

introduction to Arbitration(国际商事仲裁简介)

introduction to Arbitration(国际商事仲裁简介)
court enforcing arbitration agreement)
NYC Article II (2)
The term “agreement in writing" shall include an arbitral clause in a contract or an arbitration agreement, signed by the parties or contained in an exchange of letters or telegrams.
See MAL (2006), Article 7 See UNCITRAL Interpretative Note 2006 See Article VII, NYC See case law and commentary
NYC Article II (3)
The court of a Contracting State, when seized of an action in a matter in respect of which the parties have made an agreement within the meaning of this article, shall, at the request of one of the parties, refer the parties to arbitration, unless it finds that the said agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed.
French and Swedish Arbitration Acts



第三十九篇仲裁(Arbitration)(NYPE 46第17条, 107行至第109行)------------------------------------------------“17.That should any dispute arise between Owners and the Charterers, the matter in dispute shall be referred to three persons at New York, one to be appointed by each of the parties hereto, and the third by the two so chosen; their decision or that of any two of them, shall be final, and for the purpose of enforcing any award, this agreement may be made a rule of the Court. The Arbitrators shall be commerci al men.”在NYPE 93, 相关的条款是第45条, 增加了不少内容, 以下会介绍。

------------------------------------------------39.1 介绍世界绝大部分的租约争议都是以仲裁方式解决, 已经很少会见到双方同意去某地方法院解决争议。

比较著名的例外是油轮租约的Shelltime 4标准格式,它的第41条款是去英国法院解决争议,除非其中一方选择去伦敦仲裁。

仲裁本身是一大题目, 笔者合著的另一书《仲裁法—从1996年英国仲裁法到国际商务仲裁》有讨论各种有关仲裁的问题。

所以, 笔者在这里只会(为读者方便) 去指出几样在NYPE租约的仲裁条款下会遇到的问题, 详情请读者去参阅《仲裁法—从1996年英国仲裁法到国际商务仲裁》一书。



法律英语词汇大全学习法律术语法律程序和法律体系的英文英语词汇The Complete Guide to Learning Legal English Terminology for Legal Terms, Procedures, and SystemsIntroduction:Legal English is a specialized language, used within the legal profession and in legal contexts. It encompasses a vast array of terms, procedures, and systems that are essential for lawyers, legal researchers, and anyone dealing with legal documents or proceedings. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a wide range of legal English vocabulary to enhance your understanding and communication within the field of law.I. Legal Terminology:1. Common Law:Common law is a legal system derived from judicial decisions and case law. It is predominantly used in countries such as the United States, England, and Australia. Some key terms associated with common law include "precedent" (a legal decision that serves as a guideline for future cases) and "tort" (a civil wrong that causes harm to an individual or their property).2. Statutory Law:Statutory law refers to laws enacted by legislative bodies, such as Congress. These laws are often codified and published in statutes or codes. Examples of statutory law terms include "act" (a written law passed by alegislative body) and "amendment" (a change or addition made to an existing law).3. Civil Law:Civil law is a legal system based on codified laws and regulations, prevalent in many European countries. It typically deals with private disputes between individuals or organizations. Important civil law terms include "plaintiff" (the party bringing a civil lawsuit) and "defendant" (the party being sued in a civil case).4. Criminal Law:Criminal law focuses on acts that are considered offenses against society as a whole. It involves the prosecution of individuals accused of committing crimes. Common criminal law terminology includes "felony" (a serious crime punishable by imprisonment or fines) and "misdemeanor" (a lesser offense with less severe penalties).5. Contract Law:Contract law encompasses legal principles and rules that govern agreements between parties. It outlines the rights and obligations of each party involved. Key contract law terms include "offer" (a proposal made by one party to another) and "consideration" (something of value exchanged between parties to a contract).II. Legal Procedures:1. Litigation:Litigation refers to the process of resolving disputes through the court system. It involves filing a lawsuit, presenting evidence, and obtaining a judgment. Important terms related to litigation include "complaint" (a formal written document that initiates a lawsuit) and "summons" (a legal notice requiring a person to appear in court).2. Mediation:Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method where a neutral third party assists disputing parties in reaching a voluntary settlement. Key mediation terms include "mediator" (the neutral party facilitating the process) and "mediation agreement" (a written document outlining the terms agreed upon).3. Arbitration:Arbitration is another form of alternative dispute resolution, wherein parties submit their dispute to an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators who render a final decision. Terms associated with arbitration include "award" (the final decision made by the arbitrator) and "arbitration clause" (a provision in a contract that requires disputes to be resolved through arbitration).4. Deposition:A deposition is a formal, out-of-court statement given under oath. It involves questioning of a witness or party to a lawsuit to gather information and gather evidence. Deposition-related terms include "deponent" (the person being deposed) and "transcript" (a written record of the deposition).III. Legal Systems:1. Adversarial System:The adversarial system is a legal system where opposing parties present their cases before a neutral judge or jury. This system is characterized by an emphasis on the adversarial relationship between the prosecution and defense. Terms associated with the adversarial system include "cross-examination" (questioning a witness called by the opposing party) and "burden of proof" (the obligation to prove one's case in court).2. Inquisitorial System:Contrasting with the adversarial system, the inquisitorial system is a legal system where the court plays an active role in investigating and gathering evidence. It is commonly used in civil law jurisdictions. Important inquisitorial system terms include "investigating magistrate" (a judge responsible for conducting the investigation) and "judicial dossier" (a file containing all relevant documents in a case).Conclusion:This comprehensive guide has provided you with an extensive collection of legal English vocabulary. Mastering the terminology, procedures, and systems discussed will enhance your comprehension and proficiency in the field of law. Whether you are a law student, legal professional, or simply interested in expanding your legal knowledge, this guide serves as a valuable resource for navigating the intricacies of legal English.。


1、具有典型的国际性特点。 、具有典型的国际性特点
在国际范围内确立了仲裁的管辖权; 在国际范围内确立了仲裁的管辖权; 在国际范围内具有可执行性。 在国际范围内具有可执行性。
2、以争议双方提交仲裁的书面协议为基础。 、以争议双方提交仲裁的书面协议为基础 3、裁决通常是终局的,对争议双方具有约 、裁决通常是终局的, 束力。 束力。 4、具有易于保密、程序简便、节省费用等 、具有易于保密、程序简便、 优点。 优点 5、具有很强的专业性和权威性。 、具有很强的专业性和权威性。
指按某一国家的国内法而设立的,但有权受理国际 经济贸易方面纠纷的仲裁机构。 目前世界上绝大多数国家都已设立这类仲裁机构。 除我国的国际经济贸易仲裁委员会和海事仲裁委员 会外,在国际上较有影响的这类机构有:英国伦敦 国际仲裁院、美国仲裁协会、日本国际商事仲裁协 会、瑞典斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院、瑞士苏黎世商会 仲裁院、意大利仲裁协会等。
仲裁标的, 仲裁标的,即双方当事 人同意提交仲裁的事项 仲裁机构和仲裁地点 仲裁规则 裁决的效力
为避免当事人的仲裁条 款中因内容欠缺而影响 其效力,各国都有示范 的仲裁条款格式。 例如,国际商会推荐的 示范仲裁条款为:“有 关本合同所发生的一切 争议应根据国际商会的 仲裁规则由一名或多名 仲裁员仲裁解决。”
第三节 仲裁协议
是双方当事人自愿将争议提交第三人仲裁的共 双方当事人自愿将争议提交第三人仲裁的共 同意思表示。 同意思表示。 我国《仲裁法》
所谓仲裁协议就是双方当事人自愿将他们之间已经 发生的或可能发生的争议提交仲裁解决的书面契约, 是双方当事人所表达的采用仲裁方式解决纠纷的意 愿的法律文书,是将双方当事人之间的仲裁合意书 面化、法律化的形式。
















仲 裁

仲    裁

凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交仲裁。 仲裁在被诉人所在国进行。在中国,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会根据该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。在×××(被诉人所 在国名称)由××××(被诉人所在国仲裁机构名称)根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约 束力。仲裁费用除仲裁庭另有规定外,均由败诉方负担。
All disputes in connection with this contract or arising from the execution of there,shall be amicably settled through negotiation in case no settlement call be reached between the two parties, the case under disputes shall be submitted to International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing,for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration court.
All disputes arising from the execution of,or in connection with this contract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation.In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation,the case shall be submitted for arbitration.The location of arbitration shall be in the country of the domicile of the defendant.If in China,the arbitration shall be conducted by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,Beijing in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration.If in……the arbitration shall be conducted by…in accordance with its arbitral rules.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration court.



仲裁申请书英语(Arbitration Application):Arbitration ApplicationTo: [Name of Arbitration Institution/Organization]Address: [Arbitration Institution/Organization Address]Dear Sir/Madam,I, [Your Name], the undersigned, hereby submit this arbitration application in accordance with the arbitration clause/agreement contained in the contract/dispute dated [Date ofContract/Dispute]. I am seeking arbitration to resolve the following dispute between myself and [Other Party/Parties involved]:1. Parties Involved:- Applicant: [Your Name]- Respondent: [Name of Other Party/Parties]2. Description of Dispute:- Brief overview of the dispute, including relevant facts and issues.- Explanation of why arbitration is being sought to resolve the dispute.3. Relief Sought:- Specify the specific relief or remedy being sought through arbitration.- Any other relevant information related to the relief sought.4. Arbitration Clause/Agreement:- Reference to the arbitration clause/agreement in the contract or agreement between the parties.- Confirmation of willingness to abide by the arbitration process and decision.5. Contact Information:- Applicant's contact details, including address, phone number, and email.I hereby request the arbitration institution/organization to appoint an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators to preside over this dispute and to conduct the arbitration proceedings in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures.I declare that the information provided in this arbitration application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.Yours faithfully,[Your Name][Date]。



• (一)仲裁协议的含义 • 是双方当事人表示愿意把他们之间的争议交付仲裁 解决的一种书面协议,是仲裁机构或仲裁员受理争 议案件的依据。 • 仲裁协议的形式 仲裁协议有两种形式:一种是在争议发生之前 订立的,它通常作为合同中的一项仲裁条款 (Arbitration Clause)出现;另一种是在争议发 生之后订立的,表示同意把已经发生的争议交付仲 裁解决的协议,称为提交仲裁协议(Submission)。 这种仲裁协议是单独订立的,是独立于合同之外的 协议。这两种形式的仲裁协议,其法律效力是相同 的。
• 四、合同仲裁条款的主要内容 • (一)仲裁地点的规定 • 1、力争规定在我国仲裁 • 2、有时规定在被告所在国仲裁 • 3、规定在双方同意的第三国仲裁
• (二)仲裁机构的选择 • 国际贸易中的仲裁,可由双方当事人约定在常设的仲裁机 构进行,也可以由双方当事人共同指定仲裁员组成临时仲 裁庭进行仲裁。 目前,世界上有许多国家和一些国际组织都设有专门 从事处理商事纠纷的常设仲裁机构。我国常设的仲裁机构 主要是中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会和海事仲裁委员会。 根据业务发展的需要,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会又分 别在深圳和上海设立了分会。北京总会及其在深圳、上海 的分崾且桓统一的整体,总会和分会使用相同的仲裁规则 和仲裁员名册,在整体上享有一个仲裁管辖权。此外,在 中国一些省市还相继设立了一些地区性的仲裁机构。 中国各外贸公司在订立进出口合同中的仲裁条款时, 如双方同意在中国仲裁,一般都订明在中国国际经济贸易 仲裁委员会仲裁。
第二节 国际经济贸易仲裁
• 一、国际经济贸易仲裁的含义 • 仲裁(Arbitration)这里所说的仲裁 是指国际经济贸易仲裁,又称公断, 是指买卖双方当事人在争议发生之前 或在争议发生之后,签订书面协议, 自愿将他们之间友好协商不能解决的 争议交给双方同意的第三者进行裁决 (award),裁决的结果是终局的,对 双方均有约束力,双方必须执行。



虚假仲裁产生的原因英文回答:Arbitrations are meant to be a fair and impartial way to resolve disputes. However, sometimes, arbitrations can be corrupted by fraud or other misconduct. This can lead to a "false arbitration," which is an arbitration that is invalid because of the misconduct.There are several reasons why false arbitrations occur:Fraud: One party to the arbitration may lie or cheatin order to gain an advantage. This could include forging evidence, bribing the arbitrator, or otherwise manipulating the arbitration process.Bias: The arbitrator may be biased in favor of one party. This could be due to a conflict of interest, personal relationships, or other factors.Coercion: One party may coerce the other party into agreeing to an arbitration, or into accepting anunfavorable arbitration award. This could involve threats, intimidation, or other forms of pressure.Lack of due process: The arbitration may be conductedin a way that violates the parties' due process rights.This could include denying the parties the opportunity to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, or otherwise participate in the arbitration process.False arbitrations can have serious consequences. They can lead to the loss of money, property, or other rights. They can also damage relationships and reputations.If you believe that you have been the victim of a false arbitration, you should contact an attorney immediately. An attorney can help you to investigate the arbitration and determine if it was valid. If the arbitration was not valid, you may be able to have it overturned or set aside.中文回答:虚假仲裁产生的原因。




以下是一些常见的商务英语合同专业术语:1. Party/Parties: 合同的各方,通常用"Party" 或"Parties" 表示。

2. Agreement/Contract: 合同,表示各方达成的协议或合约。

3. Term: 合同的期限或有效期。

4. Effective Date: 合同生效日期。

5. Parties' Obligations: 合同各方的责任和义务。

6. Scope of Work: 工作范围,详细描述合同所涉及的具体工作内容。

7. Deliverables: 交付物,合同约定的要交付的成果或产品。

8. Payment Terms: 付款条款,包括支付方式、付款时间和付款金额等。

9. Confidentiality: 保密条款,规定各方在合同期间和终止后需保守合同内容的秘密性。

10. Indemnification: 赔偿条款,规定各方在违约或损害对方利益时应进行赔偿。

11. Termination: 终止条款,规定合同可以被提前终止的条件和程序。

12. Force Majeure: 不可抗力条款,规定当不可抗力事件发生时,免除各方责任的条款。

13. Governing Law: 适用法律,指定适用于合同的法律管辖。

14. Arbitration: 仲裁条款,规定各方在纠纷解决时通过仲裁方式解决。

15. Entire Agreement: 整个协议条款,确认合同中的条款和条件构成整个协议的完整内容。

当然,以下是更多的商务英语合同专业术语的例子:16. Representations and Warranties: 陈述与保证,合同中各方对事实或情况的声明和保证。

17. Breach of Contract: 违约,指合同一方未履行其责任或违反了合同条款。

18. Amendment: 修订,对合同进行修改或变更的文件或条款。



伦敦国际仲裁院(London Court of International Arbitration,简

1. 执委会(The Court):由仲裁院的成员组成,负责管理仲


2. 独立仲裁师委员会(Arbitration Committee):由国际商事

3. 秘书处(Secretariat):负责组织和管理LCIA的日常工作,提供秘书和行政支持。


4. 仲裁员(Arbitrators):由LCIA注册的独立仲裁员组成,


此外,LCIA还设有一个国际仲裁审查委员会(International Arbitration Review Board),负责审查仲裁裁决和仲裁庭的决定,确保其符合LCIA规则和国际商事仲裁的最佳实践。




Prerequisite to arbitrate a dispute
Arbitration agreement
Purpose:TO submit to arbitration present or future differences capable of settlement by arbitration
3)Procedure of arbitration Arbitration should be conducted by following certain procedures. How to apply for arbitration Appoint arbitrators Arbitrate the case Lay down the effect of the Award Which party to bear the cost of arbitration 4)Applicable Rules of arbitration(Ex:China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission CIETAC arbitration Rules) 5)Award of arbitration Once the award of arbitration is made,it is usually final .And the arbitration clauses in contracts often bear such words that ‘The arbitration award is final and shall have binding force upon the two parties’ so as not to cause ambiguities.



网络仲裁强制执行流程The enforcement process of online arbitration typically involves a series of well-defined steps that ensure the arbitration award is carried out effectively and efficiently. Initially, the successful party in the arbitration must obtain a copy of the arbitration award, which is the official document outlining the decision and any associated relief measures. This award serves as the basis for enforcing the arbitration decision.网络仲裁的强制执行流程通常包括一系列明确的步骤,旨在确保仲裁裁决得到有效且高效的执行。



Next, the successful party needs to initiate the enforcement process by submitting the arbitration award to the relevant enforcement authority in the jurisdiction where enforcement is sought. This typically involves submitting the necessary documents, including the arbitration award and any required supporting evidence, to the court or another designated enforcement agency.随后,胜诉方需要启动执行程序,将仲裁裁决书提交给执行地所在管辖区的相关执行机构。

合同书 当地仲裁

合同书 当地仲裁

合同书当地仲裁英文回答:Arbitration Clauses in Contracts。

Arbitration clauses are common in contracts. They provide a way to resolve disputes without going to court. Arbitration is usually faster and less expensive than litigation. It is also private, which can be important for businesses that do not want their disputes to become public.There are two main types of arbitration clauses:Binding arbitration clauses require the parties to submit all disputes to arbitration.Non-binding arbitration clauses allow the parties to choose whether to arbitrate a dispute.Binding arbitration clauses are more common than non-binding arbitration clauses. However, non-binding arbitration clauses can be useful in certain situations, such as when the parties want to maintain the option of going to court if they are not satisfied with the outcome of arbitration.Arbitration clauses are typically included in contracts by mutual agreement of the parties. However, in some cases, a party may be forced to agree to an arbitration clause as a condition of doing business with another party. This is often the case with contracts between businesses and consumers.If you are considering signing a contract that contains an arbitration clause, it is important to understand your rights and options. You should consult with an attorney to make sure that you understand the terms of the arbitration clause and that you are comfortable with them.Local Arbitration。

外贸英语对话(第四版)UNIT 15 Arbitration

外贸英语对话(第四版)UNIT 15 Arbitration

n. 检验、检查
a. 复杂的,精细的
v. 呈送,提出 未雨绸缪 a. 友好的,和睦的 达成协议
to get prepared against a rainy day amicable reach a settlement
University of International Business and Economics
Useful Phrases and Examples

3. consist of

The committee consists of twenty members.
The mixture consists of flour and water.
4. as/so far as sb./sth. is concerned 有牵连

University of International Business and Economics
Answer Key-cloze

1) The Chinese government always attaches importance to the trade and economic cooperation with other members of the Asian and Pacific region while enhancing its economic and trade relations the world over. 2) Whatever disputes we have, we should try to iron out our differences through amicable negotiations. 3) We are in a position to offer you 50 long tons of Tin Foil Sheets.



合同类术语cancellation of contract 撤消合同拟订英文合同是进出口买卖中一项重要的工作。


下面给大家提供一段参考范文:合同CONTRACT日期:合同号码:Date: Contract No.:买方:(The Buyers) 卖方:(The Sellers)兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:(1) 商品名称:Name of Commodity:(2) 数量:Quantity:(3) 单价:Unit price:(4) 总值:Total Value:(5) 包装:Packing:(6) 生产国别:Country of Origin :(7) 支付条款:Terms of Payment:(8) 保险:Insurance:(9) 装运期限:Time of Shipment:(10) 起运港:Port of Lading:(11) 目的港:Port of Destination:(12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。

Claims:Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers.(13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。

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2. If one party breaches the arbitration agreement and has resorts to the court at its own will, the other party may require the court to refuse the case according to the arbitration agreement, and brings the case to the arbitral tribunal for judgment.An arbitration agreement can exclude the jurisdiction of court effectively.
dismiss v. 解散,开除
Section 5 Elements of Arbitration Agreements
In our country, the China International Economic and Trade

Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in Beijing, and its chapters in Shenzhen and Shangha
1. The arbitration body There are two forms of arbitration: institutional arbitration and ad hoc arbitration. The arbitration body can be a temporary organized body for specific arbitration and which is dismissedwhen the arbitration is over, or it may be a permanent arbitration body, such as the Arbitration Court of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London Court of Arbitration, and American Arbitration Association and so on.
3.The arbitration tribunal or arbitrator is granted the jurisdiction of the case concerning the dispute.
Section 5 Elements of Arbitration Agreements
Arbitration clauses in the contract will usually include the following terms:
Friendly negotiation and conciliation are the most popular ways in the process of dispute settlement, which are able to maintain friendship between the exporter and the importer. When negotiation and conciliation do not work, should the two parties turn to arbitration and litigation. Litigation, a process in law instituted by one party to compel another to do him justice is usually costly and time-consuming. Compared with litigation, arbitration is a better alternative. In this section, we are going to have a further introduction on arbitration.
Section 1
Definition of Arbitration
Arbitration refers to that the two parties, before or after the disputes arise, reach a written agreement that they will submit the disputes which cannot be settled through amicable negotiations to a third party for arbitration. Both parties shall settle the disputes complying with the result of arbitration as the arbitration result has legally binding force.
2. Place of arbitration The place of arbitration will decide which arbitration rules or laws are applicable. The arbitration place can be anywhere in the seller’s country, the buyer’s country or a third country. The concerned parties always try to choose a place of arbitration they know well.
Section 5 Elements of Arbitration Agreements
3. Arbitration procedures & Rules
The arbitration clause will stipulate how arbitration is to apply, to work, how arbitrators are to be appointed, and how the case will be heard. We can divide the procedures into several steps: (1)application for arbitration; (2)composition of arbitration tribunal; (3)hearing;
Section 2
Characteristic of arbitration
1. An arbitral body composing of dignitaries or experts in the field is set to settle trade disputes, neither a governmental power nor with a coercive jurisdiction. The settlement of the case is based on the will of both parties involved. 2. The parties involved shall sign an arbitral agreement before resorting to arbitration.The parties involved are granted with the right to choose the arbitrators. 3. Arbitration is simpler in procedures, less costly and time consuming than litigation. 4. An arbitral verdict has a legally binding force,and is usually final, and binding upon both parties.
Section 3
Forms of Arbitration Agreement
There are two forms for arbitration agreement:
1.Arbitration Clause: the arbitration agreement concluded before the dispute,agreeing to settle the possible disputes through arbitration.Such agreement is generally included in the relevant sales contract as one clause of the contract. 2.The agreement for arbitration:It is concluded by both patries involved after the dispute, agreeing to settle the dispute through arbitration.
Section 5 Elements of Arbitration Agreements
4. Arbitration award
An award is the decision made by the arbitration tribunal. It must be in written form with or without explanations or reasons. An arbitration clause must provide that the arbitral award is final, which is the incarnation of excluding the jurisdiction of litigation of courts by the arbitration clause. If an arbitration clause doesn’t conclude that the arbitral award is final, CIETAC will not accept the case. incarnation jurisdiction n. 赋予肉体,具人形,化身 n. 司法权,审判权,管辖权