音标拼读练习 (2)

爆破音组:[p]-[b] [t]-[d] [k]-[ɡ]“形象代言词”自己记录[ɑ:⁽ʳ⁾][ ]; [ɔ:] [ ]; [ɜ:⁽ʳ⁾][ ] [i:] [ ]; [u:][ ][ ʌ ] [ ]; [ ɒ ] [ ]; [ ə ] [ ] [ I ] [ ]; [ ʊ ] [ ]; [ e ] [ ] [ æ ] [ ][aɪ] [ ]; [eɪ] [ ]; [ɔɪ] [ ] [aʊ] [ ]; [əʊ] [ ]; [ɪə⁽ʳ⁾] [ ] [eə⁽ʳ⁾] [ ]; [ʊə⁽ʳ⁾] [ ][ p ] [ ]; [ b ] [ ]; [ t ] [ ] [ d ] [ ]; [ k ] [ ]; [ ɡ ] [ ] [ θ ] [ ]; [ ð ] [ ];[ f ] [ ] [ v ] [ ][ tr ] [ ]; [ dr ] [ ][ m ] [ ]; [ n ] [ ]; [ ŋ ] [ ] [ w ] [ ]; [ h ] [ ]; [ j ] [ ] [ l ] [ ]; [ r ] [ ];[ s ] [ ]; [ z ] [ ];[ ts ][ ] [dz] [ ];[ ʃ ] [ ];[ ʒ ] [ ]; [ ʧ ] [ ][ʤ] [ ]发音拼读训练——(单音节)准确拼读单词三大规律第一种:元音+辅音(发音时:用所有力气和声音把前面的元音发得响亮、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。
eight ask aim east each[eɪt] [ɑ:sk] [eɪm] [i:st] [i:tʃ]第二种:辅音+元音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体)shy how try show tee[ʃaɪ] [hau] [traɪ] [ʃəʊ] [ti:]第三种:辅音+元音+辅音(发音时:元音和辅音相拼,拼读成一个整体,声音有力、清晰,剩下一点点气流和力气把后面的辅音一带而过。

练习题一:一、根据音标写出对应的单词:1. /dɔg/ 答案:dog2. /kæt/ 答案:cat3. /θɪŋ/ 答案:thing4. /ʃɪp/ 答案:ship5. /bɪd/ 答案:bird二、根据单词写出对应的音标:1. orange 答案:/ˈɔrɪndʒ/2. tree 答案:/triː/3. fish 答案:/fɪʃ/4. spoon 答案:/spuːn/5. kite 答案:/kaɪt/练习题二:一、选出音标对应的单词:1. /b/: ( black ;bread ; blue )答案:black2. /f/: ( five ; fine ; fun )答案:fine3. /ə/: ( apple ; egg ; ant )答案:apple4. /i:/: ( tree ; book ; green )答案:green5. /ɔː/: ( horse ; house ; hat )答案:horse二、选择单词的音标:1. car ( /kɑː/ ; /kæt/ ; /kʌt/ )答案:/kɑː/2. cat ( /kæt/ ; /bæt/ ; /kɔːt/ )答案:/kæt/3. orange ( /ˈɔrɪndʒ/ ; /ɔːrindʒ/ ; /ˈærenʤ/ )答案:/ˈɔrɪndʒ/4. book ( /buːk/ ; /bʊk/ ; /buf/ )答案:/bʊk/5. green ( /blu:/ ; /gri:n/ ; /sin/ )答案:/gri:n/答案:练习题一:一、根据音标写出对应的单词:1. dog2. cat3. thing4. ship5. bird二、根据单词写出对应的音标:1. /ˈɔrɪndʒ/2. /triː/3. /fɪʃ/4. /spuːn/5. /kaɪt/练习题二:一、选出音标对应的单词:1. black2. fine3. apple4. green5. horse二、选择单词的音标:1. /kɑː/2. /kæt/3. /ˈɔrɪndʒ/4. /bʊk/5. /gri:n/通过以上练习题,希望能够帮助小学生巩固音标知识,提高英语学习水平。

Lesson One3. [i:] [I] [p] [b] [t ] [d]4. 元音练习[i:] [I][pi:p] [pIp][pi:b] [pIb][bi:t] [bIt]5.辅音练习[p] [b] [t ] [d][i:] [pi:] [bi:] [ti:] [di:][I] [ pI] [bI] [ tI] [dI]6.音节综合练习[p] [b] [t ] [d][pId] [bIt] [tId] [dIp][pi:d] [bi:t] [ti:d] [di:p]词首i n i ll i s i f i nk i t i ncome i ndoor i nside i nterest词中b i ll wom e n v i s i t w i sh s ie ve v i ll a ge sh i p m i st b u sy词尾cit y histor y Sund ay prett y tax i sleep y ic y monk ey词首pen price person pole post page park please proud词中happen appeal example computer open operation surprise chapter 词尾stop step hope tape tap rope cheap slip sleep help wipe tip词首bit big bad black back basis bag block best business box词中table about robber lobby cabin habit rubber mobile词尾web job cab grab lab crab rib globe sob tube词首tea talk time tooth tomato take town teacher type音标拼读练习21. [e] [æ] [k] [g] [ f ] [v]2. 元音练习[e] [æ][kef] [kæf][peg] [pæg][ted] [tæd][vet] [væt]3. 辅音练习[k] [g] [ f ] [v][e] [ke] [ge] [fe] [ve][æ] [kæ] [gæ] [fæ] [væ]4. 音节综合练习[k] [g] [ f ] [v][ket] [gIv] [ fi: t] [veg][kæt] [gæv] [ fIt ] [væg]5. 单词,短语及句子练习音标拼读练习31. [ɑ:] [ ɔ:] [ ɔ ] [s ] [ z] [ θ] [ ð ]2. 元音练习[ɑ:] [ ɔ:] [ɔ][hɑ:d] [ hɔ:d] [hɔd ][pɑ:s ] [pɔ:s ] [pɔs ][fɑ:] [fɔ:] [fɔ][ðɑ:t] [ ðɔ:t] [ðɔt]3. 辅音练习[s ] [ z] [θ] [ð ] [ɑ:] [sɑ: ] [ zɑ:] [θɑ:] [ ðɑ: ][ ɔ:] [sɔ: ] [ zɔ:] [θɔ:] [ ðɔ: ]4. 音节综合练习[s ] [ z] [θ] [ ð][si: ] [ zi:l] [ θæŋk] [ ðæn ][set ] [ zest] [ θiŋ] [ ði: ]5. 单词,短语及句子练习音标拼读练习41. [ʌ] [ɜ:] [ ə ] [h ] [ l ] [ r]2. 元音练习[ʌ] [ ə ] [ɜ: ][hʌt ] [hə t ] [hɜ:t ][lʌv ] [lə v ] [lɜ:v ][rʌb ] [rə b ] [rɜ:b ]3. 辅音练习[h ] [ l ] [ r][ʌ] [hʌ] [l ʌ] [rʌ][ ə] [hə] [l ə ] [rə][ɜ: ] [hɜ:] [lɜ: ] [rɜ: ]4. 音节综合练习[h ] [ l ] [ r][hi:d ] [ li:d ] [ ri:d][hæm ] [ læm ] [ ræm]5. 单词,短语及句子练习[h ]音标拼读练习5、61. [ u: ] [ u] [m] [n] [ ŋ ]2. 元音练习[u: ] [ u][mu:n ] [mun][ru:d ] [ rud][fu:t ] [ fut]3. 辅音练习[m] [n] [ŋ ][u: ] [mu: ] [nu: ] [su:ŋ ][ u] [mu] [nu] [ suŋ ]4. 音节综合练习[m] [n] [ŋ ][kim] [kin] [ kiŋ ][seim] [sin] [ siŋ ][mɔ:m] [mɔ:n] [mɔ:ŋ ]5. 单词,短语及句子练习[n]词首no none not know now neighbour narrow词中manner island honor wonder honey business kindness词尾person can fan season kitchen sudden eaten moon[ŋ]词首这个音一般不出现在词首词中drink angry banker finger English pink language词尾sing ring wing long thing song morning evening1. [ei] [əu] [ai] [ʃ] [ʒ ] [tʃ] [dʒ ]2. 元音练习[ei] [əu ] [ai][ʃeid] [ʃəud ] [ʃaid][feil] [fəu ] [fail][dei] [dəu ] [dai]3. 辅音练习[ʃ] [ʒ ] [tʃ] [dʒ][ʃei] [ʒei ] [tʃei ] [dʒei][ʃu ] [ʒu] [tʃu ] [dʒu][ʃai] [ʒai ] [tʃai ] [dʒai]5. 单词,短语及句子练习[ei] a ai ay ea ei词首age ate aim eighty ail ache aid April agent able词中late great weight main cake plate steak save词尾say day gray weigh lay spray tray hay pay may[əu] o ow oa uo oe ough词首old own owe oath oak open over ocean odor词中wrote quote loaf moan polar float phone bold motion moment hotel 词尾so toe row flow echo sow dough bow tomato window gold[ai] i y ai ei eye igh ye ie uy词首I eye idea island eyesight idle icon ivory aisle ice词中like fight mind light wine wild knife crisis arrive词尾fly lie spy tie buy try high dry cry pie my why[ʃ]词首she shop shut shy sure shape show shoulder sheep词中fishing machine conscious motion action special sunshine词尾fish dish wash ash push rush finish cash trash wish[ʒ ]词首英语中这个音一般不出现在词首词中illusion vision decision usual explosion measure pleasure词尾garage prestige[tʃ]音标拼读练习7、81. [au] [ɔi ] [ts ] [dz ] [tr] [dr ]2. 元音练习[au] [ ♓ ][laudz] [ ●♓♎ ][faul] [ ♦♓● ][tau] [ ♦♓ ][kaund] [ ♓⏹ ]3. 辅音练习[ts ] [dz ] [tr] [dr ] [au] [auts ] [audz ] [trau] [drau ]5. 单词,短语及句子练习Lesson Eight4. 单词,短语及句子练习。
音标 发音规则及练习Lesson2

音标Lesson 2Name:[ɔ:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oora: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wallor:horse corn fork or shortoor:floor door根据发音规则,找出发[ɔ:]的1个单词写在后面的横线上。
1.tall bird bread poor2.idea chair sport hare3.cake bear walk cup4.drink short bag milk[ɔ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o ao: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor longa: watch根据发音规则,找出发[ɔ:]的2个单词写在后面的横线上。
1.doctor teacher box clothes2.cold zoo clock dog3.love boss lot violin4.watch beach fox girl[u:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo uio: do who whoseoo:food moon tooui: fruit juiceu:ruler rude根据发音规则,找出不发[u:]的单词。
1.juice moon zoo panda2.tooth broom eye spoon3.head boot noodles pool4.noon cool boot watch[u]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo uo:woman wolfoo:look good book foot woodu:bull bullet根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音不相同的单词。
1.mouth book look pull2.push tape sugar foot3.wood kind wolf bull4.bullet wood cook name音标[ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u]练习一.抄写音标,一个抄写10遍,一边抄写一边读。

音标学习及练习题2[әu] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa owo: nose rose poen overoa: boat coat soap goatow:show window snow bowl根据发音规则,圈出每组中发[әu]的2个单词。
1.coat goat tree river2.make window knife road3. your white row coat4.boat hen nose lamp[iә] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ear eerear: ear hear teareer: deer beer根据发音规则,圈出每组中发[iә]的1个单词。
1.bear beer fair tail2.noodles pair near come3.horse dear tower air4. ring king here three[eә] 发这个音的字母和字母组合air earair: hair chair pairear:pear bear wear根据发音规则,圈出每组中发[eә]的1个单词。
1.bear idea pineapple tail2.noodles pair climb come3.horse house tower air4. ring king hare three[uә] 发这个音的字母和字母组合oor our ureoor: poorour: tourure: sure pure根据发音规则,圈出每组中发[uә]的1个单词。
1.clear tourist pineapple tail2.noodles pair climb fury3.beard cure tower air4. voice king pure engineer音标[әu] [iә] [eә] [uә]的练习一.抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。
[әu]:[iә]:[eә]:[uә]:___________二. 选出下列没有相同发音的词。

初中英语音标辅音[p]pot[pɔt]壶,盆pig[piɡ]猪put[put]放置people[ˈpi:pl]人piano[piˈænəu]钢琴[b]book[buk] 书bag[bæɡ] 袋big[biɡ]大的job[dʒɔb]工作 bear[bɛə]熊but[bʌt, bət]但是[t]tooth[tu:θ]牙齿teacher[ˈti:tʃə] 教师tea[ti:]茶叶table[ˈteibl]桌子 task[tɑ:sk] 任务[d]dog[dɔɡ]狗dig[diɡ]挖,掘起duck[dʌk]鸭dad[dæd]父亲double[ˈdʌbl]双倍的,双倍,双重的[k]cake[keik]蛋糕keep[ki:p]保持cat[kæt]猫cup[kʌp]杯子cap[kæp]帽子[g]grandpa[ˈɡrænpɑ:]祖父girl[ɡə:l]女孩 green[ɡri:n] 绿色的good[ɡud]好的 god[ɡɔd]上帝[f]father[ˈfɑ:ðə]父亲fat[fæt] 胖的foot[fut] 脚full[ful]满的 fit[fit]适合,使适应[v]five[faɪv] 五very[ˈveri]非常的 vent[vent] 发泄感情,放出drive[draiv]驾驶 vary[ˈvɛəri]变化,使改变[s]small[smɔ:l]小的study[ˈstʌdi]学习bus[bʌs] 公交车,公共汽车yes[jes]是的must[mʌst, məst]必须,一定[z]jazz[dʒæz]爵士乐zoo[zu:]动物园zero[ˈziərəu]零clothes[kləuðz]衣服zig[ziɡ]急转,转弯[θ]eighth [eɪtθ, eɪθ] 第八forth[fɔ:θ]第四tenth[tenθ]第十eleventh[ɪˈlevənθ]第十一ninth[naɪnθ]第9[δ]those[ðəuz]那些these[ði:z]这些that[ðæt, ðət] 那个this[ðɪs]这个there[ðɛə]那儿,那[∫]cash[kæʃ]现金bush[buʃ]灌木丛shake[ʃeik] 摇动shoe[ʃu:]鞋ship[ʃɪp]船[з] measure[ˈmeʒə]测量pleasure[ˈpleʒə]乐趣leisure[ˈleʒə]空闲的[t∫]chair[tʃɛə]椅子chicken[ˈtʃikin]鸡肉,小鸡lunch[lʌntʃ]午餐[tr]tree[tri:]树truck[trʌk]卡车train[trein]火车[ts]students[ˈstju:dənts]学生coats[kəuts] 船舶cats[kæts]猫(复数)[dз]jack[dʒæk] 千斤顶,插座job[dʒɔb]工作change[tʃeindʒ]改变[dr]dress[dres]给··穿衣drink[driŋk] 喝drain[drein]排水,喝光[dz]beds[bedz]床(复数)odds[ɔdz]几率codes[kəudz]编码,密码(动词code编码的第三人称单数形式)[m]mum[mʌm]妈妈moon[mu:n] 月亮morning[ˈmɔ:niŋ]清晨[n]moon[mu:n]月亮nut[nʌt]坚果needle[ˈni:dl]针[ŋ]ink[iŋk]墨水link[liŋk]链接,把··连起来ring[riŋ]按铃,戒指[h]hello[heˈləu]你好hurry[ˈhʌri] 赶紧hey[heɪ]你好[l]look[luk]看leg[leɡ]腿lake[leik]湖[r]rain[rein]雨radio[ˈreidiəu] 收音机room[ru:m]房间[w] (声带不震动)window[ˈwindəu]窗口wake[weik]唤醒,叫醒week[wi:k]周末[j]yellow[ˈjeləu]黄色的yes[jes] you[ju:]是的。

音标的应用2一,元音字母‘o ’的发音。
O 在单词开头读[ɔ:] [ɔ] [əu] [ə] [au]等。
1 发[ɔ]的音例如;octopus [`ɔktəpəs] organize[`ɔ:gənnaiz]练习;根据例子写出下列单词的音标Often [ ] or [] off []2 发[əu] 音例如;own [əun] over[əuvə] only[əunli]练习;根据例子写出下列单词的音标Ok [ ] old [ ] open [ ] oh[ ]3 发[au] 音例如; out [aut ]Outside[ ] outdoor[ ] outgoing[ ] our[ ]还有,of [əv] on [a:n] one [wʌn] 这些组合发音都没有特定的规律。
注意;o 和oo 在单词中间的发音也和上面的发音一样,二字母‘u’的发音字母u的发音与其他的元音字母有一定的区别。
其他的元音字母都是元音音标,u 既可以是元音音标也可以是辅音音标。
U 可以发[ʌ]例如;umbrella [ʌmbrelə] unusual [ʌn` ju;ʒuəl]练习;upset[ ] under[ ] us [ ] uncle[ ]U 也可以发[ju;]例如;university [ ju;niv ə:siti]use [ ] usually [ ] UFO[ ]三,两个原音字母组合在一起,叫双元音,双元音的发音也要由在单词的结构来决定。
两个相同的字母的组合例如;㈠ ee 多读[i;]或[i]Cheese [ ] coffee[ ] feed [ ]green [ ] Keep[ ] peel[ ]see[ ] week[ ] wheel[ ]㈡,一般情况oo 多发[ u ] [ɔ:] 的音。
;例如;book [`buk] cook [ kuk] door[dɔ:r]foot[ ] good [ ] moon[ ]Noodle[ ] took [ ] zoo [ ]。

英语音标发音表英语国际音标共计48个,其中元音20个和辅音28个,其音标发音表如下:1、元音音标2、辅音音标当然掌握了发音表还不够,这里再分享给大家一些英语发音的小技巧:1.字母q总是与u在一起,读做/kw/, 此处u不作元音。
2.字母c在字母e, y, i前读做/s/ (cent, city, cycle),其他字母前读做/k/(cut, cap, cop)。
3.字母e, i, y之前的字母g可以读做/j/(page, giant, gym),其中字母e, i之前的g也可以不读做/j/(get, girl, give);其它字母之前的g读做/g/(gate, go, gust)。
4.元音a, e, o, u在音节结尾(开音节)一般读做字母音(长音a, e, o, u),有助于学生正确划分并拼读元音字母+辅音字母+元音字母的不熟悉单词(re port…rather than rep ort)。
5.字母i和y经常读做/i/(big, gym),但是也可读做I(silent, my, type)。
6.一个英语单词用字母y而不是i的结尾(my, by)。
(如me, she, 和he的短单词末尾的字母e读做e, 较长的单词末尾的e不发音),尾字母e不发音应该被认为是”having a job”(承担一项工作)8.单音节单词中,结尾是单元音加单个辅音的,在添加以元音开始的词尾变化时,需要将末尾的辅音字母再写一次再加词尾变化。
(如hop---hop ped). 但是词尾是x除外,因为它由两个音/ks/。
9.双音节词中,结尾是单元音加单个辅音的,在添加以元音开始的词尾变化时,需要将末尾的辅音字母再写一次再加词尾变化(be gin--- be gin + ning). 第二个音节不重读的不能双写末尾辅音字母(en ter, prof it, bud get)。

英语音标发音方法[i:] (伊)[i] (衣)[?](哎)[e] (挨)[?:](额)[?](哦)[ ɑ(:]阿)[?](啊)[?:](嗷)[?](凹)[u:] (屋)[u] (乌)[ai] (阿依)[ei](哀一)[au](啊呜)[?u](讹误)[i?](一厄)[??](哎额)[u?](屋厄)[?i] (奥一)[p] (泼)[b] (波)[t] (特)[d] (的) [k] (咳)[g] (哥)[s](丝)[z] (兹)[f] (夫)[v] (呜)[w] (喔)[?](西)[?](耶)[h] (喝)[j] (业)[l] (勒)[r] (若)[m] (木)[n] (嗯)[?](摁)[ θ](斯)[e] (日)[t?](企)[d?](姬)[ts] (吃) [dz] (之) [tr] (蹉) [dr] (捉)英语国际音标表( 48 个)元音( 20 个)长元音 /ɑ://?:// ?://i://u:/短元音 / ?//?//?//?//?//e//?/双元音 /??//e?//??//??//a?//e?//a?//??/辅音( 28 个)轻辅音 /p// t// k/ /f// θ/ /s//?//ts//t?//tr//h/浊辅音 /b//d//g//v//e//z//?//dz//d?//dr// r/鼻音/m//n//?/半元音 / j// w/边音/ ?/元音和辅音的定义:发音时声带振动,呼出的气流经过口腔时不受阻挡,这样形成的语音称为元音。
3、音素的个数:共48 个,元音音素 20 个,辅音音素 28 个。
5、开音节:6、闭音节:辅音 +元音 +辅音 +e : name, bike, home, plane, shine 辅音 +元音 : he, go, hi, do, be, tree, three, hello辅音 +元音 +辅音 : bad, bed, sit, hot, cup, let, mad, map 元音 +辅音 : it, is, of, in, on, up, out, ant7、重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。

sit /sɪt/ vi. 坐
fish /fɪʃ/ n. 鱼
win /wɪn/ vi. 赢
2、舌尖抵下齿,舌硬腭抬起,舌位稍低,稍 后,舌头肌肉松弛。
pen /pen/ n. 钢笔
egg /eg/ n. 蛋
red /red/ n. 红色
1、嘴唇向两侧微微分开,上下齿之间大约可容 纳一个小指头尖的距离。
2、舌前部在发音过程中抬起,舌尖稍微接触下 齿背。
3、发音时下巴逐渐向下移动,震动声带,发出/ e/音。
bee /biː/ n. 蜜蜂
we /wiː/ pron阅读
1、张开你的嘴巴,好像你在微笑,露出你的牙 齿,嘴唇向两边伸开,成扁平形。
2将舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起。舌头轻微接触下齿 背部。
3、嘴唇绷紧,舌头肌肉保持紧张,震动声带, 发出/iː/音。
ant /ænt/ n. 蚂蚁
pan /pæn/ n. 平底锅
band /bænd/ n. 带
2、舌前部在发音过程中抬起,舌尖稍微接触下 齿背。
3、发音时逐渐压低舌头和下颚,尽可能夸张, 震动声带,发出/æ/音。

Up Under Cut Does Young Enough
Much honey Lucky in love Just for fun Well begun is half done.
up cut
mark task
More Practice
a fast car
pass a bar
a hard task
too hard to grasp
do harm to the heart
part of the park on behalf of Arthur Mark barked (吠叫) in the dark. The park is far from the farm.
stay up late
play a game
We can’t wait, it is getting late. How much do you pay for the place? The lazy lady lay in the shade (树荫) of the tree all day. I won’t be late, for today is my payday (发工资日).
More Practice
must hurry up have trouble with the truck We love our country. Mother has enough money to buy a truck.

四年级英语音标发音练习题30题1. Which word has the long vowel sound /ɑ:/?A. catB. carC. capD. can答案:B。
解析:cat的音标是/kæt/,其中a发/æ/;car的音标是/kɑ:r/,a发/ɑ: /;cap的音标是/kæp/,a发/æ/;can的音标是/kæn/,a 发/æ/,所以答案是B。
2. The word with the short vowel sound /ʊ/ is _.A. bookB. bootC. blueD. boat答案:A。
解析:book的音标是/bʊk/,oo发/ʊ/;boot的音标是/bu:t/,oo发/u: /;blue的音标是/blu: /,ue发/u: /;boat的音标是/bəʊt/,oa发/əʊ/,所以答案是A。
3. Which one has the long vowel sound /u:/?A. lookB. goodC. rulerD. box答案:C。
解析:look的音标是/lʊk/,oo发/ʊ/;good的音标是/gʊd/,oo发/ʊ/;ruler的音标是/ˈru:lə(r)/,u发/u: /;box的音标是/bɒks/,o发ɒ,所以答案是C。
4. The word that contains the short vowel sound /e/ is _.A. redB. read (long form)C. rainD. rice答案:A。
解析:red的音标是/red/,e发/e/;read(长形式)的音标是/ri:d/,ea发/i: /;rain的音标是/reɪn/,ai发/eɪ/;rice的音标是/raɪs/,i发/aɪ/,所以答案是A。
5. Which of the following has the long vowel sound /ɔ:/?A. dogB. boxC. horseD. cat答案:C。

语音题型1( ) 1.The man was so poor that he couldn’t afford a car. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A)/3'fu:d /B) /3'fC0d /C) /3'fC:d /D) /3'f@:d /( )2. He must put more effort into his work. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A)/ '0f3t / B) / 'efC:t / C) / 'ef3t /D) / 'ef7t /( )3. Did the medicine have a good effect? Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / 0'fi:kt / B) / 0'f3kt / C) / e'fekt / D) / 0'fekt /( ) 4. My boss doesn’t allow me to use the telephone. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / 3'l37 /B) / 3'la7 /C) / $'la7 /D) / $'la7 /( ) 5. Who does this belong to? Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / b0'l37H /B) / b0'la7H /C) / b0'l5H /D) / b0'lA:H /( ) 6. Mary is good enough for an award. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / 3'wC:d /B) / 3'w@:d C) / 3'wA:d /D) / 3'wed /( ) 7. His breath smelt of garlic. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / bri:L /B) / breL /C) / bri:M /D) / breM /( ) 8. Kitty and Ben live in the same block. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / se0m /B) / s03m /C) / sem /D) / s$m /( ) 9. I always confuse the sisters: they look so alike. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / k3n'fKz / B) / k3n'fju:z / C) / k5n'fju:z / D) / k5n'fu:z /( ) 10. The plane will soon disappear behind a cloud. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / d0s3'p03 /B) / d0s3'pe3 /C) / d0s3'p@: /D) / d0s3'p73 /( ) 11. I expect I will be back on Sunday. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / 0k' sp$kt /B) / 0k' sp0kt /C) / 0k' spekt /D) / 0k' spi:kt /( ) 12. The whites live on the third floor. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A)/ flu: /B) / fl73 /C) / fl@: /D) / flC: /( ) 13. One man’s loss is another man’s gain. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / Ea0n /B) / Ee0n / C) / E$n /D) / E0n /( ) 14. My mother used to prepare dinner for us. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A)/ pr0'p03 /B) / pr0'pa0 /C) / pr0'p73 /D) / pr0'pe3 /( ) 15. The Post Office aims to improve its service. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / 0m'pr37v /B) / 0m'pru:v /C) / 0m'prC:v /D) / 0m'prKv /( ) 16. Stuart was ill so I went instead. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / 0n'sti:d /B) / 0n'st$d /C) / 0n'sted /D) / 0n'st3d /( ) 17. Have you ever read the story? Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / ri:d /B) / rid /C) / red /D) / r3d /( ) 18. A smart kitchen will know what to make for you.A) / smKt /B) / smA:t / C) / sm@:t /D) / smC:t /( ) 19. The ticket will cost about a pound. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) / pKnd /B) / pa7nd /C) / p37nd /D) / p3nd /( ) 20. Some parents say children shouldn’t be allowed to surf on the Internet . Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A)/ s@:f /B) / sC:f /C) / sKf /D) / sA:f /( ) 21. He promised to be here at four but didn’t appear until six. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /3'pe3/ B) /$'p03/ C) /3'p03/ D) /$'pe3/( ) 22. When we boil water, it turns into steam. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /bC0l/ B) /bC0/ C) /b5l/ D) /bC:l/( ) 23. The American students can choose the subjects they like in their high schools. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /tN5z/ B) /tNu:z/ C) /tN37z/ D) /tN7z/( ) 24. Have a healthy diet and do more exercise, and you’ll keep fit. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /'di:3t/ B) /de3t/ C) /da0t/ D) /'da03t/( ) 25. We should take some action to save the earth. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /e3M/ B) /@:L/ C) /e3L/ D) /@:M/( ) 26. Because of the air pollution, it’s difficult for us to breathe the fresh air now. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /freN/ B) /fr$N/ C) /fri:N/ D) /fre0N/( ) 27. I hate anyone listening when I’m telephoning. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /h$t/ B) /hA:t/ C) /he0t/ D) /hC:t/( ) 28. Is the ice thick enough for skating? Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /i:s/ B) /a0s/ C) /e0s/ D) /0s/( ) 29. Remember it is not polite to play a joke on others. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /dI37k/ B) /j37k/ C) /dIKk/ D) /jKk/( ) 30. When you have nothing to lose, it’s time to gain. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /l37z/ B) /l5z/ C)/lu:z/ D)/lC:z/( ) 31. The main unit contains all the electronics of the computer. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /me0n/ B) /m0n/ C) /ma0n/ D) /m$n/( ) 32. We learn English in order to know more about western countries. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /'C:d@:/ B) /'37d@:/ C) /'a7d3/ D) /'C:d3/( ) 33. When 2021 Olympic Games took place in Beijing, all the Chinese people felt proud of that. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /pr37d/ B) /pra7d/ C) /pru:d/ D) /prKd/( ) 34. The cost of living starts to rise because of the new baby in their family. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /r0z/ B) /ra0z/ C) /ra0s/ D) /r0s/( ) 35. When the bell rings, the children rush out of the classroom. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /rKtN / B) /rKN/ C) /ru:tN/ D) /ru:N/( ) 36. The students hope that they can have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /sne3k/ B) /sne0k/ C) /snek/ D) /sn$k/( ) 37. She threw me an angry look and then went out. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /Lr37/ B) /Lra7/ C) /Lru:/ D) /Lrju:/( ) 38. Xi Jinping, our president paid a visit to the USA in June, 2021. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /'v0z0t/ B) /'v0s0t/ C) /'vi:zi:t/ D) //'vi:si:t/( ) 39. He told the police he had done nothing wrong. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /r37H/ B) /ra7H/ C) /rA:H/ D) /r5H/( ) 40. He was captain of the football team for five years. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A) /'ke0pte0n/ B) /'k$pt0n/ C) /'ke0pt0n/ D)/'k$pte0n/语音题型2( ) 1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)Mount Huang is one of the most famous mountains in China.B)The dog’s brain weighs only 72 grams.C)The old lady complained about the rice in the store.D)There was only one room available in the hotel.( ) 2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)We expect Shanghai will attract more tourists to enjoy the sights.B)Courage is the ability to be brave in different situations in our life.C)During the Chinese New Year, the streets are seen with national flags.D)She had such a bad cold that they had to take her to the hospital.( ) 3. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)We should carry our lunch with us.B)Colours can change our moods.C)I have to study for my chemistry test.D)I’d like to know how you reach your conclusion.( ) 4. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)The group started to play in England and make money.B)They keep in touch with the west of the world by internet.C)The story encouraged me to fight against the pollution.D)In the USA, both families give gifts to the couple.( ) 5. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)The artist said that he hoped to finish the picture soon.B)Most students think stress can do harm to them in some ways.C)The tribe still farmed and gathered roots and berries.D)Move forward carefully, or you will slip.( ) 6. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)By early autumn, the tree leaves began to fall.B)The greenhouse effect may cause the sea level to rise.C)Mary went shopping with her aunt.D)The play was so dramatic that the audience liked it very much.( ) 7. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)They believed that the position of the planets could affect a person’s life.B)He studied so hard that he could achieve good marks.C)Each man took only one wife except for the chief.D)People should always have a healthy diet.( ) 8. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)As a student, she is always busy with her homework.B)The teacher asked Alice to empty the rubbish bin.C)Steve could not deny knowing anything about it.D)That beer made me quite sleepy.( ) 9. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)To his surprise, he hears his voice repeating.B)They bought the furniture on the internet.C)Now it’s your turn to sing for us, John.D)The big fire burnt the forest in a month.( ) 10. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)When someone has hurt you, calm down first.B)Parents will arrive at the school hall at five o’clock.C)More and more people like to go shopping in the mall.D)What time did you call me yesterday?( ) 11. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)More and more students would like to study abroad.B)You’d better set a goal at the beginning of the new term.C)It’s so raining outside, put on your raincoat.D)The children were boating happily in the park.( ) 12. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)It’s everyone’s dream to work at home or not work at all.B)Cheap costs are the main reason for the success of Little Smart.C)The driver can know the traffic ahead of him through the computer.D)The sand on the beach is very hot.( ) 13. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)People can even use their blogs to make money.B)The hotel is magic because it is completely underwater.C)The computer is connected to the printer.D)It’s so convenient to travel by a private car.( ) 14. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)You can do a lot of things in this museum, but you have to obey some rules.B)That factory produced TV sets.C)Now customers can place an order easily at the online shop.D)The dog was so cute that people like it very much.( ) 15. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)Soldiers in the army couldn’t afford to get married.B)How much is the pork, Mrs. Brown?C)Ben has to put much effort into his study.D)The nearest bank is just at the corner of the street.( ) 16. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)We all have experienced many difficult things in our lives.B)English is widely used in the world.C)In my opinion, reading is a good way to comfort myself when I am upset.D)It’s so tired to climb the hill without any rest.( ) 17. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)I want to take a business trip tomorrow.B)Soon the bus was crowded with people.C)How much do you know about the famous thinker?D)When the wind blows, leaves fall down from the tree.( ) 18. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)I was away so my son acted as host.B)The exhibition center is at the first crossing.C)Unfortunately, the weather was horrible when we were at the beach.D)Walk along the street and turn right to the Garden Road.( ) 19. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)I knew where he was hiding.B)He blew his chances by arriving late for the interview.C)I drew my chair up to the table.D)A large bird flew past us.( ) 20. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A)Do you often go to the theatre?B)I woke up with a very thick head this morning.C)It was my grandmother’s birthday yesterday.D)Shall we go to the beach together?( ) 21. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) The film Titanic was based on a real story.B) People’s Square is located in the centre of Shanghai.C) I have no idea why he didn’t come.D) Many people were saved by the soldiers in Wen Chuan Earthquake.( ) 22. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) I’ve left my gloves on the bus.B) It is cold here even in July.C) Have you ever been to England?D) During the exam, he kept sleeping from start to end.( ) 23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) When you are kind to others and doing nice things for others, you’ll feel happy.B) My mother asks me to get rid of the bad habits.C) If you feel tired, you can listen to music to relax.D) We should live honestly and happily.( ) 24. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) Turn left and then follow your nose--you can’t miss it.B) You’d better go on foot if you live quite close to school.C) You are the only one whose advice he will listen to.D) You will find a shopping mall with designer clothes.( ) 25. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) People create huge amounts of rubbish every day.B) Disneyland is an amusement park which attracts the visitors all over the world.C) The family is the unit of society.D) Don’t leave until I arrive.( ) 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) Although he failed several times, he still wanted to have another try.B) The high speed trains not only have high speed, but also have high price.C) He raised his voice so that the people sit at the back could hear him.D) It is said that about half of the people in China smoke.( ) 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) I’d like to drink some coffee with some sugar.B) It’s no use to pull a long face.C) He makes it a rule never to borrow money.D) He opened gate with a hard push.( ) 28. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) Your health is your life.B) It is real that the plane has disappeared.C) A lot of performances will be on in Shanghai Grand Theatre.D) He is full of good ideas.( ) 29. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) Water is changed into steam by heat.B) He has served his master for many years.C) What do we have for supper today?D) Be honest rather than clever.( ) 30. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) It’s a piece of cake.B) Flowers will soon die without water.C) Don’t eat too much fried food.D) Shall I tie the parcel or use tape?( ) 31. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) We should learn from our mistakes.B) Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.C) Princess Diana had a kind heart.D) Have you ever heard that song sung in Italian?( ) 32. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) He listened but could hear nothing.B) It’s difficult to have the clear weather now because of the air pollution.C) We hope to move to the country in the near future.D) The students have to wear the uniforms to school every day.( ) 33. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) She is too young to read or write.B) The top of the building was covered in cloud.C) ‘Open your mouth a litter wider,’ said the dentist.D) How long does it take the minute hand of the clock to go round once? ( ) 34. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) Think before you act.B) Though he’s rich, he’s not happy at all.C) It was through you that we were able to meet again.D) Salty food makes you thirsty.( ) 35. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) She does nothing but cry because she misses her mother.B) I would like to be a policeman because I want to make our city a safe place.C) I hope one day I can fly freely in the sky like birds.D) Don’t use the door until the paint is dry.( ) 36. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) We have lived on the farm for twenty years.B) The thieves broke into that house at a quarter past two a.m.C) He is building a greenhouse in his garden.D) The company was badly organized until he took charge of it.( ) 37. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) I’ll believe it when I see it with my own eyes.B) They cried out after they heard that piece of news.C) Farmers are working in the fields.D) He has no friends because he always tells lies.( ) 38. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) It is getting warmer and warmer because of the greenhouse effect.B) Don’t argue with your parentsC) It’s really hard for us to make the final decision.D) All the lights went out and we were left in the dark.( ) 39. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) I don’t know what to do with the problem.B) Window shopping means you just watch everything shown in the window but youdon't buy them.C) Leaves turn brown in autumn.D) Don’t give up although you are making slow progress.( ) 40. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) Pollution is one of the most serious problems in the world today.B) The stories told in words and colourful pictures are welcomed by children.C) His success was achieved by hard work.D) You’d better see a doctor about that cut.语音题型3( ) 1. Which of the following word matches the sound / fra0d / ?A) fresh B) friend C) fried D) fridge( ) 2. Which of the following word matches the sound / hA:t / ?A)heart B) heat C) hurt D) height( ) 3. Which of the following word matches the sound / la7d / ?A) lead B) land C) lend D) loud( ) 4. Which of the following word matches the sound / l37kl / ?A)local B) lock C) look D) luck( ) 5. Which of the following word matches the sound / m$d / ?A) made B) mad C) model D) middle( ) 6. Which of the following word matches the sound / ma7L / ?A) math B) mouth C) month D) mouse( ) 7. Which of the following word matches the sound / nC:L / ?A)north B) noise C) nose D) news( ) 8. Which of the following word matches the sound / p@:l / ?A)pale B) pearl C) pool D) pole( ) 9. Which of the following word matches the sound / f0l / ?A)feel B) few C) fail D) fill( ) 10. Which of the following word matches the sound / pra0s / ?A)press B) price C) place D) praise ( ) 11. Which of the following word matches the sound / ra0s / ?A)race B) rose C) raise D) rice ( ) 12. Which of the following word matches the sound / sC:s / ?A)sense B) serious C) science D) sauce ( ) 13. Which of the following word matches the sound / N@:t / ?A)shut B) short C) shout D) shirt ( ) 14. Which of the following word matches the sound / skri:n / ?A)score B) screen C) skin D) section ( ) 15. Which of the following word matches the sound / smel / ?A)small B) smell C) smile D) smart ( ) 16. Which of the following word matches the sound / stre0t / ?A)strange B) straight C) street D) strict ( ) 17. Which of the following word matches the sound / Lr37 / ?A)throw B) through C) thought D)thirsty ( ) 18. Which of the following word matches the sound / w5tN / ?A)wash B) watch C) wealth D) which ( ) 19. Which of the following word matches the sound / we0t / ?A)what B) white C) weight D) wet ( ) 20. Which of the following word matches the sound / tNA:dI / ?A)charge B) church C) search D) change ( ) 21. Which of the following word matches the sound /A:nt/ ?A) art B) aunt C) at D) act ( ) 22. Which of the following word matches the sound /tNC0s/ ?A) chose B) shelves C) shoes D) choice ( ) 23. Which of the following word matches the sound / kl37Mz/ ?A) close B) clothes C) class D) clouds ( ) 24. Which of the following word matches the sound /'da03t/ ?A) death B) date C) dealt D) diet ( ) 25. Which of the following word matches the sound /'eks0t/ ?A) exist B) exit C) except D) exciting ( ) 26. Which of the following word matches the sound /'wKnd3/ ?A) wooden B) wound C) word D) wonder ( ) 27. Which of the following word matches the sound /fa0t/ ?A) fight B) fit C) felt D) fat ( ) 28. Which of the following word matches the sound /ple0s/ ?A) please B) palace C) place D) pleasure ( ) 29. Which of the following word matches the sound /Ees/ ?A) guess B) gas C) guest D) grass ( ) 30. Which of the following word matches the sound /hC:s/ ?A) house B) horse C) host D) honest ( ) 31. Which of the following word matches the sound /li:st/ ?A) lost B) list C) least D) listen ( ) 32. Which of the following word matches the sound /'bC:r0H/ ?A) borrow B) brown C) boring D) bring ( ) 33. Which of the following word matches the sound /met/ ?A) meet B) meant C) meat D) met ( ) 34. Which of the following word matches the sound /'nC0z0/ ?A) noisy B) noise C) nose D) north ( ) 35. Which of the following word matches the sound /37n/ ?A) on B) own C) one D) our ( ) 36. Which of the following word matches the sound /'f0z0ks/ ?A) fix B) physical C) physics D) forest ( ) 37. Which of the following word matches the sound /kwa0t/ ?A) quiet B) quite C) kite D) kept ( ) 38. Which of the following word matches the sound /tru:L/ ?A) truth B) choose C) true D) tooth ( ) 39. Which of the following word matches the sound /LC:t/ ?A) throughout B) through C) salt D) thought ( ) 40. Which of the following word matches the sound /w0tN/ ?A) with B) which C) white D) wish答案语音题型11. C2. C3. D4. B5. C6. A7. B8. A9. B 10. A11. C 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. B16. C 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. A21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B26. A 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C31. A 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. B36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B语音题型21. A2. B3. C4. A5. D6. C7. D8. C9. A 10. A11. A 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. C16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A31. C 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. B36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D语音题型31. C2. A3. D4. A5. B6. B7. A8. B9. D 10. B11. D 12. D 13. D 14. B 15. B16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A21. B 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. B26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B31. C 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B36. C 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. B。

小学英语音标练习-2(总2页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--音标练习11. 找出下列没有相同发音的词。
A B CD( ) he feet bread green ( ) she big in money ( ) teacher sister about girl( ) father doctor skirt China ( ) happy sea sitpicture( ) four small walk bird ( ) ruler dog mooncake blue( ) big ship horse it( ) car arm foodgarden( ) bag short mapflag( ) egg pen head small( ) gun star duck money2. 选出下列每题中元音有几种读音,有一种读音的在()里画☆,有两种读音的画△,有三种的画◇( ) 1. hat fast cook last( ) 2. dad cap hand map( ) 3. star car cut from( ) 4. skirt sheep bird her3. 连线。
animal [i:]meat [[?:][?:]]thirsty [i]driver [[?]]hot [blu:]football [h?t]blue [futb?:l]4. 读音标,写单词。
[bi:] [bә:d] [sit] [′sist?] [d?:] [f?t] [d?g] [cΛp]5. 看单词,写音标。
Aa Kk Ii dobikegood too doctorcake toybag car boy cow音标练习21. 选出下列没有相同发音的词。
A B CD( ) cake egg rain face( ) boy toilet cat toy( ) how sun cow house( ) mouth coat nose window ( ) pear boy air hair( ) boat bike slide fly( ) pear ship coat pig( ) hat sea too elephant( ) cold find door chair ( ) look zoo rose zero( ) father them brotherwatch2. 看音标,写单词。
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right might outside unite life price
pie sigh my like die alive
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a silent night a white lie side by side swim with the tide (潮流) quite a nice knife quite a while
May Day Great change The name of the game No pains, no gains.
mail wait play change same amazing
pay say may lake day late
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after partly artist heart mark
cart march card barn task
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a fast car pass a bar a hard task too hard to grasp do harm to the heart
I’d like to buy a white bike. What kind of ice cream shall I buy? My poor eyesight made it impossible for me to try for the prize (奖励).
/ei/ /ai/ 发音练习
[ai] 发音字母 i y eye uy
eye night bike write July
A nice sight High in the sky Time and tide wait for no man. Quite right
why sky nice time finen.
part of the park on behalf of Arthur Mark barked (吠叫) in the dark. The park is far from the farm.
[ʌ] 发音字母 u o ou oo
Much honey Just for fun Up Under Cut Does Young Enough
Great mind thinks alike.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Haste makes waste.
Call a spade a spade(铲子).
Lucky in love Well begun is half done.
up culture custom money suddenly country
cut hut much cud bun fun
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must hurry up have trouble with the truck We love our country. Mother has enough money to buy a truck.
Vowels [a:] [ʌ] [ei] [ai]
/a:/字母组合 ar a ear
Art Army Star Father Garden
A large car Half a jar After the bath Far from eye, far from heart.
make a mistake stay and wait in the same way wait at the gate stay up late play a game
We can’t wait, it is getting late. How much do you pay for the place? The lazy lady lay in the shade (树荫) of the tree all day. I won’t be late, for today is my payday (发工资日).
/a:/ /ʌ/ 发音练习
park the truck run a farm come to the farm ask for the duck
[ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey
Age Rain Labor Today Play Take
on the same night late for the flight pay for a price a bright day play at night bake a nice cake to my taste They like to ride gray bikes of the same style as mine.