








天主教(拉丁语:Ecclesiam catholicam)、新教(德语:Protestantismus、法语:Protestantisme、英语:Protestantism)、东正教(希腊语:Ορθ?δοξη Εκκλησ?α、教会斯拉夫语:Правосла?ви?)等统称基督教——中文中“基督教”往往特指新教(又俗称“耶稣教”,或是"耶教"),三大教派中天主教、东正教和新教的统称一般用“基督宗教”这个词。








宗教英语词汇大全Religion plays a significant role in shaping the culture and traditions of different societies around the world. With the globalization of communication and the increasing interaction among people of various faiths, it has become crucial to have a good understanding of religious vocabulary in English. In this comprehensive compilation, we will explore a wide range of religious terms and their meanings.1. Buddhism- Buddha: The enlightened one who founded Buddhism and achieved nirvana.- Dharma: The teachings and principles of Buddhism.- Sangha: The community of Buddhist monks or followers.2. Christianity- God: The supreme being in Christian belief.- Jesus Christ: The central figure in Christianity, believed to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity.- Bible: The holy scripture of Christianity, consisting of the Old Testament and New Testament.- Church: A place of worship for Christians.- Prayer: Communication with God, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, or making requests.3. Islam- Allah: The Arabic term for God in Islam.- Prophet Muhammad: The last and final prophet in Islam, who received the divine revelation of the Quran.- Quran: The holy book of Islam, considered the word of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad.- Mosque: A place of worship for Muslims.- Ramadan: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims fast from dawn to sunset.4. Hinduism- Brahma: The creator god in Hinduism.- Shiva: The destroyer god in Hinduism.- Vishnu: The preserver god in Hinduism.- Karma: The law of cause and effect that determines one's destiny based on their actions.- Yoga: A spiritual and physical practice aimed at achieving union with the divine.5. Judaism- Adonai: The Hebrew term for God in Judaism.- Torah: The holy scripture of Judaism, consisting of the first five books of the Old Testament.- Synagogue: A place of worship for Jews.- Rabbi: A Jewish religious leader or teacher.- Kosher: A set of dietary laws and restrictions observed by Jews.6. Sikhism- Guru: A spiritual teacher or guide in Sikhism.- Gurdwara: A place of worship for Sikhs.- Guru Granth Sahib: The holy scripture of Sikhism, considered the eternal guru.- Langar: A communal meal served in Sikh temples, open to all regardless of caste or creed.7. Confucianism- Confucius: The Chinese philosopher who formulated the principles of Confucianism.- Ren: The virtue of benevolence and humaneness in Confucianism.- Junzi: An ideal person who embodies moral integrity and serves as a role model in Confucianism.8. Taoism- Tao: The fundamental principle that governs the universe in Taoism.- Yin and Yang: Complementary forces representing opposites, such as light and dark, in Taoist philosophy.9. Indigenous Religions- Shaman: A spiritual leader who mediates between the human and spirit worlds in indigenous religions.- Ancestor worship: The veneration of deceased ancestors in indigenous belief systems.- Sacred: Something regarded as holy or having spiritual significance in indigenous religions.10. New Age Spirituality- Meditation: A practice of quieting the mind and focusing attention, often used for relaxation and spiritual growth.- Enlightenment: Attaining a higher state of consciousness or understanding in New Age spirituality.In conclusion, this extensive list covers the most commonly used religious terms in English. Understanding and respecting different religious beliefs and practices are essential in fostering harmonious interfaith relationships.。

























一、基督教词汇1. Christianity(基督教):指基于耶稣基督教义的宗教体系。

2. Jesus Christ(耶稣基督):基督教信仰中的创始人,被视为上帝的儿子。

3. Catholicism(天主教):基督教的一个派别,信奉罗马教皇。

4. Protestantism(新教):基督教的一个派别,强调信徒对上帝个人信仰的重要性。

5. Baptism(洗礼):基督教中的一种仪式,象征着信徒获得上帝的庇佑和接纳。

6. Cross(十字架):基督教的象征,代表着耶稣的救赎和牺牲。

二、佛教词汇1. Buddhism(佛教):建立在佛陀(释迦牟尼)的教导和教义基础上的宗教。

2. Buddha(佛陀):指释迦牟尼,佛教的创始人。

3. Zen(禅宗):佛教的一个分支,强调通过冥想来获得启示和觉醒。

4. Enlightenment(觉悟):佛教追求的境地,意味着彻底的开悟和解脱。

5. Karma(业力):佛教中的一个重要概念,指个人行为所带来的因果关系。

6. Meditation(冥想):佛教修行的一种方法,通过专注和静思来实现内心的平静与洞察。

三、伊斯兰教词汇1. Islam(伊斯兰教):信仰主义安拉为唯一上帝的宗教。

2. Muhammad(穆罕默德):伊斯兰教的创始人,被尊称为先知。

3. Mosque(清真寺):伊斯兰教的宗教场所,用于聚集礼拜和做祷告。

4. Qur'an(古兰经):伊斯兰教的圣典,认为是安拉启示给穆罕默德的言论。

5. Ramadan(斋月):伊斯兰教每年的一个重要节日,信徒在此期间禁食和反思。

6. Hajj(朝觐):伊斯兰教的一种仪式,信徒前往麦加朝拜圣地。

四、其他宗教与信仰词汇1. Hinduism(印度教):印度次大陆的主要宗教,信奉多神教。



唐贞观九年(635),景教僧侣阿罗本将此教传入中 国。十二年,唐太宗李世民诏称“波斯僧阿罗本, 远将经教来献上京”,并命令在长安城中义宁坊建 寺一所,度僧二十一人,许其传教。 唐高宗也加以保护。当时中国人亦称景教寺为波斯 寺。唐玄宗即位之初,景教颇遭非难,但靠罗含等 教士的努力和玄宗的保护,未遭厄运。唐天宝四年 (745)玄宗下令改称为大秦寺。 景教的寺院不仅建于长安,地方府州也有。唐肃宗 即位,在西北地区建立寺院,信奉者不仅是来华的 西域人,也有中国人,并有翻译的经典。如阿罗本 时代翻译的《序听迷诗所经》、《一神论》等。唐 武宗会昌废佛,景教同时被禁止。后来衰微,元朝 再度传入,教徒与来自欧洲的天主教教徒并称为 “也里可温”。元亡后,再次衰落。
圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名 为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,在每 年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪 式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当 作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。
复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节 日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。 基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望, 为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉 死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。
大公教会,语源为“天下为公”的公,是主张大公主 义的基督教三大教派分支之一,也是强调普世性的宗 徒继承教会。明朝末年该教由罗马大公教会传入中国, 当时信仰的神根据中国古话“至高莫若天、至尊莫若 主”译作“天主”;新教改译基督以后,成为其在中 国因袭的会号。另作旧教。
也叫圣礼,是基督教的重要礼仪。天主教和东正教的圣事有 七件。 其一:“圣洗”,亦称领洗、洗礼,是基督教的入教仪式, 分注水礼和浸礼两种。 其二,坚振,亦称“坚信礼”、“坚振礼”。入教者在领受 洗礼一定阶段后,接受主教的按手礼和敷油礼,可使“圣灵” 降于其身,以坚定的信仰振奋心灵。 其三,告解,亦称“办神工”。这是耶稣为赦免教徒在洗礼 后对上帝所犯的罪,使信徒重获上帝恩宠而订立的。 其四,圣餐,亦称“神交圣礼”。天主教称“圣体圣事”, 其仪式叫弥撒。新教叫“圣餐”。基督教认为,经过祝祷的 面饼和葡萄酒就是耶稣的肉和血,教徒领食以后便洗净了自 己的罪,获得了耶稣的生命。 其五,终傅,一是在教徒临终时敷擦“圣油”,赦免一生罪 过,安心去见上帝;二是在教徒病情垂危时,神父用已经主 教祝圣过的橄榄油,敷擦病人的耳、目、口、鼻和手足,并 诵念一段祈祷经文,可帮助受敷者忍受病痛。 其六,圣职,这是教会授予神职人员神职的仪式。其七,婚 配,基督教徒在教堂内举行婚礼,由神父主礼。



(五)基督教各派再次传入中国 鸦片战争后,基督教各派传教士受到条约保护,大量 来华传教,产生了一定的影响。 中华人民共和国成立后,新教倡导自治、自传、自养 的三自爱国运动;天主教和东正教也倡导自主自办的爱国 活动。中国基督教各教派不断完善、发展。
(一)著名天主教教堂和遗迹 1.北京南堂 1605年(明万历三十三年)意大利耶稣会传教士利玛窦 创建,1650年(清顺治七年)德国耶稣会传教士汤若望重建, 为朴素的巴洛克式建筑。中国大陆现存历史最久的天主教 堂,现为中国天主教北京教区主教座堂。
二、基督 告解是罗马公教和东正教的一种宗教仪式。信徒在神 职人员面前忏悔自己的罪过,以求得天主宽恕,并得到神 职人员的信仰辅导和生活道理。
(三)基督教主要节日 1.圣诞节 圣诞节是基督教最重要的节日,纪念耶稣诞生,时间 为每年的12月25日。12月24日晚则称平安夜或圣诞夜。
(三)基督教主要节日 2.复活节 复活节(3月21日-4月25日之间,每年春分月圆后第 一个星期日)纪念耶稣钉死十字架后第三日“复活”。
(三)基督教主要节日 3.感恩节 感恩节为美国基督教的习俗节日,起源于1621年, 初为迁居美洲的清教徒庆祝丰收的活动,后经美国总统华 盛顿、林肯等确定为全国性节日。具体日期多经更改, 1941年起确定为11月的第4个星期四。
(一)基督教主要称谓 5.牧师 牧师,新教教会中专职负责带领及照顾其他基督徒的 人。与罗马公教的神父不同的是,牧师可以结婚,女性亦 可成为牧师。
(一)基督教主要称谓 6.修士与修女 修士是罗马公教神职学位一类,指教会修院制度形成 后进入修道院修行的人。修女是罗马公教中离家进修会的 女教徒,从事祈祷和协助神父进行传教。修士与修女要发 誓绝色、绝财、绝意,终身不娶不嫁,侍奉天主,每日在 修道院中生活、学习和劳动。



Christianity believes in one God, while the central figure in Christianity is Jesus (or Christ), a Jew who came into this world by Immaculate Conception to a virgin named Mary. It’s believed that Jesus was not only man, but also the son of God and lived his life without sin. During his lifetime, Jesus performed and many miracles and spoke to many people about his father in heaven. Christians believe that the suffering and death upon the cross which this sinless man endured paid for the sins of all mankind. Jesus himself would pay for the sins of all humanity by being crucified unjustly on a Roman cross. Because of Jesus’ actions, salvation (对人灵魂的拯 救) can be achieved by anyone who believes in him.
• 信原罪。这是基督教伦理道德观的基础,认为人类的祖先亚当和夏娃因偷食 禁果犯的罪传给了后代子孙,成为人类一切罪恶的根源。人生来就有这种原 罪,此外还有违背上帝意志而犯种种「本罪」,人不能自我拯救,而要靠耶 稣基督的救赎。因而,因而,原罪说以后逐渐发展为西方的「罪感文化」, 对欧美人的心理及价值观念影响深远。


• The Didache(《十二使徒遗训》) ----the first Christian document. It is a Christian manual (手册)giving unique details regarding baptism(洗礼), eucharist(圣餐) and church leadership from an early period of Christian development.
earliest times.
• Paradoxically a symbol of
suffering and defeat but also of
Jesus on the Cross
triumph(胜利) and salvation (拯救), the cross is the universal (通用的)Christian
• Christmas is a Christian holy
day that marks the birth of Jesus, the son of God.
The holy family, Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus .
Major branches within Christianity
of Jesus giving his life on the Cross (the Crucifixion苦难) and rising from the dead on the third day (the Resurrection 复活). • Christians believe that there is only one God, but that there are three elrments to this one God:


Let’s Go
Part.01 Christian history
Christianity is an Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus , as described in the New Testament. Its adherents, known as Christians, believe that Jesus is the Son of God and savior of all people.
In 380, Theodosius I established Christianity as the state church of the Roman Empire.
In terms of prosperity life, the Byzantine Empire was one of the peaks in Christian history and Christian civilization.
An example of Byzantine pictorial art, the Deësis mosaic at the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
4.Early Middle Ages ——The Pope period
With the decline of the Roman Empire in the West, the papacy became a political player. The church also entered into a long period of missionary activity and expansion among the various tribes.



(6)神品(亦称“祝圣”、“授圣 职”)。 (7)终敷
耶稣被钉死在十字架上之后,基督教 用以作为信仰的标志,象征耶稣受难 死亡以救赎世人。行画十字礼,可以 表示信仰、祈祷、献身和祝福。
七、节日 八、西方文化与基督教之间的关系
阿门(Amen),希伯来文音译,意 为“真诚”;在祈祷时结束语——“诚 心所愿”之意,表示希望所有一切祈祷 惟愿如此,允许所求;是从古代犹太教 经文沿用而来。
拿撒勒是一个村庄,在加利利地区,位于耶 路撒冷以北大约100公里。
基督教经典称为《Байду номын сангаас经》,包括
经后典》。 4卷福音书:马太福音、马可福音、路
(1)“创世”说 (2)十诫
(3)三位一体说 (4)原罪说 (5)救赎说 (6)因信称义
(7)天国和永生 (8)地狱和永罚
(3)圣餐礼(天主教称为“弥撒”)。 (4)忏悔(5)婚礼
基督教产生于公元1世纪,发源于巴勒斯 坦,形成、发展于罗马帝国时期。基督教是 从犹太教脱胎而来,后发展为独立的宗教。
凡信仰耶稣为基督的宗教称为基督教 (Christianity)。
“耶稣”(其希伯来原文是Yeshua) 这个词的字面意思是“上帝拯救”。
基督——Christ为希腊文,希伯来 文是“弥赛亚”——Messiah,指上帝 的派遣者或受恩泽于上帝者,转义为 “救世主”.

Christianity 基督教简介

Christianity  基督教简介

Typical architecture
The Church of Duomo(米兰大教堂)
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院)
St. Paul‘s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂) Westminster Abbey(西敏寺)
The Influences of Christianity
• Christianity has affected the western countries so deeply that western culture has been nearly equivalent to Christian culture. So how exactly dose Christianity influence the western culture? • The whole ethical system of western countries is based on the Christian creeds. Even the modern ideologies like freedom, equality and nomocracy all come from Christianity. • Christian culture also has great effect in arts, philosophy, architecture education and other fields of the western countries.
in Western Countries
As we know Christianity is the most popular religion in the world with over 2 billion adherents. It originated from the Jew in the middle east in the mid-1st century. As time went by, it was gradually accepted by European and finally became their religion.



Jesus was crucified on a cross
Jesus rose from the dead. This is called
the resurrection
of Jesus.
2000 BCE
0 CE
Christ has 2 billion followers. What are Christ’s followers called? _____________
• Jesus was born a Jew in Bethlehem (in Palestine) and grew up in
Nazareth (in northern Israel) where he worked as a carpenter.
• The birth of Jesus is celebrated on Christmas Day. • He studied scriptures, or sacred writings, and learned prayers in

Time Line of Jesus’ Life
Around 2200 B.C. Founding of Judaism
preached to
The birth of
the people of
Christ. 0 CE
Around age 30, Jesus was baptized
It was here that Jesus was betrayed by one of the Twelve Apostles.
Judas Iscariot betrayed him with a kiss



以在华真正立足则是凭借着鸦片战争后签订的不平等条约。 在这一时期,天主教各修会如耶稣会、奥斯丁会、多明我 会、巴黎外方传教会、遣使会、圣母圣心会、圣言会等会 的传教士相继来华,至19世纪末已在中国建成五大传教区、 发展教徒达70多万人。基督教各传教差会如伦敦会、公理 会、圣公会、浸礼会、长老会、归正会、美以美会、监理 会、循道会、贵格会、基督复临安息日会等亦先后来华传 教,在中国各地建堂创会。到19世纪末,其来华传教士已 达1500多人,发展信徒达8万多人。伴随着中西政治、经 济上的冲突,中西思想文化的碰撞和交流亦进入了一个新 的时代。传教士在华办报、办学和办医等出版、慈善事业 对中国近代教育、卫生、社会福利和思想文化等方面的发 展曾产生过一定影响。
文 化 有 深 远 影 响 。
宗 派 。 以 后 基 督 教 逐 渐 传 遍 世 界 各 大 洲 * 对 欧 美 各 国 历 史 、
立 甘 宗 ( 圣 公 宗 ) 三 大 新 教 主 流 派 ; 后 又 陆 续 划 分 出 很 多 小
二、基督教四传中 国
(1)基督教的首 次传入 (2)基督教的首 次传入
(3)基督教的首 次传入
(4)基督教的首 次传入



宗教有关的英语词汇宗教religion (n) -> religious (adj.)宗派sect基督教Christianity ------ 基督教徒Christian(罗马)天主教Catholicism ---- 天主教徒Catholic新教Protestantism --- 新教徒Protestant东正教Eastern Orthodox犹太教Judaism伊斯兰教Islamism佛教Buddhism道教Daoism穆斯林Muslim; Moslem信徒believer; follower去教会go to church参加礼拜attend a service布教,说道, 讲经(the) sermon, preaching (n) à(vt.) to preach; to deliver a sermon大教堂cathedral神职人员clergy, clergyman牧师 minister (主要是指Protestant的神职人员) ,神父pastor祭司,神父priest (主要是指Catholic的神职人员),主教bishop传教士missionary / preacher弥撒massMass is a Christian church ceremony, especially in a RomanCatholic or Orthodox church, during which people eat bread anddrink wine in order to remember the last meal of Jesus Christ.祈祷pray (v.) prayer(n.)罪恶sin忏悔confession宽恕forgiveness圣诗psalm赞歌,圣歌hymn世俗的secular, worldly神圣的holy, sacred圣经Bible <<新约圣经>> New Testament <<旧约圣经>> Old Testament福音the GospelIn the New Testament of the Bible, the Gospels are the four books which describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.The word 'gospel' means good news. There are four gospel accounts in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.朝圣之旅pilgrimage 朝圣者pilgrim耶酥基督Jesus Christ命运、天命destiny天使angel ----- 魔鬼devil撒旦Satan天堂Paradise; Heaven地狱hellClergy/clergyman可以统指神职人员,其中clergyman在英国国教里又指牧师;Reverend是对教士的尊称,后面可以接上名字;precentor指领唱赞美诗(hymn)的人;vicar英国国教的教区牧师,Goldsmith的小说The Vicar of Wakefield讲述的就是这样一个人和他一家人的事;sexton是教堂司事,在英国还可以用verger来表示,另外verger还可以指司仪;rector在圣公会里是教区长,天主教里指教区首席神父;curate事助理牧师;parson为(有俸禄的)牧师或堂区长,基督教里pastor也指本堂牧师;priest是个常见的词,天主教徒管他叫神父,基督教徒称之为牧师;minister这个政府官员的名称在教会里有另外的意义,天主教耶稣会教区长的助理,基督教新教里为牧师,等于天主教的priest,或英国国教的vicar, rector, curate等,名目繁多,eh?还有些上层人物,e.g. Pope,天主教皇,罗马教皇,基督教里没有,cardinal也是这样;Bishop当然是大主教;deacon是基督教新教里的执事,天主教的助祭,东正教的辅祭,圣公会的会吏;同一个term(术语)在天主教、基督教、新教以及英国国教里的意思会有不同,汉译也有差别,e.g. dean天主教中指枢机主教长,而在圣公会里是教长。



介绍不同宗教信仰和宗教建筑的英文名称Introduction to Different Religious Beliefs and Religious Architecturesin EnglishReligion plays a crucial role in shaping human beliefs, cultures, and societies across the globe. With its diverse manifestations, religion has given rise to various faiths and religious architectures that reflect the unique beliefs, values, and practices of different communities. In this article, we will explore and introduce the English names of different religious beliefs and religious architectures, providing a glimpse into the fascinating world of spirituality and sacred structures.1. ChristianityChristianity is one of the largest and most widely practiced religions globally, with over two billion followers. Its religious architecture is characterized by beautiful churches, cathedrals, and basilicas. Some renowned examples include the St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, and the Westminster Abbey in London.2. IslamIslam is the world's second-largest religion, with over 1.9 billion followers. The Islamic architectural style is dominated by mosques, which serve as places of worship and community gathering. Famous mosques include the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, and the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi.3. BuddhismBuddhism is a religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and has over 500 million adherents. Buddhist architecture includes various structures such as temples, pagodas, and stupas. Notable examples include the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, the Borobudur Temple in Indonesia, and the Golden Temple (Kinkaku-ji) in Kyoto, Japan.4. HinduismHinduism is the third-largest religion globally, with approximately 1.2 billion followers. Hindu temples, known as "mandirs," are prominent in Hindu architecture. Famous Hindu temples include the Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Meenakshi Amman Temple in India, and the Prambanan Temple in Indonesia.5. JudaismJudaism is one of the oldest religions, with approximately 14 million followers worldwide. Synagogues are places of worship in the Jewish faith and exhibit unique architectural designs. Well-known synagogues include the Great Synagogue of Rome, the Dohány Street Synagogue in Budapest, and the Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem.6. SikhismSikhism, founded in the 15th century, has over 25 million followers globally. Sikh temples, called "Gurdwaras," are essential to the Sikh community and serve as centers for worship and communal meals (langar). The Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) in Amritsar, India, is the most sacred and famous Gurdwara.7. ShintoismShintoism is an indigenous religion of Japan, and it is practiced by millions of Japanese people. Shinto shrines, known as "jinja," can be found throughout the country and are characterized by their distinct torii gates and sacred forests. Notable shrines include the Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto and the Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima.8. TaoismTaoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion with millions of followers worldwide. Taoist temples, also known as "daochang," are dedicated to the worship of Taoist deities and the practice of Taoist rituals and meditation. Some famous Taoist temples are the White Cloud Temple in Beijing and the Wudang Mountains temples in Hubei Province.ConclusionReligions and their respective religious architectures provide insight into the diverse spiritual beliefs and practices around the world. From the grandeur of Christian cathedrals to the tranquility of Buddhist temples, each faith carries its own unique identity. By understanding and appreciating these differences, we can foster a sense of cultural understanding and respect in today's multicultural society.。
























关于宗教的英语单词一、宗教相关基础词汇1. Religion(宗教)This is a general term for different belief systems. For example, “There are many religions in the world, such as Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.”2. Belief(信仰)It refers to the acceptance of something as true or real. For instance, “His strong belief in God gives him strength in difficult times.”3. Faith(信念;信仰)Similar to belief. “People with strong faith can overcome many difficulties.”4. Worship(崇拜;礼拜)It can be used as a verb or a noun. As a verb, for example, “They worship their gods in the temple.” As a noun, “The worship in the church is very solemn.”5. Pray(祈祷)“She prays every night before going to bed.”6. Priest(牧师;神父;祭司等神职人员)In Christianity, a priest conducts religious ceremonies. “The priest gavea sermon in the church on Sunday.”7. Monk(和尚;僧侣)In Buddhism, a monk lives a simple and religious life. “The monk meditates for hours every day.”8. Nun(修女;尼姑)For example, “The nun devotes her life to serving God in the convent.”二、主要宗教名称1. Christianity(基督教)It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It has different denominations, such as Catholicism(天主教), Protestantism(新教)and Orthodox Christianity(东正教). For example, “Many people in Europe follow Christianity.”2. Islam(伊斯兰教)Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran. “Islam has a great influence in the Middle East and many other parts of the world.”3. Buddhism(佛教)Originated in ancient India. “Buddhism emphasizes enlightenment and the end of suffering.”4. Hinduism(印度教)It is one of the major religions in India. “Hinduism has a complex system of beliefs and practices.”5. Judaism(犹太教)It is the religion of the Jewish people. “Judaism has a long history and unique religious traditions.”三、宗教场所相关词汇1. Church(教堂,主要指基督教教堂)“The church in the town center is very beautiful. People go there to worship on Sundays.”2. Mosque(清真寺,伊斯兰教礼拜场所)“The mosque is an important place for Muslims to pray.”3. Temple(寺庙,可指佛教、印度教等寺庙)In Buddhism, “The Buddhist temple is full of peace and tranquility.” In Hinduism, “The Hindu temple has elaborate sculptures.”4. Synagogue(犹太教堂)“Jews gather in the synagogue for religious services.”四、宗教仪式与物品相关词汇1. Bible(圣经,基督教经典)“Christians study the Bible to understand their faith.”2. Quran(古兰经,伊斯兰教经典)“Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of God.”3. Sutra(佛经,佛教经典)“Monks often chant sutras in the temple.”4. Mass(弥撒,天主教的一种宗教仪式)“The priest conducts the Mass in the church.”5. Ramadan(斋月,伊斯兰教的一个重要月份)“During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk.”6. Altar(祭坛;圣坛,在宗教场所用于供奉或举行仪式的地方)In a church, “The priest stands in front of the altar during the service.”In a temple, “Offerings are placed on the altar.”。



第八节词汇Islam伊斯兰教mosque[mɑsk]清真寺,the Koran[kɔ'rɑ:n](古兰经),Allah[ælə,ɑlə](真主),Moslem[mɑzləm]/muslim[mʌzləm],穆斯林Christianity[krɪstʃiænɪti]基督教,the Bible圣经,Jesus Christ,the cross(十字架),the virgin['və:dʒin] Mary圣母玛利亚, Christianity hymn[him]/psalm[sɑ:m](赞美诗),baptism['bæp,tɪzəm]洗礼,Catholicism[kəθɑlɪsɪzəm]天主教,catholic[kæθəlɪk] church天主教教堂, protestant[prɑtɪstənt]基督教徒, Buddhism佛教,Sanskrit梵文,gate to the temple,山门the greatBuddha’shall大雄宝殿,depositary[di'pɔzitəri] of Buddhist texts 藏经楼,a stone pillar inscribed withBuddha’sname or Buddhist sutra['su:trə]经幢,grotto['grɔtəʊ]石窟,Sitting Buddha,Sleeping Buddha,bodhisattvas[,bəudi'sætvə]菩萨,Arhat['ɑ:hət]罗汉,Maitreya[meitri儿]弥勒佛,Manjusri文殊,Samantabhadra普贤,god of earth地藏,goddess of mercy观音,the four heavenly kings四大天王,niche[nɪtʃ]佛龛,Main Buddha,offertory[ɔfɚtɔri] box香资箱,incense[ɪn‘sɛns] money香火钱,altar['ɔ:ltə] table供桌,offerings供品,candle蜡烛,incense burner['bɜ:nə]香炉,incense stick香,pilgrim香客、朝圣者、宗教朝拜,rosary[‘rozəri] /beads[bid]数珠,Lamaism['lɑ:məɪzəm]喇嘛教,lamasery[‘lɑ:məsəri],喇嘛庙prayer[prɛə] wheel经轮,prostrate[‘prɑs’tret] oneself in worship五体投地.cremation['kri:,meɪtion]火化,personification[pɚˌsɑnəfɪˌkeʃən]化身,nirvana[nɪr'vɑːnə]涅磐,enlightenment[ɛnˌlaɪtnmənt]觉悟,congregation[ˌkɑŋɡrɪˌɡeʃən]全体教徒,meditation[ˌmɛdɪˌteʃən]静坐Taoism[ˌtaʊˌɪzəm]道教,Golden plaque[plæk]护身符第八节文章中的词汇:Four noble Truths (四缔)Buddhist sutra佛经mendicant[ˌmɛndɪkənt]乞丐friar['fraɪə]修道士linen[ˌlɪnən]-bag monk布袋和尚diamond[ˌdaɪəmənd] club金刚杵trance[træns]昏睡状态Bodhi Gaya[ɡə'jɑ:]菩提伽耶Bodhi tree菩提树enshrine [ɛnˌʃraɪn]供奉tower style楼阁式,multi-eave[i:v]style密檐式,pavilion style亭台式,lamaist['lɑ:məist]style喇嘛式第九节词汇Pavilion, tower, upturned eaves飞檐,flying eaves,covered corridor[ˌkɔrɪdɚ]回廊,ornamental[ɔrnəmɛntl] column[kɑləm]雕梁,color painting画栋,inscription,memorial[mi'mɔ:riəl]纪念碑archway/decorated archway牌楼corbiestep['kɔ:bistep]马头墙,suspension[səˌspɛnʃən] roof悬山顶,gabled['ɡeibl] roof 硬山顶,saddle鞍状物roof/gabledandhiproof歇山顶,hip roof庑殿顶,pointed roof攒尖顶,conical[ˌkɑnɪkəl] roof圆攒尖顶,paraboloid[pə'ræbəlɔid] roof卷棚顶,pyramid roof四角攒尖顶roof decoration/roof charms/roof-figures檐兽,volute[və'lju:t]正吻,glazed光滑的ceramic[si'ræmik]陶器的mythological[ˌmɪθəˌlɑdʒɪkəl]神话的immortals[ɪˌmɔrtl]仙人走兽,five-clawed[klɔ] dragon五爪龙,cylindrical[səˌlɪndrɪkəl] tile筒瓦,flat tile板瓦,tile pin瓦钉,eaves tile瓦当,dripping eaves滴水屋檐,corbel['kɔ:bəl]arch/bracket[ˌbrækɪt]斗拱, carved angle brace雀替,cartouche[kɑ:'tu:ʃ]挂落,coffered[ˌkɔfɚ] ceiling(天花板)藻井, based[beɪst]of Buddhist-style building须弥座,balustrade[ˌbæləˌstred]/parapet['pærəpit] 栏杆,stone steps,石阶carved drum-like stone抱鼓石Quadrangle['kwɔd,ræŋgəl]四合院, gate, gateway门洞,at ehouse/doorman’s room门房,outer/inner courtyard,内院、外院festoon[fes'tu:n] /inner gate垂花门, wing courtyard偏院,east wing-rooms/ the east wing东厢房, main room正房,side room耳房;passway过道,back gate,horse-mounting[maʊntɪŋ] stone上马石,threshold[ˌθrɛʃˌold]门槛,knocker['nɔkə]门环,screen wall影壁Ridge屋脊,eaves屋檐,drip tile滴水瓦,rafter[ˌræftɚ]椽子,ridgepole[ˌrɪdʒˌpol]大梁,purlin['pə:lin]檩,cross/vertical[ˌvɚtɪkəl] beam横梁,post/pillar柱,gable山墙,partition[pɑrˌtɪʃən]隔墙,wall, lintel['lintl]门楣,过梁doorframe门框,window lattice[ˌlætɪs]窗格子Bay开间,section进深第九节文章中的词汇natural caves天然石洞;cave dwelling[ˌdwɛlɪŋ]窑洞nesting residence巢居;pit-style houses穴居;thatched[θætʃ] cottage茅草房;on-the-groundhouses/platform-stylehouses平顶房;adobe[əˌdobi] and tiles house土坯瓦房;Palatial[pəˌleʃəl] building宫殿式Timber[ˌtɪmbɚ]and rammed earth (土木结构)rammed earth夯土:yellow clay (黄土),lime (石灰),glutinous[ˌɡlutnəs] ricejuice(糯米汁)orkiwi fruit juice (猕猴桃汁)post and lintel frame (梁柱框架)Mortise[ˌmɔ:tɪs]卯眼-and-tenon[tɛnən]凸椎joint (斗拱);plank building (板筑)Sift yellow clay (精筛黄土)mix with some lime, fine sand and straw (掺入少量石灰、细砂和麦秸) ,ram after thorough mix (拌匀后夯打)Consolidate[kənˌsɑlɪˌdet]巩固、加强withvertical posts(竖柱)and horizontal[ˌhɔrɪˌzɑntl] beams (横木)第十节词汇tower-like building (牌楼or que阙)sacred['seikrid] way" (神道)officials (文官), generals (武官)fabulous['fæbjuləs] beasts[bist](麒麟天祿).main hall (正殿)dedication hall (献殿),gate towers (阙楼)A pair of octagonal[ɔktægənəl] cloud pillars(华表)A pair of winged houses (翼马)A pair of scarlet[skɑrlɪt]birds(朱雀)Five pairs of stone horsesTenpairsofarmedstoneguardinggenerals石翁仲a main passage (墓道),five door ways (过洞),six skylights (天井),a corridor (甬道),eight niches[nɪtʃ] (便房),ante-chamber[ei] (前墓室)a burial[bɛriəl] chamber (后墓室).第十一节词汇Military project,防御工程city wall, moat护墙河,ditch沟, fortress[fɔrtrɪs]堡垒、要塞, stronghold要塞、据点,castle城堡,loess[loəs]黄土,mud,泥、烂泥gateway大门口、关口, gate tower城门楼,watch-tower瞭望塔,battlement垛口,rampart墩台, (城堡等周围宽阔的)防御土墙relief/intaglio[in'tɑ:liəu]carve浮雕/漏雕, crenel['krenəl]垛口,parapet[pærəpɪt]女儿墙,护墙,矮墙;〈军〉(战壕前作掩护用的)胸墙infantryman[ɪnfəntrimən]步兵,第十一节文章词汇:draw bridge(闸楼)draw bridge tower(吊桥)arrow[ærəu]tower(箭楼)centraltower(正楼)compound[kɑmˌpaUnd](瓮城)/enclosure[ɛnkloʒɚ] wallswatch tower(角楼)ramparts(敌楼,马面)sentry(步兵)building (岗楼)crenellation(雉堞、城墙)开垛口第十二节文章中词汇Seal[sil]Script:篆书Official Script:隶书Regular Script:楷书Running Script:行书Cursive[kəsɪv] Script:草书inscriptions (铭文)题词、献词pictographs[ˌpɪktəˌɡræf](象形图画) .pictographic characters[kærɪktɚs](象形文字)big seal style (大篆).第十四节词汇Sprin g festival, new year’s eve除夕夜,year-end household cleaning大扫除,dumpling, kowtow[kaʊˌtaʊ]磕头,money given to children as a lunar new yeargift压岁钱,window paper-cuts窗花,spring festival couplets春联,the first/second line of a couplet上/下联,a horizontal[ˌhɔrɪˌzɑntl] sc roll bearingan inscription横批,firework/firecracker,爆竹、鞭炮Paying a New Year call,拜年temple fair庙会,Lion dance,舞狮dragon lantern[læntən] dance,龙灯舞boat that runs on land跑旱船,waist drum dance腰鼓舞,walking on stilts[stɪlt]踩高跷,head-mask dance大头舞,sugar-coated haws[hɔ:] on a stick冰糖葫芦,pinwheel风车,monkey show耍猴,village theatrical[θiætrɪkəl]performance社戏,lantern festival, lantern riddles灯谜,cross talks相声,conjuring[kɑndʒɚ]魔术,spring festival gala[ɡelə,ɡælə,ɡɑlə]春节晚会,drums and gongs[ɡɔŋ]锣鼓,bonfire party篝火歌舞bumper[bʌmpɚ]特大的、丰盛的harvest of the five cereals['sɪərɪəl]五谷丰收,晚会,clapper[klæpɚ] talk快板, octagonal[ɑktæɡənəl] drum八角鼓,monologue[mɔnəlɔɡ]storytelling评书, Shandong clapper ballad['bæləd]山东快书,mime哑剧,comic performance滑稽表演,diabolo[di'ɑ:bələu] juggling['dʒʌɡl]抖空竹,第十四节文章中词汇mugwort['mʌɡwə:t]艾叶,spray[sprei]喷、浪花realgar[ri'ælɡə]雄黄waterintheroom,anddrinkrealgar wine雄黄酒,with the hope to get rid of calamities[kəlæmɪti] and preventpoisonous[pɔɪzənəs] creatures避瘟逐疫.Mongolian People’s Nadam Fair那达慕Dai people’s water splashing[splæʃ] festival傣族泼水节The Korban festival古尔邦节The Torch Light festival火把节The Flower fair花儿会。

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• Christians celebrate Jesus‘ birth on December 25th. It follows a month of preparation (Advent) and involved lots of festivities。
• Shrove Tuesday and Lent
忏悔星期二 Shrove Tuesday is four weeks before Easter. It is celebrated by making pancakes and traditionally having pancake races(举行薄饼赛跑)
• Holy Week 圣周: Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday
Crucifixion [ˌkrusəˌf ɪkʃən]耶稣受

• Christ on the Cross • After allowing the Jews to choose whether or not Jesus should die, Pontius Pilate 彼 拉 多 condemned him to death. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross to Golgotha (基督被钉死之地 ), where he was crucified(把(某人)钉 死在十字架上 ). Christ on the Cross was painted by Flemish(佛 兰德人 ) artist Peter Paul Rubens in 1620.
•Protestantism 新教
Martin Luther the “father” of Protestantism. Clergy are permitted to marry.
•Eastern Orthodoxy 东正教
Eastern Orthodoxy denies the authority of the Roman Catholic Pope to speak and act for the entire church by himself without a church council. Parish priests (教区牧师) are expected to be married, but bishops (主教) are chosen from among monks (僧侣), and are therefore not married.
Main Branches of Christianity
•Roman Catholic 罗马天主教
headed by the Pope, the belief that the Pope is in a continuous line of succession from St Peter, on whom Jesus Christ bestowed authority in the Church. Clergy are not permitted to marry.
• On Palm Sunday - the first day of Holy week Christians remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem [dʒə‘rʊsələm] riding on a donkey(驴). • Maundy Thursday is a reminder of the last supper - when Jesus celebrated the first communion with is apostles 传教士
AD/CE ★Bible (Old Testament & New Testament) ★2.2 billion
Group 5
I. Jesus Christ
• Christianity is a monotheistic[‘mɑnəθi ,ɪstɪk](神论的) religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth['næ zəriθ] 拿撒勒 as presented in the New Testament.
Three Main Western Religions
Judaism/ Jewish around 2000BC
★Tanak 塔纳克(Hebrew Bible, esp, Torah) ★14 million
Islam/ Muslim 7th century AD
★Koran可兰经 (or Qur’an) ★1.3 billion
3)Church,Salvation,Eschatology [ˌeskəˌt ɒlədʒi]末日论:
community of believers; body of Christ; resurrection of the body; eternal life
Festivals: Christmas
Jesus Christ
Jesus was born about 5-4 B.C. His teaching was causing a great stir, and the chief priests and elders were anxious to arrest him and put him to death. Judas agreed to betray Jesus for money the Roman governor demands for his death by crucifixion [ˌkrusəˌf ɪkʃən] 受难 On the third day after his death, the stone tomb was empty, and an angel said that Jesus had been raised: Ascension
Father /Almighty全能的上帝 /Creator Son / Jesus / Christ / Savior / Lord Holy Spirit 圣灵/ Giver of Life / Paraclete
2) World & Humans:
created by God, in God’s image, with free will; originally good, but corrupted by sin/death;
•Easter Sunday
The most important festival for Christians. It is a very joyous occasion marked in churches by wonderful music and flowers. Out of church by the exchange of cards and Easter eggs. • Easter eggs--- represent best wishes and happiness.
The Bible
• Official collection of books:
Old Testament: 39 written in Hebrew
Two parts
New Testament: 27 written in Greek
Core Theological Beliefs
1) One God in Three Persons (Trinity 三位一体):