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ⅰ守时:I have to go now because I must be for class.
is a necessary habit in all public affairs.
挫伤:Failure did not my confidence.
ⅱI like to get away from the town into surroundings.
Traffic is a major problem.
Many people work in the centre but live in the s.
ⅲdifferent 系普通用语, 指“事物间的区别或本质上的不同”, 侧重“相异的”
diverse指“性质、种类十分不同的”, 如:
divergent指“分歧的”、“差异的”, 强调“不相容的”, 如:
distinct指“两个或更多个东西各自有其特点, 不容混淆”, 含有“明显”和“性质上不同”的意思, 如:
various 强调“种类或性质的不同与多样”, 而不强调“其本质的差别”, 如: 1.The two boys are in their tastes.
2.The word is now used in a sense from the original meaning. 3.schools of thought
4.things similar in form but in nature
5.representatives from parts of the country
ⅳShe completely ed all our objections.
I have nothing further to say in this .
danger, he climbed the tower
ⅴHe was a man of action rather than of .
These views were common among s.
All human beings are much more than animal.
We need an explanation that is readily to ordinary people.
ⅵThe cost is only a of his salary.
ⅶEinstein’s theory of relativity is very .
The must be made concrete by examples.
ⅷWe try to our activities with those of other groups.
Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in society. Without it, nothing could ever be ; everything would be . Only in a rural community is it possible to disregard it. In ordinary living, there can be some tolerance unpunctuality. The intellectual, who is working some abstruse problem, has everything coordinated and organized for the matter . He is therefore forgiven if late for a dinner party. But people are often reproached for unpunctuality when their only fault
is . It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are finish a job before setting out to an appointment. If no accidents occur , like punctured tyres, diversions of traffic, sudden descent of fog, they will be on time. They are often more industrious, useful citizens than those who are never late.
The guest who arrives half an hour is the greatest nuisance. Some friends
of my family had this habit. The only thing to do was ask them to come half an hour later than the other guests. Then they arrived just when we wanted them.
If you are catching a train, it is always better to be comfortably early than
even a minute too late. Although being early may mean a little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and have to wait an hour or more for the next one; and you avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is the station and being unable to get on it. An even harder situation is to be on the platform a train and still to see it go off without you. Such an experience a certain young girl the first time she was travelling alone.
She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was , since her parents had her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to to meet her. She gave her luggage to a porter and showed him her ticket. he said that she was two hours too soon. She in her handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down all the details of the journey and gave it to the porter. He agreed that a train did come into the station at the time on the paper and
that it did stop, but only to take on mail, not passengers. The girl asked to see a timetable, feeling sure that her father could not have made such a mistake. The
porter went to one and arrived back with the station master, who produced it with a flourish and a microscopic ‘o’beside the time of the arrival of the train at his station; this little ‘o’indicated that the train only stopped for mail. Just as that moment the train came into the station. The girl, , begged to be allowed to the guard's van. But the station master was adamant: . And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination while she was .