
( )14、当一个人选择一条特定的预算约束上的一个点时,这个选择是基于个人偏好的。
()15、当MP L为负时,是处于资本(K)的第Ⅲ阶段.()16、边际成本低于平均成本时,平均成本上升。
( )17、一完全竞争厂商在短期均衡时可能是AC下降。
()19、在两个人(甲和乙)、两种商品(X和Y)的经济中,达到交换的全面均衡的条件为:(MRT XY)甲=(MRS XY)乙。
5分,共15分,在答题纸上写)1、一种商品价格下降对其互补品最直接的影响是()A、互补品的需求曲线向左移动B、互补品的需求曲线向右移动C、互补品的供给曲线向右移动D、互补品的价格下降2、消费者的预算线反映了()A、消费者的收入约束B、消费者的偏好C、消费者的需求D、消费者效用最大化状态3、经济学分析中所说的短期是指( )A、、一年之内B、全部生产要素都可随产量调整的时期C、至少有一种生产要素不能调整的时期D、只能调整一年生产要素的时期4、既有竞争性又有排他性的物品是()A、公共物品B、私人物品C、政府物品D、混合物品5、无差异曲线上任一点上商品X和Y的边际替代率等于它们的()A、价格之比B、数量之比C、边际效用之比D、边际成本之比6、在完全竞争市场中,成本递增行业长期供给曲线是()A、一条斜率大于零的曲线B、一条斜率小于零的曲线C、一条斜率等于零的曲线D、无法确定7、对于一个垄断厂商而言,下述哪种说法是不正确的().A.一个厂商提供全部的市场供给量B.在利润最大化水平,边际收益等于边际成本C.边际收益小于价格D、垄断厂商有一条水平的需求曲线8、在生产者均衡点上( )A、。

《中级微观经济学》试题一、名词解释需求的交叉价格弹性;产品差别;需求的变动和需求量的变动;边际产品价值吉芬商品;正常利润和经济利润二、选择题1、垄断和垄断竞争之间的主要区别是a 前者依据MR=MC最大化其利润,后者不是b 前者厂商的需求曲线和市场需求曲线是一致的,而后者不是c 前者拥有影响市场的权力d 以上全对2、完全竞争和垄断竞争之间重要相同点是a 长期当中,价格等于平均成本,边际收益等于边际成本b 产品异质的程度c 长期平均成本上使厂商利润最大化的点是相同的d 以上全都不对3、下列哪种情况不正确,a 如果供给减少,需求不变,均衡价格将上升b 如果供给增加,需求减少,均衡价格将下降c 如果需求增加,供给减少,均衡价格将上升d 如果需求减少,供给增加,均衡价格将上升4、无差异曲线的斜率被称为a 边际代替率b 边际技术代替率c 边际转换率d 边际效用5 、对于一个竞争性厂商而言,应使a P=ACb P=MR=ACc P=AR=MCd P=AR=MR6、正常利润是a 经济利润的一部分b 经济成本的一部分c 隐含成本的一部分d b和c两者6. 如果甲商品价格上升引起乙商品的需求曲线向左下方移动,那么a 甲和乙是替代品b 甲和乙是互补品c 甲是正常品,乙上次等品d 甲是次等品,乙是正常品7. 等产量线的斜率被称为a 边际代替率b 边际技术替代率c 边际转换率d 边际产品8. 一个完全竞争厂商发生亏损时,所在行业趋于长期均衡过程中可能发生的情况时a 较高的价格和较少的厂商b 较低的价格和较少的厂商c 较高的价格和较多的厂商d 较低的价格和较多的厂商三、是非题1.如果偏好是传递的,那么商品越多越好。

()三、选择1、需求的概念是指购买者:( )A、在一定价格水平上愿意购买的商品量;B、实现最大满足所需要购买的商品量;C、在市场上能购买的商品量;D、在拥有无限收入时会购买的商品量;E、在一定价格水平上愿意出售的商品量。


《中级微观经济学》试题与答案一、名词解释(5道题)1. 消费者剩余-解释:消费者愿意支付的最高价格与实际支付价格之间的差额,是消费者获得的净收益。
2. 边际替代率-解释:消费者在维持同一效用水平的情况下,愿意用一种商品替代另一种商品的比率。
3. 规模经济-解释:当企业的生产规模扩大时,平均成本随着产量的增加而下降的现象。
4. 纳什均衡-解释:在博弈论中,每个参与者在给定其他参与者策略的情况下,所选择的最佳策略组合。
5. 帕累托最优-解释:资源配置的一种状态,无法在不使任何人变得更差的情况下,使某些人变得更好。
二、填空题(5道题)1. 在短期生产函数中,边际产量递减规律是指(在其他投入固定时,增加一个单位可变投入,产量的增加量递减)。
2. 供给弹性大于1表示(供给是弹性的)。
3. 无差异曲线上的点表示(消费者获得相同效用的不同商品组合)。
4. 在完全竞争市场中,长期均衡时,企业的经济利润是(零)。
5. 价格上限政策可能导致的直接结果是(商品短缺)。
三、单项选择题(5道题)1. 下列哪一项不是完全竞争市场的特征?()。
- A. 大量的买者和卖者- B. 同质产品- C. 自由进入和退出市场- D. 厂商具有定价权-答案:D2. 在长期,完全竞争市场中的企业会选择生产在()。
- A. 平均成本最低的产量- B. 边际成本最低的产量- C. 平均总成本等于价格的产量- D. 边际成本等于价格的产量-答案:D3. 如果一种商品的需求是价格无弹性的,那么价格上升10%将导致需求量()。
- A. 增加10%- B. 减少10%- C. 减少少于10%- D. 减少多于10%-答案:C4. 在垄断市场中,垄断者的利润最大化产量是()。
- A. 边际成本等于价格- B. 边际收益等于价格- C. 边际收益等于边际成本- D. 平均成本等于边际成本-答案:C5. 在短期内,完全竞争企业的供给曲线是()。
- A. 平均总成本曲线- B. 平均可变成本曲线- C. 边际成本曲线- D. 边际成本曲线位于平均可变成本曲线之上的部分-答案:D四、多项选择题(5道题)1. 影响需求的主要因素有()。

中级微观经济学考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1.经济学上所说的稀缺性是指( )。
a.性欲的无限性b.资源的绝对稀缺性c.资源的相对有限性d.欲望的相对有限性2.稀缺性问题( )。
a.只存在于依靠市场机制的经济中b.只存有于靠中央计划机制的经济中c.存在于所有经济中d.只存有于发展中国家中3.稀缺性的存在意味着( )。
a.必须做出挑选b.人们的生活水平会不断下降c.一个人不必须把今天能够买的东西领至明天去卖d.需要用政府计划来配置资源4.稀缺性的存有意味著( )。
a.决策者必须作出选择b.政府必须干涉经济c.不能让自由市场来作重要的决策d.竞争就是不好的,必须歼灭它5.当资源不足以满足所有人的需要时( )。
a.消费者必须具备全然信息b.政府必须决定谁的要求能被满足c.必须有一套市场系统起至促进作用d.必须作出选择6.当资源非常有限而性欲无穷时,人们必须( )。
a.作出选择b.减少他们的希望c.使公共利益优先于个人利益d.自给自足7.选择具有重要性,基本上是因为( )。
a.人们就是欲求的,他们的犯罪行为就是为了个人私欲b.相对于人类社会的无穷欲望而言,所需要的资源总是不足的c.一个经济必须依靠市场去化解稀缺性的问题d.政府对市场的影响有限8.因为资源就是匮乏的,所以( )。
a.必须作出选择b.政府必须分配资源c.某些人必须忍受贫穷d.除了富人之外所有人都必须做出挑选9.由政府来解决生产什么、如何生产和为谁生产这三个经济学基本问题的经济制度属于( )。
a.混合经济b.计划经济c.市场经济d.有计划的商品经济10.做为经济学的一个分支,微观经济学主要研究( )。
( )2.只要有人类社会,就会存在稀缺性。
( )3.资源的稀缺性同意了资源可以获得充分利用,不能发生资源浪费现象。

一、简述题1.如果我们看到在(1y ,2y )可以同时得到的情况下,消费者却选择了(1x ,2x ),那么,(1x ,2x )(1y ,2y )的结论是否正确?(第二章,题1)答:不正确,因为也可能是消费者恰好在这两个消费束之间无差异。
也就是说,根据题目的已知条件我们只能断定(1x ,2x )(1y ,2y ),这是弱偏好。
对本题加上什么样的假设前提,题目中的断定就是正确的?如果加上消费者的偏好是严格凸的这一限制条件,断定(1x ,2x )(1y ,2y )就是正确的。
2.若某个消费者的偏好可以由效用函数22121122(,)10(2)50u x x x x x x =++-来描述,那么对消费者而言,商品1和商品2是完全替代的吗?为什么?(第二章,题5)答:两种商品完全替代即它们的边际替代率为常数。
因此有:商品1的边际效用为MU 1=du /dx 1=10(2x 1 +2 x 2)商品2的边际 效用为MU 2= du /dx 2=10(2x 1 +2 x 2)商品1对商品2的边际替代率MRS 12= MU 1 / MU 2 =1。
3.假定消费者购买x 和y 两种商品,起初,x x y yMU P MU P =,若x P 下降,y P 保持不变,再假定x 的需求价格弹性大于1,则y 的购买量会不会发生变化?(第三章,题3)答:原来消费处于均衡状态。
设消费者花在x 商品上的支出为1m ,则1x m p x =。
对该式求x p 的导数有,11x x x x x p dm dx dx p x x dp dp dp x ⎡⎤=+=+⎢⎥⎣⎦,因x 的需求价格弹性大于1(绝对值),所以有10xdm dp <,即随着价格下降,消费者花在x 商品上的支出会增加。

15. 产量和价格的波动呈现“收敛性蛛网”的条件是
b AVC最小c TC最大d AC最小
,则意味着 变化。这是指下列哪一种生产函数的规模(B)
9.下列何种厂商的供给曲线不能给出定义,因为在这几种情况下,价格和厂商的产出之间不 存在唯一的关系(ABD)

一、单项选择题(40分,每题1分,共40题)1.经济学分析的基本问题是:()A 证明只有市场体制可以配置资源。
B 选择最公正的收入分配方法。
C 证明只有计划经济可以配置资源。
D 对无限资源的处置。
E 因为资源稀缺而必须作出的选择。
2.市场:()A 允许买者和卖者交流各自的需要并进行交换。
B 不能解决每种商品生产多少的问题。
C 是唯一能回答经济学四个基本问题的机制。
D 不能解决为谁生产的问题。
E 消除了稀缺性以及与有限资源相关的问题。
3.微观经济学是经济学的一个分支,它主要研究:()A 通货膨胀和失业。
B 高度集中的市场上的行为。
{C 欠发达国家的经济增长。
D 企业,家庭和个人的行为。
E 国际贸易。
4.一种活动的机会成本是:()A 为这种活动所花费的钱。
B 为这种活动所花时间的价值。
C 当你不必为这种活动付钱时就等于零。
D 如果你不节省时间的话,就是无穷的。
E 投入这种活动的全部资源在其它方面的最佳用途。
#5.下列哪一项是实证经济学的陈述()A 失业保险太低。
B 降低失业比抑制通货膨胀更重要。
C 医生挣的钱比蓝领工人多。
D 失业保险太高。
E 妇女与男子应该同工同酬。
()—A 宏观经济学,微观经济学B 规范经济学,实证经济学C 微观经济学,宏观经济学D 实证经济学,规范经济学E 实证经济学,宏观经济学7.经济学家所说的“需求曲线”,是指描述价格和需求量关系的曲线。
这样集中研究价格意味着:()A 经济学家相信价格是影响需求量的唯一因素。
B 价格是影响需求量的唯一因素。
》C 经济学家假设其它因素对需求量的影响不变,这样价格的效果就独立出来。
D 这个模型的预测能力没有什么价值。
E 经济学家不恰当地忽略掉其它影响需求量的因素。
()A 上升,增加B 下降,减少C 下降,不变D 下降,增加E 上升,不变-9.替代品价格上升一般会导致:()A 需求量沿着需求曲线减少。


Intermediate Microeconomics Mid-term Test 2005 (B) Name: Student No.: Class:Section 1 True or false.(20 points, 2 points each)1. Alice's utility function is U(x, y)= x2y. Steve's utility function is U(x, y)= x2y + 2x. Alice and Steve have the same preferences since Steve's utility function is a monotonic transformation of Alice's.2. A consumer who can borrow and lend at the same interest rate should prefer an endowment with a higher present value to an endowment with a lower present value, no matter how he plans to allocate consumption over the course of his life.3. If two assets have the same expected rate of return but different variances, a risk-averse investor should always choose the one with the smaller variance, no matter what other assets she holds.4. Fred has a Cobb-Douglas utility function with exponents that sum to 1. Sally consumes the same two goods, but the two goods are perfect substitutes for her. Despite these differences, Fred and Sally have the same price offer curves.5. If all prices double and income triples, then the budget line will become steeper.6. If someone has a Cobb-Douglas utility function and no income from any source other than labor earnings, then an increase in wages will not change the amount that person chooses to work.7. Susan is a net borrower when the interest rate is 10% and a net saver when the interest rate is 20%. A decrease in the interest rate from 20% to 10% may make Susan worse off.8. With quasi-linear preferences, the equivalent variation and the compensating variation in income due to a price increase of one good are the same.9. For a consumer who has an allowance to spend and no endowment of goods,a decrease in the price of a Giffen good consumed makes him better off.10. The marginal rate of substitution measures the distance between one indifference curve and the next one.Section 2 Single Choice. (80points, 4 points each)11. Janet consumes two commodities x and y. Her utility function is min{x + 2y,y + 2x}. She chooses to buy 10 units of good x and 20 units of good y. Theprice of good x is $1. Janet's income isA. $40.B. $50.C. $30.D. $20.E. There is not enough information in the problem to determine herincome because we are not told the price of good y.12. Holly consumes x and y. The price of x is 4 and the price of y is 4. Holly'sonly source of income is her endowment of 6 units of x and 6 units of ywhich she can buy or sell at the going prices. She plans to consume 7 units of x and 5 units of y. If the prices change to $7 for x and $7 for y,A. she is better off.B. she is worse off.C. she is neither better off nor worse off.D. she is better off if she has nonconvex preferences.E. We can't tell whether she is better off or worse off unless we know herutility function.13. Clarissa's utility function is U(r, z)= z + 120r - r 2, where r is the number ofrose plants she has in her garden and z is the number of zinnias. She has250 square feet to allocate to roses and zinnias. Roses each take up 4 square feet and zinnias each take up 1 square foot. She gets the plants for free froma generous friend. If she acquires another 100 square feet of land for hergarden and her utility function remains unchanged, she will plantA. 99 more zinnias and some more roses.B. 20 more roses and 20 more zinnias.C. 25 more roses and no more zinnias.D. 100 more zinnias and no more roses.E. None of the above.14. Will is paid $10 an hour for the first 40 hours per week that he works. Hecan also work as many hours overtime as he wishes to. He is paid $15 anhour for every hour that he works beyond 40 hours a week. Leisure is anormal good for Will and he is currently working some overtime. If hishourly wage for the first 40 hours per week that he works rises to $12 and his wages for overtime remain at $15 per hour, he will choose to workA. fewer hours per week.B. more hours per week.C. the same number of hours per week.D. more hours per week if and only if his income exceeds his labor income.E. more hours per day if and only if he works less than 20 hours overtimeper week.15. Albin has quasi-linear preferences and he loves pretzels. His inversedemand function for pretzels is p(x)= 49 - 6x, where x is the number ofpretzels that he consumes. He is currently consuming 8 pretzels at a price of $1 per pretzel. If the price of pretzels rises to $7 per pretzel, the change in Albin's consumer surplus isA. -$90.B. -$56.C. -$42.D. -$45.E. -$42.16. Jane's utility function is U(x, y)= x + 2y, where x is her consumption ofgood X and y is her consumption of good Y . Her income is $2. The price of Y is $2. The cost per unit of X depends on how many units she buys. Thetotal cost of x units of X is the square root of x.A. The bundle (1/4, 3/4)is Jane's utility maximizing choice, given herbudget.B. The bundle (1, 1/2)is Jane's utility maximizing choice, given her budget.C. Given her budget, Jane would maximize her utility by spending all ofher income on good X.D. Given her budget, Jane would maximize her utility by spending all ofher income on good Y .E. None of the above.17. When the prices were ($5, $1), Vanessa chose the bundle (x, y)= (6, 3). Nowat the new prices, (p x, p y), she chooses the bundle (x, y)= (5, 7). ForVanessa's behavior to be consistent with the weak axiom of revealedpreference, it must be thatA. 4p y < p x.B. p x < 4py.C. 5p y < p x.D. p y= 5p x.E. None of the above.18. In an isolated mountain village, the only crop is corn. Villagers plan for twotime periods. In the first time period each villager will harvest 100 bushels.In the second time period, no corn will be harvested. There is no trade with the rest of the world and no stocks of corn remain from before the firstperiod. Corn can be stored from one time period to the next, but rats eat25% of what is stored. The villagers all have Cobb-Douglas utility functions U(C1,C2) = C1C2 and can allocate their own corn between consumptionand storage as they wish. If the introduction of cats to the village reducesthe rats' predations to 10% of what is stored,A. consumption in the first time period will not change.B. consumption in the first time period will increase by more than 5%.C. consumption in the first time period will increase but by less than 5%.D. consumption in the second time period will not change.E. consumption in the first time period will decrease.19.Cindy consumes goods x and y. Her demand for x is given by x(p x,m) = 0.04m - 4.24p x. Now her income is $322, the price of x is $2, and the price of y is $1. If the price of x rises to $3 and if we denote the income effect on herdemand for x by DI and the substitution effect on her demand for x by DS, thenA. DI = 0 and DS = -2.00.B. DI = -0.18 and DS = -0.52.C. DI = -4.06 and DS = -0.18.D. DI = -0.18 and DS = -4.06.E. DI = -0.52 and DS = -0.18.20. In a certain kingdom, the demand function for rye bread was q = 381 - 3pand the supply function was q = 5 + 7p, where p is the price in peso and q is loaves of bread. The king made it illegal to sell rye bread for a price above32 peso per loaf. To avoid shortages, he agreed to pay bakers enough of asubsidy for each loaf of bread so as to make supply equal demand. Howmuch would the subsidy per loaf have to be?A. 21 pesoB. 14 pesoC. 8 pesoD. 5.6 pesoE. None of the above.21. Ambrose's brother Francis has an income of $100 and a utility functionU(x1, x2) =50x11/2+x2, where x1is his consumption of nuts and x2is hisconsumption of berries. The price of nuts is $5 and the price of berries is $1.How many units of nuts will Francis demand?A. 30B. 25C. 20D. 90E. None of the above.22. Bernice’s utility function is min {x, y}, where x is her consumption ofearrings and y is money left for other stuff (x and y can be fractional). If he had an income of $12 and was paying a price of $4 for a pair of earrings,then if the price of earrings went up to $6, the equivalent variation of theprice change would beA. $4.80.B. $3.43.C. $1.71.D. $9.60.E. $4.11.23. Henry's utility function is x2 + 16xw + 64w2, where x is his consumption ofx and w is his consumption of w.A. Henry's preferences are strictly non-convex.B. Henry's indifference curves are straight lines.C. Henry has a bliss point.D. Henry's indifference curves are hyperbolas.E. None of the above.24. Charlie's utility function is x A x B. The price of apples used to be $1 per unitand the price of bananas was $2 per unit. His income was $40 per day. Ifthe price of apples increased to $2.25 and the price of bananas fell to $1.25, then in order to be able to just afford his old bundle, Charlie would have to have a daily income ofA. $57.50.B. $116.C. $28.75.D. $86.25.E. $230.25. At a large institution of higher learning, the demand for football tickets ateach game is 100,000 -6,000p. If the capacity of the stadium at thatuniversity is 40,000 seats, what is the revenue maximizing price for thisuniversity to charge per ticket?A. $16.67B. $8.33C. $6.67D. $10E. None of the above.26. A bond has a face value of 5,000 dollars. It will pay 500 dollars in interest atthe end of every year for the next 45 years. At the time of the last interest payment, 45 years from now, the company will buy back the bond from its owner at a price equal to the face value of the bond. If the interest rate is10% and is expected to remain at 10%, how much would a rational investor pay for this bond right now?A. 5,000 dollarsB. 27,500 dollarsC. 22,500 dollarsD. More than any of the above amountsE. Less than any of the above amounts27. If there are only two goods, if more of good 1 is always preferred to less,and if less of good 2 is always preferred to more, then indifference curvesA. slope downward.B. slope upward.C. may cross.D. could take the form of ellipses.E. None of the above.28. In the village of Frankfurter, the demand function for sausages per personis D(p)= 20 - 1.5p, where p is the price of a single sausage. The presentpopulation of Frankfurter is 100 persons. Suppose that 10 more peoplemove into town, each of whom has the same demand function as the oldresidents. At a price of $2, the absolute value of the price elasticity ofmarket demand for sausages in Frankfurter isA. increased by 10%.B. decreased by 10%.C. unchanged.D. increased by 15%.E. None of the above.29. Goldie is a college student and she is facing several bundles. If the onlyinformation we had about Goldie were that she chooses the bundle (6, 6)when prices are (6, 7) and she chooses the bundle (10, 0) when prices are (5,5), then we could conclude thatA. the bundle (6, 6) is revealed preferred to (10, 0) but there is no evidencethat she violates WARP.B. Goldie violates WARP.C. the bundle (10, 0) is revealed preferred to (6, 6) and she violates WARP.D. neither bundle is revealed preferred to the other.E. the bundle (10, 0) is revealed preferred to (6, 6) but there is no evidencethat she violates WARP.30. Miss Muffet consumes only whey and curds. She insists on consuming 2units of whey per 1 unit of curds. If the price of curds is $5 and the price of whey is $6, then if Miss Muffet's income is m, her demand for curds will beA. 5c + 6w = m.B. 6m/5.C. 5m.D. m/5.E. m/17.。

0. 5
, 其中,
解: (1)
U 1 0.5 U q , 3 Q 2 M
又 MU/P = 所以 1 q
(2) p 1 q
(3) CS
1 0.5 q dq 6
1 1 4 q 12 3
3、 假定下表是供给函数 Qs=-3+2P 在一定价格范围内 的供给表。 某商品的供给表 价格 (元) 供给量 性。 (2) 根据给出的供给函数,求 P=4 是的供给的价格 点弹性。 (3) 根据该供给函数或供给表作出相应的几何图 形,利用几何方法求出 P=4 时的供给的价格点 弹性。它与(2)的结果相同吗? 解:(1) (2)
(3)若某工会愿意接纳张某为会员,会费为 100 元,但张某可以 50%的价格购买 X,则张某是否应该 加入该工会? 解:(1)由效用函数 U=X2Y2 可得 MUX=2XY2,MUY =2YX2 消费者均衡条件为 MUX/MUY =2XY2/2YX2 =Y/X=Px/Py =2/5 500=2·X+5·Y 可得 X=125 者均衡。 (2)消费者可以原价格的 50%购买 X,意味着商品 X 的价格发生变动,预算约束线随之变动。消费者均 衡条件成为: Y/X=1/5 500=1·X+5·Y 可得 X=250 Y=50 张某将消费 250 单位 X,50 单位 Y。 (3)张某收入发生变动,预算约束线也发生变动。 消费者均衡条件成为:

四川农业大学《中级微观经济学》期中考试试卷●考试时间:2013年11月11日 8:00-10:00●请认真审题,独立完成!● GOOD LUCK!姓名:学号:成绩一、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1.如果所有商品价格变为原来的两倍,收入变为原来的三倍,那么预算线会更加陡峭。
如果x是牛肉的数量,y是土豆的数量,则新的预算约束线为()A.9x+5y=100B. 14x+5y=95C. 4x+5y=95D. 4x+5y=752.某消费者消费两种商品,商品1是越少越好,商品2是越多越好,则无差异曲线()A.向下倾斜B. 向上倾斜C. 类似椭圆D.以上都不对3.小王的效用函数为u(x,y)=xy,现在他消费5单位商品x和25单位商品y。

此外,在L<L3既MPL>0的范围内,当MP’L>0时,TPL曲线的斜率递增,即TPL曲线以递增的速率上升,当MP’L<0时,TPL曲线的斜率递减,即TPL曲线以递减的速率上升,而当MP’=0时,TPL曲线存在一个拐点,换言之,在L=L1时,MPL曲线斜率为零的A点与TPL 曲线的拐点A’是相互对应的。

三、选择题(20分)1、经济学研究的基本问题是( )。
A.如何在股市上赚钱B.证明市场可以配置资源C.选择最公平的收入分配方式D.稀缺资源的配置与利用问题2、需求规律意味着,其他条件不变时( )。
A.随着电脑价格升高,电脑需求减少B.随着电脑价格升高,电脑需求量减少C.随着入网费升高,电脑需求量减少D.随着入网费升高,电脑需求减少3、基数效用论与序数效用论的根本分歧在于( )。
A.效用是否客观存在B.效用大小是否可以有效测定C.是否应该使用边际分析法D.针对单个或多个消费者进行分析4、如果供给曲线的弹性非常大,那么需求曲线向右方移动会导致:A.价格变化大,数量变化小B.价格不变,仅数量变化C.仅价格变化,数量不变D.价格变化小,数量变化大5、正常物品价格上升导致需求量减少的原因在于( )。
A. 替代效应使需求量增加,收入效应使需求量减少B. 替代效应使需求量增加,收入效应使需求量增加C. 替代效应使需求量减少,收入效应使需求量减少D. 替代效应使需求量减少,收入效应使需求量增加6、若无差曲线上任何一点的斜率dY/dX = - 1/ 2 ,这意味着消费者有更多的X时,他愿意放弃( )单位X而获得一单位Y。
A. 1/2B.2C.1D.1.57、当两种商品的需求交叉弹性系数为正时,则两种商品是:A. 互补品B. 替代品C. 独立商品D. 生活必需品8、下列哪种情况不属消费者均衡的条件( )。
A. MUx/Px=MUy/ Py = MUz/ Pz=……=λB.货币在每种用途上的边际效用相等C.MUn=λPnD.各种商品的边际效用相等9、在总产量、平均产量和边际产量的变化过程中,下列何者首先发生( )。

一、简述题1.如果我们看到在(1y ,2y )可以同时得到的情况下,消费者却选择了(1x ,2x ),那么,(1x ,2x)(1y ,2y )的结论是否正确?(第二章,题1) 答:不正确,因为也可能是消费者恰好在这两个消费束之间无差异。
也就是说,根据题目的已知条件我们只能断定(1x ,2x )(1y ,2y ),这是弱偏好。
对本题加上什么样的假设前提,题目中的断定就是正确的?如果加上消费者的偏好是严格凸的这一限制条件,断定(1x ,2x)(1y ,2y )就是正确的。
2.若某个消费者的偏好可以由效用函数22121122(,)10(2)50u x x x x x x =++-来描述,那么对消费者而言,商品1和商品2是完全替代的吗?为什么?(第二章,题5)答:两种商品完全替代即它们的边际替代率为常数。
因此有: 商品1的边际效用为MU 1=du /dx 1=10(2x 1 +2 x 2)商品2的边际 效用为MU 2= du /dx 2=10(2x 1 +2 x 2)商品1对商品2的边际替代率MRS 12= MU 1 / MU 2 =1。
3.假定消费者购买x 和y 两种商品,起初,x x y yMU P MU P =,若x P 下降,y P 保持不变,再假定x 的需求价格弹性大于1,则y 的购买量会不会发生变化?(第三章,题3)答:原来消费处于均衡状态。
设消费者花在x 商品上的支出为1m ,则1x m p x =。
对该式求x p 的导数有,11x x x x x p dm dx dx p x x dp dp dp x ⎡⎤=+=+⎢⎥⎣⎦,因x 的需求价格弹性大于1(绝对值),所以有10x dm dp <,即随着价格下降,消费者花在x 商品上的支出会增加。


微观经济学模拟试题2一、单项选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. 生产可能性曲线以内的任何一点表示:( )A.可以利用的资源稀缺B.资源没有得到充分利用C.资源得到了充分利用D.以上均不对.2. 比较下列几种商品中哪一种商品的需求弹性最小。
( )A.食盐B.衣服C.化妆品D.手机3. 一种商品价格下降对其互补品最直接的影响是:( )A.互补品的需求曲线向左移动B.互补品的需求曲线向右移动C.互补品的供给曲线向右移动D.互补品的价格下降4. 同一条无差异曲线上的不同点表示:()A.效用水平相同,所消费的两种商品组合比例也相同B.效用水平相同,所消费的两种商品组合比例却不同C.效用水平不同,所消费的两种商品组合比例也不同D.效用水平不同,所消费的两种商品组合比例却相同5. 在保持产量不变的前提下,某厂商增加1单位劳动可减少4单位资本,则MRTSLK为:()。
A.-0.25;B.-4; C.4;D.-1。
6.边际收益递减规律的适用条件是:( )A.生产技术没有发生重大变化B.不考虑生产技术是否变化C.生产技术发生变化D.以上均不对7. 在一般情况下,厂商得到的价格若低于以下哪种成本就停止营业。
( )A.平均成本B.平均可变成本C.平均固定成本D.以上均不对8. 在完全垄断市场上,厂商长期均衡的条件是:( )A.MR=MC B.MR=MC:AR=ACC.MR = LMC=SMC D.以上均对.9.甲、乙两人现有的效用水平分别为10和20,资源的再配置使得两人的效用发生了变化,属于帕累托改进的一种变动是:( )A.甲的效用变为10,乙的效用变为15B.甲的效用变为8,乙的效用变为25C.甲的效用变为8,乙的效用变为30D.甲的效用变为10,乙的效用变为3010. 洛伦茨曲线代表()。

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Intermediate Microeconomics Mid-term Test 2005 (B) Name: Student No.: Class:Section 1 True or false.(20 points, 2 points each)1. Alice's utility function is U(x, y)= x2y. Steve's utility function is U(x, y)= x2y + 2x. Alice and Steve have the same preferences since Steve's utility function is a monotonic transformation of Alice's.2. A consumer who can borrow and lend at the same interest rate should prefer an endowment with a higher present value to an endowment with a lower present value, no matter how he plans to allocate consumption over the course of his life.3. If two assets have the same expected rate of return but different variances, a risk-averse investor should always choose the one with the smaller variance, no matter what other assets she holds.4. Fred has a Cobb-Douglas utility function with exponents that sum to 1. Sally consumes the same two goods, but the two goods are perfect substitutes for her. Despite these differences, Fred and Sally have the same price offer curves.5. If all prices double and income triples, then the budget line will become steeper.6. If someone has a Cobb-Douglas utility function and no income from any source other than labor earnings, then an increase in wages will not change the amount that person chooses to work.7. Susan is a net borrower when the interest rate is 10% and a net saver when the interest rate is 20%. A decrease in the interest rate from 20% to 10% may make Susan worse off.8. With quasi-linear preferences, the equivalent variation and the compensating variation in income due to a price increase of one good are the same.9. For a consumer who has an allowance to spend and no endowment of goods,a decrease in the price of a Giffen good consumed makes him better off.10. The marginal rate of substitution measures the distance between one indifference curve and the next one.Section 2 Single Choice. (80points, 4 points each)11. Janet consumes two commodities x and y. Her utility function is min{x + 2y,y + 2x}. She chooses to buy 10 units of good x and 20 units of good y. Theprice of good x is $1. Janet's income isA. $40.B. $50.C. $30.D. $20.E. There is not enough information in the problem to determine herincome because we are not told the price of good y.12. Holly consumes x and y. The price of x is 4 and the price of y is 4. Holly'sonly source of income is her endowment of 6 units of x and 6 units of ywhich she can buy or sell at the going prices. She plans to consume 7 units of x and 5 units of y. If the prices change to $7 for x and $7 for y,A. she is better off.B. she is worse off.C. she is neither better off nor worse off.D. she is better off if she has nonconvex preferences.E. We can't tell whether she is better off or worse off unless we know herutility function.13. Clarissa's utility function is U(r, z)= z + 120r - r 2, where r is the number ofrose plants she has in her garden and z is the number of zinnias. She has250 square feet to allocate to roses and zinnias. Roses each take up 4 square feet and zinnias each take up 1 square foot. She gets the plants for free froma generous friend. If she acquires another 100 square feet of land for hergarden and her utility function remains unchanged, she will plantA. 99 more zinnias and some more roses.B. 20 more roses and 20 more zinnias.C. 25 more roses and no more zinnias.D. 100 more zinnias and no more roses.E. None of the above.14. Will is paid $10 an hour for the first 40 hours per week that he works. Hecan also work as many hours overtime as he wishes to. He is paid $15 anhour for every hour that he works beyond 40 hours a week. Leisure is anormal good for Will and he is currently working some overtime. If hishourly wage for the first 40 hours per week that he works rises to $12 and his wages for overtime remain at $15 per hour, he will choose to workA. fewer hours per week.B. more hours per week.C. the same number of hours per week.D. more hours per week if and only if his income exceeds his labor income.E. more hours per day if and only if he works less than 20 hours overtimeper week.15. Albin has quasi-linear preferences and he loves pretzels. His inversedemand function for pretzels is p(x)= 49 - 6x, where x is the number ofpretzels that he consumes. He is currently consuming 8 pretzels at a price of $1 per pretzel. If the price of pretzels rises to $7 per pretzel, the change in Albin's consumer surplus isA. -$90.B. -$56.C. -$42.D. -$45.E. -$42.16. Jane's utility function is U(x, y)= x + 2y, where x is her consumption ofgood X and y is her consumption of good Y . Her income is $2. The price of Y is $2. The cost per unit of X depends on how many units she buys. Thetotal cost of x units of X is the square root of x.A. The bundle (1/4, 3/4)is Jane's utility maximizing choice, given herbudget.B. The bundle (1, 1/2)is Jane's utility maximizing choice, given her budget.C. Given her budget, Jane would maximize her utility by spending all ofher income on good X.D. Given her budget, Jane would maximize her utility by spending all ofher income on good Y .E. None of the above.17. When the prices were ($5, $1), Vanessa chose the bundle (x, y)= (6, 3). Nowat the new prices, (p x, p y), she chooses the bundle (x, y)= (5, 7). ForVanessa's behavior to be consistent with the weak axiom of revealedpreference, it must be thatA. 4p y < p x.B. p x < 4py.C. 5p y < p x.D. p y= 5p x.E. None of the above.18. In an isolated mountain village, the only crop is corn. Villagers plan for twotime periods. In the first time period each villager will harvest 100 bushels.In the second time period, no corn will be harvested. There is no trade with the rest of the world and no stocks of corn remain from before the firstperiod. Corn can be stored from one time period to the next, but rats eat25% of what is stored. The villagers all have Cobb-Douglas utility functions U(C1,C2) = C1C2 and can allocate their own corn between consumptionand storage as they wish. If the introduction of cats to the village reducesthe rats' predations to 10% of what is stored,A. consumption in the first time period will not change.B. consumption in the first time period will increase by more than 5%.C. consumption in the first time period will increase but by less than 5%.D. consumption in the second time period will not change.E. consumption in the first time period will decrease.19.Cindy consumes goods x and y. Her demand for x is given by x(p x,m) = 0.04m - 4.24p x. Now her income is $322, the price of x is $2, and the price of y is $1. If the price of x rises to $3 and if we denote the income effect on herdemand for x by DI and the substitution effect on her demand for x by DS, thenA. DI = 0 and DS = -2.00.B. DI = -0.18 and DS = -0.52.C. DI = -4.06 and DS = -0.18.D. DI = -0.18 and DS = -4.06.E. DI = -0.52 and DS = -0.18.20. In a certain kingdom, the demand function for rye bread was q = 381 - 3pand the supply function was q = 5 + 7p, where p is the price in peso and q is loaves of bread. The king made it illegal to sell rye bread for a price above32 peso per loaf. To avoid shortages, he agreed to pay bakers enough of asubsidy for each loaf of bread so as to make supply equal demand. Howmuch would the subsidy per loaf have to be?A. 21 pesoB. 14 pesoC. 8 pesoD. 5.6 pesoE. None of the above.21. Ambrose's brother Francis has an income of $100 and a utility functionU(x1, x2) =50x11/2+x2, where x1is his consumption of nuts and x2is hisconsumption of berries. The price of nuts is $5 and the price of berries is $1.How many units of nuts will Francis demand?A. 30B. 25C. 20D. 90E. None of the above.22. Bernice’s utility function is min {x, y}, where x is her consumption ofearrings and y is money left for other stuff (x and y can be fractional). If he had an income of $12 and was paying a price of $4 for a pair of earrings,then if the price of earrings went up to $6, the equivalent variation of theprice change would beA. $4.80.B. $3.43.C. $1.71.D. $9.60.E. $4.11.23. Henry's utility function is x2 + 16xw + 64w2, where x is his consumption ofx and w is his consumption of w.A. Henry's preferences are strictly non-convex.B. Henry's indifference curves are straight lines.C. Henry has a bliss point.D. Henry's indifference curves are hyperbolas.E. None of the above.24. Charlie's utility function is x A x B. The price of apples used to be $1 per unitand the price of bananas was $2 per unit. His income was $40 per day. Ifthe price of apples increased to $2.25 and the price of bananas fell to $1.25, then in order to be able to just afford his old bundle, Charlie would have to have a daily income ofA. $57.50.B. $116.C. $28.75.D. $86.25.E. $230.25. At a large institution of higher learning, the demand for football tickets ateach game is 100,000 -6,000p. If the capacity of the stadium at thatuniversity is 40,000 seats, what is the revenue maximizing price for thisuniversity to charge per ticket?A. $16.67B. $8.33C. $6.67D. $10E. None of the above.26. A bond has a face value of 5,000 dollars. It will pay 500 dollars in interest atthe end of every year for the next 45 years. At the time of the last interest payment, 45 years from now, the company will buy back the bond from its owner at a price equal to the face value of the bond. If the interest rate is10% and is expected to remain at 10%, how much would a rational investor pay for this bond right now?A. 5,000 dollarsB. 27,500 dollarsC. 22,500 dollarsD. More than any of the above amountsE. Less than any of the above amounts27. If there are only two goods, if more of good 1 is always preferred to less,and if less of good 2 is always preferred to more, then indifference curvesA. slope downward.B. slope upward.C. may cross.D. could take the form of ellipses.E. None of the above.28. In the village of Frankfurter, the demand function for sausages per personis D(p)= 20 - 1.5p, where p is the price of a single sausage. The presentpopulation of Frankfurter is 100 persons. Suppose that 10 more peoplemove into town, each of whom has the same demand function as the oldresidents. At a price of $2, the absolute value of the price elasticity ofmarket demand for sausages in Frankfurter isA. increased by 10%.B. decreased by 10%.C. unchanged.D. increased by 15%.E. None of the above.29. Goldie is a college student and she is facing several bundles. If the onlyinformation we had about Goldie were that she chooses the bundle (6, 6)when prices are (6, 7) and she chooses the bundle (10, 0) when prices are (5,5), then we could conclude thatA. the bundle (6, 6) is revealed preferred to (10, 0) but there is no evidencethat she violates WARP.B. Goldie violates WARP.C. the bundle (10, 0) is revealed preferred to (6, 6) and she violates WARP.D. neither bundle is revealed preferred to the other.E. the bundle (10, 0) is revealed preferred to (6, 6) but there is no evidencethat she violates WARP.30. Miss Muffet consumes only whey and curds. She insists on consuming 2units of whey per 1 unit of curds. If the price of curds is $5 and the price of whey is $6, then if Miss Muffet's income is m, her demand for curds will beA. 5c + 6w = m.B. 6m/5.C. 5m.D. m/5.E. m/17.。