Unit 1Understanding the textPart A1.Most voice-over artists work in advertising. They provide the voice for the images used to sell a product.2.They must have a good voice and be good actors. They must be able to modulate their voice.3.The pay can be good but it is not easy to find work.4.It‘s finding work. You do not become famous even your voice is good. Nobody knows what a voice-overartist is or what he does. You have to strike a balance between finding work and over-exposing your voice. Part CDeveloping your skill11 8 3 6 5 10 7 9 2 1 4 Extending your vocabularyUnit 2Understanding the textPart APart BPart CDeveloping your skillsPart BUnit 3Understanding the textPart A1.b)2. The tone and style of the text, especially the rhetorical questions;the last paragraph;the constant use of the word ―offers‖;3. They are asked by a potential customer of the health club except the last one, which is asked bythe health club.4.Can anybody do it?Part B1.People are more a ware of the importance of keeping their body healthy, but this is not easy,so gym clubs are becoming popular.2.It is an exercise system used by some famous people, which is safe and makes you healthyand fit.3.―Can anyone do it?‖Yes, because there are many different options, which are designed to suit each individual4.Apart from the regular fitness and exercise lessons, we offer other, slightly different options.5.The fact that our approach is based on the needs of each individual.6.Your first class is free, so contact us now.Developing your skills●When will mankind realize that enough is enough? Will mankind ever realize that the planetcannot support an infinite number of people?(a)●Have you ever seen anybody walking around with his head under his arm? Do you ever lieawake at night and hear strange noises coming from empty rooms?(b)●Have you ever stopped in the middle of a sentence because you couldn‘t find a word?Did you ever wish that you knew every word in existence?(b)●Do you sometimes wish that you could buy anything that you wanted? Do you sometimes seesomething and just wish that you had enough money to buy it?(d)●Do you ever feel tired at the end of the day and think that there is something wrong with you?Don‘t you wish that you had more energy to do the things you really want to do?(b)●Has it come to your attention that there are more natural disasters happening in the worldlately? Have you ever asked yourself why there are```?(c)Unit 4Understanding the textPart Aa.the oldest university in the world (which is one of the oldest universities in the world)b.twelfth (thirteenth)c.each specializes in a particular subject (none of them specialize in a particular subject)d.and 90% of them come from public schools (and 90% of them used to come from publicschool)e.Littlewood Pools (the managing director of Littlewood Poolsf.bikes (cars)g.female (all)h.the dons are not allowed to walk on the grass ( only the dons are allowed to walk on the grass) Part BPast: Selection based not only on the entrance examination.Large percentage of public school studentsStudents offered places because they were good at sportsSports teams were betterDonations came from the church.Present: Selections based on A levels and interviewMore places for students from state schoolsStudents accepted on academic merit onlySports teams are not so good as they used to be.Developing your skillsExtending your vocabularyPart Aread gown formal hall dean donsPart C:c e b a f dUnit 5Understanding the textPart ADeveloping your skillsExtending your vocabularyUnit 6Understanding the textPart A1.allow the coat to be delivered and stored in the cellar.2.the toilet was outside at the back of the house and he was afraid.3.his father could not walk, so he could not get a job. Also, there were no state benefits at thattime for unemployed or sick people.4.they knew his father would not accept the money, even though he needed it very much, as hewas too proud.5.would otherwise have been thrown away/ could not be sold in a shop/ other people gave tothem.6. a tap in the cellar.7.they never complained and always tried to help out in any way they could.8.he then saw so little of him9.that no matter what difficulties a family had, the children must never find out about them orsuffer in any way.10.his father had overcome such enormous difficulties, such severe problems, to give his family agood life.Part B1.The Good Ole Days/Life‘s a Gas / Aren‘t I the Lucky One?2.Because it is luxurious and contrasts with his description of his earlier life.3.Regretful reminiscence of the beauty to be found in poverty. Regretful because the writerwishes he had appreciated the truly important things in his life, which is unrealistic. It is also regretful because(as we learn in the last couple of sentences) the author‘s father has just died.Developing your skills1.The writer was feeling rather emotional- for several possible reasons which the reader, at thisstage, is not certain of but which he can assume he will find out later in the text.2.One sack was a very small amount; probably everybody else was getting much more.3.The writer‘s family was so poor that they could never afford to buy biscuits; he had neverseen whole biscuits, only the broken ones rejected by the factory and brought home by his mother.4.The writer‘s family was not that unusual; most families were suffering hardships of somekind.5.It shows us that writer was not really busy at all—it was simply an excuse for not visiting hisparents more often.6.It obviously shows us he is upset, but it also asks us to consider why he is upset.(Because hisfather has died, he misses his childhood, he misses his father, he is ashamed of not having seen his father more… All of these?)7.The writer‘s father has just died.Extending your vocabularyPart AUnit 7Words to note: 7, 11, 15, 5, 21,, 23, 1, 9, 2, 4, 25, 18, 3, 6, 8, 13, 24, 16, 22, 14, 12,20, 19, 17, 10Understanding the textPart A: Comprehending the text1.it has had a great influence on society.2.many different theories are advanced to explain the discoveries.3.his belief that since the Greeks could invent a complicated computer like theAntikythera Mechanism, they could have invented anything.4.by the Chinese in 723 A.D.5.fish and lightning.6.records of a barber who moved the marks left to identify a slave, skin grafting,operations to repair ears damaged by wearing too heavy earrings, the production andsuccessful use of artificial limbs and the use of false teeth.7.that of ancient China.8.the pace at which they develop.9.inventions are being developed, improved and even replaced more and more quickly.Part C: Interpreting the text1.Because it was thought that electricity was discovered much later than this period.2.To show that inventions are not necessarily a modern phenomenon but have beenmade throughout history and in several cradles of civilization.3.To show that they are being made , and improved upon, at an increasing rate, and thatsome of them depend on much earlier inventions.4.Many inventions thought to be ―modern‖ actually depend on earlier discoveries orinventions.Developing your skillsExtending your vocabularyNow use one word from each group of words (i.e. each row of the table) in sentences of your own.1.Te ingenuity of the Chinese has not been surpassed in the history of invention.2.In comparison to other civilizations, roman homes were luxurious.3.Inventions made in ancient times have greatly influenced modern progress.4.It is incredible that the Greeks could have invented a computer.5.Even though it was incredible at the time, the Greek computer was quite complex.6.Professor Solla proved that the Antikythera Mechhanism was, in fact, a computer.Unit 8Understanding the textPart A1.Charlie and his brother were sent to a workhouse, which was an institution for very poorpeople. Then they were separated from their mother because the workhouse was divided into male and female sections.2.He was a little man with baggy trousers, big shoes, a hat and a moustache.3.This was because of his father‘s connections. His father had worked as an actor before hebecame a drunkard.4.The Pawnshop, The Immigrant, The Janitor and The Floorwalker.5.Adrienne did simple, unskilled jobs at the United Artistes studios.6.To make sure that actors got a fair deal.7.They wanted to start a war with America. They thought that killing Charlie, who was at thattime a successful and popular American film star, would start the war.8.He was exiled to Switzerland.Part B1.of them learned to laugh at their own hardships.2.Charlie‘s early life formed him as a person and provided the basis of his humor3.he had never forgotten the sadness and hardship of his early life4.celebrities and politicians such as Frankiln D. Roosevelt, Churchill, Einstein and the Prince ofWales were all Charlie‘s friends. Even some Japanese terrorisrs thought that killing Charlie would lead to a war with the United States.5.he might not have been able to get over losing his mother at an early age. He seemed to spendthe rest of his lige trying to compensate for that loss in one way or another.6.Charlie never forgot where he came from. He was always speaking up for‖the common manin the street‖.7.she said that McCarthy was dreadful.8.he was always on the side of the poor in his films and nothing that happened in his personallife could spoil the simple but wholesome humor of this films.Extending your vocabulary1.exiled2.poignant3.orphan4.prizefightersedian6.baggy7.wholesome8.tramps9.stunt10.terroristsUnit 9 Understanding the textPart BDeveloping your skills1.The verb‖claimed‖is the clue. The writer is a bit surprised and he does not completelybelieve what the vicar said.2.The question is a rhetorical question. It shows that the writer has doubt about the issue. Thewriter thinks that John Walker and Sharp might be innocent and what James Graeme had claimed might not be true.3.The writer‘s attitude towards the supernatural is still open. He thinks that more effort has to beput into investigating the issue.4.The verb ―seems‖is the clue. The writer is glad to see that the work done by EdinburghUniversity is fruitful, but he also thinks that this is not enough and more effort has to be made.Expanding your creativityMost ghost stories are based in castles or churches because they are old and many people have died in them. Graveyards are also good settings for ghost stories(MichaelJackson‘s ―Thriller‖ video is a good example, where ghosts and ghouls come out of thegraves and dance with him). A good idea could be where a new house has been built toreplace an old one which has been pulled down; the ghost is unhappy because its househas been destroyed. Another starting point could be a ―séance‖ or a game with a Ouijaboard, with letters around the table. People place their fingers on a glass which movesaround the letters to spell a message from‖ beyond‖. People who have done this alwayssay they have not ―pushed‖ the glass and that it moves ―on its own‖.●Indeed , the thunder and violence seem to be the reason for any scary bit of a film beingshown in a storm! Perhaps the reduced visibility could be another reason – if you can‘tsee clearly, you can imagine things that you have seen! You could try to encouragestudents to envisage a ghost story in other climatic conditions.●Usually at night and in the winter. Ghosts seem to be associated with coldness andpeople often say, when they have had paranormal experiences, that they feel cold. Again, try to encourage students to be different.● A single event will need to be placed in an historical context to explain why the ghosthas ―come back‖ from the dead. Also , one single event could be explained ―normally‖so perhaps a series of encounters may be better.●Usually old characters, with a violent history, but this could just be because more oldpeople die! Students could try to compose a story with a young ghost, for a change.●Quite a few films have used friendly ghosts, and these are usually funny films. WhoopGoldberg in Ghost is one example, where the man becomes a ghost after he is killed andcomes back to help his girlfriend to solve his murder. Another example is The SixthSense with Bruce Willis. Ghosts often come back to help members of their family; theseare not always scary.●One theme could be that ghosts, unlike in most ghost stories, can actually be nice andkind and not frightening or evil. Another theme could be that ghosts can be happy aftertheir death, and that dying is not something to be scared of – a positive image of lifeafter death.●Old forms of language could help to show that the ghost died a long time ago. Underhypnosis, some people have used forms of a foreign language that they couldn‘t possiblyhave known, although this is a different king of ―ghost ‘story as the ghost ―lives‖ in thebody of the person under hypnosis.●You could suggest a ghost of an animal—a dog, for instance. The ghost could havecome back for a number of reasons: to help somebody, as mentioned before, or forrevenge because of a death caused by somebody else who is still alive. Then ghost couldhave forgotten something and needs it for life in his \her new world.●There is not any fixed principle. However, the general understanding is that the storymakes a makes a more lasting impression on the audience if there is a surprise ending.●The story will leave a sense of mystery if it involves elements which cannot beexplained, and this will make a lasting impression on the audience.Unit 10Words to note: 24, 8, 13, 18, 22, 4, 1, 20, 10, 16, 2, 6, 23, 3, 21, 5, 19, 12, 9, 15, 17, 14, 7, 11.Understanding the textPart A:Story one1.----he had left his trusted hunting dog to guard him.2.----he could not see his son and the dog‘s face and mouth were covered in blood.3.----he saw his son safe and sound and the body of a great grey wolf nearby.Story two4. ----tourists would come to see the stones and would need somewhere to stay.5. ----his plan was very clever and designed to trick people.Story three6. ----they insisted that the king‘s choice would not be accepted if he chose one who spoke English, and therefore they thought the king would have to choose a Welshman.7. ----the king chose his baby son who, although he was an English, could not speak any language, and therefore could not speak English.Part B: InterpretingDeveloping your skillsAnswer:1.Maldwyn left his trusted hunting dog to look after his beloved son while he went hunting.2.Strong hunter, unthinking but not necessarily stupid, man of action not thoughts.3.He loved his dog and trusted him.4.He was relieved that his son was not dead but very sad that he had killed his dog.In pairs, discuss:1.There are no fixed answers. But personally, I would have felt very guilty because of myunforgivable mistake.2.The same thing or something different? Find and rain another dog or never want another dogto keep the memory of Gelert sacred. Educate my son to love dogs.3.If dogs have the ability to forgive, I am sure that Gelert would understand that his mastercared more about his son than his dog and was overcome with grief and he would certainly forgive him!Extending your vocabularyPart A: Clues:1.cradle2.rogues3.independent4.fertile5.keen6.mound7.prosperity8.growling9.regrets10.bravery11.rare12.unjustlyNow use the hidden word in a sentence of your own:I think contemporary songs are not as good as the ones in the old days.Part B:1.flock2.bunch3.regiment4.class5.herd6.troupe7.fleet8.flockList:1. a pair of shoes2. a gaggle of geese3. a troupe of elephants4. a school of fish5. a brace of rabbits6. a group of peopleUnit 11Words to note: 6,11,1,14,2,9,18,21,16,20,8,17,10,12,19,3,7,13,24,26,4,23,15,5,27,22,25Understanding the text:Part B: Understanding strength of opinion1,2. generally agrees3. generally disagrees4. totally disagrees5. give no opinion6. generally agrees7. totally agrees8. totally disagreesDeveloping your skillsExtending your vocabularyPart A: words to note: cloze sentences1.culinary2.poverty3.superficial4.intrigued5.effeminate6.rivalry7.pubs8.devastationPart B: words to note: antonyms and synonyms TangibleFanaticalIntriguedLiberalVulgarMiserlyPovertyRefinedRivalrySuperficialChoose:1a. My students seem bored with grammar exercises.1b. (see ―words to note in context‖ section above.)1c. My son is fascinated with football.2a. The European Union is seeking greater cooperation between member countries. 2b. (see ―words to note in context‖ section above.)2c. There is a certain amount of historical enmity between European countries.Unit 12Words to note: 4,22,12,8,18,15,1,10,19,3,13,6,11,21,2,9,5,14,7,17,20,16Understanding the textPart A: comprehending the textTrue: 2,9,10,15False: 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14Part B: Summarizing the textDeveloping your skillsMatch:5,9,3,1,7,8,4,6,2,Complete:1.make an all-out effort2.escapes me for the moment3.give my word of honor4.gone beyond a joke5.made my hair stand on end6.skating on thin ice7.thrown in at the deep end8.work to rule9.an iron hand in a velvet glove Choose:1.OK team, we are losing 2 to 0 and we‘ll need to make an all-out effor t, if we are going to winthis game.2.It really made my hair stand on end when you told me about your experience in thegraveyard!3.Your constantly interrupting me when I‘m talking has really gone beyond a joke now. Extending your vocabularyPart B:1.acute2.excessive3.profound4.deep5.severe6.fierce7.extreme8.powerfulChoose:1.I always suffer acute anxiety when I have to fly in a plane.2.He has suffered from severe depression for years, ever since his mother died.3.I sometimes get a powerful sensation that I have been here before, and I know it‘s not true.Unit 13Words to note: 12,9,1; 22,17,3; 11,5,19; 20,8,15; 2,13,18; 21,4,16; 14,23,10; 6,7.Understanding:Part.A.1.----Broadcasting lessons through the television and radio.---- Using modern telephone services.----Using facsimile machines.----Using satellite technology.----Using the Internet2. ----Trying satellite transmissions3. ----Delivering tapes of the broadcasts4.---- Making face-to-face contact with each student once a year: Teachers visit students orstudents attend mini-schools1----telephone; 2----video; 3----radio; 4----satellites;5----Internet; 6----facsimile; 7----audios.Part. B.1.i----2c----3e----4b----5a----6g---7h----8f----9d1.----Established The Correspondence School, School of the Air, three regional stations and 19Distance Learning Centers.2----Provided educational services in a more efficient way (than correspondence).3.---provides quality distance education services and flexible delivery of course to a wide varietyof institutions and clients by employing educational and technological specialists to write, broadcast, distribute, coordinate and market distant education services and materials.4. ---Creates and delivers educational materials to every school in Western Australia and to everyremote learning area.Unit 14Words to note:20, 14, 7; 1,11,3; 5,24,28; 16,2,9; 26,13,21; 4,8,6; 27,25,12;10,15,17; 23,19,22.Understanding:Fears and worries: ----He thought he might be ―on the scrap-heap‖.-----He thought he might be considered ―of no use‖.----How would he manage financially?----He was nervous of having the official status of being ―retired‖.Positive Expressions:----―jam-packed‖ with things to do------He had already retired once, and enjoyed the changes it brought about,the new country, etc.-----Money is not a real problem--- he already has a good ―package‖ from before.----Has enough time to do all the things he has been putting off ―until tomorrow‖The writer is very positive about his retirement.Part. C.1.Because he doesn‘t feel ―old‖, he still feels life is to be enjoyed to the full.2.Because they were trying to tease (in a way bully) Albert because he was quiet but he hadmade them realize they had not accurately understood his character at all--- they were embarrassed.3.To provide examples of seemingly meaningless or very unimportant incidents that are soclearly remembered when the more important events of his life seem to be forgotten. This shows us that, perhaps, it is the accumulation of these seemingly unimportant events that shape and mould our character and our life.4.It means that the past and future always seem to be more enjoyable, more exciting than thepresent. The present always seems a disappointment.5.He is saying he hopes that he will always be too busy doing things, enjoying the present andthinking about the future, to spend much time looking back and being nostalgic.Unit 15Words to note:17,9,1; 22,12,4; 14,2,20; 23,6,3; 15,5,21; 13,8,7; 18,11,10; 19,16.Understanding:Part A. 1. … Persia, Arabia, India and Egypt.2. … he had left something in the palace.3. … they had betrayed him.4. … more than a thousand lovely young girls.5…. The thieves beat him and cut off his fingers, and he didn‘t want to suffer any more.6… merchants when they went to Ali Baba‘s house.7….pouring hot oil on their heads one by one.8…. He enjoyed listening to her stories and always wanted to hear the endings, which were given the next day.Part B.Before listening…..---mad---killed innocent girls---lost wisdom to rule his kingdomAfter listening…….----stopped killing innocent girls----appreciated his wife‘s talents----realized that not all women were wicked and faithless----realized that he must put his kingdom in order again----able to rule his kingdom wiselyPart C.1.Sir Richard Burton----translated the stories into English2.King Shahriah ----betrayed by his wife and maidservants----became mad.----killed one innocent girl (his new wife) everyday----married Sheherezade----realized his own fault because of Sheherezade3.Sheherezade -----took the initiative to marry King Shahriah so as to convert him.-----told the king part of a story each night.-----successfully converted the king4.Ali Baba -----overheard the magic password and stole the 40 thieves‘ money and treasure-------killed all the thieves and lived happily as a rich man for the rest of his life.5.Ali Baba‘ brother---- overheard the magic password---- caught by the thieves-----killed by the thievesUnit16Words to note:1. flip aside (12)2. absorb (20)3. benefit (25)4. breakthrough (7)5. capitalize on (2)6. confront (15)7. conscript (9)8. disillusion (4)9. elite (14) 10. entrepreneur (28)11. fundamentalist (19) 12. glittering (17) 13. gospel (3) 14. icon (6) 15. indecent(23) 16. insecure(24) 17. merchandise(27) 18. mobility(21) 19. moral(8) 20. naïve(10)21. predominantly(22) 22. privileged(26) 23. rebellious(11) 24. recruit(1) 25. stem from (18) 26. suggestive(5) 27. unsophisticated(13) 28. venture(16)Understanding the text:Part A: Comprehending the text1.Some people cannot accept the fact that Elvis Presley is dead because they are too muchinvolved in his life and career.2.Elvis was influenced by the music of the American blacks because in Tupelo, where Elvis wasborn, many inhabitants were descendants of the African salves who had brought the musical traditions with them from Africa.3.In Tennessee, Elvis had exposure to different kinds of music because he attended churches ofthe area, where he experienced both the music of the white Christian fundamentalists and the blues and gospel music of the blacks.4.Elvis and his family moved all the time because their economic situation was unstable.5.The first records made by Elvis in a local recording studio sere significant because this let himcome across Scotty Moore and Bill Black.6.We know that Elvis was not popular at the beginning of his career because his first recordsmade in a local recording studio were not really profitable.Developing your skillsParagraph1: introduction to the background of Elvis PresleyParagraph2: Elvis‘s childhoodParagraph3: Elvis‘s career at an early ageParagraph4: Early development of Elvis‘s music careerParagraph5: turning point of Elvis‘s music career.Paragraph6: reasons for Elvis‘s successParagraph7: Elvis being an ordinary personParagraph8: The golden age of Elvis‘s music careerParagraph9: Elvis‘s military serviceParagraph10: reasons for Elvis‘s declining popularityExtending your vocabularyPart B: elite, a breakthrough, confronted, disillusion, suggestive, rebellious, predominantly, insecure, naïve.Part C: c, e, g, a, f, b, dUnit 17Words to note: 9, 15, 1, 6, 20, 12, 2, 8, 3, 18, 4, 19, 16, 13, 24, 21, 5,2 3, 17, 7, 14, 10 Understanding the text:Part A:Answer to question1: not very seriously.Answer to question2: it is less of an exception than it used be.Answer to question3: it is possible for a non-Chinese observer too see any change.Answer to question4: the general patterns of behavior university students in China…Answer to question5: the students in the West are less respectful…Answer to question6: be more like Albert Einstein.Answer to question7: teachers would be very happy…Answer to question8: it suggests that s/he has not been listening to…Part B:1.it means that people who have a skill and can do something practical and productive, do justthat---they produce something. However, people who cannot do anything practical orproductive, teach people how to do so.2.he is asking the reader to assume that the behavior of the students genuinely reflects theirinner thoughts and opinions. In other words, that the respect they show outwardly to teachers is a product of the respect they actually feel for them.3.he is suggesting that when a student questions a teacher about some aspect of the lesson, it isthe information , not the teacher that is being questioned---therefore, it is not disrespectful to the teacher.4.he means that education should not simply be a matter of a teacher giving information and astudent receiving. The students and teacher need to interact, exchange ideas, argue, etc. for effective education to take place.5.he says that this is a sign that the student is aware of his or her thought process. He also saysthe students‘ classmates may also be confused and so would benefit from his question. Finally, the teacher would appreciate the question as it shows the students has been listening carefully—to know you do not understand something. You must have tried to follow the argument being presented.Extending your vocabularyPart A:Conducive, passive, erroneous, disregard, clarify, faulty, escalate, erode, commonplace, radicallyUnit 18Words to note: 16, 5, 1, 11, 8, 28, 13, 2, 10, 15, 3, 24, 21, 19, 26, 4, 14, 9, 6, 27, 25, 7, 12,, 17, 23, 20, 22, 18Understanding the text:Part A: 1. establishing a ―franchising‖ system2. giving gifts such as Hello Kitty and world cup dolls3. presenting the restaurant as a wholesale place for family get-together4. opening the Ronald McDonald house charities organizationEnsuring maximum use of sustainable and recyclable materialsSupporting environmental organizations5. insisting on system that work in their franchisees‘ interests, which is a near-watertightguarantee of high standards of hygiene6. providing low-fat or even entirely non-meat mealsPart B:1.–McDonald brothers ran a restaurant in San Bernardino--The restaurant sold huge quantities of food and drink on the basis of…2. –He discovered the restaurant in California with a winning formula.--He put the idea of a chain of restaurants selling huge quantities of food and drink …3. –one of the marketing strategies was applying the McDonald nam e to food items…4. –In these regions, McDonald‘s was able to introduce its techniques in an approach similar to what they had use in the 1950‘s and 1960‘s in the US.。
Unit 4
Words to note 6, 12, 4, 8, 1, 10, 15, 2, 11, 3, 13, 5, 14, 7, 16, 9 Understanding the text Part A T FFFT TFTFF Part B 1 because it is about her 2 because she went to local school, spoke English to her friends and had no interest in her Chinese background 3 because everything is new or strange for him. 4 that is the day when Katy fell in love with Sam. 5 because he thinks that Katy is too good for him. 6 Katy now feels that she is really Chinese and that she has discovered her roots. Part C True for Katy TTTFFFTTTFTT True for Sam FTTTT?TFTTT?
Unit 6
Unit 7
Words to note 5, 11, 16, 3, 1, 15, 2, 14, 4, 12, 6, 10, 8, 13, 9, 7 Understanding the text Part A 1 33% -- property prices increased by this amount in the 1990s. 2 1682 -- the year in which Sir Education Coke said, “An Englishman’s home is his castle.” 3 200,000 --the number of new homes built each year in British. 4 2.4 million -- Pots of paint sold by a single British company in one year. 5 100, 000 Pounds -- Average price of a British home in 2001. Part B
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美丽班图岛beautiful Bantu Island如你想更多地领略天堂岛的美景,旅馆将为你安排一切,包括用带空调的豪华交通工具带你去你想去的任何地方。
一场直播要想顺利进行,减少意外的出现,前期的直播策划必不可少。 直播策划是关于直播现场的一整套流程,最后的流程方案一般以直播脚本的形式呈现, 包括具体环节、时间节点、产品介绍及人员分工等。直播脚本可以通过结构化、规范化及流 程化的说明,为主播在直播间的内容输出提供指引,以确保直播的顺利进行及直播内容的输 出质量。 在一场直播中,脚本要精确到具体环节的关键内容。
近两年,随着网络技术的发展,我国直播行业发展得如火如荼,越 来越多的个人和企业入局直播,越来越多的行业参与直播。如今,直播 已不仅仅是新媒体行业的事情,其已经变成一种随处可见的媒体形态和 生活状态,直播运营也变成全媒体运营中不可缺失的一环。 除了电商直播以外,如今直播所涉及的行业、直播的种类、直播的 方式等都在慢慢增加,各个平台的直播数量和场次呈现爆发式增长,企 业要想做好全媒体,基本上逃不开直播这一环。 对企业来说,做好直播能使企业产品得到更多宣传和曝光,增加产 品销量,实现经济增长。本章从讲解几种不同的直播类型开始,详细介 绍如何做好直播定位与 IP 打造、如何做好直播互动与推广、如何做好 全媒体融合下的直播运营。通过对本章的学习,希望读者能对直播运营 有较为全面的理解。
19-20版:Reading and Thinking(1)(创新设计)
1.Why does the author use so many numbers in the text? _T_o__te_l_l _th_e__re_a_d_e_r_s_th_e__p_ro_t_e_c_ti_o_n_o_f__cu_l_t_u_ra_l_h_e_r_it_a_g_e_s_it_e_s_w__as__v_e_ry__d_if_f_ic_u_l_t._/ __________ _T_o__d_e_sc_r_ib_e__th_e__p_ro_j_e_c_t _o_f_th_e__A_s_w_a_n__D_a_m__i_n_a__v_iv_i_d_a_n_d__c_le_a_r_w_a_y_._/ _________________ _T_o__sh_o_w__t_h_e_g_r_e_a_tn_e_s_s_o_f_t_h_e_s_p_i_ri_t_o_f_t_h_e_A_s_w__an__D_a_m__p_r_o_j_e_ct_./______________________ _T_o__m_a_k_e_t_h_e_t_e_x_t_m_o_r_e_p_e_r_s_u_a_si_v_e_.____________________________________________
__T_h_e__o_rg_a_n_i_za_t_io_n__i_s_U_N__E_S_C_O__, _th_a_t_i_s_“__联__合__国__教__科__文__组__织__”__。____________________
2.Predicting—Look at the pictures and the title on Page 4 and predict what the text is probably about. __T_h_e__te_x_t_i_s_p_r_o_b_ab_l_y__ab_o_u_t_t_h_e_p_r_o_t_e_ct_i_o_n_o_f_c_u_l_tu_r_a_l _h_e_ri_ta_g_e__si_t_es_.__________________
19-20版:Reading and Thinking(2)(创新设计)
Reading and Thinking(2)Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式1.I want to be an astronaut (宇航员),traveling to the moon in a spacecraft. 2.Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure (程序,步骤) in applying for a visa.3.Poor housing and family stress can affect both physical and mental (精神的) health.4.Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe (宇宙).5.The satellite (人造卫星) enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.6.He made determined (意志坚定的) efforts to overcome all the difficulties.7.A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch (上市) of the new product. 8.These youngsters are motivated not by a desire (渴望) to achieve,but by fear of failure.9.Air pollution is not new and has been ongoing (持续存在的) for a number of years. 10.Anything with strong gravity (重力) attracts other things to it.Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语1.You can make__great__progress (取得很大进步) in your English if you work hard at it.2.Make__sure (确保) you have enough time to prepare for the new day ahead.3.I usually lie down on the green grass and look__up__at (仰望) the clouds going by.4.You can find__out (发现) whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you.5.It took an extraordinary effort to focus__on (专注于) preparing his classes or correcting his students’ work.6.The climbers kept on in__the__hope__of (抱着……的希望) reaching the top with one last effort.7.Can the human race carry__on (继续) expanding and growing the same way that it is now?8.The captain refused to leave his sinking ship while there were others on__board (在船上).Ⅲ.句式语境仿写1.They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.他们制造运载工具,把勇敢的人们带到太空去发现宇宙的秘密。
19-20版:Reading and Thinking(2)(创新设计)
Reading and Thinking(2)Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式1.Standing by the ship’s rail,I looked upon the beauty of the scene (景色).2.The first-person narrator (讲述者) is a stylistic device that has been used by many novelists and poets.3.You can bet (打赌) the moment I sit down,the phone will ring.4.Because of hard work,the servant (仆人) enjoyed his master’s confidence.5.I shall get myself a little boat and sail (航行) her around the world.6.Can you spot (发现) the difference between these two pictures?7.Since he wa s stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn’t dared (敢于) to get back into one. 8.Most people went on training courses of one sort (种类) or another last year. 9.A survey of retired people has indicated (表明) that most are independent and enjoying life.10.It was an unpopular decision to postpone (推迟) building the new hospital.Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语1.John is a lucky dog,for he just made a bet (打个赌) and won 100 dollars. 2.She came in (进来) for a coffee,and told me about her friend Shona.3.No one dares to step inside (迈进) his office without permission.4.He appears to be strong and healthy,but,as a matter of fact (事实上),he suffers from a very weak heart.5.He cut his fingers by accident (偶然地) when preparing vegetables.6.As long as the green hills are there,one need not worry about (担心) firewood. 7.To be honest (说实话),I have to improve my English,because my English is not good enough.8.On my way (在路上) to New York,I stopped over in Tokyo for two days. 9.They were tuned in to their own needs and didn’t care about (在乎) the feelings of other people.10.The train was about to (即将) leave and I was not even on the platform.Ⅲ.句式语境仿写1.They see a poor young man walking outside their house.他们看见一个可怜的年轻人正在他们的房子外走来走去。
世界上的事情,都是因为人们最初有某种想法,在考虑“就 这样做”“会变成这样”后,最终得以实现的。我们在考虑问题 的时候,语言其实已经在脑海里浮现了,而要把脑海里的语言变 成现实,最关键的问题是:在考虑的时候,如何让语言在脑海里 浮现?又该如何把自己正考虑的事情用语言更好地表达出来?
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你嘴上所说的人生就是你的人生 佐藤富雄
“你嘴上所说的人生就是你的人生。”我对很多人说。“好 的”“一定会有办法的”“没问题”,每天都能说出这种积极话 语的人,每一天都会过得非常顺利。即使遇到了困难,他们也能 渡过难关。相反,每天嚷着“太糟了”“太让人气愤了”“没办 法了”的人,遇到的挫折特别多,运气也显得特别糟糕。
(3)予以为大.师. 古义:_大__法___师______________________________________
(4)若明.星.钩月 古义:__明___亮__的__星__星________________________________
22岁时,徐霞客从江阴胜水桥畔出发,开始了游历考察生涯。 三十多年间,他先后四次进行了长距离的跋涉,足迹遍及今天的 16个省、市、自治区。他不畏艰险,曾三次遇盗,数次绝粮,仍 勇往直前,严谨地记下了观察的结果。直至进入云南丽江,因足 疾无法行走时,仍坚持编写《游记》和《山志》,基本完成了 240多万字的《徐霞客游记》。54岁(1640)云南地方官用车船送 徐霞客回江阴。55岁(1641)正月病逝于家中。遗作经季会明等整 理成书,广泛流传。
高考英语常考英美文化阅读理解专练:专题 19 英美文化阅读理解专项:感恩节+ (耶稣)降临节+圣诞节
Thanksgiving Day 感恩节养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。
48.Thanksgiving Day is a very important traditional holiday in America. On the fourth Thursday of each November, families and friends gather together for the occasion to celebrate with a traditional turkey dinner,usually in the mid-afternoon. Thanksgiving Day originated as a celebration of theyear's harvest and is similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.This American tradition started in 1621 before the United States of Americawas established. It was a huge celebration for a hard-earned harvest in the firstyear after the first group of immigrants arriving in the New World.On September 6,1620,the Mayflower ship set sail from Plymouth, Devon, England, taking all the English Pilgrims to the New World. The English Pilgrims numbered about a hundred people, and left England to escape religious persecution.The Pilgrims sailed sixty-six days, arrived in the New World in November of the same year. They first settled in a cornfield abandoned by Native Indians and named it Plymouth Plantation.They worked on the land with much difficulty and were beset by a devastating plague in which half of the Pilgrim died in the long winter of 1620. In the spring of 1621, an Indian brave named Squanto and her Wampanoag tribe came to their help. The tribe taught the Pilgrims how to work the earth and plant corn, beans, pumpkins, squash and other crops.In late September 1621, the Pilgrims were pleased with their great harvest. To celebrate their first harvest, the Pilgrims wanted to thank God and the Native Indian. They invited Squanto and the entire Wampanoag tribe to celebrate together in a shared feast.The first Thanksgiving dinner is said to have lasted from three days to one week. It was indeed a time of happiness, fellowship and rejoicing for the Pilgrims. They arranged a friendly treaty with the Native American Indians, built houses in the wilderness, and raised sufficient crops to feed themselves for the upcoming long winter. The Pilgrims had become the first generation of settlers in this new land holding so much promise.From then on, Thanksgiving became a holiday for celebrating the harvest in the New World, and dates varied from October to November each year over the next 150 years.The first National Thanksgiving was declared by the Continental Congress in 1777. On October 3,1789, President George Washington declared that the people of the United States should observe (celebrate) “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer” on Thursday,26 November. In 1941,a Congressional Joint Resolution set the fourth Thursday of November as a national holiday for Thanksgiving. (423 words)◆Helper:originate起源establish成立hard-earned辛苦劳作的immigrant移民Mayflower“五月花”号Plymouth,Devon德文郡普利茅斯Pilgrims清教徒persecution[pə:si'kju:ʃən]迫害abandon废弃Plantation种植园beset困扰devastating['devəsteitiŋ]毁灭性的plague[pleig]瘟疫Squanto斯匡托Wampanoag[wɔmpə'nəʊæg]万帕诺亚格人feast[fi:st]盛宴rejoice(使)欣喜, 喜悦vary['vɛəri] 变化Congressional Joint Resolution国会联合决议◆ Exercises:从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。
<大学英语创意阅读>练习答案Book OneUnit 1 CustomsUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textAnswer the following questions as fully as possible.1. What was the "mistake" that John Rogers' company made?They gave clocks to Chinese and the' phrase "give a clock "sounds like "make a funeral arrangement"2. Why are knives considered bad presents in some countries?Because they symbolize the cutting (i. e. the end) of a relationship.3. What sort of gifts would be appropriate, according to Rogers?Things from your own place that are difficult to get locally in the place where you are visiting.4. How should gifts be offered to people?With both hands.5. Why do people in Asia sometimes refuse gifts at first?To show ,modesty; they do not want to appear greedy by accepting immediately. Part B: Completing a tableThe text suggests a number of gifts are unsuitable for people in certain countries. Find the place in the text where these are mentioned and use the information to complete the table.Gifts Do Not Give To…Unsuitable Gifts Because…clockswinegifts showing "4" scissors flowers ChineseMuslimsJapanese, Kore-an and ChineseLatins and Asianssounds like "making funeralarrangements"alcohol is against their religionunlucky numbersign of cutting/ ending the relationshipleather handkerchiefs clothing AsiansIndianssome other placeswomenseen as inappropriately romanticcows are revered by Hindussign of sadnessseen as inappropriately intimatePart C: Interpreting the textComplete these sentences.1. Gifts are important because they can strengthen business relationships.2. Offering flowers as gifts may not be suitable because they may be seen as inappropriately romantic.3. All gifts should be wrapped and presented correctly.4. Asian people tend to open gifts in private because they don't want the donor to lose face if the gift is not appropriate.5. John Rogers advises you to remember the country's religion, avoid giving things that are not appropriate, and choose the wrapping paper carefully. Developing your skillsPart A: Relating information in a text to one's own experienceThe students may come up with other plausible answers for the choices below. The key point here is to encourage students to express their conceived/perceived notions about the objects as gifts rather than to make them give a definite right or wrong answer.Gifts Appropriate Inappropriate Reasons1. a white lantern√They are used in funerals.2. a green hat√If a man is said to be wearing a green hat it means that his wife has had sex with another man since her marriage.3. a gold ring √Usually a gold ring isgiven to someone who is very familiar to you like a lover or family member.4. a bunch of flowers√Because of impact from Western Culture, Chinese people may consider this too intimate or that it symbolizes romance.5. a box of chocolates √6. a pair of chopsticks √7. a comb√In the past combs were sometimes given by women to their fiancés as engagement gifts.8. a red packet(Hong Bao) √What gifts would be suitable for each of the following people? Write your choices in the table below, and then, in pairs, compare your choices and explain to each other why you consider your gifts appropriate.For this activity, again allow the students to come up with their own ideas and explanations. As long as their answers subscribe to the idea of being appropriate to the situation, neutral, and not intimate and offensive, they should be accepted.Below is just one common example of the kinds of gifts that may be more commonly given to these people. Students might be asked to add their suggestions to a table on the board and the rest of the class comment on whether or not they think they are suitable gifts.Gift-Receivers Gifts1. your teacher Pen2. your partners Clothing3. a friend Key-chain4. a workmate Diary5. a foreign guest Local handicraft6. someone who is getting married Household goods7. someone who has just retired watchPart B: Using knowledge of the world to make sense of a textThe topic of the text in this unit is "The Art of Gift-Giving". There is a lot of information about the practices of people from different cultures. Use your knowledge of the world to supplement the information about the questions below. Write your answers in the space provided.1. Why do the Chinese feel red is lucky.*Because the colour of blood is red and blood represents life, red is considered lucky as it shows something is alive.2. Why are gifts showing the number 4 or a gift of 4 items of something considered unlucky in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures?Because the pronunciation of the number 4 is similar to the word "death" in these languages.3. Why is giving anything with the left hand considered insulting in Arabic countries?Because the left hand is associated with evil or "the wrong path", whereas the right hand is associated with good or "the right path". (refer to "Further information on the text")4. Why do Westerners often open the gift immediately?So that they can show their appreciation of the gift to the gift-giver right away. They feel that to say "Thank you" the receiver needs to make a comment on the gift and this is difficult if you don't know what it is.5. Why is it considered polite in Asia to refuse the gift at the beginning and for the gift-giver to have to insist that the other person accepts it?Because this allows the gift-receiver to show that he is modest and not greedy and this gives the gift-giver the chance to show that he genuinely wants thegift-receiver to have the gift.Extending your vocabularyPart A: SynonymsAs an extension activity, students might be put into groups and asked to find antonyms for these words where possible, and make sentences with the antonyms to show that they understand how the words work in context.For example, for "offensive" the antonym is "pleasing/pleasant".It was extremely pleasant to sit by the pool with a cold beer in this hot weather.Her voice is very pleasing to the ear. I can just listen to her all day long.Part B: Cloze passageUse mainly the words in Part A of Extending your vocabulary to complete this paragraph. It is very important to avoid giving gifts to clients that will upset them or be seen as oftensire. People usually appreciate receiving small gifts but the giver should take care to ensure these are neither inappropriate for the customs of the country nor too intimate for the person to whom the present is intended. Gift-givers need to bear in mind different things have different meanings in other countries-a number may symbolize bad luck for example and some cultures have a belief in superstition so care should be taken to avoid certain objects. People should also be aware of natural modesty amongst recipients and not be surprised if their gifts arerejected at first.To give students more practice, after completing the passage, students can choose 3 or 4 words out of the above key words and, in pairs, use the words to make up their own short sentences on a related topic.Expanding your creativityGuidelines for giving giftsAgain, there are few definite answers here. For any suggestions students make, they should be encouraged to explain why the gifts are suitable or unsuitable. Ideas could be collected onto a table on the board and discussed by the whole class.Below is an example of the kind of information that students can include in the guidelines. Another way to present the advice would be in point form in terms of "dos and don'ts". The main thing to note is that students should be able to include information given in the text at the beginning of the unit and from the task that they have just completed, but also to extend this information with further ideas of their own. Students who have travelled, or those studying international trade and business or tourism, may be able to think about particular countries in relation to their guidelines. All students should be encouraged to arrange the information into a logical and organised structure.Guidelines for Giving Gifts to a Western Person Here are some tips for you when you arc trying to decide what gifts to buy foryour Western colleagues or friends when you visit them overseas. The questions below will help you to do the right thing:1. How well do you know the person that you are buying the gift for?2. Do you know if there is anything that is offensive to the person either because of his religion or his personal taste?Firstly, if you do not know the person well, then you should stay with neutral gifts for his house or office that are not considered intimate. For example, you can get him a painting or a penholder. If you are quite familiar with the person, then you can try to find something that matches his personality or taste. However, you must still stay away from items that are considered too intimate like underwear.Secondly, you should find out if there are any taboos or superstitions that the person believes in. Then make sure you do not buy him anything that is in any way connected with or anything that resembles his taboos or superstitions. Don't forget that it is not just the appearance of the gift that you have to be careful of, but also the way the item is pronounced in his language!Lastly, do not forget that it is considered impolite not to wrap up your gift before presenting it to your Western friend. And you must also be careful in choosing wrapping paper. It should be in either plain colours or have neutral designs.If you remember the above advice, you should not go wrong. In fact, you should be quite popular with your Western friends!Intercultural notesGift-Giving: "it's the thought that counts"One of the ways to use the Intercultural notes section is to encourage students to read to find the main ideas of the text. Students can be put in pairs for this activity. Each student makes up a few questions that focus on the main points in the passage. Then they exchange questions and try to find the answers in the passage as fast as they can. After they have done that they can compare answers to see if they both understand what the main points of the passage are.Overall theme of passage: It's the thought that counts when it comes to givinggifts.Main ideas:paragraph 1Giving gifts—a kind of social exchange; common occasions for giving gifts in English-speaking countries -- birthdays, Christmas and weddings.paragraph 2Birthdays -- usually think carefully what to give, but can also give books or gift tokens.paragraph 3Christmas—some people give gifts that cost almost the same as what they got from the gift-giver previously—so as not to embarrass the giver—and others pay attention to finding the gift that is unique to the receiver.paragraph 4Weddings—give household objects or follow checklists given by bride and bridegroom or ask them to choose something by themselves.paragraph 5Wrapping—shows thoughtfulness, courtesy and social refinement—using beautiful wrappings and appropriate accompanying words.Unit 2 HoroscopesUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textAnswer these questions as fully as possible.1. Into how many star signs is the Western horoscope divided?The Western horoscope is divided into 12 star signs.2. Name 4 of the Western star signs.Varied answers. (refer to the chart in "Before you read" section for all twelve possible answers)3. What other items are often found on the same page of the newspaper as the Western horoscope?Cartoons and crosswords.4. What should a Leo avoid doing?Travelling overseas.5. Which is the seventh animal in the Chinese horoscope?The horse.6. What does the tiger symbolize?Power, passion and daring.7. When does Chinese New Year start?The second new-moon day after the winter solstice.8. Why are some animal signs best avoided when thinking of marriage?Because some signs are believed to be incompatible with others and therefore a bad marriage will result.Part B: True or falseIndicate whether each of the following statements is true or false. Correct any false statements in the box provided.1. Most British people read their star signs every day. [F]2. The advice for Pisces includes staying at home more. [T]3. If you are a Libra you should jump at the chance to start a new love affair. [F]4. Horoscopes in the newspaper give important and serious advice about how to behave. [F]5. The Chinese tiger is strong but quiet. [F]6. Chinese parents traditionally planned to have children during "favourable" years. [T]7. The Chinese horoscopes tell you what to do every day. [F]1. About 30% of British people read their star signs every day.3. If you are a Libra you should look before you leap into a new love affair.4. Horoscopes in the newspaper give light-hearted and harmless fun to entertainpeople in their daily lives.5. The Chinese tiger is strong and dynamic.7. The Chinese horoscopes describe your fate.8. The Western and Chinese horoscopes are essentially not the same.Developing your skillsIdentifying various types of supplementary detailsRead the text again and identify the types of the supplementary details in the table below. Then, complete the table by filling in each box with a correct type. Follow the example.Supplementary Details Typesfigure1. Almost 30% of British people read the“starsign”section of the newspaper every day. (A/ paragraph 1)Paraphrases2. …in other words it can mean what you wantit to mean!(A / paragraph 5)Definitions / explanations3. …the Western horoscope, which issupposed to tell you what to do and how tobehave on a day-to-day hasis…(B /paragraph 6)4. So anyone born between these times needseffects and consequencesto know exactly when the New Year fell inthe year they were born in order to work outtheir true animal sign. (B / paragraph 4)Reasons and purposes5. Traditionally parents tried to plan when tohave children…(B/ paragraph 5)6. We can all agree that it would be good towriter's own opinionsspend more time with one’s family or thinkabout the future and we do not need the starsto tell us that!(A/ paragraph 5)7. Being born a horse, for example, determines examplesyour character, but then it is up to you tomaximize the positive aspects of this animaland minimize its negative features. You canbecome a very good horse, but you cannever stop being a horse!(B/ paragraph 6)quotations8. This is the animal that hides in your heart.(B/ paragraph 2)You can help students to identify the types of supplementary details by pointing out that there are clues in the words/phrases used in the sentences (look at the words in bold in the answers above). For example, you may see these words/phrases under the different types of supplementary details.·definitions -- "it can be defined as", "the object, which is round and black, is" ...·explanations -- "it is able to", "they did that to", "what I mean is" ...·reasons and purposes -- "the reason is", "we did it because", "one of the purposes is to" ...·writer's own opinions--- "I think that", "we are of the opinion that", "we believe that" ...·effects and consequences -- "the end result is that", "so that", "one of the consequences is" ...·examples -- "for example", "for instance", "such as", "an example of that is" ...·figures- "1 out of 100", "50%", "three hundred", "a quarter" ...·opposing viewpoints -- "on the contrary", "however", "on the other hand" ...·quotations -- "according to X", "A said" ...·paraphrases -- "another way of saying it is", "what I want to say is" ... Extending your vocabularyPart A: Cloze passageComplete the passage with the words from the box.People born in the year of the Sheep do not have great passion. They rarely dominate other people and are unlikely to have a dynamic nature. They are gentle andkind people who work hard and are lucky but they do not seem to have great energy and are seldom rebellious. Sheep are followers, not leaders, and they cannot arouse any great love or devotion in their colleagues.Part B: ExpressionsThe following expressions are used in the text. What do you think they mean? Do they have approximate Chinese equivalents?·look before you leap = think carefully before you take any actionDon't behave lightly and move rashly. (别轻举妄动)Without knowing the depth of the water, never go hastily into the river. (不知水深浅,切莫急下河。
2019-2020年七年级英语第二学期阅读理解十九(含答案)Andrew Sayre is from Australia,but he doesn't live there. His home is a 15-meter yacht (游艇),and he lives in many different countries in one year.His mum and dad are writers. Their books are about the seas,their adventures(历险),and the places that they visit. They send(发送) the books back to Australia by email.Living on boat is very easy. Their yacht is very small. There is one big cabin(船舱) inside. There is a kitchen,a bedroom,and a sitting room. At night the shelf(搁板) under the window turns into(变成) Andrew's bed.On the boat all the families work. They take it in turns(按轮次) to be the “lookout” at night. The “lookout” looks after the boat and doesn't sleep. During(在…其间) the day they take it in turns to clean,to cook,to sail(航行) the yacht,and to use the puter.When they reach a good port(港口),they stop. Sometimes they stay for a week and sometimes they stay for six months. When they stay for a long time,Andrew goes to school. After some time they sail away again.1. Andrew lives ______.A. in AustraliaB. on a boatC. on a farmD. by the river2. Sayre's parents ______.A. write booksB. work in AustraliaC. work on a boatD. work on a farm3. Andrew sleeps ______.A. under the windowB. on the tableC. outside the boatD. near the kitchen4. The “lookout” looks after the boat ______.A. during the dayB. at nightC. in the morningD. in the evening5. Andrew goes to school when they are ______.A. in a portB. in AustraliaC. near the townD. in town参考答案1.B 从短文第一段第二句话“His home is a l5-m eter yacht…”可以判断答案选B。
创意阅读 生词表
College English Creative Reading----Book TwoGlossaryabound v. 大量存在;丰富(Unit 1)abuse v. 滥用,妄用(Unit 14)accept v. 接受,认可,同意(Unit 9)accepted a. 被接受的;被承认的;被认为正确的(Unit 16) accommodate v. 向......提供住处(或膳宿)(Unit 14) accusation n. 指控,控告(Unit 10)acre n.英亩(Unit 1)actually ad. 实际上(Unit 9)adapt v. 使适应;把......改做他用(Unit 6,12)admit v. 承认,供认(事实、错误等)(Unit 16)adviser n.顾问,劝告者(Unit 17)agony n. (极度的)痛苦;折磨(Unit 20)analyst n.分析者(Unit 8, 19)appalled a.被吓坏的(Unit 2)apparently ad.表面上地;貌似(真实)地(Unit 8) applicant n.申请人(Unit 5,19)approach v.向......靠近;接近( Unit 17)architect n.建筑师;设计师(Unit 8)aspect n.方面(Unit 6, 19)associated a. 与......有联系的(Unit 11)athlete n. 运动员,体育家(Unit 15)attitude n.态度;看法(Unit 17)automatically ad.不假思索地;习惯性地(Unit 9)avenue n.林荫道(Unit 13)balancing a. 保持平衡的(Unit 9)bald a. 秃头的(Unit 6)bandage n. 绷带;包扎带(Unit 10)barrier n. 障碍物;妨碍因素(Unit 4)basis n. 基础;根据(Unit 19)benefit n.益处,好处(Unit 5, 8)beware v. 谨防,当心(Unit 18)biased a.有偏见的,偏心的(Unit 8)blame v. 归咎于;把......归咎于(Unit 20)blasted a. 被摧毁的(Unit 1)bless v. (上帝)保佑,赐福于(Unit 15)blessing n. 幸事(Unit 6)blindfold n. 蒙眼的布(或绷带)(Unit 10)booming v. 发出沉沉的、有回响的声音(Unit 6)borrow v. 借,借入(Unit 12)boulevard n. 林荫大道(Unit 13)braille n.布莱叶点字法(Unit 10)brainwave n. 脑(电)波(Unit 18)brochure n.小册子(Unit 1)budget v.编预算(Unit 8)bullet n. 枪弹,子弹(Unit 3)bureaucracy n.官僚政治;官僚主义(Unit 2) cajole v.哄骗,劝诱(Unit 2)canal n.运河(Unit 13)candidate n.投考者;申请求职者(Unit 19) cardboard n.薄纸板,卡纸板(Unit 14) carefree a. 无忧无虑的(Unit 2) carriageway n.一侧车行道(Unit 13)cater v.满足(Unit 5)cavern n. 大洞穴,大山洞(Unit 1)chaotic a. 混乱的,一团糟的(Unit 13) charm n.随身护符(Unit 11)cheap a.无很大价值的(Unit 12)chip n.油炸土豆条(Unit 20)chorus n. (歌的)叠句,合唱句(Unit 6) circumstance n.条件,情况(Unit 18)clasp v.抱紧;紧握(Unit 4)cleverest a. 最聪明的(Unit 9)colleague n. 同事,同僚( Unit 19) colloquial a. 用于口语的;口语体的(Unit 7) compartment n. (列车车厢的)隔间(Unit 4) compensate v.补偿,赔偿(Unit 3,10) competence n. 能力;胜任,称职(Unit 19) complimentary a. 赞美的;恭维的( Unit 7) compulsory a.强制的;必须做的(Unit 2) confident a. 确信的;有信心的(Unit 9) consume v. 耗费;消费;消耗(Unit 14) contact n.接触;联系;交往,交际(Unit 19) contentedly ad. 满足地,满意地(Unit 3) contributor n.捐献者,捐款人(Unit 5) convey v. 传达,表达(Unit 7)cooperative a.配合的(Unit 2)cope (with) v.对付,(妥善)处理(Unit 4) crow n. 乌鸦(Unit 17)crushed a.极度拥挤的(Unit 4)cunning a.狡猾的,狡诈的(Unit 17)curb n.路缘围栏(Unit 5)currently ad. 当前(Unit 19)custom n. 习惯;风俗;惯例(Unit 15)dart n. 猛冲,急驶(Unit 17)dart n. 镖,飞镖(Unit 19)debt n.债务;欠款(Unit 16)dedicated a.献身的(Unit 6)deluxe a.高级的;豪华的;奢华的(Unit 1)denial n.否定;否认(Unit 11)depressed a. 沮丧的,抑郁的(Unit 20)derive v.取得,得到(Unit 7)despair n.绝望(Unit 2)determined a. 决意的;已决定了的(Unit 7)differing a. 不同的,相异的(Unit 10)dignified a.(举止、态度的)庄严的,端庄的(Unit 8) dinosaur n. 恐龙(Unit 13)diploma n.毕业文凭;学位证书(Unit 19)disappear v.失踪,消失(Unit 12, 20)disaster n. 灾难,祸患;大不幸(Unit 3)dishonest a.不诚实的,不正直的;欺骗性的(Unit 15) dismay n. 失望,沮丧;惊愕(Unit 5)dominate v. 处于支配地位,拥有优势(Unit 2)drift v. 随意(或无目的地)移动(Unit 3)drought n. 长期干旱;旱灾(Unit 1)dual a.双的;两重的;双重的(Unit 13)effectively ad. 实际地(Unit 2)elbow n.肘(Unit 4)eldest a.最年长的;排行第一的(Unit 16)elective n. 选修课程(Unit 19)elite n. [总称]杰出人物,掌权人物(Unit 8) embarrassing a. 受窘的;令人局促不安的(Unit 15) ember n.余火未尽的煤块(或木块)(Unit 11) employee n.受雇者,雇员(Unit 13)enable v.使能够;使成为可能(Unit 19) encouragement n. 鼓励(Unit 5)ensuring a. 确定的,确信的(Unit 14)entertained a. (人)感到愉快的;得到娱乐的(Unit 16) enthusiastic a. 热心的;热烈的;极感兴趣的(Unit 9) epidemic n.(流行病的)传播,流行(Unit 18) escape v.逃跑;逃走(Unit 4)excavator n.挖土者;发掘者(Unit 13)exceed v.超过;胜过(Unit 14)excuse n.借口,理由(Unit 20)exotic a. 异乎寻常的;奇异的;吸引人的(Unit 1) expressionless a.无表情的(Unit 4)expressive a. 富于表情(或表现力的)(Unit 15) facilities n.设备;设施(Unit 5, 13)fairy n.小精灵;仙人,仙子(Unit 11)fake n. 假货,赝品(Unit 12)fascinated a. 着迷的,被强烈吸引的(Unit 18)fault n.(对错误所负的)责任;过失(Unit 20)feather n.羽毛(Unit 17)fireplace n. 壁炉;火炉(Unit 11)fist n. 拳(头)(Unit 15)flat a. 平的,平坦的(Unit 18)flattery n. 奉承;恭维话(Unit 17)flowing a. 流动的(Unit 6)former a.以前的,从前的(Unit 20)fossil n. 化石(Unit 14)foul v. 犯规(Unit 11)fragile a. 易碎的,易损坏的(Unit 14)frantically ad.发狂似地;紧张纷乱地(Unit 2)frog n. 蛙(Unit 18)frosty a.霜冻的;结霜的;严寒的(Unit 6)frustrating a.产生挫折的;令人沮丧的(Unit 7) gambling n.赌博(Unit 16)glowing a.发红热光的(Unit 3)gracious a. 有礼的;亲切的;仁慈的(Unit 13) gradually ad.逐渐地(Unit 4)greasy a.沾油脂的;油腻的(Unit 20)greedy a. 贪婪的(Unit 20)grid n.网格;棋盘式街道布局(Unit 13)ground n.土地;地产(Unit 16)grumble v. 抱怨,发牢骚(Uint 20)guarantee n. 保证;保证书;起保证作用的事物(Unit 8) habit n. 习惯(Unit 15)handcrafted a. 手工制作的(Unit 1)hardly ad.不十分;仅,才(Unit 20)hare n. 野兔(Unit 17)hectare n. 公顷(Unit 13)helpline n. 服务热线(Unit 20)hop v.单足跳(Unit 5)horseman n. 骑手(Unit 16)horseshoe n.马蹄铁(Unit 11)host v. (作为主人)招待;做......的东道主(Unit 8) humanity n. 人类;[总称]人(Unit 6, 14)idiom n. 习语,成语(Unit 7)illogically ad.不和逻辑地;无缘由地(Unit 13) immemorial a.古老的,缘古的(Unit 18)immensely ad.非常,很(Unit10)impolite a. 不礼貌的(Unit 15)impose v.把......强加于(Unit 5)imposing a. 给人深刻印象的(Unit 13)impress v.使铭记;给......极深的印象;使感动(Unit 19)impression n. 印象;感想(Unit 4)inappropriate a.不恰当的,不相称的(Unit 7)incapable a.无能力的;不能胜任的;不会的(Unit 14) incidental a.附带的;伴随的;非主要的(Unit 8)incurable a. 医不好的;不可救药的(Unit 14)independent a.自立的;有主见的(Unit 1)indicate v. 标示;表明(Unit 4)inequality n. 不平等(Unit 6)inevitably ad.不可避免地;必然(发生)地(Unit 8) influence v. 影响,对......有作用(Unit 6)inhabit v.居住于,栖居于(Unit 14)inhabited a. (有人)居住的(Unit 11)innovation n.新方法,新奇事物(Unit 14)instantly ad.立即(Unit 3)insulted a.被辱骂的(Unit 4)insured a.在保险范围以内的(Unit 3)intend v. 想要,打算,计划(Unit 19)intolerable a. 无法忍受的(Unit 2)irritable a.易怒的,急噪的(Unit 20)jaw n. 颌,下巴(Unit 9)jealous a. 妒忌的( Unit 20)kid n. 小孩,少年( Unit 20)literal a.照词句本义的;原义的(Unit 7)locust n. 蝗虫(Unit 18)loosely ad. 不严格地,不确切地( Unit 12)luxury n. 奢侈品(Unit 12)manger n.(马或牛等的)食槽(Unit 17)marathon n. 马拉松赛跑(Unit 8)margin n. 差数;幅度(Unit 8)master v. 精通,掌握(Unit 7)melody n.歌曲(Unit 6)mention v.提到,说起(Unit 12)misfortune n. 灾祸,不幸的事(Unit 17)mock v. 嘲笑,嘲弄(Unit 11)moral n. 道德上的教训;寓意(Unit 17)mosaic n. 镶嵌工艺(品);镶嵌图案(Unit 13)motivated a.目的明确的;有积极性的(Unit 2)muscle n.肌肉(Unit 18)nasty a. 令人作呕的(Unit 20)nationalistic a.民族主义(者)的;国家主义(者)的(Unit 6) neighbor n.邻居(Unit 16)nestle v.舒适地安顿下来(Unit 1)nickname n.绰号;名的爱称(Unit 9)nonsense n.胡说;胡闹,愚蠢的举动(Unit 12)obsessed a. 着迷的;心神不定的(Unit 18) obviously ad. 明显地(Unit 9)oddity n.怪人;怪事;奇特的东西(Unit 13) opinion n. 意见;看法(Unit 16)organized a.有组织的;有安排的(Unit 9) orienteering n. 越野识途比赛(Unit 19)overweight a. 超重的(Unit 20)packaging n. 包装材料packed a.挤满的,塞满的(Unit 4)paddle v. 在浅水中行走,涉水(Unit 6)paddling pool n. (儿童)嬉水池(Unit 1)paradise n.乐园,福地,天堂(Unit 1)paragliding n.伞翔运动(Unit 13)pastureland n.牧场(Unit 14)patch n.与周围不同的部分(Unit 10)peak n.最高点,顶峰,顶端(Unit 10)pearl n.珍珠(Unit 12)perched a. 置于高处的(Unit 1)personality n. 个性;人格(Unit 9)persuade v. 说服(Unit 16, 17)pick (up) v. 拾起,捡起(Unit 17)plague n.瘟疫;灾难,祸患(Unit 18)pound n.英镑(Unit 3)prejudice n.偏见,成见(Unit 7)premises n.房屋连地基;经营场址(Unit 13) preserve v. 保存,保藏;防止......腐败(Unit 11) pressure n.压力(Unit 18)prestige n.威信;声望(Unit 8)pretence n. 假装;矫饰(Unit 12)pretend v.佯称(有);假装(Unit 5, 12)primitive a.早期的;简单的;未开化的(Unit 2) prize n. 奖赏,奖金;奖品(Unit 15)profit n.利润,赢利(Unit 8)properly ad.适当地;正确地(Unit 9)protect v. 保护;警戒(Unit 4)provincial a. 外省的;外地的;地方的(Unit 8) psychologist n.心理学家(Unit 10)psychology n.心理学(Unit 18)publish v.发表;宣传;出版(Unit 20)pudding n. 呆头呆脑的人(Unit 9)pulse n. 脉搏,[电子]脉冲(Unit 18)purely ad.完全地,仅仅(Unit 19)rationale n.基本原理;理论基础;根本原因(Unit 2) receptive a. 接受的;接纳的(Unit 2)recreate v.再创造(Unit 13)reference n.提级,涉及(Unit 18)refer v.把......归类(于)(Unit 17)refuse v.拒绝(Unit 16)registration n. 登记,注册(Unit 11)regulate v. 管理;使遵守规章(Unit 14)reject v.拒绝,排斥(Unit 10)resort to v. 诉诸,采取(某种手段等)(Unit 4)respected a.受尊敬的;受敬重的(Unit 9)retire v. 退休,退役(Unit 3)revenge n.报仇,报复(Unit 11)ridiculed a.被嘲笑的(Unit 10)rim n. 边缘(Unit 19)safegurad v. 保卫,维护(Unit 14)sanitation n.卫生设备(Unit 14)scattered a.分散的;散乱的(Unit 4)screen v. 掩护;遮蔽(Unit 4)scuba diver 带水肺的潜水员(Unit 1)search v. 搜寻(Unit 12)seemingly ad.表面上,似乎真实地(Unit 7)sensitivity n.感受性;灵敏性(Unit 10)sensory a. 感觉的;传递感觉的(Unit 10)severe a.非常严格的;严谨的(Unit 2)shade n. 细微差别(或变化)(Unit 7)shadow n.阴影;荫;背光处(Unit 3)shark n.鲨鱼(Unit 1)shroud n.裹尸布,寿衣(Unit 11)significantly ad. 重要地;相当数量地;值得注意地(Unit 5) situated a.位于......的(Unit 1)skeleton n.骨骼,骨架(Unit 13)smart a. 聪明的;反应快的,机敏的(Unit 20)snooker n.彩色台球戏(Unit 19)snore v.打鼾(Unit 17)sociology n. 社会学,社会问题研究(Unit 18)sonar n.声纳(Unit 10)source n. 来源(Unit 7)souvenir n.纪念物,纪念品(Unit 8)Spanish n.西班牙人(Unit 15 )split v. 分手,离婚(Unit 20)squash n.软式墙网球(Unit 19)staggering a. 令人吃惊的;令人束手无策的(Unit 14) statistics n.统计;统计资料(Unit 5, 19)streaming n.流;流动(Unit 3)strenuous n. 艰苦的;繁重的(Unit 19)stretch v.伸展,伸张;展开;拉直(Unit 15)stumped a. 惶惑的;难住的(Unit 7)suit v. 适合;适宜于(Unit 12)support v.支持(Unit 16)supposed a. 假定的,被信以为真的(Unit 16) surname n. 姓(Unit 11)tap v.轻拍,轻敲(Unit 7)technique n. 手段,方法(Unit 4)tempt v. 诱惑;吸引(Unit 3)tender (age) a.年轻的;未成熟的(Unit 2)terrified a. 害怕的;受惊的(Unit 3)tertiary a.高等教育的,大学教育的(Unit 2)thumb n.拇指(Unit 15)tip n.尖端;顶端(Unit 10)tone n.声调;语调(Unit 7)tongue n.舌(Unit 10)toothpaste n.牙膏(Unit 20)tortoise n.乌龟(Unit 17)totter v.蹒跚,踉跄(Unit 6)traditionally ad. 传统地;习俗地(Unit 6)transcript n. (Unit 9) (根据录音的)文字记录trust v.信任(Unit 20)typhoon n. 台风(Unit 1)undisciplined a.不遵守纪律的;不服从命令的(Unit 9) unexpectedly ad. 未料到的;意外地;突然地(Unit 16) unfortunate a. 不幸的;倒霉的;不成功的(Unit 15) unlikely a. 未必的,未必可能的(Unit 12)untidy a. 不整齐的,凌乱的(Unit 16)varied a. 多变化的;各种各样的;不相同的(Unit 18) Viking n. 北欧海盗(Unit 11)villa n.别墅( Unit 13)waft v.吹送,飘送(Unit 3)wander v.闲逛;漫步(Unit 3)wardrobe n. 衣柜,衣橱(Unit 3)wasted a.被浪费的(Unit 16)wearily a. 疲倦地(Unit 3)weary a. 疲倦的,困乏的(Unit 6)wheelchair n. 轮椅(Unit 5)whereby ad. [关系副词]靠那个(Unit 12)whisker n.(动物)须(Unit 10)winding a. 弯曲的,曲折的(Unit 13)wink v.眨眼示意;使眼色(Unit 15)witty a.机智的;诙谐的(Unit 16)youngish a.还年轻的(Unit 9)。
19-20版:第13课 短评两篇(创新设计)
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Book 3
Unit 19 Spoken and Written Language Words to note
Understanding the text
Part A: comprehending the text
1-6 c d b c b a
Part B: True or false
Part C: Interpreting the text
1.audience and feedback
2.feedback either does not occur or is delayed for a long time.
3.writers need to make sure that their writing is clear and understandable.
4.it is a form of writing but has the informality of speech.
5.we can‟t argue that one is superior to the other.
Developing your skills
Part A: Identifying the main idea of a text
Section 1 (Para.1-2) Written language is greatly valued and respected.
Section 2 (Para.3) Written language is vital to the development of societies.
Spoken language developed before the written form in human societies……individual……instruction……developed……literate……tangible……transmitted……vague……facilitates.
Part B: Spoken/Written English
Although it is difficult to be certain, a political scientist might interpret the global distribution of Coca Cola as evidence of the world economic dominance of the United States of America. The historian’s approach, however, would be clearer and involve researching and writing about the development of the company which manufacturers the drink.
Extending your vocabulary
Part A: Synonyms
Part B: formal/Informal verbs
Part C: “Tips of the Slongue”
Unit 20 Personal Identification Words to note
Understanding the text
Part A: comprehending the text
1-3 a c d
Part B: True or false
7. F
8. T
9. T 10. T Developing your skills
Part A: The structure of a passage: further practice
Part B: Identifying the author’s purpose: further practice
Part C: Identifying the author’s bias
Extending your vocabulary
Part A: Scale of meaning
freezing cold chilly cool tepid warm hot scalding boiling
hate despise dislike be indifferent to be fond of like love adore be crazy about
Tick the pairs which belong on scales.
a. b. d. h. l.
Part B: Revision crossword。