开 发 合成橡胶工业,2010-07-15,33(4):258~261CH I NA SYNTHET I C RUBBER I ND U STRY符合REACH法规的环保型轮胎橡胶填充油熊良铨,吕 贞,杨新华,刘亚娟,宁德臣(中国石油克拉玛依石化公司,新疆克拉玛依834000)摘要:论述了欧盟REA C H法规对橡胶填充油中多环芳烃的限制,介绍了环保型轮胎橡胶填充油的要求及克拉玛依石化公司开发的环保型轮胎橡胶填充油的性质与应用试验结果,认为采用克拉玛依稠油的重质馏分油可以制备出符合欧盟R E A C H法规要求的环保型轮胎橡胶填充油,以用于制备非污染的环保型充油橡胶产品。
关键词:REACH法规;填充油;多环芳烃;环烷烃;环保型橡胶中图分类号:TQ333 38+3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1000-1255(2010)04-0258-04近年来,随着我国轮胎工业的快速发展,特别是轿车子午线轮胎及轻型载重轮胎产量的不断提高,丁苯橡胶已无可争议地成为合成橡胶的主力胶种之一。
轮胎业普遍使用的丁苯橡胶1712即是结合苯乙烯质量分数为23 5%、填充有37 5份(质量,下同)芳烃油的充油丁苯橡胶。
鼻病毒)、双链 ANA、氧化剂、细菌脂多糖、多种抗原及紫外线照射等均是 NF-KB 活化的刺激信号,
能通过多种不同的信号转导途径,由胞外向胞内传递,使 NIK(NF-KB-inducing kinase)或活化途
径中的其它激酶激活,而致 NF-KB 的活化。
Cao 等提出 IL-1 的活化途径是:IL-1 与胞膜上的 IL-1 受体(IL-1R)识别结合后,IL-1R 胞浆内
种活化和表达。ICAM-1、VCAM-1、E-sel 能与白细胞表面的配体相应地结合,介导白细胞的贴壁粘
P-sel又名血小板活化依赖颗料表面膜蛋白(Platelet activation dependent granule-external
非活化状态的 NF-KB 以与 IKB 聚合的三聚体形式或与前体蛋白聚合的二聚体的形式存在于细
胞浆中,在多种因素的刺激作用下,通过多种信号转导途径使 IKB 磷酸化,再在蛋白水解酶作用下
发生降解,从而使 NF-KB 得以活化而转核发挥其调控作用。这个过程大致分三部分:
1.3.1 刺激因素的信号转导:多种因素如细胞因子(TNF-α、 IL-1β、IL-2)、病毒(流感病毒、
组份立即与 IL-1R 辅助蛋白(IL-1R accessory protein,IL-RAcP)联结,IL-1RAcP 再聚集活化一种接
合体蛋白髓细胞样分化蛋白(Myeloid differentiation protein MyD88),MyD88 再聚集两种丝氨酸/苏
氨酸激酶:IL-1 受体活化激酶(IL-1 receptor-activated kinase IRAK)和 IRAK2 而共同形成受
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dacite 英安岩dacker 静气dahllite 碳磷灰石daily advance 日掘进进度daily output 日产量dam 隔墙;堤damage 损坏damp 爆炸性气体damped wave 阻尼波damping 衰减damping coefficient 减衰系数damping spring 缓冲弹簧dampness 湿气damposcope 爆炸瓦斯指示器danburite 赛黄晶danger 危险danger zone 危险地带dangerous 危险的dark ruby ore 深红银矿data 数据data processing 数据处理data transmission 资料传送datum level 基准面datum point 基准点dautriche method 杜托里叔爆炸速度试验法davy man 矿灯工day arrangement 地面设备day drift 平硐day eye 倾斜探井day level 平硐day output 日产量day work 地面工作daylight 日光daylight lamp 日光灯dc 直流dc generator 直立电机dc motor 直羚动机dead air 停滞的空气dead coal 非炼焦煤dead end 独头巷道dead face 独头巷道dead load 静重dead pressure 死压dead rock 废石dead time 停工时间dead weight brake 重锤制动器deading 岩巷掘进deads 废石deadwork 岩巷掘进deaeration 去气deairing 去气debris 废石debris kibble 岩石吊桶decantation 滗析decanter 滗析器decarbonization 脱碳decarburizer 脱碳剂decay product 分解产物decayed rock 风化岩石deceleration 减速dechenite 红矾铅矿deck 层deck charge 分段装药deck head building 井口建筑物deck loading 分段装药decked charge 分段装药deckhead 出车台deckhead building 井口建筑物declination 偏角declivity 下斜decolorization 脱色decolour 脱色decompose 分解decomposed outcrop 分解露头decomposition 分解decompression 减压decompressor 减压器decrease 减少decrement 减量deduster 除尘器dedusting 除尘deep 深的deep adit 低层平硐deep drilling 深孔钻眼deep drilling equipment 深孔钻进设备deep freezing 低温冻结deep hole blasting 深眼爆破deep hole infusion 深孔注水deep hole method 深眼爆破法deep level 深水平deep mine 深矿deep mining 深井开采deep shaft 深井deep trough 槽形运输机deep well pump 深井泵deep working 深井开采deepening 延深defect 缺陷defectoscope 探伤器deflagrate 暴燃deflagration 暴爆deflection 挠曲deflection angle 偏角deflection curve 变曲曲线deflection test 挠曲试验deflector 偏转板deflector brattice 转向风障deflexion 挠曲deflocculation 反凝絮deformation 变形deformation of timbering 支架变形defrosting 解冻degasification 脱气degassing hole 排放瓦斯钻孔degaussing effect 去磁效应degradation 降低;退化degree celsius 摄氏度数degree centigrade 摄氏度数degree fahrenheit 华氏度数degree kelvin 开耳芬度数degree of acccuracy 精密度degree of coalification 煤化程度degree of crushing 破碎程度degree of dip 倾斜度degree of dispersion 弥散度degree of elevation 仰角degree of exactitude 准确度degree of extraction 回采率degree of fineness 细度degree of freedom 自由度degree of grinding 粉碎程度degree of hardness 硬度degree of inclination 倾斜度degree of oxidation 氧化程度degree of packing 装药密度degree of pitch 倾斜度degree of safety 安全程度degree of separation 分离程度degree of size breakage 破碎度dehumidifying 减湿dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration 脱水dehydrator 脱水器deister table 垂特摇床delamination 剥离delay 迟滞delay action blasting 迟发爆破delay action detonator 迟发雷管delay blast 迟发爆破delay cap 迟发雷管delay element 延时元件delay igniter 延发点火器delay interval 迟发时间delay number 延时段delay primer 迟发起爆药包delay relay 延时继电器delay time 延迟时间delayed blast 迟误爆破delayed blasting 迟误爆破delayed detonation 迟发起爆delayed electric detonator 迟发电雷管delayed igniter 廷发点火器delessite 铁叶绿泥石deleterious dust 有害尘末delimitation 定界delivery 供应delivery lift 扬程delivery pipe 输出管delivery valve 输送阀demagnetization 退磁demangnetization force 去磁力demarcation 定界demidovite 天青硅孔雀石dendrite 师石dense 密的dense liquid 重液dense media preparation 重介选矿dense media process 重介选法dense media separation 重介选dense media separator 重介分选机dense medium 重悬浮液dense medium method 重介选法dense medium separator 重介质分选机denseness 稠密densification 浓缩densifier 浓缩机densimeter 密度计densitometer 密度计density 密度density control 浓度第density of surface charge 面电荷密度denudation 剥蚀deoxidation 脱氧dependency 依赖性dephlegmation 分凝depletion 消耗depletion drive 溶解气驱deposit 沉积物deposit discovery 矿床开拓deposit type 矿床类型depositing tank 矿泥沉淀箱deposition 沉淀deposition rate 沉淀速度depositional gradient 自然坡depot 仓库depressant 抑制剂depression 抑制;沉降depressor 抑制剂depth 层厚depth indicator 深度指示器depth of stratum 层厚depthfinder 测深仪depthometer 测深仪derived unit 导出单位derrick 钻塔derrick crane 动臂起重机descent 下井descentional ventilation 下行通风descloizite 钒铅锌矿desiccating agent 干燥剂desiccation 干燥desiccator 干燥器design data 设计数据design of experiments 实验规划法desiltor 脱泥机deslimer 脱泥机desliming 脱泥desliming cone 脱泥圆锥分级机desliming screen 脱泥筛desorption 脱除despersing agent 分散剂desquamation 剥落destress blasting 去应力爆破destruction 破环desulphurization 脱硫detach 分离detachable 可分离的detachable bit 活钻头detaching hook 过卷脱绳钩detachment 分离detection 发现;检查detector 检波器determination 决定detonability limit 爆轰界限detonate 起爆detonating cap 雷管detonating charge 起爆装药detonating composition 起爆粉detonating cord 导爆线detonating explosive 起爆炸药detonating fuse blasting 导爆线爆破detonating gas 爆炸瓦斯detonating mixture 爆炸混合物detonating relay 迟发导爆线装置detonation 爆轰detonation pressure 爆轰波压detonation product 爆炸产物detonation property 起爆性detonation rate 爆轰速度detonation reaction 爆炸反应detonation velocity 起爆速度detonation velocity test 爆速试验detonator 雷管detonator lead 雷管导线detour 迂回巷道detrition 磨损detritus 岩屑developed field 开拓了的矿床developement drift 开拓平巷developement openings 开拓巷道developement workings 开拓巷道developing 开发developing butt 开拓巷道developing entry 准备平巷development 发展development end 采准工祖development face 采准工祖development heading 准备平巷development machine 掘进机development opening 准备巷道development plan 开拓计划development road 开拓巷道development section 开拓区development workings 准备平巷deviation 偏差device 装置dewaterer 脱水机dewatering 排水dewatering box 脱水箱dewatering bucket elevator 脱水斗式提升机dewatering cone 脱水圆锥分级机dewatering conveyor 脱水输送机dewatering elevator 脱水提升机dewatering pump 排水泵dewatering screen 脱水筛dewatering tower 脱水塔dewatering trough 脱水槽diabase 辉绿岩diagenesis 成岩酌diagonal 对角线;对角线的diagonal deck table 菱形盘面摇床diagonal entry 伪倾斜巷道diagonal face 对角工祖diagonal rise 伪倾斜上山diagonal slicing 倾斜分层开采法diagonal ventilation 对角式通风diagram 曲线图diallogite 菱锰矿dialogite 菱锰矿dialysis 透析diamagnetic 抗磁性的diamagnetism 抗磁性diameter 直径diameter of bore 钻孔直径diamon bit 金刚石钻头diamond 金刚石diamond drill 金刚石钎杆diamond field 金刚石产地diamond powder 金刚石粉diamond tool 金刚石钻具diaphragm 隔膜diaphragm jig 隔膜跳汰机diaphragm pump 隔膜泵diaspore 水铝石diatomite 硅藻土dibhole 水仓didymolite 钙蓝石die 冲模dielectric 电介质的dielectric constant 电介常数dielectric separation 电介分选diesel electric locomotive 柴油电机车diesel fuel 柴油diesel locomotive 柴油机车diesel mine locomotive 矿用柴油机车diesel oil 柴油difference 差differential 微分;差动的differential flotation 优先浮选differential grinding 选择磨矿differential piston 差动活塞differential pressure 压差differential thermometer 差示温度计differential thread 差动螺纹diffuser 扩散器diffusibility 扩散性diffusion 扩散diffusivity 扩散性dig 挖掘digger 挖掘机digging 挖掘digging bucket 挖掘机铲斗digging depth 挖掘深度digging efficiency 挖掘效率digging height 铲挖高度;阶段高度digging reach 控掘半径digging rope 拉绳dike 岩脉dilatation 膨胀dilation 膨胀dilatometer 膨胀计diluant 冲淡剂diluent 稀释剂dilution 稀释dimension 大小dimension stone 块石dimensional analysis 因次分析dinitritoluene 二砂基甲苯dinting 卧底diopside 透辉石dioptase 透视石diopter 观板diorite 闪长岩dioxide 二氧化物dip 倾斜dip angle 倾角dip compass 矿山罗盘dip entry 下山dipper 铲斗dipper capacity 铲斗容量dipper door 勺斗门dipper dredge 铲斗挖掘船dipper type dredger 铲斗挖掘船dipping compass 矿山罗盘dipping working 沿倾斜下向开采direct 导向direct acting drive 直接传动direct acting hoist 直接传动提升机direct current 直流direct current generator 直立电机direct current motor 直羚动机direct drive 直接传动direct initiation 直接起爆direct priming 孔口起爆direct reading 直接读数direct rope haulage 头绳运输directed driling 定向钻进direction 方向direction finding and ranging 定向和测距direction of dip 倾斜方向direction of extraction 开采方向direction of rotation 转向directional drilling 定向钻进dirt bailer 泥浆泵dirt band 夹石层dirt extraction 拣矸dirt haul 废石运输dirt loader 废石装载机dirt pack 废石充填dirt pile 废石堆dirtied rock 炸落岩石disaster 灾难disc 圆盘disc valve 圆盘阀discharge 排出;放电discharge air shaft 上风竖井discharge chute 排泄槽discharge height 卸载高度discharge hopper 卸载漏斗discharge launder 排泄槽discharge opening 卸料口discharge outlet 卸料口discharge pipe 排出管discharge point 卸载站discharge time 卸载时间discharge trough 排矿槽discharger 卸载机discharging platform 卸料平台discontinuity 不连续性discontinuous 不连续的discovery 发现disintegration 粉碎disintegrator 粉碎机disk 圆盘disk bit 盘状冲魂头disk brake 盘式制动器disk conveyor 盘式运输机disk crusher 盘式破碎机disk cutter 圆盘式截煤机disk feeder 转盘给矿机disk filter 圆盘过滤机disk grizzly 圆盘滚轴筛disk pulverizer 盘式粉磨机disk valve 圆盘阀dislocation 转位dismantling 分解dispatcher 等员dispersant 分散剂disperse 分散dispersing agent 分散剂dispersion 分散dispersion medium 分散介体dispersity 分散度displacement 位移display 显示装置disposition 配置disruption 破裂disruptive explosive 爆裂性炸药dissemination 矿染dissociate 离解dissociation 离解dissolubility 溶解性dissoluble 可溶的dissolution 溶解dissoluvability 溶解性dissoluvable 可溶的dissolvant 溶剂dissolve 溶解dissolved gas drive 溶解气驱dissolvent 溶剂distance control 远距控制disthene 蓝晶石distillation 蒸馏distillator 蒸馏器distilled water 蒸馏水distiller 蒸馏器distortion 变形distribute 分配distributing conveyor 分配输送机distributing trough 布料槽distributing valve 分配阀distribution 分配distributor 分配器district 地区disulfide 二硫化物disulphide 二硫化物ditch 沟道ditch and trench excavator 挖沟机ditch blasting 开沟爆破ditch excavator 挖沟机ditcher 挖沟机divergence 发散divergency 发散divide 分水岭divider 罐粱;罐梁;分隔器division 分割;区域division surface 分界面divisional plane 节理do jiargillaceous rock 泥质岩do jiarsenolite 砷华do jiblastproof 防爆的do jibolter 筛do jibrittle 脆的dobie blasting 糊炮dock 栈桥dog 把手dolerite 粗玄岩dolly way 栈桥dolomite 白云石dolomitization 白云石化dolomization 白云石化dome 穹domeykite 砷铜矿donarite 道纳瑞特炸药door 门door regulator 第风门door stoop 井筒安全柱door tender 看门工door trapper 看门工dope 吸收剂dopplerite 灰色沥青dormant fire 潜伏火灾dorr classifier 道尔型分级机dorr thickener 道尔型浓缩机dosimeter 剂量计dosing 配量dosing tank 计量箱double 二重的double bank cage 双层式罐笼double barrel 复式岩心管double chain conveyor 双链刮板输送机double deck cage 双层式罐笼double deck screen 双层筛double drum air driven hoist 风动双滚筒绞车double drum hoist 双滚筒绞车double drum scraper hoist 双滚筒扒矿绞车double drum separator 双浓筒磁选机double drum winch 双滚筒绞车double entry 双平巷double intakes 双进风道double parting 错车道double reduction gearbox 两级减速装置double roll crusher 双辊破碎机double stage compressor 双级压气机double track haulage roadway 双轨运输巷道double track heading 双线平巷double tracked incline 双轨斜井double tracked plane 双轨上山double tube core barrel 复式岩心管double union 双键double unit 双工炸区double up post 补充柱dovetail joint 鸠尾接合dowel 合缝销down grade 下坡down to earth salt production 地下岩盐开采downcast air 进风downcast shaft 进风井downcut 下部掏槽downdraft 下向通风downhole 向下炮眼downpour 注下downward 下向的downward current 下降流下向流downward mining 下行开采downward ventilation 下向通风downward working 下行开采dozer 推土机draft 通风draft tube 吸入管drag bar conveyor 刮板运输机drag classifier 刮板分级机drag conveyor 刮板运输机dragline 朔挖掘机dragline excavator 朔挖掘机dragline tower excavator 塔式朔挖掘机dragscraper 刮土铲运机dragshovel 刮土铲运机drain 排水管drain adit 排水平峒drain cock 放水旋塞drain line 排水管道drain opening 排水囗drain outlet 排水囗drain pipe 排水管drain pump 排水泵drain sump 集水仓drain tap 放水旋塞drain tube 排水管drain valve 放泄阀drainage 排水drainage adit 排水平峒drainage area 排水面积drainage channel 排水沟drainage conveyor 脱水输送机drainage elevator 脱水提升机drainage facilities 排水设备drainage gallery 排水平硐drainage hole 放泄孔drainage level 排水平巷drainage network 排水网drainage property 透水性drainage pump 排水泵drainage screen 脱水筛drainage shaft 排水井drainage sieve 脱水筛drainage works 排水工作draining 排水draught 通风draught tube 吸管drawbar 牵引杆drawing 回收drawing back of pillars 后退式回采矿柱drawing height 提升高度drawing hoist 回柱绞车drawing machine 提升绞车drawing program 放矿计划drawing rate 放矿速度drawing shaft 提升井drawpoint brow 放矿点口dredge 挖掘船dredge pump 吸泥泵dredger 挖掘船dredging 挖出dredging engine 挖泥机dresser 选矿工dressing 刃磨dressing expenses 选矿费dressing machine 锻钎机dressing method 连矿法dressing plant 选矿厂dressing works 选矿厂drier 干燥机drift 平硐drift angle 偏差角drift bed 冲积层drift conveyer 水平坑道运输机drift drill 架式凿岩机drift miner 巷道掘进工drift mining 平硐开采drift pillar 平巷矿柱drift way 水平巷道driftage 巷道掘进drifter 架式凿岩机drifting 巷道掘进drifting machine 架式凿岩机drifting method 掘进法drill 钎杆drill adapter 钻杆卡头drill autofeeder 自动推进装置drill bar 钻杆drill bit 钎头drill bit gage loss 钻头直径磨损量drill blower 钻机吹粉器drill bortz 钻用金刚石drill carriage 凿岩机drill chuck 钻头夹盘drill column 钻杆柱drill core 钻机岩心drill cuttings 钻粉drill hammer 凿岩机drill hole 排放钻孔drill hole depth 钻孔深度drill hole wall 钻孔壁drill jumbo 凿岩机drill maker 锻钎机drill man 凿岩工drill mounting 钻机架drill pipe 钻杆drill pipe cutter 套管内切刀drill piston 风钻活塞drill point angle 钻尖角drill pump 钻机泵drill rig 钻车drill rod 钻杆drill rope 钻井钢丝绳drill round 炮眼组drill steel 钻钢drill stem 钻杆drill team 钻探队drill tower 钻塔drill truck 钻车drill unit 钻孔设备drill water hose 凿岩机供水软管drill water pipe 钻机冲洗水管drillability 可钻性drillability index 可钻性指数driller 凿岩工drillhole burden 炮眼的负裁drilling 穿孔drilling and blasting operation 打眼放炮工作drilling cable 钻井钢丝绳drilling cost 打钻费drilling device 钻眼装置drilling dust 钻粉drilling equipment 钻孔设备drilling exploration 钻孔勘探drilling fluid 钻孔液体drilling head 钻头drilling hole 钻孔drilling jumbo 钻车drilling line 钻井钢丝绳drilling machine 钻孔机drilling meal 钻粉drilling method 钻进方法drilling mud 钻泥drilling outfit 钻孔设备drilling pattern 炮孔排列法drilling pipe 钻杆drilling platform 钻井平台drilling rate 钻孔速度drilling rope 钻井钢丝绳drilling shift 钻眼班drilling speed 钻孔速度drilling staging 凿岩台drilling steel 钻钢drilling time 钻孔时间drilling tool 钻具drillings 钻粉drillmobile 钻车drip 滴drip proof protection 防滴保护drivage 巷道掘进drivage efficiency 掘进效率drivage method 掘进法drive chain 传动链drive head 传动机头drive rod 传动钻杆drive shaft 传动轴drive sprocket 传动链轮drive sprocket wheel 传动链轮driven pulley 从动driven shaft 从动轴driver 掘进工driving 冲击driving belt 传动带driving chain 传动链driving force 传动力driving mechanism 传动机构driving openings 巷道掘进driving place 掘进现场driving pulley 织皮带轮driving shaft 传动轴driving speed 掘进速度driving terminal 传动站driving up the pitch 倾斜掘进drop 滴drop bottom cage 落底式罐笼drop bottom car 底卸式车drop cage 翻转罐笼drop crusher 冲唤破碎机drop crushing 落锤破碎drop end car 端卸车drop hammar 打桩落锤drop hammer test 落锤试验drop pit 溜道drop shaft 沉井drop side car 侧卸车drop test 落锤试验dropper 支脉drossy coal 劣质煤drowned mine 淹没的矿drowned pump 浸没泵drum 筒drum feeder 转筒给料机drum filter 鼓式过滤器drum screen 滚筒筛drum separator 圆筒式分选机drum switch 鼓形开关drum to rope ratio 筒径绳径比drum type feeder 转筒给料机drum winder 滚筒式提升机drumlin 鼓丘druse 晶洞drusy 晶洞dry 干燥dry assay 干法试金dry cleaning 干选dry coal preparation 干法选煤dry cobbing 干法磁选dry compressor 气冷压气机dry concentration 干选dry concentrator 干式选矿机dry digging 干料挖掘dry drilling 干式钻眼dry feeder 干给矿机dry grinding 干磨dry magnetic dressing 干法磁选dry magnetic separation 干法磁选dry method 干式法dry mill 干磨机dry milling 干磨dry packing 干式充填dry separation 干选dry sieving 干法筛分dry stowing 干式充填dry treatment 干处理dryer 干燥机dryer drum 干燥机滚筒drying 干燥drying chamber 干燥室drying cylinder 干燥筒drying room 干燥室ds blasting 秒延迟爆破duct 导管ductility 延性ductwork 通风管道duff dust 末煤dufrenite 绿磷铁矿dull coal 暗煤dumm drift 盲道dummy drift 独头巷道dummy roadway 石垛平巷dummy shaft 暗井dumortierite 蓝线石dump 堆dump body truck 自卸式载重汽车dump car 翻斗车dump house 翻车房dump leaching 堆积沥滤dump pocket 倾卸仓dump skip 倾卸箕斗dump truck 自卸式载重汽车dumper 翻车机dumping 翻卸dumping place 倾卸场dumping station 倾卸站dumping track 倾卸线dumping wagon 翻斗车dunite 纯橄榄岩dunn bass 泥质页岩duplex 二倍的duplex compressor 双动压气机duplex jig 双室跳汰机duplex table 双摇床durability 耐久性durable 耐久的durain 暗煤型duration 经久duration of cycle 循环时间durite 暗煤型durometer 硬度计dust allayer 集尘器dust barrier 岩粉棚dust catcher 集尘器dust catching efficiency 集尘效率dust catching plant 集尘装置dust chamber 集尘室dust coal 粉煤dust collection 集尘dust concentration 尘末浓度dust consolidation 尘末结合dust content 含尘率dust control 防尘dust counter 尘度计dust distributor 撒岩粉器dust explosion 尘末爆炸dust extraction 除尘dust extractor 吸尘器dust filter 滤尘器dust flotation 矿尘浮选dust laden air 含尘空气dust lung 尘肺病dust mask 防尘面具dust monitor 吸尘器dust ore 粉状矿石dust phthisis 尘肺病dust precipitation 煤尘沉降dust prevention 防尘dust proof 防尘的dust protective mask 防尘面具dust recovery 收尘dust removal 除尘dust separator 离尘器dust settling 尘末沉淀dust tight 防尘的dust yield 生尘量dustfree drilling 无尘钻眼dustiness 含尘量dustiness index 含尘指数dusting 生尘dustless drilling 无尘钻眼dusty air 含尘空气dusty mine 多尘矿井duty 能率dyke 岩脉dynamic 动力的dynamic balance 动态平衡dynamic characteristic 动态特性dynamic effect 动态效应dynamic equillibrium 动态平衡dynamic load 动负载dynamic pressure 动压dynamic stress 动力应力dynamics 动力学dynamite 疵麦特dynamite magazine 炸药房dynamometamorphism 动力变质dynamometer 测力计dynamometry 测力法dynamon 辞蒙炸药dyscrasite 锑银矿early strength cement 速凝水泥earth 土地earth borer 钻土机earth current 接地电流earth drill 钻土机earth magnetic field 地磁场earth movement 地层移动earth moving 土方工作earth pressure 地压earth wave 地震波earth work 土方工作earth's crust 地壳earth's surface 地面earthenware 陶器earthmoving equipment 土方工程设备earthquake proof construction 抗震建筑earthy cobalt 钴土矿easer 辅助炮眼easer hole 辅助炮眼easy grade 缓坡easy gradient 缓坡ebonite 硬橡胶eboulement 岩石崩塌eccentric 偏心轮;偏心的eccentric drive screen 偏心筛eccentric screen 偏心筛eccentricity 偏心率eclogite 榴辉岩economic stripping ratio 经济合理采剥比eddy 涡旋edge 边edge mill 轮碾机edge runner 辊碾机edge seam 急倾斜层eduction 排出eduction pipe 排气管effect 影响effective load 有效负载effective pull 有效拉力effective section 有效截面effective value 有效值effective working time 有效工妆间effectiveness 有效efficiency 效率efficiency curve 效率曲线efficiency of classification 分级效率efficiency of crushing 破碎效率efficiency of separation 分离度efficiency of separator 分选机效率efflorescence 风化effluence 瘤effort 酌力effusion 喷出effusive rock 喷发岩eglestonite 氯汞矿ejection 喷出ejector 喷射器ejector pump 喷射式水泵elastic 弹性的elastic after effect 弹性后效elastic axis 弹性轴elastic constant 弹性常数elastic curve 弹性曲线elastic deformation 弹性形变elastic energy 弹性能elastic extension 弹性伸长elastic force 弹力elastic limit 弹性限度elastic material 弹性材料elastic modulus 弹性模量elastic rock 弹性岩石elastic strain 弹性应变elastic strain energy 弹性能elastic wave 弹性波elasticity 弹性elasticity modulus 弹性模量elastoplastic rock 弹塑性岩石elbaite 锂电气石electric 电的electric air drill 电风钻electric blasting 电力爆破electric coalcutter 电动截煤机electric delay fuse 延发电雷管electric detonator 电雷管electric double layer 双电层electric drill 电钻electric haulage 电机车运输electric hoist 电绞车electric mine locomotive 矿用电气机车electric potential 电位electric precipitator 电气集尘器electric primer 电雷管起爆药包electric prospecting 电法勘探electric separation 电选electric separator 电分离器electric winch 电绞车electrical 电的electrical charge 电荷electrical concentration 电选electrical exploder 电放袍器electrical firing 电力爆破electrical firing connection 电力爆破线路electricfield 电场electroanalysis 电解分析electrochemical 电化学的electrochemistry 电化学electrode 电极electrofilter 电滤器electrofiltration 电滤electrokinetic potential 动电位electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解液electrolytic 电解的electrolytic dissociation 电离electromagnet 电磁铁electromagnetic 电磁的electromagnetic blowout 电磁熄弧electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器electromagnetic contactor 电磁接触器electromagnetic device 电磁装置electromagnetic equipment 电磁设备electromagnetic field 电磁场electromagnetic force 电磁力electromagnetic prospecting 电磁勘探electromagnetic separation 电磁分选electromagnetic separator 电磁分选机electromagnetical 电磁的electrometer 静电计electromotive force 电动势electron 电子electronic air filter 电子空气过滤器electrophoresis 电泳electrostatic 电的electrostatic field 静电场electrostatic force 静电力electrostatic separation 静电选electrostatic separator 静电分选机electrum 银金矿element 元素;要素eleolite 脂光石elevation 标高;立视图elevator 升降机elevator pump 链斗提水机elimination 消去ellipse 椭圆elliptic 椭圆的elliptic arch 椭圆拱elliptic vault 椭圆形拱顶elliptical 椭圆的elongation 伸长elongation percentage 延伸率elongation test 拉伸试验elpidite 钠锆石elutriate 淘洗elutriation 淘洗elutriator 淘析器eluvial 残积的eluvium 残积层emanation 射气embankment 堤embed 成层emergency brake 紧急制动器emergency breathing apparatus 救急呼吸器emergency call 呼救信号emergency door 太平门emergency keps 紧急罐座emery 刚砂emery paper 砂纸emission 泄出emission of firedamp 沼气泄出emission of gas 瓦斯泄出empiric value 经验值empirical 经验的empirical value 经验值emplectite 硫铜铋矿empties 空矿车empties track 空车道empties train 空列车empty 空的;放空empty car 空矿车empty hole 不装药的炮眼empty tub 空矿车emptying 卸空emptying point 卸载点emulsification 乳化emulsifier 乳化器乳化剂emulsify 乳化emulsifying ability 乳化能力emulsifying agent 乳化剂emulsion 乳浊液emulsion explosive 乳化炸药emulsoid 乳胶体enargite 硫砷铜矿enclosing rock 围岩end 工祖end pressure 支承压力end product 最后产品end reaction 支点反力end tipper 端转翻卸机endless 无限的endless belt 环形带endless chain feeder 无端链给料机endless haulage 无端绳运输endless over rope 上拉式无极绳endless rope 无端绳endless rope haulage 无端绳运输endless rope haulage hoist 无端绳运输绞车endless track 履带endomorphism 内变质endothermal 吸热的endothermic 吸热的endothermic reaction 吸热反应endurance 耐久性endurance limit 疲劳极限endurance test 耐久试验energy 能energy loss 能量损失energy resources 能源engine 引擎engine house 矿山提升机房;机车库engine pit 排水专用井engine room 机瓶engineering 工程enlargement 扩大enrichment 富集enstatite 顽辉石entrance 入口entrance track 引入线entry 水平巷道entry advance 平巷推进entry bottom 平巷底entry brushing 巷道挑顶entry driving 平巷掘进entry driving machine 平巷掘进机entry pillar 平巷煤柱environment 环境environment pollution 环境污染environment protection 环境保扩eolation 风蚀eolian placer 风成砂矿epidote 绿帘石epigenesis 后生epistilbite 柱沸石epoxy resin 环氧尸epsomite 泻利盐eq.s explosives 当量包皮安全炸药equal falling 等速下落equal settling 等速下落equal settling factor 等沉比equal settling particle 等沉粒equal settling ratio 等沉比equality 相等equalization 均匀化equalizer 均衡器equation 方程式equilibrium 平衡equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度equilibrium position 平衡位置equilibrium state 平衡状态equilibrium value 平衡值equipment 设备equipment cost 设备费equivalence 等价equivalent 等价的equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent conductance 等积孔equivalent diameter 当量直径equivalent fuel 燃料当量equivalent orifice 等积孔era 代erbium 铒erecting tool 装配工具erection 装配erosion 侵蚀erosive 侵蚀的error 误差erubescite 斑铜矿eruption 喷发eruptive 喷发的eruptive rock 火山岩erythrite 钴毕escape apparatus 救护频escape shaft 太平井escorial 堆渣场ester 酯ether 醚ettle 尾矿eucairite 硒铜银矿euclase 蓝柱石euclasite 蓝柱石eudialite 异性石eudialyte 异性石eudiometer 量气管eulytine 硅铋石eulytite 硅铋石euxenite 黑稀金矿evaluation 评价evaporation 蒸发evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却evaporator 蒸发器evaporites 蒸发岩evase 扩散器exactitude 准确examination 试验excavate 挖掘excavated diameter 挖掘直径excavating 挖取excavating equipment 掘进设备excavating machine 挖掘机excavation 采掘excavation support 巷道支架excavator 挖掘机excavator bucket 挖掘机的挖斗excavator grab 挖掘机的挖斗excess 过剩exchange 交换excitation current 励磁电流excitation time 点火时间excitation voltage 激磁电压excitation winding 激磁线圈exciting behavior 励爆能exciting energy 点火能量exfoliate 片落exfoliation 片落exhaust 排出exhaust air 排气exhaust blower 抽风机exhaust fan 抽风机exhaust gas 废气exhaust nozzle 排气口exhaust pipe 排气管exhaust port 排气口exhaust steam 废蒸汽exhaust ventilation 抽出通风exhauster 排气机exhaustion 抽出exogenetic 外源的exogenous 外源的exothermal 放热的exothermic 放热的exothermic reaction 放热反应expander 扩张器expanding prop 伸缩支柱expanding shell bolt 胀壳式锚杆expansibility 膨胀性expansion 膨胀expansion bolt 膨胀式锚杆expansion coefficient 膨系数expansion post 伸缩支柱expansion shell bolt 涨壳式顶板锚杆expansion type roof bolt 膨胀式锚杆expenses 经费experience 经验experiment 实验experimental 实验的experimental firing 试验爆破experimental tunnel 试验平硐exploder 放炮器exploitation 开采exploitation blasting 开发爆破exploration 探矿exploration adit 勘探平硐exploration boring 钻探exploration drilling 钻探exploratory 勘探的exploratory boring 钻探exploratory drift 勘探平巷exploratory drilling 钻探exploratory shaft 探井exploratory trench 探沟exploratory well 探井exploring 探矿exploring mine 勘探矿井exploring openings 勘探巷道exploring shaft 探井explosibility 爆炸性explosible 爆发性的explosimeter 沼气检定器explosion 爆炸explosion chamber 爆炸室explosion crater 爆破漏斗explosion danger 爆炸危险explosion effect 爆炸效应explosion flash 爆炸焰explosion gases 爆炸后产生的气体explosion heat 爆炸热explosion limit 爆炸极限explosion pressure 爆炸压力explosion products 爆炸产物explosion proof 防爆的explosion temperature 爆炸温度explosion velocity 爆速explosion wave 爆炸波explosive 炸药explosive column 柱状装药explosive consumption 炸药消耗量explosive dust 爆炸性尘末explosive force 爆炸力explosive magazine 炸药库explosive mixture 爆炸混合物explosive power 爆炸力explosive pulse 爆炸冲动explosive range of methan 沼气爆炸范围explosive ratio 炸药消耗比explosive reaction 爆发反应explosive storage 炸药库explosive substances 爆炸物explosive technique 爆破技术explosive wave 爆炸波explosives control law 火药类管理法explosives loading factor 装药比expose 露出exposed coalfield 暴露式煤田exposed surface 露面exposure 露头extend 拉长extended charge 分段装药extensibility 可伸长性extensible 可伸长的extensible belt conveyor 可伸缩式胶带输送机extensible prop 可伸缩支柱extensile 可伸长的extension 拉长extensometer 伸长计external 外部的external charge blasting 糊炮爆破external force 外力external pressure 外压力extinguisher 消火器extract 提出物extracting level 采掘水平extracting seam thickness 采煤层厚度extraction 采掘extraction drift 回采平巷extraction equipment 采矿设备extraction gallery 回采平巷extraction order 采掘次序extraction percentage 采收率extractor fan 抽风机extraneous matter 杂质extrusion 压出exudation 渗出eye 竖井口eye survey 目测face 工祖face advance 工祖推进face alignment 工祖当face conveyor 工祖运输机face crew 工祖工组face eqiupment 工祖设备face fall 工祖塌落face labour 工祖工人face length 工祖长度face lighting 工祖照明face man 工祖工人face mechanization 工祖机械化face of shaft 井底face of well 油井底face preparation 工祖准备face run 采煤机在工祖移动的时间face support 工祖支架face timbering 工祖支架face timbering plan 工祖支护计划face toe 坡面底部face track 工祖轨道face work 工祖工作facilities 设备factor 系数factor analysis 因子分析factor of safety 安全系数factory 工厂fahlerz 铜矿fahlore 铜矿failed hole 拒爆残留孔眼failing 缺点failure 缺点failure prediction 故障预测failure rate 故障率fall 崩落fall rate 下沉速度fallers 罐笼座falling weight test 落锤试验false bottom 假底层false cap 临时顶梁false dynamite 低硝甘炸药false roof 伪顶false roof rock 伪顶岩石false set 临时支架false stull 临时支柱false timbering 临时支架falsework 拱架fan 扇风机fan blade 扇风机叶片fan cut 扇形掏槽fan delivery 扇风机送风量fan pattern 扇形排列方式fan pattern holes 扇形炮眼组fan pipe 风管fan shaft 通风井fan shaped round 扇形炮眼组fancy coal 精煤fandrift 扇风机引风道fang 通风井fanner 扇风机fast 快速的;坚固的fast extraction 快速回采。
NF-KB与微循环障碍核因子-KB(nuclear factor-kappa B,NF-KB)•蛋白家族是一种多效性的转录因子,可以与多种基启动子部位的KB位点发生特异性的结合从而促进其转录表达。
1.NF-KB的概述1.1 NF-KB/Rel蛋白家族及结构1986年,Sen 等首次从鼠B淋巴细胞核提取物中,发现一种能与免疫球蛋白K轻链基因增强子KB序列(GGGACTTTCC)特异结合,调节其基因表达的核蛋白因子,•称之为NF-KB。
随后大量的研究又陆续发现了NF-KB•家族的其它成员,•其构成亚基分别是NF-•KB1 (P50)、NF-KB2(P52)、P65(RelA)、c-Rel(Rel)、RelB等,因这些亚基的N-末端均崐有约300个氨基酸残基的Rel同源区(rel homology domain ,RHD)•,•故统称为NF-KB/Rel蛋白家族。
其RHD内含DNA结合区,二聚体化区和核定位序列,分别具有与DNA KB序列结合、与同源或异源亚基二聚体化以及与NF-KB抑制蛋白(IKB)家族成员相互作用并携带核定位信号(NLS),参与活化的NF-KB由细胞质向细胞核的迅速移动等功能。
•一类为P50(•NF-•KB1)和P52(•NF-•KB2),•分别由含有C-末端锚蛋白重复序列(ahkrin ••repeat motif)的前体蛋白p105和p100通过ATP依赖蛋白水解过程裂解而形成。
发现有四种,今天我代表我们小组给大家讲解其中的一种,即nf kb 在接下来的十分钟我们要解决四个问题1什么是NFKB2他又有怎样的结构特征3在细胞中信号是如何进行传导的4对生命活动又有怎样的意义于1986年,Sen 等首次从鼠B淋巴细胞核提取物在信号通路子-KB(nuclear factor-kappa B,NF-KB)蛋白家族是一种多效性的转录因子,可以与多种基启动子部位的KB位点发生特异性的结合从而促进其转录表达。
1.NF-KB的概述1.1 NF-KB/Rel蛋白家族及结构1986年,Sen 等首次从鼠B淋巴细胞核提取物中,发现一种能与免疫球蛋白K轻链基因增强子KB 序列(GGGACTTTCC)特异结合,调节其基因表达的核蛋白因子,称之为NF-KB。
随后大量的研究又陆续发现了NF-KB家族的其它成员,其构成亚基分别是NF-KB1 (P50)、NF-KB2(P52)、P65(RelA)、c-Rel(Rel)、RelB等,因这些亚基的N-末端均崐有约300个氨基酸残基的Rel同源区(rel homology domain ,RHD),故统称为NF-KB/Rel蛋白家族。
其RHD内含DNA结合区,二聚体化区和核定位序列,分别具有与DNA KB序列结合、与同源或异源亚基二聚体化以及与NF-KB抑制蛋白(IKB)家族成员相互作用并携带核定位信号(NLS),参与活化的NF-KB由细胞质向细胞核的迅速移动等功能。
1. 智睿投资(wisdom investments)2. 博远资本(boYuan capital)3. 润益资产(runYi assets)4. 星光投资(starlight investments)5. 鼎信投资(dingxin investments)6. 瑞富投资(ruiFu investments)7. 金谷资本(jinGu capital)8. 安泰财富(anTai wealth)9. 麟坤投资(linKun investments)10. 君迈资本(junMai capital)11. 德辰投资(deChen investments)12. 喆升资本(zheSheng capital)13. 盈翔投资(yingXiang investments)14. 丰裕资本(fengYu capital)15. 宏泰投资(hongTai investments)16. 融鑫资本(rongXin capital)17. 辰海投资(chenHai investments)18. 金枫资本(jinFeng capital)19. 久臻投资(jiuZhen investments)20. 宏安资本(hongAn capital)21. 和瑞投资(heRui investments)22. 环益资本(huanYi capital)23. 博翔投资(boXiang investments)24. 长盛资本(changSheng capital)25. 世纪拓荣(shiJi tuorong)26. 鸿远投资(hongYuan investments)27. 融信资本(rongXin capital)28. 金鑫投资(jinXin investments)29. 利盈资本(liYing capital)30. 兰尚投资(lanShang investments)31. 博轩资本(boXuan capital)32. 春和资本(chunHe capital)33. 纵横投资(zongHeng investments)34. 金轩资本(jinXuan capital)35. 久金资本(jiuJin capital)36. 尚越投资(shangYue investments)37. 掌瑞资本(zhangRui capital)38. 金富投资(jinFu investments)39. 海德资本(haiDe capital)40. 凤玺投资(fengXi investments)41. 翰宇资本(hanYu capital)42. 恒盛投资(hengSheng investments)43. 嘉瑞资本(jiaRui capital)44. 华科投资(huaKe investments)45. 意达资本(yiDa capital)46. 嘉隆投资(jiaLong investments)47. 幸福资本(xingFu capital)48. 融鼎资本(rongDing capital)49. 君远投资(junYuan investments)50. 中航资本(zhongHang capital)这些名称展示了优雅和专业,有助于塑造您的公司形象,并与潜在投资者产生共鸣。
公司中英文名称大全公司起英文名标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]Shanghai Anzhen Heating Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd.上海安贞供暖设备工程有限公司上海安贞贸易有限公司/Shanghai AnzhenTrading Co., Ltd.Shanghai Asway Trading Co., Ltd.上海振慧水处理设备有限公司Shanghai AURO Trading Co., Ltd.上海爱绿经贸有限公司Shanghai Baibdu Seals Co., Ltd.上海百度密封材料有限公司Shanghai Bangke Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd.上海邦克厨浴有限公司Shanghai Bathroom Equipment Co., Ltd. - Pinghu Office上海利比浴室设备有限公司平湖办事处Shanghai Beijian Door Co., Ltd.上海北建门业有限公司Shanghai Beno New Material Co., Ltd.上海贝诺装饰新材料有限公司Shanghai Bity Hardware Co., Ltd.上海百泰五金有限公司Shanghai Boli Decoration Materials Co., Ltd.上海博力装饰材料有限公司Shanghai Boli Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. - Showroom 1上海博力装饰材料有限公司展厅1Shanghai Caesar Sculpture Arts Manufacture Co., Ltd.上海启石雕塑艺术品制造有限公司Shanghai Caesar Sculpture Arts Manufacture Co., Ltd. - QijianBranch上海启石雕塑艺术品制造有限公司-旗舰店Shanghai Canature Environmental Products Co., Ltd.上海开能环保设备有限公司Shanghai Chenlang Model Building Materials Co., Ltd.上海晨朗新型建材有限公司Shanghai Concord Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.上海裕和机电有限公司Shanghai Critical Point Co., Ltd.上海临界点贸易有限公司Shanghai Csucces Water-treat Equipment Co., Ltd.上海科索水处理设备有限公司Shanghai DAISO Machinary Co., Ltd.上海大松机械有限公司Shanghai Dechen Yagao Trading Co., Ltd.上海德臣雅高贸易有限公司Shanghai Deebe Electrical Co., Ltd.上海普贝电器有限公司Shanghai Dese Trading Co., Ltd.上海德喜工贸有限公司Shanghai Dimu Furniture Fittings Co., Ltd.上海迪姆家具配件有限公司Shanghai Dimu Furniture Fittings Co., Ltd.上海迪姆家具配件有限公司Shanghai Dingyi Interior and Exterior Decoration Work Co., Ltd.上海鼎艺室内外装潢有限公司Shanghai Dixi Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.上海迪熙电器有限公司Shanghai DSH Mingmei Decoration Materials Co., Ltd.上海德仕明楣装饰材料有限公司Shanghai E Tai Co., Ltd.上海一太洁具有限公司Shanghai ERE Int'l Trading Co., Ltd.上海易而益国际贸易有限公司Shanghai ESIH Architectural Technology Co., Ltd.上海易思豪建筑科技有限公司Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Shanghai Show Room上海欧宝建材贸易公司上海陈列室Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Shanghai Show Room上海欧宝建材贸易公司上海陈列室Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Sicis Mosaic Shop 上海欧宝建材贸易公司意大利Sicis马赛克专卖店Shanghai EuroTech Trading Co., Ltd.上海欧翼贸易有限公司Shanghai Fenglei Sanitary Equipment Co., Ltd.上海风雷卫浴装置有限公司Shanghai Finishing Technology Ltd.上海飞迅涂装机电设备有限公司Shanghai Fomica Decorative Material Co., Ltd.上海富美家装饰材料有限公司Shanghai Fuyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.上海福元休闲设备工程有限公司Shanghai GLLO Induction Equipment Co., Ltd.上海洁利来感应设备有限公司Shanghai Golden Swell Sanitaryware Co., Ltd.上海金四维卫浴公司Shanghai Great Science & Technology Inc.上海格瑞特科技实业公司Shanghai Great Science & Technology Inc.上海格瑞特科技实业公司Shanghai Guolei Electrical Heater Manufacturing Co., Ltd.上海国雷电热器制造有限公司-销售中心Shanghai Hanscare Indoor Environment Technology Co., Ltd.上海汉斯凯室内环境科技有限公司Shanghai Heejoong Corp.上海熙中经贸有限公司Shanghai Hengfeng Fluorocarbon Material Co., Ltd.上海衡峰氟碳材料有限公司Shanghai Holyswam Industry Co., Ltd.上海鸿圣实业有限公司Shanghai Huajing Curtain Co., Ltd.上海桦景窗帘有限公司Shanghai Huayu Technology Development Co., Ltd.上海华韵科技发展有限公司Shanghai Huayuan New Composite Materials Co., Ltd.上海华源复合新材料有限公司Shanghai Intradin Hardware Co., Ltd.上海士商五金有限公司Shanghai Jiachuang Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.上海加创科仪有限公司Shanghai Jiayi Building Materials Co., Ltd.上海佳宜装饰材料有限公司Shanghai Jinge Trading Development Co., Ltd.上海金格工贸发展有限公司Shanghai Jingheng Building Material Co., Ltd.上海劲恒商贸发展有限公司Shanghai Jinna Shower Room Manufacture Co., Ltd.上海金纳淋浴房制造有限公司Shanghai Jinxing Bronze Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.上海金星铜工程有限公司Shanghai Jiubai上海九百家居装饰商城有限公司Shanghai Kaiying Building Material Co., Ltd.上海凯鹰家居装饰材料有限公司Shanghai Kingdee Door Mfg. Co., Ltd.上海基田门业有限公司Shanghai Koyer Construction Materials Co., Ltd. (Jolly Motor)上海可寓建材有限公司Shanghai Leader Forestry Development Ltd.上海大叶装饰材料有限公司Shanghai Leader Forestry Development Ltd. - Beijing Branch 上海大叶装饰材料有限公司北京分公司Shanghai Leye Trading Co., Ltd.上海乐叶工贸有限公司Shanghai Liangmahe House Appliance Co., Ltd.上海亮马河家用电器有限公司Shanghai Liming Chuanshi Co., Ltd.上海丽明(窗饰)工贸有限公司Shanghai Linjie Plastics Products Co., Ltd.上海林杰橡塑制品有限公司Shanghai Lujing Gardening Arts & Design Co., Ltd.上海绿竟园林艺术设计有限公司Shanghai Luxurious Paint Co; Ltd.上海立克兴涂料有限公司Shanghai Maple Leaf Door Products Co., Ltd.上海枫叶门业有限公司Shanghai Meigao Building Decoration Co., Ltd.上海美高装饰材料有限公司Shanghai Mengdiou Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.上海蒙迪欧卫浴有限公司Shanghai Metal Door Co., Ltd.上海曼托门业有限公司Shanghai Minghua Timber Products Co., Ltd.上海名华木制品制造有限公司Shanghai Mingya Cabinet Co., Ltd.上海茗雅厨柜有限公司Shanghai Mingzhan Hygiene Bath Cleartools Co., Ltd.上海铭展卫浴洁具有限公司Shanghai Moershu Enterprise Development Co., Ltd.上海摩尔舒企业发展有限公司Shanghai Moershu Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. - Sales Center 上海摩尔舒企业发展有限公司销售中心Shanghai Momali Sanitary Utensils Co., Ltd.上海摩玛利洁具有限公司Shanghai Mujia Cupboardfittings Co., Ltd.上海沐家橱柜配件有限公司公司名称太多,就不一一列举喽~~朋友们记得举一反三哦。
ab-, a-,awayabs-ac-, acu- sharp or pointedacri- sharp, pungent, bitter, eager, fierceacro- height, summit, tipad-, a-,ac-, af-,movement to or toward; in addition toag-, al-,ap-, ar-,as-, at-adip- fataer-, aero- air, atmosphereaesth-et feeling, sensationagr-, agri- fieldamat-, amor- love, lovedambi- both, on both sidesamic-,friend-imic-amphi- around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds ampl- amplean-, a- not, withoutana-, an- again, against, back, upanima- breathann-, -enn- year, yearlyant-, anti- against, opposed to, preventiveante-, anti- before, in front of, prior toanth-,flowerantho-anthropo-,humananthro-aqu- waterar- plow, tillar- be dryarche-,rulerarchi-archaeo-,ancientarcheo-arct-,Relating to the North Pole or the region near it; relating to cold; used as the scientific name of some bear species, e.g. Ursus arcto-argent- silverarthr-,jointarthro-astr-, star, star-shapedastro-athl- prizeaud-, audi- hearing, listening, soundaug-, auct- grow, increaseaur- relating to gold, or gold-colored auri- Relating to the earaut- , auto- self; directed from withinavi- birdaxi- axisaxio- meritbac- rod-shapedbaro- weight, pressurebasi- at the bottombathy-,deep, depthbatho-be-, beat- blessbell(i)- warben- good, wellbi- twobib- drinkbibl- bookbi(o)- lifeblenn(o)- slimeblast- germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleusbon(i)- goodbor- northbotan- plantbov- cow, oxbrachi(o)- armbrachy- shortbrady- slowbranch- gillbrev(i)- brief, short (time) briz- nodbrom- oatsbrom- oatsbronch- windpipebront- thunderbucc- cheek, mouth, cavity bulb- bulbousbull- bubble, flaskburs- pouch, pursecac(o)- badcad-, -cid-,fallcas-caed-,cut-cid-,caes-, -cis-calc- stonecalli- beautifulcalor- heatcalyp- covercamer- vaultcamp- fieldcan(i)- dogcan-, -cin-,singcant-cand- glowing, iridescent cap-, -cip-,capt-,hold, take-cept-capit-,head-cipit-capr- goatcaps- box, casecarbo- coalcarcer- jailcarci- cancer (disease)cardi(o)- relating to the heartcardin- hingecarn- fleshcarpo- relating to fruitcarp- relating to the wristcata- downcaten- chaincathar- purecaud- tailcav- hollowced-, cess- goceler- quickcen(o)- newcen(o)- emptycens-cent- hundredcenten- hundred eachcentesim- hundredthcentr- centercephalo- headceram- claycerat- horncern- siftcervic- relating to the neck, relating to the cervixceter- otherchiro- of the hand or handschelono- relating to a turtle chloro- greenchoreo- relating to dance chord- cordchrom- colorchryso- goldcide killcili- eyelashcine- motionciner- ashcing-,girdcinct-circ- circlecircum- aroundcirr- orangecirr- curl, tentacleciv- citizenclad- branchclar- clearclast- brokenclaud-,close-clud-,claus-,-clus-clav- keycl(e)ist- closedcleithr- bar, keyclement- mildclin- bed, lean, recline cochl- shellcoel- hollowcogn- knowcol- straincoll- neckcolor- colorcon-, co-,col-, com-,with, togethercor-condi- seasoncon(o)- conecontra- againstcopro- dungcorac- ravencord- heartcorn- horncoron- crowncorpor- bodycortic- barkcosm(o)-' universe cosmet(o)-cost- ribcotyl- cupcrani- skullcrass- thickcre- makecred believe, trust crep- boot, shoe cribr- sievering Greekcris-, crit- judgecrisp- curledcrist- crestcross(o)- fringe, tassel cruc(i)- crosscrur(i)- leg, shank crypt- hiddencten(o)- combcub- cubecub- lieculin- kitchenculp- blame, faultcune- wedgecurr-, curs- runcurv- bentcuspid- lance, pointcut(i)- skincyan- bluecycl(o)- circularcylind- rollcyn(o)- dogcyst- capsulecyt(o)- celldactyl- finger, toe, digitdamn-,to inflict loss upon-demn-de- from, away from, removing deb- owedeci- tenth partdeca-, dec-,tendeka-, dek-delt-dem- peopleden- ten eachdendr-, resembling a treedendro-dens- thickdent- toothderm- skindeuter- seconddexter- rightdextro- rightdi- twodia- apart, throughdict- say, speakdigit- fingerdino- terrible, fearfully greatdipl- double; twofolddoc-, doct- teachdodec- twelvedog-, dox-opinion, teachingdom- housedorm- sleepdors- backdu- twodub- doubtfulduc-, duct- leaddulc- sweetdur- harddy- twodyn/dynam- powerdys- badly, illec- outeco- houseecto- outsideed-, es- eatego- self, I (first person)ego-, e.g.- goatem-, empt- buyeme- vomitemul- striving to equal, rivalingen-, em- inendo- insideengy- narrowennea- nineens- swordeo-, eos-,dawn, easteoso-epi-, ep- uponepistem- knowledge or scienceequ-, -iqu- even, levelequ- horseerg- workerr- strayerythr(o)- redeso- withinetho-, eth-,custom, habitethi-ethm- sieveethn- people, race, tribe, nationetym(o)- TRUE eu- welleur- wideex-, e-, ef- from, out ofexo- outsideexter-,outerextra-extrem- outermost, utmostf-, fat- say, speakfab- beanfac-, -fic-,makefact, -fect-falc- sicklefall-,deceive-fell-,fals-fallac- FALSEfamili- a close attendantfant- to showfasc- bundlefatu- foolish, uselessfeder- treaty, agreement, contract, league, pactfel- catfelic- happy, merryfell- suckfemin- women, femalefemor- thighfend-, fens- preventfenestr- windowfer- carryferoc- fierceferr- ironfet- stinkfic- figfid-, fis- faith, trustfil- threadfili- sonfin- endfind-, fiss- splitfirm- fix, settlefistul- hollow, tubefl- blowflacc- flabbyflav- yellowflect-,bendflex-flig-,strikeflict-flor- flowerflu-, flux- flowfoc- hearthfod-, foss- digfoen- hayfoli- leaffont- springfor- boreform- shapefornic- vaultfort- strongfove- shallow round depression frang-,-fring-,breakfract-,frag-frater-,brotherfratr-fric-,rubfrict-frig- coldfront- forehead fruct-,fruitfrug-fug-, fugit- fleefum- smokefund- bottomfund-, fus- pourfung-,dofunct-fur-, furt- stealfurc- forkfusc- darkgalact- milkgastr- stomachge(o)- earthgel- icy cold gen- race, kind ger-, gest- bear, carry germin- sprout glabr- hairless glaci- icegladi- swordglob- sphereglori- gloryglutin- gluegrad-,-gred-,walk, step, go gress-gramm- lettergran- graingrand- grandgraph- draw, write great- thank, please grav- heavygreg- flockgubern- govern, pilot gust- tasteguttur- throatgymn- nudehab-, -hib-,habit-,have-hibit-haem(o)- bloodhal(o)- salthal-, -hel- breathehapl(o)- simple, single haur-,drawhaust-heli(o)- sunhemi- halfhen- onehendec- elevenhept- sevenher-, hes- clingherb- grasshered- heirherp- creepheter(o)- different, other heur- findhex- sixhibern- wintryhiem- winterhipp(o)- horsehirsut- hairyhispid- bristlyhistri- actorhod- wayhol(o)- wholehom(o)- samehomeo- likehomin- humanhomal- even, flathonor- esteemhorm- that which excites hort(i)- gardenhospit- hosthost- enemyhum- groundhyal- glasshydr(o)- waterhygr- wethyo- U-shapedhyp(o)- underhyper- above, overhypn- sleephyster- laterichth- fishicos- twentyid(o)- shapeide(o)- idea; thoughtidi(o)- personalign- firein- (1), im- in, onin- (2),in, un- (negation) il-, im-,ir-infra- underinsul- islandinter- among, between intra- withinirasc-,be angryirat-is(o)- equal, the same-(i)tat- property of, quality of iter- againitin- route, wayjac- liejac-cast, throw(originallyIAC), -ject-jan- doorjoc- jokejug- yokejung-,joinjunct-junior- youngerjus-, jur,judiclaw, justice (originallyIVS)juv-, jut- helpjuven- young, youthjuxta- beside, nearkil(o)- thousandkine- movement, motionklept- stealkudo- glorylab-, laps- slide, sliplabi- liplabor- toillacer- tearlacrim- cry, tearslact- milklamin- layer, slice lamp- shinelapid- stonelarge- largelarv- ghost, masklat(i)- broad, widelater- sidelaud-, laus- praiselav- washlax- not tenseled-, les- hurtleg- lawleio- smoothleni- gentleleon- lionlep- flake, scaleleps- grasp, seizeleuc(o)-,whiteleuk(o)-lev- lift, lightliber- freelibr- booklig- bindlin- linelingu- language, tonguelinqu-,leavelict-lip(o)- fatliter- letterlith(o)- stoneloc- placelog- thought, word, speech long- longloqu-,speaklocut-luc- bright, lightlud-, lus- playlumin- lightlun- moonmacro- longmagn- great, largemaj- greatermal- bad, wretched, evilmamm- breastman- flowman- staymand- handmania crazymanu- handmar- seamater-,mothermatr-maxim- greatestmedi-,middle-midi-meg- great, largemei- lessmelan- black, darkmelior- bettermell- honeymemor- remembermening- membranemen(o)- moonment- mindmer- partmerc- reward, wages, hire merg-, mers- dip, plungemes- middlemeter-,measuremetr-meta- above, among, beyond mic- grainmicr(o)- smallmigr- wandermilit- soldiermill- thousandmillen- thousand eachmim- repeatmin- jutmin- less, smallermir- wonder, amazement mis- hatemisce-,mixmixt-mit- threadmitt-, miss- sendmne- memorymol- grindmoll- softmon(o)- onemonil- string of beadsmont- mountainmorph- form, shapemort- deathmov-, mot- move, motionmulg-, muls- milkmult(i)- many, muchmur- wallmus- thiefmusc- flymut- changemy- mousemyri- countless, ten thousandmyth- storymyx- slimemyz- sucknar- nostrilnarc- numbnarr- tellnas- nosenasc-, nat- bornnaut- shipnav- shipne(o)- newnecr(o)- deadnect-, nex- join, tienecto-,swimmingnect-neg- say nonema- hairnemor- grove, woodsnephr- kidneynes- islandneur- nervenict- winknigr- blacknihil- nothingnoct- nightnod- knotnom- arrangement, lawnomad- those who let pasture herds nomin- namenon- notnon- ninthnonagen- ninety eachnonagesim- ninetiethnot- letter, note, papernorth- spuriousnoto- back, southnov- ninenov- newnoven- nine each novendec- nineteennox-, noc- harmfulnu- nodnub-nuc- nutnuch- back of neck nud- nakednull(i)- nonenumer- number-nunci- announce nupti-nutri- nourishob-, o-,againstoc-, os-oct- eightoct- eightoctav- eighth octogen- eighty each octogesim- eightieth octon- eight each ocul- eyeod- path, wayod- hateodont- toothodor- fragrant oecious- house ofoed- swollenoen- wineoesoph- gulletogdo- eighth-oid likeole- oilyolecran- skull of elbowolig- fewoliv- olive-oma canceromas- paunchoment- fat skinomin-omm- eyeomni- allomo- shoulder omphal- naveloner- burdenonom- nameont- existing-onym nameoo- eggopac- shadyoper- workopercul- little coverophi- snakeophthalm- eyeopisth- behindopoter- eitheropt- eyeopt- chooseoptim- bestor- mouthorb- circleorch- testicleordin- orderorgan- organ, instrument, toolori-, ort- easternorn-ornith- birdorth(o)- straightoscill- swingoss(i)- boneosteo- boneosti- entranceostrac- shellot- earov- eggovi- sheepoxy- sharp, pointedpac- peacepach- thickpaed- childpagin- pagepal- stakepalae-,ancient, old pale-palin- backpall- palepalli- mantlepalm- palmpalustr(i)- in marshespan-, pam- allpand-, pans- spreadpar(a)- beside, nearpariet- wallpart(i)- partparthen(o)- maidenparv- littlepasc-, past- feedpass- pace, steppasser- sparrowpat- be openpath- to feel, hurtpati-, pass- suffer; feel; endure; permitpatr(i)- fatherpauc- fewpav-pecc- sinpect- fixedpector- chestpecun- moneyped- childped- footpejor- worsepel-, puls- drivepen- almostpend-, pens- hangpenis- deficiencypenn-, pinn- featherpent- fivepentecost- fiftiethpept- to digestper- thoroughly, throughperan- across, beyondperi- aroundpersic- peachpessim- worstpet-petr- rockphaeo- darkphag- eatphalang- close formation of troops, finger bonesphalar- having a patch of whitepharma- drug, medicinephanero- visiblepher- bear, carryphilia- love, friendshipphleg- heatphloe- tree barkphob(ia)- fearphon(o)- soundphor- carryphos-, phot- lightphragm- fencephren- diaphragm, mindphryn(o)- toad, toad-likephyl- tribephyll- leafphysa- bladderphys- naturephyt- plantpic- pitchpil- hairpin- pineping-, pict- paintpino- drinkpir- pearpisc- fishpis- peaplac- plate, tablet plac- calmplac-,please-plic-plagi- obliqueplan- flatplang-plas- mouldplaty- flat, broad plaud-,clapplaus-ple-, plet- fillpleb- peopleplect-,plaitplex-plec- interwoven plen- fullplesi- nearpleth- fullpleur- sideplic- fold, braid plinth- brickplor-plu- rainplum- feather plumb- leadplur- moreplurim- mostplus- morepluvi- rainpneu- air, lung pod- footpogon(o)- beardpoie- makepole-, poli- citypol- polepol- stake, pale polem- warpoli(o)- greypollic- thumbpollin-poly- manypon-, posit- putponder- weightpont- bridgepopul- peoplepor- passageporc- pigporphyr- purpleport- gateport- carrypost- after, behind pot- drinkpotam- riverprasin- leek-green prat- meadowprav- crookedpre- beforeprec- praypred-prehend-,graspprend-prem-,-prim-,presspress-presb- oldpreter- pastpreti- priceprim- firstprior- formerpriv- separatepro- before, in front ofpro- for, forwardprob- tryproct- anuspropri-pros(o)- forwardprot(o)- firstproxim- nearestprun- plumpsamma- sandpseud(o)- FALSE psil(o)- barepsych(o)- mindpsychr(o)- coldpter- wing, fernpto- fallptyal- salivaptych- fold, layerpubi- sexually maturepublic-pude-pugn- fightpulchr- beautifulpulmon- lungpulver- dustpung-,prickpunct-puni- punishpup- dollpur- purepurg-purpur- purpleput- thinkpygo- rumppyl- gatepyr(o)- heat, firequadr- four quadragen- forty eachquadragesimfortieth-quart- fourthquasi- as if quatern- four eachquati-,shakequass-quer-,-quir-,search, seek quesit-,-quisit-qui- restquin- five eachquindecim- fifteenthquinden- fifteen eachquinque- fivequint- fifthquot- how many, how greatrad-, ras- scrape, shaveradi- beam, spokeradic- rootram- branchran- frogranc- rancidness, grudge, bitternessrap- turnipraph- seamrar-rauc- harsh, hoarsere-, red- again, backrect- lead, straightreg-, -rig-,straightrect-rem- oarren- kidneyrep-, rept- crawl, creepret- netretro- backward, behindrhabd- rodrhach-,spinerach-rhag- tear, rentrhe- flowrhig- chillrhin- nose, snoutrhiz- rootrhod(o)- roserhomb- spinning top rhynch- snoutrid-, ris- laughrobor- oak, strength rod-, ros- gnawrog- askrostr- beak, prowrot- wheelruber-,redrubr-rug- wrinklerumin- throatrump-, rupt- breakrur- countrysacchar- sugarsacr-, secr- sacredsagac- Wisesagitt- arrowsal- saltsali-,jump-sili-,salt-salic- willowsalv- savesan- healthysanct- holysanguin- bloodsapi-,taste; wise-sipi-sapon- soapsarc(o)- fleshsativ- cultivatedsaur- lizard, reptile saxum rockscab- scratchscal- ladder, stairs scalen- unevenscand-,-scend-,climbscans-,-scens-scaph- anything hollow, bowl, shipschem- planschis- splitsci- knowscind-,splitsciss-scler- hardscoli- crookedscop-,look at, examine, view, observe scopy,scept-scrib-,writescript-sculp- carvescut- shieldscyph- cupse-, sed- apartseb- tallowsec-, sect-,cutseg-sed- settle, calmsed-, -sid-,sitsess-sedec- sixteenseget- in cornfieldssei- shakeselen- moonsell- saddle, seatsema- signsemi- halfsemin- seedsen- old mansen- six eachsenti-,feelsens-sept- fence, partition, enclosure sept- sevensepten- seven eachseptim- seventhseptuagen- seventy eachseptuagesimseventieth-septuagint- seventysequ-,followsecut-ser(o)- any body fluidser(ot)- lateserp- crawlserr- saw, saw-toothedserv- save, protect, servesesqui- one and a halfset- hairsever- stern, strict, serioussex-, se- sixsexagen- sixty eachsexagesim- sixtiethsext- sixthsibil- hisssicc- drysider- starsign- signsil- quiet or stillsilv- forestsimi- ape, monkeysimil- likeness, trust, group simul- an imitating, feigningsingul- one eachsinistr- leftsinu- (to draw) a linesinus- hollow, baysiph(o)- tubesist- cause to standsito- food, grain, wheat soci- groupsol- sunsol- warmthsolen- pipe, channelsolv-,loosen, set free solut-soma- bodysomn- sleepsomni- dreamson- soundsoph- Wisesorb-,sucksorpt-sord- dirtsoror- sisterspati- spacespec-,look-spic-,spect-spect- watch, look at specul- observesper- hopesperm- seedsphen(o)- wedgespher- ballsphinct- closingspic- spikespin- thornspir- breathespond-,a surety, guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnly spons-spondyl- vertebraspu-, sput- spew, spitsqual- scaly, dirty, filthysquam- scalesquarros- spreading at tipsst- standstagn- pool of standing waterstalact-stalagm-stann- tinstatu-,stand-stitu-stea- fat, tallowsteg- coveringstell- starsten- narrowstere- solidstern-,spread, strewstrat-stern- breastbonestich- line, rowstig-still- dripstimul- goad, rouse, excite stingu-,apartstinct-stoch- aimstom- mouthstrept- twistedstrig- compressstring-,upright, stiffstrict-strigos- having stiff bristles stroph- turningstru-,struct-stud- dedicationstup- wonderstyl- column, pillarsu-, sut- sewsui- selfsuad-, suas- urgesuav- sweetsub-, su-,belowsus-subter-sucr- sugarsud- sweatsulc- furrowsum-, sumpt- takesuper- above, over supin- lying back supra- above, over surd- deafsurg- risesyn-, sy-,withsyl-, sym-syring- pipetac-, -tic- be silent tach- swift taenia- ribbontal- ankletang-,touch-ting-,tact-, tag-tapet- carpettard- slowtars- ankletaur- bulltaur- bulltax- arrangement, order techn-teg-, tect- covertele- far, endteleo- completetemno- cuttempor- timeten-, -tin-,holdtent-tend-, tens- stretchtenu- slender, thintep- be warmter-, trit- rubteret- roundedterg-, ters- wipetermin-tern- three eachterr- dry landterti- thirdtest- witnesstetr- fourtex-, text- weavethalam- chamber, bedthalass- seathan- deaththe- put-theca casethel(o)-the(o)-,godthus-theori-therm- heatthero- beast, animal thyreo- large shield tim- be afraidting-,moistentinct-tom- cutton- stretchtop- placetorn- cuttorpe- numbtorqu-,twisttort-tot- all, whole tox(o)- arrow, bow trab- beamtrachy- roughtrag(o)- goattrah-,pull/drawtract-trans-,acrosstra-, tran-trapez- four-sided, table traum- woundtrecent- three hundred tredec- thirteentreiskaidekthirteen-trem- trembletrema- holetri- threetri- threetricen- thirty eachtricesim-,thirtieth trigesim-trich- hairtrin- three eachtroch- wheeltrop- turningtroph- feed, growtrud-, trus- thrusttuss- cough。
goaf,old waste 老塘(采空区) gob water,waste water 老塘水Continuous Miner 连续采煤机coking coal 炼焦煤outcrop 露头Roof collaspe 冒顶mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mine field 煤田mudstone 泥岩gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区)spalling rib 片帮side falling accident 片帮事故easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度paralell operation 平行作业proctor method 葡式压实法protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数front canopy 前探梁inclined angle 倾斜的角度slope pillar 倾斜矿柱Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统heat sensor 热传感器sandstone 砂岩overlying strata 上覆地层rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法equipment amortization 设备折旧level workings 水平巷道hydrologic observation 水文观测room crosscut 通风联络小巷legend 图例erodibility 土壤流失性fltting speed 推进速度mandate 托管methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出heading stope 巷道回采工作面roadway head 巷道掘进工作面heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱excavated section of road 巷道毛断面small-sized lumps 小块煤oblique fault 斜断层slope collar/mouth 斜井井口slope invert 斜井仰拱inclined hole 斜孔slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井leave allowances 休假期lithological characters 岩性hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架possible ore 远景储量haulage track 运输路线full face mining 整个工作面采煤normal fault 正常断层duty room 值班室medium-sized lumps 中块front entry 主平巷mainline conveyor 主线输送机main inclined shaft 主斜井main slope, main slant 主斜井host rock 主岩leading coal producing province 主要产煤省fitting allowance 装配余量preparatory workings 准备巷道Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车respirator 自救器spontaneous combustion 自燃profile 纵切面line brattice 纵向隔风墙drill rig 钻机,凿岩机hole month 钻孔口部drill bit 钻头pin timberingscoop & blast crew 炮采队Continuous Miner crew 连采队crew leader 带班长expanding rib 扩帮cut bottom 割底feeder 破碎机auger bit 螺旋钻头auger drilling 螺旋钻空dump valve 倾泄阀(安全阀)electrical system 电气系统exhaust/emission control 排风/散热控制water supply & sprays 用水供给/喷淋cable reeler 电缆摆动架feeder breaker cable 破碎机断路器电缆enlarged entry width 扩帮巷道宽度gathering system 煤炭收集系统load out conveyor 卸载传输装置dust extraction 吸尘装置distribution control box 控制配电箱trapped equipment 塌陷设备coal preparation plant 选煤厂service car, SMV car 服务车hand drill 煤电钻roof bolt 顶锚roof bolter 锚杆机speedy drivage 快速掘进methane electrical generation 瓦斯发电electromagnetic valve 电磁阀roadheader 综掘机(巷道掘进机)dacite 英安岩dacker 静气dahllite 碳磷灰石daily advance 日掘进进度daily output 日产量dam 隔墙;堤damage 损坏damp 爆炸性气体damped wave 阻尼波damping 衰减damping coefficient 减衰系数damping spring 缓冲弹簧dampness 湿气damposcope 爆炸瓦斯指示器danburite 赛黄晶danger 危险danger zone 危险地带dangerous 危险的dark ruby ore 深红银矿data 数据data processing 数据处理data transmission 资料传送datum level 基准面datum point 基准点dautriche method 杜托里叔爆炸速度试验法davy man 矿灯工day arrangement 地面设备day drift 平硐day eye 倾斜探井day level 平硐day output 日产量day work 地面工作daylight 日光daylight lamp 日光灯dc 直流dc generator 直立电机dc motor 直羚动机dead air 停滞的空气dead coal 非炼焦煤dead end 独头巷道dead face 独头巷道dead load 静重dead pressure 死压dead rock 废石dead time 停工时间dead weight brake 重锤制动器deading 岩巷掘进deads 废石deadwork 岩巷掘进deaeration 去气deairing 去气debris 废石debris kibble 岩石吊桶decantation 滗析decanter 滗析器decarbonization 脱碳decarburizer 脱碳剂decay product 分解产物decayed rock 风化岩石deceleration 减速dechenite 红矾铅矿deck 层deck charge 分段装药deck head building 井口建筑物deck loading 分段装药decked charge 分段装药deckhead 出车台deckhead building 井口建筑物declination 偏角declivity 下斜decolorization 脱色decolour 脱色decompose 分解decomposed outcrop 分解露头decomposition 分解decompression 减压decompressor 减压器decrease 减少decrement 减量deduster 除尘器dedusting 除尘deep 深的deep adit 低层平硐deep drilling 深孔钻眼deep drilling equipment 深孔钻进设备deep freezing 低温冻结deep hole blasting 深眼爆破deep hole infusion 深孔注水deep hole method 深眼爆破法deep level 深水平deep mine 深矿deep mining 深井开采deep shaft 深井deep trough 槽形运输机deep well pump 深井泵deep working 深井开采deepening 延深defect 缺陷defectoscope 探伤器deflagrate 暴燃deflagration 暴爆deflection 挠曲deflection angle 偏角deflection curve 变曲曲线deflection test 挠曲试验deflector 偏转板deflector brattice 转向风障deflexion 挠曲deflocculation 反凝絮deformation 变形deformation of timbering 支架变形defrosting 解冻degasification 脱气degassing hole 排放瓦斯钻孔degaussing effect 去磁效应degradation 降低;退化degree celsius 摄氏度数degree centigrade 摄氏度数degree fahrenheit 华氏度数degree kelvin 开耳芬度数degree of acccuracy 精密度degree of coalification 煤化程度degree of crushing 破碎程度degree of dip 倾斜度degree of dispersion 弥散度degree of elevation 仰角degree of exactitude 准确度degree of extraction 回采率degree of fineness 细度degree of freedom 自由度degree of grinding 粉碎程度degree of hardness 硬度degree of inclination 倾斜度degree of oxidation 氧化程度degree of packing 装药密度degree of pitch 倾斜度degree of safety 安全程度degree of separation 分离程度degree of size breakage 破碎度dehumidifying 减湿dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration 脱水dehydrator 脱水器deister table 垂特摇床delamination 剥离delay 迟滞delay action blasting 迟发爆破delay action detonator 迟发雷管delay blast 迟发爆破delay cap 迟发雷管delay element 延时元件delay igniter 延发点火器delay interval 迟发时间delay number 延时段delay primer 迟发起爆药包delay relay 延时继电器delay time 延迟时间delayed blast 迟误爆破delayed blasting 迟误爆破delayed detonation 迟发起爆delayed electric detonator 迟发电雷管delayed igniter 廷发点火器delessite 铁叶绿泥石deleterious dust 有害尘末delimitation 定界delivery 供应delivery lift 扬程delivery pipe 输出管delivery valve 输送阀demagnetization 退磁demangnetization force 去磁力demarcation 定界demidovite 天青硅孔雀石dendrite 师石dense 密的dense liquid 重液dense media preparation 重介选矿dense media process 重介选法dense media separation 重介选dense media separator 重介分选机dense medium 重悬浮液dense medium method 重介选法dense medium separator 重介质分选机denseness 稠密densification 浓缩densifier 浓缩机densimeter 密度计densitometer 密度计density 密度density control 浓度第density of surface charge 面电荷密度denudation 剥蚀deoxidation 脱氧dependency 依赖性dephlegmation 分凝depletion 消耗depletion drive 溶解气驱deposit 沉积物deposit discovery 矿床开拓deposit type 矿床类型depositing tank 矿泥沉淀箱deposition 沉淀deposition rate 沉淀速度depositional gradient 自然坡depot 仓库depressant 抑制剂depression 抑制;沉降depressor 抑制剂depth 层厚depth indicator 深度指示器depth of stratum 层厚depthfinder 测深仪depthometer 测深仪derived unit 导出单位derrick 钻塔derrick crane 动臂起重机descent 下井descentional ventilation 下行通风descloizite 钒铅锌矿desiccating agent 干燥剂desiccation 干燥desiccator 干燥器design data 设计数据design of experiments 实验规划法desiltor 脱泥机deslimer 脱泥机desliming 脱泥desliming cone 脱泥圆锥分级机desliming screen 脱泥筛desorption 脱除despersing agent 分散剂desquamation 剥落destress blasting 去应力爆破destruction 破环desulphurization 脱硫detach 分离detachable 可分离的detachable bit 活钻头detaching hook 过卷脱绳钩detachment 分离detection 发现;检查detector 检波器determination 决定detonability limit 爆轰界限detonate 起爆detonating cap 雷管detonating charge 起爆装药detonating composition 起爆粉detonating cord 导爆线detonating explosive 起爆炸药detonating fuse blasting 导爆线爆破detonating gas 爆炸瓦斯detonating mixture 爆炸混合物detonating relay 迟发导爆线装置detonation 爆轰detonation pressure 爆轰波压detonation product 爆炸产物detonation property 起爆性detonation rate 爆轰速度detonation reaction 爆炸反应detonation velocity 起爆速度detonation velocity test 爆速试验detonator 雷管detonator lead 雷管导线detour 迂回巷道detrition 磨损detritus 岩屑developed field 开拓了的矿床developement drift 开拓平巷developement openings 开拓巷道developement workings 开拓巷道developing 开发developing butt 开拓巷道developing entry 准备平巷development 发展development end 采准工祖development face 采准工祖development heading 准备平巷development machine 掘进机development opening 准备巷道development plan 开拓计划development road 开拓巷道development section 开拓区development workings 准备平巷deviation 偏差device 装置dewaterer 脱水机dewatering 排水dewatering box 脱水箱dewatering bucket elevator 脱水斗式提升机dewatering cone 脱水圆锥分级机dewatering conveyor 脱水输送机dewatering elevator 脱水提升机dewatering pump 排水泵dewatering screen 脱水筛dewatering tower 脱水塔dewatering trough 脱水槽diabase 辉绿岩diagenesis 成岩酌diagonal 对角线;对角线的diagonal deck table 菱形盘面摇床diagonal entry 伪倾斜巷道diagonal face 对角工祖diagonal rise 伪倾斜上山diagonal slicing 倾斜分层开采法diagonal ventilation 对角式通风diagram 曲线图diallogite 菱锰矿dialogite 菱锰矿dialysis 透析diamagnetic 抗磁性的diamagnetism 抗磁性diameter 直径diameter of bore 钻孔直径diamon bit 金刚石钻头diamond 金刚石diamond drill 金刚石钎杆diamond field 金刚石产地diamond powder 金刚石粉diamond tool 金刚石钻具diaphragm 隔膜diaphragm jig 隔膜跳汰机diaphragm pump 隔膜泵diaspore 水铝石diatomite 硅藻土dibhole 水仓didymolite 钙蓝石die 冲模dielectric 电介质的dielectric constant 电介常数dielectric separation 电介分选diesel electric locomotive 柴油电机车diesel fuel 柴油diesel locomotive 柴油机车diesel mine locomotive 矿用柴油机车diesel oil 柴油difference 差differential 微分;差动的differential flotation 优先浮选differential grinding 选择磨矿differential piston 差动活塞differential pressure 压差differential thermometer 差示温度计differential thread 差动螺纹diffuser 扩散器diffusibility 扩散性diffusion 扩散diffusivity 扩散性dig 挖掘digger 挖掘机digging 挖掘digging bucket 挖掘机铲斗digging depth 挖掘深度digging efficiency 挖掘效率digging height 铲挖高度;阶段高度digging reach 控掘半径digging rope 拉绳dike 岩脉dilatation 膨胀dilation 膨胀dilatometer 膨胀计diluant 冲淡剂diluent 稀释剂dilution 稀释dimension 大小dimension stone 块石dimensional analysis 因次分析dinitritoluene 二砂基甲苯dinting 卧底diopside 透辉石dioptase 透视石diopter 观板diorite 闪长岩dioxide 二氧化物dip 倾斜dip angle 倾角dip compass 矿山罗盘dip entry 下山dipper 铲斗dipper capacity 铲斗容量dipper door 勺斗门dipper dredge 铲斗挖掘船dipper type dredger 铲斗挖掘船dipping compass 矿山罗盘dipping working 沿倾斜下向开采direct 导向direct acting drive 直接传动direct acting hoist 直接传动提升机direct current 直流direct current generator 直立电机direct current motor 直羚动机direct drive 直接传动direct initiation 直接起爆direct priming 孔口起爆direct reading 直接读数direct rope haulage 头绳运输directed driling 定向钻进direction 方向direction finding and ranging 定向和测距direction of dip 倾斜方向direction of extraction 开采方向direction of rotation 转向directional drilling 定向钻进dirt bailer 泥浆泵dirt band 夹石层dirt extraction 拣矸dirt haul 废石运输dirt loader 废石装载机dirt pack 废石充填dirt pile 废石堆dirtied rock 炸落岩石disaster 灾难disc 圆盘disc valve 圆盘阀discharge 排出;放电discharge air shaft 上风竖井discharge chute 排泄槽discharge height 卸载高度discharge hopper 卸载漏斗discharge launder 排泄槽discharge opening 卸料口discharge outlet 卸料口discharge pipe 排出管discharge point 卸载站discharge time 卸载时间discharge trough 排矿槽discharger 卸载机discharging platform 卸料平台discontinuity 不连续性discontinuous 不连续的discovery 发现disintegration 粉碎disintegrator 粉碎机disk 圆盘disk bit 盘状冲魂头disk brake 盘式制动器disk conveyor 盘式运输机disk crusher 盘式破碎机disk cutter 圆盘式截煤机disk feeder 转盘给矿机disk filter 圆盘过滤机disk grizzly 圆盘滚轴筛disk pulverizer 盘式粉磨机disk valve 圆盘阀dislocation 转位dismantling 分解dispatcher 等员dispersant 分散剂disperse 分散dispersing agent 分散剂dispersion 分散dispersion medium 分散介体dispersity 分散度displacement 位移display 显示装置disposition 配置disruption 破裂disruptive explosive 爆裂性炸药dissemination 矿染dissociate 离解dissociation 离解dissolubility 溶解性dissoluble 可溶的dissolution 溶解dissoluvability 溶解性dissoluvable 可溶的dissolvant 溶剂dissolve 溶解dissolved gas drive 溶解气驱dissolvent 溶剂distance control 远距控制disthene 蓝晶石distillation 蒸馏distillator 蒸馏器distilled water 蒸馏水distiller 蒸馏器distortion 变形distribute 分配distributing conveyor 分配输送机distributing trough 布料槽distributing valve 分配阀distribution 分配distributor 分配器district 地区disulfide 二硫化物disulphide 二硫化物ditch 沟道ditch and trench excavator 挖沟机ditch blasting 开沟爆破ditch excavator 挖沟机ditcher 挖沟机divergence 发散divergency 发散divide 分水岭divider 罐粱;罐梁;分隔器division 分割;区域division surface 分界面divisional plane 节理do jiargillaceous rock 泥质岩do jiarsenolite 砷华do jiblastproof 防爆的do jibolter 筛do jibrittle 脆的dobie blasting 糊炮dock 栈桥dog 把手dolerite 粗玄岩dolly way 栈桥dolomite 白云石dolomitization 白云石化dolomization 白云石化dome 穹domeykite 砷铜矿donarite 道纳瑞特炸药door 门door regulator 第风门door stoop 井筒安全柱door tender 看门工door trapper 看门工dope 吸收剂dopplerite 灰色沥青dormant fire 潜伏火灾dorr classifier 道尔型分级机dorr thickener 道尔型浓缩机dosimeter 剂量计dosing 配量dosing tank 计量箱double 二重的double bank cage 双层式罐笼double barrel 复式岩心管double chain conveyor 双链刮板输送机double deck cage 双层式罐笼double deck screen 双层筛double drum air driven hoist 风动双滚筒绞车double drum hoist 双滚筒绞车double drum scraper hoist 双滚筒扒矿绞车double drum separator 双浓筒磁选机double drum winch 双滚筒绞车double entry 双平巷double intakes 双进风道double parting 错车道double reduction gearbox 两级减速装置double roll crusher 双辊破碎机double stage compressor 双级压气机double track haulage roadway 双轨运输巷道double track heading 双线平巷double tracked incline 双轨斜井double tracked plane 双轨上山double tube core barrel 复式岩心管double union 双键double unit 双工炸区double up post 补充柱dovetail joint 鸠尾接合dowel 合缝销down grade 下坡down to earth salt production 地下岩盐开采downcast air 进风downcast shaft 进风井downcut 下部掏槽downdraft 下向通风downhole 向下炮眼downpour 注下downward 下向的downward current 下降流下向流downward mining 下行开采downward ventilation 下向通风downward working 下行开采dozer 推土机draft 通风draft tube 吸入管drag bar conveyor 刮板运输机drag classifier 刮板分级机drag conveyor 刮板运输机dragline 朔挖掘机dragline excavator 朔挖掘机dragline tower excavator 塔式朔挖掘机dragscraper 刮土铲运机dragshovel 刮土铲运机drain 排水管drain adit 排水平峒drain cock 放水旋塞drain line 排水管道drain opening 排水囗drain outlet 排水囗drain pipe 排水管drain pump 排水泵drain sump 集水仓drain tap 放水旋塞drain tube 排水管drain valve 放泄阀drainage 排水drainage adit 排水平峒drainage area 排水面积drainage channel 排水沟drainage conveyor 脱水输送机drainage elevator 脱水提升机drainage facilities 排水设备drainage gallery 排水平硐drainage hole 放泄孔drainage level 排水平巷drainage network 排水网drainage property 透水性drainage pump 排水泵drainage screen 脱水筛drainage shaft 排水井drainage sieve 脱水筛drainage works 排水工作draining 排水draught 通风draught tube 吸管drawbar 牵引杆drawing 回收drawing back of pillars 后退式回采矿柱drawing height 提升高度drawing hoist 回柱绞车drawing machine 提升绞车drawing program 放矿计划drawing rate 放矿速度drawing shaft 提升井drawpoint brow 放矿点口dredge 挖掘船dredge pump 吸泥泵dredger 挖掘船dredging 挖出dredging engine 挖泥机dresser 选矿工dressing 刃磨dressing expenses 选矿费dressing machine 锻钎机dressing method 连矿法dressing plant 选矿厂dressing works 选矿厂drier 干燥机drift 平硐drift angle 偏差角drift bed 冲积层drift conveyer 水平坑道运输机drift drill 架式凿岩机drift miner 巷道掘进工drift mining 平硐开采drift pillar 平巷矿柱drift way 水平巷道driftage 巷道掘进drifter 架式凿岩机drifting 巷道掘进drifting machine 架式凿岩机drifting method 掘进法drill 钎杆drill adapter 钻杆卡头drill autofeeder 自动推进装置drill bar 钻杆drill bit 钎头drill bit gage loss 钻头直径磨损量drill blower 钻机吹粉器drill bortz 钻用金刚石drill carriage 凿岩机drill chuck 钻头夹盘drill column 钻杆柱drill core 钻机岩心drill cuttings 钻粉drill hammer 凿岩机drill hole 排放钻孔drill hole depth 钻孔深度drill hole wall 钻孔壁drill jumbo 凿岩机drill maker 锻钎机drill man 凿岩工drill mounting 钻机架drill pipe 钻杆drill pipe cutter 套管内切刀drill piston 风钻活塞drill point angle 钻尖角drill pump 钻机泵drill rig 钻车drill rod 钻杆drill rope 钻井钢丝绳drill round 炮眼组drill steel 钻钢drill stem 钻杆drill team 钻探队drill tower 钻塔drill truck 钻车drill unit 钻孔设备drill water hose 凿岩机供水软管drill water pipe 钻机冲洗水管drillability 可钻性drillability index 可钻性指数driller 凿岩工drillhole burden 炮眼的负裁drilling 穿孔drilling and blasting operation 打眼放炮工作drilling cable 钻井钢丝绳drilling cost 打钻费drilling device 钻眼装置drilling dust 钻粉drilling equipment 钻孔设备drilling exploration 钻孔勘探drilling fluid 钻孔液体drilling head 钻头drilling hole 钻孔drilling jumbo 钻车drilling line 钻井钢丝绳drilling machine 钻孔机drilling meal 钻粉drilling method 钻进方法drilling mud 钻泥drilling outfit 钻孔设备drilling pattern 炮孔排列法drilling pipe 钻杆drilling platform 钻井平台drilling rate 钻孔速度drilling rope 钻井钢丝绳drilling shift 钻眼班drilling speed 钻孔速度drilling staging 凿岩台drilling steel 钻钢drilling time 钻孔时间drilling tool 钻具drillings 钻粉drillmobile 钻车drip 滴drip proof protection 防滴保护drivage 巷道掘进drivage efficiency 掘进效率drivage method 掘进法drive chain 传动链drive head 传动机头drive rod 传动钻杆drive shaft 传动轴drive sprocket 传动链轮drive sprocket wheel 传动链轮driven pulley 从动driven shaft 从动轴driver 掘进工driving 冲击driving belt 传动带driving chain 传动链driving force 传动力driving mechanism 传动机构driving openings 巷道掘进driving place 掘进现场driving pulley 织皮带轮driving shaft 传动轴driving speed 掘进速度driving terminal 传动站driving up the pitch 倾斜掘进drop 滴drop bottom cage 落底式罐笼drop bottom car 底卸式车drop cage 翻转罐笼drop crusher 冲唤破碎机drop crushing 落锤破碎drop end car 端卸车drop hammar 打桩落锤drop hammer test 落锤试验drop pit 溜道drop shaft 沉井drop side car 侧卸车drop test 落锤试验dropper 支脉drossy coal 劣质煤drowned mine 淹没的矿drowned pump 浸没泵drum 筒drum feeder 转筒给料机drum filter 鼓式过滤器drum screen 滚筒筛drum separator 圆筒式分选机drum switch 鼓形开关drum to rope ratio 筒径绳径比drum type feeder 转筒给料机drum winder 滚筒式提升机drumlin 鼓丘druse 晶洞drusy 晶洞dry 干燥dry assay 干法试金dry cleaning 干选dry coal preparation 干法选煤dry cobbing 干法磁选dry compressor 气冷压气机dry concentration 干选dry concentrator 干式选矿机dry digging 干料挖掘dry drilling 干式钻眼dry feeder 干给矿机dry grinding 干磨dry magnetic dressing 干法磁选dry magnetic separation 干法磁选dry method 干式法dry mill 干磨机dry milling 干磨dry packing 干式充填dry separation 干选dry sieving 干法筛分dry stowing 干式充填dry treatment 干处理dryer 干燥机dryer drum 干燥机滚筒drying 干燥drying chamber 干燥室drying cylinder 干燥筒drying room 干燥室ds blasting 秒延迟爆破duct 导管ductility 延性ductwork 通风管道duff dust 末煤dufrenite 绿磷铁矿dull coal 暗煤dumm drift 盲道dummy drift 独头巷道dummy roadway 石垛平巷dummy shaft 暗井dumortierite 蓝线石dump 堆dump body truck 自卸式载重汽车dump car 翻斗车dump house 翻车房dump leaching 堆积沥滤dump pocket 倾卸仓dump skip 倾卸箕斗dump truck 自卸式载重汽车dumper 翻车机dumping 翻卸dumping place 倾卸场dumping station 倾卸站dumping track 倾卸线dumping wagon 翻斗车dunite 纯橄榄岩dunn bass 泥质页岩duplex 二倍的duplex compressor 双动压气机duplex jig 双室跳汰机duplex table 双摇床durability 耐久性durable 耐久的durain 暗煤型duration 经久duration of cycle 循环时间durite 暗煤型durometer 硬度计dust allayer 集尘器dust barrier 岩粉棚dust catcher 集尘器dust catching efficiency 集尘效率dust catching plant 集尘装置dust chamber 集尘室dust coal 粉煤dust collection 集尘dust concentration 尘末浓度dust consolidation 尘末结合dust content 含尘率dust control 防尘dust counter 尘度计dust distributor 撒岩粉器dust explosion 尘末爆炸dust extraction 除尘dust extractor 吸尘器dust filter 滤尘器dust flotation 矿尘浮选dust laden air 含尘空气dust lung 尘肺病dust mask 防尘面具dust monitor 吸尘器dust ore 粉状矿石dust phthisis 尘肺病dust precipitation 煤尘沉降dust prevention 防尘dust proof 防尘的dust protective mask 防尘面具dust recovery 收尘dust removal 除尘dust separator 离尘器dust settling 尘末沉淀dust tight 防尘的dust yield 生尘量dustfree drilling 无尘钻眼dustiness 含尘量dustiness index 含尘指数dusting 生尘dustless drilling 无尘钻眼dusty air 含尘空气dusty mine 多尘矿井duty 能率dyke 岩脉dynamic 动力的dynamic balance 动态平衡dynamic characteristic 动态特性dynamic effect 动态效应dynamic equillibrium 动态平衡dynamic load 动负载dynamic pressure 动压dynamic stress 动力应力dynamics 动力学dynamite 疵麦特dynamite magazine 炸药房dynamometamorphism 动力变质dynamometer 测力计dynamometry 测力法dynamon 辞蒙炸药dyscrasite 锑银矿early strength cement 速凝水泥earth 土地earth borer 钻土机earth current 接地电流earth drill 钻土机earth magnetic field 地磁场earth movement 地层移动earth moving 土方工作earth pressure 地压earth wave 地震波earth work 土方工作earth's crust 地壳earth's surface 地面earthenware 陶器earthmoving equipment 土方工程设备earthquake proof construction 抗震建筑earthy cobalt 钴土矿easer 辅助炮眼easer hole 辅助炮眼easy grade 缓坡easy gradient 缓坡ebonite 硬橡胶eboulement 岩石崩塌eccentric 偏心轮;偏心的eccentric drive screen 偏心筛eccentric screen 偏心筛eccentricity 偏心率eclogite 榴辉岩economic stripping ratio 经济合理采剥比eddy 涡旋edge 边edge mill 轮碾机edge runner 辊碾机edge seam 急倾斜层eduction 排出eduction pipe 排气管effect 影响effective load 有效负载effective pull 有效拉力effective section 有效截面effective value 有效值effective working time 有效工妆间effectiveness 有效efficiency 效率efficiency curve 效率曲线efficiency of classification 分级效率efficiency of crushing 破碎效率efficiency of separation 分离度efficiency of separator 分选机效率efflorescence 风化effluence 瘤effort 酌力effusion 喷出effusive rock 喷发岩eglestonite 氯汞矿ejection 喷出ejector 喷射器ejector pump 喷射式水泵elastic 弹性的elastic after effect 弹性后效elastic axis 弹性轴elastic constant 弹性常数elastic curve 弹性曲线elastic deformation 弹性形变elastic energy 弹性能elastic extension 弹性伸长elastic force 弹力elastic limit 弹性限度elastic material 弹性材料elastic modulus 弹性模量elastic rock 弹性岩石elastic strain 弹性应变elastic strain energy 弹性能elastic wave 弹性波elasticity 弹性elasticity modulus 弹性模量elastoplastic rock 弹塑性岩石elbaite 锂电气石electric 电的electric air drill 电风钻electric blasting 电力爆破electric coalcutter 电动截煤机electric delay fuse 延发电雷管electric detonator 电雷管electric double layer 双电层electric drill 电钻electric haulage 电机车运输electric hoist 电绞车electric mine locomotive 矿用电气机车electric potential 电位electric precipitator 电气集尘器electric primer 电雷管起爆药包electric prospecting 电法勘探electric separation 电选electric separator 电分离器electric winch 电绞车electrical 电的electrical charge 电荷electrical concentration 电选electrical exploder 电放袍器electrical firing 电力爆破electrical firing connection 电力爆破线路electricfield 电场electroanalysis 电解分析electrochemical 电化学的electrochemistry 电化学electrode 电极electrofilter 电滤器electrofiltration 电滤electrokinetic potential 动电位electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解液electrolytic 电解的electrolytic dissociation 电离electromagnet 电磁铁electromagnetic 电磁的electromagnetic blowout 电磁熄弧electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器electromagnetic contactor 电磁接触器electromagnetic device 电磁装置electromagnetic equipment 电磁设备electromagnetic field 电磁场electromagnetic force 电磁力electromagnetic prospecting 电磁勘探electromagnetic separation 电磁分选electromagnetic separator 电磁分选机electromagnetical 电磁的electrometer 静电计electromotive force 电动势electron 电子electronic air filter 电子空气过滤器electrophoresis 电泳electrostatic 电的electrostatic field 静电场electrostatic force 静电力electrostatic separation 静电选electrostatic separator 静电分选机electrum 银金矿element 元素;要素eleolite 脂光石elevation 标高;立视图elevator 升降机elevator pump 链斗提水机elimination 消去ellipse 椭圆elliptic 椭圆的elliptic arch 椭圆拱elliptic vault 椭圆形拱顶elliptical 椭圆的elongation 伸长elongation percentage 延伸率elongation test 拉伸试验elpidite 钠锆石elutriate 淘洗elutriation 淘洗elutriator 淘析器eluvial 残积的eluvium 残积层emanation 射气embankment 堤embed 成层emergency brake 紧急制动器emergency breathing apparatus 救急呼吸器emergency call 呼救信号emergency door 太平门emergency keps 紧急罐座emery 刚砂emery paper 砂纸emission 泄出emission of firedamp 沼气泄出emission of gas 瓦斯泄出empiric value 经验值empirical 经验的empirical value 经验值emplectite 硫铜铋矿empties 空矿车empties track 空车道empties train 空列车empty 空的;放空empty car 空矿车empty hole 不装药的炮眼empty tub 空矿车emptying 卸空emptying point 卸载点emulsification 乳化emulsifier 乳化器乳化剂emulsify 乳化emulsifying ability 乳化能力emulsifying agent 乳化剂emulsion 乳浊液emulsion explosive 乳化炸药emulsoid 乳胶体enargite 硫砷铜矿enclosing rock 围岩end 工祖end pressure 支承压力end product 最后产品end reaction 支点反力end tipper 端转翻卸机endless 无限的endless belt 环形带endless chain feeder 无端链给料机endless haulage 无端绳运输endless over rope 上拉式无极绳endless rope 无端绳endless rope haulage 无端绳运输endless rope haulage hoist 无端绳运输绞车endless track 履带endomorphism 内变质endothermal 吸热的endothermic 吸热的endothermic reaction 吸热反应endurance 耐久性endurance limit 疲劳极限endurance test 耐久试验energy 能energy loss 能量损失energy resources 能源engine 引擎engine house 矿山提升机房;机车库engine pit 排水专用井engine room 机瓶engineering 工程enlargement 扩大enrichment 富集enstatite 顽辉石entrance 入口entrance track 引入线entry 水平巷道entry advance 平巷推进entry bottom 平巷底entry brushing 巷道挑顶entry driving 平巷掘进entry driving machine 平巷掘进机entry pillar 平巷煤柱environment 环境environment pollution 环境污染environment protection 环境保扩eolation 风蚀eolian placer 风成砂矿epidote 绿帘石epigenesis 后生epistilbite 柱沸石epoxy resin 环氧尸epsomite 泻利盐eq.s explosives 当量包皮安全炸药equal falling 等速下落equal settling 等速下落equal settling factor 等沉比equal settling particle 等沉粒equal settling ratio 等沉比equality 相等equalization 均匀化equalizer 均衡器equation 方程式equilibrium 平衡equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度equilibrium position 平衡位置equilibrium state 平衡状态equilibrium value 平衡值equipment 设备equipment cost 设备费equivalence 等价equivalent 等价的equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent conductance 等积孔equivalent diameter 当量直径equivalent fuel 燃料当量equivalent orifice 等积孔era 代erbium 铒erecting tool 装配工具erection 装配erosion 侵蚀erosive 侵蚀的error 误差erubescite 斑铜矿eruption 喷发eruptive 喷发的eruptive rock 火山岩erythrite 钴毕escape apparatus 救护频escape shaft 太平井escorial 堆渣场ester 酯ether 醚ettle 尾矿eucairite 硒铜银矿euclase 蓝柱石euclasite 蓝柱石eudialite 异性石eudialyte 异性石eudiometer 量气管eulytine 硅铋石eulytite 硅铋石euxenite 黑稀金矿evaluation 评价evaporation 蒸发evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却evaporator 蒸发器evaporites 蒸发岩evase 扩散器exactitude 准确examination 试验excavate 挖掘excavated diameter 挖掘直径excavating 挖取excavating equipment 掘进设备excavating machine 挖掘机excavation 采掘excavation support 巷道支架excavator 挖掘机excavator bucket 挖掘机的挖斗excavator grab 挖掘机的挖斗excess 过剩exchange 交换excitation current 励磁电流excitation time 点火时间excitation voltage 激磁电压。
NF-KB与微循环障碍核因子-KB(nuclear factor-kappa B,NF-KB)•蛋白家族是一种多效性的转录因子,可以与多种基启动子部位的KB位点发生特异性的结合从而促进其转录表达。
1.NF-KB的概述1.1 NF-KB/Rel蛋白家族及结构1986年,Sen 等首次从鼠B淋巴细胞核提取物中,发现一种能与免疫球蛋白K轻链基因增强子KB序列(GGGACTTTCC)特异结合,调节其基因表达的核蛋白因子,•称之为NF-KB。
随后大量的研究又陆续发现了NF-KB•家族的其它成员,•其构成亚基分别是NF-•KB1 (P50)、NF-KB2(P52)、P65(RelA)、c-Rel(Rel)、RelB等,因这些亚基的N-末端均崐有约300个氨基酸残基的Rel同源区(rel homology domain ,RHD)•,•故统称为NF-KB/Rel蛋白家族。
其RHD内含DNA 结合区,二聚体化区和核定位序列,分别具有与DNA KB序列结合、与同源或异源亚基二聚体化以及与NF-KB抑制蛋白(IKB)家族成员相互作用并携带核定位信号(NLS),参与活化的NF-KB由细胞质向细胞核的迅速移动等功能。
•一类为P50(•NF-•KB1)和P52(•NF-•KB2),•分别由含有C-末端锚蛋白重复序列(ahkrin ••repeat motif)的前体蛋白p105和p100通过ATP依赖蛋白水解过程裂解而形成。
1.(6分)Mike is a cameraman for SFX News,and his boss,Mr Frank(火山喷发)in Hawaii and decides to go there to film an exciting video.Mike travels to Hawaii,but many people are leaving there.He decides to film something special.He arrives at the volcano and films the falling rocks and black smoke.Suddenly,he hears someone calling for help and finds Jenny is in danger under a big rock.Mike pushes the rock to free her.They decide to leave the volcano together.On their way down,Jenny realizes that Mike left his camera behind.She suggests Mike go back for it.However,Mike says that Jenny's life is more important than the camera.They are finally saved by a helicopter.Mike tells a man that the camera,is on the volcano.When Mike returns,he is afraid to meet his boss.But to his surprise,Mr Frank shows Mike something in his hands.It's Mike's camera!They watch the film from the camera.They can see Mike moving the big rock and helping Jenny to walk.The video is exciting,"This video hits me...right here!"(1)Why did Mike decide to film something special?A.Because he likes Hawaii.B.Because he wants to keep his job.C.Because he wants to join a competition.D.Because he wants to film good places for people.(2)How does Mr Frank's feelings change?A.Angry to upset.B.Upset to angry.C.Angry to moved.D.Happy to sad.(3)What can we infer(推断)from the passage?A.Mike is a brave but careless man.B.A man in the helicopter saved Jenny.C.Mr Frank was satisfied with Mike's video.D.Mike filmed something special with the help of people in the helicopter.2.(8分)In May this year,Li Xiaoming and his friends had a 15﹣day holiday in Xinjiang.They travelled by sightseeing train."The train has compartments (隔间)for four passengers,so our group can have some privacy and a more enjoyable experience along the wayLi and his friends were among 200 passengers on the train.It stopped at the main travel destinations (目的地)in Xinjiang,such as Urumqi,and Turpan."We are giving tourists different choices.They can either choose to make the whole journey or just a part of the journey,"said Huang Tingfen from Xinjiang Railway Tourism Corp."About a hundred such journeys are planned for Xinjiang this year."In recent years,travelling by sightseeing train is popular in our country.Why do people choose to travel by sightseeing train?First,sightseeing trains are comfortable and convenient.They have rooms where people can sleep,play games,or watch movies.They also have bathrooms with hot water.People can relax and enjoy their time on the train.Second,they are fun and educational.Sightseeing trains let people see different places and learn new things.People can also meet other travellers and make new friends.Sightseeing trains are a great way to travel for people who want to have a good experience and see new things.(1)How many choices do the passengers have on the trip?A.Only one.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.(2)How did Li Xiaoming feel about the trip?A.Tired.B.Boring.C.Pleasant.D.Noisy.(3)What can we know from Paragraph 4?A.The things passengers can do on the train.B.The new things and people you meet on the train.C.The reasons why passengers choose the sightseeing train.D.The good service of the Xinjiang Railway Tourism Corp.(4)Which is True according to the passage?A.The train is open so passengers have no privacy room.B.We have only one chance to have such a 15﹣day holiday journey in Xinjiang this year.C.Huang and his family travelled to Xinjiang by sightseeing train in May this year.D.Travelling by sightseeing train is friendlier to the environment than by car or plane.3.(8分)Do you know "Doctor Huang"?It is not a real doctor,but a train.It runs along China's high﹣speed railways(高铁).Its job is to test the safety of these railways.Not long agoThe high﹣speed railway between Jakarta and Bandung is about 142 k.m.long.It is the first high﹣speed railway in Southeast Asia.The railway used complete Chinese technology(技术).And the train running along it is a Chinese product too.The train can carry about 600 people.There is one first﹣class car,six second﹣class cars and one dining car.It can run at a top speed of 350 k.m./h.Thanks to the high﹣speed railway,it took a whole day to get to Jakarta ...but the time is now about 40 minutes by taking the new train,"says a woman from Bandung.The railway brings a lot of benefits to people along the way.For example,it provides lots of jobs during its building.It also helps with the business along the way.High﹣speed railways meet people's need to travel between different places.More countries,especially Southeast Asian countries,may build their high﹣speed railways with Chinese products(1)What does"Doctor Huang"do?A.It does tests.B.It drives itself.C.It carries people.D.It gives people medicines.(2)The Jakarta﹣Bandung high﹣speed railway is .A.over 350 k.m.longB.a complete Chinese productC.for the fastest train in the worldD.the first high﹣speed railway out of China(3)What does the underlined word "benefits" in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A.荣誉B.挑战C.益处D.计划(4)What does the last paragraph try to tell us?A.Trains are the best way to travel.B.Indonesia has many good railways.C.Chinese products can be a great help.D.Many Asian countries have high﹣speed railways.4.(8分)The Xichong Community in Shenzhen is now an International Dark Sky Community(国际暗夜社区). (1)An International Dark Sky Community is a place that tries hard to keep the night sky dark.Today,we have a lot of light outdoors.The light helps us a lot at night.However,it also brings light pollution(污染)(2)The International Dark Sky Community gives us a good way to help with the preservation(保护)of the night sky.The Xichong Community is about 60 kilometres away from the city centre of Shenzhen.It is a beautiful place.There are beautiful mountains and the sea. (3)It is the largest beach in Shenzhen.A lot of visitors come to the beach every year.Many of them spend a night there enjoying the beautiful night sky as the place is away from the city's light pollution.The building of the dark sky community in Xichong started in August 2021.The government of Shenzhen wanted to build a place for people to better enjoy the night sky.They did a lot of studies and improved the lighting facilities(设施)in the community. (4)A.It is the first one of its kind in China.B.There are some trees on the mountains.C.So we can't see the night sky and stars clearly.D.Xichong Beach is in the south of the Xichong Community.E.Their work helps more people to enjoy their night time better in Xichong.二、完形填空.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Shifting Toward a Well-off Society
30CHINA TODAYON December 8, 2020, while Nyingchi City was feeling the icy chill of winter, students at a technical school were adding warmth to the ambience as they enjoyed a cookingclass. The catering training building was a hive of ac-tivity as more than 30 students from various counties and districts in Nyingchi learned how to use various seasoning methods from a culinary master Tsering Yangzom.Although only 21 years old, Tsering is a passionate guru on Tibetan culinary skills. This is her secondBy ZHANG MENGShifting Toward a Well-off Societystint working as a teacher for the Tibetan breakfast training class in the vocational school. Her easy-to-understand theoretical explanations and skillful cooking demonstrations helped trainees to gain es-sential knowledge and skills during the month-long course.Located in southeast Tibet, Nyingchi boasts dense forests and picturesque scenery. However, the beautiful place had been plagued by poverty for decades. At the end of 2015, the city had a poverty-stricken population of 22,803. The poverty incidence rate was 16.42 percent. Most of local farmers and herdsmen had very few skills that could be used in modern employment. For generations, they could only rely on growing highland barley and raising yaks for a living.In order to change this situation, the city up-skilled these villagers and helped them find employ-ment so that they could rise above poverty.New Income Sources“We tailor-make training programs for farmers and herdsmen, and the purpose is to make sure they master a certain skill,” said Zhu Baijia, principal of Nyingchi Technical School. Instead of complicatedSonam Tsering and Paljor learning about electric circuits at an electrical appliance repair training course.speCial reporTor profound theories, teachers focus on easy-to-understand techniques and methods to help arouse students’ enthusiasm about learning.“Thanks to government support, I got a diplo-ma and landed a job,” said Dechen Wangmo from Guxiang Town, Bomi County, Nyingchi. Wangmo was crippled by polio, and her parents are in poor health. She was recommended to take a domestic service major at the technical school. “I was ex-empt from tuition fees, and got scholarships and a paid part-time job offered by the school,” she said. Now, the young Tibetan runs a homestay business with the support of the school and local govern-ment. “It is skill training that completely changed my life,” she said.Sonam Tsering hails from Gongbo Gyamda Coun-ty, Nyingchi. Previously, he spent his days at home unable to find employment. He later registered in a program for electrical applicance repair. He plans to open a repair shop in his county after finishing the program.Paljor, a classmate of Sonam Tsering, signed up for the program after seeing friends go on an upward ca-reer trajectory thanks to skills learned in the school. Neither Tsering nor Paljor had basic knowledgeof the profession, so it was a bit difficult for them atfirst. Teachers have taken the condition into account.They slowed down the teaching pace, made elaborateexplanations, and gave hands-on tutoring to help stu-dents like Sonam Tsering master the skill. A pair-upapproach was also adopted,asking outstanding studentsto help those who found thelearning a challenging task.Students at the techni-cal school generally comefrom low-income families.The school offers them freestationery and helps themwith certificate tests andemployment.According to Li Jicheng,director of the NyingchiMunicipal Bureau of Human Resources and SocialSecurity, as of November 2020, the city had foundemployment for 37,800 farmers and herdsmen,accounting for 49.4 percent of total local laborforce, translating to incomes of RMB 430 million.Among them, 9,603 came from families that hadrecently risen above poverty, an increase of 1,311 Now, the young Tibetanruns a homestay businesswith the support of theschool and local govern-ment. “It is skill trainingthat completely changedmy life,”she said.Dechen Wangmo makesthe bed in a guestroomat her family inn.31April 202132CHINA TODAYover the previous year. On average, each of these workers from poor families had their income increased by more than RMB 11,400.Technical TrainingTibetan incense is made from a variety of precious Chinese herbal medicines. They were mostly used for religious rituals in ancient times. In modern days, the time-honored specialty in Tibet has been widely received as people believe it can purify the air and help prevent various diseases. Amid the fight against poverty, local people tapped into the potential of the Tibetan incense market as a way to increase their incomes.Samdrup, who comes from Jiemai Village at an altitude of 2,900 meters in Nyingchi, is a well-known expert in making Tibetan incense. But the cash-strapped Tibetan woman could only run a cottage business. In 2016, the local government loaned RMB 309,800 to Samdrup and helped her build an incense processing plant. In September 2016, the factory was officially put into operation.Since her childhood, Samdrup had alwaysdreamed of starting a business of her own. She also had the skills needed to run it. After the factoryspeCial reporTbegan operating, she turned her focus to securing sales channels. With strenuousefforts, she reached sales cooperation agreementswith nine handicraft shopsin Lhasa and other areas in Tibet. She also registered vending outlets on e-com-merce platforms.To produce productsthat cater to the preferences of various customers, Samdrup asked more than 30 tourists from various places for their opinions and suggestions on the aroma, shape, and packaging of incense she made. She went to local Tibetan incense markets to con-duct market research, and continuously improved her Tibetan incense formula. Thanks to the efforts, she earned RMB 60,000 in just four months in 2016.There were another six poor households in her village. They have shaken off poverty thanks to par-ticipation in Samdrup’s incense making business. Since 2017, the six households have been receiving business dividends amounting to RMB 3,100 every year. Besides, they can also earn a monthly salary of RMB 3,000 by working in Samdrup’s factory. The business enabled local residents to find a job at their doorway and secure a stable source of income. Nyingchi has been supporting able people like Samdrup in leading the fight against poverty and the endeavor to realize well-off lives. In addition, the con-struction project of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway has also created many job opportunities for local farmers and herdsmen. By the end of November 2020, a total of 12,282 farmers and herdsmen had been working for the project, earning RMB 100 billion in labor compensation.After years of hard work, in 2019, the city achieved a regional GDP of RMB 17.25 billion; the per capita disposable income of urban residents was RMB33,041, an increase of 11.3 percent; and the per capita disposable income of rural residents was RMB 16,710, an increase of 12.8 percent. All 490 impoverished vil-lages were lifted out of poverty. Absolute poverty was completely eliminated, and people’s sense of benefit was continuously enhanced. CZHANG MENG is a reporter at Tibet Daily .Amid the fight againstpoverty, local people tapped into the potential of the Tibetan incense market as a way to in-crease their incomes.Nyingchi City insoutheast Tibet boasts denseforests and pictur-esque scenery.。
2024高考英语专题复习之时事新闻改编语法填空题语法填空1China's industrial enterprises 1、_(see) profits rise for a third straight month in October, an official survey showed on Monday, 2、_(add) to a run of indicators pointing to a stabilizing 3、_(economic).Experts said they expect 4、_(see) more such indicators in the current quarter and next year as policymakers have announced a series of 5、_(measure) to stabilize the overall economy, prop up the property sector 6、_ boost market confidence.They called 7、_ a more supportive fiscal policy and strengthened coordination between monetary and fiscal policies, 8、_ will help further bolster the world's second-largest economy and defuse the risks 9、_(associate) with local government debt.Their comments came as data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday that industrial enterprises with annual revenue of at least 20 million yuan ($2.8 million) each saw their total profits increase 2.7 percent year-on-year in October after a 10、_(note) 11.9 percent rise in September.答案:1、saw考察过去时2、adding考察现在分词3、economy考察名词4、to see考察不定式5、measures考察复数6、and考察并列7、for考察介词8、which 考察定语从句9、associated考察非谓语10、notable考察形容词译文:周一的一项官方调查显示,10月份中国工业企业利润连续第三个月增长,为一系列表明经济稳定的指标增添了新的内容。
The sodium hyposulfite synthesis and analyzesLiudechenabstract: The sodium hyposulfite versatility, with the technical grade sodium sulfite and the sulphur powder synthesis sodium hyposulfite, in many books and the literature has carried on the introduction.Has carried on the discussion in the laboratory to the synthesis condition, optimizes the best raw material the amount used, the solution acidity, the reaction temperature, the reaction time and so on. Sodium hyposulfite results in which to the system according to HG/T2328-2006 analysis product quality.Key word: Sodium hyposulfite; Sulphur powder; Sodium sulfite; Synthesis; Analysis关键词:硫代硫酸钠;硫粉;亚硫酸钠;合成;条件;分析目录摘要--------------------------------------------------------------1 1前言-------------------------------------------------------------32 合成原理---------------------------------------------------------33 实验部分---------------------------------------------------------4 3.1仪器原料-------------------------------------------------------4 3.1.1仪器设备-----------------------------------------------------4 3.1.2原料试剂-----------------------------------------------------4 3.2合成工艺流程---------------------------------------------------4 3.3合成条件-------------------------------------------------------4 3.3.1酸度条件-----------------------------------------------------4 3.3.2反应温度-----------------------------------------------------5 3.3.3反应时间-----------------------------------------------------6 3.3.4原料用量-----------------------------------------------------73.3.5产品分析-----------------------------------------------------84 讨论与分析------------------------------------------------------11 4.1产率的影响因素-------------------------------------------------11 4.2结晶和重结晶---------------------------------------------------11 4.2.1结晶原理-----------------------------------------------------11 4.2.2注意事项-----------------------------------------------------124.4终点的判断-----------------------------------------------------125 结论------------------------------------------------------------12 6致谢-------------------------------------------------------------13 参考文献----------------------------------------------------------141前言硫代硫酸钠(Na2S2O3.5H2O)又名大苏打、海波、次亚硫酸钠,无臭、无色透明的单斜晶体,易溶于水,水溶液近中性,溶于松节油、氨,难溶于乙醇,在潮湿的空气中有潮解性,具有还原性,能溶解卤素及银盐,灼烧分解为硫化钠和硫酸钠。
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REV. DE CIÊNCIA & TECNOLOGIA, Piracicaba, v. 11, n. 21, p. 1-73, jan./jun. 2003.R EVISTA DE C IÊNCIA& T ECNOLOGIA • 211COMISSÃO EDITORIALN IVALDO L EMOS C OPPINI – presidente (Engenharia de Produção) K LAUS S CHÜTZER (Engenharia Mecânica)N ELSON C ARVALHO M AESTRELLI (Gestão da Produção)N IVALDI C ALONEGO JÚNIOR (Ciência da Computação)SÔNIA M ARIA M ALMONGE (Engenharia Química)COMITÊ CIENTÍFICOB ERT L AUWERS (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven –Bélgica)C ARLOS A LBERTO G ASPARETTO (Facens/Unicamp –ESTEVAL project partners.– Feature Based Integrated Design Environment.Identification of interdependencies between manufacturing features.Unsuitable finishing quality (Schützer et al., 1999).After considering several possibilities, which could result in this poor surface quality cutting tool geometry , clamping and balancing of the tool system, technological parameters and machining set-ups, it was realized, that the problem came from the CNC of the machine tool, which was incapable of processing the NC program as fast as the feed rate defined in the NC program. So the machine reaches the point refereed in one line of the program and the information to move the tool to the next point was not processed yet, then the machine had to wait a couple of milliseconds to start moving again.This incompatibility between the feed rate defined in the NC program and the processing time of the CNC results in two different situations according to the CNC used:poor surface quality – the CNC tries to move the machine at the programmed feed rate, but it can-Improper surface finishingThe workpiece used and the finishing tool path.The roughing and semi-finishing operations were accomplished using exactly the same technological parameters and cutting strategies for all workpieces.The comparison analysis was done only during the finishing operation and the same technological para-meters, cutting strategies and tools were used in both cases. The finishing operation was distinguished by the methodology of interpolation. The trajectory of the finishing tool path is shown in figure 3. For this operation it was used a 10 mm ball end mill tool at 10000 rpm and the programmed feed rate was 2000 mm/min.YSISThe results of the machining experiments considering the NC program size, the time required to exe-cute the program and the surface quality in terms of roughness and superficial texture were compared and the conclusions are presented below.NC Program SizesThe table 2 presents the finishing programs sizes calculated for both methods. It proves that less infor-mation are required to describe tool paths by the circular/linear method, thus reducing the program size byMETHOD P ROGRAM SIZE N UMBER586 kbCircular/linear83 kb• V. 11, Nº 21 – pp. 29-36Regions where the feed rate as reduced.2000 mm/min660 mm/min 1500 mm/min700 mm/min2000 mm/minRoughness AnalysisIt was used a digital Surftest Equipment to obtain the Ra and Rz parameters. It was analyzed the same areas for all workpieces. Practically, there are not differences between the roughness parameters for both interpolation methods.Surface T exture AnalysisIt was possible to visually verify the differences between the surfaces of both methods. The circular/ linear workpieces are smoother than the linear ones. The figure 5 shows this texture.Irregular surface texture Regular surface textureBesides those transversal marks at the workpiece machined by the linear interpolation, this method also gives a deficient quality in the longitudinal direction, as it is seen in the next photos taken by a CCD camera connected in an microscopy.Figure 6 was taken using a microscopy with magnification 10x of the linear part. The vertical marks are the cusp heights left by the ball end mill tool. The steps-over of the tool path is on the horizontal direc-Fig. 6. Uneven cusps from a linear workpiece.Fig. 7. Even cusps from a circular/linear workpieceIn linear interpolation method is possible to see uneven cusp heights, what can difficult drastically the hand finishing afterwards. This problem is not seen at the workpieces milled by the circular/linear method, as shown in figure 7. It happens due to the more constant cutting movements.In this method, the cusps height are much more uniform, what can help the manual finishing afterwards, by decreasing this process time, and improving the accuracyCONCLUSIONThe High Speed Cutting T echnology can be attractively applied in die and mould manufacturing, among others applications. However, there are several other technologies in the process chain that must be considered to support an efficient HSC process.R EVISTA DE C IÊNCIA & T ECNOLOGIA • V. 11, Nº 21 – pp. 29-36。