尼龙6 炭黑 粘土 纳米材料在注射成型结构层次的开发
1 实验部分
1. 1 实验原料 尼 龙 6: 1013B, 日 本 宇 部; 多 壁 碳 纳 米 管
( MWNTs) : L-MWNT-1020, 直 径 范 围 10 ~ 20 nm, 深圳纳米港科技有限公司; 浓硫酸: 质量分数 95% ~ 98% ,分析纯,天津市化学试剂三厂; 浓硝酸: 质 量分数 65% ~ 68% ,分析纯,天津市化学试剂三厂。 1. 2 主要仪器设备
采用 KBr 压片的方法制取样品,在测试之前将 样品在红外灯下烘烤 5 min 以除去碳管吸附的水。观 察处理过程中碳管表面极性基团如: 羧基、氢基、胺 基的存在。PA6 样品采用热压法制成膜。 1. 4. 2 DSC 非等温结晶动力学分析
以 20 ℃ / min 的升温速率将样品加热到 240 ℃ , 恒温 5 min 以消除热历史,然后分别以 20、10、5、1 ℃ / min 的降 温 速 率 进 行 等 速 降 温 扫 描,降 温 到 50 ℃ ,恒温 2 min,再以 10 ℃ / min 的升温速率升到 240 ℃ ,恒温 5 min 开始下一循环。记录降温和升 温 曲 线,用于研究非等温结晶过程。所用样 品 为 5 ~ 10 mg,整个实验过程在氮气环境中进行。 1. 4. 3 扫描电镜 ( SEM) 分析
测试前取一部分裁剪哑铃型测试样条的薄片边 料,置于液氮中进行脆断,挑选较为平整的断面用于 扫面电镜的测试。在试样表面进行喷金处理之后,利 用扫描电子显微镜进行材料断面以及碳纳米管表面的 观察。
2 结果与讨论
2. 1 碳纳米管处理前后的红外表征 图 1 中显示的是原始碳纳米管和酸化后的碳纳米
管的红外光谱图。在原始碳纳米管的谱图中,没有比 较明显的吸收峰,只有在 1 060 cm-1 处有着很微弱的
可 以很好地描述碳纳米管/ 尼龙 6复合材料 的非等温结 晶过 程。随着降温速率 的升高 ,结 晶温度 降低 ,结 晶温 度范 围
变 大 ,结 晶 所 需 要 的 时 间 缩 短 。
关键词 :碳纳米管 ;尼龙 6 ;非等温结 晶动力学
中 图分 类 号 :T 33 6 Q 2 . 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文章 编 号 :10 5 7 (0 2 2— 0 1 0 0 5— 7 0 2 1 )0 0 7 — 4
Ab ta t f ra i rame to l - l d c r o a o tb s ( sr c :A e cd te t n n mut wal ab n n n - e MW N s ,te c aa tr ain 0 t i e u T ) h h rcei t f z 0
Ki tc f No io he m a y t lia i n f r M W CNT/PA6 Na o o po ie ne i so n-s t r lCr sa lz to o n cm st s
W ANG S a -u. Z h oy HAO Hu n mi S in a — n. HI a J ( oeeo tr l c ne& C e cl nier g i j n esyo eh o g ,Taj 02 2 hn ) Cl பைடு நூலகம் f ei i c l Ma a S e hmi g ei ,Ta i U i r t f c nl y i i 3 0 2 ,C ia aE n n nn v i T o nn
( MWN s :L M T 12 T ) - WN -0 0,直 径 范 围 1 ~2 m, 0 0n
第4 0卷第 2期
21 0 2年 2月
第37卷第10期2009年10月化 工 新 型 材 料N EW CH EM ICAL M A T ERIA L S Vo l 37No 1037基金项目:国家自然科学基金(20804041),河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目(2008A430022),郑州轻工业学院博士基金项目(000437)作者简介:张成贵(1973-),男,博士,副教授,研究生导师,主要从事聚合物改性及功能材料方面研究。
尼龙6/POE/粘土纳米复合材料的研究张成贵* 孙春红 张晓静 贾天刚 李亚东(郑州轻工业学院材料与化学工程学院,河南省表界面材料重点实验室,郑州450002)摘 要 采用熔融方法制备出尼龙(PA )6/P OE/粘土纳米复合材料,并对其力学性能及微观形态进行了研究。
力学性能测试结果显示,P A6/POE/粘土纳米复合材料具有良好的力学性能,特别是其缺口冲击强度有显著提高,PA 6/PO E/粘土纳米复合材料有较好的韧性;广角X 射线衍射分析显示,当有机粘土含量比较低时,有机粘土基本上剥离于P A6基体中;电子扫描电镜照片显示,PO E 相以岛状结构均匀分散于P A 6基体中。
关键词 PA 6/PO E/粘土纳米复合材料,力学性能,微观结构,形态Investigation of nylon 6/ployolefin elastomer/clay nanocompositesZhang Cheng gui Sun Chunhong Zhang Xiaojing Jia Tiangang Li Yadong(H enan Pr ovincial Key Laboratory of Surface and Interface Science,Colleg e of M aterials andChemical Eng ineering ,Zhengzhou U niversity of Lig ht Industry ,Zhengzhou 450002)Abstract N y lon 6/plo yo lefin elasto mer/clay nanocomposites w ere pr epar ed by melt blending and their mechanicalper for mance,micr o str ucture and mor pho lo gy also investig ated.M echanical test ing r esults show ed that P A6/P OE/clay nanocom posites had better mechanica l pr operties,especially,the impact strength has increased sig nif icantly.W ide ang le X ray diffractio n (WA XD)analysis indicated that the clay plates w ere com plet ely exfo liated in P A6/P OE/clay nanoco m posit es.Scanning electr on micr oscopy (SEM )micr og raphs sho wed that island PO E domain dispersed homo geneously in PA 6/PO E/clay nanoco mpo sites.Key words PA 6/PO E/cla y nano co mpo site,mechanica l perfor mance,micro st ruct ur e,mor pho lo gy近20多年来,聚合物/层状硅酸盐(PL S)纳米复合物材料已经成为高分子材料的一个热点研究领域,在工业和学术界引起了广泛的关注[1 3]。
这一步可以是尼龙单体 或者聚合 物与有机 蒙脱 土一起 插层 、 出 , 挤 也可以先使 用环 氧树脂与有机蒙脱土反应插层 , 然后再与尼龙复合 。下面我们分别介绍 :
1 12 1 环氧预插层 蒙脱 土 ...
第2 3卷
第 2期
忻 州 师 范 学 院 学 报
Vo . 3 N . 12 o 2 Ap .2 0 r 07
20 0 7年 4月
尼龙 6 尼 龙 6 / 土 纳米 复合 材 料 的 、 6粘 制 备 和 性 能
112 有机蒙脱土的插层 ..
可以提高 3% 左 右 , 了具 有更 高 的强度 外 , 离 型 的粘 0 除 剥
土/ 尼龙纳米复合材料还 具有 良好 的透 明性 、 气体 阻隔性 和 阻燃性能 。因此 , 研究尼 龙/ 土纳米复合 材料 的制备和性 粘
能具有深远 的意义。 1 尼龙/ 粘土纳米复合材料 的制备
( tV 的溶液 , w/ ) 与蒙脱土悬浮液 以 3 1的体积 比混合 , : 搅拌
3, h然后通过过滤 或者离 心 , 除去多余 液体 , 洗除 去 c一 水 l, 将得到的 固 在 8。 体 0 C一1 。 0 C下 真空 干燥 1 2h 磨成 0 2— 4 ,
3 0— O 0 4 O目细粒 。至此 , 蒙脱土改性基本完成。 但是 有研 究 使用硅烷偶联剂 K H一5 0的水醇溶 液与 5 铵盐 改性 剂共 同对 蒙脱 土进行有机化改性 , 结果表 明复 合效 果比单用有 机铵盐改性要 好 , 这是 因为 K 5 0能与蒙 脱 H一 5 土表 面的羟基发生 化学作用 , 加强蒙脱土与高分子基体 的结 合力 , 并使蒙脱 土片层 间距增 大到 3 m。当 K n H一5 0偶联 5 剂 的用量 为蒙脱 土质量 的 2 %时嫁接效果 最好 , 因为蒙脱 土 表 面羟基数 目有 限。如果采 用偶联 剂和有机 铵共 同改性则 偶联剂 的加入在有机铵 以后 , 在沉淀物 水洗前 , 而且 洗涤沉 淀物 时, 要使用工业 乙醇。另外还 有报 道使用 1 烷基 氨基 1 酸和 1 烷基铵盐联合 对蒙脱 土改型 的方法 , 8 具体步骤 与上 述方法类似 。
cl、 a -等人 的研究 得 到 了科技 界 的认 可 ; o V il n a J 中科
院 化 学 研 究 所 刘 立 敏 J 人 对 几 十 种 高 聚 物 与 粘 土 等
20 20 20 20 2 ' , 3 、4 、 、3 、2 t 切粒得 复合材料[ 5 4 0 2 3 ] -。
有 甲基及亚 甲基 , 故可用红外 光谱作定 性检验 。
称样 品 I未 改 性 粘 土 , 品 Ⅱ改 性 粘 土 各 1 样 O
m, g分别加入 15 B 压片 , 红外 鉴定 , 到两 张 .g r K 作 得
有 差 异 的谱 图 ( 1 进 行 比较 。 图 )
谱 图 Ⅱ, 280~290m 范 围 内有 甲 基 图 I没 有 。 根 据 矿 物 学 而
1 3 测 试 .
复合 的 研 究 具 有 国 际 领 先 水 平 。据 统 计 至 今 已 有 2 8种 以上 的 聚 合 物 可 以 和 粘 土 复 合 制 备 纳 米 复 合 材 料 。但 利 用 双螺 杆 挤 出机 与 改 性 土 熔 融 复合 的 高
聚 物 只 有 近 十 种 之 多 ( A、 s P A、 P P P T 以 P P 、I P 、 U、 E
关 键 字 : 土 ; 螺 纹 ; 螺 杆 挤 出 机 ; 米 复 合 材 料 粘 反 双 纳
中 图 分 类 号 :1 3 13 3 文献标识码 : A
12 实验 .
近 十 年 来 , 合 物 / 土 纳 米 复 合 材 料 成 为 材 料 聚 粘 研 究 领 域 中 的 热 点 之 一 。 自 19 93年 日本 的 研 究 小 组 成 功 地 制 备 了 尼 龙 6  ̄i 纳 米 复合 材 料 以来 , /d土 这
地址:529000 广东省江门市江海区东升路135号
地址:231400 安徽省安庆市桐城经济技术开发区兴元社区兴源路1#1001室
a. 制备新型尼龙6基纳米复合材料;
b. 采用扫描电子显微镜对其表面形貌进行观察和分析;
c. 通过X射线衍射对材料结构进行分析;
d. 采用热重分析对新型尼龙6基纳米复合材料的热稳定性进行分析;
e. 进行拉伸测试,并评估新型尼龙6基纳米复合材料在力学性能上的提高;
f. 评估新型尼龙6基纳米复合材料在其他应用领域中的应用性能。
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Structural hierarchy developed in injection molding ofnylon6/clay/carbon black nanocompositesYuma Konishi,Miko Cakmak*Department of Polymer Engineering,Polymer Engineering Institute,University of Akron,Akron,OH44325-0301,USAReceived11November2004;received in revised form30March2005;accepted31March2005Available online22April2005AbstractThe influence of platelet-type clay nanoparticle(nanoplatelet)on the structural evolution in injection-molded nylon6)/carbon composites was investigated.In the absence of nanoplatelets,the nylon6/CB systems were found to exhibit unoriented structure with nylon6crystalline regions exhibiting exclusively a crystal form throughout the thickness of the samples.However,inclusion of nanoplatelets induces substantial local orientation of the nylon6chains in the molded parts in all processing conditions and compositions.In these clay/nylon6/CB ternary nano systems,nylon6matrix was found to be exclusively in g crystal form at the skin regions and a crystal form fraction increases towards the core of the molded parts as a result of decrease in cooling rate with depth during the solidification stage.Two nanoplatelet orientation behaviors were identified:(i)in the absence of irregular shaped CB,the nanoplatelets align parallel with one another following the localflow patterns.The latter behavior also causes enhanced orientation of the nylon6chains undergoing substantial shear amplification trapped in between the nanoplatelets(ii)in the CB-enriched regions,nanoplatelets though still remaining parallel to one another,are randomized by following the local contours of irregular shaped CB aggregates.These CB aggregates themselves were found to organize to form trains in larger scale as a result offlow alignment.q2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Electrical conductivity;Injection molding;Structural hierarchy1.IntroductionThe injection molding process imposes complex molecular orientations that leads to spatially varying structural hierarchy in polymeric parts.This is primarily due to the complex thermal-deformation history imposed on theflowingfluid during solidification leading to substantial spatial variation of chain orientation and superstructure as influenced by the local dynamics of the process that—in turn—is altered with the geometrical variations in runners,gates,and mold cavities. This leads to anisotropy infinal physical properties particu-larly if the polymer isfilled with solid particles of irregular (carbon black;CB[1–5]and calcium carbonate[6])or anisotropic shapes(glassfiber;glassfiber[7–9],clay platelet [10,11],carbonfiber[12],and carbon nanotube[13]).Thus,in order to fully understand the relationship between the process and resulting properties,it is essential to characterize the structure of the polymer matrix as well as the dispersion and orientation of the particles in the molded parts.Polyamide6(nylon6),being a fast crystallizing polymer [10,14],forms a layered morphology[15]when injection molded.Typical morphology gradient is composed of a skin layer with high nucleation density as it is formed under high thermal gradients while being subjected to a combination of extensional/shearingflows at theflow front and near the mold surface.The chains in this layer typically exhibit small preferential orientation along theflow direction[6,11,14] while exhibiting g crystal structure when solidified in a cold mold.The injection molded nylon6parts typically exhibit little or preferential orientation in the interior of the parts as the low melt viscosity combined with slower cooling leads to relaxation of polymer chain orientation developed during injection process prior to solidification.As a result,only very thin skin regions that are rapidly quenched exhibit moderate degree of orientation.In the interior,average spherulite size increases with distance from the mold surface.While the crystalline structure gradually converted to a form as aresultPolymer46(2005)4811–4826/locate/polymer0032-3861/$-see front matter q2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2005.03.082*Corresponding author.Tel.:C133********;fax:C133********.E-mail addresses:yumakoni@(Y.Konishi),cakmak@(M.Cakmak).of decrease in cooling rates [10].These spatial variations of crystalline phase behavior and orientation developed in injection molding are typically studied by microbeam X-ray diffraction technique (micro-XRD)[11,16–24].This tech-nique provides detailed morphological information on the depth variation local order and symmetry axes (principal direction)as well as preferential orientation with respect to these local axes.This technique has been extensively used to unravel these structural features in injection-molded poly (arylether ketone)[16–18],thermotropic liquid crystal [19],poly(ethylene naphthalate)[20,21],syndiotactic poly-styrene [22],polypropylene [23],poly(vinylidene fluor-ide)[24]and its blend with poly(methyl methacrylate)[24],and nylon 6[11]and its nanocomposites [11].The presence of irregular/anisotropic shaped particles in the polymer melt could have significant influence on the development of morphological characteristics of the poly-mer matrix.In 1974,Mencik et al.[6]showed that the platelet shaped talc particles promote preferential orien-tation of the polymer chains even in the core regions.The addition of platelet-type clay nanoparticles to nylon 6induces high levels of crystalline chain orientations acrossthe injection-molded parts as found by Kojima et al.[25]in 1995.The main reason for such increase in preferential orientation of the nylon 6chains is the amplification of shear in the narrow spaces between the nanoplatelets combined with the suppression of relaxation of chain relaxation as identified by Yalcin et al.[10,11].There has been a rush of research activities on a range of conductive nanocomposites,involving inorganic nanoparticles (GF26,clay platelet [27],copper chloride [28,29],and copper sulfate [29])and conductive carbon nanoparticles (CB [26–28]and carbon nanotubes [29])with most research focusing on isotropic blends.In general,the electrical conductivity of polymer–carbon nanocomposites is due to percolation of electrically conductive nanoparticles forming long range conducting network within the manufactured parts.Electrical properties of oriented polymer–carbon nanocomposites may be substantially suppressed by flow-induced segregation of carbon nanoparticles as its percolating networks break up when they are solidified under the influence of flow fields [1–5,26].In a companion paper [30],we reported that organoclay-loading controls the CB dispersion,its percolation and resulting electrical conductivity in the isotropic polymer matrix.In this paper,we present our studies on the effect of injec-tion molding conditions on the evolution of spatially varying structural hierarchy in clay/nylon 6/CB ternary nano systems.2.Experimental procedures 2.1.MaterialsThe materials used in this research are listed in Table 1.Table 1Materials Material GradeSourceNylon 6299A !83130A w RTP Nylon 6/3%clay 299A !83134A w RTP Nylon 6/5%clay 299A !83134B w RTPCarbon black aSeast w G-SVHTokai Carbon CoaPrimary particle diameter:62nm,N 2specific surface area:32m 2/g,DBP oil absorption:140cm 3/100g.Fig.1.Schematic of the sample sectioning procedure for micro-XRD,EFM,and TEM.Y.Konishi,M.Cakmak /Polymer 46(2005)4811–482648122.2.Sample preparationAs-received neat nylon6and precompounded nylon 6/organoclay nanocomposite pellets and carbon black powders were dried at808C under vacuum.Melt blending of selected compositions of nylon6/CB and nylon6 organoclay/CB was carried out by using a twin screw extruder whose barrel temperature was maintained at2308C while screw was rotated at200rpm for all compositions. The CB volume fraction(4)was kept constant at0.109.The extruded parts were dried at808C under vacuum and were then directly transported to hopper of injection molding machine.The injection-molded parts were prepared at two different mold temperatures(30,908C)and three different injectionflow rates(15,30,60cm3/s).The other processing conditions including melt temperature(2508C),injection pressure(2485kg/cm2),screw rotation speed(80rpm),and cooling time(15s)were kept constant.2.3.Sample sectioning procedureThe geometry of injection-molded part and sectioning plane are shown in Fig.1.This end-gated rectangular shaped cavity possesses a mirror symmetry in MD–ND ing a slow speed diamond saw(Model VC-50w, Leco Varicut,USA)about300m m thick slice along this plane(shown as off-set slice in Fig.1)was obtained.We elected to concentrate our detailed structural analysis at#3 designated location that is half way along theflow direction. This slice was used for matrixing microbeam Wide angle X-ray and EFM analysis.In addition,ultrathinfilms (20–70nm)that were sectioned at a series of distances from the surface in MD–ND plane at#3location using an ultramicrotome(Micro Star Technologies Model MS1B w) equipped with a diamond knife for TEM observations. 2.4.Scanning transmission electron microscopy(TEM)All TEM images were taken at room temperature by a Philips TEM(Model FEI-TECNAI12w)operated at 120kV.High-resolution observations(!135,000magnifi-cation)were recorded under scanning Gaussian focus with bright-field image mode.2.5.Electric force microscopy(EFM)A Nano Scope IIIa with Multimode Scanning Probe Microscope Controller w and Phase Extender Box w(Digital Instruments/Veeco Metrology Group,USA)operated at bias voltage of10V and lift height of40nm with tapping mode were used for EFM imaging at room temperature.Single-crystal silicon probes coated with conductive platinum/iridium(Model SCM-PIT w,Veeco Probes,USA)with a spring constant 2.8N/m were applied in this study.An electricfield cantilever holder(Model MMEFCH w,Digital Instruments/Veeco Metrol-ogy Group,USA)was employed for EFM imaging.Silver paste was used to ensure good contact between the sample and the metal substrates.The same B-cut(location#3)of injection-molded part as X-ray study was used for these analysis.2.6.Microbeam X-ray diffraction(Micro-XRD)Micro-XRD patterns of the B-cut(location#3)were taken at a series of locations from skin to core with X-ray beam from the transverse direction using the matrixing microbeam X-ray camera(MMBX q)developed in our laboratory[31].The camera was mounted on a12kW Rigaku RU-200B w rotating anode X-ray generator operated at40kV and150mA.The monochromatized Cu K a beam with a50m m diameter was obtained using a nickel foil filter.A series of WAXSfilm patterns were obtained from skin to core(0–1500m m)with the X-ray beam directed along the transverse direction on B-cut samples.The micro-XRDfilm patterns were digitized using a16-bit CCD photometrics camera(Model CH1w)operated by IPLab spectrum software.Non-linearity of micro-XRDfilm as well as the response of the CCD camera was calibrated to the real intensity of the X-ray with the neutral densityfilters and a series of exposed X-rayfilms.Orientation calculations for a,b,and c crystallographic axes were performed with respect to the local symmetry axis,which may not necessarily be along the machine direction.For this analy-sis we assumed that localfiber symmetry within the sampling range of the50m m diameter X-ray beam. Orientation factors were obtained from azimuthal intensity profiles of monoclinic a(200)and(202C002),and mono-clinic gð001þ200þ20Þdiffraction planes.It should be noted that the orientation factor of nylon6chain axis corresponds to f b.The orientation factors were determined by using Wilchinsky’s geometrical rule[32]for the monoclinic a and g phases.These relationships for the monoclinic a phase are given in Eqs.(1)and(2)h cos2c b;z i Z1K1:4717h cos2c200;z iK0:8721h cos2cð202;002Þ;z i(1) h cos2c c;z i Z1:172h cos2cð202;002Þ;z i(2)The Herman–Stein orientation factors were obtained using Eqs.(3)–(5)using the relationship given in Eq.(6).f a;z Z12ð3h cos2c a;z i K1Þ(3) f b;z Z12ð3h cos2c b;z i K1Þ(4) f c;z Z12ð3h cos2c c;z i K1Þ(5) f a;z C f b;z C f c;z Z0(6)For the monoclinic g phase,Eqs.(7)and(8)are used toY.Konishi,M.Cakmak/Polymer46(2005)4811–48264813determine all three orientation factors:h cos 2c b ;z i Z 1:3611h cos 2c 001;z i (7)K f b ;z Z 2f a ;z Z 2f c ;z (8)3.Results and discussion3.1.Non-isothermal crystallization behaviorIn order to assess the influence of fillers on the crystal-lization behavior of nylon 6matrix in the absence of flow,we cooled the molten neat nylon 6,filled with CB and clay nanoparticles with a cooling rate of 108C/min.The addition of nanoparticles (Fig.2(a))causes the crystallization peakposition to shift from 168to 1738C (organoclay)and 1828C (CB),respectively clearly indicating that these particles act as nucleation promoters [33–34].In the presence of both organoclay and CB (4Z 0.05/0.109),this effect becomes even more significant and the crystallization peak position shifts further up to 1928C [34–36].This nucleation effect is illustrated in Fig.3(a)–(c)where polarized light microscopy images in these samples are shown at the same optical magnification.In the absence of fillers,a typical spherulitic structure is observed.The addition of CB or organoclay significantly enhances nucleation density leading to formation of large number of small spherulites.As expected from the crystallization behavior,unfilled nylon 6exhibits mixed a /g crystalline structure (Fig.4(a))whereas CB and clay filled nylon 6exhibits exclusively a crystalline form as they crystallize at elevated temperatures where the growth of a form is preferred.3.2.Dispersion of nanoparticlesFig.4(b)and (c)shows the wide angle X-ray diffraction profiles and TEM images for various nylon 6nanocompo-sites.In the TEM pictures,the dark spherical areas represent the primary CB aggregates and the dark lines represent the clay nanoplatelets viewed edge-on.Fig.4(c)(upper)clearly shows that irregular shaped CB aggregates are arranged in a long range branch structure forming percolated network in the presence of 5vol%organoclay nanoparticles that are fully exfoliated (Fig.4(c)).This is also confirmed bytheFig.2.DSC cooling curves for various nylon 6compositions.Fig.3.Optical micrographs of various isotropic nylon 6systems:(a)neat nylon 6,(b)organoclay/nylon 6(0.05/0.95),and (c)nylon 6/CB (0.891/0.109)(all images are original).Y.Konishi,M.Cakmak /Polymer 46(2005)4811–48264814XRD studies where we do not observe characteristic (001)basal plane from clay crystal structure.3.3.Visual observations on flow behavior in cavity Surface flow patterns of various nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)systems as a function of processing condition and organoclay-loading are shown in Fig.5.In these cavities,the gate has a 1.2mm thickness at the entrance the rectangular shaped cavity with 3.0mm thickness.Despite the fact that the material is black in appearance,we can discern a number of surface features.For instance,near the gate one observes brighter lobes of fountain behavior that become larger with increasing injection speed.In addition,the central regions of the part fanning out of the entrance to the cavity through the gate,surface features suggest theevidence of jetting that has taken place upon inclusion clay nanoplatelets.This becomes even more pronounced in the 5vol%loading level.Promotion of conditions of the jetting occurs particularly when the gate cross-section is small as compared to the cavity thickness.Although they are not as pronounced,the jetting phenomenon can also be observed even at high mold temperatures.This is not unexpected as the nanoparticle inclusions are known to suppress the extrudate swell at wide range of temperatures [37,38].3.4.Local orientation behavior of nylon 6crystalline phases We used the microbeam X-ray diffraction technique (micro-XRD)to determine the spatial variation of crystal-line phase behavior and orientation in the thickness direction in injection molded nanocomposites.Nylon6Fig.4.XRD patterns for various isotropic nylon 6systems:(a)diffraction patterns for 2q scanning profile and (b)diffraction patterns for (1.5–108)2q range (c)TEM images of the state of organoclay and CB dispersions for isotropic nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)systems with 5vol%organoclay-loading,where the dark spherical areas represent the primary CB aggregate,the dark layers represent the clay nanoplatelet,and the gray/white areas represent the nylon 6matrix (all images are enhanced).Y.Konishi,M.Cakmak /Polymer 46(2005)4811–48264815exhibits stable a form [39]upon crystallization from the melt by slow cooling.This form exhibits characteristic (202C 002mixture),(200)crystalline planes belonging tomonoclinic [39]unit cell with a Z 9.56A˚,b Z 17.24A ˚(chain axis),c Z 8.01A˚,and b Z 67.58.The g form [40]can be obtained by quenching from the melt.This form exhibitscharacteristic (001),(200),and ð20 iÞdiffraction planes also of monoclinic form with reported values [40]of a Z 9.33A˚,b Z 16.88A˚(chain axis),c Z 4.78A ˚,and b Z 121.08.These crystalline peaks are illustrated in Fig.6.Micro-WAXS patterns on injection molded nylon 6/CB (Fig.7(a))indicate that the nylon 6crystals are exclusively in a form throughout the thickness showing no sign of preferential orientation.As reported earlier [6,11,14],the injection-molded neat nylon 6normally shows preferential orientation only at the skin region with crystals exclusively in g crystal form expected from fast cooling near the surface.Beyond this region,the preferential orientation disappears and micro-XRD patterns indicate the formation unoriented a crystalline regions throughout the interior of the parts.In our case,the presence of CB changes the crystal structure to be exclusively in a form throughout the thickness including the surface.As indicated in the earlier section,the formation of a phase at the surface layers is a result of high temperature crystallization under the influence of nucleation effect of CB.Salazar et al.[41]observed similar phenomenon in the case of injection-molded linear polyethylene with small amount of CB (4.0wt%).This observation suggests that irregularly shaped CB nanoparti-cles induces isotropy in the polymer phase in injection-molded parts.We do,however,suspect that there may be high levels of local polymer chain orientation near the CB particles with the chains oriented parallel to the surface of the CB particles.But because of their irregular shape,this preferential orientation may be globally randomized and may not be observed within the spatial resolution range (w 50m m)of the microWAXS technique leading to isotropic appearance of orientation even near the surface regions.When 3vol%organoclay is added to nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)mixture,the molded part exhibits significant levels of crystalline orientation throughout the thickness as observed in micro-XRD patterns in Fig.7(b).These patterns also indicate the skin regions are exclusively in g crystal form to a depth of 200m m and beyond this depth the nylon 6crystalline regions increasingly exhibit a crystal form primarily as a result of decrease in cooling rates experienced in these regions.Even though the clay nanoparticles also act as a nucleating agents as discussed in thenon-isothermalFig.5.The development of flow patterns observed after cavity filling for oriented nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)systems with various injection flow rate andorganoclay-loading.Fig.6.Typical XRD patterns of a and g crystal forms of isotropic nylon 6.Y.Konishi,M.Cakmak /Polymer 46(2005)4811–48264816crystallization section earlier,we do observe the skin regions to be in g form.This implies that the clay particles are acting as preferential nucleant for the g form despite the fact that they cause the crystallization temperature to be increased to the range where the growth of the a form is favored.The chain axes at the skin regions are highly oriented in the flow direction as indicated by the diffraction arcs from g (001)plane concentrated along the azimuthal direction.At the interior locations 200–300m m from the skin the crystalline regions begin to contain a mixture of a and g crystals.It should be pointed out that the horizontal direction in these figures coincides with the flow direction (injection direction).The local symmetry axis (double arrow in Fig.7(a)skin)begins to tilt towards the interior or the parts and this becomes substantial beyond the second layer (O 300m m).Further increase of organoclay concentration to 5vol%does not qualitatively alter the above orientation behavior through the thickness direction and substantial crystalline orientation is observed throughout the thickness with respect to local symmetry axes (Fig.7(c)).ThisFig.7.Micro-XRD patterns for various oriented nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)systems at 308C mold temperature with 15cm 3/s injection flow rate conditions obtained from skin to core:(a)0vol%organoclay-loading,(b)3vol%organoclay-loading,and (c)5vol%organoclay-loading.Fig.8.Micro-XRD patterns for oriented nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)systems with 5vol%organoclay-loading obtained from skin to core at:(a)308C mold temperature with 60cm 3/s injection flow rate and (b)908C mold temperature with 15cm 3/s injection flow rate.Y.Konishi,M.Cakmak /Polymer 46(2005)4811–48264817observation is in accord with earlier publications [10,11],where the development of substantial orientation levels in nylon 6crystalline regions has been reported in the presence of clay nanoplatelets.In order to examine the effect of clay nanoplatelet induced orientation in nylon 6/CB system further,we investigated the structural variation of nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)system with 5vol%organoclay-loading at different processing conditions.A most striking feature of Fig.8is the observation of high crystalline phase orientation in nylon 6even at high mold temperatures (908C)throughout the thickness of the samples.These observations indicate that the development of preferential orientation and crystal-line phase formation becomes independent of processing conditions in the presence of sufficient amount of exfoliated clay nanoparticles.Especially,the temperature difference between the mold and the nylon 6melt with nanoparticles does not significantly alter the basic mechanisms of structural development.The close proximity of average polymer chains to exfoliated nanoplatelets in these nano-composites,leads to suppression of orientation relaxation.This preferential orientation is developed primarily as a result of shear amplification that takes place in the polymer phase trapped between adjacent nanoplatelets undergoing a relative motion during the injection and packing stages.Slower cooling imparted at high mold temperatures does not lead to relaxation of the oriented chains as they crystallize at higher temperatures even at the core regions as discussed earlier.To quantify the morphological features in micro-XRD patterns,we determined the tilt angle (direction of local symmetry axis as evidenced in the micro-WAXS patterns)and orientation factor (degree of orientation)of in-plane local nylon 6crystal symmetry b -axis (main chain)in reciprocal space.Figs.9–11show plots of tilt angle with orientation factor versus distance from skin for nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)system with 5vol%organoclay-loading with various processing conditions,respectively.At the bottom of these figures,the summary of both the directions of local symmetry axes and the corresponding magnitudes of orientationfactorsFig.9.Plots of tilt angle and oriented nylon 6/CB (4Z 0.109)system with 5vol%organoclay-loading at 308C mold temperature and 15cm 3/s injection flow rate conditions.Schematic represents the orientation directions of the local symmetry axes across the thickness direction with their lengths in proportion to the orientation factors at eachposition.indicated by the lengths of each line segment at each position in the thickness direction is illustrated.These orientation vectors are a good way to visualize the spatial variations of both the orientation local symmetry axes (direction of the vector)with respect to macro sample directions(flow direction)and the orientation factors of chain axis(proportional to the length of the vector)with respect to these local directions.As shown in Figs.7and8, the tilt angle at the skin regions(0–200m m)are nearly08 and the orientation vectors are parallel to theflow direction in all processing conditions while the highest chain axis orientation is located near the skin.In the interior regions, the local symmetry axis shows a significant tilt and the angle is roughly908to theflow direction.Clearly the polymer chains turn normal to theflow direction in the interior due partly to the parabolic nature offlowfield as well as packing process significantly experienced in the interior of the parts. This behavior is absent in the injection-molded nylon6/CB systems where the interior was observed to be isotropic (Fig.7(a)).There is always a significant sharp peak in the tilt angle at a certain depth at all processing conditions.In this region,the re-tilting to130–1608range occurs.We attribute this to the creepingflow during the packing leading to significant re-tilt of local symmetry axes at the core regions (1300–1400m m).The depth,where the re-tilting occurs,is not affected by the mold temperature;however,the increase of injectionflow rate induces this to move further into the interior(700m m)of the molded parts.Near the surface regions,the polymer chains exhibit substantial orientation factors(f b Z0.7–1.0)independent of processing conditions.This indicates an almost perfect orientation parallel to theflow direction.The molecular chain orientation in the interior regions still are relatively high(f b Z0.3–0.4)despite variations in mold temperature. This observation indicates that in general the degree of molecular chain orientation at the skin regions is highest due to both shear history that is naturally experienced in between the nanoparticles before thefluid elements arrived there but also due to subsequent very high shearing experienced in these regions as the solid–liquid boundary sweeps this region during the injection process exposing the fluid mass to significantly higher shearing during solidifica-tion.The innermost portion of this highly oriented skin regions correspond to location of solid liquid boundary when the cavity is fullyfilled suddenly stopping the high shearing that has been taking place up to that point.Beyond this boundary the orientation levels decrease but remain significant.All this residual orientation exhibited in the interior is accumulated upstream as the polymer chains are sheared between the solid surfaces of these particles during their journey through their passages of the extruder,runners, gates,and the cavity.The fact that it remains relatively constant in the interior regions indicates that their formation is not due to local dynamics of the process.Otherwise the orientation levels should continue to decrease towards the interior as the cooling rates become slower with distance from the surface that should lead to increased orientation relaxation,but this does not occur.Yalcin et al.[11] obtained much higher level of orientation factor(f b Z0.6)in the core at similar processing condition in the absence of CB.Hence,the local orientation of nylon6crystalline phases in the presence of clay nanoplatelets are suppressed by the presence of CB clusters as their irregular shapes disorient the nanoparticles and along with them cause the disoriented appearance of the oriented polymer chains trapped between them.3.5.Local and global orientation behavior of nanoparticles: TEM observationWe conducted a series of TEM and electric force microscopy(EFM)observations to observe local and global orientation behavior of clay and CB nanoparticles.Fig.12 shows the TEM images covering near surface regions from skin to300m m depth.The dark spherical areas represent the CB aggregates,the dark lines represent theclay。