













本章将介绍一些基本知识,比如定义全球所有可用字符的Unicode标准,以及UTF-8编码方案,emWin 使用该方案来解码以Unicode字符编写的文本。


17. 1 Unicode17. 2 阿拉伯语支持17. 3 泰语支持17. 4 Shift JIS支持17. 5 总结17.1Unicode关于unicode的编码方面的知识在百度百科或者wiki百科上面有详尽的介绍,初学的一定要认真的看一下,了解这方面的知识对于以后学习大有裨益。


17.1.1UTF-8 编码方案Unicode是国际组织制定的可以容纳世界上所有文字和符号的字符编码方案。




ISO/IEC 10646-1定义了一种称为通用字符集(UCS)的多八位字符集,收入了全球大多数文字系统。




UTF是“UCS Transformation Format”的缩写,可以翻译成Unicode字符集转换格式,即怎样将Unicode定义的数字转换成程序数据。

CATIA V5 R16_CVI_SFD_SDD_Setup_Training

CATIA V5 R16_CVI_SFD_SDD_Setup_Training
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Definition of the Project Plane Systems Plane system hierarchy within a system Plane System Definition Exercise Plane System Synchronization Changes Supported for Plane Synchronization Plane System Synchronization Exercise Hull a new resource in the PRM Hull Synchronization Hull Synchronization Exercise
Catalog management for SR1 Catalog management for SFD/SDD (Material Management)
7. 8. 9.
Point to the catalog using the PRM resource Place the custom section into a design document. Management of the Preferred List via PRM
3. 4. 5.
1.3 PRM: Molded Conventions – ProjectParameters XML
Molded Conventions:
1. Set of rules governing the placement of the structural components. These rules are defined in MoldedConventions.xml file and are based on the ship axis defined by the ProjectParameters.xml file. Some important parameters in the ProjectParameters.xml file : Positioning Orientation – „Xp‟ for European convention, „Xm‟ for American convention. Management of the Length unit. Management of the Midship and Centerline frames.








售后服务电话:4006123678目录一、使用前的注意事项 (10)1.1使用本机的注意事项 (10)1.2电池的注意事项 (10)二、基本使用说明 (12)2.1机身示意图 (12)2.2触摸按键说明 (13)2.3基本操作说明 (13)三、搜索 (16)3.1英汉 (16)13.2汉英 (16)3.3中文 (16)3.4百科 (16)四、视频课堂 (17)五、全科同步 (18)5.1同步英语 (18)5.2数学同步 (21)六、错题本 (22)七、分级听力 (23)八、辞典 (25)8.1牛津进阶 (25)28.2牛津精解 (27)8.3牛津同义 (27)8.4新英汉世纪版 (27)8.5汉英大辞典 (27)8.6全科词典 (28)8.7英语常见问题词典 (28)8.8中文词典 (29)8.9其他词典 (29)九、背单词 (31)9.1智能背单词 (31)39.2五维记忆 (32)9.3闪电记忆 (33)9.4查词记录 (34)9.5测试评估 (34)9.6艾宾浩斯 (34)9.7下载词库 (35)9.8生词本 (35)9.9自建词库 (35)十、综合英语 (37)10.1开口学 (37)410.2影音互动 (37)10.3色拉英语 (38)10.4探索教育 (39)10.5空中英语 (39)10.6英语900句 (39)10.7基础英语 (39)10.8动漫单词 (41)10.9P E P动漫 (41)十一、全科搜学 (42)11.1试题搜学 (42)511.2英语搜学 (43)十二、全科学习 (45)12.1特教指导 (45)12.2名师讲堂 (45)12.3中高考真题 (46)12.4学科资料 (47)12.5古文学习 (47)12.6公式常量 (47)12.7诗词曲赋 (47)12.8科普知识 (47)6十三、查漏补缺 (48)十四、整句翻译 (49)十五、娱乐 (50)15.1M P4 (50)15.2M P3 (50)15.3录音 (51)15.4图片浏览 (52)15.5电子书 (52)15.6游戏 (52)15.7动漫下载 (55)715.8宠物猫 (55)十六、工具 (57)16.1系统设置 (57)16.2资源管理器 (58)16.3U盘 (59)16.4时钟日历 (59)16.5计算换算 (61)16.6名片记事 (64)16.7数据传输 (66)16.8存储管理 (67)816.9产品信息 (68)十七、本机参数 (69)17.1数据参数 (69)17.2规格参数 (70)17.3装机清单 (71)9一、使用前的注意事项1.1使用本机的注意事项1.本机是由高精度集成电路组成,请勿自行拆卸,并避免发生强烈碰撞。

V5R2M0 Electronic Service Agent for iSeries 常见问题解答

V5R2M0 Electronic Service Agent for iSeries 常见问题解答

Frequently Asked Questions forV5R2M0 Electronic Service Agent for iSeriesQ1: Where can I get media for the Electronic Service Agent product (5798-RZG)?A1: New systems leaving IBM from manufacturing will have Electronic Service Agent preloaded on the iSeries system. OS/400 upgrades will have the product included with theOS/400 software order on the B29XX_07 standard set products CD-ROM where XX is the language id.For systems where the product is not preloaded and the install media is not readily accessible, a separate Electronic Service Agent V5R2M0 CD-ROM will be available at V5R2 GA. IBM Service Representatives (SSRs) can order this CD-ROM (SK3T-4116-01) through IBM Publications.Q2: Are there any migration instructions if I am upgrading my iSeries system from V4R5 orV5R1 to V5R2?A2: Yes. If you SLIP install V5R2, the Service Agent inventory collection task created within Management Central will exist along with the QYSDDIAL TCP/IP connection profile, so you will not have to recreate them. However, you will need to accept the license agreement for inventory collection via the Extreme Support wizard. For hardware problem reporting, you will need to obtain an activation password from your IBM Service Representative (SSR) and accept the license agreement.Q3: Why does LODRUN fail when I try to install Service Agent?A3: The methods to install Service Agent from CD-ROM are the Restore Licensed Program command (RSTLICPGM) or Install Licensed Programs (GO LICPGM option 11).Message CPF3717 is generated if LODRUN is attempted.Q4: Why do I need to use a user profile for Inventory setup that has a *SECOFR user class but not the actual QSECOFR user profile?A4: The operating system has a submit job restriction that does not allow batch jobs to be submitted in the name of system supplied user profiles, such as QSECOFR. However, for Management Central purposes, the QSECOFR user profile must be enabled.If a collection task is created by QSECOFR, the inventory collection task will be started by the QSECOFR user profile and the data will be collected normally. After collection, Management Central will attempt to submit a QYIVRIPS job to be run in the QSVCDRCTR subsystem to send the inventory data. The operating system will not allow the QYIVRIPS job to be submitted because of the submit job restriction. Message CPD1617 (‘Value specified for USER parameter not correct.’) will be generated.Q5: How do I activate Service Agent functions?A5: For existing Service Agent customers, hardware problem reporting is activated by entering GO SERVICE on a command line. You will need an activation password from your IBM ServiceRepresentative (SSR). System inventory collection and transmission is activated using iSeries Navigator and the Extreme Support Wizard under Management Central.Q6: In prior releases of Service Agent, I needed to set up a locale object to make sure the time information for the scheduled task and history panel was correct. Is that still necessary for Service Agent?A6: Although the use of an OS/400 locale object is no longer necessary for Service Agent, we recommend you make sure the system value for time (QTIME) and the system value QUTCOFFSET are set correctly for your time zone. Changes may need to be made during the calendar year for the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time to ensure continuity of the task operations and history panel information.Q7: In V5R2 iSeries Navigator, what additional options are available to the Electronic Service Agent object under Management Central’s Extreme Support?A7: The additional V5R2 options are listed below. To view all of the options, expand Extreme Support and click Agents. Right click on the Electronic Service Agent object.!Using the “Configure Electronic Services” option you can register existing IBM ids to the Service Agent Information site to view your system’s inventory information. If you do not!!The history panel can be refreshed using F5 or from a drop-down option from the history panel.!You can start and stop job logging of all jobs that are run by user id QSVCDRCTR.Q8: Are there new or updated inventory selections for Service Agent?A8: Yes. V5R2 Service Agent sends Group PTF information (part of the PTF inventory) as well as Software Audit information (part of Software Inventory). Service Agent can also send the System Registration information. The System Registration wizard is located in the Configuration and Service section of iSeries Navigator. Sending this information and registering your iSeries system with IBM will help make future service calls to IBM faster and more productive.Q9: Does Service Agent send all of my system inventory to IBM each time it transmits?A9: No. After the first transmission of all of your selected inventories, Service Agent will only transmit system inventory if any part of that inventory has changed since the last time Service Agent transmitted. In V5R2, for PTF inventory and Software Resource inventory, Service Agent will only transmit the specific changes, and not the entire inventory.Q10: When I tried to do Inventory -> Collect, I did not get the option to send the Service Agent information. Has there been a change?QQ11: How can I set up Service Agent to report problems from a central system to IBM for other iSeries systems or secondary partitions in my network?A11: For hardware problem reporting, the products needed for this function are Electronic Service Agent (5798RZG) and System Manager for iSeries (57xxSM1) which is fee based software.System Manager for iSeries gives your central system or main partition the ability to report hardware failures on behalf of the iSeries systems or other partitions in your network.The link below to an IBM Software Knowledge Base document provides the information toQ12: How can I set up Service Agent to send inventory information from a central system to IBM for other iSeries systems or secondary partitions in my network?A12: For inventory transmission, Management Central allows collection from other iSeries systems or secondary partitions and transmission from the central system. You must have Service Agent installed on the secondary partitions or iSeries systems. The OS/400 release running on the central system determines the types of inventory to be sent since new collection capabilities have been added over the past two OS/400 releases.Q13: During Service Agent setup, I am having problems starting the Management Central server jobs and connecting to Management Central. What should I do?A13: We recommend this excerpt from the Management Central FAQs.You will need to perform some troubleshooting. The problem is most likely a TCP/IP configuration problem on the host. The following TCP/IP related questions should be answered.• Has TCP/IP been configured (CFGTCP) on your iSeries systems in the network?• Has TCP/IP been started (STRTCP) on your iSeries systems in the network?• Can you 'ping' the host from the client or another iSeries?• Can you 'ping' the client from the iSeries?• Can you 'ping' other iSeries systems in your network from the client and from the iSeries?• If you are using a Domain Name Server (DNS), both short and long names for the system in your network must be there and entered correctly.• If you are not using a DNS, the host table for both short and long name(CFGTCP, option 10) must be there and entered correctly. For example, a commonpractice is to define a long name that conveys the networkorganization and to also define a short name such as SYS1 that is easier to remember.!Is the domain information listed in CFGTCP, option 12 specified correctly?Host name (ex: SYS1) and domain name (ex: )• Is there a port conflict? Management Central uses port 5555 (NETSTAT, option 3.) You can also view the Service Entry Table (CFGTCP, opt 21, opt 1) to identify portassignments. Management Central has three port numbers assigned to it. Non-SSLservice as-mgtctrl is port 5555, SSL service as-mgtctrl-cs is port 5577 and SSL serviceas-mgtctrl-ss is port 5566. If these are not defined in the service table, add them.The protocol is TCP.• Starting in V5R1, Management Central added a java server job (QYPSJSVR) to support java function on the GUI. In order for this java server to run, the QSECOFR user profile must NOT be disabled.If the above troubleshooting steps do not solve the problem, contact your IBM Software Support Center.Q14: Are there problem determination steps for Service Agent inventory problems?A14: Yes. The following diagram steps through a general problem determination process.Q15: When I take option 19 to Display Service Agent audit log using the Service Agent Main Menu (GO SERVICE), my screen does not automatically go to the bottom of the file for the most recent entries as in past releases. Has there been a change?A15: Yes. The audit log file has been changed for easier code page translation and is displayed using SQL. On the ‘Position to line’ field, you can enter the letter B to get to the bottom of the file for the most recent audit log entries.Q16: When I look at the job schedule entries (WRKJOBSCDE) on my system, there is a QSDAUTOTST job schedule entry. What is that entry used for?A16: QSDAUTOTST is the Service Agent automated operational test which is an integral part of V5R2. This scheduled job will send a test to the service provider every 91 days for verification purposes. Day of the week and time settings can be modified using option 1 ‘Change Service Agent Settings’ from the Service Agent Main Menu (GO SERVICE).Q17: The V5R2 AUTOPTF function has been requesting a different informational APAR than in prior releases. Has there been a change?A17: Yes. The new informational APAR used for AUTOPTF at V5R2 is II12806.Q18: Why is there a new JV1 requirement for V5R2 systems running Service Agent Inventory Collection and Transmission?A18: The V5R2 IBM Developer Kit for Java has been updated. To comply with licensing requirements and to ensure V5R2 Service Agent will function, the update must be applied to user systems.The OS/400 product 5722JV1 (IBM Developer Kit for Java) and its option 5 (Java Developer Kit 1.3) need to be restored from the operating system CD B29XX_08, where XX is the two digit language identifier. No IPL or activation of Java code is necessary.This change affects new and existing V5R2 Electronic Service Agent inventory configurations.。


▪ LE——RESET SN COM ▪ AN——RESET SN ACK ▪ LE——请求接口变量ID ▪ AN——请求接口变量ID ▪ AN——请求接口变量ID ACK ▪ LE——请求接口变量ID ACK ▪ LE——接口变量ID ▪ AN——接口变量ID ▪ AN——接口变量ID ACK ▪ LE——接口变量ID ACK ▪ LE——主链路去阻 ▪ LE——次链路去阻 ▪ LE——重新启动请求 ▪ AN——重新启动请求 ▪ AN——主链路去阻 ACK
▪ 信令分析仪的2M接口需连接在V5接口的主次链路上 ▪ 在确认V5接口AN侧和LE侧2M接口物理层正常的情
况下进行信令分析仪的连接 ▪ 连接仪表时注意不要影响2M物理连接
▪ 软件名称V5monitor ▪ 无需安装,使用方便
▪ 在物理连接正常后,点击开始键软件会自动获取信令并 解析
▪ 该软件不能在捕获信令时实时保存,需点击停止键后点 击存盘键保存当前界面的所有信令。一次最多捕获的信 令为十万条
▪ 软件使用时有时会自动弹出“序列号错”的小窗口,不 需关心它,点击确认将窗口关掉即可
▪ 当主次链路都进行信令监控时,次链路上只会有8179 的保护协议信令,以此来进行主次链路的区分
▪AN——主链路去阻塞 ▪AN——次链路去阻 ACK ▪AN——重新启动请求ACK ▪LE——重新启动请求ACK ▪LE——主链路去阻塞 ACK ▪LE——重新启动完成 ▪AN——次链路去阻塞 ▪LE——次链路去阻塞 ACK ▪AN——重新启动完成 ACK ▪AN——重新启动完成 ▪LE——重新启动完成 ACK ▪LE——加速去阻请求 ▪AN——加速去阻请求 ACK ▪AN——加速去阻请求接受 ▪LE——加速去阻请求接受 ACK ▪LE——加速去阻请求完成 ▪AN——加速去阻请求完成 ▪LE——加速去阻请求完成 ACK

信诺瑞得培训—F5 iRules功能20080721

信诺瑞得培训—F5 iRules功能20080721

• 当业务发生问题时,很快定位 故障点,进行快速排查 • 每一个检测对象发生故障时, 很快知道会影响那些业务
• 由于DB1故障,引发了三个应 用和两种业务系统产生故障
• 让管理员站在用户角度 业务状态一目了然 可迅速判断业务受到的影 响及时解决问题。
访问客户端 访问客户端

广域网负载均衡 • • • 链路负载均衡 Web应用加速 广域网应用加速
信诺瑞得培训—F5 iRules功能
北京信诺瑞得信息技术有限公司 路瑞强
F5数据处理过程 iRules功能
?!?! 网络应用优化 (高可用、加速) 网络应用安全
Data Link
F5数据处理过程 iRules功能

CC08第1章 V5数据配置

CC08第1章 V5数据配置

目录第1章 V5数据配置...............................................................................................................1-11.1 V5数据配置说明................................................................................................................1-11.1.1 V5数据配置一般步骤..............................................................................................1-21.1.2 V5数据配置原则与注意事项...................................................................................1-21.2 V5中继配置.......................................................................................................................1-61.3 V5接口配置.......................................................................................................................1-71.4 V5用户配置.....................................................................................................................1-111.5 V5数据配置范例..............................................................................................................1-131.5.1 V5DSL用户配置范例............................................................................................1-131.5.2 添加一个V5接口..................................................................................................1-191.5.3 删除一个V5接口..................................................................................................1-23第1章 V5数据配置1.1 V5数据配置说明V5接口的建立是一个交换机(Local Exchange,简称LE)与接入网(AccessNetwork,简称AN)相互配合的过程,LE侧的V5接口配置应和AN侧V5接口的配置保持一致。


6 vSphere Data Protection 端口使用情况 47
7 vSphere Data Protection 灾难恢复 49
索引 51
VMware, Inc.
《vSphere Data Protection 管理指南》包含安装和管理适用于中小型企业的备份的信息。
本指南适用于任何希望使用 vSphere Data Protection 提供备份解决方案的用户。本指南中的信息适用于熟悉虚 拟机技术和数据中心操作的经验丰富的 Windows 或 Linux 系统管理员。
VMware, Inc.
vSphere Data Protection 管理指南
创建备份作业 27 虚拟机 27 计划 27 保留策略 27 即将完成 28 使用备份作业向导 28 立即备份 28
恢复虚拟机 29 选择备份 29 设置恢复选项 29 从备份中恢复虚拟机 29 查看恢复作业进度 29 锁定备份作业 30
为了支持众多大型 VMware 环境以及规模不断扩大的 VMware 环境,每个 vSphere Data Protection 应用装置 可以同时对 8 个虚拟机进行备份,从而增强了数据保护工作负载容量。
为了提高映像级备份的效率, vSphere Data Protection 利用 VADP 更改数据块跟踪 (CBT) 功能。 CBT 是一项 VMware 功能,使 vSphere Data Protection 只备份自上次备份以来发生更改的磁盘数据块。这极大地减少了指 定虚拟机映像的备份时间,并且提供了在特定备份窗口中处理大量虚拟机的能力。
通过在恢复期间利用 CBT 功能,vSphere Data Protection 在将虚拟机恢复到原始位置时提供快速有效的恢复能 力。在恢复过程中, vSphere Data Protection 将查询 VADP,确定哪些数据块在上次备份后发生过更改,然后 在恢复期间只恢复或替换那些数据块。这减少了执行恢复操作期间 vSphere 环境中的数据传输,更重要的是, 缩短了恢复时间目标 (RTO)。



TutorialsIGG™ v8.aDocumentation v8.aNUMECA International5, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt1050 BrusselsBelgiumTel: +32 2 647.83.11Fax: +32 2 647.93.98Web: ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTIONTUTORIAL 1: Geometry Creation1-1 INTRODUCTION1-11-1.1 Introduction1-11-1.2 Prerequisites1-21-1.3 Preparation1-21-2 CARTESIAN POINT1-31-2.1 Create Cartesian Point1-31-2.2 Select Cartesian Point1-31-2.3 Delete Cartesian Point1-31-3 CURVES1-31-3.1 Create Curves1-31-3.2 Select Curves1-51-3.3 Visualize Curves1-51-3.4 Modify Curves1-61-3.5 Edit/Copy Curves1-71-3.6 Export Curves1-71-3 SURFACES1-81-3.1 Create Surfaces1-81-3.2 Select Surfaces1-101-3.3 Visualize Surfaces1-101-3.4 Modify Surfaces1-111-3.5 Edit/Copy Surfaces1-111-3.6 Export Surfaces1-11 TUTORIAL 2: 2D Airfoil Mesh Generation2-1 INTRODUCTION2-12-1.1 Introduction2-12-1.2 Prerequisites2-22-1.3 Presentation2-22-1.4 Preparation2-22-2 MESH GENERATION2-32-2.1 Define Project Configuration2-42-2.2 Define Geometry2-52-2.3 Create Blocks2-62-2.4 Define Clustering2-112-2.5 Generate Face Grid2-142-2.6 Control Mesh Quality2-162-2.7 Define Boundary Conditions2-172-2.8 Save Project2-18ContentsTUTORIAL 3: Pipe to Pipe Mesh Generation3-1 INTRODUCTION3-13-1.1 Introduction3-13-1.2 Prerequisites3-23-1.3 Presentation3-23-1.4 Preparation3-23-2 MESH GENERATION3-33-2.1 Define Geometry3-33-2.2 Create & Control Blocks3-53-2.3 Generate Block Grid3-133-2.4 Define Butterfly Topology3-143-2.5 Control Mesh Quality3-163-2.6 Define Boundary Conditions3-183-2.7 Define Full Non Matching Connection3-193-2.8 Save Project3-20TUTORIAL 4: Volute Mesh Generation4-1 INTRODUCTION4-14-1.1 Introduction4-14-1.2 Prerequisites4-24-1.3 Presentation4-24-1.4 Preparation4-24-2 MESH GENERATION4-34-2.1 Load Geometry4-34-2.2 Create & Control Blocks4-44-2.3 Generate Block Grid4-184-2.4 Control Mesh Quality4-194-2.5 Define Boundary Conditions4-204-2.6 Define Full Non Matching Connection4-224-2.7 Save Project4-23TUTORIAL 5: Axi Seal Leakage Mesh Generation5-1 INTRODUCTION5-15-1.1 Introduction5-15-1.2 Prerequisites5-25-1.3 Presentation5-25-1.4 Preparation5-25-2 MESH GENERATION5-35-2.1 Define Project Configuration5-35-2.2 Import Geometry5-45-2.3 Create & Control Blocks5-45-2.4 Define Clustering5-105-2.5 Control Mesh Quality5-135-2.6 Define Boundary Conditions5-155-2.7 Save Project5-18What’s in This Guide ?This Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials driving the user in IGG™ v8 to mesh different internal and external configurations. In each tutorial, features related to mesh generation are dem-onstrated.Tutorials 1 to 5 are detailed tutorials designed to introduce the beginner to IGG™ v8. These tutori-als provide explicit instructions for all steps of the mesh generation process. Tutorials 1 to 5 do not require any pre-requisite and can be treated separately, in any order. They address different types of applications, including both internal and external cases.Where to Find the Files Used in the Tutorials ?Each of the mesh generation starts from a geometry that is existing or is created. The appropriate files (and any other relevant files used in the tutorial) are stored on IGG™ v8 DVD-ROM, more precisely in the /DOC/_Tutorials directory.How to Use this Guide ?Depending upon your familiarity with computational fluid dynamics and your interest in some par-ticular configuration, you can use this tutorial guide in a variety of ways.For the BeginnerIf you are beginning user of IGG™, you should first read and solve tutorials 1 and 2, in order to familiarize yourself with the interface and basis of the mesh generation technique. You may then want to concentrate on a tutorial that demonstrates features that you are going to resolve. For exam-ple, if you are planning to mesh a volute, you should look at tutorial 4.For the Experienced UserIf you are an experienced user of IGG™, you can read and/or solve the tutorial(s) that demonstrate features that you are going to resolve. For example, if you plan to mesh a 2D airfoil, you should look at tutorial 2.Conventions Used in this GuideSeveral conventions are used in the tutorials to facilitate your learning process.Following a short introduction, each tutorial is divided into sections respectively related to the mesh generation steps from the geometry definition to the 3D mesh generation.Inputs required to execute the tutorials are restricted to the geometry, either in a ".dat" or CAD related format.The sequence of actions to be executed are described through a step-by-step approach, in the form of arabic numbers.Additional insight about some specific actions and/or features is frequently added to illustrate the tutorial further. This information is proposed for the purpose of clarity and completeness, and should not be executed. It appears in italicized type.Contact NUMECA support team at +32-2-647.83.11 or send an e-mail to sup-port@numeca.be for any question or information you may require. To allowNUMECA support to help you out within the shortest delays, please provide adetailed description of the observed behaviour and performed analysis.TUTORIAL 1:Geometry Creation1-1Introduction1-1.1IntroductionThe resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:•spatial discretization of the flow equations,•flow computation,•visualization of the results.To answer these questions, NUMECA has developed a F low IN tegrated E nvironment for internaland Turbomachinery assimilations. Called FINE™/Turbo, the environment integrates the followingtools:•IGG™ is an I nteractive G eometry modeler and G rid generator software, based on structured multi-block techniques,•AutoGrid™ is a three-dimensional Automated Grid generation software, dedicated to turboma-chinery applications. Similarly to IGG™, it is based on structured multi-block techniques,•Euranus is a state-of-the-art multi-block flow solver, able to simulate Euler and Navier-Stokes equations in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes,•CFView™ is a highly interactive flow visualization and post-treatment software,•FINE™ Graphical User Interface is a user-friendly environment that includes the different soft-wares. It integrates the concept of projects and allows the user to achieve complete simulations,going from the grid generation to the flow visualization, without the need of file manipulation.This tutorial is particularly adapted to the creation and modification of geometrical entities. Itmakes exclusive use of IGG™.In this tutorial you will learn how to:•Create Cartesian point,•Create and modify curve entities,•Create and modify surface entities,•Select and delete geometrical entities,Geometry Creation Introduction•Group/ungroup geometrical entities,•Save geometrical entities.1-1.2PrerequisitesThis tutorial does not require any particular prerequisite.1-1.3Preparation•Copy the files located in cdrom:\DOC\_Tutorials\IGG\Tutorial_1 to your working directory, where cdrom must be replaced by the name of your DVD-ROM.•Start IGG™ v8.xFor LINUX and UNIX systems, you can access IGG™ v8.x graphical user interface with thefollowing command lineigg -niversion 8x -print or igg -niversion autogrid8x -printFor WINDOWS systems, you can access IGG™ v8.x graphical user interface from the startmenu going to /Programs/NUMECA software/fine8x/IGG or /Programs/NUMECA software/autogrid8x/IGGMenu BarTool Bar3D ViewQuick Access PadControl Areakeyboard input areainformation areaYou’re now ready to start to create and modify geometrical entities!IGG™ v8 graphical user interface allows to visualize the geometry and mesh of the internal orexternal test case in a 3D view by default. The access to main menu and controls is proposedthrough a menu bar and a quick access pad, and is completed with a tool/icon bar and a control area(including the keyboard input area).Cartesian Point Geometry Creation1-2Cartesian Point1-2.1Create Cartesian Point1.Select the Geometry/Create Points/Cartesian Point menu to initiate the creation of aCartesian point2.Type the sequence <1 1 0> <Enter> in the keyboard input area. This action will create theCartesian point (black or white point is appearing in the graphics area)Cartesian points can also be defined as intersection between two selectedcurves or between a selected curve and a plane or between a selected curveand a surface (see User Manual for more details).3.Select the Geometry/Create Points/Cartesian Point menu to initiate the creation of a sec-ond Cartesian point4.Type the sequence <1 1 1> <Enter> in the keyboard input area. This action will create thesecond Cartesian point (second black or white point is appearing in the graphics area) 1-2.2Select Cartesian Point5.Select the Geometry/Select/Cartesian Points menu to select Cartesian points6.Move the mouse on the Cartesian point (1,1,1) and click-left on it when highlighted in blueto select it7.Click-right or <q> in the graphics area to end the selection1-2.3Delete Cartesian Point8.Select the Geometry/Delete/Cartesian Points menu to delete the selected Cartesian points(highlighted in blue)1-3Curves1-3.1Create CurvesThe following section describes how to:—create basic curves—use the keyboard or the mouse to input points—use the attraction featureThe below geometry, consisting of two polylines, one C-spline and one arc, will be created.Geometry Creation Curves9.Define a polyline curve:•Select the Geometry/Draw Polyline/Free menu (shortcut <p >) to initiate the creation of a polyline•Type the sequence <1 0 0> <Enter > in the keyboard input area . This action will create thefirst point of the polylineThe keystrokes are automatically echoed in the keyboard input area.•Enter a second point at position <1.2 0.5 0> and press <Enter >•Move the mouse near the Cartesian point. When close enough, the mouse will normally beattracted to this point if the attraction to points feature is enabled. If there is no attraction,press <a > in the graphics area. Then click-left to add this point to the polyline•Click-right or <q > in the graphics area to end the polyline creation•Repeat above steps to create another polyline passing through the points (0,0,0), (-0.2,0.5,0)and (0,1,0)10.Define a C-spline curve:•Select the Geometry/Draw CSpline/Free menu (shortcut <c >) to initiate the creation of aC-spline curve•Move the mouse near the point (0,0,0) of the second polyline. When close enough, themouse will normally be attracted to this point if the attraction to points feature is enabled. If there is no attraction, press <a > in the graphics area. Then click-left to add this point to the C-spline•Move the mouse somewhere between the points (0,0,0) and (1,0,0) and click-left to add apoint•Move the mouse near the point (1,0,0) of the first polyline. When close enough, the mousewill normally be attracted to this point if the attraction to points feature is enabled. If there is no attraction, press <a > in the graphics area. Then click-left to add this point to the C-spline•Click-right or <q > in the graphics area to end the C-spline creation11.Define a circular arc curve:•Select the Geometry/Circular Arc/Normal-Point-Point-Radius menu option to initiatethe creation of a circular arc. Several inputs will be requested to define the arcThe circular arc can be created using different methods (see User Manual for more details).•Enter <0 0 1> <Enter > to define the arc normalpolyline 1polyline2C-splinearcCurves Geometry Creation •Move the mouse near the Cartesian point. When close enough the point will be highlighted (if there is no attraction, press <a> in the graphics area). Click-left to define the arc startpoint•Move the mouse near the point (0,1,0) of the second polyline. When close enough the point will be highlighted (if there is no attraction, press <a> in the graphics area). Click-left todefine the arc end point•Enter <0.6> <Enter> to define the arc radius•Press <o> until the circle has the same shape as the one presented on above figure. Then click-left to create the arcClick-right or <q> in the graphics area to end the arc creation.1-3.2Select CurvesThe curve selection operation is used to activate one or more curves for subsequent operations ingeometry modelling or grid generation. When a curve is selected it appears highlighted in yellow(default). All the curves created in the previous steps are selected.12.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves option to initiate curve(s) selectionThe shortcut <s> can also be used to activate the option without accessing themenu.13.Press <a> to unselect all the curves, which become unhighlighted14.Move the mouse over the C-spline which is then highlighted. At the same time, the name,type of curve and approximate arc length of the curve appear in the information area15.Click-left to select it16.Repeat above step to select the first created polyline17.Click-right to quit the selectionSelection and deselection of all curves can be done by pressing <a> repeat-edly (toggle option).1-3.3Visualize CurvesWhen importing complex models, many curves may be created and visualized in IGG™, makingthe graphics unclear. It is possible to visualize only specific curves on the screen, hiding all others,in the following way:18.Select the Geometry/View/Curves option. A curve chooser appears with the name of allthe curves. All the names are highlighted since all the curves are visible19.Select the C-spline in the chooser (click-left on it) and press Apply. Only the C-splinecurve now appears in the view20.Select the first polyline in the chooser (click-left on it) while holding the <Ctrl> key. Thepolyline is highlighted in the chooser, together with the C-spline. Press Apply to visualizeboth curves21.Select the first and last curves in the chooser while holding the <Shift> key. All the curvesare now selected. Press Apply to visualize them all22.Close the chooserAfter selecting the curves by using the Geometry/Select/Curves menu, the selected curves can befurther investigated in the following way:Geometry Creation Curves23.Select the Geometry/View/Curve Orientation menu. The default orientation of theselected curves is shown. This orientation is important for other geometry modelling andgrid generation operations. These orientations can be hidden by selecting the menu onceagain (toggle option)24.Select the Geometry/View/Control Points menu. The control points of the selected curvesappear now. This options acts as a toggle (display on-off) on all selected curves25.Select the Geometry/Select/Control Points menu. A control point must be selected. Whenmoving the mouse near a control point, the point becomes highlighted. Click-left on a con-trol point to display the point coordinates in the information area26.Click-right to quit the option27.Select the Geometry/Distance menu (). A prompt appears to select two points betweenwhich the distance will be measured and displayed:•Press <c> to disable the attraction to curves (this can be verified by moving the cursor near the start point of the C-spline. Normally, there is no attraction to the curve. Otherwise, press<c> a second time)•Move and attract the cursor over the start point of the C-spline. If there is no attraction, press <a>. Click-left on curve to select the start point•When moving the mouse, the distance between the selected point and the cursor is indi-cated. Move the mouse over the last point of the C-spline. The cursor is attracted to thepoint and the distance is indicating d=1•Click-left to fix the distance on the screenThe above steps can be repeated to measure the distance between otherpoints.•Click-right to quit the option.1-3.4Modify CurvesExisting selected curves can be modified within IGG™ in the following way:28.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Add Control Point option to add control points onselected curve by click-left on itCurves Geometry Creation29.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Remove Control Point option to remove a controlpoint on selected curve by click-left on control point30.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Modify Point (On surface) option to move an exist-ing control point on selected curve (on surface) by click-left to select the point and click-left after moving the control point31.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Set Name... option to impose a userdefined name tothe selected entity (one curve should be selected)32.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Divide option to split the selected curve at a userde-fined location by click-left on it (one curve should be selected)33.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Reverse option to reverse the curve orientation plot-ted when selecting Geometry/View/Curve Orientation menu1-3.5Edit/Copy CurvesExisting selected curves can be moved or copied within IGG™ in the following way:34.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves menu to select all the curves (highlighted in yellow)35.Select the Geometry/Edit/Copy menu to copy all the selected entities with a translation,rotation, scaling or mirror operation36.Type <new> <Enter> to impose a userdefined prefix to the geometrical entities that will becreated37.Type <t> <Enter> to select a copy with a translation38.Type <1 0 0> <Enter> to impose the translation vectortranslation (1 0 0)The menus Geometry/Edit/Translate, Rotate, Scale or Mirror allow to moveand not to copy the selected geometry.1-3.6Export CurvesIt is possible to save during the work the curves created in the previous steps. Only the curvesselected are saved into a file:39.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves menu to select all the curves (highlighted in yellow)Geometry Creation Surfaces40.Select File/Export/Geometry Selection... menu. A file chooser is opened to specify the name of a file ".dat" (with corresponding Parasolid ™file "X_T"). This file can be readback using the File/Import/IGG Data... menu ().1-4Surfaces 1-4.1Create Surfaces In this section simple surface creation is described, starting from a set of curves. A new session will be opened to clear all previous drawings.41.Select File/New - yes to close the current project and open a new, empty, project.Opening a new project closes the current project without automatic saving.42.Define a lofted surface:•Select File/Import/IGG Data and choose the file "geometry_curves.dat" in the\DOC\_Tutorials\IGG\Tutorial_1 directory of the installation cdrom. Three curves are readand stored in the geometry repository•Select the curves using Geometry/Select/Curves (<s >) in the order indicated on the figure•Verify that the curves are well oriented by using the Geometry/View/Curve Orientationmenu otherwise you need to reverse the curves by using the Geometry/Modify Curve/Reverse menu in order to impose the same orientation to all the curves•Select the Geometry/Surface/Lofted menu in the Quick Access Pad . A NURBS surface,interpolating the curves is now created. Notice that two new curves, representing surfaceboundaries, are created. These curves automatically appear in the curve chooser (Geome-try/View/Curves ) when it is opened123Boundary curves automatically created1234Surfaces Geometry Creation43.Define a coons patch:A Coons surface is a surface interpolating 4 boundary curves using a bilinearinterpolation. To avoid overlapping with the lofted surface, the selected curveswill be copied and translated.•Select the four boundary curves (<s>) of the lofted surface, in the order indicated in the above figure•Select the Geometry/Edit/Copy menu in the Quick Access Pad. IGG™ interrogates whether the duplicated curves must be translated, rotated, scaled, mirror or not. To avoid overlappingwith the existing curves and surface, a translation will be performed•Type <new> <Enter> to impose a userdefined prefix to the geometrical entities that will be created•Type <t> <Enter> to select a copy with a translation•Type <1 1 1> <Enter> to impose the translation vectorThe selected curves are duplicated and the new curves are automaticallyselected (the other curves are now unselected)•Select the Quick Access Pad/Geometry/Surface/Coons menu. A new surface is created which interpolates the four selected curvesIt can be noticed that 4 additional curves have been created. These are curves following the parametricdirections of the surface and are used to provide a better visualization of the surface.44.Define a surface of revolution:A surface of revolution will be created by rotating a newly created curve aroundthe Y axis.•First create a C-spline (Geometry/Curve/CSpline) between the points (-0.5,-2,0.1), (-0.5,0,0.2) and (-0.5,2,0.1). These points were selected so that the surface of revolution thatwill be created intersects the lofted surface•Make this curve the only selected curve (Geometry/Select/Curves)•Select Geometry/Surface/Revolution in the Quick Access Pad to create a surface of revolu-tion by rotating this new curve around a line parallel to the Y axis. The rotation origin is takenso that the surface of revolution intersects the lofted surface•Type <0 1 0> <Enter> to select the rotation axis direction•Type <-0.5 0 -1> <Enter> to select the rotation axis origin•Type <300> <Enter> to select the angle of rotationGeometry Creation SurfacesAs it may be noticed, the curve used for the rotation constitutes the first boundary of the surface.Three other boundary curves are automatically created to delimitate the surface.1-4.2Select SurfacesThe surface selection operation is used to activate one or more surfaces for subsequent operations in geometry modelling (i.e surface-surface intersection) or grid generation (i.e. face grid mapping).When a surface is selected its boundary curves appear highlighted in red or yellow.45.Select the Geometry/Select/Surfaces menu to initiate surface(s) selectionThe <Ctrl-s> shortcut can also be used to activate the same option, withoutaccessing the menu.46.Press <a > to unselect all the surfaces (toggle option), which become unhighlighted (bound-ary curves are unhighlighted)47.Move the mouse over the lofted surface. The surface becomes highlighted in blue.48.Click-left to select the surface. The boundary curves remain now permanently in red or yel-low49.Repeat above steps to select the surface of revolution50.Click-right to quit the selectionSelection and deselection of all the visible surfaces can be done by pressing<a> repeatedly (toggle option).1-4.3Visualize SurfacesSurfaces stored in IGG ™ are by default visualized by displaying their boundaries. As soon as the boundary curves of a surface are visible, the surface is considered visible. The following step describes how to hide surfaces, hence hide their boundaries.51.Select the Geometry/View/Surfaces option. A surface chooser appears with the name ofall the surfaces in the geometry repository. All surfaces in the chooser are highlighted sincethey are all visible in the graphics area52.Select the lofted surface (click-left on it) in the chooser and press Apply . The lofted surface appears alone in the graphics area with all the previously created curvesboundary curvesSurfaces Geometry Creation53.Select the surface of revolution (click-left on it) in the chooser while holding the <Ctrl> key.The surface of revolution is highlighted in the chooser together with the lofted surface. PressApply to visualize both surfaces. Notice that the surface of revolution is now unselected inthe graphics area (highlighted in blue)54.Select the first and last surfaces (click-left on them) in the chooser while holding the <Shift>key. All surfaces are highlighted in the chooser. Press Apply to visualize them all in thegraphics area55.Close the chooser1-4.4Modify SurfacesWhen manipulating parametric surfaces, it is possible to create curves in the parametric directions ofthe surfaces. These curves can be used to better visualize the surfaces or for other geometry and gridmodelling operations.56.After selecting a surface, select the Geometry/Modify Surface/Representation menu.IGG™ requests the number of curves to be created in the u and v direction of each selectedsurface:•Type <15 15> <Enter> to plot 15 curves in both parametric directions of the selected surfaces•Repeat the previous step and specify 5 curves in each direction57.Select the Geometry/Modify Surface/Add uv Curves menu. Then a point must be selectedon the selected surfaces:•Move the mouse inside the limits of the selected surfaces. Two orthogonal curves appear at the mouse position. The attraction feature can be enabled, if needed•Click-left to add the two curves in the geometry repositoryThe curves created in the above steps are deleted when the surface is deleted,except if they are used by other entities.1-4.5Edit/Copy SurfacesExisting selected surfaces can be moved or copied within IGG™ as presented on the curves in section1-3.5.1-4.6Export SurfacesIt is possible to save during the work the curves and surfaces created in the previous steps. Only thecurves and surfaces selected are saved into a file:58.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves and Surfaces menu to select respectively the curves(highlighted in yellow) and the surfaces (highlighted in red or yellow)59.Select the File/Export/Geometry Selection... menu. A file chooser is opened to specify thename of a file ".dat" (with corresponding Parasolid™ file "X_T"). This file can be read backusing the File/Import/IGG Data... menu ()Geometry Creation SurfacesTUTORIAL 2:2D Airfoil MeshGeneration2-1Introduction2-1.1IntroductionThe resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:•spatial discretization of the flow equations,•flow computation,•visualization of the results.To answer these questions, NUMECA has developed a F low IN tegrated E nvironment for internaland Turbomachinery assimilations. Called FINE™/Turbo, the environment integrates the followingtools:•IGG™ is an I nteractive G eometry modeler and G rid generator software, based on structured multi-block techniques,•AutoGrid™ is a three-dimensional Automated Grid generation software, dedicated to turboma-chinery applications. Similarly to IGG™, it is based on structured multi-block techniques,•Euranus is a state-of-the-art multi-block flow solver, able to simulate Euler and Navier-Stokes equations in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes,•CFView™ is a highly interactive flow visualization and post-treatment software,•FINE™ Graphical User Interface is a user-friendly environment that includes the different soft-wares. It integrates the concept of projects and allows the user to achieve complete simulations,going from the grid generation to the flow visualization, without the need of file manipulation.A C-type block grid around an airfoil is proposed to explain the basic features of the major topol-ogy and grid generation modules within IGG™.The tutorial shows the successive steps that must be followed to generate a 2D mesh and to definethe boundary conditions required before starting a solver:•Set up a 2D project,•Import/Create geometry curves needed for meshing,•Define the topology before meshing,。



NCV5-外部交换平台技术红皮书此文件受到UFIDA的保护, 并已在保护中心注册, 外泄必纠! UFIDAGUID1{9B556DBC-1AC6-8F37-3BF6-71C56F13F30F} UFIDA GUID1{A4D3866A-8E0A-C39D-50D4-050B0F9DB068}外部交换平台实施技术红皮书NC-UAP 5.0用友NC-UAP 2021-08-18目录第一章1. 2. 3.第二章1.1.11.22. 3.3.1 3.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.2第三章1.1.1 1.2 2.2 2.3总体概述 ........................................................................... . (1)外部交换平台总体结构...........................................................................1 外部交换平台功能特点...........................................................................1 外部交换平台V50版新增功能 (2)实施简介及相关注意点 (4)实施方法简介............................................................................ (4)外系统数据导入的一般步骤 ........................................................................... ........ 4 外部交换平台服务器端文件目录结构 (5)Servlet的URL地址参数与XML交换文档头属性的关系 ................. 7 向NC 系统发送数据方式 (8)手动界面发送 ........................................................................... ................................ 8 后台预警发送 ........................................................................... ................................ 9 自定义程序发送 ........................................................................... .. (11)回执及异常出错信息 (12)回执格式 ........................................................................... ...................................... 12 异常和错误编码 ........................................................................... .. (12)外部交换平台总体参数设置 (13)单据导入方式 ........................................................................... .............................. 13 单篇最大传输上限 ........................................................................... ...................... 14 导入过程是否记录中间文件 ........................................................................... ...... 14 外部系统默认帐套 ........................................................................... ...................... 14 设置客户端IP范围 ........................................................................... .................... 14 接收公司匹配规则 ........................................................................... ...................... 15 回执文件后台备份 ........................................................................... ...................... 15 回执和导出文件编码格式 ........................................................................... . (15)单据流水号和单据并发控制 (15)单据流水号的概念和作用 ........................................................................... .......... 15 单据并发控制 ........................................................................... (16)单据交换规则定义 (17)基础篇―简单单据配置 (17)表头记录的配置 ........................................................................... .......................... 19 表体记录的配置 ........................................................................... .......................... 20 字段属性项的配置 ........................................................................... . (21)高级篇―复杂字段配置 (29)VO记录的配置规则 ........................................................................... ................... 29 简单数组记录的配置规则 ........................................................................... .......... 31 VO数组记录的配置规则 ........................................................................... .. (33)第 2 页2.4 2.5 简单集合记录的配置规则 ........................................................................... .......... 35 VO集合记录的配置规则 ........................................................................... .. (37)第四章1. 2. 3. 4.基于外部交换平台的单据集成开发 (43)注册单据相关信息............................................................................ ..... 43 生成&配置交换规则定义文件............................................................. 46 辅助信息项设置............................................................................ ......... 49 插件代码维护............................................................................ . (50)第 3 页第一章总体概述1. 外部交换平台总体结构日志和中间文件整理服务基础数据对照表辅助信息配置外系统自动发送数据手动加载数据XML数据包XML数据包ServletXML数据包接收外系统的文档XML数据包XML处理器解析数据并翻译转换NC业务模块适配器NC财务业务模块NC供应链业务模块自动加载代理外系统接收代理NC基础数据模块外部交换平台数据高速缓存外部系统注册转换规则定义图 1.1.1 外部交换平台总体结构图外部数据交换平台主要用于外部系统和NC系统进行集成。

Cisco ONS 15454 参考手册 V5.0 状态概述说明书

Cisco ONS 15454 参考手册 V5.0 状态概述说明书

B-1Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01A P P E N D I XBAdministrative and Service StatesThis appendix describes administrative and service states for Cisco ONS 15454 cards, ports, and cross-connects. For circuit state information, see Chapter 10, “Circuits and Tunnels.” SoftwareRelease 5.0 states are based on the generic state model defined in Telcordia GR-1093-CORE, Issue 2 and ITU-T X.731.0.1Service StatesService states include a Primary State (PST), a Primary State Qualifier (PSTQ), and one or moreSecondary States (SST). Table 0-1 lists the service state PSTs and PSTQs supported by the ONS 15454.T able 0-1ONS 15454 Service State Primary States and Primary State QualifiersPrimary State, Primary State Qualifier DefinitionIS-NR (In-Service and Normal) The entity is fully operational and will perform as provisioned.OOS-AU (Out-of-Service and Autonomous) The entity is not operational because of an autonomous event.OOS-AUMA(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management) The entity is not operational because of an autonomous event and has also been manually removed from service.OOS-MA(Out-of-Service and Management) The entity has been manually removed from service.Appendix B Administrative and Service States Administrative StatesTable0-2 defines the SSTs supported by the ONS 15454.T able0-2ONS 15454 Secondary StatesSecondary State DefinitionAINS(Automatic In-Service) The entity is delayed before transitioning to the IS-NRservice state. The transition to IS-NR depends on correction of conditions, or on asoak timer. Alarm reporting is suppressed, but traffic is carried. Raised faultconditions, whether or not their alarms are reported, can be retrieved on the CTCConditions tab or by using the TL1 RTRV-COND command.DSBLD(Disabled) The entity was manually removed from service and does not provide itsprovisioned functions. All services are disrupted; the entity is unable to carrytraffic.LPBK(Loopback) The entity is in loopback mode.MEA(Mismatched Equipment) An improper card is installed. For example, an installedcard is not compatible with the card preprovisioning or the slot. This SST appliesonly to cards.MT(Maintenance) The entity has been manually removed from service for amaintenance activity but still performs its provisioned functions. Alarm reportingis suppressed, but traffic is carried. Raised fault conditions, whether or not theiralarms are reported, can be retrieved on the CTC Conditions tab or by using theTL1 RTRV-COND command.OOG(Out of Group) The virtual concatenation (VCAT) member cross-connect is notused to carry VCAT group traffic. This state is used to put a member circuit out ofthe group and to stop sending traffic. OOS-MA,OOG only applies to thecross-connects on an end node where VCAT resides. The cross-connects onintermediate nodes are in the OOS-MA,MT service state.SWDL(Software Download) The card is involved in a software and database download.This SST applies only to cards.UAS(Unassigned) The card is not provisioned in the database. This SST applies only tocards.UEQ(Unequipped) The card is not physically present (that is, an empty slot). This SSTapplies only to cards.0.2Administrative StatesAdministrative states are used to manage service states. Administrative states consist of a PST and anSST. Table0-3 lists the administrative states supported by the ONS 15454. See Table0-2 for SSTdefinitions.Note A change in the administrative state of an entity does not change the service state of supporting or supported entities.Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State Transitions0.3Service State TransitionsThis section describes the transition from one service state to the next for cards, ports, and cross-connects. A service state transition is based on the action performed on the entity.0.3.1Card Service State TransitionsTable 0-4 lists card service state transitions.T able 0-3ONS 15454 Administrative StatesAdministrative State (PST,SST)Definition IS Puts the entity in-service.IS,AINS Puts the entity in automatic in-service.OOS,DSBLD Removes the entity from service and disables it.OOS,MT Removes the entity from service for maintenance.OOS,OOG(VCAT circuits only.) Removes a VCAT member cross-connect from service and from the group of members.T able 0-4ONS 15454 Card Service State T ransitionsCurrent Service State Action Next Service StateIS-NRChange the administrative state to OOS,MT.OOS-MA,MT Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS Pull the card.OOS-AU,UEQ Reset the card.OOS-AU,SWDL OOS-AU,AINS and MEA Pull the card.OOS-AU,AINS & UEQ Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS if the card is validOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS if the card is invalidOOS-AU,AINS & SWDL Restart completed.IS-NRPull the card.OOS-AU,AINS & UEQ OOS-AU,AINS & UEQInsert a valid card.OOS-AU,AINS & SWDL Insert an invalid card.OOS-AU,AINS & MEA Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQCisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State TransitionsOOS-AU,MEAPull the card.OOS-AU,UEQDelete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS if the card is validOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS if the card is invalidChange the administrative state to OOS,MT.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ OOS-AU,SWDL Restart completed.IS-NR Pull the card.OOS-AU,UEQ OOS-AU,UEQInsert a valid card.OOS-AU,SWDL Insert an invalid card.OOS-AU,MEADelete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQChange the administrative state to OOS,MT.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ OOS-AUMA,MEA & MTChange the administrative state to IS.OOS-AU,MEA Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS if the card is validOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS if the card is invalidOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ Provision the card.OOS-AU,MEA OOS-AUMA,MT & SWDL Restart completed.OOS-MA,MTPull the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQOOS-AUMA,MT & UEQChange the administrative state to IS.OOS-AU,UEQ Insert a valid card.OOS-AUMA,MT & SWDL Insert an invalid card.OOS-AUMA,MEA & MT Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ OOS-AUMA,UAS Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ Provision an invalid card.OOS-AU,MEA Provision a valid card.OOS-AU,SWDL OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ Insert a valid card.OOS-AU,SWDLInsert an invalid card.OOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS Preprovision a card.OOS-AU,AINS & UEQT able 0-4ONS 15454 Card Service State T ransitions (continued)Current Service State Action Next Service StateCisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State Transitions0.3.2Port and Cross-Connect Service State TransitionsTable 0-5 lists the port and cross-connect service state transitions. Port states do not impactcross-connect states with one exception. A cross-connect in the OOS-AU,AINS service state cannot transition autonomously into the IS-NR service state until the parent port is IS-NR.The following ports do not support all of the service states listed in Table 0-5:•E-Series Ethernet ports do not support service states; these ports are either enabled or disabled. •FC_MR-4 ports support the IS-NR; OOS-MA,DSBLD; and OOS-MA,MT service states; they do not support the OOS-AU,AINS service state.OOS-MA,MTChange the administrative state to IS.IS-NR Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ Reset the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & SWDLT able 0-4ONS 15454 Card Service State T ransitions (continued)Current Service State Action Next Service StateT able 0-5ONS 15454 Port and Cross-Connect Service State T ransitionsCurrent Service State ActionNext Service State IS-NRPut the port or cross-connect in the OOS,MT administrative state.OOS-MA,MTPut the port or cross-connect in the OOS,DSBLD administrative state.OOS-MA,DSBLDOOS-MA,DSBLD & OOG for a VCAT cross-connect Put the port or cross-connect in the IS,AINS administrative state.OOS-AU,AINS 1Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT & OOGOOS-AU,AINSPut the port or cross-connect in the IS administrative state.IS-NR Put the port or cross-connect in the OOS,MT administrative state.OOS-MA,MTPut the port or cross-connect in the OOS,DSBLD.OOS-MA,DSBLDOOS-MA,DSBLD & OOG for a VCAT cross-connect Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT and OOGCisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State TransitionsOOS-MA,DSBLDPut the port or cross-connect in the IS administrative state.IS-NRPut the port or cross-connect in the IS,AINS administrative state.OOS-AU,AINS Put the port or cross-connect in the OOS,MT.OOS-MA,MT Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT & OOGOOS-MA,LPBK & MTRelease the loopback.NoteWhile inOOS-MA,LPBK & MT, both CTC and TL1 allow a cross-connect to be deleted, which also removes the loopback. This applies only to the cross-connect, not the ports.OOS-MA,MTOOS-MA,MTPut the port or cross-connect in the IS administrative state.IS-NRPut the port or cross-connect in the IS,AINS administrative state.OOS-AU,AINS Put the port or cross-connect in the OOS,DSBLD.OOS-MA,DSBLDOOS-MA,DSBLD & OOG for a VCAT cross-connect Put the port or cross-connect in loopback.OOS-MA,LPBK & MT Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT & OOG1.For a VCAT member, an IS-NR to OOS-AU,AINS transition will not occur with a Loss of Multiframe (LOM) or SequenceMismatch (SQM) condition on the member.T able 0-5ONS 15454 Port and Cross-Connect Service State T ransitions (continued)Current Service State ActionNext Service State。



17 开关接口:不少于1路启动开关、不少于1路紧急停止
22.轴距≥140mm, 轮距≥230mm (轴距是指前轴中心到后轴中心的距离,轮距是左右两车轮两个中心平面之间的距离);


3)CPU:CortexA73 四核;

IBM SmartCloud 虚拟存储中心存储分析引擎 V5.2 快速入门指南说明书

IBM SmartCloud 虚拟存储中心存储分析引擎 V5.2 快速入门指南说明书

IBM SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center StorageAnalytics EngineVersion 5.2Quick Start GuideThis guide gets you started with a typical installation of the Storage Analytics Engine component of IBM SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center V5.2.National Language Version:To obtain this Quick Start Guide in other languages,access the PDF files on the quick start guide DVD.Product overviewIBM SmartCloud ®Virtual Storage Center provides efficient virtualization and management of heterogeneous storage systems.It helps convert existing storage to IBM ®Smarter Storage,giving you more room for data growth and more simplified storage administration.IBM SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center comprises IBM Tivoli ®Storage Productivity Center with all its advanced capabilities,also known as the Storage Analytics Engine;IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy ®Manager;and IBM System Storage ®SAN Volume Controller.This guide is for the SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center Storage Analytics Engine (or Tivoli Storage Productivity Center with all its advanced capabilities)part of the product.For information about FlashCopy Manager and SAN Volume Controller,see the links at the end of the product overview.SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center Storage Analytics Engine provides comprehensive end-to-end storage management,including the capabilities available in the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center license.It also provides advanced analytics for storage provisioning,change management,and performance optimization.It also enables monitoring and reporting of capacity information for host volumes and applications,including detailed file scans of supported file systems and applications.To get startedwith the installation of FlashCopy Manager,go to the IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager 3.2Quick Start Guide at /support/docview.wss?uid=swg27036341.To get started with the installation of SAN Volume Controller,go to the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller library and related publications at /infocenter/svc/ic/topic/com.ibm.storage.svc.console.doc/mlt_relatedinfo_224agr.html.For information about hardware requirements for the product,go to the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Information at /infocenter/tivihelp/v59r1/topic/com.ibm.tpc_V52.doc/fqz0_r_hw_requirements.html.For information about software requirements for the product,go to the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Information Center at /infocenter/tivihelp/v59r1/topic/com.ibm.tpc_V52.doc/fqz0_r_sw_requirements.html.Ensure that the following prerequisite software is installed on your system:v DB2®is required for Tivoli Storage Productivity Center.For information about installing DB2,go to/infocenter/tivihelp/v59r1/topic/com.ibm.tpc_V52.doc/fqz0_t_installing_db2.html.v Tivoli Storage Productivity Center communicates directly with the following storage systems and does not require CIM agents:–System Storage DS8000®–SAN Volume Controller–Storwize®V7000Unified–Storwize V7000–Storwize V3500–Storwize V3700–IBM SONASFor other devices,CIM agents are required.For a complete list of storage systems that are supported,and the level of CIM agents that are required for each device,go to /support/docview.wss?&uid=swg21386446.In the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center v5.x table,go to the Storage column,and click the appropriate release.or through a command line in silent mode.Tivoli Storage Productivity Center has the following installable components: v Database schemav Data server,Device server,Replication serverv GUIs:web-based GUI,stand-alone GUIv Command-line interface(CLI)v Storage Resource agentv Jazz™for Service Managementv Tivoli Common ReportingFor detailed installation instructions,go to the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Information Center at/infocenter/tivihelp/v59r1/topic/com.ibm.tpc_V52.doc/fqz0_t_installing_tpc.html.Starting and configuring Tivoli Storage Productivity Center includes the following tasks:v Starting the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUIs.v Authorizing users and specifying an authentication mechanism.v Entering licensing information.v Configuring how alerts are communicated.v Specifying how long information about resources is retained.For a detailed description of getting started with Tivoli Storage Productivity Center,go to the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Information Center at /infocenter/tivihelp/v59r1/topic/com.ibm.tpc_V52.doc/fqz0_r_roadmap.html.More informationFor more information,see the following resources:v General product information:/software/products/us/en/vscv Product support:/support/entry/portal/overview/software/tivoli/ibm_smartcloud_virtual_storage_centerv Connect,learn,and share with Service Management professionals at:https:///developerworks/servicemanagement/sm/index.htmlIBM SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center V5.2Licensed Materials-Property of IBM.©Copyright IBM ernment Users Restricted Rights-Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM,the IBM logo,and ®are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp.,registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at“Copyright and trademark information”(/legal/copytrade.shtml).Part Number:CF3Z0MLPrinted in Ireland。



F 31F 32 、 F33F 3 、 4 设 备 也 从 仅 仅 能 支 持 模 拟 电 话 业 务 的简 单 传 输 设 备 发 展 为能 同 时 支 路 解 除阻 塞 (E 0 、E 0 )链 路 阻塞 命 令 ( E 0 、 E 0 )链 路 阻 塞 F 35F 36 、 D F —D e 、 D请 求 确 认 持 宽带 和 窄 带业 务 、 持 多 种 业务 接 人 的 多 功 能 平 台。 为 了实 现 接入 请 求 (E 0 、E 0 ) 链 路 I 请 求 (E I R q)链 路 I 支 F —D c )链 D F ~D e) 保 网 与 本 地 交 换 设 备 之 间 接 口 的标 准 化 ,CTF制 订 了从 V1到 V C I 5的 ( E IA k 、 路 I 释 放 请 求 ( E IR 1等 ; 护 协 议 用 来 控 制 逻
理 通 道 . 用 某 些 6K 时 隙 用 来 承载 V 使 4 5的 信 令 通 道 , 可 以 将 所 有 传 递 完 成 , 此 根 据 V 也 因 5信 令 序 列 就 可 以判 断 V 5接 1的工 作 状 态 。由 5 的 时隙 都 用 作话 路 时 隙 。 在每 条 物 理 通 道 上 可 以承 载 一条 逻 辑 通 道 . 于 V 5协 议 的标 准 性 . 5信 令 序 列 是 定 位 V V 5故 障 的 唯一 标 准 ,对 确 5信 令 序 列 一般 必 须 使 用 专 用 的信 每 条 逻 辑 通 道 用 逻 辑 通 道 身 份 标 识 (C I进 行 区别 ,52接 1允 许 定 故 障原 因 有 极 大 的 帮助 。跟踪 V LC) V . 5 逻 辑通 道 在 故 障 或 人 工 请 求 下 在 不 同 的链 路 之 间 切 换 ,C I 切 换 令 跟 踪 设 备 ( LC 在 如信 令 分 析 仪 )来 完 成 . 为 了便 于 工 程 中 的 故 障 定 位 , XA 0接 入 网通 过 操 作 维 护 台 提供 了强 大 的信 令 跟 踪 功 能 , 够跟 踪 能 过程 中起 身份 标 识 的 作 用 。V . 议 中根 据 所 承载 协 议 不 同 , 以将 Z 1 52协 可



消息类型标识 00 01 02 03 08 09 0C 0D
消息类型 建立 建立确认 信号 信号确认 拆线 拆线完成 状态查询 状态
次链路: 多链路V5.2 接口中的一个2048Kbit/s 链路, 其时隙16 用 于保护协议的C 路径,在V5.2 接口初始化时, 作为控制协议、链路 控制协议和BCC 协议的备用C 通路和运载在主链路时隙16 上的 任何其它C 路径。
V5 接口的常用术语(3)
活动C 通路: 当前运载一逻辑C 通路的一个物理C 通路, 当活动C 通路不运载一逻 辑C 通路时, 它成为一个备用C 通路。
时,将某个时隙给某个用户端口使用,用户通话完成后,时 隙收回,这样极大的提高了时隙的利用率.
V5 .2接口的基本介绍(2)
V5.2协议的组成 一个完整V5.2接口由控制协议﹑PSTN协议﹑BCC协议﹑链路控 制协议﹑保护协议组成
控制协议 包括端口控制协议和公共控制协议 端口控制协议用于对AN用户端口的控制(阻塞/解除阻塞) 公共控制协议主要用于V5.2接口的指配数据的核实﹑接口的启
C/R 命令/响应
DM 切断方式
DTMF 双音多频
V5 接口的常用术语(4)
PSTN 公共交换电话网
RNR 接收未准备好
SABME 置扩展的异步平衡模式

yolov5 模型训练流程

yolov5 模型训练流程

yolov5 模型训练流程英文回答:The training process of YOLOv5 involves several steps. First, we need to prepare the training data. This includes collecting and labeling a large dataset of images that contain the objects we want to detect. The images need to be annotated with bounding boxes around the objects and labeled with their corresponding class labels. The labeled dataset is then split into a training set and a validation set.Next, we need to choose a pre-trained model as our base model. YOLOv5 provides several pre-trained models with different sizes and architectures. These models have been trained on a large dataset like COCO and can be used as a starting point for our own training.After selecting the base model, we can start the actual training process. This involves fine-tuning the pre-trainedmodel on our own dataset. We use the labeled training setto train the model to recognize the objects we areinterested in. The model is trained using techniques like backpropagation and gradient descent to minimize the loss function, which measures the difference between the predicted bounding boxes and the ground truth bounding boxes.During training, we can monitor the model's performance on the validation set. This allows us to evaluate how well the model is generalizing to new, unseen data. We canadjust hyperparameters, such as learning rate and batch size, to improve the model's performance. We can also apply techniques like data augmentation to increase the diversity of the training data and prevent overfitting.Once the model has been trained, we can evaluate its performance on a separate test set. This gives us an unbiased estimate of how well the model will perform in the real world. We can calculate metrics like precision, recall, and average precision to measure the model's accuracy and robustness.In conclusion, the training process of YOLOv5 involves preparing the training data, selecting a pre-trained model, fine-tuning the model on our own dataset, monitoring the model's performance, and evaluating the model's performance on a test set. It is an iterative process that requires careful tuning of hyperparameters and monitoring of performance metrics.中文回答:YOLOv5的训练流程包括以下几个步骤。


V5接口类型(V5.1/V5.2) V5接口标识与变量(区分不同的V5接口〕 链路标识(区分不同的2M链路〕 逻辑C通道标识(区分不同的逻辑C通道〕 物理C通道时隙选用 保护组方式 CRC校验情况 协议地址(区分不同的用户端口〕
• Sds绝对是假的
用户摘机 EASTABLISH(稳态信号,摘机)
分配用户侧 及V5侧时隙
名称 分配 分配完成 分配拒绝 解除分配 解除分配完成 解除分配拒绝 审计 审计完成 AN故障 AN故障确认
控制协议由用户端口控制和V5接口控制两部分组 成
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1.放置目标 2.选择过滤
只能从SFD模块或 SDD模块中转化生成 SR1模型
3.选取对象 4.选择物体
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
1.操作元素 2.限制
3.右键选取 顶部形式
CATIA V5 Training
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4.4.2 延伸
CATIA V5 Training
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4.4.3 拉伸
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CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
CATIA V5 Training
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CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
CATIA V5 Training
CATIA V5 Training
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4.2.8 修剪 修剪焊缝
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4.1.2 产品基础工具栏
基点 生成面名称的前缀
CATIA V5 Training
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1. 板 2. 端部板 3. 型材 4. 小装配 5. 开孔 6. 端部形式 7. 贯穿孔 8. 修剪 9. 剪切 10. 结合
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.8 修剪 修剪还原
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4.2.8 修剪 常用修剪
CATIA V5 Training
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4.4.4 拉伸
把更改后的文件名恢 复为初创建时的名称
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
被剪的型材 2.被剪的型材
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4.2.8 修剪 修剪到面
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CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
☆提供产品结构设计应用操作平台 ☆定义产品结构零部件相互关系 ☆增加产品清单 ☆可与零部件操作平台的交互式应用
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
C.按次序选点 或选草图编辑
4.2.1 板
B.材料牌号 C.厚度 D.OK接受
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.2 端部板
长度 宽度
CATIA V5 Training
打开CATIA 菜单Start →Mechanical Design →Structure Design
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
3.1 结构设计属性的定义
CATIA V5 Training
4.选取一个 开孔后OK
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.6 端部形式 标准端部形式
4.选取端 部形式
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D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.8 修剪 斜切
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.8 修剪 移除
4.2.5 开孔
1.选择开孔件 4.开孔模式 及方向
2.选取支持 3.草图编辑
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.5 开孔
1.选择开孔件 5.开孔模式 及方向
2.选取支持 3.标准开孔
角度方向及 反转显示
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.4 小装配
1.选择族类 4.OK后生成
预览 2.选取装配OK
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
型材 D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.3 型材
支持类型 支持(可多选)
选取点或 输入值
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.3 型材
材料牌号 材料截面类型
新的文档名默认为:Product# 同样,新的 part r也默认为: Product# 如需要更改:
A)选中对象,在右键菜单中,选择Properties; B)Edit > Properties
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
3.2 文档中包含的信息
4.2.6 端部形式 上下关系端部形式
1.选取族类 2.选端部形式
CATIA V5 Training
D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.2.7 贯穿孔 标准孔
1.选取开孔件 2.选贯穿件
4.1.1 产品基础工具栏
模式 方向(默认XY面)
单元格各方向距 离及个数
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D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
4.1.1 产品基础工具栏
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CATIA V5 Training
5.编辑参数 后OK
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