2.Analysis and Performance of a Low Cost SMS Based Home Security System
Analysis and Design of A Novel SmallMicrostrip Patch AntennaABSTRACT :Microstrip antennas have been widely used in communication systems.Design and analysis of a wideband U-shaped parasitic Microstrip Patch Antenna which is coupled by the main patch and U-shaped parasitic patches is presented in this paper.Two parasitic elements are incorporated into the radiating edges of a rectangular patch whose length and width are 2/g λand 4/g λ, respectively,in order to achieve wide bandwidth with relatively small size.The proposed antenna is designed and fabricated on a small size ground plane (mm mm 3025⨯) for application of compact transceivers. The measured bandwidth is 1.5 GHz (4.78–6.28 GHz) with two separate resonant frequencies at 5.12 and 6.08 GHz. The measured radiation patterns are similar to those of a conventional patch antenna with slightly higher gains of 6.4 dB and 5.2 dB at each resonant frequency.KEYWORD:Parasitic patch antenna, U-shaped parasitic patches, wide bandwidth.1. INTRODUCTIONIn high-performance aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, and missile applications, where size,weight, cost, performance, ease of installation, and aerodynamic profile are constraints,low-profile antennas may be required. Presently there are many other government and commercial applications, such as mobile radio and wireless communications, that have similar specifications. To meet these requirements, microstrip antennas [1]–[38] can be used. These antennas are low profile, conformable to planar and nonplanar surfaces, simple and inexpensive to manufacture using modern printed-circuit technology,mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces, compatible with MMIC designs,and when the particular patch shape and mode are selected, they are very versatile in terms of resonant frequency, polarization, pattern, and impedance. In addition,by adding loads between the patch and the ground plane, such as pins and varactor diodes, adaptive elements with variable resonant frequency, impedance, polarization,and pattern can be designed [18], [39]–[44].Demand for compact and multifunctional wireless communication systems has spurred the development of multiband and wideband antennas with small size.Microstrip patch antennas are widely used in this regard as they offer compactness, a low profile, light weight, and economical efficiency. However, the microstrip patch antenna is limited by its narrow operating bandwidth.There are numerous and well-known methods to increase the bandwidth of antennas, including increase of the substrate thickness[1] the use of a low dielectric substrate [1],the use of various impedance-matching and feeding techniques[2]the use of multiple resonators[3]–[7], and the use of slot antenna geometry [8].However, the bandwidth and the size of an antenna are generally mutually conflicting properties, that is, improvement of one of the characteristics normally results in degradation of the other.Recently, several techniques have been proposed to enhance the bandwidth. In [9]–[11], utilizing the shorting pins or shorting walls on the unequal arms of a U-shaped patch, U-slot patch, or L-probe feed patch antennas, wideband and dual-band impedance bandwidth have been achieved with electrically small size.In this work, a wideband microstrip patch antenna employing parasitic elements is investigated. Two U-shaped parasitic elements are incorporated along the radiating edges of a probe fed rectangular patch antenna so as to obtain wideband operating frequency. In addition, the antenna is relatively small in comparison with the conventional parasitic patch antenna described in [4], [5]. Performance of the proposed antenna is calculated and measured. The methods of analysis for microstrip antennas is given in Section 2. The proposed antenna geometry is described in Section 3. The fabricated antenna and experimental validations are presented in Section 4.2.METHODS OF ANALYSISThere are many methods of analysis for microstrip antennas. The most popular models are the transmission-line [16],[35], cavity [12], [16], [18],[35], and full wave(which include primarily integral equations/Moment Method) [22], [26], [71]–[74].The transmission-line model is the easiest of all, it gives good physical insight, but is less accurate and it is more difficult to model coupling [75]. Compared to the transmission-line model, the cavity model is more accurate but at the same time more complex. However, it also gives good physical insight and is rather difficult to model coupling, although it has been used successfully [8], [76], [77]. In general when applied properly, the full-wave models are very accurate, very versatile, and can treat single elements, finite and infinite arrays, stacked elements, arbitrary shaped elements, and coupling. However they are the most complex models and usually giveless physical insight. In this chapter we will cover the transmission-line and cavity models only.However results and design curves from full-wave models will also be included. Since they are the most popular and practical, in this chapter the only two patch configurations that will be considered are the rectangular and circular. Representative radiation characteristics of some other configurations will be included.3. ANTENNA DESIGNFig. 1. Geometry of the proposed microstrippatch antenna with U-shaped parasitic elements.Fig. 1 depicts the top and side views of the proposed antenna. The proposed antenna consists of a probe fed half-wavelength rectangular patch and two U-shaped parasitic elements incorporated around the radiating edges of the rectangular patch. In general, the length and width of the rectangular patch antenna are close to half-wavelength. However, the length (R L )and width (R W ) of the main patch vary from the proposed design. In order to maintain the inherent resonant length with smaller size, R W is reduced to 4/g λand R L is defined as about 2/g λ,where g λis the guided wavelength.Probe feeding is accomplished by a vertical via hole through the substrate material.The proposed antenna has two parasitic elements to obtain wide impedancebandwidth. Using the geometrical feature of the U-shaped patch, the size of the antenna can be miniaturized. Notable, although two parasitic patches are positioned in the proximity of the radiating edges of the main patch, all of the radiating and nonradiating edges of the main patch are surrounded by U-shaped parasitic elements. Electromagnetic coupling between the main patch and parasitic patches is realized across either horizontal (H G ) or vertical gaps (V G ). In addition, the resonant length of the U-shaped patches can be controlled by adjusting its length (U L ) and width (U W ).The proposed antenna is designed to operate in the 5 to 6 GHz region. The length and width of main patch are close to 2/g λ and 4/g λat a center frequency of5.5 GHz.The distance between bottom radiating edge of main patch and center of feed via is 0.084g λand the total length of the U-shaped parasitic patch(d) is 1.05g λThe geometrical parameters of the proposed antennas are mm W R 8.5=,mm L R 1.13=,mm W G 25=,mm L G 30=,mm W U 18=,mm L G 8=,mm G H 7.0=,mm G V 2.1=,and mm G U 5.1=.An FR4 substrate, whose permittivity is4.3 with a thickness (h) of 4mm, has been used in this work. . The radius of the feed via is 0.4 mm and the length is same as the substrate thickness. The ground and substrate size of the proposed antenna is defined as mm mm 3025⨯for compact transceiver application.4. CALCULATION AND MEASUREMENTThe resonant properties of the proposed antenna have been predicted and optimized using a frequency domain three- dimensional full wave electromagnetic field solver (Ansoft HFSS) and the characteristics of the fabricated antenna have been measured with a vector network analyzer and a far field measurement system.Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the fabricated antenna on a FR4 substrate, and Fig. 3 compares the calculated and measured return loss characteristics of the proposed antenna. The specific values of the resonant frequency and relative bandwidth are summarized in Table I,where l f and h f represent the first and second resonant frequencies, respectively.The calculated result shows two neighboring resonant frequencies (5.32and 6.11 GHz), and the frequency band ranges from 4.84 to 6.28GHz(1.44 GHz).The bandwidth is 26.2% at 5.5 GHz. The measured bandwidth is 1.5 GHz (4.78–6.28 GHz) with two separate resonant frequencies at 5.12 and 6.08 GHz. The measured as predicted antenna performance show excellent agreement. Fig. 4 presents the calculated currents distributions at each resonant frequency. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the amplitudes of the currents around non-radiating edges of main patch are strong, and the effect of the parasitic patches is not significant at 5.32 GHz. Therefore, the low resonant frequency is determined by the length of main patch (LR). In addition, there are strong currents flowing around gaps between the main patch and U-shaped parasitic elements at 6.11 GHz as shown in Fig. 4(b). It means that the radiation at high resonant frequency is mainly contributed by strong electromagnetic coupling between three patches. Therefore, the width of horizontal and vertical gaps (GH, GV) and the total length of U-shaped parasitic element(d) are directly related to the wideband impedance matching performance. This shows the reason how U-shaped parasitic patches can extend the bandwidth. The calculated and measured normalized radiation patterns at the first and second resonant frequencies are plotted in Fig. 5, where the ―Co (C),‖ ―Co (M),‖ ―Cross (C),‖ and ―Cross (M)‖ indicate calculated co-polarization, measured co-polarization, calculated cross-polarization, and measured cross-polarization, respectively. As shown in Fig. 5, the designed antenna displays good broadside radiation patterns in the E-plane (XZ plane) and H-plane (YZ plane) at each resonant frequency. It can be seen that the beam peaks of the E-plane are slightly shifted in a right direction due to the feeding position on the main patch, which means that they experience phase difference at each radiating edge of main patch.The measured co-polarization radiation patterns are almost identical to the calculated radiation patterns, while the cross polarization level is somewhat higher than that of the calculated results due to various error mechanisms in measurement, such as multipath in the chamber, positioning error between standard gain horn antenna and antenna under test (AUT). In addition, the higher cross polarization levelf is caused by y-directed currents flowing on the U-shaped parasitic in H-plane athpatches as shown in Fig. 4(b). Notable, the radiation characteristics of the proposed antenna are nearly identical to those of the conventional patch antenna. The measured maximum gains of the fabricated antenna are 6.4 and 5.2 dB at 5.12 and 6.08 GHz, respectively.Fig. 2. Three-dimensional view of the fabricated antenna.Fig. 3. Comparison of calculated and measured results.Table 1.Calculated and measured c haracteristic of the proposed antennaFig. 4. Calculated currents distribution: at (a) 5.32 GHz and (b) 6.11 GHz.5. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, a novel wideband microstrip parasitic patch antenna has been proposed, where U-shaped parasitic elements are incorporated close to the radiating edges of a reduced size main patch so as to achieve wideband characteristics, and those two parasitic patches are excited by proximity coupling from the main patch. The wideband impedance matching can be achieved by adjusting either horizontal or vertical gaps between the main patch and parasitic elements. The size of the radiatingelements including parasitic elements is mm1718⨯, and the overall dimensionsmm6.of the designed antenna with ground plane and substrate are mm25⨯30⨯.mmmm4 The measured resonant frequencies are 5.12 and 6.08 GHz, and the bandwidth is 1.5 GHz,which is 27.3% at 5.5 GHz (center frequency). In addition, the radiation patterns of the fabricated antenna are almost identical to those of a conventional microstrip patch antenna at each resonant frequency with more than 5 dB gain. From these results, it can be concluded that implementation of the U-shaped parasitic patch on the radiating edges of the reduced main patch is an effective means of realizing a wideband microstrip antenna having a finite substrate and ground plane.REFERENCES[1] D. H. Schaubert, D. M. Pozar, and A. Adrian, ―Effect of microstrip antenna substrate thickness and permittivity: Com parison of theories and experiment,‖ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-37, pp. 677–682,Jun. 1989.[2] H. F. 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Financial AnalysisIntroductionFinancial analysis is a crucial aspect of any business operation. It involves evaluating financial statements and other relevant data to gain insights into the financial health and performance of a company. This analysis helps in making informed decisions, identifying areas for improvement, and predicting future trends. In this document, we will discuss various aspects of financial analysis and their importance in the business world.Objectives of Financial AnalysisThe primary objectives of financial analysis are as follows:1. Assessing Financial PerformanceFinancial analysis allows businesses to evaluate their financial performance over a specific period. It helps in understanding the company’s profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency. By analyzing financial ratios and metrics, such as return on investment (ROI), current ratio, and debt-to-equity ratio, companies can determine their status and compare it with industry standards.2. Detecting Financial TrendsFinancial analysis helps in identifying and understanding financial trends. By analyzing historical financial data, businesses can detect patterns and make predictions about future performance. This allows them to anticipate potential risks and opportunities, enabling proactive decision-making.3. Supporting Decision MakingFinancial analysis provides critical information to support strategic decision-making. It helps in evaluating investment opportunities, assessing the viability of new projects, and determining the overall financial health of the company. By examining the financial consequences of different options, organizations can make more informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently.4. Facilitating Stakeholder CommunicationFinancial analysis plays a significant role in communicating the financial position of a company to stakeholders. By presenting financial statements, reports, and analysis, businesses can provide transparency and build trust with investors, creditors, and shareholders. This information helps stakeholders make informed decisions and understand the company’s financial performance.Methods of Financial AnalysisThere are various methods and tools used in financial analysis. Some of the commonly employed methods include:1. Ratio AnalysisRatio analysis involves assessing the relationship between different financial variables to evaluate a company’s performance. It helps in gauging profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and solvency. Example ratios include gross profit margin, return on assets, and inventory turnover ratio. By comparing these ratios with industry benchmarks, businesses can identify areas of improvement and assess their competitive position.2. Trend AnalysisTrend analysis involves analyzing financial data over a period to identify patterns and trends. It helps in understanding the direction in which various financial metrics are moving. By studying trends in revenue, expenses, and profitability, businesses can make predictions and take necessary actions to capitalize on opportunities or mitigate risks.3. Cash Flow AnalysisCash flow analysis assesses a company’s inflows and outflows of cash over a specific period. It helps in understanding the liquidity and cash position of the company. By analyzing cash flow statements, businesses can identify their ability to meet short-term obligations and fund operational activities. This analysis is essential for managing working capital and ensuring financial stability.4. Comparative AnalysisComparative analysis involves comparing the financial performance of a company with industry peers or competitors. It helps in benchmarking and understanding the company’s relative position in the market. By analyzing financial ratios, profitability, and growth metrics of competitors, businesses can identify areas for improvement and set realistic goals.5. Break-even AnalysisBreak-even analysis helps businesses determine the point at which their revenue equals their total costs. It identifies the level of sales required to cover both fixed and variable costs. By conducting break-even analysis, companies can assess the feasibility of a business venture, set pricing strategies, and evaluate the impact of changes in costs or sales volume.ConclusionFinancial analysis is an essential tool for businesses to evaluate their financial performance, detect trends, make informed decisions, and communicate with stakeholders. By utilizing various methods such as ratio analysis, trend analysis, cash flow analysis, comparative analysis, and break-even analysis, companies can gain valuable insights into their financial health and take necessary actions to improve their operations. Effective financial analysis forms the foundation for strategic planning and sustainable growth in today’s competitive business environment.。
底盘的英语单词chassis(of a car)n.底盘,底座,底架baseplaten.底板;基础板,基板例句1.木构架和金属底盘都没有采取防腐措施。
Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.2.车子底盘的3块隔热板已经脱落了。
Three insulating panels had come adrift from the base of the vehicle.3.他会把钢丝绳拴在汽车底盘上,用卷扬机把汽车吊到运河岸上。
He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank4.空中客车有一个未来模型概念,它有一个乘客舱,可以从在路上行驶中的底盘上分离出来,并由直升机式的机器接走。
Airbus has a futuristic modular concept involving a passenger capsule that can be detached from the road-going chassis and picked up by a helicopter-type machine.5.用CAD技术进行汽车底盘总布置设计方法的研究Study on General Layout of the vehicle Chassis with CAD6.PID算法在汽车底盘测功机中的应用与实现The Application and Implementation of PID Algorithm In Automotive Chassis Dynamometer7.基于VB的客车底盘总布置参数化设计系统Parameterized Layout Design System for Bus Chassis Based on Visual Basic8.零件INNER TUBE用于汽车的底盘减震系统,采用线材冷成型工艺生产。
会计专业英语汇总Introduction to Accounting Profession (会计专业介绍)Accounting is the practice of recording, analyzing, and interpreting financial transactions of a business or organization. It is an essential function for business success as it provides information about the financial position, performance, and cash flow of an entity. In the accounting profession, professionals use a set of standards and principles to ensure accuracy and consistency in financial reporting.Accounting Principles and Concepts (会计原则和概念)There are several widely accepted accounting principles and concepts that guide the preparation of financial statements. The most significant principles include the accrual principle, revenue recognition principle, matching principle, and consistency principle. These principles ensure that financial information is reported accurately and fairly.Financial Statements (财务报表)Financial statements are the primary output of the accounting process. They provide a snapshot of a company's financial position and performance over a specific period. The three main financial statements are the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The balance sheet shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. The income statement shows a company's revenue, expenses, and net income or loss over a period. The cash flow statement shows the inflows and outflows of cash during a specific period.Auditing (审计)Auditing is the examination of financial statements to ensure theirreliability and compliance with accounting standards and principles. Auditors play a crucial role in providing assurance to stakeholders that the financial statements are free from material misstatement or fraud. They assess the internal controls of an organization and gather evidence to support the financial information provided in the statements.Taxation (税务)Taxation is an essential aspect of accounting, as professionals need to understand the tax laws and regulations to provide accurate tax planning and compliance services. Accountants prepare tax returns for individuals and businesses, ensuring that they pay the correct amount of taxes according tothe applicable laws.Cost Accounting (成本会计)Cost accounting focuses on the analysis and control of costs in a business. It involves determining the cost of producing goods or services and analyzing the profitability of different products or services. Cost accountants provide valuable information for decision-making, such as pricing strategies, budgeting, and cost reduction initiatives.Management Accounting (管理会计)Management accounting involves the use of financial information to support managerial decision-making. Management accountants provide reports and analysis to help managers make informed decisions about resource allocation, performance evaluation, and strategic planning. They may also be involved in budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis.International Financial Reporting Standards (国际财务报告准则)International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a set of accounting standards developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). IFRS is widely adopted in many countries around the world, with the aim of promoting transparency and comparability of financial statements globally. Knowledge of IFRS is essential for accountants working in multinational organizations or those seeking international opportunities.Ethics in Accounting (会计伦理)Ethics play a crucial role in the accounting profession. Accountants are expected to maintain integrity, objectivity, and professional skepticism in their work. They must adhere to ethical codes and standards set by professional accounting bodies, such as the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).Conclusion (结论)Accounting is a dynamic and challenging profession that requires bothtechnical knowledge and ethical behavior. Professionals in the field play a critical role in helping businesses make informed financial decisions and ensuring compliance with accounting standards. The knowledge and skills gained through studying accounting and mastering accounting English are valuable assets that can open doors to a variety of career opportunities.。
第1篇Executive SummaryThis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial performance of [Company Name] for the quarter ending [Date]. The analysis covers key financial metrics, revenue trends, cost analysis, and profitability. The report aims to assess the company’s financial health, identify areas of strength and weakness, and provide insights for future strategic decisions.1. Introduction[Company Name] is a [brief description of the company’s industry and main products/services]. The company operates in a highly competitive market and has been striving to maintain its market share and profitability. This report aims to evaluate the company’s financial performance over the past quarter and provide recommendations for improvement.2. Financial Highlights2.1 RevenueThe total revenue for the quarter ending [Date] was [Amount], representing a [percentage] increase/decrease from the previous quarter and a [percentage] increase/decrease from the same quarter last year. The revenue growth can be attributed to [key factors contributing to revenue growth, such as new product launches, market expansion, or increased sales in existing markets].2.2 ProfitabilityThe net income for the quarter was [Amount], resulting in a net margin of [percentage]. This represents a [percentage] increase/decrease from the previous quarter and a [percentage] increase/decrease from the same quarter last year. The improved profitability can be attributed to [key factors contributing to increased profitability, such as cost reduction measures, improved operational efficiency, or higher sales margins].2.3 Operating ExpensesOperating expenses for the quarter were [Amount], which represents a [percentage] increase/decrease from the previous quarter. The main contributors to the increase/decrease in operating expenses were [mention specific expenses, such as marketing, research and development, or administrative costs].2.4 Cash FlowThe company’s cash flow from operations was [Amount], indicating a [percentage] increase/decrease from the previous quarter. Theincrease/decrease in cash flow can be attributed to [key factors, such as improved collections from customers, reduced accounts payable, or increased sales].3. Revenue Analysis3.1 Product/Service Line AnalysisThe revenue breakdown by product/service line is as follows:- Product/Service Line A: [Percentage of total revenue] with revenue of [Amount]- Product/Service Line B: [Percentage of total revenue] with revenue of [Amount]- Product/Service Line C: [Percentage of total revenue] with revenue of [Amount]The highest-growth product/service line was [Product/Service Line A], which saw a [percentage] increase in revenue. This growth can be attributed to [factors contributing to the growth, such as new market segments, product enhancements, or increased marketing efforts].3.2 Geographic AnalysisThe revenue breakdown by geographic region is as follows:- Region A: [Percentage of total revenue] with revenue of [Amount]- Region B: [Percentage of total revenue] with revenue of [Amount]- Region C: [Percentage of total revenue] with revenue of [Amount]Region A was the highest contributor to revenue, accounting for [percentage] of the total. The growth in this region can be attributedto [factors contributing to the growth, such as successful market entry, increased demand, or local economic growth].4. Cost Analysis4.1 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)The COGS for the quarter was [Amount], representing [percentage] oftotal revenue. The main drivers of COGS were [mention specific cost components, such as raw materials, labor, or manufacturing overhead]. The cost of goods sold increased by [percentage] from the previous quarter, primarily due to [factors contributing to the increase, such as price increases for raw materials or increased production volumes].4.2 Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) ExpensesSG&A expenses for the quarter were [Amount], which represents [percentage] of total revenue. The main components of SG&A expenses were [mention specific expense categories, such as salaries, marketing, or administrative costs]. The increase/decrease in SG&A expenses can be attributed to [factors contributing to the change, such as changes in staffing levels, marketing campaigns, or other administrative activities].5. Profitability Analysis5.1 Gross MarginThe gross margin for the quarter was [percentage], which represents a [percentage] increase/decrease from the previous quarter. Theincrease/decrease in gross margin can be attributed to [factors contributing to the change, such as changes in product mix, cost savings, or improved pricing strategies].5.2 Operating MarginThe operating margin for the quarter was [percentage], reflecting a [percentage] increase/decrease from the previous quarter. Theincrease/decrease in operating margin can be attributed to [factors contributing to the change, such as improved operational efficiency, reduced operating expenses, or increased revenue].6. Key Findings and Recommendations6.1 Key Findings- Revenue growth was driven by [key factors].- Profitability improved due to [key factors].- Cost of goods sold increased primarily due to [factors].- SG&A expenses were [increase/decrease], driven by [factors].6.2 Recommendations- Continue to invest in [key areas, such as product development, marketing, or market expansion].- Evaluate the effectiveness of cost-saving initiatives and implement further measures where necessary.- Monitor the performance of [key product/service lines or geographic regions] and adjust strategies accordingly.- Strengthen cash flow management to ensure adequate liquidity.7. ConclusionThis report provides a detailed analysis of [Company Name]’s financial performance for the quarter ending [Date]. The company has shown strong revenue growth and improved profitability, driven by various factors. However, there are areas that require attention, such as cost management and operational efficiency. By implementing the recommended strategies, [Company Name] can continue to strengthen its financial position and achieve long-term success.Appendix- Detailed financial statements- Breakdown of revenue by product/service line and geographic region- Analysis of key financial ratios- Trend analysis of key financial metricsNote: This report is for internal use only and should not be distributed without the permission of [Company Name].第2篇IntroductionThis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial performance of [Company Name] for the quarter ending [Date]. Theanalysis covers key financial metrics, profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency ratios, as well as a discussion of the major factors influencing the company's performance during the quarter. The report aims to offer insights into the financial health of the company and guide stakeholders in making informed decisions.Executive SummaryThe financial performance of [Company Name] for the quarter ending [Date] has been robust, with a significant increase in revenue and profit margins. The company has demonstrated strong operational efficiency and has maintained a healthy liquidity position. However, challenges in the market and competitive pressures require continued vigilance andstrategic adjustments to ensure sustained growth.Revenue AnalysisTotal revenue for the quarter was [Amount], reflecting a [Percentage] increase from the previous quarter and a [Percentage] increase from the same quarter last year. The growth in revenue can be attributed to several factors:1. Increased Sales Volume: Sales volume increased by [Percentage],driven by strong demand in [Product/Service Category].2. Product Mix Improvement: The company has successfully shifted its product mix towards higher margin products, contributing to a [Percentage] increase in revenue.3. Geographical Expansion: The company has expanded its market reach, particularly in [Region/Country], which has led to a [Percentage] increase in revenue.Profitability AnalysisNet profit for the quarter was [Amount], representing a [Percentage] increase from the previous quarter and a [Percentage] increase from the same quarter last year. The increase in profitability can be attributed to the following factors:1. Cost Control: The company has successfully implemented cost control measures, resulting in a [Percentage] decrease in operating expenses.2. Efficiency Improvements: Operational efficiency has improved by [Percentage], leading to lower production costs.3. Price Increases: The company has implemented price increases in certain products, which has contributed to higher profit margins.Liquidity AnalysisThe company's liquidity position remains strong, with a current ratio of [Ratio] and a quick ratio of [Ratio]. The current ratio indicates that the company has sufficient current assets to cover its current liabilities, while the quick ratio demonstrates the company's ability to meet its short-term obligations without relying on inventory.Solvency AnalysisThe company's solvency position is also healthy, with a debt-to-equity ratio of [Ratio]. This ratio indicates that the company's equity is [Percentage] of its total assets, suggesting a low level of financial leverage.Efficiency AnalysisThe company's operational efficiency has improved, as evidenced by the following ratios:1. Inventory Turnover: The inventory turnover ratio has increased to [Ratio], indicating a faster turnover of inventory.2. Accounts Receivable Turnover: The accounts receivable turnover ratio has improved to [Ratio], suggesting improved collection efficiency.3. Fixed Asset Turnover: The fixed asset turnover ratio has increased to [Ratio], indicating more efficient use of fixed assets.Risk FactorsDespite the positive financial performance, several risk factors need to be monitored:1. Competition: Intense competition in the market may erode profit margins.2. Economic Conditions: Economic downturns can impact consumer spending and demand for the company's products/services.3. Regulatory Changes: Changes in regulations may increase costs and impact the company's operations.ConclusionThe financial performance of [Company Name] for the quarter ending [Date] has been commendable, with strong revenue growth and improved profitability. The company's strong liquidity and solvency positions, along with its operational efficiency, indicate a healthy financial outlook. However, continued vigilance and strategic adjustments are required to address potential risks and ensure sustained growth.Recommendations1. Market Expansion: Continue to explore new markets and expand the company's geographical reach.2. Product Development: Invest in research and development to create innovative products that meet customer needs.3. Cost Management: Maintain a focus on cost control and operational efficiency to ensure sustainable profitability.4. Risk Management: Develop strategies to mitigate potential risks, such as economic downturns and regulatory changes.By implementing these recommendations, [Company Name] can continue to build a strong financial foundation and achieve long-term success.AppendixThe following tables provide a detailed breakdown of the financial metrics discussed in this report:1. Revenue Breakdown by Product/Service2. Profit and Loss Statement3. Balance Sheet4. Cash Flow StatementThis report is intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of [Company Name]'s financial performance for the quarter ending [Date]. For further information or clarification, please refer to the appendices or contact the financial team.[Signature][Name][Title][Company Name][Date]第3篇Executive SummaryThis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial performance of [Company Name] for the third quarter of [Fiscal Year].The report covers key financial metrics, profitability, liquidity, solvency, and operational efficiency. It also includes an analysis of the external environment and a discussion on the potential risks and opportunities facing the company. The objective is to provide stakeholders with insights into the company's financial health and its prospects for the future.1. Introduction[Company Name] is a leading [industry/sector] company with a strong presence in [key markets/geographical regions]. The company operates through [number of business segments] segments, each contributing to the overall financial performance. This report focuses on the financial performance of the company for the third quarter of [Fiscal Year], comparing it with the same period in the previous year and with the industry benchmarks.2. Financial HighlightsRevenue: Total revenue for the third quarter was [amount], representing a [percentage] increase/decrease compared to the same period last year. This growth was driven by [key factors, e.g., new product launches, increased market share, expansion into new markets].Net Income: Net income for the third quarter was [amount], reflecting a [percentage] increase/decrease compared to the same period last year. The increase/decrease was primarily due to [factors such as improved operating margins, cost reductions, or changes in tax laws].Earnings Per Share (EPS): EPS for the third quarter was [amount], indicating a [percentage] increase/decrease from the same period last year. This increase/decrease was primarily due to [factors such as higher net income and a decrease/increase in the number of outstanding shares].Return on Equity (ROE): ROE for the third quarter was [percentage],up/down from [percentage] in the same period last year. Theimprovement/deterioration was primarily due to [factors such as increased net income and a decrease/increase in equity].Current Ratio: The current ratio for the third quarter was [ratio], indicating [solvency position, e.g., strong liquidity, sufficient to cover short-term obligations].Debt-to-Equity Ratio: The debt-to-equity ratio for the third quarter was [ratio], showing [financial leverage, e.g., moderate leverage, indicating a balanced capital structure].3. Detailed Financial Analysis3.1 Revenue AnalysisSegment-wise Revenue: The breakdown of revenue by segment is as follows:Segment A: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Segment B: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Segment C: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Product-wise Revenue: The breakdown of revenue by product is as follows:Product X: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Product Y: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Product Z: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Market-wise Revenue: The breakdown of revenue by market is as follows:Market A: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Market B: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.Market C: [amount], representing [percentage] of total revenue.3.2 Profitability AnalysisGross Margin: The gross margin for the third quarter was [percentage], up/down from [percentage] in the same period last year. The change was primarily due to [factors such as increased sales volume, cost reductions, or changes in product mix].Operating Margin: The operating margin for the third quarter was [percentage], up/down from [percentage] in the same period last year. The change was primarily due to [factors such as improved operational efficiency, cost reductions, or changes in revenue mix].Net Margin: The net margin for the third quarter was [percentage],up/down from [percentage] in the same period last year. The change was primarily due to [factors such as increased net income, lower interest expenses, or changes in tax laws].3.3 Liquidity and Solvency AnalysisCurrent Ratio: The current ratio remained stable at [ratio], indicating that the company has sufficient liquidity to meet its short-term obligations.Debt-to-Equity Ratio: The debt-to-equity ratio has increased/decreased to [ratio], reflecting [financial leverage position, e.g., a moderate increase in leverage, which may be a strategic move to fund growth initiatives].Interest Coverage Ratio: The interest coverage ratio for the third quarter was [ratio], indicating that the company has[adequate/inadequate] ability to cover its interest expenses with its operating income.4. External Environment AnalysisThe external environment has been characterized by [key factors, e.g., economic growth, industry trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements]. These factors have had both positive and negative impacts on the company's financial performance.4.1 Positive FactorsEconomic Growth: The global economy has shown signs of recovery, which has led to increased demand for [company's products/services].Industry Trends: The industry is witnessing [trends, e.g.,technological advancements, increased customer expectations, and consolidation].Technological Advancements: The company has been investing intechnology to improve its operational efficiency and product offerings.4.2 Negative FactorsRegulatory Changes: New regulations in [industry] have increased compliance costs for the company.Competition: The company faces increased competition from [competitors], which has put pressure on pricing and margins.5. Risks and Opportunities5.1 RisksEconomic Downturn: A global economic downturn could lead to reduced demand for the company's products/services.Competition: Intense competition could erode market share and profitability.Regulatory Changes: New regulations could increase costs and hinder growth.5.2 OpportunitiesMarket Expansion: The company has opportunities to expand into new markets and customer segments.Product Innovation: The development of new products and services can drive growth and improve profitability.Partnerships: Strategic partnerships can enhance the company's competitive position and market reach.6. Conclusion[Company Name] has delivered a strong financial performance in the third quarter of [Fiscal Year], driven by [key factors]. The company has a robust financial position and is well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities in the external environment. However, it also faces significant risks, which need to be managed effectively. The management team is committed to driving sustainable growth and creating value for its stakeholders.7. RecommendationsContinue to invest in research and development to enhance product offerings.Explore strategic partnerships to expand market reach.Monitor regulatory changes and ensure compliance.Implement cost reduction initiatives to improve profitability.8. AppendicesFinancial StatementsKey RatiosIndustry BenchmarksManagement CommentaryNote: This report is a template and should be customized to reflect the specific financial data and circumstances of [Company Name].。
The Role of Music Elements in Movies
The integration of disciplinary and non disciplinary music to enhance emotional impact, with the form providing a realistic soundscape and the latter offering commentary and emotional guidance
The Weaving Maid
Cast as a rising starlet with a background in dance and commercial arts, she brings a unique physique and grace to the role Her performance style
Introduction to the Spring Movie of the Cowherd Class in English
• Movie Background and Plot Introduction • Character Analysis and Actor Performance • Analysis of Film Audiovisual Language
Overview of the storyline
The protocol, a young colleague named Xiaoqiang, aims to leave the village and seek a better life in the city, but is consistently reminded of his low social status and lake of education
效率分析performance Analysis
1. 效率(Performance)概念 2. PAC概念 3. 效率(Performance)改善方案
1. 效率(Performance) 概念
◎ 工数是...
◎ 工数单位
- 人,日(Man,Day)/机械,日(Machine,Day) - 人,时(Man,Hour)/机械,时(Machine,Hour) - 人,分(Man,Minute)/机械,分(Machine,Minute)
◎ 效率(Performance)管理的重要性...
若效率低,得不到与设备投资相一致的高产量, 低成本的效果,反而引起成本的上升,这给经营 带来不利,难于适应市场环境
※ 下列两种情况下生产性一致
通过引进高价设备, 提高运行速度,提高 其性能 尽量把手工作业变为 机械化,自动化, 想方设法改变布局 制造方式200%,实施效率50% → 生产性100% 制造方式100%,实施效率100% → 生产性100%
音乐=作曲(乐谱) x 指挥/演奏
=(生产量/标准时间)x(标准时间/实际时间) 演戏=剧本 x 演出/演技 (制造方式的效率) (实施方面的效率)
劳动生产性 = 制造方式 (创造的产物)
x 实施效率 (实施者能力和努力的产物)
高水平的劳动生产性= 制造方式的开发x高水平的效率管理
作业计划 (生产量)
效率分析 - 15
单片机英文参考文献一: [1]Hui Wang. Optimal Design of Single Chip Microcomputer Multi-machine Serial Communication based on Signal VerificationTechnology[J]. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Management Science,2020,9(1)。
[2]Philip J. Basford,Steven J. Johnston,Colin S. Perkins,Tony Garnock-Jones,Fung Po Tso,Dimitrios Pezaros,Robert D. Mullins,Eiko Yoneki,Jeremy Singer,Simon J. Cox. Performance analysis of single board computer clusters[J]. Future Generation ComputerSystems,2020,102. [3]. Computers; Reports from University of Southampton Describe Recent Advances in Computers (Performance Analysis of Single Board Computer Clusters)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2020. [4]Yunyu Cao,Jinjin Dang,Chenxu Cao. Design of Automobile Digital Tire Pressure Detector[J]. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,2019. [5]Sudad J. Ashaj,Ergun Er?elebi. Reduce Cost Smart Power Management System by Utilize Single Board Computer Artificial Neural Networks for Smart Systems[J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,2019. [6]Hanhong Tan*, Yanfei Teng. Design of PWM Lighting brightness Control based on LAN QIAO Cup single Chip Microcomputer[J]. International Journal of Computational and Engineering,2019,4(3)。
human resource management chap (2)
(4)Impact of Human Resource Management人力资源管理的影响力 人力资源管理的影响力
2. Human Resources and Company Performance人力资源和公司绩效 人力资源和公司绩效
(7)Human resources have these necessary qualities:人力资源具备以下必要 人力资源具备以下必要 的性质 Valuable人力资源是有价值的 人力资源是有价值的 Rare人力资源是稀缺的 人力资源是稀缺的 Cannot be imitated人力资源无法模仿 imitated人力资源无法模仿 No good substitutes人力资源没有好的替代品 人力资源没有好的替代品 (8)High-performance work system: an organization in which technology, organizational structure, people, and processes all work together to give the organization an advantage in the competitive environment.高绩效工作 高绩效工作 系统,即在一个组织中,技术、组织结构、人员和程序共同发挥作用, 系统,即在一个组织中,技术、组织结构、人员和程序共同发挥作用, 使该组织在竞争中获得优势。 使该组织在竞争中获得优势。 (9)Maintaining a high-performance work system may include:保持一个高绩 保持一个高绩 效工作系统可能包括: 效工作系统可能包括: Development of training programs制定培训计划 制定培训计划 Recruitment of people with new skill sets聘用具备新技术的人员 聘用具备新技术的人员 Establishment of rewards for such behaviors as teamwork, flexibility, and learning针对团队工作、灵活性以及学习等行为制定奖励制度。 针对团队工作、 针对团队工作 灵活性以及学习等行为制定奖励制度。 8
人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册精品课件 Unit 4 分层跟踪检测(2)
3.How do AI tools provide practical value in deepening our insights into animals? A A.By translating animals’ calls and looks. B.By advancing animal well-being. C.By reintroducing endangered species. D.By studying animals’ negative emotions. 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“Machine learning decodes pets’ signals like barks and facial expressions.”可知,AI工具能为加深我们对动物 的认知提供实际价值,其背后的机制是破译动物的语言信号,如叫声和面部 表情。故选A项。
解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“It’s developing AI models that imitate a variety of species,aiming to have ‘conversations’ with animals.”可 知,其目的是用人工智能来理解动物的语言。故选C项。
A 级 必备知识基础练
1.We didn’t always see eye to eye,but we learned the key ____t_o_____
living together:giving in,cleaning up and holding on.
2.After the trial
B 级 素养能力提升练 Ⅳ.阅读理解
(2024山东济宁教学质量检测) Can humans really understand what animals are saying,or are we just barking up the wrong tree?
第1篇IntroductionThe English教研组 of [School Name] is committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in English language teaching and learning. To this end, we have organized a series of research and development activities aimed at enhancing the quality of our teaching methods, updating our curriculum, and improving student outcomes. This document outlines the objectives, activities, and outcomes of our recent 教研教改活动.Objectives1. To explore and implement innovative teaching strategies that enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.2. To update the English curriculum to align with current educational standards and global trends.3. To enhance teacher professional development through collaborative research and shared best practices.4. To assess the effectiveness of the new teaching methods and curriculum updates through student performance and feedback.Activities1. Workshops and Seminars:- Innovative Teaching Techniques: A series of workshops were conducted to introduce teachers to new teaching techniques such as flipped classrooms, project-based learning, and gamification. These sessions were designed to equip teachers with the skills to create more interactive and engaging lessons.- Curriculum Development: A group of teachers was tasked with reviewing and updating the English curriculum. This involved analyzing current educational standards, global trends, and student needs to ensure the curriculum remains relevant and challenging.2. Collaborative Research Projects:- Technology Integration: A research project was initiated to explore how technology could be effectively integrated into English language teaching. This included the use of educational apps, online resources, and interactive whiteboards.- Student-Centered Learning: Another project focused on implementing student-centered learning approaches. Teachers were encouraged to design lessons that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration among students.3. Teacher Training and Development:- Professional Development Workshops: Regular workshops were held to enhance teachers' knowledge and skills in various aspects of English language teaching, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.- Peer Observation and Feedback: A peer observation program was established to facilitate ongoing professional development. Teachers were encouraged to observe each other's lessons and provide constructive feedback.4. Student Feedback and Assessment:- Student Surveys: Surveys were conducted to gather student feedback on the effectiveness of the new teaching methods and curriculum updates. This feedback was used to make further improvements.- Standardized Testing: Standardized tests were administered to assess the impact of the changes on student performance. These results were analyzed to identify areas of strength and areas that required further improvement.Outcomes1. Enhanced Student Engagement:- The implementation of innovative teaching techniques such asflipped classrooms and gamification has significantly increased student engagement and participation in English language lessons.- Students have reported feeling more motivated and excited about learning English.2. Updated Curriculum:- The English curriculum has been successfully updated to align with current educational standards and global trends. This includes the integration of more relevant and diverse texts and the emphasis on critical thinking and communication skills.3. Teacher Professional Development:- The workshops and seminars have provided teachers with valuable knowledge and skills to enhance their teaching practices.- The peer observation and feedback program has fostered a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration among teachers.4. Improved Student Performance:- The standardized testing results indicate that student performance has improved since the implementation of the new teaching methods and curriculum updates.- Students have shown stronger skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.ConclusionThe recent research and development activities of the English教研组 at [School Name] have been highly successful in enhancing the quality of English language teaching and learning. Through the exploration of innovative teaching strategies, the updating of the curriculum, and the enhancement of teacher professional development, we have madesignificant strides towards our goal of providing an exceptional English language education for our students. We look forward to continuing our efforts to foster a culture of innovation and excellence in English language teaching and learning.第2篇Introduction:The English Research and Teaching Group (ERTG) of [Your School's Name] held a significant教研教改活动 on [Date], aiming to enhance the quality of English teaching and learning, promote innovative teaching methods, and foster a collaborative learning environment. This activity brought together teachers, educational experts, and students to discuss and explore new approaches to English education.I. Activity Objectives1. To identify existing challenges and gaps in English teaching and learning.2. To introduce and discuss innovative teaching methods and strategies.3. To encourage collaborative teaching and student-centered learning.4. To enhance the professional development of English teachers.5. To promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in English education.II. Activity StructureThe activity was structured into four main segments:A. Opening RemarksThe session commenced with a warm welcome by the head of the ERTG, who highlighted the importance of the activity and emphasized the commitment of the group to improve English education.B. Problem Identification and AnalysisThis segment involved a panel discussion with experienced English teachers and educational experts. They shared their insights on the current challenges faced by English learners and teachers, such as low motivation, lack of resources, and outdated teaching methods. The group identified key issues that required immediate attention and proposed solutions.C. Innovative Teaching Methods and StrategiesIn this segment, guest speakers from renowned educational institutions and experienced teachers presented various innovative teaching methods and strategies. These included:- Flipped Classroom: A method where students learn new content at home and engage in interactive activities in the classroom.- Project-Based Learning: An approach that encourages students to work on real-world problems and projects.- Gamification: Incorporating games and game-like elements into the learning process to make it more engaging and fun.- Technology Integration: Utilizing digital tools and platforms to enhance the learning experience.D. Group Work and ReflectionParticipants were divided into small groups to discuss the presented methods and strategies. Each group was tasked with selecting the most suitable approach for their classroom and developing an action plan to implement it. The groups then presented their plans to the larger group, and a panel of experts provided feedback and suggestions.III. Key Highlights1. Collaborative Learning: The activity emphasized the importance of collaboration among teachers and students. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences, ideas, and resources to foster a supportive learning environment.2. Student-Centered Approach: The emphasis on student-centered learning was a recurring theme throughout the activity. Teachers were encouraged to adopt methods that promote active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.3. Professional Development: The activity provided an excellent opportunity for teachers to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. Workshops and discussions on curriculum development,assessment strategies, and classroom management were particularly beneficial.4. Technology Integration: The activity highlighted the potential of technology in English education. Participants were introduced to various digital tools and platforms that can be used to enhance teaching and learning.IV. ConclusionThe English Research and Teaching Group's innovation and reform activity was a resounding success. It provided a platform for teachers and educational experts to exchange ideas, share best practices, and develop new approaches to English education. The participants left the event with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and commitment to improve the quality of English teaching and learning.Looking forward, the ERTG will continue to organize similar activities to promote innovation and reform in English education. The group believes that through continuous collaboration and professional development, we can create a more effective and engaging learning experience for our students.Final Thoughts:The ERTG's教研教改活动 serves as a testament to the commitment of [Your School's Name] to provide high-quality English education. By embracing innovation and reform, we can ensure that our students are well-prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.第3篇Introduction:The English Research and Development Group (ERDG) at [School Name] is committed to enhancing the quality of English education through continuous research, innovation, and collaboration. The recent教研教改活动 aimed to explore new teaching methods, assess current practices, and implement strategies to improve student learning outcomes. Thisreport provides a detailed account of the activities conducted during the event.I. Preparatory Phase1. Identification of Goals:The ERDG identified the following goals for the教研教改活动:- To identify and address common challenges faced by English teachers in the classroom.- To explore innovative teaching methods and resources that can enhance student engagement and learning.- To develop a shared understanding of current educational trends and their implications for English language teaching.2. Formation of Subgroups:To ensure a comprehensive approach, the ERDG divided its members into subgroups focused on specific areas:- Curriculum Development- Assessment and Evaluation- Classroom Strategies- Technology Integration- Teacher Professional DevelopmentII. Activities During the Event1. Workshops and Presentations:The event began with a series of workshops and presentations led by experts in the field of English language teaching. These sessions covered a variety of topics, including:- The flipped classroom model- Incorporating technology in language learning- Differentiated instruction for diverse student needs- Strategies for effective grammar and vocabulary teaching- The role of storytelling in language acquisition2. Case Studies and Group Discussions:Participants engaged in case study analysis and group discussions to explore real-life scenarios and share their experiences. Thisfacilitated the exchange of ideas and allowed for the identification of effective practices and areas requiring improvement.3. Interactive Sessions:Interactive sessions, such as role-playing and game-based learning activities, were designed to demonstrate practical applications of the new teaching methods discussed during the workshops. These sessions helped teachers develop confidence in implementing innovative approaches in their classrooms.4. Peer Observations and Feedback:Participants observed each other's lessons and provided constructive feedback. This process aimed to foster a culture of continuous improvement and encouraged teachers to reflect on their teaching practices.III. Implementation of Changes1. Curriculum Revision:Based on the findings from the event, the ERDG initiated a revision of the English curriculum to incorporate the following changes:- Introduction of project-based learning activities- Implementation of technology-enhanced learning resources- Integration of cultural elements in lesson planning- Inclusion of formative assessments to monitor student progress2. Professional Development:To support the implementation of the revised curriculum, the ERDG organized a series of professional development workshops and training sessions for teachers. These sessions focused on the following areas:- Effective classroom management strategies- Utilization of technology in teaching- Assessment for learning- Strategies for promoting student engagement3. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation:The ERDG established a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the impact of the implemented changes on student learning outcomes. This involved regular data collection, analysis, and feedback from teachers and students.Conclusion:The English Research and Development Group's教研教改活动 was a successful endeavor that brought together teachers, experts, and stakeholders to explore innovative teaching methods and strategies. Through collaborative efforts, the ERDG has initiated a series of changes aimed at enhancing the quality of English education at [School Name]. As the implementation progresses, the ERDG remains committed to monitoring the outcomes and making further improvements based on ongoing research and feedback.。
测评总结IntroductionIn this document, we will provide a summary of the evaluation conducted on a particular subject. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and performance of the subject under study. The evaluation process involved various tests and analysis to make an informed conclusion.MethodologyFor this evaluation, a series of tests were conducted to measure the subject’s performance in different aspects. These tests included quantitative measures, qualitative analysis, and user feedback. The combination of these methods ensured a comprehensive and accurate evaluation.Quantitative MeasuresQuantitative measures were used to assess the subject’s performance based on objective data. These measures included metrics such as speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Data was collected during the evaluation process and used to analyze the subject’s performance in a measurable manner.Qualitative AnalysisQualitative analysis involved a more subjective assessment of the subject under study. This analysis was conducted through observations, expert opinions, and context analysis. The goal was to gain a deeper understanding of the subject’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement.User FeedbackTo gather user feedback, a survey was conducted among the target audience. The survey included questions regarding the user’s experience, satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement. The feedback received from users was analyzed and considered in the overall evaluation.ResultsBased on the evaluation conducted, the following are the key findings and results:•The subject performed well in terms of speed and efficiency. It consistently produced results quickly and accurately, leading to increasedproductivity.•The qualitative analysis revealed that the subject had some limitations in terms of user-friendliness and ease of use. Some users found it difficult tonavigate through the interface and had trouble understanding certain features.•User feedback indicated a high level of satisfaction with the subject’s performance. Users appreciated its reliability and effectiveness in completing tasks.•However, there were also suggestions for improvement, particularly in terms of user interface design and better user guidance.ConclusionIn conclusion, the evaluation of the subject demonstrated its strengths and weaknesses. While it performed well in terms of speed and efficiency, there is room for improvement in terms of user-friendliness. The user feedback provided valuable insights that can be used to enhance the subject’s overall performance. With the necessary improvements, the subject has the potential to further excel and meet the needs of its users.To summarize, the evaluation revealed a positive overall performance of the subject while also identifying areas for improvement. By addressing these areas, the subject can continue to evolve and provide an even better user experience.。
2023级 新视野及新思路Unit2测试卷 试题
Test for Unit 2Part I Listening Comprehension (30%)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. You must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.1. What does the woman say about a whole package tour?A. It costs less money.B. It offers more privacy.C. It provides more comfort.D. It helps make new friends.2. What are the two speakers planning to do?A. Send these children to school.B. Help clean the tiny,dirty houses.C. Give these children some money and food.D. Have their daughter get to know such a life.3.What will the woman do?A. Travel alone in safe places in India.B. Follow the Indian culture and customs.C. Wear the same clothes as the local women.D. Choose another place to go instead of India.4.What does the woman feel uncertain about?A. Whether Jane will take care of her son and dog.B. Whether she can go to Jane for some advice.C. Whether it is possible to travel with her kid.D. Whether she can drive a jeep in her travel.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The human nature of dreaming the impossible.B. Traveling between the past and the future.C. The possibility of traveling back in time.D. The popularity of time travel stories.6.What is the most probable relationship between the man and woman?A. Colleagues.B. Friends.C. Classmates.D. Roommates.7. What do we learn about Harry?A. He is dishonest.B. He is honest.C. He is as honest as his brother Jack.D. He is as dishonest as his brother Jack.8. What qualities does the man look for in his friends?A. Kindness.B. Friendliness.C. Honesty.D. Sincerity.9. What can we infer from the conversation?A. The woman passed the exam.B. The man passed the exam.C. The man told a lie.D. The woman told a lie.10. What does the man mean?A. He lost a watch in the restroom.B. He found a watch in the restroom.C. He found the owner.D. He has turned it into the Lost and Found. Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two short passages.After each question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Passage 111. What kind of society is Australia?A. tolerant.B. strict.C. cruel .D. strange.12. What about the clothing people wear in Australia?A. They have special requirements for their clothing.B. There are strict rules about clothing.C. Clothing is an individual choice.D.they always wear traditional dress.13. When meeting a new person,what questions should be avoided?A. age.B. marital status.C. financial position.D. all of the above.14. What is considered as impolite behavior when meeting someone for the first time?A. shake the person’s right hand with your right hand.B. look at the eyes of the people you’re talking with.C. smile.D. kiss or hug.15. How to build a good relationship with people in Australia?A. Put on a suit.B. Use more polite words.C. Speak loudly.D. Wear make up.Passage 216. What does the woman say about the plants in the Amazon rainforest?A. There are so many plants that it is hard to see the sky.B. Many plants are sick because of the lack of sunlight.C. The plants are more spectacular than she has ever dreamed.D. The plants struggle hard to see the sun or the sky above.17. What does the woman say about the local people?A.They enjoy being so far away from technology.B.They live miles and miles away from each other.C.They never travel more than 15 miles along the river.D.They are separated from the world outside of the jungle.18. Why was the old woman in the village so excited?A.Because Emily showed her a great treasure.B.Because Emily helped her win a big prize.C.Because Emily gave her an empty bottle.D.Because Emily gave her a bottle of wine.19. What has the woman learned from her traveling experience?A.Small and common things should also be valued.B.Local people in the rainforest are easier to please.C.Without modern technology life can be quite different.D.Local people in the rainforest take modern life for granted.20. how did the tourists get around the Amazon rainforest?A.by boat.B.by bus.C.by plane.D.by bike.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage. You are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.I have never been able to understand people who don’t see the 21. __________ in traveling. The common reason is that traveling is a 22. __________ of time and money. I’ve heard some are 23. __________to travel too far away. I can’t help but feel sorry particularly for those who 24. __________ the experience of seeing a new place as a 100 percent 25. __________one. Telling them stories about unusual encounters doesn’t 26. __________in the expected curiosity but a “Why would you wanna go there!?” It makes me lose 27.__________in humanity. Experience is the best teacher and knowledge is 28. __________. The things traveling can teach you are beautiful because you learn to 29. __________in what you see rather than what you are 30. __________. Part II Banked Cloze (10* 1=10%)Directions: Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.1. She pointed out with tact and ______ exactly where he had gone wrong.2. They envision an equal society, free of ______ and disease.3. Tango is a ______dance, which brings the dancer together in a way words can’t express.4. The school’s approach must be ______ to that of the parents.5. The concept of ______ development has been defined as profitable.Today, humanistic knowledge continues to 6. ______ the ideal foundation forexploring and understanding the human experience. Learning another language might help to 7. ______ you with great insights as well as gain much 8. ______ of different cultures. Taking a close look at a sculpture might make your think about how an artist’s life 9. ______ his creative decisions. Reading a book from another region of the world might help you 10. ______ about the meaning of democracy. Listening to history courses might give you a clearer picture of what the future will be like.Part III. Reading Comprehension (25%)Directions: Read the following passages and choose the corresponding answer. Passage 1Female employees consistently pay lower airfares than men do for the same flights because they tend to book earlier.We compared the airfare paid by employees in the same position within a company for the same class of travel and used a common statistical technique to account for other factors that might affect differences in airfares. We found that women paid on average $18 less per ticket than their male colleagues. Further investigation allowed us to conclude that this gap is largely explained by the fact that women tended to book earlier than men, 1.8 days on average.We wanted to determine what was causing these gender differences in booking business trips so we tested a variety of possible explanations, such as women choosing to plan ahead or male frequent travelers being inclined to book late. None of these explained away the gender gap, so we applied data collected from surveys that express consumer preferences that play a central role in economic decisions, such as patience and risk avoidance.We found that only the concept of "negative reciprocity"-in which an employee who feels unfairly treated engages in negative behaviors, such as spending their company's money less carefully- explains these differences. The surveys showed men tend to exhibit more of these negative behaviors than women.This isn't to say that all men engage in these behaviors-or that booking relatively late is a sign of abnormal behavior. It only means that the gender gap disappears when we plug in the negativereciprocity variable.Prior research on negative reciprocity among workers found that it can result in lower employee motivation, business performances and workplace morale (士气) and culture.Our results show another way these negative behaviors can manifest themselves, like in airline bookings, and add to evidence that women are less likely to engage in them.Companies spend significant sums of money on business travel. While that $18 difference per ticket may seem small, it adds up. Our analysis suggests early booking by women can translate into savings of $1 million a year for a large multinational company with 20,000 regular travelers.1.What did the author's team conclude about the gender difference in airfares from their further investigation?A.It is largely attributed to women booking earlier than men.B.It is largely explained by women's choosing cheaper flights.C.It is mainly accounted for by male employees' readiness to pay more.D.It is due to the fact that women care more about their company's money.2.What did the researchers want to determine by testing a variety of possible explanations?A.What made male frequent travelers book air tickets late.B.What caused women to plan ahead in booking business trips.C.What motivated women to book cheaper flights.D.What accounted for the gender gap in airfares.3.What happened when the negative reciprocity variable was taken into account?A.Both men and women were found to engage in negative behaviors.B.Neither men nor women viewed booking late as a bad behavior.C.The gender difference in airfare expenses no longer existed.D, The gender gap tended to narrow to a significant degree.4.What did prior research on negative reciprocity among workers find?A.It can do more harm to the workplace than to employees.B.It contributes to the male-female divide in the workplace.C.It proves to be counterproductive in a number of ways.D.It can result in increasing labor-management conflicts.5.What does the author emphasize about their analysis in the last paragraph?A.It can help companies increase their savings significantly.B.It can duly contribute to companies’ business performance.C.It can translate women's booking practice into men's behavior.D.It can enhance large multinational companies' competitiveness.Passage 2Daniel waved at his mother who was watching from the kitchen window. She waved back. He was having fun tossing his new football into the air and catching it again. Suddenly, he saw the neighbor’s gray cat crawl along the top of the wooden fence that divided his backyard from the neighbor’s.“You mean old cat!” Daniel shouted. Daniel didn’t like that cat. He had tried to pet it once and got a big scratch. The cat yawned and then scratched the top of the fence. Tiny pieces of wood floated down to the grass. “Stop wrecking my daddy’s fence!” Daniel demanded. He took the football and threw it with all his might. At the last possible instant, the cat jumped out of the way. The ball flew over the fence, passing right where the cat had been.Then he heard a SMASH! “Oh, no!” he groaned. Daniel crept toward the fence and peeked through a crack. He saw his football lying by the wall of his neighbor’s house. And right beside it was a big blue flowerpot cracked on one side. “Oh, no!” Daniel moaned, “What am I going to do?”Daniel walked around to the gate. “I should ask for permission to go into our neighbor’s yard,” he thought. “But then Mom will find out about the bad thing I’ve done. “He didn’t want that to happen. Instead, he checked the latch. It wasn’t locked. Opening the gate, Daniel walked inside. He ran toward his football and quickly picked it up. Staring at the broken flowerpot, he wondered what to do. “Whatever l do, I’dbetter hurry,” he thought. “l shouldn't be here.”Daniel stuffed the pieces of pottery into the pocket of his sweat shirt. “This is really bad,” he mumbled. Grabbing the flowerpot with both hands, he spun it around until the broken spot faced the wall. He smiled. The bad thing was hard to see. “Now I’ve got to hide the pieces,” he thought. Closing the gate behind him, Daniel searched for a place to hide the broken pieces.“Daniel, where have you been?” Mom asked as she headed up the sidewalk. Daniel wanted to say that he’d been playing in the front yard. He wanted to lie. But that would be another bad thing. He remembered all the bad things he had done: throwing the ball at the cat, smashing the flowerpot, going into the neighbor’s yard without permission. He suddenly realized his fourth bad thing: trying to hide the broken flowerpot.And now Daniel wanted to hide all his bad things with a big lie. No, that would be really bad, he decided. “Mom, would you still love me, even if l told you some bad things I've done?” he asked. His mother smiled and said, “Of course, Daniel!” She knelt beside him so that she could listen better. Daniel took a deep breath and pulled a handful of pottery out of his pocket. Mom could see the broken pieces, but that was okay because telling the truth was easier than telling a lie.6. Before seeing the neighbor’s cat, Daniel was having fun .A. waving at his motherB. tossing his football at the catC. watching his mother from the kitchen windowD. throwing his football into the air and catching it again7. Daniel threw his football at the cat with .A. all his strengthB. all his effortC. all his courageD. all his anger8. What did Daniel do after he broke the neighbor’s flowerpot?A. He quickly ran back home.B. He tried to hide the broken pieces.C. He told his mother what had happened.D. He bought his neighbor a new one.9. How many bad things did Daniel think he had done?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.10. Daniel’s mother knelt beside him in order to .A. see his face clearlyB. listen betterC. see the broken piecesD. calm him downPart IV. Translation(20%)Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into English.1.目前的艰难境界,哪能阻抑(obstruct) 我们民族革命的前进。
data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdf (2)
data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdfTitle: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis: A Comprehensive ReviewIntroduction:Data structures and algorithm analysis are fundamental concepts in computer science. They form the backbone of efficient and optimized software development. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the book "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" in its English original version PDF format. The review will cover the key points, structure, and significance of the book.I. Overview of the Book:1.1 Importance of Data Structures:- Discuss the significance of data structures in organizing and manipulating data efficiently.- Explain how data structures enhance the performance and scalability of software applications.1.2 Algorithm Analysis:- Describe the role of algorithm analysis in evaluating the efficiency and performance of algorithms.- Highlight the importance of selecting appropriate algorithms for different problem-solving scenarios.1.3 Book Structure:- Outline the organization of the book, including chapters, sections, and topics covered.- Emphasize the logical progression of concepts, starting from basic data structures to advanced algorithm analysis.II. Data Structures:2.1 Arrays and Linked Lists:- Explain the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of arrays and linked lists.- Discuss the implementation details, operations, and time complexities of these data structures.2.2 Stacks and Queues:- Define stacks and queues and their applications in various scenarios.- Elaborate on the implementation, operations, and time complexities of stacks and queues.2.3 Trees and Graphs:- Introduce the concepts of trees and graphs and their real-world applications.- Discuss different types of trees (binary, AVL, B-trees) and graphs (directed, undirected, weighted).III. Algorithm Analysis:3.1 Asymptotic Notation:- Explain the significance of asymptotic notation in analyzing the efficiency of algorithms.- Discuss the Big-O, Omega, and Theta notations and their usage in algorithm analysis.3.2 Sorting and Searching Algorithms:- Describe various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort.- Discuss searching algorithms like linear search, binary search, and hash-based searching.3.3 Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms:- Define dynamic programming and greedy algorithms and their applications.- Provide examples of problems that can be solved using these approaches.IV. Advanced Topics:4.1 Hashing and Hash Tables:- Explain the concept of hashing and its applications in efficient data retrieval.- Discuss hash functions, collision handling, and the implementation of hash tables.4.2 Graph Algorithms:- Explore advanced graph algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm, breadth-first search, and depth-first search.- Discuss their applications in solving complex problems like shortest path finding and network analysis.4.3 Advanced Data Structures:- Introduce advanced data structures like heaps, priority queues, and self-balancing binary search trees.- Explain their advantages, implementation details, and usage in various scenarios.V. Summary:5.1 Key Takeaways:- Summarize the main points covered in the book, emphasizing the importance of data structures and algorithm analysis.- Highlight the significance of selecting appropriate data structures and algorithms for efficient software development.5.2 Practical Applications:- Discuss real-world scenarios where the concepts from the book can be applied.- Illustrate how understanding data structures and algorithm analysis can lead to optimized software solutions.5.3 Conclusion:- Conclude the review by emphasizing the relevance and usefulness of the book "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis."- Encourage readers to explore the book further for a deeper understanding of the subject.In conclusion, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" is a comprehensive guide that covers essential concepts in data structures and algorithm analysis. The book's structure, detailed explanations, and practical examples make it a valuable resource for computer science students, software developers, and anyone interested in optimizing their software solutions. Understanding these fundamental concepts is crucial for building efficient and scalable software applications.。
变频压缩机的快速判断好坏方法英文回答:To quickly determine the quality of a variable frequency compressor, there are several methods that can be used. Here are two common approaches:1. Performance Testing: One way to assess the quality of a variable frequency compressor is by conducting performance tests. This involves measuring various parameters such as the compressor's cooling capacity, power consumption, and efficiency. By comparing these measurements with the manufacturer's specifications or industry standards, one can determine if the compressor is operating within acceptable limits. For example, if a compressor is consistently unable to achieve the specified cooling capacity or consumes excessive power, it may indicate a low-quality or faulty unit.2. Noise and Vibration Analysis: Another method toevaluate the quality of a variable frequency compressor is through noise and vibration analysis. A well-designed and properly functioning compressor should operate quietly and smoothly. Excessive noise or vibration can be indicative of internal mechanical issues or poor build quality. By listening to the compressor's operation and observing any abnormal vibrations, one can assess its overall condition. For instance, if a compressor produces loud banging noisesor exhibits strong vibrations, it may suggest the presenceof loose components or worn-out parts, which can affect its performance and longevity.In addition to these methods, it is also essential to consider the reputation and reliability of the manufacturer.A reputable manufacturer with a track record of producing high-quality compressors is more likely to deliver areliable and durable product. Reading customer reviews and seeking recommendations from industry professionals can provide valuable insights into the manufacturer's reputation.In summary, to quickly determine the quality of avariable frequency compressor, one can employ performance testing to assess its operational parameters and conduct noise and vibration analysis to evaluate its overall condition. Additionally, considering the manufacturer's reputation is crucial in ensuring the reliability and longevity of the compressor.中文回答:快速判断变频压缩机的好坏有几种方法可以使用。
公司金融英文版教材Corporate Finance: English Edition TextbookIntroduction:Welcome to the English edition of the Corporate Finance textbook. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you understand the fundamental principles and concepts of corporate finance in a global business environment. Whether you are a student or a professional seeking to enhance your knowledge, this textbook will provide you with the necessary tools to excel in the field of corporate finance.Chapter 1: Introduction to Corporate Finance- Role and importance of corporate finance in business- Financial objectives of a firm and shareholder value maximization- Understanding the key financial decisions and their impact on the firmChapter 2: Financial Statements and Analysis- Understanding the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement- Financial ratio analysis and its interpretation- Evaluating the financial health and performance of a firm Chapter 3: Time Value of Money- Understanding the concept of time value of money- Calculating present value, future value, and annuity payments- Applying time value of money principles in investment decision makingChapter 4: Capital Budgeting- Evaluating investment projects and capital budgeting techniques - Net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and profitability index- Assessing risk and uncertainty in investment decisionsChapter 5: Cost of Capital- Determining the cost of debt, equity, and weighted average cost of capital (WACC)- Importance of cost of capital in investment decisions and firm valuation- Estimating the cost of capital using various approaches Chapter 6: Capital Structure- Understanding the capital structure and its impact on firm value - Modigliani-Miller theorem and its implications- Determining the optimal capital structure and the tradeoff between debt and equityChapter 7: Dividend Policy- Role and significance of dividend policy in corporate finance- Dividend theories and factors influencing dividend decisions- Dividend payout ratios, stock repurchases, and dividend reinvestment plansChapter 8: Working Capital Management- Managing short-term assets and liabilities- Cash conversion cycle and its optimization- Credit policies, inventory management, and cash flow forecastingChapter 9: Financial Planning and Forecasting- Importance of financial planning in corporate finance- Developing financial forecasts and budgeting processes- Variance analysis and monitoring financial performance Chapter 10: Corporate Valuation- Different approaches to valuing a firm: discounted cash flow (DCF), relative valuation, and market multiples- Understanding the concept of free cash flow and economic value added (EVA)- Valuation models and their application in mergers and acquisitionsConclusion:This Corporate Finance textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of the key principles and concepts in corporate finance. Whether you are a student aspiring to pursue a career in finance or a professional seeking to enhance your knowledge, this textbook will equip you with the necessary tools to make informed financial decisions and create value for the firm.。
工作完成情况分析英语作文Work Completion Analysis。
Work completion analysis is a crucial aspect of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a team or an individual in achieving their goals and objectives. By analyzing the work completion rate, one can identify areas of improvement, strengths, weaknesses, and overall performance. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of work completion analysis and how it can be used to enhance productivity and success.First and foremost, work completion analysis provides valuable insights into the progress and performance of a project or task. By tracking the percentage of work completed against the set targets or deadlines, one can determine whether the team or individual is on track to achieve their goals. This information is essential for making informed decisions, adjusting strategies, and allocating resources effectively.Moreover, work completion analysis helps in identifying bottlenecks, obstacles, and inefficiencies that may be hindering progress. By pinpointing the root causes of delays or incomplete tasks, one can take corrective actions to address these issues and improve overall performance. This proactive approach not only ensures timely completion of work but also enhances the quality and efficiency of the output.Furthermore, work completion analysis enables team leaders and managers to monitor the performance of their team members and provide timely feedback and support. By evaluating individual contributions and work completion rates, one can identify top performers, underperformers, and areas where additional training or resources may be needed. This data-driven approach fosters a culture of accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement within the team.In addition, work completion analysis can be used to set realistic goals, priorities, and timelines based onpast performance and current workload. By comparing actual progress with planned targets, one can adjust expectations, resources, and strategies to ensure successful completion of work. This proactive planning and monitoring approach not only minimizes risks and uncertainties but also maximizes productivity and success.In conclusion, work completion analysis is a powerful tool for evaluating performance, identifying areas of improvement, and enhancing productivity and success. By tracking progress, addressing bottlenecks, monitoring individual contributions, and setting realistic goals, one can ensure timely completion of work and achieve desired outcomes. Therefore, it is essential for teams and individuals to conduct regular work completion analysis to optimize their performance and achieve their goals.。
英文股票研究报告Stock Research ReportTitle: Analysis and Recommendation for [Company Name]1. Executive SummaryProvide a brief overview of the company's profile, recent performance, and key highlights. Summarize the main findings of the report.2. Company OverviewDescribe the company's background, history, and industry position. Discuss its primary products or services, target market, and competitive advantage.3. Financial AnalysisEvaluate the company's financial performance by analyzing its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Focus on key financial ratios such as profitability, liquidity, and leverage. Identify any trends, strengths, or weaknesses.4. Industry AnalysisAssess the overall industry in which the company operates, including market size, growth rate, and major competitors. Discuss any significant industry dynamics or trends that may impact the company's future performance.5. SWOT AnalysisConduct a comprehensive analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Highlight its competitiveadvantages, areas for improvement, potential growth opportunities, and any significant risks or challenges.6. ValuationDetermine the company's intrinsic value using various valuation models such as discounted cash flow (DCF), price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, or price-to-sales ratio. Compare the company's current stock price with your estimated valuation to determine if it is undervalued or overvalued.7. Investment RecommendationBased on the analysis conducted, provide an investment recommendation for the company's stock. State whether you recommend buying, holding, or selling the stock, and justify your recommendation with supporting evidence from the report.8. ConclusionSummarize the main points discussed in the report and restate the investment recommendation. Provide a final assessment of the company's outlook and potential future performance.9. ReferencesList all the sources used to gather information and conduct the analysis. Include reputable financial databases, market reports, and company filings.。
Vibration Analysis and Control
Vibration Analysis and Control Vibration analysis and control is a critical aspect of various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, aerospace, civil, and structural engineering. The study of vibrations and their control is essential for ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of various mechanical and structural systems. Vibration analysis involves the study of the causes and effects of vibrations, while vibration control focuses on mitigating or eliminating the adverse effects of vibrations through various techniques and technologies. One of the key perspectives in vibration analysis and control is the understanding of the sources of vibrations. Vibrations can originate from various sources, including machinery, rotating equipment, vehicles, wind, seismic activity, and human activities. The identification of the sources of vibrations is crucial for determining the appropriate control measures to be implemented. For example, in the case of machinery-induced vibrations, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the machinery's dynamic behavior and characteristics to develop effective control strategies. Another important perspective in vibration analysis and control is the impact of vibrations on the performance and integrity of mechanical and structural systems. Excessive vibrations can lead to fatigue failure, increased maintenance costs, reduced operational efficiency, and safety hazards. For instance, in civil engineering, vibrations from traffic or nearby construction activities can affect the structural integrity of buildings and bridges, leading to potential structural damage or collapse. Therefore, it is imperative to assess the potential consequences of vibrations and take appropriate measures to control them. Furthermore, the role of advanced technologies in vibration analysis and control cannot be overstated. With the advent of sophisticated sensors, data acquisition systems, and predictive analytics, engineers can now accurately measure, monitor, and analyze vibrations in real-time. This real-time data enables proactive decision-making regarding vibration control strategies, thereby enhancing the overall safety and reliability of mechanical and structural systems. Additionally, the development of advanced materials and damping technologies has significantly improved the effectiveness of vibration control measures. From a practical standpoint, the implementation of vibration control measures ofteninvolves a multidisciplinary approach. Engineers, scientists, and technicians from various fields collaborate to develop and implement comprehensive vibrationcontrol solutions. This collaborative approach may involve conducting field measurements, numerical modeling, experimental testing, and the application of various control devices such as dampers, isolators, and absorbers. Moreover, the involvement of stakeholders such as regulatory authorities, industry experts, and end-users is crucial for the successful implementation of vibration control measures. In conclusion, vibration analysis and control play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of mechanical and structural systems. By understanding the sources of vibrations, assessing their impact, leveraging advanced technologies, and adopting a multidisciplinary approach, engineers can develop effective vibration control strategies. Ultimately, the successful implementation of vibration control measures not only mitigates the adverse effects of vibrations but also enhances the overall operational efficiency and longevity of mechanical and structural systems.。
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Analysis and Performance of a Low Cost SMS Based Home SecuritySystemSheikh Izzal Azid, Sushil KumarSchool of Engineering and PhysicsThe University of the South Pacificsheikhizzal@, kumar_su@usp.ac.fjAbstractThe performance of the sensors of a low cost Short Message System (SMS) based home security system equipped with motion sensor, smoke detector, temperature sensor, humidity sensor and light sensors has been studied. The sensors are controlled by a microprocessor PIC 18F4520 through the SMS having password. The operation of the home security has been tested on Vodafone- Fiji network for emergency and feedback responses for 25 samples. The GSM experiment showed that it takes about 8-10s for the security system to respond the occupant and relevant civil authorities in case of emergency. It takes about 18-22s for the occupant to switch and monitor lights and appliances and then get feedback from home depending upon the network traffic.Keywords: Home Security, Sensors, GSM Network, SMS, Password.1. IntroductionThe home automation refers to domestic environment that improves the quality of the resident’s life by facilitating a flexible, comfortable, healthy, and safe environment. With the rapid development in computer and network, the Internet based home security has advanced a lot in the residential areas. The remote controlling and monitoring of a house using internet requires a computer, which is large in size and heavy to carry around. The wireless technology has some amazing achievements in the home automation via Bluetooth [1], ZigBee [2, 3], and Wi-Fi [4] and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) [5]. The wireless automation reduces the cost of the system unit as well as it is much easier to install. The GSM module system uses mobile network and is battery powered which makes home automation system safer from internet hacks. The GSM module has also been advanced to automobiles. GSM module can be interfaced with the car ignition system where the owner carries the mobile phone rather than to carry around the key [6]. Recent advances in the automation have been made in billing system for electricity, gas and water using the GSM module based SMS metering service rather than assigning person to visit each house and read the meter readings manually [7]. However, the GSM module has some drawbacks as it cannot behave like what the actual mobile phone does. The GSM module users have to remove the SIM card for recharge top-up. Exposure in using the GSM network is limited by GSM module than the mobile phone.For a high-quality home automation the selection of sensors is very important. A control system is good if the sensors used to measure the desired variables are able to transmit the measured values of variables to the controller. It is crucial that the sensorsprovide accurate measurements of the variables to be controlled at the reference point in the control loop.In order to enhance the occupant’s safety and expediency, home security system is vital in the field of automated home. The necessities of the home security system should have low cost, easy installation, fast response, and low power consumption. All kinds of security should be fully considered and the control system should be user friendly. The home occupants need to be informed instantly in case of emergency. This paper presents an analysis and performance of a cost effective intelligent home that monitors home security, controls home appliances, and gets feedback from sensors by SMS.2. Design of the SystemFor a typical home automation the smoke and motion detectors are essential for the home and the occupants’ safety and security. The occupant should be able to control and monitor the temperature and humidity of the home. Under hot or cold weather conditions the occupant should be able to turn on air-conditioner or heater before reaching home to bring temperature to a comfortable level. The user needs the feedback from the home to be fully convinced with the automation. Light sensors are required to read the luminance level of the house and feedback the status of the light in the rooms.After extensive work survey and analysis of the performance the sensors were selected to suit the needs of the Intelligent Home. The parameters that were considered for sensor selection are the sensors range, accuracy, repeatability, stability, vibration, response time, sensitivity, life expectancy, and the cost. The following sensors were studied for installation in the home security system.Passive infrared (PIR) and ultrasonic sensors have similar characteristics in terms of overall performance. Ultrasonic sensors are more expensive but provide bigger coverage than PIR sensors. However, increased sensitivity means that ultrasonic sensors are more prone to false triggering due to any movement in the space. In some circumstances the movement of occupants behind partitions may be detectable by ultrasonic sensors, due to reflectance of the emitted sound waves around the partitions. The special beams of microwave sensor can penetrate most types of surfaces, except metals, therefore, the microwave sensor may detect motion where detection is not desirable. The PIR sensors have the widest view than other sensors and are most sensitive and advanced option. Thus the PIR sensor lights are ideal to any home security system and were selected for present automated home.Most commonly-used electrical temperature sensors are difficult to apply. The thermocouples have low output levels, require cold junction compensation and are nonlinear. The band-gap temperature sensors are the best out of all the sensors but their output is related to the Kelvin temperature scale rather than the more popular Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.The SHT75 band-gap temperature sensor was chosen as it can measure both temperature and humidity. The SHT75 is a single chip relative humidity and temperature sensor module that gives calibrated digital output. It utilizes a capacitive polymer sensing element for relative humidity. Both temperature and humidity sensors are seamlessly coupled to a 14 bit analog-to-digital converter and to a serial interface circuit on the same chip. This results in a superior signal quality, a fast response time, and insensitivity to external disturbances. The Kelvin temperature is converted to degree Celsius by the microprocessor programming.The photo or light sensors are highly reliable. The photodiodes or the infrared sensors are much more expensive than the Light Dependent Resistors (LDR). For the home security the task of the light sensor is to detect the electrical light status. The LDR was chosen for light sensing as it is the cheapest light sensor of all and it does its required task effectively. Infrared sensors or the photodiodes have other advantages which are not desirable in the case of the home automation system. The LDR sensor also has longer life when compared to other light sensors.The ionization smoke detectors are generally quicker in detecting particulate (smoke) generated by flaming (hot) fires. Obscuration is the effect that smoke has on reducing visibility. Higher concentration of smoke results in higher obscuration levels, lowering visibility. The obscuration for ionization is 2.6 to 5.0% obs/m while for photoelectric 6.5 to 13.0% obs/m [8]. Therefore, the ionization detector detects the smoke first. Table 1 gives the sensors finally selected for home security from the above sensors initially selected for the home automation. The working principle and the performance of the sensors are given in table 1 and are described in the following section 3.0.Table 1: Sensors Selected for Home Security.3. Working Principle and Performance of Sensors3.1 Passive Infrared SensorPassive Infrared Sensor (PIR) (N55) is mounted between 1.1 to 3m height. 12V DC is given to the PIR to power up the sensor. For the outside motion detection the link connector on the sensors Printed Circuit Board (PCB) was slotted to the “High Range”. The circuit switch is normally closed when the motion is not activated. As soon as the PIR senses the considerable temperature change, which can be due to motion or fire, the circuit switch opens. 5V DC is given to the normally closed switch. The current flows to the ground of the normally closed switch rather than through the resistor to PIN B0 of the PIC. As soon as the sensor activates, the switch opens and the current has to flow through the resistor to the PIN B0 of the PIC, hence logic high (5V) is detected by the interrupt pin B0.To observe the performance of the PIR motion detector, the detector was mounted at a height of 2m on the wall of the home automation. From the point of installation of PIR detector, the semicircular lines are drawn of the radius of 10 feet (3.048 m) intervals till 50 feet (15.24 m). The detection range of PIR tested was found up to 40feet (12.19 m).3.2 SHT75 Temperature and Humidity Sensor5V DC is given to power SHT75 sensor. Power supply pins (VDD, GND) were also decoupled with a 100 nF capacitor. The serial clock input is used to synchronize the communication between a microcontroller and SHT75 sensor. Since the interface consists of fully static logic, there is no minimum Serial Clock Input (SCK) frequency. The DATA pin is used to transfer data in and out of the device. DATA changes after the falling edge which is valid on the rising edge of the serial clock input. During the transmission the DATA line must remain stable while serial clock input is high. The microcontroller only drives DATA low to avoid signal disputation. An external pull-up resistor is required to raise the signal high.An experiment was setup to test the performance of SHT75 sensor against the Lutron HT-3006 temperature and humidity sensor. Temperature and humidity measurements at an interval of an hour with both the sensors were logged simultaneously for 24 hours on 9December 2009, which have been plotted in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. It can be seen from the Figure 1 that the room temperature increased from sunrise and reached its peak at midday. The temperature remained high till afternoon, then decreased slowly with the time and dropped after the sunset. The high daytime temperature as compared to the nighttime is obvious from the Figure 1. The weather on 9December, 2009, was sunny and humid during whole day except some clouds in the morning hours (about 7-9 hrs LT) and at the midday. There were light showers in early nighttime. The temperature difference (ΔT) was around 0.7°C for most of the time of the day. It was lowest of 0.1°C at 1 pm. The accuracy of SHT75 sensor is ± 0.4°C and Lu tron is ± 0.8 °C [9]. The average ΔT of 0.7°C is due to sensors accuracies, hence the overall performance of SHT75 sensor was satisfactory.Figure 1. The Diurnal Variation of the Temperature Recorded with Two Temperature Sensors at Every Hour on 9th December 2009.Figure 2 shows that reference humidity measurements of Lutron sensor are slightly lower than SHT75 observations. The humidity was maximum around noon hours (about 75%R H) and minimum in the evening hours (about 65% R H) and fairly constant ofabout 70% during the nighttime. The humidity difference measured with both the sensors was almost constant of about 5.5% except during 12-1pm (12-13 hrs LT).Figure 2. The Diurnal Variation in of the Two Humidity Sensors at EveryHour on 9 December 2009.3.3 Light Dependent ResistorAs the resistance of the light dependent resistor changes the voltage output to the PIC microcontroller also changes. The analog voltage is read in by the Analog-to-Digital (ADC) pin of the PIC microprocessor, which in case of the home automation is microprocessor PIC 18F4520 is PIN A0. The microprocessor then changes the analog input to digital for the feedback.5V is supplied to the LDR. Therefore, at the maximum luminous intensity the voltage read by the microprocessor would be 5V and at no light it would be approximately 0V. This process is compared with the observations from the EXTECH light meter. The luminous intensity was measured using EXTECH 401027 Light Meter. The range for EXTECH Light Meter is 0 – 199.9 FC, the resolution is 0.1 FC, and the accuracy is 5%. The EXTECH Light Meter is designed to measure luminous intensity for experimental and laboratory purposes. The light meter reads the light intensity in Foot Candle (FC) whereas LDR gives the output voltage corresponding to the light intensity. Firstly, the experiment was carried out with lights turned on in the room. The results obtained both with light meter and LDR on 9 December 2009 are shown in Figure 3. From the Figure 3 it can be noted that the trends of both the curves are similar. The luminous intensity of the light bulbs and the daylight adds up in the daytime giving a higher value in the daytimes. As for nighttime the luminous intensity is less. The output voltage from LDR can be represented in terms of Foot Candela (FC) units using the relation,Intensity in(FC) = 15.31 LDR (Volts) +11.73.This is obtained by the linear fit between both the quantities given in Figure 3. Secondly, the experiment was carried with light turned off in the same room and the results obtained are shown in Figure 4. The luminous intensity is more during the daytime because of sunlight. The LDR showed more precise reading. It showed that the luminous intensity was the maximum at 1 pm (1300 hrs LT).FC= 15.31V+11.73Figure 3. The Light Intensity Measured by Light Meter and LDR (Light on)on 9th December 2009.Figure 4. Light Intensity Measured by Light Meter and LDR when Lightswere Off on 9th December 2009.3.4 Chubb Smoke DetectorThe smoke alarm is mounted on the ceiling. A 9V DC is supplied to the Chubb smoke alarm. The Chubb smoke detector uses MC14467-1 IC (Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector, IC). The schematic diagram of smoke alarm connected to the microprocessor is shown in Figure 5. The MC14467-1 triggers the alarm via an external piezoelectric transducer and internal drivers [10]. The interrupt pin of the microprocessor is connected to detect the input pin of the IC. The smoke detector was installed in the intelligent home to alert the occupant and the appropriate civil authorities in case of smoke or fire. The experiment on smoke detector was not carriedout since there were no instruments to measure the amount of smoke in the air. Smoke detector has an inbuilt “test button” to check if the detector’s alarm is fu nctional. Hence, the detector was tested using the “test button” in the detector.Figure 5. The Schematic Diagram of Smoke Alarm Connected to theMicroprocessor.The difference in measurements of different sensors with the measurements of standard sensors was within the accuracy limits of standard sensors. Thus, the sensors selected in this work are suitable for the intelligent home applications.4. Operation of the Intelligent HomeThe sensors used in the automated home are all interfaced with the microprocessor PIC 18F4520. The sensors are calibrated and programmed to read physical status of the intelligent home and give feedback. The smoke detector is on always in the Intelligent Home and is actively connected to the Interrupt PIN, whereas the motion detector has to be turned on/off by the user. The motion detector is turned on/off by either SMS or manual switch located inside the home.When an event occurs which demands the microcontroller’s attention, an interrupt is generated, which instructs the microcontroller to stop what it is doing and take care of the higher priority task. In case of an interrupt the microprocessor checks the emergency mobile number saved by the user in the home. Then the microprocessor writes the message and sends it. The message to be sent is a stored message stating type of emergency and the location of the i ntelligent home. For example “Smoke Detected at 117 Laucala Bay Rd, Suva” After sending the message the microprocessor will jump back to the function it was doing before interrupt. C-language of the interrupt coding is shown is Figure 6.Figure 6. The Interrupt Routine Done in PIC C Compiler.The “Intelligent Home” uses the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) which detects the status of the light and gives an analog output. Corresponding to the status of the lights the ADC of LDR output is done by the PIC 18F4520 microcontroller programming. PIC 18F4520 microcontroller has five pins which can be used for ADC. These are port A, pins 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. The five analog inputs are multiplexed into one sample and hold circuit. The reference voltage is logic 5V supply to the PIC 18F4520 microcontroller.The AT commands are used to communicate with the mobile phone. AT is the abbreviation of “Attention”. The interfacing between the mobile phone and the microprocessor is such that it can communicate with any mobile phone which can be connected serially to modems.Once the user sends the SMS, the program first searches for the mobile number from the received SMS and stores it. It then matches the password which is stored in the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) with the password contained in the SMS. EEPROM is a memory storage area where the memory would not be deleted even if the power is off. If the EEPROM password matches with the password in the SMS to the microprocessor then the microprocessor goes ahead to next step, which is searching and doing task asked in the message. Finally, the microprocessor replies to the user about the status of the sensors and lights. If the password does not match, the program will look for advertisement and low credit message and omit it. The advertisement messages are promotional SMS which are sent to mobile network users whereas the low credit message is only send to the mobile phone if the credit is below one dollar. If the message is neither the advertisement nor insufficient credit message the microprocessor will then reply to the user stating “INCORRECT PASSWORD” hence the user can send the SMS again with the correct password.5. GSM Network ExperimentAn experiment was designed to obtain the time taken for intelligent home to perform task given by the SMS and send the feedback. In Fiji Islands there are two mobile networks namely Vodafone-Fiji network and Digicel-Fiji network. The mobile phones used for intelligent home operation was tested on Vodafone Fiji network.First a set of 25 SMS were sent from the user using Vodafone Fiji Network to activate and deactivate the lights, switches and sensors in the Intelligent Home. Figure 7 shows that it takes about 18-22s and an average of 20.16s for the user to send themessage to the intelligent home to respond to the message sent by the user and for the mobile phone based in the intelligent home to give feedback to the user between Vodafone Fiji to Vodafone Fiji network. Another experiment was designed to get the time taken of 25 samples for the intelligent home to send an emergency SMS to the user and appropriate civil authority. Emergency situation in the intelligent home includes smoke and movement outside home. Figure 7 illustrates that the user as well as the appropriate civil authorities will get an emergency SMS within Vodafone-Fiji to Vodafone-Fiji network in 8-10s or in an average time of 9.16 s.Figure 7. The Time Taken by Samples Between Vodafone-Fiji to Vodafone-Fiji Network for Feedback and Emergency Response.6. Summary and RecommendationA cost effective and SMS operated home security system has been designed and tested with the GPRS network. The performances of commercially available sensors were first studied for their feasibility before installation in the intelligent home. These sensors were tested for 24 hour period on 9th December, 2009. The AT commands have been used that provide a flexible way to control and explore the services of the mobile. The communication with the intelligent home is solely through SMS which has been tested with Vodafone-Fiji network but expected to work on any mobile network. The SMS should contain password anywhere in the message for the Intelligent home to respond. In case of no password or incorrect password it will reply incorrect password message. In case of emergency the system will send an emergency SMS to the user and relevant civil authority in an average of 9.16sThe present automated home can further be developed by introducing surveillance cameras with the service of third generation mobile network. The system can then stream live video to the user in the event of the emergency.References[1]Y. Tajika, T. Saito K. Termoto, N. Oosaka and M. Isshiki, “Networked Home appliance system usingbluetooth technology integrating appliance control/monitoring with internet service”, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 49, no. 4, (2003), pp. 1043-1048.[2]K. Gill, S.H. Yang, F. Y ao and X. 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His area of current researchinterest is Communications and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation.。