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Part I. Listening Comprehension

Section A: Short Conversations

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. After each conversation, you will hear 1 question and choose the best answer from the 4 alternatives marked A, B, C and D. You will hear each conversation and question ONLY ONCE. Click the corresponding radio button signifying the correct answer.

Listen to the sample conversation and make your choice.

Woman: Good morning! Welcome to General Computers! What can I do for you?

Man: Good morning. My name is Jacky Chen. I am here to report for


Question: What will the man do?

A. He will have an exam.

B. He’ll take his job.

C. He’ll read a test paper.

D. He’ll meet a superior.

The man is reporting for employment, which means he will take a job offer and

start his work. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

1. A. The woman is willing to help the man.

B. The woman doesn’t have any time.

C. The woman doesn’t know what a report is.

D. The woman wants to leave her office.

2. A. Go back to Ace Computers.

B. Meet with the woman.

C. Wait for Ms. Black.

D. Find the way to the Meeting Room.

3. A. A written report.

B. Financial support.

C. Some extra information.

D. His approval to a report.

4. A. He doesn’t understand it either.

B. He has lost his way to the office.

C. He didn’t really notice the meeting.

D. He can’t see the writing on the board.

5. A. The woman can get it done easily.

B. The woman should be very careful.

C. The man should help hand by hand.

D. The man should stop talking.

6. A. The man should consult another person.

B. The man should not call her.

C. She knows a lot about group policy.

D. Her company policy often changes.

7. A. The woman is overanxious.

B. An online bank account is dangerous.

C. Their bank has developed a new technology.

D. The online accounts in his bank are quite safe.

8. A. The man should use the Control Panel.

B. The user accounts are not safe.

C. Computer Management is a user account manager.

D. The man should learn to use a new tool.

9. A. He has a hardworking spirit

B. He is willing to work in a team.

C. He believes in personal achievements.

D. He prefers football teams.

10. A. He is very experienced

B. He has worked in the woman’s company.

C. He is a software programmer.

D. His experiences will help him in the new job.

Section B: Fill in the Blanks

Directions: In this section you will hear 1 conversation that will be read TWICE.

You must listen carefully in order to fill in the 10 blanks with the missing words.

Man: Hi, Acme Computers. Can I help you?
