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204 Vol.38, No.12
超声辅助无花果叶蛋白酶复合嫩化剂对 猪脯肉嫩度的影响
唐福元1,刘晓庚1,*,毛匡奇1,陈凯伦1,王 玮2,孙颖瑛1,曹思倩1,纪 阳1,芮 瑛1
(1.南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院,江苏省现代粮食流通与安全协同创新中心, 江苏高校粮油质量安全控制及深加工重点实验室,江苏 南京 210023; 210095) 2.南京农业大学食品科技学院,国家肉品质量安全控制工程技术研究中心,江苏 南京
摘 要:考察不同的嫩化剂、超声时间、超声功率、原料肉水分、嫩化剂用量、嫩化温度、嫩化时间和 pH值等因 素对猪脯肉嫩化的影响,通过单因素和正交试验,获得无花果叶蛋白酶嫩化明显优于木瓜蛋白酶,复合酶优于单一 酶,酶嫩化优于无机物嫩化;超声对无花果叶蛋白酶复合嫩化剂嫩化猪脯肉有促进作用,可缩短嫩化时间1/3;最 优嫩化条件为超声功率240 W、超声时间5 min、无花果叶蛋白酶复合嫩化剂用量4.0 g/100 g肉样、嫩化温度50 ℃、 嫩化时间60 min、pH 7.5。在此条件下嫩化所得的猪脯肉柔软细嫩、多汁,富有弹性,明显改善了口感,嫩化效果 极佳。 关键词:猪脯肉;无花果叶蛋白酶;复合嫩化剂;超声辅助;嫩度
Optimization of Pork Tenderization Using Ultrasound Treatment Combined with Tenderizer Combination
TANG Fuyuan1, LIU Xiaogeng1,*, MAO Kuangqi1, CHEN Kailun1, WANG Wei2, SUN Yingying1, CAO Siqian1, JI Yang1, RUI Ying1 (1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Grains and Oils Quality Control and Processing, Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Grain Circulation and Safety, College of Food Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, China; 2. National Center of Meat Quality and Safety Control, College of Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China) Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of different tenderizers, ultrasonic power, irradiation time, pork water content, tenderizer dosage, tenderization temperature, time and pH on pork tenderness. Fig leaf protease was a significantly better tenderizer than papain, and various enzymes were more effective when used in combination than when used individually. In addition, enzymes were better tenderizers than inorganic compounds. Ultrasonic treatment could facilitate the tenderization of pork by combinations of fig leaf protease and other tenderizers, reducing the tenderization time by onethird. Using one-factor-at-a-time method and orthogonal array design, the optimal tenderization conditions were determined to be ultrasonic irradiation at 240 W for 5 min and tenderization at 50 ℃ and pH 7.5 for 60 min with 4.0 g of a tenderizer combination containing fig leaf protease per 100 g of meat, yielding a soft, juicy and elastic product with improved mouth feeling and excellent tenderness. Key words: pork; fig leaf protease; tenderizer combination; ultrasound-assisted tenderization; tenderness DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201712031 中图分类号:TS201.1;TS254.4 引文格式: 唐福元, 刘晓庚, 毛匡奇, 等. 超声辅助无花果叶蛋白酶复合嫩化剂对猪脯肉嫩度的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2017, 38(12): 204-210. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201712031. TANG Fuyuan, LIU Xiaogeng, MAO Kuangqi, et al. Optimization of pork tenderization using ultrasound treatment combined with tenderizer combination[J]. Food Science, 2017, 38(12): 204-210. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201712031. 收稿日期:2016-06-21 基金项目:江苏省高校协同创新中心现代服务业项目(WTTFY01);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(2014-2016); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31371865) 作者简介:唐福元(1962—),男,副教授,学士,研究方向为粮食储藏工程。E-mail:Tangfy@ *通信作者:刘晓庚(1962—),男,教授,硕士,研究方向为食品科学。E-mail:lxg_6288@ 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2017)12-0204-07