The Dead


the dead眼睛与死亡的赏析

the dead眼睛与死亡的赏析

the dead眼睛与死亡的赏析1.“死亡”中历史背景的主题烘托19世纪末,爱尔兰与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国与苏格兰合并。




“死亡”的共鸣和它特有的充满活力的语言源自于这种历史层次的深度,因为它是隐藏的,所以更能引起人们的共鸣(Whelan 59)。















布朗先生对这个故事的反应是:‘我非常喜欢这个想法,但舒适的弹簧床对他们的作用不像棺材那样好吗?’(Joyce 15)。



the dead用法-概述说明以及解释

the dead用法-概述说明以及解释

the dead用法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在这个社会中,我们常常会面对一些不愉快的事情,例如死亡。

















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【精编范文】thedead赏析-精选word文档 (8页)

【精编范文】thedead赏析-精选word文档 (8页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==thedead赏析篇一:《死亡诗社》的双语台词赏析一、及时行乐,让你的生命超越凡俗《船长,我的船长》Oh ,captain ,my captain!《劝少年们珍惜时光》及时采撷你的花蕾/旧时光一去不回/今天尚在微笑的花朵/明天变得风中枯萎(丁尼生)Gather ye rosebuds while ye may/Oldtime is still a-flying/And this same flowers that smilestoday/Tomorrow will be dying因为信不信由你,这个房间里的每个人,总有一天都要停止呼吸,僵冷,死亡。


他们是否虚度时光,到最后一无所成?因为各位所见到的??这些男孩现在都已化为尘土了,如果你们仔细倾听,便能听见他们在低声耳语,附耳过去,仔细听,听见了?CARPE?听见了吗?CARPE... CARPE DIEM 及时行乐,孩子们,让你的生命超越凡俗。

Because believe or not, each one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die. I'd like you to step forward of you and peruse some of the faces from the past. They'renot that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones. Just like you. Invincible just like you fell. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, justlike many of you; their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Didthey wait until it was too late to make from their lives even oneiota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentleman, theseboys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen,you hear it? Carpe...hear it? Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extraordinary.二、诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,才是我们活着的意义。


AFestivalfor the Dead is held once a year inJapan.日本每年过一次“亡灵节”。
festival ['festivəl] n.节日
The dead和the living均为“定冠词+形容词”结构,表示某类人。
This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living.这个节日是个欢乐的日子,因为在这一天,据说死去的人要回到他们的家里来,活着的人则对他们表示欢迎。
These lanterns will guide the dead on their return journey to the other world.
② vt.指导(……的行动);影响(……的决策等)
We should be always guided by truth.我们应该永远受真理的指导。
In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over.在靠海的城镇中,头天夜里挂在大街小巷的小灯笼在节后就放在了水里。
He drifted fromFrancetoItaly.
This is a movingspectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.
























As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them.因为预料到他们在经过长途旅行之后会感到饥饿,所以为他们摆放好了食品。
lay out摆放,展示,摆设,摊开
Just as he laid out his book, the telephone rang.他刚把书摊开电话就响了。
Don’t let your wife’s opinion guide your actions.
the other world另一个世界,即阴间
She believes that she will meet her dead parents in the other world.
This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living.这个节日是个欢乐的日子,因为在这一天,据说死去的人要回到他们的家里来,活着的人则对他们表示欢迎。
spectacle ['spekt?k?l] n.景象,壮观,场面
moving adj.动人的,感人的
a moving spectacle一个感人的场面
I’ve just read a moving story/letter.我刚读了一个感人的故事/一封感人的信。

Plot summary -the dead(死者的整篇概述与中文的理解)

Plot summary -the dead(死者的整篇概述与中文的理解)

Plot summaryThe story centres on Gabriel Conroy on the night of the Morkan sisters' annual dance and dinner in the first week of January 1904, perhaps the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6). Typical of the stories in Dubliners, "The Dead" develops toward a moment of painful self-awareness; Joyce described this as an epiphany. The narrative generally concentrates on Gabriel's insecurities, his social awkwardness, and the defensive way he copes with his discomfort. The story culminates at the point when Gabriel discovers that, through years of marriage, there was much he never knew of his wife's past.Upon arriving at the party with his wife, Gabriel makes an unfunny joke about the maid's marriage prospects; and he fidgets, adjusts his clothing, and offers her money as a holiday present. Not long after that, he gets flustered again when his wife pokes fun at him over a conversation they had earlier, in which he had forced her to wear galoshes for the bad weather. With such episodes, Gabriel is depicted as particularly pathetic. Similarly, Gabriel is unsure about quoting a poem from the poet Robert Browning when he is giving his dinner address, as he is afraid to be seen as pretentious. But, at the same time, Gabriel considers himself above the others when he speculates that his audience would not understand the words he uses.Later, when giving the traditional holiday toast, Gabriel overcompensates for some of his earlier statements to his evening dancing partner Miss Ivors, an Irish nationalist. His talk relies heavily on conventions; and he praises the virtues of the Irish people and idealizes the past in a way that feels contrived and disingenuous especially considering what the past will mean to him once he hears his wife's story. In fact he hurts Miss Ivors by mistake so much that she rushes away even before dinner is served.As Gabriel is preparing to leave the party, he sees a woman absorbed in thought, standing at the top of the staircase. He stares at her for a moment before he recognizes her as his wife. He then envisages her as though she were the model in a painting that he would call "Distant Music". Her distracted and wistful mood arouses sexual interest in him. He tries indirectly to confront her about it after the party, in the hotel room he has reserved for them; but he finds her unresponsive. Trying to make ironic, half-suggestive comments, Gabriel learns that she was feeling nostalgic after having heard Mr. D'Arcy singing The Lass of Aughrim at the party.Upon being pressed further, Gretta says that the song reminds her of the time when she was a girl in Galway and in love with a boy named Michael Furey. At the time, Gretta was being kept at her grandmother's home before she was to be sent off to a convent in Dublin. Michael was terribly sick and unable to see her. Despite being bedridden, when it came time for her to leave Galway, Michael travelled through the rain to Gretta's window; and, although he was able to speak with her again, he died within the week.The remainder of the text delves further into Gabriel's thoughts after he hears this story, exploring his shifting views on himself, his wife, the past, the living and the dead. It is ambiguous whether the epiphany is just an artistic and emotional moment or is meant to set the reader pondering whether Gabriel will ever manage to escape his smallness and insecurity.对于重写这种做法,欧茨在重写的《死者》中,借女作家伊琳娜之口这样说:“我希望通过重新构思已故作家的作品与情感来向他们致敬……就像女人与男人联姻那样,嫁给他们、加入他们……无论是在精神上还是在情欲上……”(and I want to honor the dead by reimagining their works,by reimagining their obssessions……in a way marrying them,joining them as a woman joins a man……spiritually and erotically……“在两篇《死者》中,均通过出色的技巧表现了人类灵魂的瘫痪——在乔伊斯作品中是都柏林人,在欧茨的作品中是纽约人。

The Dead

The Dead
Bie Ting
Content Analysis
• His encounter with Miss Ivors: – “O, innocent Amy! I have found out that you write for The Daily Express. Now, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”
– “-I'll engage they did, said Gabriel, but they forgot that my wife here takes three mortal hours to dress herself . . .”
Bie Ting
Content Analysis
– “Kate and Julia came toddling down the dark stairs at once. Both of them kissed Gabriel's wife, and said she must be perished alive and asked was Gabriel with her.”
– “For years and years it had gone off in splendid style…ever since Kate and Julia…to live with them in the dark gaunt house on Usher’s Island…”
– “-O, Mr Conroy, said Lily to Gabriel when she opened the door for him, Miss Kate and Miss Julia thought you were never coming. Good-night, Mrs Conroy.”

文学导论The dead 情节总结

文学导论The dead 情节总结

文学导论The dead 情节总结情节是一种典型的描写人和自然关系的文学体裁。
















同义词辨析:late、dead、deceased导航意思: 死亡的late:解析: late 只作定语,只用于人而不用于物。

例句: Following his late father's will, he was given the right to take over all businesses.翻译: 遵照已故父亲的遗嘱,他有权接管所有的企业。

例句: The late master of the estate was named Bill Brown.翻译: 已故庄园主叫比尔·布朗。

dead:解析: dead 普通用词,指人和物失去生命的。

例句: The dead tree was cut down and burned.翻译: 那棵枯树被砍倒并烧掉了。

例句:Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.翻译: 凯瑟琳的尸体安详地躺在床上。

例句:Often a genius is recognized only after he is dead and gone.翻译: 天才往往在离开人世之后才得到认可。

deceased:解析: deceased 法律术语,指人已死亡的;常用作the deceased, 尤指新近去世的人。

例句: The deceased left a large sum of money to his grandson.翻译: 死者给他的孙子留下一大笔钱。

例句: The deceased leaves a widow and three daughters.翻译: 死者留下妻子和三个女儿。

例句: Many friends of the deceased were present at the funeral.翻译: 死者的很多朋友都出席了葬礼。

the dead sea scrolls阅读译文

the dead sea scrolls阅读译文

死海古卷the dead sea scrolls阅读译文




















过去分词构成。 • 过去分词经常与其他词构成复合形容词: • well-intentioned • well-known • well-preserved • widespread • candle-lit • a horse-drawn cart • a tree-lined street
• well-intentioned 善意的 • well-known 著名的 • well-preserved 保存/保养得好的 • widespread 广泛流传的 • candle-lit 点着蜡烛的 • a horse-drawn cart 一辆二轮马车 • a tree-lined street 林阴街道
• (2)被动语态 the dead are said 在这里的 作用是缓和说话语气,因为对事情是否属 实的把握不太大。
• 2.… food is laid out for them. ……为他 们摆放好了食品。
• lay out 为短语动词,其含义之一为“摆 出”、“摊开”:
• Just as he laid out his book, the telephone rang.
• 她整个夏天都和她爷爷呆在一起。
• 5.their return journey to the other world,返回另一个世界。
• world 可以与一些限定词连用以表示“今世 /现世”、“来世”、“黄泉”等:
• the next world / the world to come 来世
• She believes that she will meet her dead parents in the other world.
• 她相信她会与她死去的父母在阴间重逢。
• 6.a moving spectacle,一个感人的场面。 • moving 为形容词,表示“动人的”、“感

the dead主要讲了什么

the dead主要讲了什么

the dead主要讲了什么
《the dead主要讲了什么》(The Dead),作家,收录於1914年出版的《》一书。





The Dead(James Joyce)--Analysis

The Dead(James Joyce)--Analysis

James Joyce - The DeadThe AuthorJames Joyce was born in Rathgar, a suburb in the south of Dublin, on February 2, 1882. He was the first of ten children. His parents were John Stanislaus Joyce, an improvident rate collector, and Mary Jane Murray. James was baptised in Roman Catholic faith at the church of St Joseph, Terenure, on February 5.In 1887 the Joyce family moved to Bray, a seaside town fifteen miles south of Dublin. From 1888 to 1891 James studied at Clongowes Wood College, Sallins, County Kildare, a well-known Jesuit school. In 1891 the family, who had financial problems, moved first to Blackrock and then to Dublin. After a brief interlude with the Christian Brothers on North Richmond Street, Joyce finished his Jesuit education at Belvedere College. In 1898 he entered University College, Dublin, where he read French, Italian and English. In 1902, Joyce left for Paris in order to study medicine, but he soon returned to Dublin in August of 1903 because of his mother’s death . Back in Dublin James Joyce started working an the first draft of ‘Stephen Hero’. In 1904 he fell in love with Nora Barnacle, a girl from Galway who worked in a hotel. In the same year he also published the first story of the collection ‘Dubliners’. He decided to leave for Zurich together with Nora, where he taught at the Berlitz school. A year later they moved to Trieste where his son Giorgo was born on 27 July 1905.Six months later, James Joyce sent twelve stories of ‘Dubliners’ to his publisher, who hesitated eleven years to publish these stories, because he was afraid of censorship. In 1907 Joyce published ‘Chamber Music’, a collection of poems. In the same year his daughter Lucia Anna was born.The following years were marked by the beginning of Joyce’s eye problems. In 1914 ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ was published. Joyce’s play ‘Exiles’ was published in 1918 in London and New York. In 1920 the family Joyce moved to Paris and two years later the full text of ‘Ulysses’ was published in book form. His second collection of poems, ‘Pomes Penyeach’, was published in 1927. On 4 July 1931 James and Nora were married in London ‘for testamentary reasons’. In the same year, Joyce’s father died in Dublin.By 1933 Joyce had become nearly blind. Two more of Joyce’s books were published in the thirties: his ‘Collected Poems’ (1936) and ‘Finnegans Wake’ (1939). In 1940 the family Joyce fled to Switzerland.Joyce died in Zurich on 13 January 1941, of a perforated ulcer.About the Story‘The Dead’ is the last story of ‘Dubliners’. James Joyce wrote this story in Trieste in 1907. ‘The Dead’ was first published with the rest of the collection in 1917.‘The Dead’ has the usual division into three parts, indicated by Joyce himself: arrival of the guests and first dances; Gabriel’s own dance with Miss Ivors,supper and speech; last song, departure, hotel scene with the revelation of Gretta’s past love.Summary1PartThe story is set at the house of the Morkans where the sisters Miss Kate and Miss Julia and their niece Mary Jane have their yearly Christmas party. Everybody who knows one of the three hostesses comes each year to their dance-party. This year the guests are worried at first because it was after ten o’clock Gabriel Conroy, the nephew of Miss Julia and Miss Kate, and his wife Gretta have still not come. When they finally arrive, everybody is very pleased because Gabriel is going to give a speech this year. Gabriel wants to give Lily, who does the housework for her aunts and her cousin, a tip, but she rejects it. Gabriel goes up the stairs and stops outside the sitting room door in order to go through his speech again because he is not really content with it. He thinks that it might be too difficult for his audience, and he does not want to make another mistake (after offering Lily a tip).After that he greets the other guests. At the same time, Freddy Malins who is always drunk arrives. Gabriel is told better to look after Freddy when the other people go back into the room where they can have a drink or dance. Mary Jane starts playing the piano, but Gabriel does not listen because he does not like the music.Part2After Mary Jane has finished playing, Gabriel finds himself standing close to Miss Ivors as the next dance begins. She is a young woman with honest brown eyes who talks a lot. They start a conversation and Gabriel tells her that he will not be able to come to the Aran Isles because he wants to go on a bicycle tour to France or Belgium. She, however, cannot understand at all why he does not want to visit his own country, but Gabriel argues that he wants to practice the foreign languages. When the music has finished, they stop talking as well and she even calls him ‘West Briton’.After the dance, Gabriel Conroy speaks to Freddy Mailins’ mother in order to forget the conversation with Miss Ivors. Then everybody sits down to have supper, and Gabriel takes a seat at the head of the table. After the supper Gabriel makes his speech.3PartThe last guests are standing at the front door. The cold morning air blows into the house. Gabriel puts his coat on and waits for his wife Gretta. He goes to the bottom of the stairs and looks up. He sees a women standing in the shadow near the top. It is his wife who is listening to a melody. Someone is playing the piano and a man is singing to the music. It is Mr Bartell D’Arcy whohas not wanted to sing at first. After that, all go to the door and say goodbye to the hostesses.Gabriel and his wife Gretta go back home to their hotel. Gretta is very thoughtful. She tells Gabriel that she keeps thinking about a person she knew a long time ago when she was living with her grandmother in a small village. His name was Michael Furey and he was her boyfriend. He died when he was only seventeen. And she believes he died for her. He was ill and he visited her because she wanted to move to Dublin. The weather was horrible, it was raining and a strong wind was blowing. He died one week later.After this revelation he throws herself down on the bed, crying. While Gretta is asleep, Gabriel looks out of the window ,and thinks about the story she has just told him, about his earlier feelings for her, and about how strong they were. He meditates on the living and the dead.CharacterisationGabriel Conroy:He is the main character of this story. Gabriel, ‘a stout, tallish young man with glossy black hair and glasses’, works as a university teacher in Galway- In contrast to Miss Ivors, he is not so fond of his country.As his wife tells him that this boy, Michael Furey, died for her, he cannot deal with the situation. He feels completely alone.Conroy:GrettaShe is Gabriel’s wife. His mother does not like her. She calls Gretta ‘a sweet girl from the country’. But she is a rather beautiful woman. At the Christmas party she remembers Michael Furey. She thinks that he died for her and loves him because of that.Interpretation‘The Dead’ is a description of a man’s realisation of his psychological paralysis.1 This is broken down by three mistakes, one in each part of the story: (1) Lily’s refusal of a tip: Gabriel’s failure as a gentlemen, (2) Miss Ivors’ use of the abusive term ‘West Briton’: Gabriel’s failure as an Irishman, (3) Gretta’s withdrawal into the past and her revelation: Gabriel’s failure as a man, a lover and a husband.He is then left alone (his wife is fast asleep) to mediate on the living and the dead while he is looking out of the window.1 HART, CLIVE: James Joyce’s ‘Dubliners’, Faber&Faber, London, 1969。



死亡初雪选段译文分析译文赏析1.乔伊斯The Dead 段落赏析该段落选自20世纪意识流小说大师詹姆斯·乔伊斯的短篇小说集《都柏林人》中的最后,也是最重要的一篇---《死者》(The Dead).这篇小说惯用意识流的手法,以生动、准确、朴实的语言,细腻地体现出乔伊斯关于生死的思考。

The Dead 是乔伊斯长篇小说《都柏林人》的最后一篇,也可是说是压轴篇。
























外研版九上英语 Module 7 Great books Unit 2

外研版九上英语 Module 7 Great books Unit 2
get into trouble 遇上麻烦→强调动作 [相当于be in trouble(强调状态)]
讲 get...into trouble意为"让……陷入麻烦"。▶If you are against the rules,you may get into trouble. 如果你违背规则,你可能会遇上麻烦。
作名词,意为"惊奇;惊讶;意外"。to one's surprise意为"令某人吃惊的是";in surprise意为"惊讶地"。
set v.(电影、戏剧、小说等)以……为背景
讲 "be set in+地点"意为"以某地为背景"。▶The novel is set in France in the 1860s.这部小说以19世纪60年代的法国为背景。
教材原句 He does not like people telling him what to do,so he always gets into trouble. 他不喜欢人们告诉他该做什么,所以他总是遇上麻烦。(教材P58)
辨 dying,die,dead与death

雅思阅读the dead sea scrolls 原文

雅思阅读the dead sea scrolls 原文

雅思阅读the dead sea scrolls 原文
死海古卷,是20 世纪最重大的考古发现之一,这些古老的卷轴为我们揭示了古代宗教、社会和文化生活的诸多秘密。




1947 年,一个牧童在昆兰地区的一个山洞里意外发现了死海古卷,随后,更多的古卷陆续被发现。

这些古卷的年代可追溯至公元前2 世纪至公元1 世纪,保存了包括圣经在内的诸多古代文献。














adj.死的; 失去生命的; 枯萎的; 不再有人相信或争取; 过时的; 已废弃的; 不流行的;
n.死人; 死者; 死;
adv.完全地; 全然地; 确实地; 非常; 绝对; 极度;
[例句]Her husband's been dead a year now


如:Pans can't die.
His grandpa died two years ago .


如:It's dead.
His grandpa has been dead for two years .


如:Don't work yourself to death. 不要工作得把你自己累死了


如:I think his grandpa is dying .


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Gabriel’s thoughts and awakening suggest the living
might be able to free themselves from dull routines and the past. Even snow cannot last forever.
Isolation: Gabriel finding out his wife, Gretta, has kept the most
important event of her life from him (Michael Furey’s devotion); Gabriel realizing his lack of closeness to another human being, lack of intimacy with his wife. Gabriel’s solitude by referring to a better state outside his aunts dinner party (desire for escape). Country divided: incident with Miss Ivors, a deep nationalist and Gabriel being referred to as a West Briton or non-nationalist. Gabriel’s sudden loss of control through inadequate answer to Miss Ivors’ sharp comments about him.
from his numb and cold life. After Gretta’s confession, he feels angry, jealous, and then at peace. Realized he has never experienced Michael’s aching type of true love, but a desire to control Gretta.
point of view · Objective information; characters presented as
they would appear to an outsider; thoughts and actions from the protagonists’ points of view, a sense of what the characters are feeling. tone · The abundance of details about the grim (sad) realities of the city and the focus on hardships create a tragic tone and offer a subtle critique.
Gabriel’s speech depicts the division between the past of the
dead and the present of the living. Betrays himself honoring the past and death, rejecting them and embracing the present. Both ends connected through hospitality at the party.
Routine/paralysis (state of numbness): annual dinner event, same
everything: people, place, dinner speaker, dance, food, Freddy’s drunkenness, horse story
Gabriel Conroy - The main character of the story. Kate Morkan and Julia Morkan - Elderly sisters who throw a party
before the Feast of Epiphany (Jan 6) Mary Jane Morkan - Niece of Kate and Julia Morkan. Lily - Maid, insulted by Gabriel Conroy when he asks about her love life. Gretta Conroy - Gabriel's wife. Molly Ivors - Colleague of Gabriel's, very patriotic about Ireland. Mr. Browne - Only Protestant guest at the party. Freddy Malins - A drunk and friend of Gabriel’s. Bartell D'Arcy - A famous tenor. Michael Furey - Although only mentioned by Gretta as a boy from her youth, he is nonetheless vital to the climactic epiphany of the work. He is dead when the story takes place.
Main ideas/Symbols
Epiphany: a sudden, intuitive perception of the reality or
essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. Poverty/class differences: incident with housekeeper Lily; her accent and back answer related to her love life. Gabriel’s solution for conflict through money. Gabriel’s snobbishness assuming his audience might not understand his dinner speech.
Social roles: Gabriel’s restrained behavior, reputation, and family
caretaker: A man of authority and caution. His confidence challenged by encounters with three women.
Gabriel reflects on his own controlled, passionless life; realizes
life is short, and those who experience great passion like Michael Furey, live more fully than people like himself.
The snow suggests a sense of numbness in Gabriel’s
character. He is literally frigid to emotion but so is everybody. The snow does not fall only outside of Gabriel’s window; covers Michael Furey’s grave, those people still living, and the entire country of Ireland. . In other words, everyone, everywhere, is as numb and in frozen paralysis as he is.
The Dead James Joyce
Main ideas Personal views Message
General Facts
full title · Dubliners author · James Joyce type of work · Collection of short stories genre · Realist fiction; urban literature language · English (with some Irish sayings) setting (time and place) · Early 1900s, Dublin, Ireland
date of first publication · 1914
publisher · Grant Richards narrator · Narrated by an anonymous third person who pays
close attention to details though in a detached manner.
The Catholic Church: Pope excluding women from choir, Aunt
Julia’s main life. Aunt Kate complaining but accepting the fact the Pope must be right. Mr. Browne representing the opposite religious side (Protestant). Life and death: story beginning not connected to the title. Story events leading to either dead or alive people: Aunts’ age, Gabriel’s mother’s memories, Uncle Pat, dinner speech, Gretta's confession (story climax).