



1.Program Explanation Manual kit07 Version.pdf 2.北斗公司的 RY3048FONEH_s.pdf 3.日立 H8 3048系列单片机应用技术
定时单元( ) 集成定时单元(ITO)
510 : /* ITU0 interrupt every 1 ms */ 511 : ITU0_TCR = 0x23; 512 : ITU0_GRA = TIMER_CYCLE; 513 : ITU0_IER = 0x01; Lines omitted 524 : /* ITU count start */ 525 : ITU_STR = 0x09;
• DDR 数据方向寄存器 • DR 数据寄存器
• Port 7:CPU板通过port 7口读取各个传感器 的状态,并通过计算输出的内容,决定舵 机转动的方向以及角度。
• Port B:通过port B将输出的数据传送给舵 机。
Port B Detail
没有被连接的接口一定要设置为output.如果未连接导 线的端口被设置为输入,可能会对CPU造成不可预测的 影响。 Port 7 只能被设置为输入。在没使用时应当连接上拉 电阻或者下拉电阻。
• ITU0_TCR 可以为外部四种时钟输入或者四 种内部时钟输入。 • ITU0 中的TCNT记数寄存器记数,并与GRA 寄存器进行比较,相同则触发中断。
ITU0 中断函数
531 : #pragma interrupt( interrupt_timer0 ) 532 : void interrupt_timer0( void ) 533 : { 534 : ITU0_TSR &= 0xfe; /* Clear flag */ 535 : cnt0++; 536 : cnt1++; 537 : }





瑞萨科技是世界十大半导体芯片供应商之一,在很多诸如移动通信、汽车电子和PC/AV 等领域获得了全球最高市场份额。







H8系列单片机最新报价产品型号产品描述价格($) HD64F3334YFLH16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 80QFP 12.316HD64F3337SF16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 80QFP 14.321HD64F3337YFLH16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 80QFP 12.34HD64F3334YFLH16V MCU 3/5V 32K PB-FREE 80-QFP 11.799HD6473294F16V MCU 3/5V 32KB 64-QFP 12.886HD64F3337SF16V MCU 3/5V 60K PB-FREE 80-QFP 15.912D64F3337YFLH16V MCU 5V 60K PB-FREE 80-QFP 14.28HD64F3437STF16V MCU 3/5V 60K PB-FREE 100-TQFP 18.106HD64F3337YCP16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 84PLCC 16.197HD64F3437TFLH16V IC H8/3437 MCU FLASH 60K 100TQFP 18.801HD64F3337YCP16V MCU 3/5V 60K PB-FREE 84-PLCC 21.197D64F3437TFLH16V MCU 5V 60K PB-FREE 100-TQFP 23.155DF36912GFHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32LQFP 4.178H8/3008 MCU ROMLESS 100QFP 4.275D13008VFBL25V ICHD6413008FBL25V IC H8 MCU ROMLESS 100-QFP 4.083DF36077GHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64QFP 6.099DF36012GFYV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.236DF36014FXV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.344DF36012GFXV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.776DF36014FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.128DF36014GFXV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.77DF36014GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.103DF38102HV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.244HD64F3684GHV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.149HD64F3684GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.273D12312SVTE25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 100TQFP 7.945DF38004H4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.521DF38004FP4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.978MPU ROMLESS 128QFP 6.972D12322RVF25V ICH8SHD64F3687GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 8.211DF38104HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 7.976HD64F3664FPV IC H8/3664 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.672D12392F20V IC H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 7.603 D12390F20V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 128QFP 8.16D12321VF25V IC H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 8.16 HD64F3694GFYV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48QFP 7.973 HD64F3694GFTV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.61 DF36079GHV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64-QFP 8.591 DF38002H10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.138 DF38002H4V IC H8/38002 MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.891 HD64F3684FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.542 DF2317VTEBL25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 8.611 DF38004FP10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.925 DF38004H10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.303 HD64F38024RHV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 8.07 HD64F38024RWV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.953 DF38104HWV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.262 HD64F3644HV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 9.797 HD64F38024RDV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 9.022 HD64F3644DV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 64QFP 10.534 DF38076RH4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 8.826 HD64F38024DV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 8.741 DF38076RH10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 10.98 DF38076RW10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 9.608 DF38076RLP4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 85TFLGA 10.419 DF38076RLP10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 10.439 DF38086RH4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 11.704 DF38086RW4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.206 DF38076RH10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 12.257 DF38076RW10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.089 DF38086RW10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 10.206 DF38086RH10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 12.587MPU ROMLESS 144LQFP 12.144H8SD12674RVFQ33V ICDF2117VBG20V IC H8S/2117 MCU FLASH 176LFBGA 12.886 DF2117VLP20V IC H8S/2117 MCU FLASH 145TFLGA 11.071 DF38086RLP10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 12.281H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS 144LQFP 10.903 D12373RVFQ33V ICDF38086RH10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 13.478 DF38086RW10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 13.853 DF2218UTF24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 10.406 DF2218TF24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 11.92 DF2140BVTE10V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 12.911 DF3064BF25V IC H8/3064B MCU FLASH 100QFP 13.873 DF2134AFA20V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 80QFP 11.474 DF38086RLP10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 14.926DF2215RUTE24V IC H8S/2215R MCU FLASH 120TQFP 13.156 DF2238RFA6V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 13.464 DF2238RFA13V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 14.28 DF2160BVT10V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 14.498 DF2215RUBR24V IC H8S/2215R MCU FLASH 112-LFBGA 11.297 DF2318VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 13.517 DF2145BVTE10V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 14.784 DF2317VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 14.012 DF2612FA20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 80QFP 11.737 DF3026XBL25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 12.87 D13003TF16V IC H8/3003 ROMLESS 112QFP 15.885 DF2328VF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 13.541 DF3069RF25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 13.039 DF2328BVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 14.731 DF2398TE20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 16.517 DF2238RBR13V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 112BGA 16.644 DF61653N50FTV IC H8SX MCU FLASH 384K 120TQFP 14.63 DF2377RVFQ33V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 144LQFP 14.555 DF2239FA20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100QFP 13.44 DF2328VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 15.691 DF61654N50FTV IC H8SX/1654 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 17.098 DF2338VFC25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144QFP 16.67 DF2377RVFQ33WV IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 144LQFP 17.291 DF2345TE20V IC H8S/2345 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 16.09 DF2215TE16V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 16.218 R5F61668RN50FPV IC H8SX/1668 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 14.392 DF2329BVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 120TQFP 16.07 DF2239BQ16V IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 112BGA 19.536 DF3067RF20V IC H8/3067 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 16.988 DF2319VF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100QFP 17.715 DF2215BR16V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 112LFBGA 16.52 DF2319VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100TQFP 18.125 DF2636UF20V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 18.27 DF2633TE16V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 20.948 DF2166VT33V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 144TQFP 19.8 DF2329VF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 128QFP 21.066 DF2167VT33 IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 144-TQFP 21.657 DF2339EVFC25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144QFP 23.312 DF2339VFC25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144QFP 21.808 DF2329EVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 120TQFP 24.564 DF2630F20V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 25.445 DF2630WF20V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 31.317 DF36912GTPAFV IC H8/36912 MCU FLASH 32SOP 4.368HD64F3672FXV IC H8/3672 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 4.115 HD64F3670FYV IC H8/3670 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 4.522 DF3024FBL25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 6.687 DF3062BFBL25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 7.385 DF36012GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 7.344 HD64F36012GFP IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 6.588 D13008VF25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 100QFP 6.71 DF36024FPV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.104 DF36024FXV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 6.438 DF36014FPWV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.911 DF38004H10V IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.466 DF36087FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 7.779 DF38104FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.624 HD64F3687GHV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.328 HD64F3694FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.68 HD64F3694HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.094 HD64F3694FXV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 6.803 D13008F25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 100QFP 7.841 HD64F3694GFXV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 7.248 HD64F3694GHV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.61 HD64F3694GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.577 DF36079LFZV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.349 DF36079GFZV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64-LQFP 6.655 DF36014FPJV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.877 HD64F3684HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.666 DF38104FPWV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.65 DN3687GFPV IC H8/3687 MCU EEPROM 64LQFP 8.797 DF2327BVFBL25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 128QFP 9.358 HD64F38024RWIV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.189 D12324SVF25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 128QFP 9.583 DF38076RW4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 9.275 DF2211FP24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 64K 64LQFP 10.612 DF2211UFP24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 64K 64LQFP 9.228 D13002F16V IC H8/3002 ROMLESS 100QFP 10.345 D12332VFC25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 144QFP 10.479 DF38344HWV IC H8/38344 MCU FLASH 32K 100QFP 10.807 HD64F2212UFP24 IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 64-LQFP 11.206 R4F2462VFQ34V IC H8S/2462 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 9.867 HD64F3644PV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 32K 64SDIP 10.514 DF38086RLP4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 85TFLGA 11.185 DF3048BF25V IC H8/3048B MCU FLASH 100QFP 10.164 DF3048BVF25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 12.16 DF2148BFA20V IC H8S/2148B MCU FLASH 100QFP 11.88DF2134AVTF10V IC H8S/2134 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 13.841 DF2134ATF20V IC H8S/2134 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.036 DF2215RTE24V IC H8S/2215R MCU FLASH 120TQFP 14.978 DF2318VF25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 100QFP 13.056 DF2145BFA20V IC H8S/2145B MCU FLASH 100QFP 11.424 DF2214BQ16V IC H8S/2214 MCU FLASH 112-TFBGA 15.096 DF2145BVFA10V IC H8S/2145B MCU FLASH 100QFP 11.22 DF2378BVFQ35V IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 14.803 DF2138ATF20V IC H8S/2138 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 11.44 DF2138AVTF10V IC H8S/2138 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.48 DF2266TF20V IC H8S/2266 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 11.856 DF2266TF13V IC H8S/2266 MCU FLASH 100-TQFP 14.56 DF38099FP10WV IC H8/38099 MCU FLASH 100LQFP 14.811 DF2238RTE6V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 12.883 DF2238RTF6V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.995 DF2238RTF13V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 13.306 DF2628FA24V IC H8S/2628 MCU FLASH 100QFP 13.871 DF2144AVTE10V IC H8S/2144 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 15.792 DF2368VTE34V IC H8S/2368 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 11.82 DF2378AVFQ34V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 15.768 DF2161BVT10V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 12.744 DF2328BVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 12.744 DF2398F20V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 128QFP 13.608 DF2437FV IC H8S/2437 MCU FLASH 128QFP 13.608 HD6473726FV MCU 8BIT 48K OTP 80-QFP 16.058 DF3029F25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 512K 100QFP 12.155 DF3028X25V IC H8/3028 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.914 DF2372VLP34V IC H8S/2372 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 12.734 DF2367VF33V IC H8S/2367 MCU FLASH 128QFP 16.286 DF2378BVFQ35WV IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 144-QFP 16.739 DF2268FA20V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100QFP 12.463 DF3069RX25V IC H8/3069R MCU FLASH 100TQFP 12.939 DF2238RBQ13V IC H8S/2238R MCU FLASH 112TFBGA 15.276 DF2238RBQ6V IC H8S/2238R MCU FLASH 112TFBGA 14.364 DF2371RVLP34V IC H8S/2371 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 15.773 DF2377VFQ33V IC H8S/2377 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 14.797 DF2367VTE33V IC H8S/2367 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 13.641 DF2372RVLP34V IC H8S/2372 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 14.016 DF61656N35FTV IC H8SX/1656 MCU FLASH 120-TQFP 15.651 DF61656CN35FTV IC H8SX/1656 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 13.782 DF2268TF20V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 16.891 DF2268TE20V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.076 DF2268TE13V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 13.841DF2319CVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100TQFP 13.171 DF2398F20TV IC H8S/2398 MCU FLASH 128QFP 17.345 DF2239FA16V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100QFP 13.44 HD64F2239FA20 IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100-QFP 16.56 DF2315VF25V IC H8S/2315 MCU FLASH 100QFP 14.88 DF2170BVTE33V IC H8S/2170 MCU FLASH 100-TQFP 17.76 DF2238BF13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100QFP 14.243 DF2238BFA13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100QFP 17.139 DF2374RVLP34V IC H8S/2374 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 16.335 DF2378BVLP35V IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 145-TFLGA 16.335 DF2315VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100TQFP 16.81 DF2239TE20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100QFP 15.821 DF2239TF16V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 15.821 DF2239TF20V IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 17.551 DF2667VFQ33V IC H8S/2667 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 15.426 DF2148ATE20IV IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 18.604 DF2329BVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 128QFP 14.364 DF2633RF28V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 17.231 DF2215UTE16V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 16.724 DF61657BN35FTV IC H8SX/1657 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 15.711 DF2144FA20V IC H8S/2144 MCU FLASH 100QFP 14.626 DF2258FA13V IC H8S/2258 MCU FLASH 100QFP 16.679 DF2144VFA10V IC H8S/2144 MCU FLASH 100QFP 16.166 DF2374VLP34V IC H8S/2374 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 16.679 DF61663W50FPV IC H8SX/1663 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 14.906 DF2633RTE28V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 15.684 DF2239FA20IV IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 100-QFP 17.688 DF2239BQ20V IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 112-TFBGA 17.424 DF2238BTF13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 16.263 DF2676VFC33V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 144QFP 14.93 DF2238BTE13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.93 DF3039F18V IC H8/3039 MCU FLASH 80QFP 19.798 HD64F2319VF25 IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100-QFP 18.546 DF61664W50FPV IC H8SX/1664 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 20.016 DF2378RVLP34V IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 16.764 DF2114RVT20V IC H8S/2114 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 20.676 DF2215UBR16V IC H8S/2215 MCU FLASH 112LFBGA 17.36 DF3052BF25V IC H8/3052BF MCU FLASH 100QFP 20.528 DF2148RFA20V IC H8S/2148 MCU FLASH 100QFP 18.368 DF2633F25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 18.396 DF2326VF25V IC H8S/2326 MCU FLASH 128QFP 18.98 DF2319CVLP25V IC H8S/2319 MCU FLASH 100TFLGA 20.726 DF61582N48FPV IC H8SX/1582 MCU FLASH 120LQFP 20.422DF2643FC16V IC H8S/2643 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.89 DF2643FC25V IC H8S/2643 MCU FLASH 144QFP 19.968 DF2357VF13V IC H8S/2357 MCU FLASH 128QFP 18.432 DF2189RVT20V IC H8S/2189 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 23.488 DF2319EVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100QFP 21.44 DF2623FA20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 23.36 DF2633TE25V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 17.6 DF2551FC26DV IC H8S/2551 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.16 DF2326VTE25V IC H8S/2326 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 19.84 DF2505BR26DV IC H8S/2505 MCU FLASH 176-LFBGA 22.338 DF2638F20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 20.112 DF2646RFC20V IC H8S/2646 MCU FLASH 144QFP 21.788 DF2357TE20V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 20.606 DF2357VTE13V IC H8S/2357 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 18.917 DF2552FC26DV IC H8S/2552 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.449 DF2556FC20DV IC H8S/2556 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.103 DF2551BR26DV IC H8S/2551 MCU FLASH 176-LFBGA 24.955 DF2648RFC20V IC H8S/2648 MCU FLASH 144QFP 25.579 DF2319EVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100TQFP 21.533 DF2506BR26DV IC H8S/2506 MCU FLASH 176-LFBGA 21.6 DF2329EVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 128QFP 22.882 DF2638WF20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 25.226 DF2639UF20V IC H8S/2639 MCU FLASH 128QFP 22.977 DF2646RFC20JV IC H8S/2646 MCU FLASH 144QFP 26.892 DF2639WF20V IC H8S/2639 MCU FLASH 128QFP 25.688 DF2623FA20JV IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 27.806 DF2638WF20JV IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 22.988 DF61544J40FPV IC H8SX/1544 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 25.089 DF2630UF20JV IC H8S/2630 MCU FLASH 128-QFP 31.926 HD64F36912GFH IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32-QFP 3.164 HD64F3672FY IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 48QFP 3.838 DF36902GTPWV MCU 3/5V 8K I-TEMP LEAD FREE 32- 3.604 DF36902GFHSWV IC H8/36902 MCU FLASH 32LQFP 3.621 HD64F3672FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 4.428 HD64F3670FP MCU FLASH 8K 64-LQFP 3.875 HD64F3672FPV IC H8/3672 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 3.735 HD64F3672FYV IC H8/3672 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 4.304 DF36912GTP IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32SOP 4.178 DF36912GFH MCU 3/5V 8K 32-LQFP 4.241 D13008FBL25V MCU 3V 0K 100-QFP 4.594 DF36902GTQAFV MCU 3/5V 8K PB-FREE I-TEMP 32-SO 4.641 DF36902GP IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32SDIP 4.743 HD64F3670FXV IC H8/3670 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 3.713HD64F3670FPV IC H8/3670 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 4.32 DF36902GFH IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32-QFP 3.847 DF36902GFHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32QFP 3.982 HD64F3670FYIV MCU 3/5V 8K I-TEMP PB-FREE 48-LQ 4.61 DF36912GFHW MCU 3/5V 8K I-TEMP 32-QFP 4.956 DF36912GFHWV MCU 3/5V 8K PB-FREE I-TEMP 32-QF 5.165 DF36912GP IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32SDIP 5.183/5V8K PB-FREE I-TEMP 32-QF 5.148 HD64F36912GFHWVTR MCUHD64F3672FPIV MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 4.65 HD64F3672FYIV MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP,PB-FREE 48-Q 4.2 DF2210CUFP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 32KB 64-LQFP 5.472 DF36012GFY IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 48-LQFP 4.576 D12312SVTEBL25 IC H8S MCU ROMLESS 100-QFP 5.358 DF2210CUNP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 32K 64-QFN 5.451 DF36064GHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 5.313 DF36064GFPV IC H8/36064 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 5.868 DF36064GH MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 64-QFP 4.837 HD64F3062BFBL25L IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100-QFP 4.99 HD64F36024GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 5.065 DF38602RFT10 MCU 3V 16K 32-QFN 4.998 DF36074GFZV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 5.088 DF38602RFT4WV MCU 1.8/3V 16K 32-VQFN 5.368 DF36074LFZV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-LQFP 5.874 DF36074GHV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64-QFP 5.874 DF36074LHV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-QFP 5.518 DF36077LHV IC H8/36077 MCU FLASH 64QFP 5.13 DF2211CUFP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 64-LQFP 6.643 DF36074LFZWV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-LQFP 6.348 DF36074LHWV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-QFP 6.44 DF36014FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 5.35 HD64F3664FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 5.458 HD64F3664HI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 6.382 DF36074GFZWV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 5.469 DF2211CUNP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 64-QFN 5.375 DF38076W IC H8 MCU FLASH 52KB 80-TQFP 6.656 DF38524HV IC H8/38524 MCU FLASH 80QFP 5.432 DF36077GFZV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 5.909 DF38524WV MCU 32KB 2.7/5V 80-TQFP 6.671 HD64F3694GFPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.006 HD64F3694FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 5.673 HD64F3687FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-LQFP 5.964 HD64F3687H IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-QFP 5.387 HD64F38004FP10 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.542HD64F3687HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64QFP 5.483 DF36012GFPJE IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 6.799 HD64F3664FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 7.011 HD64F3664HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 5.648 R4F20202NFD#U0 MCU 96KB ROM 8K VER.N 80-LQFP 5.996 HD64F38104H MCU 3/5V 32K 64-QFP 6.409 HD64F3687GFP IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-LQFP 6.508 HD64F3687GH IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-QFP 5.818 DF36074GHWV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.138 HD64F3694GFY IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48-LQFP 7.327 HD64F3694GH IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.139 HD64F3062BFBL25 MCU 16BIT 5V 128K 144QFP 7.186 DF2217CUTF24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 100-TQFP 7.373 HD64F3694FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.408 DF36077GHWV MCU 56KB 5V 64-QFP 6.515 R4F20202DFD#U0 MCU 96KB ROM 8K VER.D 80-LQFP 5.803 DF36012FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 6.624 DF36012FPW MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP 64-LQFP 6.52 HD64F3642AH IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64QFP 6.85 DF38076WW IC H8 MCU FLASH 52KB 80-TQFP 7.12 DF36012FXV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.812 DF36012FTV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48QFN 6.393 DF36012FYV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.231 DF36012FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 7.336 HD64F36049H IC H8 MCU FLASH 96K 80-QFP 6.878 HD64F38024RW IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 80-TQFP 7.526 HD64F3664FXV MCU 3/5.5V 32K PB-FREE 48-LQFP 6.378 HD64F3664FYV MCU 3/5V 32K PB-FREE 48-LQFP 7.76 DF2212CUFP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 128K 64-LQFP 7.228 DF36022FTV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.02 DF36022FPV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.804 DF36022FXV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.344 DF36012GFTV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48QFN 6.804 DF36022FYV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.48 DF36014FTV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.668 DF36014FYV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.912 DF36014FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.804 DF36012GFX MCU 3/5V 16K POR&LVD 48-LQFP 7.668 DF36014FX MCU 3/5V 32K 48-LQFP 6.804 DF36078GFZV IC H8/36078 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.093 DF2212CUNP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 128K 64-QFN 6.259 HD64F3664DV MCU 3/5.5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64 7.92 HD64F3664FPIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 7.59M16C系列单片机M16C平台:M16C族是提供32/16位CISC单片机的强大平台,此平台具有高效率ROM编码、大范围EMI/EMS噪声对策、超低功耗、实际应用中的高速处理和各种完善的外围设备等特点。



按键扫描功能 异步串行通讯口UART6 异步串行通讯口UART0 专用的红外发射电路 LCD 驱动电路 低电压检测LVI 10位A/D转换器 外部中断输入 按键输入 RTC和温度校正 温度检测硬件 电能计量模块的功能 子芯片通讯模块
© 2010 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
RAM RAM Cluster Cluster FLASH FLASH Cluster Cluster
10位AD 温度传感器 TM0 x1通道
子芯 子芯
24位 ⊿ΣADC
FCB 60K 60K
--电压信号过零点检测和过零点超时 --峰值检测 --失压检测 --周期和频率测量 --防窃电功能
© 2010 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
电能计量 MCU RTC
© 2010 Reon. All rights reserved.
© 2010 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
1K 1K 1K 1K



瑞萨MCU模型车MCU(Micro Control Unit)中文名称为微控制单元,又称单片微型计算机(Single Chip Microcomputer)或者单片机,是指随着大规模集成电路的出现及其发展,将计算机的CPU、RAM、ROM、定时计数器和多种I/O接口集成在一片芯片上,形成芯片级的计算机,为不同的应用场合做不同组合控制。

瑞萨MCU模型车采用瑞萨电子提供的赛车单片机主板RenesasH8/3048F-ONE MCU作为控制单元,RY3048F-ONE作为底板,进行电路和软件设计,并整合大赛组委会提供的零部件进行赛车的整体结构设计,设计出完整的超级模型车。














H8/310系列八位单片机是日本日立公司生产的专门用于IC 卡的专用单片机系列。


H8系列单片机价格产品型号产品描述价格($)HD64F3334YFLH16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 80QFP 12.316 HD64F3337SF16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 80QFP 14.321 HD64F3337YFLH16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 80QFP 12.34HD64F3334YFLH16V MCU 3/5V 32K PB-FREE 80-QFP 11.799 HD6473294F16V MCU 3/5V 32KB 64-QFP 12.886 HD64F3337SF16V MCU 3/5V 60K PB-FREE 80-QFP 15.912D64F3337YFLH16V MCU 5V 60K PB-FREE 80-QFP 14.28HD64F3437STF16V MCU 3/5V 60K PB-FREE 100-TQFP 18.106 HD64F3337YCP16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 84PLCC 16.197 HD64F3437TFLH16V IC H8/3437 MCU FLASH 60K 100TQFP18.801 HD64F3337YCP16V MCU 3/5V 60K PB-FREE 84-PLCC 21.197D64F3437TFLH16V MCU 5V 60K PB-FREE 100-TQFP 23.155 HD64F3437STF16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 100TQFPHD64F3437TFLH16 IC H8 MCU FLASH 60K 100TQFPHD6473294TFI16 MCU 5V OTP 32K I-TEMP 80-TQFPHD64F3334YCP16V IC H8/3334 MCU FLASH 128K 144QFPDF36912GFHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32LQFP 4.178H8/3008 MCU ROMLESS 100QFP 4.275D13008VFBL25V ICHD6413008FBL25V IC H8 MCU ROMLESS 100-QFP 4.083DF36077GHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64QFP 6.099DF36012GFYV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.236DF36014FXV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.344DF36012GFXV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.776DF36014FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.128DF36014GFXV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.77DF36014GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.103DF38102HV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.244HD64F3684GHV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.149HD64F3684GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.273D12312SVTE25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 100TQFP 7.945DF38004H4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.521DF38004FP4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.978H8SMPU ROMLESS 128QFP 6.972D12322RVF25V ICHD64F3687GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 8.211DF38104HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 7.976HD64F3664FPV IC H8/3664 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.672D12392F20V IC H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 7.603D12390F20V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 128QFP 8.16D12321VF25V IC H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 8.16 HD64F3694GFYV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48QFP 7.973 HD64F3694GFTV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.61 DF36079GHV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64-QFP 8.591 DF38002H10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.138 DF38002H4V IC H8/38002 MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.891 HD64F3684FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.542 DF2317VTEBL25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 8.611 DF38004FP10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.925 DF38004H10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.303 HD64F38024RHV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 8.07 HD64F38024RWV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.953 DF38104HWV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.262 HD64F3644HV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 9.797 HD64F38024RDV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 9.022 HD64F3644DV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 64QFP 10.534 DF38076RH4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 8.826 HD64F38024DV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 8.741 DF38076RH10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 10.98 DF38076RW10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 9.608 DF38076RLP4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 85TFLGA 10.419 DF38076RLP10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 10.439 DF38086RH4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 11.704 DF38086RW4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.206 DF38076RH10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 12.257 DF38076RW10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.089 DF38086RW10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 10.206 DF38086RH10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 12.587 D12674RVFQ33V ICH8SMPU ROMLESS 144LQFP 12.144 DF2117VBG20V IC H8S/2117 MCU FLASH 176LFBGA 12.886 DF2117VLP20V IC H8S/2117 MCU FLASH 145TFLGA 11.071 DF38086RLP10V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 12.281D12373RVFQ33V IC H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS144LQFP 10.903DF38086RH10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80QFP 13.478 DF38086RW10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 13.853 DF2218UTF24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 10.406 DF2218TF24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 11.92 DF2140BVTE10V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 12.911 DF3064BF25V IC H8/3064B MCU FLASH 100QFP 13.873 DF2134AFA20V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 80QFP 11.474 DF38086RLP10WV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 14.926DF2215RUTE24V IC H8S/2215R MCU FLASH 120TQFP 13.156 DF2238RFA6V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 13.464 DF2238RFA13V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 14.28 DF2160BVT10V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 14.498DF2215RUBR24V IC H8S/2215R MCU FLASH112-LFBGA 11.297DF2318VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 13.517 DF2145BVTE10V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 14.784 DF2317VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 14.012 DF2612FA20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 80QFP 11.737 DF3026XBL25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 12.87 D13003TF16V IC H8/3003 ROMLESS 112QFP 15.885 DF2328VF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 13.541 DF3069RF25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 13.039 DF2328BVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 14.731 DF2398TE20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 16.517 DF2238RBR13V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 112BGA 16.644 DF61653N50FTV IC H8SX MCU FLASH 384K 120TQFP 14.63 DF2377RVFQ33V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 144LQFP 14.555 DF2239FA20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100QFP 13.44 DF2328VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 15.691 DF61654N50FTV IC H8SX/1654 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 17.098 DF2338VFC25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144QFP 16.67 DF2377RVFQ33WV IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 144LQFP 17.291 DF2345TE20V IC H8S/2345 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 16.09 DF2215TE16V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 16.218 R5F61668RN50FPV IC H8SX/1668 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 14.392 DF2329BVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 120TQFP 16.07 DF2239BQ16V IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 112BGA 19.536 DF3067RF20V IC H8/3067 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP16.988 DF2319VF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100QFP 17.715 DF2215BR16V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 112LFBGA 16.52 DF2319VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100TQFP 18.125 DF2636UF20V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 18.27 DF2633TE16V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 20.948 DF2166VT33V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 144TQFP 19.8 DF2329VF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 128QFP 21.066 DF2167VT33 IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 144-TQFP 21.657 DF2339EVFC25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144QFP 23.312 DF2339VFC25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144QFP 21.808 DF2329EVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 120TQFP 24.564 DF2630F20V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 25.445DF2630WF20V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 31.317 DF36912GTPAFV IC H8/36912 MCU FLASH 32SOP 4.368 HD64F3672FXV IC H8/3672 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 4.115 HD64F3670FYV IC H8/3670 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 4.522 DF3024FBL25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 6.687 DF3062BFBL25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 7.385 DF36012GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 7.344 HD64F36012GFP IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 6.588 D13008VF25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 100QFP 6.71 DF36024FPV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.104 DF36024FXV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 6.438 DF36014FPWV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.911 DF38004H10V IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.466 DF36087FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 7.779 DF38104FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.624 HD64F3687GHV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.328 HD64F3694FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.68 HD64F3694HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.094 HD64F3694FXV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 6.803 D13008F25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 100QFP 7.841 HD64F3694GFXV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 7.248 HD64F3694GHV IC H8/TINY MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.61 HD64F3694GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.577 DF36079LFZV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.349 DF36079GFZV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64-LQFP 6.655 DF36014FPJV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.877 HD64F3684HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.666 DF38104FPWV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.65 DN3687GFPV IC H8/3687 MCU EEPROM 64LQFP 8.797 DF2327BVFBL25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 128QFP 9.358 HD64F38024RWIV IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.189 D12324SVF25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 128QFP 9.583 DF38076RW4V IC H8/SLP MCU FLASH 80TQFP 9.275 DF2211FP24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 64K 64LQFP 10.612 DF2211UFP24V IC H8S MCU FLASH 64K 64LQFP 9.228 D13002F16V IC H8/3002 ROMLESS 100QFP 10.345 D12332VFC25V IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 144QFP 10.479 DF38344HWV IC H8/38344 MCU FLASH 32K 100QFP10.807 HD64F2212UFP24 IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 64-LQFP 11.206 R4F2462VFQ34V IC H8S/2462 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 9.867 HD64F3644PV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 32K 64SDIP 10.514 DF38086RLP4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 85TFLGA 11.185DF3048BF25V IC H8/3048B MCU FLASH 100QFP 10.164 DF3048BVF25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP 12.16 DF2148BFA20V IC H8S/2148B MCU FLASH 100QFP 11.88 DF2134AVTF10V IC H8S/2134 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 13.841 DF2134ATF20V IC H8S/2134 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.036 DF2215RTE24V IC H8S/2215R MCU FLASH 120TQFP 14.978 DF2318VF25V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 100QFP 13.056 DF2145BFA20V IC H8S/2145B MCU FLASH 100QFP 11.424 DF2214BQ16V IC H8S/2214 MCU FLASH 112-TFBGA 15.096 DF2145BVFA10V IC H8S/2145B MCU FLASH 100QFP 11.22 DF2378BVFQ35V IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 14.803 DF2138ATF20V IC H8S/2138 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 11.44 DF2138AVTF10V IC H8S/2138 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 12.48 DF2266TF20V IC H8S/2266 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 11.856 DF2266TF13V IC H8S/2266 MCU FLASH 100-TQFP 14.56 DF38099FP10WV IC H8/38099 MCU FLASH 100LQFP 14.811 DF2238RTE6V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 12.883 DF2238RTF6V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.995 DF2238RTF13V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100TQFP 13.306 DF2628FA24V IC H8S/2628 MCU FLASH 100QFP 13.871 DF2144AVTE10V IC H8S/2144 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 15.792 DF2368VTE34V IC H8S/2368 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 11.82 DF2378AVFQ34V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 15.768 DF2161BVT10V IC H8S/2100 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 12.744 DF2328BVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 12.744 DF2398F20V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 128QFP 13.608 DF2437FV IC H8S/2437 MCU FLASH 128QFP 13.608 HD6473726FV MCU 8BIT 48K OTP 80-QFP 16.058 DF3029F25V IC H8 MCU FLASH 512K 100QFP 12.155 DF3028X25V IC H8/3028 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.914 DF2372VLP34V IC H8S/2372 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 12.734 DF2367VF33V IC H8S/2367 MCU FLASH 128QFP 16.286 DF2378BVFQ35WV IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 144-QFP 16.739 DF2268FA20V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100QFP 12.463 DF3069RX25V IC H8/3069R MCU FLASH 100TQFP 12.939 DF2238RBQ13V IC H8S/2238R MCU FLASH 112TFBGA15.276 DF2238RBQ6V IC H8S/2238R MCU FLASH 112TFBGA14.364 DF2371RVLP34V IC H8S/2371 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 15.773 DF2377VFQ33V IC H8S/2377 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 14.797 DF2367VTE33V IC H8S/2367 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 13.641 DF2372RVLP34V IC H8S/2372 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 14.016 DF61656N35FTV IC H8SX/1656 MCU FLASH 120-TQFP 15.651DF61656CN35FTV IC H8SX/1656 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 13.782 DF2268TF20V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 16.891 DF2268TE20V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.076 DF2268TE13V IC H8S/2268 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 13.841 DF2319CVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100TQFP 13.171 DF2398F20TV IC H8S/2398 MCU FLASH 128QFP 17.345 DF2239FA16V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100QFP 13.44 HD64F2239FA20 IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100-QFP 16.56 DF2315VF25V IC H8S/2315 MCU FLASH 100QFP 14.88 DF2170BVTE33V IC H8S/2170 MCU FLASH 100-TQFP 17.76 DF2238BF13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100QFP 14.243 DF2238BFA13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100QFP 17.139 DF2374RVLP34V IC H8S/2374 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 16.335 DF2378BVLP35V IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 145-TFLGA 16.335 DF2315VTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100TQFP 16.81 DF2239TE20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 100QFP 15.821 DF2239TF16V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 15.821 DF2239TF20V IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 17.551 DF2667VFQ33V IC H8S/2667 MCU FLASH 144LQFP 15.426 DF2148ATE20IV IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100TQFP 18.604 DF2329BVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 128QFP 14.364 DF2633RF28V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 128QFP 17.231 DF2215UTE16V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 16.724 DF61657BN35FTV IC H8SX/1657 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 15.711 DF2144FA20V IC H8S/2144 MCU FLASH 100QFP 14.626 DF2258FA13V IC H8S/2258 MCU FLASH 100QFP 16.679 DF2144VFA10V IC H8S/2144 MCU FLASH 100QFP 16.166 DF2374VLP34V IC H8S/2374 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 16.679 DF61663W50FPV IC H8SX/1663 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 14.906 DF2633RTE28V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 120TQFP 15.684 DF2239FA20IV IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 100-QFP 17.688 DF2239BQ20V IC H8S/2239 MCU FLASH 112-TFBGA 17.424 DF2238BTF13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 16.263 DF2676VFC33V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 144QFP 14.93 DF2238BTE13V IC H8S/2200 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 14.93 DF3039F18V IC H8/3039 MCU FLASH 80QFP 19.798 HD64F2319VF25 IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100-QFP 18.546 DF61664W50FPV IC H8SX/1664 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 20.016 DF2378RVLP34V IC H8S/2378 MCU FLASH 145-LGA 16.764 DF2114RVT20V IC H8S/2114 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 20.676 DF2215UBR16V IC H8S/2215 MCU FLASH 112LFBGA 17.36 DF3052BF25V IC H8/3052BF MCU FLASH 100QFP 20.528DF2148RFA20V IC H8S/2148 MCU FLASH 100QFP 18.368 DF2633F25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 18.396 DF2326VF25V IC H8S/2326 MCU FLASH 128QFP 18.98 DF2319CVLP25V IC H8S/2319 MCU FLASH 100TFLGA 20.726 DF61582N48FPV IC H8SX/1582 MCU FLASH 120LQFP 20.422 DF2643FC16V IC H8S/2643 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.89 DF2643FC25V IC H8S/2643 MCU FLASH 144QFP 19.968 DF2357VF13V IC H8S/2357 MCU FLASH 128QFP 18.432 DF2189RVT20V IC H8S/2189 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 23.488 DF2319EVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100QFP 21.44 DF2623FA20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 23.36 DF2633TE25V IC H8S/2600 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 17.6 DF2551FC26DV IC H8S/2551 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.16 DF2326VTE25V IC H8S/2326 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 19.84 DF2505BR26DV IC H8S/2505 MCU FLASH 176-LFBGA 22.338 DF2638F20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 20.112 DF2646RFC20V IC H8S/2646 MCU FLASH 144QFP 21.788 DF2357TE20V IC H8S/2300 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 20.606 DF2357VTE13V IC H8S/2357 MCU FLASH 120TQFP 18.917 DF2552FC26DV IC H8S/2552 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.449 DF2556FC20DV IC H8S/2556 MCU FLASH 144QFP 20.103 DF2551BR26DV IC H8S/2551 MCU FLASH 176-LFBGA 24.955 DF2648RFC20V IC H8S/2648 MCU FLASH 144QFP 25.579 DF2319EVTE25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 512K 100TQFP 21.533 DF2506BR26DV IC H8S/2506 MCU FLASH 176-LFBGA 21.6 DF2329EVF25V IC H8S MCU FLASH 384K 128QFP 22.882 DF2638WF20V IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 25.226 DF2639UF20V IC H8S/2639 MCU FLASH 128QFP 22.977 DF2646RFC20JV IC H8S/2646 MCU FLASH 144QFP 26.892 DF2639WF20V IC H8S/2639 MCU FLASH 128QFP 25.688 DF2623FA20JV IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 100QFP 27.806 DF2638WF20JV IC H8S MCU FLASH 256K 128QFP 22.988 DF61544J40FPV IC H8SX/1544 MCU FLASH 144-LQFP 25.089 DF2630UF20JV IC H8S/2630 MCU FLASH 128-QFP 31.926 HD64F36912GFH IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32-QFP 3.164 HD64F3672FY IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 48QFP 3.838 DF36902GTPWV MCU 3/5V 8K I-TEMP LEAD FREE 32- 3.604 DF36902GFHSWV IC H8/36902 MCU FLASH 32LQFP 3.621 HD64F3672FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 4.428 HD64F3670FP MCU FLASH 8K 64-LQFP 3.875 HD64F3672FPV IC H8/3672 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 3.735 HD64F3672FYV IC H8/3672 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 4.304DF36912GTP IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32SOP 4.178 DF36912GFH MCU 3/5V 8K 32-LQFP 4.241 D13008FBL25V MCU 3V 0K 100-QFP 4.594 DF36902GTQAFV MCU 3/5V 8K PB-FREE I-TEMP 32-SO 4.641 DF36902GP IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32SDIP 4.743 HD64F3670FXV IC H8/3670 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 3.713 HD64F3670FPV IC H8/3670 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 4.32 DF36902GFH IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32-QFP 3.847 DF36902GFHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32QFP 3.982 HD64F3670FYIV MCU 3/5V 8K I-TEMP PB-FREE 48-LQ 4.61 DF36912GFHW MCU 3/5V 8K I-TEMP 32-QFP 4.956 DF36912GFHWV MCU 3/5V 8K PB-FREE I-TEMP 32-QF 5.165 DF36912GP IC H8 MCU FLASH 8K 32SDIP 5.18 HD64F36912GFHWVTR MCU 3/5V 8K PB-FREE I-TEMP 32-QF 5.148 HD64F3672FPIV MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 4.65 HD64F3672FYIV MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP,PB-FREE 48-Q 4.2 DF2210CUFP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 32KB 64-LQFP 5.472 DF36012GFY IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 48-LQFP 4.576 D12312SVTEBL25 IC H8S MCU ROMLESS 100-QFP 5.358 DF2210CUNP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 32K 64-QFN 5.451 DF36064GHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 5.313 DF36064GFPV IC H8/36064 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 5.868 DF36064GH MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 64-QFP 4.837 HD64F3062BFBL25L IC H8 MCU FLASH 128K 100-QFP 4.99 HD64F36024GFPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 5.065 DF38602RFT10 MCU 3V 16K 32-QFN 4.998 DF36074GFZV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 5.088 DF38602RFT4WV MCU 1.8/3V 16K 32-VQFN 5.368 DF36074LFZV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-LQFP 5.874 DF36074GHV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64-QFP 5.874 DF36074LHV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-QFP 5.518 DF36077LHV IC H8/36077 MCU FLASH 64QFP 5.13 DF2211CUFP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 64-LQFP 6.643 DF36074LFZWV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-LQFP 6.348 DF36074LHWV MCU 32KB 3.3V 64-QFP 6.44 DF36014FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 5.35 HD64F3664FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 5.458 HD64F3664HI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 6.382 DF36074GFZWV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 5.469 DF2211CUNP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 64-QFN 5.375 DF38076W IC H8 MCU FLASH 52KB 80-TQFP 6.656 DF38524HV IC H8/38524 MCU FLASH 80QFP 5.432DF36077GFZV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 5.909 DF38524WV MCU 32KB 2.7/5V 80-TQFP 6.671 HD64F3694GFPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.006 HD64F3694FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 5.673 HD64F3687FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-LQFP 5.964 HD64F3687H IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-QFP 5.387 HD64F38004FP10 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.542 HD64F3687HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64QFP 5.483 DF36012GFPJE IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 6.799 HD64F3664FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 7.011 HD64F3664HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 5.648 R4F20202NFD#U0 MCU 96KB ROM 8K VER.N 80-LQFP 5.996 HD64F38104H MCU 3/5V 32K 64-QFP 6.409 HD64F3687GFP IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-LQFP 6.508 HD64F3687GH IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64-QFP 5.818 DF36074GHWV IC H8/36074 MCU FLASH 64QFP 6.138 HD64F3694GFY IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48-LQFP 7.327 HD64F3694GH IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.139 HD64F3062BFBL25 MCU 16BIT 5V 128K 144QFP 7.186 DF2217CUTF24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 100-TQFP 7.373 HD64F3694FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.408 DF36077GHWV MCU 56KB 5V 64-QFP 6.515 R4F20202DFD#U0 MCU 96KB ROM 8K VER.D 80-LQFP 5.803 DF36012FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 6.624 DF36012FPW MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP 64-LQFP 6.52 HD64F3642AH IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64QFP 6.85 DF38076WW IC H8 MCU FLASH 52KB 80-TQFP 7.12 DF36012FXV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.812 DF36012FTV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48QFN 6.393 DF36012FYV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.231 DF36012FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 7.336 HD64F36049H IC H8 MCU FLASH 96K 80-QFP 6.878 HD64F38024RW IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 80-TQFP 7.526 HD64F3664FXV MCU 3/5.5V 32K PB-FREE 48-LQFP 6.378 HD64F3664FYV MCU 3/5V 32K PB-FREE 48-LQFP 7.76 DF2212CUFP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 128K 64-LQFP 7.228 DF36022FTV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.02 DF36022FPV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.804 DF36022FXV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.344 DF36012GFTV IC H8/36012 MCU FLASH 48QFN 6.804 DF36022FYV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.48 DF36014FTV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.668DF36014FYV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.912 DF36014FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.804 DF36012GFX MCU 3/5V 16K POR&LVD 48-LQFP 7.668 DF36014FX MCU 3/5V 32K 48-LQFP 6.804 DF36078GFZV IC H8/36078 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.093 DF2212CUNP24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 128K 64-QFN 6.259 HD64F3664DV MCU 3/5.5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64 7.92 HD64F3664FPIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 7.59 D13008VXI25V MCU 3V 0K I-TEMP PB-FREE 100-TQF 6.061 HD64F3687GHMV MCU 3/5V 56K PB-FREE 64-QFP 6.832 DF36014GFYV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48QFP 6.327 DF36022GFPV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.771 DF36014GFTV IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.548 DF36022GFTV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48QFN 8.103 DF36022GFYV IC H8/36022 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 6.66 DF36024FTV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 48QFN 6.216 DF36024FYV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.77 DF36014GFY IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48-LQFP 6.66 DF36024FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.66 DF36014GFX MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 48-LQFP 6.327 DF36024FX MCU 3/5V 32K 48-LQFP 7.104 DF36014GFP IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.771 HD64F3664BP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 42DIP 6.682 DF38102FPV IC H8/38102 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.693 DF38102H MCU 3/5V 16K 64-QFP 7.582 DF36014GFPJ IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.854 HD64F3694GFXIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 48VQ7.854 DF36012FPJ IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 6.655 HD6413008VX25 MCU 5V 0K 100-TQFP 6.655 HD64F3644H IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-QFP 6.32DS61650CW50FPV IC H8SX/1650 MPU ROMLESS120LQFP 6.447DF38076HWV IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 8.143 HD64F38024D IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 80QFP 8.158 DF36014FPW IC H8/36014 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP7.818D12320VTE20V IC H8S/2320 MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 7.945D12321VTE25V IC H8S/2321 MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 8.172D12390TE20V IC H8S/2390 MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 7.604D12320VTE25V IC H8S/2320 MCU ROMLESS 7.945120TQFPD12312SVTE25 MCU 3V 0K 100-TQFP 7.718D12321VTE20V IC H8S/2321 MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 7.264R4F24568NVZFQV MCU 256KB FLASH 48K 144-LQFP 7.718 DF36024GFPV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.887 DF36024GFXV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 48LQFP 7.887 DF36024GFYV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 48-LQFP 7.315 DF36024GFTV IC H8/36024 MCU FLASH 48QFN 7.544 DF36024GFP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.544 DF36087HV IC H8/36087 MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.237 DF38004FP10V IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.466 DF38004FP4 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 6.406 DF38004H4 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 7.322 HD64F3687FPV IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 6.864 HD64F3687DV MCU 3/5V 56K PB-FREE 64-LQFP 6.978 DF38004FP10 IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 6.978 DF36012FPWV MCU 3/5V 16K I TEMP PBFREE 64QFP8.417 HD6413008X25 IC H8 MCU ROMLESS 5V 100TQFP 6.699 HD64N3664FPV MCU 3/5.5V 32K PB-FREE 64-LQFP 7.161 D12320VF25I IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 128QFP 7.785 D12320VF25IV IC H8S/2320 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 6.623 D12390F20IV MCU 5V 0K I TEMP PB-FREE 120-TQF7.321 D12322RVF25 MCU 8K RAM ROMLESS 128QFP 6.391 D12390F20I MCU 4K RAM ROMLESS 128QFP 8.599 DF36014GFPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.257 DF36014GFYI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48QFP 7.094 DF36014GFPW MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP POR&LVD 64-L8.374 HD64F3694GFPIV MCU 5V 32K I-TEMP W/POR LVD FP-6 6.978 DF2218CUTF24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 128K 100-TQFP7.676DS61650CN50FPV IC H8SX/1650 MPU ROMLESS120LQFP 6.658DF38076H IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 6.435 DF38076HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 52K 80QFP 7.371 HD64F3694FTV IC H8/3694F MCU FLASH 48-QFN 7.624 HD64F3694FYV IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 48LQFP 7.39 HD64F3687GFPMV MCU 3/5V 56K PB-FREE 64-LQFP 7.624 DF38104FP MCU 3/5V 32K 64-LQFP 7.038 DN3694GFPV IC H8/3694 MCU EEPROM 64-LQFP 8.239 DN3687GFP MCU 3/5V 56K EEPROM 64-LQFP 6.591D12322RVF20V IC H8S/2322R MCU ROMLESS128QFP 7.128DF36012GFPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64-LQFP 7.603 D12392F20 IC H8S MPU ROMLESS 5V 128QFP 7.009 DF36012GFPWV MCU 3/5V 16K I TEMP PB-FREE 64LQ8.435 DF36012GFPW MCU 3/5V 16K I-TEMP POR&LVD 64-L7.247 DF38002H10WV IC H8/38002 MCU FLASH 64-QFP 8.02 DF2218CUBR24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 128K 112-BGA 6.834 D12320VF25V IC H8S/2300 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 8.88D12312SVF25V IC H8S/2312S MCU ROMLESS100QFP 8.76D12320VF20V IC H8S/2320 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 6.84 D12321VF20V IC H8S/2321 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 7.56D12312SVF20V IC H8S/2312S MCU ROMLESS100QFP 7.32D12320VF25 MCU 3V 0K 128-QFP 8.04 D12321VF25 MCU 3V 0K 128-QFP 6.84 R4F24268NVZFQV MCU 256KB FLASH 48K 144-LQFP 8.04 D12390F20 MCU 4K RAM ROMLESS 128QFP 7.08 DF38602RFT10WV IC H8/38602 MCU FLASH 16K 32VQFN7.115 DF36094GFZV IC H8/36094 MCU FLASH 64-LQFP 8.094D12240TE13V IC H8S/2240 MCU ROMLESS100TQFP 7.127D12240TE13 MCU 4K RAM ROMLESS 100TQFP 8.094 DF36079LHV IC H8/36079 MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.228 DF36014GFPJE IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.381 DF2217CUBR24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 64K 112-BGA 7.139 DF2215CUTE24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 256K 120-TQFP8.884 DF36014GFPWV MCU 3/5V 32K I TEMP PB-FREE 64LQ8.174 HD64F3687FPI IC H8 MCU FLASH 56K 64LQFP 9.035 DF36012FPJE IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 64LQFP 7.472 DF38102HWV IC H8/38102 MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.595 DF36014FPJ IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64-LQFP 7.614 DF36034HV IC H8/36034F MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.503 DF36034FZV IC H8/36034 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 6.765 DF36034H MCU 3/5V 32K 64-QFP 7.38 HD64F3644HI IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 9.104 DF38122WV IC H8/38122 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.624 HD64F3684GDV MCU 3/5.5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64 7.022 HD64F3684GFPIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP,PB-FREE 64-L 7.022 HD64F3684GD MCU 16BIT FLASH 3/5V 32K 64QFP 7.638 DF38602RFT10V IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 32QFN 9.124 DF38602RFT4V IC H8 MCU FLASH 16K 32QFN 8.754 DF38002H10 MCU 3V 16K 64-QFP 8.508DF38602RFH4WV MCU 16K FLASH 1.8/3.6V 32-LQFP 8.138 HD64F3642AHV MCU 3/5V 16K PB-FREE 64-QFP 7.651 HD64F3642APV MCU 3/5V 16K PB-FREE 64-DIP 8.391 DF38002FP4V IC H8/38002 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.79 HD64F3694D IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 8.418 HD64F3664BPV MCU 3/5V 32K,PB-FREE 42-DIP 8.666 HD64F3664FYIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 48-L 8.171 HD64F3694DV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP,PB-FREE 64-Q 9.037 HD64F3694FPIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 9.037 HD64F3694FYIV MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 48-L 7.428 HD64F3694FPJV MCU 3/5V 32K J-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 7.806 HD64F2317VTEBL25 IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 100-QFP 7.488 HD64F3664FPJ MCU FLASH 5V 32KB 144-QFP 7.022 DF36049HV IC H8 MCU FLASH 96K 80QFP 8.68 DF36034GFPV IC H8/36034 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.554 DF36034GHV IC H8/36034 MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.674 DF36054HV IC H8/36054F MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.674 DF36034GFZV IC H8/36034 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.429 DF3062BFP25QV IC H8/3062B MCU FLASH 100QFP 8.806 DF36054FZV IC H8/36054F MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.925 DF3062BF25V IC H8/3062 MCU FLASH 128K 100QFP8.806 DF38004FP10W IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 7.925 DF38004H10W IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64QFP 7.925 DF36054FPV MCU 3/5V 32K,PB-FREE 64-LQFP 7.925 DF36034GFP MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 64-LQFP 8.806 DF36034GH MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 64-QFP 7.422 DF36054FP MCU 3/5V 32K 64-QFP 7.674 DF36054H MCU 3/5V 32K 64-QFP 8.554 DF36049H IC H8 MCU FLASH 96K 80-QFP 8.806 HD64F38024RFV IC H8/38024R MCU FLASH 80QFP 9.079 HD64F38024RLPV IC H8/38024R MCU FLASH 85TFLGA 8.449DS61651CN50FPV IC H8SX/1651 MCU ROMLESS120LQFP 8.449HD64N3664FPIV MCU 3/5.5V 32K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64 7.59D12322RVTE20V IC H8S/2322R MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 8.996D12322RVTE25V IC H8S/2322R MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 7.349D12392TE20V IC H8S/2392 MCU ROMLESS120TQFP 9.249DS61651N50FPV IC H8SX/1651 MCU ROMLESS120LQFP 7.528DF36049GHV IC H8 MCU FLASH 96K 80QFP 7.068 DF36054GHV IC H8/36054F MCU FLASH 64QFP 8.866 DF36054GFZV IC H8/36054F MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.866 DF36037HV IC H8/36037F MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.453 DF36037FZV IC H8/36037F MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.581 DF36049GH IC H8 MCU FLASH 96K 80-QFP 8.224 DF36054GFPV MCU 3/5V 32K,PB-FREE 64-LQFP 8.995 DF36054GFP MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 64-QFP 8.096 DF36054GFZ MCU 3/5V 32K POR & LVD 64-LQFP 9.509 DF36054GH MCU 3/5V 32K POR&LVD 64-QFP 9.124 DF38124WV IC H8/38124 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 9.166 DF38124HV IC H8/38124 MCU FLASH 80QFP 9.553 DF38104FPW MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP 64-LQFP 8.65 DF38104HW MCU 3/5V 32K I-TEMP 64-QFP 9.424 D13007F20V MCU 5V 0K PB-FREE 100-QFP 7.918 HD6413002F16 IC H8 MCU ROMLESS 100-QFP 9.481 D12392F20IV MCU 5V 0K I-TEMP,PB-FREE, 128-QF9.41 DF36037GHV IC H8/36037F MCU FLASH 64QFP 7.747 DF36037GFZV IC H8/36037F MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.222 DF36057FZV IC H8/36057F MCU FLASH 64LQFP 9.191 DF36057HV IC H8/36057F MCU FLASH 64QFP 9.322 DF36037GFPV MCU 3/5V 56K ,PB-FREE 64-LQFP 8.009 DF36037GFP MCU 3/5V 56K POR&LVD 64-LQFP 9.191 DF36057H MCU 3/5V 56K 64-QFP 7.615 DF2327BVFBL25 IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 128-QFP 8.435 DF36057GFZV IC H8/36057F MCU FLASH 64LQFP 7.37 DF38324HV IC H8/38324 MCU FLASH 80-QFP 9.246 DF38324WV IC H8/38324 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.978 DF36057GHV IC H8/36057F MCU FLASH 64QFP 9.782DF36057GFPV MCU 3/5V 56K WITH POR/LVDPB-FRE 8.978DF36057GFP MCU 3/5V 56K POR&LVD 64-LQFP 8.978 DF36057GFZ MCU 3/5V 56K POR & LVD 64-LQFP 8.308 DF36057GH MCU 3/5V 56K POR&LVD 64-QFP 9.246 DF2117VT20HV MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 160K 144-TQFP7.638 DF2117VT20V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 160K 144-TQFP9.648 HD64F3684GFPJV MCU 3/5V 32K J-TEMP,PB-FREE 64-L 8.723 D13007VF13V MCU 3/5V 0K PB-FREE 100-QFP 7.911 HD6473802FPIV MCU 1.8/5V OTP 16K I-TEMP PB-FRE 8.637 R4F24248NVFPV MCU 256KB MEMORY 48K 120-LQFP 8.363 R4F24545NVFPV MCU 128KB FLASH 48K 120-LQFP 8.912 HD6473802HV MCU 3/5V 16K PB-FREE 64-QFP 9.9DF36049HWV MCU 3/5V 96K PB-FREE I-TEMP 80-Q 9.688 DF36034GFPWV IC H8/36034 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 8.858 HD64F2212FP24 IC H8S MCU FLASH 128K 64-LQFP 8.453 HD64F38024RD MCU 3V 32K I-TEMP 80-QFP 7.634 DF2215CUBR24V MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 256K 112-BGA 10.169 DF36109FV IC H8/36109 MCU FLASH 100QFP 8.801 DF38799FP10V IC H8/38799F MCU FLASH 100LQFP 9.5 DF36109HV IC H8/36109 MCU FLASH 100LQFP 9.779 DF2116VT20V IC H8S/2116 MCU FLASH 144TQFP 8.382 HD6413238F10 MCU 5V 0K 64-QFP 7.794 HD6413238F10V MCU 5V 0K PB-FREE 64-QFP 10.202 DF38124HWV IC H8/38124 MCU FLASH 80QFP 9.791 DF38124WWV IC H8/38124 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.088 DF36109GHV IC H8/36109 MCU FLASH 100LQFP 8.413 DF36109GFV IC H8/36109 MCU FLASH 100QFP 8.271 DF38327WV IC H8/38327 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 8.699 DF38327HV IC H8/38327 MCU FLASH 80QFP 8.984 R4F24249NVFPV MCU 256KB MEMORY 64K 120-LQFP 8.984 DF36034FPV IC H8/36034 MCU FLASH 64LQFP 10.153 DF36034FP IC H8 MCU FLASH 32K 64LQFP 8.723 D13007FI20V MCU 5V 0K I-TEMP 100-QFP 9.867 DF38344WV IC H8/38344 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 9.728 D12394F20V IC H8S/2394 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 9.874 DF38344HV IC H8/38344 MCU FLASH 100-QFP 8.712 D12363VF33V IC H8S/2363 MCU ROMLESS 128QFP 10.6D12324SVF25 IC H8S MCU ROMLESS 128-QFP 9.002 HD64F3687FPIV MCU 3/5V 56K I-TEMP PB-FREE 64-L 10.164 DF38344XV IC H8/38344 MCU FLASH 100TQFP 9.148 R4F24268NVFQV MCU 256K FLASH 48K 144-LQFP 9.874 R4F24565NVFQV MCU 128KKB FLASH 48K 144-LQFP 8.712 DF38324WWV IC H8/38324 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 9.015 DF38324HWV IC H8/38324 MCU FLASH 80QFP 8.288 HD64F3644D MCU 8BIT 3/5V 32K 64QFP 8.485 D12670VFC33V IC H8S/2670 MCU ROMLESS 144QFP 8.802 DF36034HJV MCU 3/5V 32K J-TEMP PB-FREE 64-Q9.434 DF2117VT20IHV MCU 16BIT FLASH 3V 160K 144-TQFP9.876 DF36034HJ MCU 3/5V 32K J-TEMP 64=QFP 8.266 DF38076RH4 MCU 1.8/3V 52K 80-QFP 10.322 DF38076RW4 MCU 1.8/3V 52K 80-TQFP 11.07 HD64F3644WV IC H8/3644 MCU FLASH 80TQFP 10.85 HD6473802D IC H8 MCU OTP 16KB 64QFP 9.796 D12350F20V MCU 5V 0K,PB-FREE, 128-QFP 9.494。



RL78 内核 RL78 内核 结合 78K 与 R8C 结合78K与R8C先进功能的 先进功能的
7 7外部 外部/24 /24内部 内部
结合 与 先进功能的 结合78K 78K 与R8C R8C 先进功能的 新一代 MCU 内核 新一代 MCU 内核 新一代 新一代MCU MCU内核 内核
A/D A/D转换器 转换器 A/D 转换器 A/D 转换器 8 x 10 8x 10位 位
8 8x x 10 10位 位
通讯接口 通讯接口 通信接口 通信接口 5 5通道串行接口:可配置 通道串行接口:可配置
5 5通道串行接口:可配置 通道串行接口:可配置 为 为CSI CSI、 、UART UART与 与I2C I2C 为 为CSI CSI、 、UART UART与 与I2C I2C
片上高速振荡器 片上高速振荡器 片上高速振荡器 片上高速振荡器 频率可配置,最高达 频率可配置,最高达
频率可配置,最高达 频率可配置,最高达 64MHz 64MHz 64MHz 64MHz
Flash Flash 64KB 64KB Flash 64KB Flash 64KB RAM RAM 5.5KB 5.5KB RAM RAM 5.5KB 5.5KB Data Data Flash Flash 4KB 4KB Data Data Flash Flash 4KB 4KB
© 2011 Renesas Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
转动速度档位设置、过流保护、过热保护、工作状态LED显示 速度最高达2400转/分 小尺寸PCB与低成本 锂电池供电
© 2011 Renesas Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.



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第3 7卷 第 1 O期
V. .7 0 3 1 No.0 1

21 0 1年 5月
M a 01 y2 1
Co mpu e trEng n e i g i e rn
・ 工程 应 用技 术 与实 现 ・
文章编号:1o -48o ) _04—o 00 32( n1 _23 3 . 2 o


i t Jdm n ) n sbug et( t a vi crot ln n) o aCnr (1_ d o_ 1
传感器信号最终返回控制函数 信号滤后排错函数 路面信息预测函数 水平偏移量计算函数
稳定 性分析 函数 模型 车控制 函数

vi l C no ( I o n otl _) di e r n
u sg e h r bt c q ( hr I n n in d c a i h g c _g di a e a s e n) I
描述 硬件接口初始化函数 软件初始化函数 闸门传感器信息获取及状态判断函数 传感器信息获取 所有位取反 路面情况判断函数
软 件流 程 图如 图4 示 : 所 整 体 软 件程 序 流 程 如 上 图所 示 ,程 序 首 先 加载 硬 件 驱动 , 完成 硬 件 系统 各 端 口 ,中 断、A D、寄 存 器等 的初 始 化工 作 ,之 后 主程 序 等 待传 感 器 信 号 。车 体 启 动后 ,传 感器 将 采 集 的路 面 及速 度 信 息传 送给 微 控 制 器 处理 ,经过 程 序 处理 得 出车 体相 对 于车 道 的 位 置 关系 ,控 制 算法 据 此调 整 模 型 车 的行 驶 角度 和 速 度 ,整体程 序 不断 重复 此过 程 ,直至 收 到终止 信号 。 软件 算 法与 处理 函数 部 分见表 3 1 —:
பைடு நூலகம்
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vi c c WM ae( o e P Vl ) dhk  ̄ vi p r otl( o wn no ) d C r
应用p 算法计算水平偏移量 d
p m限制函数 w 控制模型车的动作



s“Compu【cr)MCU SuperHl
广太电表客户提供高可靠性的存1il}芯J{。EEPROM 适州于高tI z低端电袭.SRAM适用于集抄系统,负荷 控制、大用』、终端等产品。此外,瑞萨还通过丌发新 CPU,新上艺制造存储芯片,成率的降低,拄术支托 等来满足中国客户的衙求。 瑞萨的开发环境也非常充丈。瑞萨提供作为产品 导^初期的T具 学习I‘具乜等简易工具.综合开


EEPROM,产品线垒.可靠性高。提供和瑙萨 MCU井同使用的示范程序厦虚Ⅲ手册。 gRAM,产品线全.可靠性高。适用于集抄系 统负荷控制、大用户终端等产品。
—’提供从低容量到高容盛的各种规格产 品。 (2)新工艺 --)0 35urn【.艺(12C/SPI)、百万次l女写
>RENESAS串行总线EEPROM和RSCIMl6C系列配套使用应用手册 >RENESAS串行总线EEPROM和RSCIMl 6C系列配套使用的示倒程序
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第27卷第4期杭州电子科技大学学报V ol.27,N o.4 2007年08月Journal of Hangzh ou Dianzi University Aug.2007 基于H8-3048单片机的LED控制板的软件设计白晓强,陈华杰(杭州电子科技大学自动化学院,浙江杭州310018)摘要:伴随当今高度发展的信息时代,LE D显示屏控制技术在信息领域也取得了长足的进步。

该文介绍了一种基于H8/3048单片机的点阵LE D显示系统。

硬件主要包括PC机、H8/3048单片机和LE D点阵显示屏。

系统利用低成本的单片机系统实现了汉字的固定显示、水平移动、垂直移动和闪烁显示,传输过程采用X M ODE M协议来保证数据传递的正确性。

该文介绍了LE D点阵屏显示,分析了LE D点阵显示屏驱动机制,以及点阵显示的系统框架。

关键词:显示屏;单片机;软件设计中图分类号:T N141 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-9146(2007)04-0065-040 引 言随着LE D灯光越来越广泛地应用于城市亮化工程和广告行业中,LE D技术也越来越受到人们的关注。

日立公司生产的H8/3048单片机属于其H8/300H系列[1],采用了先进的C MOS工艺,具有高速、高封装密度、低功耗及高集成度等特点,因此在工业控制、智能仪表、家用电器等方面有着广泛的应用。

基于H8-3048单片机的LE D显示系统是一种结合了超低功率和LE D技术的显示系统,在节能方面有着很明显的优势。

1 系统功能电光板控制软件主要实现的功能是将要在电光板上显示的数据模式在PC方编辑、通过RS-232C 利用X MODE M传输协议将数据传输到H8/3048单片机,被传输数据,由显示数据和显示方法等的命令组成,可以进行显示控制。




HS6400EWIW3SE-TK030626 Tcl/Tk Additional documentTclIntroductionTcl, sometimes pronounced as tickle, stands for the Tool Command Language. It is a member of the class of languages known as scripting languages.Some other key features of Tcl are summarized as follows:•Tcl is a high-level scripting language.Tcl as not much different in syntax compared to any high-levelprogramming languages•Tcl is interpretedCode can be executed directly, without compiling and linking.•Tcl is extensibleUsers can add their own commands to extend the Tcl language.•Tcl is embeddable in applicationsThe Tcl interpreter was designed from the start to be embedded in avariety of applications. It is easy to incorporate Tcl into an application,and the Tcl interpreter melds n aturally with the application, almost asif the Tcl language were designed exclusively for that particularapplication.The SyntaxThe basic syntax for a Tcl command is:command arg1 arg2 arg3 . . .The command is either a built-in command or a Tcl procedure. The later one will be explained further in other part of this documentation. White space(either spaces or tabs) is needed to separate the command name and its arguments, and a newline or semicolon is used to terminate a command. If there are more than one word for an argument, a grouping of them will be needed.E.g.# Example of basic syntax command arg1 arg2 …set name “John Doe” orset name {John Doe}Example 1. Basic syntaxHowever, caution must be taken when using different types of groupings( “ “ , {}, [ ] ) as each of them represents different functionalities which will be elaborated in other part of this documentation.Some fundamental elements in the syntax are as follows:VariablesIn Tcl, there is no need to declare the type of variables before using them. The set command is used to write and read variables, e.g. the line of command below modifies a variable ‘x’ to hold value 12.E.g:# Example of declaring / modifying a variableset x 12Example 2. Declares/modifies a variableTo read the value of a variable, the set command is used as shown in example below.E.g:# Example of reading the value of a variableset x=>12Example3. Reads the value a variableIf the command follows from the first example of ‘set x 12’ above, then the value 12 will be returned.Command substitutionTcl also support nested commands, which are delimited by square brackets, [ ]. Everything inside the square brackets will be interpreted as a single command.E.g.# Example of command substitutionset x [string length thisIsAString]Example 4. Command substitutionThis line of command will set the variable ‘x’ to 13, the number of characters in “thisIsAString”. The “string length …..” command is one of the many built-in commands that are readily used. Math expressionThe expr command is used to evaluate math expressions.E.g# Example of math expressionexpr 6*3=> 18set p [expr 3*4]=>12Example5. Math expressionsGrouping with braces and double quotesAs has been mentioned above, these two types of grouping have different functionalities. The difference is that double quotes allow substitution to occur inside the group, while braces does not. It is illustrated in example below.E.g:# Example of substitution in groupings# Using double quotes to group, allows substitutionputs “The measured value is [expr 2*asin(1.0)] ”=> The measured value is 3.14159265359# Using braces to group, prevents substitutionputs {The measured value is [expr 2*asin(1.0)]}=> The measured value is [expr 2*asin(1.0)]Example6. Double quotes and braces substitutionProceduresProcedures in Tcl is just like functions in C language. After defined, a Tcl prodecure can be used as any other Tcl commands.The syntax isproc procName {parameters} {body}As has been mentioned earlier, the different elements in the syntax must be separated by at least a white space. Hence, users must be very cautious of the fact and always put the white space between proc, procName, parameters, and body even if braces are already used.E.g:# Example of a procedureproc diagonal {x y} {return [expr sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y)]}# The procedure then can be called like the example below.# The ‘$’ sign is to used in Tcl to represent the variable substitutionputs “The diagonal of a 3,4 right triangle is [diagonal 3 4]”=>The diagonal of a 3,4 right triangle is 5.0Example 7. ProcedureControl structure commandsSome important control structure commands exist in other high-level language also can be found in Tcl. They are such as: while, for, foreach, if, if…else, switch, break, continue, catch, continue, return, and error.Eg:#Ex ample of “if else” control structureif {$x==0} {puts “The logic is low”} else {puts “The logic is high”}#Example of “for loop” control structurefor {set i 10} {$i>0} {incr i -1} {puts “loop no. $i”}Example 8. Control StructuresTkIntroductionTk is a toolkit for programming graphical user interfaces. It provides the users a set of Tcl commands that deal with widgets (just a jargon for windowing gadgets) commonly known such as: button, frame, label, messagebox, canvas, etc. The basic structure of Tk begins by creating the widgets, configuring their attributes, arranging them in the main window or even other top level windows, and then binding actions to them. As any other GUIs created by other languages, theGUIs created by Tk also have event-driven control flow. These events can be of mouse motion, mouse click, or any keystrokes.Tk already has some built-in widgets as listed below:•button : Create a command button.•checkbutton : Create a toggle button linked to a Tcl variable.•radiobutton : Create one of a set of radio buttons linked to a Tcl variable.•menubutton : Create a button that post a menu.•menu : Create a menu.•canvas : Create a canvas, which support lines, text,polygons, and embedded widgets.•label : Create a single line, read-only text label.•entry : Create a single line, text entry widget.•message : Create a multiple line text message.•listbox : Create a line-oriented, scrolling text widget .•text : Create a editable text wi dget.•scrollbar : Create a scrollbar.•scale : Create a scale widget that adjusts the value of avariable.•frame : Create a container widget to embed other widgets inside.•toplevel : Create a new toplevel window.Besides those basic widgets, Tk also provide some commonly interfacedGUIs procedures such as dialog to open file, save file, choose color,change focus etc. The complete extra procedures are listed below:•tk_bisque : Install bisque(light brown) family of colors.•tk_chooseColor : Pop up a dialog to choose color.•tk_dialog : Create simple dialogs.•tk_focusFollowsMouse : Install mouse-tracking focus model.•tk_focusNext : Focus on next widget in tab order.•tk_focusPrev : Focus on previous widget in tab order.•tk_getOpenFile : Dialog to open an existing file.•tk_getSaveFile : Dialog to open a new file.•tk_messageBox : Message dialog.•tk_optionMenu : Create an option menu.•tk_popup : Create a pop-up menu.•tk_setPalette : Set the standard color palette.Besides those listed widgets and procedures, Tk is still extensible in thesame way Tcl can be extended. Users who cannot find the widgets orprocedures they want in the built-in set can just write their own procedure or C library code by combining those already existed or just find somefree sources from the internet as many of them are available from otherexperienced Tcl/Tk programmers.SyntaxAs has been mentioned in the earlier part, Tk provides a set of Tcl commands that deal with widgets. Hence, to make use of Tk, all the users need to know are the commands provided by Tk and the syntax of Tcl scripting.E.g;# Example of a button widget# Declare a buttonbutton .b –text “Click me!” –command {puts “You have clicked the button”}# Place the button onto the main windowpack .bExample 9. Button widgetAfter the “pack” command, users will be able to see the button in the main window as shown in figure 1 below.Figure 1. Example of button widgetIf the button is clicked, the command configured will be executed. In this example, the command is to put a string “You have clicked the button” to the stdout.E.g:#Example of mixed widgets inside a menu#backslash ( \) sign is used to tell the interpreter that the line has not# Declare a menubutton and place it onto main windowmenubutton .menbut -text Functions -menu .menbut.mainmenupack .menbut -anchor w# Create a menu as the child of menubuttonset b [menu .menbut.mainmenu -tearoff 0]# Add label with command to the menu$b add command -label {Memory Display} -command {puts “You clicked \memory display” }# Add cascade label with submenu to the menu$b add cascade -label {Change Radix} -menu $b.submenu1set b2 [menu $b.submenu1 -tearoff 0]# Add radio buttons to the submenu of the cascade label$b2 add radio -label {Hexadecimal} -variable radix -value hexadecimal \ -command {puts “You clicked hexadecimal” }$b2 add radio -label {Decimal} -variable radix -value decimal \-command {puts “You clicked decimal” }$b2 add radio -label {Octal} -variable radix -value octal \-command {puts “You clicked octal” }$b2 add radio -label {Binary} -variable radix -value binary-command {puts “You clicked binary” }Example 10. Mixed widgets inside a menuThe visualization of the code above is shown in figure 2 below.Figure 2. Example of mixed widgets inside a menuIn the example above, the commands configured for the widgets are merely simple commands to output a string. Later, in the ECX Tcl/Tk part, it will be shown how the HEW(High-performance Embedded Workshop) commands can actually be integrated with Tcl/Tk commands.ECX(Extended Component Active-X) Tcl/TkIntroductionIn the first chapter of this documentation, it is said that Tcl/Tk interpreter, implemented in C library, can be integrated into another application and the Tcl/Tk interpreter melds naturally with the application, almost as if the Tcl language were designed exclusively for that particular application. Hence, it is also possible to emb ed Tcl/Tk in HEW software and having commands from HEW and Tcl/Tk work together. That is basically what ECX Tcl/Tk is, it is simply the integrated version of Tcl/Tk inside HEW.To use ECX Tcl/Tk, users of HEW can simply open the ECX Tcl/Tk shell inside the HEW software. Everything that can run in the original Tcl/Tk interpreter will be able to run in this shell, and so do the original HEW commands.HEW CommandsTo view the available commands, from ECX Tcl/Tk shell, users can type the command “ lis “ . If you would like to know commands further, refer to online manual or help, please.Examples of ECX Tcl/Tk CodeUsing the almost similar interface as example 10 above, it can be shown how the HEW commands can be integrated in ECX Tcl/Tk. In example 11, instead of using simple string output commands, “md” and “ra” commands are used to actually display memory and change the default radix used in HEW.E.g:#Example of mixed widgets inside a menu#backslash ( \) sign is used to tell the interpreter that the line has not finished# Declare a menubutton and place it onto main windowmenubutton .menbut -text Functions -menu .menbut.mainmenupack .menbut -anchor w# Create a menu as the child of menubuttonset b [menu .menbut.mainmenu -tearoff 0]# Add label with com mand to the menu$b add command -label {Memory Display} -command {puts “\n”md 0}# Add cascade label with submenu to the menu$b add cascade -label {Change Radix} -menu $b.submenu1set b2 [menu $b.submenu1 -tearoff 0]# Add radio buttons to the submenu of the cascade label$b2 add radio -label {Hexadecimal} -variable radix -value hexadecimal \-command {ra H}$b2 add radio -label {Decimal} -variable radix -value decimal -command {ra D}$b2 add radio -label {Octal} -variable radix -value octal -command {ra O}$b2 add radio -label {Binary} -variable radix -value binary -command {ra B}Example 11. Display memory and change radix from GUIThe visualizations are shown below in figure 3 and figure 4 below.Figure 3. Display memory command from GUIFigure 4. Change radix command from GUIAnother example:# Example of memory display from GUI using entry widget# Declare two labels and two entries, put them onto screen by grid foreach field {start amount} {label .l$field -text $field -anchor wentry .e$field -textvariable t$field -relief groovegrid .l$field .e$field}# Declare a label widgetlabel .l# Declare a button widgetbutton .but -text OK -command { md $tstart $tamount }# Place the widgets onto the screenpack .but -padx 40 -pady 40grid .l .but# Configure the title, size, and resizeability of the main window # The title of main window is “Display Memory”wm title . "Display Memory"# The size of the main window is 180x60 in display unitwm geometry . 180x60# The main window is not resizeable in x and y (both set to 0)wm resizable . 0 0Example 12. Memory display from GUIThe visualization of example 12 is shown in figure 5 below.Figure 5. Display memory from GUI。



瑞萨单片机入门教程本教程以R7F0C002L单片机为例一、开发环境下载安装与工程注意:该工程目录和工程名不能含有中文1.1、 CubeSuite+环境的下载:官网下载地址将安装环境下载到本地,该文件大小532M在安装过程中有提示需要填写注册码,请输入以下注册码,如果无效请联系供应商。

查看是否已经注册:在IDE环境中选择 Help->About后有下面窗口:注册码:67DCS-V3Q7L-XMGL9-FI6L9-EE1BJ该注册码有限制台数的,一旦注册了就会把MAC绑定,重装无需注册!当有以下报错时:请查看是否已经注册。

1.2、按照一般的软件安装方法安装好IDE环境,下面介绍IDE环境的配置:1、将DIF_RFP文件夹下的Device_Custom文件夹拷贝到安装目录下的C:\Program Files\Renesas Electronics\CubeSuite+下(这里是默认的安装目录,另外注意:DIF_RFP中Readme_Device_Custom.txt说将Device_Custom文件夹拷贝到C:\Program Files\Renesas Electronics\CubeSuite+\Device下,但是实际上不可以!)。

DIF_RFP文件夹安装根目录当配置成功以后会在芯片族里面多出R7F系列的单片机,如下图示:2、将DIF_RFP文件夹下的RFP_R7F0C002L_V10000子目录下面的两个文件(Device_Custom文件夹和Custom_Productlist.xml文件)拷贝到安装目录下的C:\Program Files\Renesas Electronics\Programming Tools\Renesas Flash Programmer V2.01\Device下(这里是默认安装路径)。

1.3、开发环境新建工程:1、启动CubeSuite+环境,会弹出如下启动界面:2、创建Project工程,在上述启动界面中,点击Creat New Project栏中GO按钮,将会弹出以下对话框:选择工程路径创建输入工程名选择芯片型号选择芯片族3、点击Create创建工程,会得到如下工程界面:4、通过生成工具生成一个简单的代码:5、将芯片型号换成R7F0C002单片机,并且将选项字节配置好!详细设置请参考第三章代码生成与编码。



瑞萨单片机启动文件介绍1.NC30介绍NC30的组件:nc30----------------编译驱动器cpp30---------------预处理器ccom30--------------编译器aopt30--------------汇编优化器sbauto--------------SB寄存器自动更新工具stkviewer & stk-----STK查看器与堆栈大小计算工具utl30---------------SBDATA声明及SPECIAL页函数声明工具mapview-------------映射查看器看下NC30处理流程:程序开发流程,生成X30文件的流程:以上就是编译器所做的工作和流程。





;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;; ncrt0.a30 : Startup Program for M16C family;; $Date: 2006/11/22 04:13:23 $; $Revision: $;***************************************************************************;---------------------------------------------------------------------; include files ;包含文件;---------------------------------------------------------------------.list OFF ;控制行输出数据输出到列表文件OFF:停止ON:开始.include nc_define.inc ;包含宏文件.include sect30.inc ;包含存储器映射文件.list ON;---------------------------------------------------------------------; BankSelect definition for 4M mode;---------------------------------------------------------------------; .glb __BankSelect;__BankSelect .equ 0BH;===================================================================== ; Interrupt section start ;中断段起始;---------------------------------------------------------------------.insf start,S,0.glb start.section interruptstart: ;复位后从这个标签开始运行;---------------------------------------------------------------------; after reset,this program will start ;复位后程序将启动;---------------------------------------------------------------------ldc #istack_top,isp ;设置istack指针(中断堆栈) ldc向专用寄存器ISP传递数据mov.b #02h,0ah ;保护寄存器PRCR PRC1=1 允许写PM0mov.b #00h,04h ;设置处理器模式PM0mov.b #00h,0ah ;关闭写保护.if __STACKSIZE__ != 0ldc #0080h,flg ;设置FLG寄存器IPL和其他状态FLG是16位标志寄存器堆栈指针选择USPldc #stack_top,sp ;设置堆栈指针.elseldc #0000h,flg.endifldc #data_SE_top,sb ;设置SB静态基址寄存器ldintb #__VECTOR_ADR__ ;向INTB寄存器传送指令,所以这里省了目标操作数intb;=====================================================================; NEAR area initialize. ;NEAR区初始化;---------------------- -----------------------------------------------; bss zero clear ;bss零清除;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BZERO bss_SE_top,bss_SE ;清除NEAR bss段至零N_BZERO bss_SO_top,bss_SO ;N_BZERO清零宏定义N_BZERO bss_NE_top,bss_NE ;sect30.inc中有定义N_BZERO bss_NO_top,bss_NO;---------------------------------------------------------------------; initialize data section ;初始化数据段;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BCOPY data_SEI_top,data_SE_top,data_SE ;将NEAR数据段和SBDA TA数据段的初始值转移到RAMN_BCOPY data_SOI_top,data_SO_top,data_SO ;N_BCOPY拷贝宏定义N_BCOPY data_NEI_top,data_NE_top,data_NE ;sect30.inc中有定义N_BCOPY data_NOI_top,data_NO_top,data_NO;=====================================================================; FAR area initialize. ;FAR区初始化;---------------------------------------------------------------------; bss zero clear ;bss零清除;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0BZERO bss_FE_top,bss_FEBZERO bss_FO_top,bss_FO.endif;---------------------------------------------------------------------; initialize data section ;将FAR段数据段的初始值移到RAM中;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0 ;从edata_EI(OI)段复制edata_E(O)段BCOPY data_FEI_top,data_FE_top,data_FEBCOPY data_FOI_top,data_FO_top,data_FOldc #stack_top,sp.stk -40.endif;===================================================================== ; heap area initialize ;堆区初始化;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __HEAPSIZE__ != 0.glb __mnext.glb __msizemov.w #(heap_top&0FFFFH),__mnextmov.w #(heap_top>>16),__mnext+2mov.w #(__HEAPSIZE__&0FFFFH),__msizemov.w #(__HEAPSIZE__>>16),__msize+2.endif;===================================================================== ; Initialize standard I/O ;初始化标准I/O;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __STANDARD_IO__ == 1.glb __init.call __init,Gjsr.a __init.endif;===================================================================== ; Call main() function ;调用MAIN函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------ldc #0h,fb ; for debuger 用于调试器.glb _mainjsr.a _main;===================================================================== ; exit() function ;推出函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------.glb _exit.glb $exit_exit: ; End program 结束程序$exit:jmp _exit.einsf;===================================================================== ; dummy interrupt function ;虚设的中断处理函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------.glb dummy_intdummy_int:reit.end;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;***************************************************************************映射文件:sect30.inc.映射各个段.设置段的起始地址.定义堆栈和堆段的大小.设置中断向量表.设置固定向量表.宏定义;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;; sect30.inc : section definition for M16C family;; $Date: 2007/01/09 04:38:46 $; $Revision: $;***************************************************************************;===================================================================== ;; Arrangement of section ;段的排列;;---------------------------------------------------------------------; Near RAM data area ;Near RAM数据区;---------------------------------------------------------------------; SBDATA area.section data_SE,DATA.org 400Hdata_SE_top:.section bss_SE,DATA,ALIGNbss_SE_top:.section data_SO,DATAdata_SO_top:.section bss_SO,DATAbss_SO_top:; SBDATA area definition.glb __SB____SB__ .equ data_SE_top; near RAM area.section data_NE,DATA,ALIGNdata_NE_top:.section bss_NE,DATA,ALIGNbss_NE_top:.section data_NO,DATAdata_NO_top:.section bss_NO,DATAbss_NO_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stack area ;堆栈区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section stack,DATA,ALIGN.blkb __ISTACKSIZE__ ;.blkb分配一字节ram istack_top:.if __STACKSIZE__ != 0.blkb __STACKSIZE__stack_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; heap section ;heap段;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __HEAPSIZE__ != 0.section heap,DATAheap_top:.blkb __HEAPSIZE__.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Near ROM data area ;NEAR rom数据区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __NEAR_ROM_FLG__ != 0.section rom_NE,ROMDATA,ALIGNrom_NE_top:.section rom_NO,ROMDATArom_NO_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Far RAM data area ;FAR RAM 数据区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0.section data_FE,DATA.org 10000Hdata_FE_top:.section bss_FE,DATA,ALIGNbss_FE_top:.section data_FO,DATAdata_FO_top:.section bss_FO,DATAbss_FO_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Far ROM data area ;FAR ROM 数据;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section rom_FE,ROMDATA.org __ROM_TOPADR__rom_FE_top:.section rom_FO,ROMDATArom_FO_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initial data of 'data' section ;far rom数据初始化;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section data_SEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_SEI_top:.section data_SOI,ROMDATAdata_SOI_top:.section data_NEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_NEI_top:.section data_NOI,ROMDATAdata_NOI_top:.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0.section data_FEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_FEI_top:.section data_FOI,ROMDATAdata_FOI_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Switch Table Section;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .section switch_table,ROMDATA;switch_table_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; code area ;代码区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section program,CODE,ALIGN.section interrupt,CODE,ALIGN.section program_S,CODE,ALIGN;---------------------------------------------------------------------; variable vector section ;变量向量段;---------------------------------------------------------------------.section vector,ROMDATA.org __VECTOR_ADR__.if 0.lword dummy_int ; vector 0 BRK.lword dummy_int ; vector 1.lword dummy_int ; vector 2.lword dummy_int ; vector 3.lword dummy_int ; vector 4 (for user) int3.lword dummy_int ; vector 5 (for user) timerB5.lword dummy_int ; vector 6 (for user) timerB4.lword dummy_int ; vector 7 (for user) timerB3.lword dummy_int ; vector 8 (for user) si/o4/int5.lword dummy_int ; vector 9 (for user) si/o3/int4.lword dummy_int ; vector 10 (for user) Bus collision detection .lword dummy_int ; vector 11 (for user) DMA0.lword dummy_int ; vector 12 (for user) DMA1.lword dummy_int ; vector 13 (for user) Key input interrupt.lword dummy_int ; vector 14 (for user) A-D.lword dummy_int ; vector 15 (for user) uart2 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 16 (for user) uart2 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 17 (for user) uart0 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 18 (for user) uart0 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 19 (for user) uart1 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 20 (for user) uart1 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 21 (for user) timer A0.lword dummy_int ; vector 22 (for user) timer A1.lword dummy_int ; vector 23 (for user) timer A2.lword dummy_int ; vector 24 (for user) timer A3.lword dummy_int ; vector 25 (for user) timer A4.lword dummy_int ; vector 26 (for user) timer B0.lword dummy_int ; vector 27 (for user) timer B1.lword dummy_int ; vector 28 (for user) timer B2.lword dummy_int ; vector 29 (for user) int0.lword dummy_int ; vector 30 (for user) int1.lword dummy_int ; vector 31 (for user) int2.lword dummy_int ; vector 32 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 33 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 34 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 35 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 36 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 37 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 38 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 39 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 40 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 41 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 42 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 43 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 44 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 45 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 46 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 47 (for user or MR30) .lword dummy_int ; vector 48.lword dummy_int ; vector 49.lword dummy_int ; vector 50.lword dummy_int ; vector 51.lword dummy_int ; vector 52.lword dummy_int ; vector 53.lword dummy_int ; vector 54.lword dummy_int ; vector 55.lword dummy_int ; vector 56.lword dummy_int ; vector 57.lword dummy_int ; vector 58.lword dummy_int ; vector 59.lword dummy_int ; vector 60.lword dummy_int ; vector 61.lword dummy_int ; vector 62.lword dummy_int ; vector 63.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; fixed vector section ;固定向量段;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section fvector,ROMDATA.org 0fffdcHUDI:.lword dummy_intOVER_FLOW:.lword dummy_intBRKI:.lword dummy_intADDRESS_MATCH:.lword dummy_intSINGLE_STEP:.lword dummy_intWDT:.lword dummy_intDBC:.lword dummy_intNMI:.lword dummy_intRESET:.lword start;===================================================================== ; ID code & ROM code protect //密码保护设置;---------------------------------------------------------------------; ID code check function.id "#FFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; ROM code protect control address; .protect 00H;===================================================================== ; Initialize Macro declaration //宏定义,ncrt0.30中有使用到;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BZERO .macro TOP_,SECT_mov.b #00H,R0Lmov.w #(TOP_ & 0FFFFH),A1mov.w #sizeof SECT_,R3sstr.b.endmN_BCOPY .macro FROM_,TO_,SECT_mov.w #(FROM_ & 0FFFFH),A0mov.b #(FROM_ >> 16),R1Hmov.w #TO_,A1mov.w #sizeof SECT_,R3smovf.b.endmBZERO .macro TOP_,SECT_push.w #sizeof SECT_ >> 16push.w #sizeof SECT_ & 0ffffhpusha TOP_ >> 16pusha TOP_ & 0ffffh.stk 8.glb _bzero.call _bzero,Gjsr.a _bzero.endmBCOPY .macro FROM_ ,TO_ ,SECT_push.w #sizeof SECT_ >> 16push.w #sizeof SECT_ & 0ffffhpusha TO_ >> 16pusha TO_ & 0ffffhpusha FROM_ >> 16pusha FROM_ & 0ffffh.stk 12.glb _bcopy.call _bcopy,Gjsr.a _bcopy.endm;*************************************************************************** ; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;***************************************************************************nc_define.inc头文件定义;------------------------------------------------------------------------; |; FILE :nc_define.inc |; DATE :Fri, Dec 18, 2009 |; DESCRIPTION :interrupt program. |; CPU GROUP :29 |; |; This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.8). |; |;------------------------------------------------------------------------; Macro Symbol definition__NEAR_ROM_FLG__ .equ 0 ; NEAR ROM flag definition__FAR_RAM_FLG__ .equ 0 ; FAR RAM flag definition__STANDARD_IO__ .equ 0 ; STANDARD I/O flag definition__HEAPSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; HEEP SIZE definition__STACKSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; STACK SIZE definition__ISTACKSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; INTERRUPT STACK SIZE definition__VECTOR_ADR__ .equ 0ffd00H ; INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS definition__ROM_TOPADR__ .equ 0F4000H ; ROM TOP ADDRESS definition__SPECIAL_PRG__ .equ 0f8000H ; Special page program address。



瑞萨推出增强型H8SX系列32位CISC微控制器阵容瑞萨科技公司(Renesas Technology)日前宣布,推出H8SX系列32位CISC(复杂指令集计算机)微这四个新的家族具有以下特性:(1)适用于各种应用的全面而易于使用的片上外设功能H8SX/1658R和H8SX/1668R家族型号包括用于PC和网络产品的USB 2.0功能(全速)和EXDMA控制器。

EXDMA控制器是一个基于数据传输功能的外部500){this.width=500}" border=0>(2)可用于各种容量高达1 MB应用的1个周期接入能力闪存H8SX/1658R和H8SX/1668R家族具有50MHz的最高工作频率,三种闪存容量分别为384、512和1024KB,H8SX/1558和H8SX/1568家族的最高工作频率为40MHz,三种闪存容量分别为256、512和1024KB。

这样的容量有助于用户为特殊的系统配置选择最合适的闪存容量型号,而使用1 MB的型号可以处理大型程序。



产品细节这四个家族中的产品采用了H8SX高性能32位CISC CPU内核。




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1.结构与特点1.1内部结构每个通道还有三个16为寄存器:定时计数器TCNT,通用寄存器GRA 和GRB;四个8为寄存器:定时控制寄存器TCR,定时I/O控制寄存器TIOR,定时中断允许寄存器TIER和定时状态寄存器TSR.ITU有TCLKA到TCLKD等四个外部时钟输入,以及四种频率的内部时钟输入。

可以从这八个时钟源中选定一个座位通道定时计数器TCNT 的计数源。

TCNT可以产生计数溢出中断,与通用寄存器GRA或GRB 比较中断,捕捉到有效信号时TCNT 值传给GRA或GRB,也可同时请求IMIA或IMIB中断。


通道4还多了两条输出比较引脚——TOCXA4和TOCXB4.1.2 ITU的特点1)可以处理多达12个脉冲输出或10个脉冲输入;2)10个通用寄存器可单独赋予输出比较或输入捕获功能;3)每个通道均可从8个时钟源中任选一个;4)5个通道中,对每个都有5种运作方式可供选择。

1.3 输入输出引脚(这里只说明工作在PWM方式下)通道0到通道2都有两个输入/输出引脚通道0 TIOCA0 GRA0输出比较或输入捕捉引脚,PWM方式下的PWM输出引脚TIOCB0 GRB0输出比较或输入捕捉引脚;通道1和通道2和通道0一样,这里就不在作详解。


1.4 寄存器配置2 寄存器功能2.1 定时器启动寄存器TSTR(八位寄存器)5,6,7位恒为1;4至0为依次为五个通道计数器开启停止的控制位置1开启,置0停止。

2.2 定时器同步寄存器TSNC(八位寄存器)5,6,7位恒为1,;4到0为依次为对应的计数器的独立运作还是同步运作控制位,置0则为独立运作,置1则为同步运作。

2.3 定时器方式寄存器TMDR7位恒为1;6位为计相方式控制位,置1表示通道2将运作在正常的工作方式下,置0表示通道2将运作在计相方式下;5位标志方向位;4到0位用来设置该对应通道的工作方式,置0工作在正常的方式下,置1工作在PWM方式下,在相应通道工作在PWM方式下时,例如:通道4工作在工作在PWM方式下,TIOCA4即为PWM的输出引脚。


2.4 定时器功能控制寄存器TFCR6,7为恒为1;第五位和第四位为通道三和通道四PWM方式控制为当为0 0或0 1时其工作在正常方式下,当为1 0时工作在互补方式下,当为1 1时工作在复位同步PWM方式下,3,2位为通道4缓冲方式控制位,1,0位为通道3缓冲方式控制位;置1为缓冲方式,置0为正常工作方式。

2.5 定时器输出允许寄存器TOER7,6位恒为1;5到0位依次为通道3和通道4对应的六个输出引脚,是否允许其输出的控制位,当置1是为允许,置0时为不允许。

2.6 定时器输出控制寄存器TOCR7,6,5,3,2位恒为1;位4 外部触发禁止位,(P192)位1,0为输出电平选择位。

2.7 定时计数器TCNTITU有五个TCNT,每个通道一个。

(P192)2.8 通用寄存器GRA和GRB(P193)2.9 缓冲寄存器BRA和BRB(P193)2.10 定时器控制寄存器TCRITU有五个TCR寄存器,每个通道一个,即TCR0—TCR4位7恒为1;位6和位5为计数清0位,决定计时器的清0方式;(P194)位4和位3为时钟边沿位,用来选择在用外部时钟源时外部时钟输入的脉冲有效边沿(P194);位2到位0为时钟定标位,用来时钟源。

(具体选择方式见P194)2.11 定时器I/O控制寄存器TIOR(P195)2.12 定时器状态寄存器TSRITU每个通道都有一个定时器状态寄存器TSR。

(P196)2.13 定时器中断允许寄存器TIERITU有五个TIER寄存器,每个通道一个。

位7至位3恒为1;位2为溢出中断允许位;位1为输入捕获/比较相等中断允许位IMIEB;位0为输入捕获/比较相等中断允许为IMIEA.3. 与CPU接口4. 运作方式概要1) 正常运作:每个通道的TCNT和连个通用寄存器GRA,GRB.定时计数器通常递增计数,可作为自由运行计数器,周期计数器或外部事件计数器。




4) 复位PWM方式:通道3和4成对使用,已得到带有互补波形的三相WM输出。


且TCNT3进行递增计数;TCNT4独立运作且不与GRA4和GRB4 进行比较。


6)计相方式:7)缓冲方式:4.2 基本功能1.计数器的运作每一个定时计数器可以工作于自由计数或周期性计数两种状态。







4.3 同步方式同步功能使两个或多个定时计数器能够同步预置初值,即同时被写入同一数据。

4.4 PWM方式在PWM方式下,GRA和GRB成对使用,PWM波形自TIOCA引脚输出。




1.PWM方式设定步骤(1)通过TCR寄存器的后三位选择时钟源,或外部时钟源的有效边沿’(2)通过TCR的CCLR1和CCLR0两位选择计数器清0源;(3)在GRA中设置PWM波形变为1 的时间值;(4)在GRB中设置PWM波形变为0的时间值;(5)将TMDR寄存器的相应PWM位置1,以选择PWM方式。

在PWM方式选定时,TIOR寄存器的某些内容便不再起作用,GRA和GRB 自动成为PWM输出何时为1,何时为0的输出比较寄存器。







(复位同步PWM 方式必须在TCNT3暂停时建立)(2)通过TCR3寄存器中的TOSC2至TPSC0等三位选择通道3的计数器时钟源。






4.6 互补PWM方式在互补PWM方式下,通道3和通道4联合使用,以输出三对互补且不重叠的PWM波形。




(2)通过TCR3HE TCR4中的TPSC2至TPSC0等三位为通道三和通道4选择同一个时钟源;(3)将TFCR的CMD1和CMD0两位置成10,以选择互补PWM方式。






4.7 计相方式计相方式检测TCLKA和TCLKB引脚上两个外部时钟输入间的相位差,TCNT2根据检测结果相应进行递增或递减计数。




4.8 缓冲功能缓冲功能运作因通用寄存器的功能不同(作输出比较寄存器还是输入捕捉寄存器)而异。
