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The development of western TV series in China

Class: Marine science 2014

School: Southwest University

Assessment: Research report

Teacher Name: Cynthia (Peipei Deng)

Date: 2nd April 2016

Content Abstract (3)

Introduction (3)

Literature review (3)

Method (4)

Results (4)

Discussion (6)

Conclusion (6)

Recommendation (7)

Reference list (7)


It seems that in recent years western TV series and TV industry have developed a lot in China. It indicates that the younger the people are, the more western TV series they have seen. To test the hypothesis, questionnaires are made and people of different ages have finished. Through analyzing the results, it can be seen that younger people watch more western TV series. And

Since the first western TV series, Garrison's Gorillas came to China in 1980, Chinese people are able to see a variety of western TV series now (Zeng Minghui and Wei Di 2013). Some of them are well-known to us such as Friends,The Big Bang Theory and so on. China is the fastest-growing market for the sale of British shows and formats, with growth of 40% last year (western tv hits 2014). According to Zhang Xu (2016),there are several effects of western TV series. One is that western films take some bad effects to Chinese teenagers. Another is that the introduction of western films influences a lot on Chinese film industry. And the last one is that it weakens the concept of politics. However, whether the extent of the influence of western TV series is related to the age is still unknown. Through solving this question, the development of western TV series in China can be researched. This essay will focus on it and reach a conclusion.

Literature review

It is undoubtedly that western TV series have huge influence on Chinese, and some are even bad effects especially on teenagers. Liu Qisheng(2009)

concluded that American TV series had influenced university student on their thoughts and consciousness. And Zhang Xu(2016)also considered that western TV series brought a lot bad effects. However, Dong Li(2015) said, to some extent, the films in Hollywood are the first teacher of Chinese films. So western films take both good and bad effects to Chinese.


To solve the problem that whether the extent of the influence of western TV series is related to the age, a questionnaire was created and given to people from a wide range of ages. To make the results more concise, the people who answered the questionnaires were also from different cities and jobs. Some were primary school student, some were university students, and some were adults or the old and so on. The questionnaire was voluntary and anonymous. Respondents would be asked how many western TV series they had ever seen and the influence on themselves. They would also give their own opinions on this question.


There were 197 people having taken part in the questionnaire. The results were collected and analyzed. In table 1, it could be seen that 35 people of all the respondents were born before 1970. 44 people were born between 1970 and 1980. 30 and 62 people were born in the 1980s and 1990s respectively .The rest were born after 21st. The people born after 2000 have watched the most films and TV series (most of them over ten). Next are people born in the 1990s. They have watched 7 on average. People born before 1970 have watched the least western TV series. Most of them only have ever watched one or two (table 3). And some even never watched one. Table 2 showed why they liked western TV series, over half of people watched it
