



结构化面试名人案例1. 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)马克·扎克伯格是Facebook的创始人之一,他在创办Facebook的过程中展现了出色的领导能力和创新思维。


2. 伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)伊隆·马斯克是特斯拉和SpaceX的创始人,他以其对可持续能源和太空探索的独特见解而闻名。


3. 杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)杰夫·贝索斯是亚马逊公司的创始人和首席执行官,他在电子商务领域有着丰富的经验和成功的创业历程。


4. 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)比尔·盖茨是微软公司的创始人之一,他在计算机软件行业的影响力和贡献不可忽视。


5. 苹果公司的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)史蒂夫·乔布斯是苹果公司的联合创始人,他对产品设计和用户体验的追求以及对创新的独特眼光使他成为了一个传奇。


6. 谷歌公司的拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林是谷歌公司的联合创始人,他们在搜索引擎和互联网广告领域取得了巨大成功。


7. 亚马逊AWS的安迪·贾西(Andy Jassy)安迪·贾西是亚马逊AWS(亚马逊网络服务)的CEO,他在云计算领域有着丰富的经验和深刻的见解。

毕马威面试 案例分析case-2017

毕马威面试 案例分析case-2017

Case1:a. 我抽到的case是一个关于一家名为bifood的食品行业的龙头企业,主要是一个餐厅形式,旗下有三个比较知名的品牌,主要的case是讲了这个公司将会加强一个加盟店的形式,然后要拆分中国市场,把中国市场作为一个独立的市场进行战略规划,还有一些关于这个公司现有战略,和未来战略的一个介绍,case的最后有一个财务报告,然后我抽到的问题里面包含了四个主要问题:第一个是对这个公司进行一个swot分析,第二个是简述一下这个公司加强加盟许可与拆分中国市场的利弊,第三个是简要阐述一下这个公司的现有战略好不好,其实这个问题我觉得和第二个有点类似,因为整个case花了很大篇幅来讲加盟许可,和中国市场的一个分离,也可以结合他对未来的一个战略和财务数据做一下分析。





b. 我的案例是Bifoods Group,全球最长寿且最大的快餐连锁巨头,然后超级厉害,多少个国家,多少个店铺之类的,年收入15B,主要产品是Hot Chicken,pizza,印度风味食品。



麦肯锡案例面试题:Great Burger 案例分析(英文,有答案)Practice CasesGreat BurgerIntroductionTo step through this case example, we will give you some information, ask a question, and then, when you are ready, give you a sample answer. We hope that the exercise will give you a sense of the flow of a case interview. (Please note, you can stop this exercise and pick up where you left off later. Your cookies must be on to usethis feature).In this exercise, you will answer a series of questions as the case unfolds. We provide our recommended answers after each question, with which you can compare your own answers. We want to emphasize that most questions in a case study do not have a single right answer. In a live case interview, we are more interested in your explanation of how you arrived at your answer, not just the answer itself. An interviewer can always assess different but equally valid ways of approaching an issue, and then bring you back to the particular line of inquiry that he or shewants to pursue.You should also keep in mind that in a live case, there will be far more interaction with the interviewer than this exercise allows. For example, you will have theopportunity to ask clarifying questions.Finally, a live case interview would typically be completed in 30 - 45 minutes, depending on how the case evolves. In this on-line exercise, there is no time limit.There are six questions in this on-line case study. This case study is designed to roughly simulate one during your interview, so you will not be able to skip ahead to the next question until you have answered the one you are on. You can refresh your memory of previous answers by clicking the highlighted Q&A links to the left. To print the answer, click on the print icon that appears in the TOP RIGHT corner.At the end, you can print the entire on-line case study at once.Start Case Study=============================================================================================================Client Goal: Should Great Burger acquire Heavenly Donuts as part of its growthstrategy?Our client is Great Burger (GB) a fast food chain that competes head–to-head with McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC, etc.Description of Great BurgerGB is the fourth largest fast food chain worldwide, measured by the number of stores in operation. As most of its competitors do, GB offers food and "combos" for the three largest meal occasions: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.Even though GB owns some of its stores, it operates under the franchising business model with 85 percent of its stores owned by franchisees (individuals own and manage stores, pay franchise fee to GB, but major business decisions (e.g., menu, lookof store) controlled by GB).McKinsey studyAs part of its growth strategy GB has analyzed some potential acquisition targets including Heavenly Donuts (HD), a growing doughnut producer with both a U.S. andinternational store presence.HD operates under the franchising business model too, though a little bit differently than GB. While GB franchises restaurants, HD franchises areas or regions in which the franchisee is required to open a certain number of stores.GB's CEO has hired McKinsey to advise him on whether they should acquire HD or not.QUESTION 1What areas would you want to explore to determine whether GB should acquire HD?ANSWER 1Some possible areas are given below. Great job if you identified several of theseand perhaps others.∙Stand alone value of HD∙Growth in market for doughnuts∙HD's past and projected future sales growth (break down intogrowth in number of stores, and growth in same store sales) ∙Competition – are there any other major national chainsthat are doing better than HD in terms of growth/profit. Whatdoes this imply for future growth?∙Profitability/profit margin∙Capital required to fund growth (capital investment to opennew stores, working capital)Synergies/strategic fit∙Brand quality similar? Would they enhance or detract fromeach other if marketed side by side?∙How much overlap of customer base? (very little overlapmight cause concern that brands are not compatible, too muchmight imply little room to expand sales by cross-marketing) ∙Synergies (Hint: do not dive deep on this, as it will becovered later)Management team/cultural fit∙Capabilities/skills of top, middle management∙Cultural fit, if very different, what percent of keymanagement would likely be able to adjustAbility to execute merger/combine companies∙GB experience with mergers in past/experience inintegrating companies∙Franchise structure differences. Detail “dive” intofranchising structures. Would these different structuresaffect the deal? Can we manage two different franchisingstructures at the same time?=============================================================================================================The team started thinking about potential synergies that could be achieved by acquiring HD. Here are some key facts on GB and HD.QUESTION 2What potential synergies can you think of between GB and HD?ANSWER 2We are looking for a few responses similar to the ones below:∙Lower costs∙Biggest opportunity likely in corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) by integrating corporatemanagement∙May be some opportunity to lower food costs with larger purchasing volume on similar food items (e.g., beverages,deep frying oil), however overlaps may be low as ingredientsare very different∙GB appears to have an advantage in property and equipment costs which might be leveragable to HD (e.g., superiorskills in lease negotiation)Increase revenues∙Sell doughnuts in GB stores, or some selected GB productsin HD stores∙GB has much greater international presence thus likely hasknowledge/skills to enable HD to expand outside of NorthAmerica∙GB may have superior skills in identifying attractivelocations for stores as its sales per store are higher thanindustry average, whereas HD's is lower than industryaverage; might be able to leverage this when opening new HDstores to increase HD average sales per store∙Expand HD faster than it could do on own–GB, as a largercompany with lower debt, may have better access to capital=============================================================================================================QUESTION 3The team thinks that with synergies, it should be possible to double HD’s U.S. market share in the next 5 years, and that GB’s access to capital will allow it to expand the number of HD stores by 2.5 times. What sales per store will HD require in 5 years in order for GB to achieve these goals? Use any data from Exhibit 1 you need, additionally, your interviewer would provide the following assumptions foryou:∙Doughnut consumption/capita in the U.S. is $10/year today, and isprojected to grow to $20/year in 5 years.∙For ease of calculation, assume U.S. population is 300m.ANSWER 3You should always feel free to ask your interviewer additional questions to helpyou with your response.Possible responses might include the following:∙Market share today: $700M HD sales (from Exhibit 1) ÷ $3B U.S. market ($10 x 300M people) = 23% (round to 25% for simplicity sake)∙U.S. market in 5 years = $20 x 300 = $6B∙HD sales if double market share: 50% x $6B = $3B∙Per store sales: $3B/2.5 (1000 stores) = $1.2MDoes this seem reasonable?∙Yes, given it implies less than double same store sales growth and percapita consumption is predicted to double.=============================================================================================================QUESTION 4One of the synergies that the team thinks might have a big potential is the idea of increasing the businesses' overall profitability by selling doughnuts in GB stores. How would you assess the profitability impact of this synergy?ANSWER 4Be sure you can clearly explain how the assessment you are proposing would helpto answer the question posed.Some possible answers include:∙Calculate incremental revenues by selling doughnuts in GB stores(calculate how many doughnuts per store, times price per doughnut, timesnumber of GB stores)∙Calculate incremental costs by selling doughnuts in GB stores (costs of production, incremental number of employees, employee training,software changes, incremental marketing and advertising, incrementalcost of distribution if we cannot produce doughnuts in house, etc.) ∙Calculate incremental investments. Do we need more space in each store if we think we are going to attract new customers? Do we need to invest in store layout to have in-house doughnut production?∙If your answer were to take into account cannibalization, what would be the rate of cannibalization with GB offerings? Doughnut cannibalization will be higher with breakfast products than lunch anddinner products, etc.∙One way to calculate this cannibalization is to look at historiccannibalization rates with new product/offering launchings within GBstores∙Might also cannibalize other HD stores if they are nearby GB store–could estimate this impact by seeing historical change in HD’s sales whencompetitor doughnut store opens nearby=============================================================================================================QUESTION 5What would be the incremental profit per store if we think we are going to sell 50,000 doughnuts per store at a price of $2 per doughnut at a 60 percent margin with a cannibalization rate of 10 percent of GB's sales?ANSWER 5While you may find that doing straightforward math problems in the context of an interview is a bit tougher, you can see that it is just a matter of breaking the problem down. We are looking at both your ability to set the analysis up properlyand then do the math in real time.Based on correct calculations, your response should be as follows: Incremental profit = contribution from HD sales less contribution lost due tocannibalized GB sales= 50K units x $2/unit x 60% margin – 300K units x 10% cannibalization x $3/unitx 50% margin= $60K – 45K = 15K incremental profit/store=============================================================================================================QUESTION 6You run into the CEO of GB in the hall. He asks you to summarize McKinsey’s perspective so far on whether GB should acquire HD. Pretend the interviewer is theCEO–what would you say?ANSWER 6You may have a slightly different list. Whatever your approach, we love to see candidates come at a problem in more than one way, but still address the issue asdirectly and practically as possible.Answers may vary, but here is an example of a response:∙Early findings lead us to believe acquiring HD would create significantvalue for GB, and that GB should acquire HD∙Believe can add $15 thousand in profit per GB store byselling HD in GB stores. This could mean $50 million inincremental profit for North American stores (whereimmediate synergies are most likely given HD has littlebrand presence in rest of world)∙We also believe there are other potential revenue and costsynergies that the team still needs to quantify Once the team has quantified the incremental revenues, cost savings,and investments, we will make a recommendation on the price you shouldbe willing to payWe will also give you recommendations on what it will take to integratethe two companies in order to capture the potential revenue and cost savings, and also to manage the different franchise structures and potentially different cultures of GB and HD。



英语情景面试对话范文Interviewer: Good morning, [Candidate's name]. Thank you for taking the time to come in today.Candidate: Thank you for having me. I'm excited to learn more about the position and the company.Interviewer: Great. Let's get started. First, can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your experience?Candidate: Sure. I'm a recent graduate from XYZ University with a degree in Business Administration. During my studies, I interned with a Fortune 500 company where I gained experience in various aspects of business, including finance, marketing, and operations. I am proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, SAP, and Salesforce. I am also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).Interviewer: That's impressive. What are your strengths and weaknesses?Candidate: My strengths include my analytical and problem-solving skills, my attention to detail, and my ability to work independently and as part of a team. I am also a quick learner and I am always eager to take on new challenges. My weakness is that I can sometimes be a perfectionist, which can lead me to spend too much time on tasks. However, I am aware of this and I am working on improving my time management skills.Interviewer: Thank you. Can you tell me about a time when you had to overcome a challenge?Candidate: In my previous role, I was tasked with leading a project to implement a new software system. The project was complex and there were many challenges along the way. However, I was able to overcome these challenges by working closely with my team, communicating regularly with stakeholders, and staying organized. The project was ultimately a success and it resulted in significant cost savings for the company.Interviewer: That's great to hear. What are your career goals?Candidate: My career goal is to become a successful business leader. I am passionate about helping organizations achieve their goals and I believe that I have the skills and experience to make a significantcontribution to your company.Interviewer: Thank you for sharing that. Do you have any questions for me?Candidate: Yes, I do. Can you tell me more about the company's culture?Interviewer: Sure. Our company is a fast-paced,results-oriented environment. We are committed to providing our employees with the resources and support they need to succeed. We also have a strong focus on work-life balance and we offer a variety of benefits to our employees, including flexible work arrangements, paid time off, and health and wellness programs.Candidate: That sounds like a great environment to work in. I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team.Interviewer: Thank you for your time, [Candidate's name]. We will be in touch soon to let you know our decision.Candidate: Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.End of Interview.。

四大之EY安永面试CASE案例分析:2、Case study - Audit Comm

四大之EY安永面试CASE案例分析:2、Case study - Audit Comm

Flexible working patterns at the Audit CommissionThe Audit Commission is a body in the public sector. This consists of public bodies funded by government and through tax. Its job is to check such bodies are using public money properly. Each public body has to spend its money wisely. An audit is a check. In this case, it is a check on either money or efficiency. It involves the checking of accounts to make sure that they are true and fair. It also checks quality and efficiency. The Audit Commission knows that ways of working have changed over the years. New technology mayallow people to work from home and can help to bring in more flexible working. The Audit Commission has a mission. It is to be 'a driving force in the improvement of public services'. To do this, it employs people at three levels. These 'families' are:∙The audit family - This carries out financial audits. Most of these are accountants who work in teams. They visit public bodies and checktheir books∙The performance audit family - This helps the public sector to function more efficiently∙The functional family - This makes sure that the core functions of the Commission are running smoothly.The Audit Commission needs a flexible workforce to meet its changing needs. Different workers need more flexible ways of working. A number of working patterns have therefore been developed. These include both full-time andpart-time workers, contract workers, job sharing, temporary and permanent staff. Having all of these different contracts helps to provide flexibility, that is:∙numerical - the number of staff can be changed∙functional - the skills to cope with a variety of work can be built∙place of work - employees gain better work-life balance, including working from home. This involves one-off set up costs to providefacilities such as broadband at to assess health and safety.them to if it meets its needs. Both sides can gain from this. For workers, travel to work in London is reduced. Also, child minding can be more flexible and working from home is more family-friendly. In terms of the organisation, it allows them to recruit from a greater range of workers. It also leads to a more diverse workforce.Working from home is based on trust but brings gains to both sides.The main problems of home working are:∙not mixing with other staff and therefore losing the culture of the organisation. Training days, conferences and networking are used tocounter this. There is also an intranet to help workers to stay in touch∙new technologies can fail to function∙health and safety risks. These are covered by making sure risks are reduced and through good insurance∙keeping of confidential files at home. These risks are reduced through clear guidelines.Task:Your group is the Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) task force of the Audit Commission. You are required to present to the Chief Operations Officer on the process to monitor performance of home working employees and the guidelines for data protection and confidentiality.You have 30 minutes to prepare.。



面试10句对话英语作文Title: A Dialogue: Job Interview。


Interviewer: Good morning. Thank you for coming in today.Interviewee: Good morning. It's my pleasure. Thank you for having me.Interviewer: Let's start by discussing your experience. Can you tell me about your previous roles and how they relate to this position?Interviewee: Certainly. In my previous role as a marketing coordinator, I gained valuable experience in developing strategic campaigns and managing social media platforms, which I believe aligns well with the responsibilities of this position.Interviewer: That sounds promising. Can you provide an example of a successful project you worked on in your previous role?Interviewee: Of course. One project that stands out is when I led a team to launch a new product campaign. Through targeted advertising and engaging content, we were able to exceed our sales targets by 20%.Interviewer: Impressive. How do you handle tight deadlines and high-pressure situations?Interviewee: I thrive in fast-paced environments and prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines. I also remain calm under pressure, focusing on solutions rather than getting overwhelmed by the situation.Interviewer: Good to hear. Now, let's talk about your strengths. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?Interviewee: I believe my greatest strength is myability to communicate effectively with diverse teams and stakeholders. Clear communication fosters collaboration and ensures everyone is aligned towards a common goal.Interviewer: Communication is indeed crucial in ourline of work. On the flip side, what areas do you think you need to improve upon?Interviewee: Continuous learning is important to me,and I am always seeking opportunities to enhance my skills. One area I'm currently focusing on is refining my data analysis skills to make more data-driven decisions.Interviewer: That's a proactive approach. Finally, why do you want to work for our company, and what do you hopeto achieve here?Interviewee: I've been following your company's innovative projects and strong commitment to sustainability, which aligns with my values. I'm eager to contribute myskills and learn from the talented team here, ultimatelystriving to make a meaningful impact within the organization.Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights. We'll be in touch regarding the next steps in the hiring process.Interviewee: Thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of joining your team.---。



Bartle v. Home Owers Coop.Froessel , Judge.Plaintiff,as trustee in bankruptcy of Westerlea Builders,Inc.,has by means of this litigation attempted to hold defendant liable for the contract debts of Westerlea, defendant‟ s wholly owend subsidiary. Defendant ,as a co-operative corporation composed mostly of veterans ,was organized in July, 1947,for the purpose of providing low –cost housing for its members.Unable to secure a contractor to undertake construction of the housing planned,Westerlea was organized for that purpose on June 5,1948.With building costs running considerably higher than anticipated,Westerlea,as it proceeded with construction on some 26 houses,found itself in a difficult financial situation. On January 24,1949,the creditors, pursuant to an extension agreement, took over the construction responsibilities.Nearly four years later,in october,1952,Westerlea was adjudicated a bankrupt. Meanwhile,defendant had contributed to Westerlea not only its original capital of $25,000 but additional sums amounting to $25,639.38.Plaintiff‟s principal contention on this appeal is that the courts below erred in refusing to “pierce the corporate veil”of Westerlea’s existence ,as subordinate grounds for recovery he urged that the defendant equitably pledged its assets toward the satisfaction of the debts of the bankrupt‟s creditors,and that the doctrine of unjust enrichment should apply.The trial court made detailed fingdings of fact which have been unanimously affirmed by the appellate division,285 app.div.1113,140 n. y.s. 2d 512,which are clearly supported by the evidence ,and by which we are bound .It found that while the defendant,as owner of the stock of Westerlea,controlled its affairs,the outward indicia of these two separate corporations was at all times maintained during the period in which the creditors extended credit ; that the creditors were in no wise misled;that there was no fraud,and that the defendant performed no act causing injury to the creditors of Westerlea by depletion of assets or otherwise.The trial court also held that the creditors were estoppled by the extension agreement from disputing the separate corporate identities.We agree with the courts below. The law permits the incorporation of a business for the very purpose of escaping personal liability .Gernerally speaking ,the doctrine of “piercing the corporate veil”is invoked “to prevent fraud or to achieve equity”, International Aircraft Trading Co.v.Manufacturers Trust Co.,297 n.y.285,292,79 n. e.2d 249,252. But in the instant case there has been neither fraud,misrepresentation nor illegality. Defendant‟s purpose in placing its construction operation into a sparate corporation was clearly within the limits of our public policy.The judgment appealed from should be affirmed,without costs.Van voorhis ,judge (dissenting).The judgment of the appellate division should be reversed on the law ,as it seems to me ,and plaintiff should have judgment declaring defendant to be liable for the debts of the bankrupt,Westerlea Builders,Inc.,and that defendant holds its real property subject to the claims of creditors of Westerlea. Not only is Westerlea a wholly owened subsidiary of defendant home owners,having the same directors and management ,but also and of primacy importance ,business was done on such a basis that Westerlea could not make a profit. Home owners owned a residential subdivision,Westerlea was organized as a buildingcorporation to erect homes for stockholders of home owners upon lots in this tract. Home owners arranged with Westerlea for the construction of houses and then would sell the lots on which such houses had been erecter to home owners‟ stockholders-at prices fixed by home owners‟ price policy commmittee in su ch amounts as to make no allowance for profit by Westerlea .the obj ect was to benefit home owners‟ stock holders by enabling them to obtain their houses at cost, with no builder‟s profit.The consequence is that described by Latty,subsidiaries and affiliated corporations at pages 138-139:“the subsidiaries had,to begin with ,noting ,made nothing,and could only end up with noting .I t is not surpring that the parent was held liable in each case .” and again: “this set –up is often ,though not necessarily ,found in combination with a scheme whereby the corporation cannot possibly make profits (or can at the most make only nominal profits),and whereby all the net income in the course of the corporation …s business is drained off as operating charges of one sort or another. The presence of this additional factor should remove any doubt that may remain as to the right of the creditor of the corporation not to be limited to the corporate assets for the satisfaction of his debt .”In the present instance, Westerlea was organized with a small capital supplied by home owners,which soon became exhausted.Thereafter,it had no funds and could acquire none over and beyond the actual cost of the houses which it was building for stockholders of home owners .Those stockholders obtained the entire benefit of Westerlea‟s operations by obtaining these houses at cost .Not only was Westerlea allowed no opportunity to make money ,but it was placed in a postion such that if its business were successful and times remained good , it would break even ,otherwise it would inevitably become insolvent.The stockholders of home owners became the beneficiaries of its insolvency. This benefit to the stockholders of home owners was analogous to dividends ,at least it was something of value which was obtained by them from home owners by virtue of their stock ownership.under the circumstances,this venefit to its stockholders was a benefit to home owners as a corporaton .It follows that Westerlea was merely an agent of home owners to construct houses at cost for home owners stockholders ,and therefore home owners is rendered liable for Westerlea‟s indebtedness.Van Voorhis ,J.,dissents in an opinion.Judgment affirmed.。



面试经历对话英语作文A Dialogue on Interview Experience。

Interviewer: Hello, welcome to our company. Please have a seat.Interviewee: Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here.Interviewer: Let's start with some basic questions. Could you please introduce yourself?Interviewee: Certainly. My name is John Smith. I graduated from XYZ University with a degree in Business Administration. I have two years of experience in sales and marketing, and I am eager to expand my skills and knowledge in this field.Interviewer: That sounds impressive. Can you tell me about your previous job experience?Interviewee: Of course. In my previous job, I worked as a sales executive for ABC Company. My responsibilities included identifying potential clients, maintaining relationships with existing clients, and achieving sales targets. I also participated in various marketing campaigns to promote our products and services.Interviewer: That's great. What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses?Interviewee: One of my strengths is my ability to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. I am a good listener and can understand the needs of customers, which helps me provide them with the best solutions. As for weaknesses, I sometimes tend to be too detail-oriented, which may slow down my work progress. However, I am aware of this and have been working on improving my time management skills.Interviewer: That's a good self-awareness. Can you share an example of a challenging situation you faced in your previous job and how you handled it?Interviewee: Certainly. Once, I had a difficult client who was not satisfied with our product. Instead of getting defensive, I took the time to listen to his concerns and understand his expectations. I then worked closely with our technical team to address his issues and provide a customized solution. By maintaining open communication and showing empathy, I was able to turn the situation around and regain the client's trust.Interviewer: Impressive problem-solving skills. How do you handle stress and pressure?Interviewee: When faced with stress and pressure, I try to stay calm and focused. I prioritize my tasks, break them down into smaller, manageable steps, and set realistic deadlines. I also believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration, so I am not afraid to seek help or delegate tasks when necessary.Interviewer: That's a great approach. Do you have any questions for us?Interviewee: Yes, I do. Can you tell me more about the company culture and the opportunities for professional growth within the organization?Interviewer: Our company values teamwork, innovation, and continuous learning. We provide various training programs and opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and advance their careers. We also encourage employees to share their ideas and contribute to the company's growth. Is there anything else you would like to know?Interviewee: No, thank you. I am satisfied with the information provided.Interviewer: Thank you for your time and for sharing your experiences with us. We will be in touch soon.Interviewee: Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you. Have a great day.Interviewer: You too. Goodbye.Interviewee: Goodbye.Note: This dialogue is a fictional conversation created for the purpose of this writing prompt. The content and responses are based on common interview questions and can serve as a reference for interview preparation.。



麦肯锡案例面试题:Magna Health案例分析(英文,有答案)面试, 案例分析Practice CasesMagna HealthIntroductionTo step through this case example, we will give you some information, ask a question, and then, when you are ready, give you a sample answer. We hope that the exercise will give you a sense of the flow of a case interview. (Please note, you can stop this exercise and pick up where you left off later. Your cookies must be on to use this feature).In this exercise, you will answer a series of questions as the case unfolds. We provide our recommended answers after each question, with which you can compare your own answers. We want to emphasize that most questions in a case study do not have a single right answer. In a live case interview, we are more interested in your explanation of how you arrived at your answer, not just the answer itself. An interviewer can always assess different but equally valid ways of approaching an issue, and then bring you back to the particular line of inquiry that he or she wants to pursue.You should also keep in mind that in a live case, there will be far more interaction with the interviewer than this exercise allows. For example, you will have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.Finally, a live case interview would typically be completed in 30 - 45 minutes, depending on how the case evolves. In this on-line exercise, there is no time limit.There are ten questions in this on-line case study. This case study is designed to roughly simulate one during your interview, so you will not be able to skip ahead to the next question until you have answered the one you are on. You can refresh your memory of previous answers by clicking the highlighted Q&A links to the left. To print the answer, click on the print icon that appears in the TOP RIGHT corner. At the end, you can print the entire on-line case study at once.Start Case Study====================================================================== =======================================Client Goal: To determine how to improve its financial situation.Our client is Magna Health, a health care company in the Midwest. It both insures patients and provides health care services. Employers pay a fixed premium to Magna for each of their employees in return for which Magna covers all necessary health services of the employee(ranging from physician care and medications to hospitalization).Magna currently has 300,000 patients enrolled in its plan. It has 300 salaried physician employees who provide a broad range of services to patients in six centers. These physicians represent a wide range of specialty areas, but not all areas. When a patient needs medical treatment in a specialty area not covered by a Magna physician, they are referred outside of the Magna network for care, and Magna pays all referral costs on a fee-for-service basis. Magna does not own any hospitals itself, instead contracting services from several local hospitals.Magna's CEO has retained McKinsey to help determine what is causing the declining profitability and how Magna might fix it.QUESTION 1What key areas would you want to explore in order to understand Magna's decline in profitability? ANSWER 1Some possible areas are given below. Great job if you identified several of these and perhaps some others.Magna's revenuesPrice paid by employer for employee health coverage.Number of employees covered by Magna.Magna's costs (or fixed and variable costs)Magna's main cost components consist of administrative (non-medical) and medical costs (e.g., hospital, drugs, outpatient care)Outpatient costs can be split into internal physician costs versus external referral costsMagna's patient base demographics/overall risk pro may affect medical costs====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 2The team discovers that the demographics of Magna's subscribers have changed significantly in the past 5 years, from majority industrial workers/laborers to majority office employees. Knowing this, are there any specific areas you would investigate first?ANSWER 2We are looking for a few responses, similar to the ones below:Claim costs, as the change in the subscriber base will change the pro diseases (e.g., more heart disease/stress and less work related injury)External referral costs, due to the change in the disease pro which they have in-house competency =============================================================================================================QUESTION 3After reviewing the basics of Magna's business, your team believes that one of the root causes of Magna's financial problems is how it manages medical costs, particularly the cost of referrals to specialists outside of its physician network. Your team has gathered the following information on Magna and its primary competitor, Sunshine HMO:Number of patientsAverage cost of referral(per member per month)Magna Health300,000$20Sunshine HMO500,000$15What are the most likely reasons that the average cost of referral at Magna is higher than at Sunshine? (At this point you should feel free to offer hypotheses, and you could ask your interviewer questions to clarify the information)ANSWER 3Although there are a number of possible responses, you might have the following suggestions:Referral pricing: Magna might be paying more than Sunshine for specialist services (e.g., its outside contracts with oncologists might be at higher rates than Sunshine's contracts).Number of referrals: Magna's physicians might have different practice patterns than Sunshine physicians, i.e., they may be less comfortable treating heart disease patients or have different training/protocols.Mix of specialties: Magna's mix of specialties that requires referrals (cardiology and neurosurgery) are probably more expensive specialties (than cardiology and psychiatry, Sunshine's referral specialties).Mix of patients: Magna has sicker or older (>65) patients (individuals over 65 are more likely to need medical care in the specialty areas outside of Magna's network, particularly cardiology).====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 4What analyses would you do if the things you suggest were contributing to this problem? ANSWER 4In giving the answer, it's useful if you are clear about how the analysis you are proposing would help to answer the question posed.You might take the following approach, where we’ve outlined different areas of analysis:Referral pricing:Gain data on prices currently being paid by Magna for a sample of common specialtiesGain similar data for a competitor if possible for an industry average (perhaps through interviews with non-Magna specialists)Number of referrals:Interview Magna physicians and non-Magna physicians to see if any obvious behavioral differences existConsult industry publications on this issueMix of specialties:Check number of referrals by specialty for Magna and estimate similar for SunshineInterviews with external specialties used by Sunshine may help again hereMix of patients:Compare demographic data for Magna and Sunshine: should be easy to obtain from Magna; a scan of the employee schemes covered by Sunshine should give a good general picture of their demographic profileSee if Magna's referral cost has increased in line with the change in demographics of the subscribers====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 5Magna's CEO has a hypothesis that Magna is paying too much in cardiology referral costs for its patient population. He asks the McKinsey team to look at Magna's cardiac patient population more closely and tell him how many referrals he should expect on an annual basis. Assume the following:Magna has 300,000 patients in any one year20 percent of its patients are age 65 or olderIn the U.S., patients with serious heart disease visit specialists (cardiologists) on average of five times per yearYou should always feel free to ask your interviewer additional questions to help you with your response. In this case, you should recognize the need to know the prevalence rate of serious heart disease to complete this calculation. Once asked, your interviewer would provide you with the following information:The prevalence rate of serious heart disease in the 65+ population is 30 percentThe prevalence rate of serious heart disease in the under age 65 population is 10 percentANSWER 5While you may find that doing straightforward math problems in the context of an interview is a bit tougher, you can see that it is just a matter of breaking the problem down. We are looking for both your ability to set the analysis up properly and then to do the math in real time.Based on the correct calculations, your response should be as follows: Magna should expect210,000 cardiac referrals annually based on its patient population. You should have approached the calculations as follows to arrive at that answer:300,000 total patients20 percent x 300,000 = 60,000 patients age 65+18,000 x 5 = 90,000 referrals per year240,000 Magna patients under the age of 65240,000 patients x 10 percent = 24,000 patients under age 65 with serious heart disease and 24,000 x 5 visits peryear = 120,000 visits per year total90,000 + 120,000 visits per year = 210,000 total Magna patient external cardiology visits====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 6When the team tells Magna's CEO that based on Magna's patient population he should expect about 210,000 cardiology referrals a year he exclaims, "We currently pay for 300,000 annual cardiology referrals for our patient population!"Why might Magna's annual cardiology referrals be significantly higher than U.S. averages?What would you do to try to verify if any of these were a key cause of this problem?ANSWER 6We would not expect you to come up with all of these answers, but we hope some of your answers head in the same direction as ours. Yours may bring some additional insights. In either case, be sure that you can clearly explain how your reasons will bring you closer to why the referrals might be higher.There are a number of answers to these questions, and you are on the right track if your responses included some of the ones below:The prevalence rate of heart disease in Magna's patient population is higher than average. To see if this was a cause of the problem, McKinsey should audit the internal data on heart disease prevalence and compare it to US National data.Magna's primary care physicians are referring patients who do not have serious heart disease to specialists. The team should interview specialists to get their opinion, or follow through a sample of patients who were referred.Primary care physicians are not comfortable (e.g., they are poorly trained or inexperienced) treating cardiac patients, even those with minor problems; they want to avoid malpractice suits. McKinsey should interview Magna physicians and institute an external review.Magna doesn't have clear guidelines on when physicians should be referring patients to specialists (or if guidelines exist, physicians are not complying with them). The team should gain an expertopinion on the current guidelines to see if this was a key cause of the problem.There are no incentives or penalties to prevent physicians from referring patients with less serious problems to specialists. In order to verify this is a key cause of the problem, the team should review incentive schemes if they exist. They should also compare similar companies/situations (e.g., prescription control mechanisms, etc.).====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 7At this point in the study, you bump into Magna's Head of Health Services in the corridor. He is responsible for all matters related to the provision of services to subscribers, both inside and outside the Magna Network. He asks you if you have made any progress. How would you respond?ANSWER 7Think about the person you are talking with, and how best to communicate the findings you have come up with so far.The ability to come to a logical, defensible synthesis based on the information available at any point in an engagement is critical to the work we do. Even though we'd consider ourselves to be early in the overall project at this point in the case, we do want to be able to share our current perspective. One ideal answer would include the following points:FindingsWe have investigated all the drivers of profit for Magna. Although there is likely to be room for improvement in a lot of areas, it seems the claims cost is a big area for improvement.Relative to the market and to competitors, Magna seems to have high claims cost per patient. Our initial indication is that there may be highest room for improvements in the cost of referrals outside the network.There are a number of reasons as to why this may be happening (list as in previous question). Next StepsWe are working to pin down the most significant reasons why Magna has high claims cost per patient.We are going to be looking into other areas such as reduction potential in other costs, as well as improvement potential in terms of premiums or other sources of revenue.====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 8After some additional investigation, your team thinks that changing the behavior of Magna'sprimary care physicians has potential to reduce cardiac referral costs while maintaining high-quality care. The team believes that introducing some sort of incentive plan for physicians might help reduce the referral rate.The team's idea for a pilot plan is to increase overall fees that Magna pays to primary care physicians to handle more of their patients' basic cardiology needs. Overall fee increases would total $1 million.In addition to the team's proposal, Magna's medical director wants to pilot the following idea: Magna pays bonuses of $100,000 per year to each of the 10 primary care physicians with the lowest cardiac referral rates consistent with good patient outcomes.Although the team mentions to the medical director that there are other issues to consider relating to the pilot that are not financial, such as the ethical impact of incentivizing physicians not to refer patients to specialist treatment, he wants the team to do the first calculation including both ideas. How many fewer cardiology referrals will Magna need to have in order to recoup the cost of the pilot incentive plan (including the team's and the medical director's idea)? For simplicity’s sake assume:The cost of a cardiology referral is $200.Magna currently has 300,000 cardiology referrals per year.ANSWER 8If the incentive plan reduces cardiology referrals by 3.3 percent or 10,000 referrals, Magna will recoup the cost of the incentive plan. One potential approach to the calculation:$1 million + (10 * $100,000) = $2 million for incentive plan$2 million/$200 =10,000 referrals10,000 referrals/300,000 total referrals = 3.3 percent reduction would pay for incentive program====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 9Your team projects that the incentive plan has the potential to reduce referrals by 5 percent in its first year, and an additional 2 percent in its second year. If these projections are correct, how much referral cost could Magna save in total over the first two years of the incentive plan?ANSWER 9Referral costs would be $4.14 million lower in the second year. Over the two years Magna would save $7.14 million. One potential approach to the calculation:Year 1 Savings with Program300,000 total referrals5 percent reduction in referrals = 15,000 referrals15,000 x $200 = $3.0 million in savings in year 1Year 2 Savings with Program285,000 total referrals2 percent reduction in referrals = 5,700 referrals5,700 x $200 = $1.14 million in savings$3 + $1.14 = $4.14 million in savingsTherefore, total cumulative savings over the 2 years = Year 1 savings + Year 2 savings = $3.0m + $4.14m = $7.14m.====================================================================== =======================================QUESTION 10Your team presents its physician incentive proposal to Magna’s CEO. The CEO, in consultation with his medical director, agrees that this is feasible and says that they will definitely pilot the overall higher fees to primary care physicians to handle more of the basic cardiology needs and they will think about the idea with the bonuses again due to the ethical concerns the team raised.At the end of the meeting the CEO says, "I like the work you’ve done, but even if we did implement the bonus payment it's not enough to address our current financial situation. Physicians are professionals who care deeply about patient care and I think there's a limit to how much cost we can expect to reduce utilizing financial incentives exclusively. Besides cardiac financial incentive programs, what other ideas should we consider to reduce the cost of Magna's specialist referrals?"Based on what we have discussed today, and any other ideas you might have, how would you respond to the CEO?ANSWER 10You may have a slightly different list. Whatever your approach, we love to see candidates come at a problem in more than one way, but still address the issue as directly and practically as possible. This question is a good one for demonstrating creativity because there's a long list of possible ideas. You might give the following response:Pursue additional ways to change physician behaviorProvide training on how to treat patients with minor or stable medical problemsDefine and clarify medical guidelines for referrals (e.g., establish a medical committee to define the difference between “serious” and "minor" heart disease)Institute peer review committee charged with approving a subset of referrals (e.g., those that are considered "high cost")Spend time investigating "outlier" physicians (i.e., those who seem to refer patients to specialists at much higher rates than others) to determine how widespread the referral problem is and whether simply focusing on a few physicians will dramatically reduce referral costsDetermine whether Magna can reduce referral costs in the other medical areas where it does not have specialists (i.e., neurosurgery)Look at the contracts Magna has for specialist services to determine if it is paying too much relative to competitorsConsider whether bringing cardiology, neurosurgery, and oncology specialists in-house (i.e., within Magna) might reduce cost转载请注明出自应届生求职招聘论坛,本贴地址:6794-1-1.html。



情景英文面试模板作文英文:Interviewer: Can you give me an example of a difficult situation you faced and how you handled it?Me: Sure, I remember a time when I was working on a project with a tight deadline and one of my colleagues fell sick, leaving me to complete his part of the work as well. It was a challenging situation as I had to manage my own work as well as his, but I took the initiative toprioritize the tasks and worked late hours to ensure everything was completed on time. I also communicated with my manager about the situation and asked for additional support, which helped me to stay on track.中文:面试官,你能举个例子说明你曾经面对过的困难情况以及你是如何处理的吗?我,当然,我记得有一次我在一个紧急期限的项目上工作,其中一个同事生病了,让我不得不完成他的工作。






2023年特斯拉招聘面试案例分析样题和答案英文2023 Tesla Recruitment Interview Case Analysis Sample Questions and AnswersIntroductionThis document presents a set of sample questions and answers for the Tesla recruitment interview in 2023. These questions provide an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in various areas related to Tesla's operations and the electric vehicle industry.Sample Questions and Answers1. Q: Can you briefly explain the mission and vision of Tesla?Q: Can you briefly explain the mission and vision of Tesla?- Its focus on electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions.- The integration of cutting-edge technology in its vehicles, such as Autopilot and over-the-air updates.3. Q: How do Tesla's Supercharger stations contribute to the advancement of electric vehicles?Q: How do Tesla's Supercharger stations contribute to the advancement of electric vehicles?4. Q: As a Tesla owner, how would you describe the benefits and challenges of driving an electric vehicle?Q: As a Tesla owner, how would you describe the benefits and challenges of driving an electric vehicle?A: Benefits of driving a Tesla electric vehicle include: Benefits of driving a Tesla electric vehicle include:- Lower environmental impact with zero tailpipe emissions.- Reduced operating costs due to lower maintenance and electricity costs.- Access to over-the-air updates, enhancing vehicle performance and adding new features.Challenges may include:- Limited charging infrastructure in certain areas.- Potential range anxiety on long trips.5. Q: Can you explain Tesla's approach to autonomous driving and its implications for the future?Q: Can you explain Tesla's approach to autonomous driving and its implications for the future?ConclusionThese sample questions and answers offer a glimpse into the types of topics that may be discussed during a Tesla recruitment interview in 2023. It is important for candidates to prepare and showcase their knowledge and understanding of Tesla's mission, innovations, and the electric vehicle industry as a whole.。



Case_Interview案例面试案例面试(Case Interview)是一种常见的面试方式,特殊在咨询、金融和科技行业中被广泛采用。






二、案例面试类型1. 市场调研案例:此类案例要求应聘者对市场进行调研,分析竞争对手、消费者需求以及市场趋势。


2. 运营优化案例:这种案例要求应聘者分析企业的运营流程,找出潜在问题并提出改进方案。


3. 财务分析案例:此类案例要求应聘者对财务数据进行分析,并提出相应的财务建议。


4. 战略规划案例:这种案例要求应聘者对企业的战略进行分析,并提出相应的战略规划。


三、应对策略1. 理清思路:在面对案例面试时,应聘者首先要理清思路,明确问题的关键点。


2. 数据分析:案例面试通常会提供大量数据,应聘者需要具备数据分析的能力。


3. 结构化思维:在回答问题时,应聘者需要采用结构化思维,将问题拆解成多个子问题,并逐一解决。


4. 沟通表达:案例面试不仅考察应聘者的分析能力,还考察其沟通和表达能力。



PricewaterhouseCoopersCASE DISCUSSIONBUSINESS CASEInterview Case Study #1Roane & Hickey, Inc.You have been recently hired into the Strategic Change (SC) group, a business unit of PricwaterhouseCoopers. SC is the strategy thought leader in PwC. The engagement partner in Consumer Products has come to SC to help develop a strategy for Roane & Hickey, Inc. (R&H). This engagement has the potential of positioning PwC to R&H and its parent conglomerate for the next five, possible ten years.Company BackgroundR&H is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a multi-national conglomerate. The conglomerate owns ten companies operating in the . R&H is the largest of the ten. R&H is a consumer goods company distributing well-known branded products through grocery, drug, mass merchant and club channels. With $4 billion in revenues in the ., R&H is one of the top three players in the consumer goods industry. The company has been marginally profitable over the past ten years. Last year the company made a profit due largely to an accounting change.Although R&H only operates in the ., it owns several manufacturing and distribution facilities around the world to support its production and distribution systems. R&H takes advantage of lower labor costs in Mexico, Canada and Southeast Asia to lower its manufacturing costs. R&H still maintains three plants in the . Because of the over-capacity that R&H has experienced, R&H has negotiated deals with sister companies overseas to manufacture and direct-ship product.R&H has four market segments that operate as profit centers. The market segments are: Personal Hygiene, Consumer Tissue, Soaps and Detergents and Personal Care. Even though the revenues are roughly evenly divided among all four market segments, Personal Care contributes 90% of the company's profits. In Personal Care, R&H owns the two top branded products, in the other categories the company has the number two brand, and in one segment, number three. R&H has committed to building a consumer franchise through aggressive advertising and in-store merchandising support.Industry TrendsIn the ., brands are under attack from private labels, who are now competing on both price and quality. Brands are looking to justify their price premiums. The value of being the number one brand cannot be taken lightly. The return on sales of the top brand is almost twice that of the number two brand. The return on sales for the number two brand is twice that of the number three brand.The power of the retail industry in the . has increased dramatically over the past five years. The retailers are driving additional costs upon manufacturers. With established products, retailers are demanding a minimal level of turns per year. With new products, retailers are demanding slotting fees and ever-increasing promotional support. Product managers are forced to achieve current product revenue and market share goals while stimulating demand for new products. Many industry experts feel that there will be consolidation of brands within many of the market segments in which R&H competes and, as a result of this brand consolidation, that R&H will lose critical sales mass and become a major casualty.In the last two years the allocation of marketing dollars has changed dramatically; trade promotion has risen to 40% of total marketing spending, consumer promotion has climbed slightly and advertising has declined. Industry analysts have pointed to R&H's trade promotion strategy as being the catalyst for the growth in trade promotion in the industry as competitors have been forced to respond.R&H is widely regarded as a retail-oriented company. With a sales force that is twice the size of anyone else's in the industry, R&H has forged great retail relationships over the years. R&H traditionally had the best order fill rate in the business; however, recently some of the efforts to reduce inventory has caused shortages in key promoted products.R&H OrganizationThere are six Executive Vice Presidents (EVPs) in R&H responsible for functional areas. All the EVPs report to the President, who is also CEO. The Executive Vice Presidents represent Marketing, Sales, Finance, Manufacturing, Engineering and Human Resources. The EVP of Finance has responsibility for financial reporting and analyses as well as managing Procurement, Deployment, Scheduling and Logistics. All the market segment managers report directly to the Executive Vice President of Marketing.Much of the blame for the performance of the company over the last ten years fell on the shoulders of the former president. It was whispered that he was from the "old school" and could not change his ways. The new president of R&H, an American, joined the company six months ago. He was the Executive Vice President of an important European division of a sister company. The conglomerate has always prided itself on being able to leverage itsmulti-national resources.Current SituationVenn Teldren, the Executive Vice President of Finance, is considered to be a brilliant man by many in the industry. Born and raised in Europe, Mr. Teldren rose quickly through the organization. However, because of his outspoken nature, he angered enough senior level executives ("showed up" as Mr. Teldren would say) that he has never received a position of president, even though his name is mentioned every time an opening appears.Recently the vice chairperson of the conglomerate responsible for the group in which R&H is a member, sat down with the R&H President and EVPs. The vice chairperson stated that the company needed to improve performance within one year. He offered a couple of scenarios of what the conglomerate was considering in the event that the management failed to improve profitability.Scenario 1: Drop unprofitable brands and reduce the size of the companyScenario 2: Merge the company with a sister company that has similardistribution requirements and have proven profitabilityRecent InitiativesR&H has recently taken part in an industry-wide study called Efficient Customer Response or ECR. The study found that an industry-wide effort to develop more efficient trade practices and delivery systems could save an aggregated $30 billion dollars a year. PwC assisted R&H in this study. All the EVPs agree that there are huge dollar savings that can be achieved with efficiency improvements.Venn believes that the supply chain ., Procurement, Manufacturing, Deployment, Scheduling, Logistics, and Warehousing) can become a strategic advantage for the company if it can outperform its competitors. PwC studies have shown that improvements cannot be made without the input or the support of all the functional areas of the company, especially Marketing and Sales. The EVPs from Marketing and Sales do not always see the Supply Chain as key players; in fact, the EVPs of Marketing and Sales see the Supply Chain as only a vendor to them.Venn knows that the results of the ECR initiative may not be enough to rally support among the EVPs. Venn knows that whatever strategy is accepted needs to define the roles of each of the EVPs and to provide an outlet for each EVP to demonstrate his and her skills. He is also aware that the other EVPs are very conscious of the growth of Venn's power. Each EVP will initiate a project with the assumption that the architect of the solution to R&H's current situation will be in position for the next presidency.The EVP of Human Resource has championed the need to implement a whole new way of envisioning the company working together. She has envisioned a flatter organization and has spent years developing studies with another leading consultancy to support her vision. She has a strong supporter in the EVP of Sales. The present EVP of Sales was originally from Human Resources. Her vision has always entailed an extensive re-structuring and re-training effort.The EVP of Engineering feels that the company needs to invest in its new product capability. The strategy is to acquire smaller, regional companies that are producing differentiated products. "We can absorb them into us and stimulate our new product pipeline," he stated. "With these new, regionally proven products, we can fill capacity and leverage our distribution and sales strength. I can also energize my area with fresh ideas. It's win-win, no doubt about it."The EVP of Manufacturing is sick and tired of hearing that manufacturing is the problem. He points to the fact that they re producing and shippingthree times the product they were five years ago with the same number of people they had eight years ago. If things don't change in other areas, then things won't change in Manufacturing, other than the inability to support the orders coming in.The EVP of Marketing believes that a combination of re-structuring and acquisition is needed. He wants to reduce the salesperson's role with the retailer and focus on consumer spending behind a "high quality" message grounded in tangible product benefits across all product segments. He wants to broaden the product mix with new products from acquisition.The EngagementVenn has mentioned to Gary Forstman, the PwC engagement partner, that he is willing to devote the necessary resources in his functional areas to prove out the right strategy to the other EVPs. Venn has also indicated that the company is willing to devote significant resources and capabilities to the right effort. "All the EVPs know," he said, "that there will be whole-scale changes if the company doesn't turn itself about."Mr. Forstman has called Grady Means, ISS SBU leader and partner, and said, "This is PricewaterhouseCoopers’ first major engagement with R&H after several years of smaller engagements where we were able to demonstrate our ability to implement solutions. Now we have an opportunity to really shine. The company is re-evaluating its strategic position and has asked several consulting firms to talk to them." Grady discussed the situation with ISS partner, Michael Hanley, and they agreed that you would be a great person to work on this project. You receive a call from Grady. Hello, How are you doing After exchanging pleasantries, Grady explains the situation to you. "We need some dynamic thinking on this one. I know Venn Teldren from years ago. Venn is going to be all over us if we don't get this right. What's important is that we show Venn that we have a vision of where the company needs to go, how the parts fit together and how they are going to get there. What is important is that our analysis is fact-based. We need to be ready to say to Venn, "This is the situation, this is the problem, this is the solution and this is step one, step two, step three on what you need to do tomorrow." This is a big opportunity for us and I'm counting on you. See what you can come up with by this time next week. Feel free to call Michael or myself with any questions. Okay, talk to you soon.Questions1. What is your assessment of the present situation2. What are the key areas for change Why do you believe so3. What do you envision your product to be in a week4. What type of additional information would you want5. What type of analysis do you believe needs to be performed6. Do you have an idea concerning the analytical structure7. What type of framework might you envision for this strategy8. What are the key elements you would include in designing a strategy9. What are the key elements you would include in implementing a strategy10. What is your assessment concerning R&H's ability to implementa strategy11. What are some key performance indicators that you would suggest12. What are the key issues between the Supply Chain and other areas of the company(such as Marketing and Sales) that must be addressed13. What are some ways that improvements in the Supply Chainwill impact the other areas of the company, especially Marketing and Sales14. How does Supply Chain effect the value of the company's brands15. What are the risks that the PwC team faces in this engagementPricwaterhouseCoopersCASE DISCUSSIONBUSINESS/STRATEGYInterview Case Study #2Telekenesis Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers has recently proposed on, and appears to have won, a major engagement to create an information technology strategy for Telekenesis. PricwaterhouseCoopers has worked for Telekenesis in the past, but has not done any significant work for over a year and a half. This is PricwaterhouseCoopers' first substantial engagement with the company.Company BackgroundTelekenesis was formed in 1992 by executives from four former Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) and two principals in Silicon Valley technology start-ups. One of the principals is from a start-up company that pioneered a new kind of wireless propagation technology.Telekenesis was founded on the principle that the current telecommunications industry is populated with companies who are almost congenitally incapable of optimizing their form of organization and culture to meet the competitive challenges of the 1990s. The founders believe that local loop technology, which relies on communication devices which are peers in a large technology community, where every device has a permanent and unchangeable identification, is the silver bullet of the telecommunications industry, and that the RBOCs are not ready or willing to exploit it. Local loop technology (LLT) is considered by RBOC management to be radical, unproven and unreliable.Telekenesis Inc. is modestly profitable, with $131,000,000 in sales and approximately 200,000 customers spread out over four adjacent, mostly rural geographies. Approximately 90% of its sales come from four small local telephone companies. The company's strategy is to use the operating experience and customer positioning of the four local telephone companies to develop and implement local loop wireless service or LLWS (often pronounced "laws"). The concept behind this service is based on the fact that the current phone companies control wiring to and from a central office facility. This facility is in effect a big switching box. The central office acts like a big hub with many spokes radiating from it. LLWS eliminates the central office and substitutes simple, unobtrusive, premises wireless relay equipment. There is at least one local loop server facility that is somewhat analogous to a central office but not needed to maintain service. The server facility is used to monitor quality and provide a trap for billing.Local loop wireless services are fully integrated. They include telephonic communication as well as cellular, pager, on-demand video, and "highway" services. Highway services permit companies within the local loop to communicate with each other as if they were on a large universal local area network. Computers located in both home and office are immediately interconnected by the local loop. Importantly, there are literally no wires involved in any of these services (except of course for plugging into the wall to getelectricity). Physical customer hook-ups are non-existent. Customers are granted access, and services and information are secured through software interfaces in LLWS devices, such as television sets, laptop computers, pagers, etc. Telekenesis has a number of arrangements with software and hardware vendors to create LLWS devices.Understandably, the industry discounts LLWS as another "high tech California fantasy." Bell Core engineers, while acknowledging the future potential of local loop technology, dispute Telekenesis's claims that the bandwidth and quality is actually present in production, commercially available products to be installed in the real world.Telekenesis' doctrine is to completely convert all 200,000 current subscribers of the four local phone companies at once, with no phase in. Each of the four local companies will be converted separately.Telekenesis bought the four local phone companies in order to have large scale pilot sites for local loop wireless services. Telekenesis' fundamental business proposition is that the changing regulatory landscape will allow it to compete with local Bell telephone companies, providing a higher performance, lower cost alternative to the existing local phone companies for local and long-distance telephone service, paging, cable ., and cellular phones.Industry TrendsThe early 1980s were a time of turmoil for the telecommunications industry. For the first time in history, AT&T was deregulated and lost its monopoly status. This meant competition for AT&T where none had existed before. Long-distance was the arena of competition."Telecommunications" includes much more than simply making a phone-call. It encompasses cable television service and network connectivity which brings interactive television, shopping forums, education and information services into the home. The phone lines that the telecommunications companies control enable computers to communicate from remote locations, and can gather information from databases and news services around the world within seconds.The possibilities for profits in this arena are practically limitless, and the sphere of competition is expanding. Up to 1994, only long-distance carriers were in competition, but local calling areas are going to be opened up for competition in the late 1990s.Telekenesis OrganizationThere are currently three business units: 1) residential, which is divided into the "plain vanilla" customers that have only one phone line into the house and no add-ons such as cellular phones, pagers, additional lines, etc. and 2) residential customers who have add-on services and are good candidates for taking advantage of the new technology; and 3) small business. Each of Telekenesis's business units has a President who reports to the CEO. In addition, R&D and Technology Assurance, essentially a quality management program, also report directly to the CEO. Telekenesis is tightly controlled by the principals who founded the company and all the senior positions just described are held by the founders.There are really no Corporate functional areas such as Finance, Purchasing, Distribution, and Human Resources. These functions exist in the original phone companies as they did before the companies were acquired. An outsider with the title of Chief Financial Officer runs the Corporate functional area. She had a brief tenure as the CFO of an RBOC. The Technology Assurance Group helps support the existing communications and networking infrastructure.Telekenesis Current SituationPricewaterhouseCoopers was retained because of their knowledge of the RBOCs and an audit relationship with the four local phone companies. They were retained by Telekenesis for special start-up services, legal and regulatory counsel and assistance in dealing with obtaining additional venture capital financing. Because of the technology nature of Telekenesis, the PricwaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services partner contacted IT Strategic Services. The Firm has now been asked to deal with the operational dimensions of Telekenesis as it commences detailed tactical planning for LLWS activation. Another management consulting firm is providing some business strategy consulting to Telekenesis.PricewaterhouseCoopers has been asked to propose on three major stages of work: 1) process vision; 2) tactical doctrine; 3) infrastructure and value. These are meant to give Telekenesis "process efficacy." This is their language.The current company is, in effect, the combination of the four small southern telephone companies that were acquired and are now operated by Telekenesis. However, except for top management, the vast majority of employees of the telephone companies were retained, as were the administrative and operational support systems. Some of those employees are very excited to be able to participate in this opportunity, but a lot of the old timers are dubious and apprehensive.All telephone company processes and functions are essentially the same as before the acquisition by Telekenesis. Telekenesis concentrated on establishing a simple, "no frills" system for collecting financial and operating information on the telephone companies but did virtually nothing to change the actual operations of the companies.Marley and Cratchet (the two silicon valley entrepreneurs) expect that the consultant selected will be able to bring fresh creative ideas to the process of what they term is "...creating a 21st Century company for a 21st Century business." Included in their definition of process efficacy is the notion of "enterprise extensibility," or put more simply put the capability to seamless team with external suppliers in a variety of value-adding, integrative relationships that can be episodic or persistent. Particularly important is the aspect of Telekenesis strategy in which vendors will provide LLWS compatible devices to customers who will pay a one-time $15 fee for the equipment.All four Telekenesis executives expect that the process efficacy initiatives will include information systems and technology strategy and planning. They want the consultant to provide a guaranteed "operational profile" that states that the recommended configuration of hardware and software, costing $xx and operational by 19yy will be able to support the local loop wireless service business.There are four distinct flavours of legacy systems across the four companies. Hardware and software is different, with three of the companies having an IBM mainframe in addition to other computers. Telekenesis installed IMRS on a high end x486 computer to provide financial consolidation and reporting of the four companies. Spreadsheet disks prepared at month end are FedExed to Telekenesis home office in Bernardsville, New Jersey and loaded into IMRS.QuestionsDo you believe you have enough information to develop an Business/IT strategy for this client If no, what additional information would you requireWhat skills would the consulting team need to successfully complete this engagement How would you structure the work for this engagementWhat are the risks that Telekenesis facesShould PwC guarantee an "operational profile" If so, should there be any caveats included in the guaranteeWhat types of business processes will be neededHow would you integrate the processes of the four existing local phone companies and TelekenesisWhat kinds of information systems will the company requireWhere can PwC add the most value in the engagement ., of all the items that Telekenesis requested assistance with, where should we focus)。



Case 4: NSM-North Sports MotorCase 内容:版本1:中国最大汽车制造商进入印度,进入高端汽车市场,可是遇到了质量和安全的问题。

版本2:我的case是个叫North Sports Motor的中国公司,在中国发展的不错,主打价格低廉的SUV,市场份额很高,公司在进军国际市场的初期还顺利,但品牌口碑并不好,产品安全问题,设计抄袭问题层出不穷。



现在公司要进行品牌的转型,给大家一个安全可信赖的品牌感觉版本4:NMS是个中国的汽车生产商,,主打产品是SUV和light vans 啥的,它的SUV 在中国市场排名第一。

但是这个公司最近遇到了很多负面问题,后面第三页有写具体是那些负面问题,一个是被意大利的一个企业告他侵权,另一个是澳大利亚发现他的toxic chemical不合格,然后发现他的safety and health standard 低于澳大利亚的市场标准,被召回啥的。

还有就是它的发动机太小,然后性能也不太好,售后做的也不太好,消费者有很多complaint 。

它的reputation是:sellable but unsafety , 为了扭转现状,公司制定了新战略,即“quality,safety and reliability”版本5:以前这个car manufacturer发展很好,SUV销售量一直不错,后来出现质量上的问题。

分了三个region说问题,一个是poor quality,一个是copyright的问题,还有一个是没有达到health and safety的standard,之后说这个公司打算转型进入luxury market神马神马的。

版本6:第一面是简介NSM公司:NSM公司是中国领先的汽车制造商,SUV产品在中国占据很大的市场份额,同时还生产Sports Truck(个人感觉是皮卡,就是学车的时候学的那种车型)和Light Van(个人感觉是一种小货车?)。



成功的英文面试案例成功的英文面试案例Case Study-An Interview With Shell Oil panyThe Shell Oil pany is well known for its human resource assessment methodology, which has proven successful in the identification and selection of candidates for its global operations. Its approach and assessment criteria have been adopted by somegover____ent agencies for selecting scholars andpublic officials. While it is not a financial institution, the experience documented below is the first-hand real life experience of one of the authors that has applicability and relevance on interviewing with global financial institutions.Case study-The Shell Oil pany Interview Experience 壳牌石油公司以其人事评估方法著称,该方法成功地为其在全世界的机构选拔了大量优秀人才。



案例分析^p 壳牌石油公司面试经历The second largest global oil giant and a Fortune 500 pany, Shell is known for its stringent selection criteria when it es to executive hiring. The interview process of this world-class pany is very thorough and demands a lot out of a candidate. The whole experience is exhausting (it lasts approximately 6 hoursincluding lunch) and one has to be very well prepared mentally to perform well.The setting is as such: The candidate, along with 5-6 other short-listed candidates, is invited to a local hotel/resort/country club for a day. The panel that will be interviewing you consists of senior managers from different divisions of the pany.One point to note for perspective: Through this thorough interview process, the pany seeks to employ candidates who can eventually progress to a General Management position in one of the pany’s numerousdivisions. The various stages of the long process include:作为全球第二大石油公司和财富500强企业,壳牌公司在挑选人才方面极为严格。



英文面试优秀范文English:During my past experiences, I've honed my ability to adapt to new environments and collaborate effectively with diverse teams. One instance stands out when I joined a multinational project team where members came from various cultural backgrounds. Despite initial challenges in communication and understanding, I quickly recognized the value of cultural diversity and actively sought ways to bridge any gaps. I initiated regular team-building activities that incorporated elements from different cultures, fostering a more cohesive and understanding atmosphere within the team. Through open communication and empathy, we were able to leverage our diverse perspectives to solve complex problems and deliver successful outcomes. This experience taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity and the power of inclusive teamwork in achieving shared goals.Translated content:在我的过往经历中,我锻炼了适应新环境并有效与不同团队合作的能力。



英文面试对话作文模板英文:Interviewer: Can you tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer?Me: Sure. One time, I was working at a retail store and a customer came in with a defective product that they had purchased a few weeks prior. They were very upset and demanding a refund, but our store policy stated that we could only offer exchanges for defective products. I calmly explained the policy to the customer and offered to exchange the product for a new one. However, the customer continued to be irate and started yelling at me. I remained calm and professional, and eventually the customer calmed down and accepted the exchange.中文:面试官,你能告诉我一次你处理困难顾客的经历吗?我,可以。








英文面试对话作文素材模板英文回答:Interviewer: "Tell me about a challenge you faced and how you overcame it."Me: "Sure. One of the most significant challenges I encountered was during my previous role as a marketing manager. We were launching a new product into a highly competitive market, and we had a limited budget. To overcome this, I developed a creative and cost-effective marketing strategy that utilized social media, influencer partnerships, and email campaigns. As a result, we exceeded our sales targets by 15%, proving that with creativity and strategic thinking, even the most formidable challenges can be overcome."Interviewer: "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"Me: "My strengths include my strong analytical skills,my ability to think strategically, and my passion forstaying up-to-date with industry trends. I am also a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a proventrack record of success. As for my weaknesses, I would say that I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist at times, and I sometimes take on more than I can handle. However, I am actively working on these areas and believe that they will not hinder my ability to perform effectively in this role."Interviewer: "Why are you interested in this position?"Me: "I am very interested in this position because it aligns perfectly with my career goals and skillset. I have been actively seeking opportunities to leverage mymarketing expertise in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.I am confident that I can make a significant contributionto your team and help drive the success of your business."Interviewer: "Do you have any questions for me?"Me: "Yes, I do. I would like to know more about the company's culture and its commitment to employeedevelopment. I am also interested in learning more aboutthe specific responsibilities and expectations of this role."中文回答:关于挑战的经历:在担任营销经理期间,我曾面临一个重大的挑战。



《面试案例BATNA》PPT 课件
BATNA是指谈判中的最佳替代方案,了解BATNA的重要性对于成功的谈判至关 重要。本课件将介绍BATNA的定义、优势和目标,以及如何确定和改善自己的 BATNA。
BATNA指的是最佳替代方案(Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)。它 是在谈判中,如果无法达成协议,可以选择的最好的备选方案。
通过了解BATNA,可以争 取到更好的条件和利益。
有备选方案可以减少风 险,降低失败的影响。
了解自己的BATNA可以为 谈判提供更多选择,增 加灵活性。
评估现实条件,分析市场环 境和竞争情况,以确定备选 方案。
了解自身的实力和弱点,找 到适合自己的最佳备选方案。
求职谈判中,如果薪资无法达成共识,可 以考虑其他公司的工作机会。
合作项目中,如果合作方条件不合理,可 以考虑寻找其他合作伙伴。
2 确定自身BATNA
1 增强谈判力量
2 提高决策效率
3 保护自身利益


Candidate: Thank you for having me.
1. Interviewer: Let's start with a few basic questions. Can you tell me about your previous work experience?
Candidate: Of course. I have been working in the marketing industr started as a marketing assistant and was later promoted to a marketing manager at my previous company.
Sure! Here is an example of a conversation during an English job interview:
Interviewer: Hello, thank you for coming in today. Please have a seat.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time. We will be in touch soon.
Candidate: Thank you for the opportunity to interview. I look forward to potentially being a part of your team.
6. Interviewer: Lastly, do you have any questions for us?
Candidate: Yes, I'm curious about the company culture and opportunities for professional development within the team.
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跨国公司英语面试试题Below are sample questions that have been asked by top-tier consulting firms during the p ast two recruiting seasons. (The Firms that qualified the two criteria, top 50 Companies & has office in china, which are Mckinsey, BCG, Bain, Monitor, Deloitte, Mercer(managem ent, Olive, HR), A.T. Kearney, Accenture, IBM Consulting,Roland Berger, McKinsey1st Round:1)We are back in the 80s, and Daewoo wants to enter the Italian market. They approach yo u and say that they want to sell 100,000 cars after one year. What do you tell them?2)A steel producing company wants to cut costs. It currently operates 2 large mills at 75% capacity and four small ones at 100% capacity. It is experiencing profitability issues. Wha t action would you recommend it takes?3)Our client is a retail brokerage. We have seen our customer base decline over the past 18 months. Why this happening is and what can we do about it?4)The client owns mines that produce high and low grade ore and processes it into an alloy that is then sold as an additive to strengthen steel (sold directly to steel manufacturers).A new foreign competitor has shown up in the market and the company is losing profits.A general manager of one of the processing plants asks what he should do to maintain profits.5)The past few years a Health Insurance Company has been growing at a rate of about 1 5% a year. This past year it only grew by 1%. Costs are rising 12% each year. What is the problem and what should the company do?6)Company X is a chemical manufacturer.They make a product that is very similar to Company Y’s product.Company X and Y are direct competitors in many geographic markets, but each also has unique areas in which the sales forces do not face direct competition.Company X buys Company Y.How do you integrate the sales forces?7)You are working for a Brazilian soda manufacturer that is experiencing declining profits o ver the last two years. Why is this occurring? [competition from generics] What is the siz e of the market for canned cola? What are the company's options for improving profitabili ty? What are the possible effects of a change in the cola's price?8)Our client is a mid-Western HMO. They have 300 doctors and 300,000 subscribers. They handle mostly checkups and routine visits. The HMO outsources specific cases to local s pecialists. Over the last two years the HMO has seen their profits decrease. They've calle d us in to find out why.2nd Round1)A European iron mining company bought a piece of land in Australia with a high content of iron. Should they proceed with extraction of the ore or not? /2)A PC manufacturer wants to add a new line of pocket PCs. Should they do it? What do you tell the CEO?3)A health and fitness center, a chain of gyms, like Bally's is considering building more ten nis courts. The cost of the land development is 2.5 million for 10 tennis courts per gym. Determine if the gym would break even if they charged an additional fee of $7 per gam e.4)Our client is Burger King. Their growth has been slower than expected. They want to kn ow why? And estimate for me the size of the hamburger market.5)Tell me the annual revenues of a company you're following?6)The law has recently changed. Consumers can now switch cell companies and keep their phone numbers. What are the effects of this legislation? What is the cost of this legislatio n? And can you recommend any options for the cell phone companies?7)A healthcare company that sells to individuals and small businesses has seen growth in the last 5 years, but this last year there has been a decline. What is going on? What sort of incentive system do we have and what kind can we create? (There were a number ofg raphs and charts that the student had to review8)You and your colleagues are McKinsey partners trying to decide which nonprofit to help. Your goals are doubling their revenue and improving their management. Each participant h as information the others don't have. Which one should you pick? [what criteria to use, et c.9)Our client is a travel agency in NYC which employs 25 people. They have seen their co mmissions cut from 10% to 8%. They are wondering what strategy they should adopt to i ncrease their profits, and what else they should do to remain profitable and grow their bu siness?10)"First, I would say that globally, the cases had a bit of a different felt to them than many I had worked on.All three were business cases, however, in two of the three, there was less opportunity to structure the cases——the questioners asked specific questions about data that they presen ted to me a bit at a time—usually in graphic format.In two out of my three cases, there were multiple graphs and charts that built on one an other.Conclusions drawn from the first graph were applied to graphs presented later in the same interview.Also, when I analyzed the data, I was usually given a ratio or series of ratios that I need ed to calculate.At the beginning of each graph/data series, the interviewer would explain the significance of each of the ratios I was to calculate.When I finished calculating them, he asked me to explain what the results meant. To be honest, the ratios may have been quite common, but they were new to me."3rd Round (Nov. 2003)1)Assuming zero costs. What are the first three industries that will appear in outer space? 1)It's October 2001, with the current gloomy economy. One of the most affected industries i s the luxury industry: People tend to postpone buying luxury goods, and even if they hav e the money, after what happened it is not the right time for them to buy something whi ch is unnecessary. A client approaches our firm and asks us to increase his sales. What d o we tell him?BCG1st Round (Nov. 2004):1)Our client is a mid-sized manufacturer of industrial batteries for the aerospace and defense industry.For example, the company's batteries can be found in various military missiles as well as in the Hubble Space Telescope.Over the last few years, the defense and aerospace industries have been flat or declining, so the client is looking for high-growth industries that might be able to make use of its b attery technology.After a review of possible industries, the client wants us to look at whether they can ente r the market to provide batteries for implantable cardiac defibrillators.Estimate the size of the market for implantable cardiac defibrillators, and then tell me ho w you might go about helping the client decide whether or not this is a good market to enter.2)Our clients are a consortium of 10 commercial real estate companies (2-3 big companies, 4-5 mid-sized companies, and 1-2 small companies) that collectively own 350-400 building s in downtown areas of cities all over the country. Together, they spend $1 billion/year on all of the non-sexy aspects of owning commercial real estate: cleaning and general main tenance, plumbing and electrical repair, etc. They have come together to explore the possi bility of setting up a "buying pool" to realize cost reduction by achieving economies of s cale in purchasing products and contracting for services to conduct this general maintenanc e. This "buying pool" will cost $40 million (one-time fixed cost) to set up and will cost $10 million/year to maintain. Is this a good idea? What kind of information do you need to know to help your clients decide if this is a good idea?3)The client is a four-year music university in Boston that specializes in classical music for pre-professional students. The university is under performing in three key areas when co mpared to its biggest competitor. The areas are: applications per seat, high-quality applicati ons, and accepted applicants that enroll. The mission of the university is to increase the n umber of high-quality students.4)The industry is the Yellow Pages. What is the business? What do they do for money? W hat is their profit?5)A small agrichemical company wants to triple its revenue by 2005. What are some of its options, and how would you evaluate those options?6)A Vietnamese manufacturer of cooking oil wants to improve its revenue. How would you figure out how big the domestic market is [not a back of envelope calculation; assume y ou had a week——whom would you talk to?]?7)Constantly breaking down. The government is fighting over how to fix and fund it. The t rain drivers’ union says it wi ll go on strike unless the government guarantees that there w ill be no layoffs. What steps would you take to "fix" the problem?8)How would you increase recruitment and retention in the military?(9)BCG gave me a lot of data to sift through to determine which demographic of cell phone users it should target to increase revenues.2nd Round(Nov 2004):1)A cleaning product supply company's profits and revenues have been falling, but market s hare has remained the same. What's going on? (Charts and graphs given)2)Our client owns 120 hotels. He has left the management of the properties to a manageme nt company. Since 2001 they haven't broken even though occupancy rates averaged 80 per cent. - Charts given3)A music company is bringing out a CD for a new artist. How would you market and pri ce, knowing that you'd like to charge a premium for the cd?Final Round (Nov. 2002)1)You are consulting to the manufacturer of airplane enginesmain engines: for wide body planes and narrow body planes ——> regional and low cost airlines, which are growing, use the narrow body planes). The client is considering enteri ng the airplane leasing market, because one of its competitors (GE) is already there, and t he client hypothesizes that GE's presence in leasing helps its engine sales. What do you t ell him?2)Last year, lawsuits cost corporations $200 billion compared with $70 billion in 1990. How would you advise a roundtable of CEOs to attack tort reform?3)The U.S. Post Office lost millions last year. How would you advise the new CEO to turn the Post Office around?4)We have been hired by a Mexican company that has a dominant position in all of its ma rkets but one: ketchup. Although its ketchup sales have been increasing, its market share i s stagnant (10%) and its profit margin remains below that of its competitors. What do yo u think might be happening? What would you suggest the client do in order to increase market share and profits?A small pharmaceutical research company is about to start clinical trials for a new and pr omising molecule. The trial process has three phases, with different associated costs and p robabilities of success: Costs (million) Pr. Success- Phase 1 $10 .40- Phase 2 $5 .2- Phase 3 $80 .105If the process is successful and the new drug is introduced in the market, it would genera te total income flows of $300 million.+ Draw a graph showing the income stream for the next ten years (assume that full adop tion is reached in year 7)+ The pharmaceutical company is looking for a buyer. How much should it ask for? Booz1st Round1)Our client is a magazine publisher. They are considering a new pricing program where th e price for subscriptions would increase every year. Evaluate how such a decision would i mpact their business. Would you advise they do it?Bain1st Round (Nov. 2003)1)Our client is Apple Publishing, the largest publ isher of children’s fiction in the industry. S even years ago the CEO became concerned that childhood literacy rates were low and decided to make a difference.He entered the telemetry textbook market. He thinks they are the best now, but hasn’t be en rewarded. Seven years later he has 70 million dollars in sales and 20 million dollars i n losses. They are less than 5% of the market, but the CEO wants to stay in the market, how can he do it?2)Our client produces 2-inch wrenches. They sell to Home Depot and also to auto-mechanic s directly. If you were a store manager at Home Depot, how many varieties of wrenches would you display to sell and at what price points? How are the Home Depot wrench bu yers different from the auto mechanics? If you wanted to provide discounts to the auto m echanics, which of them would you target and why? What information would you want fr om them first?3)University town has a population of 40,000 students. Currently there are nine restaurants. You're client is thinking about opening up the tenth. Is this a good idea and should she o pen up a fast food or a specialty restaurant?4)A major airline is thinking about going head to head with the discount airlines by offerin g "cheap" fares. Does this make sense? Estimate the size of the European "discount" airli ne market.5)Your client sells coffee on the five Japanese Bullet trains (high speed trains). Estimate the size of the market. How would you advise them to increase sales?6)Our client, a private equity firm, is considering an investment in a manufacturer of digital inkjet printers (printing large billboards). The manufacturer wants to enter the screen prin ting market (printing signs and point-of purchase posters, e.g. for supermarket sales). How big is the screen printing market? Which particular segment is the most attractive?7)Estimate the market size of printers in Hong Kong. A U.S.-based PC manufacturer now w ants to get into the printer market. Assess the opportunity.8)We have been hired by a global wealth management company that has 2 divisions: asset management and private banking. Our asset management profits have been decreasing, and our private banking profits have been increasing. We need to help our client determine s trategy to increase all his profits.9)We have been hired by the Board of a company that is loosing money. The Board has a sked us to determine whether any of this loss can be attributed to the Leer jet that the m anagement team uses.10)We have been hired by a company that has just finished making the Millennium Eye, a l arge Ferris wheel that will be placed in the middle of London. Our client wants to know how big the market is and how much we should charge per ticket.A.T. Kearney1st Round (Oct. 2003)1) The CFO of a top 3 retailer wants you to evaluate the viability of developing exclusive contracts with distributors. The three questions you should address are:1. Pro's and Con's of pursuing exclusive contracts2. Identify the categories that should be explored for exclusive contracts3. How would you operationalize these contracts?2) Case setup (facts offered by interviewer):Your client is a U.S. based oil refinery. The refinery has a single location and is a small to medium-sized refinery. Your client, although profitable, believes it is lagging behind th e competition and could improve. You are brought in as part of a joint consultant-client t eam that will review overall operations and make recommendations on ways to improve th e bottom line. You have been assigned to work with the maintenance division. The maint enance department’s primary objective is to prevent equipment failure and to repair equip ment when it does fail.Understanding of its organization is important.It consists of three primary areas: nine assets areas, one central maintenance area and one group of contractors. The first two areas are employees of the client, the third an extern al source of labor. An asset is a physical area of the plant that contains various pieces of equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, etc.). There are nine assets. Each asset has a Mainte nance Supervisor who is responsible for all maintenance to be performed in his/her asset. Working for the Maintenance Supervisor in each asset is, on average, eleven “craftsmen”. The craftsmen are the actual workers that perform the maintenance. The craftsmen are uni onized and divide into twelve different craft designations (e.g. electricians, pipefitters, weld ers, etc.). Each craft designation has a defined set of skills they are qualified to perform. They are not allowed to perform skills outside of their defined craft, or help in the perfor mance of activities involving skills beyond their craft. Collectively the twelve different cra fts can perform any maintenance job that might arise at the refinery. The maintenance sup ervisor and his/her assigned craftsmen are “hardwired” to their asset. That is, they work o nly on equipment in their given asset.Central maintenance is a centralized pool of Maintenance Supervisors and Craftsmen, who are dispatched to support the different assets during times of high workload. They are e mployees of your client and fit the description contained in the above Asset explanation. The only difference is that they may work in any of the different assets as determined by workload. There are a total of 11 Maintenance Supervisors and 100 Craftsmen that comp rise Central Maintenance Contractors are a group of outside Supervisors and Craftsmen wh o support your client during times of high workload. They also are capable of performing any maintenance job that may arise, but differ from your client’s Craftsmen in that they divide the collective skills required into five designations rather than twelve. Thus, the cra ftsmen of the contractor are capable of performing a broader set of skills. They, like your client’s craftsmen, don’t perform skills outside of their defined craft but do allow differe nt craft designations to help each other. There are an average of 7 contractor MaintenanceSupervisors and 140 contractor Craftsmen at the refinery on any given day. Question:What opportunities exist to increase profits?What recommendations can you make to capture savings related to the identified opportuni ties?What is the cost savings associated with your recommendations?Suggested solutions:The first question involves identifying opportunities to improve profits. The candidate must start with either revenues or costs. Although one could make the argument that maintena nce supports revenue by maximizing the operating time of the refinery equipment, mainten ance should be seen to be a support function. Thus, it is more appropriate to focus on co sts and cost reduction. The following questions will help the candidate gain insight into c ost reduction opportunities.How does the maintenance department track its costs?If the candidate phrases the question about material or overhead costs, the interviewer wo uld inform the candidate that detailed reviewed showed no major opportunities. The candid ate would be steered toward labor costs and given the following tables regarding maintena nce labor costs for the past year. To support understanding of the following tables, Turnar ound work is long term preventive maintenance (e.g. complete rebuilding of a boiler) that may be performed once every few years. All other work (short term emergency repairs, small scale preventive maintenance, other routine work, etc.) fits into the category of Dail y work。
