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2006-4-28 16:9自考365社区【大中小】【我要纠错】
1、The Manifesto of the Communist Party (共产党宣言)马恩合作
2、Darwin…s theory of evolution (进化)名词解释
Darwin…s theory of evolution contains four major arguments:
①new species appear (新物种的发现)。
②those new species have evolved (进化)from older species.
③The evolution of species is result (导致)of natural selection.
④The natural selection depends on variations (变异)and the maintenance (保护)of variations in spite of (不管)the tendency (趋势)of natural selection to eliminate (消除)unfit (不适当的)variants. Natural selection名词解释
3、Social Darwinism名词解释
For the term “natural selection” Spencer substituted (替代)the survival of
the fittest. (适者生存)
4、The term the survival of the fittest by Darwin. (错)
5、For the term “natural selection” Spencer substitute the “survival of the
6、Darwin 发现了人类社会发展的规律和资本主义的生产模式
一、What are the three sources (来源)of Marxism?
1、German Classical Philosophy and Marxist Philosophy:
Hegelian dialectics and Feuerbach…s material ism (黑格尔辩证法和费尔巴哈唯
2、English Classical Political Economy and Marxist Political Economy
3、Utopian Socialism and Scientific Socialism (空想社会主义和科学社会主义)
Utopian was representative by Owen,Saint-Simon (圣西门),and Fourier
二、What are the three components (成分)of Marxism?
1、Marxist Philosophy:Hobbes
①Marx rejected (排斥)Hegel…s idealist (唯心)views on universe and the
metaphysical (形而上学)part of Feuerbach‟s philosophy.
②Marx put forward historical materialism. (历史唯物主义)
2、Marxist Political Economy:
Marx established the theory of surplus value (剩余价值)in “Capital”。
3、Scientific Socialism:
Marx and Engels developed utopian socialism to scientific socialism. They declared (表明)that socialism (社会主义)would be realized (实现)through class struggle,and that only the proletariat (无产阶级)was a really
revolutionary class.
三、In what historical background did Marxism rise?
1、The Industrial Revolution beginning in the 18th century in Britain resulted in the rapid development of modern capitalism as well as the growth of the working class as a powerful independent (独立的)political force.
2、The first economic crisis (危机)occurred (发生)in the 1820s,
intensifying (加深)class conflict (冲突)。
3、The working class movement developed from the early stage of destroying machines to mass strikes (罢工),political demonstrations (游行)and armed
uprising (武装起义)。
四、What is Darwin…s evidence (证据)for evolution by natural selection?
1、Selection was related to adaptation. (选择与适应是相联系的)
2、Problems of hybridization (杂交)and infertility (不育)。
五、How does natural selection become a mechanism (机制)for evolutionary
1、According to Darwin,natural selection is a process:each generation of
organisms (有机体)is subject (使服从)to the selective impact of its environment and some of its members perish (消失)or fail to reproduce.