1.段落解释:is a unit of thought composed of sentences,smaller units of thought,that relate to a single topic.Paragraph divisions serve two very useful functions 2.A good paragraph is composed 组成 in such a way that it has :eachidea with nothing in the paragraph not covered by the topicit explores the main idea explicitly andconcretely,with plenty of details,examples,and explanations3.has sound internal structure.The qualities that indicate sound internal structure are unity,coherence,and completeness.4.怎样做到内容一致An excellent way of achieving unityis by means of the topic sentence.Properly used,the topic sentence forces the writer to adhere to and to sustain the point he is trying to establish5.标题句 the topic sentence properly used can achieve unity in the paragraph,which indicate the importance of the topic sentence;②the topic sentence6.第二个写作常识In short,a good topic sentence has a limited subject and a sharp focus,namely,a good topic sentence is not too general nor too narrow.A topic sentence that is too general requires much more than a paragraph to develop it.A coherence is connection and consistency.A coherent paragraph is one in which all the sentence are related logically and grammatically to make a whole that allows the reader to follow the writer’s train of thought step by step8.第三个写作常识 Just as topic sentenceshelp readers follow our ideas,other signals also help them understand what we have to say.When we write and when we revise,look for the areas that seem choppy or unconnected —that lack coherence.We can establish better coherence by using the following devices:pronoun reference,repetition ,and in a paragraph means that the topic is adequately developed by details,explanations,definitions,evidences,and the like,so that the reader is not left with only a fuzzy idea of what the writer means1第四个写作常识:Development of the main idea, then, is like enlarging a photograph to make the details clearer. So, development in the paragraph is as important as unity and coherence between skillful development helps us to stick to our subject and focus and to keep up the sense of oneness.2Inductive Pattern (归纳法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the inductive pattern of reasoning the writer presents particular instances of a like kind and leads them into valid generalization which serves as his topic sentence.3Deductive Pattern (演绎法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the deductive pattern the writer begins with a generalization(the topic sentence) and proceeds with specific elaboration or application of the general idea.4Inductive-deductive Pattern(归纳演绎法):As the name indicates, in developing a paragraph by means of inductive-deductive pattern the writer first presents particular instances and a resulting generalization, then applies the generalization to a new instance. 5第五个写作常识:Sequences of development are not independent of types of development. The most important sequences of development are general to particular, particular to general, climactic, chronological, and spatial.6Climactic Sequence (层递顺序):In a climactic sequence, the most intense or highest point of interest is saved for the final sentence, which may be, but is not necessarily, the topic sentence.7.Chronological Sequence (时间顺序):A chronological sequence is one in which earlier things precede later things; items are listed in the order in which they occur in time. The most obvious use of a chronological sequence is in telling a story. 8Spatial Sequence (空间顺序):A spatial sequence is used in descriptions of various types. It starts the reader at a particular point and then moves logically in some direction, from one place to another.9第六个写作常识:The type of development is the way in which the main idea is supported-by details, definitions, statements of cause and effect, and so on.10段落展开方式:Among the most important types of paragraph development are development by detail, comparison and contrast, process, classification and partition, cause and effect, definition, and mixed development.11Development by Comparison and Contrast (比较和对比):①a comparison shows how two or more things are alike; ②a contrast shows how they are different.12Development by Division and Classification (分类法和归类法):Dividing and classifying information is central to the writing process. When we divide, we begin with a whole, a complete body of information or one idea, and break it into its parts. When we classify, we begin with many small observations and sort them into categories on the basisof their similarities.13第七个写作常识:Causal analysis involves the ability to see cause and effect relationships between two elements. In order to arrive at a cause, we need to distinguish among three kinds: necessary, sufficient and contributory.14第八个写作常识:Definitions are particularly important for limiting the intended meaning of abstract or technical terms. There are two types of definition: formal definition and extended definition. Formal definition includes the term itself, the class it belongs to, and the details that distinguish it from other items in its class.15第九个写作常识:As we have seen, a single paragraph often contains more than one type of development. Almost any kind of paragraph may include examples or illustrations. The important thing is to avoid switching abruptly and apparently without reason from one kind of development to another in the middle of a paragraph.16第十个写作常识:The introduction is probably the most important part of an essay. The introduction should agree in tone and style with the rest of the essay. It should be a natural part of it, not a different construction grafted on the top.。
它具有以下几个特点:1. 条理清晰:议论文通常包含引言、论点、论证和结论等部分,每个部分都需要有明确的逻辑关系和过渡。
2. 观点明确:议论文需要明确表达作者所持的观点,并进行充分的论证和论据支持。
3. 逻辑严密:议论文的逻辑关系需要紧密配合,推理和论证要合乎逻辑,以增强文章的说服力。
4. 文字简练:议论文追求简练的文字表达,避免废话和冗长的词句,使读者更容易理解和接受观点。
二、议论文的写作结构一篇典型的英语议论文通常包含以下几个部分:1. 引言:用于引出讨论的话题,并概述作者的观点。
2. 论点:明确表述作者所持的观点,并提出支持该观点的理由或论据。
3. 论证:根据论点提出的理由或论据,展开详细的论证和分析。
4. 反驳:对可能的反对意见进行回应和反驳,进一步加强观点的说服力。
5. 结论:总结全文的论点和论证,重新强调作者所持的观点。
三、议论文的写作技巧1. 清晰明确的论点:在引言中清晰地表述作者的观点,避免模糊和含糊不清。
2. 充分有力的论证:通过提供详细和具体的事实、数据、例子等来支持观点,增加文章的可信度和说服力。
3. 合理有效的逻辑结构:确保论证的逻辑关系紧密配合,推理过程合乎逻辑,避免论证过程中出现矛盾或跳跃。
4. 恰当处理反驳意见:及时回应潜在的反驳意见,理解并尊重不同观点,同时通过有力的论证来反驳可能存在的错误观点。
5. 使用恰当的连接词:使用适当的连接词和过渡词语,使文章的结构更加紧密和流畅,有助于读者理解论点和论证之间的关系。
四、常见问题及解决方法1. 长篇累牍的文章:避免过多的废话和重复,精简措辞,保持简洁明了。
一、语法知识点1. 时态:英语中有多种时态,如一般现在时、过去时、将来时等。
2. 主谓一致:主语和谓语动词在人称和数上要保持一致。
3. 从句:从句是句子中的一个部分,可以作为名词、形容词或副词使用。
二、词汇知识点1. 同义词替换:在写作中,为了避免重复使用某个词,可以使用同义词进行替换。
2. 词汇搭配:不同的词汇之间有一定的搭配规律,掌握一些常用的词汇搭配可以使文章更加地道和流畅。
三、句型知识点1. 倒装句:在某些情况下,为了强调某个部分或改变语序,可以使用倒装句。
2. 强调句:为了强调句子中的某个成分,可以使用强调句。
四、段落结构知识点1. 开头段落:开头段落应该引起读者的兴趣,概括文章的主题,并提出论点。
2. 主体段落:主体段落是文章的核心部分,应该围绕论点展开,提供支持和论证。
3. 结尾段落:结尾段落要对文章的内容进行总结,并给读者留下深刻的印象。
一、英语议论文写作要点议论文通过议论或说理来表达作者见解和主.作者对*一问题持有一种看法,为了使读者同意自己的看法,提出假设干理由,企图说服他人.高中英语议论文的写作要注意以下要点: 1. 论点要鲜明、确切.一篇议论文只能有一个中心论点.论点一般在开头提出,然后加以论证.2. 论据要充分、可靠.一般是以事实为论据,也可以利用成语,格言,名人名言作为论据.3. 论证要严密、得法.归纳法〔induction〕和演绎法〔deduction〕是议论文常用的论证方法.归纳法的例子为根底,从几个例子和现象中,归纳出*种道理和看法.例如:报纸是一种媒体〔medium 〕,人们可以从中得到现代信息;电视是一种媒体,人们也可以从中获得信息;播送也是媒体,人们同样可以从中获得现代信息.因此我们可以得出结论,其他媒体,如网络等,一定会给人们信息.演绎法以一个或多个看法为根底,从一般论断,演绎到不同事例,再加以论述,最后再回到一般论断上来.例如:所有的媒体都可以给人们提供信息,网络是媒体,因此人们可以从网络中获得信息.在归纳中要注意使用的例子要充分,不能以点概面.二、议论文的写作步骤:1. 引言(introduction).由于英语作文受时间,字数的限制.因此,在引言段中作者就必须简单解释要讨论的问题,并明白地亮出自己的观点,如提倡什么,支援什么,反对什么.2. 主体段〔main body〕.主体段是议论的过程,作者必须有足够的证据.〔adequate proofs〕来论证自己的观点.一般可提出一个或两个proofs, 并对此用一两句话分别进展阐述.3. 结论〔conclusion〕.结论段可以用一两句话来完毕文章.同时要注意与引言段照应,但不能照搬前面的原话.例:课本高二上P78 第一封信Tutorial center is helpful.I have studied at a tutorial center for two years. My mand of English has improved considerably since I started this course.At my center, the fees are reasonable. My tutors are qualified teachers. I have been helped a lot by them. They are sincere and kind.One of my teachers was British. At first, I could not say anything to her. But later I learned how to municate in English with a westerner.I think that the tutorial center has given me a lot of confidence in using English.评注: 第一段提出论点, 表达家教中心是helpful(段划线局部) ,主体段分别从几个方面(划线局部)来阐述家教中心确实有帮助,结论段重申家教中心的作用(划线局部),且语句表达与第一段中的不重复.三、议论文的写作模式1. 议论文的类型英语议论文根据命题特点,从形式上来看可分为如下类型: ①“一分为二〞的观点.如“轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境、经济可能产生的影响〞②“两者选一〞的观点.如,期中考试作文题,“乘火车还是乘飞机〞③“我认为……〞型.如“你对课外阅读的看法〞④“怎样……〔how to〕〞型.如“怎样克制学习中碰到的困难〞.⑤图表作文.通过阅读图表中的数字与工程得出一个结论或形成一种看法.按照高二上学期的写作要求,学生主要应掌握①②两种类型的议论文的写作.在第①种类型中命题涉及*一事物或现象的正反两个方面:通过正反两个方面的比照,得出结论是利大于弊,还是弊大于利.论证要围绕所要得出的结论来展开,假设利大于弊,则有利的一面要多阐述一点.反之亦然.在第②种类型中,命题要求在A或B两者之间作一比拟或选择,两个对象往往各有优势,所以结论局部有两种情况:a. 要么支持A,要么支持B;b. A、B优势均难的割舍,只好依情况而定在结论局部说清楚在什么条件选A, 在什么条件选B.下面重点介绍第①、②种类型议论文的写作模式.2. “一分为二〞观点的议论文模式Introduction第1段:Nowadays more and more people.../...plays an important part in.... like everythingelse, ...has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects/both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the favorable aspects/advantages can be listed as follows.Main body第2段:Firstly,.. Secondly,…In addition/What’s more…第3段: Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects/disadvantages are also apparent/obvious. To begin with…; To make matters worse…; Worse of all…Conclusion第4段: Through above analysis/All things considered, we can see that the positive aspects/advantages outweigh the negative ones/disadvantages. Therefore…例文1. 看电视的利与弊 Advantages and disadvantages of watching TVNowadays more and more people like to watch TV. So TV plays a very important part in our life. But watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.Firstly, you can e*pand your knowledge by watching TV. As we all know, learning things by TV is much faster than by listening to the radio or just by reading books. Forit has colorful pictures as well as wonderful music. Secondly, you may know anybody you want to know such as famous singers, super stars, scientists and so on. What’s more, you can go everywhere by traveling programs. Let’s suppose, if you like traveling very much, but you have to work on weekends or holidays, you must be very sad. And now open your TV and it’ll take you to anywhere. Every coin has two sides. The disadvantages are also obvious. For e*ample, watching too much TV can easily bee short-sighted, especially for children and students. To make matters worse, some young students are keen on watching TV so that they give up their studies gradually. Through above analysis, I think watching TV is a way of studying, it is good for us to watch TV. But when we watchTV, we should make a plan otherwise watching TV will destroy our life.例文2. 谈谈出国留学的利与弊 Where to attend a collegeNowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows.Firstly, they think by attending a college in a foreign country they can learn not only useful knowledge, but also the culture and customs of other nations. Secondly, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a good mand of the foreign language they are learning very quickly. Moreover, they can meet different people and e*perience different cultures, which may help to broaden their views.Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. The costs are much higher than those in their native country. Most overseas students have to work for a living, which can’t allow them to pay all their attention to study. What’s more, they may feel very lonely.Through above analysis, we can see that the positiveaspects outweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I am in favor of going abroad to study.写作练习:①谈谈校服〔school uniforms〕.提示:近年来,越来越多的中小学要求穿校服.对此引发了学生中由对这个问题的讨论,请写一片英语短文阐述你的观点.Reference: some of the main arguments for and against school uniforms.FOR1.Students look neat and tidy.2.The public knows which school you are from.3.Parents all pay the same money.4.Students don’t worry about fashions.5.Teachers can identify students on school trips.AGAINST1.Uniforms are e*pensive.2.Children grow fast, need new uniforms.3.Some uniforms are very unfortable.4.Students all look the same, can’t be individuals.5.Get bored with same clothes every day.②说广告〔about advertisement〕.提示:有人说广告在现代社会是很重要,有人认为广告的促销成分太多,你认为……3.“两者选一〞观点的议论文模式模式⑴:A、B两者优劣势分析,要么选A,要么选B. Introduction第1段:Some people hold the opinion that (A) is superior to (B) in many ways. Others, however, argue that (B) is much better. Personally, I would prefer (A) because I think (A) has more advantages.Main body第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer (A). The main reason is that … Another reason is that…(赞同A的原因)第3段: Of course, choosing (B) also has advantages to some e*tent, (列出1~2个B的优势)Conclusion第4段: But if all these factors are considered, (A) iswe may finally draw the conclusion that …(总结观点)例文: Which is better“ Cars or bikes“Some people hold the opinion that private cars are superior to bicycles in many ways. Others, however, argue that the bicycle is much better. Personally, I would prefer the use of cars because I think cars have more advantages.There are many reasons why I prefer cars. The main reason is that cars bring convenience and mobility to the owners. What’s more, a car is far more fortable to travel in, especially in the changeable weather. Another reason is that, when more people buy cars, the automobile industry will develop more quickly. The growth of the automobile industry can motivate the rise of other related industries such as iron and steel production.Of course, bicycles can take you to anywhere you like in town and does not need a large parking place. Besides, it is not as e*pensive as a car and therefore every family can afford to buy.But if all these factors are considered, cars are muchwe may finally draw the conclusion that people can live better with the use of cars.模式⑵: A、B优势相当,依情况而定,有条件地选择A或B. Introduction第1段:Which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between (A) and (B)“ Before you make the decision, you had better make a close parison.Main body第2段:It is true that(选择A的优势之一). It is also true that(选择A的优势之二). But (选择A的劣势).第3段: Though.(选择B的劣势), (选择B的优势之一). Furthermore, (选择B的优势之二).Conclusion第4段: Therefore, if you…, you should choose (A), but if you…, you should choose (B). (总结观点,提出建议)例文: Listening to the radio or reading the newspapers “Which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between listening to the radio and reading the newspapers“ Before you make the decision, you hadbetter make a close parison.It is true that listening to the radio is quick and convenient. It is also true that we can listen to the radio while are doing something else. So we can save a lot of time. But radio programs have their own time schedule. You cannot get the information you need every time you turn on your radio.Though newspapers are not as quick as radio, reading from the newspaper can certainly bring us news more clearly and more e*actly. Furthermore, while reading, we have time to think about what we are reading, to judge it, to analyze it, and then we will be more aware of its cause and effect.We are living in an information age. We have to make full use of the information we can get if we are to achieve our goals.Therefore, if we want to get the latest news, we can listen to the radio, but if we want to get the e*act words, we’d better read the newspaper.写作练习:①安康与财富(Health and Wealth)提示: 安康与财富哪个更重要一直是一个热门话题(hottopic),请简述你的观点.②哪里住更好(Where to live“)提示: 有的人喜欢往城里挤,有的人喜欢往乡下搬. 各有所好,孰是孰非,你以为如何“参考文献:。
毕业论文整体上包括:Title page (标题页)/ an English cover pageAcknowledgementAbstract (摘要)150-200words, 第三人称,一般现在时Outline (提纲)The Body (正文)Works Cited (参考书目) / Bibliography Title: 1:Choose a topic: i. Your interest ii. Subject area iii. Subject importance iv. Availability of Resources2. Narrow Down Your Topic3: Ways to find out resource materials : encyclopedia; periodicals; InternetAbstract:This paper mainly focuses on ...First of all, the paper analyses....Secondly, it explores....Moreover, it concentrates on... By the contrast between ...and... ,The paper reveals....I. Abstract Contenta. a clear statement of the problemb. the purpose of the paperc. the methods applied in researchd. where and how you obtain your informatione. how you use the data to make your pointsf. an outline of your system of analysisg. statement of your result or findingh. enlightment of your researchOutline :1)Before you write an outline, make a list of the main questions you plan to answer and the important facts you have discovered as you have gone through your sources.2)Then, give a serious thought on how you plan to organize your paper. There are some basic ways to go about it.Cause and effect ;Order of importance ;Categorical order3)PatternBody:I. Beginnings (Introduction)The function of an introduction of a research paper is to:(目的)⑴ Create reader ’s interest by introducing in more details some general background information on the topic under investigation;⑵ Focus on an issue, a problem, or a question relevant to the study;⑶ Review previous research;⑷ Discuss deficiencies in previous research on the topic;⑸ Propose a different/new way of investigating the same topic or some aspect of it.Elements that make readers satisfactory:(1) A clear statement of purpose.(2) A little background information.(3) A few questions.(4) A positive view of the end point and the topic of the paper.II. Review of Literature The purpose of literature review To show what has been previously studied in the field. To summarize other people ’s writings. To define or review definitions or concepts.III. Discussion and analysisIn this part we bring everything together by discussing the significance of our findings and its relationship to previous research in the area and also the hypotheses we set out with.analysis ---provides the evidenceDiscussion---gives the explanation, description, elaboration, comparison, contrast要素Topic Specification (TS) Background Information (BI) Purpose Statement (PS) Methodology and Data (MD)Results/Findings (RF) Implications/Conclusions (IC) The elements of literature review 1.Description of the source 2. Analysis of the work. 3. Crediting the source.。
1. 文章结构一个完整的英语作文通常由三部分组成:引言、正文和结论。
2. 表达清晰的主题句每段文章都应该有一个明确的主题句,它可以帮助读者理解段落的内容,并确保文章的逻辑连贯。
3. 使用恰当的连词和过渡词连接词和过渡词可以使文章的结构更加完整,段落之间的逻辑关系更加清晰。
例如:and (和)、but(但是)、however(然而)、therefore(因此)等。
4. 正确使用时态和语态时态和语态是英语作文中非常重要的要素。
5. 使用恰当的句式和句型多样化的句式和句型可以丰富文章的表达方式,使文章语言更加生动有力。
6. 使用适当的修辞手法修辞手法能够使文笔更加优美,同时也能够增强文章的说服力。
7. 用例子来支持论点通过提供具体的例子和事实来支持自己的论点是写作中常用的技巧之一。
8. 清楚明了的段落结构一个好的段落应该包括一个主题句、支持细节和例子,并且它们之间应该有清晰的逻辑关系。
9. 注意标点符号的使用适当的标点符号能够帮助读者理解句子的含义和强调句子的重要部分。
10. 合理组织文章一个合理组织的文章可以使读者更好地理解作者的意图和论点。
11. 避免重复和废话重复和废话会使文章显得啰嗦和冗长,需要避免在写作中频繁使用相同的词汇和表达方式。
1. 提纲法
- 在写作前,先制定一个清晰的提纲,确定文章的结构和内容。
- 确保提纲包含一个引人入胜的开头,清晰的观点陈述以及有
2. 文章结构
- 保持文章结构的一致性,包括引言、正文和结论部分。
- 每个段落只讨论一个主题,并确保段落之间的逻辑连贯。
3. 合理使用连接词
- 使用适当的连接词来引导读者,例如:首先(Firstly)、其次(Secondly)、另外(Additionally)等。
- 这些连接词能够帮助文章的连贯性,使读者更容易跟随你的
4. 选择恰当的词汇和语法
- 避免使用复杂的词汇和语法,尽量使用简单明了的表达方式。
- 使用正确的时态和人称,并确保语法正确。
5. 使用例证和引用
- 使用例证和引用来支持你的观点,增加你的文章的可信度。
- 确保使用的例证和引用是可靠的,并标明出处。
6. 重点句式和表达
- 研究一些常用的句式和表达方式,使你的文章更有说服力。
- 例如:It is widely believed that... (广泛认为...)、As a result, ...(因此...)等。
7. 编辑和校对
- 在完成文章后,仔细检查和编辑文章。
- 检查拼写、语法和标点符号错误,并确保文章流畅。
很详细很具体的指导英文论文写作技巧!英文论文写作谈技巧论文写作中常出现的语法问题1. 主语和谓语的单数和复数要一致英语中名词有它的单数和复数形式,动词也有它的单数和复数形式, 二者要一致 . 单数主语( subject) 名词要用动词(verb) 的单数(singular) 形式, 复数主语名词要用动词的复数(plural) 形式 . 我们写中文的不太习惯英语的这种写法, 很难做到不假思索地配对, 需要特别留心才能不出错误,特别是当主语名词和动词被分开时 . 试看下面的例句 .A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids are present in the sample.A high percentage 才是真正的主语,而不是邻近的amino acids , 所以应该用单数形式 .宜改为: A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids is present in the sample.让事情更复杂的是英语名词被分为不同的种类,其中的一类叫集合名词 . 它既可以当单数用词也可以当复数用 . 集合名词当整体来讲时是单数,每个成员作为个体时用复数 .The number of mice in the experiment was increased.A number of mice have died.All of the samples were analyzed.All of the safety procedures was strictly followed.代词none 既可以是单数也可以是复数 . 当none 后面的词是单数时, 用单数动词 . 当none 后面的词是复数时,用复数动词 . None of the information was useful.None of the animals were starved.描写数量,重量,体积,时间等的词用单数,但如果是分次添加或减少时用复数 . 在这个意义上同集合名词类似 .1.5 ml was added.10 g was added .6 hours was the required incubation time.5 g were added stepwise.简写的数量单位,如mg, ml, s 等,单数和复数的写法是一样的, 如1mg, 5 mg.一些词如series, type, portion, class, 要用单数形式 .A series of derivatives of penicillin was prepared.A large portion of the reports is focused on how to deal with the increased cost.Data, criteria, phenomena, media 是复数形式,他们的单数形式分别是datum, criterion, phenomenon, medium.2、修饰语同主语名词关系上要一致当用1 ) 动名词(gerund) ,2) 分词短句(participle) ,3) 不定式短句(infinitive) 作修饰语时,修饰语中的动词要同主句中的主语名词关系上要一致 .科技杂志论文中有这种语法错误的情况较多 . 严格来讲这只是种语法错误,一般不影响对句子的内容的理解,所以很多作者不太注意. 编辑和阅稿人有时也没有严格要求改正. 比如下面就是Nature 杂志2006 年第439 卷中的一个例子 .Using the enhancer GAL4/UAS expression system, short-term memory traces of aversive and appetitive olfactory conditioning have been assigned to output synapses of subsets of intrinsic neurons of the mushroom bodies.1) 动名词After finishing the purification, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.We or I 是动名词finishing 形式上的主语,同主句的主语activity 不一致 .宜改为: After purification was finished, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.或: After finishing the purification, we studied the activity of the isolated compound.Treated with the new drug, the blood cholesterol levels of participants were lowered by an average of 30%.宜改为: Treated with the new drug, participants showed an average of 30% decrease in their blood cholesterol levels.2) 分词短句The iron concentration was determined using the Fenton reaction method.The iron concentration 同using the Fenton reaction method 关系上不一致 .宜改为: The iron concentration was determined by the Fenton reaction method.或: We determined the iron concentration using the Fenton reaction method.When measuring the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred.宜改为: When the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is measured, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred. 3) 不定式短句To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, an expanded population of biking athletes was surveyed.不定式短语的形式主语是we or I ,同主句主语population 不一致 .宜改为: To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, we surveyed an expanded population of biking athletes.To confirm the diagnosis, blood test was ordered.宜改为: To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor ordered blood test.3.主语和主语的行动(谓语)在逻辑上要一致由于一些中文和英文的表达方式不同,把中文直接翻译成相应的英文会不讲 . 一个经常被引用的语句是“price is cheap ”. 中文可以说价格便宜, 但英文只能说价格高或低. 物品可以说cheap or expensive. 用中文的表达方式来写英文, 会出现主语和主语的行动在逻辑上不一致 . 在写一个句子时要注意行动的真正主语名词是什么 . 下面是一些例子 .The highest antibiotic production was obtained at 48 h.不是production 而是production yield.宜改为: The highest antibiotic production yield was obtained at 48 h.The scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals was based on Fenton reaction.不是activity 而是assay of activity宜改为: The assay of scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals was based on Fenton reaction.The pharmacological compounds of ginseng were identified.药物活性化合物应该是pharmacologically active compounds.宜改为: The pharmacologically active compounds of ginseng were identified.4、代名词和其代理的先行词要一致代名词和其代理的先行词要在人称,单数或复数,和性别上一致.一些常见的代词是: he, his ( 阳性单数); she, her ( 阴性单数); it, its ( 单数); they, their, these, those ( 复数); that, this ( 单数). 比如下面的例句中, compounds 和their 一致, protein 和it 一致 .Many related compounds were synthesized and their antivirus activities were studied.Growth hormone is a protein. It promotes human body growth.下面的例句中,the 应该用their 取代 .The potential antioxidant capacity of compound A and compound B could be deduced from the protective effects against oxidative stresses.宜改为: The potential antioxidant capacity of compound A and compound B could be deduced from their protective effects against oxidative stresses.用代名词时除了要保持一致外,还要避免代理不清的情况出现,以免不清楚它们到底指什么而引起误解.The crude sample was dissolved in water and extracted with organic solvent. It was then evaporatedto yield the product.It 指organic layer 还是指water layer? 不明确,最好不用it.宜改为:The crude sample was dissolved in water and extractedwith organic solvent. The organic layer was then evaporated to yield the product.During meal hormones are released after which blood flow increases in the stomach.Which 既可以代表meal 也可以代表hormones, 容易产生误解 . 宜改为:During meal hormones are released. After their release stomach blood flow increases.5、位置的强调作用在英语写作中,若要强调某件事情,就把它放在句子的前面 . 中文写作中, 有关句子的条件, 时间等的修饰句都是放在前面,而主句总是放在后面 . 而英文中即可以把条件或修饰句放在前面,也可以放在后面 . 放在前面就表示你要强调修饰句的条件 . 比如:Before the hurricane arrived, most of the people have moved out. Most of the people have moved out before the hurricane arrived. 在英语中两种位置关系都可以 . 前者强调在hurricane 来之前,后者强调moved out . 而在中文中,只有一种说法,反过来说” 大多数人都离开了在hurricane 来之前” 就不对了 . 按中文的位置关系直译成英文, 往往会不确切 . 同样按英文的位置关系直译成中文也是怪怪的 . 我上小学的孩子回家来喊“ 我要吃冰激凌今天, 我没吃好长时间了”, 就是英文“I want ice cream today. I have not eaten it for a long time.” 的直接翻译 .科技写作中,一般还是把主句先写出来,除非你想强调修饰的是条件.Through scavenging free radicals, antioxidants play an important role in protecting against complex diseases.宜改为:Antioxidants play an important role in protecting against complex diseases through scavenging free radicals.In microbial fermentation, phosphorus is commonly the major growth-limiting nutrient.宜改为:Phosphorus is commonly the major growth-limiting nutrient in microbial fermentation.主动句中事情的执行者( 作者) 放在前面,有强调事情的执行者( 作者) 的意思, 而不是要研究的事物 . 被动句强调要研究的事物, 这也是为什么科技论文中被动句用得比较多的原因之一 . We studied their effects on cell growth. 强调We.Their effects on cell growth were studied. 强调Their effects.6、修饰词和被修饰词要邻近科技写作要求严谨,明确.为了严格定义一个事物,往往要加上限制性的修饰词或短句.比如描写实验用的mice 时,一般不会只说mice ,而是用类似“NCI-H23 tumor bearing female athymic nude mice” 的描述 . 前面有5个修饰词来定义研究用的mice 这时一般把最窄的定义写在最前面,最广的定义写在后面.修饰语要靠近同被修饰的对象 . 因修饰语和被修饰的词被隔开,而造成意思混乱的情况很多 . 下面是一些例子 .Inhibition of Acid B on xanthine oxidase was also reported. Inhibition of 后面应紧跟xanthine oxidase , 而不是Acid B, 隔开后句子就很难读 .宜改为:Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by Acid B was also reported. The chelating activities for ferrous ion of the Acid B were assessed. The chelating activities 后面应紧跟Acid B , 而不是ferrous ion. 宜改为:The chelating activities of the Acid B for ferrous ion were assessed.Reducing power represents the electron donating capacity, which may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity. 用which 开头的修饰句, 是要修饰reducing power , 而不是修饰electron donating capacity , 所以要紧跟在reducing power 后面 . 宜改为:Reducing power, which may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity, represents the electron donating capacity. 或: Reducing power represents the electron donating capacity. It may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity.7、主语和谓语在句子中的位置要靠近要使句子的可读性强, 有两个因素特别需要注意 . 一是句子的长短要合适 . 研究表明一个句子中有1 3-20 个字时最合适阅读 . 太短的句子有零碎的感觉,而太长的句子读起来有困难 . 二是主语和谓语动词要靠近 . 如果被隔开太远,就会有被隔离的感觉, 句子读起来就会比较困难,虽然从语法上来讲是可行的 . 这主要同人类大脑处理文字信息的过程和方式有关 . 当人们读到主语时,自然而然地期望知道主语后面的行动, 也就是结果 . 在行动( 谓语) 出现之前, 读者需要记住主语是什么,同时又要阅读和理解下面的文字,读起来很累 . 就像要屏住呼吸等待要发生的事情, 只有当谓语出现,知道了主题的行动后,才能呼出这口气 . 时间长了自然不舒服 .Lincomycin , one of the lincosamide antimicrobial agents which was first isolated more than fifty years ago , is used as a major antibiotic for the treatment of diseases caused by most Gram-positive bacteria.宜改为:Lincomycin is one of the lincosamide antimicrobial agents which were first isolated more than fifty years ago. It is used as a major antibiotic for the treatment of diseases caused by most Gram-positive bacteria.8、名词作形容词科技写作中经常会用名词来作为形容词使用,如room temperature, university researchers. 当用一个名词来修饰另一个名词时,意义一般都很清楚 . 但当三个名词放在一起,或两个名词前再加一个形容词时,就要小心 . 有的情况下, 3 个或3 个以上的名词放在一起,表达的意思很清楚,也是一种很简洁的表达方式 . 如:blood white cell number, prostate cancer patient, Beijing University medical school student. 但有时会有多种讲法. Top university researchers 可以是researchers of (only) top university 也可以是(all) university researchers who are top. 多个名词排在一起,即使表达明确,也给拥挤的感觉 . 应避免使用多个名词的修饰方式 . 最好的办法是用介词或其它方式来把他们分开, 以便清楚表达它们的修饰关系 . 多个名词罗列的情况经常发生,下面多举一些例子 .H e wrote the quality control group reports.宜改为:He wrote the reports of the quality control group.The patient showed chronic liver disease symptoms.宜改为:The patient showed symptoms of chronic liver disease. The human brain oxygen level is quite high.宜改为:The oxygen level in human brain is quite high.Their specific inhibition producing effects on fat containing food intake were assessed.宜改为:Their specific effects of inhibition on the intake of fat containing food were assessed.The present investigation evaluated various specific drug sample combinations.宜改为:The present investigation evaluated various combinations of specific drug samples-------分享,版权属于原作者。
1. 引言:引入话题并提出文章主旨。
2. 论点:分段写出主要观点和论据,每段只表达一个观点,确保逻辑清晰、层次分明。
3. 结论:总结文章主要观点,强调重点,并给出建议、展望等。
二、使用恰当的语法和词汇:1. 语法:正确使用各种句式和时态,注意主谓一致、动词时态、单复数等语法规则,确保语法正确,句子通顺。
2. 词汇:使用准确、丰富的词汇表达思想和观点,注意使用恰当的近义词和反义词,以及适当的形容词和副词来修饰名词和动词。
三、适当使用连接词和过渡词:1. 连接词:使用连接词将段落、句子和观点连接起来,使文章逻辑清晰,表达连贯。
2. 过渡词:使用过渡词来引导读者理解上下文之间的关系,如表示原因、结果、转折、递进、比较等。
四、注意段落划分和段落开头:1. 段落划分:每个段落都应该有一个明确的主题,一个段落只表达一个主要观点。
2. 段落开头:每个段落的开头应该明确主题,概括该段落的内容,为读者提供一个预览。
五、多练习和反复修改:1. 练习:通过练习不同类型和难度的写作题目,提高写作技巧和速度。
2. 修改:写完文章后,反复修改语法错误、词汇不准确和表达不清晰的地方,确保文章质量。
学术文章:Features on the lexical level:词汇上的特征①Terminology ②Nominalization ③Abbreviation ④Use of single verbsFeatures on the syntactical level 句法特征①Long complex sentenceFor accuracy to explain coplicated ideas clearly and precisely②Simple-present tenseDescribes natural phenomena, processes and makes explanation vivid and timeless③Passive voiceconvince the reader of the objectivity of the desciption④Non-finite verbsparticiples, infinitives and gerunds are freqently used in EST1:Why do you engage in scientific research ?Reasons to Engage in Scientific Research:(1)Personal interest to explore the world (2)Solving practical problems(3)Career development (4)Technological development(5)Academic exchanges (6)Academic evaluation (7)Being forced to2:What are the types, the structure and the characteristics of academic paper ?In terms of disciplines, they can be divived intoThree large categories: (1)Philosophy(2)natural science (3)social science.In accordance with a combination of the content, target, methods and other factors.①Argumentative papers ②Descriptive papers③Academic Meeting/Research Reviews ④Book ReviewsCharacteristics of Academic WritingEnglish for science and technology(EST) refers to the style used in scientific and technological activities. Their features are:(1)Objectivity(2)Clarity(3)Coherence(4)Accuracy4:Structure of a DefinitionA definition consists of three elements:(1) the term itself, (2) the category the term belongs to, (3) the features of the term.5. Criteria of a Good Definition1. Follow rules that have traditionally been given for definition.2. State the essential attributes of that which is defined.3. Give examples of usage.4. Avoid circularity.5. Must be neither too broad or too narrow nor leave out any appropriate information, nor include that which does not truly apply.6. Must not be obscure.7. Should not be stated in the negative when it can be stated positively.6:Principles of Title SelectionValue Principle Scientific Principle Innovative Principle Feasibility Principle7:Methods for Choosing a TitleIn general, there are six main methods for choosing a research title.(1) Consult your professor or an expert (2) Participate in academic conferences(3) Select from puzzling problems (4) Read books and newspapers(5) Choose from your own interests (6) Do literature reviews7:Standards for Good Titles(1) Accuracy Word choices should be accurate and reflect the actual situation.(2) Brevity Using the most succinct text possible to summarize the contents.(3) Clarity The title should clearly reflect the subject of the paper.8:Writing Formats for TitlesTitles are usually written in the following three formats:①All the letters of the title are capitalized;②The first letter of each content words of the title is capitalized;③The first letter of the title is capitalized.8:Some widely observed guidelines for the use of tables are:①The table should be self-contained.That is, it can stand alone face to face with the paper.②A table is usually placed in a position near its relevant description.③Provide each table with a number (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and a title.④The title should be clear, concise, complete and accurate. Try to use descriptive words, not abbreviated forms.⑤The title of a table or diagram most commonly follows the same three methods as given above for the paper title.⑥The format of the column title. The first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized, other words are in lowercase.⑦Notes of table. To explain the column title, abbreviations, symbols and data, add notes or footnotes at the bottom of the table.⑧Do not repeat information in a table only if it presents new information.⑨It is easier to compare numbers by reading down a column rather than across a row.9:Data collection and selection usually follow four principles:(1)Centered around the theme (2)True and verifiable (3)Typical (4)Novel 10:Three Important Steps for Data Collection and Evaluation(1)Understand types of resources. (2)Critically read and evaluate those resources.(3)Take notes effectively.10:Four important dimensions in critical thinking and reading:(1) Structure (2) Purpose (3) Audience (4) Author11:Common criteria used to access the information found on the Internet:(1) Authorship (2) The publishing body (3) Point of view or bias(4) Referral to and/or display of knowledge of the literature(5) Accuracy or verifiability of details (6) Currency12:Criteria for evaluating accuracy:评估确定性的标准(1)For a research document, the data and the research method(s) are included.(2)The methodology is appropriate to the topic and allows the study to be duplicated for purposes of verification. The document relies on other sources or includes links to the documents themselves.(3)The document names individuals and/or sources that provided non-published data used inthe preparation of the study.(4)The background information that was used can be verified for accuracy.13:Criteria for currency:精度的标准(1)The document includes the date(s) at which the information was gathered.(2)The document refers to clearly dated information.(3)Where necessary, the document includes information on the regularity of updates.(4)The document includes a publication date or a “last updated”date.(5)The document includes a date of copyright.(6)If no date is given in an electronic document, you can view the directory in which it resides and read the date of latest modification.14:Functions of an OutlineOutline can be helpful to show the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information.15:Reasons for creating an outline:(1)Aids in the writing process.(2)Helps organize ideas.(3)Presents material in a logical form.(4)Shows relationships among ideas in the paper.(5)Constructs an ordered overview of what is written. (6)Defines boundaries and groups. 16:Four Main Components for Effective Outlines(1)Parallelism:Each heading and subheading should preserve parallel structure. If the first heading is a verb phrase, the second heading should also be a verb phrase.(2) Coordination:All informations contained in heading 1 should have the same significance as the information contained in heading 2.(3) Subordination:The information in the headings should be more general, while the information in the subheadings should be more specific.(4) Division:Each heading should be divided into 2 or more parts.17:Types of Outlines and Samples(1)Alphanumeric Outlines:Use alphabetical letters and numerals to outline the content of essays.(2) Full Sentence Outlines:The Full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the alphanumeric outline. The main difference is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline.(3) Decimal Outlines:The decimal outline is similar in format to the alphanumeric outline.the added benefit is a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level of the outline related to the large whole.18:Tips for Comparison and Contrast(1) Determine the organizational style.(2) State organization so as to ensure clarity.(3) Make preferences clear in comparison or contrast essay.(4) When organizing the writing, ensure information about the items being compared and contrasted are balanced.19:How many kinds of citation are there?Two types of citation:(1) Citation as note/reference, (2) Citation as material quoted.20:What does a writer usually do with in-text citation ?①Both the name and date enclosed in parentheses.The comma between the author and the year may or may not be included based on the publisher requirements.②To make the last name of the researcher the subject or object of the sentence or clause and follow it immediately with the date of the study in parentheses.③If you wish to emphasize the date of the cited study, you can omit the parentheses。
英语作文写作知识要点To excel in English essay writing, you need to master several key points:1. Clear Thesis Statement: Your essay should have a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or point you will be making in the essay. This statement typically appears in the introductory paragraph.2. Organization: Proper organization is crucial for an effective essay. Use paragraphs to break up different ideas or arguments, and ensure that each paragraph flowslogically from the previous one.3. Supporting Evidence: Back up your arguments with evidence from credible sources. This could include quotes, statistics, or examples that reinforce your points and make your argument more persuasive.4. Analysis: Don't just present evidence; analyze it.Explain how each piece of evidence supports your thesis and what it reveals about the topic at hand.5. Clarity and Cohesion: Your essay should be clear and easy to follow. Use transitions to link ideas and ensure that each paragraph builds on the previous one.6. Language Use: Pay attention to your language use. Use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to keep your writing interesting and engaging.7. Grammar and Mechanics: Finally, proofread your essay carefully to correct any grammatical or mechanical errors. Clear writing is essential for getting your point across effectively.By focusing on these key points, you can improve your English essay writing skills and create more compelling and persuasive essays. Remember to practice regularly and seek feedback from teachers or peers to continue improving your writing.。
所有英语作文知识点Writing an English essay requires a comprehensive understanding of various elements to create a well-structured and cohesive piece. Here are some key knowledge points to consider when composing an English essay:1. Thesis Statement: A clear and concise thesis statement is essential to establish the main argument or perspective of the essay. It should be placed in the introductory paragraph and guide the reader throughout the essay.2. Introduction: The introduction serves to introduce the topic and provide background information to engage the reader. It should also contain the thesis statement and outline the main points that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.3. Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus ona single main idea or point that supports the thesisstatement. It should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point, followed by supporting evidence and analysis to strengthen the argument.4. Evidence and Examples: Supporting your arguments with evidence and examples is crucial in demonstrating the validity of your claims. This can include quotes from literature, statistical data, or real-life examples.5. Analysis: Analyzing the evidence and explaining its significance in relation to your thesis is essential. This shows critical thinking skills and adds depth to your arguments.6. Coherence and Cohesion: Ensure that your essay flows logically from one paragraph to the next, with smooth transitions between ideas. This helps the reader follow your train of thought and maintains the coherence of the essay.7. Conclusion: The conclusion should restate the thesis statement and summarize the main points discussed in theessay. It should also provide a sense of closure and leave the reader with a lasting impression.8. Language and Style: Pay attention to your language choices and writing style. Use formal language appropriate for academic writing and vary your sentence structure to maintain reader interest.9. Grammar and Mechanics: Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling are essential for clarity and professionalism in your writing. Proofread your essay carefully to catch any errors before submission.10. Revision and Editing: Revision involves reviewing and refining your essay to improve clarity, coherence, and effectiveness. Editing focuses on correcting errors and polishing the language to enhance readability.By incorporating these key knowledge points into your English essays, you can create well-crafted and persuasive pieces of writing that effectively communicate your ideas and arguments.。
英文作文重点知识1. English is a global language, spoken by millions of people around the world. It is the official language of many countries and is used as a second language by many more.2. Learning English can open up many opportunities for people, whether it's for travel, work, or education. It allows people to communicate with others from different cultures and backgrounds.3. English has a rich and diverse vocabulary, with words borrowed from many different languages. This makes it a language that is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs of its speakers.4. English grammar can be challenging for non-native speakers, with its many rules and exceptions. However, with practice and exposure to the language, it can be mastered.5. English literature is a treasure trove of classic and contemporary works, offering a window into different time periods and perspectives. Reading English literature can help improve language skills and broaden one's understanding of the world.6. English is also the language of the internet and technology, with a large percentage of online content being in English. This means that proficiency in English is essential for accessing a wide range of information and resources.7. English is a language that is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of its speakers. New words and phrases are constantly being coined, reflecting the ever-changing nature of human communication.8. English is a language that is rich in idioms and expressions, which can be both fascinating and confusingfor non-native speakers. Learning these idiomatic expressions can add depth and nuance to one's language skills.9. English pronunciation can be tricky, with its many silent letters and irregularities. However, with practice and exposure to the language, it is possible to develop a good ear for English sounds.10. English is a language that offers a wide range of dialects and accents, each with its own unique characteristics and charm. This diversity adds to the richness of the language and reflects the diversity of its speakers.。
1. 词汇量的积累:在英语写作中,拥有丰富的词汇量是非常重要的基
2. 语法规则的掌握:良好的英语写作需要准确运用语法规则。
3. 语言风格和篇章结构:英语写作还需要了解不同的语言风格和篇章
4. 句子连接词的运用:使用恰当的连接词能够使文章的各个句子和段
5. 写作技巧和修辞手法:掌握一些写作技巧和修辞手法能够使你的文
所有英语作文知识点总结一、写作格式1. 通常英语作文的格式包括题目、开头、正文、结尾和落款等几个部分。
2. 开头一般包括引出话题和提出观点。
3. 正文是文章的主体部分,一般包括论证、举例、分析等内容。
4. 结尾一般是总结全文,给出建议或展望未来。
5. 落款一般包括日期和签名。
二、写作技巧1. 表达清晰:避免使用过于复杂的词汇和句子结构,确保文章表达清晰。
2. 逻辑清晰:论点要有条理,一般采用总分总的结构。
3. 用词准确:注意用词精准,避免出现语法错误和词语搭配错误。
4. 举例充分:在文章中举例论证的例子要具体、充分,能够为你的论点提供有效的支持。
5. 语法规范:避免出现语法错误,注意时态、主谓一致、单复数等问题。
三、常见的作文类型1. 说明文:用来说明一个问题的类别。
2. 议论文:用来说明一个问题,论述两种不同的观点。
3. 对比文:用来说明两个事物的相同和不同之处。
4. 记叙文:用来描写一个具体事件或事物。
5. 评论文:用来评论一个事件或事物,提出自己的观点和看法。
四、写作素材的获取1. 丰富的知识:要有一定的知识储备,有丰富的背景知识。
2. 阅读书籍和文章:可以通过阅读书籍和文章来获取素材。
3. 观察和思考:可以通过观察周围的事物和思考来获取素材。
4. 写作经验:通过不断练习写作,可以积累写作素材。
五、常用短语和句型1. 表示观点:In my opinion, I believe that…From my point of view, I think that…2. 表示原因:The reason why/for…There are several reasons for…3. 表示举例:For example, for instance, such as…Take… for example…4. 表示转折:However, on the other hand…But, whereas…5. 表示结论:In conclusion, in summary, to sum up…All in all, it can be seen that…六、写作注意事项1. 摆正态度:坚持正确的观点和态度,不要盲从和迎合。
一、学术英语的语法1. 名词复数形式:- 一般情况下,名词复数形式在词尾加-s,如books、tables。
- 以-s、-x、-ch、-sh结尾的名词,复数形式在词尾加-es,如boxes、watches。
- 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y变为-i,再加-es,如cities。
- 以-o结尾的名词,一般在词尾加-es,如potatoes、tomatoes。
2. 时态表达:- 过去时:一般过去时使用动词的过去式形式,如played、studied。
- 现在时:一般现在时使用动词原形,如write、speak。
- 将来时:将来时使用助动词will加动词原形,如will write、will speak。
3. 从句结构:- 定语从句:定语从句用于对名词进行修饰,通常由关系代词或关系副词引导,如that、which、who、where、when。
例如:The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.- 时间状语从句:时间状语从句用于表示时间关系,常由when、while、as、before、after等引导。
例如:I will go to bed after I finish my homework.- 结果状语从句:结果状语从句用于表示结果或目的,常由so...that、such...that等引导。
例如:He spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him.二、学术英语的词汇1. 科学名词:- 抽象名词:abstract、hypothesis、methodology、analysis- 实验名词:experiment、sample、data、result- 统计名词:mean、median、mode、standard deviation- 学科名词:biology、chemistry、physics、psychology2. 学术词汇:- 研究:research、study、investigation、analysis- 论文:paper、article、thesis、dissertation- 结论:conclusion、findings、results- 方法:method、approach、technique3. 学术动词:- 分析:analyze、examine、investigate、study- 描述:describe、illustrate、present、show- 讨论:discuss、debate、explore、argue- 提出:propose、suggest、put forward、offer三、学术英语的写作技巧1. 文章结构:- 引言:简要介绍研究背景和目的,引出研究问题。
英语作文重要知识点总结Grammar:1. Nouns: Nouns are words that represent a person, place, thing, or idea. They are often the subject or object of a sentence. They can be singular or plural, and can also be common or proper nouns.2. Pronouns: Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns. Some common pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.3. Verbs: Verbs are action words that show what someone or something is doing. They can also show a state of being, such as "to be" or "to exist."4. Adjectives: Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. They can add detail and specificity to a sentence.5. Adverbs: Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They can provide information about how, when, where, or to what degree something is done.6. Prepositions: Prepositions are words that show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence. They often indicate location, direction, time, or manner.7. Conjunctions: Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses. Some common conjunctions include and, but, or, so, and because.8. Articles: Articles are words that are used to modify nouns. There are three articles in English: "a," "an," and "the."Vocabulary:1. Building a strong vocabulary is crucial for effective communication and comprehension. Reading a variety of sources and actively seeking out new words can help expand vocabulary.2. Understanding word roots, prefixes, and suffixes can aid in deciphering the meanings of unfamiliar words.3. Keeping a word journal or flashcards can help reinforce new vocabulary words and aid in memorization.4. Using context clues from the surrounding words and sentences can help determine the meaning of unknown words.5. Engaging in conversations with native speakers or language exchange partners can provide exposure to new words and phrases in a natural setting.In conclusion, mastering grammar and expanding vocabulary are essential aspects of learning English. By focusing on these important points, students can improve their language skills and become more proficient in their use of English.。
英语写作知识点和技巧总结1. Grammar and Sentence StructureOne of the most important aspects of writing in English is grammar and sentence structure. Proper grammar is essential for clear and effective communication, so it is important to have a good grasp of the basic rules of English grammar. This includes understanding the different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, as well as how to use them correctly in sentences.In addition to grammar, it is also important to pay attention to sentence structure. Sentences should be clear and concise, with a subject, verb, and object that make logical sense. It is also important to vary the length and structure of your sentences to keep your writing interesting and engaging.2. Vocabulary and Word ChoiceA strong vocabulary is another key component of good writing. Using a wide range of vocabulary can help you express yourself more clearly and precisely, and make your writing more engaging for the reader. It is important to choose the right words for the tone and purpose of your writing, and to avoid using overly complex or obscure words that may confuse the reader.One way to improve your vocabulary is to read widely and regularly, exposing yourself to different styles and registers of writing. You can also keep a list of new words and their meanings, and try to use them in your own writing. It is also helpful to pay attention to word choice and connotations, and to consider the impact of different words on the reader.3. Punctuation and MechanicsPunctuation and other mechanical aspects of writing, such as spelling and capitalization, are also important for clear and effective communication. It is essential to use punctuation correctly to indicate the structure and meaning of your sentences, and to avoid common mistakes such as run-on sentences and comma splices.Spelling and capitalization are also important to ensure that your writing is clear and professional. It is important to proofread your writing carefully for errors, and to use tools such as spell checkers to catch any mistakes that you may have missed.4. Organization and CoherenceGood writing is well organized and coherent, with a clear structure and flow that guides the reader through the text. This includes having a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as using transitions and signposts to connect different parts of the text.One way to improve organization and coherence in your writing is to create an outline or plan before you start writing. This can help you to organize your ideas and ensure that yourwriting follows a logical and coherent structure. It is also important to use clear and logical transitions between different ideas, and to avoid jumping around or repeating the same points.5. Audience and PurposeOne of the most important considerations when writing in English is the audience and purpose of your writing. Different audiences will have different expectations and levels of knowledge, so it is important to consider who you are writing for and what you want to achieve with your writing.For example, if you are writing an academic essay, you will need to use a formal tone and support your arguments with evidence and references. If you are writing a letter to a friend, you can use a more informal tone and include personal details and references to your relationship. It is important to consider the needs and expectations of your audience, and to tailor your writing to suit their needs.6. Revision and EditingFinally, revision and editing are essential steps in the writing process. No piece of writing is perfect on the first draft, so it is important to take the time to revise and edit your writing to improve its clarity, coherence, and effectiveness. This includes checking for errors in grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, as well as reorganizing and clarifying your ideas.One way to revise your writing is to read it aloud, which can help you to identify awkward or unclear phrasing, as well as errors in punctuation and mechanics. It can also be helpful to have someone else read your writing and provide feedback, as they may be able to spot errors or areas for improvement that you may have missed.In conclusion, writing in English requires a combination of knowledge and skills, including grammar and sentence structure, vocabulary and word choice, punctuation and mechanics, organization and coherence, and consideration of audience and purpose. By paying attention to these key points and techniques, you can improve your writing and communicate more effectively in English. I hope this article has been helpful in providing some guidance on how to become a better English writer. Thank you for reading!。
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毕业论文整体上包括:Title page (标题页)/ an English cover page
Abstract (摘要)150-200words, 第三人称,一般现在时
Outline (提纲)
The Body (正文)
Works Cited (参考书目) / Bibliography Title: 1:Choose a topic: i. Your interest ii. Subject area iii. Subject importance iv. Availability of Resources
2. Narrow Down Your Topic
3: Ways to find out resource materials : encyclopedia; periodicals; Internet
This paper mainly focuses on ...First of all, the paper analyses....Secondly, it explores....Moreover, it concentrates on... By the contrast between ...and... ,The paper reveals....
I. Abstract Content
a. a clear statement of the problem
b. the purpose of the paper
c. the methods applied in research
d. where and how you obtain your information
e. how you use the data to make your points
f. an outline of your system of analysis
g. statement of your result or finding
h. enlightment of your research
Outline :
1)Before you write an outline, make a list of the main questions you plan to answer and the important facts you have discovered as you have gone through your sources.
2)Then, give a serious thought on how you plan to organize your paper. There are some basic ways to go about it.Cause and effect ;Order of importance ;Categorical order
I. Beginnings (Introduction)
The function of an introduction of a research paper is to:(目的)
⑴ Create reader ’s interest by introducing in more details some general background information on the topic under investigation;
⑵ Focus on an issue, a problem, or a question relevant to the study;
⑶ Review previous research;
⑷ Discuss deficiencies in previous research on the topic;
⑸ Propose a different/new way of investigating the same topic or some aspect of it.
Elements that make readers satisfactory:
(1) A clear statement of purpose.
(2) A little background information.
(3) A few questions.
(4) A positive view of the end point and the topic of the paper.
II. Review of Literature The purpose of literature review To show what has been previously studied in the field. To summarize other people ’s writings. To define or review definitions or concepts.
III. Discussion and analysis
In this part we bring everything together by discussing the significance of our findings and its relationship to previous research in the area and also the hypotheses we set out with.
analysis ---provides the evidence
Discussion---gives the explanation, description, elaboration, comparison, contrast
要素Topic Specification (TS) Background Information (BI) Purpose Statement (PS) Methodology and Data (MD)
Results/Findings (RF) Implications/Conclusions (IC) The elements of literature review 1.Description of the source 2. Analysis of the work. 3. Crediting the source.。