人或群体的)特性;(两件事物的)相同,一致18. ignore v. (故意对知道的事)置之不理;不顾;忽视___________ adj. 无知的;愚昧的___________ adv. 无知地___________ n. 无知;愚昧19. illustrate v. (举例)说明,阐明;给(书籍、文章等)作插图___________ n. (书籍、文章等中的)插图,图解;实例,例证___________ adj. 起说明作用的;(帮助人理解的)图解的___________ n. (尤指图书的)插图画家20. imagine v. 想象;胡思乱想;(不肯定或没有根据地)猜想___________ n. 想象力___________ adj. 可想象到的(用于强调)___________ adj. 想象的,虚构的___________ adj. 富有想象力的21. immediate adj. 立刻的;目前的;紧接的___________ adv. 即刻,马上conj. 一……就22. impress v. 使钦佩;使留下深刻印象___________ n. (对人、事的)印象,感想___________ adj. (尤因年轻而)易受影响的___________ n. 印象主义,印象派___________ adj. 令人钦佩的;给人深刻印象的23. improve v. 改善,改进___________ adj. 已改善的,有改进的___________ n. 改善,改进,提高;改进之处24. include v. 包括,包含;把……算入___________ adj. 包括在内的___________ prep. 包括(其中)___________ n. 包含,包括___________ adj. (价格或费用)包括一切的;范围广的25. increase v. 增加;增大;提高n. 增加,增多;增长___________ adv. 不断增加地;越来越多地26. indicate v. 表明,显示___________ n. 迹象;标示___________ adj. 显示出;表明;象征n. (动词的)陈述语气___________ n. 指示物;指示者27. individual adj. 单独的;(风格、做事方式等)独特的n. 个人,个体___________ n. 个人主义___________ n. 我行我素的人,特立独行的人___________ n. 个性;特性___________ adj. 个性化的___________ adv. 分别地,各自地___________ v. 使有区别,使与众不同28. industry n. 工业;(工业的)从业人员;(某一)行业___________ adj. 工业的;产业工人的___________ n. 工业主义___________ adj. 勤劳的,勤奋的___________ adv. 勤劳地29. infect v. 传染(疾病)给人;污染(使致病)___________ adj. (身体或伤口)受感染的;(食品、水等)受细菌污染的___________ adj. 传染性的___________ n. (由细菌或病毒造成对身体某部位的)感染30. infer v. (根据资料)推断,推定___________ n. 推论,推断的结果31. influence n. 影响(力),作用;有影响的人(物)v. 影响(某人或某事)___________ adj. 有影响力的___________ n. 流行性感冒32. inform v. (正式)通知,告知(某人)___________ n. 告发者,告密者(尤指为了金钱)___________ n. 情报,资料,消息___________ adj. 消息灵通的;见多识广的33. initial adj. 开始的,最初的n. 名字的首字母___________ adv. 起初34. initiate v. 开始实施;使认识___________ n. (正式程序、新计划等的)发起,实施___________ n. 主动性;计划;主动权35. injure v. 使受伤;弄伤___________ n. (身体上的)伤,损害___________ adj. 受伤的___________ adj. 有害的,致伤的二. 易混词辨析1. ___________ n. 马___________ n. 房屋;住宅v. 让……居住;给……提供住房2. ___________ n. 想法;构思;注意___________ adj. 理想的;想象的n. 理想3. ___________ v. 增加;增大;提高n. 增加,增多;增长___________ v. (使)变小,(使)减少n. 减少;减少的量三. 单项选择1. — Stop walking up and down like that!— I can’t ________ it. I’m really nervous.A. hideB. helpC. increaseD. ignore2. She had me _________ all kinds of jobs for her.A. doingB. to doC. doneD. am doing3. In the summer of 2023, the city of Chongqing was badly _________ bya drought.A. hurtB. howledC. hitD. hooked4. India is the _________ of elephants and tigers.A. innB. houseC. hostD. home5. I want to know what you decide to do, so keep me _________.A. informB. informedC. to informD. informing6. Can you imagine __________ across the big desertA. Tom goingB. Tom goesC. Tom goneD. Tom to go7. Everyone’s going to the church, __________.A. includes youB. you’re includedC. you includedD. to include you8. ________ the head teacher came in, the noisy students stopped talking.A. ImmediatelyB. At onceC. HurriedlyD. In a hurry9. I get the impression _______ we’re not wanted here.A. ifB. thatC. whetherD. what10. The traffic going into London was very __________.A. hugeB. highC. initialD. heavy四. 词组翻译1. sb had better do sth ________________2. hang sb’s head ________________3. mental health problems ________________4. without hesitation ________________5. speak/think highly of ________________6. make history ________________7. to be honest ________________8. in honour of ________________9. at any hour of the day and night ________________10. sense of humour ________________11. in a hurry ________________12. break the ice ________________13. be identical with ________________14. have an impact on ________________15. inch by inch ________________用上面的10个短语的正确形式完成下列句子(1) The ingredients _______________ those of competing products.(2) _____________, he lowered himself from the roof.(3) Washington, a state in the United States, was named _______________ one of the greatest American presidents.(4) I had no reason to _________________. I had nothing to be ashamed of.(5) _________________, the old man jumped into the river to save the drowning young woman.(6) It is vital to have a _____________ in this job.(7) Lindbergh _________________ when he flew across the Atlantic.(8) If you have a problem, you know you can call__________________________________.(9) ______________, it is one of the worst books I’ve ever read.(10) Sam’s arrival ______________ and people began to talk and laugh.五. 单句语法填空1. The report ________ (highlight) the major problems facing society today.2. Anger flooded through her. She couldn’t hold it __________.3. Sara sat on the floor, __________ (hug) her knees.4. Increased levels of fat in the diet could __________ (height) the risk of cancer.5. Everyone on the team gave __________ hundred percent.6. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was __________(hope).7. The solution to this problem is not __________ (immediate) obvious.8. The collection is currently __________ (house) in the British Museum.9. We must protect older people from harm, whether it is real or ________ (imagine).10. He was gone before they knew __________ had hit them.六. 佳句翻译1. ________________________________ to welcome the respected guests.(我有幸发表演说)(honour)2. The first time she visited Guilin,________________________________________________.(那里的景色给她留下了非常深刻的印象)(impress)3. Consumption boomed in China on Thursday — _________________________________ — benefiting tourism, entertainment, transportation and catering sectors in particular, which experts said will help facilitate the country’s economic recovery and growth.(端午节假期首日)(holiday)4. ____________________________, so are the ants. What are you industrious for (光勤劳是不够的)(industrious)5. Your English is much better, _____________________________________________________.(但还有提高的空间)(improvement)参考答案一. 词性转换1. headache; headdress; headlight; headline; headman; headmaster; headphones; ahead2. healthcare; healthy; unhealthy; healthily; healthful3. hearer; hearing4. heartache; heartbeat; heartbreak; heartbroken; hearten; hearty; heartily; heartless; heartwarming5. helper; helpful; helping; helpless; helpline6. hesitation; hesitant; hesitantly7. highland; highlands; highlight; highly; high-pressure; highway; height; heighten8. historian; historic; historical9. homeland; homeless; homely; homemade; hometown; homework10. honestly; honesty11. honorable (honourable); honoree; honorary12. hopeful; hopefully; hopeless; hopelessly13. household; housekeeper; housekeeping; housework; housing14. humane; humanism; humanity; humanize; humankind15. hurried16. idealize (idealise); idealization (idealisation); idealism; idealist; idealistic; ideally17. identical; identifiable; identification; identity18. ignorant; ignorantly; ignorance19. illustration; illustrative; illustrator20. imagination; imaginable; imaginary; imaginative21. immediately22. impression; impressionable; impressionism; impressive23. improved; improvement24. included; including; inclusion; inclusive25. increasingly26. indication; indicative; indicator27. individualism; individualist; individuality; individualized; individually; individuate28. industrial; industrialism; industrious; industriously29. infected; infectious; infection30. inference31. influential; influenza32. informer; information; informed33. initially34. initiation; initiative35. injury; injured; injurious二. 易混词辨析1. horse; house2. idea; ideal3. increase; decrease三. 单项选择1-5 BACDB 6-10 ACABD四. 词组翻译1. 某人最好做某事2. 垂下头3. 精神健康问题4. 毫不犹豫地5. 高度评价,高度赞扬6. 创造历史7. 老实说;说实话8. 为了纪念,为向……表示敬意9. 在任何时间,随时10. 幽默感11. 匆匆忙忙,仓促12. 打破沉默13. 与……完全相同;与……一致14. 对……产生影响15. (移动)一点一点地,缓慢地(1) are identical with (2) Inch by inch(3) in honour of (4) hang my head(5) Without any hesitation (6) sense of humor(7) made history (8) at any hour of the day and night(9) To be honest (10) broke the ice五. 单句语法填空1. highlights2. back3. hugging4. heighten5. a6. hopeless7. immediately8. housed9. imaginary 10. what六. 佳句翻译1. I have the honour to make a speech2. she was deeply impressed by the scenery there3. the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday4. It is not enough to be industrious5. but there’s still room for improvement。



2024届高考英语3500词汇专项练习10(含答案)【暑假逆袭必备】高考英语3500词汇专项练习,积累正当时!10第10课时(fear — fundamental)一. 词性转换1. fear v. 害怕;畏惧;惧怕n. 害怕;惧怕;担忧___________ adj. 担心的;害怕的___________ adv. 恐惧地;害怕地___________ adj. 无畏的;不怕的___________ adj. 可怕的;吓人的2. feed v. 喂养;给……施肥;供给___________ n. 反馈意见3. feel v. (felt, felt) 感受到;注意到;(通过触摸等)感觉n. 感觉___________ n. 感觉,感触;看法,态度4. fight v. (fought, fought) 战斗;(与……)打架;努力争取;极力反对n. 打斗;斗争___________ n. 战斗机;战士___________ n. 战斗;打斗5. final adj. 最后的;最终的n. (一场)决赛___________ n. (演出的)终场;(音乐的)终曲;(时间等的)结尾___________ n. 定局,终结___________ (___________) v. 最后定下,使(计划、交易等)确定___________ adv. 最后,终于6. finance v. 为……提供资金n. 财政,金融;资金___________ adj. 财政的,金融的;财务的___________ n. 财政家,金融家7. find v. 发现;发觉n. (偶然)发现的好东西;(有用的)发现物___________ n. (失物或赃物的)寻得者,发现者___________ n. 研究(努力等)的结果;发现8. fine adj. 令人满意的;健康的;很好的adv. (尤口)很好;做得不错v. 对……处以罚款n. 罚金,罚款___________ adv. 细微地;精确地;精美地___________ v. 对(机器、系统、计划等)进行微调,精密调节9. fish n. 鱼;鱼肉v. 捕鱼,钓鱼___________ n. 玻璃鱼缸___________ n. 钓鱼者;渔民,渔夫___________ n. 鱼钩___________ n. 钓鱼;捕鱼___________ n. 鱼商;鱼贩10. fit v. (对某人)合身;(尺寸或形状)合适;安装adj. (尤指因经常锻炼而)健康的;合适的,恰当的n. 合身,适合;匹配,相配___________ n. 健壮,健康;适合,恰当___________ adj. (按照特定空间)定做的;适合的,称职的___________ adj. 不适于;不适合___________ adj. 合适的;恰当的___________ n. 装配工,修理工11. flexible adj. 灵活的,可变通的___________ adj. 缺乏弹性的;僵化的___________ n. 灵活性12. flower v. 开花n. 花;开花植物___________ n. 花坛___________ n. 花盆___________ adj. 用花卉图案装饰的;花香的13. fluent adj. 熟练的,流利的___________ adv. 流利地___________ n. 流利,流畅14. focus n. 焦点;中心点v. (把……)集中(于);(把)(眼睛)对准___________ (___________) adj. 集中注意力的;聚精会神的15. follow v. 跟着;在……后发生;听从___________ n. 信徒,追随者,支持者___________ adj. (时间上)接着的n. (统称)拥护者,追随者prep. 在……以后;由于16. foreign adj. 外国的;对外的___________ n. 外国人17. forget (forgot, forgotten) v. 忘记;遗忘___________ adj. 健忘的,不记事的___________ adj. 易被忘记的;无聊的___________ adj. 难以忘怀的;令人难忘的18. forgive (forgave, forgiven) v. 原谅;宽恕;饶恕___________ adj. 可宽恕的,可原谅的___________ n. 原谅;宽恕___________ adj. 宽容的,宽大的___________ adj. 不饶人的;不宽容的___________ adj. 被遗忘的19. form n. 种类;形式;形状v. 建立;(尤指经过自然过程而)形成,产生___________ adj. 官方的;正式的;庄重的___________ (___________) v. 使(计划、决定或想法)正式化;使定形___________ n. 正式手续;例行公事___________ adv. 正式地;礼貌地___________ n. (电视节目或会议等的)安排,形式___________ adj. 无形状的,无定形的20. fortune n. 巨款;运气;机遇;命运___________ n. 厄运;不幸___________ adj. 幸运的;侥幸的___________ adj. 不幸的;倒霉的___________ adv. 幸运地;幸亏___________ adv. 不幸地;遗憾地;可惜地21. free adj. 免费的;自由的;有空的;不含……的v. 释放;解放;解救adv. 免费地___________ n. 自由(指权利)___________ adv. 自由地;畅通地___________ adj. worked out B. Fortunately; worked outC. Fortunate; figured outD. Fortunately; figured out四. 词组翻译1. for fear that ________________2. feed back ________________3. with great feeling ________________4. rise to one’s feet ________________5. at the foot of ________________6. fight for ________________7. figure out ________________8. fill in ________________9. put out a / the fire ________________10. keep fit ________________11. fix one’s eyes on ________________12. focus on ________________13. as follows ________________e into force ________________free from ________________用上面的10个短语的正确形式完成下列句子(1) I saw two boys ___________________ at the same time to answer the question.(2) I can’t ____________ what it is that makes him so depressed recently.(3) Luckily, the firefighters __________________ in time.(4) He put on his coat _______________ he (should) catch cold.(5) Those who apply for the position are expected to __________ the application form.(6) Chang spoke _______________ about the injustices of the regime.(7) Even the wise are not always ____________ error.(8) I am grateful to all those who ____________ their comments.(9) _______________ a mountain is a small cottage.(10) When it comes to the effect, it will help you to enhance the sense of _______________ but it may cause you to be overly anxious.五. 单句语法填空1. The historical lesson written in blood is not ___________ (forget).2. All the victims have now __________ (free) from the wreckage.3. She rose with the __________ (fluency) movement of an athlete.4. The Federal Reserve Bank __________ (forecast) that the economy will grow by 2% this year.5. __________ (frank), I think the Internet is overrated.6. The __________ (finance) for the deal has been approved in principle.7. To find __________ more, visit our website.8. Everyone was relaxed and the conversation __________ (flow) freely.9. The handbooks ________ (file) away for future reference.10. Local schools have joined __________ (force) with each other to share facilities.六. 佳句翻译1. Health and environmental problems ________________________________.(日益成为关注的焦点)(increasingly; focus)2. The zoo is making all the efforts to ___________________________________________.(使这些大熊猫感觉像在家一样)(feel)3. In China, ___________________________________________________________ __________, which symbolizes unity, prosperity and new hopes for thefuture.(春节是最重要,也是最热闹的古老节日之一)(the Spring Festival)4. She doesn’t understand people ____________________________________________________.(热衷于足球或其他体育运动的人)(follow; football)5. Marston’s book ___________________________________________________________ __.(让你体味16世纪的生活)(flavour)参考答案一. 词性转换1. fearful; fearfully; fearless; fearsome2. feedback3. feeling4. fighter; fighting5. finale; finality; finalize (finalise); finally6. financial; financier7. finder; finding8. finely; fine-tune9. fishbowl; fisherman; fishhook; fishing; fishmonger10. fitness; fitted; unfitted; fitting; fitter11. inflexible; flexibility12. flowerbed; flowerpot; flowery13. fluently; fluency14. focussed (focused)15. follower; following16. foreigner17. forgetful; forgettable; unforgettable18. forgivable; forgiveness; forgiving; unforgiving; forgotten19. formal; formalize (formalise); formality; formally; format; formless20. misfortune; fortunate; unfortunate; fortunately; unfortunately21. freedom; freely; freehand; freelance; freestyle; freeway22. freezer; freezing23. frequent; frequently24. freshen; freshman; freshwater; refresh25. friendless; friendly; friendship26. frighten; frightened; frightening; frightful; frightfully27. frontal; frontier28. funny29. functional; functionalism; functionary30. funding; funder; fundraiser31. fundamentally; fundamentals二. 易混词辨析1. feel; fell2. fellow; follow3. fill; full4. flavour (flavor); favour (favor)5. formal; former6. found; fund7. fresh; flesh三. 单项选择1-5 BBCDA 6-10 BAACB四. 词组翻译1. 以免2. 反馈3. 情绪激愤地4. 站起身5. 在……脚下6. 为……而战斗(斗争)7. 想出,理解;弄明白,看透8. 填写9. 灭火10. 保持健康11. 注视;凝视12. 集中于13. 如下14. 生效,开始实施15. 使摆脱;免于;解放(1) rising to their feet (2) figure out(3) put out the fire (4) for fear that(5) fill in (6) with great feeling(7) free from (8) fed back(9) At the foot of (10) keeping fit五. 单句语法填空1. forgettable2. been freed3. fluent4. forecasts5. Frankly6. financing7. out8. flowed9. are filed 10. forces六. 佳句翻译1. have become increasingly the focus of attention2. make the pandas feel at home3. the Spring Festival is one of the most significant and lively ancient festivals4. who follow football or any other kind of sport5. gives you a flavour of life in the 16th century第11页共11页。





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会计学原理课后习题答案第一章一、1、A2、A3、C4、A5、C6、B7、A8、A9、B 10、A11、A 12、B 13、C 14、A 15、A二、1.ABC2.ABCD3.ABC4.BC5.AD6.ABCD7.BC8.BC9.AD 10.BC三、1.×2.×3.×4.×5. ×6. ×7.√8.×9.×10.×第二章一、1、B2、B3、C4、C5、A6、D7、A8、A9、B 10、D二、1.AD2.BC3.BCD4.AB5. ABCD三、1.×2.×3.×4.×5. √6. ×7.√8.×9.×10. √四、1.(1)资产=3 500+69 700+46 000+58 000+200 000+50 000=427 200负债=50 000+38 700+65 000+6 000+40 000+27 500=227 200所有者权益=100000+50000+50000=200 000(2)资产247 200=负债227 200+所有者权益200 000=427 200(3)净资产+资产-负债=427200-227200=200000(4)流动资产=3 500+69 700+46 000+58 000=177 200流动负债=38 700+65 000+6 000+40 000+27 500=177 200长期负债=50 0002.(1)30 000(2)12 150(3)3 250(4)404 750(5)20 000(6)52 800(7)0(8)100 000(2)资产总额=1000+66000+33000+500+143200+50000+40000+600+4000+200000-94000=444300(3)负债总额=200+700+60 000+50 200=111 100(4)会计恒等式成立.(5)所有者权益=240 000,利润=96000-2800=93200,资产=负债+所有者权益+利润即:444300=111100+240000+93200第三章一、1、B2、B3、B4、D5、D6、B7、B8、A9、B 10、A11、C 12、A二、1. ABC2. ABCD3.BCD4.AB5. C三、1. √2.×3. √4.×5. ×6. ×7. ×8.√9.√10. √四、1.(1)借:原材料 8000贷:银行存款 8000(2)借:原材料 8000贷:银行存款 8000(3)借:银行存款50000贷:应收账款 50000(4)借:银行存款70000贷:主营业务收入 70000(5)借:管理费用 6000贷:银行存款 6000(6)借:银行存款50000贷:实收资本 50000(7)借:银行存款1800贷:库存现金 1800(8)新会计准则提倡的做法:借:管理费用6000贷:银行存款 6000中国传统中会这样记账:或者:借:其他应收款 6000贷:银行存款 6000或者:借:预付帐款 6000贷:银行存款 6000或者:借:待摊费用 6000贷:银行存款 6000(9)借:原材料 8000贷:银行存款 8000(10)借:短期借款 90000贷:银行存款 900002.(1)收回供应单位前欠货款2000元。







在数学上,我们用lim表示极限,记作lim f(x) = A,其中f(x)是自变量x的函数,A是一个常数。

例1:求lim(x->0) sin(x)/x。


将分子和分母分别求导,得到lim(x->0) cos(x)/1 = 1。



例2:求f(x) = x^3的导数。

解:f'(x) = 3x^2。


记作df(x) = f'(x)dx。

例3:求f(x) = x^3的微分。

解:df(x) = 3x^2dx。




解:∫(x^2)dx = (1/3)x^3+C,其中C为常数。









My sister is quite _______ and plans to get an M。


degree within one year。


aggressive B. enthusiastic C. admirable D. ambitious【答案】D【解祈】句意:我姐姐相当有抱负,计划在一年内拿到硕士学位。

aggressive好斗的,侵略的;admirable令人钦佩的,值得赞赏的;considerate体贴的,周到的;ambitious有雄心的,雄心勃勃的.2.In business negotiation, an _______ attitude may result in breaking therelationship with our partner while a too frank communication may bring a company into an unfavorable situation.A. accessibleB. aggressiveC. allergic D。



高考英语3500单词配套练习第 1 课时(abandon— amount) 1. 单词拼写(1) The capta in gave the order to a ______ the ship because it was sinking.(2) Pla nts a _____ carb on dioxide and give off oxyge n.(3) Tim was look ing through an old photo a _________ , with pictures of Christmas.(4) I ' m sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a ________ ; I mean I did not intend to do it.(5) rve ope ned an a ___________ with the Agricultural Bank of China.(6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all a _________ about his safety.(7) He has never achieved his a ______________ ( 夙愿,目标)of becoming a famous writer.(8) She was born without the a __________ ( 能力)to speak.(9) Shelly speaks with a slight a _______ ( 口音).(10) I'd __________ it if you give me an early reply.( 感激) 2. 单项选择(1) I ' d like to do more gardening, but I never seem _________ to find the time.A. aboutB. ableC. activeD. accurate(2) Slavery was ______ in the US in the 19th cen tury, and slaves were give n equal fights.A. absorbedB. abusedC. abolishedD. adopted(3) A billi on people in the world will not have ________ to clea n drinking water.A. actionB. adva neeC. accessD. agreeme nt(4) Dana admitted ________ hurt by what I had said.A. to feelB. feltC. havi ng feltD. feel ing(5) I could n ' t __________ the rent on my own; I want to find some one to share the roomA. aimB. allowC. affordD. advise(6) The couple are un able to have childre n of their own, but hope to ________ oneA. adaptB. adoptC. advertiseD. acquire(7) This book teaches you how to ________ what is caus ing the stress in your life.A. an alyzeB. affectC. advocateD. admire(8) _________ music, he also develops a strong love for pain ti ng.A. An ythi ng butB. All butC. Apart fromD. In adva nee(9) He is a man full of __________ . He dares to run risks.A. adve ntureB. adolesce neeC. accommodati onD. anni versary(10) Max is hardwork ing, cheerful, and ________ hon est.A. above allB. after allC. at allD. all in all 3. 词组填空(必要时改变词形)take acti on, be aimed at, be addicted to, adapt to, be aga in st, agree with, be justabout to, add up to, take adva ntage of, be accused of(1) The childre n are finding it hard to the new school. __________(2) The professor ___________ stealing his student ' s ideas.(3) The numbers exactly 100.(4) Your story doesn ' t _______________ ave told us.(5) I ____________ o pai nt the door.(6) The use of drugs ____________ the law; it ________ ' s illegal.(7) These measures ____________ rimes.(8) We ____________ leave when Jerry arrived.(9) The gover nment must ___________ now to stop the rise in road accide nts.(10) Some kids __________________________________ surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.4. 完成句子(写到作业本上)(1) Tom __________________ nager.( 缺席(abse nt)(2) _________________ s happe ningoutside.( 全神贯注于工作中)(absorb)(3) Only whe n you realize the importa nee of dilige nee, _______ . _______________________ (你才有可能达到目标)(achieve)(4) With the price of goods going high, the livi ng expe nses.( ___________ 增加了人们的经济负担)(add to)(5) I believe that through hard work, I _____________ J ______________________________会被重点大学录取)(admit)(6) We should make full use of time to _____________ J ______________________________我们所学的东西用于实践)(apply)(7) _______________________ nget together happily.( 随着中秋节的来临)(approach)(8) You should ______________________ when caus ing trouble to ___________others.( 为所作的事道歉)(apologize)(9) You should n't have made him被如此小事所烦恼)(annoy)(10) Stude nts in our school _________________ g ood resources __________________ in the library.( 有机会使用)(access)高考英语3500单词配套练习第 2 课时(ample ~ average )1. 单词拼写(1) He made funny faces to a _______________ the children.(2) You need to sit down and a _________________ (分析)why you feel so upset.(3) My a ____________ (祖先)originally came from Ireland.(4) The show attracts an a ________________ (观众)of about 20 million(5) The family are making a _________________ (安排)for his birthday party.(6) The tall buildi ng was desig ned by the famous a _____________ Frank Lloyd Wright .(7) You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a ______ . ____(8) Ann wants to be an a _____________________ . Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?(9) It was discovered that three of the Olympic a _____________ had taken drugs.(10) The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a ____________ in January.2. 单项选择(1) The gover nment has _______ p la ns to create 10,000 new jobs.A. an sweredB. announcedC. approvedD. assumed(2) I kn ocked at the door and n obody _______ .A. appliedB. apologizedC. an sweredD. argued(3) The bright colors can make a small room _______ much bigger.A. ariseB. arra ngeC. no ticeD. appear(4) 1 don ' t need any help, but I do _________ your offer.A. applyB. appreciateC. annoyD. appeal(5) Hele n left her last job and has yet to find _______ .A. elseB. otherC. ano therD. extra(6) ---Hello, is ________ home? ---Yes. We ' re here.A. anyoneB. oneC. n obodyD. some one(7) Ca n you do the job alone , or do you want some one to ___________ you?A. affectB. assistC. applyD. arrange(8) He decided to adopt a differe nt _______ a nd teach history through story-telli ng.A. an alysisB. an gleC. attitudeD. approach(9) The age of the stude nts ran ged from 17 to 21 with a/a n _____ of 19.A. averageB. usualC. no rmalD. regular(10) Lily hoped she would pass her drivi ng test at the first _______ .A. aspectB. attemptC. effortD. attack3. 改变词形(1) The school carried out an (an alyze) of pupils ' n eeds.(2) There were puzzles and games to keep the childre n (amuse).(3) Silenee , please . Mr. Bennett is about to make an (announce).(4) After an (an xiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe.(5) She rushed into the hotel , (apology) for being so late.(6) Wome n are more concerned tha n men about their pers onal (appear).(7) I broke the vase duri ng an (argue) with my husba nd.(8) She was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on ______________(arrive).(9) He was one of 30 _____________ (apply) for the manager ' s job.(10) The young man was accused of (attempt) murder.4. 选词填空(必要时改变词形)(写到作业本上)atmosphere arra nge attracts available an cie nt ashamed attack atte nd armed area(1) Man has used the horse since _________________ times.(2) The hotel tries to give the restaura nt a more family-frie ndly ______ . _____(3) What _____________ me to the job is the salary and the chanee to travel .(4) We n eed some one to work on this job immediately . Whd s _______________ ?(5) A smoker has three times the risk of hav ing a heart _____________ t ha n a non smoker.(6) After ______________ church, the family would go home for dinner.(7) She was so ______________ of cheati ng on the test that she went and told the teacher.(8) If you have a lot of things to do , just make a list and ______________ them in order of importa nee.(9) The crowd themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.(10) The room is 12 square meters in .5. 句子翻译(写到作业本上)1) 他由于粗心驾驶而被捕。






3300 练习1词汇专练1. I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso. It's only a copy and so it’s _____。


priceless B。

invaluable C。

unworthy D. worthless2. The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday. A。

action B. performance C。

view D。


To get my travelers' checks I had to have the bank _____ a special check for the total amount.A. make up B。

make out C. make for D。

make up for4。

I used to be able to play well but I’m _____ now.A. out of date B。

out of touch C. out of practice D. out of place5。

As soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.A. woke B。

江苏高考3500词暑期每日晨读材料与练习与解析02 Word版含答案

江苏高考3500词暑期每日晨读材料与练习与解析02  Word版含答案

2018 届江苏高考3500 词汇综合练精品系列02(晨读材料)(acid—affair)acid n.酸adj. ①酸的,有酸味的:Lemons have an acid taste.柠檬有酸味。

②尖刻的:acid remarks刻薄话acknowledge vt.①承认:acknowledge one’s fault认错,赔不是I acknowledge the truth of his statement.我承认他说的是事实。

②(公)认为:He was acknowledged to be as the best player.他被公认为是最佳选手。

acquire vt. ①获得,取得:She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.她认真学习而精通英语。

②拥有,得到:Our company has recently acquired a new office building in Chicago.我们公司最近在芝加哥得到了一栋新办公楼。

acquisition n.①U获得:He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.他把时间花在获取知识上。

②得到的东西,得到的人:This motor-scooter is my latest acquisition.这辆摩托车是我最新购置的。

acre n.英亩:The total area of a soccer field is about two acres.一个足球场的总面积大约为两英亩。

across prep.①穿过,到……的另一边:There is a bridge across the river.河的两边有桥相连。

②在……的另一边:The bus stop is just across the street.公共汽车站就在街道的那边。

备战高考英语必背词汇3500词配套练习 答案解析版 2

备战高考英语必背词汇3500词配套练习 答案解析版 2

备战高考英语必背词汇3500词配套练习第2课时(ample~average)1.单词拼写(1)He made funny faces to a the children.(2)You need to sit down and a(分析)why you feel so upset.(3)My a(祖先)originally came from Ireland.(4)The show attracts an a(观众)of about20million.(5)The family are making a(安排)for his birthday party.(6)The tall building was designed by the famous a Frank Lloyd Wright.(7)You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a.(8)Ann wants to be an a.Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?(9)It was discovered that three of the Olympic a had taken drugs.(10)The couple celebrated their20th wedding a in January.2.单项选择(1)The government has_________plans to create10,000new jobs.A.answeredB.announcedC.approvedD.assumed(2)I knocked at the door and nobody_________.A.appliedB.apologizedC.answeredD.argued(3)The bright colors can make a small room_________much bigger.A.ariseB.arrangeC.noticeD.appear(4)I don’t need any help,but I do_________your offer.A.applyB.appreciateC.annoyD.appeal(5)Helen left her last job and has yet to find_________.A.elseB.otherC.anotherD.extra(6)---Hello,is_________home?---Yes.We’re here.A.anyoneB.oneC.nobodyD.someone(7)Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to_________you?A.affectB.assistC.applyD.arrange(8)He decided to adopt a different_________and teach history through story-telling.A.analysisB.angleC.attitudeD.approach(9)The age of the students ranged from17to21with a/an_________of19.A.averageualC.normalD.regular(10)Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first_________.A.aspectB.attemptC.effortD.attack3.改变词形(1)The school carried out an(analyze)of pupils’needs.(2)There were puzzles and games to keep the children(amuse).(3)Silence,please.Mr.Bennett is about to make an(announce).(4)After an(anxiety)wait,Audrey was told that her son was safe.(5)She rushed into the hotel,(apology)for being so late.(6)Women are more concerned than men about their personal(appear).(7)I broke the vase during an(argue)with my husband.(8)She was rushed to the hospital,but was dead on(arrive).(9)He was one of30(apply)for the manager’s job.(10)The young man was accused of(attempt)murder.4.选词填空(必要时改变词形)(写到作业本上)(1)Man has used the horse since times.(2)The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly________.(3)What me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.(4)We need someone to work on this job immediately.Who’s?(5)A smoker has three times the risk of having a heart than a nonsmoker.(6)After church,the family would go home for dinner.(7)She was so of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.(8)If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and them in order of importance.(9)The crowd themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.(10)The room is12square meters in.5.句子翻译(写到作业本上)1)他由于粗心驾驶而被捕。

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##################【公共基础课-答案】####################新视野大学英语读写教程答案(全)【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=108&fromuid=745777概率论与数理统计教程 (茆诗松著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=234&fromuid=745777高等数学(第五版)含上下册高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=29&fromuid=745777新视野英语听力原文及答案课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=586&fromuid=745777线性代数 (同济大学应用数学系著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=31&fromuid=74577721世纪大学英语第3册(1-4)答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=285&fromuid=745777概率与数理统计第二,三版 (浙江大学盛骤谢式千潘承毅著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=32&fromuid=745777复变函数全解及导学[西安交大第四版]【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=142&fromuid=745777大学英语精读第三版2册课后习题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=411&fromuid=745777线性代数(第二版)习题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=97&fromuid=74577721世纪(第三册)课后答案及课文翻译(5-8)【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=365&fromuid=745777大学英语精读第2册课文翻译(上外)【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=598&fromuid=745777新视野英语视听说教程1-4答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2639&fromuid=745777物理学教程(马文蔚)答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1188&fromuid=745777毛邓三课后思考题答案(高教版)高等教育出版社【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1263 &fromuid=745777##################【通信/电子/电气/自动化类--答案】####################电路第四版 (邱关源著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=259&fromuid=745777电路第五版 (邱关源罗先觉著) 高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw_lxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=4097&fromuid=745777数字电子技术基础第四版 (阎石著) 高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw_lxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=215&fromuid=745777模拟电子技术基础(第三版华成英主编)习题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=242&fromuid=745777通信原理第5版 (樊昌信著) 国防工业出版社课后答案【khdaw_lxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=34&fromuid=745777电磁场与电磁波西安电子科技大学(第二版)/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=588&fromuid=745777《信号与系统》第二版(郑君里)高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw_lxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=994&fromuid=745777电机学 (张松林著) 机械工业出版社课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=356&fromuid=745777《数字信号处理》(第二版)西安电子科技大学(丁玉美)课后答案【khdaw_lxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=882&fromuid=745777高频电子线路 (曾兴雯著) 高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw_lxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1110&fromuid=745777模拟电子技术基础简明教程第三版 (杨素行著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=166&fromuid=745777##################【计算机/软件/网络/信息/数学类--答案】#################### C程序设计第三版 (谭浩强著) 清华大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=80&fromuid=745777C语言程序设计教程第三版 (谭浩强张基温著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=79&fromuid=745777复变函数与积分变换第四版 (张元林西安交大著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=612&fromuid=745777离散数学(第三版) (耿素云屈婉玲张立昂著) 清华大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=293&fromuid=745777谭浩强C++程序设计习题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=420&fromuid=745777《微机原理与接口技术》清华(冯博琴吴宁)版课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=707&fromuid=745777严蔚敏《数据结构(c语言版)习题集》答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=102&fromuid=745777数据库系统概论 (王珊萨师煊著) 清华大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=991&fromuid=745777《计算机网络第四版》答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=340&fromuid=745777《数学物理方法》(梁昆淼第二版)习题解答/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=334&fromuid=745777谢希仁版《计算机网络教程》课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=203&fromuid=745777清华大学《数据结构》习题+课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=249&fromuid=745777数据结构习题集(C版)答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=374&fromuid=745777刘绍学版《近世代数基础》课后习题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=177&fromuid=745777计算机组成原理习题&答案唐朔飞高等教育出版社【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=984&fromuid=745777离散数学 (左孝凌著) 上海科学技术文献出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=466&fromuid=745777计算机网络(第4版)清华(Andrew S.Tanenbaum)版答案(中文版)/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=201&fromuid=745777耿国华数据结构课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=103&fromuid=745777计算机操作系统 (汤子赢著) 西安电子科技大学课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1083&fromuid=745777《编译原理》课后习题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=175&fromuid=745777《常微分方程》王高雄高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=567&fromuid=745777##################【物理/光学/声学/热学/力学类--答案】#################### 理论力学第六版 (哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研室著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=932&fromuid=745777理论力学第六版 (哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研室编著) 高等教育出版社【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=461&fromuid=745777《热力学统计物理》汪志诚(第三版)高教出版社 (手抄版)习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=84&fromuid=745777原子物理学褚圣麟版课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=368&fromuid=745777《物理学教程》 (马文蔚著) 高等教育出版社【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2782&fromuid=745777《光学》姚启钧第三版高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=178&fromuid=745777大学物理实验报告与部分范例陈金太厦门大学【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2350&fromuid=745777梁昆淼数学物理方法第三版的课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2600&fromuid=745777《理论力学教程》周衍柏高等教育出版社完整版课后答案【khdawlxywyl】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=676&fromuid=745777固体物理 (黄昆版) 课后习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=339&fromuid=745777哈工大《理论力学》第6版 (赵诒枢尹长城沈勇著) 华中科技大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1033&fromuid=745777热力学统计物理汪志诚第三版高等教育出版课后答案【khdaw】《量子力学教程》周习勋课后习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=388&fromuid=745777《原子物理学》杨福家版部分答案高等教育出版社【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1065&fromuid=745777热力学·统计物理汪志诚高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=566&fromuid=745777《固体物理教程》王矜奉山东大学出版社课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1645&fromuid=745777##################【化学/环境/生物/医学/制药类--答案】#################### 物理化学 (董元彦著) 科学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=412&fromuid=745777化工原理 (陈敏恒著) 化学工业出版社课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=704&fromuid=745777生物化学第三版 (王镜岩朱圣庚著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=241&fromuid=745777遗传学第三版 (朱军著) 农业大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=39&fromuid=745777有机化学 (汪小兰著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=841&fromuid=745777武汉大学版《无机化学》(第三版) 上册【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=196&fromuid=745777有机化学 (徐寿昌著) 高教出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1752&fromuid=745777物理化学习题及答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=965&fromuid=745777有机化学第二版 (胡宏纹著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=41&fromuid=745777分析化学第三版武汉大学课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=199&fromuid=745777武汉大学版<无机化学>(第三版) 下册【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=200&fromuid=745777物理化学第四版 (傅献彩著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3611&fromuid=745777##################【土建/机械/车辆/制造/材料类--答案】#################### 西工大机械原理配套作业题答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=570&fromuid=745777机械设计基础(第五版) 杨可桢程光蕴李仲生高教版课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2316&fromuid=745777材料力学第4版(刘鸿文)答案(有附件)/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1931&fromuid=745777材料力学课后答案材料力学 (范钦珊主编著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=120&fromuid=745777机械设计基础(第五版) 答案7-18章杨可桢程光蕴李仲生/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2570&fromuid=745777《结构力学习题集》课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3016&fromuid=745777电工学第六版秦曾煌高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2986&fromuid=745777机械原理学习指南(第二版) (孙恒著) 课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=569&fromuid=745777机械原理高等教育出版社课后答案【khdaw_cola】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=664&fromuid=745777电力电子技术试题习题考题及答案题解【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1169&fromuid=745777机械原理习题+答案【khdaw_cola】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1210&fromuid=745777材料力学第四版 (刘鸿文著) 高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2461&fromuid=745777机械设计及答案【khdaw_cola】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1172&fromuid=745777材料力学(I)第四版(孙训方)高等教育出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=5342&fromuid=745777##################【经济/金融/营销/管理/电子商务类--答案】####################高鸿业版西方经济学习题答案(微观.宏观)【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=92&fromuid=745777西方经济学(微观部分) (高鸿业著) 中国人民大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2817&fromuid=745777袁卫统计学(第二版)习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=98&fromuid=745777曼昆《经济学原理》题目及课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=162&fromuid=745777统计学(贾俊平第二版)中国人民大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=42&fromuid=745777运筹学教程第三版 (甘应爱胡运权等著) 清华大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=7016&fromuid=745777高鸿业版西方经济学习题答案(第三版)/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1277&fromuid=745777西方经济学(宏观部分)第四版 (高鸿业著) 中国人民大学出版社课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=7171&fromuid=745777财务管理学课后答案荆新王化成中国人民大学出版社/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3433&fromuid=745777西方经济学课后答案 (高鸿业著) 人民大学出版社/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=6189&fromuid=745777克鲁格曼_国际经济学(第六版)的教师手册(含习题答案)/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=237&fromuid=745777微观经济学第二版 (高鸿业著) 西方经济学课后答案/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=577&fromuid=745777罗宾斯《管理学(第7版)》课后习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=513&fromuid=745777曼昆宏观经济学习题答案及讲义【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=115&fromuid=745777##################【法学/哲学/心理学/政治学类--答案】####################毛邓三课后答案(高教版) 课后答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1184&fromuid=745777《马克思主义基本原理概论》最新版课后题答案(部分)及复习资料【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1406&fromuid=745777马克思主义哲学原理课后习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=512&fromuid=745777马克思主义基本原理概论课后思考题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1145&fromuid=745777马基(马克思主义基本原理概论)课后思考题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1371&fromuid=745777《逻辑学》课后练习题及参考答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2980&fromuid=745777##################【文学/史学/外语/教育类--答案】#################### 《中国近现代史纲要》课后答案(高教版)【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1154&fromuid=745777《中国教育史》孙培青主编 (华东师范大学出版社)习题答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=89&fromuid=745777《大学日语》汉译日标准答案【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2954&fromuid=745777俄语模拟真题下载【khdaw】/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=859&fromuid=745777。
