
knife---knives wolf---wolves life---lives
leaf---leaves wife---wives thief---thieves;
1. 变单词中元音部分。
foot---feet man---men
tooth---teeth mouse---mice woman---women
3. 我们学校有许多学生。
There __a_r_e__ manyቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ_s_t_u_d_e_n_t_s_ in our school.
4.树上没有鸟。 There _i_sn_'_t __ __a_n_y__ birds in the tree.
5. 在你课桌上有一块橡皮和两把尺子。 There _i_s _ _a___r_u_b_b_er_and _tw__o_ __r_u_le_r_s_on your desk.
_A_r_e_y_o_u_r_b_a_g_s_g_r_e_y_? Yes, they are.
__A_r_e_t_h_e_y_w__h_it_e____? No, they aren’t. (white)
复习句型:P 70 看图造句
1. My/Your/His/Her ____ are ____. My/Your/His/Her ____ aren’t ____.
pink T-shirt
washing machine

a e i o u bag ten big box fun dad 9en pig dog run cat leg six orange under hand red milk body duckChant歌曲:Dad has a black cat. The cat is in the bag.Dad has a black cat. The bag is in his hand.你会读这些单词吗?a ba bag a ca cat a ca can a da dad a ha hand a ma mat a ba bad a ga gap a ha hata na nap a fa fan a va van a ha have a sa Sarch a pa panda a sa Sam a an ant a app appleChant歌曲:Ten red pens. Ten red pens.Eight pens, nine pens. Ten red pens.你会读这些单词吗?e re red e te ten e pe pene le leg e ne net e be bede we wet e ye yes e we wede be bear e fe fell e ge gete ne nest e te tend e ye yellowe he hell e eg egg e el elephantChant歌曲:I see a pig. The pig is big. The pig is pink.A big pink pig.I see a pig. A big pink pig.你会读这些单词吗?i bi big i si six i pi pigi mi milk i di dig i zi Zipi pi pink i is is i it iti gi gift i ti tick i in ini li lip i thi thin i si sisteri hi hit i si sit i if ifChant歌曲:The dog is on the box. The orange box.See the dog. See the box.See the dog on the orange box你会读这些单词吗?o do dog o bo box o bo body o or orange o do doll o on on o mo mom o lo log o fo fox o fo fog o ox ox o lo long o bo boy o to Tom o jo JohnChant歌曲:Run duck, run! Quack. Run duck, run! Quack.Under the sun, quack. Under the sun, quack.Run duck, run! Quack. Run! Run! Run! Quack. Quack.你会读这些单词吗?u fu fun u ru run u du ducku un under u cu cut u up upu mu mum u bu bus u su sunu gu gun u un uncle u yu yummy u hu hut u cu cup u lu luck三下单词分类国家类:UK英国Canada加拿大USA美国China中国Australia澳大利亚动物类:panda熊猫beaver海狸eagle鹰kangaroo袋鼠giraffe长颈鹿deer小鹿人类:家庭成员类:father(dad)爸爸mother(mum)妈妈sister姐;妹brother兄;弟grandfather(grandpa)爷爷外公grandmother(grandma)奶奶外婆职业类:teacher教师student学生pupil(小)学生人称类:he他she她you你me(I)我尊称类:Mr男士,先生Miss女士,小姐小孩类:boy男孩girl女孩大人类:man男人woman女人形容词:thin瘦的fat胖的tall高的short矮的small小的big大的short短的long长的方位词:on在上面in在里面under在下面玩具类:cap帽子ball球boat小船map地图car小汽车jeep吉普车kite风筝toy玩具水果类:pear梨apple水果orange橙子banana香蕉watermelon西瓜strawberry草莓grape葡萄fruit水果数字类:eleven11 twelve12 thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20 杂类:friend朋友family家庭children儿童box盒子chair椅子desk桌子today今天and和,与new新的tail尾巴buy买beautiful美丽的so这么,那么。

Veiled cell
免疫细胞 淋巴组织的结构和功能 淋巴器官的结构和功能
淋巴组织 Lymphoid tissue
弥散淋巴组织 Diffuse lymphoid tissue ----T cell
淋巴小结 Lymphoid nodule ----B cell
脾 Spleen
结构 Structure of the spleen 被膜 Capsule 小梁 Trabecula 白髓 White pulp 边缘区 Marginal zone 红髓 Red pulp
被膜 小梁
White pulp
Red pulp
Central lymphoid organ
胸腺 Thymus 骨髓 Bone marrow
Peripheral lymphoid organ
淋巴结 Lymph node 脾 Spleen 扁桃体 Tonsil
淋巴结 Lymph node
结构 Structure of the lymph node
皮质 Cortex----Dark staining 髓质 Medulla----Light staining
★ △
Capsule △Cortex ★Medulla
胸腺皮质 Thymus cortex
胸腺上皮细胞 Thymic epithelial cell 被膜下上皮细胞 Subcapsular epithelial cell 哺育细胞 Nurse cell Function---- To produce thymosin, thymopoietin

英美文学术语解释Potmodernimithee某preionofthoughtandcultureinart,literature,philoophyandpoliticina dvancedcapitalitperiod.“Pot-”of“Potmodernim”itheinheritanceandreactionto“modernim”.Potm odernimwaoriginallyuedbyartitandcriticinNewYorkinthe1960andthene mployedbyEuropeantheoritinthe1970.Oncethiwritingenteredonthetage ofhitory,ithabroughtunotonlytechniqueuchaparody,fragmentation,pa tiche,collage,allegory,irony,playfulne,metafiction,butalointerte 某tualityinhitory,philoophy,ociology,etc..HumanimitheeenceoftheRenaiance.2>itemphaizethedignityofhumanbeingandtheimportanceofthepreen tlife.Humanitvoicedtheirbeliefthatmanwathecenteroftheunivereandm andidnotonlyhavetherighttoenjoythebeautyofthepreentlife,buthadth eabilitytoperfecthimelfandtoperformwonder.02.Renaiance(文艺复兴) Theword“Renaiance”mean“rebirth”,itmeantthereintroduction intowetermEuropeofthefullculturalheritageofGreeceandRome.2>theeenceoftheRenaianceiHumanim.Attitudeandfeelingwhichhadb eencharacteriticofthe14thand15thcenturieperitedwelldownintotheer aofHumanimandreformation.3>therealmaintreamoftheenglihRenaianceitheElizabethandramawi thwilliamhakepearebeingtheleadingdramatit.03.Metaphyicalpoetry(玄学派诗歌)2>witharebellioupirit,theMetaphyicalpoettriedtobreakawayfrom theconventionalfahionoftheElizabethanlovepoetry.Clacimrefertoamovementortendencyinart,literature,ormuicthatr eflecttheprinciplemanifetedintheartofancientGreeceandRome.Claicimemph aizethetraditionalandtheuniveral,andplacevalueonreaon,clarity,ba lance,andorder.Claicim,withitconcernforreaonanduniveraltheme,itr aditionallyoppoedtoRomanticim,whichiconcernedwithemotionandperon altheme.05.Enlightenment(启蒙运动)Enlightenmentmovementwaaprogreivephiloophicalandartiticmovem entwhichflourihedinfranceandweptthroughweternEuropeinthe18thcent ury.2>themovementwaafurtheranceoftheRenaiancefrom14thcenturytoth emid-17thcentury.3>itpurpoewatoenlightenthewholeworldwiththelightofmodernphil oophicalandartiticidea.4>itcelebratedreaonorrationality,equalityandcience.Itadvocat eduniveraleducation.5>famouamongthegreatenlightenerinenglandwerethoegreatwriterl ikeAle某anderpope.Jonathanwift.etc.06.Neoclaicim(新古典主义) Inthefieldofliterature,theenlightenmentmovementbroughtabouta revivalofinteretintheoldclaicalwork.2>thitendencyiknownaneoclaicim.TheNeoclaicitheldthatformofli teratureweretobemodeledaftertheclaicalworkoftheancientGreekandRomanwriteruchaHomerandVirgilandthoeofthecontemporaryFrenchone.3>t heybelievedthattheartiticidealhouldbeorder,logic,retrainedemotio nandaccuracy,andthatliteraturehouldbejudgedintermofitervicetohum anity.07.TheGraveyardSchool(墓地派诗歌)2>ThomaGrayiconideredtobetheleadingfigureofthichoolandhiEleg ywritteninacountrychurchyardiitmotrepreentativework.08.Romantici m(浪漫主义)1>Inthemid-18thcentury,anewliterarymovementcalledromanticimcametoEuropeandt hentoEngland.2>Itwacharacterizedbyatrongprotetagaintthebondageofneoclaici m,whichemphaizedreaon,orderandelegantwit.Intead,romanticimgavepr imaryconcerntopaion,emotion,andnaturalbeauty.3>Inthehitoryofliterature.Romanticimigenerallyregardedatheth oughtthatdeignatealiteraryandphiloophicaltheorywhichtendtoeethei ndividualatheverycenterofalllifeande某perience.4>TheEnglihromanticperiodianageofpoetrywhichprevailedin Englandfrom1798to1837.ThemajorromanticpoetincludeWordworth,Byron andShelley.09.ByronicHero(拜伦式英雄)Byronicherorefertoaproud,myteriourebelfigureofnobleorigin.2>withimmeneuperiorityinhipaionandpower,thiByronicHerowouldc arryonhihouldertheburdenofrightingallthewronginacorruptociety.Andwouldrieingle-handedlyagaintanykindoftyrannicalruleeitheringovernment,inreligi on,orinmoralprinciplewithunconquerablewillandine某hautibleenergie.3>By ron’chiefcontributiontoEnglihliteratureihicreationofthe “ByronicHero”10.CriticalRealim(批判现实主义)4>CharleDickenithemotimportantcriticalrealit.11.Aetheticim (美学主义)ThebaictheoryoftheAetheticmovement---“artforart’ake”waetforthbyaFrenchpoet,TheophileGautier,thefi r tEnglihmanwhowroteaboutthetheoryofaetheticimwaWalterPater.2>aetheticimplaceartabovelife,andholdthatlifehouldimitateart ,notartimitatelife.3>Accordingtotheaethete,allartiticcreationiabolutelyubjectiv eaoppoedtoobjective.Arthouldbefreefromanyinfluenceofegoim.Onlywh enartiforart’ake,canitbeimmortal.Theybelievedthatarthouldbeunco ncernedwithcontroverialiue,uchapoliticandmorality,andthatithould beretrictedtocontributingbeautyinahighlypolihedtyle.美学运动的基本原则”为艺术而艺术”最初由法国诗人西奥费尔.高缔尔提出,英国运用该美学理论的第一人是沃尔特.佩特.美学主义崇尚艺术高于生活,认为生活应模仿艺术,而不是艺术模仿生活.在美学主义看来,所有的艺术创作都是绝对主观而非客观的产物.艺术不应受任何功利的影响,只有当艺术为艺术而创作时,艺术才能成为不朽之作.他们还认为艺术不应只关注一些热点话题如政治和道德问题,艺术应着力于以华丽的风格张扬美.这是对维多利亚工业发展时期物质崇拜的一种回应,也是向艺术为道德或为金钱而服务的维多利亚传统的挑战.12.TheVictorianperiod(维多利亚时期)Inthiperiod,thenovelbecamethemotwidelyreadandthemotvitalandc hallenginge某preionofprogreivethought.Whiletickingtotheprincipleoffaithfulrep reentationofthe18thcenturyrealitnovel,novelitinthiperiodcarriedt heirdutyforwardtocriticimoftheocietyandthedefeneofthema.3>theirtruthfulpictureofpeople’lifeandbitterandtrongcritici moftheocietyhaddonemuchinawakeningthepublicconciounetotheocialpr oblemandintheactualimprovementoftheociety.4>CharleDickenitheleadingfigureoftheVictorianperiod.13.Moder nim(现代主义)2>modernimtaketheirrationalphiloophyandthetheoryofpycho-analyiaittheoreticalcae.3>thetermpertaintoallthecreativeart.Epeciallypoetry,fiction, drama,painting,muicandarchitecture.4>inEnglandfromearlyinthe20thcenturyandduringthe1920and1930, inAmericafromhortlybeforethefirtworldwarandonduringtheinter-warperiod,modernittendenciewereattheirmotactiveandfruitful.5>afaraliteratureiconcerned,Modernimrevealabreakingawayfrome tablihedrule,traditionandconvention.frehwayo flookingatman’poiti onandfunctionintheunivereandmanye某perimentinformandtyle.Itiparticularlyconcernedwithlanguageandhow toueitandwithwritingitelf.14.Streamofconcioune(意识流)(orinteriormonologue)Inliterarycriticim,Streamofconciounedenotealiterarytechnique which eektodecribeanindividual’pointofviewbygivingthewrittenequi valentofthecharacter’thoughtprocee.Streamofconciounewritingitro nglyaociatedwiththemodernitmovement.Itintroductionintheliteraryc onte某t,tranferredfrompychology,iattributedtoMaySinclair.Streamofconci ounewritingiuuallyregardedaapecialformofinteriormonologueandicha racterizedbyaociativeleapinynta某andpunctuationthatcanmaketheproedifficulttofollow,tracingatheydo acharacter’fragmentarythoughtandenoryfeeling.Famouwritertoemplo ythitechniqueintheEnglihlanguageincludeJameJoyceandWilliamFaulkn er.学术界认为意识流是一种通过直接描述人物思维过程来寻求个人视角的文学写作技巧。

生物化学词汇VOL.1tabun 塔崩,二甲氨基氰磷酸乙酯[有机磷毒物] tachykinin 速激肽tachysterol 速固醇,速甾醇tacrine 塔克林tag 标记(物),标志;尾(端)tagatose 塔格糖tagging 标记tail 尾(部);[噬菌体]尾部tail growth 尾增长[如用于描述聚合酶作用机理]tail tube [噬菌体]尾管tailing 加尾tailing peak 拖尾峰tailpoxin 泰攀蛇毒素talin 踝蛋白[膜下的一种细胞骨架蛋白,见于粘着斑] talopeptide 端肽talose 塔罗糖tamoxifen 三苯氧胺tandem enzyme 串联酶[同一多肽具有不同的酶活性] tannase 鞣酸酶tannin 鞣质,单宁tannin red 鞣红taq DNA ligase taq DNA连接酶targeted 定向的targeted toxin 导向毒素targeting sequencing 前导序列,导向序列targeting signal 引导信号,导向信号tautomerism 互变异构tautomerization 互变异构化tautomycin 互变霉素taxis 趋(向)性taxol 红豆杉醇,紫杉酚taxon 分类单位,分类群tectivirus 复层病毒[一类噬菌体]tektin 筑丝蛋白[与中间丝相类似的一种可形成丝状聚体的蛋白]telecrine 远距分泌,远程分泌teleocidin 杀鱼菌素teliospore 冬孢子telomerase 端粒(末端转移)酶telomere 端粒telopeptide 端肽telophase 末期telosynapsis 对端联会tenascin 腱生蛋白,肌腱蛋白[由星形细胞合成并释放,可调节细胞的形态]tendo 腱tenericute 无壁(细)菌[缺乏胞壁的细菌]teniposide 表鬼臼毒噻吩糖苷tensin 张力蛋白[可维持微丝锚着点的张力]tenuin 细丝蛋白,细棒蛋白[一种肌肉蛋白]tenuivirus 细病毒组[一组植物病毒,模式成员是水稻条叶枯病毒]teratocarcinoma 畸胎癌[恶性的畸胎癌]teratogen 致畸剂teratoma 畸胎瘤[由来自内胚层,中胚层和外胚层的混合组织组成的良性肿瘤]terminalization (末)端化terminase 末端酶[如见于λ噬菌体,可切除cos位点] terminator 终止子;终止剂terminus 末端terpene 萜terpenoid 类萜,萜类化合物terrace 平台testa 种皮testosterone 睾酮tetanolysin 破伤风(菌)溶血(毒)素tetanospasmin 破伤风(菌)痉挛(毒)素tetrads 四联球菌[四个球菌作正方形排列] tetraethylammonium 四乙铵tetrahydrobiopterin 四氢生物蝶呤tetrahydrofolate 四氢叶酸;四氢叶酸盐、酯、根tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃tetrahydroisoquinoline 四氢异喹啉tetrahymena 四膜虫属tetraiodothyronine 四碘甲状腺原氨酸,甲状腺素tetramer 四聚体tetramethylsilane 四甲基硅烷tetraphenylphosphonium 四苯金粦tetraploid 四倍体tetraploidy 四倍性tetrasaccharide 四糖tetrasome 四体(染色体)生物tetrasomy 四体性tetraspore 四分孢子tetravirus 四病毒tetrazole 四唑[在DNA合成反应作为缩合剂]tetrodotoxin (河)豚毒素texas Red [商]德克萨斯红[Molecular Probe公司生物学燃料的商标,是磺基罗丹明101的两种单磺酰氯衍生物的混合物] thalassemia 地中海贫血,珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血thallophyte 原植体植物thallospore 体裂孢子,无梗孢子thallus [真菌]菌体thapsigargin 毒胡萝卜素,毒胡萝卜内酯thaumatin 奇(异果)甜蛋白[在热带灌木奇异果的果实中法线的一种甜蛋白]thelykaryon 雌核thelyplasm 雌质thelytoky 产雌孤雌生殖theoflavin 茶黄素[茶中的多元酚氧化产物]theophylline 茶碱,1,3-二甲基黄嘌呤thermolysin 嗜热菌蛋白酶thermophile 嗜热生物thermophilic 嗜热的,耐热的thermus aquaticus 粞热水生菌thevetin 黄花夹竹桃苷thiaole 噻唑thienamycin 噻烯霉素thigmotaxis 趋触性thioesterase 硫酯酶thioglucosidase 硫葡糖苷酶thiokinase 硫激酶thiolase 硫解酶thiolutin 硫藤黄素thionin 硫素[一类富含Cys的植物抗病蛋白] thionine 硫堇thiophene 噻吩thiophenol 苯硫酚thioredoxin 硫氧还蛋白thiosemicarbazide 氨基硫脲thiosemicarbazone 缩氨基硫脲thiostrepton 硫链丝菌肽thiouracil 硫尿嘧啶thoracic duct 胸导管thrombin 凝血酶thrombocytasthenia 血小板无力症thrombocytopathy 血小板病thrombocytopenia 血小板减少thrombocytosis 血小板增多thromboglobulin 血小板球蛋白thrombolytics 溶栓剂thrombomodulin 凝血调节蛋白,(血)栓调(节)蛋白[内皮细胞的膜蛋白,凝血酶的受体]thromboplastin 促凝血酶原激酶thromboplastinogen 促凝血酶原激酶原thrombopoiesis 血小板生成thrombopoietin 血小板生成素thrombospondin 血小板反应蛋白[一种可接受促分裂原刺激的钙结合糖蛋白,对血栓块有稳thrombosthenin 血栓收缩蛋白thromboxane 凝血烷,血栓烷thuricin 苏云金菌素thylakoid 类囊体thymic 胸腺的thymidine 胸(腺嘧啶脱氧核)苷thymidylate 胸苷酸thymine 胸苷嘧啶thymocrescin 胸苷促生长素thymocyte 胸腺细胞thymolphthalein 百里酚酞,麝香草酚酞thymolsulfonphthalein 百里酚蓝,麝香草酚蓝thymopoietin 胸腺(细胞)生成素thymosin 胸腺素thymulin 胸腺(九)肽[胸腺上皮细胞分泌的一种金属肽激素] thynnin 鲔精蛋白thyroglobulin 甲状腺球蛋白thyroliberin 促甲状腺素释放素thyromodulin 促甲状腺素调节素[可调节促甲状腺素的释放] thyronine 甲状腺原氨酸thyrotrophin 促甲状腺素thyrotropin 促甲状腺素thyroxine 甲状腺素ti plasmid Ti质粒,根瘤诱导质粒titin 肌联蛋白,粗丝联接蛋白tobamovirus 烟草花叶病毒组tobramycin 妥布拉霉素tobravirus 烟草脆裂病毒组tocopherol 生育酚toeprinting 趾纹法togavirus 披膜病毒toleragen 耐受原tomatidine 番茄碱,番茄苷配基tomatine 番茄苷tombusvirus 番茄丛矮病毒组tomography 断层照相tomoscan 断层扫描tonoplast 液泡形成体,液泡膜topoisomerase 拓扑异构酶totipotency [分化]全能性totipotent cell 全能细胞totivirus 全病毒toxemia 毒血症toxicosozin 抗毒防卫素toxoid 类毒素toyocamycin 丰加霉素trachea 气管tracheid 管胞[见于植物]track [电泳]泳道tract 段,片,(序列)段,序列(片)trans effect 反位效应trans elimination 反式消除transacetylase 转乙酰(基)酶transacetylation 转乙酰(基)作用transacylase 转酰(基)酶transacylation 转酰基作用transaldolase 转酰酶transaminase 转氨酶transamination 转氨基作用,氨基交换transcarbamylase 转氨甲酰(基)酶transcarbocylase 转羧(基)酶transcobalamin 钴胺传递蛋白transcortin 运皮质(激)素蛋白,皮质(激)素运载蛋白transcribed spacer (可)转录间隔区transcript 转录物transcriptase 转录酶transcription 转录transcytosed protein 胞转蛋白transcytosis 胞(吞)转(运作用),转胞吞(作用)transcytotic vesicle 胞转小泡transdeamination 联合脱氨(基)作用transdetermination 转决(定)transdifferentiation 转分化transducer 转导物,转导器,转导蛋白transducin 转导素[一种可激活cGMP特异性磷酸二酯酶的G蛋白]transductant 转导子,转导体transduction 转导[以病毒为媒介的基因转移];[信号]转导,转换,传导transesterification 转酯(作用),酯基转移(作用),酯交换(作用)transfectant 转染子transfection 转染[通过病毒核酸进入细胞而实现的遗传转化] transfectoma 转染瘤transfer cell 传递细胞[见于植物]transfer DNA 转化DNA[Ti质粒上能转移至植物基因组的DNA] transferase 转移酶transferon 转移决定子[决定某一蛋白从一个区室转移到另一个区室的序列要素]transferrin 运铁蛋白transformant 转化体transformation 转化transframe protein 跨读框蛋白(质)transgene 转基因[整合到转基因动植物基因组中的外源基因] transgenic 转基因的transgenics 转基因学transgenome 转移基因组transglycosylase 转糖基酶,转糖苷酶transglycosylation 转糖基作用,转糖苷作用transgressive 超亲的transhydrogenase 转氢酶transhydroxylation 转羟基(作用),羟基转移transhydroxylmethylase 转羟甲基酶transillumination 透照,透射transilluminator 透照仪,透射仪transition (碱基)转换;过度;跃迁transketolase 转酮酶translation 翻译;平移translation hop 翻译跳步[翻译时越过某些密码子] translational intron 翻译内含子[翻译过程中被绕过的mRNA 部分编码序列]translocation 运输,转运;易位,转位translocator 转运蛋白translocon 易位子transmembrane 跨膜的transmissible 可传递的(遗传)的transmitter 递质transpeptidase 转肽基酶transpeptidation 转肽作用transpeptidylase 转肽基酶transpeptidylation 转肽基作用transpiration 蒸腾作用transporter 转运蛋白,运载蛋白transposable 转座的transposase 转座酶transposition 转座(作用)transpositional 转座的transposon 转座子transsulfation 转磺基作用,转硫磺酸基作用transthyretin 运甲状腺素蛋白,甲状腺素运载蛋白transversion (碱基)颠换trasylol [商]胰Kunitz胰蛋白酶抑制剂[Bayer公司商标] traumatin 愈伤激素,创伤激素trehalase 海藻糖酶trehalose 海藻糖treponema 密螺旋体属triacetin 三乙酰甘油酯trichoderma 木霉菌属trichodermin 木霉菌素trichome (细菌)毛状体trichomycin 抗滴虫霉素,曲古霉素trichophyton 毛癣菌属trichoplusia ni 粉纹夜蛾trichosanthin 天花粉蛋白trichothecin 单端孢菌素trimethoprim 三甲氧苄二氨嘧啶[抗代谢物,二氢叶酸类似物] triskelion 三脚蛋白体,三脚蛋白复合体[网格蛋白由三条重链和三条轻链组成,在电镜下呈现特殊的三脚形]trisome 三体(染色体)生物trisomy 三体性tristearin 三硬脂酰甘油酯triterpene 三萜triton [商]曲通,非离子型去污剂tropane 托烷trophoblast 滋养层trophonucleus 滋养核tropocollagen 原胶原tropoelastin 原弹性蛋白tropomodulin 原肌球调节蛋白【可与原肌球蛋白结合】tropomyosin 原肌球蛋白troponin 肌钙蛋白truffles 块菌[一类真菌]trypan blue 台盼蓝,锥虫蓝trypanosome 锥虫trypsin 胰蛋白酶trypsinization 胰蛋白酶消化trypsinogen 胰蛋白酶原tryptamine 色胺tryptone 胰(蛋白酶)化(酪)蛋白胨tryptophyllin 色氨肽tubercidin 杀结核菌素tuberculin 结核菌素tubocurarine 筒箭毒,管箭毒碱,箭毒块茎碱tubulin 微管蛋白tumoricidal 杀肿瘤的tumorigenesis 致瘤,肿瘤发生tumorigenicity 致瘤性tunicamycin 衣霉素tunicate 被囊动物turanose 松二糖tween [商]吐温[ICI Americas公司商标,非离子型去污剂] twichin 颤搐蛋白[一种肌肉蛋白,具有调节肌肉收缩的功能] tygon [商]聚乙烯[Norton公司商标]tylophora alkaloid 娃儿藤属生物碱tylophorine 娃儿藤碱tylophorine alkaloid 娃儿藤属生物碱tylosin 泰乐菌素tymovirus 芜菁黄花叶病毒组tyndallization 间歇灭菌(法)tyramine 酪胺tyrocidine 短杆菌酪肽tyrosinase 酪氨酸酶tyrothricin 短杆菌素,混合短杆菌肽tyrotoxin 酪毒素,氢氧化偶氮苯tyrphostin 酪氨酸磷酸化抑制剂tyvelose 泰威糖,3,6-二脱氧甘露糖。

初一英语代词试题答案及解析1.Jenny’s hair is longer than .A. myB. mineC. me【答案】B【解析】句意:珍妮的头发比我的长。
【考点】考查代词的用法2.Is ________ your aunt? What’s ________ name?A.he,his B.she,heC.he,her D.she,his【答案】B【解析】he他;his他的;she她;her她的。
【考点】考查代词辨析3. . - Excuse me. is this_______ iPad mini?- No, it isn't. _______ is at home.A.your; My B.your; MineC.yours; My D.yours; Mine【答案】B【解析】句意:---打扰一下,这是你的iPad吗?---不是我的,我的在家呢。
”你的”,形容词性物主代词是your,名词性物主代词是yours; 我的,形容词性物主代词是my,名词性物主代词是mine;该句第一空需用形容词性物主代词your。
4. Wow ! Everything ______ half price. That is too great C.are【答案】B【解析】句意:哇!一切都是半价。
everything是第三人称单数,做主语时,谓语用单数形式is. 故选B。
5. Do you like the pen ? Yes ,I like______.A. thatB. itC. him【答案】B【解析】that指示代词,那个;it人称代词,它;him 人称代词宾格,他。

154《当代医药论丛》C o n t e m p o r a r y M e d i c a l S y m p o s iu m2021年第19卷第4期 •病例报告•纯红再障是指因骨髓中红系细胞显著减少或缺如所致的 一种贫血。
该病患者的网织红细胞明显减少,其白细胞和血小 板计数正常,其骨髓中的有核红细胞极度减少或缺失,其粒细 胞系和巨核细胞无改变,其幼红细胞系列显著减少甚至缺乏。
个别患者的幼红细胞系列成熟停顿在早期阶段,可出现原红 细胞小簇并伴有巨幼样变化,但缺乏较成熟的红细胞。
纯红 再障可分为先天性纯红再障和获得性纯红再障。
其中获得性纯 红再障是一种罕见的血液疾病。
该病的病因主要为患者罹患 肿瘤(如胸腺瘤、淋巴瘤等)、免疫性疾病(如系统性红斑狼 疮、类风湿性关节炎等)、感染病毒及接受药物治疗(如苯妥 英钠、硫唑嘌呤、氯霉素、异烟肼及普鲁卡因等)。
根据促红 素来源的不同,可将其分为内源性促红素和外源性促红素。
根 据促红素分子结构上多糖部分的差异,又可将其分为a促红 素和P促红素。
促红素可诱 发机体的免疫系统产生一种针对促红素的抗体,致使促红素被 抗体破坏,进而导致其不能发挥应有的作用。
为此,临床上在 诊断患者的病情时应注意以下几个方面:1)患者在使用促红 素进行治疗的过程中出现严重的进行性贫血,其病情在使用大 剂量的促红素进行纠正后仍未见好转。
2)患者进行骨髓检测 的结果显示其病情为纯红再障。
3)患者进行E L I S A法检测的 结果显示其血清抗促红素的抗体为阳性。
需要注意的是,单独 发现患者抗促红素的抗体呈阳性,其病情不一定为纯红再障。
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《动画的世纪·百部经典》(100FILMSFORACENTURYOFANIMA...001:《恐龙葛蒂》Gertie the Dinosaur,Winsor MCCAY,1914,US美国002:《幻影集》Fantasmagorie,émile COHL,1908,法国003:《对话的尺度》Moznosti dialogu,Jan SVANKMAJER,1982,CZ捷克004:《摇椅》Crac !,Frédéric BACK,1981,加拿大005:《种树的牧羊人》L'homme qui plantait des arbres,Frédéric BACK,1987,加拿大006:《故事中的故事》Shazka skazok,Youri NORSTEIN,1979,SU007:《荒山之夜》Une nuit sur le mont Chauve,Alexandre ALEXEi_EFF,Claire PARKER,1933,法国008:《彩色盒子》A Colour Box,Len LYE,1935,GB英国009:L'Idée,Berthold BARTOSCH,1931,FR法国010:《街区》The Street,NFBC-Caroline LEAF,1976,加拿大011:《邻居》Neighbours,Norman MCLAREN,1952,加拿大012:《线与色》Blinkity Blank,Norman MCLAREN,1955,加拿大013:《混乱达菲鸭》Duck amuck,Chuck JONES,1953,US 美国014:《女妖》Harpya,Raoul SERVAIS,1978,BE015:《顽皮跳跳灯》Luxo Jr.,John LASSETER,1986,US美国016:《贝蒂小姐》Betty Boop in Snow White,Dave FLEISCHER,1933,US美国017:《动物物语-衣食住行》Creature Comforts,Nick PARK,1989,英国018:《探戈》Tango,Zbigniew RYBCZYNSKI,1980,PL波兰019:《鳄鱼街》Street of Crocodiles (Ulica krokodyli),Timothy & Stephen QUAY,1986,英国020:《色彩幻想》Begone Dull Care,Norman MCLAREN,1949,加拿大021:《小小士兵》Le Petit Soldat,Paul GRIMAULT,1947,法国022:《兔八哥》What's Opera,Doc?,Chuck JONES,1957,美国023:《父与女》Father and Daughter,Micha?l DUDOK DE WIT,2000,NL-GB 英国、比利时、荷兰024:《热辣小红帽》Red Hot Riding Hood,Tex AVERY,1943,美国025:《手》Ruka,Jiri TRNKA,1965,CZ捷克026:《汽船威利》Steamboat Willie,Walt DISNEY,Ub IWERKS,1928,美国027:《鼻子》Le Nez,Alexandre ALEXE?EFF,Claire PARKER,1963,法国028:La gazza ladra sinfonia,Giulio GIANINI,Emanuele LUZZATI,1964,IT029:《砰砰杰瑞德》Gerald Mc Boing Boing,Robert CANNON,1950,美国030:《生命之悦》La Joie de vivre,Anthony GROSS,Hector HOPPIN,1934,法国031:《摄影师的复仇》Miest kinooperatora,Ladislas STAREWITCH,1911,RU032:《双人舞》Pas de deux,Norman MCLAREN,1967,加拿大033:La Faim(Hunger),Peter FOLDES,1974,加拿大034:Girls Night Out,Joanna QUINN,1986,GB035:《萨蒂迷狂》Satiemania, Zdenko GASPAROVIC, 1978, YU036:《蓝色构图》Komposition in blau,Oskar FISHCHINGER,1935,DE037:《横渡大西洋》La Traversée de l'Atlantique à la rame,Jean-Fran?ois LAGUIONIE,1978,法国038:《月亮鸟》Moonbird,John HUBLEY,Faith ELLIOT,1959,美国039:Den Offentlige R?st,Lejf MARCUSSEN,1988,DK040:Coal Black and De Sebben Dwarfs,Robert Clampett,1943,美国041:Free radicals,Len LYE,1979,美国042:La Course à l'ab?me,Georges SCHWIZGEBEL,1992,CH 瑞士043:《文森特》Vincent,Tim BURTON,1982,美国044:《弗兰兹·卡夫卡》Franz Kafka,Piotr DUMALA,1991,PL045:《道成寺》Dojoji,Kihachiro KAWAMOTO,(川本喜八郎)1976,日本046:《姐妹俩》Entre deux soeurs,Caroline LEAF,1990,加拿大047:Seriy volk i krasna?a chapotchka,Garri BARDINE,1990,俄罗斯048:《平衡》Balance,Christoph LAUENSTEIN,Wolfgang LAUENSTEIN,1989,RF原西德049:《迷雾中的小刺猬》Lojik v toumane,Youri NORSTEIN,1975,SU原苏联050:When the Day Breaks,Wendy TILBY,Amanda FORBIS,1999,加拿大051:Rooty toot toot,John HUBLEY,1952,美国052:《骨骼的舞蹈》The Skeleton Dance,Walt DISNEY,1929,美国053:King Size Canary,Tex AVERY,1947,美国054:《弗兰克影片》Frank Film,Frank MOURIS,1973,美国055:The Flying Man,George DUNNING,1962,英国056:《胶皮鸡蛋》Egged On,Charley BOWERS,1926,美国057:《脑海》Le Paysagiste,Jacques DROUIN,1976,CA058:Jumping,Osamu TEZUKA(手冢治虫),1984,日本059:《裸体哈维闯人生》Harvie Krumpet,Adam Benjamin ELLIOT,2003,AU060:《超级无敌掌门狗之引鹅入室》The Wrong Trousers,Nick PARK,1993,GB英国061:《残片》Broken Down Film,Osamu TEZUKA(手冢治虫),1985,日本062:《吃草的人》Damon the Mower,George DUNNING,1972,GB英国063:Fast Film,Virgil WIDRICH,2003,AT, LU064:《棋逢敌手》Geri's Game,Jan PINKAVA,1997,美国065:L'Horrible,Bizarre et Incroyable Histoire de Monsieur Tête,Jan LENICA/Henri GRUEL,1959,法国066:《拯救大师雷恩》Ryan,Chris LANDRETH,2004,加拿大067:Café Bar,Alison DE VERE,1974,GB英国068:《周而复始》Repete, Michaela PAVLATOVA, 1995, CZ捷克069 : Ego jena kouritsa,Igor KOVALIYOV,1989,SU070:《头山头山》Atama Yama,Koji YAMAMURA(山村浩二),2002,日本071:Out of the Inkwell,Dave FLEISCHER/Max FLEISCHER,1921,US072:《78小时》78 tours,Georges SCHWIZGEBEL,1985,CH073:The Sinking of the Lusitania,Winsor MCCAY,1918,美国074:《星期一闭馆》Closed Mondays,Will VINTON,1974,美国075:《翻绳游戏》Cat's Cradle,Paul DRIESSEN,1974,加拿大076:《三个发明家》Les Trois Inventeurs,Michel OCELOT,1980,FR077:《焦躁不安》The Big Snit,Richard CONDIE,1985,加拿大078:《睡仙》The Sandman,Paul BERRY,Colin BATTY,Ian MACKINNON,1991,GB079:《纳粹狼的闪电战》The Blitz Wolf,Tex AVERY,1942,美国080:《山水情》Feeling from Mountain and Water,Te WEI/Ma KEXUAN/Yan SANCHUN,1988,中国081:《姑娘与大提琴演奏》La Demoiselle et le Violoncelliste,Jean-Fran?ois LAGUIONIE,1964,法国082:《帽子梦魇》Le Chapeau,Michèle COURNOYER,1999,CA加拿大083:《狮子和音乐》Lev a pisnicka,Bretislav POJAR,1959,CZ084:《居者有其屋》The Sand Castle,Co HOEDEMAN,1977,CA加拿大085:Apel,Ryszard CZEKALA,1970,PL波兰086:A,Jan LENICA,1964,FR、RF法国087:《元首的面孔》Der Fuehrer's Face,Jack KINNEY,1943,美国088:Strojenie instrumentow,Jerzy KUCIA,2000,PL089:《步伐》Le Pas,Piotr KAMLER,1974,FR法国090:《大力水手》Popeye the Sailor Meets Sinbad the Sailor,Dave FLEISCHER,1936,美国091:《伟大》Great,Bob GODFREY,1975,GB092:《山顶小屋咚咚摇》Au bout du monde,Konstantin BRONZIT,1998,法国093:《流亡中的费利克斯》Felix in exile,William KENTRIDGE,1994,ZA南非094:The Band Concert,Wilfred JACKSON,1935,美国095:Le Concert de Mme Kabal,Walerian BOROWCZYK,1962,FR096:《绳舞》Seilt?nzer,Raimund KRUMME,1986,RF德国097:Hotel E,Priit P?RN,1992,EE爱沙尼亚098:《电影,电影,电影》Film-film-film!,Fedor KHITRUK,1968,苏联099:《折翼哑谜》Les Jeux des anges,Walerian BOROWCZYK/瓦勒里安·博洛齐克,1964,法国100:《潮汐人生》Flux,Christopher HINTON/克里斯多福·欣顿,2002,CA加拿大。

典范英语7-5中英⽂对照翻译CaptainCometANDTHEPurplePlanet 5第五篇CaptainCometANDTHEPurplePlanet《彗星船长和紫⾊星球》1Spannerisbored斯潘纳⽆聊了ItwasaquietmorningatStardustSpaceStation.在星尘号空间站,⼀个宁静的早晨。
Therewerebuttonstoopenallth espacestationdoorsandbuttonstoturnonallthelights.有开空间站所有门的按钮,也有开所有灯的按钮。

赵丽词汇速记<5500>幻星笔记00-1开场白自我介绍/上课要求:需要准备一个笔记本able adj.enable v.ability n.如何记笔记:把笔记打成三格搜索引擎:赵丽词汇词汇重要性词汇当先1.阅读离不开单词2.听力离不开单词3.写作离不开单词人在什么情况下记忆力是最好的1.半饥饿状态2.大脑皮层兴奋的时候3.临睡觉之前记住单词的“音、形、义”单词的含义最重要pound骉犇羴鱻Δ = b2 - 4ac一个人的智商分三部分:记忆力、计算力和理解力haunt:常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头难以忘记aunt 姑姑 h(ome)家姑姑的家-〉常来常往的地方haunted room 鬼屋memory haunted me 往事历历在目gaunt憔悴the meet 峰会trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的trivial 琐碎的事[助记]三姑六婆所关心的事vicar牧师bishop 主教bicycle自行车听写新娘:bride新郎:groom(拼音联想)shanghaivt. 欺骗,伤害,诱拐00-2记单词的方法一.拆分法sanguine脸色红润的,乐观的fareentertainment娱乐famine n.饥荒 -> famish v. 使……饥饿听写二.谐音法ponder思考ponderous笨重的ambition野心勃勃,胸心壮志ambition to do….curse诅咒三.口诀法rim边缘brim 边缘grim恐怖trim v.修剪 adj. 整齐只有rim是边缘前面加b含义不变前面加g(鬼)真恐怖前面加t才修剪整齐复习00-3prim端庄的prose散文;单调ErosCupidvenusmorose 郁闷的plight困境No one can be a hero in the plight. Every dog has its days.pray祈祷p在rim前真端庄扑(p)到玫瑰上更单调扑(p)灭了光就陷入困境扑(p)在光线下才是祈祷under the rose 秘密的四.近形对照法adapt / adopt / adeptadapt适应adopt收养;采纳adept熟练的,有技巧的e想成郭晶晶在跳水,挑水需要技巧的mortal 死亡的immortal 不朽liberty 自由blush 脸红wiggle 摆动brass 厚颜无耻 bra asso想象成圆圈,套圈的时候,你套什么就是你选择了什么,在采纳意见的时候有所选择a 靠近a的就是a,近朱者赤,这就是对环境的适应性01-1 Unit 11. Living in that____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad.A bleakB hauntedC gauntD acumenbleak 荒凉的bold大胆的,勇敢的,鲁莽的bold face 黑体字blight枯萎blast爆炸leak 泄漏take a leak 去洗手间May I go somewhere ?where is john?john 男洗手间 jane 女洗手间toilet 马桶 toil let it out toil 辛苦的WC = water closet 公共厕所haunt神出鬼没的地方[助记]小龙女姑姑的家姑姑系列:1.飞姑姑 --把fl- 想成“飞”, I can fly.flaunt 炫耀2. 打姑姑—daunt 恐吓,威胁3. ”V”姑姑—vaunt 吹牛4.接姑姑—jaunt短途旅行5.姑姑到处乱看—saunter 闲逛,四处逛6.”T”姑姑—taunt嘲弄复习7.”G”姑姑—gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的[助记] 憔悴的鬼阿姨acumen 明智的acu- 尖的尖的,敏锐的,灵敏的,急性的chronic 慢性的,慢性病acute angle 锐角论坛punctual 准时的,准点的punct - 点punctuation标点符号针灸01-2 Unit 12. His body temperature is ____ for threedays, the highest point reaching to40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommon B disorderedC abnormalD extraordinaryab- 离开abuse滥用(职权)abnomal 不正常的,异常的,反常的luna 月神lunatic 疯子;疯狂的isolate i->爱孤立,隔离,孤独[助记] 夜深还有什么人为爱等得如此晚I feel very isolated.lonelyabide忍受复习authority 权威common 常见的the common personcommon sence 常识nonsence 古怪,胡说八道,哪里(谦虚的说法) pajama(s) 睡衣commonplace 平凡的人uncommon 不常见的01-3 Unit 1disorder 混乱order 顺序dis- 否定前缀cover - discoverlike - dislikeinclined - disinclinedclose(closet ) –disclose 发现,揭示复习mental 智慧,精神mba -> mental below averagetoe脚指头pea豌豆peacock孔雀pu ke (扑克) -> puke 呕吐chou -> 蝴蝶结:女朋友 ->chou(臭)复习背单词的四个境界:看、认、背、用本词汇班可以完成前三个,先记忆一种意思用主要靠阅读,听本词汇课程的时候:<1>可以使用要参加考试的阅读,进行巩固,<2>可以选择自己喜欢的超过两百页的原版英文小说。
paul nation 团队改编的英语名著

paul nation 团队改编的英语名著Paul Nation Team Adapted English Masterpiece1. The Scarlet LetterThis classic novel takes place in the Puritan community of Boston, Massachusetts, during the mid-1600s. The protagonist, Hester Prynne, is a young woman who is shunned by the community after being found guilty of adultery. She must wear a bright letter 'A' as punishment for her crime. This book follows her journey as she struggles to withstand the judgment of her neighbors, while also striving to keep her true identity and motives secret.2. Great ExpectationsIn this novel, a young orphan named Pip is taken under the wing of an eccentric old spinster, Miss Havisham. She is determined to turn the boy into a gentleman, so Pip sets out on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Along the way, he finds himself caught between two societies-the privileged upper class and the impoverished lowerclass-forcing him to confront his own values and views on life.3. Wuthering HeightsTold through the eyes of Lockwood, a visitor to the Yorkshire moors, this tale follows the tumultuous relationshipbetween the brooding Heathcliff and the gentle Catherine Earnshaw. It is a story of forbidden love, betrayal, and revenge, full of rich characters, dark secrets, and dark passions.4. Jane EyreOrphaned as an infant, Jane Eyre grows up in the home of her cruel Aunt Reed and her three spoiled cousins. Despite her mistreatment, Jane retains her sense of self-worth and is determined to find a place for herself in the world. Throughout her life, she faces difficult decisions and trials, all of which lead her to the man of her dreams.5. The Picture of Dorian GrayWritten by Oscar Wilde, this novel tells the story of Dorian Gray, a young man whose beauty and innocence attract the attention of a devilish nobleman. Dorian, entranced by the promise of eternal youth, agrees to a Faustian bargain that has dire consequences. As his life and soul slowly unravel, the portrait he had painted of himself remains ageless and unblemished.。

The concept of red genes in the context of Chinese culture refers to the revolutionary spirit and values inherited from the past,particularly those of the Communist Party of China.Heres a sample essay for a firstyear middle school student in English,focusing on the theme of red genes:Inheriting the Red Genes:A Journey Through TimeAs I sit here,pen in hand,I am filled with a sense of reverence for the legacy that has been passed down to us,the legacy of the red genes.These are not merely strands of DNA but the embodiment of the spirit of resilience,bravery,and sacrifice that has shaped the history of our great nation.The Roots of Red GenesThe red genes are deeply rooted in the soil of China,stemming from the struggles and victories of the Chinese people against oppression and hardship.It began with the founding of the Communist Party of China in1921,a beacon of hope in a time of turmoil. The Long March,a testament to human endurance and strategic brilliance,is a prime example of the red genes in action.The soldiers,despite facing insurmountable odds, pressed on,driven by a common goal and an unyielding spirit.The Spirit of SacrificeThe essence of the red genes lies in the spirit of sacrifice.Our forefathers and mothers gave up their lives,their comfort,and their families for the greater good.They fought not for personal gain but for the collective future of our people.This selflessness is a cornerstone of the red genes,a value that we must strive to uphold and pass on to future generations.The Role of EducationEducation plays a pivotal role in preserving and propagating the red genes.In our schools, we learn about the heroes of our past,their stories of valor and determination.We are taught to appreciate the sacrifices made and to understand the importance of continuing their legacy.It is through education that we can ensure that the red genes are not just remembered but are also lived by.The Modern InterpretationIn todays world,the red genes take on a new meaning.While we may not face the same physical battles as our ancestors,the spirit of the red genes remains relevant.It is about standing up for what is right,about working towards a better future,and about never giving up,no matter the challenges we face.ConclusionAs a firstyear middle school student,I am at the beginning of my journey to understand and embody the red genes.It is a journey that will shape my character and guide my actions.I am proud to be part of a lineage that has such a rich and powerful history.I am committed to carrying forward the red genes,not just as a part of our past,but as a beacon for our future.This essay aims to capture the essence of the red genes and their significance in the modern context,encouraging young students to embrace and continue the legacy of their predecessors.。

关于红色地点的英语作文Red is a color that symbolizes passion, energy, and excitement. It is a color that can evoke a range of emotions, from love and desire to anger and danger. In this essay, I will explore some of the most famous red places in the world and the significance of the color red in these locations.One of the most iconic red places in the world is the Red Square in Moscow, Russia. The Red Square is home to some of the most important landmarks in Russia, including the Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral, and Lenin's Mausoleum. The color red is significant in this location because it represents the power and authority of the Russian government, as well as the blood that has been shed in the country's tumultuous history.Another famous red place is the Red Light District in Amsterdam, Netherlands. This area is known for its vibrant nightlife, with bars, clubs, and brothels lining thestreets. The color red is used to signify passion and desire in this location, as well as the danger and excitement that can be found in the area.In China, the Forbidden City in Beijing is another red place that holds great significance. The walls of the Forbidden City are painted red to symbolize good luck and prosperity. Red is a color that is often associated with good fortune in Chinese culture, and it is believed to ward off evil spirits.In the United States, one of the most famous red places is the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The red rocks of the canyon are a result of iron oxide in the soil, giving them their distinctive color. The Grand Canyon is a symbol of the natural beauty and wonder of the American landscape, and the color red adds to its allure and majesty.Overall, the color red holds great significance in many different cultures and locations around the world. Whether it is used to symbolize power and authority, passion and desire, or good luck and prosperity, red is a color thatcan evoke a range of emotions and meanings. The red places mentioned in this essay are just a few examples of how this vibrant color can be used to create memorable and impactful locations.。
布什诺尔精英战术红点 rifle 电子射程 1X32 说明书

1X32_EliteTacticalRedDot_1LIM_103013.indd 3
10/31/13 8:34 A
Introduction: The Elite Tactical Red Dot Riflescope The Bushnell® Elite Tactical ET1X32 is constructed and assembled by highly skilled craftsmen to Bushnell’s high quality standards. The precision and craftsmanship with which this scope was built ensures its performance under demanding conditions. This scope will provide the shooting accuracy and repeatability which have made Bushnell legendary.Leabharlann 10/31/13 8:34 A
A - Battery Cap B - Brightness Adjustment Dial C - Windage Adjustment D - Elevation Adjustment
E - Cantilever Tactical Mount F - Hex Lock Nut G - Flip-up Objective Cover H - Flip-up Eyepiece Cover
This sight can be easily used with both eyes open (eye relief is unlimited), increasing the shooter's awareness of the surrounding environment and providing faster target acquisition. There is no need for centering, due to the parallax free design in which the dot follows the movement of the user’s eye while remaining fixed on the target.
the red colour in my heart的英语作文

the red colour in my heart的英语作文Looked up at the night sky, yellow moonlight streaming a few sik excellent sorrow, Into the lush forest, the natural green brings a few silk cool. And thered sun brings incomparable warmth, like a newly blooming flower.That redlight dazzles eyes, let us feel the passion of life. That red is the warmblood of people, constantly flowing lying in the blood vessels. The dazzling saflower blooming time, that is the number of the Spring Festival. Every Spring Festival, good that red Fu brings good fortune. red coupliet beautify the home, red Chinese knot shows the ancient Chinese youth enthusiasm, and red clothes bring good thingsin pairs.The most dazing red of the year, is also the tip of theiceberg in thered sea. In China, the Chinese New Year festval customhas 35 00 yearsof history, in the long history, fromthe first 15 are flying birds of joy. Chinese time and space the fifteenth day of the lantern and lion dance performances are not inferior, red lion dance out of the red day, Burning the flame of peoples enthusiasm for life each light from the heart to the outside red, clearly bright,a string of delicate red lanterns decorated with a beautiful night, filled with the feeling of our China, redis spread everywhere The Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival also have Chinese element red. Ared moon cake box, not only filed with family, but also filed with Chinesetradition. The DragonBoat Festivalred lines have a long history, spreading a beautiful legend Chinas red is unique, not only has a long history, but also has a rotten youth, we allknow that our national flag five star red flag is filled with this color, symbolizes happiness and vitality of the Chinese land. Under the blue sky flutteringnationalflags, the five-star red flag unique, so bright, so eyecatching, graceful and solemn.Now the Chinese red has been flowing from China to the world, the worid ' red flow"Roling In Chinatowns around the world, whenever Chinese festivals, Chinese red has become the main color on the streets. The red represents the Chinese motherland, but also in the minds of foreigners has become a beautiful landscape.Thousands of years of Chinesered, is a long river of history, Chinese peoplelook forward to a better future is a symbol of the Chinese nation optimistic upward spirit of the flowers, but also a true portrayal of our jubilant heart.Chineseredis the color ofjubilation in the sound of firecrackers, the most beautiful flowerin the hearts of our Chinese people, and the brightness and warmth of thered sun wine to the earth.。

促红细胞生成素(EPO)在恶性肿瘤治疗中的应用黎 颖,白 瑜 综述;尹如铁△ 审校(四川大学华西第二医院妇产科,四川成都610041) 【摘要】 恶性肿瘤伴贫血的患者很常见,发生率为20%~60%[1]。
贫血不仅能降低了患者的生存时间和生存质量(quality of life ,QO L ),而且还可导致肿瘤细胞低氧,降低其对放/化疗的敏感性。
目前,治疗贫血的方法主要有口服补血药物和食疗、输血以及运用促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin ,EPO )。
药物和食疗起效缓慢,输血也存在许多问题,因此EPO 的使用为患者提供了另一种可选择的有效、安全的治疗方法。
大量的研究证明,EPO 可明显提高患者的血红蛋白(Hb )水平、QO L 和生存率,可作为治疗贫血的常规方法。
【关键词】 促红细胞生成素;贫血;肿瘤治疗 【中图分类号】 R 556;R 73 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 100420501(2007)11212152031 EPO 的分子结构和作用机制促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin ,EPO )是一种耐热含唾液酸的酸性糖蛋白,相对分子质量为3kDa ,由60%的蛋白质,165个氨基酸残基和糖组成。
EPO 90%由肾脏生成,10%来自肝脏及其他组织。
EPO 基因位于第7号染色体长臂11~12区,由4个内含子(1562bp )和5个外显子(582bp )构成[3]。
正常血清中EPO 浓度呈持续低水平状态,血清中的平均浓度约为1419mU/ml 。
EPO 是体内调节前体红细胞增殖、分化以及保持外周血红细胞浓度的最主要成分。
EPO 在Multi 2CSF 、G M 2CSF 、白细胞介素21(I L 21) △ 通讯作者参考文献:[1] D owning LJ ,S tricter RM ,K addl AM ,et al.Neutrophils are the initial cell 2type identified in deep venous thrombosis induced vein wall in flammation [J ].AS A JO ,1996,42(5):677~682[2] Van Akea BE ,Den Heijer M ,Bos G M ,et al.Recurrent venous thrombosisand makers of in flammation[J ].Thromb Haem ost ,2000,83(4):536~539[3] Thomas W ,W akd field ,R obert m Sstrieter ,et al.Venous thrombosis 2ass oci 2ated in flammation and attenuation with neutralizing antibodies to cytokines and Adhesion m olecules[J ].Arteriosclerosis ,Thrombosis ,and Vascular Bi 2ology ,1995,15:258~268[4] Peter K Henke ,M anu R Varma ,KBary Deatrick ,et al.Neutrophils m odu 2late post 2thrombotic vein wall rem odeling but not thrombus neovasculariza 2tion[J ].Thromb Haem ost ,2006,95(2):272~281[5] Thomas W ,Venous thrombosis prophylaxis by in flammatory inhibitor with 2out anticoagulation therapy[J ].J Vasc Surg ,2000,31(2):309~324[6] M yers DD ,Henke PK,Wrobleski SK,et al.P 2selectin inhibition decreasespost 2thrombotic vein wall fibrosis in a rat m odel [J ].Surgery ,2003,134(2):365~371[7] Daniel D.Decreased venous thrombosis with an oral inhibitor of P 2selectin[J ].J Vasc Surg ,2005,42(2):329~336[8] Sullivan VV ,Hawley AE ,Farris DM ,et al.Decreases in fibrin content ofvenous thrombi in selectin 2deficient m ice [J ].J Surg Res ,2003,109(1):1~7[9] Shaw SK Shaw ,Shuo M a ,M ichael B kim ,et al.C oordinated redistributionof leukocyte LFA 21and endothelial cell ICAM 21accom pany neutrophil transm igration[J ].J Exp M ed ,2004,200(12):1571~1580[10]Semmrich M ,Andrew Sm ith ,Carolin Feterowski ,et al.Im portance to inte 2gring LFA 21deactivation for the generation of immune responses[J ].J Exp M ed ,2005,201(12):1987~1998[11]Caim i G.Deep venous thrombosis :behaviour of the polym orphonuclearleukocyte integrin pattern at baseline and after in vitro adtivation[J ].Clin Hem orheol M icrocirc ,2005,33(1):11~17[12]T ous oulis D ,Davies G,S tefanadis C ,et al.In flammatory and thromboticmechanisms in coronary atheroscle 2rosis [J ].Heart ,2003,89(9):993~997[13]Peter K Henke ,Thomas W W akefield ,Amy M K adell ,et al.Interleukin 28adm inistration enhances venous thrombosis res olution in a rat m odel [J ].Journal of Surgical Research ,2001,99(1):84~91[14]Peter K Henke ,Andrea Varga ,Sum it De ,et al.Deep vein thrombosis res o 2lution is m odulated by m onocyte CXCR22mediated activity in a m ouse m od 2el[J ].Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol ,2004,24(6):1130~1137[15]Lars on JL ,S tephens on LL ,Z amboni W A ,et al.E ffect of hyperbaric oxygenon neutrophil CD18expression [J ].Plast Reconstr Surg ,2000,105(4):1375~1381[16]M yers DD Jr ,Hawley AE ,Farris DM ,et al.Cellular I L 210is m ore effectivethan viral I L 210in decreasing venous thrombosis[J ].J Surg Res ,2003,112(2):168~174(收稿日期:2007206224)等因子的协助下与红系干细胞(BFU2E/CFU2E)表面的受体结合,促使其增生和成熟,并促使网织细胞从骨髓中释出。

Once upon a time... 英语童话故事:小红帽There lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had made for her a little red riding-hood; which became the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding-Hood.One day her mother, having made some custards, said to her: "Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter."Little Red Riding-Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.As she was going through the wood, she met with Gaffer Wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some faggot-makers hard by in the forest. He asked her whither she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and hear a wolf talk, said to him: "I am going to see my grandmamma and carry her a custard and a little pot of butter from my mamma.""Does she live far off?" said the Wolf."Oh! ay," answered Little Red Riding-Hood; "it is beyond thatmill you see there, at the first house in the village.""Well," said the Wolf, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and you go that, and we shall see who will be there soonest."The Wolf began to run as fast as he could, taking the nearest way, and the little girl went by that farthest about, diverting herself in gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and making nosegays of such little flowers as she met with. The Wolf was not long before he got to the old woman's house. He knocked at the door--tap, tap."Who's there?""Your grandchild, Little Red Riding-Hood," replied the Wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a custard and a little pot of butter sent you by mamma."The good grandmother, who was in bed, because she was somewhat ill, cried out"Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."The Wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then presently he fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it was above three days that he had not touched a bit. He then shut the door and went into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding- Hood, who came some time afterward and knocked at the door--tap, tap."Who's there?"Little Red Riding-Hood, hearing the big voice of the Wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had got a cold and was hoarse, answered:" 'Tis your grandchild, Little Red Riding-Hood, who has brought you a custard and a little pot of butter mamma sends you."The Wolf cried out to her, softening his voice as much as he could:"Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."Little Red Riding-Hood pulled the bobbin, and the door opened.The Wolf, seeing her come in, said to her, hiding himself under the bed-clothes:"Put the custard and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come and lie down with me."Little Red Riding-Hood undressed herself and went into bed, where, being greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her night-clothes, she said to her:"Grandmamma, what great arms you have got!""That is the better to hug thee, my dear.""Grandmamma, what great legs you have got!""That is to run the better, my child.""Grandmamma, what great ears you have got!""That is to hear the better, my child.""Grandmamma, what great eyes you have got!""It is to see the better, my child.""Grandmamma, what great teeth you have got!""That is to eat thee up."And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding-Hood, and ate her all up.。
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THE RED ETINTHERE were ance twa widows that lived on a small bito' ground, which they rented from a farmer. Ane ofthem had twa sons, and the other had ane; and by-and-by it was time for the wife that had twa sons to send them away to seeke their fortune. So she told her eldest son ae day to take a can and bring her water fromthe well, that she might bake a cake for him; and however much or however little water he might bring, thecake would be great or sma' accordingly; and that cake was to be a' that she could gie him when he went on his travels.The lad gaed away wi' the can to the well, and filledit wi' water, and then came away hame again; but thecan being broken the maist part of the water had runout before he got back. So his cake was very sma';yet sma' as it was, his mother asked if he was willing totake the half of it with her blessing, telling him that, if he chose rather to have the hale, he would only get itwi' her curse. The young man, thinking he might haeto travel a far way, and not knowing when or how hemight get other provisions, said he would like to haethe hale cake, com of his mother's malison what like;so she gave him the hale cake, and her malison alangwi't. Then he took his brither aside, and gave him aknife to keep till he should come back, desiring him to look at it every morning, and as lang as it continued tobe clear, then he might be sure that the owner of it was well; but if it grew dim and rusty, then for certain someill had befallen him.So the young man set out to seek his fortune. Andhe gaed a' that day, and a' the next day; and on thethird day, in the afternoon, he came up to where a shepherd was sitting with a flock o' sheep. And hegaed up to the shepherd and asked him wha the sheep belanged to; and the man answered:"The Red Etin of IrelandAnce lived in Bellygan,And stole King Malcolm's daughter,The King of fair Scotland.He beats her, he binds her,He lays her on a band;And every day he dings herWith a bright silver wandLike Julian the RomanHe's one that fears no man.It's said there's ane predestinateTo be his mortal foe;But that man is yet unbornAnd lang may it be so."The young man then went on his journey; and he had not gone far when he espied an old man with white locks herding a flock of swine; and he gaed up to him and asked whose swine these were, when the man answered:"The Red Etin of Ireland"--(Repeat the verses above.)Then the young man gaed on a bit farther, and cameto another very old man herding goats; and when he asked whose goats they were, the answer was:"The Red Etin of Ireland"--(Repeat the verses again.)This old man also told him to beware of the next beasts that he should meet, for they were of a very different kind from any he had yet seen.So the young man went on, and by-and-by he saw a multitude of very dreadfu' beasts, ilk ane o' them wi' twa heads, and on every head four horns. And he was sore frightened, and ran away from them as fast as he could; and glad was he when he came to a castle that stood on a hillock, wi' the door standing wide to the wa'. And he gaed into the castle for shelter, and there he saw an auld wife sitting beside the kitchen fire. He asked the wife if he might stay there for the night, as he was tired wi' a lang journey; and the wife said hemight, but it was not a good place for him to be in,as it belanged to the Red Etin, who was a very terrible beast, wi' three heads, that spared no living man he could get hold of. The young man would have gone away, but he was afraid of the beasts on the outside of the castle; so he beseeched the old woman to conceal him as well as she could, and not to tell the Etin that he was there. He thought, if he could put over the night, he might get away in the morning without meeting wi' the beasts, and so escape. But he had not beenlong in his hidy-hole before the awful Etin came in; and nae sooner was he in than he was heard crying:"Snouk but and snouk ben,I find the smell of an earthly man;Be he living, or be he dead,His heart this night shall kitchen[1] my bread.[1] "Kitchen," that is, "season."The monster soon found the poor young man, andpulled him from his hole. And when he had got himout he told him that if he could answer him threequestions his life should be spared. The first was: Whether Ireland or Scotland was first inhabited? The secondwas: Whether man was made for woman, or woman forman? The third was: Whether men or brutes weremade first? The lad not being able to answer one ofthese questions, the Red Etin took a mace and knockedhim on the head, and turned him into a pillar of stone.On the morning after this happened the youngerbrither took out the knife to look at it, and he was grieved to find it a' brown wi' rust. He told his mother thatthe time was now come for him to go away upon histravels also; so she requested him to take the can to the well for water, that she might bake a cake for him. Thecan being broken, he brought hame as little water asthe other had done, and the cake was as little. Sheasked whether he would have the hale cake wi' her malison, or the half wi' her blessing; and, like his brither, he thought it best to have the hale cake, come o' the malisonwhat might. So he gaed away; and everythinghappened to him that had happened to his brother!The other widow and her son heard of a' that had happened frae a fairy, and the young man determined that he would also go upon his travels, and see if he coulddo anything to relieve his twa friends. So his mother gave him a can to go to the well and bring home water, that she might bake him a cake for his journey. And he gaed, and as he was bringing hame the water, a raven owre abune his head cried to him to look, and he would see that the water was running out. And he was ayoung man of sense, and seeing the water running out,he took some clay and patched up the holes, so that he brought home enough water to bake a large cake. Whenhis mother put it to him to take the half-cake wi' her blessing, he took it in preference to having the hale wi' her malison; and yet the half was bigger than what the other lads had got a'thegither.So he gaed away on his journey; and after he hadtraveled a far way he met wi' an auld woman, that askedhim if he would give her a bit of his bannock. And hesaid he would gladly do that, and so he gave her a pieceof the bannock; and for that she gied him a magicalwand, that she said might yet be of service to him ifhe took care to use it rightly. Then the auld woman,who was a fairy, told him a great deal that whouldhappen to him, and what he ought to do in a' circumstances; and after that she vanished in an instant out o'his sight. He gaed on a great way farther, and thenhe came up to the old man herding the sheep; and whenhe asked whose sheep these were, the answer was:"The Red Etin of IrelandAnce lived in Bellygan,And stole King Malcolm's daughter,The King of fair Scotland.He beats her, he binds her,He lays her on a band;And every day he dings herWith a bright silver wand.Like Julian the Roman,He's one that fears no man,But now I fear his end is near,And destiny at hand;And you're to be, I plainly see,The heir of all his land."(Repeat the same inquiries to the man attending the swine and the man attending the goats, with the same answer in each case.)When he came to the place where the monstrousbeasts were standing, he did not stop nor run away,but went boldly through among them. One came uproaring with open mouth to devour him, when he struckit with his wand, and laid it in an instant dead at hisfeet. He soon came to the Etin's castle, where heknocked, and was admitted. The auld woman that satby the fire warned him of the terrible Etin, and whathad been the fate of the twa brithers; but he was not tobe daunted. The monster soon came in, saying:"Snouk but and snouk ben,I find the smell of an earthly man;Be he living, or be he dead,His heart shall be kitchen to my bread."He quickly espied the young man, and bade him comeforth on the floor. And then he put the three questionsto him, but the young man had been told everything bythe good fairy, so he was able to answer all the questions. When the Etin found this he knew that hispower was gone. The young man then took up theaxe and hewed off the monster's three heads. He nextasked the old woman to show him where the King'sdaughters lay; and the old woman took him upstairsand opened a great many doors, and out of every doorcame a beautiful lady who had been imprisoned thereby the Etin; and ane o' the ladies was the King's daughter. She also took him down into a low room, and there stood two stone pillars that he had only to touch wi' his wand, when his two friends and neighbors started intolife. And the hale o' the prisoners were overjoyed attheir deliverance, which they all acknowledged to beowing to the prudent young man. Next day they a'set out for the King's Court, and a gallant companythey made. And the King married his daughter to the young man that had delivered her, and gave a noble's daughter to ilk ane o' the other young men; and so they a' lived happily a' the rest o' their days.[1][1] Chambers, Popular Traditions of Scotland.End。