Nature and Quantization of the Proton Mass An Electromagnetic Model
Nature and Man—Analysis of Emerson’s Nature
Nature and Man—Analysis of Emerson’s NatureEmerson’s Nature is the first masterpiece manifesting his proposition of Transcendentalism. (张志刚,2008) The thesis of this book is that Nature is the pervading existence of God, the gown of Over-soul, and man is able to interpret the spirits of nature by his own instinct, and thus know the spirit of God.( 赵谦,2011) Emerson claims that since nature is the embodiment of God, and human is a part of nature, thus human is nearly the particle of God, and is able to perceive Him directly. To this extent, Nature, God and man coexist in the Universal Being, together composing the Over-soul, which exist everywhere, everlasting and knows all. Also, the Over-soul connects with every individual’s soul, thus it can be perceived and comprehended by the means of one’s instinct. (张云岗,陈志新,2012)(新柏拉图主义) (张志刚,2008)The core subject of this book is nature. In the introduction, Emerson makes a definition of Nature as “all that separated from us”, that is “everything but the self”, including nature, art, other people, the body of one’s own. This definition implies the Soul as the core of an individual, and Nature, as the other part of the Unity, becomes both the external world and the bridge for human to approach to it. (隋刚,2006)Therefore, Nature is of multiple blessings to the human.(成晓莉,2011)Nature is a property to man. Firstly, it provides the necessary Commodity to him. To be more specific, Emerson thinks Commodity both supports and delights to humans. However, it is not theterminal purpose in this low aspect, and the end of Nature’s nourishing to human is to enable him to think with Soul. Secondly, Nature is the derivation of language as well as the spiritual import from language. In considering the significance of languages to human history, we equally learn the importance of the catalyst to stimulate them to grow. As Emerson has pointed out in Chapter Four, “Words are the signs of natural facts.” Our ancestors got the inspiration from Nature, and pass the treasure of language to their descendants. Apart from the forms, languages created by man are embodied with the spirit of Nature, such as the broad and vast sky is the symbol of calmness. “Spirit is the Creator”, thus our faculty of creation is expanded.Nature is a mentor to man. The Beauty in nature pervades virtues and thoughts, which are absorbed by man as the proportion of his schooling;(卢玉娜,2013) the Language in nature comprises of the analogies of metaphors and symbols, encoding and decoding with the faculty of analogy and relation; the Discipline in nature teaches man the equal importance of the maintaining of conscience and the exploring of science. All these natural laws guide the way of man’s knowledge and in quest to the unknown.Nature is the kindred to man. According to the theory of Transcendentalism, Nature and inner side of man share the same spirit of the Unity, and they are consistent with each other. The splendid landscapes and sceneries in nature show their beauty, while man is assimilated by it, demonstrates his virtues and merits in respond. (吴伟萍,2012)Since Nature is the sign of God, and it is everywhere in the universe, thus the soul of man can take in the nutrition from theOver-soul, ultimately, all these elements compose the single existence of Unity. Every proportionof it submits to the discipline of it to present its sublime, including Nature and man.( 张云岗,陈志新,2012) The bond between Nature and man is intimate and eternal. Nothing is so mighty toseparate Nature from man since they are the external and internal components of the consolidatedUnity, just like two sides of paper, one destroyed, so is the other.Nature is a servant to man. In the latter part of Nature, Emerson states, “Every spirit buildsitself a house; and beyond its house, a world; and beyond its world, a heaven. Know then, that theworld exists for you.” The circulation of forms of waters, the turns of seasons, the allegories fromnature, all serves man to build the world for himself. Since man is the center of the world inEmerson’s theory,(姜波,2012) and he is able to perceive the universal spirit of the Over-soul,and communicates with God directly through the ubiquitous Nature. (成晓莉,2011)References:1.张云岗,陈志新,《爱默生超验主义思想的文本分析》,石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),第6卷,第4期,2012年12月。
1 超验主义&《论自然》
Transcendentalism背景资料The Transcendentalists can be understood in one sense by their context -- by what they were rebelling against, what they saw as the current situation and therefore as what they were trying to be different from.One way to look at the Transcendentalists is to see them as a generation of well educated people who lived in the decades before the American Civil War and the national division that it both reflected and helped to create. These people, mostly New Englanders, mostly around Boston, were attempting to create a uniquely American body of literature. It was already decades since the Americans had won independence from England. Now, these people believed, it was time for literary independence. And so they deliberately went about creating literature, essays, novels, philosophy, poetry, and other writing that were clearly different from anything from England, France, Germany, or any other European nation.Another way to look at the Transcendentalists is to see them as a generation of people struggling to define spirituality and religion (our words, not necessarily theirs) in a way that took into account the new understandings their age made available.The new Biblical Criticism in Germany and elsewhere had been looking at the Christian and Jewish scriptures through the eyes of literary analysis and had raised questions for some about the old assumptions of religion.The Enlightenment had come to new rational conclusions about the natural world, mostly based on experimentation and logical thinking. The pendulum was swinging, and a more Romantic way of thinking -- less rational, more intuitive, more in touch with the senses -- was coming into vogue. Those new rational conclusions had raised important questions, but were no longer enough.German philosopher Kant raised both questions and insights into the religious and philosophical thinking about reason and religion.This new generation looked at the previous generation's rebellions of the early 19th century Unitarians and Universalists against traditional Trinitarianism and against Calvinist predestinationarianism. This new generation decided that the revolutions had not gone far enough, and had stayed too much in the rational mode. "Corpse-cold" Emerson called the previous generation of rational religion.The spiritual hunger of the age that also gave rise to a new evangelical Christianity gave rise, in the educated centers in New England and around Boston, to an intuitive, experiential, passionate, more-than-just-rational perspective. God gave humankind the gift of intuition, the gift of insight, the gift of inspiration. Why waste such a gift?Added to all this, the scriptures of non-Western cultures were discovered in the West, translated, and published so that they were more widely available. The Harvard-educated Emerson and others began to read Hindu and Buddhist scriptures, and examine their own religious assumptions against these scriptures. In their perspective, a loving God would not have led so much of humanity astray; there must be truth in these scriptures, too. Truth, if it agreed with an individual's intuition of truth, must be indeed truth.And so Transcendentalism was born. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds...A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul which also inspires all men."Yes, men, but women too.Most of the Transcendentalists became involved as well in social reform movements, especially anti-slavery and women's rights. (Abolitionism was the word used for the more radical branch of anti-slavery reformism; feminism was a word that was invented deliberately in France some decades later and was not, to my knowledge, found in the time of the Transcendentalists.) Why social reform, and why these issues in particular?The Transcendentalists, despite some remaining Euro-chauvinism in thinking that people with British and German backgrounds were more suited for freedom than others (see some of Theodore Parker's writings, for instance, for this sentiment), also believed that at the level of the human soul, all people had access to divine inspiration and sought and loved freedom and knowledge and truth.Thus, those institutions of society which fostered vast differences in the ability to be educated, to be self-directed, were institutions to be reformed. Women and African-descended slaves were human beings who deserved more ability to become educated, to fulfill their human potential (in a twentieth-century phrase), to be fully human.T he Transcendentalist movement which began flourishing in the early 19th century America, especially in New England, was based on some of the concepts of Transcendental Philosophy but did not strictly follow it. In America "transcendentalism" was mostly used in a literary form having a semireligious nature.The formation of the movement was in 1836 with the establishment of the Transcendental Club of Boston, Massachusetts. The early transcendentalists included the essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, the feminist, social reformer, and author Margaret Fuller, a minister Theodore Parker, and the naturalist and author Henry David Thoreau.The club's specific beliefs or theories do not seem to have been concretely stated. Their transcendentalism seemed to be more of a combination of intellectual, aesthetic, and spiritual attributes. James Freemen Clarke, a member, later said, "We are calledlike-minded because no two of us think alike." This might have been a facetious statement, but it was not groundless.Although the club as a whole held no specific doctrine, there was an anonymous pamphlet written mostly likely by Charles Mayo Ellis (1818-1878), which was entitled An Essay on Transcendentalism, that stated the most commonly held principles of the group. "Transcendentalism... maintains that man has ideas, that come not through the five senses, or the powers of reasoning, but are either the result of direct revelation from God, his immediate inspiration, or his immanent presence in the spiritual world," and "it asserts that man has something besides the body of flesh, a spiritual body, with senses to perceive what is true, and right and beautiful, and a natural love for these, as the body for its food."The transcendentalists' concept of a spiritual, inner body within the physical body of man was termed the oversoul, the conscience, or borrowing from the Quakers, the inner light. "Their emphasis on the innate worth of the individual was thought as a logical spiritual extension of the political principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence."The vigorous seedbed in New England for transcendentalism during the early half of the 19th century was among Unitarian ministers who were disappointed in Unitarianism at that time. Emerson was among them since he had resigned the ministry of the Second Church of Boston in 1832 because he felt uncomfortable administrating Communion. Emerson, like others, rejected the narrow definition which the term "Christian" implied when referring to God. They preferred the term "theist" which seemed to then a more universal designation of the divinity.This coincided with the premise of the American transcendentalists who opposed Unitarianism because it was based on the sensationalism of John Locke which "insisted that only that knowledge which could be demonstrated to the senses was valid." Emerson claimed this amounted to "'a cold intellectualism' that seemed to destroy the validity of man's conscience."Emerson and his friends were searching for a philosophy with a more broad moral and aesthetic appeal. This they discovered in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and the German transcendentalists of the 18th century. Such philosophy entered America through the writings and translations of Thomas Carlyle and Samuel Taylor Coleridge whose Aids to Reflection, translated by James Marsh in 1829, was very influential.These German influences were not the only sources from which American transcendentalism grew. The early American transcendentalists were very selective in the evolution of their philosophy and borrowed ideas from their extensively widespread readings. Such works included Oriental writings such as the Bhagavad Gita of Hinduismand the Sayings of Confucius. Other writings included those of French authors Madame de Stael, Victor Cousin, and Francois M. C. Fourier; those of Emanuel Swendenborg; and those of the Cambridge Platonists and the 17th century metaphysical English writers.The American transcendentalists seemed to reject the narrow orthodox Christian concept of God. Theirs was a broader view of seeing God in his creation, and not only as the Creator. Emerson who helped form a major portion of the philosophy did not want to escape from the physical world into the spiritual, but have an union of both. He wrote, "It is look upon external beauty as Michelangelo did, as 'the frail and weary weed, in which God dresses the soul, which he had called into time.'"Some have referred to transcendentalism as an ideal theory. They placed it over common faith with the advantage that "it presents the world in precisely that view which is most desirable to the mind...From the ideal view, the mind (Emerson writes "soul") does not concern itself with the trivia of the Christian disputes over miracles, persons (was Jesus divine?), or 'niceties of [higher] criticism.' It is sufficient to look upon the visible world as "one vast picture, which God paints on the instant eternity, for the contemplation of the soul.'"The transcendentalists are usually associated with Concord, Massachusetts, but none of the members except Thoreau lived there. The town, however, became a literary colony. Emerson moved there in 1834 partly because he inherited property there and later was followed by writers like Bronson Alcott, Ellery Channing, and Sanborn who wished to be near him.Many of the transcendentalists were active in the lyceum movement in the 19th century. This movement gave them a platform from which to espouse their views as well as supplementing their income. Emerson gave over 100 lectures around Concord and many more from Maine to California. Practically everything he wrote was given from a lectern before published. Thoreau gave lectures too but was never as popular as Emerson. Margaret Fuller and Bronson Alcott preferred to give their views within discussion groups.Although they stressed self-reform the transcendentalists participated in most of the social action movements of the times such as temperance, peace, universal suffrage, antisabbatarianism, and antislavery. Some members were particularly active in the latter especially Thoreau with his Civil Disobedience (1849), Slavery in Massachusetts (1854) and A Plea for Captain John Brown (1860). All these works were classics for the movement. Members, including Thoreau, participated actively in helping the Underground Railroad.Following Thoreau's death and the retirement of Emerson the Transcendentalist movement died out after the Civil War. Mark Twain once referring to it "the Gilded Age," said it died because of an increase emphasis on materialism. In the 1870s there were two attempts to revive transcendentalism but both failed.Examples of the spirit of transcendentalism can be seen continuing into the 20th century. Walt Whitman claimed transcendentalism lid him in the writing of Leaves of Grass; more than likely, Emily Dickinson could have said the same about her poetry. Nathaniel Hawthorne, although never fully accepting the principles of transcendentalism, was profoundly affected by it. So was Charles William Elliot who traced the inspiration for his elective system in collegiate education to Emerson; as was John Dewey with his progressive education.Others influenced by the philosophy were Mary Eddy Baker, founder of the Christian Science Church. She was especially influenced by Bronson Alcott. Early leaders of the British Labour Party, who with the help of the philosophies of Thoreau and Mohandas Gandhi, helped formed the anti-Nazi resistance movement during World War II.During the 1960s the civil rights movement in the United States led by Dr. Martin Luther King acknowledged that many of its civil disobedience policies came from Thoreau's writing on the subject. A.G.H.1.What does “transcendentalism” mean?There is an ideal spiritual state which “transcends” the physical and empirical.A loose collection of eclectic ideas about literature, philosophy, religion, social reform,and the general state of American culture.Transcendentalism had different meanings for each person involved in the movement.2.Where did it come from?Ralph Waldo Emerson gave German philosopher Immanuel Kant credit for popularizing the term “transcendentalism.”It began as a reform movement in the Unitarian church.It is not a religion—more accurately, it is a philosophy or form of spirituality.It centered around Boston and Concord, MA. in the mid-1800’s.Emerson first expressed his philosophy of transcendentalism in his essay Nature.3.What did Transcendentalists believe?The intuitive faculty, instead of the rational or sensical, became the means for a conscious union of the individual psyche (known in Sanskrit as Atman) with the world psyche also known as the Oversoul, life-force, prime mover and G-d (known in Sanskrit as Brahma).4.Basic premisesBasic Premise #1An individual is the spiritual center of the universe, and in an individual can be found the clue to nature, history and, ultimately, the cosmos itself. It is not a rejection of the existence of G-d, but a preference to explain an individual and the world in terms of an individual.Basic Premise #2The structure of the universe literally duplicates the structure of the individual self—all knowledge, therefore, begins with self-knowledge. This is similar to Aristotle's dictum "know thyself."Basic Premise #3Transcendentalists accepted the concept of nature as a living mystery, full of signs; nature is symbolic.Basic Premise #4The belief that individual virtue and happiness depend upon self-realization—this depends upon the reconciliation of two universal psychological tendencies:1.The desire to embrace the whole world—to know and become one with the world.2.The desire to withdraw, remain unique and separate—an egotistical existence./WileyCDA/LitNote/Thoreau-Emerson-and-Transcendentali,pageNum-1.htmlEmerson’s “Nature”SynopsisEmerson prefaced the prose text of the 1836 first edition of Nature with a passage from the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus. The 1849 second edition included instead a poem by Emerson himself. Both present themes that are developed in the essay. The passage from Plotinus suggests the primacy of spirit and of human understanding over nature. Emerson’s poem emphasizes the unity of all manifestations of nature, nature’s symbolism, and the perpetual development of all of nature’s forms toward the highest expression as embodied in man.Nature is divided into an introduction and eight chapters. In the Introduction, Emerson laments the current tendency to accept the knowledge and traditions of the past instead of experiencing God and nature directly, in the present. He asserts that all our questions about the order of the universe—about the relationships between God, man, and nature—may be answered by our experience of life and by the world around us. Each individual is a manifestation of creation and as such holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Nature, too, is both an expression of the divine and a means of understanding it. The goal of science is to provide a theory of nature, but man has not yet attained a truth broad enough to comprehend all of nature’s forms and phenomena. Emerson identifies nature and spirit as the components of the universe. He defines nature (the “NOT ME”) as everything separate from the inner individual—nature, art, other men, our own bodies. Incommon usage, nature refers to the material world unchanged by man. Art is nature in combination with the will of man. Emerson explains that he will use the word “nature” in both its common and its philosophical meanings in the essay.At the beginning of Chapter I, Emerson describes true solitude as going out into nature and leaving behind all preoccupying activities as well as society. When a man gazes at the stars, he becomes aware of his own separateness from the material world. The stars were made to allow him to perceive the “perpetual presence of the sublime.” Visible every night, they demonstrate that God is ever-present. They never lose their power to move us. We retain our original sense of wonder even when viewing familiar aspects of nature anew. Emerson discusses the poetical approach to nature—the perception of the encompassing whole made up of many individual components. Our delight in the landscape, which is made up of many particular forms, provides an example of this integrated vision.。
英语哲学思想解读50题1. The statement "All is flux" was proposed by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. HeraclitusD. Socrates答案:C。
选项A 柏拉图强调理念论;选项B 亚里士多德注重实体和形式;选项D 苏格拉底主张通过对话和反思来寻求真理。
2. "Know thyself" is a famous saying from _____.A. ThalesB. PythagorasC. DemocritusD. Socrates答案:D。
选项A 泰勒斯主要研究自然哲学;选项B 毕达哥拉斯以数学和神秘主义著称;选项C 德谟克利特提出了原子论。
3. Which philosopher believed that the world is composed of water?A. AnaximenesB. AnaximanderC. ThalesD. Heraclitus答案:C。
选项A 阿那克西美尼认为是气;选项B 阿那克西曼德认为是无定;选项D 赫拉克利特提出万物皆流。
4. The idea of the "Forms" was put forward by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. EpicurusD. Stoics答案:A。
选项B 亚里士多德对其进行了批判和发展;选项C 伊壁鸠鲁主张快乐主义;选项D 斯多葛学派强调道德和命运。
5. Who claimed that "The unexamined life is not worth living"?A. PlatoB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Epicurus答案:C。
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自动原理控制专业英语词汇线性反馈系统的稳定性辅助多项式:Auxiliary polynomial相对稳定性:Relative stabilityRouth-Hurwitz判据:Routh-Hurwitz criterion稳定性:Stability稳定系统:Stable system根轨迹法出射角:Angle of departure渐近线:Asymptote渐近中心:Asymptote centroid分离点:Breakaway point轨迹:Locus根轨迹的条数:Number of separate loci参数设计:Parameter design根轨迹:Root locus根轨迹法:Root locus method实轴上的根轨迹段:Root locus segments on the real axis根灵敏度:Root sensitivity频率响应方法带宽:BandwidthBode 图:Bode plot截止频率:Break frequency转折频率:Corner frequency分贝(db):Decibel (DB)Fourier变换:Fourier transform频率响应:Frequency response对数幅值:Logarithmic magnitude对数坐标图:Logarithmic plot频率响应的最大值:Maximum value of the frequency最小相位:Minimum phase固有频率:Natural frequency非最小相位:Nonminimum phase极坐标图:Polar plot谐振频率:Resonant frequency频率特性函数:Transfer function in the frequency domain频域稳定性Cauchy定理:Cauchy thorem闭环频率响应:Closed-loop frequency response保角映射:Conformal mapping围线映射:Conrour map增益裕度:Gain marginNichols图:Nichols chartNyquist 稳定性判据:Nyquist stability criterion相角裕度:Phase margin幅角原理:Principle of the argument时延:Time delay反馈控制系统设计串联校正网络:Cascade compensation network校正:Compensation数字控制系统幅值量化误差:Amplitude quantization error数字计算机校正网络:Digital computer compensator数字控制系统:Digital control system采样数据:Sampled data数据采样系统:Sampled-data system式样周期:Sampling period数据采样系统的稳定性:Stability of a sampled-data system z平面:z-planez变换:z-transforma. c .balance indicator,交流平衡指示器a. c. bridge,交流电桥a. c. current calibrator,交流电流校准器a. c. current distortion,交流电流失真a. c. induced polarization instrument,交流激电仪a. c. potentiometer,交流电位差计a. c. resistance box,交流电阻箱a. c. standard resistor,交流标准电阻器a. c. voltage distortion,交流电压校准器a. c. voltage distortion,交流电压失真Abbe comparator,阿贝比长仪aberration,象差ability of anti prereduced component,抗先还原物质能力ablative thickness transducer [sensor],烧蚀厚度传感器abrasion testing machine,磨损试验机absolute calibration,绝对法校准absolute coil,独立线圈absolute error,绝对误差(absolute)error of measurement,测量的(绝对)误差absolute gravimeter,绝对重力仪absolute gravity survey,绝对重力测量absolute humidity,绝对湿度absolute method,绝对法absolute moisture of the soil,土壤(绝对)湿度absolute pressure,绝对压力absolute(pressure transducer,绝对压力表absolute pressure transducer[sensor],绝对压力传感器absolute read-out,单独读出absolute resolution,绝对分辨率absolute salinity,绝对盐度absolute stability,绝对稳定性absolute stability of a linear system,线性系统的绝对稳定性absolute static pressure of the fluid,流体绝对静压absolute temperature scale,绝对温标absorbance,吸光度absorbed current image,吸收电流象absorptance,吸收比absorptiometer,吸收光度计absorption cell,吸收池absorption coefficient,吸收系数absorption correction,吸收修正absorption edges,吸收边absorption factor,吸收系数absorption hygrometer,吸收温度表absorption spectrum,吸收光谱absorption X-ray spectrometry,吸收X射线谱法absorptivity,吸收率absorptivity of an absorbing,吸引材料的吸收率abstract system,抽象系统abundance sensityivity,丰度灵敏度AC-ACLVDT displacement transducer,交流差动变压器式位移传感器accelerated test,加速试验accelerating voltage,加速电压acceleration,加速度acceleration error coefficient,加速度误差系数acceleration of gravity,重力加速度acceleration simulator,加速度仿真器acceleration transducer[sensor],加速度传感器accelerometer,加速度计acceptance of the mass filter,滤质器的接收容限acceptance test,验[交]收检验access,存取 access time,存取时间accessibility,可及性accessories of testing machine,试验机附件accessory(for a measuring instrument),(测量仪表的)附件accessory hardware,附属硬件accessory of limited interchangeability,有限互换附件accumulated error,积累误差accumulated time difference,累积时差accumulative raingauge,累积雨量器accumulator,累加器accuracy,精[准]确度accuracy class,精[准]确度等级accuracy limit factor(of a protective current transformer), (保护用电流互感器的)精确度极限因数accuracy of measurement,测量精[准]确度accuracy of the wavelength,波长精确度accuracy rating,精确度限acetylene(pressure)gauge,乙炔压力表acetylene regulator,乙炔减压器acoustic amplitude logger,声波幅度测井仪acoustic beacon,水声信标acoustic current meter,声学海流计acoustic element,声学元件acoustic emission,声发射acoustic emission amplitude,声发射振幅acoustic emission analysis system,声发射分析系统acoustic emission detection system,声发射检测系统acoustic emission detector,声发射检测仪acoustic emission energy,声发射能量acoustic emission event,声发射事件acoustic emission preamplifier,声发射前置放大器acoustic emission pulser,声发射脉冲发生器acoustic emission rate,声发射率acoustic emission signal processor[conditioner],声发射信号处理器acoustic emission rate,声发射信号acoustic emission source location and analysis system,声发射源定位及分析系统acoustic emission source location system,声发射源定位系统acoustic emission source,声发射源acoustic emission spectrum,声发射频谱acoustic emission technique,声发射技术acoustic emission transducer[sensor],声发射换能器acoustic fatigue,声疲劳acoustic impedance,声阻抗acoustic logging instrument,声波测井仪acoustic malfunction,声失效acoustic matching layer,声匹配层acoustic(quantity)transducer[sensor],声(学量)传感器acoustic ratio,声比acoustic releaser,声释放器acoustic resistance,声阻acoustic thermometer,声学温度计;声波温度表acoustic tide gauge,回声验潮仪acoustic transponder,声应答器acoustical frequency electric,声频大地电场仪acoustical hologram,声全息图acoustical holography,声全息acoustical holography by electron-beam scanning,电子束扫描声全息acoustical holography by laser scanning,激光束扫描声全息acoustical holography by mechanical scanning,机械扫查声全息acoustical imaging by Bragg diffraction,布拉格衍射声成像acoustical impedance method,声阻法acoustical lens,声透镜acoustically transparent pressure vessel,透声压力容器acquisition time,取数据时间actinometer,光能计;直接日射强度表;日射表(active)energy meter,(有功)电度表active gauge length,有效基长active gauge width,有效基宽active metal indicated electrode,活性金属指示电极active remote sensing,主动遥感active transducer[sensor],有源传感器activity,活度 activity coefficient,活度系数actual material calibration,实物校准actual time of observation,实际观测时间actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer,电压互感器的实际变化actral transformation ratio of current transformer,电流互感器的实际变化actual value,实际值actual voltage ratio,实际电压比actuator,执行机构;驱动器actuator bellows,执行机构波纹管actuator load,执行机构负载actuator power unit,执行机构动力部件actuator sensor interface(ASI),执行器传感器接口actuator shaft,执行机构输出轴actuator spring,执行机构弹簧actuator stem,执行机构输出杆actuator stem force,执行机构刚度actuator travel characteristic,执行机构行程特性adaptation layer,适应层adaptive control,(自)适应控制adaptive control system,适应控制系统adaptive controller,适应控制器adaptive prediction,适应预报adaptive telemetering system,适应遥测系统adder,加法器addition method,叠加法additional correction,补充修正additivity of mass spectra,质谱的可迭加性address,地址 adiabatic calorimeter,绝热式热量计adjust buffer total ion strength,总离子强度调节缓冲剂adjustable cistern barometer,动槽水银气压表adjustable relative humidity range,相对湿度可调范围adjustable temperature range,温度可调范围adjusted retention time,调整保留时间adjusted retention volume,调整保留体积adjuster,调整机构;调节器adjustment,调整adjustment bellows,调节波纹管adjustment device,调整装置adjusting pin,校正针adsorbent,吸附剂adsorption chromatography,吸附色谱法aerial camera,航空照相机aerial remote sensing,航空遥感aerial surveying camera,航摄仪aerodynamic balance,空气动力学天平aerodynamic noise,气体动力噪声aerograph,高空气象计aerogravity survey,航空重力测量aerometeorograph,高空气象计aerosol,县浮微料;气溶胶aging of column,柱老化agitator,搅拌器agricultural analyzer,农用分析仪air-borne gravimeter,航空重力仪air capacitor,空气电容器air consumption,耗气量air damper,空气阻尼器air-deployable buoy,空投式极地浮标air-drop automatic station,空投自动气象站air duct,风道air gun,空气枪air inlet,进风口air lock,气锁阀air-lock device,锁气装置air outlet,回风口air pressrue balance,空气压力天平air pressure test,空气压力试验air sleeve,风(向)袋air temperature,气温air-tight instrument,气密式仪器仪表air to close,气关air to open,气开airborne electromagnetic system;AEM system,航空电磁系统airborne flux-gate magnetometer,航空磁通门磁力仪airborne gamma radiometer,航空伽玛辐射仪airborne gamma spectrometer,航空伽玛能谱仪airborne infrared spectroradiometer,机载红外光谱辐射计airborne optical pumping magnetometer,航空光泵磁力仪airborne proton magnetometer,航空甚低频电磁系统airborne XBT,机载投弃式深温计airgun controller,气控制器airmeter,气流表alarm summery panel,报警汇总画面alarm unit,报警单元albedograph,反射计alcohol thermometer,酒精温度表algorithm,算法 algorithmic language,算法语言alidade,照准仪alignment instrument,准线仪alkali flame ionization detector(AFID),碱焰离子化检测器alkaline error,碱误差alkalinity of seawater,海水碱度all-sky camera,全天空照相机all-weather wind vane and anemometer,全天候风向风速计allocation problem,配置问题;分配问题allowable load impedance,允许的负载阻抗allowable pressure differential,允许压差allowable unbalance,许用不平衡量alpha spectrometer,α粒子能谱仪alternating[exchange]load,交变负荷alternating-current linear variable differential transformer(AC-ACLVDT), 交流极谱仪alternating temperature humidity test chamber,交变湿热试验箱altimeter,高度计altitude angle,高度角altitude meter,测高仪ambient humidity range,环境湿度范围ambient pressure,环境压力ambient pressure error,环境压力误差ambient temperature,环境ambient temperature range,环境温度范围ambient vibration,环境振动ambiguity error,模糊误差ammeter,电流表ammonia(pressure)gauge,氨压力表amount of precipitation,雨量amount of unbalance,不平衡量amount of unbalance indicatior,不平衡量指示器ampere-hour meter,安时计amplitude,幅值amplitude detector module,振幅检测组件amplitude error,振幅误差amplitude modulation(AM),幅度调制;调幅amplitude-phase error,幅相误差amplitude ratio-phase difference instrument,振幅比—相位差仪amplitude response,幅值响应analog computer,模拟计算机analog control,模拟控制analog data,模拟数据analog deep-level seismograhp,模拟深层地震仪analog input,模拟输入analog magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument,模拟磁带记录强震仪analog model,模拟模型analog output,模拟输出analog seismograph tape recorder,模拟磁带地震记录仪analog simulation,模拟仿真analog stereopotter,模拟型立体测图仪analog superconduction magnetometer,模拟式超导磁力仪analog system,模拟系统analog telemetering system,模拟遥测系统analog-to-digital conversion accuracy,模-数转换精确度analog-to-digital conversion rate,模-数转换速度analog transducer[sensor],模拟传感器analogue computer,模拟计算单元analogue date,模拟数据analogue measuring instrument,模拟式测量仪器仪表analogue representation of a physical quantity,物理量的模拟表示analogue signal,模拟试验analogue-digital converter;A/D converter,模-数转换器;A/D转换器analogue-to-digital conversion,模/数转[变]换analysis of simulation experiment,仿真实验分析analytical balance,分析天平analytical electron microscope,分析型电子显微镜analytical gap,分析间隙analytical instrument,分析仪器analytical line,分析线analytical plotter,解析测图仪analyzer tube,分析管anechoic chamber,消声室;电波暗室anechoic tank,消声水池anemograph,风速计anemometer,风速表anemometer meast,测风杆anemometer tower,测风塔aneroid barograph,空盒气压计aneroid barometer,空盒气压表;空盒气压计aneroidograph,空盒气压计angle,角度angle beam technique,斜角法angle beam testing,斜角法angle form,角型angle of attach,冲角angle of field of view,视场角angle of incidence,入射角angle of refraction,折射角angle of spread,指向角;半扩散角angle of view of telescope,望远镜视场角angle of X-ray projiction,X射线辐射圆锥角angle probe,斜探头angle resolved electron spectroscopy(ARES),角分辨电子谱法angle strain,角应变angle transducer[sensor],角度传感器anglg-attack transducer[sensor],迎角传感器angle valve,角形阀angular acceleration,角加速度angular acceleration transducer[sensor],角加速度传感器angular displacement,角加速度传感器angular displacement,角位移angular displacement grationg,角位移光栅angular encoder,角编码器angular sensitivity,角灵敏度angular velocity transducer[sensor],角速度传感器annular coil clearance,环形线圈间隙annular space,环形间隙annunciator,信号源anode,阳极answering,应答anti-cavitation valve,防空化阀anti-contamination device,防污染装置anti-coupling bi-frequency induced polarization instrument,抗耦双频激电仪anti-magnetized varistor,消磁电压敏电阻器antiresonance,反共振antiresonance frequency,反共振频率anti-stockes line,反斯托克线aperiodic dampong,非周期阻尼;过阻尼aperiodic vibration,非周期振动aperture,光阑aperture of pressure difference,压差光阑aperture photographic method,针孔摄影法aperture stop,孔径光栏aperture time,空隙时间apparatus for measuring d.c.magnetic characteristic with ballistic galvanometer, 冲击法直流磁特性测量装置apparent temperature,表观温度appearance potentical,出现电位appearance potential spectrometer,出现电热谱仪appearance potential spectrometer(APS),出现电热谱法application layer(AL),应用层application layer protocol specification,应用层协议规范application layer service definition,应用室服务定义application software,应用软件approval,批准approximate absolute temperature scale,近似绝对温标aqueous vapour,水汽arc suppressing varstor,消弧电压敏电阻器arctic buoy,极地浮标area effect,面积影响area location,区域定位area of cross section of the main air flow,主送风方向横截面积argon-ion gun,氩离子枪annular chamber,环室argon ionization detector,氩离子化检测器arithmetic logic unit(ALU),算术逻辑运算单元arithmetic mean,算术平均值arithmetic weighted mean,算术加权平均值arithmetical mean deviation of the(foughness)profile,(粗糙度)轮廓的算术平均偏差arm error,不等臂误差armature,动铁芯array,阵,阵列array configuration,阵排列arrester varistor,防雷用电压敏电阻器articulated robot,关节型机器人artificial defect,人工缺陷artificial environment,人工环境artificial field method instrument,人工电场法仪器artificial intelligence,人工智能artificial seawater,人工海水ash fusion point determination meter,异步通信接口适配器asynchronous input,异步输入asynchronous transmission,异步传输atmidometer,蒸发仪,蒸发表atmometer,蒸发仪;蒸发表atmoradiograph,天电强度计atmosphere,气氛atmospheric counter radiation,天气向下辐射atmospheric electricity,大气电atmospheric opacity,大气不透明度atmospheric pressure,气压atmospheric pressure altimeter,气压高度计atmospheric pressure ionization(API),大气压电离atmospherics,天电;远程雷电atom force microscope,原子力显微镜atomic absorption spectrometry,原子吸收光谱法atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer,原子荧光光度计atomic fluorescence spectrometry,原子荧光光谱法atomic mass unit,原子质量单位atomic number correction,原子序数修正atomin spectrum,原子光谱atomic-absorption spectrophotometer,原子吸收分光光度计atomization,原子化atomizer,原子化器attenuation,衰减attenuation coefficient,衰减系数attenuation length,衰减长度attenuator,衰减器attitude,姿态attitude transducer[sensor],姿态传感器audio monitor,监听器audio-frequency spectrometer,声频频谱仪audit,审核Auger electron energy spectrometer(AEES),俄歇电子能谱仪Auger electron image,俄歇电子象Auger electron spectrometer,俄歇电子能谱仪Auger electron spectroscopy(AES),俄歇电子能谱法aurora,极光auto-compensation logging instrument,电子自动测井仪auto-compound current transformer,自耦式混合绕组电流互感器auto-polarization compensator,自动极化补偿器autocorrelation function,自相关函数automatic a.c.,d.c.B-H curve tracer,交、直流磁特性自动记录装置automatic balancing machine,自动平衡机automatic control,自动控制automatic control souce of vacuum,真空自动控制电源automatic control system,自动控制系统automatic data processing,自动数据处理automatic exposure device,自动曝光装置automatic feeder for brine,盐水溶液自动补给器automatic focus and stigmator,自动调焦和消象散装置automatic level,自动安平水准仪automatic levelling compensator,视轴安平补偿器automatic/manual station;A/M station,自动/手动操作器automatic programming,自动程度设计automatic radio wind wane and anemometer,无线电自动风向风速仪automatic railway weigh bridge,电子轨道衡automatic scanning,自动扫查automatic spring pipette,自动弹簧式吸液管automatic testing machine,自动试验机automatic titrator,自动滴定仪automatic tracking,自动跟踪automatic vertical index,竖直度盘指标补偿器automatic weather station,自动气象站automation,自动化automaton,自动机auxiliary attachment,辅件auxiliary controller bus(ACB),辅助控制器总线auxiliary crate controller,辅助机箱控制器auxiliary devices,辅助装置auxiliary equipment(of potentiometer),(电位差计的)辅助设备auxiliary gas,辅助气体auxiliary output signal,辅助输出信号auxiliary storage,辅助存储器auxiliary terminal,辅助端auxiliary type gravimeter,助动型重力仪availability,可用性available time,可用时间average,平均值average availability,平均可用度average nominal characteristic,平均名义特性average sound level,平均声级average value of contarmination,污染的平均值average wind speed,平均风速axial clearance,轴向间隙axial current flow method,轴向通电法axial load,轴向载荷axial sensitivity,轴向灵敏度axial vibration,轴向振动axis of rotation,摆轴;旋转轴axix of strain gauge,应变计[片]轴线B-scope,B型显示back flushing,反吹background,后台,背景,本底background current,基流background mass spectrum,本底质谱background noise,背景噪声background processing,后台处理background program,后台程度Backman thermometer,贝克曼温度计backscattered electron image,背散射电子象backward channel,反向信道baffle wall,隔板balance,天平balance for measuring amount of precipitation,水量秤balance output,对称输出balance quality of rotor,转子平衡精度balance wieght,平衡块balanced plug,平衡型阀芯balancing,平衡balancing machine sensitivity,平衡机灵敏度balancing machine,平衡机balancing speed,平衡转速ball pneumatic dead wieght tester,浮球压力计ball screw assembly,滚珠丝杠副ball valve,球阀ballistic galvanometer,冲击栓流计band,频带bandwidth,带宽band width of video amplifier,视频放大器频宽bar primary bushing type current transformer,棒形电流互感器barograph,气压计barometer cistern,气压表水银槽barometer,气压表barometric correction,气压表器差修正barometrograph,空盒气压计barothermograph,气压温度计barrel distortion,桶形畸变;负畸变base,基底base line,基线base peak,基峰base unit(of measurement),基本(测量)单位baseband LAM,基带局域网baseline drift,基线漂移baseline noise,基线噪声baseline potential,空白电位baseline value,空白值basic NMR frequency,基本核磁共振频率basic standard,基础标准batch control,批量控制batch control station,批量控制站batch inlet,分批进样batch of strain gauge,应变计[片]批batch processing,成批处理batch processing simulation,批处理仿真Baud,波特beam,横梁;声速beam deflector,电子束偏转器beam path distance,声程beam ratio,声束比beam spot diameter,束斑直径beam-deflection ultrasonic flowmeter,声速偏转式超声流量计beam-loading thermobalance,水平式热天平bearing,轴承;刀承bearing axis,轴承中心线bdaring support,支承架beat frequency oscillator,拍频振荡器beat method(of measurement),差拍(测量)法Beaufort scale,蒲福风级Beckman differential thermometer,贝克曼温度计bed,机座Beer' law,比尔定律bell manometer,钟罩压力计bell prover,钟罩校准器bellows,波纹管bellows(pressure)gauge,波纹管压力表bellows seal bonnet,波纹管密封型上阀盖bench mark,水准点bending strength,弯曲强度bending vibration,弯曲振动bent stem earth thermometer,曲管地温表Besson nephoscope,贝森测云器betatron,电子回旋加速器;电子感应加速器bezel ring,盖环bias voltage,偏压bi-directional vane,双向风向标;双风信标bilateral current stabilizer,双向稳流器bimetallic element,双金属元件bimetallic instrument,双金属式仪表bimetallic temperature transducer[sensor],双金属温度传感器bimetallic thermometer,双金属温度计binary coded decimal(BCD),二-十进制编码binary control,二进制控制binary digital,二进制数字binary elastic scattering event,双弹性散射过程binary elastic scattering peak,双弹性散射峰binary element,二进制元binary signal,二进制信号biomedical analyzer,生物医学分析仪biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)microbial transducer[sensor],微生物BOD传感器 biochemical oxygen demand meter for seawater,海水生化需氧量测定仪biochemical quantity transducer[sensor],生化量传感器biological quantity transducer[sensor],生物量传感器biosensor,生物传感器bird receiving system,吊舱接收系统bit,比特;位bit error rate,误码率bit serial,位串行bit-serial higgway,位串行信息公路bivane,双向风向标;双风信标black box,未知框black light filter,透过紫外线的滤光片black light lamp,紫外线照射装置blackbody,黑体blackbody chamber,黑体腔blackbody furnace,黑体炉bland test,空白试验balzed grating,闪耀光栅block,块体;字块;字组;均温块block check,块检验block diagram,方块(框)图block length,字块长度block transfer,块传递blood calcium ion transducer[sensor],血钙传感器blood carbon dioxide transducer[sensor],血液二氧化碳传感器blood chloried ion transducer[sensor],血氯传感器blood electrolyte transducer[sensor],血液电解质传感器blood flow transducer[sensor],血流传感器blood gas transducer[sensor],血气传感器blood-group immune transducer[sensor],免疫血型传感器blood oxygen transducer[sensor],血氧传感器blood PH transducer[sensor],血液PH传感器blood potassium ion transducer[sensor],血钾传感器blood-pressure transducer[sensor],血压传感器blood sodium ion transducer[sensor],血钠传感器blood-volume transducer[sensor],血容量传感器blower device,鼓风装置bluff body,阻流体Bode diagram,博德图body temperature transducer,体温传感器bolometer,辐射热计;热副射仪bomb head tray,弹头托盘honded strain gauge,粘贴式应变计bonnet,上阀盖boomerang grab,自返式取样器boomerang gravity corer,自返式深海取样管booster,增强器bore(of liquid-in-glass thermometer),(玻璃温度计的)内孔borehole acoustic television logger,超声电视测井仪borehole compensated sonic logger,补偿声波测井仪borehole gravimeter,井中重力仪borehloe gravimetry,井中重力测量borehole thermometer,井温仪bottorm echo,底面反射波bottom flange,下阀盖bottom-loading thermobalance,下皿式热天平bottom surface,底面Bouguer's law,伯格定律Bourdon pressure sensor,弹簧管压力检测元件Bourdon tube,弹簧管;波登管Bourdon tube(pressure)gauge,弹簧管压力表box gauge,箱式验潮仪BP-scope,BP 型显示Bragg's equation,布拉格方程braking time,制动时间braking torque(of an integrating instrument),(积分式仪表的)制动力矩branch,分支branch cable,支线电缆breakdown voltage rating,绝缘强度breakpoint,断点breather,换气装置bremsstrahlung,韧致辐射bridge,桥接器bridge's balance range,电桥平衡范围bright field electron image,明场电子象bridge for measuring temperature,测温电桥bridge resistance,桥路电阻brightness,亮度Brinell hardness number,布氏硬度值Brinell hardnell penetrator,布氏硬度压头Brienll hardenss tester,布氏硬度计broadband LAN,定带局域网broad-band random vibration,宽带随机振动broad band spectrum,宽波段broadcast,广播BT-calibrationg installation,深温计[BT]检定装置bubble,水准泡bubble-tube,吹气管bucket thermometer,表层温度表buffer,缓冲器buffer solution,缓冲溶液buffer storage,缓冲存储器built-in galvanometer,内装式检流计built-in-weigthts,挂码bulb,温包;感温泡bulb(of filled system themometer),(压力式温度计的)温包bulb(of liquid-in-glass thermometer),(玻璃温度计的)感温泡bulb length(of liquid-in-glass thermometer),(玻璃温度计的)感温泡长度bulk type semiconductor strain gauge,体型半导体应变计bulk zinc oxide varistor,体型氧化锌电压敏电阻器bump,连续冲击bump test,连续冲击试验;颠簸试验bump testing machine,连续冲击台buoy,浮标buoy array,浮标阵buoy float,浮标体buoy motion package,浮标运动监测装置buoy station,浮标站buoyancy correction,浮力修正buoyancy level measuring device,浮力液位测量装置burden(of a instrument transformer),(仪用互感器的)负载burning method,燃烧法burst acoustic emission signal,突发传输bus,总线bus line,总线bus master,总线主设备bus mother board,总线母板bus network,总线网bus slave,总线从设备bus topology,总线拓扑bus type current transformer,母线式电流互感器bushing type current transformer,套管式流互感器busy,忙busy state,忙碌状态butterfly valve,蝶阀 by-pass,旁路by-pass injector,旁通进样器by-pass manifold,旁路接头by-pass valve,旁通阀Byram anemometer,拜拉姆风速表byte,字节byte frame,字节帧byte serial,字节串行byte-serial highway,字节串行住信处公路集散控制系统——Distributed Control System(DCS)现场总线控制系统——Fieldbus Control System(FCS)监控及数据采集系统——Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition(SCADA)可编程序控制器——Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)楼宇自动化系统——Building Automation System人机界面——Human Machine Interface(HMI)工控机——Industrial Personal Computer(IPC)单片机——Single Chip Microprocessor计算机数控(CNC)远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)上位机——Supervisory Computer图形用户界面(GUI)人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)智能终端——Intelligent Terminal模糊控制——Fuzzy Control组态——Configuration仿真——Simulation冗余——Redundant客户/服务器——Client/Server网络——Network设备网——DeviceNET基金会现场总线——foundation fieldbus(FF)现场总线——Fieldbus以太网——Ethernet变频器——Inverter脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)伺服驱动器——Servo Driver软起动器——Soft Starter步进——Step-by-Step控制阀——Control Valver流量计——Flowmeter仪表——Instrument记录仪—— Recorder传感器——Sensor智能传感器——Smart Sensor智能变送器——Smart Transducer虚拟仪器——Virtual Instrument主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station集散控制系统——Distributed Control System(DCS)现场总线控制系统——Fieldbus Control System(FCS)监控及数据采集系统——Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition(SCADA)可编程序控制器——Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)楼宇自动化系统——Building Automation System人机界面——Human Machine Interface(HMI)工控机——Industrial Personal Computer(IPC)单片机——Single Chip Microprocessor计算机数控(CNC)远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)上位机——Supervisory Computer图形用户界面(GUI)人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)智能终端——Intelligent Terminal模糊控制——Fuzzy Control组态——Configuration仿真——Simulation冗余——Redundant客户/服务器——Client/Server网络——Network设备网——DeviceNET基金会现场总线——foundation fieldbus(FF)现场总线——Fieldbus以太网——Ethernet变频器——Inverter脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)伺服驱动器——Servo Driver软起动器——Soft Starter步进——Step-by-Step控制阀——Control Valver流量计——Flowmeter仪表——Instrument记录仪—— Recorder传感器——Sensor智能传感器——Smart Sensor智能变送器——Smart Transducer虚拟仪器——Virtual Instrument主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station battery light kit 电池式灯具lamp lens 灯玻璃landing weight 卸货重量letter of indemnity | | trust receipt 赔偿保证书(信托收据range indicator 距离指示器short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs 退关SMT Inductors 表面贴电感器STM-N:Synchronous Transport Module level-N 同步传送模块(electric) resistor 电阻器(With) Best Regard 谨致问候3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床A high degree of light-fastness 高质量不褪色A.C. balance indicator 交流平衡指示器A.C. bridge 交流电桥A.C. current calibrator 交流电流校正器a.c. generator 交流发动机A.C.current distortion 交流电流失真A.C.powered lamp 交流供电的灯A/C adaptor 电源适配器A/D;analog to digital 模拟/数字转换aberration 光行差/橡差abnormal low-voltage arc 反差低压电弧abnormal voltage 反常电压/异常电压Abradant material 研磨材料Abrasion test 磨损试验abrasion test 耐磨损性试验abrasive action 磨损作用abrasive blast equipment 喷砂设备Abrasive blast system 喷砂清理系统ABS American Bureau of Standard 美国标准局Absolute Colorimetric 绝对色度absolute value 绝对值absolute velocity 绝对速度absolute wave meter 绝对波长表absorption tube 吸收管/吸收试验管absorption wave meter 吸收式波长计absorption wavemeter 吸收式波长计absorption wavetrap 吸收陷波器absorptive 吸收的absorptive power 吸收本领absorptivity 吸收率ac induced polarization instrument 交流激电仪ac potentiometer 交流电位差仪AC/alternating current 交流/交流电academician,association,协会ACC Automatic Centering Control 自动控制中心accelerated life test 快速寿命测试accent lighting 重点照明Acceptability Criteria 验收Acceptable life 有效使用寿命Acceptance criteria 验收标准acceptance specification 验收规范Acceptance test specification 验收测试规范worldlightingtrade Skype即时通讯工具Access panel 罩板accommodate 调节accommodation 调适accreditation 认可accreditation of testing laboratory 测试实验室的认可accumulator 储线器/补偿器accuracy 精确度/准确度accuracy control 精确控制accuracy grade 精度等级accuracy life 精确度寿命accuracy rating 精确度限acid rinsing shop-stamping warehouse 酸洗工段房-冲压库Acid-proof paint 耐酸涂料/耐酸油漆Acid-proof paint 耐酸涂料/耐酸油漆acoustic reflection shell 声反射罩ACPI:Advanced Configuration and Power Interface 高级电源配置电源接口acquisition price 收购价Across frequency 交叉频率/分频频率Acrylic fitting 压克力配件acrylic plastic glazing 丙烯酸有机玻璃ACST access time 存取时间acting area(spot) lighting 舞台前台(聚光)照明activated electrode 激活电极activated phosphor 激活荧光粉Active 主动的,有源的,有效的,运行的Active Area 可读取范围active market 买卖活跃的市场active power 有效功率active probe 有效探头active scanning time 有效扫描时间active voltage 有效电压actual life 有效寿命actual transformation ratio of a current (voltage) transformer 电流互感器的实际电流(电压)比actual transformation ratio of a current (voltage) transformer 流互感器的实际电流(电压)比adaptable automobile mode/style 适用车型KENFOR Global Lighting Sourcing Centreadaptable voltage 适用电压adaptable/suitable tube''s current 适用灯管电流adaptation 顺应adapting luminance (视觉)亮适用性adaptive control system 适应控制系统adaptive controller 适应控制器adaptive prediction 适应预报adaptive temperature 适应温度Adaptor/adapters 适配器/转换器ADC/analog to digital ... Voltage 压敏电阻器。
Chapter 1 Introduction(引言)§1.1 Space and Time(空间与时间)universe宇宙object物体measurement 测量kinematics运动学motion of objects 物体的运动mass point/particle质点center of mass 质心space and time 时空rotation 旋转subject研究的对象phenomena 现象intergalactic星系间的submicroscopic 亚微观的dimension尺度uniform均匀的isotropic各向同性的continuous连续的direction方向graininess 颗粒性location位置frame of reference 参考系specify确定、规定simultaneously 同时地inconsistent with与…不一致define/definition 定义platinum-iridium铂铱合金atomic standard 原子标准transition 跃迁meridian子午线general conference on weights and measures 国际计量大会vacuum真空former standard of length米原器atomic energy level原子能级isotope cesium 铯同位素krypton 氪angstrom埃§1.2 Coordinate Systems and Frames of Reference(坐标系与参考系)frame of reference 参考系coordinate system坐标系rectangular Cartesian coordinates直角笛卡儿坐标系axis / axes (pl.)(坐标)轴origin坐标原点at rest静止dimension维mutually perpendicular 互相垂直intersection 交点§1.3 Idealized Models(理想模型)idealized model 理想模型simplified version简化方式neglect忽略particle质点air resistance 空气阻力vacuum真空in terms of 利用rigid body刚体insulator绝缘体§1.4 Vectors(矢量)vector矢量scalar标量magnitude大小velocity速度acceleration 加速度momentum动量proportional to正比于parallel平行position vector位置矢量§1.5 Properties of Vectors(矢量的特点)resultant/net vectoradditionsubtractionequivalenttranslatehead-to-tail methodparallelogram method diagonalcommutative lawscalar productdot productdistributive lawmultiplicationcross product vector productarearight-hand ruleparallelmultiplyfunctionsome variable§1.6 Components of a Vector(矢量的分量)component分量absolute value绝对值projection投影perpendicular 垂线rectangular component正交分量§1.7 Unit Vectors(单位矢量)unit vector单位矢量dimensionless 无量纲的unit magnitude单位大小respectively分别地Chapter 2 Kinematics: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions (运动学:二维与三维运动)§2.1 Kinematical Function of a Point(质点的运动函数)position vector位置矢量trigonometry 三角学§2.2 Displacement and Velocity(位移与速度)trajectory轨迹displacement vector位移矢量velocity速度ratio比值,比率straight line直线approach趋近、接近limit极限average velocity 平均速度instantaneous velocity瞬时速度slope斜率chord弦limiting process 求极限过程curved path弯曲路径derivative导数magnitude and direction大小和方向speed速率scalar components标量分量limiting value极限值limiting process 求极限过程tangent相切、切线change增量、改变量differential n.微分differentiate v. 微分、求导integrate v.积分integration n.积分coefficient系数module (矢量的)模successively 连续地square root 平方根§2.3 Acceleration(加速度)acceleration 加速度average acceleration 平均加速度instantaneous acceleration 瞬时加速度second derivative二阶导数positive正的negative负的respectively 分别地one-dimensional motion一维运动uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动projectile motion抛体运动§2.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration(匀加速运动)无§2.5 Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration(匀加速直线运动)linear线性的one-dimensional一维的corresponding对应的eliminate消去freely falling bodies自由落体air resistance 空气阻力acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度altitude高度vertical direction 竖直方向negative sign 负号latitude经度regardless of与.无关maximum value最大值minimum value最小值§2.6 Projectile Motion (抛体运动)projectile抛体trajectory轨迹assumption 假设negligible可忽略的rotation 转动air friction 空气摩擦parabola抛物线parabolic trajectory 抛物线轨迹initial初始的horizontal水平的independent 独立的superposition叠加flight time飞行时间horizontal range射程maximum height最大高度horizontal surface水平面a body projected horizontally平抛物体vertical竖直的firing angle抛射角§2.7 Circular Motion(圆周运动)circular motion 圆周运动uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动circular motion with varying speed变速圆周运动centripetal向心的arc length 弧长angular displacement 角位移instantaneous angular velocity(瞬时)角速度radian(s) 弧度dimensional有量纲的counterclockwise 逆时针clockwise顺时针circle圆center of a circle圆心vectorially矢量地angular acceleration 角加速度tangential acceleration 切向加速度center-seeking 向心resolve (矢量)分解centripetal acceleration 向心加速度normal acceleration 法向加速度perpendicular to垂直于radial径向的radius半径§2.8 Relative Motion(相对运动)relative velocity相对速度relative acceleration 相对加速度observer观察者outcome结果measurement 测量stationary 静止的differentiate求微分Galilean transformation equation伽利略变换valid有效的special theory of relativity狭义相对论as it turns out结果是relative to相对于heading due north头朝北right triangle直角三角形upstream逆流hypotenuse直角三角形的斜边Chapter 3 Newton’s Laws of Motion(牛顿运动定律)§3.1 Newton’s First Law(牛顿第一定律)at rest静止net external force/ resultant force合外力inertial frame of reference 惯性参考系inertia惯性act on = exert(力)作用于approximation近似inertial mass 惯性质量interact (n. interaction)相互作用resultant external force合外力momentum动量unless stated otherwise 除非另有说明§3.2 Newton’s Second Law(牛顿第二定律)nonzero非零的mass质量momentum动量rate of change变化率directly proportional to正比于inversely proportional to反比于§3.3 Newton’s Third Law(牛顿第三定律)interact相互作用opposite相反、相对isolated 孤立的action force 作用力reaction force反作用力§3.4 Applications of Newton’s Laws(牛顿运动定律的应用)tension 张力diagram示意图isolate 隔离free-body diagram受力图unknown未知量Atwood’s Machine阿特伍德机light string轻绳vertically 竖直地frictionless 无摩擦的incline斜面pulley滑轮balanced平衡的block 木块、滑块wedge楔、斜铁plane 平面horizontal surface水平面§3.5 International Units and Dimensions(国际单位制与量纲)physical quantity物理量fundamental unit基本单位universally普遍scientific community科学界luminous intensity光强度abbreviation缩写lowercase小写的uppercase大写的rectangle矩形§3.6 Introduction to Some Common Forces(几种常见力)electromagnetic电磁的lean against 倚靠compress 压mattress spring 床垫弹簧normal force 法向力、支持力stiffness倔强性stretch 拉伸frictional force / force of friction 摩擦力viscous medium粘滞媒质(介质)resistance 阻力force of static friction 静摩擦力maximum force of static friction最大静摩擦力is proportional to正比于proportionality constant比例常数coefficient of static friction 静摩擦系数coefficient of kinetic friction 滑动摩擦系数variation变化§3.7 The Four Fundamental Forces(四种基本力)gravitational force 引力universal gravitational constant万有引力常数electromagnetic force电磁力bind约束Coulomb’s law库仑定律charged particle带电粒子strong nuclear force 强力hydrogen氢nucleus (pl. nuclei or nucleuses)原子核neutron 中子proton质子counteract抵抗repulsive排斥的strength强度weak nuclear force弱力short-range force 短程力radioactivity放射性radioactive decay 放射性衰变nucleons核子massless 无质量的action at a distance远程作用hypothesis 假设field场Chapter 4Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum (动量与角动量)§4.1 Linear Momentum and Impulse(动量与冲量)(linear) momentum动量impulse 冲量impulse-momentum theorem动量定理time-average force 平均冲力§4.2 Impulse-momentum Theorem for Particles System(质点系的动量定理)particles system 质点系internal forces 内力external forces 外力§4.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum(动量守恒定律)momenta(pl.)动量§4.4 Center of Mass(质心)vector notation矢量表示continuous object连续物体element of mass 质元§4.5 Motion of the Center of Mass(质心的运动)conserved 守恒的isolated system 孤立系统§4.6 Angular Momentum of a Particle(质点的角动量)conserved 守恒的isolated system 孤立系统§4.7 Conservation Law of Angular Momentum(角动量守恒定律)Kepler 开普勒ellipse椭圆Chapter 6 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis (刚体的定轴转动)§6.1 Motion of a Rigid Body(刚体的运动)rigid body刚体parallelogram rule 平行四边形法则translation 平动an extended body 空间实体rotation 转动nondeformable 不变形的resultant motion 合运动parallel平行fixed axis 固定轴counterclockwise motion 逆时针运动angular acceleration 角加速度clockwise motion顺时针运动separation 间隔translation 平动angular velocity 角速度trajectory 轨迹§6.2 Law of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis(刚体定轴转动定律)moment of inertia 转动惯量rotation axis 旋转轴torque 力矩proportionality constant比例常数element of mass 质元line of action of force 力的作用线analogue 类似;相似perpendicular distance垂直距离distribution of mass 质量分布pivot about 围绕…旋转;以…为轴旋转moment arm 力臂is proportional to与…成正比§6.3 Calculation of Moments of Inertia for Rigid Bodies(转动惯量的计算)an extended body 延续实体hoop圆环spherical shell薄球壳solid sphere实心球spherical cavity球腔linear density线密度§6.4 Application of Law of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis(刚体定轴转动定律应用)orientation 方向;方位atwood’s machine伍德机brake制动器,刹车pedal踏板sprocket链轮齿bearing轴承pulley滑轮nonslip 无滑动§6.5 Conservation of Angular Momentum with Respect to the Fixed Axis(对定轴角动量守恒)resultant external torque合外力矩isolated隔离的valid 有效;适用pin 销;轴hapter 7Electric Fields of Stationary Electric Charges(静止电荷的电场)§7.1 Charge(电荷)Electricity电学magnetism磁学accelerator 加速器interatomic原子间的amber琥珀magnetite磁铁矿electrification充电magnet磁铁charge 电荷quantized量子化的quantization量子化proton质子electrically charged带电的charged body带电体conservation守恒uncharged不带电的§7.2 Coulomb’s Law(库仑定律)Coulomb’s Law库仑定律inversely proportional to相反地separating 分开的permittivity介电常数hydrogen氢opposite sign符号相反§7.3 The Electric Field(电场)electric field 电场test charge检验电荷distribution分布X-ray X-射线lightning闪电electronic电子的intermolecular分子间的rub摩擦magnesia氧化镁electromagnetism电磁学plastic rod塑料棒repel排斥attract 吸引suspend悬挂neutron中子electron电子neutral中性的integer整数integral multiple整数倍proportional to正比于square平方product乘积repulsive排斥Coulomb constant库仑常数superposition principle叠加原理electric field (intensity) 电场强度source charge场源电荷radio waves无线电波atmosphere大气thundercloud 雷雨云§7.4 Calculation of Electric Field(电场的计算)stationarydenominatorelectric dipoleelectric dipole moment spherically symmetriccontinuous charge distributioncharge elementstrategy静止的分母电偶极子电偶极矩球对称电荷连续分布元电荷策略bisector平分线manipulation处理linear charge density电荷线密度surface charge density 电荷面密度volume charge density电荷体密度ring charge带电圆环charged disk带电圆盘infinite plate of charge无限大带电平面§7.5 Electric Field Lines and Electric Flux(电场线和电通量)electric field lines电场线electric flux电通量infinity无穷远visualize形象化strength强度penetrate穿过qualitative定量的closed surface闭合曲面align排列thread线intersection 相交cross交叉§7.6 Gauss’s Law(高斯定理)Gauss’s law 高斯定理arbitrary shape 任意形状gaussian surface 高斯面electric flux电通量principle 原理practice实际§7.7 Application of Gauss’s Law(高斯定理的应用)algebraic代数的rearrange重新整理charge distribution电荷分布spherical symmetry 球对称cylindrical symmetry 柱对称plane symmetry 平面对称symmetric对称的spherical shell球壳infinite length无限长infinite plane无限大平面Chapter 8 Electric Potential(电势)§8.1 Conservativity of Electrostatic Field(静电场的保守性)line integral线积分conservative force field 保守力场closed path闭合路径conservative保守的circuital theorem for electrostatic field静电场环路定理§8.2 Potential Difference and Electric Potential(电势差和电势)potential difference电势差electric potential电势infinity无穷远electrostatic potential energy 静电势能volt伏特voltage电压electron volt电子伏特battery电池§8.3 Calculation of Electric Potential(电势的计算)equipotential surface等势面broken lines虚线semicircular半圆的insulating绝缘的infinite无限的dashed lines虚线extend延伸solid lines实线finite有限的arbitrary任意的function函数curved surface曲面§8.4 Electric Potential Gradient(电势梯度)gradient梯度notation符号potential Gradient电势梯度maximum最大值right angle 直角sketch勾画§8.5 Electrostatic Potential Energy(静电势能)electrostatic potential energy 静电势能vicinity附近Chapter 9 Conductor in Electrostatic Field(静电场中的导体)§9.1 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium(导体的静电平衡)isolated conductor 孤立导体electrostatic equilibrium静电平衡equipotential body等势体radius of curvature曲率半径electrostatic shielding静电屏蔽neutralize电中和sharp point discharge尖端放电lightning rod 避雷针cosmic rays 宇宙射线lightning stroke雷击glow discharge 辉光放电ion离子corona discharge电晕放电shrink收缩cavity 空腔grounding接地curved surface 曲面conducting wire导线collision碰撞thunderstorm雷暴induced charge 感应电荷insert插入guarantee保证contradiction 矛盾§9.2 Calculation of Electrostatic Field with Conductors Nearby (有导体存在时静电场的分析与计算)conducting slab 导电板lateral area侧面uncharged conductor不带电导体edge effect边缘效应redistribute 重新分配external外部Chapter 10 Capacitors and Dielectrics in Electrostatic Field (电容器和静电场中的电介质)§10.1 Capacitance and Capacitors(电容和电容器)Leyden jar 莱顿瓶flash 闪光灯capacitance电容coaxial同轴的capacitor电容器coaxial cable同轴电缆parallel-plate capacitor 平行平板电容器concentric同心的cylindrical capacitor圆柱形电容器parallel combination 并联spherical capacitor 球形电容器series combination串联submultiple因数farad 法拉microfarad 微法拉picofarad 皮法拉rectify 调整inductance 自感应ignition 点火sparking打火花metallic金属(性)的combination联合、组合equivalent相当的§10.2 Dielectrics and Electric Field(电介质与电场)dielectric电介质relative dielectric constant 相对介电常数voltmeter 伏特计insulating绝缘的dielectric breakdown介质击穿dielectric strength介电强度§10.3 Polarization of Dielectrics(电介质的极化)polarize极化polar molecules极性分子polarization 极化nonpolar molecules非极性分子induced dipole moments 感应电矩permanent electric dipole moments 固有电矩surface charge表面电荷align排成一线orient取向bound charge束缚电荷homogeneous 均匀的free charge 自由电荷microwave 微波oven 烤箱vibrate 振动tune 调整resonate 共振oscillate 振荡§10.4 Gauss’s Law for Electric Displacement Vector (高斯定律)electric displacement 电位移dielectric constant介电常数deliberately故意地the flux of D(r) D(r) 的通量permittivity电容率§10.5 Energy Stored in a Charged Capacitor(电容器的能量)transfer转移electrostatic potential energy 静电势能battery电池electrostatic field energy 静电场能increment 增量energy density能量密度transformation转化maximum operating voltage 最大工作电压terminal 终端deliver递送dissipate消散pathway路径Chapter 11 Magnetic Force (磁力)§11.1 Nature of Magnetic Force(磁力的本质)magnetite磁铁矿石bar magnet条形磁铁interaction 相互作用magnetic pole磁极electric current loops of molecules分子环形电流§11.2 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Field Vector(磁场和磁感应强度)magnetic field磁场magnetic field vector=magnetic induction =magnetic flux density磁感应强度magnetic force 磁场力Lorentz force 洛仑兹力B-line磁感(应)线magnetic flux磁通量tesla(T)特(斯拉)weber韦伯§11.3 Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field(带电粒子在磁场中的运动)cyclotron period回旋周期magnetic focusing磁聚焦helix螺旋线pitch螺距magnetic lens磁镜magnetic confinement 磁约束a magnetic bottle磁瓶the mass spectrometer 质谱仪schematic drawing示意图ion离子precision 精确度proton质子deuteron 氘核bombard 轰击cyclotron 加速器dees D型盒evacuate抽成真空shield屏蔽oscillate 振动plasma等离子体nuclear fusion核聚变Van Allen belts范阿仑辐射带§11.4 The Hall Effect(霍尔效应)the Hall voltage 霍尔电压the drift velocity漂移速度§11.5 Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Conductor(载流导体在磁场中受力—安培力)current-carrying conductor/wire载流导体/导线current loop in a uniform magnetic field匀强磁场中的载流线圈linear element 线元current element vector 电流元矢量loop 环, 回路magnetic moment of a current loop载流线圈磁矩rectangular loop矩形回路a wire segment 一段导线strip 条;带Chapter 12 Source of Magnetic Field(磁场的源)§12.1 The Magnetic Field of Moving Point Charges(运动点电荷的磁场)permeability of free space真空磁导率§12.2 The Biot-Savart Law(毕奥-萨伐尔定律)the Biot-Savart Law毕奥-萨伐尔定律permeability of free space真空磁导率Gauss’law in magnetism磁场的高斯定律magnetic monopoles磁单极solenoid螺线管turn匝current-carrying wire 载流导线encircle环绕current element电流元diverge发散converge聚合magnetic pole磁极magnet磁铁magnetic flux磁通量§12.3 Ampere Circuital Theorem (安培环路定理)penetrate穿过bounded by以…为边界finite point 有限点line integral线积分§12.4 Application of Ampere Circuital Theorem(安培环路定理的应用)current-carrying wire 载流导线circumference 周长cylindrical shell圆柱形壳toroid螺绕环inner radius 内径outer radius外径spherical conductor 球形导体§12.5 Magnetic Field due to Varying Electric Field(与变化的电场相联系的磁场)displacement current位移电流generalized Ampere’s Law广义安培环路定理conduction current传导电流magnetic monopole磁单级postulate假设total current全电流steady current恒定电流§12.6 The Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Current-carryingWires(平行电流间的相互作用力)antiparallel反平行Chapter 13 Magnetic Media in Magnetic Field(磁场中的磁介质)§13.1 Effect on Magnetic Field Caused by Magnetic Media(磁介质对磁场的影响)magnetic medium磁介质diamagnetic medium抗磁质paramagnetic medium顺磁质ferromagnetic material 铁磁质magnetic moment 磁矩paramagnetism 顺磁性partial alignment部分取向electron spin 电子自旋magnetic dipole 磁偶极子ferromagnetism 铁磁性diamagnetism抗磁性induced magnetic moment感生磁矩permanent magnetic moment固有磁矩§13.2 Atomic Magnetic Dipole Moments(原子磁矩)magnetization磁化atomic原子的magnetic dipole moment磁矩orbital magnetic moment 轨道磁矩quantum theory量子理论intrinsic spin angular momentum内禀自旋角动量§13.3 Magnetization(磁介质的磁化)magnetization n.磁化、磁化强度magnetize . 磁化atomic current loopamperian currentcross-sectional area分子环流v安培电流横截面积induced magnetic dipole moments感生磁矩surface magnetization current/ bound current 面磁化电流(面束缚电流)applied magnetic field外加磁场magnetic susceptibility磁化率relative permeability相对磁导率bismuth 铋Bohr magneton玻尔磁子superconductor超导体emf电动势§13.4 Ferromagnetic Materials(铁磁质)iron铁cobalt钴nickel镍alloy 合金ferromagnetism 铁磁性magnetic domain磁畴critical temperature临界温度Curie temperature居里温度thermal agitation热扰动end effect边界效应magnetic saturation磁饱和reversible 可逆的magnetic hysteresis磁滞效应hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetization curve磁化曲线initial magnetization curve起始磁化曲线remnant magnetization剩磁coercive force矫顽力memory 记忆能力magnetize磁化demagnetize去磁,退磁transformer 变压器motor 电动机secondary coil副线圈cycle循环irreversible process 不可逆过程hard ferromagnetic materials硬磁性材料soft ferromagnetic materials软磁性材料hysteresis loss磁滞损耗(铁损)Curie point居里点permanent magnet永久磁体, magnetic tape磁带,memory unit记忆元件iron cores铁芯galvanometer 电流计rr§13.5 Circuital Theorem for H (H 的环路定理)magnetic intensity磁场强度magnetization current 磁化电流free current自由电流isotropic各向同性的permeability磁导率relative permeability相对磁导率Chapter 14 Electromagnetic Induction(电磁感应)§14.1 Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction(法拉第电磁感应定律)electromagnetic induction 电磁感应induction current感应电流emf (electromotive force) 电动势induction emf 感生电动势weber韦伯Lenz Law楞次定律polarity极性§14.2 Motional emf(动生电动势)motional emf 动生电动势§14.3 Induced emf and Induced Electric Field(感生电动势和感生电场)nonelectrostatic force非静电力induced emf 感生电动势induced electric field感生电场vortex field涡旋场eddy currents 涡流nonconservative field 非保守场time-varying field时变场alternate变化alternative 交流电的,交变的laminated叠片(组成)的§14.4 Mutual Induction(互感现象)mutual induction互感现象mutual inductance互感系数emf by mutual induction互感电动势orientation 方位§14.5 Self-induction(自感现象)self-induction自感现象self-inductance 自感系数inductor电感self-induced emf 自感电动势is proportional to正比于§14.6 Energy of Magnetic Field(磁场的能量)magnetic energy density磁场能量密度energy due to mutual induction互感磁能Chapter 15 Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves (麦克斯韦方程组组与电磁波波)§15-1 Maxwell’s Equations(麦克斯韦方程组)§15-2 Electromagnetic Waves(电磁波)propagation传播in phase同相、同步transverse waves横波wavelength波长visible spectrum可见光谱infrared waves 红外波radiation 辐射ultraviolet ray紫外线Poynging vector 坡印亭矢量§15-3 The Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves(电磁波的方程)wave function波函数wave equation波的方程wave number 波数angular frequency 角频率plane wave平面波Chapter 16 Temperature and the Kinetic Theory of Gases(温度与气体运动论)§16.1 Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature (热平衡及温度)temperature 温度hotness热coldness冷thermometric property热力学特性thermal contact热接触the average internal molecular kinetic energy 分子内平均动能thermal equilibrium热平衡electrical conductor 导电器the zeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律temperature scale温标§16.2 The Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales(摄氏温标与华氏温标)thermometer温度计temperature scale温标the ice-point temperature冰点温度freezing point冰点steam-point沸点normal boiling point标准沸点the steam-point temperature 气化点温度the Celsius temperature scale摄氏温标the Fahrenheit temperature scale华氏温标§16.3 Gas Thermometers and the Absolute Temperature Scale(气体温度计和绝对温标)calibrate 校对、校准discrepancy差异volume 体积density密度sufficiently low 足够低sulfur硫a constant-volume gas thermometer等容气体温度计triple point of water 水的三相点ideal-gas temperature scale理想气体温标absolute temperature scale绝对温标nitrogen氮hydrogen氢oxygen氧recalibrate再校准extrapolate外推,向外延长triple point 三相点coexist共存helium氦liquefy液化in terms of 利用rigid body刚体insulator绝缘体Kelvin scale 开尔文温标§16.4 The Ideal-Gas Law(理想气体定律)Boyle’s law玻意耳定律constant volume 等体Boltzmann’s constant玻耳兹曼常量mole摩尔Avogadro’s number 阿伏伽德罗常量carbon atom碳原子universal gas constant普适气体常量ideal gas理想气体equation of state状态方程state variable状态参量standard condition标准条件subscript 下标§16.5 The Kinetic Theory of Gases(气体分子运动论)macroscopic state variable宏观状态变量microscopic quantity微观量walls of a container容器壁translational kinetic energy平动动能root mean square (rms) speed方均根速率order of magnitude量级piston活塞redistribute 再分布partition 分配equipartition theorem(能)均分定理classical statistical mechanics经典统计力学degree of freedom自由度monatomic 单原子的bond键diatomic 双原子的polyatomic 多原子的vibration振动mean free path平均自由程air current 气流convection 对流diffuse扩散reciprocal倒数frequency频率§16.6 Maxwell Speed Distribution Function(麦克斯韦速率分布函数)probability概率abscissa横坐标normalization condition 归一化条件most probable distribution最概然分布Chapter 17 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics (热及热力学第一定律)§17.1 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat(热容与比热)atomist 原子学家thermal energy 热能manifestation 表现形式molecular motion 分子运动thermal contact热接触caloric a.热的n.热(质)internal energy 内能heat capacity热容量phase相heat conduction热传导calorie卡(路里)molar mass摩尔质量Law of conservation of energy能量守恒定律The first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律be proportional to和…成正比molar specific heat摩尔比热solar heating system太阳能热系统coolant冷却液§17.2 Change of Phase and Latent Heat(相变与潜热)heat capacity热容量phase change相变vaporization汽化,蒸发fusion 熔化melting融化condensation 凝聚sublimation升华carbon dioxide二氧化碳crystalline a. 结晶的、晶状的n.结晶体average translational kinetic energy平均平动动能latent heat潜热§17.3 Joule’s Experiment(焦耳实验)thermally insulated绝热的mechanical equivalence of heat热功当量§17.4 The Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas(理想气体内能)internal energy 内能real gas实际气体§17.5 Work and the PV Diagram for a Gas(功与气体PV图)quasi-static process准静态过程piston活塞isobaric等压的isothermal 等温的§17.6 The First Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第一定律)§17.7 Heat Capacities of Gases(气体的热容)infinitesimal无穷小的§17.8 The Quasi-Static Adiabatic Process for an Ideal Gas(理想气体准静态绝热过程)compression 压缩Poisson formula 泊松公式process equations 过程方程。
《斯普林格数学研究生教材丛书》(Graduate Texts in Mathematics)GTM001《Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory》Gaisi Takeuti, Wilson M.Zaring GTM002《Measure and Category》John C.Oxtoby(测度和范畴)(2ed.)GTM003《Topological Vector Spaces》H.H.Schaefer, M.P.Wolff(2ed.)GTM004《A Course in Homological Algebra》P.J.Hilton, U.Stammbach(2ed.)(同调代数教程)GTM005《Categories for the Working Mathematician》Saunders Mac Lane(2ed.)GTM006《Projective Planes》Daniel R.Hughes, Fred C.Piper(投射平面)GTM007《A Course in Arithmetic》Jean-Pierre Serre(数论教程)GTM008《Axiomatic set theory》Gaisi Takeuti, Wilson M.Zaring(2ed.)GTM009《Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory》James E.Humphreys(李代数和表示论导论)GTM010《A Course in Simple-Homotopy Theory》M.M CohenGTM011《Functions of One Complex VariableⅠ》John B.ConwayGTM012《Advanced Mathematical Analysis》Richard BealsGTM013《Rings and Categories of Modules》Frank W.Anderson, Kent R.Fuller(环和模的范畴)(2ed.)GTM014《Stable Mappings and Their Singularities》Martin Golubitsky, Victor Guillemin (稳定映射及其奇点)GTM015《Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory》Sterling K.Berberian GTM016《The Structure of Fields》David J.Winter(域结构)GTM017《Random Processes》Murray RosenblattGTM018《Measure Theory》Paul R.Halmos(测度论)GTM019《A Hilbert Space Problem Book》Paul R.Halmos(希尔伯特问题集)GTM020《Fibre Bundles》Dale Husemoller(纤维丛)GTM021《Linear Algebraic Groups》James E.Humphreys(线性代数群)GTM022《An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic》Donald W.Barnes, John M.MackGTM023《Linear Algebra》Werner H.Greub(线性代数)GTM024《Geometric Functional Analysis and Its Applications》Paul R.HolmesGTM025《Real and Abstract Analysis》Edwin Hewitt, Karl StrombergGTM026《Algebraic Theories》Ernest G.ManesGTM027《General Topology》John L.Kelley(一般拓扑学)GTM028《Commutative Algebra》VolumeⅠOscar Zariski, Pierre Samuel(交换代数)GTM029《Commutative Algebra》VolumeⅡOscar Zariski, Pierre Samuel(交换代数)GTM030《Lectures in Abstract AlgebraⅠ.Basic Concepts》Nathan Jacobson(抽象代数讲义Ⅰ基本概念分册)GTM031《Lectures in Abstract AlgebraⅡ.Linear Algabra》Nathan.Jacobson(抽象代数讲义Ⅱ线性代数分册)GTM032《Lectures in Abstract AlgebraⅢ.Theory of Fields and Galois Theory》Nathan.Jacobson(抽象代数讲义Ⅲ域和伽罗瓦理论)GTM033《Differential Topology》Morris W.Hirsch(微分拓扑)GTM034《Principles of Random Walk》Frank Spitzer(2ed.)(随机游动原理)GTM035《Several Complex Variables and Banach Algebras》Herbert Alexander, John Wermer(多复变和Banach代数)GTM036《Linear Topological Spaces》John L.Kelley, Isaac Namioka(线性拓扑空间)GTM037《Mathematical Logic》J.Donald Monk(数理逻辑)GTM038《Several Complex Variables》H.Grauert, K.FritzsheGTM039《An Invitation to C*-Algebras》William Arveson(C*-代数引论)GTM040《Denumerable Markov Chains》John G.Kemeny, urie Snell, Anthony W.KnappGTM041《Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory》Tom M.Apostol (数论中的模函数和Dirichlet序列)GTM042《Linear Representations of Finite Groups》Jean-Pierre Serre(有限群的线性表示)GTM043《Rings of Continuous Functions》Leonard Gillman, Meyer JerisonGTM044《Elementary Algebraic Geometry》Keith KendigGTM045《Probability TheoryⅠ》M.Loève(概率论Ⅰ)(4ed.)GTM046《Probability TheoryⅡ》M.Loève(概率论Ⅱ)(4ed.)GTM047《Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and 3》Edwin E.MoiseGTM048《General Relativity for Mathematicians》Rainer.K.Sachs, H.Wu伍鸿熙(为数学家写的广义相对论)GTM049《Linear Geometry》K.W.Gruenberg, A.J.Weir(2ed.)GTM050《Fermat's Last Theorem》Harold M.EdwardsGTM051《A Course in Differential Geometry》Wilhelm Klingenberg(微分几何教程)GTM052《Algebraic Geometry》Robin Hartshorne(代数几何)GTM053《A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians》Yu.I.Manin(2ed.)GTM054《Combinatorics with Emphasis on the Theory of Graphs》Jack E.Graver, Mark E.WatkinsGTM055《Introduction to Operator TheoryⅠ》Arlen Brown, Carl PearcyGTM056《Algebraic Topology:An Introduction》W.S.MasseyGTM057《Introduction to Knot Theory》Richard.H.Crowell, Ralph.H.FoxGTM058《p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions》Neal Koblitz(p-adic 数、p-adic分析和Z函数)GTM059《Cyclotomic Fields》Serge LangGTM060《Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics》V.I.Arnold(经典力学的数学方法)(2ed.)GTM061《Elements of Homotopy Theory》George W.Whitehead(同论论基础)GTM062《Fundamentals of the Theory of Groups》M.I.Kargapolov, Ju.I.Merzljakov GTM063《Modern Graph Theory》Béla BollobásGTM064《Fourier Series:A Modern Introduction》VolumeⅠ(2ed.)R.E.Edwards(傅里叶级数)GTM065《Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds》Raymond O.Wells, Jr.(3ed.)GTM066《Introduction to Affine Group Schemes》William C.Waterhouse(仿射群概型引论)GTM067《Local Fields》Jean-Pierre Serre(局部域)GTM069《Cyclotomic FieldsⅠandⅡ》Serge LangGTM070《Singular Homology Theory》William S.MasseyGTM071《Riemann Surfaces》Herschel M.Farkas, Irwin Kra(黎曼曲面)GTM072《Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory》John Stillwell(经典拓扑和组合群论)GTM073《Algebra》Thomas W.Hungerford(代数)GTM074《Multiplicative Number Theory》Harold Davenport(乘法数论)(3ed.)GTM075《Basic Theory of Algebraic Groups and Lie Algebras》G.P.HochschildGTM076《Algebraic Geometry:An Introduction to Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties》Shigeru IitakaGTM077《Lectures on the Theory of Algebraic Numbers》Erich HeckeGTM078《A Course in Universal Algebra》Stanley Burris, H.P.Sankappanavar(泛代数教程)GTM079《An Introduction to Ergodic Theory》Peter Walters(遍历性理论引论)GTM080《A Course in_the Theory of Groups》Derek J.S.RobinsonGTM081《Lectures on Riemann Surfaces》Otto ForsterGTM082《Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology》Raoul Bott, Loring W.Tu(代数拓扑中的微分形式)GTM083《Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields》Lawrence C.Washington(割圆域引论)GTM084《A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory》Kenneth Ireland, Michael Rosen(现代数论经典引论)GTM085《Fourier Series A Modern Introduction》Volume 1(2ed.)R.E.Edwards GTM086《Introduction to Coding Theory》J.H.van Lint(3ed .)GTM087《Cohomology of Groups》Kenneth S.Brown(上同调群)GTM088《Associative Algebras》Richard S.PierceGTM089《Introduction to Algebraic and Abelian Functions》Serge Lang(代数和交换函数引论)GTM090《An Introduction to Convex Polytopes》Ame BrondstedGTM091《The Geometry of Discrete Groups》Alan F.BeardonGTM092《Sequences and Series in BanachSpaces》Joseph DiestelGTM093《Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications》(PartⅠ.The of geometry Surfaces Transformation Groups and Fields)B.A.Dubrovin, A.T.Fomenko, S.P.Novikov (现代几何学方法和应用)GTM094《Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups》Frank W.Warner(可微流形和李群基础)GTM095《Probability》A.N.Shiryaev(2ed.)GTM096《A Course in Functional Analysis》John B.Conway(泛函分析教程)GTM097《Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms》Neal Koblitz(椭圆曲线和模形式引论)GTM098《Representations of Compact Lie Groups》Theodor Breöcker, Tammo tom DieckGTM099《Finite Reflection Groups》L.C.Grove, C.T.Benson(2ed.)GTM100《Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups》Christensen Berg, Jens Peter Reus Christensen, Paul ResselGTM101《Galois Theory》Harold M.Edwards(伽罗瓦理论)GTM102《Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representation》V.S.Varadarajan(李群、李代数及其表示)GTM103《Complex Analysis》Serge LangGTM104《Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications》(PartⅡ.Geometry and Topology of Manifolds)B.A.Dubrovin, A.T.Fomenko, S.P.Novikov(现代几何学方法和应用)GTM105《SL₂ (R)》Serge Lang(SL₂ (R)群)GTM106《The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves》Joseph H.Silverman(椭圆曲线的算术理论)GTM107《Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations》Peter J.Olver(李群在微分方程中的应用)GTM108《Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables》R.Michael RangeGTM109《Univalent Functions and Teichmueller Spaces》Lehto OlliGTM110《Algebraic Number Theory》Serge Lang(代数数论)GTM111《Elliptic Curves》Dale Husemoeller(椭圆曲线)GTM112《Elliptic Functions》Serge Lang(椭圆函数)GTM113《Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus》Ioannis Karatzas, Steven E.Shreve (布朗运动和随机计算)GTM114《A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography》Neal Koblitz(数论和密码学教程)GTM115《Differential Geometry:Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces》M.Berger, B.Gostiaux GTM116《Measure and Integral》Volume1 John L.Kelley, T.P.SrinivasanGTM117《Algebraic Groups and Class Fields》Jean-Pierre Serre(代数群和类域)GTM118《Analysis Now》Gert K.Pedersen(现代分析)GTM119《An introduction to Algebraic Topology》Jossph J.Rotman(代数拓扑导论)GTM120《Weakly Differentiable Functions》William P.Ziemer(弱可微函数)GTM121《Cyclotomic Fields》Serge LangGTM122《Theory of Complex Functions》Reinhold RemmertGTM123《Numbers》H.-D.Ebbinghaus, H.Hermes, F.Hirzebruch, M.Koecher, K.Mainzer, J.Neukirch, A.Prestel, R.Remmert(2ed.)GTM124《Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications》(PartⅢ.Introduction to Homology Theory)B.A.Dubrovin, A.T.Fomenko, S.P.Novikov(现代几何学方法和应用)GTM125《Complex Variables:An introduction》Garlos A.Berenstein, Roger Gay GTM126《Linear Algebraic Groups》Armand Borel(线性代数群)GTM127《A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology》William S.Massey(代数拓扑基础教程)GTM128《Partial Differential Equations》Jeffrey RauchGTM129《Representation Theory:A First Course》William Fulton, Joe HarrisGTM130《Tensor Geometry》C.T.J.Dodson, T.Poston(张量几何)GTM131《A First Course in Noncommutative Rings》m(非交换环初级教程)GTM132《Iteration of Rational Functions:Complex Analytic Dynamical Systems》AlanF.Beardon(有理函数的迭代:复解析动力系统)GTM133《Algebraic Geometry:A First Course》Joe Harris(代数几何)GTM134《Coding and Information Theory》Steven RomanGTM135《Advanced Linear Algebra》Steven RomanGTM136《Algebra:An Approach via Module Theory》William A.Adkins, Steven H.WeintraubGTM137《Harmonic Function Theory》Sheldon Axler, Paul Bourdon, Wade Ramey(调和函数理论)GTM138《A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory》Henri Cohen(计算代数数论教程)GTM139《Topology and Geometry》Glen E.BredonGTM140《Optima and Equilibria:An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis》Jean-Pierre AubinGTM141《A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra》Gröbner Bases, Thomas Becker, Volker Weispfenning, Heinz KredelGTM142《Real and Functional Analysis》Serge Lang(3ed.)GTM143《Measure Theory》J.L.DoobGTM144《Noncommutative Algebra》Benson Farb, R.Keith DennisGTM145《Homology Theory:An Introduction to Algebraic Topology》James W.Vick(同调论:代数拓扑简介)GTM146《Computability:A Mathematical Sketchbook》Douglas S.BridgesGTM147《Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications》Jonathan Rosenberg(代数K理论及其应用)GTM148《An Introduction to the Theory of Groups》Joseph J.Rotman(群论入门)GTM149《Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds》John G.Ratcliffe(双曲流形基础)GTM150《Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry》David EisenbudGTM151《Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves》Joseph H.Silverman(椭圆曲线的算术高级选题)GTM152《Lectures on Polytopes》Günter M.ZieglerGTM153《Algebraic Topology:A First Course》William Fulton(代数拓扑)GTM154《An introduction to Analysis》Arlen Brown, Carl PearcyGTM155《Quantum Groups》Christian Kassel(量子群)GTM156《Classical Descriptive Set Theory》Alexander S.KechrisGTM157《Integration and Probability》Paul MalliavinGTM158《Field theory》Steven Roman(2ed.)GTM159《Functions of One Complex Variable VolⅡ》John B.ConwayGTM160《Differential and Riemannian Manifolds》Serge Lang(微分流形和黎曼流形)GTM161《Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities》Peter Borwein, Tamás Erdélyi(多项式和多项式不等式)GTM162《Groups and Representations》J.L.Alperin, Rowen B.Bell(群及其表示)GTM163《Permutation Groups》John D.Dixon, Brian Mortime rGTM164《Additive Number Theory:The Classical Bases》Melvyn B.NathansonGTM165《Additive Number Theory:Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets》Melvyn B.NathansonGTM166《Differential Geometry:Cartan's Generalization of Klein's Erlangen Program》R.W.SharpeGTM167《Field and Galois Theory》Patrick MorandiGTM168《Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry》Günter Ewald(组合凸面体和代数几何)GTM169《Matrix Analysis》Rajendra BhatiaGTM170《Sheaf Theory》Glen E.Bredon(2ed.)GTM171《Riemannian Geometry》Peter Petersen(黎曼几何)GTM172《Classical Topics in Complex Function Theory》Reinhold RemmertGTM173《Graph Theory》Reinhard Diestel(图论)(3ed.)GTM174《Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis》Douglas S.Bridges(实分析和抽象分析基础)GTM175《An Introduction to Knot Theory》W.B.Raymond LickorishGTM176《Riemannian Manifolds:An Introduction to Curvature》John M.LeeGTM177《Analytic Number Theory》Donald J.Newman(解析数论)GTM178《Nonsmooth Analysis and Control Theory》F.H.clarke, Yu.S.Ledyaev, R.J.Stern, P.R.Wolenski(非光滑分析和控制论)GTM179《Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory》Ronald G.Douglas(2ed.)GTM180《A Course on Borel Sets》S.M.Srivastava(Borel 集教程)GTM181《Numerical Analysis》Rainer KressGTM182《Ordinary Differential Equations》Wolfgang WalterGTM183《An introduction to Banach Spaces》Robert E.MegginsonGTM184《Modern Graph Theory》Béla Bollobás(现代图论)GTM185《Using Algebraic Geomety》David A.Cox, John Little, Donal O’Shea(应用代数几何)GTM186《Fourier Analysis on Number Fields》Dinakar Ramakrishnan, Robert J.Valenza GTM187《Moduli of Curves》Joe Harris, Ian Morrison(曲线模)GTM188《Lectures on the Hyperreals:An Introduction to Nonstandard Analysis》Robert GoldblattGTM189《Lectures on Modules and Rings》m(模和环讲义)GTM190《Problems in Algebraic Number Theory》M.Ram Murty, Jody Esmonde(代数数论中的问题)GTM191《Fundamentals of Differential Geometry》Serge Lang(微分几何基础)GTM192《Elements of Functional Analysis》Francis Hirsch, Gilles LacombeGTM193《Advanced Topics in Computational Number Theory》Henri CohenGTM194《One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations》Klaus-Jochen Engel, Rainer Nagel(线性发展方程的单参数半群)GTM195《Elementary Methods in Number Theory》Melvyn B.Nathanson(数论中的基本方法)GTM196《Basic Homological Algebra》M.Scott OsborneGTM197《The Geometry of Schemes》David Eisenbud, Joe HarrisGTM198《A Course in p-adic Analysis》Alain M.RobertGTM199《Theory of Bergman Spaces》Hakan Hedenmalm, Boris Korenblum, Kehe Zhu(Bergman空间理论)GTM200《An Introduction to Riemann-Finsler Geometry》D.Bao, S.-S.Chern, Z.Shen GTM201《Diophantine Geometry An Introduction》Marc Hindry, Joseph H.Silverman GTM202《Introduction to Topological Manifolds》John M.LeeGTM203《The Symmetric Group》Bruce E.SaganGTM204《Galois Theory》Jean-Pierre EscofierGTM205《Rational Homotopy Theory》Yves Félix, Stephen Halperin, Jean-Claude Thomas(有理同伦论)GTM206《Problems in Analytic Number Theory》M.Ram MurtyGTM207《Algebraic Graph Theory》Chris Godsil, Gordon Royle(代数图论)GTM208《Analysis for Applied Mathematics》Ward CheneyGTM209《A Short Course on Spectral Theory》William Arveson(谱理论简明教程)GTM210《Number Theory in Function Fields》Michael RosenGTM211《Algebra》Serge Lang(代数)GTM212《Lectures on Discrete Geometry》Jiri Matousek(离散几何讲义)GTM213《From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds》Klaus Fritzsche, Hans Grauert(从正则函数到复流形)GTM214《Partial Differential Equations》Jüergen Jost(偏微分方程)GTM215《Algebraic Functions and Projective Curves》David M.Goldschmidt(代数函数和投影曲线)GTM216《Matrices:Theory and Applications》Denis Serre(矩阵:理论及应用)GTM217《Model Theory An Introduction》David Marker(模型论引论)GTM218《Introduction to Smooth Manifolds》John M.Lee(光滑流形引论)GTM219《The Arithmetic of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds》Colin Maclachlan, Alan W.Reid GTM220《Smooth Manifolds and Observables》Jet Nestruev(光滑流形和直观)GTM221《Convex Polytopes》Branko GrüenbaumGTM222《Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations》Brian C.Hall(李群、李代数和表示)GTM223《Fourier Analysis and its Applications》Anders Vretblad(傅立叶分析及其应用)GTM224《Metric Structures in Differential Geometry》Gerard Walschap(微分几何中的度量结构)GTM225《Lie Groups》Daniel Bump(李群)GTM226《Spaces of Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Ball》Kehe Zhu(单位球内的全纯函数空间)GTM227《Combinatorial Commutative Algebra》Ezra Miller, Bernd Sturmfels(组合交换代数)GTM228《A First Course in Modular Forms》Fred Diamond, Jerry Shurman(模形式初级教程)GTM229《The Geometry of Syzygies》David Eisenbud(合冲几何)GTM230《An Introduction to Markov Processes》Daniel W.Stroock(马尔可夫过程引论)GTM231《Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups》Anders Bjröner, Francesco Brenti(Coxeter 群的组合学)GTM232《An Introduction to Number Theory》Graham Everest, Thomas Ward(数论入门)GTM233《Topics in Banach Space Theory》Fenando Albiac, Nigel J.Kalton(Banach空间理论选题)GTM234《Analysis and Probability:Wavelets, Signals, Fractals》Palle E.T.Jorgensen(分析与概率)GTM235《Compact Lie Groups》Mark R.Sepanski(紧致李群)GTM236《Bounded Analytic Functions》John B.Garnett(有界解析函数)GTM237《An Introduction to Operators on the Hardy-Hilbert Space》Rubén A.Martínez-Avendano, Peter Rosenthal(哈代-希尔伯特空间算子引论)GTM238《A Course in Enumeration》Martin Aigner(枚举教程)GTM239《Number Theory:VolumeⅠTools and Diophantine Equations》Henri Cohen GTM240《Number Theory:VolumeⅡAnalytic and Modern Tools》Henri Cohen GTM241《The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems》Joseph H.SilvermanGTM242《Abstract Algebra》Pierre Antoine Grillet(抽象代数)GTM243《Topological Methods in Group Theory》Ross GeogheganGTM244《Graph Theory》J.A.Bondy, U.S.R.MurtyGTM245《Complex Analysis:In the Spirit of Lipman Bers》Jane P.Gilman, Irwin Kra, Rubi E.RodriguezGTM246《A Course in Commutative Banach Algebras》Eberhard KaniuthGTM247《Braid Groups》Christian Kassel, Vladimir TuraevGTM248《Buildings Theory and Applications》Peter Abramenko, Kenneth S.Brown GTM249《Classical Fourier Analysis》Loukas Grafakos(经典傅里叶分析)GTM250《Modern Fourier Analysis》Loukas Grafakos(现代傅里叶分析)GTM251《The Finite Simple Groups》Robert A.WilsonGTM252《Distributions and Operators》Gerd GrubbGTM253《Elementary Functional Analysis》Barbara D.MacCluerGTM254《Algebraic Function Fields and Codes》Henning StichtenothGTM255《Symmetry Representations and Invariants》Roe Goodman, Nolan R.Wallach GTM256《A Course in Commutative Algebra》Kemper GregorGTM257《Deformation Theory》Robin HartshorneGTM258《Foundation of Optimization》Osman GülerGTM259《Ergodic Theory:with a view towards Number Theory》Manfred Einsiedler, Thomas WardGTM260《Monomial Ideals》Jurgen Herzog, Takayuki HibiGTM261《Probability and Stochastics》Erhan CinlarGTM262《Essentials of Integration Theory for Analysis》Daniel W.StroockGTM263《Analysis on Fock Spaces》Kehe ZhuGTM264《Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control》Francis ClarkeGTM265《Unbounded Self-adjoint Operatorson Hilbert Space》Konrad Schmüdgen GTM266《Calculus Without Derivatives》Jean-Paul PenotGTM267《Quantum Theory for Mathematicians》Brian C.HallGTM268《Geometric Analysis of the Bergman Kernel and Metric》Steven G.Krantz GTM269《Locally Convex Spaces》M.Scott Osborne。
the nature of scientific reasoning
1What is the insight in which the scientist tries to see into nature? Can it indeed be called either imaginative or creative? To the literary man the question may seem merely silly. He has been taught that science is a large collection of facts; and if this is true, then the only seeing which scientists need to do is, he supposes, seeing the facts. He pictures them, the colorless professionals of science, going off to work in the morning into the universe in a neutral, unexposed state. They then expose themselves like a photographic plate. And then in the darkroom or laboratory they develop the image, so that suddenly and startlingly it appears, printed in capital letters, as a new formula for atomic energy.原译:什么是洞察力?科学家一直试图弄清它的本质。
tpo43阅读-2 The Origin Of Petroleum原文 (1)译文 (2)题目 (3)答案 (8)背景知识 (8)原文The Origin Of Petroleum①Petroleum is defined as a gaseous, liquid, and semisolid naturally occurring substance that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons (chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen). Petroleum is therefore a term that includes both oil and natural gas. Petroleum is nearly always found in marine sedimentary rocks. In the ocean, microscopic phytoplankton (tiny floating plants) and bacteria (simple, single-celled organisms) are the principal sources of organic matter that is trapped and buried in sediment. Most of the organic matter is buried in clay that is slowly converted to a fine-grained sedimentary rock known as shale. During this conversion, organic compounds are transformed to oil and natural gas.②Sampling on the continental shelves and along the base of the continental slopes has shown that fine muds beneath the seafloor contain up to 8 percent organic matter. Two additional kinds of evidence support the hypothesis that petroleum is a product of the decomposition of organic matter: oil possesses optical properties known only in hydrocarbons derived from organic matter, and oil contains nitrogen and certain compounds believed to originate only in living matter.A complex sequence of chemical reactions is involved in converting the original solid organic matter to oil and gas, and additional chemical changes may occur in the oil and gas even after they have formed.③It is now well established that petroleum migrates through aquifers and can become trapped in reservoirs. Petroleum migration is analogous to groundwater migration. When oil and gas are squeezed out of the shale in which they originated and enter a body of sandstone or limestone somewhere above, they migrate readily because sandstones (consisting of quartz grains) and limestones (consisting of carbonate minerals) are much more permeable than any shale. The force of molecular attraction between oil and quartz or carbonate minerals is weaker than that between water and quartz or carbonate minerals. Hence, because oil and water do not mix, water remains fastened to the quartz or carbonate grains, while oil occupies the central parts of the larger openings in the porous sandstone or limestone. Because oil is lighter than water, it tends to glide upward past thecarbonate-and quartz-held water. In this way, oil becomes segregated from the water; when it encounters a trap, it can form a pool.④Most of the petroleum that forms in sediments does not find a suitable trap and eventually makes its way, along with groundwater, to the surface of the sea. It is estimated that no more than 0.1 percent of all the organic matter originally buried in a sediment is eventually trapped in an oil pool. It is not surprising, therefore, that the highest ratio of oil and gas pools to volume of sediment is found in rock no older than 2.5 million years -young enough so that little of the petroleum has leaked away - and that nearly 60 percent of all oil and gas discovered so far has been found in strata that formed in the last 65 million years This does not mean that older rocks produced less petroleum; it simply means that oil in older rocks has had a longer time in which to leak away.⑤How much oil is there in the world? This is an extremely controversial question. Many billions of barrels of oil have already been pumped out of the ground. A lot of additional oil has been located by drilling but is still waiting to be pumped out. Possibly a great deal more oil remains to be found by drilling. Unlike coal, the volume of which can be accurately estimated, the volume of undiscovered oil can only be guessed at. Guesses involve the use of accumulated experience from a century of drilling. Knowing how much oil has been found in an intensively drilled area, such as eastern Texas, experts make estimates of probable volumes in other regions where rock types and structures are similar to those in eastern Texas. Using this approach and considering all the sedimentary basins of the world, experts estimate that somewhere between 1,500 and 3,000 billion barrels of oil will eventually be discovered.译文石油的起源①石油被定义为一种气态,液态和半固态的天然存在的物质,主要由碳氢化合物(碳和氢的化学化合物)组成。
严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活 动报批 制度等 相关规 章制度 。做到 及时发 现、制 止、汇 报并处 理各类 违纪行 为或突 发事件 。
¨ 生态学的萌芽时期(公元16世纪以前) ¨ 生态学的建立时期(公元17世纪至19世纪) ¨ 生态学的巩固时期(20世纪初至20世纪50年代) ¨ 现代生态学时期(20世纪60年代至今)
前苏联-克什卡洛夫(Кашкаров ,1945) ¨ 生态学是研究有机体的分布和多度的科学—澳大利亚-安德
列沃斯(Andrewartha, 1954) ¨ 生态学是研究决定有机体的分布与多度的相互作用的科学-
加拿大克雷伯斯(Krebs,1972,1978,1985) ¨ 生态学是研究生态系统的结构与功能的科学—美国-奥德姆
¨ 欧洲文艺复兴时期开始,欧洲科学探索活动再度 兴起,崇尚科学调查与科学实验。一些生态学的 理论开始形成。生态学达到一呼即出的境地。 1866年Heackel 提出Ecology一词,并首次明确 生态学的定义。
严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活 动报批 制度等 相关规 章制度 。做到 及时发 现、制 止、汇 报并处 理各类 违纪行 为或突 发事件 。
¨ 人为干扰下生态系统内在变化原理与规 律
¨ 生态系统受损程度的判断 ¨ 各类生态系统的功能与保护措施的研究
严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活 动报批 制度等 相关规 章制度 。做到 及时发 现、制 止、汇 报并处 理各类 违纪行 为或突 发事件 。
第二章 生物与环境
¨ 环境与生态因子 ¨ 生物与环境关系的基本原理 ¨ 生物与主要生态因子的相互关系
经典文献及翻译-Inspirations Total Synthesis全合成的未来
Inspirations, Discoveries, and Future Perspectives in Total Synthesis全合成的未来The last one hundred years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the power and reach of total synthesis.过去的100年见证了全合成在能力和范围方面无与伦比的进步。
The pantheon of accomplishments in the field includes the total synthesis of molecules of unimaginable beauty and diversity such as the four discussed in this article: endiandric acids (1982), calicheamicin γI (1992), Taxol (1994), and brevetoxin B (1995). Chosen from the collection of the molecules synthesized in the author’s laboratories, these structures are but a small fraction of the myriad constructed in laboratories around the world over the last century.这些成就包括了全合成出了不可思议的美和纷繁复杂的分子。
Their stories, and the background on which they were based, should serve to trace the evolution of the art of chemical synthesis to its present sharp condition, an emergence that occurred as a result of new theories and mechanistic insights, new reactions, new reagents and catalysts, and new synthetic technologies and strategies.它们的故事以及它们所基于的背景,能够帮助我们追溯全合成艺术进化到目前清晰的条件,新的理论和机制,新的反应,新试剂和催化剂,新合成技术落后和策略的出现。
外文文献17In the first book we considered the idea merely as such, that is, only according to its general form. It is true that as far as the abstract idea, the concept, is concerned, we obtained a knowledge of it in respect of its content also, because it has content and meaning only in relation to the idea of perception, with out which it would be worthless and empty. Accordingly, directing our attention exclusively to the idea of perception, we shall now endeavour to arrive at a knowledge of its content, its more exact definition, and the forms which it presents to us. And it will specially interest us to find an explanation of its peculiar significance, that significance which is otherwise merely felt, but on account of which it is that these pictures do not pass by us entirely strange and meaningless, as they must other wise do, but speak to us directly, are understood, and obtain an interest which concerns our whole nature.We direct our attention to mathematics, natural science, and philosophy, for each of these holds out the hope that it will afford us a part of the explanation we desire. Now, taking philosophy first, we find that it is like a monster with many heads, each of which speaks a different language. They are not, indeed, all at variance on the point we are here considering, the significance of the idea of perception. For, with the exception of the Sceptics and the Idealists, the others, for the most part, speak very much in the same way of an object which constitutes the basis of the idea, and which is indeed different in its whole being and nature from the idea, but yet isin all points as like it as one egg is to another. But this does not help us, for we are quite unable to distinguish such an object from the idea; we find that they are one and the same; for every object always and for ever presupposes a subject, and therefore remains idea, so that we recognised objectivity as belonging to the most universal form of the idea, which is the division into subject and object. Further, the principle of sufficient reason, which is referred to in support of this doctrine, is for us merely the form of the idea, the orderly combination of one idea with another, but not the combination of the whole finite or infinite series of ideas with something which is not idea at all, and which cannot therefore be presented in perception. Of the Sceptics and Idealists we spoke above, in examining the controversy about thereality of the outer world.If we turn to mathematics to look for the fuller knowledge we desire of the idea of perception, which we have, as yet, only understood generally, merely in its form, we find that mathematics only treats of these ideas so far as they fill time and space, that is, so far as they are quantities. It will tell us with the greatest accuracy thehow-many and the how-much; but as this is always merely relative, that is to say, merely a comparison of one idea with others, and a comparison only in the one respect of quantity, this also is not the information we are principally in search of.Lastly, if we turn to the wide province of natural science, which is divided into many fields, we may, in the first place, make a general division of it into two parts. It is either the description of forms, which I call Morphology, or the explanation of changes, which I call Etiology. The first treats of the permanent forms, the second of the changing matter, according to the laws of its transition from one form to another. The first is the whole extent of what is generally called natural history. It teaches us, especially in the sciences of botany and zoology, the various permanent, organised, and therefore definitely determined forms in the constant change of individuals; and these forms constitute a great part of the content of the idea of perception. In natural history they are classified, separated, united, arranged according to natural and artificial systems, and brought under concepts which make a general view and knowledge of the whole of them possible. Further, an infinitely fine analogy both in the whole and in the parts of these forms, and running through them all (unité de plan), is established, and thus they may be com pared to innumerable variations on a theme which is not given. The passage of matter into these forms, that is to say, the origin of individuals, is not a special part of natural science, for every individual springs from its like by generation, which is everywhere equally mysterious, and has as yet evaded definite knowledge. The little that is known on the subject finds its place in physiology, which belongs to that part of natural science I have called etiology. Mineralogy also, especially where it becomes geology, inclines towards etiology, though it principally belongs to morphology. Etiology proper comprehends all those branches of natural science in which the chief concern is the knowledge of cause and effect. The sciences teach how, according to an invariable rule, onecondition of matter is necessarily followed by a certain other condition; how one change necessarily conditions and brings about a certain other change; this sort of teaching is called explanation. The principal sciences in this department are mechanics, physics, chemistry, and physiology.If, however, we surrender ourselves to its teaching, we soon become convinced that etiology cannot afford us the information we chiefly desire, any more than morphology. The latter presents to us innumerable and in finitely varied forms, which are yet related by an unmistakable family likeness. These are for us ideas, and when only treated in this way, they remain always strange to us, and stand before us like hieroglyphics which we do not understand. Etiology, on the other hand, teaches us that, according to the law of cause and effect, this particular condition of matter brings about that other particular condition, and thus it has explained it and performed its part. However, it really does nothing more than indicate the orderly arrangement according to which the states of matter appear in space and time, and teach in all cases what phenomenon must necessarily appear at a particular time in a particular place. It thus determines the position of phenomena in time and space, according to a law whose special content is derived from experience, but whose universal form and necessity is yet known to us independently of experience. But it affords us absolutely no information about the inner nature of any one of these phenomena: this is called a force of nature, and it lies outside the province of causal explanation, which calls the constant uniformity with which manifestations of such a force appear whenever their known conditions are present, a law of nature. But this law of nature, these conditions, and this appearance in a particular place at a particular time, are all that it knows or ever can know. The force itself which manifests itself, the inner nature of the phenomena which appear in accordance with these laws, remains always a secret to it, something entirely strange and unknown in the case of the simplest as well as of the most complex phenomena. For although as yet etiology has most completely achieved its aim in mechanics, and least completely in physiology, still the force on account of which a stone falls to the ground or one body repels another is, in its inner nature, not less strange and mysterious than that which produces the movements and the growth of an animal. The science ofmechanics presupposes matter, weight, impenetrability, the possibility of communicating motion by impact, inertia and so forth as ultimate facts, calls them forces of nature, and their necessary and orderly appearance under certain conditions a law of nature. Only after this does its explanation begin, and it consists in indicating truly and with mathematical exactness, how, where and when each force manifests itself, and in referring every phenomenon which presents itself to the operation of one of these forces. Physics, chemistry, and physiology proceed in the same way in their province, only they presuppose more and accomplish less. Consequently the most complete etiological explanation of the whole of nature can never be more than an enumeration of forces which cannot be explained, and a reliable statement of the rule according to which phenomena appear in time and space, succeed, and make way for each other. But the inner nature of the forces which thus appear remains unexplained by such an explanation, which must confine itself to phenomena and their arrangement, because the law which it follows does not extend further. In this respect it may be compared to a section of a piece of marble which shows many veins beside each other, but does not allow us to trace the course of the veins from the interior of the marble to its surface. Or, if I may use an absurd but more striking comparison, the philosophical investigator must always have the same feeling towards the complete etiology of the whole of nature, as a man who, without knowing how, has been brought into a company quite unknown to him, each member of which in turn presents another to him as his friend and cousin, and therefore as quite well known, and yet the man himself, while at each introduction he expresses himself gratified, has always the question on his lips: "But how the deuce do I stand to the whole company?"Thus we see that, with regard to those phenomena which we know only as our ideas, etiology can never give us the desired information that shall carry us beyond this point. For, after all its explanations, they still remain quite strange to us, as mere ideas whose significance we do not understand. The causal connection merely gives us the rule and the relative order of their appearance in space and time, but affords us no further knowledge of that which so appears. Moreover, the law of causality itself has only validity for ideas, for objects of a definite class, and it has meaningonly in so far as it presupposes them. Thus, like these objects themselves, it always exists only in relation to a subject, that is, conditionally; and so it is known just as well if we start from the subject, i.e., a priori, as if we start from the object, i.e., a posteriori. Kant indeed has taught us this.But what now impels us to inquiry is just that we are not satisfied with knowing that we have ideas, that they are such and such, and that they are connected according to certain laws, the general expression of which is the principle of sufficient reason. We wish to know the significance of these ideas; we ask whether this world is merely idea; in which case it would pass by us like an empty dream or a baseless vision, not worth our notice; or whether it is also something else, something more than idea, and if so, what. Thus much is certain, that this something we seekfor must be completely and in its whole nature different from the idea; that the forms and laws of the idea must therefore be completely foreign to it; further, that we cannot arrive at it from the idea under the guidance of the laws which merely combine objects, ideas, among themselves, and which are the forms of the principle of sufficient reason.Thus we see already that we can never arrive at the real nature of things from without. However much we investigate, we can never reach anything but images and names. We are like a man who goes round a castle seeking in vain for an entrance, and sometimes sketching the façades. And yet this is the method that has been followed by all philosophers before me.18In fact, the meaning for which we seek of that world which is present to us only as our idea, or the transition from the world as mere idea of the knowing subject to whatever it may be besides this, would never be found if the investigator himself were nothing more than the pure knowing subject (a winged cherub without a body). But he is himself rooted in that world; he finds himself in it as an individual, that is to say, his knowledge, which is the necessary supporter of the whole world as idea, is yet always given through the medium of a body, whose affections are, as we have shown, the starting-point for the understanding in the perception of that world. His body is, for the pure knowing subject, an idea like every other idea, an object amongobjects. Its movements and actions are so far known to him in precisely the same way as the changes of all other perceived objects, and would be just as strange and incomprehensible to him if their meaning were not explained for him in an entirely different way. Otherwise he would see his actions follow upon given motives with the constancy of a law of nature, just as the changes of other objects follow upon causes, stimuli, or motives. But he would not understand the influence of the motives any more than the connection between every other effect which he sees and its cause. He would then call the inner nature of these manifestations and actions of his body which he did not understand a force, a quality, or a character, as he pleased, but he would have no further insight into it. But all this is not the case; indeed, the answer to the riddle is given to the subject of knowledge who appears as an individual, and the answer is will. This and this alone gives him the key to his own existence, reveals to him the significance, shows him the inner mechanism of his being, of his action, of his movements. The body is given in two entirely different ways to the subject of knowledge, who becomes an individual only through his identity with it. It is given as an idea in intelligent perception, as an object among objects and subject to the laws of objects. And it is also given in quite a different way as that which is immediately known to every one, and is signified by the word will. Every true act of his will is also at once and without exception a movement of his body. The act of will and the movement of the body are not two different things objectively known, which the bond of causality unites; they do not stand in the relation of cause and effect; they are one and the same, but they are given in entirely different ways, — immediately, and again in perception for the understanding. The action of the body is nothing but the act of the will objectified, i.e., passed into perception. It will appear later that this is true of every movement of the body, not merely those which follow upon motives, but also involuntary movements which follow upon mere stimuli, and, indeed, that the whole body is nothing but objectified will, i.e., will become idea. All this will be proved and made quite clear in the course of this work. In one respect, therefore, I shall call the body the objectivity of will; as in the previous book, and in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, in accordance with the one-sided point of view intentionallyadopted there (that of the idea), I called it the immediate object. Thus in a certain sense we may also say that will is the knowledge a priori of the body, and the body is the knowledge a posteriori of the will. Resolutions of the will which relate to the future are merely deliberations of the reason about what we shall will at a particular time, not real acts of will. Only the carrying out of the resolve stamps it as will, for till then it is never more than an intention that may be changed, and that exists only in the reason in abstracto. It is only in reflection that to will and to act are different; in reality they are one. Every true, genuine, immediate act of will is also, at once and immediately, a visible act of the body. And, corresponding to this, every impression upon the body is also, on the other hand, at once and immediately an impression upon the will. As such it is called pain when it is opposed to the will; gratification or pleasure when it is in accordance with it. The degrees of both are widely different. It is quite wrong, however, to call pain and pleasure ideas, for they are by no means ideas, but immediate affections of the will in its manifestation, the body; compulsory, instantaneous willing or not-willing of the impression which the body sustains. There are only a few impressions of the body, which do not touch the will, and it is through these alone that the body is an immediate object of knowledge, for, as perceived by the understanding, it is already an indirect object like all others. These impressions are, therefore, to be treated directly as mere ideas, and excepted from what has been said. The impressions we refer to are the affections of the purely objective senses of sight, hearing, and touch, though only so far as these organs are affected in the way which is specially peculiar to their specific nature. This affection of them is so excessively weak an excitement of the heightened and specifically modified sensibility of these parts that it does not affect the will, but only furnishes the understanding with the data out of which the perception arises, undisturbed by any excitement of the will. But every stronger or different kind of affection of these organs of sense is painful, that is to say, against the will, and thus they also belong to its objectivity. Weakness of the nerves shows itself in this, that the impressions which have only such a degree of strength as would usually be sufficient to make them data for the understanding reach the higher degree at which they influence the will, that is to say, give pain or pleasure, though more often pain, which is, however,to some extent deadened and inarticulate, so that not only particular tones and strong light are painful to us, but there ensues a generally unhealthy and hypochondriacal disposition which is not distinctly understood. The identity of the bodv and the will shows itself further, among other ways, in the circumstance that every vehement and excessive movement of the will, i.e., every emotion, agitates the body and its inner constitution directly, and disturbs the course of its vital functions. This is shown in detail in “Will in Nature” p. 27 of the second edition and p.28 of the third.外文文献翻译17在第一篇里我们只是把表象作为表象,从而也只是在普遍的形式上加以考察。
牛顿 自然哲学的数学原理 哲学中的推理规则 英文
牛顿自然哲学的数学原理哲学中的推理规则英文《牛顿自然哲学的数学原理与哲学中的推理规则》Isaac Newton is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history. His groundbreaking work in physics and mathematics laid the foundation for modern science and revolutionized our understanding of the natural world. One of his most significant contributions is the development of the mathematical principles of natural philosophy, which provided a systematic framework for explaining the motion of objects and the behavior of physical systems.Newton's mathematical principles of natural philosophy, as articulated in his seminal work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), laid the groundwork for the development of classical mechanics. Newton's laws of motion, which are based on mathematical principles, provide a quantitative description of the behavior of objects in motion and have been fundamental to the development of modern physics and engineering.In addition to his mathematical principles of natural philosophy, Newton also made important contributions to the field of philosophy, particularly in the area of logic and reasoning. Newton's work on the philosophy of science and his development of empirical methods for testing scientific hypotheses laid the groundwork for the scientific method, which remains the foundation of modern scientific inquiry.The philosophical implications of Newton's work are also manifested in his development of inferential reasoning and the establishment of rules for logical deduction. Newton's emphasis on empirical evidence and his commitment to the use of mathematical and logical reasoning in scientific inquiry has had a lasting impact on the development of philosophical thought and scientific methodology. Overall, Newton's mathematical principles of natural philosophy and his contributions to the development of inferential reasoning and logical deduction have had a profound impact on the development of modern science and philosophy. His work continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance for scientists and philosophers alike, and remains an essential part of the intellectual legacy of the Western tradition.。
电荷起源及量子化的研究于长丰【摘要】电荷起源及量子化是现代物理学中尚未完全解决的问题,本文在真空量子化和真空复相位场假设下,利用含时薛定谔方程和复相位分析方法,给出基本粒子电荷的解析表达式,由此导出量子化的整数电荷值和分数电荷值:±qi,±2qi,±qi/3,±2qi/3,±dqi/3等.这些电荷分别与正负电子、夸克等基本粒子的电荷相对应.研究发现,电荷起源于粒子半径波动与粒子表面复相位波动2种运动效应的合成,且电荷的量子化与粒子自旋量子数密切相关.对于进一步研究基本粒子的性质结构、相互作用、粒子质量起源以及CP和真空对称性破缺等具有一定的参考意义.【期刊名称】《纺织高校基础科学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(029)002【总页数】7页(P210-216)【关键词】真空量子;电荷量子化;真空复相位场;粒子波动半径;自旋量子数【作者】于长丰【作者单位】西安工程大学理学院,陕西西安710048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O413电荷是物质的一种固有属性.电荷的本质及其起源的探索在现代物理学文献中鲜见报道[1-3].而关于电荷量子化的研究与探索多与狄拉克的磁单极子理论或标准模型相联系[4-9].本文从真空的基本结构出发尝试给出电荷起源的一种合理性解释.现代物理学认为量子场系统的能量最低状态就是真空,真空场的激发或退激即代表粒子的产生或消失.真空有着复杂的结构和性质,如零点能震荡、真空极化、对称性自发破却、相变等[10-15],这些性质已被现代物理学研究证实[16-19]..由真空激发生成的基本粒子都有一些固定和相对稳定的物理性质,如电荷、自旋、磁矩等.说明基本粒子的性质与真空的结构和性质密切相关,同时暗示着真空必然是由某种结构和性质稳定的更为基本的物质组元构成的,称为真空量子.真空量子是构成真空及实物粒子的最小物质单元,具有Q=ψ0exp{i[ωt+Φ]}的复相位结构.作为最基本的物质单元,真空量子不能再进行物理上的分割,其结构和性质具有相对独立性和稳定性,即真空是量子化的[20-25].真空是由具有复相位结构的真空量子构成的,即真空是一个复相位场.可以认为每个真空量子均对应着真空中的一个时空点.在一个时空点的微小邻域空间内存在着无穷个真空量子,但每个真空量子保持着相对独立性和稳定性.在这个微小空间内,若真空量子的复相位连续分布(且满足一定的分布规律,见下文),则可生成一个相对稳定的基本粒子,而基本粒子的电荷、自旋、磁矩等电磁性质,则取决于真空量子相位的分布规律.由于真空量子具有相对独立性,单个真空量子的电磁性质与空间坐标(x,y,z)无关,而与时间有关.用波函数ψ(t)来代表单个真空量子的本征函数,设ψ(t)满足含时薛定谔方程其解为其中ω=E/ħ,为真空量子的角频率.为了便于分析,下设Q(t)=ψ*(t),即代表真空量子的本征函数.式(3)中,ψ0为待定参数,具有电荷量纲,为真空量子的本征电荷值.式(3)是与坐标点(x,y,z)无关的单个真空量子的本征函数.由于每个真空量子均对应着一个时空点,所以在不同的坐标点(x,y,z),每个真空量子应具有不同的初相位Φ(x,y,z).若在一个给定微小时空区域内,所有的真空量子具有相同的本征频率ω和本征电荷值ψ0,则该区域内真空量子可构成一个相位连续分布的复相位因子场,该复相位场的本征函数可表示为式中Φ(x,y,z)代表(x,y,z)处的真空量子的初相位,称为相位分布函数.若在真空中的一个给定区域,Φ(x,y,z)满足一定的分布规律,则在该区域可生成一个具有一定电磁性质的稳定的基本粒子.2.1 基本粒子的电磁分布函数在球坐标下,式(4)可表示为其中0≤r≤R,0≤θ≤2π,0≤φ≤π,R为基本粒子的特征波动半径.假设复相位场的本征函数Q(r,θ,φ,t)决定了基本粒子的电磁性质,故可称Q(r,θ,φ,t)为基本粒子的电磁分布函数.由式(5)可知,Q(r,θ,φ,t)包括了实部与虚部2部分.设虚部代表电荷,实部代表磁荷,注意到在一个周期内,实部和虚部是正负变化的,所以Q(r,θ,φ,t)包括了正电荷,负电荷,正磁荷(N极),负磁荷(S极)共4种不同性质的电磁量.根据式(5),因为所以Q(r,θ,φ,t)并不代表基本粒子的真实电荷或磁荷,而仅反映了基本粒子内部相位场的分布情况.对于稳定的基本粒子,可以将它看成一个由真空量子所组成的致密的连续体,意味着其内部相位场将完全封闭在粒子表面的内部,而与外部真空不产生直接的相互作用.进一步说,基本粒子对外所表现出的各种电磁性质仅取决于粒子表面相位场的分布状态,而与内部相位分布状态无关.这样由式(5)可得称Qs(θ,φ,t)为基本粒子的界面电磁分布函数,Φ(θ,φ)为基本粒子的界面相位分布函数.2.2 基本粒子的波动半径本文认为所有基本粒子都存在一个有限的特征波动半径,这是因为物质的基本属性只有通过运动才能表现出来.基本粒子的电荷也是一种运动效应,不但与粒子的界面相位分布函数Φ(θ,φ)有关,而且与粒子半径的波动规律有关.目前,从理论上给出粒子半径的波动规律较为困难,但可以假设具有如下形式:其中,R0为粒子的特征波动半径的平均值,Hsinφ为粒子表面的波动振幅,n为粒子半径波动量子数,取整数.A,B取0或±1.作为复相位因子,式(6)表示的粒子界面电磁分布函数代表了粒子的一种内在运动性质,可简称为复运动;而式(7)表示的粒子半径波动则代表了粒子的一种外在运动形式,简称为实运动.基本粒子的电荷等电磁性质是这2种运动形式的合成效应,即复运动与实运动的某种“组合”.设Qs(θ,φ,t)具有电荷量纲,用Q代表粒子的电荷,则Q可用下式来构造:式中θ∈[0,2π],φ∈[0,π].式(8)即描述基本粒子电磁结构的场方程,由此可给出基本粒子的电荷.要计算式(8),必须知道界面相位分布函数Φ(θ,φ)的具体形式.因为粒子的电荷是复运动和实运动的合成效应,若不考虑时间项和粒子半径波动项R(t,θ,φ),那么由粒子界面相位分布函数决定的粒子的总电荷以及沿φ和θ方向上函数exp{iΦ(θ,φ)}的积分值为零.另外,假设粒子的自旋方向与θ方向一致,因为对于自旋为J的任何粒子,无论是费密子还是玻色子,只要旋转2π/J角度,其态矢量都会回到自身,这样便有下式成立:而满足式(9)~(11)的界面相位分布函数的唯一形式是选取零相位参考点为Φ(0,0)=0,则Φ0=0,这样就有将式(12)代入式(9),得容易证明,要保证式(13)成立,则m与J不能同时为零,即|m|+|J|≠0.设J对应着基本粒子的自旋量子数,即若对任意的自旋量子数,使得式(13)均成立,那么m只能唯一取将式(6)、(7)代入式(8),并注意到式(12)及则式(8)可化为假设,其中q=1.602 176 487×10-19C,为单位电荷值.取m=±2,并用Q(A,B)代表Q,则式(16)化为其中A、B=0,±1.由式(17)可知,当自旋量子数J取整数时,则Q(A,B)=0,而当J取半整数时,Q(A,B)取得非零电荷值.下面给出式(17)的部分计算结果.由式(18)~(21)可以看出, 当自旋量子数J=±1/2或其他半整数时,基本粒子将获得等电荷值,其中与与夸克的分数电荷值相对应,因为单位电荷q是普适常数,这说明电荷是量子化的,且电荷的量子化数值与自旋量子数J以及粒子半径波动量子数n等密切相关.n值决定了粒子半径的波动模式(n=0对应基态波动模式,n=±1对应±1级波动模式).上述非零电荷值是在,n=0,±1条件下获得的,如果选择,n=±2,±3,…,由式(16)便可获得等奇数分之一,以及等奇数分之偶数的电荷值.由式(16),定义粒子的电荷界面密度为其中σ0=3q/8,σ具有电荷量纲.则电荷Q与电荷界面密度σ的关系为由式(22)容易验证电荷界面密度σ满足如下微分方程式(24)即为基本粒子的电荷界面密度方程.利用分离变量法解方程(24),并选择适当的边界条件,可得式(22),由式(23)进一步得式(17)~(21)的结果.由式(16),令dq,则还可定义粒子界面概率流密度其中,μ为粒子质量,ρ*为ρ的复共轭,且在球坐标下,将式(26)代入(25)计算得式(27)即粒子界面概率流密度表达式,J只有角向流,而无径向流,且具有m-2·s-1量纲.用概率流密度分别乘以粒子电荷和质量,可得粒子界面的电流密度Jq和质量流密度Jm,即有利用式(27)、(28)并结合达朗伯方程可进一步研究粒子的电磁辐射、磁矩、相互作用等性质.另外,所有粒子均具有自旋性质.自旋不是经典意义上的自转.本研究表明,自旋起源于粒子表面复相位场的旋转,可根据粒子的电磁分布函数即式(6)来说明粒子的自旋.假设自旋方向同θ纬线正方向一致,则在某一纬线上的自旋速度为u=ωR0sinφ.将式(6)可改写为其中L(θ,φ)=Φ(θ,φ)R0sinφ.由于Φ(θ,φ)不是几何角度,而是粒子表面相位场的复相角,所以L(θ,φ)不是真实的几何弧长,故称L(θ,φ)为赝弧长.将式(30)与经典行波方程y=Acosω(t+x/u)相比较可知,式(30)代表了粒子表面沿θ与φ方向进行的一列赝行波,反映的仅是粒子表面复相位的旋转.本文认为真空是量子化的,可以将真空看作是由真空量子组成的复相位场.基本粒子作为真空的激发态也是由真空量子组成的,基本粒子的各种内禀性质(如电荷、自旋等)与真空的结构及其性质密切相关.真空量子是不可分割的最小物质单元,其结构和性质具有相对独立性和稳定性.给出了真空量子的本征函数.电荷的本质是2种不同性质的运动即基本粒子的“复运动”(由粒子界面电磁分布函数来表征)与“实运动”(粒子半径波动)的“组合效应”.同时得到基本粒子电荷的解析表达式及具体表达式.基本粒子的电荷是量化的,且与自旋量子数J以及粒子半径波动量子数n密切相关.【相关文献】[1] TIWARI S C.The nature of electronic charge[J].Foundations of PhysicsLetters,2006,19(1):51-62.[2] YANG Yisong.Electrically charged solitons in gauge field theory[J].Acta Mathematica Scientia,2010,30B(6): 1975-2005.[3] 崔莹,马永革.粒子的电荷与五维时空[J].北京师范大学:自然科学版,2004,40(1):36-39. 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李幼蒸《纯粹现象学通论》用语对照表(1995商务版)德、法、英、中abbilden depeindre,/copier depict 映像,描绘(动词)Abbildung copie depiction 映像,描绘(名词)Abgehobenheit relief saliency 突出abgeschlossen clos self-contained 封闭的,完结的Ablehnung refus refusal 拒绝Ableitung dérivation derivation 派生(项),偏离abschatten s’esquisser adumbrate 侧显Abschattung esquisse adumbration 侧显(物)Abstraktum abstrait abstractum 抽象物Abstufung gradation different levels 层次组Abwandlung mutation variation 变异、变体、派生项Abweisen (sich) (se) démentir reject 中断achten observe heed 注意、注视achtung observation respect,attention 注意、注视Adäquatheit adéquation adequateness 充分(性)Affirmation affirmation affirmation 肯定Akt acte act 行为、作用Aktivität activitéactivity 活动性Aktualität actualitéactuality 实显性Aktualisierung actualisation actualization实显化Allgemeinheit géréralitéuniversality 普遍性、一般性Animalia être animés psychophysical being生命存在、有生命物Anknüpfung liason connexion联结anmuten supputer deem possible推测Anmutung supputation deeming possible推测Annahme supposition assumption假定annehmen admettre assume假定Ansatz supposition supposed statement, starting 假定、开端Anschaulichkeit intuitivite intuitiveness直观性Anschaung intuition intuition 直观ansetzen supposer suppose,start假定、开端Apodiktizität apodicitéapodicticity确真性Apophansistik apophansistique apophantics命题逻辑、命题学Apperzeption apperception apperception 统觉apriopri 先天的Art espèce,sorte,maniere/ sort,species,manner,character 种、方式、特性Artikulation articulation articulation (分节)连结Attention attention attention 注意Attribution attribution attribution属性归与、赋与Auffassung apprehension, conception apprehension, conception统握、理解Aufhebung suspension suspension, abolition中止Aufmerksamkeit attention attention注意Ausbreitung étendue spread 扩大Ausdehnung extension extension扩展、广袤Ausdruck expresion expresion词语、表达ausdrücklich expressive expressive表达的、明确的Ausfüllung remplissement filling充实(化)Aussagesatz énoncé,proposition enonciative/ statement, predicative sentence 陈述ausschalten mettre hors circuit suspend, exclude排除、中断Ausweisung légitimation showing, demostration证明、明示Bau structure structure 结构Beachten vermarquer heed 审视bedeuten signifier signify 意指、意谓Bedeutung signification significance, meaning意义、意谓Begehrung desir desire 欲望Begründung fondation grounding基础Behauptung assertion assertion断言、主张Bejahung affirmation affirmation 肯定bekraftigen confirmer confirm断言、证实、加强bekunden(sich) s’annoncer evince显示bemerken remarquer notice 注意、指出Beschaffenheit propriétéquality 性质Beschreibung description description描述beseelen animer animate使活跃、赋予活力Besonderung particularisation particularity, particularization特殊化、特殊性(das) besondere le particulier the particular特殊项、特殊物Bestand composition composition组成(成分)、性质Bestände composantes components组成成份Bestandstück composantes component组成成份bestätigen confirmer corroborate 证实Bestimmtheit détermination determination规定、规定性Bewährung vérification verification证实Bewusstsein conscience consciousness意识bewusst dont on a conscience conscious有意识的bewusstseinsmässig en rapport avecla conscience relative to consciousness 相关于意识的beziehen mettre en relation relate使相关Beziehung relation relation关系beziehend relationnel relating to (有)关系的Bezogenheit reference relatedness相关性Bezeichnung désignation designation, denotation标记、名称Bild portrait image, picture形象、图象bildlich en portrait pictorial 形象的bilden construire form形成Bildung construction formation形成Blick regard regard, glance目光Blickstrahl rayon du regard ray of regard目光射线bloss simple mere,bare 简单的、仅只、纯Bürgschaft garantie guarantee 保证Charakter caractere character特性Charakteisirung caracterisation characteristic(表明)特性Cogitatio(nes) 我思思维、我思行为.........Cogitatum我思..对象、被思者Cogito我思..darstellen figurer present 呈现、描述Darstellung figuration presentation 呈现、描述Dasein existence factual existence 事实存在、定在decken(sich) coincider coincide 相符、一致Deckung coincidence coincidence相符、相互符合Denkstellungnahme position adoptee par la pensee cogitative position-taking 思想设定Description description description 描述Deutlichkeit distinction distinctness 清晰性Dies-da ceci-la this-there此处这个Diesheit eccéitéthisness此物性Differenz difference difference差异(niederste)Differenz difference ultime ultimate difference种差Ding chose thing物、事物Dinggegebenheit donne de chose physical thing data所与物、物所与性Dinglichkeit chose physical affairs, thingness物性、物质事物Dingwelt monde des choses world of physical things物质世界disjunkt disjonctif disjunctive,mutually exclusive相互排斥的、析取的Doxa 信念doxisch doxique doxi c信念的durchstreichen biffer cancel抹消echt authentique genunine真正的Echtheit authenticitégenuineness真正(性)Eidos 艾多斯、本质eidetisch eidétique eidetic 本质的Eidetik eidetique eidetics本质学eigen propre own特有的、自己的Eigenheit spécificitéownness特殊性Eigenschaft proprietéproperty特性Eigentumlichkeit trait caracteristique peculiarity特性Einbilden feindre imagine虚构,想象Einbildung fiction imagination 虚构,想象eindeutig univoque univocal单义的Einfühlung intropathie empathy 移情作用Einheit unitéunity统一(体)einheitlich unitaire unitary统一的Einklammerung mise entre parentheses parenthesizing置入括号einsehen voir avec evidence have insight into洞见,领会einseitig unilateral one-sidedly单面的Einsicht évidence intellectuelle insight洞见,领会Einstellung attitude attitude态度,观点Einstimmigkeit concordance accordance 一致(性)Einzelheit cas individuel single case, singleness单一(体)Empfindungsdata data de sensation data of sensation感觉材料Entkräftigung infirmation refutation使无效Entrechnung invalidation invalidation(使)无效Entschluss decision decision决定、决断Entstehung genèse origin产生Epoché悬置erblicken regarder regard 注视Erfahrung expérience experience经验erfassen saisir grasp把握Erfassung saisie grasping把握Erfüllung remplissement fulfilling,fulfillment 充实(化),履行,实现Erinnerung souvenir memory记忆Erkenntnis connaissance cognition认识,知识erkenntnismassig cognitif cognitional认识的erkenntnis-theoretisch epistemologique epistemological认识论的Erlebnis le vécu lived experience, mental process体验,心理经验Erlebnis-strom flux du vécu stream of experience体验流erscheinen apparaitre appear显现Erscheinung apparence appearance显现,显相erschauen voir see 看erzeugen produire produce产生Erzeugung production production产生Essenz essence essence本质Evidenz évidence evidence明证(性)Exakt exact exact精确的Extention extension extension广延faktisch de fait de facto事实性Faktizität facticitéfactualness事实性,事实因素Faktum fait fact事实fern remote distant离远的Fiktion fiction fiction 虚构,假想Fiktum fictum figment虚构fingieren feindre phantasy虚构,想象fingiert fictif phantasied虚构的fingierende Phantasie imagination creatrice inventive figment 虚构的想象Folge consequence consequence后果Folgerung consecution deduction推论Form forme form形式Formalisierung passage au formal formalization形式化Formung formation forming形成Formenlehre morphologie theory of forms形式理论fortdauern perdurer last持续fraglich problematique questionable成问题的Fülle le plein fullness充实(性)fundierend fondatrice founding根基性的fundierte Akt actes fondés founded act有根基的行为funktionellen Problemen problems fonctionnels functional problems 功能的问题Gattung genre genus属gebende Akt acte donateur giving(presentive) act给与的行为(originar) gebende Anschauung intuition donatrice originaire original giving intuition(原初)给与的直观Gebiet domaine province(领)域Gebilde formation formation,structure 形成、构成、构造Gefallen plaisir pleasure喜悦Gefühl sentiment feeling感情、情绪Gegebenheit donnée giveness,something given,data 给与性、给与物Gegennoema contre-noéme conter-noema对应意向对象Gegenstand object object对象Gegenstand schlechtin objet per se object pure and simple对象本身、纯对象gegenständlich objectif objective对象的Gegenstandlichkeit objectivitéobjectivity,something objective 对象(性)Gegenwärt présence present现在,现前gegenwärtig present present现在的Gegenwärtigung presentation presentation呈现Gegenwesen contre-essence conter-essence对应本质gegliedert articuléarticulated有分段的、分节的Gehalt contenu content内容,内包Geltung(Gultigkeit) validitélegitimacy有效(性),妥当Gemüt affectivitéemotion情绪Generalthese thèse general general thesis总设定Generalität généralisation generality 一般(性)Generalisierung généralisation generalization 一般化Gerichtetsein(auf) dirigé sur directedness to 指向Gestalt forme,figure formation,structure构形,形态Gestaltung configuration configuration构成(形成)物,构成gewahren s’apercevoir perceive attentively觉察gewährleisten garantir guarantee 保证Gewicht poids weight重(量)Gewissheit certitude certaity确定性Glaubensmodalität modalité de la croyance doxic modality 信念样态gleichsam quasi quasi准(的)Glied membre member组成项,肢Gliederung articulation articulation分节,分段Grenze limite limit界限Grenzepunkt point limite limit限制Grund fondement ground根基,基础gültig valable valid有效的Habitulität(Habitus) habitus habitus习性,习态handeln agir act行动Handelung action action行动Hintergrund arriere-plan background背景hinweisen renvoyer a point to 指示,指出Hof aire halo光晕,场地Horizont horizon horizon边缘域,视界(野),界域Hyle 质素Hyletik hyletique hyletic质素学Ich je(moi) I, ego我,自我Ichsubjekt sujet personnel Ego subject主体我Ideal 理想,观念Idee idee idea观念ideal ideal ideal观念的ideel ideel ideal观念的Ideation ideation ideation观念化,观念化作用Identifikationssynthesen syntheses d’identification identifying synthesis同一综合Immanenz immanence immanence内在(性),内在物Impression impression impression印象Inaktualität inactualiténon-actionality非实显性,非活动性individuel individuel individuel个体的Individuum individu individual个体Inhalt contenu content内容Intention intention intention意向intentional intentionnel intentional意向的Intentionalität intentionalitéintentionality意向性,意向关系Intersubjektivität intersubjectivitéintersubjectivity主体间性,主体间共同体Intuition intuition intuition直观,直觉Iteration redoublement reiteration 重复jetzt present present现在Kategorie catégorie category范畴Kern noyau core核(心)Klarheit clartéclarity明晰(性)Klärung clarification clarification阐明,澄清Kollektion collection collection集合,集聚Kolligation colligation collecting汇集kolligieren colliger collect汇集Komponent composante component组成成分Konkretum concret concretum具体项Konkretion concretion concretion具体化Konstitution constitution constitution构成Körper corps body身体,物体Körperlichkeit corporeitécorporeity身体性,物体性Korrelat correlat correlat相关项Korrelation correlation correlation相关(关系)lebendig vivant living活生生的,生动性的Leerform forme vide empty form 空形式Leervorstellung representation vide empty objectivation空表象leibhalf(ig) corporel in person机体的、身体的Mannigfaltigkeit/le divers,multiplicite/multiplicity,manifoldness多样性,复合体,集合,复多体Materie matiere material,matter质料meinen viser mean意指,意欲Meinung la visée meaning意指Menge groupe set集合Mengenlehre theorie des groupes theory of set集合论Modalität modalitémodality样态,模态Modifikation modification modification变样,改变Modus mode mode样式Möglichkeit possibilitépossibility可能性Moment moment moment因素,机因,要素monothetisch monothetique monothetic单设定的Morphe 形态Motivation motivation motivation动机Nähe proximiténearness靠近Neutralisation neutralisation neutralization中性化Neutralität neutraliténeutrality中性(体)Neutralitatsmodifikation modification de neutralite neutral modification 中性变样nichtig nul null无效的,极微的Noema noéme noema意向对象noematisch noematique noematic意向对象的Noesis noèse noesis意向作用,意向行为,意向过程Noetik noetique noetics意向行为学noetisch noetique noetics意向行为的Nominalisierung nominalisation nominalization 名词化Objekt objet object客体Objektivität objectivitéobjectivity客体(性)Objektivation objectivation objectivation客体化,对象化ontisch ontique ontic存在的Ontologie ontologie ontology本体论Operation operation operation实行,运作,程序Ordnung ordre order秩序,级次originär originaire original原初的originär gebende Erfahrung experience donatrice originaire original giving experience 原初给与的(呈现的)经验Parallelism parallelisme parallelism平行关系,类似性Passivität passivitépassivity被动性Phänomen phenomeno phenomenon现象Phantasie image phantasy想象phantasierend imageant phantasying想象着的phantasiert imaginaire phantasied想象的phantasma phantasme phantasma幻影Plural plural plural多数的polythetisch polythetique polythetic多设定的Position position position设定Positionalität positionalitépositionality设定性positionnal positionnel positional设定的potential potentiel potential潜在的Potentialität potentialitépotentiality 潜在性Prädikat prédicate predicate谓词Prädikation predication predication 述谓(作用)prädizieren prediquer predicate述谓化,论断prinzipiell de principe essential本质的、必然的、原则的Production production production产生、实行Protention protention protention预存Qualität qualitéquality性质Rationalisierung rationalisation rationalization 理性化、合理化Rationalität rationalitérationality 合理性real réel real实在的Realität realitéreality实在(性),现实Rechtsprechung juridiction legitimation判定Reduktion réduction reduction还原reell réel real,genuine 真实的Referent objet de reference referent所指者Reflexion rélexion reflection反思Regel régle rule规则Regellung regulation regulation调节Regung amorce stirring引动(者)Representation représentation representation表象,代表,再现Reproduktion reproduction reproduction再生,复现Retention rétention retention持存richten(sich) se diriger direct to指向Richtung direction direction方向Rückbeziechung rétro-reférence backward relation自反关涉Rückerinnerung rétro-souvenir reminiscence回忆Sache chose matter,matter in question事物,有关问题,真正问题sachhaltig ayant un contenu having material content 实质的Sachlage situation state of affairs状态,事况,所谈事项sachlich objective,concret material有关的,事物的,事实上的Sachlichkeit ensemble de choses materiality 全体事情,事物性Sachverhalt état de chose state of affairs事态Satz proposition proposition命题Schachtelung emboitement encasement套接Schatten ombre shadow影子Schauen voir see看、注视Schein simulacre illusion假象Schichte couche stratum层Schichtungen stratification stratification分层sehen voir see看Sein être being存在Seinscharakter caractere d’etre character of being存在特性Selbst soi-meme it itself自身selbständig independant independent独立的Selbstbeobachtung introspection self-observation 自省Setzung position position,positing设定Sichtighaben avoir un apercu sighting察看Singularität singularite singularity单个性、单个体Sinn sens sense意义Sinnesdaten data sensuels sense-data感觉材料Sinngebung donnation de sens sense-bestowing 意义给与Sinnlichkeit sensibilitésensuality感性Spezialität specification specificity 特殊性Spezies espéce species种Spontanetät spontanéitéspontaneite自发性Steigerung accroissement enhancement增加Stellungnahme prise de position position-taking采取设定Stoff matiére material质料,素材Strahl rayon ray射线Struktur structure structure结构Stück fragment piece片断,部分Stufe niveau level,degree 层阶,段,度Stufenbildung hierarchie hierarchical formation层阶系统Subjekt sujet subject主体Subjektivität subjectivitésubjectivity主体(性)Substrat substrat substrat基底Synkategorematika syncategorematique syncategorems互依词,非独立词Syntax syntaxe syntax句法Synthesis synthese synthesis综合(设定)Tatsache fait fact事实Teil partie component部分Thema thème theme主题,论题Thematisierung thematisation thematization主题化Thesis these thesis设定,论题thetisch thetique theti c设定的Transzendenz transcendance transcendence超验(者),超越transzendental transcendantal transcendental先验的treu fidel true忠实的Triebe impulsion impulse冲动triftig valide valid有效的Triftigkeit validite validity有效性tun agir do 做,行动Typik typologie set of types类型分化Umfang extension sphere,extention范围,外延Umformung transformation transformation变形,转换unselbständig dependant dependant从属的,非独立的Unterschicht intrastructure lower stratrum基层,基础结构Unverträglichkeit incompatibilitéincompatibility不相容性Ur-aktualität proto-actualitéproto-autuality原现实Urdoxa croyance-mere proto-doxa原信念Urform forme-mere primitive mode原形式Urmodus mode-primitif primitive mode原样式Ursprung origine origin起始,始源,根源Urteil jugement judgment判断V erallgemeinerung generalisation universalization普遍化V erdunkelung obscurcissement darkening暗化V ereinzelung individuation singularzation单一化V erflechtung entrelacement combination联结体,介入,交织V ergegenständlichung objectivation objectification再现,对象化V ergegenwärtigung presentification presentiation,re-presentation再现,现前化V erhalt état de chose state of affairs事态V erknüpfung liasion connexion联结(体)vermeinen viser mean意志,意念vermuteng conjecture deeming likely 推测V ernichtung aneantissement annihilation消除V ernunft raison reason理性V ernunftigkeit rationalitérationality理性,合理性V erworrenheit confusion confusion含混V orerinnerung pro-souvenir anticipation预期记忆V orfindlichkeit faits decouverts facts呈现物,事物V ollständig integral complete完全的vorschwebend flotte en suspens hover before us 浮动的V orstellung représentation objectivation,representation观念,表象,呈现vorzeichnen prescrire prescribe指示vollziehen opérer effect实行,运行V ollzug opération operation实行,运行waches Ich moi vigilant waking ego醒觉自我wahr vrai true真的wahrnehmbar perceptible perceivable可知觉的Wahrnehmung perception perception知觉Wandlung mutation change改变Weise mode manner方式Wert(sach)verhalt etat de valeur value-complex 价值事态Wertung evaluation evaluation评价Wesen essence essence本质Wesensbestand fonds eidetique essential composition本质构成因素Wesenserschauung intuition de l’essence seeing essence本质看Wesensverhalt relation essentielle eidetic relationship本质事态Widersinn absurditéabsurdity悖谬Wiedererinnerung resouvenir recollection重忆wirklich reel actual现实的,真实的,实在的Wirklichkeit realitéactuality现实,真实,实在wissen savoir know知道wollen vouloir will意愿Wortlaut mot prononcésound of words字音Wunsch souhait wish愿望Zeichen signe sign记号Zeit temts time时间Zeitbewusstsein conscience de temps consciousness of time时间意识zufällig contingent accidental偶然的Zusammengehörigkeit appartennance belongingness together关联性,相关Zusammenhang connexion connexion,interconnexion关联体,关联域zusammenhängend coherent coherent一致的Zusammenschliessen(sich) s’agréger join together聚合Zustand etat state状态Zustimmung assentiment assent同意zuwenden(sich) se tourner turn to 朝向Zuwendung conversion turning towards朝向Zweifel doute doubt 怀疑。
英语作文自然科学与社会科学英文回答:Natural science and social science are two major branches of science that study different aspects of the world. Natural science focuses on the physical world andits phenomena, such as biology, chemistry, and physics. On the other hand, social science focuses on human behavior and society, including subjects like psychology, sociology, and anthropology.For example, in natural science, we can study the process of photosynthesis in plants, or the chemical reactions that occur in a laboratory. In social science, we can study the impact of social media on people's behavior, or the cultural differences in different societies.Both natural science and social science are essential for understanding the world we live in. They complement each other and provide a holistic view of the world. Whilenatural science helps us understand the physical laws that govern the universe, social science helps us understand human behavior and society.中文回答:自然科学和社会科学是科学的两个主要分支,研究世界的不同方面。
(郑州升达经贸管理学院 外国语学院,河南 郑州 451191)
[摘要]梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》是美国自然文学较早期的经典作品,它通过对比自然与社会文化之间的关系,深刻反思 了当时的社会问题。该文以生态符号学为理论基础对这部作品进行再审视,发掘出了梭罗关于生态的一些认识论思考, 如,自然并不是一种纯粹的、审美性存在,而是以其符号内置的伦理属性展示了一种理想的生态价值;人作为认知主体, 重视“技术”之于生活的意义,却忽略了“谋生”“工具”等关系模式以符号吞噬现实的方式所造成的认识障碍;人与自然 共同构成的功能圈中,意义关联的物质化遮蔽了原本潜存的递归性认识模式。
[关键词]《瓦尔登湖》;自然文学;生态符号学 [中图分类号]I206 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1671-5330(2021)03-0100-07
《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)作为美国自然文学较 早期的经典作品,它不仅从经济、农业等方面反思 当时的社会问题,还通过对湖水、鸟、老鼠等自然 世界的描写展示了人与自然之间和谐共处的可能 性,作 者 亨 利 · 大 卫 · 梭 罗 (HenryDavidThor eau)因 此 被 看 作 是 “生 态 学 创 立 之 前 的 生 态 学 家”,[1](P4)这部作品也被认为“启蒙了美国人感知 大地的全部思想”。[2](P1)从目前国内外 《瓦 尔 登 湖》研究 现 状 来 看,学 者 们 从 经 济 学、超 验 主 义、 原型,以及中国的传统哲学等视角对文本中自然 与人类之间的关系进行了研究,这些前期研究注 重探讨文本的自然描写和梭罗的生态思想之间的 “应和论 ”。 然 而,这 些 研 究 却 明 显 缺 少 了 对 “自 然”和“人”作为一种生态符号的深入探讨,或者
自然概念的结构性特征——亚里士多德《物理学》第二卷研究硕士学位论文THESIS OF MASTER DEGREE论文题目:论自然概念的结构性特征 ??亚里士多德《物理学》第二卷研究(英文):On Structural Characteristics of the Conceptof Nature: Research on Aristotle’s PhysicsBook Ⅱ作者:钱圆媛指导教师:聂敏里副教授2009 年 5 月17 日论文题目:(中文) 论自然概念的结构性特征 ??亚里士多德《物理学》第二卷研究(外文)On Structural Characteristics of the Concept ofNature: Research on Aristotle’s Physics Book Ⅱ所在院、系、所 :哲学院专专业、名、称 : 外国哲学指专导专教专师姓专名、职专称 : 聂敏里副教授论文主题词: 自然;结构;同一性;目的论学专习专期专限 : 2007年 9月至 2009年 7月论文提交时间:2009年 5月 16日独创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
签名: 钱圆媛日期: 2009 年 5 月 16 日关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。
签名:钱圆媛导师签名: 聂敏里日期: 2009 年 5 月 16 日摘要我们在日常生活中、以及在从日常生活中而来的理论或者科学知识领域内常常遭遇着“自然”。
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Nature and Quantization of the Proton Mass: An Electromagnetic ModelG. SardinApplied Physics Department, University of BarcelonaAbstractA method for quantization of the proton mass is here addressed, which provides a plausible explanation for the origin of mass and leads to the unification of mass and electric charge through their coupling. By means of an electromagnetic approach, the calculated mass of the proton closely approximates its experimental value and does so with dependence on a single parameter. That is to say, the proposed fundamental system provides a way to comprehend the source of mass as a property of the structure of elementary particles. It brings a new tool to the task of gaining insight into the proton mass and to unravelling the enigma of proton stability. The inner energy of elementary particles, or equivalently their mass, is surmised here to have electrodynamic roots, deriving from the dynamics of a single or pair of electric charge(s) shaping out their structure. Mass appears as the quantized balance of two inner energies which conform collapsing action and retentive reaction. Charge and mass are not taken as independent entities as in the traditional mode, instead mass appears as a by-product of the charge structural dynamics, as does the magnetic moment. The proposed model clearly requires a degree of willingness to consider possibilities not accounted for within the framework of the Standard Model. So, this proposal is addressed to those who are open to inspect a different look at the structure of elementary particles and disposed to compare the two approaches, standing out of doctrinal captivity.IntroductionIn an earlier paper (1), the fundamentals of the proposed approach to the structure of elementary particles have been reported, and a few developments along the same lines are cited in references (2-5). The generic structure of all elementary particles is regarded as being defined by an orbital ruled by a structural wavefunction Ψ, which determines their quantum state |Ψ> and all their properties: mass, magnetic moment, mean size, specific structure, and so on. This viewpoint is here applied to the proton, the only stable charged particle along with the electron, which combine in the form of the hydrogen atom to make up the content of all stars and thus the major constituent of the visible universe. Unstable particles are viewed as off equilibrium structural quantum states whose life-time is extremely short (typically from 10-7 to 10-23 s), and whose roles are subsidiary even though there is a great variety.At the beginning of 1900, first attempts at physical theory seeking to elucidate the origin of mass and inertia formed the basis of what came to be known as classical electromagnetic mass theory. At that time the theory was exclusively applied to the electron and was thus referred to as classical electron theory. Some inner difficulties and the advent of the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics led to its shelving. However, despite the passage of time, the nature of mass and inertia remained unanswered with some credibility, i.e. without having to align doctrinally with all the weirdness of the standard model, and with its hypothetical and surrealistic Higgs boson and Higgs field on which the origin of mass would depend, or to rely on the still odder super-symmetric version of that model, with multiple Higgs bosons and fields.In view of the poor reliability of such erratic approaches let's recover a long overdue touch of realism and rely back on a physical body, the electric charge, which offers the irresistible appeal of being an observable, in contrast with quarks, gluons, Higgs bosons and Higgs fields, none of them having ever been observed, and whose presumed existence only holds on the feeding of conjectural elementary particles and cosmological models, made out of an abusively speculative mathematical texture.Apart from its credibility, the value itself of the Higgs approach is doubtful since unable to provide unification of mass and electric charge, leaving so these two crucial physical entities as cut off items. In view of the poor reliance on mass rooted on the airy Higgs field, and its inaptitude to link electromagnetism and gravity, let's regain some good sense and retake more grounded foundations sitting on the integer electric charge, which at least is observable. So, let's rescue the electromagnetic theory of mass from its oblivion and give back some credit to those physicists who inferred to mass an electromagnetic origin.This assumption has a long history, to which are associated such names as Abraham, Bakker, Fermi, Feynman, Harvey, Heaviside, Hughes, Kaufman, Kwal, Langevin, Lorentz, Mandel, Poincaré, Petkov, Pryce, Righi, Rohrlich, Searle, Van der Togt, and Wilson, to mention only a few. Already in 1881, J. Thompson was attempting to explain matter as an electromagnetic phenomena. In 1897, G. Searle depicted inertia in purely electromagnetic terms. In 1905, P. Langevin (6) inspected the possibility of mass having an electromagnetic origin. R.P. Feynman (7), in the chapter entitled "Electromagnetic Mass" of his book "Lectures on physics, Volume II", says in § 28, p.2: "It might, in fact, be that the mass is just the effect of electrodynamics". In the book "From Paradox to Paradigm", J. Bakker (8) also addresses the electromagnetic nature of mass. C. van der Togt (9) assumes the "Equivalence of Magnetic and Kinetic Energy". R. Stevenson and R.B. Moore (10), in the book “Theory of Physics”, assert that there is experimental evidence of electromagnetic mass. Unfortunately, the rise of the theory of general relativity put an end to this incompletely inspected conceptual framework. The historical development of the classical electromagnetic mass theory is addressed in references (12-15).However, the electromagnetic mass conjecture mostly refers to the nature of inertial mass, scarcely ever to the rest mass. The concept has not been applied to elementary particles as a unified phenomenology nor has it been developed as an electromagnetic model of their structure and associated mass, as it is put in reference (1). Here, the nature of the rest mass of elementary particles is brought into play and is specifically applied to the proton. Our aim, then, is to corroborate the diverse premises concerning the electromagnetic origin of mass and to extend them to the whole mass, inertial and intrinsic. However, we will not apply here the electromagnetic theory of mass to the electron, as done more or less shrewdly by precursors, but to the derivation of the proton mass by means of an electromagnetic model of its structure. From it, mass appears as an outcome of the electric charge confined dynamics, which shapes the structure of all elementary particles (1,7).Nature of the proton massIn phenomenological terms, the proton structure is considered to be embodied by the orbital of a unitary electric charge, ruled by a wavefunction Ψ fixing the proton structuralquantum state |Ψ> and all derived properties. In that generic framework, the proton mass is understood to arise from the equilibrium between two antagonist energies – one compressive and the other one expansive – which define its structural net energy, that is to say, its rest mass. Even though a formal treatment would certainly appeal to QEM, a quanto-mechanical treatment is nevertheless not imperative to support quantization of the proton mass. A semi-classical formulation allows it in a first approximation, which presents the advantage of offering a concrete electromechanical understanding of the proton structure, in like fashion as does the Bohr model for the atomic structure.The pursued conceptual approach is based on an elemental gyrator system consisting in an integer electric charge self-confined within a closed path that defines the structural orbital. The self-rotation of the electric charge generates two antagonist forces whose relationship determines the equilibrium state of this elemental gyrator system. In such a scheme the self-trapping at the Fermi scale of the charge is due to the interaction with its own magnetic field that subjects it to a centripetal force F↓ = (e2/r2)(v2/c2), which in turn provides feedback into the rotation and thus to the self-confinement. The so-called self -interaction is a basic precept at the Fermi scale. On the other hand, it will be assumed that the rotation of the electric charge simultaneously creates an antagonist centrifugal force in order to avoid the system collapse, expressed as: F↑ = (mv2)/r. This would lead to a type of fundamental action and reaction at the most elemental level. It rises that the assumption of an emerging resistance to the system collapse, through the reactive centrifugal force, implies the creation of the magnitude called mass as a by-product of the charge dynamics. An essential precept of the theory of the electromagnetic nature of mass relies on the interaction of the electric charge with its own magnetic field (7,10). Let's now specify the formulation of the proton mass. Quantization of the proton massLet us assume that an integer electric charge e rotating along an orbit of radius r generates two antagonist forces, one centripetal (action) and the other one centrifugal (reaction), that fix its equilibrium state, and let's start with the non relativist formulation. In the unit system cgs, the expression of the centripetal force is:F↓ = e(v/c)H = e(v/c)[(e/r2)(v/c)] = (e2/r2)(v2/c2)where H = (e/r2)(v/c), and is here the own magnetic field of the gyrator system. That is to say, the rotation of the charge generates a magnetic field, which interacts with the charge and so confines it through the emergence of a Lorentz centripetal force. This is a non-classical effect that applies locally at the Fermi scale, and is mostly a quantum feature. It generically belongs to the so-called “self-interaction”. F↓ can be suitably rewritten in the following form:F↓ = [(e2/m0c2)/r2](v2/c2) m0c2 = (r0/r2)(v2/c2) m0c20n its turn the non relativist expression of the centrifugal force is:F↑ = (m0v2)/r = [(m0c2)/r](v2/c2) = (1/r)(v2/c2) m0c2So, their difference ∆F is equal to:∆F = F ↓ - F ↑ = (r 0/r 2)(v 2/c 2) m 0c 2 - (1/r)(v 2/c 2) m 0c 2 = (r 0/r 2 - 1/r)(v 2/c 2) m 0c 2where r 0 = e 2/m 0c 2 and corresponds to the so-called classical electron radius. Let’s highlight that for r = r 0 the system is at equilibrium since ∆F = 0, and thus its energy is null. However, if the radius r drifts from its equilibrium value (r ≠ r 0), the energy involved in the variation of r from r 0 to r 1 is:E = Û∆F dr = Û[(r 0/r 2 - 1/r)(v 2/c 2)]r1r0 m 0c 2 dr = [(r 0/r - log(r)](v 2/c 2)]r1r0 m 0c 2E = [(r 0/r 1 -1) - log(r 0/r 1)](v 2/c 2) m 0c 2The corresponding relativistic formulation is:E = [(r 0/r -1) - log(r 0/r)](γ-1) m 0c 2in which the previous non relativistic term (v 2/c 2) has been replaced by (γ-1) instead of just γ since for v = 0 the energy E must be null.Let’s now state a quantitative relationship between the speed v of the electric charge acting as the structural carrier of elementary particles and the mean radius r of its orbital.We assume a coupling between v and r such as: (γ-1) = (α r 0/r)-2, i.e.:γ = 1+ (α r 0/r)-2where α-1 = h c/e 2 = 137.036 (inverse fine-structure constant). It comes out that for r → 0,v → 0 and for r > 0.8 Fm, v → c asymptotically. When the system is at equilibrium, i.e.for r = r 0, v is extremely close to c, with 8 identical digits (Fig.1).Fig.1: Coupling between v and r. Note that v is almost constant for r > 0.8 Fm and almost equal to c without ever reaching it.Fig.2: Evolution of the energy E of the elemental electrodynamic system vs. its radius r. The curves represent: (a) the centripetal energy, (b) the centrifugal energy and (c) the resultant net energy, which on its turn expresses the mass of the particle. The curve of the net structural energy provides a single maximum value, identified as corresponding to the proton mass in view of its proximity to its experimental value and also due to the fact that it is the only stable highly massive charged particle.0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 -2000 2000 4000Fig.2a bc rmSo, for v and r being coupled, the corresponding expression of the energy E is:E = [(r 0/r -1) - log(r 0/r)][α (r 0/r)]-2 m 0c 2It comes out from this expression of E that the sole determination of the radius fixes the energy of the system (Fig.2).As an attempting illustration (Fig.3), a few unstable particles have been added on the section of the curve for which r > 2.8 Fm. In that part of the curve the offset between constricting and expanding energies increases rapidly along with the radius and thus their structure is increasingly off equilibrium. Inversely, through transition to a smaller radius they decay to a lower energy state. Unstable particles may however not necessarily fit on the curve since they do only if their structural energy has no oscillatory component. For example, the muon lies off the curve because its energy is vibrational, i.e. due to the oscillation of its radius and not to a change of radius with respect to that of the electron.So, the muon can be seen as a vibrating electron. For its part, the electron is stable because it is at the curve minimum, i.e. it represents the ground state. The proton, which appears as the only particle with r < 2.8 Fm, is stable despite being at the top of the left part of the curve where the offset between the two antagonist structural energies,compressive and expansive, is maximum. This is due to the fact that mass and magnetic moment are coupled, implying the proton to be trapped at the bottom of a deep magnetic well, from which to come off would need more inner energy than it has, and thus it cannot decay (Fig.4).Fig.3: Structural energy level of a few elementary particles.Fig.4: Since mass and magnetic moment are inversely coupled, if m increases it does at the expense of µ that must decrease, and vice versa.Quantization of the energy:(a) Method of the maximumIn Fig.2, let’s note that the most relevant feature of the evolution of E upon the variation of r from its initial value r 0 to 0, is that it exhibits a maximum value of 1912 m 0c 2, close to the proton mass (1836 times that of the electron) for a radius of about 0.80 Fm, a value that in turn is close to the average proton radius of ~1 Fm, and of 0.85 Fm from scattering experiments (16). So, the quantization of the electrodynamic system proposed may be considered to be taken as an approximation to the proton mass and size, openingthe door to an understanding of its structure and to part of its properties, since expressing: (a) the electromagnetic nature of the proton mass, (b) the quantization of its mass, (c) the cause of its stability, in view that, from the proposed electrodynamic model, the proton appears trapped in an electromagnetic well.The criteria used to determine mass has been to select the maximum value of the net energy E vs. the radius r. However, it has been seen that the corresponding value does not perfectly match with the expected one. The reason for it may eventually turn out to be that each one of the three energies reaches maximum value for a different value of r. It could be extrapolated from this fact that the system may actually reflect compliance to some kind of compromise between the value of r from the collapsing, expansive, and net energy, respectively equal to 1.41, 1.71 and 0.80 Fm.The experimental value of the proton radius turns around 1.0 Fm, with some degree of uncertainty due to the experimental difficulties inherent in inspecting its structure. Just to set limits, let's mention that the size of nucleons deduced from atomic nuclei is about 1.4 Fm, a value constituting a higher limit. It is also known that at a distance of 0.5 Fm the nuclear forces become repulsive, so this value sets a lower limit to nucleon size. High-energy scattering experiments have provided a value of 0.85 Fm with a spread of 0.15 Fm (16). So, proton size appears somewhat dependant on the type of experiment from which it has been inferred, but there is a wide consensus on a referential mean value of ~1 Fm.(b) Method of the Magnetic MomentIn view that the method of the maximum value of the energies vs. the radius leaves some ambiguity about the most adequate value of the radius to be picked up, and that the model does not provide concrete hints about it, let’s thus appeal to another method based on the magnetic moment of the proton, which offers the advantage of this magnitude being measured with an extreme accuracy. So, to improve the calculated value of the proton mass let's appeal to its magnetic moment. Its standard quantum expression is:µ = g (e h/2m p c)where g =µp/µN=2.792847386 and expresses the ratio between the proton effective magnetic moment and the nuclear magneton. As well known, the proton magnetic moment is g times higher than the expected value calculated from its mass, without the ad hoc correction corresponding to the g factor. We have advanced elsewhere that, in order to obtain the correct value of the magnetic moment, the specific size of the particle considered should be accounted for, and the physical meaning of the corrective g factor would correspond to the ratio between the electron classical radius and the effective proton radius, i.e. g = r0/r p. This relation has been advanced in reference (2).Knowing that r0 = 2.817941 Fm, hence r p = r0/g = 2.817941 / 2.792847, and thus:r p = 1.008985 FmThis very precise value for the mean electromagnetic radius of the proton will then be used to calculate the proton mass from the expression E of the inner proton energy:E = [(r0/r p -1) - log(r0/r p)][α (r0/r p)]-2 m0c2 = 1843.66 m0c2value that is to be compared with the experimental one for the proton mass of 1836.15 m0c2. The relative spread between the calculated and experimental value is of only 0.4 %. It should also be pointed out that the derived expression E of the inner electrodynamic energy applies also to the electron, the only stable charged particle along with the proton. In effect, the curve of structural energy exhibits a minimum (Fig.1) at r = r0, at which point the net energy E is null. This may explain why the electron is often considered to be structure-less, since its dynamical structure is energy-less and thus undetected (from high-energy scattering). However, this point-like feature makes sense with respect to the co-existent classical electron radius. The electron punctual and bulky aspects, which heretofore have been considered to be mutually exclusive, are no longer so. As well, the fact that the net dynamical energy of the electron structure is null implies that its mass is not electrodynamic in origin, but electrostatic instead. In counterpart, its magnetic moment would rely on its structural electrodynamics and thus on its classical radius, so both features acquire full coherence.Let us note also that, in applying the same type of quantization as that done for the cgs formulation of the energy E to the classical expression of the magnetic moment, we obtain its exact quantum expression.µ = 1/2 e r (v/c)In the classical formulation of E we have replaced the term (v2/c2) by (α r0/r)-2, so let's now, similarly supplant in µ the term (v/c) by (α r0/r)-1. Thus:µ0 = 1/2 e r0 (α r0/r)-1 = 1/2α-1 e r0 (r/r0) = 1/2 e (h c/e2)(e2/m0c2) = 1/2 (e h/m0c)since for the electron r = r0. So, the application of the quantum factor (α r0/r)-1 to the classical formulation of µ gives the right quantum expression for the magnetic moment of the electron. For the proton it gives:µp = g (m0/m p) µ0 = (r0/r p)(m0/m p) µ0 = 1/2 (r0/r p)(m0/m p)(e h/m0c)which is the expression for the proton magnetic moment, in which g is interpreted as expressing the ratio between the electromagnetic radius of the electron and the proton. Hence, this expression of µp makes it evident that the proton and the electron are linked through the same structure but are in different states, and also that the proton magnetic moment is proportional not only to the mass ratio m0/m p but also to the size ratio r0/r p, which appears quite logical.The reason why the expression µ = e h/2mc works out for the electron but not for the proton, is because it presupposes that the particle classical radius is in both cases equal to the classical electron radius, i.e. r0 = e2/m0c2. In effect, the quantum expression µ = 1/2(e h/mc) can be directly derived from its classical homologue µ = 1/2 e r (v/c), by multiplying it by the inverse fine-structure constant α-1 and equating v to c:µ(quantum) = µ(classical)(inverse hyperfine structure constant) = 1/2 e r (v/c) α-1Applied to the electron it gives:µ0 = 1/2 e r0α-1 = 1/2 e (e2/m0c2)( h c/e2) = e h/2m0cwhich is the standard expression of the electron magnetic moment. If applied to the proton, it fails because the radius r0 is retained and so it inadvertently infers that both particles have the same classical radius r0, which is not the case.In a transition from r0 to r1 the system absorbs a magnetic moment ∆µ = - (µ0 - µp ). This drop ∆µ from the initial value µ0 represents the magnetic well in which the proton is trapped, and could provide the explanation for its stability. So, the proton has a deficit of magnetic moment ∆µ = - 9.25919 10-24 J.T-1 with respect to the system ground state represented by the electron, i.e. a deficit of 99.85 % of µ0.In effect, in the proton state |Ψp>, the system has a mass of 1836.15 m0 relative to its ground state |Ψ0>, but it has a magnetic moment deficit:|∆µ| = µ0 – µp = 9.27329 10-24 - 1.41049 10-26 = 9.25919 10-24 J.T-1The point is that this magnetic moment deficit can be transcribed into mass equivalence. The formula used for the µ to m conversion is:E = 2 µ02 r0-3which expresses that at equilibrium (i.e. for r = r0) the energy equivalence due to the system inner electro-dynamics is equal to the density of the squared magnetic moment, and its value is:E = 2 (e h/2m0c)2 (e2/m0c2)-3 = 1/2 (h c/e2)2 m0c2 = 9389.43 m0c2Therefore, in view of its magnetic moment deficit, the proton would need to have a mass of 9389.43 (∆µ/µ0) m0 = 9375.15 m0 to be able to get out of the magnetic well, but its mass is only of 1836.15 m0, so it falls short of 7539.0 m0. This value represents the mass to be transformed into magnetic moment for the proton to be able to get out of the well. Let’s remind that µ and m are inversely coupled, so if m increases, it does at the expense of µ that necessarily decreases, and vice versa (4).Discussion and conclusionThe aptitude of this approach in providing a new look into the structure of the proton, giving a novel access to its mass and more generally opening a new horizon to grasp the nature of elementary particles, is to be pondered. In effect, an electromagnetic approach to the origin of mass has allowed us to calculate the proton mass. It derives from the drift of the radius r from its classical equilibrium value r0 to a quantum equilibrium value r p, at which point the net structural energy E reaches a maximum and offers a relatively adequate approximation to its experimental mass. We emphasize here that such a rudimentary model of the proton structure, which only uses a semi-classical framework without introducing arbitrary touches, provides conceptual grounds and clues for a more sophisticated approach based on QED, surely more genuine and reliable than QCD. As a standing out corollary, let's be aware of the fact that, since the mass of particles relies ontheir structural energy, the breakdown of their structure implies the evanescence of their mass and consequently of the associated gravitational field.It has been shown that the model provides the mass of the proton with a better accuracy when the radius is defined from the magnetic moment of the proton. Let's highlight the conceptual coherence of the interpretation of the physical meaning of the g factor as corresponding to the ratio r0/r p. The fact that the use of the corresponding value of the electromagnetic radius r p provides the proton mass, strengthens the grounds of the model used for the structure of elementary particles and in particular that of the proton. We should note, however, that the model is limited by virtue of its being only two-dimensional while the proton, even though not having an exact spherical symmetry, is nevertheless three-dimensional. The model clearly needs to be enhanced but it already opens doors to a new conception of elementary particles. An improved approach might likely be purely quanto-mechanical, however let's remind that the Bohr model for the H atom gave surprising good results although being also two-dimensional, despite the H atom being three-dimensional. It appears thus that the rest energy can be evaluated without the requirement of knowing the exact distribution of the orbital embodying the structure.Let us stress that the way to calculate the proton radius r p – on one hand from the quantum formulation of its magnetic moment µp and the assumption that the factor g = µp/µN = 2.79285 expresses the ratio r0/r p, and on the other hand from its experimental mass when using the expression of E of the structural model proposed – provides respectively the value r p=1.01 Fm and 1.02 Fm, i.e., a relative spread of 1%. Let's highlight that through the only knowledge of the proton radius the model provides at once its magnetic moment and its mass.Let’s also point out that it uses only one variable, the radius, and not a single parameter of adjust. Compare this with the 20 parameters used by the Standard model. Defenders, in a forty years long systematic forward escape, and in a vain effort to offset its decreasing credibility along with increasing unmanageability, have raised it to such a dogma that followers have ended up losing the sagacity to ponder its very basis, starting with the much unfortunate partition of the electric charge. Our strategy consists in the search of simplicity, while the Standard Model clearly expresses the cult to complexity and the complaisance in further increasing it in front of any emerging difficulty, as proves the advent of the Super Symmetric Standard Model. With awareness, just freely choose between these two intellectual standpoints. We welcome contributions to further improvements of the rudimentary but nevertheless operative model outlined. AcknowledgementsAll my thanks to Don Johnson for his kind revision and styling of the English writing. References(1) G. 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The proton radius is determined from the best fit values of the cut-off angular momentum to be 0.85 fm with a spread of 0.15 fm. The higher energy pions scan a lower value while the lower energy pions yield a higher value for the size of the proton. The energy averaged radius of the proton size of 0.85 fm obtained in the present analysis is in excellent agreement with proton charge radius of 0.86 fm quoted in the literature.。